3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017074B

00:01 Welcome back.
00:02 Here at the closing end of our program,
00:04 I wanted to ask Mollie and Brenda,
00:05 if you'd share a closing thought
00:06 or closing scripture with our friends at home.
00:08 Well, I would love too.
00:10 I want to just talk a minute about the importance
00:12 of being verbal when you pray.
00:14 We're going to look at
00:15 Mark 11:23 and 24, verse 22 says,
00:18 "Have faith in God." And this is Jesus speaking.
00:21 He goes on to say, "For assuredly,
00:23 I say to you what so, whosoever
00:26 says to this mountain says it,
00:28 not just thinks it,
00:29 be removed and be cast into the sea
00:32 and does not doubt in his heart.
00:34 But believes those things he says will be done,
00:37 he will have whatsoever he..."
00:40 And what's that word? "Whatsoever he says."
00:42 It's vitally important that you speak your prayers
00:46 that you're verbal,
00:47 and then receive the answer to the prayer of faith.
00:50 Amen. Brenda?
00:52 Well, I agree, Mollie, with you.
00:53 I have another text that supports that as well,
00:55 and that is
00:57 "And whatever things you ask in prayer,
00:59 believing, you will receive."
01:02 And so I think that the key is that we pray believing.
01:06 But another thing that I have people ask me about,
01:10 Mollie and Jill, is that they'll say,
01:12 "Well, I try to pray, but my mind just wanders.
01:14 I start thinking about all the things
01:15 I have to do the next day.
01:17 And, you know, I can't focus."
01:19 Well, if you're having trouble focusing in prayer,
01:20 I say pray out loud.
01:22 Because when you're praying out loud,
01:24 you are more focused.
01:26 And it's much harder to have the devil
01:28 make your mind wander.
01:29 So I would say pray out loud and pray believing.
01:33 Amen.
01:35 Thank you so much, Mollie and Brenda.
01:36 What a blessing to share this program together with you
01:39 because you're women of God, women of prayer.
01:41 And thank you for opening up your heart
01:43 and sharing with our family at home.
01:44 And we hope and pray that
01:46 it has been a blessing for you as well.
01:48 Know that the 3ABN family, the team here,
01:51 we pray for you on a daily basis.
01:53 Know that the Lord Jesus Christ loves you
01:56 and that He calls you to reach out
01:58 and pray for your brothers and sisters.
02:00 Bye-bye.


Revised 2017-12-18