3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017078A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Well, hello and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:10 It is always such a joy to have you join us.
01:13 Every day you allow us to bring our guests
01:16 right into your living room or into your car.
01:20 You know, we've got viewers and we've got listeners
01:22 all over this world that today are going to learn
01:26 some good information that will have...
01:29 We've got a good program today.
01:31 But before I introduce you to our guest,
01:33 I want to share a scripture with you.
01:35 And the scripture
01:37 I'm going to share is from Matthew 11:28.
01:42 And the scripture says, "Come to me,
01:45 all you who labor and are heavy laden,
01:48 and I will give you rest.
01:50 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me,
01:53 for I am gentle and lowly in heart:
01:56 and you will find rest for your souls.
01:59 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
02:02 Well, the guest that we have for us today,
02:05 they have lifestyle center.
02:07 A place where so many people need to go
02:12 when they are burdened,
02:14 when they are under heavy labor,
02:16 and when there is sickness in their lives,
02:22 where there are areas in their lives
02:24 that need to be ministered to and need to be touched.
02:27 So if you find yourself in this situation
02:30 or you know someone who is,
02:32 call them right now and tell them
02:34 to watch this program.
02:35 They're going to find good information
02:37 to help their load be lightened.
02:40 Well, allow me now to introduce you to my guest.
02:43 First we have with us Lisa Brown.
02:46 Lisa, it is so good to have you here today.
02:50 And then Brown, her husband.
02:52 And they are the founders and directors
02:55 of the Eden's Pathway Lifestyle Center.
02:58 And, Ben,
03:00 where is Eden's Pathway Lifestyle Center?
03:03 Where is it located?
03:05 We're located in East Tennessee in a place called Sweetwater,
03:08 Tennessee,
03:10 about halfway somewhat between Knoxville
03:12 and Collegedale, Tennessee.
03:14 Well, we want to learn so much about this lifestyle center.
03:19 And, Lisa, I understand that you are working
03:23 on almost half your doctorate and naturopath.
03:27 Yes. Did I say that word correctly?
03:29 Yes, ma'am, you did.
03:30 Well, we want to learn a lot about that as well.
03:34 But before we have Lisa and Ben
03:38 tell us all about this incredible work
03:40 that there are in.
03:42 We've got someone here
03:43 that's going to sing a beautiful song for you.
03:46 His name is Danny Shelton.
03:47 I think we all know.
03:49 Love and appreciate Danny Shelton,
03:51 "Turn your eyes upon Jesus".
03:54 Amen.
04:05 O soul
04:08 Are you weary and troubled?
04:15 No light in the darkness
04:19 You see?
04:24 There's light
04:26 For a look at the Savior
04:33 And life so abundant
04:39 And free!
04:43 Turn your eyes
04:47 Upon Jesus
04:52 Look full in
04:54 His wonderful face
05:01 And the things of earth
05:06 Will grow strangely dim
05:11 In the light of His glory and grace
05:25 His Word will not fail you
05:30 He's promised
05:34 Believe Him
05:36 and all will be well
05:43 Then go
05:45 To a world that is dying
05:52 His perfect salvation
05:57 To tell!
06:02 Turn your eyes
06:05 Upon Jesus
06:10 Look full in
06:13 His wonderful face
06:19 And the things of earth
06:23 Will grow strangely dim
06:29 In the light of His glory
06:34 And grace
06:42 In the light of His glory
06:48 And grace
07:02 Thank you, Danny.
07:04 You know something that Lisa
07:06 kind of leaned over and said to me
07:08 when Danny first started singing was,
07:10 you know, he usually brings tears to my eyes.
07:12 And it's the anointing of God that's on the man's life.
07:17 And he just sings so beautifully.
07:19 It's so easy for him, it seems like.
07:22 Well, Lisa and Ben.
07:24 Ben, first I want to ask you,
07:27 you're the founder and director,
07:29 I think you did this together.
07:30 Yes.
07:32 What was the motivation
07:34 behind you starting a lifestyle center?
07:38 Well, really it was my wife's motivation,
07:41 it was due to some little small health issues
07:44 that she was kind of having.
07:46 And through some friends that we knew had told us
07:49 about these programs that,
07:50 you know, being able to detox and cleanse.
07:53 And so she with the help of her friend
07:55 went to another friend's house in Spring City, Tennessee.
08:00 She explains the 10-day program,
08:02 and at the cleansing at the time
08:04 she actually had a health food store
08:05 'cause we thought that was,
08:07 you know, way of doing medical missionary work.
08:09 And, but when she came back from this 10-day program
08:11 she said, "Honey, this is it, the health food store is nice,
08:15 but this is really."
08:17 And she was able to experience the cleansing, detoxing,
08:21 her headaches had gone away, she'd lost some weight,
08:23 and just felt invigorated.
08:25 And that's kind of where it stimulate
08:27 from her own personal experience.
08:30 From there then the first guinea pig
08:32 was her dad.
08:34 And we tried it on him and he did wonderful.
08:37 And then from there it just kind of sprung
08:39 and it was just more word of mouth.
08:42 And then it just kind of has grown from that,
08:45 from then people know
08:46 what we're doing every month so.
08:48 Sounds like what your heart's desire
08:50 and it's to help people,
08:52 they'd find themselves in a position along the lines
08:55 of what you were in, where you needed
08:58 just help from someone that is a professional.
09:03 And now, Lisa, I understand
09:05 that you almost have your doctorate...
09:08 Maybe you like your dissertation?
09:09 Yes, Ma'am.
09:10 To have your doctorate in naturopathic medicine.
09:14 And I want you to tell us what that means?
09:18 What does a doctor in naturopathic medicine?
09:21 What are the prerequisites to get your doctorate?
09:24 And what will it mean once you have your doctorate?
09:28 Well, it took me about four and a half years,
09:32 like I said I'm finishing my doctorate.
09:35 It's a little different.
09:37 We focus more on helping the body
09:41 to heal itself naturally.
09:47 However we work with doctors as well
09:50 'cause we have a lot of doctors that recommend people to us.
09:52 And they say,
09:53 "We know the program that you're doing this is what,
09:56 you know, these people need."
09:59 So there's a difference between the medical and the naturopath.
10:03 Naturopath obviously
10:04 is you're going to try to do things
10:06 as much naturally as possible
10:09 by letting the body have the ability
10:11 to heal itself naturally.
10:13 And so we don't diagnose or, you know, cure,
10:18 we don't claim that we cure anything like that.
10:20 We basically believe that Christ
10:22 is the great physician,
10:24 and we know that He's the great physician.
10:26 And when we do our part, He always does His.
10:29 You know Christ is the healer.
10:30 I had someone tell me once
10:33 and I think you've probably all heard this
10:35 that time is a great healer.
10:37 And I tell them no, time's a revealer,
10:41 what the healer is the Lord Jesus Christ.
10:44 And so I appreciate so very much
10:47 the fact that you're depending on Christ
10:50 for the healing virtue
10:51 that God placed within our bodies
10:53 to start with.
10:54 But I know in getting your doctorate
10:57 there are a lot of courses that you have to take.
11:00 Yes, Ma'am.
11:01 It required for me to have my A and P,
11:04 anatomy and physiology,
11:06 pharmacology, nutrition, enzymes.
11:11 I even had to take a course on law.
11:15 And I took a course in psychology as well.
11:18 And that pretty much was the core of it.
11:23 And then now it's just finishing off
11:24 with the dissertation.
11:25 So it sounds like the courses that you take or the courses
11:28 that any physician would have to take to get a doctorate.
11:33 So I'm very encouraged to know that with this lifestyle center
11:38 comes a very high level of excellence in education
11:42 as well as the heart's desire to help people.
11:46 So, Ben, how long have
11:48 you been working in this ministry?
11:52 Eden's Pathway,
11:53 we've been around for little over 17 years.
11:57 And so we've been able to work with,
12:00 you know, I guess several hundred
12:02 to maybe a couple thousand people,
12:03 I'm not sure.
12:04 And especially when we go, and speak,
12:06 and being able to train others as well,
12:08 and to doing really door-to-door evangelism,
12:11 taking this message to them.
12:13 And that's what,
12:15 you know, we have been commissioned to do so.
12:19 So I think there's been a little transition
12:21 in the actual lifestyle center itself.
12:23 What is the direction that you feel like
12:26 the Lord is leading you in now.
12:28 I believe that the Lord still warning us,
12:31 we were on a larger piece of property,
12:34 larger scale about over a year ago.
12:36 But it's started in our home
12:39 and that's what we're trying to do
12:41 is go back to our home.
12:42 And it's not,
12:44 it's just being able to work it really with,
12:45 you know, three to four guests
12:47 every month one on one
12:49 so they can see what an Adventist,
12:50 how Adventist we live, it's our lifestyle.
12:53 But also the focus
12:54 is actually traveling to churches
12:55 and to any type of venues to be able to go to train them,
12:59 encourage them to hopefully
13:01 that somebody there will be inspired
13:03 to open up their home.
13:05 And as we've been giving direction by inspiration
13:08 is to have a home like sanitariums in pleasant places.
13:12 And we're seeing that spring up,
13:13 there's been more especially this past year more calls of,
13:17 you know, for us to travel to training,
13:18 and to teach and all.
13:20 So in traveling, and training, and teaching,
13:22 you're teaching others to duplicate what you're doing.
13:26 Exactly.
13:27 And so what we normally do is when we do that,
13:31 then it also allows us to meet new people.
13:33 And then we try to have maybe once a year
13:35 when we get together all the different centers
13:38 or medical missionaries
13:40 or even vendors to come in and share information
13:42 so we can all benefit from our learning experiences.
13:45 So you have an organization, Ben, that you're a part of...
13:50 Yes.
13:51 Yeah, it's called Lifestyle Centers International.
13:54 And normally in the fall in November
13:56 we have our meetings were
13:59 that's generally kind of little bit,
14:01 it slows down for most of us a little bit.
14:04 And so we're able to come
14:05 and we invite individuals to come and learn.
14:08 We have different speakers from each of the centers
14:11 to be able to present on diabetes,
14:13 to cancers, to drug addictions, or whatever might be.
14:16 And then we had vendors
14:18 to talk about like hyperbarics or tomography
14:22 or whatever it might be
14:23 that's out there that can be available to us.
14:27 So we can all help one another,
14:29 and refer guest to each other as well and work together.
14:32 So you're keeping your learning abilities
14:36 on the cutting edge
14:38 so that you'll know what the success is that
14:42 others are having so you can learn from them.
14:45 I know that you have some pictures
14:48 that you brought along with you.
14:50 And I thought that we would go to a picture now.
14:52 Okay.
14:53 Let's see about this ministry.
14:55 This is our little small home like sanitarium
14:59 where a lot of guests come.
15:00 They stay with us and it is an in home
15:03 and live in center
15:06 where they can actually see
15:07 how we live as Seventh-day Adventist.
15:10 This is one of our guest rooms.
15:11 This usually is where the couples
15:13 they will stay in, it's called our love room.
15:16 And then this is the other guest room,
15:18 it's called our joy room.
15:21 And we can take up to four people
15:24 or two individuals at a time and where we're at currently.
15:28 Well, that's a very beautiful home.
15:30 Who do we have here?
15:31 This is a mother and daughter
15:33 that came to us from the Bahamas.
15:35 What was kind of interesting about them was
15:38 in talking to them
15:39 'cause normally,
15:40 you know, we're doing our lectures
15:42 doing the different therapies and stuff like that,
15:43 come to find out that they actually growing up,
15:48 they used to listen to 3ABN on the local TV,
15:52 I think a radio,
15:53 and she knew a lot about Adventism and stuff.
15:56 And so her daughter,
15:57 she came with her daughter
15:59 because her daughter wasn't able to...
16:00 All the way from Bahamas?
16:01 All the way from Bahamas. Yeah.
16:03 And one thing she said,
16:04 "You'll never guess what type of work I do."
16:06 I said, "Well, what is it?"
16:07 She said, "Well, my husband started
16:10 a liquor store right next
16:12 to the hotel Atlantis and stuff."
16:15 And I said, "I would never guess that."
16:17 And so that was just kind of an interesting story
16:19 of how that they knew a lot about Adventist
16:22 because of the local TV, and radio, and all that.
16:25 And how were they introduced to your ministry?
16:28 They had found out about us through another mutual friend
16:33 that knew about our ministry
16:34 and that's how they contacted us last year
16:38 and just made arrangements for them to come
16:40 right before her daughter
16:41 was going back to college in Florida.
16:44 And so they came together and we were able to help.
16:47 I think that the daughter had problems with lupus.
16:50 And so we were able to help them get them
16:51 on the right path.
16:53 Okay.
16:54 So you got them on the right path.
16:55 You know, the home was a lovely home
16:57 and obviously it's in a country setting.
17:00 Tell us a little about the acreage
17:03 and what you have
17:04 that your house is sitting on there?
17:06 Basically it's just a simple home.
17:09 Behind us the neighbor
17:11 actually has about 2500 acres of property,
17:15 farmland cattle, and stuff like that.
17:17 And it's very peaceful conducive
17:20 to where we're living
17:22 because there's not a lot of neighbors,
17:24 you know, as we're told can look in
17:27 and pry in and whatever.
17:28 But the neighbors there are
17:30 there are very nice and very helpful,
17:33 you know, in what we're doing as well so.
17:35 You know, in comparing stories before the program began
17:38 we found that we've got basically
17:41 the same heritage show
17:42 or from Tennessee here in these United States.
17:46 And I'm from Alabama where Tennessee sits right
17:49 on top of Alabama.
17:50 And I'm from North Alabama as a matter of fact.
17:52 And so that is beautiful country,
17:55 that's not way overpopulated,
17:57 and it's just got that good warm weather
18:02 in the summertime,
18:03 and it's not brutally cold in the wintertime.
18:06 So it's a lovely place to have a lifestyle center.
18:09 And so the mother and the daughter
18:11 were helped by being there with you
18:13 in the lifestyle center.
18:15 Yes, and we were blessed by them
18:16 being there with us as well.
18:17 Okay.
18:19 And let's go on to the next picture.
18:21 Okay.
18:22 This, here was another interesting story,
18:26 it's a father here,
18:28 he was suffering with some cancer.
18:30 And the father and the mother came,
18:32 and this is a daughter.
18:33 But the other daughter had actually contacted us.
18:36 And one of the things and when she contacted us,
18:40 she knew we were Christian center.
18:43 And she said,
18:44 "Well, you know,
18:45 I'm not a Christian
18:49 and I can't remember what religion is
18:50 but didn't believe in God."
18:51 And it was really challenging for me to think well
18:55 and I told my wife and said,
18:57 "You know we pray a lot with our guests.
18:59 And she's, you know,
19:00 she doesn't believe in God or anything.
19:02 She believes in some foreign mystic religion."
19:06 And so a week prior to them coming the daughter
19:10 from California says, "I can't come.
19:11 But my sister from Connecticut is coming."
19:15 So when they all came together,
19:17 and we picked them up in Chattanooga,
19:20 and they got into the house,
19:21 we got to talk to the daughter and said,
19:24 "You know we're a Christian organization."
19:27 And I said, "My wife and I pray a lot."
19:28 And she said,
19:30 "Well, that's not going to be a problem.
19:31 I'm a Christian too." Praise God.
19:33 And I said, "Well, good."
19:34 I said, "I was just kind of worried
19:35 but I don't want to offend you.
19:37 I know your father is here for help."
19:38 And that was one part of it.
19:40 The bigger part was that the daughter
19:44 as you saw in the picture there with her father
19:47 there was a little strange
19:49 'cause her mother had her and her brother
19:53 before she got married to this gentleman
19:55 that was just pictured.
19:56 And so they ended up having a couple,
19:59 another daughter and son together.
20:03 And she kind of felt estranged from her father.
20:05 And the father finally kind of broke down
20:10 and was able to be loving and caring
20:13 to his adopted daughter,
20:16 and they had never really hugged.
20:18 And so this was the night before the daughter had left,
20:21 the older daughter left to go back home
20:23 before her parents left.
20:25 And the Holy Spirit really broke his heart.
20:28 Actually my wife could probably share more
20:31 one of the experiences while he was with us.
20:34 And so, Lisa,
20:36 do you mind sharing about what happened.
20:37 Sure. Sure.
20:40 The daughter was feeling a little uncomfortable
20:42 like my husband said,
20:43 she was from a previous marriage.
20:46 And she says, I don't know how it is
20:48 that I ended up being the daughter
20:50 that came to be here with my mom and dad.
20:52 She says but obviously God has a plan.
20:54 And I looked at her and I said,
20:55 "Well, you know sister, God always has a plan.
20:57 Sometimes we may not see it,
20:59 we may not understand it but he does.
21:01 He always has a plan."
21:03 And so what happened was she was dealing
21:07 with some health issues as well.
21:09 And a lot of it
21:12 was where her childhood growing up
21:14 where she felt rejected.
21:16 And the unfortunate thing is we see a lot of people
21:20 who come like we try to focus
21:22 mentally, physically, and spiritually
21:24 because I think a lot of people
21:28 all of us at some point have been hurt,
21:30 and we don't know how to express that pain,
21:32 and that grief and anger.
21:35 And so she was sharing with me and she says,
21:38 "I just don't know why they sent me?"
21:41 She said, "But I'm okay with it."
21:43 She said just don't ask me to do anything
21:44 with my father.
21:45 I said, "Well, that's okay. We won't do that."
21:48 And one time we had heard that,
21:51 you know, some lifestyle centers,
21:53 you know, they don't like to as Adventist sometimes
21:58 we like to do just share or over share
22:00 because these were not Adventists
22:01 who were coming.
22:03 And they say,
22:05 we tell our guests or we tell our staff,
22:07 you know, we don't want to go around
22:09 and start praying
22:10 with these individuals right away.
22:11 We don't want to basically scare them off, you know.
22:14 We want to for the first three days everybody
22:17 just kind of lay low
22:18 and don't just give them time to get settled in before
22:21 we start sharing, you know, Jesus.
22:25 And so I thought about
22:27 that in this situation I thought,
22:28 "Well, if I would have waited
22:30 who knows where the Lord would have led with that situation,"
22:32 because when these people come into our home,
22:35 we only have them for 10 days,
22:37 not that we want to throw everything at them
22:39 because we don't do that.
22:41 We believe in...
22:42 I've had people look at me and say,
22:43 "Well, I just want you to give me my room,
22:45 give me my phone,
22:46 and I don't want you praying with me."
22:48 And I said, "Well, that's fine but just to let you know,
22:51 we do have to pray
22:53 'cause we can't do this without praying,
22:55 we have to be able to pray in."
22:58 So this particular family,
23:00 this is the mindset of the father,
23:02 he didn't want us to pray with him.
23:04 He's like, "I know there's a being,
23:06 I know there's a higher power but just don't pray with me."
23:09 So now he has cancer.
23:11 And he's there to get help.
23:13 But he didn't want you to pray with him.
23:15 He does not want us to pray with him.
23:16 Okay. That's correct.
23:17 And so I said, "Well, Brother, you know, that's okay.
23:20 I don't have to pray with you, but I will be praying for you."
23:23 And so the daughter, she told me, she said,
23:28 "Lisa, don't let it, you know, bother you".
23:30 I said, "Oh, it's okay."
23:31 I said, "We're good."
23:33 And so we would go to have the meal.
23:35 I would fix the meal, and she would say,
23:36 "Dad, we're going to have prayer first."
23:38 And he's like.
23:40 You know, like he didn't really want to.
23:42 And so I fixed the meal, and she started to have prayer.
23:46 And I said, "Well, wait a minute, Brother."
23:48 I said, "Why don't you have prayer for us?"
23:50 And he says, "No.
23:51 No, I'm good."
23:53 I said, "Okay."
23:55 So I let it go.
23:56 And so in the afternoons
23:59 what we do after we have devotion
24:00 which we have devotion morning and evening.
24:03 And our guests are welcome to come to the devotion,
24:06 but it's not required, they don't have to.
24:09 But we'd like to start the day with Christ.
24:11 And we like to finish it with the Lord.
24:13 And so I had devotion that evening,
24:16 and we go and we tell them good night,
24:18 you know, and see if they need anything.
24:20 Sometimes they may need a little bit of a massage.
24:22 You know, we'll give them a massage
24:24 or something help them rest better
24:27 or fix them a hot tea.
24:28 And so we would go and tell them good night.
24:32 And so one night I went in
24:33 and I purposely wasn't going to have prayer
24:36 that particular night after I went in
24:37 'cause I would have prayer with them,
24:39 tell them good night.
24:40 Lord willing will see you in the morning,
24:42 if you need anything, let us know, we're right here.
24:44 And so I started to leave to walk out of the room
24:48 and he says, "Didn't you forget something?"
24:52 And I said, "No.
24:54 I haven't forgotten anything."
24:56 So I start to walk out. He says, "No.
24:58 You forgot something."
25:00 And I said, "Well, I don't think I did.
25:04 I picked up your teacup, everything.
25:06 I don't think I did."
25:08 He said, "Oh yes, you did.
25:09 You forgot to have prayer with us."
25:10 Oh, praise God. Amen.
25:13 And so I turned around and I said,
25:15 "You know what, Brother, you're exactly right.
25:17 I did forget to have prayer with you."
25:19 And so I went over and I said, "Well, you know what?"
25:23 I said, "Better, yeah."
25:24 I said, "Why don't you have a prayer?"
25:26 And he says, "Oh no."
25:29 He says, "I can't pray."
25:31 I said, "Oh, yeah, Brother, you can pray."
25:33 He says, "No."
25:34 He said, "Trust me, God wouldn't hear my prayers."
25:39 He says, "He couldn't hear a sinner like me."
25:42 I said, "Brother, if He can't hear your prayers,
25:44 then He certainly can't hear mine."
25:47 I said, "You know what?"
25:48 I said, "He is there just waiting for you.
25:51 I said,
25:52 "So I think you can have prayer."
25:56 And the day before we were at the dinner table
26:00 when we were asking to have prayer over the dinner,
26:03 he didn't want to do it then either.
26:05 And I didn't force.
26:06 I just, you know, I said,
26:08 "Well, you can have prayer if you like."
26:09 And he didn't want to.
26:11 And I leaned over and I said, "You know what, Brother?"
26:14 I said, "You may think that God doesn't hear you."
26:17 I said, "But just to let you know
26:18 He never leaves us nor forsakes us."
26:21 I said, "You may deny Him,
26:22 but He will never deny you, Brother."
26:24 I said, "So He's just waiting for you
26:26 when you're ready."
26:28 And I said, "And by the way whenever you are ready,
26:31 you'll get the true healing that we all need."
26:34 I said, "'Cause, Brother, we all mentally, physically,
26:36 and spiritually need Him."
26:38 That next night was the night that he said,
26:41 "Oh, I can't pray."
26:43 I said, "Oh, yeah, you can."
26:45 And so he had the most precious prayer.
26:50 He closed his eyes and he said,
26:51 "Lord, I don't know if you're there,
26:54 but something in my heart tells me you are."
26:57 And he says, "If you can hear this prayer,
27:00 this sinful person, if you can hear my prayer,
27:04 I want to pray and let you know
27:06 that I'm ready to give everything up,
27:08 surrender all to you."
27:10 I'm sorry.
27:11 I just...
27:12 If you don't start crying and I will.
27:14 I just...
27:15 It was, I tell you, it was a blessing.
27:18 And when he got done,
27:20 he grabbed my hand and he started singing.
27:23 Yes, Jesus loves me
27:26 And he was what, 97?
27:28 He was 84 years old. Oh, 84. I'm sorry, 84.
27:31 Sorry. Yeah, he was 84 years old.
27:32 What was interesting to is that
27:34 the day we took him back to the airport,
27:37 and I didn't realize that you could get a pass
27:41 'cause I needed to help them 'cause in their wheelchair.
27:44 And the guy at there said,
27:46 "Oh, we can give you temporary go through TSS."
27:48 "Oh, really" I said, "That will be good
27:50 'cause that way I can wheel them in.
27:52 So I took them to the terminal.
27:53 And I said, "Can I have a prayer
27:54 with both of you?"
27:56 And he said, "Sure."
27:57 And so I prayed for them and prayed
27:59 that God would bless them in all their stuff.
28:01 And then I said, "Amen."
28:02 And then he immediately started praying,
28:05 "Dear Lord, I just ask
28:06 that You'll be with this precious family.
28:09 Pray that we can see them again."
28:10 And I just started crying.
28:12 I'm like can you believe this
28:13 that the Lord really broke his heart.
28:16 So you were mentioning earlier mentally,
28:18 physically and emotionally.
28:20 So this couple wasn't just or this gentleman.
28:23 And this family wasn't just ministered to physically
28:27 which is what they came for.
28:28 But mentally and emotionally
28:30 as well healing and restoration.
28:33 And from what you're saying this man gave his life
28:36 to the Lord Jesus Christ, was truly born again.
28:39 Thank You, Lord, at 87, I believe.
28:41 Eighty four. Eighty four.
28:42 At 84, he gave his life to the Lord.
28:45 You know, I think
28:46 that the statistics on people of that age
28:48 actually having a conversion experience
28:51 that statistics are very low.
28:53 So thank You, Lord.
28:54 So it's a lifestyle center not just for help
28:57 which is the main purpose of course,
28:59 but for every area and aspect of your life.
29:03 Now I know we've got more pictures,
29:04 let's look at more pictures.
29:06 Okay.
29:07 This one, this lady she was an ICU nurse
29:10 or is an ICU nurse in Columbia, Kentucky.
29:13 She was referred to as actually by our mutual friend
29:15 that was also a nurse.
29:17 And this lady, she told me here in one of the lecture here
29:21 she said that her friend Debbie
29:24 kept hearing her complain about her health issues.
29:26 And finally she said,
29:27 "Are you really ready to do something about it?"
29:29 She said, "What are you talking about?"
29:30 "Well, you need to call,
29:31 you know, I've been with Lisa at Eden's Pathway.
29:33 So she came,
29:34 and as we were sitting there talking,
29:36 I said, "So, you know, what are you suffering with?"
29:37 She told me.
29:38 And I said, "What are you doing?"
29:40 She said, "I have no clue about the health message."
29:42 And I said, "Oh, this is great."
29:44 And so we were able to share everything with her.
29:47 When the guests leave
29:49 that is the time where we're like,
29:51 "Dear God, I pray that
29:53 they will keep with their new lifestyle,
29:55 with their new lifestyle
29:57 what they've learned, that they don't go back."
29:59 You know, Christ told us,
30:00 you know, in the Bible "Go and sin no more,
30:02 lest a worst thing come upon you."
30:04 Well, she, about a week or so after she left,
30:08 she sent me a friend request on Facebook,
30:10 and so I accepted it.
30:11 And I've been watching her.
30:12 Well, what was interesting about her posting
30:15 on the pictures on Facebook was that
30:17 she was actually staying with her lifestyle,
30:20 she was actually promoting a plant-based diet of juicings
30:25 and stuff like that.
30:26 And on the way up here
30:27 she actually sent an invitation for presentation
30:30 on plant-based diet and all that.
30:32 And I had to decline it
30:34 but it was so exciting and someone not an Adventist
30:38 but a Christian
30:39 she was sticking with this lifestyle.
30:41 And that was so encouraging.
30:42 And that not only that,
30:44 but she was also promoting them
30:45 and trying to encourage other people.
30:46 So not only do you take them through your program,
30:49 your 10-day program.
30:50 But then there is follow up to help them
30:54 continue on the right path.
30:56 Yes. Okay.
30:57 And that's the whole objective,
30:58 it's trying to praying that all of our churches,
31:00 our people when the guests come especially
31:04 if they refer them,
31:05 that they are willing to take that opportunity
31:08 to say well, when they come back say,
31:10 "Well, great you've experienced this,
31:12 let me continue helping you on,"
31:14 because it's not going to only benefit the person
31:16 that needed the help
31:17 but it also is going to help you.
31:19 One thing that I read in the Spirit of Prophecy
31:23 that actually our salvation is dependent upon
31:25 how we help others
31:26 because actually
31:27 we're working out our salvation as well.
31:29 Yeah, I love that. Next picture, please.
31:33 This was one of the...
31:34 As we talked about, this is in Windsor,
31:37 Virginia Church there,
31:39 they asked me
31:40 just recently to go up there and do some training.
31:42 And I was there the full weekends
31:44 and they've asked again for us to come back.
31:47 And this is just simply teaching
31:50 the simple health laws.
31:52 And they advertised
31:53 and tried to get the community to come out.
31:56 Actually what was nice about it is
31:58 one of our former guest drove two and a half hours
32:01 just to come to the lecture.
32:03 And it was nice to see her again.
32:04 It's been about three or four years
32:06 since we saw her.
32:07 But she's trying her best to stick with her lifestyle,
32:10 with the plant-based diet and all that
32:12 and that was very encouraging.
32:14 And so if any of our viewers,
32:16 you know, they're interested in us coming,
32:17 we'd love to come and share.
32:20 And it's not just sharing we do,
32:22 you know, PowerPoint presentations hands on.
32:25 But also like leaving people with literature.
32:30 So we print out a lot of literature
32:32 so that they can actually have it
32:34 and take home with them.
32:35 And it's not just listening to something
32:37 but they actually,
32:38 you know, they have something that they can take home.
32:40 Have something in their hand. Yes, Ma'am.
32:41 Well, now that we've presented that,
32:46 that you do go to different churches and speak
32:49 and that's part of what your ministry is.
32:52 I just want you to know
32:54 that we're going to give you address,
32:56 contact information here in just a few minutes.
32:59 So get you a pen and paper
33:01 so that you'll be able to get the address
33:03 so that you can contact them.
33:05 But now I know we've got more pictures,
33:07 I love these pictures.
33:08 Yes.
33:09 This is our last trip in the Cayman Islands.
33:14 This was a new church there
33:15 in the Cayman Islands back in 2012.
33:17 We were there, it's called the Kings Church.
33:20 And normally on Fridays and Sabbath nights
33:22 sometimes they have a joint service.
33:24 There's currently about 15 animist churches.
33:26 And then using
33:27 when they have a guest speakers,
33:29 they have them all come together.
33:30 And this is at the end of a lecture,
33:32 you can see I'm little worn out,
33:34 this is at the end of two weeks there.
33:36 But, you know,
33:37 and if you want to roll to the next one as well.
33:40 This is in Ellijay.
33:43 The Ellijay Adventist Church asked us to do a 10-day
33:46 what I call the Daniel Light program.
33:48 It's taken our program on the road,
33:50 and these are the students that actually graduated.
33:53 We actually started with I think about 15
33:57 that signed up initially
33:59 but by the end the program we had 29.
34:01 And it went to about 65% non-Adventist.
34:04 And so this is the graduating class there.
34:08 They would come in the morning,
34:09 and we give them their protocol,
34:11 and also their diet,
34:12 and then they come back at 5 o'clock that afternoon.
34:14 My wife had a light supper for them prepared in as well.
34:18 And then we do lectures in the evenings.
34:20 And so we were blessed by it,
34:23 by especially getting to meet these individuals.
34:26 And so we were able to take the program to them
34:28 not the full program
34:30 when the people come into our home,
34:32 but it was something that
34:33 they could benefit to reversing,
34:35 starting reverse diabetes, reversing high blood pressures,
34:39 and things of that nature so.
34:40 You know, something I wanted us
34:42 to look at were some of the different ailments,
34:46 I'll use that word that you address.
34:49 I know you have mentioned lupus,
34:51 and then the gentleman with cancer.
34:53 So I know these maladies that you address.
34:59 And what would be your basic treatment
35:03 when you began with someone
35:04 with something like lupus or with cancer?
35:08 You mean as far as going through
35:09 what they would go through.
35:11 On kind of a typical day is
35:14 we start them in cleaning the colon
35:17 because we know that 90% of the diseases
35:20 come from the colon.
35:22 So we clean the colon out, so we clean all the organs,
35:24 the blood system.
35:26 And so we do that through different juices,
35:28 and different supplements, teas and things of that nature,
35:31 different therapies it could be, you know,
35:34 hyperbaric, it could be Russians steam baths,
35:38 or Far Infrareds, some things of that nature
35:41 just to kind of just name a couple of things.
35:44 We normally suggest that people have to go
35:47 and get their blood worked done to at least have an idea
35:51 that the doctor can tell him, you know,
35:53 this is what your current hemoglobin,
35:55 your blood, blood cell counts, you know,
35:58 white or red blood cell and your platelets,
36:00 and things of that nature.
36:02 And so that's kind of a typical day
36:05 that they're there.
36:06 We do juicing with them because we want their body
36:10 to be able to have the highest potential
36:12 of healing itself.
36:13 And so we encourage a higher percentage preferably.
36:18 You know, 60% raw diets
36:21 or more depending on their case.
36:24 And then we normally typically suggest, you know,
36:26 looking 3 months, 6 months, sometimes 12 months out
36:30 and staying with that protocol.
36:33 I know some centers have 30-day programs,
36:37 or 21, or 18 days.
36:38 And we used to do that when we first started.
36:40 But we found out that a lot of times the people
36:44 that left they wouldn't stick with it.
36:46 So what we've recommend is they come to us for 10 days.
36:51 And then depending on the severity
36:53 and the advancement of whatever they're dealing with
36:56 either coming back in 30 days, sometimes 90 days out.
36:59 And a lot, because when they first come,
37:02 there's a lot of apprehension, they don't know
37:03 what they're dealing with plus, you know,
37:05 they've been diagnosed with cancer.
37:06 So that they're dealing with all that
37:08 or they have diabetes or whatever.
37:10 And so but when they come back the second time
37:13 that allows him to say, "Well, you know,
37:14 I've already experienced this, so I kind of know
37:16 what I'm doing getting into again.
37:18 But it allows them to actually ask more questions
37:20 the second time.
37:22 And it increases the probability of them
37:24 sticking with what they've learned
37:27 because sometimes they lose that encouragement support so.
37:30 Okay, Lisa, you like you have something you wanted to add.
37:33 Yes.
37:34 I would like to add that we try to focus on
37:38 break down, rebuild and restore.
37:40 And then like I said mentally, physically, and spiritually.
37:43 So when they come, we send them
37:45 through a cleansing detox program.
37:49 And that way the body usually knows what to do
37:56 if it's given the resources, it just knows
37:58 that's how God fearfully and wonderfully created us.
38:01 And so once we start cleaning out
38:04 and getting the toxins and poisons out of the system,
38:07 then the body knows pretty much what to do.
38:10 And so we are there to help assist.
38:13 And it's...
38:15 We've been doing this like we said for 17 years.
38:18 And we have the health lectures.
38:22 We do show them how to do juicing.
38:25 We used to have cooking classes
38:27 but we really don't do that as much anymore
38:30 because they come into the kitchen
38:32 and they're watching me
38:33 as I'm already doing all of this anyway.
38:35 So it's pretty much a cooking class
38:36 but it's not like a real lay everything out cooking class
38:40 'cause there's just the two of us
38:41 we work as a team.
38:44 And so the Lord has really blessed.
38:47 So you give them the tools that they need
38:50 to go back home and then continue.
38:51 Yes, Ma'am.
38:52 They go home educated
38:54 and most everyone that comes there
38:56 have pretty much never done this before.
38:59 So this is all new to them.
39:01 So we try to get them educated so that when they do go home.
39:06 But we try not to overwhelm them
39:08 because this is a whole lifestyle change.
39:10 It's not something you're just going to be over in two days.
39:14 I mean, it takes some time.
39:16 And, you know, we're told that the body takes time to heal
39:21 when you're trying to do things naturally.
39:23 It takes a process.
39:25 And so we try to encourage them that, you know,
39:30 your body can respond,
39:31 it's just going to take some time.
39:34 And as we do our part, the beautiful thing is
39:36 God always does His part.
39:38 He never misses a beat.
39:41 That's something we can all praise God for.
39:44 He never ceases to amaze me at how He works.
39:48 And we try to encourage them too is, you know,
39:50 happiness, you know, Psalms 150.
39:52 "You know, everything that has breath,
39:54 praise the Lord."
39:56 Happiness is being happy and being surrounded by people
39:58 that are happy.
40:00 It's very effective to healing the body.
40:03 The other thing is being patient, you know,
40:05 we quote, you know, Revelation 14:12,
40:08 "Here is the patience of saints."
40:09 You've got to be patient because like my wife just said
40:11 it takes time.
40:12 And then the other thing is it is time.
40:15 Time we don't know
40:16 when it's between one the guest leave,
40:19 it's between them and God as to,
40:21 are you going to continue this.
40:22 And then just wait upon the Lord.
40:25 So mentally, physically, and emotionally, spiritually.
40:29 I know that we've got more pictures.
40:32 So let's look at them.
40:34 This one is the another picture in Cayman Islands.
40:38 So this is South sound community center.
40:42 This was right on the beaches were a beautiful place.
40:45 And people were just coming and it was pretty packed there
40:47 as you see the meetings there.
40:50 Again this is lectures and training,
40:51 trying to train the individuals.
40:53 And what was kind of interesting there was
40:55 one lady, her sister was a naturopath.
40:58 And I had the book "Minister of Healing"
41:00 and I was showing it.
41:02 And I said, "You know, the referring it to,
41:03 I said, this is a fabulous book."
41:05 And well, one lady said, "Can I have it?"
41:08 And I said,
41:10 "Yeah, we'll try to see if we can find you."
41:11 She said, "No, I want your book."
41:13 And I said, "You want my book?" And she said, "Yes."
41:16 Well, but mines all marked in.
41:17 The pages were turned on the corners, you know,
41:19 where I like certain quotes and stuff."
41:21 And she said, "Well, that's why I want it.
41:23 I want your book."
41:25 I said, "Okay." So I gave her the book.
41:27 Well, the next night I was talking about
41:28 the ministry of healing again quoting,
41:30 she raised her hand again.
41:31 I said, "Yes."
41:33 She said, "You know, I was reading that book.
41:36 I was reading that book until 3 o'clock in the morning.
41:39 I couldn't put it down
41:40 and I realized what time it was.
41:42 I've got to get up in two hours to get ready to go to work."
41:44 And I said, "You did what?"
41:46 She said, "That is such a fabulous book."
41:48 And I said, "Praise God."
41:49 You know, so that was the experience
41:52 when we were down there so.
41:53 All right.
41:55 Well, I know that we've talked about
41:57 the maladies, lupus, diabetes, cancers, diseases.
42:03 But I know
42:05 that you also minister to addictions.
42:09 So would you like to address that?
42:11 Yes.
42:13 I think we may have mentioned earlier,
42:15 we've taken the individuals
42:17 that either have a drinking problem.
42:21 That have and that's been on drugs.
42:27 And normally those do take a little bit longer.
42:29 Sometimes 10 days,
42:30 sometimes longer depending on what type of drugs
42:33 that they've been on and all that.
42:35 And so those are kind of,
42:38 I guess encompassing of all of them
42:40 that had those type of addictions
42:43 that they can come,
42:45 we can clean them out, also pray with them,
42:46 and try to encourage them to get on the right path
42:50 and the right process as well.
42:52 And so but, you know, while they're with us
42:58 we always are trying to find some support group
43:01 because they can relapse.
43:03 And so if they are in
43:05 with someone that can encourage them
43:06 and that they are held accountable to that,
43:09 you know, that they respect his will,
43:11 then they will not concuss.
43:12 We had one gentleman that actually came back,
43:14 he came to us, had a drinking problem.
43:16 And I said, "You need to get back to the Adventist church."
43:18 And he said, "I'm going to." And he was in Arizona.
43:21 And so otherwise you're going to come back.
43:23 Well, a year later he came back.
43:25 And I said, "You know, I told you,
43:27 you know I'm trying to encourage you
43:29 so I'm going to move in
43:30 with my parents and stuff like that."
43:31 And so there was always constant challenge
43:34 and that's why it's imperative that regardless
43:36 if you have addictions or, you know, or health problems,
43:39 you need that support.
43:40 You need a support. Yes, that's so true.
43:42 Let's see the next picture.
43:45 This is again in the Cayman Islands.
43:48 I love this opportunity
43:50 because the gentleman that invited us to come down,
43:53 he actually used to be in the music industry.
43:57 And he gave up
43:58 millions of dollars of equipment,
44:00 it was kind of like, you know,
44:02 big music company here in America.
44:06 And he told me,
44:08 so I'm going have you speak in this in Georgetown.
44:11 And it was the ghetto, the worst part of town.
44:14 And I said, "Okay."
44:16 And I thought, you know, I was just going to speak
44:17 for a couple of minutes or whatever.
44:19 When we pulled in
44:20 there was some gentlemen over there
44:22 that were had their boom box just blaring.
44:24 And one of the gentlemen that was with us
44:26 went over and said,
44:28 "Hey, we're going to these meetings and stuff.
44:30 And can you turn it down." And he said, "Sure."
44:33 And so I was talking to Daryl, and Daryl's like,
44:37 "You have an hour and a half." And I'm like "I do what?"
44:39 Hour and half. "Hour and half to present."
44:41 I'm like "I do what?"
44:42 So I'm here trying to get my computer
44:44 'cause he said,
44:45 "well, there's a truck coming with a projector,
44:46 with a sound system, with chairs, and everything,
44:49 whole production pretty much."
44:51 And so I was trying to work on that.
44:53 And then as the meeting started
44:55 then people, you know, drug dealers...
44:57 Off the streets.
44:58 They were coming off the streets and just coming.
45:01 The drug dealers
45:02 because you were in the worst part of the town.
45:04 Worst part of the town.
45:05 Also you had a ready made audience.
45:06 Yes.
45:08 And, but that was the best experience
45:09 I've ever had because these people they were,
45:12 you know, I would hear them saying, "Praise God."
45:15 My wife Lisa was taking the pictures.
45:17 And she was crying.
45:18 And she said those that are were all there.
45:21 And it was just people need the Lord,
45:24 they're looking for the Lord.
45:26 So and that we were able to reach them
45:29 where they were at.
45:30 Okay, so, Lisa, you were right in the middle of this.
45:35 What did you think of all these that was going on?
45:39 Well, it was, again it was such a blessing
45:41 because it just goes to show that,
45:44 you know, the gospel is going to go to all the world.
45:47 And the Lord is just waiting for those
45:50 that are willing to go and share.
45:52 And I do get emotional.
45:55 So I was right there crying because I saw these people,
45:59 they were just coming from off the streets.
46:01 And one came up
46:02 and he actually had alcohol in his hand.
46:06 And he looks at me and he says, "Am I supposed to be here?"
46:08 I said, "Oh, certainly you can be here."
46:10 You know, so it's such a blessing.
46:12 And the thing that I always trying to remember is
46:16 when we started this ministry years ago,
46:18 I said, "Father, please help us to always be humble.
46:22 Help us to remember that this is about You.
46:24 This is not about me,
46:25 it's not about my husband, it's not...
46:28 We're just willing to be used
46:29 wherever You see fit to use us."
46:31 And He has in many ways, He has blessed.
46:36 And we literally have seen miracles.
46:39 I mean, we really have.
46:40 And it wasn't these big huge miracles.
46:44 I mean, miracles as in we see something
46:48 where we're doing therapy with an individual.
46:50 And I'm there and I'm saying, "Father, I've done everything.
46:53 I've done everything I know to do.
46:55 I don't have any other resources."
46:58 And He's like, "Oh yes, you do."
46:59 And I'm like,
47:00 "Father, I don't have any other resources.
47:02 I've done the hydrotherapy. I've done the massage.
47:04 I've done the cleansing that,
47:06 you know, I don't know what else to do."
47:08 And He's like, "Well, why don't you just ask Me."
47:12 And I'm like, "Father, you know what?
47:14 That's what I need to do. I need to just ask You."
47:16 And He never ceases to amaze me at what He does
47:20 because whatever situation we're in,
47:23 I can just call upon Him.
47:24 I remember one time,
47:25 I remember crying out my soul to Him.
47:27 I was like, "Father, I'm not the great physician here.
47:30 I've done everything I know to do.
47:32 Please do not leave us now."
47:35 And immediately, I mean, immediately
47:38 that person just started changing the whole demeanor,
47:41 everything about the person that we were doing therapy with
47:43 'cause we were doing a particular therapy.
47:45 And I said, "Father, we need You here."
47:48 And it's just the little things that He encourages.
47:50 It's not the big,
47:51 it's the little stuff that He reminds us
47:53 that He's still in charge.
47:55 He's right there with you. Yes.
47:56 And truly as you mentioned earlier
47:58 to the gentleman with cancer
48:00 "He never leaves us and He never forsakes us.
48:02 You know, I've known people that smoke,
48:04 people that were addicted to drugs or alcohol.
48:08 And not one if you ask them they would say,
48:10 "I wish I had never smoked the first cigarette,
48:12 I wish I'd never taken the first drugs,
48:15 I wish I'd never taken that first drink."
48:18 So we see these people and we think,
48:20 "Oh, they are,
48:22 you know, in such terrible shape,
48:23 shame on them."
48:25 Each one of them if you were to get to their heart
48:27 would give anything
48:30 if they could be set free of this bondage
48:33 that they find themselves in.
48:34 Well, I know that also you work with marriage counseling.
48:38 And I need more,
48:40 the time is rapidly getting away from us.
48:41 I didn't want us to overlook this.
48:44 Tell us about the marriage...
48:45 I know so many marriages that need help.
48:48 Do the husband and wife come?
48:50 How does this work? Yes.
48:52 We have a course that is basically
48:56 it's geared from John Regier.
48:59 He has it's Caring From The Heart.
49:02 And we had someone years ago that came to us and said,
49:06 "You know, this man is not an Adventist,
49:08 but he has a lot of good resources.
49:11 And you guys being in ministry,
49:13 you might want to consider this."
49:15 And so everything he has is biblical based.
49:19 And so we tried to go from that
49:20 and along with Spirit of Prophecy.
49:23 And we have been able to work with several couples.
49:27 And the Lord has blessed in that area as well.
49:30 We're finding that especially a lot of individuals
49:34 that are missionaries that,
49:37 you know, they are divorcing, or going through divorce.
49:39 And so and we as a church, as a body
49:42 we need to really pray and encourage
49:44 and give wisdom to these individuals.
49:46 And lot of it deals with finances,
49:48 that's the core of it.
49:50 And so I mean, I know there's other issues
49:51 but the ones that we work
49:53 with seems like it's the financial part of it.
49:55 And so, you know,
49:56 we are trying to work with missionaries.
49:59 And, you know, we do a little soliciting for them
50:02 then they come to us.
50:03 And so we even in our lifestyle program,
50:06 we've counseled with a lot of marriages over the years,
50:10 then again it was not our goal, our focus.
50:14 Just like, you know, we talk about diabetics
50:16 and people that have cancer.
50:17 When we first started this, that was never our intention.
50:20 It's just when God leads, you've got to follow.
50:24 And it's the same thing with the marriage
50:25 or the drug addictions or whatever,
50:28 this is not our intention.
50:30 And so I want to make sure that our viewers know that
50:33 this is not something we intended to do,
50:35 it's just God says, "No, I'm sending you these people."
50:38 And therefore we had to be prepared
50:40 to be able to help them.
50:42 Yes, we want to,
50:44 it's more of a marriage enrichment.
50:48 And the same way with the help that's more of just educating,
50:51 it's a lifestyle.
50:55 And we want to help wherever we can.
50:58 And we're just grateful that the Lord has allowed us
51:01 to continue to bless others.
51:05 I just want to see souls in heaven.
51:08 That's beautiful.
51:09 I have been so encouraged today.
51:11 And I'm sure you have as well.
51:13 If you would like to get in contact with Ben and Lisa,
51:17 and have them come to your church,
51:19 or come to your area,
51:20 we have that contact information
51:22 for you now.
51:25 Eden's Pathway Lifestyle Center
51:28 gives you a unique setting
51:30 to learn simple yet powerful health practices
51:33 that can apply to your life,
51:35 while their staff will help you feel rejuvenated
51:38 in the peaceful scenes of nature.
51:41 To learn more about their lifestyle programs,
51:43 you may call them at (423) 371-2032.
51:49 That's (423) 371-2032.
51:54 You may also write them at Eden's Pathway Lifestyle Center
51:58 411 Robbins Street,
52:01 Sweetwater, Tennessee 37874.


Revised 2017-12-18