3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017083A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:11 My name is CA Murray.
01:12 And thank you once again for sharing
01:14 just a little of your day with us.
01:16 We thank you as always for your love, your prayers,
01:18 your support of Three Angels Broadcasting Network,
01:21 as together we seek to lift up the mighty
01:24 and matchless name of Jesus.
01:26 Got a fun program today,
01:27 and I'm really excited to get into it.
01:29 First of all, I'm happy because of the subject.
01:32 And I pray that
01:33 if you're watching this program,
01:34 you've already eaten
01:36 because we don't want your mouth watering
01:38 for the next hour
01:41 as we talk about some of the things
01:42 that we're gonna discuss today.
01:44 We have Heidi Tompkins and Ivan Raj,
01:46 you've seen them before,
01:48 they're both of Heidi's Kitchen.
01:49 And I don't know if you guys have a title or not.
01:51 You're just as Heidi's Kitchen
01:54 but somebody does something and somebody does something.
01:57 And you've been together so long,
01:59 we kind of think of you in the same breath
02:01 but Heidi's Kitchen is operating in
02:02 and around New York City.
02:04 Yes, Heidi's Health Kitchen. Heidi's Health Kitchen.
02:06 The health message is in there. Yes.
02:08 Heidi's Health Kitchen, and let's get that right.
02:10 I'm so... I'm excited about the food and desserts.
02:12 I even have my own little sample of stuff here.
02:14 This is gonna be a great show, we're gonna eat,
02:16 we're gonna talk, we're gonna laugh,
02:18 really, really a good time.
02:19 These are really neat people.
02:20 Heidi is from Connecticut
02:22 and Ivan is from a little bit further away.
02:25 But first I need to find out how you guys got together,
02:28 and then I want to walk through this ministry
02:29 and go right to the video because it says so much.
02:32 So, Heidi, Connecticut girl? Sure.
02:34 Adventist home? Yes.
02:36 Yup, Adventist family, Adventist parents,
02:39 grew up in an Adventist home.
02:41 Well, did you always want to get involved
02:43 in cooking and health?
02:44 Is that always a kind of a thing for you?
02:46 I did, I did from a small child even,
02:49 you know, eight years old.
02:50 If you ask me,
02:51 "What do you want to do when you grow up?"
02:53 My answer was, I wanted to have vegetarian restaurant.
02:54 Is that so? Yes.
02:56 You had that vision that early on in life.
02:58 And so when you went to school,
02:59 did you pursue those kinds of things in school or...
03:02 I didn't. I didn't.
03:05 I mostly just cooked at home,
03:07 which I think my mom was grateful
03:09 that I helped her with those responsibilities.
03:12 And really just developed a love for it then
03:16 and continued to cook throughout my life.
03:18 So you're kind of going and learning as you go.
03:21 So it's just... Yeah, evolving kind of thing, yeah.
03:22 Yes. We're learning in the kitchen of Christ.
03:26 Well, well said.
03:27 Ivan, from India obviously. From India, yes.
03:30 What part? From a city called Chennai.
03:32 I was born and raised in Chennai.
03:34 Walk us quickly through your journey
03:36 from India to the United States.
03:37 Sure.
03:39 I was born and raised in a Christian family,
03:41 a non-Adventist family.
03:42 We were looking for the truth,
03:44 many churches, many denominations,
03:45 and then we,
03:47 our God lead us into the Adventist Church
03:49 in 1992 or 1993, on that time.
03:52 And since then we've been Adventists
03:53 and God actually called me to come to New York
03:56 about five and half
03:58 or six years ago, approximately.
03:59 And since then
04:03 God has been leading me in many ways
04:05 and one thing was to start a business
04:08 and a ministry hybrid model.
04:12 So how did you two come together?
04:14 So we met in 2013
04:17 when the whole New York 13 thing was going on.
04:19 I was a full time Bible worker
04:20 and Ivan was a member of the church
04:23 where the Revelation of Hope took place.
04:26 And he joined a class that I took...
04:29 that I offered later to train church members
04:32 to become Lay Bible workers
04:34 and so Ivan became a Lay Bible worker.
04:36 And after New York 13 was over,
04:40 we were still continuing to do Bible work.
04:42 And, you know, we're praying about a way
04:44 that God's work would be supported
04:45 because in this period of prophesy
04:47 it says that in the large cities,
04:49 this is how the work will finish up,
04:51 through Bible work and medical missionary work.
04:53 And so we prayed and asked God
04:56 "how does this work gets supported?"
04:58 And God impressed us to start a health food ministry
05:01 and He even gave the name Heidi's Health Kitchen.
05:04 You say impressed us.
05:05 So by then you had already have the idea,
05:07 you're gonna be working together.
05:08 Yes. Yeah.
05:10 We were... Right.
05:11 'Cause we were doing the same things
05:12 and so we were just asking God,
05:14 you know, how does this work get supported?
05:16 And so we were both praying, asking God
05:19 and we felt impressed together
05:20 to start this Health Food Ministry.
05:22 Wow! Bless your heart.
05:24 And so you started in 2013-14? Yes.
05:27 So you're still relatively new. Yes.
05:29 Yeah, yeah, but you come a long way kind of fast.
05:31 Yes. Praise God. Praise the Lord.
05:35 If someone were to ask you, what is you're goal?
05:37 What is you're the end game for you?
05:40 What are you working towards?
05:41 How would you answer that question?
05:43 I would say that our goal
05:44 is to reach as many people in large cities
05:48 as possible through the restaurant work
05:51 and the health food ministry work.
05:53 We, you know, we hope,
05:54 we operate a pop-up restaurant now
05:56 which we'll talk about later.
05:57 But, you know, we hope to have...
05:59 Well, I'll give you the vision at the end.
06:01 But we hope to have our own place, one location,
06:04 where we can do the manufacturing of carubies,
06:08 where we can have a small café(C) or restaurant
06:11 and where we can do the food production
06:13 for some food trucks
06:15 and other things around the city.
06:16 Bless your heart.
06:17 Now you just threw out a word
06:19 and if, unless you're familiar with it,
06:21 we have to come back to it carubies,
06:22 we need to come back to that.
06:23 Let's hold that for now.
06:25 But it's in the air,
06:26 it's the elephant in the room carubies.
06:28 Because carubies underscores
06:30 a lot of other things that would...
06:31 Yes. Yeah.
06:32 And then there's another term
06:34 we want to come back to a little bit,
06:35 pop-up restaurant.
06:37 Because, for a lot of people I know that's an alien term.
06:38 I want to go to this video now
06:40 because it kind of gives you a context
06:41 for what they're doing
06:42 and how the Lord is blessing this ministry,
06:44 then we'll come back and we'll talk about,
06:46 sort of un package a lot of this stuff.
06:48 But look at this video.
06:50 This is a very informative and very inspirational.
07:29 In June of 2014,
07:31 right here in this upper room is where God impressed upon me
07:34 with name, the logo,
07:36 and the business and ministry model
07:37 for Heidi's Health Kitchen.
07:50 Heidi's Health Kitchen was started in 2014
07:53 with one objective,
07:54 to reach souls of Christ
07:56 through delicious foods for the wise.
08:34 We give cooking classes, health lectures, Bible studies
08:37 and operate a restaurant on a pop-up basis.
08:40 And to support all of this, God has given us carubies.
08:44 Carob truffles,
08:45 that we manufacture in eight different flavors,
08:48 they're gluten free, dairy free and delicious.
08:51 You have to try them.
08:53 Every purchase of carubies supports Heidi's Health Kitchen
08:57 and all of the work
08:58 that we're doing here in New York city.
09:00 We're having catering
09:02 and also have been operating as a pop-up restaurant
09:03 since last year right here in New York City.
09:06 Thank you so much, I thoroughly,
09:08 I was thoroughly surprised and thoroughly enjoyed it.
09:11 The pop-up restaurant was very good.
09:13 The ambiance is very nice and the food was excellent,
09:17 you know, full, full to the brim.
09:20 And everything was absolutely delicious.
09:23 We had such a wonderful experience.
09:25 Heidi's Health Kitchen.
09:27 And it was absolutely fresh and delicious
09:30 and we would totally come here again.
09:45 Hi, my name is Sooji, living in South Korea.
09:49 I'm doing Bible study with Heidi once a week
09:52 and I'm getting to know God.
09:54 Thanks to her.
09:58 We've been married together for like ten years now.
10:01 We've, as a couple
10:04 we've been trying to get a lot of answers.
10:08 I think he had over about a 100-200 questions.
10:11 Thank you for explaining each one of them
10:13 and logically explaining
10:15 and appealing to his logical senses.
10:19 Hello, hi, I am Sai Kiran Krishna
10:21 from Bangalore, India.
10:23 I was tired of life, the way things were going,
10:26 there was no change in my life.
10:28 And I even started Bible studies with me.
10:32 I want to praise God and thank God
10:34 that He and Heidi did not give up on me
10:36 even though I avoided them initially.
10:39 And I was introduced to Sister Ellen White books.
10:41 I want to say that I am head over heels
10:44 and love with Sister Ellen White books.
10:47 I invited Christ into my life many years ago,
10:50 but He was not alive.
10:52 I used to always hit a road block,
10:53 I used to always hit a wall, I used to wonder, why?
10:56 I was doing everything right.
10:58 But why is it not fruitful?
11:00 A friend of mine introduced me to Ivan.
11:03 Ivan has been counseling me to the ways of life
11:07 through the Bible,
11:08 I'm also being doing Bible studies with him.
11:11 Now and I love God to take control of my life.
11:15 He's leading me
11:17 to a totally different dimension of life.
11:23 I have been doing Bible study and counseling with Ivan
11:26 and I must say he is such a blessing.
11:31 And he came at like the worst point in my life
11:35 and his testimony, his Bible study,
11:39 just the conversations we have,
11:41 really have changed my life.
11:45 I met Ivan at the Seventh-day Adventist Church
11:49 at 11th street in New York and I also met Heidi there.
11:54 She approached me to do Bible studies
11:56 and we began Bible studies, I subsequently got baptized.
12:03 I've had a burden for souls for a very long time.
12:05 I just don't know how to reach people effectively.
12:08 Then I watched a sermon with my Pastor Alden Ho
12:10 on livestream and he was talking about a man
12:14 that was reaching people across the globe.
12:16 I connected with this man.
12:18 He was Ivan Raj from Heidi's Health Kitchen.
12:21 Ivan helped and supported me.
12:23 And as a matter of fact he jumpstarted my ministry
12:25 and together with my horses
12:28 we are reaching people for Christ.
12:34 Hi, I became an SDA in 2007 and I left the church
12:40 and God led me back and I'm blessed
12:44 with Bible studies with Mr. Ivan.
12:47 I'll always be grateful to 3ABN and 3ABN Radio
12:52 for the blessing that they have been to me.
12:55 Angela Lomacang interviewing brother Ivan Raj
12:58 and it's been such a blessing to be in touch
13:02 with Heidi's Health Kitchen.
13:04 We ask you to pray for Heidi's Health Kitchen.
13:06 Ask God how He would have you to support us
13:09 and to be a part of this mission.
13:11 We appreciate your prayers and your support.
13:14 May God bless you.
13:36 Amen and amen.
13:38 We got a lot to talk about
13:40 because you got this
13:41 whole other aspect of this international Bible school
13:44 that you guys are running,
13:46 along with your basic Heidi's Health Kitchen.
13:48 Okay, so let's start with Heidi's Health Kitchen first.
13:51 Okay.
13:53 A term we heard there, pop-up kitchen.
13:56 What is a pop-up kitchen?
13:57 Sure, so pop-up restaurant.
13:59 So Ivan actually had it researched this whole concept
14:02 before he even shared it with me.
14:04 And if he probably told me in the beginning,
14:07 I would have thought, oh, my goodness,
14:09 "how are we gonna do that?"
14:10 But he really, he found the place and everything.
14:12 So why don't you talk about that?
14:14 Definitely.
14:15 The pop-up restaurant, of course I should mention.
14:17 I did a lot of research.
14:19 I believe God showed it to me
14:20 when I was searching for something else,
14:23 because I'm always looking at innovative ways
14:25 to reach people.
14:27 And we actually contacted
14:30 a couple who owned a restaurant,
14:32 who're renting it on a pop-up basis,
14:33 which is to operate as a restaurant
14:36 once a month or once a week or of a different restaurant
14:41 when they are closed.
14:44 That's a... It's an idea.
14:46 So we don't have to buy any equipment, nothing,
14:48 just pay the rent, of course
14:50 and then spend few hours in the restaurant
14:53 and operate as a restaurant, as Heidi's Health Kitchen.
14:56 And this couple initially were excited
14:59 but they said...
15:01 They came to one of our pop-up restaurants
15:02 just to see what we are doing in Manhattan
15:04 because we already have
15:06 started our pop-up restaurant in Manhattan by then
15:07 and this couple were from Long Island.
15:10 But they rejected.
15:12 For some reason they said,
15:13 "No I don't think you guys are good fit for us."
15:15 I was very disappointed, very discouraged.
15:17 Like, I was asking God, "what did I do wrong?
15:19 Why this happened?
15:20 Because we really wanted to have something
15:22 going on in Long Island as a pop-up restaurant.
15:25 And God spoke to me in my dream and said,
15:29 "Go and speak to such and such a owner
15:31 and tell them about your pop-up restaurant."
15:33 And that venue, it's...
15:35 We over out of place called a Jack Jack's coffee House,
15:38 it's in Babylon, Long Island.
15:40 And that's our Long Island location.
15:42 Long Island location.
15:44 So I just went and said,
15:45 "Hey, we are Seventh-day Adventists,
15:47 we promote health messages. "Oh!"
15:48 And then the couple got very excited.
15:50 This is another couple.
15:51 They got very excited and they owned that café(C)
15:53 or the coffee house and they said
15:55 "We love what you guys are doing.
15:57 As long as you don't have stand up comedy
15:58 with filthy language and no liquor, you're good."
16:02 We said, "Absolutely."
16:04 That's easy stuff. Yeah, that's easy.
16:06 And I ask my question, Ivan and Heidi.
16:08 A pop-up restaurant,
16:09 okay, one day you go and the restaurant's open.
16:11 How does your clientele know, when, where, how,
16:14 how do you get people?
16:15 Most of that is done on social media
16:17 and Ivan handles all that.
16:18 We do advertising through Google and Facebook
16:21 and other social media,
16:23 you know, opportunities and it's on our website.
16:27 People actually book their seating
16:29 in advance on our website.
16:31 So they see all the dates, so they see the choices,
16:33 they choose their menu and they book their seating
16:35 on our website.
16:37 And so for us it's really, it really helps us
16:40 to manage our time, our resources,
16:42 our limited space
16:44 and our ingredients and all of that.
16:47 It's really a blessing.
16:48 Yeah, and cool, I just...
16:50 The idea of a pop-up restaurant totally blows my mind.
16:52 I just, who thought, who would think?
16:55 Of course it's a testament to the power of social media.
16:58 But the fact...
16:59 and also a testament to the fact that
17:00 if you make a product that people like,
17:03 people will follow you to go get it,
17:05 you know, that kind of thing.
17:06 So a pop-up restaurant, then who knew?
17:08 You know that?
17:10 So they close as their entity and we, you know,
17:13 change the environment a little bit
17:15 and we open up for dinner as Heidi's Health Kitchen.
17:17 We actually have a picture of our pop-up restaurant
17:19 with all the people seated and, you know, picture...
17:24 Oh, that's one of... So that's it?
17:26 Yup, that's it, that's our Babylon location.
17:28 That's a fairly... I mean, it's full.
17:30 Yeah. Yeah.
17:31 That is outrageous.
17:33 And so one of the things that we do
17:34 to bring people into God's presence,
17:37 you know, who are living in a world of sin and darkness,
17:40 we play, either instrumental music,
17:44 we've played Jill's piano CD before.
17:47 We've played "Moments of Peace"
17:49 and so people are hearing heavenly music.
17:53 There are health tracks on the table.
17:55 There's information and literature
17:56 available for them.
17:58 We encourage them to take it with them.
17:59 We give them the amazing health facts...
18:01 Amazing Facts Health magazine, when they leave
18:04 and we just love them as much as we possibly can.
18:08 So your clientele is already... You know who's coming.
18:11 You know when they are coming.
18:12 All that's done by the time you open.
18:13 You know what you got. Yes.
18:15 We generally try to accommodate up to ten walk-in's
18:18 because of course we want to do that
18:20 and we feed our staff.
18:22 And so we know exactly how much we have to prepare,
18:24 what we have to bring and it works very smoothly.
18:25 Now do you come back to the same place periodically
18:27 or do you really pop around a little bit?
18:29 Well, we've got that one location in Long Island.
18:32 We have a location that we're using in Manhattan.
18:34 We're looking for a Brooklyn and a Queen's,
18:36 pop-up locations, so that we'll be
18:37 in all five burrows.
18:39 Now how often do you pop-up in Babylon?
18:41 Both locations is once a month.
18:43 Once a month? Currently.
18:44 And, you know, if we, if we were just doing that,
18:47 of course we could do it more than once a month.
18:49 But we're both Bible workers and, you know,
18:51 we have food production,
18:52 we've so many things going on as we mentioned to talk about.
18:55 That, currently it's once a month.
18:58 Now I must admit,
18:59 I did not know about this concept at all.
19:01 This is something that possibly
19:03 can be replicated in other areas.
19:06 The idea of a pop-up
19:07 and the fact that you can pre...
19:09 I don't know what to say preordained
19:10 but predestined your clientele.
19:12 You know who's coming,
19:13 because they have already signed up.
19:14 You know what you've got.
19:16 So when you go in and set up,
19:17 you know what you're gonna get that night.
19:19 Correct. That's really, really cool.
19:20 So it's not left to chance. Correct.
19:21 And if extra people come, well praise the Lord.
19:23 Yes. Yeah.
19:24 Yeah, that's, that's fabulous.
19:26 In addition to that
19:27 social media and all those advertisements,
19:28 we also sample our foods outside the venue.
19:31 Correct.
19:33 A couple of times, so people see us,
19:34 people try our foods as well.
19:37 So we put a lot of hard work
19:40 in promoting what we have to offer.
19:44 And that Babylon location has been such a blessing.
19:46 I just have to say, it was really a blessing
19:48 when God closed the door
19:49 for the other Long Island location,
19:51 because it was all the way out east,
19:53 an hour and a half
19:55 from where we rent a commercial kitchen,
19:57 you know, near Babylon.
19:59 And of course we're already going an hour and a half
20:01 into the city
20:02 and then to be going an hour and a half
20:04 the other direction
20:05 and God gave us place right in Babylon.
20:06 It was really an answer to a prayer.
20:08 It's actually a two minutes drive from our house.
20:10 Praise the Lord.
20:11 So some people are coming out of Babylon and God sent you...
20:14 God sent you into Babylon. Praise the Lord.
20:16 And Babylon as I know South Shore of Long Island,
20:19 it's not a big, big town. It's not.
20:21 Yeah, it's a sea side of town. It's a quaint town.
20:23 It's a quaint type of little village.
20:24 There's a whole bunch of them along the South Shore there.
20:26 But people like good food and they look for it.
20:29 And when they know where to go to get it...
20:31 Particular in New York, they will go,
20:32 they will travel to get it.
20:33 Exactly, exactly. Yeah. Excellent.
20:35 We've got a church in Babylon.
20:36 Yes, we do. Now you're, so you're...
20:38 The place where you do your cooking is in
20:40 that Suffolk County?
20:41 Yes.
20:43 Yes, we rent a commercial kitchen in Amityville
20:45 for all our food production
20:47 and then we mentioned that we do cooking classes as well.
20:52 So right now we've got a few different locations going on.
20:56 We've got the commercial commit kitchen
20:57 that we rent in Amityville for our food production.
21:00 We also once a month
21:01 on the second Sunday of the month
21:02 give a free cooking demonstration
21:04 at the Crossroads Adventist church in Manhattan,
21:07 on West 45th street in Times Square.
21:09 Oh, yes.
21:10 And then two blocks away from that on 47th street,
21:14 we rent a Gourmet commercial kitchen
21:16 for our hands-on cooking program,
21:19 which is a three hour class, it's called "Cook with US."
21:22 So if you know anybody who lives in Manhattan,
21:24 who would like to learn how to cook
21:26 and join a hands-on cooking class,
21:28 we cook an entire five course meal
21:31 with our students
21:32 and they get to home everything they make.
21:34 It's called "Cook with US."
21:36 We have all the equipment for them.
21:37 We give them Heidi's Health Kitchen apron
21:39 and they cook an entire meal.
21:42 Unreal. You guys are all over the place.
21:45 And you're fulltime Bible workers.
21:46 Yes.
21:48 And that's why we are looking for that one location
21:50 that we'd be able to do everything out of,
21:52 because right now we are...
21:54 Popping up.
21:55 You know, we're trying to do the best we can
21:57 with what God has given us
21:58 but it's, it's right now in many different locations.
22:01 Yeah.
22:02 And a one hour a day that you do get some sleep,
22:03 I hope you sleep well. Yes.
22:06 Because and then you're carrying a full load
22:07 as Bible instructors for the conference.
22:11 Let's talk about your signature recipe
22:15 and the thing that sort of undergoes all of that.
22:17 Sure. Yes. It's carubies.
22:18 That's made in your, your Long Island kitchen?
22:20 In the commercial kitchen in Long Island.
22:22 In Long Island. Yes.
22:23 Okay, I passed in the Amityville, so I know,
22:25 I know that town pretty well.
22:27 Another seaside community, ocean side community,
22:30 really, yeah, yeah.
22:33 What is Carubies? What are Carubies?
22:35 What is a Carubie? How did it get started?
22:37 And I know they come in eight.
22:40 And these are Carubies here? Yes.
22:41 Yes and you got to try some.
22:43 Okay, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna hold the Carubie
22:44 close to me as we talk about, as we talk about Carubies.
22:47 So Carubies are Carob truffles
22:49 and we make them in eight different flavors
22:52 and they are all different and unique.
22:53 Each flavor is different shape and God gave us Carubies
22:57 in the very beginning when we started
22:59 Heidi's Health Kitchen as a health food ministry.
23:02 And really from the beginning, we were entirely supported
23:05 on the sale of Carubies.
23:07 We actually are not employed by the conference
23:09 since New York 13.
23:11 At the end of New York 13, the conference said,
23:13 "You know, we appreciate all your help
23:14 but we no longer have a budget for Bible workers."
23:17 And so, so that's why we were asking God,
23:19 how does this work get supported?
23:21 And so God gave us Carubies.
23:23 It started with one flavor
23:25 that was inspired by a friend of mine.
23:29 And so I prayed and I asked God to give me more recipes
23:36 and He did.
23:37 I'd wake up in the morning and say,
23:39 "Okay, this is our next flavor, this is our next flavor."
23:42 And by God's grace it's really a miracle.
23:45 Every single time, it just took one try,
23:48 there was no experimenting.
23:49 So you kind of the right brain
23:51 and Ivan is kind of the left brain.
23:53 Exactly. Now the situation...
23:57 You're the artist and he is the kind of...
24:01 He's the visionary and, and managing the business side
24:04 and that advertising and marketing and all that.
24:06 Why you need that?
24:07 Because as a rule, most,
24:08 most artist people aren't really down
24:10 with the whole business crunching number kind of thing.
24:13 I'm creating, you take care of the other kind of stuff.
24:15 Having said that, all this Bible work
24:19 that you're doing is on your dime, that's not...
24:21 Yeah. Well, praise the Lord.
24:23 Walk me through how this international thing got started
24:26 because you got Bible students all over creation, you know,
24:29 that's a really a great, great thing
24:31 and I'm trying to hold off here and I will for...
24:35 I'll put this down for a while and I'll be good.
24:37 Tell me about...
24:39 Tell me about the International Bible School
24:41 that you've started.
24:42 Well, Ivan share more about that,
24:43 but it really started...
24:45 I noticed that he was communicating
24:46 with these people all around the world.
24:48 Now it's like "how are you finding these people?"
24:50 And so on Facebook
24:51 and some other social media platforms,
24:53 he goes into these chat rooms and he looks for people
24:56 who are, may be mentioning something about Christ
24:58 or Christianity, who...
25:00 because he's from that culture and that part of the world,
25:03 he can tell by their name, kind of where there're from,
25:06 may be if they are from a Hindu background
25:08 or a Muslim background
25:10 and he looks for ways to connect with people,
25:11 it's really amazing.
25:13 Yeah, yeah. Okay, so the first...
25:16 This is how it all began.
25:19 I was very upset when I watched a YouTube video
25:22 where a Christian lady went to a Muslim lecture
25:27 and she rejected Christ divinity
25:31 and she embraced Islam.
25:33 Islam, yeah.
25:34 I was very hurt, I cried on that day.
25:36 How can you do this?
25:37 How can you reject Christ divinity?
25:40 So I asked God,
25:41 I want ways to reach out people.
25:43 Train me, so I can teach people to prove to the world
25:48 that you are indeed God, from the word of God.
25:51 So God actually pointed me to different people,
25:54 different resources, so I started putting together
25:56 some Bible studies.
25:58 And then I came across this young girl named
26:02 Sai Kiran Krishna on a Facebook page
26:06 where she posted Praise the Lord
26:07 with a Hindu name.
26:09 So I contacted her.
26:10 I asked her, "Are you Hindu or a Christian?"
26:11 She said, "I am a Christian."
26:13 I was so excited because
26:15 that's great to see a Hindu person praising Jesus.
26:19 So I contacted her and then we connected after...
26:21 But she initially avoided because by the time
26:23 she was attending some church and the pastors told her
26:27 that Adventists are cult, they worship Ellen,
26:30 and all those things.
26:31 So she actually avoided me.
26:33 I also introduced her to Heidi, she avoided Heidi also.
26:36 But she had a lot of questions
26:38 and then I introduced her
26:39 to pastor Doug Batchelor sermons,
26:41 pastor Ivor Myers sermons,
26:42 she learnt a lot, she was seeking the truth.
26:46 When she found answers through the Adventist pastors
26:50 and their sermons, she began to open up to us
26:54 and she agreed to do Bible studies.
26:57 Now she comes from a very devout Hindu family.
27:00 I have two pictures of her.
27:03 She was actually raised in a school.
27:06 This is a God man.
27:08 People still worship him in India.
27:10 This one in the front. Yeah, with orange shirt.
27:13 So this is from a school and the girl is highlighted,
27:16 so she used to admire him.
27:18 Oh, that's her to the right... To the right, yes.
27:21 She and her entire family, they admire him.
27:23 They worship him. So he is their God.
27:25 Okay. Okay.
27:27 She comes from that background.
27:28 There's also one more picture of her,
27:30 you know, just smiling.
27:34 And in fact this God man named her after his own name.
27:40 He named her personally. Your name is Sai Kiran Krishna.
27:44 His name is Sai Baba.
27:46 So that, that kind of devotion
27:48 she and her family showed once upon a time.
27:51 But she and her family did not have peace of mind.
27:55 She was the very aggressive, rude girl.
27:59 Now when she became a Christian...
28:01 That type of personality. This is getting good.
28:03 Yeah, when she became a Christian,
28:06 she was taught that you get baptized,
28:09 you're saved, that's it.
28:11 So that's it.
28:13 So she got baptized
28:14 and after then she got baptized,
28:15 she started drinking, clubbing, partying,
28:18 staying out late at nights.
28:20 And the parents said,
28:22 "What kind of a God is your Jesus?
28:25 Look how you've become.
28:27 Look what kind of a character you're displaying."
28:29 And that's sort of the doctrine leads to, because I'm in,
28:31 so I can do anything I want.
28:32 That once saved is precise saved.
28:34 And the people in their Sunday church
28:35 were doing all these things and she thought
28:37 well, I could just do it right along with them
28:39 and it just brought such turmoil to the home.
28:41 Yeah.
28:42 I mean the parents got so frustrated
28:44 that her mom said,
28:45 "It is good that Jesus got crucified.
28:48 He deserves to be crucified."
28:50 Wow. Wow.
28:51 So they were very angry
28:53 and there was a lot of issues in the family,
28:56 a lot of issues with their friend.
28:57 And that's when God connected us with her
29:00 and I to be honest with you,
29:03 I wanted to give up on her many times.
29:05 I said I can't do this,
29:06 I can't deal with such a rude person,
29:09 I can't deal, but God said, "No."
29:12 God impressed me, of course.
29:13 No, press, press forward, press forward.
29:15 This is a long distance kind of communication.
29:17 We've never met her till now. We've never met her.
29:19 We've never met her till now.
29:20 So because God impressed I had to,
29:23 as we say die do self and do it for God
29:27 and her life transformed.
29:30 She called up every single friend whom she hurt
29:32 and said "I'm sorry, I apologize."
29:34 So when her character changed into a soft person,
29:38 forgiving and cheerful and happy person.
29:41 Her friends started asking her, "How did you become this?
29:44 What happened?"
29:45 And she said, "No, I'm going through
29:46 Bible studies over the phone."
29:48 So they said, "Oh, we also want to have a better life,
29:50 we also want to be happy."
29:52 So she connected us with more than 50 individuals
29:54 for Bible studies, from one girl.
29:56 How cool is that? Praise God.
29:57 So we call Kiran our Evangelist in India.
30:01 See actually... It's an amazing story.
30:02 We won't take too much time.
30:03 But she actually...
30:05 She was a banker and she left the bank.
30:07 She left... She was, I think a branch manager.
30:10 She left the banking industry
30:13 to work fulltime for the Lord, for the Sabbath.
30:15 What? Praise the Lord.
30:16 And so she's very artistic,
30:18 she makes greeting cards and she uses quotes
30:21 from The Spirit of Prophesy and from the Bible.
30:23 She stands on the street, CA,
30:24 and she sells these cards
30:27 and she leads people to Christ.
30:29 My soul. That is amazing. That is amazing.
30:33 She introduces us to all kinds of people who are,
30:36 you know, wanting prayer
30:38 or who are willing to have prayer
30:40 and wanting Bible studies.
30:42 Now this is not the one, the lady we saw on the video.
30:44 Same lady. Is that the same one?
30:45 Well, she doesn't seem mean or aggressive at all.
30:47 At all, right? Yeah.
30:49 So what a total transformation? Yeah.
30:51 And that must make you feel so feel good.
30:53 Because two things happen, when you work for others,
30:55 you're also working for yourself.
30:56 And as others grow, it does something for you.
30:59 So to have this
31:01 and I'll use this term advisory trophy
31:04 so early in your ministry, must really have spurred
31:07 your believe that God is in this thing
31:09 and let's go on with it.
31:10 And you brings out that, yeah.
31:12 It's still a blessing because we have now a whole small group
31:13 going in Bangalore, in India.
31:16 And there, it's going to be
31:17 starting a new church, pretty much.
31:18 Wow! Praise the Lord.
31:20 So we have connected her
31:21 with the local Adventist pastor in Bangalore.
31:23 And of course she's now a baptized
31:25 Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
31:27 She introduced us to many people as I mentioned.
31:30 I just want to share two testimonies more.
31:33 One was, she introduced us to a Muslim girl
31:37 from the Middle East but she lives in India.
31:40 And she was looking for Christ
31:43 because Christ came in her dream
31:45 and she was looking for the truth
31:47 to learn more about Him.
31:49 So we started offering her Bible studies over the phone
31:52 and she had a problem before she got baptized.
31:55 The problem was,
31:57 "I left Islam
31:59 because I didn't like the teachings of the prophet,
32:02 it's the prophet.
32:03 You are saying, you have a prophet too
32:05 and that too a woman.
32:07 I never heard of a woman prophet before."
32:09 Woman prophet. Yes, yes.
32:11 So she asked me,
32:12 "How can you differentiate
32:14 between the Islamic Prophet and Ellen White?"
32:17 So I did a study on that research
32:19 and differentiated and showed,
32:21 this is what the Islam Prophet says,
32:22 Prophet of Islam says,
32:24 this is what God's last day Prophet says.
32:26 And one thing she liked was,
32:30 we don't follow Ellen White, we follow Christ.
32:32 Precisely.
32:33 But, and Ellen White has never claimed
32:35 to be the perfect woman or the perfect example at all.
32:38 But, and the Prophet of Islam has claimed that.
32:41 So that she liked
32:42 and then she also did her own research
32:44 and then she is now a baptized Seventh-day Adventist.
32:47 Amen. Amen. How exciting.
32:50 So you've got this International Bible School
32:52 that's going on.
32:55 Ballpark, how many students in how many countries?
32:57 Oh, probably about eight countries approximately,
33:01 eight countries.
33:03 And how many students?
33:04 Probably about,
33:05 right now we have about 12 to 13 people,
33:07 we talk over the phone.
33:09 In fact, right now we have a new Bible student.
33:13 She is not allowed to...
33:14 Her husband does not allow her to do any Bible studies
33:16 because he's a Hindu, she's a very new Christian,
33:18 like just one year old Christian.
33:19 And I speak to her on the phone and she doesn't respond to me,
33:24 she just types her response.
33:26 So it's that secretive but she is doing Bible studies.
33:28 Okay, wow.
33:30 How do you now allocate your time,
33:33 you've got active Bible studies in the States,
33:36 you've got Bible studies international,
33:37 you've got pop-up kitchens,
33:39 you've got two kitchens that you are cooking stuff in.
33:43 Yeah.
33:44 You're at 3ABN now
33:46 and doing 3ABN camp meeting in 2017
33:50 as far as cooking,
33:52 you're kind of strung out all over the place.
33:54 How has God given you the word of thought
33:56 to do all this things and obviously do them.
33:58 Well, there's joy and you're also having fun
34:00 doing the work of the Lord.
34:02 But walk me through how you,
34:03 how are you organizing all this stuff?
34:04 So our kitchen time is early in the mornings,
34:07 6 am to 10 am,
34:08 is our commercial kitchen time,
34:10 where we manufacture our Carubies and our foods.
34:13 And because of the time difference,
34:15 you know, in some of these international countries,
34:18 Ivan's often on the phone in the evening,
34:21 sometimes if we don't have kitchen work that day,
34:24 we'll wake up early in the morning.
34:26 So we kind of have to work
34:27 with the time differences as well.
34:29 And, and then office work is kind of done,
34:32 like in the middle of the day.
34:35 Unusually probably to business,
34:36 we generally take Monday's off
34:38 because we have events every Sunday, we're booked.
34:40 I'm sure, yeah.
34:42 Every Sunday for quite a distance out.
34:45 And so by God's grace we're able to manage it.
34:50 You...
34:52 How are your, your Carubies,
34:54 how are these sold, online?
34:56 Obviously. Yes.
34:58 Is there any other way that they are marketed?
34:59 So we sell them online on our website.
35:02 They are sold also on the website
35:04 for Amazing Health and Amazing Discoveries.
35:07 And so they're available in the US and Canada there.
35:09 And we also have some local vendors
35:12 who sell them by the piece.
35:15 Some little cafes and bakeries and restaurants,
35:18 they sell them by the piece.
35:20 We had a...
35:21 There's a pizza place in Little Italy and Manhattan.
35:25 And we also make vegan ice creams.
35:27 So for example,
35:29 we make a pistachio carubie and a pistachio ice cream.
35:32 So they would plate the pistachio ice cream
35:35 with the pistachio carubies around it
35:36 and serve that as one of the dessert options
35:38 in their restaurant.
35:40 Excellent, excellent, excellent.
35:41 And so, we're actually working with a company
35:43 that does a lot of the food packaging
35:45 for a lot of Adventist foods
35:47 to actually repackage Carubies,
35:49 so that they will be more friendly
35:52 for wholesaling to retailers.
35:55 And once we have all the funds together
35:57 to get that taken care of,
35:59 then we'll be in stores as well.
36:01 Have you ever thought of pitching
36:02 like to a whole foods or a, or a...
36:04 Yeah. We have, we have.
36:06 We really need the upgrade of the packaging
36:08 first to be able to do so,
36:10 because, you know, everyone loves the boxes.
36:12 It's pretty, it's gifty, it's nice
36:13 but if you don't know what a carubie is,
36:16 you don't know what's inside.
36:17 And it also says, carob truffle
36:19 but some people don't even know what carob is.
36:21 See, now that's where I'm going with this.
36:23 Walk me through the advantages of carob over chocolate.
36:28 Sure.
36:29 So the dangers of chocolate are that they contain
36:32 caffeine and theobromine,
36:34 which both are highly irritative
36:38 to our digestive system
36:40 as well as to our nervous system
36:41 and our brain.
36:43 And you might not think that chocolate is affecting you
36:46 but you might have headaches some times and wonder why.
36:49 You might have digestive disturbances and wonder why.
36:52 Chocolate can be the source of those things.
36:55 Were as, on the other hand, oppositely,
36:57 Carob is excellent for digestion,
37:00 it's been proven in studies, it's excellent for digestion.
37:03 It actually helps to balance blood sugar as well.
37:06 So our products are safe for diabetics.
37:08 I did not know that.
37:09 Yeah and so there's such a host of health benefits
37:12 that come with carob.
37:14 Of course people say, well, chocolate has anti oxidants
37:16 but carob has a whole host load of minerals and vitamins
37:20 that our bodies need just as well.
37:25 The classic rub against carob has always been,
37:28 it has this bitter taste that you can not get rid of.
37:31 Yeah. Yeah.
37:32 You have overcome that.
37:33 And I am not, we are not diverging trade secrets here.
37:37 But you've been able to overcome that,
37:39 so that is very edible.
37:41 In fact, it is so edible that I'm tired of resisting.
37:45 Go right ahead.
37:46 I have got three different kinds here,
37:48 if they can kind of bring the camera in.
37:49 You got this heart shaped little deal in the middle.
37:51 That's our black forest, it's our top seller,
37:53 we flavor with sweet almond oil and there's an organic cherry,
37:57 dried cherry in the center.
37:58 There's a cherry in there. Yes.
38:01 I wonder were that cherry is.
38:03 It's inside. It's inside.
38:05 You've got to take a bite.
38:06 To get to that cherry, I've got to...
38:08 Wow. Okay.
38:10 I don't know... We're not supposed to...
38:12 This is my first time eating on 3ABN turf.
38:13 Really?
38:16 I found the cherry.
38:17 We call it as "John the Baptist Food."
38:20 John the Baptist?
38:22 Yeah, it's there in the Bible.
38:24 Locust is Carob.
38:25 Locust bean and he had honey. The Locust tree.
38:28 So it has locust bean and honey
38:30 and of course that's the base recipe.
38:33 Some people think that
38:34 if it was like a survivor show, right?
38:35 That he was eating insects, locust and honey,
38:38 but he wasn't, he was eating carob and honey.
38:41 Now these two little mound ones here are what?
38:44 That's our original and that's our base recipe,
38:48 no nuts, no flavoring.
38:51 This is, this is actually very, very good.
38:53 A lot of people think the original tastes
38:54 like a peanut butter cup.
38:56 It has a totally different taste.
38:57 You want to try that one too.
38:59 Well, you're nuts of temptation.
39:06 Yeah, it does.
39:08 This is very good. This is really good.
39:12 So there's 16 truffles in the box,
39:14 for about a tablespoon in size each
39:16 and they are a wonderful gift,
39:18 healthy snack for your family, Sabbath treat.
39:23 And it tastes very good.
39:25 Yes. It really, really does.
39:26 Really well done. Thank you.
39:28 So you do your...
39:31 Forgive me.
39:35 Sorry about that. You do... That was really bad.
39:40 I'm gonna have to... I'm gonna need a napkin.
39:44 Oh, boy, this is really good.
39:46 This is a great show.
39:50 So you do your...
39:52 Thank you so much, Jeremy.
39:56 Really, that is generally good. Thank you.
40:00 So these are selling well I suspect.
40:02 Yes, they're really,
40:03 they are really more of gourmet product.
40:04 Lot of people don't know that they're not chocolate.
40:07 If they don't know what carob is
40:08 or if they are not told.
40:12 It's really a blessing from God.
40:13 Yeah, and you can get these, get these online and,
40:17 at Heidi's Health Kitchen.
40:19 I want to go back more back to for just a second,
40:22 this idea of a pop-up kitchen.
40:25 Do you have any connections from your pop-up kitchen
40:29 to Bible studies or to entrances in the church,
40:32 is that, is there a track
40:33 that leads from that pop-up kitchen
40:35 to some one coming to the Lord.
40:37 Yes, so we have tracks on each table,
40:42 pretty much we have just followed the blue print
40:45 that we inspired of prophesy,
40:47 every single aspect of it.
40:49 So we have tracks and on the back,
40:51 we have the address to contact,
40:53 if they are interested in Bible studies.
40:55 So that way we connect with them
40:58 and also through our cooking classes
41:00 and cooking demonstrations,
41:02 we hand them a survey,
41:05 the attendees will get a survey,
41:06 where we ask them, "Are you... stop smoking
41:09 and alcohol addiction to be out of it."
41:12 And then towards the end,
41:13 "Are you interested in Bible studies, yes or no?"
41:15 "If yes, can we contact?"
41:17 So anything we do,
41:18 we make sure that we introduce Bible studies.
41:21 So we have gotten Bible study interest and contacts
41:24 from our cooking demonstrations,
41:26 the free cooking demonstration at Crossroads,
41:28 the hands-on cooking class in, in Midtown,
41:32 and from our pop-up restaurant.
41:34 And what we've seen...
41:35 What, what just really thrills me is,
41:37 we've seen God bringing people to our pop-up restaurant
41:41 who have left Adventism many, many years ago,
41:44 with one woman come.
41:46 She was...
41:47 We've had such an amazing support
41:48 from church members and Bible students.
41:50 They'll bring guests, they'll bring their friends.
41:53 And so we had a woman that came
41:55 and she was a friend of a friend
41:58 who was brought by our Bible student.
42:00 So our Bible student came and brought a friend,
42:02 that friend fell in love with our food
42:03 and continued to come and brought another friend
42:06 and that friend was so impressed
42:09 with the food and she said...
42:11 Ivan was talking to her and she made a statement,
42:14 "I haven't had such good vegetarian and vegan food
42:18 since I was in the Adventist Church
42:19 many years ago."
42:20 It turns out she left the church in her teens,
42:23 she herself choose an alternative lifestyle,
42:27 but it was that brief moment,
42:30 you know, an hour, when she was dining with us,
42:32 we're able to be with in contact with her
42:35 and by the end of that time,
42:36 we were able to pray with her, by the end of that time,
42:39 "She said I'm so glad
42:41 that Adventists are finally doing this work."
42:42 Praise the Lord.
42:44 That's why I had to ask the question as I did.
42:45 When you bring a person to a cooking school
42:47 or cooking class, you have more time
42:49 to sort of massage the situation.
42:50 You would almost expect to get contacts.
42:53 But a restaurant is more of
42:55 a business client kind of thing.
42:57 I came to eat, I didn't come to be evangelized,
43:00 I didn't come to...
43:01 I came because I like this food,
43:03 I like this cuisine.
43:04 So it's a little tougher to add the God content there.
43:09 So if your pop-up situation is doing that,
43:12 then it is truly blessed by the Lord,
43:13 because that's not the primary goal of that.
43:16 The primary goal is just to expose them
43:17 to healthy eating and it's an eating experience.
43:20 But if you're getting people come into the Lord,
43:22 well, then praise God. Amen.
43:23 Yeah, that's a, that's a God thing.
43:25 That is really, really great.
43:28 There is so much to talk about.
43:31 One of the things I want to do,
43:34 fairly early on is get ready to do
43:37 some contact information for you.
43:39 Sure. Because what I see is this.
43:41 Your, your...
43:42 The carubies are funding everything
43:44 but you're, you're spending online time,
43:47 you're spending internet time,
43:48 you're making phone calls, none of that is free.
43:51 So there are other kinds of upkeep kinds of things
43:54 that out go, you know,
43:56 and all of this is being funded by this.
43:58 This is one of those ministries.
43:59 First of all, it's new, it's cutting edge,
44:02 it's exciting, it's getting results,
44:04 and it's a kind of thing that,
44:07 that you can put into the heart of a big city
44:10 and do something really concrete for the Lord.
44:14 If like big cities, small town, you can do this anywhere
44:16 as long as you've got a location to do some stuff.
44:18 So I want to go now to the contact information,
44:21 then we'll come back, and then I'm gonna actually hit it again
44:23 because I really feel that, that Ivan and Heidi
44:27 need your prayers and,
44:29 and can certainly use your financial support.
44:32 We talked about at the very beginning,
44:34 the end game which is to have a,
44:36 you want a full sit on restaurant
44:38 which can be your center,
44:39 you need a pretty decent sized building.
44:41 Because you want to,
44:42 you want to multipurpose and multitask,
44:44 a lot of stuff coming out of that building.
44:45 And, you know, in New York City,
44:46 you know, Brooklyn and Queens
44:48 often the kitchen's are so small,
44:50 it's hard to do more out of it.
44:51 So we're really asking God for the place that we need,
44:56 because we need a kitchen that's large enough
44:58 to handle the current manufacturing
45:00 that's being done in another kitchen.
45:02 It needs to be large enough to handle
45:03 the output of that location,
45:05 whether it will be a café or a small restaurant.
45:07 And then of course as I mentioned,
45:10 our dream is also to have a few food trucks
45:13 around the city as well.
45:14 They would kind of service
45:15 just small little satellite locations
45:17 on a day to day basis
45:18 where we can reach people in other areas of the city
45:21 and all of that production would have to happen there.
45:24 And so we're asking the Lord for that.
45:27 We absolutely need His blessing
45:30 and financial support for that to happen.
45:32 We know at the right time and right place
45:34 He will open that up for us.
45:36 But it is expensive
45:38 but God owns all the money in the world,
45:39 so we don't have to really too worry about it.
45:41 But anyway that, any of the viewers
45:44 wanted to be a part of this mission and this ministry
45:47 we would absolutely be grateful.
45:50 And as you mentioned food trucks,
45:51 I go all the way back to Willie Cushman,
45:53 and the New York van ministry.
45:55 So there's a history of this being successful
45:57 and making contacts in a big city like that.
45:59 The fact that you have one location
46:00 but you have these,
46:02 these tentacles going out of around the city,
46:03 that is a great thing.
46:05 So if you, if you get in a same bus that I am,
46:08 if you're excited about this because,
46:10 first of all it's a new ministry,
46:12 it's a cutting edge ministry, it's one that uses internet
46:14 and uses brick and mortar along with internet,
46:18 with Bible study.
46:21 There's so many aspects.
46:23 I don't know how you get the time to do all the stuff...
46:25 You guys really look good for the,
46:26 for the little bit of sleep that you're getting.
46:30 I want to go to that contact information.
46:32 Would you like to support this ministry,
46:33 you can contact them, you can speak with them,
46:36 you can ask them for information
46:38 so that you can replicate this is in your own town,
46:40 but most importantly you can give them
46:42 the kind of financial support they are gonna need.
46:44 We're praying for a big building
46:47 and out here in Thompsonville, West Frankford,
46:52 you can get a big building.
46:53 In New York City, you can get a big building
46:55 but you got to dig deep in your pocket to get it.
46:58 Whether be in Long Island, whether be in Queens,
47:00 whether be in Brooklyn, heaven forbid,
47:03 heaven praise Manhattan,
47:06 you know, where,
47:08 where small condos gonna cost you a million dollars.
47:11 So they're gonna need some financial support,
47:13 but God is able through you and to your support.
47:15 Should you like to support Heidi's Health Kitchen
47:18 financially with your prayers,
47:20 here's the information that you're gonna need.
47:24 To find out more about Heidi's Health Kitchen
47:27 or where there next pop-up restaurant,
47:29 cooking class, or seminar will be held,
47:31 be sure to visit their website.
47:33 HeidisHealthKitchen.com.
47:35 There you will find information on all their services
47:38 including catering and other products
47:40 that are healthy, delicious, plant based, and gluten free.
47:44 There website again is HeidisHealthKitchen.com.
47:48 If you'd like to contact them, their number is 631-663-3128.
47:54 And their address is Heidi's Health Kitchen,
47:56 Post Office Box 232,
47:59 Babylon, New York, 11702.
48:08 You guys are involved in so much stuff.
48:11 Yes. Yeah, praise God.
48:12 And all of it lifts up the name of Jesus
48:15 and this is why Jesus is gonna bless you
48:18 and this is why
48:19 God's gonna give you that building.
48:20 I don't know how.
48:22 I just feel to say somehow you're gonna get
48:23 and it's got to be a good sized building,
48:25 may be an old warehouse or something as you meant to do
48:28 like we did in Russia,
48:29 start from scratch and build it, but,
48:30 but I think the Lord wants us to build and it flourish.
48:33 I really, really do.
48:34 Now I need to ask just a couple of more things.
48:35 One, you've been working together
48:38 how long, how many years?
48:40 Almost three and a half years. Three and a half years.
48:41 Okay, this is a business partnership.
48:42 There's nothing I need to know about, okay.
48:44 Okay, just get the elephant out of the room.
48:46 Okay, this is the business...
48:47 Yes, we're business and ministry partners.
48:50 Okay, praise the Lord. I mean...
48:52 And not that be anything of there was,
48:54 I just need to deal with that.
48:55 Sure. Okay, praise the Lord.
48:56 Because every time I see you, I see you both.
48:58 But, because you are ministry together.
49:00 Let's just praise the Lord.
49:01 Okay, so we got that, we got that out of the way.
49:05 Your, your home church is what?
49:08 Well, my membership is at Babylon in Long Island.
49:11 And Ivan's is at Crossroads. Crossroads.
49:13 At Crossroads and next to the city.
49:15 At Milton, Manhattan. Yup, Times Square.
49:16 Okay, bless your heart.
49:17 But you live fairly close together?
49:19 Yes. Yes, 15 minutes away actually.
49:22 And given the kind of stuff you do,
49:23 you have to because your day starts
49:25 fairly early and, and goes on.
49:29 As you look back at the 2013 experience
49:32 and that's really what,
49:33 what sort of gave you your short
49:35 and I'm gonna get started.
49:39 You know, let me do this.
49:41 Let me hold on that question.
49:42 What I want to do, let me go to my newsbreak,
49:44 we'll do that newsbreak,
49:45 we'll come back and then we'll wrap this up
49:47 and I wanted to sort of go into this question real quick.
49:49 Let's go on our newsbreak now, then we'll come back
49:51 and we'll put a bow on this and we'll tie this up.


Revised 2017-12-24