3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017078B

00:01 Well, amazingly enough
00:02 our time has rapidly gotten away from us.
00:04 Ben, I want you to just look into your camera over here,
00:07 and speak to the hearts of those
00:09 that have a malady of some sort,
00:12 an addiction of some sort, or even marriage issues.
00:15 Speak to their hearts. How would you help them?
00:19 I would encourage you
00:20 to know that if there is life, there is hope,
00:25 not to be discouraged but be encouraged
00:27 that there is someone out there if it's...
00:30 You know, hopefully we can help you.
00:31 If not us, then we have the resources
00:33 to be able to find someone even that may be local to you
00:37 to be able to help you.
00:38 So don't think that there is no hope,
00:40 there is no way of getting out of whatever health issues,
00:43 whatever addictions, or even marriage problem,
00:45 or family problems that God has an answer,
00:48 and God has the people there to be able to help you.
00:52 So don't ever lose hope or faith in that.
00:55 And, Lisa, what would you say to those that are hurting?
00:59 I would just say that
01:01 put your faith and trust in God.
01:03 And we're there to help wherever we can.
01:05 And like my husband said,
01:07 there's several other lifestyle centers out there
01:10 that will help you as well.
01:12 And so just be strong enough, get courage
01:14 because with Christ all things are possible.
01:16 That is beautiful information.
01:19 And I want to thank, first Ben and Lisa,
01:21 thank you so much for coming and sharing you ministry.
01:24 And thank you also for your ministry
01:27 that you would give your heart to the Lord
01:30 and allow Him to use you to help others.
01:33 We appreciate that so very much.
01:35 And thank you for making the trip here
01:37 to Southern Illinois to be with us.
01:39 And again thank you,
01:40 you are a blessing and a joy to us.
01:42 We love you dearly.
01:44 And we appreciate the fact that you allow us
01:46 to bring our guest into your home.
01:48 And it's been through the years as you've heard so many times
01:51 your love, your prayers, and your financial support
01:55 that keep this ministry going and growing.
01:58 And our prayer for you today
01:59 is that God will continue to richly bless you.
02:02 And we look forward to seeing you again next time.
02:05 God bless you.


Revised 2017-12-18