Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY017101A
00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:19 Removing pain 00:24 Lord, let my words 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:35 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:46 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:09 Hello and welcome again to 3ABN Today. 01:12 My name is Shelley Quinn. 01:14 And we are so glad that you have joined us today 01:17 as you do so many days of the week. 01:19 And we want to take this opportunity always. 01:22 It's always in our hearts 01:24 and sometimes we forget to say it, 01:25 but I just want to thank you from the bottom 01:28 of all of our hearts for your prayers and your love 01:31 and your financial support for 3ABN. 01:33 This is God's ministry. 01:35 We're very privileged to have the opportunity to work here. 01:39 But we couldn't do what we do without you, 01:43 we're partners in this, so thank you so much. 01:46 We have some special people with us today, 01:49 and they're lovely people. 01:51 They're not strangers to our 3ABN audience, 01:54 but we hope you will stay tuned 01:56 if you're not familiar with NAPS, 01:58 we hope you'll stay tuned 02:00 so that you can get to know them 02:02 and see how God uses people when your heart is submitted 02:07 and committed to the Lord. 02:09 God will use you in mighty ways. 02:11 Before I introduce them, let me read this text to you 02:14 because it is applicable. 02:16 This is kind of the motto, I would say, of NAPS. 02:21 And I'm going to read from Isaiah 58, 02:24 I'll begin with verse eight. 02:26 It says, "Then your light shall break forth 02:28 like the morning, 02:30 your healing shall spring forth speedily, 02:33 and your righteousness shall go before you, 02:35 the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. 02:38 Then you shall call and the Lord will answer. 02:41 You shall cry, and He will answer, 02:43 'Here I am.' 02:45 If you take away the yoke from your midst, 02:48 the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness, 02:52 if you extend your soul to the hungry 02:56 and satisfy the afflicted soul, 02:58 then your light shall dawn in the darkness, 03:02 and your darkness shall be as the noonday. 03:05 The Lord will guide you continually 03:07 and satisfy your soul in drought 03:10 and strengthen your bones. 03:11 You shall be like a watered garden 03:15 and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. 03:20 Those from among you 03:22 shall build the old waste places. 03:25 You shall raise up the foundations 03:27 of many generations, and you shall be called 03:30 the repairer of the breach, 03:32 the restorer of streets to dwell in." 03:35 Amen and amen. 03:37 Let me now introduce our special guests, 03:41 and we'll begin with Dr. Paul. 03:43 Dr. Paul, we're so glad that, Anthony Paul, you are PhD. 03:47 What is your PhD? In Biology. 03:49 In Biology, that was my major. 03:53 Isn't it amazing how we think we have a plan, 03:55 and God just keeps taking us to elsewhere? 03:58 So you are the President and Founder of NAPS. 04:02 What does NAPS stand for? 04:05 NAPS, the acronym represents the National Association 04:08 for the Prevention of Starvation. 04:11 And we've been in existence now for 39 years. 04:15 Next year is going to be our 40th anniversary. 04:17 Praise the Lord. That's right. 04:19 Hallelujah. Yes. 04:21 Well, we're going to be excited to hear what you're doing now. 04:24 Then we have with us, John Paul Carpenter, 04:28 his wife Karley Carpenter, and last but not least 04:33 of the Carpenters is John Michael Carpenter, 04:38 and we're so glad that you're here. 04:39 John, what do you do with NAPS? 04:42 Ma'am, we're working with the... 04:45 I'm over Mississippi right now in the new clinic 04:48 and that's up right there. 04:50 And we work at the clinic and... 04:53 Are you a native Mississippian? No, ma'am. 04:56 I'm way from Jackson, Alabama. 04:58 Alabama, you and Mollie Sue ought 05:01 to get together with that accent. 05:04 I'll be speaking just like that before the end of the program. 05:07 And, Karley, what do you do? 05:09 I do the housekeeping for the wellness center 05:12 in Sayreville. 05:13 And I help out in the kitchen quite a bit 05:16 and we do health in the home where we go into Bible studies 05:21 and help with lifestyle changes for people that requests. 05:23 Oh, wonderful. 05:24 Yeah, it's really been a blessing 05:26 for me to help with that. 05:27 Wonderful, wonderful. 05:28 And, John Michael, you are a student, where? 05:33 In NALA. Where? 05:35 In NALA. In NALA. 05:37 I like the way you say that. 05:38 So that is the abundant life academy, 05:42 is that with it? 05:44 NAPS Abundant Life Academy. 05:45 Okay, well, we're so glad that you're with us. 05:48 And then we have behind us, Dr. Michael... 05:54 Dr... 05:55 Marlo. Marlo. 05:57 I'll get there, Marlo. It's okay. 05:59 Help me, help me, help me. 06:01 And, Dr. Marlo Paul, what is the connection 06:05 between you and Dr. Anthony Paul? 06:07 This is my husband. Okay. 06:10 So you are a medical doctor in that, right. 06:12 What is your specialty? Internal medicine. 06:14 Internal medicine. Yes. 06:16 Well, and what do you do with NAPS? 06:18 I'm the Medical Director of NAPS. 06:21 Wonderful. 06:22 It is so good to have a husband and wife, you know, that's... 06:26 When husband and wife team together 06:28 to work for the Lord, it is such a blessing, isn't it? 06:31 I'm sure you all know. 06:33 And that's something that JD and I have done 06:35 for many years together, and love it. 06:38 Now, Laura, I didn't ask you. 06:39 How do you pronounce your name? 06:41 Harkin or Jarkin? 06:43 Jarquin. Jarquin. 06:45 Jarquin, and you do what with NAPS? 06:48 Well, I'm one of the nurses in the clinic. 06:50 I'm right now studying in Judson College. 06:54 I'm still ending my semester with nursing. 06:58 So I was blessed by going and joining the missions 07:03 and as well as going to school. 07:05 Wonderful. 07:07 Well, let's come back to Dr. Anthony Paul. 07:09 Tell us how NAPS began 07:13 and what is the mission of NAPS? 07:14 It's a very good question, Shelly. 07:16 So NAPS began when I was in school 07:18 as a student back in 1977. 07:22 And as I've mentioned, 07:23 next year will be our 40th anniversary. 07:26 As a student, we used to go around helping people, 07:29 feeding the homeless under the bridge, 07:30 and then we expand it to the community work. 07:33 Then we went around out of States and start doing work. 07:37 And then in 1996, we went international. 07:41 And so what we do, we work with kids in the community, 07:44 teaching them about the love of God, 07:46 good moral values, about education, 07:48 good education, and of course, the health. 07:51 And also we work in juvenile detention homes, 07:55 in foreign land which train young people 07:59 to be disciples of God, and so we have now about 08:03 60 different branches around the world. 08:05 We are in 30 different countries. 08:08 Praise God. 08:09 And over the last, I'd say, 15, 20 years, we are able to... 08:13 not NAPS itself but the groups are being able 08:16 to baptize over 25,000. 08:18 Twenty five thousand. Twenty five thousand, yes. 08:21 And they have gone out to places 08:23 that we could not have gone. 08:24 Presently, what we're doing, we're working in the south, 08:28 Alabama and Mississippi area trying to follow 08:32 the guidelines of Ellen G. White 08:34 about southern work. 08:35 And we have established clinics 08:38 and we're building the new one right now. 08:40 And a doctor, Dr. Marlo would give us some information 08:43 in what we encountered as we started working 08:45 Southern work which started about five years ago. 08:48 Okay. Yes. 08:51 Well, unfortunately, the medical care 08:54 is not too well-established in the Southern parts, 09:00 most Southern parts of Alabama and Mississippi. 09:02 And it was brought to our attention 09:04 when we would go down south 09:06 and do free clinics and health fares. 09:09 And we're realizing that we were serving 09:13 mostly poor people who didn't have access 09:15 to healthcare or they didn't know 09:17 how to get access to healthcare. 09:19 So we encountered a lot of situations where there was like 09:23 a 30-year-old with breast cancer who's dying 09:26 or we have stories when we do their family health history 09:29 where their father died in H-40 09:32 of a massive heart attack or stroke, 09:35 we're encountering like 9, 10-year-olds 09:37 with type-2 diabetes and hypertension, 09:40 and so it was very tragic. 09:42 And once we started teaching, the community 09:46 in having health lectures, we realized, 09:48 "Man, they want to know how to live right." 09:51 And so... 09:52 But nobody is really showing them how 09:55 and so that was a mandate that we felt convicted 09:58 of that we need to go 09:59 and not just provide medical care 10:01 but also education to be able to help them to learn 10:05 so that they can pass it on, teach them how to cook healthy 10:08 and the food can still taste good. 10:10 And so it's been a blessing because God has used that 10:14 in a mighty way as an opening wedge 10:16 to their hearts spiritually which is the main reason, 10:19 but, you know, you can't go in and just say, 10:21 "Let's have a Bible study." 10:22 You have to meet the needs like Jesus did. 10:24 And so it's been awesome being able to work 10:28 for Him in that aspect. 10:29 Amen and amen. 10:31 And the situation is very desperate in that area. 10:33 They are so happy, excuse me, to see people come there 10:39 and minister to their needs, especially in the medical area. 10:42 There's a clip we have of an old lady lives in a place 10:45 called Freedom Village, Mississippi which is... 10:48 you heard about the 40 acres and a mule, 10:51 well, this is an authentic era where the slaves had gotten 10:54 their 40 acres and they still live in that area. 10:57 And we're able to go in there, they hadn't seen the doctors 10:59 in years and years, and so there's video 11:02 that's about to come up. 11:03 We'll show you, I think, Dr. Marlo was with that group, 11:06 went in the inside ministry... 11:08 They were just so surprised that someone will take time 11:10 off to come and minister to them. 11:14 And it's very difficult working in this area 11:16 where there's not a lot of, we say... 11:20 I don't want to say ignorance but lack of information... 11:22 Lack of knowledge. 11:23 People don't understand why they are ill... 11:26 Part of it's probably that good-old southern cooking, 11:29 being a good-old southern cook myself. 11:31 Yeah, they don't blame the food. 11:33 They'll blame everything else. 11:36 And when you try to diagnose them, 11:38 the will say... 11:40 Yes, the common response we get is, "I don't claim that. 11:43 I don't claim that." 11:44 And so we give an analogy and we say, 11:46 "Well, when your gas tank is on empty, 11:48 do you say, 'I don't claim it', and just keep driving? 11:51 Or do you take it to the gas station 11:52 and get it, you know, get gas. 11:54 And so the same is with your health. 11:56 You know, the way you don't claim it is 11:59 by asking God for direction and living right 12:01 so that it can be reversed." 12:03 That's how we don't claim it, but we don't ignore it 12:05 and keep living the same way. 12:08 Well, let's look at that video now. 12:12 Oh, you're the sweetheart? 12:18 In Alabama. 12:21 Oh, do you? Where in Alabama? 12:23 Yeah, Birmingham. Birmingham. 12:25 We had to drive through Birmingham and get it. 12:34 Okay. Okay. 12:37 All right. 12:40 That's so nice. 12:45 You're so sweet. 12:47 Ya'll are sweet too. 12:49 I love ya'll. 12:51 You know, some of these people probably haven't had 12:53 anyone show any real interest in them in long time, 12:57 particularly from the medical community. 12:59 So to go out and... 13:00 that was a house call, right? 13:02 Yes, it was. 13:03 We still do house calls. You still do house calls. 13:06 Yeah, so you probably want to talk about Dr. Marlo 13:09 by the conditions that exist. 13:10 Right, yes. 13:12 The conditions that exist here are worse 13:15 than some of the third world countries 13:17 we've been to on missions. 13:19 I work part-time at a rural clinic and hospital. 13:24 And sometimes, I have to bring my own gloves. 13:28 Sometimes, I had a student work with me, 13:31 and we had a call in the ER... 13:32 I'm sorry. 13:34 If I'm sitting here with my mouth agape, 13:35 that is just amazing to think right here 13:37 in United States, this is... 13:39 Right, it is. 13:41 And we got called to the ER once, 13:43 and a lady was having a stroke, we had to transfer her 13:46 obviously to a higher level hospital facility. 13:50 And the nurses put tape around her wrist 13:53 and wrote her name and date of birth 13:55 because they didn't have the necessary equipment 13:57 to put a regular hospital band. 14:00 And sometimes, we don't even have paper 14:02 for the exam tables, 14:04 so we have to use different sheets, 14:06 things of that sort. 14:07 Our sharp container box, we don't have those sometimes. 14:10 We have to use different containers 14:11 and it's just amazing to see that still exists in America. 14:18 We don't have a proper AED machine, 14:20 it's very antiquated, the old fashion... 14:22 What is an AED machine? Sorry, it's a defibrillator. 14:26 If someone goes into cardiac arrest, 14:28 you use it to try to help revive them. 14:30 And so, yes, it's the poorest of the poor, 14:35 and that's where God would have us 14:37 to go to minister. 14:39 And speaking of house calls, if you don't mind, 14:42 I would like to transition into one house call 14:44 that has been a tremendous blessing 14:47 for us as a group, as an organization. 14:50 Usually, on Sabbath, NAPS, we go and we bring church 14:53 to the communities. 14:55 And myself, and couple of other people, 15:00 we would drive to a place called Boaz every Sabbath, 15:03 it was about hour and half drive, would you say? 15:06 Yeah. 15:07 Yeah, every Sabbath, and we would go minister 15:08 to the poor community there which were mostly Latinos. 15:12 And we were able to meet Laura and her family. 15:17 At that time, she was 10 years old. 15:20 And at that time, her mother was not feeling well 15:23 which opened the door for us to come into her home 15:26 and minister her mom back to health. 15:28 And I would like Laura 15:30 to share the story of what happened there. 15:32 Please do. Yes. 15:35 Well, when they first came, I remember they would come 15:40 into place, you know, they do plays about the Bible, 15:44 you know, like they would talk about, 15:48 like, the love of God. 15:49 And we were like, "Oh, we hear it," 15:51 like we didn't know anything about that. 15:53 My mother was raised in Catholic, 15:57 so what I did when every time I would go to school, 16:00 I was trying to get used to that, you know. 16:03 I would go and praise on the statue Mary, 16:08 and I would try to get that as a habit. 16:10 But then, when NAPS came, 16:12 they changed my life all around. 16:15 They always kept taking us to church, you know, 16:20 they would talk about the Bible, 16:21 they would come from far just to come and see us. 16:26 And I think that was something that, you know, 16:29 I thank God a lot because I don't know 16:31 where I would have been right now, you know. 16:33 Me going, me kissing the statue and now knowing 16:40 the Word of God, 16:41 there's a lot more people out there, 16:42 you know that is just like me. 16:46 Whenever I join into the mission, 16:48 it was really hard for me. 16:51 When I transferred to Sayreville 16:52 when we were in the South, I graduated high school. 16:57 I mean, my dream was to go college and be a nurse 17:00 'cause my mom suffered a lot with medical conditions, 17:03 my family did. 17:04 So that's what brought me into medical, 17:07 I want to help people that are just like me, you know. 17:11 So what I did was, I went to the counselor in my school, 17:15 and I asked, "How can I join into... 17:18 How can I go to college?" 17:20 Well, she asked me, me and my friend, she said, 17:25 "Does your mother have Social Security?" 17:27 My mom is a single mom with four kids 17:29 and does not have a Social Security. 17:31 So I told that, no, my mom doesn't. 17:34 And she's like, 17:35 "Well, you can't go to college." 17:38 Well, you know, that kind of brought me down, 17:40 but I was like, "No, I know there has to be something 17:42 that I could do." 17:43 So I called Marlo. 17:46 Marlo, she has been helping me with college 17:49 and tutoring me and all my grades 17:53 that I have now, it's all because 17:55 she helped me understand. 17:57 And that really impacted my life. 18:00 When I transferred to Judson to be doing missions 18:05 and college, a lot of things came and attacked me. 18:10 One condition was probably in October. 18:13 My mom had a car accident when we were going to go 18:16 to mission trip in Meridian and I had to miss it. 18:20 I had to go home. 18:21 My brother and sisters were okay. 18:24 The car was destroyed. 18:25 Then after that, my mom lost her job. 18:28 And being a single mother, it's hard. 18:31 Especially, with four children. Yes. 18:34 Well, I felt more responsible 'cause I'm the oldest. 18:37 So afterwards, my car was taken up. 18:42 I had problems. 18:43 And well, they took my car and I was barely driving back 18:47 home to go see my family 'cause my mom is like... 18:50 I'm a mommy's girl, so she was like, 18:52 "I want you to come home." 18:54 And they took my car, I was driving back home. 18:56 So I was able to get close home when that happened, 19:00 and my uncle was able to take me back home. 19:03 And then I had no way to come back. 19:06 I'm like "How am I going to study? 19:08 How am I going to keep on with college?" 19:09 You know, that was one thing that I love, you know, 19:12 going to college, be able to help others 19:18 the way they did to me. 19:20 And well, what happened was that NAPS 19:24 came and rescued me. 19:27 Mrs. Karley and Mrs. Dougs, they drove three hours away 19:33 from where I live to come and pick me up 19:36 and go back to college. 19:37 So I really thank God that He has been opening doors 19:42 for me to like going to missions. 19:44 I do not have any problems with that college. 19:47 College, you know, when God wanted to go somewhere, 19:51 He will open doors. 19:52 So for me to go into missions, there was always, 19:55 you know, an open door, he's like, "Don't worry. 19:57 No problem. 19:59 You can do the assignments later on." 20:03 I mean, everything was working towards God and His work. 20:06 She is, yeah, she is a wonderful young lady. 20:09 I can tell that. 20:11 And you know something, Laura, really, 20:13 when we make a decision to work for God, 20:16 you will find that... 20:18 If you're going to be effective, 20:19 the devil always steps up and tries to throw obstacles 20:25 in your path. 20:27 But if you keep your hand in the hand of the Lord, 20:31 those obstacles just becomes stepping stones. 20:33 So I can tell God's going to use you in a mighty way. 20:38 John Paul, not John Michael, but John Paul, 20:42 how did you all come to join NAPS? 20:46 We were drowning pretty much. 20:51 We were in the church, we came 20:54 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 20:55 and coming out of a party life, a drug life, you know, 21:00 I became part of the Adventist church 21:03 at younger age, and I fell out of the church. 21:09 But luck saved us out, the devil had us, 21:12 in the ways of party life and... 21:15 He had his hook in your nose. 21:17 Running while, yes, running while. 21:20 And me and my wife, we got together and married 21:24 and divorced and back together again. 21:30 And we realized that something was saying, you know, 21:33 that we're missing the Lord, and that we need the Lord 21:35 in our family, and He was calling us. 21:38 But He doesn't have His fangs in this, you know, 21:40 and it's hard to get away. 21:42 And we came back to Jackson, Alabama, 21:47 was living down in Foley, Alabama. 21:50 And realized it was too fast 21:53 and just He was calling us back, 21:55 getting us away from these things 21:56 and we were coming out like, say, 22:00 we were even selling drugs 22:03 and just everything you think of, 22:05 you know, that's... 22:06 This is before John Michael? 22:07 Okay. Right. 22:09 And I see he was coming along with when the Lord 22:12 is leading us away from these things. 22:14 And we got away from certain drugs, 22:20 we went to painkillers, 22:21 thinking that was the better way out, our anti-drug. 22:25 And then it turned out to be one of the worst ones 22:28 that we actually ran into. 22:30 Anyway, we just wanted to getting into Bible studies 22:33 and backing through the church and we wanted to just 22:38 with be better witnesses for the Lord 22:39 who's convicting us. 22:41 And we were living a double life, you know. 22:43 And we were pleading to the Lord 22:46 'cause we kept trying to do it. 22:48 I say, and we can't fall in on our face 22:50 and we couldn't get out, you know. 22:52 And we pray to the Lord, we was pleading to him, 22:54 "Lord, please, you know you're going to have 22:56 to help us out 'cause we can't get out." 22:59 Then here comes Dr. Paul and Dr. Marlo, 23:02 NAPS to our church, you know. 23:05 And don't even see how they would be there, 23:09 otherwise, you know, with some... 23:10 Well, we can explain that. 23:13 So one morning, my dear wife woke up and says, 23:16 "Do I know Gilbert Town?" 23:19 And I never heard Gilbert Town before. 23:20 And so I say, "Go back to sleep, baby. 23:22 You're dreaming." 23:23 So another night again, she woke up again and said, 23:27 "Gilbert Town is in my mind." 23:29 So I took her down to find that there was a place 23:32 called Gilbert Town. 23:34 And we went there, and then they sent us Jackson 23:38 where these folks were... 23:39 We didn't meet them at that time. 23:41 But we did a health fare in Jackson following month. 23:45 And big health fare, we have a big mobile unit. 23:47 We were on doing health fares. 23:49 We pulled out there. 23:50 And three persons showed up with the health fare. 23:54 And was the Carpenters, they were there. 23:56 Praise God. 23:57 And so we offered invitation for them 24:00 to come to our Wellness Center, 24:03 and they can explain what happened. 24:06 Yeah. 24:07 Whenever he offered us the invitation, 24:10 I don't think they knew it, but we had already been 24:11 looking at the brochure for the wellness program 24:14 and the ten-day session. 24:17 And I was talking to my husband, and I was like, 24:19 "Look, you know, maybe this would be something 24:21 that could help us, you know." 24:22 And then literally, it seemed like a few minutes later, 24:25 they were telling us to come, you know, 24:27 and let us clean you up a little bit. 24:28 And I'm like, "How did they know, you know?" 24:33 And so anyway, we went. 24:35 And went for the weekend, and then we were just... 24:39 it was such a blessing, you know, 24:41 God literally sent a whole health fare to Jackson 24:46 for me and my family, yes. 24:48 So it's very overwhelming whenever you think about it. 24:51 And now here we are today. 24:54 And I would never think but just over a year ago, 24:57 where we were then, and where we are now, 25:00 and it shows me how much God loves each individual person, 25:04 you know, and what He does for us 25:07 because we had been crying for help for years. 25:10 And basically had just thought, 25:12 "This is just how we have to live our life, you know." 25:15 And the Lord heard our cry. 25:16 And He said, "No, you don't." 25:18 You know, so now we're here today 25:22 and clean and sober. 25:23 And I'm so thankful. Praise God. 25:25 You know, I think what, John Paul, what you said, 25:28 so many people try to make a change. 25:31 And maybe you're listening today, 25:33 and you're thinking, 25:34 "I know I need to change my lifestyle. 25:36 I need to change what I'm doing. 25:38 I need to drop this habit or this addiction." 25:41 You can never do it by yourself. 25:44 It's just a matter of you've got to get to that point 25:48 where yield control to God, we call it surrendering. 25:51 But it simply means that you're yielding control 25:55 to God and ask to be filled with His Holy Spirit, 25:59 and that's when the power comes, isn't it? 26:02 But how wonderful God was to send someone to you 26:06 to help show you the way because we are... 26:11 I'll put it this way. 26:12 I was totally ignorant of the health message 26:15 until I came into 26:17 the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 26:19 I was a good-old Southern cook 26:21 and never had any problems with it. 26:24 So I didn't realize what I was doing to myself. 26:27 But if you are in an addictive lifestyle, 26:31 you have no idea how important now, 26:34 John Paul and Karley, you can testify to this 26:38 how important lifestyle, 26:40 eating right, getting the sunshine, 26:41 getting plenty of water, and getting good nutrients, 26:46 good dense nutrients, 26:48 it makes complete difference 26:50 because as your body begins to... 26:53 God created our bodies to heal themselves. 26:56 It's so amazing. 26:57 And eating right is the number one way 27:00 and getting plenty of water is the number one way 27:02 that you start getting healthy 27:04 and then you can start making some of those changes 27:07 by the power of the Holy Spirit. 27:08 Yeah. 27:10 So you had another... 27:12 I think you said you had another video 27:13 that you want to show us. 27:15 This video is transition to talking about healing 27:19 and simple properties that God used for healing. 27:22 And so we were in Madagascar not too long ago 27:24 when the doctor was with us. 27:26 I wish you could introduce this video. 27:27 Okay, yes. 27:28 This video is... 27:30 Now where is Madagascar for those who don't know? 27:33 Okay. It's a small island to... 27:36 Big island. Okay, I'm sorry. 27:40 It's a big island to the east of Africa, 27:43 the continent Africa. 27:44 And when we go on mission, 27:47 NAPS goes to places 27:48 where usually nobody else likes to go, 27:51 uncharted territory. 27:53 So we like to figure out where there is no church, 27:56 and that's where we like to go. 27:58 And so God sent us there. 28:00 And not only was there not a church 28:03 where we went in Madagascar, a village called Fotadrevo. 28:06 But the enemy was very prevalent in that village, 28:11 a lot of witch doctors, voodoo. 28:14 And it was a blessing to me 28:17 because that was my first mission 28:18 as a medical doctor overseas. 28:21 And as we are able to help people to feel better, 28:26 we say, "Well, we need to praise and thank God 28:29 who is the great physician who made you feel better." 28:32 And they looked at us, and said, "God? Who is God?" 28:37 So for the first time, I'm just dumbfounded 28:39 because I'm thinking everybody knows who God is. 28:43 And then I said, "Well, you know, 28:45 who made the sun and the sky and the trees?" 28:48 And they said, "I don't know." 28:50 So I'm like, 28:52 "Man, this is really starting from scratch." 28:54 And so we tried to explain to them 28:56 about this great God, the Creator 28:58 who created the heavens and the earth for us, 29:00 and created them, and loves them so much 29:03 that He would allow them to be healed. 29:06 They loved it. 29:07 And they were hungering and thirsting for it, 29:09 they wanted to know more. 29:10 So we would get up early in the mornings 29:12 and do Bible studies. 29:13 And in some of these homes, 29:15 there would be 25 people in there, in the Bible study. 29:19 And so God performed miracles in the healing process 29:23 and you'll see them here in the video. 29:25 Before we roll this video, I just wanted to say 29:28 'cause I know we're going to swap out some guests here, 29:31 just wanted to thank you, 29:33 John Paul and Karley and John Michael, 29:36 for being with us today 29:37 because your testimony is powerful 29:40 and by sharing your testimony, 29:42 having the courage to standup and say, 29:45 "Look what God did for me," 29:47 you will give hope to many people. 29:49 So we want to thank you for being here. 29:52 And the other thing I wanted to say is 29:54 when you're talking about 29:55 witch doctors, witchcraft and voodoo, 29:59 let me tell you something, 30:01 we live in a developed country 30:06 where we kind of poopoo the idea of demonic activity. 30:13 We don't see it practiced here a lot, 30:15 it is practiced in the areas of United States. 30:18 But it's happening more and more, 30:22 you're beginning to see more and more spiritualism 30:25 creeping in here to the United States. 30:27 But I remember when I was speaking at 30:30 the Sedaven camp meeting in South Africa, 30:36 I asked the conference president, 30:39 the people there. 30:40 I said, "How do you all think about... 30:45 How seriously do you take demonic possession?" 30:50 They looked around at each other, 30:53 then they looked at me, and they said, 30:55 "We'll tell you how seriously we take it. 30:57 If we get a call, we fast and pray for three days 31:01 before we go out to answer that call." 31:04 So it is not only a lack of knowledge of God 31:09 that you're talking about in Madagascar 31:11 but what you're talking about 31:13 is true satanic activity 31:17 and influence through these various other 31:21 animistic type religions. 31:25 So let's roll that now. 31:29 Last week, and she was complaining 31:30 about her leg constantly itching for four years, 31:33 and she was itching and itching it, 31:35 and when she came, it was raw, it was open, 31:37 there was all kind of mucus and bacteria. 31:39 So we did hydrotherapy treatments 31:41 with the contrast back, 31:42 and then we wrapped in a charcoal poultice, 31:44 and we did two or three treatments, 31:46 and after that we prayed and her leg is healed. 31:49 And she said that it no longer itches. 31:50 And so we've been giving all the honor 31:52 and praise and glory to God. 31:54 And she praises the Lord 31:55 because she knows that God has healed her leg. 31:56 And she said she loves Him very much, 31:59 and she's my friend. 32:03 And I love her. 32:09 So we pray for her soul to being healthy. 32:13 Testimony was a little... 32:16 that long distance two-day travel 32:17 to try to seek medical attention here. 32:21 What's going to happen? Where are you going to be? 32:22 Well, tomorrow, I already promised 32:25 that I would go across the river to the village 32:27 that's over on the hills 32:29 'cause they are wanting medical care too. 32:32 So we were going to travel there. 32:34 One mother, we saw by her child to see me, 32:37 and the witch doctor had placed all these charms 32:39 and stuff on the child. 32:41 And we asked her why, and she said, 32:42 "I was desperate, my child was sick, 32:45 I have nowhere else to go." 32:46 So they go to the witch doctor. 32:48 And then there you have their souls 32:50 being sold out to the devil. 32:52 It's very hard because I'm the only physician 32:55 and lot of these people need help. 32:57 And they travel days to get here. 33:14 I can't see them all by myself. 33:19 So we need more physicians to come out here to help 33:23 so that I don't have to keep turning people away. 33:50 God helped these people 33:51 and they traveled two days to get here. 33:54 I can't be everywhere once 'cause I'm only once person. 33:59 So we need more physicians to come, 34:01 it's not just to heal the physical but the spiritual. 34:04 Can you hear the voice of the children 34:09 Softly pleading 34:12 For silence in a shattered world? 34:17 Angry guns preach a gospel full of hate 34:25 Blood of the innocent on their hands 34:32 Crying, Jesus, help me 34:37 To feel the sun again upon my face 34:43 So you can see how important the medical missionary work is, 34:47 and it's amazing to think 34:50 that people live in those conditions. 34:51 But as they said, that was in Madagascar 34:54 but the conditions can be even worse 34:57 in the Southern area of the United States. 34:59 Well, we have done a total swap of guests. 35:03 Now I'm just the host, 35:05 so no one told me we were doing this. 35:08 But let me introduce to you again some familiar faces. 35:11 I am sure we have Darla, and Torrey Price. 35:15 Torrey, have been married, how long? 35:17 Eleven years, wonderful years. Eleven years. 35:20 Praise God. 35:22 Darla, we are so used to you, 35:24 you've been with NAPS since 2000, 35:26 and you're usually the one, 35:27 the cheerleader that is leading 35:29 all these wonderful testimonies 35:31 that you share reports at camp meeting. 35:33 Yes. I am so... 35:36 I remember I was just talking to you about how I joined NAPS. 35:41 And for me, I was looking for purpose, 35:43 I remember I've been Adventist 35:45 since I was a young child 35:47 and reading the Bible and wondering, "Is this real?" 35:51 When I joined NAPS, 35:52 I realized that this was just a shortened version 35:56 of all that God wants to do, 35:58 the miracles come to life, the Bible is real. 36:01 And so we'll be sharing testimonies. 36:02 Oh, praise God. 36:04 I wish we had time to share everybody's testimony 36:06 'cause they've got some great ones. 36:08 And then we have Kristy Nedd. 36:09 Kristen, it's Kristen, excuse me. 36:11 What do you do? 36:13 How are you associated with NAPS? 36:15 Well, I'm associated with NAPS. 36:16 I'm actually the principal at the school, 36:19 NAPS Abundant Life Academy 36:20 where we call it NALA for short. 36:22 Yes, and I mean, 36:24 it's such a blessing being able to work 36:26 with these children and do education 36:30 the way that God has commissioned to us 36:32 through His prophet Ellen White. 36:35 So God is truly blessing and I can't wait to share 36:38 even more testimonies about it as well. 36:41 And then we have absolutely the star of the show today 36:44 is Jade Burell, she's eight years old. 36:48 And, Jade, you are a student at NALA. 36:51 What grade are you in? Third. 36:53 In the third grade. 36:55 And I understand 36:56 that God's got His hand on your life 36:59 to do wonderful things. 37:02 Yes, ma'am. Yes, well, you are precious. 37:05 And then finally, we have Madelene Gustave. 37:08 Madelene, what do you do with NAPS? 37:10 I am part of a team called YOD 37:12 which stands for the Year Of Dedication. 37:15 This is the 14th one, so it's called the YOD-14. 37:19 So Year Of Dedication, explain that. 37:22 So basically it's comprised of a group of college students, 37:27 graduates, really anyone 37:28 who's willing to dedicate 37:30 a year of their life to service. 37:32 So those like you, Madelene, 37:35 that are in the Year Of Dedication program, 37:37 they might be in the middle of their studies 37:40 and just decide, "I'm going to take a year off 37:43 and dedicate it God or they may have graduated." 37:46 So I just always love to hear those stories. 37:49 But let's get back to you. 37:51 Tell us about your Impact Missions. 37:53 Okay, this is an important topic for me 37:56 because our City Impact Missions do just that. 37:59 They make an amazing impact. 38:02 Every single time, we can travel, we do. 38:05 So a lot of our volunteers are students 38:09 and so whenever they have a break, 38:11 thanksgiving break, spring break, 38:13 even Christmas, and new years, 38:15 they'll sacrifice the entire holiday. 38:18 But it's really no sacrifice 38:19 because when we get on these to different cities 38:22 and maybe Dallas or Nashville or, 38:26 you know, all over Los Angeles, when we get to these cities, 38:30 it's non-stop going 38:32 and just taking really like 38:34 walking the steps of Christ. 38:38 So we'll do church presentations, 38:40 encouraging the young people, literature evangelism. 38:44 We're passing out Great Controversies, 38:46 Steps to Christ. 38:47 It's a life changer. 38:49 And there's actually been times 38:51 where there was this one lady, and she was about to... 38:55 she told us she was about to take 38:56 the life of her own life and her child's life 38:59 because she was discouraged, 39:01 she had found out that child had lupus, 39:03 she had just lost her job. 39:05 And she said, "Lord, if you do not give me a sign 39:10 or some form of peace, 39:12 then I am going to give up and I'm going to, tonight, 39:15 I will take my life and child's." 39:18 And then here we come with our marching band 39:22 'cause we do literature evangelism a little different, 39:24 with a marching band. 39:25 And we gave her the book, Peace Above the Storm. 39:29 And when she saw that book, she said, "You are the sign. 39:32 You are the sign." 39:34 And then she told us the story. 39:36 You just never know really how many lives you're saving. 39:39 Amen and amen. 39:41 So have any of you been have on the Impact Missions? 39:45 I know you have, Torrey. 39:46 Definitely, yeah. 39:49 How did it impact you? 39:51 Well, you know, one thing I've grown to realize, 39:54 right now, there's a huge epidemic 39:57 in our Adventist church of young people leaving. 39:59 And just as Darla said, 40:01 I have a similar experience 40:02 where this ministry has truly shown me my purpose. 40:06 It adds a whole new element 40:08 to what your relationship with God is. 40:10 You actually see him active in the mission field. 40:13 And there was one time 40:15 I went out during literature evangelism. 40:17 And we were in Downtown. 40:19 And I remember at that moment, 40:20 I did not feel like it 40:22 which sometimes it happens even in our walk with God. 40:24 Sometimes you're not going to feel like it. 40:26 Absolutely. 40:27 But it teaches you endurance, 40:28 perseverance how to push through. 40:30 And I got down to the very last person 40:33 I was about to canvass. 40:35 And I approached her, I said, 40:36 "Ma'am, I have to go 40:38 because everybody was loading in to the van." 40:40 I said, "I have to go but God told me to give you this book." 40:44 And she took it, she said, "Wait, who are you?" 40:46 She's crying at this point. I said, "Let me pray with you." 40:50 And as I being to pray with her, 40:52 you know, I'm just praying and then I run, leave, 40:55 forget about the whole moment. 40:56 Until later on, that week, 40:59 you know, Darla actually answered 41:00 the phone at the NAPS office. 41:02 And the woman left a voicemail, "I need to find this girl. 41:06 She gave me this book. 41:07 She doesn't know what I was going through. 41:09 I need to find this girl." 41:11 And I remember, somehow, 41:13 we ended up getting connected again. 41:15 And when she contacted me, 41:17 she told me the whole story behind that one encounter. 41:21 She said, that same day, 41:24 her brother fell from a 45-foot-storey building. 41:27 He was a construction worker. 41:29 And she just lost her job, 41:31 the moment she was walking Downtown. 41:33 And for God to send a young person 41:36 with a band Downtown 41:38 and gave her this hope, this encouragement. 41:41 She said, "It had to be God." 41:43 And even a couple years later, two years later, 41:45 for some reason, she popped in my mind. 41:47 Go to my cell phone, I called her. 41:50 And at that moment, I called her. 41:51 She said, "You don't know, 41:52 why does God keep bringing you in my life 41:55 at the time I need it." 41:57 And it's almost like a wakeup call 41:58 that God was giving her every single time. 42:01 We contacted her. 42:03 I mean, what a blessing 42:04 because truly as a young person, 42:07 when you're in the church and you're sitting there, 42:09 you're listening to the service 42:10 but you're not applying what you're learning, 42:13 it's almost like you lose the essence of, 42:15 "What is the purpose of me really being here? 42:17 Why am I listening to this? 42:19 Why am I reading the same book?" 42:20 But when you get to apply and see the impact 42:23 and the change that it makes in people's lives, 42:25 I mean, it will transform you and others around you as well. 42:28 You know, Kristen, two things you said. 42:30 Number one is that you said 42:32 she came to your mind and you acted on it. 42:35 I believe that we all need to be much more sensitive, 42:39 that was the Holy Spirit leading you. 42:42 And it was a divine appointment, 42:44 she needed to hear from you right then, 42:46 but you acted on it rather than waiting. 42:48 And you might have missed a great opportunity 42:50 had you waited. 42:52 But the other thing you said was purpose. 42:54 And I know that, for myself, 42:56 I thank God every day 42:58 that I get to get up and live a life of purpose. 43:01 And when our young people are leaving, in part, 43:05 I remember asking a young person once, 43:08 "How can we keep the young people in the church?" 43:11 And you know what she said without blinking, 43:14 "Get them involved." 43:16 And there is nothing greater 43:20 than getting involved in... 43:21 If you've got a child 43:23 who is going a little off the track, 43:25 get them involved in a missionary work. 43:27 If they go on a mission trip, 43:29 I guarantee you, that's life-changing. 43:32 And it was actually 43:34 because our impact missions are preparation. 43:36 When we go on impact missions, we don't stay in hotels, 43:39 we're not in these nice places, but it's preparations. 43:43 So when it's time for the international missions, 43:46 we're ready. 43:47 And, Torrey, I was wondering 43:49 if you could share just a little about 43:51 how we choose our location and how we get there. 43:53 Okay. 43:55 Well, our international missions are so powerful 43:58 just because it gives you a greater understanding 44:01 of how God loves to work. 44:03 When we go on these trips, 44:05 it's not where we're taking the nice fancy coach bus, 44:07 but you'll see us as we going down rivers and canoes 44:10 going to reach people with the gospel. 44:13 And that's what I love most is 44:15 when people make that Macedonian call, when they say, 44:17 "You know, we need to hear the gospel here. 44:19 Come bring the gospel." 44:20 And then they see an army of youth coming in, 44:23 it's just so powerful. 44:24 For example, in Guyana, 44:26 when we were there, as we go on these missions, 44:29 we're going working with the people, 44:31 we don't just go to do the work and then leave. 44:34 What we love to do is, we'll go to the main city, 44:37 gather a group of young people and say, 44:39 "Hey, we're going out, come with us." 44:41 And so they'll join up with us on these mission trips. 44:44 So that way, when we come back, 44:46 they're able to continue the work. 44:48 And this is not in nice city areas. 44:51 As you can see, we've gone out 44:52 to rural islands and other locations 44:55 where people are not easily receiving the gospel. 44:58 They may not have contact with many people, 45:00 and so that's why we love going on these missions. 45:03 Amen. I have one quick question. 45:06 Torrey, did you join NAPS 45:10 before you married Darla? 45:13 And is that how y'all met? 45:15 Or did you join NAPS because you met Darla? 45:19 Or your own passion brought you in? 45:21 Well, there's a song that says, It Pays to Serve Jesus, amen. 45:24 And so we both were already in the ministry 45:27 and then that's where we met. 45:28 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord. 45:31 Well, Madelene, we want to here from you. 45:33 You, as a Year Of Dedication student, 45:37 tell us about some of the mission trips 45:39 or what's really you want to share today. 45:42 Well, I must say I really enjoy this YOD so far. 45:47 It wasn't easy to... 45:48 What made you decide to do that? 45:50 What is your studies 45:52 and what made you decide to do a Year Of Dedication? 45:54 Yes, so I am pre physiotherapy major. 45:57 I just completed my sophomore year of college. 46:01 And during that year, I guess I could say 46:05 I was going through a very trying time. 46:07 And I just remember like really pleading with God 46:10 asking Him to just show Himself to me 46:12 and to help me to get to know Him more. 46:15 And of course, I was able to draw closer to Him as a result. 46:20 And I just remember towards the end of the year 46:23 knowing that He was calling me to YOD. 46:26 And it was scary 46:28 because I have to tell my parents that, it's not easy. 46:32 You know, my parents sent me to college 46:33 to get an education especially 46:35 because I was very far from home, 46:38 I'm actually from Florida, 46:39 and so I go to school in Alabama. 46:41 And I just remember during the summer, 46:46 I actually was preparing to go to Ethiopia 46:48 but prior to that, I went home. 46:51 And I remember the entire time 46:53 I was there like really praying, like, 46:54 "God, give me the words to say to my parents 46:57 because it's pretty difficult to explain." 47:00 And I remember I spoke to my parents 47:03 and my dad was not having it, 47:06 he was just completely done. 47:08 And I remember afterwards he's stormed off, and my mom, 47:12 she was just sitting on the couch, 47:14 and she was like, 47:15 "You know, it's crazy that you mentioned 47:17 taking a year off to school to do mission work," 47:19 because she had just conversation 47:21 with someone else that day. 47:23 And I was with her during the day, 47:24 I didn't realize that she was speaking to that woman, 47:27 but the woman told her about her grandson 47:29 who was doing a similar thing 47:31 where he took a year off to do mission work. 47:33 And she told me, you know, "God is calling you to this. 47:37 You need to go." 47:38 And so that was confirmation for me like helping me 47:41 to move forward knowing 47:42 that God was really bringing me to this work. 47:46 And as a result, I've been able to not only travel 47:49 and do different Impact Missions 47:50 like we usually do, 47:52 but also to help out the wellness center, 47:54 be able to help out with sessions, health sessions 47:57 that we have or I guess that are able to come 47:59 and receive, you know, holistic treatment 48:02 and be able to just not only receive that physical healing 48:05 but the spiritual healing that comes with that. 48:08 Amen. Have you been on an international mission yet? 48:11 I have, I just went on my first 48:13 international mission to Ethiopia, 48:16 and that was a blessing in itself 48:17 because as you know, 48:19 when you're going to do God's work, 48:20 you know, the devil tries 48:21 to discourage you in so many ways. 48:23 But one thing I really appreciated about 48:25 being able to go to Ethiopia was that as Torrey mentioned, 48:29 one of the things that NAPS does 48:31 when we go to different countries is not just to, 48:33 you know, teach people about 48:36 Christ and health and all that 48:39 but also make disciples. 48:41 So we go and we train youth there to do 48:43 what we've been doing and to continue the work 48:46 that country once we leave. 48:47 And so I remember meeting all the different trainees 48:50 that we had there, 48:51 it was so excited to be able to work for the Lord. 48:54 And a lot of them grew up in the church as well 48:57 and weren't really kind of following God. 49:01 And so after they were able to work with us, 49:05 they have that fire, that fire that we all had 49:08 when we joined NAPS. 49:09 And as a result, now they're doing 49:11 so many different missions in Ethiopia, 49:14 and now they were raising funds themselves 49:16 to be able to just go and do missions in Ethiopia 49:19 and so it's been such a huge blessing, 49:21 that mission was great. 49:23 You know, I actually heard you, 49:26 Darla, I believe it, was at an ASI before... 49:29 I just joined the church, I wasn't working at 3ABN yet. 49:33 And I had only been in the church 49:36 I think a month when I heard you. 49:38 And that's one thing any time you hear 49:42 any of the NAPS students, 49:44 any of your members when you're talking, 49:47 the passion, the enthusiasm, 49:53 it just emanates from them, 49:55 and it's because when you're in this type of work, 49:59 no matter what level you came in, 50:01 no matter what your spiritual condition, 50:03 whatever you thought it was, 50:06 you are learning to rely on God, 50:09 you're learning to be led by God, 50:11 you're learning to be like Jesus 50:15 which is to do, you know, He said, 50:17 "I only say what the Father tells me to say, 50:20 and I only do what the Father tells me to do." 50:23 How many international mission trips 50:25 could you even begin to count them? 50:27 Wow, I know NAPS 50:29 as a whole has been to 13 countries, 50:34 we've been to 13 countries. 50:36 But the crazy things is wherever we go, 50:37 they start up their own... 50:39 we started branches, 50:41 we work with them the first three weeks, 50:43 we're training them everything we do, 50:45 they're getting it. 50:47 And in the last three weeks, they lead. 50:49 So that when we leave, they can continue. 50:52 The Bible says, 50:53 "Go, ye therefore and teach all nations 50:55 baptizing them in the name of the Father 50:57 and the Son and the Holy Ghost," 50:58 teaching them to observe all things. 51:00 So it's so important that they become disciples too 51:03 'cause we won't always be able to go. 51:05 But God is calling us as labors to arise, 51:10 go, make a difference. 51:11 You never know the lives you could save. 51:13 Amen. 51:14 And the law of life demands reproduction 51:17 even in the spiritual realm. 51:18 That's why it is so important 51:20 that we fulfill the great gospel commission. 51:23 I know that some of you at home may be watching and thinking, 51:27 "This is really exciting. 51:29 I'd like to be a part of it or maybe you'd like to contact 51:33 NAPS about doing something with them 51:37 or having them come and do something in your area." 51:39 We want to put up their address and contact information. 51:42 This is how you may get in touch. 51:44 And you may be impressed by the Holy Spirit 51:47 that you want to support this organization, 51:50 here's how you can do that. 51:54 To find out more about NAPS missions, 51:57 the NAPS Abundant Life Academy 51:59 or their Abundant Life Wellness Institute, 52:02 be sure to visit their website 52:06 There you will find a wealth of information 52:08 including how you can support their efforts 52:11 in disaster relief, city impact, 52:13 and international missions. 52:15 That website again is 52:20 You may also call them at (256) 262-7712, 52:25 or write to NAPS, P.O. Box 11970, 52:30 Huntsville, Alabama, 35814. |
Revised 2018-03-15