3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017086B

00:01 You know what?
00:02 We thank for that God is putting on the hearts
00:04 of so many people to begin ministries
00:05 to reach out, we're all called.
00:08 This is just part of the...
00:10 Our obedience to the call of the Great Commission.
00:14 And the fulfillment of the Great Commission
00:15 is to reach out, and to teach all nations,
00:19 and baptizing them in the name of the Father,
00:20 and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
00:22 Rennie, we've been talking today with Jim Rennie,
00:26 and he is the CEO of Child Impact International,
00:32 formerly known as Asian Aid.
00:34 So now it's Child Impact International.
00:37 Just bottom line, what are your greatest needs?
00:40 Bottom line, our greatest needs is certainly child sponsorship,
00:44 or support of the sponsorship program.
00:47 You may want to donate to the unsponsored children.
00:51 Right now we have 500 unsponsored children, but I...
00:58 It hurts me to have to say no
01:01 to countries like Bangladesh and Myanmar
01:04 where the church is desperate for more children
01:08 in their schools, but honestly,
01:12 there is limited mission activity in these countries.
01:16 And so the schools are one of the key outreach.
01:19 So sponsorship of the child,
01:22 or supporting the sponsorship program
01:24 is critical.
01:26 The other area is the orphanages.
01:28 Right now because of funding changes,
01:32 we are really struggling to meet the budgets
01:35 of these homes.
01:37 And if you simply send us a donation for orphanages,
01:41 it will be money that I can assure you
01:45 is really impacting directly on the lives of the children
01:49 for the basics of running the orphanage.
01:53 And they're probably the two biggest needs,
01:57 but we need your prayers.
01:58 These children...
02:00 We need the power of the Lord to make changes in their lives,
02:04 and to help us operate
02:06 in some pretty difficult environments.
02:10 But we're very grateful to our donors, to 3ABN,
02:14 and the 3ABN viewers for the...
02:17 It's just fantastic to think
02:20 that tomorrow morning there's more than 3,500 children
02:25 who are at school, who are in an orphanage,
02:28 who are in a special school
02:30 because of the generosity of people
02:33 that are prepared to give a small amount every month.
02:36 And we're just so excited and grateful
02:39 for the blessing of the Lord,
02:41 and the support of donors and 3ABN viewers.
02:45 And we just want to thank you,
02:46 you know, every time I hear a story like this,
02:50 I think, ah, I wished I could do more.
02:52 And what I can do is give and donate.
02:55 We can't be all things to all people,
02:57 but we can certainly support.
02:59 And this man puts his money where his mouth is,
03:01 or his heart is, I should say
03:03 because I know he supports children as well.
03:07 Rennie, Jim, I don't know why,
03:09 I have another friend called Rennie
03:11 and I keep wanting to call you that
03:12 and I know you well.
03:13 I just thank you so much
03:15 for the work you're doing for the Lord,
03:16 and for what Child Impact International is doing.
03:20 Our prayer for you at home
03:22 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
03:24 the love of the Father,
03:26 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
03:28 will be with you, not just today but every day.
03:31 God bless.


Revised 2017-12-24