3ABN Today

Philippines Ministry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Gem Castor


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017063A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:10 We are so glad that you're joining us
01:12 and that you've taken this time out
01:15 to just hear a wonderful testimony
01:19 of how God works
01:20 in miraculous ways in our lives.
01:23 I believe you're going to be highly encouraged today.
01:26 And I do want to take this opportunity
01:28 on behalf of 3ABN to thank you all
01:31 for your prayers and your financial support
01:34 of this ministry.
01:36 You know, it is God's ministry
01:39 but He has entrusted it not just to us
01:42 but to you because without you
01:44 we could not do what we're doing.
01:46 And so it's such a privilege to team together with you
01:50 and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
01:53 Well, today we're gonna be talking about
01:56 one of my favorite topics
01:58 and that is the joy of surrender.
02:01 Jesus said in Luke 9:23,
02:05 He said, "If anyone desires to come after Me,
02:08 let him deny himself
02:11 and take up his cross daily and follow Me."
02:14 Now some people think that to take up your cross means,
02:18 "Oh, we've all got our cross to bear
02:20 that we've got this problem or that problem."
02:22 But during Jesus time when He said,
02:25 "Take up your cross,"
02:27 they knew exactly what happened when someone picked up a cross.
02:31 It meant they were about to be put to death.
02:34 And that sounds...
02:37 I don't know what...
02:39 It sounds audacious to think that Jesus is saying,
02:42 "Pick up your cross, be ready to be put to death daily,"
02:45 but the joy of Christianity,
02:47 the joy of life is found
02:50 when we learn day by day to die to self
02:54 and let Christ live through us,
02:57 because only as we die to self can God really work in us
03:03 and that's where the joy begins.
03:05 And when we use the word surrender so many people think,
03:09 "Oh, that sounds negative too,"
03:11 but surrender is simply yielding control.
03:15 It's consenting to let God do His very best in you.
03:21 Well, let me without further ado,
03:23 introduce our special guest
03:25 and we're so excited to have him here.
03:27 We have Gem Castor with us today.
03:30 And, Jim, you are with the Filipino Youth for Christ.
03:33 Yes.
03:34 Thank you so much for coming from, Ilioilio?
03:39 Iloilo. Iloilo.
03:40 Okay, I put something...
03:42 In the Philippines. We're excited that you here.
03:44 Oh, praise God. Praise God.
03:46 You know, I got to know you because of Melody Mason
03:49 and you're very active in prayer ministry with Melody
03:54 but today we're going to get to hear your personal testimony
03:59 of how God arrested your attention,
04:02 opened your eyes and turned you from darkness to light
04:05 and then how He has been working
04:08 mighty miracles in your life ever since.
04:11 Amen. Amen.
04:13 Well, before we get you started because once we get started,
04:16 I don't want you to wait for me to ask you questions,
04:19 just get on a roll and before we get started
04:22 we know how much you at home like music.
04:25 So we want to play a special song.
04:28 We've got a great team with us today,
04:31 the Jim Brady Trio.
04:33 And they're gonna be doing one of my favorite songs,
04:36 "The Love of God".
04:38 Amen.
04:48 The love of God is greater far
04:54 Than tongue or pen could ever tell
05:00 It goes beyond the highest star
05:06 And reaches to the lowest hell
05:11 The guilty pair
05:15 Bowed down with care
05:18 God gave His Son to win
05:24 His erring child He reconciled
05:30 And pardoned from His sin
05:52 Could we with ink the ocean fill
05:59 And were the skies of parchment made
06:06 And every stalk on earth a quill
06:13 And every man a scribe
06:18 By trade
06:23 To write
06:25 The love of God above
06:31 Would drain the ocean dry
06:38 Nor could the scroll contain the whole
06:44 Though stretched from sky
06:47 To sky
06:53 O love of God
06:58 How rich and pure
07:01 How measureless and strong
07:08 It shall forevermore endure
07:14 The saints' and angels'
07:19 Song
07:23 It shall
07:26 Forevermore endure
07:31 The saints' and angels'
07:36 Song
07:40 How wonderful How marvelous
07:45 This precious love
07:49 Of God
07:53 The precious love
07:57 Of God
08:11 Ooh, that gave us chillbumps, didn't it, Gem?
08:13 That was beautiful. The Jim Brady Trio.
08:17 Speaking and singing of the love of God,
08:20 and you know God demonstrated His love for us
08:23 by sending His Son to die for us
08:25 while we were yet sinners.
08:27 And I think He wants someone who's watching today.
08:31 You to know that you are worth nothing less than the price
08:36 that He paid for you
08:37 with the precious life blood of His Son,
08:40 that's the value God puts on you.
08:43 Well, if you're joining us just a little late,
08:46 our special guest today is Gem Castor.
08:48 Now that's not J-I-M, that's G-E-M.
08:51 Yes.
08:53 And where did your mother come up with that name?
08:56 This is quite funny because it was accidental.
09:00 They were expecting a girl.
09:02 So they prepare the name Gemini.
09:04 So when a boy came out, they just got half of the name.
09:08 Well, that's beautiful.
09:10 It still sounded like a girl's name.
09:12 Not to me.
09:13 Gem sounds like a boy's name
09:15 and that just you were a jewel in the crown of the Lord.
09:19 Now, Gem, you are an advisor
09:22 to the Philippine Youth for Christ.
09:24 You're actually a missionary, I guess we would be
09:26 what we call you
09:27 but you're an advisor to Philippine Youth for Christ,
09:29 you're the prayer coordinator as well.
09:32 And you grew up in a Christian family?
09:36 A third generation Seventh-day Adventist.
09:38 And that doesn't really mean a whole lot
09:40 if you don't have a personal relationship with the Lord,
09:41 does it?
09:43 No.
09:44 So you grew up in a culture,
09:46 you grew up in a system of belief.
09:50 When did it become real for you?
09:53 Well, we were doing Youth Congresses
09:57 and I was the president of the Youth Conference,
10:01 but sadly, I was not having an encounter with Jesus,
10:06 I did not have a personal relationship with Jesus.
10:10 As one pastor says,
10:11 it's like a cerebral relationship,
10:14 not a real relationship until one time
10:18 when we had this Youth Congress,
10:20 this pastor who was our speaker somehow gave an appeal.
10:24 We have to make a choice
10:26 whether to give all to the Lord or nothing at all.
10:31 So I was moving forward with that appeal
10:36 and I know that what I have to give up
10:39 is quite heavy for me.
10:41 I was addicted to DVD's before to movies,
10:44 so I know that I have to turn away from them.
10:48 So when I moved forward I was crying,
10:50 I was crying
10:51 because I don't know what life after DVD is.
10:55 But that is true. Yeah.
10:56 A lot of people feel that way.
10:58 And sometimes when we attack them,
11:01 we don't really realize that that is their life.
11:04 Yes. And that was my life.
11:07 And I was afraid after that what's gonna happen?
11:10 But the Lord showed me
11:12 that there's more to life than this.
11:13 Amen.
11:15 And when that thing happened, it's very inspiring to know
11:20 that you are not just walking in this path alone
11:23 that other young people are having the same issues.
11:26 And when we came together,
11:29 let go of all those things that burden us
11:32 and then that's when we see
11:34 God doing things that blows our mind.
11:38 Amen.
11:40 You know, I think this is something
11:41 when the Lord first called me to ministry,
11:43 one thing that He...
11:45 I grew up in a very dysfunctional environment.
11:47 So I was very good at having verbal camouflage,
11:52 you know, somebody to ask,
11:53 I mean, it could be absolute insanity at home
11:56 but if somebody asked me how I was, well, I'm just fine.
11:59 You know, everything's hunky dory peachy keen
12:03 but when God called me to ministry,
12:06 He told me, I needed to be transparent
12:08 to talk about my own faults,
12:10 my own problems because it gives glory to Him
12:15 because He's the one who came in
12:17 and brought me out of those places.
12:18 I think sometimes people watch television
12:21 and seek maybe Christian personality think
12:25 and they think, "Well, they don't have any problems",
12:29 we've all got the same problems.
12:30 So how old were you at this point?
12:33 Here you are in church leadership but you are a...
12:37 Would you call yourself a carnal Christian?
12:41 Or you even converted at all?
12:43 Let's put it this way.
12:45 I was a hypocrite.
12:46 Okay. Okay.
12:48 That's the painful word but that's reality.
12:51 You are active in the church but somehow you are thinking
12:56 what is life out there.
12:58 You are yearning for a life out there.
13:01 And that's what happens
13:03 when you don't have a personal walk with God.
13:06 And I was already in my 30's
13:09 during that time when the Lord somehow spoke to my heart.
13:12 Praise God.
13:13 And it's never too late. No.
13:15 And although they thought
13:17 that you are, you're doing everything fine.
13:21 And they did not realize that
13:23 it was like a blind leading other blind man.
13:26 Yes, yes.
13:28 It takes that personal encounter, you know.
13:31 Think of...
13:32 Well, I don't want to take all the time.
13:34 I can tell stories here for...
13:35 Okay, so tell me
13:38 when God really converted,
13:43 gave you a new heart,
13:45 what changes did you start experiencing?
13:48 Did you miss your DVDs?
13:50 Or did God just overwhelm you with this love and joy?
13:53 Oh, like when I let go of the DVDs,
13:56 when I let go the movie.
13:58 And this is one thing that I realized,
13:59 I did not have the passion to read a Bible
14:02 or to read a Spirit of Prophecy before
14:05 because my mind was filled up with those things.
14:09 And in a fog. And in a fog.
14:12 And the moment I let go, the moment I let go,
14:15 my desire to read the Bible,
14:16 to read a Spirit of Prophecy came in.
14:19 And I begin to see it, it's very interesting.
14:24 And it's more than that sci-fi movies
14:27 that I was watching before,
14:29 the Lord opened my imagination,
14:30 opened me understanding that there's more to life than DVD.
14:34 Amen.
14:35 And all of a sudden,
14:37 I was not being aware that God is leading me
14:40 to this path like 11 years before I became a missionary,
14:47 I was thinking to be a missionary
14:50 and I'm thinking to myself,
14:51 I could be the biggest blessing in the mission field.
14:54 I know how to lead the youth, I am good with this,
14:57 I am good with that.
14:58 This is obviously before God got a hold of you, right?
15:01 And the Lord said, "No!"
15:03 The Lord stopped me from being a missionary
15:05 because I guess, I would do more damage than good.
15:08 Right.
15:09 When we don't rely on Him and then the Lord led me
15:14 and the Lord is just so patient.
15:16 The Lord led me little by little
15:18 and then I saw my nothingness.
15:21 And at the point that I saw that,
15:23 oh, I could not do this at all
15:26 and the Lord somehow blocked me out
15:28 and now you're ready.
15:30 Amen. Amen.
15:32 That's His whole plan is for us
15:34 to be totally dependent upon Him.
15:36 As was Jesus. Amen.
15:38 It should all be Him and none of us and all Him
15:42 and the Lord just led me into this faith journey.
15:45 And by the way my walk with God,
15:48 I was inspired by the man named George Mueller.
15:52 Yes.
15:53 I did not ask anybody to let...
15:55 Did not even let anybody know about his need,
15:58 only God and I said, "Okay, Lord,
16:01 if you want me to be a missionary
16:02 then I want to live a life like that."
16:04 I'll only depend on You, not on anyone else except You.
16:08 So every time we go to the mission trips I pray.
16:13 If it's Your will then you have to provide.
16:16 And the Lord provides.
16:17 People will just call me over the phone
16:20 and they will ask, "Are you going somewhere?"
16:23 And I said, "Yes, how did you know?"
16:25 Because last night I was asleep and the Lord woke me up
16:29 and I could not go back to bed
16:31 unless I resolved to give you a call the next morning
16:35 and ask you where you're going.
16:36 Wow. And they will buy my ticket.
16:39 And that has been happening not just once not just twice
16:42 but it has been happening
16:43 for the past six months, six years
16:46 and ten months of my life now.
16:49 God is faithful.
16:50 Yes, He is and He is Jehovah Jireh,
16:52 the Lord who provides.
16:54 So what you're saying is
16:56 you've been traveling the world,
16:59 no salary, no stipend from any ministry.
17:04 And not letting your requests be made known to man
17:07 only to God.
17:09 And He has been very faithful to meet all of your needs.
17:14 God is good.
17:16 That you know that's an exciting testimony.
17:18 It is. It is an exciting life.
17:21 Amen.
17:22 Because when I think about this before
17:25 I'm thinking how sustainable is this?
17:28 Because most people will ask me,
17:30 how are you gonna survive this?
17:31 Yes.
17:33 And then I begin to realize, I could not,
17:36 only God can make me survive.
17:38 And it has been God from the very beginning.
17:40 And it will be God all the way. Amen.
17:43 So when He called you to missionary,
17:46 to become a missionary, did you...
17:49 You finally got to that point where you realized,
17:53 it's all of God, none of you just as Jesus said,
17:58 "I can do nothing
18:00 except that the Father does it through Me."
18:02 I only speak what the Father tells Me to speak,
18:05 I only do what the Father shows Me to do.
18:08 So Christ laid aside His own will,
18:12 His own power if you will
18:14 and was totally dependent upon the Father
18:18 and of course the Holy Spirit.
18:20 And that's actually the joy of surrenders
18:23 when you get there, right?
18:24 Amen.
18:26 So, but here you finally
18:27 got to that point of humility.
18:32 I mean, if we're trying to run our own life
18:35 that's a sign of pride.
18:37 It's that...
18:39 Letting the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.
18:43 That mind of humbleness, humble reliance upon God.
18:47 How soon, I mean, when you got there did God
18:49 just say to you one day, "Okay, this is it."
18:52 How did you know He was calling you to be a missionary?
18:55 Oh, it's a succession of events.
18:59 Okay.
19:00 And I guess the Lord has placed it in our hearts
19:02 the burden for souls.
19:04 My burden was for my fellow young people
19:07 who are inside the church who have not seen the joy
19:10 of having this close walk with God.
19:12 Because I know, it was not just me thinking
19:15 that what's life out there?
19:17 What is it, is it more fun than this?
19:20 Because we did not see God as a joyful God before.
19:25 I see God as a very stern father,
19:29 as a very stern parent.
19:31 I did not picture God as a God of joy,
19:33 as a happy God.
19:35 But then when you begin to walk with Him,
19:37 you will see that He's not just a faithful God,
19:40 He is a happy God.
19:41 Amen.
19:43 He is a joyful God, He is...
19:44 I love it.
19:45 He is the God who loves to surprise His children.
19:49 And surprised I was and surprised I am still now.
19:54 And the walk just went on
19:57 and when you said a while ago about planning,
20:02 I was a planner.
20:04 I sat my time
20:06 and I'm even had like timeline for my life at the age of 20,
20:10 I'll be doing this, at the age of 25,
20:12 I'll be having this, 30, I'll be earning this and that
20:16 and then all it did to me was stress,
20:22 anxiety, weariness, worry and despondency.
20:27 And then when I walked this missionary type of life,
20:31 all those plans just flew out of the window.
20:33 And I love this beautiful quote
20:35 from Help in Daily Living that says there,
20:37 "Christ in His life on earth did not plan for Himself."
20:41 Amen. Did not plan for Himself.
20:44 He let the Father plan for Him.
20:47 And I like that last line that says,
20:49 "Let God plan for you."
20:50 Amen.
20:52 And somehow this beautiful verse,
20:54 it really coincides with this beautiful verse in Psalms 32:8,
20:58 which says, "I will..." what?
21:00 "Instruct you and teach you in the way which thou shalt go,
21:04 I will guide you with Mine eye."
21:06 And I meditated on those words.
21:09 And it says, God will guide me with His eye.
21:12 He didn't just...
21:13 He did not just say, "I will send you a tour guide."
21:17 Right.
21:18 He says, "I will guide you with Mine eyes,"
21:20 and I said to myself, if God will be the one guiding me,
21:24 I will never get lost.
21:26 I'll never, the journey will never be boring.
21:28 And this is one thing that we thought
21:30 that giving your life to the Lord would be boring.
21:34 It's never boring. It's very far from boring.
21:37 Like every single trip is an adventure,
21:41 not knowing what will happen in the place
21:43 where you go, not knowing where you lay your head on
21:47 but the Lord is so faithful
21:48 that you'll always have your head on a pillow,
21:53 on a bed.
21:54 You know, as I'm sitting here thinking two things.
21:57 Number one, I want us to back up just a moment.
22:01 But before we back up,
22:03 because I want to hear the progression
22:05 of how God got your attention.
22:08 It was the word but obviously prayer became important.
22:11 So we want to talk about after He reached down
22:15 and gave you a new heart, converted your heart.
22:18 How He then began to do these things.
22:22 But my thought was not everybody's
22:26 called to be a missionary to go out into the world,
22:30 but life lived day by day with God
22:36 is equally as exciting
22:39 if you are a parent,
22:41 and working somewhere and having five children,
22:43 it doesn't mean that you have to have,
22:48 what somebody might think
22:49 of it's like a flashy lifestyle.
22:51 You know all this, just being with God,
22:55 He makes life exciting day by day, does He not?
22:58 He does.
22:59 And God has a plan for each one of us.
23:01 It says in Jeremiah 29:11,
23:05 "For I know the plans that I have for you,"
23:07 but most of the time we don't see it
23:09 because we have our own plan set up.
23:11 And we will not know what God's plan for us is
23:16 until we surrender.
23:18 Absolutely. Absolutely.
23:20 That verse, you know, He says,
23:22 "I know the plans I have for you"
23:24 but it goes on and it says,
23:25 "Then you will come and you will seek Me
23:28 and you will find Me,
23:29 when you seek Me with all your heart."
23:31 But you know what?
23:33 Think about that, it isn't...
23:35 I mean, it seems like those should be in reverse order
23:37 as far as the scripture verses
23:39 but it's not until we recognize
23:42 that God has a plan for our life,
23:45 that we really seek Him with all of our heart.
23:48 So walk us back just a step here,
23:51 God get your attention.
23:53 And before you even know,
23:55 you're being called this missionary,
23:56 you give up your DVDs,
23:58 you are in the word and you're finding joy,
24:03 you're finding that God is giving you understanding
24:07 that you didn't have before.
24:08 The words becoming alive and active to you, right?
24:11 Yes.
24:13 Take us, kind of how He progressed you,
24:15 because He started the same way for me.
24:17 It was the word. Yeah.
24:20 So He brought me into the word
24:22 and when you find something that is so precious,
24:26 you cannot keep it to yourself.
24:28 That's right.
24:29 So we gathered a young people and the change was so amazing
24:35 because before we were so excited
24:36 to talk about the movies that just came out.
24:39 And right now we are so excited,
24:41 have you read about this chapter in Desire of Ages?
24:44 Have you read about this chapter
24:46 in Patriarchs and Prophets?
24:48 And all the while we thought that
24:49 those were the most boring books,
24:52 reading the Desire of Ages
24:53 before gave me the desire to sleep.
24:56 It was because God has...
24:59 had us changed our hearts.
25:01 God has changed our minds. Yes.
25:04 And this is one amazing thing and from there,
25:09 the Lord introduced me to prayer.
25:11 Spending time with Him because for me before prayer
25:13 was not really one of my habits.
25:17 My prayer life before was like five minutes total
25:20 for the whole day.
25:21 I am like...
25:23 You ran through your list of who you should pray for?
25:26 What you needed to ask for
25:27 but you weren't trying to get to know God personally.
25:29 I didn't even spend time praying
25:32 because I was thinking that prayer was a waste of time.
25:36 I'm like an energizer bunny.
25:38 I go around and I need...
25:41 I need to accomplish things by doing this, by doing that.
25:45 I did not spend much time praying
25:47 until the Lord somehow put a hold in my life.
25:51 And the Lord brought me to the prayer room
25:54 and that's when everything really
25:57 started to open up even more.
25:59 Okay, when you said,
26:00 He brought you to the prayer room,
26:02 be specific in explaining that?
26:05 There was a conference,
26:06 there was a faith camp back in the Philippines.
26:09 And one of my good friend Melissa Miranda
26:13 also a friend of Melody,
26:14 one of our prayer teams in the General Conference.
26:17 She was leading out in this prayer room.
26:20 And she...
26:21 What is a prayer room for somebody
26:22 that may be watching here who's not even a Christian.
26:24 What is a prayer room?
26:25 That is the place where those people
26:27 who have burdens in their hearts,
26:29 who have problems would just come
26:31 and then as a prayer facilitator,
26:33 you ask them, what can I pray for you?
26:36 And leaders and members alike they just come there
26:40 and humble themselves together before God.
26:43 And I heard about this prayer room.
26:45 And when she asked me to be leading out
26:48 me and my niece together.
26:50 I'm thinking, I don't want to spend time in the room
26:54 sitting for an hour, not doing anything,
26:58 I said, I'll go crazy.
27:00 I should be doing something.
27:02 But God knows what He's doing.
27:05 And during that time,
27:06 I had a lot of resentment in my heart,
27:08 I had a lot of anger, I had a lot of bitterness,
27:12 but the moment I knelt down,
27:14 after I prayed two short prayers
27:17 because the prayer in the prayer room
27:18 is just like one to two sentence.
27:20 After I pray those two prayers of praise,
27:23 the Lord broke down that wall.
27:25 Really?
27:26 And the resentment begin to crumble down,
27:30 the hatred begin to be flushed out.
27:32 It was not done right away
27:35 but that was like the turning point.
27:37 The moment I experience this,
27:39 it's like the moment you read your Bible,
27:41 the moment you had like this is something else.
27:46 When scripture becomes like a Neon sign
27:49 that's flashing at you and you're going wow.
27:50 Yeah.
27:52 And I could not keep it to myself.
27:53 So I went around this camp and I've been asking people
27:57 have you been to the prayer room?
27:58 Have you been to the prayer room?
28:00 You should go visit the prayer room.
28:02 And somehow the Lord made me gather like 40 people in there
28:06 and from that time on,
28:08 I've seen lives that were changing
28:11 because of the humility that we do before God.
28:16 But you know there has to be something special
28:18 about that environment
28:19 because there's a lot of people that get together at church
28:22 and maybe pray a few sentences here and there.
28:26 What do you think the difference is
28:28 about the prayer room?
28:29 Do you think it is
28:31 that the people who have recognized
28:35 the power of prayer have so prayed up
28:38 before they even open a prayer room
28:40 that the true presence of God is there?
28:43 I guess it's that one.
28:45 And another thing in the prayer room is
28:47 you're not there to speak.
28:49 You're not there to sing.
28:51 You're just there to humble yourself before God.
28:54 And that act alone brings everything
28:59 into a different light.
29:00 The moment we humble ourselves before God,
29:03 things begin to change drastically.
29:06 And God has His request for His people.
29:09 2 Chronicles 7:14.
29:12 "If my people which are called by My name shall..."
29:14 what?
29:15 Humble.
29:17 That's the first request that God did,
29:19 if My people humble themselves and I'm thinking why?
29:23 Why was the first request humble?
29:26 And not pray but then I realize because we are not.
29:30 And when His people begins to humble themselves
29:33 then that's when the Holy Spirit can descend.
29:39 Okay, so now God's got your attention.
29:41 He's...
29:42 You know, James, 1:21, says,
29:45 "That the word
29:46 when it's implanted in your heart
29:48 has the power to save your soul,"
29:49 this word that's alive and active
29:52 and God now is teaching you His word,
29:56 He has brought you to an understanding
29:58 of what it means to humble yourself
30:01 before the Lord.
30:02 To be depended upon Him, to look to Him for His will.
30:05 Amen.
30:07 He's teaching you the joy
30:09 of coming into His presence of knowing He is God.
30:14 Listening for His still small voice.
30:17 Is this...
30:18 At what point now do you become aware
30:21 He's calling you to be a missionary?
30:23 Oh, during the time that I was already in India.
30:28 I begin to realize.
30:29 Oh, maybe this is it.
30:32 How did you end up in India?
30:34 You jumped ahead on that one.
30:35 So fast because when I was asked by
30:39 then Melissa to join her in that,
30:41 in that prayer room,
30:43 I became part of the prayer team
30:45 that she set up
30:47 and we went to the division meeting
30:48 to the year end meeting of the division.
30:51 And all of a sudden a few days later,
30:55 I flew to India.
30:57 And the Lord brought me to India
30:58 to pray with the leaders.
31:00 And the Lord is just opening doors for me right now
31:02 and I was not prepared.
31:05 And this is one thing that I am seeing,
31:07 it's not because of our preparedness.
31:09 It's true.
31:10 When the Lord sees that the time is right for us
31:14 all we had to do is, yes, Lord, where to,
31:18 what do you want me to do?
31:19 Here I am Lord, it's in me.
31:21 Sometimes we're more dangerous when we're prepared
31:23 because we would not be able to ask help from Him.
31:26 That's true.
31:27 But when we know we're not,
31:29 but when we know that it's all Him,
31:31 that's Him taking over, that's when,
31:33 that's when He is the one who is shining and not us.
31:37 And after India,
31:40 it was just like a succession of invitations.
31:44 Go from one place to another,
31:46 travel from this place to that place.
31:48 Where you well traveled before, hadn't you been to this day?
31:51 No. No. No. No.
31:54 That is another testimony
31:55 but I'd like to focus now on a lot of miracles
31:58 that happened after that.
32:00 Like after before that I traveled only one time
32:05 and that is to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
32:08 And that is like two hours away from the Philippines.
32:11 And I traveled
32:12 because there is a promo ticket that cost like $12.
32:16 That's the only amount of the ticket that I can afford
32:19 and now brought me out of the business.
32:24 I'm now salary zero, stipend zero
32:28 but now the Lord is bringing me from one place to another.
32:31 And I'm thinking, this life is amazing, Lord,
32:34 depending on You,
32:36 surrendering everything upon You.
32:39 It's amazing.
32:40 Now when was your first time to the United States?
32:43 Oh, it was 2013. Okay.
32:46 And that is a testimony in itself having that visa,
32:50 having that visa is quite a miracle.
32:54 Like for us Filipino to apply for US visa is, it's not easy.
33:00 For some it's like winning a lottery,
33:02 for some people like me who does not have any work,
33:05 it's like entering heaven.
33:06 So I'll jump right into the interview
33:09 when the interviewer asked me, "So how much is your salary?"
33:14 Because they always want to know
33:16 what's your income like?
33:18 And I told the visa...
33:20 The council.
33:22 "I'm sorry, sir but I don't...
33:23 I don't receive any salary."
33:25 And he said, "Why is that?"
33:26 I said, "I'm a missionary volunteer,
33:28 so I don't get paid for my work."
33:30 "Then how do you live?"
33:31 And I said, "I live by faith, sir."
33:34 And then He looked at me strange
33:35 and He thought that I was not serious.
33:38 He thought I was joking.
33:39 And he said, "I live by faith
33:41 but tell me how do you really live?
33:42 How do you buy your food?
33:44 How do you buy your clothes?"
33:45 And I said, "The Lord provides, sir."
33:47 And he was not happy with my answer.
33:50 And he looked at my passport
33:52 and he said, "If you are not paid for your work,
33:54 how come you travel so much."
33:56 And I said, "Sir, I prayed to the Lord
33:58 and the Lord uses other people to pay for my fare."
34:01 And then he was getting frustrated.
34:03 And then he asked, "And how about emergencies?
34:06 Do you encounter emergencies?"
34:07 And I said, "Yes, sir.
34:09 The Lord is faithful that the Lord provides
34:11 the right amount of money
34:12 for the right amount of emergencies."
34:14 And then he asked,
34:15 "Then you receive money for emergencies then?"
34:17 I said, "Yes, sir, the Lord is faithful."
34:19 And he just yelled.
34:21 He yelled at me and said, "That you just lied to me."
34:24 And I said, "How come, sir?"
34:26 "Because a while ago you're telling me
34:28 that you don't receive
34:29 any amount of money for your work
34:31 and now you're telling me
34:32 that you receive money for emergencies."
34:35 And before that interview, I was so nervous
34:37 and I know for a fact that if the Lord left me to myself
34:40 I would have just passed out and died.
34:43 Seriously, Shelley.
34:45 But the Lord gave me the answer even before,
34:48 even before he finished the question
34:50 and the answer came like, sir,
34:53 a while ago you're asking for a regular income
34:56 but emergencies are irregular.
34:59 That is a smart answer, isn't it?
35:00 Yes. And I'm not that smart.
35:03 And even at the back of my mind
35:05 I had this expression like what?
35:08 What did he said?
35:10 And he was not...
35:12 He was getting confused now.
35:14 And then I told him,
35:15 "Sir, from the very beginning I wanted, I wanted to tell you
35:18 that I don't really earn anything.
35:21 I don't want to give you a salary range
35:23 that I don't earn.
35:24 I don't want to give you a bank account
35:25 that I don't have.
35:27 Sir, I don't have any bank account."
35:29 And he looked at me and said,
35:31 "Then tell me how should I fill in this question,
35:34 monthly income?"
35:36 And I said, "Honestly sir, I don't know."
35:38 And then he said, "Okay, monthly income,"
35:42 he typed in, not applicable.
35:46 How wonderful. How true.
35:49 Now see that answer came to the Lord,
35:51 from the Lord because it isn't applicable in your case.
35:54 No.
35:56 And even the answer that I gave would not support my security.
36:01 I just admitted to him
36:03 that I am not eligible to go to the US
36:05 because I'm not earning anything.
36:07 Then I'll be a threat
36:09 but he just said after a few more questions,
36:12 congratulations your application has been approved.
36:15 Praise God.
36:16 And he gave me a ten year multiple entry.
36:19 Now that was the work of the Lord.
36:21 That's the Lord. That's all God.
36:23 God wants to shine in everything.
36:26 He wants His signature in every aspect of our lives.
36:30 He does not want that we will shine
36:34 because we could not take the glory,
36:36 He wants Him to shine.
36:38 And the more He gets the glory, the more we get the joy.
36:41 Amen.
36:42 And I'd rather have the joy than the glory.
36:45 I can't handle the glory.
36:47 He says, He will not share His glory with another.
36:50 And you're right, we can't handle this.
36:53 As a matter of fact I think people
36:55 who falsely receive glory that's due to God you see
37:00 that they often fall in hurry.
37:04 You know, their lives become...
37:06 Well, look at,
37:08 this is what Satan tried to do is take glory.
37:10 And this is why He failed.
37:12 So tell us...
37:14 I'm gonna pretend like, I'm the immigration agent.
37:19 Tell us some of these stories of how God provides...
37:23 You've told us how you get a ticket
37:25 but once you get somewhere,
37:27 how is He providing for your housing
37:29 or your food or for emergencies?
37:31 It's amazing, Shelley, because it's different.
37:35 Every story, every trip is different.
37:38 I even have like, I took a picture,
37:41 I took a selfie of one bed one time
37:44 because I'm noticing that in the two weeks
37:47 that I was traveling,
37:49 I was having like eight beds already.
37:51 So I took a picture of the bed, posted in Facebook
37:54 and people begin to comment, what?
37:56 This the eighth bed already.
37:57 And then I begin to realize that this could be a testimony.
38:02 So now I'm taking a selfie of every bed that I sleep on
38:05 and I call that album the bed blog.
38:09 It talks about the faithfulness of God
38:12 that even though we don't have a house,
38:15 the Lord could provide a roof over our head and a pillow
38:18 under our head.
38:20 Amen.
38:21 And last year, it's amazing.
38:23 After a very grueling trip, it was my birthday.
38:30 It was December.
38:31 And in the morning I woke up and I said, "Lord,
38:34 what do You want me to meditate on?"
38:37 And the Lord just brought this beautiful song, an old song,
38:41 it's like, the song goes like this.
38:45 "Count your blessings name them one by one
38:48 and count your blessings and see what God has done."
38:50 So I begin to write down those blessings.
38:53 First I went to countries.
38:57 How many countries the Lord bring me to in this,
39:00 in these 12 months.
39:02 The Lord brought me to four different countries.
39:04 Forty four? Four, only four.
39:06 Oh, only four. I thought you said 44.
39:08 Mercy. Four countries in 12 months.
39:10 Scary, I'd die with jetlag.
39:13 Four different countries
39:15 and 22 different states in the US.
39:19 That's amazing. And 67 beds.
39:23 And I began to realize
39:25 that's more beds than weeks in a year.
39:28 We only have 52 weeks.
39:30 Yes. And I had like 67 beds.
39:34 And 65 airplane rides.
39:38 That's amazing. All made by God.
39:41 And this song is so true,
39:43 count your blessings and see what God has done.
39:47 When I look back on all those miracles
39:50 that would not happen,
39:52 that would not have happened because of me.
39:55 I didn't play anything.
39:57 It's all God. It's all Him.
40:01 Sixty five airplane rides.
40:03 I could not even afford one airplane ride
40:06 before without salary, without anything.
40:09 It's all God doing everything.
40:13 It's just living in the joy of surrender
40:15 and riding the wave of His will.
40:18 You know, that is an amazing story.
40:21 So how...
40:26 Has your family,
40:27 how have people who knew you before,
40:31 do you think they've recognized,
40:34 they have to recognize the huge change in you.
40:37 Oh, it became so obvious.
40:41 I was a happy kid before
40:44 but not really happy in the inside.
40:47 Now I'm joyful.
40:48 Yes. I'm overflowing.
40:51 I could say that
40:52 and it's funny because sometimes...
40:54 It shows.
40:55 It's all because of God.
40:57 Sometimes people will ask me, "Why do you smile too much?"
41:00 I said, "Because of Jesus."
41:03 And seeing His miracles in my life every single day
41:09 and seeing people see that
41:12 and also would want to yearn for that as well
41:17 gives you so much joy,
41:18 going around and I've been to a lot of places
41:21 and they will see in my Facebook
41:23 that I've been to this place to that national park
41:26 and they will ask me,
41:28 "Which one is the most,
41:30 it's like the highlight of all these trips?"
41:32 And I tell them, "You know what?
41:34 It's not actually the views,
41:36 it's not actually the national parks,
41:40 it's when you see people respond to the appeal of God.
41:45 And when they give their lives to the Lord,
41:48 that's the peak of every trip."
41:51 So you go to these national parks
41:53 and just start witnessing to people.
41:56 What are you doing in the National parks?
41:58 I don't, I don't witness in national parks.
42:00 Some of my friends will bring me to national parks.
42:02 Okay, okay.
42:03 After I speak in their churches.
42:06 So I get invited now to multiple places, countries.
42:11 And it's all God.
42:13 I didn't even present myself,
42:14 it's all God leading in everything.
42:17 And even the invitation, even the planning and all,
42:19 I said to the Lord,
42:21 "I want to make sure that it's You who is leading.
42:24 So I will not tell people
42:26 that I can speak in your church, I can do this,
42:29 I can lead out in prayer session.
42:30 I will just wait on You.
42:32 When the invitation comes,
42:34 I will know for a fact that invitation came from You."
42:36 You know, that's exactly how God led me.
42:38 I mean, He told me not to promote anything
42:41 and He just opened door after door.
42:45 And you knew but you know, let me ask you, did God...
42:50 Do you agree with me?
42:53 And I know Sister White does, so you've got to say, yes.
42:57 But what was so life changing for me first was,
43:03 when I started praying the word.
43:07 But then when the Lord taught me
43:09 as I was pressing into His presence
43:12 to sit at His feet be still and know that He is God.
43:15 Amen.
43:16 And then He taught me to really follow the leading
43:20 of His still small voice.
43:21 You know, God never just tells us everything
43:23 and a lot of times He will tell us
43:25 one or two little sentences
43:27 and give us a little bit of direction
43:30 and He'd often tell me,
43:31 look at up and I go to the word
43:33 and I find even deeper meaning in that
43:35 but in your personal experience,
43:38 you've gone from watching God,
43:40 and learning to listen for God's voice,
43:43 seeking Him for provision,
43:45 in a personal one on one ministry
43:47 as you go around the United States
43:50 but now you're working with an organization
43:52 that's doing great things.
43:55 Tell us how God is leading?
43:58 How God has even maybe used you to teach others?
44:01 That there's total dependency.
44:03 If you're in ministry whatever you're doing.
44:05 Being totally dependent upon God is the answer to joy.
44:08 Amen.
44:10 And I want to add to what you just said a while ago,
44:14 like my understanding about prayer before
44:16 it was like a genie in a bottle.
44:17 Yes.
44:19 Like asking, asking the Lord what we need?
44:21 What we want?
44:23 But then the more I spend time in the presence of God,
44:25 I begin to understand
44:27 that the real essence of prayer is to know His will.
44:30 Amen.
44:32 And I like when you said it.
44:33 You just be still and know that He is God.
44:36 And in our prayers
44:38 that's really needed to just be still
44:41 and seek His will.
44:42 And now as you have mentioned about the organization
44:46 about Filipinos for Christ that I'm very passionate
44:49 and very excited about.
44:52 Shelley, we would like to invite you to go there
44:54 and do witness,
44:56 this very passionate young people,
44:59 doing everything for the Lord.
45:01 And one particular time like last year.
45:05 I was planning to...
45:07 And the Lord somehow open opportunity for me
45:09 to go to Canada
45:10 but there was no confirmation with that invitation.
45:13 But the more I spend time with the Lord,
45:16 the Lord's leading was, go, I got my visa.
45:21 I got everything set up but there's no confirmation.
45:25 The more I prayed the Lord just convicted me to go.
45:29 So I said, "What do You want me to do, Lord?
45:31 And the more I read, spent time in His word,
45:34 the Lord spoke, "Buy your own ticket."
45:37 And I'm thinking, my own ticket?
45:40 The ticket cost $1,100.
45:44 And for somebody who does not earn anything.
45:46 And now remember, I've been going around
45:49 and the Lord's goodness through His people
45:52 and I received it.
45:53 And now I have a bank account.
45:55 So I put it in my bank account.
45:56 Now when I looked at my bank account,
45:58 wow, I'm quite secured now.
46:00 And the Lord demanded it, buy your own ticket.
46:03 And I'm thinking, Lord,
46:05 I, this money should be used for the ministry, for PYC.
46:10 But then the Lord somehow spoke to my heart,
46:12 that is not your money, that's My money.
46:14 Yes.
46:16 So at first reluctantly I bought my own ticket
46:20 and later on I found out that they did not have funding
46:24 that's why they did not responded
46:27 or did not confirm.
46:28 And when I arrived there, Shelley,
46:30 God just did amazing things.
46:33 They didn't have a funding
46:34 but the contribution of our brothers and sisters,
46:37 I did not even ask remember I should not be asking,
46:40 I should not be letting people know about my need.
46:43 Throughout those travel
46:45 the Lord multiplied it more than ten times.
46:46 Wow.
46:48 We were able to do a conference.
46:50 And that year,
46:53 that year supposed to be the most expensive conference
46:56 that we ever have yet.
46:59 But the Lord took care of our venue, our Sabbath venue
47:03 which is an auditorium of a Catholic University.
47:07 God is just so good.
47:09 And that's an expensive event, $2,000.
47:12 We're able to pay two speakers from Hawaii,
47:15 from China and paid off a lot of stuff.
47:19 We were able to sponsor nearly 40 young people
47:22 to attend because they could not afford.
47:24 And God has been doing a lot of miracles.
47:28 In the previous conferences
47:30 we will know that we have paid off everything
47:33 after every payment has been given
47:35 but that year even before the conference started,
47:40 everything was paid off.
47:41 Glory to God.
47:43 And by the way, the Lord somehow compelled me
47:47 not to do any solicitation letter.
47:50 No solicitation letter was sent out.
47:53 I did not talk to people about our needs.
47:56 And the Lord showed us
47:58 that He is the real source of blessings or provision.
48:02 And what He asked from us is, what's in your hands?
48:07 Are you willing to give it?
48:09 And this is one thing that made it difficult for me
48:12 because I'm thinking, Lord, this...
48:16 The ticket is so expensive.
48:19 It will cost us a conference.
48:21 And I'm thinking as well,
48:23 sometimes the Lord demands things from us
48:25 but we're thinking
48:26 but it will cost me my retirement car, my house.
48:32 My house that I want to purchase.
48:34 My vacation that I have been saving up for.
48:37 But then the Lord will remind us,
48:40 the Lord has been constantly reminding us
48:42 that we should not be living for ourselves.
48:44 We should be living for the glory of His name.
48:46 And this is I guess the reason why that a lot of us
48:50 have not experienced this joy
48:51 because we have not surrendered what God is requiring us.
48:56 And it hit me, like I don't want to stand before God
49:00 in the end and the Lord will ask me,
49:03 why did you hold back from me?
49:05 Because you sat on top of the blessings
49:09 that I've given you,
49:11 now the whole village have not known Me.
49:15 And that I could not bear.
49:17 And, you know, I want to say this or ask this.
49:20 Do you believe that, you know,
49:23 it's like when the rich young ruler came to Jesus.
49:27 And he said, what do I need to do?
49:28 And Jesus said,
49:30 go sell everything and then come.
49:32 Well, He didn't tell all of His disciples
49:34 that He knew that one man needed that.
49:36 Don't you believe that
49:37 what God requires of each of us.
49:39 He requires something
49:41 but it's not always the same thing
49:43 that He requires of each of us.
49:45 Amen. Okay.
49:46 That's why when we spend time with God we will know.
49:49 Amen. What He wants us to surrender.
49:52 And this is one amazing thing.
49:54 When we corporately bow down, when we bend our knees together
49:59 and that's when His will becomes clearer.
50:04 And I'd like to share some photos of what just happened
50:08 in Philippines Youth for Christ.
50:09 Sure, please.
50:11 Yes, these are some photos that happened at 4.00 am.
50:15 Four o'clock in the morning.
50:16 Now that is GYC.
50:18 GYC at 6 o'clock in the morning.
50:21 Glory to God.
50:23 All the while we thought that people will not come.
50:26 That's your prayer room? That's a prayer room.
50:28 That was in the middle of the prayer session.
50:32 At the end of the prayer session
50:33 people just flock to the prayer room
50:35 when I opened my eyes,
50:37 there were more than 400 people who were there.
50:39 And they could not be contained in the prayer room,
50:41 people were kneeling outside of the door.
50:44 And I could sense right now
50:46 that God is really calling His people.
50:47 And this is Philippines.
50:49 Philippines at 4:00 am,
50:50 we started our prayer session at 4:00 am.
50:53 And we started with 200 young people
50:55 who were there and they kept on growing and growing.
50:58 And we prayed for three hours.
51:00 And at the end of our prayer session,
51:02 there were more than 500 young people
51:04 who were there.
51:05 That's amazing.
51:06 And who could not be blessed
51:09 when you see this corporate humility
51:14 coming from this young people.
51:16 And this is a video.
51:18 And when you get young people up that early,
51:21 somebody is really that means
51:23 that they have connected to the power of prayer.
51:26 It's the Holy Spirit that's waking us up.
51:28 And I could see right now
51:30 that the Lord is really intense right now
51:33 in waking up His people because everywhere I go
51:35 and I lead out some prayer session.
51:38 When we did, when we did a number of revival weekends,
51:44 there's this hunger that I have not seen before.
51:48 We are really coming near to the end times.
51:52 Yes, we are.
51:54 And praise God that He has chosen our generation.
51:57 Isn't it a privilege to witness this?
52:00 And I'd like you to see this, this short video.
52:03 Surely.
52:05 It's different when it's video
52:06 and it's different when it's pictured.
52:08 A friend John would took this.
52:10 This is during the prayer session.
52:13 This group of young people.
52:15 This is not even the end yet.
52:17 Amazing.
52:19 So corporate humility,
52:20 this is one thing that the Lord is asking us to do.
52:25 That's beautiful.
52:27 Beautiful, beautiful to see people's hearts being touched,
52:31 so that they're coming to prayer
52:33 to know the Lord and to know His will.
52:36 Amen.
52:37 Now you do go and speak at churches,
52:40 you do a variety of things.
52:42 We want to put an address up for people to,
52:47 if you would like to get in touch with Gem.
52:51 Maybe to invite him
52:52 or maybe God is going to touch you
52:56 on the shoulder and say, you're one of those
52:58 who's gonna pay for his next airline ticket.
53:00 This is how you can get in touch with Gem.
53:05 Philippine Youth for Christ
53:06 is part of a growing youth movement
53:08 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
53:10 that yearns to demonstrate leadership, integrity, humility
53:15 and Christ love to those about them.
53:17 If you would like to learn more about PYC
53:20 or would like to support their ministry,
53:23 please visit them online at pycweb.net.
53:27 That's pycweb.net.
53:31 You may also call them in the Philippines
53:33 by dialing (092) 296-9950.
53:39 That's (092) 296-9950.


Revised 2017-11-02