3ABN Today

Fruit of Spirit

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), Dee Casper, John Dinzey, Mollie Steenson


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017072A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:11 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:08 My name is John Lomacang.
01:09 Thank you for taking the time to tune into your network.
01:12 If you're tuning in for the first time,
01:14 remember this button, lock it in there
01:17 because this is we believe God's channel
01:20 and we have an exciting program today.
01:22 This is the Bible portion of 3ABN Today.
01:25 You know, whenever we get a chance
01:27 to talk about missions, it's great.
01:29 We talk about health
01:30 and number of other kinds of programs.
01:32 But this one is the Bible, the sure Word of God.
01:36 And today, our panel, who are no guest to 3ABN
01:39 but a part of our 3ABN family
01:41 are going to talk about a very important topic,
01:44 the Fruit of the Spirit.
01:47 Now you may have heard about the topic before you may say,
01:50 "I know about the Fruit of the Spirit."
01:51 But I can guarantee you, today, you're going to learn something
01:54 and we're going to learn something
01:56 because we're not here just to teach
01:58 but we're asking the Spirit of God
02:00 to guide and to direct in this program.
02:03 Now to get to the program,
02:04 we always have some wonderful music
02:06 but before that thank you for your prayers
02:08 and also your financial support of this network
02:10 that keeps us going and growing
02:12 as we prepare for the soon coming of Jesus.
02:15 Today, we have some music
02:16 from one of our very own Sandra Entermann.
02:18 She's going to be singing, I Am Willing Lord
02:21 and Sonia Kotarski is going to be accompanying her
02:23 on the piano.
02:52 Sometimes when I am down
02:57 And I don't feel like you're around, oh Lord
03:04 Feelin' so sorry for me
03:10 Not knowing that all the while
03:14 You're working to see
03:17 If when I'm put thru' the fire
03:23 I'll come out shinin' like gold
03:28 Oh Lord, please don't ever stop working with me
03:36 'Til you see I can be all You want me to be
03:48 I am willing, Lord
03:54 I am willing, Lord
04:00 To be just exactly
04:02 What You want me to be
04:12 I am willing, Lord
04:18 I am willing, Lord
04:24 To be just exactly
04:27 What You want me to be
04:37 Often when I ask why
04:42 Teach me then on You to rely, oh Lord
04:49 You surely know what is best
04:54 May I learn that in confidence and strength I can rest
05:01 Then, leaning fully on You
05:06 My questions fall one by one
05:11 Dear Lord, please don't ever stop working with me
05:19 'Til you see I can be all You want me to be
05:30 I am willing, Lord
05:37 I am willing, Lord
05:42 To be just exactly
05:45 What You want me to be
05:54 I am willing, Lord
06:00 I am willing, Lord
06:05 To be just exactly what You want
06:11 To be just exactly
06:14 What You want
06:16 I want to be just exactly
06:20 What You want me to be
06:43 Thank you so much Sandra and Sonia,
06:47 two friends of ours,
06:49 whenever we get to go to Australia,
06:50 we get a chance to minister with them
06:53 and whenever they come here,
06:54 we get a chance to reconnect.
06:56 Again thank you so much for the willingness.
06:58 And that's what this program is about,
07:00 the willingness of Christ to be reflected through our lives.
07:03 We have to be willing in order for Jesus to be seen.
07:06 Well, let me go ahead introduce our panel today.
07:09 To my right is Mollie Steenson,
07:11 general manager of 3ABN and vice president.
07:13 Good to have you here, Mollie.
07:14 Well, thank you very much. Good to be here.
07:15 And I'm glad you're here because you have been around,
07:17 you've been in ministry for all,
07:18 most of all your adult life,
07:20 and so this is a very good topic for you.
07:22 You've been the wife of a pastor,
07:24 still today you are the wife of a pastor
07:27 but you've been a speaker, teacher, mom,
07:30 all of those things
07:31 and above all that, a Christian woman.
07:33 And hopefully one that has
07:37 learned a few lessons along the way.
07:40 Yes.
07:42 And that's, that seems to be in talking with people
07:46 more than anything
07:47 they want to know your real life experiences
07:49 That's right.
07:50 Not how much you know
07:52 but what have you actually lived.
07:53 What are the fruits
07:55 that are actually coming forth in your life?
07:56 That's right.
07:58 And if I were to put you in the category of a tree
07:59 you've been in the orchard of Christ for a long time,
08:02 so He's pruned you and you've grown more,
08:05 and He's pruned you and you've grown.
08:07 And so good to have you here today.
08:08 Well, thank you so much.
08:09 And, Dee Casper, good to have you here, Dee,
08:11 one of our elders in Thompsonville.
08:13 And you are blazing the trail,
08:15 the Lord has kind of got you going from hither and yon
08:17 but glad that you've taken the time to be here today.
08:20 Good to be here, I appreciate it.
08:21 Yes, and you have a wonderful journey,
08:23 which also has allowed the Lord to develop fruit in your life.
08:26 We're gonna talk about that too.
08:27 It's true.
08:29 And to my far right Pastor John Dinzey,
08:30 the general manager of 3ABN Latino.
08:32 Good to have you here, Johnny.
08:33 It's great to be here. It's a blessing.
08:35 Yes, and I know, I've seen your journey
08:37 and personally I know
08:39 that the Lord has reflected and revealed
08:41 His fruit through your life
08:42 and I could say that about all of us.
08:44 And today we're going to talk about this topic
08:47 because oftentimes Christian churches are divided
08:52 based on doctrinal belief,
08:54 but there is something to the Words of Jesus
08:56 in John 10:16
08:58 when He said, "Other sheep I have,
09:01 that are not of this fold."
09:03 In other words, if the Christian is known
09:07 by his or her fruit,
09:08 then the Lord is recognizing that His fruit can be found
09:12 in different denominations in His people.
09:14 But He didn't just say
09:15 that they are found in different places,
09:17 He says, "Them also I must bring."
09:19 And so in these last days,
09:22 Jesus is not just going to gather sheep into His fold
09:26 but He's going to gather fruit into His basket.
09:29 He wants His life to be revealed on various planes,
09:34 and I want to begin with the cliche that you...
09:36 I'm sure you've heard before.
09:39 The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
09:44 Let me just start with you, Mollie.
09:45 You've heard that before, haven't you?
09:46 Mm-hm.
09:48 What does that translate to you when it comes to fruit?
09:49 Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree,
09:53 that to me that is talking about...
09:58 For instance, a mom and dad, parents they produce children,
10:02 and if there are strong godly principles in this mom and dad,
10:09 then what are they going to produce?
10:11 They are going to produce strong godly principle children
10:14 because the apple isn't going to fall far from the tree.
10:18 However, on the other hand,
10:20 if there are weaknesses and areas that need improving,
10:25 then you're going to see that manifestation as well.
10:28 Then that's going to be in the fruit that comes forth.
10:33 And another thing is you wouldn't find an apple
10:35 hanging out under an orange tree.
10:37 No, that reminds me of an illustration
10:41 that I've read not too terribly long ago.
10:44 These children, when they disobeyed,
10:50 the parents make them go up to their room
10:54 and that's where they would have time out
10:56 was in there room.
10:57 But the children didn't really mind that
10:59 because there was a tree right outside their window
11:02 and they would just climb down and go and play.
11:07 And then before very long,
11:10 they climb back up the tree, go back in the room
11:12 and then, "Have I been in the room long enough?
11:14 Is my punishment over?"
11:16 And so the parents started looking at the tree
11:18 unbeknownst to what the children were doing
11:21 and they say, "Do you know that tree isn't producing fruit.
11:25 It hasn't had fruit on it in years,
11:28 we're going to cut that tree down."
11:29 Now did the children want them to cut that tree down?
11:31 No.
11:33 No, because that was their escape route.
11:35 And so the children pulled all of their money,
11:38 they went down to the grocery store
11:40 and they bought a basket of apples
11:43 and they just put apples all over that tree
11:46 and the next morning the father looked at the tree
11:48 and said, "Mama, come and look at the this.
11:50 Look at this miracle,
11:52 there's apples all over this pear tree."
11:56 The children didn't know that it was a pear tree.
11:58 So the moral of that story was...
12:02 What is it?
12:03 Seed produces after its own kind.
12:05 The parents weren't deceived any longer.
12:09 That's a very good one, you know.
12:10 Apples don't grow on pear trees
12:12 and oranges don't hang on the apple trees.
12:14 That's true.
12:15 So the tree produces after its kind.
12:18 The seed produce after its kind.
12:20 First biblical principle laid down in the Word of God,
12:22 seed produces after its own kind.
12:24 I believe that's Genesis 3:5.
12:28 Seed produces after its own kind.
12:30 Wow. And that's true.
12:31 That they bring forth seed according to their own kind.
12:35 Dee, apple doesn't fall far from the tree,
12:37 what does that mean to you?
12:38 Well, if you're seeing something
12:41 whatever it manifests,
12:42 you pretty much get an idea of what the source is,
12:44 where it's coming from,
12:45 so if something seems to be exhibiting
12:47 apple like characteristics,
12:48 it's probably because it came from an apple tree.
12:51 It's very similar to what Mollie was mentioning,
12:53 I think that's pretty much the main gist of it.
12:55 Okay.
12:56 So we know the source when we understand the fruit.
13:00 When we see the fruit, we know the source.
13:02 Pastor Dinzey, apple doesn't fall far from the tree,
13:04 that may mean something different in Spanish but...
13:08 Well, actually it means practically the same
13:10 and it's...
13:12 That saying is really helping,
13:16 you hear it when somebody sees a child
13:20 behaving like the parent
13:21 and they say, "It's true.
13:23 The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
13:25 So you expect to see similar characteristics
13:29 in the children as are in the parents.
13:31 Now the reason I started with that,
13:33 I want to come at a completely different angle
13:35 from all three of you is
13:36 because of the fact that the parent...
13:39 that's often used in a parent-child relationship.
13:42 The parent is concerned
13:45 about what is seen in the child's life,
13:47 in the same way Jesus is concerned about
13:50 what is seen in your life, in my life
13:53 because He is the tree in this illustration
13:56 and we are the apples.
13:58 Hopefully we are,
14:00 and what we're gonna talk about today
14:01 is the concern that Jesus has and this is...
14:05 I want to just make sure this is clear.
14:07 Our doctrinal positions are vitally important.
14:10 It identifies the truth about the character of God.
14:13 But He brings forth the illustrations in John 15,
14:17 one of the most powerful books on the connection
14:19 between the Christian and Christ
14:21 that the fruit is the evidence
14:24 of whether we are connected or we are not connected.
14:28 And so I want to throw this question out,
14:30 and we're going to start with Matthew 3:8
14:32 because this is, you know, we talk about
14:35 fruit in the sense of,
14:37 we'll talk about what they are
14:38 but for those of you who know
14:40 we'll reiterate this later on in the program,
14:42 love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
14:44 gentleness, meekness, patience.
14:46 But I want to begin with the fruit
14:47 that we often don't talk about.
14:48 Because before those fruit show up,
14:50 there needs to be a fruit before that,
14:53 before love, joy, peace,
14:55 longsuffering, gentleness, meekness,
14:57 patience shows up,
14:58 there needs to be a different fruit before that.
15:01 And so, Mollie, since you're right here to my right,
15:04 what does Jesus instructed to do in Matthew 3:8?
15:07 "Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance."
15:12 So break that down for us?
15:15 Well, first and foremost,
15:18 when we are outside of the kingdom of God,
15:23 we're walking around in darkness
15:25 serving the God of this world,
15:26 something has to happen before we can be fruit bearers
15:29 in the kingdom of God.
15:30 We've got to be born again
15:33 and to be born again, what does that mean?
15:36 You accept the Lord Jesus Christ
15:38 and you repent of your former way.
15:42 Old things passed away,
15:44 behold, all things are going to become new.
15:45 Now that is for your initial coming into the image of God,
15:50 but then, Pastor Lomacang, I don't know about your life
15:54 but I can only say this is true for my life,
15:56 I thank God that there is that fruit of repentance.
16:01 is in the Word of God
16:04 that if we confess our sins, He is faithful
16:06 and just to forgive us of our sins
16:08 and cleanse us from unrighteousness.
16:10 That fruit of repentance isn't a one time thing,
16:14 it's something that we need the Lord to work within us.
16:20 I don't think it ever will stop in my life anyway.
16:22 Okay. Dee?
16:24 It reminded me of two aspects or two teachings on this topic,
16:27 one is Paul, Paul talks about
16:28 how the gentile world is grafted in to a spiritual tree
16:34 that they don't have what they need.
16:37 They need to be engrafted into something
16:38 that can provide what they need.
16:40 And Jesus kind of elaborates on this even further,
16:42 obviously he was writing before Paul,
16:44 but he was teaching before Paul
16:46 but the two kind of go together as far as these teachings that,
16:49 "Apart from me you can do nothing."
16:50 That's right.
16:52 I can't even find repentance without Christ.
16:53 Repentance is actually a gift from Christ
16:56 and what leads me to Christ is recognizing my nothingness.
17:00 When I see my nothingness, it points me to Jesus
17:02 and when I am grafted into Christ,
17:05 only then would I even be capable
17:07 of bearing any form of fruit.
17:09 And if I'm attached to Christ, the fruit I'm going to bear
17:11 would be the fruit of the spirit.
17:13 You know, admirable traits, Christ like traits.
17:16 Okay, all right. Pastor Dinzey?
17:19 You know, as we look at the verse before.
17:21 This was a time
17:22 when John the Baptist was preaching
17:25 and to his amazement,
17:27 the scribes and Pharisees were coming
17:29 and saying, we want to be baptized too.
17:31 And so then he says that, he told them to bear fruits
17:37 that show that there is true repentance taking place
17:41 because some can join the church
17:47 or say they are Christian for different reasons
17:49 not because they've given their heart to Christ,
17:52 and so the evidence
17:55 of something happening inside is by...
17:58 As the Scripture says,
18:00 "By the fruits, you shall know them."
18:03 And apparently there were not fruits or repentance
18:06 seen by John for him to say,
18:10 "You guys aren't ready for baptism,
18:11 you have, I see something that tells me you are."
18:15 And so we have to say that the Lord blessed John
18:20 with spiritual discernment in this case.
18:24 And we cannot bear fruit
18:27 unless we are connected to Christ,
18:29 we just cannot.
18:31 And that is true
18:32 and this statement was made to scribes and Pharisees,
18:35 religious people,
18:37 and so it shows that religion and Christianity
18:40 are not always the same thing.
18:42 You know, people could be very religious,
18:44 but what kind of life are they living.
18:46 Does it show the evidence
18:47 that they are still connected
18:49 to their former ways of living,
18:50 or does it show that they are connected to Christ now?
18:52 And, you know, the challenge as a Christian,
18:55 we know that the Christian life
18:56 and people have said this and I want to reiterate this.
18:58 The Christian life is not a cakewalk.
19:01 It demands a lot of us
19:03 but the demanding doesn't cause
19:05 us to be the ones producing it
19:07 because you mentioned just a moment ago
19:08 when we talked about John 15, the one who produces is Christ.
19:12 We have to remain connected the sap.
19:14 I think somebody once said, "The root of a tree is bitter
19:18 but the fruit is sweet."
19:20 You know, the Lord didn't say, you'll know them by their roots
19:24 but you'll know them by their fruits.
19:25 We don't eat the root, we eat the fruit.
19:27 The root is into the soil where all the nutrients are,
19:30 but you don't eat the root, we eat the fruit.
19:33 And so we have to remain connected to Christ
19:35 because unless we do,
19:36 that's really not true repentance.
19:38 And so church membership
19:42 is not the prerequisite for displaying fruit,
19:46 but repentance...
19:48 is the prerequisite for bearing fruit.
19:50 I see you smiling, Pastor Dinzey, there.
19:52 Something interesting happened to Peter
19:55 that happens to people
19:56 when they spend time with Christ,
19:58 he has spent three and a half years with Christ.
20:00 And so the time comes when Christ is taken away
20:03 and He's being going through a trial.
20:07 And Peter is around, Jesus had warned Peter,
20:11 you're going to deny me three times.
20:13 And somebody says to him, "Hey, you are one of them?"
20:17 And he denied.
20:18 And Peter did not realize
20:21 that his manner of speaking had changed.
20:24 Because he was a fisherman, they had foul language,
20:28 and they say you're one of them because you speak like him.
20:33 And so he realized so he had to change the way he spoke
20:38 and you get the idea that he used foul language
20:41 to kind of tell others, "Oh, no, I'm not."
20:45 And so the natural result of being with Christ
20:48 is that you are transformed.
20:52 I'm thinking of 2 Corinthians 3:18
20:56 that by beholding we become changed.
21:00 Daily he was with Christ, daily he heard Him,
21:02 daily he decided he made steps,
21:06 he made choices that he was being transformed.
21:09 Because I'm saying that he made choices,
21:12 because Judas was there.
21:13 Judas was listening, but he did not make choices
21:18 that allowed the Lord to transform him, you see.
21:21 So we can all hear the same message,
21:23 but we have to make choices by the message we hear.
21:28 Let us go to Galatians
21:29 and I want one of you to turn to Titus 1:16.
21:32 It's in the syllabus we have today but there's a...
21:35 The point you made is very well brought out
21:37 and I think each one of you
21:39 had a contribution to each one of these.
21:40 The point that we're talking about is
21:42 a lot of times people say, "I am a Christian,
21:45 or I'm a Baptist, or I'm an Adventist.
21:47 I'm a Pentecostal. I'm a Presbyterian."
21:49 They identify in denominational categorization
21:52 that they are connected to a particular movement
21:54 that is identified with Christ.
21:56 But that's not all that Jesus required of them.
22:00 He said that as was pointed out here,
22:02 he says make sure that your fruits are evidence
22:04 that you're connected to Christ.
22:06 Titus 1:16 because John you mentioned this
22:09 in reference to Peter.
22:11 He was identified as being connected to Christ
22:13 but there's something that made it evident
22:15 that he wasn't at that particular point.
22:17 Do you have that, Mollie, Titus 1:16?
22:19 1:16, "They profess to know God,
22:22 but in works they deny him, being abominable, disobedient,
22:28 and disqualified for every good work."
22:30 So they profess to know Him.
22:32 Let me say, "I'm a Christian, or I'm a Jew,
22:35 or I'm a Pharisee, I'm a scribe,
22:37 I'm Sanhedrin, I'm a Sadducees."
22:39 But, you say, wait a minute,
22:41 but no, your life does not show that you know him.
22:44 You are denying him by your life,
22:47 so one of the first points I want to bring out
22:48 is being denominational Christian
22:52 and being a Christian by fruit is not always the same thing,
22:57 any points on that?
22:58 It's true.
22:59 We call that the nominal Christianity.
23:01 You have something by name only
23:03 but through your behavior, through your acts
23:07 you don't exemplify the fruits
23:09 of what Christ life is really like.
23:10 Because first and foremost
23:12 to be a Christian is to be Christ like.
23:13 How did He speak? How did He act?
23:15 How did He treat the oppressed?
23:16 How did He, you know, associate with those who were,
23:19 you know, generally you don't associate with people like that
23:22 because they're this or they're that.
23:24 So just saying that I'm a Christian
23:26 doesn't really say anything necessarily.
23:30 What really says that I'm a Christian
23:31 is how I treat my fellow man,
23:33 how I treat my family,
23:34 how I speak to people and so forth.
23:36 So nominal Christianity isn't what we're looking for,
23:38 we're looking for a heart transformation
23:41 which is what John the Baptist is calling people to,
23:43 which is what Jesus' first message was,
23:45 "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
23:47 Right. Anyone else?
23:48 You know, Romans 8 tells us that we have been predestined
23:52 to be conformed to the image of Christ
23:54 and that's not external,
23:56 it's internal to exemplify His attributes to be conformed.
24:03 And again going back to that seed
24:05 produces after its own kind.
24:07 The scripture says, "In the beginning was the Word,
24:09 the Word was with God, and the Word was God,
24:11 and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,
24:14 and then the Word is likened as unto seed."
24:18 And the seed that allows us to be changed,
24:23 to be conformed in the image of Christ,
24:25 it's the seed of the Word of God.
24:27 And as we read God's Word and consume God's Word
24:29 and allow that Word to be planted in our hearts,
24:32 it takes root, and it grows, and it produces
24:36 and seed is producing again after its own kind
24:40 in the image and likeness of Christ.
24:42 It's being produced within us
24:44 which is what we have been predestined to be conformed to.
24:47 What I'm hearing you say is,
24:49 the Bible, the written Word of God
24:52 which is a reflection of the living Word of God
24:54 when it's ingested,
24:57 I'm going to use that word ingested
24:58 because you could chew on it but not ingest.
25:01 When it is ingested, when it's digested,
25:02 it starts making a difference in our lives.
25:04 The entrance of this Word gives life.
25:06 So the entrance of God,
25:07 the Word of God is quick and powerful.
25:09 It's a vital living force and as we read the Word,
25:13 and as we hear the Word, and as we consume this Word,
25:17 it's a living force that is going into the field,
25:22 the soil of our hearts and it's changing us.
25:26 It changes us without our even being aware of it
25:30 as this Word becomes a living and vital within us.
25:35 The Word has creative power.
25:37 By His Word the worlds were created,
25:38 so when you see this it just makes sense
25:40 that the more time I spend in communing with Christ
25:43 and by taking His word into me,
25:45 letting it become a part of me
25:47 not just something that I'm near
25:48 or in proximity to
25:50 but it actually becomes a part of who I am,
25:52 it would lead to a logical transformation,
25:53 that's what it was meant to do.
25:55 That's right. Amen, amen.
25:57 I agree, this is a marvelous process
25:59 that takes place in the life,
26:01 in the heart of the individual
26:03 that as the person surrenders to Christ,
26:06 these changes take place.
26:08 It's, you know, you were talking about the...
26:12 Oh, it was Sister Mollie, talking about the tree
26:16 that the kids put the apples on to the pear tree.
26:20 And really that's what happens in life
26:23 and let me explain, the fruits grow on the trees
26:28 and nobody stands there watching them to see
26:31 when they finally a little flower comes out.
26:34 But you wake up
26:35 and the next day you see the little flowers
26:36 and the little, and little by little the process takes place,
26:39 it's a process.
26:41 The trees do not grow overnight,
26:43 I mean, the fruits do not grow overnight.
26:45 In this case it's a process that takes place
26:50 being in the soil,
26:53 the plant remaining in the soil,
26:54 the sun and the rain coming down upon it,
26:57 and the care that the people give to it.
27:00 It's a process, and that's why we put ourselves
27:04 in the hands of the Lord,
27:05 and we have the assurance, Philippians 1:6.
27:07 Yes. That's right.
27:09 And being confident of this very thing
27:11 that he who has begun a good work in you
27:14 will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.
27:17 And so we should not get discouraged that
27:21 perhaps we don't see something in us
27:23 that we see in someone else.
27:24 But to say, "Keep praying, keep following the Lord,
27:28 and the Lord is going to bear fruit to His glory in us."
27:32 And, you know, pardon me, go ahead.
27:34 Okay. Sure.
27:35 I was just thinking that a fruit tree doesn't...
27:38 When you first put that thing in the ground,
27:39 you're not going to have fruit in six months.
27:41 It could even be a couple of years
27:43 before you see visible fruit,
27:44 but that does not mean that nothing's happening
27:47 and that does not mean
27:48 that this person is not a Christian either.
27:50 And I think that this is, just in the same way
27:52 which an individual should not be discouraged
27:53 by what they may or may not see.
27:55 We as Christians particularly as more mature Christians
27:59 should not assume that just because we don't fully see it
28:02 what we think should be fruit doesn't necessarily mean that
28:04 something's not going on the inside
28:06 that's going to lead to fruit.
28:07 That's right. We can't know.
28:09 And this is why our job is to cultivate, right,
28:12 to nurture, and to nourish
28:13 the soil of the trees around us.
28:15 But our job is not to assume that we know where someone
28:18 is particularly during their infancy in their experience.
28:20 It could be a 75 year old man
28:22 just beginning his Christian experience
28:24 or it could be a young child
28:25 who's already thriving the Christian experience.
28:27 We can't fully know at certain stages of development yet
28:30 where they are.
28:31 Right, I want to make that point very clear.
28:33 That is very true because we have to give
28:35 what I'm hearing you see,
28:37 we have to give the individual time
28:38 for the fruit to show up.
28:40 Yes. And the Lord has...
28:41 Philippines 1:6, "The Lord has begun the work,
28:44 he's gonna complete the work,
28:48 the fruit will become full grown
28:50 and then able to nourish other people's lives."
28:52 And we've said statements like this,
28:54 "You've come a long way."
28:56 You've heard that before?
28:57 And how do you know? By the fruit they're producing.
28:59 Say it again?
29:01 The reason you know that
29:02 is by the fruit that they're producing.
29:03 You say, "Man, you're not the same.
29:05 I remember the last time, if I did that two years ago,
29:07 you would knock me out."
29:09 I mean, I've heard people say that.
29:11 Yes, yes.
29:12 Now you could approach Dee because he's at calm.
29:15 Man, if you've seen him when I knew him
29:17 and people have said, "Are you the same guy I grew up with?"
29:20 When I go to Brooklyn periodically I get to see guys
29:22 that I knew I grew up with in the pool halls
29:24 and the whole dark life of the New York City
29:27 and they say, "Are you John?"
29:30 I said, "Well, my name is but I'm not the same person."
29:33 They say, "Man, you're doing pretty good for yourself."
29:35 And I say, "Thank you Lord."
29:37 Because we have to give time
29:38 for the fruit to show up, Mollie?
29:40 Well, I'm just thinking about something
29:42 that you said earlier,
29:43 I think it was before the program started
29:45 when we were just talking
29:47 and that is that apple trees don't eat apples.
29:49 Yeah. Yeah.
29:51 The fruit is produced for others
29:54 and I'm thinking about that
29:56 like the fruit that we produce love, joy, peace.
30:01 The fruit of the spirit that is produced within us,
30:04 it's not for ourselves,
30:06 we become currency in the hand of God.
30:11 And the currency
30:13 that we have is the fruit that is in our lives
30:16 that God can take that now
30:19 and spend it on somebody that need...
30:21 If you've got love,
30:22 if the fruit you're producing is love
30:25 and there's somebody that needs love,
30:28 God is gonna take you as currency in His kingdom
30:32 and spend you on that person.
30:34 That's right. That love is for them.
30:35 You know, Danny Shelton sings this song
30:37 and he sang it before this program.
30:39 I want to spend my life mending broken people.
30:43 Well, that can be one of two things
30:46 spend the time of my life helping others or, Father,
30:50 take my life and spend it
30:53 on receiving others into the Kingdom of God.
30:57 Love, joy, peace, I've got great peace.
31:00 There's somebody that has no peace.
31:02 So God will take the currency of this peace
31:05 that He's placed within me and spend it on that person
31:08 that fat peace can go to them.
31:10 We don't produce this fruit for ourselves,
31:13 fruit is produced for others
31:15 and we become again currency in the hand of God.
31:18 Okay. Just thinking,
31:19 this is the amazing thing about God
31:21 is that God is using Christians as conduit basically.
31:25 That's right.
31:26 For His love to be transferred to communicate
31:29 and for people to be able to experience
31:31 the love of God
31:32 and of all things that God could use...
31:34 Paul talks about this in Ephesians
31:35 that God is making known
31:36 to the principalities and others
31:38 of His character of love
31:40 through of all means, the church.
31:42 That's right.
31:43 Like of all the people you could use as character
31:45 witnesses for God,
31:46 I certainly wouldn't be using me, right?
31:49 Because my life is not what I wish
31:50 that it would be,
31:51 but God sees in me things that I don't see in me.
31:54 In that faith of Jesus
31:55 and what I can be and lived out through me
31:58 is what shows other people
31:59 what God is actually like and He entrust that to us.
32:02 What a privilege that is that we can be used by Him
32:06 to communicate His love to fallen morals around us.
32:08 Well, let me say something
32:09 a little differently than you phrased it,
32:11 you know, in studying this topic
32:12 of righteousness by faith,
32:13 He doesn't see in us something worth developing,
32:16 He is in us being revealed. Yes.
32:21 Because if there was anything in me
32:22 worth developing,
32:24 then the apostle wouldn't say,
32:26 there is none that is good, no not one,
32:29 all of our righteousness is as filthy rags.
32:31 He comes in
32:33 and the amazing miracle of Christianity
32:36 is He takes this vessel that is unworthy,
32:38 and by His presence causes us to be worthy
32:40 and reflect His goodness.
32:41 And to the degree that we yield to Him
32:43 and surrender to Him.
32:44 That's right.
32:46 That's the degree
32:47 that He can expose Himself through us.
32:49 That's right. It's very, very good.
32:50 Pastor Dinzey?
32:51 And, you know, we are talking about
32:54 the process and what God does.
32:58 You can plant ten seeds in the ground
33:03 and you should not expect them to be growing at the same rate.
33:07 If you come in and measure each one, okay,
33:09 they're living up to their expectation,
33:13 you know, because they grow at different rates
33:17 and when they start producing fruit,
33:19 not all plants produce the same amount of fruit,
33:22 the same size of fruit.
33:24 And so the Bible says
33:28 we should know them by their fruits,
33:29 by their fruit,
33:32 and so we need to encourage one another.
33:38 And as the Bible says,
33:41 in love and that's why our word need
33:43 to be seasoned with grace
33:45 and so we should encourage one another
33:47 as they are also growing.
33:51 But we know that as God is working in us,
33:55 the devil is trying to work against us,
33:58 and that's why Jesus says to us,
34:01 "If any man will come who wants to follow Me,
34:04 let him take up his cross daily and follow Me."
34:07 So for us to cooperate with the Lord,
34:10 there's a part that we must do.
34:12 So every day we have talked about this,
34:15 already has been mentioned but worth repeating.
34:17 We must cooperate with the Lord
34:19 so the Lord can to do this marvelous work in us.
34:22 I want to just go to Luke 8:14 and the reason I want to go
34:26 there is because this is a text for people
34:29 that have been Christians for a while,
34:32 the challenges of life...
34:35 I have seen trees in orchards, I was, I lived in California,
34:39 my wife and I lived not too far from Napa Valley
34:40 there in Fairfield.
34:42 And we would go
34:43 through the Napa Valley quite often.
34:45 And one of the things that we've noticed
34:47 in the early part of the season,
34:49 the growers, they get out there really early
34:51 when they know the season to start.
34:54 You know, when the early rains come
34:55 then the latter rains later on,
34:56 they start to clean around the tree,
34:59 they make sure that it's free of weeds,
35:02 they're really digging up the ground,
35:03 you see a lot of activity and you think,
35:05 "Why they're doing all that, there's nothing out there,
35:06 there's no grapes out there?"
35:08 But this text indicates
35:09 why it's important as a mature Christian
35:11 to make sure
35:13 that your life remains uncluttered,
35:15 and this is the point I want to make.
35:16 Look at Luke...
35:17 Matter of fact, Luke 8:14,
35:19 do you have that for us, Mollie?
35:21 Yes.
35:22 "Now the ones
35:24 that fell among thorns are those who,
35:26 when they have heard,
35:27 go out and are choked with cares,
35:30 riches, and pleasures of life,
35:32 and bring no fruit to maturity."
35:34 Wow!
35:35 Notice what happens, notice the cares of life,
35:39 the what else?
35:41 Riches. Riches.
35:42 Pleasures of life. Pleasures of life.
35:45 All of a sudden surround the plantain starts to choke it
35:49 and it cannot bring fruit to maturity.
35:52 And one of the challenges we have in...
35:55 I know this happens
35:56 because we don't have orchards here in Illinois,
35:58 we like corn and soybean,
36:00 it's like we are the corn
36:01 and soybean capital of the world.
36:03 You see it everywhere.
36:04 But for oranges to get here and for them to be ripe,
36:07 they often pick before they are ripe
36:09 and then they're transported here,
36:10 also tomatoes.
36:12 But the maturity aspect
36:14 that is being talked about here is,
36:16 if something in the world comes in
36:18 that takes your attention away
36:20 from remaining vitally connected to Christ,
36:24 and His riches, the cares of the life,
36:26 the pleasures of life they bring with them,
36:29 and anti maturity virus.
36:33 And does not allow the fruit to come to maturity.
36:35 So how important is it for Christians
36:38 to remain aloof from these things
36:40 that can keep us
36:42 from becoming mature fruit bearers.
36:44 So in the winter
36:47 when we go to the store and we buy tomatoes,
36:51 do we ever make tomato sandwiches
36:53 in the winter time?
36:54 I don't think I have. Okay.
36:57 Is right now is the time
36:59 when tomatoes are really coming on here
37:02 in Southern Illinois.
37:04 Go out to...
37:05 I've got one tomato plant, it is just proliferating,
37:08 it is doing wonderful.
37:09 Go out and pick a tomato go in and...
37:11 Slice it. Oh, slice it and eat it.
37:14 Oh, it's delicious. So what is the difference?
37:17 One is, came to maturity. That's right.
37:20 The other was picked too soon, has no flavor,
37:22 it's merely, it's no...
37:24 The same is true with spiritual fruit,
37:28 and if it comes to full maturity
37:30 then it is useful, and vital, and helpful.
37:33 That's right. And desirable.
37:36 Good point. Yeah.
37:38 Hebrews 12 says this, "Therefore we also..."
37:40 What verse? Hebrews 12:1.
37:42 Okay.
37:43 "Therefore we also,
37:44 since we are surrounded
37:46 by so great a cloud of witnesses."
37:47 People who bore a lot of fruit, one would say, right?
37:50 "Let us lay aside every weight,
37:52 and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
37:54 and let us run with endurance the race
37:56 that is set before us."
37:58 Well, I'm not capable of doing that,
37:59 how does that happen?
38:00 Verse 2, "Looking unto Jesus,
38:03 the author and the finisher of our faith,
38:05 who for the joy that was set before Him
38:07 endured the cross, despising the shame,
38:09 and has sat down at the right hand
38:11 of the throne of God."
38:12 We are given this admonition to do our best,
38:16 to respond to the promptings of God,
38:19 to yield the things that are depriving our growth,
38:21 our potential, our maturity
38:23 and the way that is best done is by looking to Jesus.
38:25 When we look to Jesus,
38:27 we lose our appetite for the other things.
38:29 When you eat a delicious ripe garden growing tomato,
38:32 you lose interest
38:33 in every other substandard
38:35 piece of produce you could find.
38:36 It's no different.
38:37 When you taste of the fruit and see that He is good,
38:39 you're going to want Him
38:40 to produce the same fruit in you
38:42 and others will want what you have.
38:44 Amen. Look at Luke 13.
38:47 Pastor Dinzey, do you have a point before we go there?
38:49 Well, yes, because,
38:52 you know, as we consider our lives
38:55 sometimes we may mourn
38:58 and complain when some difficulties come.
39:02 And in James 1,
39:04 he says something that stunned or shocked some people
39:08 and that's James 1:2,
39:12 "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into diverse..."
39:16 I use of the word temptation here
39:17 but it means trials.
39:20 "Knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
39:23 But let patience have her perfect work,
39:25 that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."
39:28 The reason I mention this is because trials
39:32 are like God's instruments
39:35 to help us and mold us and shape us
39:38 and to develop the fruits of the Spirit in us.
39:40 That's right.
39:42 Because when you're talking about patience,
39:43 well, how do you develop patience?
39:44 You wait.
39:46 That's the pruning process. That's the pruning process.
39:48 So God allows trials to come up on us
39:51 that we may lean upon Him,
39:53 trust Him and He can prune us and purge us
39:59 and those fruits can come out,
40:05 let's say that we've talked about love,
40:07 joy, faith, meekness, gentleness.
40:11 And so when difficulties come,
40:14 let's not look at the difficulties.
40:16 But as it says here,
40:18 try to find some joy and understanding
40:19 that God has allowed this
40:21 for some good reason in your life.
40:24 Now I'm saying this
40:26 to the people that understand
40:28 that you're connected to Christ,
40:31 God is not going to allow anything
40:32 to come to you
40:34 that He has not looked at, measured and said,
40:37 "This is good for John Dinzey to go through.
40:40 I approve of this message as you want to say.
40:44 I approve of this
40:45 because if John Dinzey starts doing his own thing."
40:48 And I'm going to bring trials upon myself
40:53 that it was not God's plan for me to go through.
40:55 That's right.
40:56 You see so then I face unnecessary problems
40:59 and then I will be, "Oh, no, I'm going through this
41:03 and that's a totally different thing."
41:05 You manufacture your own trials
41:07 and that's not necessary for us to go through.
41:10 I'll just say briefly.
41:12 There's another form of grooming
41:14 that's for really severe situations
41:16 where it seems like it's hopeless
41:17 for something to grow,
41:18 it's kind of a last ditch effort
41:20 that's called scoring.
41:21 A friend of mine wrote a blog on this recently
41:22 that was really convicting to me.
41:24 Scoring is basically where they cut into the tree,
41:27 if they go too deep it could kill the tree
41:29 but they had to cut deep enough
41:30 to kind of awaken in the tree his desire to heal,
41:33 I guess, nourishment and other things that...
41:36 If you just kind of do a search on it,
41:37 you can find more information.
41:38 But it's really fascinating to me
41:40 that there are times
41:41 that those deep cuts seem arbitrary
41:43 and seem hopeless
41:44 but they're actually ways of rekindling life
41:47 and rekindling the need for the life nourishment to go
41:50 where it needs to go.
41:51 And sometimes that can be the case.
41:53 Yes. Mollie?
41:54 You know, where I believe john, I alluded to John 15:2,
41:59 I'll read that
42:00 out of the New King James Version,
42:01 "Every branch in me
42:03 that does not bear fruit He takes away,
42:04 and every branch that bears fruit He prunes,
42:07 that it may bear more fruit."
42:09 Now the purpose
42:10 for that of course is to bear more fruit.
42:11 That's right.
42:13 And in the King James it says, "He purges."
42:14 That's right.
42:16 So that's kind of like going through detox.
42:18 Now have any of you ever gone through detox?
42:20 And I'm not talking about for drugs or alcohol.
42:23 You know, there are times
42:24 when we have detox to our body because we get,
42:29 you know, because toxins just from everyday wear
42:32 and tear they build up.
42:33 So we'll go through a detox
42:35 whether it's drinking lots of water or whatever,
42:38 your form of detox would be.
42:40 Is that a pleasant experience?
42:42 Any of you have been through a detox?
42:43 No. And we do it to ourselves.
42:46 Why are we doing it?
42:47 To get the toxins out,
42:49 which is not a pleasant fun experience.
42:52 But what's the purpose of it?
42:54 When you detox your body, you're healthier,
42:57 you're happier, you're more productive,
42:59 you've got more energy.
43:00 So there are times when God in the spiritual
43:03 will look and say, "Mollie, needs a detox."
43:06 Why is that? So I bear more fruit.
43:07 I like that sermon title by the way, detox.
43:10 I could find something in there.
43:12 But it's very true
43:14 and that's why this whole idea of producing fruit
43:16 is essential for the Christian
43:18 because, you know, we often think
43:20 that in the real tree growing world,
43:24 I'm just so elementary in my reference
43:26 to the tree growing world,
43:28 there's a particular word that's used.
43:30 But the gardener doesn't leave a tree
43:35 there in an undetermined period of time.
43:38 If he sees its not gonna...
43:40 If he sees it's just taken up space
43:43 and my point is,
43:44 the Lord will give us as much time as we need.
43:48 But look at this parable in Luke 13
43:50 and our time is coming and going so quickly.
43:53 Luke 13:6-9,
43:56 and then we're going to run through some scriptures
43:58 before the clock shuts us down.
44:02 Verse 6, he also spoke this parable,
44:05 "A certain man had a fig tree planted
44:07 in his vineyard,
44:08 and he came seeking fruit on it and found none."
44:11 Now once it's in the vineyard of the Lord, it's in good soil.
44:15 "Then he said to the keeper of the vineyard,
44:17 "Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit
44:19 on this fig tree and find none.
44:21 Cut it down,
44:23 why does it use up the ground or cumber up the ground?"
44:25 But he answered and said to him,
44:26 'Sir, let it alone this year also,
44:29 until I dig around it and fertilize it.
44:32 And if it bears fruit, well, but if not,
44:34 after that you can cut it down.'"
44:36 And this was a parable often referred
44:38 to as the unfinished parable
44:40 but we know that for the Jewish leaders,
44:43 they only had a certain period of time
44:45 to respond to the call
44:47 on the invitation of the Messiah.
44:48 And after that the Lord said, "You know what?
44:50 I need Me some disciples."
44:52 Because they are not responding
44:54 and He had given them a long time
44:56 and the final aspect
44:57 of it was three and a half years.
45:00 So it's amazing how Lord points out the fact
45:02 that He gives us room to grow
45:04 but after time if He sees no good there,
45:07 if He sees
45:08 that we're not responding to His soil,
45:10 His fertilization, His Holy Spirit,
45:13 then we're not good for anything
45:15 but to be cut down and thrown into the fire.
45:17 What a sad ending to a life
45:19 that could have been so much more productive.
45:21 Any comments?
45:22 You know, God is so wonderful, so loving, so kind,
45:24 so merciful, so patient,
45:26 and I want to praise His name
45:28 because you know He is very patient with us.
45:33 He works in our lives
45:35 and He doesn't get discouraged as you want to say.
45:40 Right.
45:41 But it's interesting because in the process of life,
45:46 we see sometimes that, you know, you mentioned.
45:51 Sometimes there seems to be
45:53 and you also alluded to this that a person,
45:58 let's say you're talking about a person
45:59 who is following the Lord and goes away from the Lord.
46:03 The Lord doesn't give up, oh, that person's gone,
46:05 that's it, I'm done.
46:07 You know, I gave him enough.
46:08 No, the Lord, Bible shows us that there's a shepherd
46:11 that goes after the sheep to bring it back to the fold.
46:15 And so God is very patient with us,
46:18 and so one of the things I want to say about this is,
46:22 you know, we talked about all these fruits.
46:25 And just like
46:26 we don't expect to see the fruit overnight,
46:28 God at the same time doesn't say,
46:31 "Okay, by tomorrow, you know, you have to..."
46:35 But there is a time of,
46:37 I don't want to get out of people's mind
46:39 that there's not a time of probation that closes.
46:42 I'm talking about the process of bringing fruit
46:45 that it is God's desire for us to advance
46:49 at the fastest rate possible.
46:51 Right.
46:52 But it is up to us to choose
46:54 because God brings us to decisions,
46:56 and I've noticed in my life
46:58 that God has brought me through.
46:59 I said, "Man, I have been
47:01 through a similar trial before."
47:02 And I think about it and I say,
47:03 you know, I failed that time
47:05 but perhaps the Lord is allowing this for me
47:06 to go through again to see how I will respond now.
47:10 Let me bring you an example, Abraham.
47:13 Abraham was put in the same circumstance
47:16 and two or three times, he said, "That's my sister."
47:20 You see but he was brought to that again for him
47:22 to be able to say, that's my wife.
47:25 And so because if we don't learn the lesson
47:27 the first time,
47:28 it's going to be harder the next time.
47:30 And sometimes the Lord brings us back
47:31 to the same place.
47:32 I want to get a few scriptures
47:34 before our time goes away from us.
47:35 Let's look at Romans 6:22 and then I'll have you,
47:38 as we're turning there, go ahead and make the point.
47:39 Yeah, I'll make it super brief
47:41 that God is not looking for reasons
47:42 to give up on us, but there are times,
47:44 author of the Book of Jeremiah God's making this appeal,
47:47 "If you repent, you can come back.
47:49 If you repent, you can come back."
47:50 And the response they give in Jeremiah 12:18
47:52 is it that it's hopeless.
47:54 So we'll each walk according to our own plans
47:56 where we each one obey the evil dictates of his heart.
47:59 And the point is,
48:00 God is not looking for reasons to give up on us.
48:03 But at some point
48:04 He's going to have to yield to us
48:06 giving up on ourselves
48:08 and not responding to His pleas of love,
48:10 in His view of what we could be in Christ,
48:12 what we are in Christ.
48:13 That's why I like Romans 6:22. Mollie, do you have that?
48:15 Romans 6:22. Look what it says.
48:19 "But now having been set free from sin,
48:21 and having become slaves of God,
48:24 you have your fruit to holiness,
48:26 and the end, everlasting life."
48:28 Ain't that wonderful?
48:30 So this is the rescue aspect of Christ.
48:32 He sets us free from slavery to sin
48:35 and then connect us to Him,
48:36 now we're slaves to righteousness
48:38 and then the end result
48:39 is not only fruits of holiness in our lives
48:41 but the end result is everlasting life.
48:43 In the note of the program is
48:47 that we need the indwelling power of Christ.
48:51 We cannot produce fruit of our own.
48:52 We don't have any self sap as it were that's righteous.
48:58 None of our righteousness is acceptable to God.
49:00 As a matter of fact,
49:03 one more I want to bring very carefully to that is,
49:06 there's a quotation I want to read here
49:08 from Gospel Workers speaking about the fruit.
49:12 Gospel Workers, 288 paragraph 1,
49:16 "Those who have the Spirit are earnest workers together
49:20 with God.
49:21 The heavenly intelligences cooperate with them,
49:24 and they go weighted with the spirit of the message
49:28 that they bear.
49:30 They speak words of solid sense from the treasury of the heart
49:34 and they bring forth pure sacred things
49:38 after the example of Christ."
49:40 So when we're connected to Christ,
49:41 there is nothing that we produce
49:42 that will be adverse to Christ,
49:44 but everything that we produce will be in harmony with Christ.
49:46 Mollie, a few final words.
49:48 Well, I'm just thinking
49:50 there are some scriptures in the Word of God
49:52 concerning bearing fruit that really touch my heart
49:55 and one of them is, it's Psalms 92:12-14,
50:00 I may read it and I'm reading it
50:02 out of the Amplified.
50:03 "The righteous will flourish like the date palm, long-lived,
50:07 upright and useful.
50:09 They will grow like a cedar in Lebanon,
50:11 majestic and stable.
50:13 Planted in the house of the Lord."
50:14 Prerequisite, you have to be planted
50:15 in the house of the Lord.
50:17 That's right.
50:18 "They will flourish in the courts of our God.
50:20 Growing in grace, they will still thrive
50:23 and bear fruit and prosper in old age," Pastor Lomacang.
50:26 Wow, I like that.
50:28 "They will flourish and be vital and fresh,
50:30 rich in trust and love and contentment."
50:33 Even in old age,
50:34 if you're planted in the house of the Lord,
50:36 you will still be fruitful and productive for the kingdom.
50:38 That's right.
50:39 Matter of fact, the tree that's been producing
50:41 all its life you don't expect it
50:42 to get old and not produce you say,
50:44 "Well, that's a reliable tree."
50:45 That's true.
50:46 As we get older we should be reliable Christians
50:48 not pulling away but getting closer to Christ.
50:50 Dee?
50:51 I just think the encouragement
50:53 I would give is that it's easy for us to think
50:54 that I'm not producing the fruit
50:56 that I wish that I would produce.
50:58 There's an answer, that answer is Christ,
51:00 you can come to Him,
51:01 you can receive nourishment and sap from Him.
51:03 He can give you the gift of repentance
51:05 if you haven't repented.
51:06 He can give you the gift of the fruits of the spirit
51:08 to ensure that what you're doing
51:10 is in harmony with His will.
51:11 He longs to see you there and when you do,
51:13 what's required to do that to make that a reality,
51:16 but He needs permission,
51:17 He need a willing heart and an obedient heart.
51:19 Pastor Dinzey, 45 seconds, 30 to 45 seconds.
51:23 I am encouraged to the fact that we went before,
51:25 Philippians 1:6,
51:26 "He that has begun a good work in you
51:29 will keep on that work
51:30 and will complete it to the day of Christ."
51:32 And I want to encourage everyone
51:33 to allow the Lord to continue that work,
51:37 continue following the Lord
51:39 as we've said before looking on to Jesus,
51:42 the author and finisher of our faith.
51:44 You know the Words of Jesus.
51:45 Thank you so much.
51:47 In John 16:16 Jesus said,
51:49 "You did not choose Me
51:50 but I chose you and appointed you
51:52 that you should go and bear fruit,
51:54 that your fruit should remain
51:56 that whatever you ask the Father in My name,
51:59 He will give you."
52:00 And so encouragement is this, the Lord chooses us.
52:04 We don't choose Him.
52:05 He knows we are more in need of Him
52:08 than He is in need of us,
52:10 and the beauty of the Christ that works in us
52:13 and produces fruit is everything that we do.
52:16 Let your light so shine before men
52:17 that they may see your good works
52:19 and glorify your Father, which is in heaven.
52:21 Let the fruit of God continue to glorify your life.
52:24 We're going to take a short break
52:25 and after this news break
52:27 we'll come back with a few closing comments.


Revised 2018-01-18