3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017088B

00:01 It happened so often
00:02 when we're discussing a subject that is so important to us,
00:05 time has just flown.
00:07 But concerning this subject of peace,
00:09 I wanted each one of you
00:11 just to look into your camera over here
00:13 and just speak to the people's heart
00:15 who is really struggling with peace at this time.
00:18 Dee, we'll start with you.
00:20 A friend of mine phrases it this way
00:22 that we have a much narrower view
00:25 than God does in our hardships that we're seeking for healing
00:28 when God wants to bring us a resurrection.
00:30 Or we want to be spared from temptation
00:32 when God wants to deliver us through temptation.
00:35 It may not feel like it at the moment
00:36 but God is achieving a far greater glory
00:38 through the situation than then we realize,
00:41 and it's through trusting Him that we see it come to pass,
00:43 and it's through our story
00:45 that others can learn to trust Him too.
00:46 None of us here can know
00:49 what the viewer is going through in life.
00:51 Life is difficult.
00:53 And, but we have to remember in 1 Peter 5:7,
00:57 "Caste all your cares upon me, for he cares for you."
01:01 And that's something we need to remember
01:03 is God truly does care.
01:05 His heart is for you,
01:07 His thoughts are immeasurable toward you.
01:09 His plan for you is out of this world,
01:12 and we just need to hang on Him in faith
01:14 and have that perfect peace.
01:15 Amen. Pastor Dinzey?
01:18 Well, I would like to say, you know,
01:20 God's love for you is far more than you
01:23 can never imagine or even measure.
01:26 So I want to encourage you
01:27 to consider the words of Jesus come unto me
01:29 or you that are weary and heavy-laden,
01:32 and I will give you rest.
01:33 He will give you rest from worry,
01:35 rest from depression, rest from sorrow,
01:39 and He will give you the peace that He offers.
01:40 He says, He wants to give this to you.
01:43 So I encourage you to remember that He loves you.
01:47 And I want to share this closing scripture about peace.
01:50 And, John, it's from...
01:52 Jesus says well, "Peace I leave you with..."
01:54 that's John 14:27,
01:57 "My peace I give to you, not as the world giveth,
02:01 do I give to you.
02:02 Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
02:06 And I think that's what we all want
02:08 to encourage every one of us in.
02:10 Let's not let our hearts be troubled or afraid.
02:13 Let's put our confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ,
02:16 and He will speak over us, peace be still,
02:19 and there will be a great calm.
02:21 Well, Dee Casper, thank you so much for joining us today.
02:24 Pastor Ferguson, Pastor Dinzey,
02:26 it was a joy to have each one of you.
02:28 And I want to thank all of you for your love,
02:32 and your prayers, your financial support to 3ABN.
02:35 And our prayer for each and every one of you
02:38 is that the peace of God,
02:40 it passes all understanding will keep you in Jesus name.
02:44 God bless you.


Revised 2017-12-24