3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017089A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome again to 3ABN Today.
01:11 We're so glad that you're joining us,
01:13 and just want to take this moment
01:15 to thank you so much
01:16 for your love, and your prayers,
01:18 and your financial support of 3ABN.
01:20 I'm Shelley Quinn, and today is not an interview,
01:24 even though I'm sitting in a host's seat, I'm not...
01:27 I'm kind of a traffic director, if you will.
01:31 What we will be discussing is a Bible topic,
01:36 and the topic is, Muzzle Your Mouth.
01:39 And so we want you to stay tuned
01:42 because I don't think we're always aware
01:45 of how much we sin with our tongue.
01:48 Let me start with this scripture
01:51 found in Psalm 39,
01:53 you'll see where I got this topic.
01:54 Psalm 39:1, and David says,
01:59 "I will guard my ways, lest I sin with my tongue.
02:04 I will restrain my mouth with a muzzle."
02:08 So we need to learn how to bridle our tongue.
02:10 Let me introduce our special guests to you.
02:13 They're all members of our 3ABN family,
02:16 the staff here at 3ABN.
02:19 First we have my very precious friend
02:21 Mollie Steenson,
02:22 who is the general manager and vice president.
02:26 Mollie, what part of muzzle your mouth
02:28 are you going to be discussing?
02:29 Well, I'm going to be discussing
02:31 gossip and backbiting,
02:32 but I wanted to paraphrase your scripture that you used,
02:37 this is Mollie's paraphrase,
02:38 "Take advantage of every opportunity
02:40 to keep your mouth shut."
02:42 That's my paraphrase. That's a good paraphrase.
02:44 But I will be talking about gossiping and backbite.
02:47 Okay.
02:48 And the next we have with us, my precious husband,
02:51 and, JD, what will you be discussing today?
02:55 I'm gonna be talking about unwholesome speech
02:58 or unhealthy speech.
02:59 Okay, that sounds good. Yes.
03:01 And I'll be anxious to hear that.
03:03 And then we have with us John Dinzey
03:05 who is the general manager of our 3ABN Latino.
03:09 Johnny, what is your segment?
03:11 Well, for some reason,
03:14 I have to talk about deceitfulness,
03:16 exaggeration, and, you know, it's interesting that people
03:20 can even use flattery to manipulate people.
03:24 So we'll try to work a little bit about that.
03:25 Amen.
03:26 And then my part, I took what was leftover,
03:29 is on grumbling, and I'll tell you what,
03:31 I think that the Lord made sure that I got this part.
03:36 So we want you to stay tuned
03:38 because this is gonna be a fascinating Bible study.
03:41 First though, we know how much you love music,
03:44 and we do as well, and our musical guest,
03:48 our favorites of mine, especially Sandra Entermann,
03:51 my dear sister, she's going to be with Kristie Sipec,
03:55 and Aleta King, and they will sing,
03:58 "He will carry you".
04:10 There is no problem so big
04:14 God cannot solve it
04:21 There is no mountain so tall
04:25 He cannot move it
04:31 There is no storm so dark
04:35 God cannot calm it
04:42 There is no sorrow so deep
04:46 He cannot soothe it
04:51 If He carried the weight of the world
04:56 Upon His shoulders
05:03 I know, my brother
05:05 That He will carry you
05:12 If He carried the weight of the world
05:18 Upon His shoulders
05:24 I know, my sister,
05:26 That He will carry you
05:39 There is no problem so big
05:43 God cannot solve it
05:50 There is no mountain so tall
05:54 He cannot move it
06:00 There is no storm so dark
06:04 God cannot calm it
06:11 There is no sorrow so deep
06:15 He cannot soothe it
06:20 If He carried the weight of the world
06:26 Upon His shoulders
06:32 I know, my brother
06:34 That He will carry you
06:42 If He carried the weight of the world
06:47 Upon His shoulders
06:53 I know, my sister
06:55 That He will carry you
07:02 He said come unto me
07:09 All who are weary
07:14 And I will give you rest
07:25 There is no problem so big
07:29 God cannot solve it
07:35 There is no mountain so tall
07:39 He cannot move it
07:45 There is no storm so dark
07:49 God cannot calm it
07:56 There is no sorrow so deep
08:00 He cannot soothe it
08:05 If He carried the weight of the world
08:10 Upon His shoulders
08:17 I know, my brother
08:19 That He will carry you
08:26 If He carried the weight of the world
08:31 Upon His shoulders
08:38 I know, my sister
08:40 That He will carry you
08:48 I know, my brother
08:50 That He will carry you
08:59 I know, my sister
09:02 That He will
09:05 Carry you
09:27 We're very thankful to our sisters
09:29 from down under, that was Sandra, Kristie,
09:32 and Aleta for that beautiful song.
09:34 If you are joining us just a little late, we will,
09:38 on this program, discuss the Bible topic
09:41 of Muzzling Your Mouth.
09:44 And once again, with us is Mollie Steenson, JD Quinn,
09:48 and John Dinzey, and I'm so thankful
09:50 each one of you are here to contribute to this
09:53 because I think it's going to be
09:55 very eye-opening for all of us.
09:59 Let's begin, I want to lay just a little ground work,
10:02 so turn to Matthew 12, and we'll start with verse 36.
10:07 This is something that Jesus said.
10:09 Sometimes it is taken out of context,
10:12 it can be misunderstood, but it's so important.
10:16 In Matthew 12:36, Jesus says, "I say to you,
10:22 that for every idle word men may speak,
10:26 they will give account of it in the Day of Judgment."
10:31 An idle word is a word that does not minister grace
10:37 or instruction to someone.
10:40 And idle is a word that instead of edifying
10:43 and building up, it tears down.
10:47 And I really was fascinated,
10:49 I found the corresponding Hebrew word,
10:52 and the corresponding Hebrew word can mean
10:55 an idle word is vain, it is empty,
10:58 it is something that can be wicked or injurious.
11:03 So idle words are not just idling,
11:07 they're tearing down.
11:09 And this is something that I thought about,
11:12 when a policeman arrests a perpetrator,
11:16 what does he say to him.
11:19 Your words, anything that you say, what?
11:23 Might be used against you. May be used against you.
11:26 And Jesus is giving us a similar warning right here
11:30 that our words will rise up
11:33 and be used against us in the judgment.
11:36 So what we need to do is confess our idle words,
11:39 and ask God to grant us forgiveness and repentance.
11:43 But then He goes on in verse 37, and He says,
11:46 "For by your words, you will be justified
11:50 or declared innocent, and by your words,
11:54 condemned, declared guilty."
11:57 Now what does He mean by your words,
11:59 what we say is the outward evidence
12:03 of the attitudes of our heart.
12:06 And if we are really belonging to Christ,
12:08 if we belong to the Lord, we'll have a new heart in us.
12:13 So our thoughts are expressed in words,
12:16 and our words reveal the nature of our heart.
12:20 You know, Jesus said, "Out of the mouth..."
12:23 What did he say? How did he say?
12:25 What comes out of the mouth flows from the heart,
12:28 and this is what defiles a man or makes him unclean.
12:34 My favorite scripture, when it comes to thinking about
12:39 the power of our words, is Proverbs 18:21 that says,
12:45 "There is power of life and death in the tongue,
12:49 and those who love it will eat its fruits."
12:52 So our words are very powerful
12:55 they have the potential to build up or to tear down.
12:59 We can either advance the Kingdom of God,
13:03 or we can attack the Kingdom of God.
13:06 Harsh words wound
13:10 whereas critical words can destroy.
13:13 So it is very, very important that...
13:17 I think of it this way, careless words are like
13:22 a loaded gun that is used recklessly.
13:26 And, boy, once you've cocked that
13:27 and opened your mouth, and shot off that bullet,
13:30 that careless word that goes out,
13:32 it cannot be brought back,
13:35 it's out there to do its damage.
13:37 And you can be held accountable for the damage that's done
13:44 by the weapon of your mouth.
13:45 So this is something we will discuss today.
13:49 Johnny, I think that your segment
13:52 is on deceitfulness,
13:54 and why don't you share what the Lord has given you?
13:58 Okay, well, you know, what you're saying is so true.
14:03 And we, as human beings,
14:08 have to be constantly under guard
14:11 because the devil tries to take advantage
14:14 over our minds just wandering.
14:17 It's amazing how fast the mind works, you know,
14:20 you can be talking to somebody, they can say,
14:22 "Wow, are you ugly?"
14:24 And right away, you have come with something
14:26 to counter that person, to cut that person down.
14:29 I remember, when I was going through high school,
14:32 I went to public school, and for some reason,
14:34 it seem to be like an art to find some way
14:40 to bring the other person down.
14:42 Have a comeback?
14:43 Some comeback.
14:45 And so when we look at the Bible,
14:48 and you see James 1:19 says,
14:51 "Let every man be slow to speak, swift to hear," why?
14:57 Because your mind can work so fast that sometimes
15:03 like you said a bridle or guard over my mouth
15:07 that we have to be always under the control
15:11 of the Holy Spirit that we may speak words
15:15 that will edify, like you said, and not tear down.
15:19 And so one of the hardest things to do
15:24 is when somebody is attacking us,
15:27 how do you maintain that Christian attitude?
15:34 Somebody is tearing you down, especially when you have
15:36 not done anything against the person.
15:39 And Satan works so hard to try to create divisions,
15:42 he will create situations, and people can actually think
15:48 you have done something wrong
15:50 or said something wrong when you haven't.
15:51 Yes.
15:52 So by God's grace, we should be watchful,
15:57 and careful, and ask the Lord for discernment
16:02 when the devil is trying to lead us astray.
16:03 I can tell you that I have been in situations
16:06 where we're in a group of people,
16:09 and all of a sudden, I say to myself,
16:11 "How did we get into this horrible conversation?"
16:13 People are arguing back and forth, and I say,
16:16 "Lord, how did this happen?
16:17 Help me to figure out what to say
16:19 to bring this conversation to something good."
16:22 And I start thinking about it, and it's like the Lord said,
16:25 "It's because you said this."
16:27 And so that's why when you say we have to set a guard
16:31 over our mouth, set something like a muzzle over our mouth
16:34 to be slow to speak.
16:35 But we have to understand in James 3:6,
16:39 I'm gonna read verse 7 through 8, 6, 7, and 8,
16:42 and it says, "And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity.
16:48 So the tongue is set among our members,
16:50 spotting all the body and then inflaming
16:52 the course of nature, and being inflamed by Hell.
16:55 For every kind of animals, and all birds, and of reptiles,
16:58 and of sea-animals, is tamed,
17:00 and it has been tamed by mankind.
17:02 But no one can tame the tongue, it is an unruly evil,
17:07 full of deadly poison."
17:09 And so right now, we see right away
17:11 that we are at a disadvantage because our tongue
17:15 and our minds are so quick to think,
17:19 and so quick to speak.
17:20 And so on top of that, we think of Jeremiah 17:9,
17:24 that says, "The heart is deceitful
17:26 above all things and desperately wicked.
17:30 Who can know it?"
17:32 And for these reasons,
17:34 we need to be surrendered to the Lord.
17:37 And before we step out of the door of our house,
17:39 before we step out of the bed even,
17:42 pray to the Lord, place ourselves in His hands,
17:45 and let Him take our will, let Him take our tongue
17:48 that we may speak as James says,
17:52 "Words seasoned with grace."
17:54 Actually it's in Colossians I think,
17:55 "Words seasoned with grace."
17:59 Otherwise we are going to use deceit,
18:02 we are going to lie,
18:04 we are going to use flattery to even cause somebody
18:08 to do something for us where we should appeal
18:12 instead to their kindness because there are people,
18:16 I remember one time, we were taking some classes
18:22 because we were about to going door to door
18:26 to ask people to consider
18:28 purchasing some Christian books.
18:30 And one of the videos that somebody shared,
18:34 or something somebody said, it says
18:36 when you go to somebody's house,
18:37 find something to praise them about.
18:41 And so you're asking what do you mean?
18:44 And so somebody said, "Well, it has to be honest
18:47 and sincere praise."
18:49 So if you're going to praise somebody,
18:51 be sincere about it.
18:52 And say, "You know,
18:54 I really appreciate this about you.
18:56 It encourages me that you are always saying
18:59 please and thank you."
19:01 Instead of using deceit to manipulate people
19:04 because people do that.
19:06 They try to manipulate with words and deceit
19:10 to try to gain something for themselves.
19:12 And the Bible warns against that kind of flattery.
19:13 And the Bible warns against that.
19:15 So flattery is a dangerous thing.
19:18 And so I even remember Sister Ellen G White saying,
19:23 after you preach a sermon and somebody tells you,
19:26 "What a wonderful job you did!"
19:28 That you say, "Well, thank you,
19:30 but the devil already told me that."
19:32 And so this is...
19:34 Praise is something difficult to handle sometimes.
19:37 So we have to be surrendered to the Lord
19:40 and ask the Lord to help us.
19:41 You know, one of the commandments says,
19:44 "You should not bear false witness
19:46 against your neighbor."
19:47 So we're talking about lying and deceit,
19:50 and how dangerous it is.
19:53 You've mentioned exaggeration at the very beginning.
19:55 Exaggeration, yes.
19:56 It is telling a half truth, a lie,
19:59 or if you're exaggerating the results or something,
20:03 is that a lie?
20:05 Yes, I believe it is.
20:07 Amen. I believe it is.
20:11 Anything you do with malicious intent
20:14 to get praise for yourself,
20:17 to get something out of the person
20:21 using deceit of any kind is not according to the way
20:25 the Lord works because the Lord speaks the truth,
20:30 speaks the truth out of love,
20:31 and we are to exhort one another in love as well.
20:34 And so love, it should be
20:38 the motivating factor in our conversations
20:43 and in our dealings with other people
20:46 because we are told to love our neighbor as ourself.
20:49 So I ask myself,
20:51 "Would you want to be manipulated
20:54 by deceit and these type of things?"
20:56 "Oh, no, I wouldn't want to do that."
20:58 You know, that's why we can think
20:59 of some people call it the golden rule,
21:01 "Do unto others as you will
21:03 like for others to do unto you."
21:05 So I don't wanna be lied to, manipulated, with deceit,
21:10 or any type of exaggerations
21:12 to make me think something else.
21:14 And, you know, sometimes, people exaggerate things
21:18 because the reality is not...
21:23 They want to impress people. Yes.
21:25 And so that's why exaggeration comes,
21:27 but the Bible says,
21:29 "Let your yes be yes, and your no be no.
21:32 Whatsoever is more than these cometh
21:34 from the evil one."
21:36 So when we think of these things,
21:38 we really have to be careful, especially when we try to
21:41 like you said a half truth because the mind works,
21:44 what can I say...
21:45 "If I say this then they're not gonna think
21:48 well of me or I'm not gonna get what I desire."
21:51 So a half truth can be a deadly weapon, if I can say,
21:57 an exaggeration, it can be a deadly weapon
22:00 that we use cooperating with the devil in his desires
22:05 to cause division and to cause problems.
22:07 And so I have seen it throughout my life,
22:10 and I'm sure that I've done it one time or another,
22:13 exaggeration or leaving some truth out,
22:17 not telling the whole story.
22:19 And by God's grace, we should...
22:21 Our pattern, our example is Jesus Christ.
22:25 And I want to mention the words of, I think it's in Peter,
22:28 if I have it here in my notes, concerning Jesus Peter said
22:33 in 1 Peter 2:21-23, "For even hereunto
22:39 were you called because Christ also suffered for us,
22:42 leaving us an example,
22:44 that you should follow his steps,
22:46 'Who did no sin, neither was guile
22:49 found in his mouth,'" that's deceit.
22:51 "Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again,
22:54 when he suffered, he threatened not,
22:56 but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously."
22:59 So Jesus gave us an example that we should not have
23:02 deceit in our mouth or in our tongues
23:07 considering that the heart is deceitful
23:11 and desperately wicked,
23:13 we need to surrender our heart to the Lord
23:15 that He may give us a purified heart.
23:18 You know, this is a perfect segue
23:20 into Mollie's because you're talking about
23:22 deceit and passing rumors on that or half truth.
23:29 But then even sometimes, Mollie,
23:31 we may know the truth about somebody,
23:34 and be guilty of gossip or backbiting,
23:38 but what does the Bible have to say about that?
23:41 Well, gossip, I've got the scriptures on gossip.
23:45 But first I thought I would define
23:47 what gossip and backbiting are.
23:50 Yes.
23:51 Gossip is casual or unconstrained conversation
23:57 or reports about other people.
23:59 And it doesn't matter whether It's the truth or not.
24:01 Right.
24:03 It's reports about other people typically involving details
24:07 that are not confirmed as being true.
24:11 Unconfirmed idle talk about the private affairs of others.
24:17 And people so want to know the details
24:22 of other people's lives.
24:24 The salacious details, we just almost feed on it, don't we?
24:26 Yeah.
24:28 And so in Proverbs 20:19, the Scripture says,
24:34 "He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets,
24:39 therefore do not associate with a gossip."
24:43 Calls it out, don't associate with a gossip.
24:46 Now let me just take a little pause here.
24:50 Have you ever been in a situation
24:54 where all of a sudden the conversation turned,
24:57 and you realized this is gossip,
24:59 and I don't want to have any part of it?
25:02 Well, what I want you to do in a few minutes is give you
25:06 weapons of warfare to keep you
25:10 from allowing the gossiper
25:13 to use your ear as a garbage dump.
25:16 But let's go on now.
25:17 Let's look at backbiting because backbiting and gossip
25:22 aren't identically the same thing.
25:24 Backbiting is malicious talk about someone
25:29 who's not present, it's rumors, secrets, or lies, comments,
25:35 and whispers behind your back.
25:38 A backbiter bites your back,
25:42 talks about you behind your back.
25:46 And in Galatians 5, I'm gonna look at verses 14 through 16.
25:51 Okay.
25:53 The Scripture says, "For all the law is fulfilled
25:55 in one word, even in this,
25:58 "You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
26:01 But if you bite," there's that word, bite,
26:05 backbiting, "If you bite and devour one another,
26:10 beware lest you be consumed by one another.
26:14 I say then, walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill
26:19 the lust of the flesh."
26:20 So what is backbiting, gossiping, and devouring?
26:24 It's lust of the flesh, it's an act of the flesh.
26:27 Our spirit indeed is willing, we've got weak flesh,
26:33 and some of us like to listen to gossip.
26:36 We've got to be rid, allow the Lord to rid us
26:41 of this sinful tendencies.
26:44 Proverbs 4:23 says, and this is the way to rid us
26:50 of these tendencies,
26:52 "Keeping guard your heart with all vigilance,
26:55 and above all that you guard,
26:57 for out of it flow the springs of life."
26:59 Keeping guard what?
27:01 Your heart with all vigilance and above all that
27:04 you guard for out of it flow the issues of life.
27:08 So how did you guard your heart?
27:10 See, things can only enter into your heart
27:13 one of two ways, that's what you hear,
27:16 and what you see.
27:17 So how do you keep things from entering your heart
27:20 through your ear?
27:22 Sometimes you have to tell people,
27:23 "Oh, I don't want to hear that."
27:25 By what you see, you have to turn the TV channel
27:29 from what you're watching over to 3ABN.
27:32 That's a good way.
27:34 But it's guarding your heart.
27:36 See, it takes two to gossip. Now think about that.
27:40 You can say, "Oh, sister..." So and so.
27:42 She said you gossip, "You would not believe what she told me."
27:45 Well, honey, it took two to gossip,
27:48 one to do the speaking,
27:50 but it takes one to listen to it,
27:56 and those words go into ears.
27:57 And do you know once you've heard something,
27:59 you have to deal with it whether it's true or not,
28:02 you have to deal with everything
28:04 that goes into your ears.
28:05 And remember the Scripture says
28:07 to guard your heart with all vigilance.
28:10 And so let's say, you are prayed up,
28:13 you are confessed up, you are standing before God,
28:17 you've got clean hands and a pure heart before you,
28:20 before the Lord, and then someone comes
28:22 and starts telling you the most malicious gossip
28:26 about someone.
28:28 And it's going into your ear,
28:29 and you know where it's going to wind up?
28:31 Right in your heart.
28:32 And so you have clean hands and a pure heart,
28:35 and now you don't.
28:36 What you have just done is allowed someone
28:40 to use your ear as garbage dumps
28:43 to put their garbage in.
28:45 And so I wanted to just give you
28:48 a couple of ways to stop that.
28:51 The number one way is when someone is gossiping,
28:55 they're telling you something that you don't want to hear,
28:58 you ask them,
28:59 "Where did you get your information?"
29:01 And they probably won't tell you
29:04 or the next way to surely stop before they tell them,
29:08 "Well, may I quote you on this?"
29:10 And they're going to tell you, "No, I just..."
29:13 See, a gossip doesn't want to be found out.
29:16 First and foremost, ask them where they got
29:18 their information, and then can you quote them,
29:21 and if the answer is no, you just tell them,
29:23 "I don't want to hear it," because then you're having
29:26 to deal with a heart that has been contaminated.
29:30 Gossip is a nasty disease,
29:33 it's a poison that kills relationships.
29:36 And that's Proverbs 16:28, "A perverse man sows strife,
29:42 and a whisperer separates the best of friends."
29:46 Poison, that's what whisperer will do,
29:50 it will kill a friendship.
29:52 Proverbs 17:9, "He who covers a transgression seeks love,
29:58 but he who repeats a matter separates,"
30:01 what, "close friends."
30:04 And I wanted to just speak a minute
30:06 and I'll hurry on this.
30:09 It says that...
30:10 Go ahead. Don't hurry.
30:12 Okay, it says, "He who covers a transgression seeks love."
30:18 He who does what? Covers a transgression.
30:22 The Scripture tells us that, "A talebearer reveals secrets,
30:27 but he who is of a faithful spirit,"
30:30 this is Proverbs 11:13, "conceals a matter."
30:34 Proverbs 10:19, "Hatred stirs up strife,
30:38 but love covers all sin."
30:40 I believe it's the King James Version
30:42 says that, "Love covers a multitude of sin."
30:46 So we've got one here that says, covers,
30:49 conceals a matter, and then...
30:53 Let me ask you this.
30:55 Love covers a multitude of sins, who is love?
30:59 Jesus. God is love.
31:00 The scripture tells us that 1 John 4:8,
31:04 "He who does not love does not know God,
31:06 for God is love."
31:07 Doesn't say God is loving, that is an adjective.
31:11 It says God is love, that's a noun.
31:15 God is pure love that's what He is.
31:17 And this Scripture says love covers a multitude of sin.
31:21 Well, let me hurry with this.
31:22 "Hatred stirs up strife."
31:24 The scripture says that, this is Revelation 12:10,
31:30 "Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,
31:32 'Now salvation, and strengthen, and the Kingdom of our God,
31:36 and the power of His Christ has come,
31:38 and the accuser of the brethren,
31:41 who accused them before our God day and night
31:45 has been cast down."
31:46 What is the accuser of the brethren do?
31:49 He accuses. What does God do?
31:52 God loves us, God covers us.
31:55 It doesn't mean that we deny that someone has an area
32:00 in their life that needs help, that needs correction,
32:03 but it means that we don't reveal it.
32:06 We don't... It's the accuser of the brethren
32:08 that reveals the secrets about others.
32:12 So you have an opportunity when you're in a position
32:17 to identify the person that is talking to you.
32:21 Are they exhibiting the attributes of God,
32:24 are they covering, or are they exhibiting
32:28 the attributes of the accuser of the brethren,
32:31 are they revealing, are they exposing?
32:35 God covers, the enemy exposes.
32:37 I wanted to say just these last two things
32:40 or three things.
32:42 Do not repeat anything you will not sign your name to.
32:46 I'm going to say it again. Amen.
32:47 Don't repeat anything you won't sign your name
32:50 to always remember, if they will gossip to you,
32:54 they will gossip about you.
32:56 And, Johnny, concerning what you had to say earlier
32:59 about flattery, gossip is saying
33:02 behind their back
33:04 what you wouldn't say to their face.
33:06 Gossip behind their back
33:08 what you wouldn't say to their face.
33:09 But this is flattery saying to their face
33:13 what you wouldn't say behind their back.
33:15 Remember, we want God to keep us with clean hands
33:18 and a pure heart.
33:19 To do that, we guard our heart, we don't allow our ears
33:23 to hear, our eyes to see those things
33:26 which are displeasing to God.
33:28 So the next time you're tempted to gossip or to talk
33:31 about somebody behind their back, backbiting,
33:34 then just remember that you need
33:37 to muzzle your mouth because you're sinning
33:39 with your tongue is what the Bible is saying.
33:40 Absolutely right.
33:42 And, JD, I think that you have unwholesome speech.
33:47 Man, I tell you, my mind is
33:49 just going all over the place right now.
33:51 Me too. Help me, Jesus.
33:58 First of all I want to...
33:59 Let me tell some words out to you,
34:01 what is unwholesome mean.
34:03 And then I'm gonna go into my first experience,
34:07 I guess, dealing with a...
34:10 I got my hand slapped.
34:13 Wholesome, unwholesome is being unhealthy,
34:16 that's the simple word for me is being unhealthy.
34:19 It can also mean corrupt, decayed, evil.
34:23 Remember, we're talking about speech,
34:25 so we're talking about corrupted speech,
34:28 decayed speech, evil speech, harmful speech, immoral,
34:31 impure, offensive, unclean, toxic,
34:34 and probably about a hundred more.
34:37 That's the kind of unwholesome speech
34:41 that we're talking about.
34:44 I remember when I was probably five or six years old,
34:50 Momma kept telling us no...
34:52 I grew in a very puritanical home, and boy,
34:55 we played by the rules, if we didn't play by the rules,
34:58 we got a little hand slapped and everything.
35:01 And all of a sudden, out of nowhere,
35:02 we're started talking about the soap and mouth.
35:07 If you're old enough, you know, that boy...
35:10 I think that every young kid, I'm going to wash your mouth
35:12 out with soap, if you do not do A, B, C
35:15 or if you say this or say that.
35:18 Well, I guess, as most kids,
35:19 you're pushing the envelope constantly.
35:22 So I guess I pushed the envelope too far.
35:24 But my mother was a very fair person.
35:26 She was going to wash my mouth out with soap,
35:29 and then she forgot about it.
35:31 I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap,
35:32 she forgot about it.
35:34 So then I kind of thought,
35:35 well, she's just all bark and no bite.
35:37 Oh, boy, did I make a mistake.
35:41 The day she came she says, went by Jimmy,
35:45 "Jimmy, choose your soap."
35:48 "What?"
35:50 And she had about
35:51 five different brands of soap there.
35:54 And she says, "Today is the day of reckoning."
35:57 And I could see it in her eyes.
36:00 And I chose ivory soap 'cause I thought
36:05 that was probably the most mild and it floated on water.
36:08 So anyway, I thought she was still just...
36:13 Not going to...
36:14 She was just talking,
36:15 but then the toothbrush came out,
36:18 soap that thing up, and I mean, I get a soaping, did I get...
36:23 My mouth has never been cleaner than it was
36:26 that particular day.
36:29 But I learned a valuable lesson.
36:31 Number one, don't push momma too far.
36:34 Number two is soap does not taste good.
36:38 And number three, these are consequences
36:41 to saying things that you don't want to say.
36:46 I liked it when we started off this,
36:48 "But I say to you that for every idle word
36:50 men may speak, they must give an account of it
36:53 on the Day of Judgment."
36:54 Well, the truth is how many people really stop
36:56 and think about what that says because we're so reactionary.
37:00 "Don't push me, I don't push you."
37:02 And that's the reason, that probably bottom line is
37:06 every day that you wake up,
37:08 "Lord, empty me of me and fill me with You,"
37:10 because, man, it's tough out there.
37:15 And the scriptures that were given to me
37:17 dealing with this, and then we'll go back
37:19 of how we start every day.
37:21 Let's go with Ephesians 4.
37:24 And I mean, we can go to Ephesians 4
37:26 and start with verse 25 and we'll go down.
37:31 Each of you, that's everybody,
37:34 "Each of you must put off falsehood
37:38 or lying and speak truthfully to His neighbor."
37:40 His neighbor is...
37:41 that's our brotherhood, that's who we're dealing with.
37:44 It's not necessarily your next door neighbor,
37:46 it could be your wife, it could be your brother,
37:48 your friend, it could be your enemy.
37:52 "Speaking truthfully to his neighbor,
37:54 for we all are one members of one body, one body.
37:59 In your anger do not sin."
38:02 Oh, Johnny, that's a tough one right there
38:04 because, you know, we just get pushed and pushed,
38:07 but as I started researching this,
38:10 this is not necessarily talking
38:11 about putting the boxing gloves on,
38:13 this is talking about righteous and ignition.
38:15 This is talking about resentment.
38:17 Mollie may say something to me that may hurt my feelings,
38:21 but that's no need to put the boxing gloves on.
38:23 That just means,
38:24 "Hey, I need to work on my attitude
38:27 or we need to talk to see what this issue is,"
38:31 because I don't want something
38:33 between Mollie and me, I mean...
38:36 So this is being Christ-like.
38:39 "Lord, be with me today as I start my day out,
38:43 fill me with You, get this all niceness out."
38:47 And then, "Do not let the sun go down
38:50 while you are still angry
38:52 and do not give the devil a foothold."
38:53 I guess that we've all heard that,
38:55 especially if you are married.
38:57 If you are having an argument or something like that,
38:59 don't let the sun go down until you up righted that.
39:03 And that's really quite simple or it can be very difficult.
39:08 Who are you serving this day?
39:10 Are you serving Jesus? It'll be easy.
39:13 "Shelley, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that,
39:15 I mean, I guess I reacted over something,
39:18 you know, I got stopped today by the police
39:21 and I just haven't got past that."
39:22 Whatever it may be or you can just work
39:26 right into what the devil.
39:28 "Shelley, I'm not gonna forget this."
39:30 You know, shame, shame, shame.
39:32 "Lord, please help me today as I start this day
39:35 'cause you're gonna have to empower me,
39:37 I can't do this by myself."
39:39 And then we're gonna down here to Ephesians 4:29,
39:45 "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth,
39:47 but what is good for necessary edification."
39:50 Now that's what we were talking about
39:51 that edification is building someone up.
39:54 That's what we want to do 'cause that's reciprocation.
39:57 We don't want to be a stumbling block.
39:59 We want to be there to assist other people
40:02 in building them up that it may convey,
40:07 impart grace to the hearers.
40:09 Thank you that we have that option
40:10 because remember we've got to give an account
40:14 on the Day of Judgment.
40:16 So what's coming out of our mouth, counts.
40:18 That's a biggie, I never really had thought about that.
40:22 I know there is the book of remembrance.
40:25 I mean, all this is being written.
40:27 Wow, this thing is getting heavy
40:29 all of a sudden.
40:31 It's not just the matter of pushing the envelope.
40:34 Ephesians 5:4,
40:36 "Let there be no filthiness," in other words,
40:39 "Let's don't bring shame into this situation,
40:42 let's don't have any indecency or obscenity,
40:45 let's don't be foolish, let's don't be sinful."
40:48 Boy, sinful, that's a tough one right there
40:50 because you can feel though
40:51 all kind of innuendos out there today,
40:54 just those little bitty birds that go under the saddle.
40:58 And, boy, by the time that you've ridden that horse
41:00 all day long, those little birds,
41:03 they've been birding into that horses back,
41:05 and I'll guarantee that horse like my mother,
41:10 that envelope's been pushed far enough
41:12 and that horse is going to buck you off.
41:14 So watch those little innuendos,
41:16 those little ways of trying to get back at somebody.
41:18 And sometimes we can just kind of have an agenda
41:22 and try to be silly about something.
41:25 And it also tells us in 2 Timothy 2:16,
41:28 we have gone from Ephesians 4 now,
41:30 I say 25, 30.
41:31 Before you leave Ephesians 5, when you were talking
41:34 about the, "Don't let there be filthiness,
41:38 foolishness nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting."
41:43 And I think of unwholesome speech
41:46 that coarse jesting is important.
41:49 You bet. You bet.
41:51 Yeah, now that we are not sitting here talking about
41:54 just having a good time, you know,
41:56 laughing about something that's wholesome.
42:00 No, of course...
42:01 Yeah, we're sitting here, sitting around the water cooler
42:05 and having a one-upsman and things get out of hand
42:08 so quick because either of our inadequacy
42:11 because I want to be accepted.
42:15 Boy, I just keep going back to this,
42:16 of course, I'm an old mature horse
42:18 so I look through different set of eyes.
42:20 I keep going, boy, this is fantastic.
42:22 Every idle word, you're going to have to get account of that.
42:26 Boy, that will stop in your tracks.
42:29 So, Lord, let me muzzle my mouth.
42:34 Amen. Muzzle my mouth.
42:35 Amen.
42:37 And then it goes on and says, one more, Shelley.
42:39 And we're talking about the grumblers, the murmurers,
42:42 the complainers.
42:43 Oh, my goodness, oh my, boy, they're everywhere.
42:46 Walking accord to their own selfish lust,
42:49 that they mouth great swelling words,
42:53 those little bitty tiny words and...
42:57 Jack can tell the story a little bit brighter
42:59 I had a few more verbs and adjectives
43:03 and everything until finally we have
43:05 an inflated story here that didn't even happen.
43:07 Amen.
43:09 And then, of course, we have talked about
43:12 this enough about the flattering to people
43:14 to gain advantage.
43:16 Amen. So anyway...
43:18 So unwholesome speech you've set it up
43:21 perfectly though,
43:22 just kind of segues into the last scripture
43:25 you read was on the grumbling, and murmuring, and complaining
43:28 which is the little segment I have.
43:31 And let me just...
43:32 We're gonna start with 1 Corinthians 10:10.
43:35 I've just got about four scriptures
43:36 that I would like to share with you.
43:38 We're talking about ways we sin with our mouth,
43:41 we've looked at lying, and deceitfulness, gossip,
43:44 and backbiting, unwholesome speech,
43:47 coarse speech, but, boy, this is one as I said
43:50 I think the Lord let me get this on purpose
43:54 'cause if any of this hasn't gotten you,
43:56 I bet this one does.
43:57 In 1 Corinthians 10:10, Paul writes and says,
44:02 "Do not grumble."
44:05 That's murmuring or muttering under your breath
44:08 in a complaining attitude.
44:11 He says, "Do not grumble as some of them did
44:15 and were killed by the destroying angel."
44:18 And I don't know exactly which scripture
44:21 he was referring to here, probably Numbers 24,
44:25 when they were grumbling, and murmuring, and complaining.
44:28 Numbers 21.
44:29 When they were grumbling, and murmuring,
44:31 and complaining against Moses and Aaron.
44:35 And what God do He sent fiery serpents to kill them
44:40 and then they had to set up the bronze serpent
44:42 which represented Jesus Christ.
44:44 So that they looked to Him to that and be saved and...
44:49 But when we think about it,
44:51 what is at the root of murmuring?
44:55 It's unbelief.
44:57 When you're murmuring, and grumbling, and complaining,
45:01 it's unbelief, it's a denial of the goodness
45:05 in the mercy of God.
45:07 And we know that if it's unbelief,
45:10 that's without faith and Paul said in Romans 14:23,
45:15 "Whatever is not a faith is," what, "sin."
45:19 So here the reason God judged them
45:24 and destroyed the people is that
45:26 they were being totally faithless,
45:28 they were murmuring, and grumbling, and complaining
45:31 against Moses and Aaron.
45:33 And it was their faithlessness.
45:36 So when he says do not grumble, that's a call for us
45:39 to keep a faith-filled positive attitude
45:43 in our heart.
45:44 And, you know, the Israelites were so good
45:47 at grumbling and complaining.
45:49 I know that on another occasion.
45:53 They just totally forgot about God's blessings
45:56 that He was delivering them,
45:57 He was setting them up as a nation,
45:58 He was gonna give them a land of inheritance.
46:02 So what He did on another occasion,
46:04 what they did,
46:05 they were grumbling, and murmuring, and complaining
46:07 because they missed the wonderful Egyptian food
46:12 that they left behind.
46:13 And listen to what Moses said in Exodus 16:8-9,
46:19 Moses says,
46:21 "This shall be seen when the Lord gives you meat
46:24 to eat in the evening,
46:25 and the morning bread to the full.
46:27 For the Lord hears your complaints
46:30 which you make against Him."
46:32 When we are murmuring and complaining,
46:35 we're murmuring and complaining against God.
46:38 He says, "'What are we?
46:40 Your complaints are not against us,
46:43 but against the Lord."
46:45 Then Moses spoke to Aaron, say to all the congregation
46:48 of the children of Israel, come near before the Lord,
46:52 for He has heard your complaints."'
46:55 Wow, so when we're murmuring and complaining
46:58 about our circumstances that God allowed
47:01 to be orchestrated in our life,
47:03 we're murmuring and complaining against God.
47:06 You know, people murmur and complain
47:08 about their pastors sometimes.
47:12 God put that pastor in place,
47:14 you're murmuring and complaining against God.
47:17 So let's look at Numbers 14 because I really...
47:23 I remember the first time that this scripture hit me
47:26 straight between the eyes and this was about
47:30 15, 20 years ago.
47:33 In Numbers 14:3, the Israelites are murmuring,
47:40 and complaining, and they said,
47:43 "Why has Lord brought us out here to fall by the sword,
47:48 that our wives and our children should become victims?
47:53 Would it not be better for us to return to Egypt?"
47:57 So here God has delivered them from bondage, He saved them.
48:01 And now they're saying,
48:02 "Oh, He's brought us out here today to die."
48:06 And in Numbers 14:27, here's what God says to them,
48:13 "How long shall I bear with this evil congregation
48:17 who complains against Me?
48:18 I have heard the complaints
48:20 which the children of Israel make against me.
48:22 Say to them, as I live, says the Lord,
48:27 just as you have spoken in my hearing,
48:29 so I will do to you."
48:31 So they are saying,
48:32 oh, they are being totally faithless,
48:34 God didn't bring us out here to deliver us,
48:37 He brought us out in the wilderness to die.
48:40 And God says, "Okay, if that's what you think,
48:43 that's what I'll allow."
48:44 Here they are standing
48:45 at the edge of the Promised Land,
48:47 God commands them to turn around
48:49 and they get to go back and wander around the mountain
48:51 one more time for 40 years,
48:53 one more time, and one more time.
48:55 So in Hebrews, it says that they were shut out
49:00 of the Promised Land by unbelief.
49:03 And in Philippians 2.
49:07 Is this getting to you?
49:09 Do you realize when we kind of grumble, and murmur,
49:11 and complaining, we are guilty of it.
49:13 Philippians 2, I'm going to read this
49:15 from the Amplified in verses 14-16.
49:20 It says, Paul says, "Do all things
49:23 without grumbling and faultfinding
49:26 and complaining against God,
49:29 and questioning and doubting among yourselves
49:32 that you may show yourself to be blameless and guileless,
49:34 innocent and uncontaminated, children of God
49:38 without blemish, faultless, where you cannot be rebuked."
49:43 He says, "In the midst of a crooked
49:45 and wicked generation,
49:47 among whom you are seen as bright lights
49:51 as you hold out to the world and offer it the word of life."
49:56 So Paul is saying, don't grumble,
50:00 you're murmuring against God, but here's...
50:03 Our time's all gone, I can't believe it.
50:06 Here is the bottom line to what we are talking about
50:09 and you all can jump in here.
50:11 When the promise of the New Covenant
50:13 is God will give us a new heart.
50:15 Amen.
50:16 See, cleaning up our speech alone
50:20 won't solve the heart problem.
50:22 We've got to have Jesus living in our heart
50:25 by the power of the Holy Spirit,
50:27 we've got to have this spirit of God in us.
50:29 So muzzling your mouth and just cleaning up
50:31 your speech isn't enough,
50:33 you've got to have the Holy Spirit within you
50:36 and bring every, only by him can you
50:38 bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
50:43 So yes, we've got to muzzle our mouth,
50:47 put that bridle on our mouth.
50:49 And either speak in faith or lock it up,
50:54 and don't speak at all.
50:56 In Psalm 141:3, David prays,
51:02 "Set a guard, O Lord,
51:05 over my mouth, keep watch over the door of my lips."
51:10 And that's what we've got to pray,
51:11 isn't it, Mollie?
51:12 Yes, and the scripture plainly says
51:14 out of the abidance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
51:18 And it's about those very words that we are justified,
51:22 made righteous or condemned, and that is where
51:26 that pronouncement is placed over them.
51:28 So it is about the words that are in our heart
51:33 and that's where we pray...
51:34 Shows the attitude of your heart.
51:36 Yeah.
51:37 Ask God, "Search me, O God, know my heart,
51:39 try me and know my thoughts."
51:40 Amen.
51:41 "See if there any evil way in me
51:43 and lead me in the path everlasting."
51:44 I just want to thank you each of you
51:45 for your contribution to this Bible topic
51:48 and it just seemed to flyby.
51:51 Did you have a comment?
51:53 Well, I know we've got a news break coming up.
51:55 Oh, yes, we do have a news break.
51:57 Thank you. But this has just flown by.
51:59 We're going to come back in just a moment,
52:01 and we'll have a final word,
52:03 but stay tuned for that final word.


Revised 2018-01-03