3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017100B

00:01 Well, I hope you have enjoyed
00:03 watching the Lineage videos with us today
00:06 and hearing about this project.
00:08 You know, it occurs to me, Jasper,
00:10 that you've made a great sacrifice.
00:13 Well, you're all making great sacrifices
00:15 but particularly you, you quit a paying job
00:18 and you've had to basically support yourself
00:21 for three months over there.
00:23 Talk to us about that?
00:24 It's a little bit scary especially for your parents.
00:27 They're like, these guys paying you?
00:29 They didn't know.
00:31 But by the grace of God, God provides.
00:34 I always tell young people this.
00:35 Young people are called to finish the work.
00:37 Ellen White said in the book of Education,
00:39 she said, with such an army of workers,
00:41 such as our youth rightly trained might furnish.
00:45 How soon is the message of a crucified, risen
00:47 and soon coming Savior will be carried to the whole world.
00:50 How soon might the end come?
00:51 Young people are not called just to sustain the work,
00:54 we're called to pioneer and to finish the work.
00:56 And I believe that God has called young people.
00:59 And many of the young people have come and say,
01:01 oh, you have amazing testimonies.
01:03 God has provided you visa, all the plane tickets.
01:05 Many of them want to have that experience
01:07 but they're not willing to go out of the boat,
01:10 just like Peter.
01:11 It was only when Peter went out of the boat
01:12 that he was able to walk on water.
01:14 We can tell he was a pastor, right?
01:17 Jasper, thank you so much
01:19 for the sacrifice that you've made.
01:20 Thank you for stepping out of the boat.
01:22 Now, Adam, do you have a final thought?
01:25 I just want to encourage whoever is watching
01:27 to share it with other young people,
01:30 share with other people.
01:32 I think that as a, as a church we really need to utilize
01:37 the media that we have in spreading the gospel.
01:41 And, you know, for people who are watching,
01:43 they can go online and view the videos
01:45 on YouTube, on Facebook or...
01:46 Instagram.
01:47 Instagram as well,
01:49 but also on, on our website
01:50 and to share the videos that people can really find out
01:52 where they've come from.
01:54 I think when we understand our spiritual heritage,
01:55 it gives us a great identity in the present
01:58 and a purpose for the future.
01:59 Absolutely.
02:01 Well, thank each one of you for being here today.
02:02 We're so glad that you and your team have come.
02:05 And you can go to lineagejourney.com
02:09 and see these videos.
02:10 Our prayer for you is that the grace of our Lord
02:12 and Savior Jesus Christ,
02:14 the love of the Father
02:15 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
02:17 will be with you always, amen.


Revised 2018-01-10