3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017090B

00:01 Welcome back.
00:02 Boy, the time has gone too fast.
00:04 Yes. Yes.
00:05 We just barely, barely scratched the surface.
00:06 You know, by God's grace,
00:08 maybe we'll all come back together again
00:09 and try to hit a little bit more of this.
00:11 But, you know, we...
00:13 To wrap it up,
00:14 my thought is we're living in a time of uncertainty
00:17 but in Christ, that solid rock, there is certainty.
00:21 But in order to have a partake of that certainty,
00:25 we've got to know Him, we've got to learn about Him.
00:28 And so He can only bless
00:30 as we give our effort to know Him.
00:33 As we put forth effort to know Him,
00:35 then He can bless and He can...
00:37 In fact, I remember Him telling you,
00:38 Kenny, I can teach you more in five minutes
00:41 and the learning been in...
00:42 And five seconds was it? Yeah.
00:43 Okay, five seconds.
00:45 All the learned man of the world can in a lifetime.
00:46 There you go.
00:47 And that's what God wants to do for each and every one of us.
00:50 Do you have a closing thought, brother Dee?
00:53 Jesus says that if
00:54 "Him that cometh unto me I will no wise cast out."
00:57 If you come to Jesus,
00:58 He's promised He won't cast you out.
01:00 Ellen White commenting on this, say that,
01:01 if you claim this one promise and that's all you got.
01:05 You have the guarantee that He will never,
01:06 never cast you away and that you're as safe
01:08 as though you're inside of the city of God.
01:12 So you can take hold of that promise today.
01:13 That's just so sure, isn't it?
01:15 Amen. That's so wonderful.
01:16 Praise God and what a good thought.
01:18 Brother Jason?
01:19 I want to share something
01:21 from The Desire of Ages real quick.
01:22 This comes from page 454.
01:23 The cry of Christ to the thirsty soul
01:25 is still going forth and it appeals to us
01:28 with even greater power than to those
01:30 who heard it in the temple on that last day of the feast.
01:33 The fountain is open for all,
01:34 the weary and exhausted ones are offered
01:37 the refreshing draft of eternal life.
01:39 If you're thirsty and you're seeking
01:41 to have your thirst quenched,
01:43 Christ is the one that can quench it.
01:45 If you've been searching for that peace
01:46 and you haven't found it,
01:48 Christ is the one that can give it to you.
01:50 Accept Him today
01:52 and your life will never be the same.
01:53 Amen. Amen.
01:55 Praise the lord. It's been good.
01:56 We thank you for joining us today.
01:58 God bless you and we'll see you next time.


Revised 2018-01-03