3ABN Today

Adventist University of Central Africa

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: CA Murray (Host), Dr. Verlyn R. Benson


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017064A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:10 My name is CA Murray.
01:12 And allow me once again to thank you for sharing
01:14 just a little of your day with us
01:16 to thank you as always for your love,
01:18 your prayers, your support
01:19 of Three Angles Broadcasting Network,
01:21 as together we seek to lift up the name of Jesus
01:24 and to let the world know that
01:26 Jesus is coming very, very soon.
01:28 I'm excited today because of the subject matter
01:32 and because of my guest.
01:34 I was always one who loved mission stories
01:37 as I was growing up
01:38 and I always had this secret envy for people
01:41 who are serving in the mission field,
01:43 never got a chance to go.
01:44 But today we're gonna talk with someone
01:46 who got a definite call to go to the mission field.
01:49 And as we look at his life
01:51 and he's got a really interesting life.
01:54 You know, God, many times that we've seen this happen before.
01:58 God takes you through a number of experiences
02:00 that become part of your resume,
02:02 part of your catalog,
02:03 and then there comes a time when all of those things
02:06 that He's taken you through
02:07 become a skill set that He causes you to use
02:11 at a certain point in your life
02:13 and that is certainly true of my guest,
02:16 who is Dr. Verlyn R. Benson.
02:18 Good, doctor, good to have you here, man.
02:19 Nice to be here. Thank you very much.
02:22 Punch line.
02:23 He is the President of the Adventist University
02:25 of Central Africa.
02:27 So he's on loan to us for just a little while.
02:29 And my understanding is, soon after doing this program,
02:32 he's going to be heading back to Central Africa
02:36 which is in Rwanda near the city of?
02:39 Kigali. Kigali.
02:40 Which is a city of some size, I'm told.
02:42 It is. It is. Yeah. Yeah.
02:46 He's doing a great work.
02:48 This is exciting stuff and I kind of...
02:49 I hope we have time to get through all of this stuff.
02:51 We were talking just a little bit
02:53 before the program
02:54 and God has given him a wealth of experience
02:58 and information that he,
02:59 all of which he is using to do
03:02 what God has called him to do in Africa.
03:04 Before going to Africa you were on the faculty of?
03:08 Andrews University. Andrews University.
03:10 So what makes a leap from Andrews University
03:12 all the way across Atlanta to Africa,
03:14 we're gonna talk about that leap.
03:15 And before Andrews University...
03:17 It was Pacific Union College.
03:18 Okay, so when you move you don't move next door.
03:23 You don't go even one state over.
03:25 You go from West Coast to mid America,
03:27 from Middle America, all the way to Africa
03:32 and God has called you to each place.
03:34 And this last call, you made certain
03:36 that it was a call from God and I don't blame you
03:38 and we're going to talk about that also.
03:40 Before we go to our music, just a little back
03:42 and you were born where?
03:44 I was born in Northern California.
03:46 Grew up in Adventist home? I did.
03:49 Brothers and sisters? Yes, I have.
03:52 Adopted sister, three normal brothers,
03:56 and half brother and two half sisters...
03:58 Big family. Oh, wow, fairly big family.
04:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah, Northern California?
04:02 Northern California. Near what town?
04:04 Near Pacific Union College.
04:05 Okay, now you told me your wife
04:07 actually is from California also,
04:08 but southern part of the state.
04:10 Southern, yes. Yeah.
04:11 And you didn't meet her till quite a bit later
04:13 and that's kind of interesting story too.
04:15 There's a lot of sidelines in your life
04:18 that we want to kind of get into.
04:19 But you were now
04:21 the President of University of Central Africa in Rwanda.
04:25 And of course when we think about Rwanda,
04:27 we think about the genocide
04:28 that's going back 20 years now or more.
04:30 23. 23 years, yeah.
04:32 But still on the minds of some.
04:34 Now the school that you are president of,
04:36 is not on the same campus
04:38 as it was back 23 plus years ago?
04:40 No, it's not.
04:41 No, the campus was destroyed during
04:43 and shortly after the genocide.
04:45 So that's become a government military outpost
04:48 and we have a relatively new campus near Kigali.
04:52 In fact two, one near the international airport
04:56 where my office is
04:57 and then we have the beautiful science
04:59 and technology building
05:01 which is closer to downtown Kigali.
05:04 And then we have a nursing campus
05:06 and we have Mugonero Hospital,
05:08 clear out to the West Lake Kivu.
05:11 Now here's what is sad,
05:13 I don't want to wear your appetite
05:14 just a little bit before we go to our music.
05:17 Dr. Verlyn has been called to Rwanda to perform
05:22 a specific task at the behest of the Rwandan government.
05:27 That is correct.
05:28 So this is, this is, this is big stuff.
05:31 This is not any little thing.
05:34 The government sees
05:36 what Adventism brings to the table
05:38 and has asked the Adventist church
05:41 to do something specifically
05:44 that they can not do or have not been doing.
05:47 And the person, the cherry on the Sunday
05:49 of that whole ice cream is the good doctor.
05:51 So that's the story that we've got to sort of unpackaged
05:53 and unwrapped for you, because it's an exciting one
05:55 and God has done some marvelous thing.
05:57 And it's good to know that governments
06:00 are now seeing value
06:02 in what the Adventist church teaches
06:04 or what it believes
06:05 and the way it prosecutes its faith in the real world.
06:09 And so that's what we're gonna be talking about
06:10 because they've called Dr. Verlyn
06:13 over to do something very, very special
06:15 and we want to talk about that.
06:16 Before we do that, before we un-package the story,
06:18 we want to go to our music, which is coming to us
06:21 from our dear friend from down under Sandra Entermann,
06:26 who fairly recently received
06:27 an award herself from the government.
06:29 You know, she is a glazier.
06:31 She works in that industry
06:33 and has done some remarkable things
06:35 that have gotten her noticed by the Australian Government.
06:38 But we know her and love or as a great singer
06:40 and she's got a very beautiful song to sing.
06:42 Sandra sings with pathos and with the love of God
06:45 and you're gonna be blessed.
07:04 In the beginning, I never knew
07:08 Just how much I really needed you
07:12 More than a friend, someone I could talk to
07:15 You've changed me, in so many ways
07:19 Nobody knows me like you
07:23 You put your arms around me, you bring me through
07:27 There's many times, I don't know what to do
07:31 Though some know me well, still nobody knows me like you
07:43 All of my secrets, to you, I tell
07:47 You saw each time that I slipped and fell
07:51 And all of my faults, yes, you know them well
07:54 But you've never turned me away
07:58 Nobody knows me like you
08:02 You put your arms around me, you bring me through
08:06 There's many times I don't know what to do
08:10 Though some know me well
08:12 Still nobody knows me like you
08:18 Walking in your presence is where I want to be
08:22 You said in your word
08:24 You said that you would lead me
08:26 Yes, I love you, oh, I really love you
08:30 I'd go anywhere
08:31 As long as I know you'll be there
08:41 All of those nights that I was afraid
08:45 I stood on the promises you have made
08:49 The way that I act, sometimes I am ashamed
08:53 But you never turned me away
08:56 No, no, no
08:57 Nobody knows me like you
09:01 You put your arms around me, you bring me through
09:05 And there's many times I don't know what to do
09:09 Though some know me well, still nobody knows me like you
09:15 Nobody knows me
09:17 Nobody knows me like you
09:20 You put your arms around me, you bring me through
09:24 And there's many times I don't know what to do
09:28 Though some know me well, still nobody knows me like you
09:36 Though some know me well, still nobody knows me like you
09:44 Though some know me well
09:46 Still nobody knows me like you
10:09 Thank you very much, Sonia... Sandra Entermann.
10:13 And she was accompanied by Sanja Kitevski on the piano
10:17 and also doing vocals with her.
10:20 A great combination, we love them
10:22 when they come over
10:23 and always have a good time together.
10:25 My guest is Dr. Verlyn R. Benson
10:27 and I hasten to make note
10:31 that the doctor is not an MD, it's a PhD.
10:33 Correct.
10:34 And we need to make that note when we talk about
10:36 what you've been assigned to do because one would think MD,
10:39 but God put a PhD, in-charge,
10:43 and it's the perfect fit as God always does.
10:46 Now, we talked about you growing up Adventist home,
10:48 it is one thing, good doctor, who grew up in Adventist home.
10:51 It is another to be in Christ.
10:55 When did that call come in your life,
10:57 one on one with Jesus?
10:59 Actually, I was in college.
11:02 I was encouraged to go to Texas A&M, MIT,
11:08 some of the big degree institutions.
11:12 My doctorate is actually
11:13 a Doctorate of Industrial Technology.
11:16 So my career is a very practical industrial career
11:21 and I wanted to choose Pacific Union College
11:24 because I wanted a spiritual component
11:26 and it was in college that I drew close to Christ.
11:30 Well, with that doctorate one would suspect
11:35 that you're kind of a left brain
11:36 logical kind of sequential kind of guy.
11:38 Yeah. And was the...
11:44 Coming to the Lord a sudden kind of thing or was it a,
11:48 you know, over a period of time,
11:50 or can you like point to a day and a time when you really...
11:53 No, actually there were two points.
11:54 I was in about fourth grade
11:56 and I went to an evangelistic series
11:58 and that was the first step.
12:02 I committed my life to God in that evangelist series.
12:05 And I can remember praying, "If I commit my life to You,
12:08 can I have an exciting life?"
12:11 I'm not gonna try drugs, I'm not gonna do all the,
12:15 the things, but I'd like an exciting life.
12:18 And so that went through academy
12:23 and yes, I did have some exciting times,
12:25 I have to agree.
12:26 But then in college, I began a very close study.
12:33 I won't go into that story, but I can remember
12:35 specifically a Wednesday night prayer meeting.
12:37 It was a turning point.
12:39 As I began to look at, you know, a future life
12:43 and who I marry
12:44 and so it was a prayer meeting
12:47 on dating to marriage that particular night.
12:50 And from that point, I began reading the Bible
12:52 and the Spirit of Prophecy like I'd never read before,
12:56 because the point of that
12:58 was instead of looking for the right wife,
13:02 you want to be preparing to be the right husband.
13:04 Amen, well said.
13:06 And that's why I got into the study of God's word
13:08 and that's where I drew close to Christ.
13:10 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
13:11 Our story is sort of parallel.
13:13 I gave my heart to the Lord, joined the Adventist Church,
13:14 at nine I was baptized, only one of my family.
13:17 But then really came to know the Lord in college
13:21 and I can trace it back to a prayer meeting
13:24 to a Wednesday night, to Wednesday night service.
13:26 And was re-baptized
13:28 and then sort of running ever since.
13:29 Now let's jump since we talked about
13:32 praying for husbands and wives.
13:35 Tell me how you met your wife who is now in ministry with you
13:38 and that's a kind of a curious start,
13:39 then I want to go back to this ministry
13:41 because there's so much to say.
13:42 Sure.
13:44 Both of us accepted calls,
13:46 we felt the Lord was leading us.
13:49 My wife Anita accepted a call
13:51 to be a surgical nurse to Zambia
13:55 and so she left to do that.
13:57 I clearly felt God's leading for me to teach
14:02 and I went to Platteville Academy
14:03 in the Midwest
14:05 where I began my teaching career.
14:06 We never met.
14:08 So it was through a new teacher that came,
14:12 that is a long story, we can't tell it now,
14:15 but it was through that I began writing her.
14:18 And after a year and a half of writing,
14:21 we met at this Chicago, O'Hare Airport
14:22 for the first time and, and...
14:25 Oh, that's romantic.
14:27 There is a romantic story, yes.
14:29 So she was in Zambia the whole time...
14:30 Just writing back and forth? She was. That's correct.
14:32 Well, did you send her some pictures
14:33 so, you knew, kind of knew where you're getting?
14:35 Oh, yes. Praise the Lord.
14:36 But, you know, those pictures weren't the normal pictures,
14:39 all dressed up for church and everything.
14:41 They were just the common pictures.
14:42 And I have to admit, when I saw her at the airport,
14:45 I go speechless literally.
14:47 Her mother was there and she said...
14:48 "Well, do you see her?" And I said...
14:52 Yeah, I recognized her from the pictures.
14:54 I mean, just...
14:55 To me she was glorious, she was so beautiful.
14:59 I will never forget that.
15:00 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
15:01 How long after or how long into relationship
15:03 that occurred to you, this may be the one that
15:05 I want to share my life with?
15:09 Ten days. Okay!
15:14 That's 10 days after O'Hare Airport?
15:16 Yes. Okay, good man. That's...
15:18 You know, I tried to be responsible
15:20 that the General Conference had called,
15:23 or Ted had talked to me and said,
15:24 "You know, she's on furlough."
15:25 I said, "Yeah, so what are my options?"
15:27 Yeah.
15:28 "Can I even talk to her, you know?
15:29 She's going to Mission Institute.
15:31 She hadn't had a chance to go.
15:33 Can we, can we talk about this?"
15:34 And they said, "Yes, you have one month to decide."
15:37 And but for me there's more to the story.
15:42 I felt that, I heard a voice from God
15:47 before I started writing.
15:49 "Be careful, this is the girl you will someday marry."
15:51 Wow! I can't go into the story.
15:54 But it is impressive as you see how God leads together.
15:58 And I wish our young people today realize God cares
16:00 that much about their life.
16:02 Agree, yeah.
16:03 Because God is willing to, even in social,
16:05 romantic relationships, God is willing to guide,
16:08 bring together
16:09 and that has been a part of my life, I treasure.
16:13 So pray, pray, pray.
16:14 So now she's already in the mission field.
16:16 You're not there, you're still teaching.
16:18 Would you, were you gonna have to pull her back
16:20 or you of a mission mindset, how did you nail those two?
16:23 Yeah. I was called a sheep stealer.
16:28 But the one who is directing the Mission Institute
16:31 at the time, he married us.
16:33 So he agreed that God was leading, yes.
16:35 Okay, okay.
16:37 So obviously you haven't regretted
16:39 that little part of your life and we praise the Lord.
16:41 So she's fully invested in mission work
16:43 because she's, you know,
16:45 that's part of her DNA now at this point.
16:47 So you move on,
16:48 you're PC teaching for how many years?
16:50 Well, and before that she was convicted that
16:53 I need to try a little mission service too.
16:55 So it's two years after we were married
16:58 that we accepted a call to Bolivia, South America.
17:00 Oh, okay, you kind of put your toe in the water a little bit?
17:02 We did, six years, almost six years total.
17:06 That's more than toe in the water.
17:07 Yeah. Yeah.
17:08 And our two children were born there.
17:11 So we decided if we're gonna have children,
17:13 we were 25 and 26 when we got married
17:17 and said, if we're gonna have children,
17:18 it's gonna have to be in the mission field.
17:20 And as a surgical nurse, she was well prepared.
17:23 I can never remember missing anything
17:25 for our children since they were born.
17:27 She came prepared with everything
17:28 to take care of them properly.
17:30 Amen. Oh, she's a wonderful mother.
17:32 Yeah, yeah, I see you smiling when you say that.
17:34 So it's coming from the heart. It is.
17:36 So sometime in Bolivia, you came back to the States,
17:38 then to PUC?
17:40 To PUC. Uh-uh! For?
17:41 Well, I did a masters degree in between.
17:43 Okay. Nine months, I was motivated.
17:46 I needed that degree.
17:47 I had no income, then on to PUC for 16 years.
17:52 Teaching? Teaching industrial technology.
17:54 Okay. Yes.
17:56 A lot of math in that, yeah.
17:58 Yes, and a lot of skills too.
17:59 Yeah, lot of skills, lot of skills.
18:01 Then from PUC to?
18:03 To Andrews University for 12 years.
18:05 For 12 years, teaching? Teaching...
18:07 Well, I was called to be
18:08 the Dean of the College of Technology.
18:10 Okay, okay. So I was Academic Dean.
18:13 So you're safely ensconced at Andrews University,
18:17 your children are growing, if not grown, they're growing,
18:19 wife with you, working obviously.
18:25 Was it a bug and itch that, or call?
18:30 You're doing good, you're serving the Lord,
18:31 you're at Andrew University,
18:33 you are dean of a particular school,
18:35 so you're doing nice, you're doing all right.
18:39 Rwanda?
18:42 Walk us through that, that call.
18:44 You know, I had actually planned
18:47 on retiring there at Andrews.
18:51 And we're just settling there and have a nice retirement,
18:56 but God doesn't always have the same plans that we have.
18:59 Amen and amen.
19:00 And so to answer your first question,
19:05 I had just gone through liver cancer
19:08 and I praise God for saving my life.
19:12 I had been given 1% chance of survival.
19:15 Oh, my soul.
19:16 1%. Wow!
19:17 In fact, if you look at the records,
19:19 there are virtually no survivors
19:21 of that type of Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas.
19:24 It's a deadly disease.
19:27 And because I had recovered, I was praising God and saying,
19:31 "if You lead me someplace else, where is that?"
19:33 And so there was a call to Rwanda.
19:37 And I said, "Praise the Lord."
19:40 If this is from the Lord, let us test Him
19:44 and let's use people to speak for God."
19:48 Now, let's just put a pin there
19:49 because I suspect at this point in your life,
19:51 you're kind of accustomed
19:52 to hearing the voice of the Lord
19:54 and suddenly calling upon Him
19:55 because we're talking 1% survival,
19:57 that's almost an infinitesimal,
19:59 you know, who gets on a plane
20:01 there's one percentage of safe landing.
20:02 You know, as it should.
20:04 So God has already shown Himself powerful in your life.
20:07 You can trust Him now,
20:08 because He's proven Himself trustworthy.
20:10 Amen. Yeah, yeah.
20:11 But I need a voice. Right.
20:13 I need some confirmation.
20:15 So I said, when I received the call,
20:18 "I'll be happy to accept the position.
20:20 I don't even know what the position is,
20:22 but I'm willing to move forward with that,
20:24 but I also need to have a medical checkup
20:27 and I would like the doctors to give counsel."
20:30 And so I went to my doctor.
20:32 After the checkup, they did another CT scan.
20:36 They said, "No, you're free of cancer,
20:38 your blood is good."
20:39 So my question to you is then, "Can I go to Rwanda?"
20:43 "Oh, sure, sure, go and when you get back,
20:45 I want to see all the pictures, the game parks and everything."
20:48 I said, "No, no, no, moving to Africa."
20:51 Yeah.
20:52 Then the question you just asked me
20:55 was based on your health.
20:56 Is your health good enough? Yeah.
20:59 And, you know, this is where it's exciting,
21:01 because when you ask for an answer to God,
21:04 He will sometimes make it very clear.
21:06 Yes.
21:07 My doctor was a lady and she said, "Go, go, go."
21:13 And she threw her hands out like,
21:14 "What's wrong with you? Go."
21:16 All right!
21:17 So your fleece was a positive medical report
21:21 from your doctor and that did it for you?
21:23 Yeah. Absolutely!
21:24 And "go, go, go," that's, that's pretty positive.
21:26 That was very positive.
21:28 Your wife was already mentally prepared
21:30 to make the switch I suspect.
21:32 Absolutely. Absolutely.
21:33 And your children have grown? Our children are grown.
21:36 Okay, so that's not a, that's not a concern.
21:38 No, but they were concerned. Yes, well, yeah, yeah.
21:41 Dad, although you've been through,
21:42 you're sure this is right?
21:44 Yeah, I'm very concerned for you.
21:45 I'm sure that would... I'm sure they will...
21:47 See, the Lord is already telling you,
21:48 so it's not a concern for you,
21:50 but I'm sure it will be a concern for them.
21:52 Right. Yeah.
21:53 But they have, they have also accepted
21:55 and they believe God has called us to Rwanda.
21:58 The call is not just for me.
22:00 My wife is fulfilling extremely important role
22:04 and she's there right now holding down the fort,
22:08 while I'm here and we talk daily.
22:11 She has a very important role.
22:14 Now let's, let's begin to un-package
22:18 what this call is?
22:20 Because this is, this is unique stuff.
22:24 You were called to go to Rwanda to do what?
22:29 Well, I didn't know for a month after I had received...
22:34 We're putting in all His places and God is saying yes,
22:35 to do what?
22:37 It's like Abraham.
22:38 I've been called, I don't know where I'm going.
22:40 Finally, I was like, "Oh, really, no one's told you?"
22:42 I said, "No, but it doesn't really matter.
22:44 If this is from the Lord, it doesn't matter.
22:46 I'll take any position." Praise the Lord.
22:48 And, yeah, it was to be
22:50 the president of the institution.
22:52 There it's called the, the vice chancellor
22:55 or I'm daily called the Rector.
22:59 Interesting that they used that terminology, Rector.
23:01 Well, you know, Rwanda, just a few years ago
23:04 was French speaking. Yes.
23:05 And then they switched all the official languages.
23:08 Now English, all instruction has to be in English,
23:11 but that's a carry over from the European term.
23:15 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
23:16 so you're called to be
23:18 the president of the university there at Rwanda,
23:22 but not just the president,
23:25 the president with a little hook added to it,
23:27 and what is that?
23:29 That's correct.
23:30 And, you know, I feel so humble to realize.
23:34 God, God saved me to be a part of this.
23:37 This is to be a little part in building
23:40 a state-of-the-art medical school in Rwanda
23:42 at the request of the government.
23:44 Okay, hit a pause button, say that one more time.
23:49 To build a state-of-the-art medical school in Rwanda
23:52 at the request of the president himself.
23:55 Okay, so this request is coming
23:57 from the President of the country
23:59 for the "Adventist"
24:02 to do a state-of-the-art medical school, why?
24:09 They have a national university,
24:11 they have a medical school,
24:13 but it's not producing enough doctors and nurses.
24:16 Just take nurses for example.
24:18 For every nurse that represents
24:22 17,000 patients.
24:26 So there's no way a nurse can take care of that.
24:28 Yes. Way understaffed.
24:29 They don't have near enough doctors.
24:31 And the medical instruction that they have,
24:34 it's the best they can do,
24:36 but it is definitely not state-of-the-art
24:38 and about 80% are failing the national boards.
24:42 So they want quality education.
24:45 They learned about Loma Linda, they realized that
24:49 with the emphasis on the spiritual aspect,
24:53 there is another component that would make
24:56 this medical school very, very different.
24:59 I made a presentation to a bank president
25:01 and she said, "Well, we have our own university.
25:03 Why would you be building another university?
25:05 Why would you need financial assistance,
25:09 a place to store money,
25:11 a place to borrow money etcetera,
25:13 you want good relations, why would you do that?"
25:15 And I gave her a little testimony of my experience
25:18 and how valuable it is to have God in this triangle,
25:22 a good doctors, good nurses,
25:25 I mean, the best you can get in this world,
25:27 the personal involvement
25:29 in being part of that healing process,
25:32 but then having a God who can create miracles,
25:35 a God who can forgive sins, a God that can give you peace,
25:39 and knowing that you can get through this.
25:43 Or if your life is short,
25:45 knowing that there is a resurrection
25:46 that there is a, there is life eternal.
25:48 This, this triangle, this part of medical education.
25:54 She said, "I cannot believe it.
25:56 I've never heard anything like it.
25:58 We need this right here in Rwanda, right now.
26:00 By all means I will support."
26:02 And she just gave us, just before I left,
26:04 she gave us the lowest borrowing rate
26:07 that I had heard of in Rwanda.
26:09 Amen, praise God, praise God.
26:11 So this is why at the very beginning
26:13 I took pains to note that,
26:15 that Verlyn's doctorate is not an MD,
26:19 although he's been called to work on
26:23 and to help build and help lead
26:25 a state-of-the-art medical institution there in Rwanda.
26:28 But now we're gonna see how the skill level,
26:32 the skill set that God has given him
26:34 is perfectly tailored and suited
26:36 to what God has called him to do.
26:37 And this is where it becomes fun,
26:39 because you see how God does all these things through that,
26:41 become part of your resume and then at the appointed time,
26:44 you could pull that stuff out of your bag of tricks
26:46 and God's got the skill level there
26:48 and you're part of that, you know, that whole scenario.
26:52 So you're president of the university,
26:54 but this, your baby is this new medical institution.
26:58 And you've been there now,
27:00 you told me just several months,
27:02 it's not a long, and long in process
27:06 and God has already beginning to work
27:07 miracle upon miracle upon miracle.
27:09 Absolutely! Absolutely!
27:11 Yeah, first of all, how you're feeling,
27:12 your health is good?
27:13 Oh, excellent! You look great.
27:15 Thank you. So we praise the Lord for that.
27:16 Praise God. We praise the Lord for that.
27:17 I wish you had a picture of your wife.
27:19 You should have brought a picture
27:20 of your wife with you, but when you come back,
27:22 you can bring it with you, or bring your wife.
27:23 Absolutely!
27:24 So you're running a school, how big of a school is it?
27:26 We have 3,000 students. Good size school.
27:27 Yes. Good size school.
27:29 And several deferent departments
27:31 and you're turning out nurses.
27:33 We're turning out nurses in our campus to the west.
27:36 We have IT graduates, graduate and undergraduates.
27:41 We have school of business, the same.
27:44 We have our theology and our nursing.
27:47 This is the main four areas that we are teaching.
27:50 Well, very good. Let me ask you this.
27:52 And this of course is just your opinion, Verlyn.
27:57 How familiar is the government with Adventism
28:01 and what kind of standing
28:02 does the Adventist Church hold in that country?
28:05 And I say that for a particular reason
28:06 which I'll get to you in just a moment.
28:08 Well, nobody, nobody can deny the fact
28:11 that Adventists are well-known.
28:13 Every time I go and meet with a bank official,
28:15 it doesn't matter which bank, they tell me,
28:18 "You know, all of our IT people,
28:20 the programmers of our computers,
28:22 they're all graduates from your university."
28:24 You know that, right?
28:25 When we go to the immigrations, the customs, at the airport,
28:31 many of the agents are Adventists.
28:35 Recently, there was over 1,00,000 baptisms
28:39 in just one year in Rwanda.
28:41 So they are well-known.
28:44 But there's another way that Adventists are known.
28:48 We go to church on Saturday. Yes.
28:50 The third, the last Saturday of the month is Umuganda.
28:55 Umuganda is a day
28:57 where everyone stops in the morning
28:59 and cleans up the country.
29:01 Rwanda is the cleanest country of all of Africa.
29:04 You never see trash anywhere, it's always picked up.
29:07 Once a month, it is the day.
29:09 And so on that Saturday, even the president himself
29:11 goes out and picks up trash,
29:13 because he wants to set a personal example.
29:16 So the Adventists...
29:18 "How do you go to church?"
29:19 Because you can't drive a car without a permit on that day.
29:22 Oh, wow!
29:24 So how do you give that many permits to Adventists?
29:27 So the government
29:30 has authorized the police to look
29:33 if there's a Bible on the seat, that's their pass.
29:37 If there's an Adult Sabbath School lesson quarterly
29:39 or even a photocopy of that lesson quarterly,
29:43 that is their pass and they go on to church
29:45 and then the Adventists on Sunday clean them.
29:48 So obviously the Adventist Church
29:49 is in fairly good standing,
29:51 has a good report among government officials.
29:54 Absolutely, yes. Yeah. Yeah.
29:56 Yeah. That's correct.
29:57 So that, how then did the brethren...
30:00 How do I put this?
30:01 Lay hands on you in particular to do?
30:04 I can see why the government would say,
30:06 "Let's go to the Adventists because they have
30:08 the track record, they have the history,
30:11 they certainly have the health standing to do this."
30:14 Why you?
30:18 That's a really good question.
30:19 Sometimes we don't know why God calls individuals
30:24 and sometimes I question.
30:26 "How does God know about me
30:27 and lead me to these different things?"
30:30 But, of course, we know God is so knowledgeable,
30:32 but the skill set that I had,
30:35 I can see how God has been preparing me
30:38 for many, many years in a humble sense.
30:41 And this is not to be prestigious,
30:44 this is just to do the humble little things.
30:47 The weekend that I arrived, we had no water
30:51 and so I tried to find out why the water wasn't working.
30:56 And, of course, there was a broken valve
30:58 and I had to splice a pipe and there was no thread cutter
31:02 and I had to make my own thread cutter.
31:04 Now how do you make a thread cutter?
31:06 Those in the technical field know that that's a challenge.
31:09 In the spur of the moment, what do you have?
31:11 There's no thread cutting devices there.
31:14 So how do you make a thread cutter?
31:16 God gave me wisdom to do that.
31:18 And I told the boys that were watching me, I said,
31:21 you know, I said, "I haven't done this,
31:23 but I think God has given me the wisdom to do this."
31:26 And after it was successful, the boys wrote
31:29 in their poor English, "God, You bless Your work."
31:34 And that to me was just, there is God witnessing
31:38 through just these humble things,
31:40 that He is blessing us in Africa.
31:43 The day I left Rwanda, I couldn't take a shower
31:46 because we were without water.
31:49 The generator that we have for generating electricity
31:53 had failed, the water pump, the bearing went out.
31:57 And while I've been in the States,
31:58 I was able to have a part flown from the factory in Korea,
32:02 it came two hours before my flight left
32:05 and I was able to bring that part with me
32:08 and I will take it back and repair that.
32:10 So there are critical things that sometimes
32:13 in a foreign country you need expertise,
32:16 you need people that know how to do some of these things.
32:19 Yeah, a lot of things you kind of make up on the fly
32:20 as the need comes.
32:22 Yes.
32:23 Now speaking of that, it's not so much on the fire
32:25 because God gave you a skill set
32:28 going back from early on in your nimiety.
32:30 Tell me about the drill, drilling,
32:34 the water drilling license that you have.
32:36 Well, one would not think, this is a guy,
32:38 he's a professor in college.
32:39 What are you doing with a drilling license?
32:40 But you have one.
32:42 You know, go back to those days in college.
32:43 As I was reading through the Spirit of Prophecy,
32:44 I ran across a quote that suggested that each of us,
32:49 when we start going out on our own,
32:51 we have a little piece of property out in the country
32:53 that we could call our own.
32:55 So shortly after I left college and paid off my school loans,
33:00 I bought a piece of property.
33:02 It about killed me to just make the purchase price
33:06 and it took years to pay it off.
33:07 In fact, I think I owned it 10 years
33:09 before I even walked on the property.
33:12 It was isolated, no road and I wanted to drill a well.
33:15 This is in California?
33:16 This is in California. Uh-huh.
33:17 And so I decided that I would just go to the county
33:23 and request a permit.
33:25 And they said, "No, we can't give you a permit,
33:28 you have to be a licensed driller."
33:30 I said, "No, no, no, I just want to do this myself.
33:32 I will not hire anyone.
33:34 This is on my own property,
33:35 this is not commercial, this is..."
33:37 "No, you can't do it."
33:39 So I wrote to the State of California and they said,
33:42 "Eventually, yes, you can do that,"
33:45 but in the meantime I just said,
33:46 "Why am I waiting,
33:47 let me just go and get my license."
33:49 But once I got my license, there were so many people
33:52 wanting wells drilled that I actually began
33:55 during the summer time, while I was working as PUC,
33:58 I was not teaching classes,
33:59 so I began drilling wells for other people.
34:01 I love the outdoors.
34:03 There's nothing so nice than to see gushing water
34:06 and, and that.
34:08 So today, I'm right now negotiating for a contract
34:12 to drill two wells on our campus,
34:15 so that we will have our own water on our campus.
34:16 Praise the Lord.
34:18 A medical school is gonna have to have water and a lot of it.
34:20 Right now the institution is a day institution.
34:23 Those 3,000 students are coming and going,
34:26 except for our nursing program.
34:28 And so we are right now building two dormitories,
34:31 men and women's, a guest house for visiting professors
34:35 because we expect to have many coming from Loma Linda,
34:38 we are partnering with Loma Linda to do this.
34:42 We have a cafeteria that's under construction
34:46 and we are frantically working to get the plans
34:49 for the state-of-the-art medical school laboratory
34:52 to be, be built.
34:54 Wow! So you are gonna need a lot of water.
34:55 Oh, this is not just my effort, this is a team effort.
34:58 And so we have a working committee
35:01 with over 20 members and consulting the best ideas.
35:05 This has to be an exemplary institution.
35:09 You know, if you're a third rate engineer
35:12 and yet you're very spiritual, you know,
35:14 your focus is on spiritual value
35:19 but you're not putting your heart
35:21 into what you're doing.
35:23 Who's gonna want to know what your,
35:26 what you spiritual life is like?
35:28 Yeah, yeah, yeah, sloppy work undercuts the strength
35:29 of your spiritual witness, yeah.
35:30 Absolutely.
35:32 So if we put together
35:33 a state-of-the-art medical school,
35:35 the government is going to say, "Look at this."
35:38 And now look at the other coupling of God,
35:41 the holistic healing, pulling this together,
35:44 this is going to be a game changer
35:47 for all of Africa.
35:48 Because it's not just for Rwanda,
35:51 there are already plans to have
35:53 from the East-Central Africa division
35:55 which is, which is sponsoring this medical school.
35:58 They are the ones that are helping to fund this,
36:02 that's going to be sending out to 11 countries,
36:07 medical doctors.
36:08 So, not just Rwanda, but all of...
36:09 Yeah.
36:11 So they were bringing in students from across
36:12 the face of Africa I suspect.
36:14 That's correct. Yeah. Yeah.
36:15 Yes, and what a way to change medical education.
36:18 Yeah, what a marvelous witness.
36:19 You'd be sending guys out who have the technical skills
36:22 but also have the spiritual undergirding
36:24 to turn their medical work into ministry
36:26 and that's exciting and to be part of that.
36:29 What is your wife doing there now in Africa
36:32 'cause she is a surgical nurse?
36:34 She is a surgical nurse.
36:35 Is she teaching at all
36:36 or she practicing her trade there?
36:38 Right now in Rwanda,
36:39 there is no course for basic life support.
36:44 Even the doctors and nurses...
36:47 There was an incident
36:49 where a man was not feeling well,
36:52 he went in to seek medical attention
36:55 and there in the office, he passed out.
36:58 And the doctors and nurses just kind of stood around.
37:01 "Well, what's gonna happen next?
37:02 Is he gonna revive?
37:04 Is something gonna happen?"
37:05 I mean, these are critical moments.
37:07 And so teaching the steps to do right then
37:11 is what needs to be done.
37:14 I met with the minister of health, she said,
37:17 "I am thrilled to know that your wife
37:20 is going to be teaching this basic life support
37:23 to the nurses.
37:24 And as they go in to do their clinicals
37:26 at the hospitals, they will actually have
37:28 a superior knowledge for basic life support
37:31 than what the nurses
37:33 who work there on a daily basis.
37:34 And already twice this first aid training
37:38 has been beneficial."
37:40 Wow!
37:41 So not only is she teaching some of the first,
37:45 the basic life support courses, she certified
37:48 with the American Heart Association,
37:50 which also gives these international students,
37:52 "Wow!
37:53 I am certified with a card
37:55 from the American Heart Association."
37:57 It gives them some credibility as they go for their clinicals.
38:00 And so she is also assisting me as my executive assistant.
38:07 Praise the Lord.
38:08 She is... She is keeping things going
38:10 when I am not there.
38:12 And writing letters,
38:13 communicating and she's got a big smile.
38:17 You'll see someday when you meet her.
38:19 She welcomes people,
38:20 but then tries to get the daily work done.
38:22 Right now we're planning for a graduation
38:25 which is September 8, 9 and 10, that's our annual graduation.
38:31 So a lot of irons in the fire.
38:33 Have you broken ground on the medical school as of yet
38:36 or that's still to come?
38:38 We have broken ground on those four buildings,
38:41 the dormitories, the cafeteria, and the guest house,
38:46 a 21 unit guesthouse, two-storey.
38:48 Yeah. Yes.
38:50 Because that we are going to be using that,
38:52 we are looking for Maranatha workers,
38:55 not just volunteers, we want skilled tradesmen.
38:58 As soon as we have the plans approved,
39:01 we want Maranatha to bring waves of teams...
39:03 Oh, okay.
39:05 To stay in the guest house
39:06 and quickly build the state-of-the-art building.
39:08 We want top-notch technicians.
39:11 So this building is truly exemplary
39:14 of what the Adventists Church can do.
39:15 Your teaching staff for the anticipate hospital
39:18 is going to come from where?
39:20 We will have some local teachers.
39:21 We already have two in place. Okay.
39:24 One is Rwandan, a very, very fine doctor.
39:30 We also just have another one
39:32 that has come just a few months ago.
39:35 He was trained in the US
39:38 and he comes with vast experiences.
39:42 So right now is...
39:44 Remember, just because I'm the president,
39:46 that does not mean I'm all with the brains,
39:48 just one little piece.
39:50 And so bringing these professionals together
39:53 and then listening to the medical needs
39:56 and working with Loma Linda, I spent last week,
40:00 with meetings at Loma Linda and then meetings with
40:03 three world-famous architectural firms.
40:06 We're right now working with one architectural firm
40:10 that has constructed 10, they've designed 14,
40:13 but they've worked in constructing
40:16 10 new medical schools since the year 2000.
40:20 This is a very, very advanced
40:23 state-of-the-art architectural firm
40:25 specifically for medical school.
40:27 And we've had the privilege of working with them.
40:29 So working with these doctors that are coming in,
40:32 working with experience from Loma Linda,
40:36 with the General Conference,
40:38 with East-Central Africa Division,
40:41 we're pulling all the brightest minds together
40:44 and trying to build this state-of-the-art.
40:47 Is the government putting any funding into this
40:50 or this is mostly the division?
40:53 The division and donations. Okay.
40:57 Right now, the... Or let's go back.
40:59 In the '70s, 1970s,
41:02 I believe that Rwanda had two kilometers of paved roads.
41:08 Since this, the 1970s, we have paved roads
41:12 from border to border.
41:14 Oh, okay. Very good.
41:15 They have been working frantically.
41:18 You mentioned earlier the size of Kigali.
41:20 Kigali will triple in size between now and the year 2030.
41:25 Oh, wow!
41:27 So this is a very progressive city.
41:29 Skyscrapers going up everywhere.
41:31 Yeah, and I was gonna...
41:32 When I've seen it shocked me about
41:34 this sort of economic
41:35 because Rwanda is not sort of a dirt,
41:38 poor, third world kind of a situation,
41:39 it's a little more progressive than, than that.
41:41 No, it is the cleanest of all countries.
41:44 It is the safest.
41:47 Wow, you make a trip to Rwanda just once
41:50 and you'll realize how safe the country is
41:53 and it's very, very progressive.
41:54 So the government has wonderful relations.
41:58 The president has just been reelected recently
42:03 with a landslide 98% of the vote.
42:07 This is, this is tremendous and there are no corrupt polls.
42:10 I mean, this country has thrown away corruption.
42:13 They are really working well.
42:16 So they don't have the money
42:19 to just give us to build a medical school.
42:22 I mean, we're talking about 50, 60 million
42:25 is what I'm, what I'm looking at in the end.
42:27 Where's that money coming from? I'm not worried, God knows.
42:31 Yes, I mean, yes.
42:32 He's gonna touch the right people
42:34 in the right time.
42:35 But we do have the agreement that any of the containers
42:39 for medical supplies
42:40 and construction of the medical school,
42:42 that's gonna be coming in from now on tax-free.
42:45 Oh, praise God. So no duty.
42:46 Yeah, they could soak you just on duty 'cause, I mean...
42:49 Absolutely.
42:50 Import duties can be skyrocketing.
42:52 They almost put their, their price on it,
42:53 you need the material, you got to get it in.
42:55 You know, I'll just, I'll just give you
42:56 just one little example.
42:57 I'm seeing on a, on a weekly basis,
43:00 just evidences of God's blessing.
43:02 This is what I'm, why I'm so excited
43:04 about God's call to Rwanda,
43:06 because I see daily the things that are happening.
43:09 When I first went there,
43:11 of course, I don't know anything.
43:12 You know, I'm supposed to be the president
43:13 but I don't know anything.
43:15 And so the chair of the board is electing,
43:20 voting in a vice president for public relations for me.
43:24 And I lean over and I say, "I don't need him.
43:27 I need a year to get my feet on the ground.
43:30 I don't need him.
43:31 Let's do some other things,
43:33 save the money for something else."
43:37 You just be patient
43:38 and he voted him through anyway.
43:40 He didn't listen to me. So...
43:43 You're only the president, what?
43:44 Yeah.
43:46 So as the months went by I kept saying,
43:48 "It's a good thing he's still busy,
43:50 because I don't need him."
43:52 Months, months, it was, it was...
43:54 It was probably seven months after I'd been there.
43:58 One day, I came home and I was talking to my wife.
44:01 I said, "You know, Anita,
44:03 for the first time I need that medical doctor.
44:07 I need what he has to offer.
44:09 And, and I don't know how we're gonna get him
44:11 because he's working so well where he is at
44:15 and he's been so useful there,
44:17 that I don't know when he's gonna
44:18 ever be replaced and that's a tough assignment."
44:22 The next morning, he walked into my office
44:26 and said, "Last week the government
44:29 approved of another SDA person to take my place.
44:34 I've already made housing arrangements.
44:37 I'm here to take whatever assignment I have,
44:40 that you have for me."
44:44 God knew. Yes. Yes. Yes.
44:46 You know, before they call Isaiah 65:24.
44:51 Yeah. Yeah. Praise the Lord.
44:53 A couple of things before our time gets away from us.
44:55 One, what is this done for your spirituality,
44:59 this new challenge at this stage in you life,
45:02 when you were at one time contemplating retirement.
45:05 Of course, you've gotten, you've been retread,
45:07 not retired.
45:08 What is this done for your spirituality,
45:09 you and your wife?
45:11 Oh, let me tell you.
45:13 My wife and I are closer and we're closer to the Lord.
45:17 There are difficulties in the mission field.
45:21 It's not easy. There are trying times.
45:27 There are moments of discouragement,
45:29 but we've learned to trust in God
45:31 and we're forced to trust Him even more.
45:32 Amen!
45:34 So we draw closer to God, we draw closer to each other.
45:37 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
45:39 I'm hoping you would say because,
45:40 when you step out like this,
45:43 you really have to depend upon the Lord.
45:47 Next question and I put it in this order.
45:49 The biggest change as to what you thought it might be
45:55 as to what it was when you actually got on the ground?
45:58 You follow my question? Yes.
46:00 And, of course, every one of us have preconceived ideas.
46:02 Yes.
46:04 Having spent six years in Bolivia,
46:05 it's easy to say,
46:07 "Oh, you know, I've been through that before,
46:08 I kind of know what to expect," you never do.
46:13 It's all different. It's very, very true.
46:15 And the challenges are unique.
46:18 I've learned that wherever you go,
46:20 the people are wonderful.
46:21 Agree. Yeah, yeah.
46:23 The people are wonderful. Yeah.
46:25 But there's challenges along the way.
46:28 How do you build a good team that works together?
46:31 How do you pull together the right resources
46:34 to make this the best it can be?
46:37 And so we need God through all these circumstances
46:40 to guide us in tough decisions.
46:43 And through the experiences, we're learning,
46:46 we have to even pray and trust Him more.
46:49 Amen! Amen.
46:50 We learned that God sends people
46:52 to be answers to our prayers.
46:55 And so, you know, I was blessed at ASI
46:59 when some people said, you know,
47:01 "Hey, here's something to help your,
47:03 the work there."
47:05 Amen!
47:06 You know, that God is touching people.
47:08 And as we look at this huge project,
47:11 I'm just excited that God can use me, little me.
47:15 Amen! Yes. Yes.
47:17 I didn't expect three and a half years ago
47:19 that I would even be around, you know.
47:21 With liver cancer I was given, you know,
47:23 three to six months maximum to live.
47:25 Yes. Yes. Yeah.
47:27 And so, you know, you'd be on wondering,
47:29 "Wow! What have I done in my life?"
47:31 You know life is really short, you know.
47:35 And so now to know that God has helped through that
47:39 and He's called you for a task,
47:42 I am passionate in my heart to say,
47:46 "I am privileged to be part of this."
47:49 In the beginning, you know, when I had that cancer,
47:53 I said, "Why me, Lord?"
47:55 "I've never, I've been a vegetarian
47:57 virtually all my life.
47:59 I've never had alcohol.
48:01 I've never smoked, never tried drugs
48:03 I've been a healthy person all my life.
48:06 Why me?"
48:07 Now I say, "Yeah, why me, Lord?
48:10 How is it that You reached down from heaven
48:13 and touched me, healed me,
48:15 and sent you on this awesome assignment?"
48:17 I mean, this is suddenly a whole new dimension.
48:20 Oh, it is, it is and it makes you pass
48:22 because your trial has become a testimony
48:25 to the goodness of the Lord.
48:26 How...
48:28 You know, when something like that happens,
48:30 you sit back and you say,
48:31 "That's got to be God, that's nothing else but God."
48:35 So now you're walking in the way of God.
48:39 And is there, Verlyn, a better feeling
48:42 than to be in the center of God's Will,
48:44 doing what God wants you to do?
48:46 Absolutely not. Yeah.
48:47 You know, you can forget about my salary.
48:52 Which I don't imagine is astronomical,
48:54 so we're not talking about that.
48:57 Money can never buy satisfaction.
48:59 Amen. Amen.
49:01 One soul brought to the kingdom,
49:05 it gives a thrill that every pastor as you know
49:10 is just thrilling to see someone to come to God.
49:14 And when...
49:15 I have the humble position
49:17 of being a university president trying to draw hearts
49:21 of about 50% of our students to God,
49:26 to see them filling the conference hall
49:30 for our church service,
49:32 to see the auditorium filled with students listening.
49:37 It's a thrill to know that they are hearing about God.
49:41 Here's what's exciting to me.
49:43 I need to ask you this question
49:44 and I was going to forgot to do it before.
49:45 How much of your student body is Adventist
49:47 and how much the non-Adventist?
49:49 About 50-50. So 50-50. Okay.
49:51 So you've got a mission field
49:54 right there in front of you every week.
49:55 Every day. Yeah, every day.
49:57 Yeah, surely, surely, surely, that must be exciting.
49:59 And here is something else that I picked up from you
50:03 when we first began speaking,
50:06 that sort of emanate under grudge your passion also.
50:09 The fact that this program once it is up and running,
50:13 will have tentacles throughout all of Africa.
50:16 This is much bigger than Rwanda.
50:18 Absolutely. Yeah.
50:19 This is gonna go all out, throughout the continent.
50:22 This is a game changer. Yeah.
50:24 Precisely, well said, well said.
50:25 I can hardly wait to see the architectural plans
50:28 that we were talking about last week with the architects,
50:31 because there are brand new concepts
50:34 that someday,
50:35 I'll be able to share with others as we move forward
50:40 and quickly establishing this brand new
50:42 state-of-the-art medical school.
50:44 Yeah. Yeah.
50:45 I'm so thankful for the willingness
50:47 of Loma Linda to partner
50:48 and be such a important player in it.
50:50 I'm so grateful to the General Conference
50:53 who is supporting this wholeheartedly.
50:55 I'm so grateful
50:56 for the East Central Africa Division,
50:58 who has hosted it, who is saying,
51:01 "We want this in Rwanda, we want this to be
51:04 our division medical school,"
51:06 and it's just thrilling to see how God is blessing.
51:09 Oh, praise the Lord.
51:10 You know, I'm thinking
51:12 and we're coming down to our time,
51:14 we want to give the contact information.
51:17 I ask people all the time.
51:18 "Do you think Wintley Phipps knows
51:20 that he can sing?"
51:21 Well, of course, he knows he can sing.
51:23 You know what he signs?
51:24 Well, he sung for every president from,
51:25 you know, going back as far as we're in school together
51:27 and he sung for heads of state.
51:30 You have a certain skill set, God has given you
51:33 a good logical mind,
51:35 you gotten your doctorate degree,
51:37 but none of that means anything
51:39 until you put it in the hands of the Lord,
51:41 who takes your skills
51:43 and makes it ministry, you know.
51:45 So it's more than just what you can do
51:48 is that what God can do through you using the skill set
51:51 that He's allowed you to get.
51:53 You know, I'll never forget when I did my Master's program.
51:56 My committee chair asked me one day.
51:59 He said, "Verlyn, come here, I want to ask you a question.
52:02 Where did you get your college education?"
52:05 I said, "Well, you know, you have all my paperwork,
52:07 it was at Pacific Union College."
52:08 "No, no, no, certainly it was at
52:11 some big prestigious university."
52:14 I said, "No, why do you ask?"
52:16 He said, "You've been the brightest student
52:19 in our program for many years."
52:22 You know, to me...
52:23 Remember, I went to PUC, why? For spiritual...
52:26 Yeah, you want spiritual component, sure.
52:28 And always comes from God. Amen!
52:30 So God blessed my studies.
52:32 He blessed my work with him.
52:34 And I always wondered about that.
52:37 Would I have gotten a better education
52:38 had I gone to MIT?"
52:40 God rewarded me open by hearing the words.
52:43 "No, you're the best trained." Amen. Amen.
52:44 Well said. Well said. Well said.
52:46 This is an exciting project.
52:48 And as we see the hand of God throughout all of this
52:52 and as we said, it's gonna have tentacles
52:53 throughout all of Africa, maybe even the world.
52:56 The Adventist University of Central Africa,
52:59 here is the contact information.
53:02 Should you want to know more about it,
53:04 perhaps you are being impressed to fund some of it,
53:07 to get some monies to this project.
53:09 I'm sure they will accept
53:11 anything that would come to your heart to give
53:14 or just to find out more about
53:16 how you may be able to support this work.
53:18 Here is the contact information that you will need.
53:23 The main goal of the Rwanda's Adventist
53:25 University of Central Africa,
53:27 is to restore the relationship between man and his God,
53:30 thereby leading its students to discover
53:32 and understand truth.
53:34 Visit their website auca.ac.rw for more information
53:39 about their programs and campus life.
53:42 If you have questions,
53:44 you may call them at 269-208-2287,
53:49 or write to them at the Adventist University
53:51 of Central Africa in care of Janetta Benson,
53:55 P.O. Box, 1371,
53:57 Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315.


Revised 2017-11-28