3ABN Today

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017074A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:10 My name is Jill Morikone.
01:12 And we're so excited
01:13 that you have taken time from your day
01:15 to sit down and to share with us here at 3ABN.
01:18 Often on our 3ABN Today programs,
01:21 we feature ministries, feature what God is doing in
01:24 and through other ministries today,
01:26 we just have the family.
01:27 And my sisters in Jesus
01:29 and we're gonna open up the Word of God,
01:31 we're gonna share from our hearts.
01:33 Our topic is praying for others.
01:37 And I think that's a topic that each one of us needs.
01:39 I know there has been times in my own life,
01:41 I have needed prayer,
01:43 and I have needed someone to pray for me,
01:44 and there is many times, all the time,
01:47 God calls us to get out of ourselves,
01:49 and to reach out and pray for the needs of other people,
01:53 so we're gonna unpack that today.
01:55 But first, I want to introduce the family
01:57 that we have here on our set.
01:59 And we have Mollie Steenson,
02:00 vice president and general manager, mom to us.
02:04 And it's such a joy to have you here.
02:05 Thank you so much, Mollie.
02:06 Always a joy to be here with the family.
02:09 Amen! That's right.
02:10 We are just sisters in Jesus,
02:12 and sitting next to you is Brenda Walsh.
02:13 You're 3ABN Kids Network general manager.
02:16 And just my sister in Jesus,
02:18 and it's a joy to have you here too.
02:19 Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me.
02:22 I love being with my family too.
02:23 Amen.
02:25 And we consider you a home part of the 3ABN family.
02:28 So know that for the next hour
02:30 we're gonna be sharing from our heart,
02:31 we're gonna be opening up the Word of God.
02:33 And want to encourage you in the Lord.
02:36 There's a script for I want to share
02:38 and then we'll jump into our music.
02:39 This is, I think, one of my favorite scriptures
02:42 but the truth is I have so many,
02:44 it's hard sometimes to pick which one is my favorite.
02:47 This is Psalm 2 or Psalm 2:8.
02:53 My Bible here is New King James but I memorized in King James.
02:57 Ask of me, God is speaking,
02:59 "Ask of me, and I'll give you the heathen
03:02 for your inheritance,
03:04 and the uttermost parts of the world
03:06 for your possession."
03:08 And every time I read that scripture, I want to cry.
03:12 When I seriously get down and think about what it says
03:15 'cause what if we get to heaven and someone's not there
03:20 because I did not ask,
03:22 because I did not get on my knees,
03:25 and storm the gates of heaven
03:27 for their salvation on their behalf.
03:30 So that's a powerful scripture.
03:31 What does that scripture say to you, ladies?
03:32 Well, I know that Danny uses the scripture so often
03:36 as one of the thrust of 3ABN
03:39 because this, the message that God has entrusted
03:43 the Seventh-day Adventist Church with
03:45 and entrusted to us is a message
03:47 that has to be disseminated throughout the whole earth
03:50 if we want the Lord to return,
03:53 and so the airwaves are obviously the best way
03:59 to get this message disseminated.
04:01 And so Danny's prayer quite often is,
04:05 he's asking for the nations,
04:08 for all kindred, nations, tongue and people.
04:11 And so he stands on this scripture
04:13 and claiming it as our inheritance.
04:17 Amen. Brenda?
04:18 Well, to me though it says to me
04:21 that God wants us to love each other so much
04:25 that we can't imagine,
04:26 even our worst enemy not to be in heaven.
04:30 And if we don't have that kind of love in our hearts,
04:32 we won't be there.
04:33 So we need to love our fellowman.
04:35 We need to love the stranger on the street
04:37 and pray for them as passionate as we do our own family members
04:41 that we love each other enough
04:43 to just want all God's children in the kingdom.
04:47 So we have a lot of praying to do.
04:48 Amen.
04:50 And that brings up a thought.
04:51 And I know, we're going to our music,
04:52 but you just brought up a thought in my mind.
04:54 Matthew 5, part of the Sermon on the Mount,
04:56 and it made me think of that
04:58 because Jesus gave some really radical statements
05:01 you could say in the Sermon on the Mount.
05:03 He talked about how,
05:05 it's not just the letter of the law,
05:08 we don't just say outwardly,
05:09 "Okay, we don't commit adultery."
05:12 But God looks at the thoughts and the intent of the heart.
05:14 We don't say, "I'm not gonna go out and kill someone."
05:17 God looks at if I have hatred in my heart.
05:20 So at the end of all of that, we see Matthew 5,
05:24 in this verse every time I read it, it kind of gets me.
05:26 Matthew 5:43, "You heard that it was said,
05:30 You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
05:34 But I say to you, love your enemies..."
05:37 That's what you were just talking about, Brenda.
05:38 That's right. That's right.
05:40 "Bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you,
05:42 and pray for those who spitefully use you
05:45 and persecute you."
05:46 So someone might be saying,
05:48 "I don't even know how to do that.
05:50 I don't know how to develop love for someone else
05:53 to the point of praying for them."
05:55 So what would you tell them? What could they do?
05:58 Well, I, you know, personal experience, I guess,
06:02 I have to go there of people
06:05 that I didn't like, I didn't love,
06:08 and I didn't want God to bless them.
06:10 But I had to ask the Lord
06:12 to put His love in my heart for them.
06:15 And when He removed because that's what God does.
06:19 He takes our inabilities and He gives us His abilities.
06:22 He takes our weaknesses and gives us His strength.
06:25 He removes of what we will yield to Him,
06:30 what we will submit and surrender unto Him,
06:32 and replace it with His goodness,
06:34 and grace, and mercy.
06:35 And so as I, and it's a yielding thing,
06:38 yielded the unloveliness in me to the loveliness in Him,
06:42 then He actually put,
06:45 replaced in my heart those negative things to wear.
06:49 And you know, something we've all found
06:50 I'm sure is you can't dislike somebody you're praying for.
06:54 That's right.
06:55 Get on your knees, you start praying for them
06:57 that God puts such a love in your heart for them.
07:00 But first and foremost,
07:01 He had to do a work on my heart.
07:03 Amen. Take out the stony heart.
07:05 That's right.
07:06 Replace it with a heart of flesh.
07:08 Well, I was thinking that especially in this text
07:10 that you read where it says those who curse you,
07:15 who hate you, who spitefully use you,
07:17 and quite a few years ago now
07:20 I had a close friend
07:22 who actually wanted me to lie for her,
07:25 and I wouldn't, I refused.
07:29 And so what happened was that she got very angry at me
07:32 and she goes well, "If you don't,
07:35 you know, lie for me,
07:36 if you don't, you know, covers me,
07:38 then I will bring you down."
07:40 And I made the statement.
07:42 I said, "Well, you know,
07:43 I'm not ashamed of anything I've done."
07:44 Yeah.
07:46 And the words that she spat back at me
07:48 were so stinging.
07:51 She said, "Oh, don't be stupid."
07:53 It doesn't have to be true.
07:54 People just have to think it.
07:56 And you know that was devastating to me
07:58 because you know that's true.
08:00 Oh, yeah.
08:01 You know, people just if she can change the thought,
08:03 so I was really just tormented, and torn inside,
08:06 and praying and, "Lord, what do I do?"
08:09 You know, and I was here one Sabbath,
08:14 not long after that
08:15 and my precious friend Pam Rhodes was here.
08:17 And she knew that I was suffering.
08:19 We had prayed that morning.
08:21 And during church, she reaches over,
08:23 and she pulled out this note.
08:26 I always keep in my Bible.
08:27 And I saw it just a few minutes ago,
08:29 and I can't believe this came up on the program today
08:31 because I kept this note and I actually
08:36 because she's no longer with us,
08:37 she's resting in Jesus now.
08:39 I miss her everyday.
08:41 But I actually xeroxed this,
08:42 and put in every one of my Bibles
08:44 because I have a travel Bible.
08:45 I have one Bible on my bed, Bible on my desk.
08:47 And I put it because it meant so much to me.
08:49 And it has, it speaks to
08:50 what we're talking about right now.
08:52 Because she wrote this,
08:54 it's from, and it's in her handwriting,
08:57 it's from Prophets and Kings by Ellen White, page 437,
09:03 "God's chosen servants should meet with courage
09:06 and patience the trials and sufferings that befall them
09:10 through reproach, neglect, and misrepresentation.
09:14 They should continue to discharge faithfully
09:16 the work God has given them to do,
09:21 ever remembering that the prophets of old
09:23 and the Savior of mankind
09:25 and His apostles also endured abuse
09:28 and persecution for the Word's sake."
09:33 I was like, "Is that not incredible, Mollie until,
09:36 you know, to think, you know, we're here,
09:39 we're counseled right here,
09:41 we should just keep doing what God wants us to do.
09:44 We need to keep our eyes focused on Jesus.
09:46 There are gonna be enemies.
09:47 People think that when you give your heart to Jesus,
09:50 that your life is just gonna be smooth, no more problems.
09:54 And we know, the devil's gonna work even harder
09:57 to come after us, and to discourage us,
10:00 and even, you know, use...
10:02 He knows which buttons to push.
10:05 You know, even use friends against you,
10:07 family members are used against you,
10:08 you know, what we need to do is stay strong.
10:11 It doesn't matter, we need to love that person
10:14 and that's what I started doing, Mollie,
10:16 asking God to put more love in my heart for that person.
10:19 Amen. And that's what I do.
10:22 I pray for my enemies.
10:24 I think all of us need to take this to heart
10:27 that we really do need to just pray for our enemies
10:30 those who despitefully uses
10:32 and just love them back to Jesus.
10:34 That's right.
10:35 You know, the scripture that comes to my mind,
10:36 and I know the scripture came to your minds as well.
10:39 "Blessed are those
10:41 who are persecuted for righteousness' sake,"
10:43 and for you to not lie is a righteous act.
10:46 Absolutely. Yes.
10:47 "For theirs is the kingdom of God."
10:49 That's right.
10:50 So, Brenda, I commend you for your strong stand.
10:54 I appreciate you. Amen.
10:55 Well, thank you, Mollie.
10:56 I tell you, we need to stand for truth.
10:58 We need to stand front, no matter what,
11:00 even if it's somebody we love that's turning against us,
11:04 we have to do the right thing.
11:05 Yes, we do. You know.
11:06 And look at what God did?
11:08 We're talking today about praying for others,
11:09 and even like God encouraged you by your friend Pam,
11:13 and so I think that that was a sister in Jesus.
11:17 Here you're struggling with this other person.
11:18 Exactly.
11:20 And here God sent a sister in Jesus into your life
11:22 to give you a word of encouragement,
11:24 to pray with and for you,
11:27 and that's what God calls us to do.
11:28 She is most precious.
11:29 She was just such a precious woman of God.
11:32 In fact she was our one of our board members
11:34 here at 3ABN for quite a while.
11:36 Yeah, we loved and appreciated her so much
11:39 and her husband Jimmy, of course,
11:41 fabulous musician on the piano.
11:43 Yes. Absolutely.
11:44 He plays on Kids Time. Yes, that's right.
11:46 By the way, I'll give you each one of you a copy of this.
11:48 I would love that. I would love that.
11:49 You know, I keep one in every Bible.
11:52 And it was Prophets and Kings
11:53 for our friends at home that way you can look now.
11:55 By Ellen White, page 437.
11:57 Four thirty seven. Yeah.
11:58 So look that up at home, Prophets and Kings, 437.
12:00 Let's go to our music now,
12:02 and then we'll continue our discussion
12:03 on praying for others.
12:05 We're blessed to have Lizbeth Melgar with us.
12:07 She and her husband are a precious couple.
12:09 She's from the Nashville area.
12:11 And she came up some time ago and did the song Amazing Grace.
12:32 Amazing grace
12:35 How sweet the sound
12:39 That saved a wretch like me
12:46 I once was lost
12:50 But now I'm found
12:54 Was blind but now I see
13:02 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
13:09 And grace my fears relieved
13:17 How precious did that grace appear
13:25 The hour I first believed
13:31 My chains are gone
13:35 I've been set free
13:39 My God, my Savior has ransomed me
13:47 And like a flood His mercy reigns
13:54 Unending love
13:58 Amazing grace
14:14 The Lord has promised good to me
14:22 His word my hope secures
14:29 He will my shield and portion be
14:37 As long as life endures
14:44 My chains are gone I've been set free
14:51 My God, my Savior has ransomed me
14:59 And like a flood His mercy reigns
15:07 Unending love
15:11 Amazing grace
15:14 My chains are gone I've been set free
15:22 My God, my Savior has ransomed me
15:29 And like a flood His mercy reigns
15:37 Unending love
15:41 Amazing grace
15:50 The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
15:57 The sun forbear to shine
16:05 But God, Who called me here below
16:12 Will be forever mine
16:20 Will be forever mine
16:27 Will be forever mine
16:42 Amen. I love that song. Thank you so much, Lizbeth.
16:45 Where would we be
16:46 without the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
16:49 to cover our sins, to forgive and cleanse us
16:52 and then to empower us to reach out in ministry?
16:55 If you're just joining us,
16:56 my special guests today are
16:58 Mollie Steenson and Brenda Walsh,
17:00 part of the 3ABN family, my sisters in Jesus.
17:03 And we're just talking today
17:04 as sisters in Jesus about praying for others.
17:08 So we're gonna take it first,
17:10 let's look, we want to talk about how to pray,
17:11 I want to hear stories of prayer.
17:14 And I know both of you are women of prayer, women of God,
17:17 women who have experienced answers to prayer,
17:20 not only in your own lives,
17:21 but in the lives of the people that you have prayed for.
17:24 But let's, first of all, my first question would be,
17:26 why should we pray for other people?
17:30 Does God command us to pray?
17:31 Is it something that we're supposed to do?
17:34 I know, before the break, before we went to the music,
17:36 we talked about we're commanded to pray for our enemies.
17:39 So we know that that is a command.
17:40 Yes.
17:41 But are we supposed to pray for other groups of people?
17:43 And why should we pray for other people?
17:47 Well, I'll start with 1 Timothy 2:8.
17:49 Nice.
17:51 "I desire therefore that the men pray every where,
17:55 lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting."
17:59 And the scripture say, tell us and I've got some here
18:03 that we are never to cease in praying
18:06 but I'll pray without ceasing.
18:08 And so we are commanded to pray.
18:11 And what is prayer?
18:13 You know, I kind of wanted to touch on that.
18:15 Please. What is prayer?
18:17 It's communicating with...
18:19 It's just talking to God.
18:21 You know, you don't have to be on your knees
18:23 in this most holy.
18:25 Yes.
18:26 You know? Right.
18:27 What's the best?
18:29 Well, I won't say it's the best time,
18:30 but the time I find the most to pray is in my car.
18:33 We're driving down the road and I know people sometimes
18:35 I've looked at through though my car window
18:37 and thought that's crazy woman,
18:39 'cause I'm just because I can pray with all my heart,
18:42 nobody is listening, nobody is watching,
18:44 and whatever the Lord places on my heart,
18:47 oh, man, you've got freedom to pray.
18:49 And now the scriptures tells us
18:51 we're to go into our prayer closet.
18:52 But you know what?
18:54 Sometimes my car is my prayer closet,
18:56 that's where I can get along with God and just,
18:59 and again prayer is communicating with God,
19:03 just talking to God, and the most amazing thing,
19:06 Brenda, He'll talk back to you, won't He?
19:08 Yes, He will if you, if you listen.
19:11 Yes. It's important to listen.
19:12 And for me, it might be my shower.
19:14 I mean, I've had some pretty long showers sometimes
19:19 when I'm praying passionately.
19:20 But, you know, the thing for me
19:22 is there's so many different kinds of prayer,
19:24 so many different types of prayer.
19:26 There's the casual prayer.
19:28 There's a, you know, when I'm just praying about Lord
19:31 what to even fix my husband for supper because I am blank.
19:36 Or there's the kind of prayer
19:38 that you are really just passionate about.
19:40 There's something such a struggle in your life
19:43 that you're dealing with it,
19:44 it's, you really you go to that,
19:46 you know, your bedroom and close that door.
19:49 And I've had times
19:50 when I'm praying so passionate about something,
19:52 I literally will just lay out on the floor on it before God
19:56 and just pour my heart out to Him.
19:58 Let's track a time in facing and even where you are.
20:01 Yeah.
20:02 Well, I think the more time you spend in God's presence,
20:04 the more you want to be in His presence.
20:07 And there's the different types of prayer
20:09 like I love driving down the road too.
20:11 My drive here is almost six hour drive here and back.
20:15 I have a lot of prayer time.
20:17 And also, I think, there's times when you're,
20:21 you know, praying for a certain,
20:24 you know, things like people say,
20:26 "Oh, don't bother God with the little stuff.
20:28 Don't bother God with the little stuff."
20:29 God needs to hear everything.
20:31 Like, when you lose your keys, don't bother God with that.
20:34 That's not the God I know
20:36 because my God says that
20:37 He cares about the little stuff.
20:39 If He cares and He has numbered the hairs on our head.
20:43 Remember when the Bible says
20:44 that He numbers the hairs on our head.
20:46 If He cares about an insignificant
20:49 amount of hair on my head,
20:51 don't you think God cares about the little stuff.
20:53 He cares if I lost my keys or not,
20:55 you know, to help me find them.
20:56 And I love it, my grandkids have learned
20:59 since they were little.
21:00 Anytime that they ever,
21:02 you know, I had a tiny cell thing.
21:05 You know, I lost my cell phone,
21:07 you know, not long ago and Jason says,
21:09 "Grandma, let's pray for it."
21:11 He say, "Let's find it," you know.
21:13 And it's, we need to know
21:14 that we can go to God about everything,
21:16 the big things and the little things.
21:17 Yeah.
21:19 You know, there was a time
21:20 when Hal was still in the ministry.
21:24 And one Friday afternoon,
21:25 we had a wedding ceremony in our home.
21:29 The couple came to our home to get married and so we...
21:34 It was a beautiful ceremony and we had the witnesses there
21:39 and all that sort of thing.
21:41 And I had all the paper. I was his wife.
21:43 I took care of all the paperwork.
21:45 So I got and took care of all the paperwork though
21:47 and you know this paperwork has to be filed...
21:51 Right or it's not legal.
21:52 In a limited amount of time
21:53 or else then people aren't married, so...
21:56 It's kind of a big deal. That would be a big deal.
21:58 So this is on Friday, well, then here comes the weekend.
22:03 And come Monday, I cannot find those paperwork anywhere.
22:09 Now that's panic time because I only got a few days.
22:13 So here is one of those times
22:15 where before I went to bed Monday night,
22:17 I was in panic, and I had searched my house
22:20 and couldn't find it.
22:22 When I prayed, Hal and I prayed,
22:23 and you know what?
22:25 That night I dreamed where it was.
22:27 You think, God didn't answered that prayer.
22:28 Wow! Praise the Lord. Yes, that's God.
22:30 And that could be considered a small thing.
22:32 It wasn't a small thing.
22:34 It wouldn't be a small thing to them,
22:35 but see, God answers our prayer, He just does.
22:40 Well, you know that the privilege of prayer
22:43 is always ours,
22:44 but the power of prayer is always God's.
22:47 Oh, that's good. Say that again.
22:49 The privilege of prayer is always ours,
22:53 but the power of prayer is always God's.
22:55 Yeah.
22:57 And there's some people that will say,
22:58 "Well, why do we have to pray anyway
22:59 because God knows our thoughts?"
23:01 And it's true.
23:02 God knows our thoughts, but He responds to our prayers.
23:06 Amen. Yes, He does.
23:07 One of my favorite scripture is Philippians 4:6,
23:09 "Be anxious for nothing,
23:11 but in everything by prayer and supplication,
23:13 with thanksgiving,
23:15 let your requests be made known to God."
23:17 And then the next verse says, "And the peace of God,
23:20 which passes all understanding,
23:22 will keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus."
23:24 So I think you're right, no matter what circumstance,
23:27 the big things, the little and everything in between,
23:30 we bring it before God in prayer
23:32 and that enables us to walk in peace.
23:35 But what about praying specifically for other people?
23:38 Now we can pray for things or special needs,
23:41 but what about prayer for other people?
23:43 Now, we know God wants us to pray for salvation
23:46 for others.
23:47 But would there be any other prayers for others,
23:50 or you think salvation is the big thing
23:51 that we should be praying for other people?
23:53 Well, when you're praying for another person,
23:55 you're standing in the position of an intercessor.
23:57 That's right. And now what is an intercessor?
24:01 Somebody that will stand in the gap
24:04 and make up the hedge,
24:05 and I have a few scriptures here concerning that.
24:12 Let's go to Isaiah, I think it's 59,
24:18 I hope I've got my marker there
24:20 because I just hate to be rummaging through my Bible
24:24 and can't find my scripture,
24:26 so let's go to Isaiah 59.
24:29 Here it is.
24:30 Now we're going to start with verse 15,
24:35 it says, "So truth fails,
24:38 and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey."
24:42 So this is the situation the Lord is looking at.
24:45 The truth has fallen.
24:47 Then the Lord saw it, and it did what?
24:49 It displeased him that, what displeased Him?
24:53 If there was no justice.
24:55 So here is what the Lord did, "He saw that there was no man,
25:01 and wondered that there was no intercessor."
25:04 And then we kind of look at the scripture,
25:08 and what the Lord says
25:11 we don't have to turn to it
25:12 but He says, He is looking for a man.
25:17 And Isaiah says what?
25:19 "Here am I Lord, send me."
25:23 God is looking for and this is Ezekiel 22:30,
25:26 "So I sought for a man among them
25:29 who would make a wall, and stand in the gap."
25:31 Now that's the New King James Version.
25:33 What it says in the King James Version,
25:37 I was looking for a man who would stand in the gap
25:39 and take up the hedge,
25:40 and what you're doing is you're standing in the gap.
25:43 I'm interceding for Brenda, so I'm holding Brenda's hand.
25:47 And I'm taking a hold of God's hand,
25:49 and I'm standing in the gap,
25:50 and I'm pulling the two together,
25:53 that is what an intercessor does,
25:55 stands in the gap and makes up a hedge.
25:57 So when we're praying for others,
25:59 we are interceding on their behalf.
26:02 God looks for intercessors.
26:04 And here when there was injustice in the land,
26:07 God was looking for an intercessor
26:09 that would intervene in this situation.
26:12 And then we, you know,
26:14 there's another scripture in 2 Chronicles 7:14,
26:17 "If my people who are called by my name..."
26:20 I guess, I should quote the whole thing.
26:22 "Will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face."
26:26 Yes. So what you have to do?
26:28 Humble yourself, pray, seek God's face,
26:31 and then do something else, turn from your wicked ways,
26:34 since then I will hear from heaven,
26:36 and will forgive their sins and heal their land."
26:38 So again, God is looking for an intercessor.
26:42 And, oh, I just have so much to say on this.
26:45 You all shut me when it's your turn,
26:46 but the lady that was saying,
26:49 "The preacher preached and his sermon was,
26:53 every one of you have got a gift.
26:54 There is something you can do.
26:56 And this poor little old lady, she's didn't have money.
26:59 She couldn't sing. She couldn't play the piano.
27:01 She couldn't teach and she couldn't preach.
27:02 She couldn't stand before people.
27:04 She went home just devastated.
27:05 God, I am non-Adventist, there is nothing I could do.
27:09 And the Lord impressed upon her heart,
27:10 you can pray and remember the rest of this story,
27:13 I've got it written down.
27:14 I just didn't bring it out here.
27:16 Didn't know, I'd be wanting to share it.
27:17 And what happened while she got her phone book
27:20 and she marked,
27:22 I believe if I'm remembering correctly,
27:24 she marked a hundred names of that phone book
27:27 and started praying for those people
27:29 just out of the blue, out of her phone book.
27:32 And she was in church maybe a year later,
27:36 and the pastor was announcing someone
27:40 that was going to be baptized,
27:42 and she thought, "Boy, that name sounds familiar."
27:45 You got it.
27:47 It was one of the people on the list.
27:49 So she went and she told her pastor,
27:50 "Pastor, I've been praying for that person.
27:54 And told him the story of his sermon
27:56 and what she had done?"
27:58 And he said, "Let me see that list."
28:01 And here's the rest of that story.
28:03 This was maybe the 89th on the list
28:06 that had been baptized.
28:08 Wow!
28:09 So whoever you are, there is a ministry for you.
28:12 Let's make that point. That's right.
28:14 But prayer is the most powerful weapon of warfare
28:18 that there is in the kingdom of God.
28:21 There is something you can do this vitally important
28:24 and powerful to the kingdom.
28:25 Amen.
28:27 Amen, what a beautiful example of just praying for others,
28:31 and the importance of praying for others.
28:33 I was speaking in a church in California
28:35 a couple of years ago.
28:37 And a minister came up to me afterwards
28:39 and said, "I want to ask, 'is your father still alive?'"
28:44 And I said, "Yes, he is."
28:46 And he, and I said, "Do you know him?"
28:47 He goes oh, yes.
28:48 He said, "I had the privilege of interning with your father."
28:52 My dad was a district supervisor.
28:54 He had pastored four churches in Texas at the time.
28:57 And he said, all the theology students
29:00 from in the university there in Texas,
29:03 Dave and Kean would spend some time
29:07 with my dad interning.
29:09 And I said, really I said, "I didn't realize that."
29:12 He goes oh, yeah.
29:13 He said, "Your dad had more baptisms in his district
29:17 than any other church in Texas."
29:19 Really? Uh-huh.
29:21 "And he had the highest attendance in prayer meetings
29:23 than any church in Texas."
29:25 Praise God. So, amen.
29:26 So he said, "I'll never forget."
29:28 He said, "Of all the people in my life,
29:31 your dad had more influence on me than anybody else."
29:35 He said, "I'll never forget your dad."
29:37 He said, "One day, we were driving to a Bible study,
29:39 and I said, "Pastor Micheff, can you tell me your secret?
29:43 What is your secret
29:44 that how is it that you have more baptisms
29:46 than anybody else than any other ministry in Texas?
29:49 And you have more people attending prayer meeting
29:51 than anywhere else.
29:52 I want to know your secret. I want to be a success.
29:54 I'm studying to be a minister.'"
29:56 And he said, "Your dad's driving,
29:57 and he looks over at me and said,
29:59 'Well, brother, I pray.'"
30:01 And I looked at him, I said, "So you're not gonna tell us."
30:03 He said, "Look, I want to be successful.
30:05 I want to be successful like you.
30:06 Why won't you tell me your secret?"
30:09 He said, "I will never forget what your father did."
30:12 He pulled off to the side of the road and stopped the car.
30:16 He turned and looked at me and he said,
30:18 "When I say pray, I don't mean just casually pray."
30:22 That's right.
30:24 He said, "Every morning, and every night."
30:27 He said, "I pray for every single member in my church."
30:30 Wow!
30:31 He said, "I go down my church directory,
30:33 and I know that with the things
30:35 if I know that they're struggling with
30:36 or whatever, I pray specifically.
30:38 He says, I get serious with God.
30:40 That's my dad.
30:41 And he said and I go through every single name
30:43 and when I get through those names,
30:45 I look and said, I write down the people
30:47 who have been attending that aren't members yet.
30:49 I pray for them.
30:50 Then I pray for all the people
30:52 that aren't coming to church anymore.
30:54 And he said, I pray for them.
30:55 He said, "Brother, when I say pray,
30:59 I mean passionate prayer."
31:01 Well, last weekend I was,
31:03 you know, this was a couple of years ago
31:05 when someone told me that.
31:06 Last weekend, I was up at Lake City Michigan speaking
31:10 and afterwards a couple came up to me
31:13 and tears in their eyes.
31:16 And she said, "I want you to know
31:18 that we were on your dad's list at a church."
31:21 Praise the Lord.
31:22 And she just started telling me about the list
31:24 that she knew my dad praying.
31:25 And she goes, "My husband is baptized in the church
31:29 and myself because we were on, we were those backsliders,
31:33 and we were on your dad's list of prayer."
31:36 That's beautiful. Is that not beautiful?
31:38 Doesn't that make you want to make a list?
31:40 Yes. Oh, absolutely.
31:42 It makes me want to go right now and make a list.
31:44 It makes me want to intercede more.
31:47 It makes me want to stand in the gap more.
31:48 Amen.
31:50 You know that it reminds me of the story of watchman Nee.
31:53 And you know, he spent
31:54 what the last 20 years of his life in prison
31:56 in Communist China for his faith.
31:58 Right.
32:00 But when he was first converted,
32:01 he was 17 years old, and he was in college.
32:03 And he went out just like you're talking about
32:06 and made a list of his friends who did not know Jesus,
32:10 his friends who were not Christians.
32:12 And I can't remember now
32:14 there was 59 or 60 on the list of friends
32:16 that he wrote down.
32:17 And he began to pray for them.
32:19 Now, I think, if I would have made the list,
32:20 I would have said, "Okay, Lord,
32:22 bless John, and Harry, and Dick, and Sally."
32:24 Right. Right.
32:25 You just run down the list in a casual fashion.
32:28 But he persistently and agonizingly,
32:33 can we use that word?
32:34 Yes. Prayed for these people.
32:37 He would pray during class, he would spend all night.
32:40 Sometimes in prayer for someone and of that number all
32:44 but one accepted Jesus.
32:47 Wow! Amen.
32:48 And I think, I'm just being honest with you at home today,
32:51 I don't think, I've ever spent all night in prayer.
32:54 I have had seasons of prayer.
32:56 I've had times where I've been on my face before God,
32:59 I've seen God work miracles but I don't think honestly,
33:03 I could say I've ever been all night
33:05 in prayer for the salvation of someone soul.
33:07 That's powerful.
33:09 Make a list. That's powerful.
33:10 Make a list. Yeah.
33:11 Yeah, absolutely.
33:13 So what about praying for our children,
33:17 praying for our spouses,
33:19 praying for those maybe who aren't walking with God?
33:22 How should we go about doing that?
33:24 Well, there is something
33:26 that I did many, many years ago.
33:29 I guess, my son was probably 3, 4-years old.
33:33 I'm not gonna tell you how old he is now
33:36 because he's back there running a camera.
33:39 He might not appreciate that.
33:41 But I am gonna share the prayers with you.
33:43 And one is a prayer for our children,
33:47 and I'll share that with you.
33:48 The other one is the child's prayer.
33:51 Now this is something that I taught my son.
33:54 So I think, I'll go through the child's prayer first.
33:57 And my basis for this
33:59 because what it is, it's the scripture,
34:02 we've personalized the scripture
34:04 and my basis for that is Psalms 55,
34:10 pardon me, Isaiah 55:11,
34:13 "So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth,
34:16 it shall not return to me void,
34:19 but it shall accomplish what I please,
34:21 and it shall prosper in the thing
34:22 for which I sent it."
34:24 So when I'm praying over my children,
34:26 I'm praying the Word of God.
34:28 But when you are praying the Word of God
34:31 making it personal to yourself,
34:33 see as that word goes into you, it changes you.
34:38 You've been predestined to be conformed
34:40 to the image of the Lord Jesus says what,
34:42 we've all been predestined to be conformed to,
34:45 and the way that happens is the seed of God's Word
34:48 is planted in your heart.
34:49 It takes root and it grows
34:51 and seed produces after its own kind.
34:53 And you start developing the character, the nature,
34:56 the attributes of Jesus.
34:58 So here is the prayer that I taught my son
35:02 just to pray over himself many years ago, and here it is.
35:08 I am a disciple taught of the Lord.
35:10 I'm not going to do this whole thing.
35:11 I'm just going to give you an idea.
35:13 "I am a disciple taught of the Lord.
35:14 Great is my peace and undisturbed composure.
35:17 No weapon formed against me shall prosper."
35:19 Isaiah 54:13 and 17.
35:22 "But what I lay my hand to shall prosper,
35:25 because I walk not in the counsel
35:26 of the ungodly nor stand in the way of the sinner,
35:29 nor sit at the seat of the scornful.
35:31 Therefore I am blessed of God,
35:33 my delight is in the law of the Lord.
35:35 And in his law, I meditate both day and night.
35:39 I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water
35:42 and I shall bring forth my fruit in due season,"
35:44 of course, that's Proverbs 1-3.
35:47 Let's go on.
35:48 And again, I'm not gonna read the whole thing.
35:51 "I obey my parents for this is right.
35:54 I honor my father and my mother
35:56 because that is the first commandment with promise
35:59 that it may be well with me.
36:00 And I may live long on the earth.
36:02 I've got the scriptures, Ephesians 6:1-3.
36:05 Now Jeremy is a bit older.
36:08 He's in his, I'm gonna say mid-30s.
36:11 And if I ask him to say this prayer,
36:13 do you know he pretty well can now.
36:15 And it's oh,
36:16 it's well over 30 years later since we were, we taught.
36:20 And he learned this
36:21 that scripture is planted within him,
36:24 and now his scripture or my scripture over him now,
36:27 this is the scripture he prays over himself.
36:29 But I pray very much the same scriptures over him,
36:33 only I put his name in there Jeremy Hal Steenson
36:36 is a disciple tot of the Lord.
36:38 Great is his peace and undisturbed composure
36:40 because God's Word will accomplish
36:42 what it is sent forth to accomplish.
36:44 Now what I wanted to say about these is
36:48 that these prayers both of them,
36:49 the prayer for our children,
36:51 the prayer that we pray over our children
36:53 as well as the prayer that we train up our children.
36:57 Train up a child in the way he should go,
37:00 and when he's old, he won't depart from it.
37:02 So the scriptures that you are going to plant
37:04 within your children,
37:05 teach them to pray this prayer over their self.
37:07 They're both in the 3ABN call center.
37:10 So both of these prayers.
37:11 Both of these...
37:12 You have written out,
37:14 and you have them in the 3ABN call center.
37:15 They're in the 3ABN call center.
37:17 You can call them, they'll send them to you,
37:18 or you can go to 3abnstore.com,
37:23 go to free resources,
37:26 click on free resources,
37:28 and then you'll find the child's prayer,
37:30 and pray for our children, that's the name of that, Jill.
37:32 And they can print them off.
37:33 You can click on those and download them.
37:36 And so if you would like these prayers
37:38 for your children, for your grandchildren,
37:41 then I just encourage you to get them
37:43 and put that word in your children.
37:46 Amen.
37:47 You know, I think the biggest inheritance
37:50 that we can leave our children is our prayers for them
37:54 because sometimes
37:55 we don't realize that even if God,
37:58 those prayers are not answered in our lifetime
38:00 the way we want, it's always God's will to save.
38:02 That's right.
38:03 And God will honor our prayers long after we're gone.
38:07 So I think we need to store up prayers
38:09 in that prayer bank of heaven.
38:10 You know, think about this.
38:11 When we pray, what happens to those prayers?
38:14 Do they ever fall to the ground?
38:16 No. No.
38:17 They're always in the heavenlies,
38:19 active and productive,
38:21 and they're always before the throne of God,
38:24 crying out before God.
38:26 And all throughout scripture too,
38:28 you notice that there's times
38:29 when Bible characters were told to repeatedly pray,
38:32 repeatedly pray, repeatedly pray.
38:35 They weren't told to just pray once
38:36 and it was done.
38:38 God wanted us to plead.
38:40 Yeah, that Luke 18:1,
38:43 "Then he spoke a parable to them,
38:46 that men always ought to pray and not lose heart."
38:50 That's right.
38:51 And what is this the parable of?
38:52 Jill, you want to share that parable?
38:54 The persistent widow or the importunate widow,
38:57 absolutely, I love that parable
38:59 that they ought to pray and not lose heart.
39:01 In the Greek, it means to faint or be weary.
39:03 I don't know,
39:04 you might be sitting at home and saying,
39:06 "I'm growing weary.
39:07 I've been praying for my children,
39:09 or my grandchildren, or a certain situation,
39:12 I'm praying for salvation over someone,
39:14 and I'm not seeing answers."
39:16 This parable is for you to pray and not lose heart to pray,
39:21 and not give up.
39:22 And it talks about the judge who's in the city
39:25 who does not know God, does not fear God at all,
39:29 and yet this widow came before him.
39:32 And she said, she wants justice.
39:36 She wants justice.
39:37 And she keeps coming, and he keeps pushing her off.
39:40 No, I don't want to do it. No, I don't want to do it.
39:42 No, I don't want to do it.
39:44 But yet she was persistent, and she kept at it.
39:49 And eventually, what did he say?
39:51 He said, "He would nod for a while,"
39:53 we're in verse 4.
39:54 "But afterward he said within himself,
39:56 'Though I do not fear God nor regard man.
39:59 Yet because this widow troubles and I will avenge her,
40:02 lest by her continual coming she weary me
40:05 so he granted her petition because of that."
40:08 Now, we don't want to confuse and say
40:09 God is the unjust judge.
40:11 That is no comparison.
40:12 However it shows
40:14 that we can come before God persistently,
40:18 consistently, passionately with that prayer
40:22 and know that He's gonna hear, and He's gonna answer.
40:25 I know our time,
40:26 I can't believe it's going so quickly.
40:28 I want to take time for a personal testimony
40:31 from each one of you, ladies.
40:33 Maybe someone that you've prayed for
40:35 and you've seen God work in a miraculous way,
40:38 maybe someone's prayed for you,
40:39 and you'd rather share a personal testimony
40:41 whatever's on your heart,
40:43 but share a testimony of answered prayer.
40:45 Well, I'll just use myself as an example.
40:50 When I got a bad diagnosis,
40:52 it's like four and half years ago now, a long time ago,
40:56 I got this really bad diagnosis that I have had
40:59 that I have cancer.
41:01 And it's not a secret.
41:03 Let's see, had it been up to me,
41:05 I'm a fairly private person.
41:08 And I wouldn't have wanted anybody to know,
41:11 however my husband did the prayer up in pastoral,
41:15 he sent prayers out all over the world
41:17 and tell everybody about my business,
41:19 so everybody knew."
41:21 But the end result of that was people all over the world
41:26 were praying for me and are praying for me,
41:28 I can talk to someone on the phone
41:30 and they'll say,
41:31 "Mollie, I just want you to know
41:33 that my husband and I pray for you every night."
41:36 Ministries, pastoral boards' ministry,
41:41 they pray for me every time they have their prayer.
41:43 Oh, I am so appreciative of that.
41:45 Now again, I've got a pretty bad diagnosis.
41:48 It's bad diagnosis.
41:50 And, but here it is almost five years later,
41:53 ladies, and Brenda,
41:54 I don't know if I have told you this or not,
41:56 but the last time I had a bone scan,
41:59 there was, there's collisions in my skull.
42:04 There was a lesion,
42:06 and there's several lesions throughout my body.
42:09 But this one,
42:12 the doctor told me after he read my bone scan,
42:14 he said that one's resolved.
42:16 Do you know what resolved it? Yeah, I sure do.
42:18 It's not there anymore.
42:20 And he also has said about some of the other lesions.
42:23 He's convinced that they are just scars
42:25 where cancer was
42:26 because the cancer isn't.
42:28 Well, why is that?
42:29 Now I'm doing
42:30 the threefold thing trusting God
42:32 with all my heart and soul,
42:34 doing what I know to do health wise,
42:36 but I'm also doing
42:38 what the doctors are telling me to do,
42:39 so that's my threefold approach.
42:41 Right.
42:42 But God taught those doctors what they know,
42:44 so I give God all of the honor and glory.
42:48 But there is no doubt in my mind
42:50 that it's the prayers of the saints
42:52 that's working.
42:53 Even my sisters who go to two churches
42:57 that I wouldn't...
42:58 Well, I shouldn't say that I suppose,
43:00 I get cards
43:01 from my sisters' churches, saying,
43:03 "We were praying for you."
43:05 And they're little churches that are trusting God
43:10 for my health and what more can I say,
43:11 thank you, Lord.
43:12 You're not going anywhere till God says it's time.
43:14 That's right. Isn't that the truth?
43:15 I think, you can go ahead.
43:17 God has sustained you, and raised you up,
43:18 and God has done that
43:20 because of the prayers of other people.
43:22 Yeah, absolutely, that's right.
43:23 Again, another,
43:25 you know, affirmation of how important prayer
43:28 is that we're praying for others.
43:30 And, you know, I'm a survivor of ovarian cancer.
43:33 And 30 years ago,
43:34 they gave me five years to live.
43:36 And I'm still here so,
43:37 you know, my life belongs to Jesus.
43:40 Your life belongs to Jesus, and so does yours.
43:42 You know, none of us are promised tomorrow,
43:44 but I what I know is we aren't going anywhere,
43:47 Mollie, till God says it's time.
43:48 That's right. Isn't that the truth?
43:49 You know, so since we're talking about personal,
43:53 you know, stories, and prayer, and how that affects our lives,
43:59 I think about,
44:00 you know, I was raised in a beautiful Christian home.
44:03 And I've never known
44:05 what it's like not to love Jesus.
44:07 I couldn't have asked for more godly parents.
44:10 But really when we,
44:12 you know, when we reach a certain age,
44:14 God gives us choices.
44:15 And even though we have all the knowledge,
44:18 it still comes down to choice.
44:20 And when I was 18,
44:22 I made a choice that God didn't choose for me.
44:24 And I made a...
44:26 I chose a path He didn't want me to go on.
44:29 And because of that I suffered the consequences.
44:32 I found myself married to a man I didn't even know,
44:34 much less loved,
44:36 and I was a battered wife in my first marriage.
44:39 And when I think about, you know, here I'm a sinner,
44:45 I've clearly, you know, gone against
44:47 what I know God wants me to do.
44:49 And yet, you know,
44:51 when I'm laying out on a bathroom floor,
44:53 just been beat so bad, I'm bleeding out,
44:56 I know that I'm gonna die.
44:59 You know, I prayed them three words
45:02 of the most powerful prayer you could pray,
45:05 and that's Jesus save me.
45:07 Amen. And He did.
45:09 You know even though that I had let Jesus down.
45:13 When I prayed that prayer "Jesus, save me."
45:16 It's all I could utter.
45:17 I was too weak to even utter anything else.
45:20 He did.
45:21 You know, and I think, I bring that out as a point
45:23 because so many people think
45:25 they have to be perfect to pray.
45:27 They think that they have to,
45:30 you know,
45:32 make all the right choices and the decisions all the time.
45:35 But we all know we're all sinners.
45:37 And there isn't any one of us here
45:38 that are perfect,
45:40 then we wouldn't have been translated.
45:41 And I have people tell me all the time,
45:43 I'm sure, you know
45:44 that you've experienced the same
45:45 where people will say,
45:47 "Why don't you pray for me, because God hears you?"
45:50 You know they think because you're on television,
45:52 or because you have written a book,
45:54 or because, you know, you have something
45:57 that they see in you that
45:58 they don't see in themselves that they can't.
46:00 God's not gonna hear their prayer.
46:01 Nothing's further from the truth.
46:03 And nothing's further from the truth
46:04 because, you know, we're all sinners.
46:06 Jesus loves each one of us so much,
46:08 and even, you know, most humble prayer,
46:12 God hears and He responds to, He answers.
46:17 And he loves each one of us so much.
46:19 And so, you know,
46:20 I would say that just personally,
46:24 Jesus is my best friend,
46:25 I don't know what it would be like not to have Him to pray to
46:29 and talk to about every single aspect of my life.
46:32 I tell Him about that happy things,
46:34 and thank Him, and praise Him,
46:36 and I lift up so many others for prayer
46:38 because I have a passion in my heart to do so.
46:42 And I think when we fall in love with Jesus,
46:45 God puts that love for others in us,
46:47 so how could we not want to pray for others.
46:51 You know, several years ago now,
46:53 my friend Kay Kuzma and I wrote a book called
46:55 "Our Passionate Prayer Promises"
46:57 And it's a book. It's a great book.
46:59 It's a prayer tool to, really,
47:01 there's over a hundred things to pray about.
47:04 And on the left side,
47:05 there's a prayer claiming Bible promises for that need.
47:08 You can go to an alphabet,
47:10 let's say you're heading, going through divorce,
47:11 or a health problem, or finances.
47:13 You go to that and you can pray that prayer
47:16 and put your name in there and pray that prayer for you.
47:18 Let's say you know
47:20 how to pray claiming Bible promises.
47:21 You don't need the prayer,
47:22 so on the right side of the page
47:24 all the promises claiming in that prayer
47:25 are written out in full.
47:26 And while you're praying,
47:28 you go through and you claim those promises.
47:31 Claiming God's promises is a powerful way to pray.
47:34 I noticed that in your prayer, Mollie,
47:36 that you wrote not only for your child,
47:38 but also for the parent's prayer.
47:40 You were claiming Bible promises
47:41 in those prayers.
47:42 Absolutely, yes.
47:44 It's a powerful, powerful way to prayer, to pray.
47:47 And I think in Matthew 7:7
47:50 is one of my favorite texts that I go when people say
47:55 "Well, you know, God wouldn't hear my prayer.
47:58 He wouldn't, you know, God doesn't care about me."
48:01 Well, if you go to Matthew 7:7.
48:03 It says, "Ask, and it will be given to you,
48:06 seek, and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you."
48:11 We don't have because we don't ask.
48:13 This right.
48:14 You know, God wants us to ask.
48:16 And He doesn't just say, "Ask and it will be given."
48:18 He also says, "Seek."
48:19 He doesn't want to just say, "Okay, Lord, would do this."
48:21 He said, "Seek."
48:23 You know, knock,
48:24 that to me that text alone says,
48:26 it talks about persistence in prayer.
48:28 In the Greek, it says ask and keep on asking.
48:31 Yes. Seek, and keep on seeking.
48:34 Knock, and keep on knocking.
48:36 The verb tense means to keep doing it,
48:38 not just to say I'm gonna ask,
48:40 and then I'll give up because God knows.
48:42 I'm gonna keep on asking. I'm gonna keep on seeking.
48:45 I'm gonna keep on knocking. Amen.
48:47 Thank you both so much for sharing,
48:48 what powerful testimonies.
48:50 I know that God has worked
48:51 in your lives in incredible ways.
48:53 And praise the Lord for saving you, Brenda.
48:54 Amen, and thank you, Jesus.
48:56 You know, praise the Lord for saving you for ministry,
48:58 and the same for you, Mollie.
48:59 We have just a few moments left.
49:00 I want to take a moment and spend some time in prayer.
49:03 I know, our brothers and sisters
49:04 at home are struggling, hurting,
49:08 dealing with all kinds of things.
49:09 And I don't know what you are dealing with,
49:11 but right now we want to pray for you.
49:14 And, Brenda, you want to start? And we'll go around the circle.
49:17 Sure. Let's take a couple moments.
49:18 Okay, precious Heavenly Father,
49:20 Lord, we just want to thank You
49:22 for Your love, Your goodness to us, Lord.
49:24 What an awesome God you are.
49:26 A God who loves all Your children,
49:28 and Lord, You can't imagine even one of us
49:30 not being with You for all eternity.
49:33 Lord, I want to pray specifically
49:36 for those,
49:37 Lord, that are listening right now
49:39 and watching right now,
49:40 Lord, that really don't have a close connection with You
49:44 but they want one.
49:45 They don't know how, so Lord, I claim James 4:8 that says,
49:49 "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."
49:53 Lord, I pray that they will seek You,
49:57 they will find You.
49:58 Lord, that they will surrender their hearts and lives to You.
50:01 And I pray that someday soon
50:03 when You come in those clouds of glory
50:05 or that we will be there all united as a family
50:09 and hear those words.
50:10 Welcome home.
50:12 We love You. We praise You.
50:13 We thank You in your
50:14 precious holy name I pray, amen.
50:17 And Father, I bring before Your throne of grace everyone
50:21 that is listening, everyone that is viewing,
50:24 and all of us here in the studio, Father God,
50:26 I just stand us all before Your throne of grace and ask Lord
50:29 that you would look at our hearts.
50:31 Father, look at those deep needs
50:33 I pray in Jesus name, Lord.
50:35 Those areas where we are struggling,
50:39 and those areas Father where we are insecure.
50:41 Father, I pray that You would just grace us
50:44 all with Your grace, and love, and peace, and joy,
50:47 fill us to overflowing with Your presence, Father.
50:50 Father, to the degree that we know how.
50:52 We surrender ourselves to You
50:54 and ask that You fill us with Your presence.
50:57 We give ourselves to You and ask, Father,
50:59 that You would use us as just vessels of honor
51:03 in Your kingdom to bring glory
51:05 to Your name in Jesus' name, amen.
51:08 And Father, as I continue in prayer with my sisters,
51:10 we thank You
51:12 that You are not willing that any should perish,
51:14 but that all should come to repentance.
51:16 And we claim that promise.
51:18 We claim Your promise in Isaiah,
51:20 You will contend with those that contend with us.
51:22 And you will save our children. Amen.
51:25 I pray for our brothers and sisters
51:26 who are praying for their children,
51:28 and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren,
51:30 that You will draw their hearts with Your court of love,
51:34 that You will bring them back to Yourself.
51:36 Lord, when You come again soon that
51:38 and that these precious parents, grandparents,
51:41 great-grandparents can look up and say,
51:43 "God, I am here with a family that You have given to me.
51:48 Lord, we pray for those
51:49 who may be are struggling with a co-worker,
51:52 or a neighbor, or someone that there's angst with.
51:55 And we just ask Father
51:57 that as we reach out and even pray for our enemies.
52:00 God, that You would pour Your love,
52:02 and Your forgiveness,
52:03 and Your compassion into their lives,
52:06 into their hearts.
52:07 Lord, we ask, we thank You
52:09 for the privilege of coming before You.
52:11 We thank You that You are on the throne
52:13 and that You see that You hear and that You long to answer.
52:18 And we just give You our hearts,
52:19 and we ask this in the precious and the holy name of Jesus.
52:24 Amen. Amen.
52:25 Right now, we're gonna go to our news break,
52:28 and then we'll be back in a moment
52:29 with some closing thoughts from our sisters.


Revised 2017-12-18