3ABN Today

Kids In Tune

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Gissela Kroll, Katie Monroe, Sophia Walwyn, Haley Fulton, Kristin Fulton, Faith Martin


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017061A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:10 I'm Jill Morikone.
01:12 We're so glad that you have taken time
01:13 from your day to join us.
01:15 We thank you for your love, your prayers,
01:18 your financial support to this ministry.
01:21 Without you, 3ABN would not exist.
01:23 Without you, we cannot take the gospel message
01:26 to a lost and dying world.
01:28 So excited that you have joined us for this program.
01:30 I'm looking forward to hearing what God is doing
01:34 in each one of our guest's lives
01:36 and through their ministry.
01:38 You know, I love the Today program,
01:40 because it gives us a time to bring you at home
01:43 different ministries, different testimonies,
01:46 hear what God is doing through people
01:48 all over the world.
01:50 And today's program is no exception.
01:52 We have a special music group with us here, Kids In Tune.
01:57 And we have both of the cofounders with us
02:00 to begin with, we're going to be switching out segments,
02:03 we're gonna hear from some of the kids,
02:05 we're gonna see some of the songs
02:07 from your brand new project.
02:08 But we have Gissela Kroll.
02:10 And you are the cofounder and director of Kids In Tune.
02:14 And, Gissela, we're so glad to have you here.
02:15 Thank you.
02:17 We are very blessed to be here today.
02:18 And sitting next to Gissela is Faith Martin.
02:21 And you also are cofounder
02:24 and you are coordinator for Kids In Tune.
02:25 And, Faith, thank you so much for coming as well.
02:28 It's our honor to be here.
02:29 So tell me a little bit, we want to hear
02:31 just a little bit about both of you ladies,
02:33 and then we want to hear
02:34 what in the world is Kids In Tune,
02:35 and we want to hear about your ministry.
02:37 But we'll start with you, Faith.
02:38 Tell me a little bit about your family and your history
02:41 and then we'll get into Kids In Tune.
02:43 I live in Nashville, Tennessee. I have a 13-year old daughter.
02:46 And we moved to Nashville about 10 years ago,
02:51 and at that point is when Gissela and I
02:53 started talking about our church
02:55 and the need for a children's choir.
02:58 At that time, I had a three year old
03:00 who was very interested in singing
03:01 and would just sing herself to sleep and sing going
03:04 through the house all day long.
03:06 And so it was really something I knew
03:09 that would speak to children that love to sing.
03:13 Amen.
03:14 And before we go any further with that thought, Gissela,
03:17 tell us about your family.
03:19 My name is Gissela Kroll.
03:20 I was born and raised in Brazil.
03:22 I noticed that cute little accent.
03:25 I moved...
03:27 Actually on Sabbath, it will be the 19th anniversary
03:29 of my arrival in the United States.
03:32 So I moved to California to go to school.
03:35 And there, I met my husband and then we got married
03:38 and moved to Nashville 10 years ago.
03:41 Okay. Do you have kids?
03:42 We have three beautiful daughters
03:45 and we're very happy to be in Nashville.
03:48 Amen.
03:49 So you said, Faith,
03:50 that your daughter really wanted...
03:52 She loved to sing and wanted to be involved in music.
03:54 Now were you two friends when Kids In Tune began or...
03:58 No.
03:59 Actually, I had small nieces, and a nephew,
04:04 and I noticed the amount of kids
04:06 that were in Madison Campus Church.
04:11 And at the time our friends were like,
04:13 "You have to do something with these kids.
04:16 You have to do the kids' choir."
04:17 And I'm like, "Kids' choir? I don't think so."
04:19 But as...
04:21 Do you have a degree in music? I do not.
04:23 I have a degree in Kinesiology. Okay.
04:25 But music has been a part of my life
04:27 since I was four years old.
04:29 And I have actually sung my entire life
04:33 and done it professionally for many years in Brazil
04:35 before I moved to California.
04:38 But...
04:39 So anyways, I noticed that there were a lot of talent
04:44 and there were a lot of kids.
04:45 And you both were in the same church.
04:47 We were.
04:48 This is the Madison Campus Church in Tennessee.
04:50 So I was asking around, "Oh, okay, I might do this,
04:55 but who is there to help me out?"
04:58 And at the time, that's when I met Faith
05:00 and the Jodie McKague was there as well
05:04 who has now passed.
05:05 Oh, I'm sorry.
05:07 It's a perfect example of not knowing
05:09 you're volunteering for something when I asked
05:12 if there was a children's choir at Madison
05:14 because of my daughter's interest in music.
05:16 And they're like,
05:17 "Oh, let me introduce you to Gissela."
05:19 So that was I remember the table
05:21 we were introduced at.
05:23 And they were like Gissela is talking about
05:25 a children's choir and I found myself...
05:28 We found ourselves volunteered for the ministry.
05:32 Yes.
05:34 So it was born out of a desire to help young people,
05:36 to have young people get involved in music.
05:38 Yes.
05:39 Because they had a passion for music.
05:42 How many years ago was that?
05:43 This is our 10th anniversary. Okay.
05:46 So September, 10 years ago is when we began.
05:52 So this coming September
05:53 will be our actual 10th year anniversary.
05:56 And yes, it began out of a desire
05:59 to instill in children a love for God,
06:04 a love for worship, and for music.
06:06 But most importantly,
06:08 a desire to serve even at a young age.
06:12 Yeah. That's wonderful.
06:13 And now I checked on your website,
06:16 they don't have auditions.
06:18 Now for any choir, I mean,
06:19 I did music at our local church school.
06:21 And you think that's imperative to do auditions.
06:24 So what do you do if a kid says,
06:26 "I want to sing."
06:27 And they really can't sing.
06:29 I mean, what do you do with that?
06:30 Everyone is welcome and there is no auditions
06:34 because I didn't want anybody to be turned down
06:38 that had a desire to serve, that had a desire to sing.
06:43 And I'll tell you that we have
06:45 some extra angels singing with us.
06:48 And yes, you can hear a lot of times
06:51 that little first row with the four year olds
06:53 that are still learning to sing
06:56 and you can hear them a little bit,
06:57 but the mass of the choir sound covers that up very well.
07:02 But most importantly, what I have seen is that
07:08 the vast majority of kids eventually find their pitch.
07:13 Amen.
07:14 I've seen that with my own daughter.
07:16 I was like, "Lord, really my daughter can sing.
07:20 You know this is important to me."
07:23 So she started in the choir when she was four.
07:26 And by six, she found her pitch and that's happened
07:31 to many of the children we have seen.
07:33 So it has been very fun to watch them grow and learn.
07:36 So they start at four.
07:38 Mm-hm. Okay.
07:39 And what's the top end of the age range?
07:41 Well, they go to about sixth grade.
07:45 About sixth grade is usually when they're getting older,
07:49 they're usually involved in some other music activities.
07:53 Then at sixth grade, we do a special audition
07:57 for the females, the girls that want to stay in the choir.
08:00 Oh, nice.
08:02 And if they have a desire to stay in the choir,
08:03 we have a special group, that's our Teens In Tune
08:07 that Gissela works with on harmonies.
08:10 Oh, that's exciting. Yes, yes.
08:12 And it adds a beautiful component
08:14 to the overall choir.
08:15 And those girls helped her out a lot was the younger kids
08:19 and gives the younger girls an aspiration where,
08:23 "I want to, you know, be in Teens In Tune."
08:27 And we have some great talent in that group as well.
08:29 Yes.
08:30 That will be a great mentorship.
08:31 Now I know we have to move quickly
08:33 because we have quite a bit of things
08:35 to cover in this interview.
08:36 Just give me a couple statistics
08:38 and then we're going to set up the first roll.
08:40 You all have released a brand new DVD
08:42 and that's what we want to talk about is that new DVD.
08:45 But how many kids are in the choir in Kids In Tune
08:47 and how many are in Teens In Tune?
08:50 Each year, we kind of grow.
08:52 We started with a very small group
08:53 about 20 to 30 kids.
08:55 And then last year, we had about 80 registered.
08:57 Eighty? This is a big choir. Yes, yes.
09:00 And in Teens In Tune, we had 12 this last year.
09:03 So there was a large group of girls
09:08 that moved on into our Teens In Tune.
09:10 Amen.
09:11 So tell me, before we watch the first song here
09:13 from the DVD, why did you want to create a DVD?
09:17 It is very interesting you asked that
09:19 because the idea to create a DVD
09:23 came out of the last time we were here.
09:26 And we interviewed Danny and we had just released a CD.
09:31 And we had a beautiful program with him here
09:33 telling about our CD.
09:35 And the kids actually were here,
09:36 a few of them anyways, and performed.
09:39 And as we were leaving here,
09:42 Danny and I were talking and he said,
09:43 "Gissela, you got to think about recording a DVD.
09:47 And you're welcome to come and use our studios.
09:50 But you will see that you have a broader reach
09:54 with a DVD than with a CD."
09:55 And he was the one that inspired us to do that.
09:58 And I went home and started thinking about it.
10:01 And about several months later, we began the project.
10:05 And it was with a desire to reach even more children
10:10 and to be ministering and inspiring kids
10:13 all over the world.
10:14 Amen. That's wonderful.
10:16 What we're going to do now is we're going to go
10:17 to one of the songs from this DVD project,
10:20 then we're going to play musical chairs
10:22 during that song, and when we come out
10:23 we'll be talking to some of the kids.
10:25 And we'll be hearing what it was like
10:27 this DVD process and what it's like
10:29 for them in Kids In Tune.
10:30 But let's go to one of those songs.
10:32 This is called Thankful Heart.
10:39 "I will give thanks to You, Lord, with all my heart.
10:43 I'll tell all Your wonderful deeds.
10:47 I will be glad and rejoice in You.
10:50 I will sing the praises of Your name,
10:52 O Most High." Psalms 9:1-2.
11:12 My open hands receive
11:16 Blessings You pour out on me
11:20 Your tender care
11:22 Restores my soul
11:28 Your faithfulness endures
11:32 As mercy covers all my sin
11:36 Your perfect love
11:38 Has made me whole
11:44 Beyond the words I'm searching for
11:48 I long to give You something more
11:54 Here's my thankful heart
11:59 Thankful heart
12:03 Offered up in gratitude
12:07 For all You've done for me
12:10 Here's my thankful heart
12:15 Thankful heart
12:19 Offered up in praise to You
12:31 I'm unworthy of the gift
12:36 Of Your unfailing love
12:39 But You embrace me
12:41 As I am
12:47 You provide my needs
12:51 And raise a harvest from the seeds
12:55 I sow in vain
12:58 I bless Your name
13:04 Beyond the words I'm searching for
13:08 I long to give You so much more
13:13 Here's my thankful heart
13:18 Thankful heart
13:22 Offered up in gratitude
13:26 For all You've done for me
13:29 Here's my thankful heart
13:34 Thankful heart
13:38 Offered up in praise to You
13:46 From the raising of the sun
13:49 Till it's going down
13:54 The name of the Lord be praised
14:02 Here's my thankful heart
14:07 Thankful heart
14:11 Offered up in gratitude
14:15 For all You've done for me
14:18 Here's my thankful heart
14:23 Thankful heart
14:27 Offered up in praise to You
14:35 Offered up in praise to You
14:54 Praise to You
15:11 Amen. What a beautiful song. Thankful Heart.
15:15 So we are just switching out here during that song.
15:19 And we have added two of the kids,
15:21 one from Kids In Tune, one from Teens In Tune.
15:24 So we have Katie Monroe. And you just graduated.
15:29 Do you call it graduated to Teens In Tune?
15:32 I wouldn't say graduated,
15:35 I would say moved on to, so yeah.
15:38 Nice.
15:40 When did you enter Teens In Tune?
15:41 What grade are you in now?
15:42 I'm going into seventh and I entered last year.
15:45 Okay, so it goes to sixth grade as we mentioned before
15:47 and then you just jump into...
15:49 Wonderful.
15:50 So we want to hear a little bit about
15:52 what it's like to being in Teens In Tune and Kids In Tune
15:54 and the DVD process.
15:56 But sitting next to you is Sophia Walwyn.
15:59 And, Sophia, we're so glad you're here too.
16:01 Thank you. And you are Kids In Tune.
16:04 And I see your shirt is different here.
16:05 Yes, ma'am. Okay.
16:07 And how long have you been in Kids In Tune?
16:08 I've been in Kids In Tune since I was four years old.
16:12 Wow! You like to sing?
16:14 I love to sing. And she's good at it.
16:19 Now do you sing parts in Kids In Tune
16:20 or is that just in Teens In Tune?
16:22 I have a solo in various songs.
16:26 And Trust in You by Lauren Daigle
16:29 but most of the time, we all sing together.
16:33 Nice, that's wonderful.
16:36 And how long have you been in it?
16:39 I over all in choir, I don't know how long,
16:43 but I started in like
16:45 when I was four or five years old.
16:47 Wow, so a long time.
16:49 Yeah. Yeah.
16:50 Okay.
16:52 So let's talk about the song we just heard first
16:54 and then I want to hear some about the process
16:55 and what it's like being in that.
16:57 So, Gissela, tell me about the song Thankful Heart.
17:01 I heard Thankful Heart about 10 years ago.
17:06 It was one of the very first songs
17:08 we started singing.
17:10 It was written by a lady that lives in Nashville.
17:12 I blinking on her name now.
17:15 But I love the message that it says,
17:18 "My open hands are ready to receive your blessings
17:22 and I thank you for everything.
17:25 Here's my thankful heart," we keep singing that,
17:28 "Offered up in praise to you."
17:30 And that has been our theme song
17:33 and it's our CD and DVD title.
17:36 So we love that song. It's a beautiful song.
17:39 Now do each of you have a favorite song that you sing?
17:42 My favorite will probably be El Shaddai.
17:46 It's just beautiful.
17:50 It is. I love El Shaddai.
17:52 What about you, Sophia?
17:53 I love all of them,
17:55 but I tend to favorite Southern Gospel.
17:59 Okay.
18:00 And that's one of the songs on this project too.
18:02 I have the DVD here. You have Blu-ray and DVD.
18:06 Nice, Thankful Heart is your title card,
18:08 your opening song.
18:10 I like that.
18:11 So what would be one of your favorite things
18:14 about being in Kids In Tune or Teens In Tune?
18:17 What's something you like about it?
18:19 Well, I just like the fact that we're, you know,
18:23 ministering to a bunch of kids,
18:28 which is awesome I guess,
18:31 being in Teens In Tune.
18:32 Amen.
18:34 Do you all do a lot of concerts?
18:36 We sing, we have one performance
18:39 or outreach a month.
18:41 That's our schedule. That's pretty busy.
18:43 So one commitment a month,
18:45 and that could be a concert or an outreach.
18:51 Now when you say outreach, what is that?
18:53 Do you go to other churches?
18:54 Do you go to like outdoor venues?
18:56 Do you do nursing homes or what's outreach?
18:59 I'll let you guys answer that.
19:02 Well, we do go to nursing homes sometimes,
19:07 we did go to another church once.
19:09 And that was pretty cool.
19:11 Yeah. Nice.
19:14 What about you, Sophia? What do you like?
19:16 What do you enjoy about Kids In Tune?
19:17 I love Kids In Tune because it is a way
19:20 that we can sing and praise God and also get the Word to others
19:25 who listen and it changes lives
19:28 because they get to get closer to God.
19:30 Amen. That's wonderful. That's the purpose of music.
19:33 You know, I believe that's why God created it in the beginning
19:36 is that it could minister to people.
19:39 And it reaches people's hearts in the way sometimes
19:41 that the spoken word cannot.
19:43 You hear a sermon
19:45 and maybe your heart is still hard,
19:46 but the music can somehow penetrate that
19:49 and open up hearts for the gospel,
19:51 so that's beautiful.
19:52 So tell me about the DVD process, this DVD,
19:55 what was it like for you?
19:57 It was interesting.
20:01 I remember once we went to a place
20:04 and there was this big tree right in the center of a field.
20:08 And I had these bright shoes on,
20:13 it was navy blue, and then like neon pink shoelaces.
20:16 And Miss. Gissela was like, "You can't wear those.
20:19 Those are too bright and like, it will just stand out."
20:22 because everyone is wearing white
20:24 and like nice tan or black shoes and...
20:29 Remember what the song was?
20:31 Wonderful Christ.
20:33 Yeah. Okay.
20:34 So she's like, "Can you take off the shoelaces
20:38 and try to walk in those shoes?"
20:40 And I'm like, "All right, I can try."
20:43 And so I did that and then and it just wasn't working out.
20:46 So I had to take off my shoes,
20:49 because I had to take off my shoes,
20:50 everyone else had to take off their shoes.
20:52 And so we went barefoot.
20:55 So you recorded that song barefoot.
20:57 Wow!
20:58 Well, I have to keep that in mind when I watch this DVD.
21:02 That's great.
21:03 I'm kind of the one in the back,
21:05 because I'm like,
21:06 "I can't really walk without shoelaces,
21:08 because my feet were slipping out."
21:11 It was just interesting.
21:12 But, you know, that shows teamwork.
21:14 You know, when you're part of a choir,
21:16 you know, there's teamwork,
21:18 so if one person has an issue or suffers,
21:20 everyone else pitches in and works together
21:22 and that's a good thing, you know.
21:24 That camaraderie, that's part of the group.
21:27 Amen. Sophia.
21:29 Well, I remember one of the times in a video,
21:34 there was a problem,
21:35 and so we had to reshoot a video
21:37 in the winter time in July in 80 to 90 degree heat.
21:43 And we had to wear coats, sweaters, vests, scarves,
21:47 and we still had to look good at singing.
21:51 We kind of understand that at 3ABN.
21:53 When you do production,
21:54 sometimes you have to create a certain thing
21:56 and sometimes that could be a little difficult.
21:58 That sounds very hot.
21:59 So what about miracles?
22:01 Were there any miracles that took place
22:03 during the filming, Gissela?
22:05 Yes.
22:06 Well, let me begin by saying that these kids were troopers.
22:11 We recorded in snow, in heat, cold weather, bare feet,
22:18 Downtown Nashville, on the very edge of Tennessee
22:24 and Kentucky, and then on the other edge of Tennessee.
22:27 We've recorded everywhere.
22:30 It was a blessing and it was so inspiring to see
22:35 the commitment of the parents and the children,
22:38 like I said unauditioned children,
22:43 and to see their commitment and how hard they worked
22:48 and how much they learned through the process.
22:51 It was also a blessing to see the community involvement.
22:56 And we would say...
22:57 We need a place to record that looks like this
23:00 and then the community would say,
23:02 "Oh, I know somebody that lives near somebody
23:05 that has the property like this."
23:07 And the church was heavily involved
23:10 so was the community.
23:12 And the parents were just an inspiration.
23:15 They've helped with hair, and wardrobe,
23:18 and held reflectors, and helped move the set around.
23:24 It was quite an ordeal.
23:27 And it was a huge commitment that I don't...
23:30 I'd even think I knew
23:32 how much of a commitment it would be.
23:35 But it was also extremely powerful
23:39 to see how God worked from the very beginning.
23:44 First of all, with the inspiration to do it,
23:47 and second, work is trading everything that we would need,
23:52 from finances to the right people,
23:56 to everything to make this happen.
23:59 So from the very beginning, it was a miracle on
24:02 how we found the perfect cinematographer
24:06 that was at the time,
24:08 he was new at being a cinematographer,
24:10 so he wanted to build a portfolio.
24:13 He's Werner Carrasco, he's fantastic.
24:16 And he wanted to build a portfolio
24:18 and I didn't have a whole lot of money.
24:20 So it sort of worked out how God worked that out
24:23 for us to work together.
24:24 Because literally, it was the way
24:28 we connected was fantastic.
24:32 But God opened doors during this process
24:36 by total strangers being kind to us.
24:42 Amen.
24:43 For instance, there was one of the songs.
24:45 I wanted to shoot it in an antique car.
24:48 So I went to an antique car show and I said,
24:51 "Which is the best looking car here?"
24:54 And I found that it was the perfect 47 Chevy.
24:58 And I approached the owner, and said,
25:01 "How would you feel about a bunch of kids
25:03 recording a video in your car?"
25:07 And he said, "Anything for the kids."
25:12 And he came and spent a whole Sunday afternoon
25:15 with us watching us record and I had to drive the car...
25:18 There's the car right here.
25:19 There it is. Nice.
25:21 I was extremely nervous to drive that car
25:25 which had never been driven by anyone else but him.
25:29 And no one had ever sat on the back seats
25:32 of those cars except for the kids that recorded,
25:34 not even his grandchildren.
25:36 So that was very...
25:39 It was awesome to see his willingness to do that
25:42 without us paying him anything.
25:45 I could tell you many, many stories.
25:47 But another miracle that God performed
25:51 was allowing us to close the pedestrian bridge
25:55 on Downtown Nashville which just
25:58 so you know costs several thousand dollars
26:02 to close the bridge.
26:04 And then if you need utilities,
26:05 it's another few thousand dollars
26:08 and there's security involved and all of those things.
26:11 You know, its...
26:12 And they let you film on the bridge?
26:14 It's Downtown Nashville.
26:15 And we closed the bridge, we filmed on the bridge
26:18 for a little over $200.
26:20 There you are.
26:21 And it was fantastic to be singing
26:25 a Southern Gospel medley watching the people on the bars
26:30 and restaurants around Downtown Nashville
26:32 all come to the porch and listen to the kids sing.
26:37 Amen. That's incredible.
26:38 Think of the witnessing opportunity for you doing that.
26:41 I can't believe our time is going so quickly.
26:44 We want to go to...
26:45 you have a few more pictures.
26:47 And then we'll go to the next song
26:48 from the DVD project.
26:50 But we have a few more pictures,
26:51 I know we showed the car, and you told that testimony.
26:54 And then we showed on the bridge,
26:55 but let's take a look at some of those other ones.
26:58 This is... What's taking place here?
27:00 This is a part of Wonderful Cross.
27:05 And the words talk about coming together
27:09 to experience heaven and the sacrifice
27:12 that God has them for us which is what grants us heaven.
27:15 So we had a banquet. Amen.
27:19 That's part of shooting How Great is Our God.
27:22 We're in the Kentucky, Tennessee division line.
27:26 I love that. That must have been sunset.
27:27 Yes.
27:29 That is a part of filming El Shaddai
27:32 and we were at Madison Campus Adventist Church.
27:36 Oh, very nice.
27:39 That is what Sophia was about us
27:42 reshooting a winter shoot with jackets and coats
27:44 and boots at 90 degree humid weather.
27:48 That sounds intense.
27:51 Here we're shooting Scars which talks about a journey
27:55 we have in finding Christ.
27:58 So those are the little ones we have in the choir.
28:00 They're about four, five year olds.
28:02 They're precious. So cute.
28:06 Those are the teams that recorded the DVD at the time.
28:09 And we are recording Amazing Grace
28:13 or Thankful Heart actually.
28:14 Were you in that one, Katie? No.
28:16 No, you were in Kids In Tune then, okay.
28:19 This is the property of one of the five church members
28:21 and we were shooting How Great is Our God as well.
28:25 Amen. It's beautiful there.
28:29 This is part of Wonderful Cross.
28:32 And it was a beautiful sunny day, but very cold.
28:36 And this is where the kids are bare feet.
28:37 I was wondering
28:38 because they're in white so, okay.
28:41 Oh, that's precious, beautiful.
28:43 And the cinematography is beautiful.
28:45 Thank you. You did a wonderful job.
28:47 So set up for us Amazing Grace,
28:49 we're going to watch that one next.
28:51 We are all just regular people and regular kids
28:56 from Nashville, Tennessee,
28:59 and it is amazing to us to be used by God.
29:04 And the only reason that we can be used by him
29:07 is through His Amazing Grace to even allow us
29:11 to serve as broken as we are.
29:14 And that is why we picked
29:15 Amazing Grace as one of our songs
29:17 and that's what we're going to see next.
29:18 Praise the Lord. That's wonderful.
29:20 And I want to thank Katie and Sophia for coming
29:22 and sharing because after the song
29:24 we'll trade out with some other guests.
29:26 Let's go to that roll right now,
29:27 Amazing Grace at this time.
29:48 Amazing grace
29:53 How sweet the sound
29:57 That saved a wretch
30:02 Like me
30:07 I once was lost
30:11 But now am found
30:16 Was blind but now
30:21 I see
30:25 It's such amazing grace Such amazing grace
30:30 It's such amazing mercy Such amazing mercy
30:34 It's such amazing love Such amazing love
30:39 For me
30:43 It's such amazing grace Such amazing grace
30:48 It's such amazing mercy Such amazing mercy
30:53 It's such amazing love Such amazing love
30:57 For me
31:02 Through many dangers
31:08 Toils, and snares
31:11 I have
31:14 Already come
31:21 T'was grace that brought me safe
31:27 Thus far
31:30 And grace
31:32 Will lead me home
31:39 It's such amazing grace Such amazing grace
31:43 It's such amazing mercy Such amazing mercy
31:48 It's such amazing love Such amazing love
31:53 For me
31:57 It's such amazing grace Such amazing grace
32:02 It's such amazing mercy Such amazing mercy
32:06 It's such amazing love Such amazing love
32:11 For me
32:18 In the race of life, we all stumble and fall
32:21 and it's by God's amazing grace that we stand.
32:24 It's not about how fast you can run
32:25 or how far you get on your own,
32:28 it doesn't matter if you're even running
32:29 for 100 years or 100 seconds.
32:32 Jesus will find you
32:34 and bring you to the finish line.
32:36 But He also calls on us to show grace to others,
32:39 to run the race together, cheer each other on.
32:42 He says that himself, "Whatever you do for the least
32:45 of these brothers and sisters, you do for me."
32:52 It's such amazing grace
32:57 It's such amazing mercy
33:02 It's such amazing love
33:09 For me
33:14 Amazing grace
33:18 How sweet the sound
33:29 Amen. What a beautiful song, Amazing Grace.
33:33 And we have switched out musical chairs again here.
33:36 And now we have a mom and a daughter.
33:38 We wanted to get their perspective
33:40 of how being in the choir or being a mom
33:43 has impacted and changed them.
33:45 So we have Kristin Fulton and your daughter Haley.
33:49 And we're so glad each one of you are here.
33:51 And, Haley, how long have you been in the choir?
33:53 I've been in the choir for about eight years.
33:55 Okay.
33:56 And how old were you when you started?
33:58 Four. Wow. Okay.
33:59 And I see by your t-shirt,
34:01 that you're now at Teens In Tune.
34:03 Yes. And how long has that been?
34:05 One year. One year, okay. Wonderful.
34:07 So let's start with you, Kristin, tell me as a mom...
34:09 First of all, let's just look,
34:11 how it has impacted your daughter's life.
34:14 How has the being in the choir drawn her to Jesus
34:17 or what changes have you seen in her?
34:20 Well, thank you for asking that.
34:21 We just celebrated her year last weekend
34:25 for being baptized.
34:27 Congratulations. Praise the Lord.
34:29 So really excited about that.
34:30 But just sitting in the congregation, they,
34:33 Faith and Gissela started the children's choir
34:35 one year before Haley joined.
34:38 And watching the kids transform made me as a parent
34:41 want my child in that type of ministry.
34:45 And so starting her at that age
34:47 and watching the transformation,
34:49 watching the outreach,
34:51 and the kids that they would impact
34:53 when we would go to churches,
34:54 and the people that they would touch
34:56 in the nursing homes, really brings a great,
35:01 a humble pride
35:03 to having my child be part of this ministry.
35:07 And it really is we're a children's choir family.
35:11 And so as a parent, you do sacrifice
35:16 with all the other parents what it takes.
35:18 The running to and, you know,
35:20 making sure that they're there for practice,
35:22 and having your child practice the songs,
35:24 and so that, you know, showing them discipline,
35:28 and what it takes to be part of a bigger ministry,
35:31 a bigger family than just our own.
35:33 Amen. I haven't even asked this.
35:35 How many practices is there?
35:37 Do you practice every day, twice a week, what's the...
35:40 We don't actually practice much.
35:42 We have one or two practices a year.
35:45 We do a sound check before we perform
35:47 which is sort of a short practice.
35:49 But like I said earlier, we have one commitment a month.
35:52 Okay. But it isn't hard.
35:55 On the parental side, you have to have your child
35:58 practice at home
35:59 and in the car learning the songs.
36:01 But the commitment to be at a practice isn't that hard.
36:06 Amen.
36:07 It must be exciting to watch your daughter grow up
36:09 to see her using the gifts God's given her.
36:11 Yes.
36:12 For Jesus and to see that outreach in that ministry
36:14 impact other people with the music.
36:16 Yes.
36:17 And to have the honor of having a solo
36:20 that Haley does in this next song
36:22 Servant's Prayer has been such a growth for her.
36:25 And today in moving into Teens In Tune
36:27 and having Gissela work with her in harmonizing
36:30 and learning what that means and how to do that
36:32 and how that funnels through to the whole choir
36:35 what it sounds like has been very, very interesting.
36:38 Now are you musical, Kristin?
36:40 No. I'm not.
36:42 So is your husband musical? No.
36:44 He's even worse than me.
36:50 So this is a gift from God. Yes.
36:53 So, Haley, what about you? How about your perspective?
36:56 How has being in the choir changed your view of Jesus
37:00 and your view of Christianity?
37:02 Well, just the thought of having other people
37:04 in other countries be able to watch it,
37:07 it's really neat and then...
37:09 So how can people in other countries watch it?
37:12 Because of the DVD. Okay.
37:14 As in people buy it or on YouTube or both.
37:18 It is airing on all the Spanish speaking countries,
37:23 in Portuguese speaking countries,
37:25 and now with 3ABN.
37:27 And now it's airing on 3ABN. Yes.
37:29 And Hope Channel start airing here
37:32 in the next few weeks as well as LLBN.
37:35 So it's pretty much worldwide now.
37:38 So you're hearing from people from other countries
37:40 who have been impacted by the music.
37:42 Yes, and they send videos.
37:44 Gissela is got a couple of videos
37:46 where their choir is singing the songs from our DVD.
37:49 And they have their solo western.
37:53 It is such a blessing. Amen.
37:55 So back to you, Haley,
37:57 I apologize we went on a tangent here.
37:59 So you said the impact, it's neat to see people
38:02 in other countries singing the songs.
38:04 It's neat how we've seen other kids
38:06 like in videos coming from other countries,
38:09 how kids have been singing our songs,
38:11 and they've made like a choir...
38:13 they have a choir and they sing the songs
38:16 that we sang and it's neat.
38:17 Amen. That's wonderful.
38:19 Now, Kristin, tell me from a parent's perspective.
38:22 I know you shared how it was to watch your daughter
38:24 being impacted and the impact on her life,
38:26 but what about the impact on your life?
38:29 Well, it's very humbling to see
38:33 how God works through our children.
38:35 And the joy that comes from singing the songs
38:39 and watching them sing to others
38:42 and watching the smiles of the people
38:44 in the congregation or in the audience,
38:49 it's very moving.
38:50 And we talk about it with friends and family
38:53 and coworkers, it's just something
38:55 that stays in our hearts and minds.
38:57 And the songs of course, stay in our car and all of it.
39:02 So, I mean, it's impacted
39:04 every single part of my life as a parent.
39:06 Gissela, it must be amazing as a choir director
39:09 to see the impact and how God is using the choir,
39:12 Kids In Tune to minister.
39:13 Absolutely.
39:15 And the next song we will play...
39:20 I co-wrote it with Billy Smiley,
39:23 one of our producers.
39:24 And when we were talking about what kind of song
39:27 we wanted to write, I said,
39:31 "I know the lyrics. I know what I want to say."
39:36 And it's for kids like Haley and Katie and my young children
39:41 that this next song was written which is Servant's Prayer.
39:46 That is the desire that we have for our choir,
39:49 and for the kids, and for the parents,
39:51 and for all the children that are being inspired
39:54 by these kids that they will have a servant heart.
40:00 That they will go out there and share the message.
40:03 And it doesn't matter how little you are,
40:06 you can impact people.
40:08 That is the ultimate goal.
40:10 That is my ultimate prayer for my kids
40:13 and for all of these children and their parents.
40:16 Amen.
40:17 And as a parent, part of the song says,
40:20 "And I lift my hands to honor you."
40:24 We want that for our kids to honor God,
40:27 to serve Him, to pray to Him.
40:30 This song captures it all. Amen.
40:32 And lastly before we go to the song,
40:34 Haley, you sing the lead on the song
40:36 or one of the solos in this song.
40:38 Yes. So what was that like for you?
40:40 Well, it's a great privilege and then the words,
40:43 like we want, you know, people to or God wants us
40:46 to be a servant and we want to be servants for Him.
40:49 So just the words to the song are really neat
40:51 and I love singing it.
40:53 Amen.
40:54 And thank you so much, Haley and Kristin.
40:57 And we will go to that song now,
40:58 Servant's Prayer.
41:24 Make me a servant
41:28 That listens when I fall
41:34 Humble in spirit
41:37 Always waiting for Your call
41:45 Make me a servant
41:49 That listens to Your voice
41:55 Help me be wiser
41:58 So I make the perfect choice
42:04 For we lift our hands and honor You
42:10 Trusting in Your Word
42:15 You are worthy of our praises
42:20 For in everything we do
42:26 A servant's heart is waiting
42:31 To love and worship You
42:45 Make me a servant
42:49 That listens when I fall
42:55 Humble in spirit
42:58 Always waiting for Your call
43:04 For we lift our hands and honor You
43:10 Trusting in Your Word
43:15 You are worthy of our praises
43:20 For in everything we do
43:25 A servant's heart is waiting
43:31 To love and worship You
43:38 A servant's heart is waiting
43:44 To love and worship You
44:07 I love that song, Servant's Prayer.
44:10 Praise the Lord for gifting you,
44:12 inspiring you to write that, Gissela.
44:14 Now in the final segment, we have Faith.
44:16 We brought Faith back.
44:18 And, Gissela, we want to talk
44:19 a little bit about you all's goals.
44:21 What you want to do?
44:23 What you're looking for the future
44:24 with Kids In Tune?
44:26 We have provided with the CD,
44:30 a curriculum for smaller churches
44:33 that do not have a band or a pianist,
44:36 we have a compliment track,
44:37 or that do have a pianist
44:39 that would like the music book to sing our songs
44:43 because we would get phone calls
44:44 from smaller churches saying, "I have the kids.
44:47 What do I do? I want songs."
44:50 And so we were very blessed to come up with a curriculum
44:55 where we have the CD, the track,
44:56 the books for smaller churches.
45:00 That's a wonderful ministry too.
45:01 Yes.
45:02 But, you know, I'm fond of this program
45:05 because when we were here last time,
45:08 and we were showing the songs from the CD
45:10 and the kids are performing,
45:12 I got endless phone calls from people
45:15 all over the States and Canada.
45:19 And there were some pretty moving phone calls
45:21 where people were saying,
45:23 "We are starting a children's ministry
45:25 based on your experience
45:27 and what you're doing with those kids.
45:28 We want our kids to be a part of that."
45:30 So we know of nursing home ministries,
45:34 and small choirs that have begun
45:35 and we've talked about
45:37 watching videos of Kids in Mongolia,
45:39 the very first Adventist choir,
45:43 from the very first Adventist school
45:45 performing Thankful Heart.
45:47 And there were 120-some kids on stage.
45:50 And that is the ministry that we hope to continue to do
45:55 to impact people
45:56 not only in their own personal life and journey,
45:59 but also kids around the world and keep inspiring them.
46:03 And now, the DVD
46:05 and the music clips that we have,
46:07 we can do that with your help and the viewers
46:11 and all over the world and continue
46:13 to inspire kids to do that.
46:15 That's our goal.
46:16 But we have a dream
46:18 and we will let Faith explain that.
46:21 What's that dream, Faith?
46:23 So our dream is to get these songs
46:26 and this DVD into the hands of as many children as we can.
46:32 Imagine every child enrolled in our school system
46:36 getting a DVD in their hands to watch at home
46:42 or children in our children's hospitals
46:46 being able to take this DVD home with them,
46:49 what a witness that would be.
46:51 And we can do this.
46:54 Our production costs
46:55 can be driven extremely low with bulk orders
46:58 and we can get the price of the DVD very low.
47:01 So it is possible to do that.
47:05 So that's our big dream.
47:07 But we need your help. And we need help getting there.
47:10 Well, we will put up the address roll
47:12 at the end of the program.
47:13 We're going to one more song.
47:15 We're talking today about Kids In Tune,
47:17 the DVD project that you all just put out.
47:20 Thankful Heart, an incredible project.
47:23 And I want to encourage you to get that.
47:25 Right now, we're going to the final song, El Shaddai.
47:27 And then we'll be back.
47:51 That wasn't too bad. Yeah.
47:53 We're getting there.
47:55 You know, we've sung this song for a really long time
47:59 and I still don't know what it means.
48:01 You're right.
48:02 I've never really thought about it.
48:04 There's only one thing to do.
48:05 Google it. Google it.
48:24 El Shaddai, El Shaddai
48:28 El-Elyon na Adonai
48:32 Age to age you're still the same
48:36 By the power of the name
48:40 El Shaddai, El Shaddai
48:44 Erkahmka na Adonai
48:48 I will praise and lift You high
48:52 El Shaddai
48:56 Through Your love and through Your realm
49:00 You saved the son of Abraham
49:04 Through the power of your hand
49:08 You turned the sea into dry land
49:12 To the outcast on her knees
49:16 You were the God who really sees
49:21 And by Your might
49:23 You set Your children free
49:28 El Shaddai, El Shaddai
49:32 El-Elyon na Adonai
49:37 Age to age you're still the same
49:40 By the power of the name
49:44 El Shaddai, El Shaddai
49:48 Erkahmka na Adonai
49:53 I will praise and lift You high
49:56 El Shaddai
50:17 Through the years you made it clear
50:21 That the time of Christ was near
50:25 Though the people couldn't see
50:29 What Messiah ought to be
50:33 Though Your Word contained the plan
50:37 They just would not understand
50:41 Your most awesome work was done
50:45 Through the frailty of Your Son
50:51 El Shaddai, El Shaddai
50:55 El-Elyon na Adonai
50:59 Age to age you're still the same
51:03 By the power of the name
51:07 El Shaddai, El Shaddai
51:11 Erkahmka na Adonai
51:16 I will praise and lift You high
51:19 El Shaddai
51:30 Amen.
51:32 I hope you have been as blessed
51:33 as I have been hearing the testimonies
51:35 from the kids, the parents,
51:36 the staff hearing what God is doing in
51:39 and through this ministry.
51:41 We want to give you an opportunity to support,
51:44 maybe God has blessed you with means
51:46 that you can support this ministry
51:47 that can get that DVD out to so many people.
51:51 Maybe you are a small church and you say,
51:53 "I would like this curriculum.
51:55 I want to get involved,
51:56 have my young people get involved in music."
51:59 Maybe you are a large church and you would like that.
52:01 Here is the way
52:02 that you can contact Kids In Tune.
52:07 If you would like to learn more about the Kids In Tune ministry
52:10 or if you'd like to help support them
52:12 by purchasing their CDs, DVDs, song books,
52:16 or digital accompaniment tracks,
52:18 just visit their website, KidsInTune.net,
52:22 that's KidsInTune.net.
52:25 You may also reach them by telephone at area code,
52:28 615-613-4044.
52:32 That's 615-613-4044.
52:37 Or write them at Kids In Tune, 621 Carol Ann Drive,
52:41 Goodlettsville, Tennessee 37072.


Revised 2017-09-28