3ABN Today

Mafgia Ministry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017094B

00:01 Welcome back.
00:02 What an incredible ministry Mafgia is.
00:04 My heart and soul has been blessed and encouraged,
00:06 and we hope and pray you have been as well.
00:09 If for any reason you want to contact them,
00:11 we want to put up their contact information
00:13 one more time.
00:14 The website is mafgia.com.
00:19 You can email them at info@mafgia.com.
00:22 Or give them a call, 706-527-4882.
00:28 That number again is 706-527-4882.
00:32 And just thank you, Antionette and Dianne,
00:34 for coming and sharing your testimony,
00:36 for sharing what God is doing.
00:38 And we just have a moment,
00:39 let's see if we have a closing thought.
00:41 We'll start with Antionette.
00:43 I would say the time is now.
00:45 The Bible says, the night is far spent,
00:48 the day is at hand.
00:49 And when it comes to the magnitude
00:51 and significance of this issue, the time is now.
00:54 It's not too soon to help set the captive free,
00:58 to speak light into the darkness.
01:00 And I think the Lord is just waiting for people
01:02 who will say, yes.
01:04 Amen. Dianne?
01:07 If you have been given the desire
01:09 to pursue your abortion,
01:12 my encouragement was don't ignore it,
01:14 move on it
01:16 because the Lord has a lot and store for you.
01:19 You mean the desire
01:20 to pursue the pain from the past abortion?
01:21 Pain from the consequences, absolutely.
01:24 To move on that, okay.
01:25 Well, we just pray here at 3ABN not only my husband Greg and I,
01:28 but other ministry at 3ABN.
01:30 We pray for you and stand with the ministry
01:33 and what God is doing in and through you
01:36 to minister and reach men and women
01:39 with the message of hope and healing
01:41 and reconciliation to break that silence.
01:43 The time is now.
01:44 We want to encourage you at home,
01:46 God has a plan for your life.
01:48 He loves you with an everlasting love.
01:50 You have value in His sight.
01:53 We'll see you next time. God bless you and keep you.


Revised 2018-02-22