3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017088A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:11 It is always such a joy and honor
01:13 to welcome you to our program.
01:16 We are very aware here at 3ABN
01:19 that is our viewers and listeners'
01:21 love and prayers and financial support
01:24 that make us able to accomplish
01:27 what God's called us to accomplish.
01:29 So we thank you that you've joined us
01:32 in evangelizing the whole world
01:34 with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:36 Well, today on our Today program
01:39 I've got three guests
01:41 and these are friends and family here at 3ABN.
01:46 And today we're going to do a Bible study
01:49 on the topic of peace.
01:51 Let me introduce you to the gentlemen
01:54 that are here to help me.
01:55 First Pastor John Dinzey.
01:57 Pastor Dinzey, thank you so much for joining us.
02:00 Oh, it's a blessing and a pleasure to be here
02:02 by God's grace.
02:04 Amen.
02:05 We all know that John is the general manager
02:07 of 3ABN Latino.
02:09 Well, next to Pastor John is Pastor Ferguson.
02:12 Pastor Ferguson, it's a joy to have you here.
02:14 You are the pastor
02:15 of the Marion Seventh-day Adventist Church.
02:18 Yes.
02:19 Yes, and it's wonderful to be here today.
02:21 Thank you so much.
02:22 And next to him is Dee Casper.
02:25 And Dee Casper
02:26 is the evangelism director at UnScene Media Group.
02:31 Dee, thank you for joining us today.
02:33 I'm blessed to be here. Thank you.
02:35 Well, it's always a joy
02:36 to have friends and family of 3ABN.
02:40 And today again the subject
02:42 that we're going to look at is peace.
02:45 And we right now just looking into our world, gentlemen,
02:51 there is a lot going on, isn't there?
02:55 When we were thinking about this program,
02:57 I just very quickly wrote down a few of the things
03:02 that are going on right now in our world.
03:05 Started with Harvey, Hurricane Harvey,
03:08 and that was in Texas and Louisiana.
03:11 I think it's where the greatest devastation was.
03:14 Next came Hurricane Irma
03:17 in the Caribbean Islands and Florida.
03:20 Then Jose, then Maria and then Nate,
03:23 it's like it's a never ending hurricane season.
03:29 And they're not just doing a little damage,
03:31 it's horrendous damage.
03:33 In some areas it's more damage
03:35 than has ever been or more damage
03:38 than has been in many, many years.
03:41 So a lot of damage going on.
03:44 Then I thought about just tornados
03:46 that are spin-offs of the hurricanes.
03:49 There are volcanoes that are erupting now,
03:52 earthquakes in Mexico.
03:54 And I looked just this morning and do you know just yesterday
03:58 there were 13 earthquakes in the world,
04:01 not near the size of the one in Mexico.
04:04 But there is just...
04:05 I just wanted to mention some of the things
04:09 that are causing so much unrest in the world.
04:14 And not to mention
04:16 there are right now 55 armed conflicts
04:21 of those 8-15 can be considered wars.
04:26 Now the difference in an armed conflict and a war,
04:30 an armed conflict is determined a war
04:34 when a thousand people have been killed.
04:37 And there are armed conflicts all over the world right now.
04:41 And four
04:43 that have been going on for many, many years
04:46 with over 10,000 people having been killed.
04:49 And I thought I would mention those.
04:50 Three of those are on the continent of Asia,
04:53 one in North America.
04:55 But the war in Afghanistan has been going on since 1978.
05:01 The war in Iraq since 2003, Syrian war since 2011.
05:07 And a conflict that has been
05:11 defined as a war is the Mexican drug war.
05:15 And it's been going on since 2006.
05:17 Again, in these wars over 10,000 have been killed.
05:21 And just one more fact
05:24 I wanted to give you
05:27 of the past 3, 400 years of recorded history.
05:32 Man has been entirely at peace only 268 of those years.
05:39 Do you know that means
05:42 that there is only 8% of recorded history
05:45 where there was peace.
05:47 And I know, Pastor Ferguson,
05:48 I think you had some statistics of your own.
05:51 Yeah, I was just thinking about the shooting
05:53 in Los Vegas too.
05:54 Yes.
05:56 And the hundreds that were injured.
05:57 And 58 or 59 they were actually killed.
06:00 And we live in a world that is in turmoil.
06:04 When you think about
06:05 the hurricanes that you mentioned,
06:07 the two that hit the mainland $290 billion worth of damage.
06:12 And this involves homes, furniture.
06:15 It involves commercial property and infrastructure.
06:20 And then when it comes to Puerto Rico,
06:23 there they lost their entire power grid
06:26 and all the residents on that island
06:28 have been impacted 3.4 million.
06:31 As a matter of fact one town had 80% of their...
06:34 I think it was CataƱo I think, isn't it?
06:36 Eight percent of all their properties were destroyed.
06:40 So they're having to rebuild and it's going to be an ongoing
06:43 for months and years I'm sure for some.
06:45 And one of the things
06:47 I think about we're looking at a macro view of all of this.
06:49 But there's also for every one of those people
06:52 there were over a million vehicles
06:53 that were also damaged or destroyed.
06:55 For every one of those people there is a story,
06:59 there's an impact that this has on them.
07:01 One man after Harvey hit,
07:04 he was being interviewed
07:06 and I saw him mentioning
07:07 that he was standing in front of his destroyed home saying
07:09 he had just finished paying for it
07:11 in preparation for retirement.
07:13 And he did not have flood insurance.
07:16 So you look at this
07:18 and this is just one of many, many stories
07:21 that are going on throughout the world right now.
07:23 When it came to the earthquake
07:26 in Mexico 7.1 on the Richter scale.
07:29 There were 37 aftershocks that happened.
07:33 And then I did a little search,
07:34 and I found out there's 14, 000 earthquakes
07:37 around the world each year averaging 40 a day
07:41 that are happening so.
07:42 If it's not coming close to home,
07:44 oftentimes it's out there somewhere
07:46 and we don't even think about it.
07:48 But it's still happening around the world.
07:51 So I think my question and the reason
07:55 for this program today
07:57 is in the midst of all these disasters.
08:00 Some are natural,
08:02 some are manmade and they're all over the world.
08:05 No one people group is being affected.
08:09 It's all over the world, we're all being affected.
08:13 Now we're in the Midwest.
08:15 And so we haven't had a hurricane
08:18 but what we have are tornadoes.
08:21 Everyone has an opportunity for their peace.
08:25 I had a lady tell me once
08:27 she was driving up the road to Lake Tahoe.
08:33 And she said the lady that was the driver of the car
08:37 was going way too fast, and she said
08:39 she would look out her passenger side window,
08:42 and it was just almost straight down,
08:45 and she said,
08:46 "Mollie, my peace just flew right off the window."
08:49 And so there are times
08:51 when we think everything
08:53 is just fine and just like that,
08:55 gentlemen, our peace can flow, just fly right off the window.
08:59 So in the midst of all of this
09:02 what can we do to help people maintain their peace?
09:08 And that's what we'll be discussing, gentlemen.
09:10 But right now we've got Gerri Lynn Mendenhall.
09:13 She's going to sing a beautiful song for us
09:16 "If there ever was".
09:17 Gerri Lynn.
09:32 If there ever was a time
09:36 I needed You before
09:40 Lord, I need You now
09:45 And if there ever was a trial
09:48 I couldn't handle on my own
09:52 That's how this feels somehow
09:57 And if there ever was a child
10:01 Crying out for help
10:05 That's what this song's about
10:11 If there ever was a time
10:13 I needed You before
10:17 Lord, I need You now
10:23 If there ever was a Friend
10:26 Who always kept His Word
10:31 Lord, I know it's You
10:35 For there's never been a time
10:38 That You've left me all alone
10:43 Or been untrue
10:46 And if I know anything
10:52 It's that You will meet my need
10:55 Just like You always do
11:01 So I'm leaning on Your love
11:04 And counting on Your grace
11:07 Just to see me through
11:12 I need You to remind me
11:18 How faithful You have been
11:24 And when I'm at my weakest
11:30 That's where Your strength began
11:38 If there ever was a time
11:42 I needed You before
11:46 Lord, I need You now
11:51 And if there ever was a trial
11:54 I couldn't handle on my own
11:58 That's how this feels somehow
12:03 And if there ever was a child
12:07 Crying out for help
12:11 That's what this song's about All about
12:17 If there ever was a time
12:19 I needed You before
12:24 Lord, I need You
12:29 If there ever was a friend
12:33 Lord, I know it's You
12:37 And I need You now
12:43 I need
12:48 You now
12:59 What a beautiful and appropriate song.
13:01 We need the Lord now.
13:03 Well, gentlemen,
13:05 so many people I believe that are viewing his peace
13:07 has just flown right off the window,
13:09 and they need help.
13:10 How would you help them today?
13:15 Dee, I know you have some thoughts concerning God.
13:18 I think that one of the most probing questions or moments
13:22 like this is where is God?
13:24 Where was God when this happened to me
13:26 or to someone I care about?
13:27 And a study that I've been taking people
13:30 through a lot in recent weeks that's been helpful for me
13:33 is just when you look at the wife of John the Baptist
13:36 Mary, Martha, and Lazarus and even Jesus Himself,
13:39 all three groups wrestled at times
13:41 with feeling that God was distant
13:43 in their greatest times of need.
13:45 And there's this beautiful commentary
13:46 in the Desire of Ages
13:48 regarding Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
13:49 but the same proves true throughout scripture.
13:52 That says this is Desire of Ages 5:28,
13:55 "To all who are reaching out
13:56 to feel the guiding hand of God,
13:58 the moment of greatest discouragement
14:00 is the time when divine help is nearest.
14:03 And that they will look back with thankfulness
14:06 upon the darkest hour of their way."
14:08 And from my own experience I can see that.
14:11 In the midst of hardship, it doesn't feel like that.
14:14 But looking back you can see that God did get glory to this.
14:16 And I'm sure that Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
14:18 could have that reflection, right?
14:20 John the Baptist
14:22 upon the resurrection in the morning
14:23 can have that reflection.
14:25 And Jesus Himself in the Psalms,
14:27 it kind of alludes to the fact
14:28 that He felt that God wasn't hearing His prayers
14:30 and wasn't answering but other people were.
14:32 It says at the close of the Psalms
14:34 of that particular Psalm
14:35 that he did realize his prayers are being heard.
14:39 And it's difficult in the fire, it's difficult in the moment.
14:43 But the promise of scriptures
14:44 that He will never leave us nor forsake us.
14:46 And that even in our greatest times of difficulty
14:49 when we feel that God is silent,
14:50 when we feel that God is absent,
14:52 He's actually closer to us in those moments
14:54 than He has ever been ensuring that we don't fall,
14:57 that we don't faint.
14:58 And to ensure that we have what we need to keep going.
15:01 And though our feelings may fail us,
15:03 though our perception of God may change,
15:06 the Word of God says
15:07 that He Himself does not change and that He's always there.
15:10 You know one of the things that happens
15:12 when difficulties come
15:14 is that we concentrate on the difficulty, the problem.
15:17 And in our humanity we look for a human solution.
15:23 And so the obstacle comes before us and we shrink,
15:29 we sink in despair, discouragement.
15:34 And so what helps me is to remember the promises.
15:38 Remember the promises of the Lord
15:40 and that He is faithful.
15:42 And so I would like to share
15:44 the words of Jesus from John 16:33.
15:48 And He said, "These things I have spoken unto you,
15:52 that in me you might have peace.
15:56 In the world you will have tribulation:
15:59 but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
16:04 And so our source of peace is to stay close to the Lord,
16:07 to remember,
16:08 I will never leave you nor forsake you.
16:10 And that whatever we are going through He is there with us,
16:14 He's going to help us, and He will supply our needs.
16:18 It's beautiful.
16:19 You know, that made me think of what you were sharing,
16:23 Dee and Johnny.
16:25 If you ever seen the picture of footprints in the sand?
16:29 And what was the point
16:32 that was being made with that picture?
16:34 Was that you're thinking, you're walking all by yourself.
16:39 And while the truth of the matter was,
16:41 Jesus was carrying you,
16:43 and those are His footprints
16:45 that were going through the sand.
16:46 He does never leave us nor forsake us.
16:49 Amen. Amen.
16:51 It reminds me of Romans 8:20.
16:52 How it says that we know that all things work together
16:55 for good to those who love God.
16:57 There's this condition for those who love God,
16:59 and to those who are called according to His purpose
17:01 that Jesus says that this is not unto death
17:03 but for the glory of God
17:05 regarding the situation of Lazarus.
17:07 And Jesus got glory out of the death
17:09 of John the Baptist even.
17:11 That many martyrs throughout salvation history,
17:13 the man is given
17:14 the greatest commendation by Jesus.
17:16 He's the greatest of all prophets.
17:18 Jesus says this about him
17:19 but his story was a great consolation
17:21 to people during the Reformation
17:23 and other times who died unjustly, right.
17:26 Who went through hardship
17:27 that God still got glory to the story
17:29 and that John died a conqueror we're told in Desire of Ages.
17:33 And even Jesus Himself,
17:34 God brings glory out of the furnace of difficulty
17:38 that we don't fully see at the moment
17:40 but afterwards is made abundantly clear
17:41 through Romans that
17:43 this is something that will be for good
17:44 that God will turn the circumstance for something
17:46 to advance His kingdom.
17:47 Amen. Amen.
17:49 In Romans 12:3,
17:50 every one of us has been given a measure of faith.
17:52 And sometimes we go through an experience
17:55 where we're wondering,
17:57 how could the God
17:58 that I perceive the Bible to tell me about in the way
18:01 that I've been walking would allow
18:02 this to happen to me.
18:04 How could it be that a God that is love could allow
18:07 such a tragic experience for me?
18:10 I remember one time
18:12 I was in literature work at the time.
18:13 And I went to visit a man who had sent an interest.
18:16 And he was in a facility, he had been in a car accident,
18:21 and he had become a quadriplegic
18:22 as a result of a car accident.
18:24 He had a wife and children.
18:25 His wife divorced him
18:27 as a result of the car accident,
18:28 and the fact that he was no longer able to be
18:30 who he had been before.
18:32 His whole world had been turned upside down.
18:35 And he could have easily been discouraged and said,
18:37 "God, how could you let this happen to me?"
18:40 But he was wanting to reach his children
18:42 with Bible material
18:43 and that's why he had sent off the interest.
18:45 His faith in God actually grew
18:47 instead of him cursing God, and running away from Him.
18:53 And I think that every one of us
18:55 who has been given this measure of faith
18:56 which is a gift, we have a crisis of faith.
19:00 Every time we go through an experience
19:01 that we never anticipated that is a devastating one.
19:05 And that's where God wants us to run to Him.
19:10 And I think oftentimes when people,
19:12 I've seen people actually
19:13 if they had a loved one that passed they just
19:16 "How could God allow that person
19:17 to be taken from me?
19:19 They leave Him, and don't return for years.
19:23 And I wonder, what do I say to someone like that?
19:25 How do I move that person?
19:27 What is the Holy Spirit wanting them to hear?
19:30 And what I realizes that oftentimes
19:33 we think if we're doing that,
19:34 and we stay away from God for a long time,
19:37 we're actually thinking
19:39 that we know better than He does
19:41 in this world of sin how things should go.
19:45 And we did not manage
19:47 that crisis of faith in a healthy way.
19:50 And one of the things in Psalm 39:5, 6.
19:55 "Trust in the Lord with all your..."
19:57 It's in Proverbs 3:5-6.
19:59 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
20:00 and lean not unto your own understanding."
20:02 But Psalm 39:4-13.
20:05 It really talks about understanding
20:08 my true condition that I am but a vapor
20:12 that everything in this world is a gift.
20:15 And then He is a loving God.
20:17 As a matter of fact, scripture tells me
20:19 that every knee will bow someday.
20:23 So if I allow a traumatic experience
20:25 to actually drive me away from God now.
20:29 Why not allow myself to be drawn back to Him
20:33 and let Him trust in His Word,
20:35 trust in His heart instead of keeping away from Him,
20:41 and keeping that relationship distant
20:43 as I go forward
20:44 'cause I'm miserable when that happens.
20:47 I think each one of us here has had traumatic experiences.
20:51 And we have a choice, we have a decision to make.
20:54 And there might be someone watching
20:55 this program right now
20:57 that doesn't know about their faith journey
20:59 if they want to continue on because of the experience
21:02 that they're going through right now.
21:04 But I want you to know that you're not alone.
21:06 We've all been there,
21:08 maybe not the exact same experiences.
21:10 But there's only one place that I want to go with that,
21:13 and that is to give it all to Him.
21:15 And to realize as He tells us in His Word
21:19 that He heals the broken hearted.
21:21 Psalm 147:3-5, "He binds their wounds,
21:26 and his understanding is infinite."
21:29 He understands things that I can't figure out,
21:32 and I need to trust that.
21:34 You know I wanted to ask y'all
21:36 to kind of tell me your understanding
21:40 of portion of scripture.
21:43 And it takes place on the Sea of Galilee.
21:47 And the disciples and Jesus are in a boat.
21:51 And what is Jesus doing?
21:53 Sleeping. He is sound asleep.
21:55 And a big storm comes up,
21:59 and the disciples have to wake Him.
22:02 What, and how He responded?
22:04 Johnny, how does that story impact you
22:09 concerning Jesus in the midst of a storm?
22:14 There are so many blessings as I think of that story.
22:18 First of all we see...
22:21 Boy, I sure don't want to take
22:22 all the blessing out of other people sharing.
22:24 But first of all
22:26 we see the disciples in the beginning
22:29 when the storm comes,
22:31 they are doing all that
22:33 is in their power to do
22:34 to keep the boat afloat and water is coming in.
22:38 And mind you, these are people,
22:41 most of them were experienced with water.
22:45 They could swim, they have been in many storms,
22:48 and they were doing
22:49 all they could to keep this boat afloat.
22:52 And, you know, all their struggle
22:54 they were looking at the situation
22:55 in all their struggle.
22:57 And they said this is too much for us,
22:59 we can't handle this.
23:01 And in their desperation
23:03 they think they're going to die.
23:05 How do we know?
23:07 Because when lightning strikes and they see the lightning,
23:13 they can see that Jesus is there,
23:15 they forgot that Jesus is right there.
23:17 And it brings to mind,
23:18 I will never leave you nor forsake you.
23:20 Jesus is very near.
23:22 And that's why when they wake Him,
23:24 "And Master, do You not care that we perish?"
23:27 They were afraid, they were going to die.
23:30 And so I am blessed to consider that Jesus is always near.
23:34 And that whatever storm or situation
23:36 I am going through,
23:37 He's going to go through it with me.
23:39 With you.
23:40 And if need be He would just calm the storm.
23:47 Yeah. What did Jesus say in this?
23:50 Well, let me read this,
23:52 "Then He arose, and rebuked the wind,
23:56 and said to the sea..."
23:57 What did He say?
23:58 Peace be still. Peace be still.
24:02 There's not a promise in the Bible
24:04 that says we will be free from troubles.
24:06 Do you all agree with that?
24:08 War, trials, temptations,
24:10 we've read so much about those earlier,
24:13 just spoken of the things
24:15 that are going on in the world right now.
24:17 Tears and sorrow
24:18 are just something that we face in life.
24:22 But God promises us something better.
24:26 Yes, Dee.
24:27 In Desire of Ages there is this amazing line
24:29 we're told,
24:30 "That the people were looking for a Messiah
24:33 who had not been promised."
24:35 And many of us are wrestling with the very same thing
24:38 that we're expecting a Messiah who will keep...
24:40 Because just imagine if this guy can feed people,
24:42 He can heal the wounds and raise the dead
24:44 like they're never going to lose a battle,
24:46 they're never going to have any difficulties.
24:48 And this is why Mary, Martha, and Lazarus suffered so much
24:51 because they said if you had been here,
24:53 my brother would not have died,
24:54 and I wouldn't be hurting right now,
24:55 if you had been here.
24:57 Because they assume that when Jesus is there
24:58 bad things don't happen.
25:00 But if you look
25:01 through the narrative of scripture the disciples
25:03 did have difficulties even in the presence of Jesus.
25:05 The difference was Jesus was with them,
25:07 didn't mean that
25:08 they were spared of all difficulty.
25:10 We've not been promised a Messiah
25:11 who delivers us from all difficulty,
25:13 grief, and hardship.
25:15 But we have been promised a Messiah
25:16 who is present in all of these times.
25:19 In that moment the first words out of the disciples
25:21 and the gospel of Matthew in that account are literally,
25:24 Lord, save us, we are perishing.
25:25 That's the introduction of the Gospel of Matthew.
25:28 And Jesus literally rebukes the disciples
25:31 before He rebukes the wind and the waves
25:34 because they should have known better
25:36 "I am right here."
25:38 And it was a loving rebuke obviously.
25:41 He didn't discourage them out of their experience.
25:43 But I think that we need those rebukes
25:45 at times in our difficulties.
25:47 And we need those reminders in our difficulties
25:49 that I've always been here, I haven't left.
25:52 And I don't promise you freedom from hardship,
25:54 but I have promised my presence in the midst of hardship.
25:56 Amen.
25:57 And I think about that storm
25:59 I think about Jesus was only one
26:00 that wasn't a trained fisherman.
26:02 This is something it was a family business,
26:04 they trusted Jesus to a point
26:06 but they trusted themselves otherwise.
26:10 So they were doing everything in their own power
26:11 that they possibly could until the storm got bigger
26:14 and larger than life,
26:15 bigger than anything they could handle.
26:17 And then they call upon Him.
26:19 I think sometimes God allows the trials in our life to come
26:23 because He wants us to come to the end of ourselves
26:26 and trust totally in Him.
26:29 Jesus trusted totally in the Father
26:30 before there was a storm.
26:32 So that when the storm came,
26:34 it was evident
26:36 where as a measure of our faith is evident every time
26:39 we go in a storm our walk with God is revealed,
26:43 and it shows our need.
26:45 And I pray more
26:46 when I'm going through a storm
26:48 than when everything is going my way.
26:49 And you know, I think the lesson
26:51 we should all take from that is to trust God
26:55 and not wait till things are really going bad
26:58 to turn to God.
26:59 Turn to God at the...
27:00 Always be have a heart yielded and submitted God.
27:04 Don't wait till the storm is raging,
27:07 awake Jesus up
27:09 when there's the first cloud in the sky, how's that?
27:13 Does that make the point?
27:15 You know, I wanted to finish this in Mark 4:39,
27:19 where Jesus says peace be still.
27:22 It says and this is what happened
27:24 when Jesus speaks over you peace be still.
27:27 "And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm,
27:32 a great calm."
27:33 Well, I want to go now to Isaiah 26:3.
27:38 This is a beautiful scripture on peace.
27:40 And I wanted to ask the gentlemen
27:43 to look at one of the phrases in the scripture
27:47 and just let's talk about what this means.
27:52 Isaiah 26:3 says, "You will keep him..."
27:57 And what's that phrase? Perfect.
27:59 "Perfect peace,
28:01 whose mind is stayed on you:
28:04 because he trust in you."
28:05 Gentlemen, perfect peace.
28:08 God will keep us in perfect peace.
28:10 Does that mean in the midst of the storm
28:13 that we can have perfect peace?
28:15 Amen. Amen.
28:17 I would say yes, you know based on my experience,
28:20 based on the experiences I've heard of many other people
28:24 because of the nearness of God in the time.
28:30 We read the scripture that talks about God's nearness
28:34 even when we're going through the midst of trouble,
28:36 even the very story
28:37 that we were talking about Jesus
28:39 and the disciples in the boat.
28:40 And at this point
28:43 we have to look
28:45 beyond the outward appearances and the situation.
28:50 And remember that be of good cheer,
28:53 I have overcome the world peace,
28:54 I give unto you my peace.
28:56 I give unto you.
28:58 I'm almost done. I'll share this story if I may.
29:01 Please.
29:05 It was a blessing for us Idalia and I
29:08 that when we're traveling for 3ABN
29:10 then my mother-in-law and father-in-law
29:12 were able to be near
29:14 to take care of our children Samuel and Caleb.
29:17 And so while we're gone they were doing especially
29:19 when they were smaller.
29:20 Now they are in Puerto Rico.
29:22 However there came a time
29:25 when we were traveling and part of what we had to do
29:28 was pick up our children at the school
29:30 and then take them home.
29:33 When my mother-in-law went to pick up Caleb,
29:37 and Caleb was small and may be
29:39 some may remember him from Tiny Tots.
29:41 When he was very small,
29:44 it was Caleb's determination
29:48 to every day finish the work in school
29:50 so that he doesn't have any homework.
29:53 To him it was...
29:55 He loved to finish his schoolwork.
29:58 And up until that time that particular day
30:02 he had never come home with schoolwork,
30:06 he was able to complete it at home.
30:08 But this one day
30:09 my mother-in-law comes to pick him up.
30:11 "And Caleb how was your day?"
30:16 And his head was down.
30:18 He says, "Are you okay?"
30:21 And he begins to sob and he's crying and crying.
30:25 "And, Caleb, what happened?"
30:27 And he's crying like this really sobbing, sobbing.
30:32 And my mother-in-law says, "Did you get into a fight?"
30:36 "No." And he is sobbing and sobbing.
30:39 And finally she says, "Caleb, what happened?
30:40 What happened?"
30:42 And he says,
30:43 "I didn't finish my schoolwork."
30:46 And he's crying and crying.
30:48 And she says, "Oh, Caleb."
30:49 And she hugs him and she says, "It's okay.
30:54 It's not a punishment that you have schoolwork,
30:56 many other kids have schoolwork."
30:58 And she comforted him with words
31:02 that came to her mind and hugged him.
31:05 And little by little Caleb stopped crying.
31:09 And he was at peace, he felt comforted.
31:12 And she says, "You can do it at home,
31:14 I'm sure it won't take you long."
31:15 And she says, "It's not punishment..."
31:17 You know and she comforted him.
31:21 And she felt good that she was able to do that.
31:24 Now she's telling me this story
31:25 and I felt "Oh, no, he went through that."
31:28 As she's telling me he went through that
31:30 and we weren't there to help him out.
31:32 And so, but I felt good that she was there,
31:35 part of the family was there.
31:37 She says about three weeks later
31:40 I was facing a horrible situation,
31:43 a difficult time, tears came to my eyes,
31:46 and I started weeping.
31:47 This is my mother-in-law.
31:48 And I started weeping.
31:50 And she remembered what happened to Caleb.
31:52 And she said, "Lord, how I wish that you would comfort me
31:57 and hugged me the way I hugged Caleb."
32:01 And then she said,
32:03 "Johnny, I felt the Lord hugged me.
32:07 I really felt
32:08 and He took my breath away," she said.
32:11 And I felt peace.
32:14 And I say, "Wow, praise the Lord."
32:17 And that's the confirmation for me
32:19 that when we are facing difficulties,
32:23 the Lord is near.
32:27 And He will comfort us in some way.
32:30 So He spoke over mama Idalia, peace be still.
32:34 And what happened? Great calm came over her.
32:38 Yes, Pastor Ferguson?
32:39 I just...
32:41 One of the things I think about is Psalm 48:14,
32:43 "That he will be our guide even unto death."
32:46 And perfect peace he keeps us
32:48 in as our minds are stayed on Him.
32:50 My mind is going to a man that recently passed away.
32:54 And he had a strong walk with the Lord,
32:57 but he also realized
32:58 that it was his kidneys had shut down,
33:01 his systems were shutting down.
33:02 And one of the tragedies
33:04 we go through is the aging process
33:06 and what it does
33:07 and as we go toward the last stage of life.
33:11 And I remember coming into his room a few hours
33:14 before he passed.
33:16 And when I walked in he had his hands folded
33:18 in the prayer position, his eyes were closed,
33:20 and he was too weak, very, very, very weak,
33:22 almost couldn't respond to me.
33:24 But he was ready, he had a peace.
33:28 His mind was that way throughout a whole week
33:30 I kept asking him, "Are you depressed?
33:32 Are you going...?"
33:33 No, he's ready to meet Lord. He's ready to go to sleep.
33:36 And when I think about that
33:38 I realize that God will be with us,
33:41 and He will be our guide.
33:43 And whenever I realize
33:45 that He's in control and my mind is on Him,
33:47 I can have peace.
33:49 No matter what I'm going through.
33:51 And it's the testimony of people
33:52 like John that I just described
33:55 that lets me see that,
33:57 "Yes, He'll be there all the way
33:58 through this life."
34:00 I was thinking of a story of the singer,
34:03 songwriter was telling that he wrote this song called
34:06 "The Silence of God".
34:08 And it was based upon this time he was at a monastery singing,
34:11 he was fasting for three days and three nights.
34:14 Trying to prove to God
34:15 that he was worthy of receiving the answer
34:17 that he wanted to receive.
34:18 He's just wrestling with God.
34:20 He said the third day,
34:21 he was walking on the property and there's a sign
34:22 that said to the statues.
34:24 T-O the statues.
34:25 Okay.
34:27 And he's just walking,
34:28 he sees a statue of John, James, and Peter are sleeping.
34:30 And he said "Oh, I get it this is Gethsemane."
34:33 Jesus is probably at the way somewhere.
34:35 And when he gets up there,
34:37 the picture of Jesus is not a picture he envisioned.
34:39 He thought he would see Jesus standing
34:41 with His hands together in piety,
34:42 looking towards heaven,
34:43 or maybe His hands spread to heaven.
34:45 But the picture he saw was one of,
34:47 the statue was Jesus on His knees
34:49 with His back arched,
34:51 His hands over His eyes
34:53 with His elbows out like He had wings.
34:55 And he said in a moment he said, "He's in agony."
34:58 And he said that he looked the way that my heart felt.
35:03 And immediately he felt that Jesus could relate to him.
35:06 My God, my God why aren't You giving me
35:08 the answer that I want.
35:10 And he said,
35:11 when I left that place I had been strangely comforted.
35:15 He says my pain was not fully gone
35:17 but I have been comforted by the fact
35:21 that the God that I love and worship
35:23 was familiar with my sorrow.
35:25 And it reminds me of Hebrews 2 where it says,
35:27 "Therefore, in all things
35:29 Jesus had to be made like his brethren,
35:31 that he might be a merciful
35:32 and faithful high priest in things
35:35 pertaining to God,
35:36 to make propitiation for the sins of the people,"
35:38 this is verse 18,
35:40 "For in that he himself has suffered being tempted,
35:43 he is able to aid those who are tempted."
35:47 Jesus Himself is acquainted with hardship, with difficulty
35:50 and because He trod this road of suffering,
35:53 He has earned the right to receive our trust
35:56 because it says perfect peace of those
35:58 who put their trust in Him.
36:00 Jesus is showing by His own suffering
36:02 that He deserves our trust and that He's safe to trust.
36:06 And the singer, songwriter
36:07 well, you know, realized this and welcomed it.
36:10 And it's brought great peace to my own heart as well.
36:14 You know, I am of the opinion that
36:18 the battle for peace is waged in our mind
36:21 that's why it says
36:22 "He'll keep you in perfect peace," for what?
36:25 For those whose mind is stayed on Him.
36:29 And again perfect peace
36:32 and I wanted to elaborate a little more.
36:34 Pastor Ferguson,
36:35 in your mind what is perfect peace?
36:40 It only comes when I truly see who God is.
36:46 I think this is the course of our lives
36:48 we are pursuing God,
36:50 we're trying to discover who He really is.
36:52 And the more I see who He really is,
36:54 the more peace I receive.
36:57 So perfect peace is a peace that is complete.
37:00 It doesn't matter if things aren't going my way.
37:02 It doesn't matter
37:04 if I'm facing the end of life's journey,
37:05 and maybe have a terminal illness.
37:07 It doesn't matter if my business is collapsing,
37:12 and there's nothing that I can do about it.
37:13 If this is the Lord's will, He will see me through.
37:17 And He has a purpose for this
37:18 where I won't be the same person at the end of this
37:21 that I was before this trial.
37:23 And trusting that His heart is good,
37:27 and trusting that it was...
37:28 Matter of fact 1 Peter 5:7,
37:30 "Cast all your care on him, for he cares for you."
37:34 Believing that more, and more, and more brings more and more
37:38 perfect peace, complete peace in Him.
37:41 You know I'm thinking of this gentleman
37:43 that was in his body, his system was closing down,
37:48 He wasn't physically healthy, but He was spiritually healthy.
37:52 And He need to be spiritually healthy brings
37:54 that that perfect peace.
37:58 I've got a scripture that I want to share
38:00 and this is one that we before,
38:03 we, and I can use that very honestly,
38:06 we that are in the declining years of our life.
38:10 It's Isaiah 46:4,
38:13 and I just put here an amazing promise
38:16 when I wrote the scripture down,
38:17 it says, "Even to your old age I am he,
38:22 and even to grey hairs I will carry you,
38:26 I have made you, and I will bear,
38:29 even I will carry and will deliver you."
38:33 Isn't that encouraging to know that even
38:37 in our old age the Lord is right there?"
38:40 He really never leaves us nor forsakes us.
38:43 Now, I wanted to look at another story
38:48 that we find in...
38:50 It's in 1 Samuel 30.
38:54 And we've talked about people,
38:56 you know, we that are in really difficult situations
39:01 where the storms are raging.
39:05 And I think I want, Dee, I want you to share this story.
39:09 It's of King David.
39:11 And we think we've had difficulties,
39:14 King David was in the midst of a difficulty
39:18 such as I have never been through before.
39:21 Do you want to tell us about that difficulty?
39:23 It's in 1 Samuel 30,
39:26 David had gone over to where the Philistines were
39:29 because Saul's continued pursuit of him,
39:30 he saw it this is futile for me to keep forgiving this guy.
39:33 He's just going to keep coming after me.
39:35 And so he go to the Philistines,
39:37 now the text says that Saul sought him no more.
39:39 And when the Philistines
39:40 are about to go to war with Israel,
39:42 David says, "Hey, I'll go with you."
39:44 But the men, the other men of leadership said,
39:46 "Absolutely no."
39:48 Like what better way for him to ingratiate himself
39:49 to Saul than buy.
39:52 The heads of our own men so he sent back,
39:54 but when he goes back to his camp
39:55 with all of his men,
39:57 everything they have has been stolen and plundered
39:59 and it is gone.
40:00 His wives, his children,
40:03 his men's wives, his men's children,
40:05 all their belongings,
40:06 he's destitute at this stage.
40:08 And that, that's terrible.
40:09 But it literally says the text that the men,
40:11 his own men were wondering
40:13 if they should kill him because of the hardships
40:15 that they were going through...
40:16 And they wanted to stone him.
40:18 They wanted to stone him.
40:20 And so it says in verse 6.
40:22 Now David was greatly distressed,
40:25 for the people spoke of stoning him,
40:27 because the soul of all the people was grieved,
40:30 every man for his sons and daughters,
40:32 but then it says
40:33 but David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
40:37 Amen.
40:39 And I think it was one of those moments
40:41 when the wheels are falling off,
40:43 the disciples eventually got this in Matthew 8.
40:45 And I think there's another moment here
40:47 that when you find that perfect peace
40:49 is generally you recognize that God is with you,
40:52 and that you can go to Him for whatever you need.
40:54 In that moment David realized
40:55 God is all I have what am I to do.
40:58 And so the very next thing he actually does,
40:59 he says bring the ephod here to me,
41:01 I need to hear from God.
41:03 I need to know what He wants me to do
41:04 in the midst of this hardship.
41:05 So notice he didn't run from God.
41:08 He knew in my hardship,
41:09 the safest and most reasonable thing
41:11 for me to do
41:12 is to run to God
41:14 and to hear from Him directly on what my situation is.
41:17 You know I copied this...
41:18 And they recovered everything they had.
41:20 The end was good, had a good ending.
41:23 The translation that I used was the New King James Version.
41:27 And, you know, maybe it was the King James, was,
41:30 it says and David encouraged himself
41:33 in the Lord.
41:34 And so we're looking at now solutions
41:37 when our peace is gone.
41:38 Our peace is flung right off the window.
41:41 We've got to have our peace restored.
41:42 Do you think David's peace,
41:45 he'd lost his peace
41:47 when he came back and had lost everything
41:49 including wives and children.
41:52 He had no peace, but he had a solution.
41:55 He didn't have peace, but he knew how to find peace.
41:59 Pastor Ferguson,
42:00 where he says David encouraged himself in the Lord,
42:04 how do you think he did that?
42:06 His God was bigger than the enemy.
42:10 The only way I can encourage myself
42:12 in the Lord is to know that my God is bigger than
42:14 the circumstances I find myself in.
42:17 And I also have to realize that,
42:19 you know, David was a warrior too.
42:21 And if he tried to do this in his own strength,
42:24 he could still be defeated even more
42:25 or his life could have been taken
42:26 by his own men.
42:28 But instead he trusted in God's guidance.
42:32 And our God has to be bigger than the situations in life.
42:36 And I think that's one of our main struggles
42:39 is that we view Him to be a lot less than He really is.
42:43 And if He reveals Himself in our lives,
42:46 it actually not only has, it gives us peace,
42:49 but it also is a witness to the people around us
42:52 that maybe don't have that faith.
42:54 They realize that this God is real.
42:57 And this God is moving mountains
42:59 of obstacles in their lives.
43:02 Johnny, you have had situations where you needed encouragement.
43:06 How would you encourage yourself in the Lord?
43:09 You know, the way David was able to face
43:14 the giant Goliath
43:16 was because the Lord led him through different experiences.
43:22 He fought a lion, he fought a bear.
43:25 And now when he comes to the camp
43:28 and sees that everyone is scared to death of this
43:33 "Goliath" that says
43:35 "Send out a champion to fight me," you know.
43:38 And so, David had learned to trust in the Lord.
43:43 And one of the things that helps me
43:46 is that looking back at the things
43:49 that God has done,
43:51 how He has delivered in the past,
43:52 how He has answered prayer in the past encourages me.
43:57 And I think everyone can say there comes a time
43:59 when your strength and your courage
44:01 seems to be low.
44:04 And when I feel,
44:06 when I sense that I'm getting discouraged
44:09 I say, "Hey, what's going on here?
44:10 No, the Lord is good."
44:12 You know, God is good. He's been good to me.
44:14 And I remember His promises I remember.
44:16 And you start to remember,
44:18 you start to think about your blessings.
44:21 I remember one man that called 3ABN,
44:25 and he said,
44:26 "What do I have to be thankful for?"
44:29 Now his question caught me by surprise.
44:30 "What do I have to be thankful for?"
44:32 And I didn't know what to tell him,
44:35 but the Lord gives you things to say to people.
44:37 So I say, "Well, are you in prison?"
44:39 He said, "No."
44:41 "You should be thankful."
44:42 "Are you in insane asylum?"
44:45 "No."
44:46 "You should be thankful."
44:47 And he said, "Did you get to eat today?"
44:49 "Ah, yes."
44:51 He says, "You should be thankful
44:52 because the Lord supplied your need."
44:54 And on and on he began to realize
44:55 that he has things to be thankful for.
44:58 And so when we look back at the way
44:59 God has helped us in the past,
45:01 we can say I can be encouraged.
45:03 And I remember going through some difficulties.
45:05 You know, I think Dee Casper shared
45:08 the scripture Romans 8:28,
45:09 and we know
45:11 that all things work together for good to them
45:13 that love God to them
45:14 that are the called according to His purpose.
45:16 And I remember going through some situations
45:17 where I say,
45:19 "Lord, I don't know how
45:20 this is going to work out to my good?"
45:23 And I had to say to myself, "Well, the Lord is good.
45:26 I need to trust Him in this situation."
45:29 Somehow this is going to work out to my good.
45:31 I don't know how
45:32 but somehow it will and I can look back and say,
45:35 "You know, the Lord was good.
45:37 The Lord helped me through that situation."
45:38 You know I'm reminded.
45:40 Johnny, you reminded me of a time
45:42 Hal and I had pastored, we pastored quite a few years.
45:45 And there was a time
45:47 when we got discouraged and we thought
45:49 we were just going to have to quit.
45:52 We had a church of about 300 people.
45:55 And there was a group of people
45:56 that were really causing us difficulty,
45:58 they were talking about us and they were being,
46:01 you know, just causing turmoil in the church.
46:05 And we counted gentlemen,
46:06 we counted the number of people,
46:09 counting their family members.
46:10 Do you know there were nine that were causing us trouble?
46:13 How many people did I say we had?
46:15 About 300.
46:17 So I went home having the analytical mind
46:20 that I have and said, "You know what?
46:22 That's only 3% of the people.
46:24 But they were so loud in our face
46:27 that we had become discouraged."
46:28 Do you know there were 97%
46:30 of sweet little sheep that just loved us?
46:33 And so sometimes
46:35 you encourage yourself in the Lord
46:37 just by looking at the situation,
46:39 and then looking at your mighty God.
46:42 And let's not forget the enemy wants to destroy,
46:46 divide and conquer.
46:48 So in the great controversy that's going to happen.
46:50 And then the Lord
46:52 on the other hand wants to mend
46:53 and make things whole.
46:55 And so the enemy will stir things up
46:57 in our lives,
46:58 nothing happens to me
47:00 that has not gone through God first.
47:02 And on the small things that's not that hard to take
47:05 but on the real big challenges
47:07 we have to understand that first.
47:09 And then in the realm of the great controversy
47:11 between good and evil,
47:13 in the end we will see
47:14 that He has operated righteously,
47:17 He has love, and He has a heart for me.
47:21 And it will work out in the end.
47:23 Yes, Dee.
47:25 I was thinking that in the commentary
47:26 given on the situation when John the Baptist,
47:28 you wonder why is it that he's getting reports
47:30 about Jesus but no visit from Jesus?
47:33 Desire of Ages literally says
47:34 that Jesus knew that he would stand the test.
47:38 Jesus knew more about John than John knew about John
47:40 in that moment.
47:42 And He knew that what John is going to do
47:43 is bring greater glory to the kingdom of heaven
47:45 by walking through this as opposed to avoiding it
47:48 or having no difficulty there.
47:50 And Jesus is on mission could have been imperiled
47:51 had He gone,
47:53 you know, before He needed to die
47:54 could've been imprisoned Himself.
47:56 But this is one of the ways
47:57 that God brings glory out of situations like this.
47:59 It's when people shine in the furnace.
48:02 People realize that if God can sustain a person
48:04 like that and what they went through,
48:06 God can do something for me.
48:08 John mentioned
48:09 how God sustained him in his past.
48:10 And how God sustained David in his past.
48:13 Your own story can be an inspiration
48:14 to how you can strengthen yourself in your God.
48:16 But also hearing how other people
48:18 who went through maybe things even worse than you,
48:20 how they made it through.
48:22 That can also be a way
48:23 in which you strengthen yourself in your God
48:25 because if God can do that for them,
48:27 God can do that for me.
48:28 Amen. Amen.
48:30 You know, I didn't want to neglect to mention
48:33 the way you encourage yourself in the Lord
48:36 is through His Word and through prayer of course.
48:40 But I will say this in the midst of a battle
48:42 is not the time for you
48:44 to hide God's Word in your heart.
48:46 What did King David do?
48:48 He hid God's Word in his heart
48:50 that he might not sin against God.
48:51 Would you do that on a continuous bases,
48:54 you don't wait
48:56 till you're in the middle of a battle,
48:57 then run grab your Bible and try to find you
49:00 a promise to hold on to.
49:02 No, do that in the pleasant time,
49:04 in the pleasant meadow
49:06 that's where you study God's Word.
49:08 But I wanted to share
49:10 this scripture Philippians 4:6-7.
49:12 And I think we've alluded to it maybe shared portions of it,
49:15 but let's read this scripture.
49:17 "Be anxious for nothing,
49:20 but in everything by prayer
49:22 and supplication with thanks giving,
49:25 let your requests be made known to God."
49:28 And it goes on to say then in verse 7.
49:30 "And the peace of God,
49:33 which surpasses all understanding,
49:36 will guard your hearts,
49:37 and your minds through Christ Jesus."
49:40 So, Pastor Ferguson,
49:41 this is through prayer that time along with God
49:46 and supplications and thanksgiving.
49:49 And that peace comes
49:50 because you've given the Holy Spirit an invitation
49:54 to be in your heart, in your suffering,
49:56 and that brings peace.
49:57 The other thing I wanted to mention too
49:59 is that God puts other people in our lives
50:02 sometimes to encourage us and help us to see
50:05 the right way when we're not,
50:06 we're not able to even look in the right way,
50:09 they encourage us.
50:10 So we need to be sensitive to the needs
50:12 of others being willing to witness to
50:15 and to lift them up in their time of need
50:19 because this is what God would have
50:21 the family of Christ do for one another.
50:24 Amen. Amen.
50:25 One of the ways in which God provides peace
50:26 to the storm is people and kind of a call
50:30 that actually we are talking about
50:31 this off camera that one of the ways
50:32 in which God is needing us to be involved
50:35 is to be the means through which He can bring peace
50:37 and remind people the goodness of God
50:39 that we not only need peace in our own experience
50:41 but God may be wanting to use us
50:44 to be the peace in someone else
50:45 to point them to their source of peace.
50:48 And we can't lose sight of that.
50:49 When you see suffering, don't just,
50:51 you know, think that
50:53 "Man, that must be bad or he will pray for you."
50:55 God may be asking you to take action.
50:57 He may be asking you to just be with them
50:59 in the midst of their suffering or to provide for them
51:01 in the midst of their suffering.
51:03 Like mamma Tita did for Caleb.
51:05 She hugged him and he still cry but what did she do?
51:08 She hugged him some more. Amen.
51:11 You know, this is true, we must take action.
51:14 And I've heard that there's a poster
51:17 of a child crying and it says,
51:20 "I was hungry and you prayed for me."
51:22 We have to go beyond the prayer
51:24 and move to action
51:25 to relieve suffering to try to help somebody,
51:27 encourage someone else
51:29 because we have the scripture says,
51:30 "Let your light so shine before men
51:32 that they may see your good works
51:33 and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
51:35 And this is done through deeds of kindness
51:38 and helping others to look on to Jesus.
51:41 Amen. Amen.
51:42 Well, we're going to take a short break now.
51:45 We've got some really good information
51:47 that we want to share with you.
51:48 But we'll be back in just a moment
51:51 with some closing thoughts.


Revised 2017-12-24