3ABN Today

How not to be a Witless Witness: Positive Ways to Share Your Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: CA Murray (Host), Kenny Shelton, Dee Casper, Shelley Quinn


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017053A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:10 My name is CA Murray.
01:11 And allow me please once again to thank you for sharing
01:14 just a little of your no doubt busy day with us,
01:17 so thank you for your love, your prayers,
01:19 your support of this ministry
01:21 as we partner together to lift up the name of Jesus
01:24 and to do the work
01:25 that He has assigned to our hands.
01:27 Very, very excited about our program today
01:29 because of what we're going to be talking about
01:32 and the family members who are here with us.
01:35 We're going to talk about
01:36 how not to be a witless witness.
01:41 I have a book in my library, small paper of that book,
01:45 it has a picture on the cover
01:47 of a man who is standing on the chest of another man
01:50 who is lying down,
01:52 he's got his Bible in this hand
01:53 and he's got his finger pointed,
01:55 luckily it's a cartoon, it's a drawing,
01:57 it's not a real picture.
01:58 But it shows witless witnessing.
02:05 How not to try to share the gospel of Jesus Christ
02:09 and so we're taking that as our theme for today,
02:12 "How not to be a witless witness",
02:14 given the call that Christ has given to all of us
02:17 in the Great Commission to share,
02:20 to go, to witness, to teach, to preach,
02:23 to baptize in the name of the Father,
02:24 Son and Holy Ghost,
02:25 so how do you do that in the atmosphere
02:27 that we find ourselves today?
02:30 The atmosphere where everything goes
02:31 and anything you want to do you can do,
02:34 and there are those who are trying to hold
02:36 the plumb line and stand up for Jesus.
02:38 How do you do that in a loving redemptive way?
02:41 How do you avoid the pitfalls
02:42 that really give a wrong image of who God is
02:45 as opposed to the correct image of a God of love.
02:49 And I've got three eminently qualified persons
02:52 to help us with that question, with that understanding.
02:57 Dee Casper, he of UnScene Media,
02:58 Dee good to have you here, man.
03:00 Privilege to be here.
03:01 So we saw that youth is represented
03:03 and represented well, he's the student of the word.
03:05 And we're glad to have him here.
03:07 The Lady, Shelley Quinn.
03:10 Program Development Manager here at 3ABN
03:12 and that blonde hair is graced by a number of hats
03:17 that she is called to wear.
03:20 And we call our
03:21 the maven of blessings on the Go Evangelism,
03:24 she does so many, many things
03:25 and by the grace of God does them well.
03:27 And our friend Pastor Kenny Shelton,
03:29 good to have you here, pastor.
03:31 Good to be here, thank you.
03:32 He of Behold the Lamb Ministries,
03:33 recovering from some surgery, but looking pretty good,
03:35 praise God.
03:37 Praise God, He's good, by His grace, yes.
03:39 Amen, good to have you here.
03:40 So together we're going to try to walk through
03:42 and wade through this idea
03:45 of how not to be a witless witness
03:49 and how to do some positive things
03:50 to share Christ in the word.
03:53 I want to go to a text,
03:55 lords and lady, I'm in Acts 1:8,
04:00 these words of Jesus just prior to His ascension.
04:05 I've got my big print Bible here today, you know,
04:07 so I can see what's going on.
04:09 But I'm in Acts 1:8.
04:11 The Bible says, "But you shall receive power,"
04:13 and I think that power is authority,
04:15 I think its exousia,
04:16 haven't checked that up, but I think that is exousia
04:18 as opposed to dunamis.
04:19 No, it's dunamis. "When the Holy Spirit..."
04:21 Its dunamis, is it dunamis? I'm not sure it is.
04:24 I think it is but I'm not sure. It may be.
04:26 I think there's a chance to check it out.
04:29 They both actually fit.
04:31 "But you shall receive power, and of course dunamis
04:33 is a physical ability to get the job done,
04:35 power is authority.
04:38 But Christ did give us power and authority
04:40 and we praise the Lord for that.
04:42 "When the Holy Spirit has come upon you
04:44 and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem,
04:48 and in Judea, and Samaria,
04:50 and to the ends, the King James says,
04:52 uttermost part of the earth."
04:54 So we have a command from Jesus just prior to His leaving,
04:59 that His people would be witnesses,
05:02 it is the call to witness
05:04 and of course with the call to witness
05:06 comes the authority to witness,
05:07 comes the power to witness.
05:09 So when we do so,
05:10 we do so in the knowledge that we can do anything
05:14 but fail when we link our hands with Jesus Christ.
05:16 Amen. Amen.
05:17 So you don't have to go timid, you don't have to go afraid,
05:20 you just got to be wise in your witnessing,
05:22 amen and amen.
05:24 Want to read just one other thing that,
05:27 from the Spirit of Prophecy that, I've got,
05:32 when you see a preacher,
05:34 a preacher with a bunch of pages,
05:35 you know, it is time to be afraid.
05:39 But I want to just run through this.
05:42 These are the words from Ellen White,
05:43 Review and Herald, August 24, 1886,
05:46 "It is the purpose of God
05:48 that the plan of salvation
05:49 shall not be wrought out independent
05:52 of human instrumentalities.
05:55 He has not chosen angels,
05:56 but men of like passions as ourselves,
05:59 to proclaim the gospel to the human race."
06:01 Paul says, "We have this treasure in earthen vessels,
06:05 that the excellency of the power may be of God,
06:08 and not of us.
06:10 It was that He might receive the honor
06:13 that this work was committed to weak, erring mortals.
06:17 Being the feeble instruments in His hands,
06:20 all the glory of their success would naturally,
06:25 I'm having a day today,
06:28 naturally be reflected upon him,
06:30 the great Master Workman.
06:33 After he has, in his wisdom, instituted this plan,
06:37 we have no reason to expect
06:39 that the work will be accomplished
06:41 without ordained means."
06:43 So it's God's work
06:44 and God has given the means to prosecute that work.
06:48 "Here it is important that
06:50 all who have been partakers of this great salvation,
06:53 communicate to others
06:55 that which has been made known to them."
06:58 So God could have devised other ways and means
07:03 to share the gospel.
07:04 Certainly, all means are at His disposal
07:07 but He has chosen to use erring men and women.
07:10 Yes.
07:12 Two things, one when the success comes
07:14 we know it's not of us.
07:16 That's true. Yes.
07:17 And I think we've all been in those situations,
07:19 where Lord has work something out
07:20 and when you get on the other side
07:21 and look back at it, you know, that wasn't you,
07:23 that was God.
07:25 So He is using people of like passions
07:28 but we have frailties,
07:29 we have, we are mistake prone,
07:33 but if we do God's work using God's methods,
07:37 then success is guaranteed.
07:38 Amen. Amen.
07:39 That's what she has designed to be.
07:41 So, lords and ladies, we're gonna kind of loose you
07:43 and let you go in just a little bit,
07:45 we want to go to our music now
07:47 and sort of get that out of the way,
07:48 so we can dive into the subject
07:50 because these worthies have much to say.
07:52 Our music is coming from Sandra Entermann.
07:55 She is assisted by Christie Sypek on the...
07:59 Christie Sypek rather on the piano,
08:01 she's going to be singing, "O Calvary's Lamb".
08:19 This faltering tongue
08:23 Would dare to speak
08:27 Of Thee my Lord
08:31 From one so weak
08:35 I must not keep
08:39 From thee my praise.
08:44 For Thy glory I will lift my voice
08:49 And sing
08:51 O Calvary's Lamb
08:55 O righteous One
08:59 For sinners died
09:03 Whose sins were none
09:07 All that I have
09:11 All that I am
09:16 I owe to Thee
09:20 O Calvary's Lamb
09:29 And when mine eyes
09:33 At last shall see
09:37 Thy holy face
09:41 I'll bow to Thee
09:44 Before Thy throne
09:48 With those redeemed
09:53 Unto Thee O Lord
09:55 I'll lift my voice
09:58 And sing
10:00 O Calvary's Lamb
10:04 O righteous One
10:08 For sinners died
10:11 Whose sins were none
10:15 All that I have
10:19 All that I am
10:23 I owe to Thee
10:28 O Calvary's Lamb
10:47 O Calvary's Lamb
10:51 O righteous One
10:54 For sinners died
10:58 Whose sins were none
11:02 All that I have
11:06 All that I am
11:14 I owe to Thee
11:21 O Calvary's
11:26 Lamb
11:53 Amen, beautiful song, beautifully sung,
11:56 Sandra Entermann singing, Christie Sypek on the piano.
12:00 I want to go to something very quick
12:02 before I go to my guests here.
12:06 I've got an article from
12:08 The Atlantic Union Gleaner that,
12:10 oh, it's several years old now
12:11 that I, I did we're talking about witnessing.
12:14 It's called I can't walk but I can witness.
12:19 This is the lady who was at that time
12:21 suffering from multiple sclerosis,
12:22 she had lost the use of her legs.
12:24 But you see her in a wheelchair,
12:26 it's not a power wheelchairs, it's' a manual wheelchair.
12:30 That later was exchanged for a power wheelchair,
12:32 but every morning she would take tracks
12:34 and go to the subway stop and pass out literature.
12:40 She'd get there about 7 o'clock in the morning
12:42 through the rush hour in New York City
12:44 and if you're good to go, there she is at the subway stop
12:47 and everybody that went up to get on the train
12:49 she would give literature to them.
12:51 And they looked for her and they expected her
12:53 and over the years she had
12:54 maybe a dozen baptisms in the church,
12:57 starting out with just, her
12:59 every morning winter, summer, spring, snow, rain.
13:02 Praise the Lord.
13:03 She would just be there, she said,
13:05 "I can't walk but I can witness."
13:06 You know, so you take what's in your hand.
13:08 Yes. Amen.
13:09 You know, that's what God told Moses,
13:11 "What's that in your hand?"
13:12 Use what's in your hand and rather than thinking of
13:14 and stressing on what you can't do for the Lord.
13:17 Think about what you can do for the Lord,
13:19 given His strength.
13:21 So everybody can do something.
13:23 Amen.
13:25 And the thing is to find out what you can do
13:27 and then by the grace of God, do it.
13:29 Amen.
13:31 And then God will give you success.
13:32 Okay, how not to be a witless witness?
13:34 Who wants to go first,
13:35 Ms Quinn, shall we start with you?
13:37 Dee, men before women, women before men,
13:39 how do we do this?
13:40 Doesn't matter to me.
13:42 I think that the main thing that I would say is that
13:45 to be a good witness
13:48 we have to follow Paul's advice
13:50 when he said in Philippines 2:5-8,
13:54 "Let this mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus."
13:58 Who humbled himself
13:59 and even to the point of being, you know,
14:01 obedience to the point of death on a cross.
14:06 And I believe that recently
14:11 in the last few years, God has...
14:13 I would consider myself a humble person in that,
14:17 I always share credit
14:19 if it's anything that God has done through me,
14:21 I make sure He gets all the credit.
14:24 But I try not to bring, you know, take glory to myself,
14:30 so I thought I was humble.
14:32 But I've now realized
14:35 after studying this scripture more deeply,
14:38 that my humility was not as deep as I thought it was,
14:42 I'm going to explain why.
14:44 When it's talking about the humility of Christ
14:46 in His humble mind,
14:48 He was totally dependent upon the Father, totally.
14:53 He said, "I only do what the Father shows me to do,
14:55 I only speak what the Father tells me to speak."
14:59 So I realized that, yes, I pray throughout the day,
15:04 but I realized that I wasn't praying enough
15:07 particularly when it came to witnessing.
15:10 That I was depending more on
15:13 what I thought I had up here
15:14 or what gifts God had given me
15:17 and I believe that to be a really effective witness,
15:21 we have to be like Jesus
15:23 and praying and asking God,
15:25 show me, you know,
15:27 show me who You want me to speak with,
15:30 give me the love for that person.
15:33 And if we're witnessing from love and from need,
15:37 if you recognize somebody's need,
15:39 you know, you have to be interested in them in
15:42 and I believe, I'm not sure who it was that said
15:46 "People don't care
15:48 how much you know
15:51 till they know how much you care."
15:52 Care. All right.
15:53 So it's all about being a nice person,
15:57 being filled with the Spirit of God.
16:01 Relying on what the Holy Spirit
16:03 leads us to do.
16:05 Amen.
16:06 I was gonna say that,
16:07 all witnessing and all ministry
16:09 is purely a spiritual venture
16:12 and is not going to be effective
16:14 without the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
16:15 Amen.
16:17 And specifically yielding to the promptings of the spirit
16:19 in any given moment,
16:20 and so whatever principles we may cover today,
16:22 whatever things we may cover,
16:24 all of those are helpful but the buck stops is
16:27 what the Spirit prompt you to do in any given moment
16:29 and that we need to learn to yield in those moments,
16:31 and this is why the ministry of Jesus was so effective
16:34 is because He was always in tune
16:35 with the will of His Father.
16:37 And always willing to do that whenever that time came,
16:40 whether He was tired, whether it was difficult,
16:42 whether it made sense or didn't make sense,
16:44 whether it looked like it would work
16:45 or didn't look like it would work,
16:47 He always followed the promptings
16:48 of how the Father was leading Him.
16:50 And I think that's the most effective tool.
16:52 I mean, we get in the program right there in that sense of,
16:54 if you can learn to hear the voice of God and follow,
16:57 that's the first place to start.
16:59 Yeah, yeah.
17:00 You know, I like that and I resonate with what
17:02 Shelley has said.
17:03 When I studied the Bible in my early years,
17:05 I studied for two reasons.
17:07 One I like studying the Bible,
17:08 but I also studied
17:10 because if you came up with something,
17:12 I wanted to have the knockout punch.
17:14 You know, if you came up with an idea,
17:16 I wanted to have the text, the scripture
17:18 I was not going to be caught flat-footed,
17:20 I wanted to have, so I studied defensively,
17:23 if pastor A came with something,
17:25 I got the answer for that.
17:26 And there is an element of self in that.
17:29 You know, there really is,
17:31 because you don't want to get caught flat-footed.
17:33 So now I study to show myself a proof.
17:37 Amen.
17:38 If you study you will have the answer,
17:39 but even if you are having the answer is not the answer
17:43 because the answer is Jesus.
17:45 Amen.
17:46 Because if a person does not want to be convicted
17:48 and Ellen White says this,
17:50 "You can come with every text in the Bible."
17:52 But those that defends,
17:54 that apologetic won't convict them,
17:55 it's the spirit that quicken it.
17:57 Spirit, flesh profit is nothing,
17:58 so you can defend the faith
18:01 but that may not convert somebody
18:02 it may, in fact it may turn them off,
18:04 I've had the thing
18:05 where I have studied with somebody for hours.
18:06 And then they say, "I just don't see it",
18:08 "Oh, you're blind, we gonna go through this again",
18:10 you know, and that's all self,
18:12 you know, that's all self,
18:13 because our job is to water, the Lord gives you increase,
18:16 the Lord gives you growth.
18:17 So yeah, you can let self, Shelley, I agree.
18:20 Slip in there
18:21 and you can do the right thing with the wrong motive.
18:23 Pastor Ken.
18:25 Well, first thing I did when I found out
18:27 the program I thought, you know what,
18:29 witness seems like it's a simple word,
18:31 and sometime I always go to dictionary, you know,
18:34 just look up witness
18:36 and I jot down a couple of things,
18:37 it just make sense to me, a witness is a testimony,
18:41 a witness is, we talk about as someone who has evidence.
18:45 So when talking about studying with somebody,
18:47 we need to have evidence, we need to have a testimony,
18:50 we must be able to,
18:52 I always wondered years ago people say,
18:53 "Oh, we're going to have a testimony service"
18:55 they got excited.
18:57 Man, we're going to have a testimony service.
18:59 Well, of course they talk about Jesus and things were done.
19:02 And so I began to put it together
19:03 that my testimony, my witness here,
19:06 my personal something that I have seen
19:10 or have experienced in my life
19:13 is something that I can share with others
19:16 and testimony service is a good time
19:18 in which to do that.
19:20 And one way which I learned a long time ago
19:23 and may be pastor was little bit like you,
19:26 what you were just telling us there,
19:27 sometime we study for the wrong reasons
19:30 and motive, didn't think we did,
19:32 that wasn't even really in my mind,
19:33 that's what I was doing,
19:35 and so for several years I really did not witness,
19:41 I was a witless witness for Christ
19:44 because I was afraid that I would not have the answer.
19:49 There's a lot of people that's like that at least I have met.
19:51 They are afraid to give a Bible study,
19:53 they are afraid to go out,
19:55 and they are afraid to just get into,
19:57 you know, a conversation with somebody about Jesus,
19:59 because somebody is going to ask me a question
20:02 that I don't have the answer.
20:04 And finally when I was really praying about it
20:06 and meditating on studying,
20:08 Lord said, "You'll never have all the answers."
20:10 Amen. Amen.
20:11 But number one He's mentioned here,
20:12 "I am the answer,
20:14 you talk about Me, talk about personal experience.
20:16 And then He's going to show up,
20:18 the Holy Spirit is going to show up
20:19 and do something wonderful
20:21 and mighty through each individual."
20:23 But, you know, what I've come up with this
20:26 and I don't say this for everybody.
20:28 I've been asked questions that I did not have the answer.
20:31 And people going to ask you
20:33 because it's not found in the Word of God,
20:34 they will ask you questions wherever you go.
20:36 Just simply say, you know what,
20:38 I don't have the answer right now
20:40 but I know where to go to get the answer.
20:42 Amen. And you know what,
20:43 therefore you really always had the answer,
20:45 you don't have to be afraid to say,
20:47 oh, I don't have it on tip of my tongue,
20:48 I forget where it was located but I'll, you know...
20:51 Gives you a reason to get back with the answers.
20:53 It gives you a reason and so and listen,
20:56 sometime our eyes are blinded to certain things
20:58 because that person is not ready to receive,
21:02 I'll give you a quick illustration,
21:04 I went when I was in my late 20s,
21:08 I went to, boy, I went to school with actually
21:11 but he was a teacher now, he's teaching high school
21:13 and he was very always interested in religious things
21:16 and he wanted to know a little bit about
21:18 2,300 day prophecy.
21:20 And I thought, oh, man, he's right up my alley man,
21:22 that's easy, you know, Daniel 8:14,
21:24 man, we'll go there,
21:25 and so we talked about Jesus,
21:27 we talked about a lot of things and he said,
21:28 "Well, come on, let's see what you..."
21:31 I open my Bible and I tell you what,
21:33 I could not find Daniel 8:14.
21:35 It was not in the word
21:38 and I thought surely it's not Daniel 9,
21:41 I mean, I begin to doubt myself
21:42 and he stating it all the time saying,
21:43 "Well, I thought you knew."
21:45 And I'm going, it wasn't,
21:47 of course it wasn't in Daniel 9.
21:49 But it was not to be found at that time.
21:52 I learned the lesson,
21:53 sometime they're not able to receive
21:56 and therefore don't try to give,
21:57 like you mentioned,
21:59 if they're not ready to receive.
22:00 Absolutely.
22:01 Man I say whistling dixie, you're just whistling dixie
22:03 because they're not going to,
22:05 if they're not really ready to receive
22:07 but that was a shocking
22:09 and it maybe for some of you here
22:10 just don't get shocked, don't, you know,
22:12 it didn't discourage me,
22:13 I went out of the truck and basically wept.
22:17 Probably it was pride, it was probably
22:18 because I knew that it was there,
22:20 I said, I know it's Daniel 8:14.
22:22 Lord why didn't you show it to me,
22:23 I opened it up and 14 was not there.
22:27 Basically He said, "Open the Word
22:29 and see if it is."
22:30 I sat in the truck, I turned the line, I opened it,
22:32 there it was plain as day.
22:34 I've had that, you know,
22:35 I know that text, can't find it.
22:38 And you may have one number wrong or so
22:40 but your mind is just in a fog at that moment.
22:43 And me, I never, I've always blamed myself,
22:45 I never thought, maybe the Lord is
22:47 trying to keep me from going there with this,
22:48 got to think, but I've had that happen.
22:50 I know this text, just won't come, you know,
22:53 and then later on there it was.
22:55 Yes.
22:56 I think what you said about testament,
22:57 there's two things you said number one, we don't,
23:00 none of us know all of the answers,
23:02 and it is our pride that makes us fear
23:04 that we're not going to know the answer.
23:07 We just need to be able to say, I don't know but we'll find out
23:10 because I know who does know.
23:12 But the second thing is that everyone,
23:16 there's only one thing I can present
23:19 when I'm witnessing
23:20 that someone cannot argue against
23:23 and that is my personal testimony.
23:24 Thank you. Amen.
23:26 So when we go out, I watch JD all the time,
23:30 my precious little husband
23:31 you know, he is a very laid back,
23:33 he's a people person, he's watching people,
23:36 he knows what their need is, but he knows how to,
23:40 he just talks about his experience with the Lord
23:42 and he's not worried about having every scripture down
23:46 and then people begin to ask questions.
23:48 And I think that's what we want
23:51 is if you want to be a wise witness.
23:55 If I'm on a plane,
23:56 I don't just attack the person next to me on the plane,
24:00 because number one I hate that.
24:02 Right.
24:03 You know, and you get, I got stuck to,
24:05 next to a zealot on a plane once.
24:08 And he had
24:10 and this was the Seventh-day Adventist zealot,
24:12 who had thought he had new light
24:14 and he was just going at me 90 miles an hour
24:17 and up tell you what,
24:19 pretty soon I know my eyes just glazed over
24:21 and I'm just sitting there like,
24:23 I no more heard anything he was saying,
24:26 I'm just thinking please,
24:27 Lord, let him have a dry throat or something.
24:31 But if what I will do when I'm sitting,
24:34 if I'm sitting next to you on a plane,
24:35 I'll start praying and I'll say, Lord,
24:38 will you open a door
24:40 that we can have this conversation.
24:43 And so I'd opened doors by asking questions.
24:47 What do you do for a living?
24:49 What do you, you know,
24:51 a generally speaking people
24:52 will then say, well, what do you do?
24:55 And if you start asking questions,
25:00 what you relate to me my whole purpose in,
25:03 if I'm going to witness
25:04 is to get someone to want to ask me
25:08 to create a little bit of curiosity
25:10 by asking them questions, let them ask me
25:13 and then it's like you're baiting,
25:15 it's like putting the bait on a hook
25:18 so you stick the bait out there
25:19 and then they're, well, what do you mean
25:21 and then you can start talking, that's part of my approach.
25:26 Yeah, and I see we're zooming at, Dee?
25:28 I think that the way that Jesus did things is helpful,
25:30 I mean, using Christ method in the sense of...
25:33 Ellen White talks about how He would have these
25:36 disinterested acts of benevolence
25:38 that He would give
25:39 whether people would respond or not.
25:41 In John 4, there's the woman at the well,
25:45 the way that He witnesses to this woman
25:47 is by asking her to help Him with His own needs.
25:50 And He's willing to cross boundaries
25:52 in the sense of, wait a minute,
25:54 you can't talk to her and they're not like us,
25:56 in John 5, the man at the Pool of Bethesda
25:59 is the most helpless case there
26:00 and Jesus just asked the man a question.
26:02 Yes.
26:04 And glaringly obvious question it seems,
26:06 but He knew the man's heart
26:07 and what issues he was contending with
26:09 and He says "Do you want to be made well?"
26:11 And I think watching the way that Jesus worked with people
26:13 is very helpful,
26:15 because He was willing to see in people
26:16 what no one else was willing to see in them.
26:18 And He treated them accordingly.
26:19 And I think if that can open doors with people
26:22 being vulnerable as He was with the woman at the well.
26:25 But showing interest in someone
26:26 that was walked by every single day
26:28 when religious leaders came into the temple,
26:30 they ignored him every day for 38 years.
26:33 Jesus did something different
26:35 and I think having our eyes open for opportunities
26:38 is one of the ways that process starts
26:40 asking God to open the doors for us.
26:43 And not looking for reasons to convince them
26:46 of something else intellectually,
26:48 but preparing their soul, their heart
26:50 just to basically receive the seeds
26:52 that you had offered them.
26:53 I think those are some big door openers
26:55 that can be helpful
26:57 and telling your story is a great way,
26:58 I dig to know each other.
27:00 If you spend time and study people,
27:01 people will tell you how to help them.
27:03 Yes, yes. Absolutely.
27:05 Churches are looking for ways to minister to their community,
27:08 just watch your community, step outside your door
27:10 and just look at who's going up and down the street,
27:12 they will inform you of how you can help them
27:14 and if you pray, I like what you said, Shelly,
27:16 if you pray and ask for divine appointment
27:18 and then open your eyes and just observe,
27:20 you can find ways to insert Christ
27:24 into the conversation
27:25 and not, see, because you can't always
27:27 as you all well know,
27:29 you cannot always lead with 144,000.
27:31 You know, you cannot always lead with the Sabbath,
27:33 you cannot always lead with the Bible.
27:35 I maintain and I preached this for years,
27:38 deeds of kindness tear down walls of separation,
27:41 build bridges to salvation,
27:42 I've seen that over and over again.
27:44 So if you're living next to someone,
27:46 if you study them,
27:47 they will show you
27:49 how you can be of service to them.
27:51 And it is that service
27:52 that will allow you to build the kind of bridges
27:55 that you can walk them across
27:56 if you want to lead them to glory.
27:58 So you don't always lead with your Bible,
28:00 sometimes you lead with
28:02 just a disinterested act of benevolence
28:06 as you well said, or a statement of kindness,
28:09 or statement of concern
28:11 and from that you build a bridge
28:12 that you can walk across into their hearts.
28:14 And I think that's very, very important
28:15 that you don't always try to
28:17 land that Sunday punch right out of the gate,
28:19 you know, I want to come and I just want to
28:20 knock you over in Jesus name.
28:22 You got to have some interim steps before.
28:26 It's Ephesians 4,
28:29 "Be kind to one another, tender hearted."
28:32 And that's not just to your brothers in Christ,
28:34 it's also a recipe for evangelism,
28:37 even those, not even,
28:39 especially those who don't think like you do,
28:42 or talk like you do, or smell like you do,
28:44 or agree with you in things,
28:46 those are the ones that you've got to
28:48 extend that extra kindness.
28:49 Well, Pastor, I was thinking about
28:51 as people who like to witness,
28:56 we would like to talk about Jesus,
28:58 but I've learned this over the years,
29:00 that first of all I have to be a good listener.
29:03 You were...
29:05 Everybody's kind of alluded to that
29:07 and maybe even said it, I missed it,
29:09 but we have to learn to listen
29:11 and not talk all the time.
29:12 Well said.
29:13 Now it's pretty heavy duty right,
29:15 smack somebody in the chops you're saying
29:16 but didn't mean to do it like that,
29:17 but you follow my thinking here.
29:19 We have to learn to listen.
29:22 I tell my grandson this, it's interesting,
29:24 he comes and help me do a few things right now.
29:28 And I told him, I said we're going to do
29:30 the three Ls we'll start with S-L-L-L.
29:33 Well, grandpa, what's that?
29:35 And I said stop,
29:39 look, listen and learn.
29:43 Amen. That's a good concept.
29:45 And he went and told a friend, he said, "You know,
29:47 I really like this family", but he said,
29:49 "I really like working with grandpa
29:51 because I learn so much."
29:54 Yes. Amen.
29:55 So I start out basically teasing him,
29:56 stop, look, listen, and learn.
30:00 But we have to ourself be a good listener.
30:03 And there's another thing I thought was interesting.
30:07 A lot of times when,
30:08 and I don't know who does what.
30:09 I personally when I'm introduced to someone,
30:13 most generally it doesn't make it right or wrong,
30:15 this is how I feel about it.
30:16 I always, I stick out my hand and I say, Hi, I'm Kenny.
30:19 And every, some people standing around saying,
30:21 "You should have introduced yourself
30:23 as Pastor Kenny."
30:24 No. I said, "For what reason?"
30:25 Am I trying to look for something special attention,
30:28 special you know, something that they're going to,
30:30 special favors they're going to show me
30:32 because I said, well, as a pastor
30:34 or they're going to put up some kind of a wall
30:37 that I'll not be able to reach or touch him.
30:39 And I said to them, "Kenny is fine,"
30:43 I don't want any special, I want no wall there.
30:46 And over the years that has been a...
30:48 To me a real blessing because the person will open up,
30:51 they will talk.
30:52 When you introduce yourself, or maybe you speak,
30:53 or you're on TV, or you're a pastor,
30:55 a lot of people will guard what they say
30:57 and you really can't find out where they are at,
31:00 so it's good that we listen,
31:02 stop, listen, and learn.
31:04 Well said.
31:06 You know, I was just getting ready to say the same thing,
31:07 actually they say,
31:09 we, I teach a class on communications
31:12 and listening is the most
31:15 important communication skill you have.
31:17 And the interesting thing is that
31:19 if you want to reach somebody's heart,
31:21 all you have to do is
31:22 ask them questions about themselves.
31:24 Everybody likes to talk about themselves
31:26 and I am surprised,
31:28 particularly you've probably,
31:30 maybe when you're on an airplane
31:31 people know that they may not see you again.
31:34 I'm surprised how I can ask a few open-ended questions
31:38 and have...
31:40 This flood of information...
31:41 A flood of information you know about their,
31:43 what they're going through
31:44 and when you notice especially like a woman to a woman,
31:48 you know, so often I'll notice like a catch
31:51 in their voice or something and I'll start talking,
31:53 you find out they're going through a divorce,
31:55 they're going through this.
31:56 Well, then you have a place,
31:59 a launching point from which you can witness
32:03 and oftentimes, sometimes you get to that point
32:07 right at the very end
32:09 but what I will do is say, you know,
32:12 I believe in the power of God and the power of prayer,
32:17 do you believe in God?
32:19 And often they'll say,
32:21 yes, I've had one little lady say,
32:23 "I'm not sure," and I said,
32:25 "Would you mind if I pray for you?"
32:28 And, you know, when I finished praying,
32:31 she was weeping and she said,
32:34 "I think I do believe that you know God."
32:37 I didn't say, I believe but knew God."
32:39 But she said, "I do believe that you know God."
32:41 So, you know, you can get information, follow up,
32:45 but it doesn't matter where we go,
32:47 the idea is as you said,
32:50 Christ met the needs,
32:53 people are without peace,
32:57 people are hungry
33:00 for some kind of a security,
33:03 people, you know, we feel like
33:05 we've made so many advances in communication,
33:08 and I think that what was happening nowadays
33:11 is we are artificially connected.
33:14 People are losing their social skills
33:15 because they're constantly on the phone doing this.
33:18 So they're artificially connected
33:20 to actually take time out and put your phone down,
33:24 when you're at a doctor's office
33:25 and start talking with somebody,
33:28 I mean, you know this, or sometimes it ends up,
33:31 you run into a couple of Christians
33:33 and it's a hallelujah course, you just got
33:35 and then you've got other people
33:37 sitting by going, wow, listen to this.
33:41 Praise God. Yeah.
33:42 I think that it's important to recognize,
33:45 I get people asking me this question,
33:46 especially when I had students, you know,
33:48 they go canvassing and they knock on doors
33:50 and people ask these questions like,
33:51 well, this guy asked this question,
33:52 what do I do when someone ask me this question
33:54 and what I generally shared with him
33:56 and it took time in ministry for me to figure this out
33:58 that just because someone is asking a question,
34:01 it doesn't mean they actually want the answer.
34:02 Thank you.
34:04 They're just looking for an argument,
34:05 hence one of the things
34:07 that you need to be praying about
34:08 when you're interacting with this person is,
34:11 am I just going to be playing
34:13 Bible tennis for the next 15 minutes
34:14 or does this person actually want to have a conversation?
34:17 And if they don't want to converse,
34:19 they just want to argue,
34:20 I'm not going to give them what they want.
34:21 Right.
34:23 Ellen White talks about finding ways
34:24 where you can meet on common ground
34:25 and build from there.
34:27 We can change the trajectory of the situation
34:30 by disarming their prejudices
34:32 and the only way that's going to happen
34:34 is by listening and finding ways you still can,
34:36 you know, have that common ground.
34:38 It's all different for canvassing
34:40 because you got to hit and get situation
34:41 but still understanding
34:43 that you don't have to have these,
34:44 again we're looking for the perfect answer,
34:46 we're looking for the zing to be able to fix a problem,
34:49 it doesn't always work that way.
34:51 And there will be situations
34:52 where it maybe didn't end positively
34:55 and there's nothing that you did was wrong
34:56 and that just happen sometimes.
34:58 And sometimes we get really discouraged.
35:00 But Ellen White talks about in the Prophets and Kings 13,
35:05 because it can be intimidating
35:07 this idea of going into ministry,
35:08 but she says in Prophets and Kings 171,
35:11 she says, "As those who have an understanding of Bible truth
35:13 try to seek out the men and women
35:15 who are longing for light,
35:17 she says the angels of God will attend them.
35:20 And where angels go none need fear to move forward.
35:23 And as a result of the faithful efforts
35:25 of consecrated workers,
35:27 many will be turned from idolatry
35:29 to the worship of the living God."
35:30 Amen.
35:32 If you knew that you had all of heaven at your disposal
35:34 and by your side when you were witnessing,
35:36 you'd be more confident
35:38 and quiet to wait upon the answer from heaven
35:40 and to go forward,
35:41 and in some moments
35:43 it's in not arguing and just praying.
35:45 Amen, amen.
35:46 I like what you said though about
35:47 establishing common ground.
35:49 I was first introduced,
35:53 my first introduction to an Adventist
35:55 I asked them, you know,
35:57 JD grew up Adventist but he didn't, I mean, he said,
36:00 he slept through it all,
36:02 he really didn't know what the church believed.
36:04 So I went with him to a reunion
36:08 and so I asked one of his friends,
36:10 I mean, I didn't know anything about Adventist,
36:11 and I asked one of his friends, I said,
36:13 "Well, what do Adventists believe?
36:15 And this man turned to me
36:17 and I learned later that JD said,
36:19 "That's the one person I was hoping
36:21 you won't even talk to",
36:22 but he turned to me and he said,
36:24 "We believe you must go to church on the seventh day,
36:28 Saturday Sabbath,
36:30 we believe you cannot eat pork and shrimp,
36:32 we believe in our prophet Ellen White."
36:33 Well.
36:35 And I said, "Well, I believe in the gift of prophecy,"
36:37 Does she followed the Bible?
36:38 "Oh, she's got so much more to say
36:40 than the Bible has to say."
36:42 I would not have anything to do with Adventist.
36:46 I mean, it was just like this.
36:48 I didn't want anything to do with Adventism.
36:53 And I thought they were occult.
36:56 When the local church bought the downlink
37:00 and it changed to 3ABN,
37:01 I refused to let JD watch that,
37:04 I said, that's occult
37:05 don't you watch those people, you know.
37:07 And the point that I'm making is
37:11 sometimes we've got to get, you know,
37:15 what we should be doing is lifting high Jesus.
37:18 Amen. Amen.
37:20 The 2,300 days,
37:21 if somebody doesn't have a relationship with Jesus
37:24 then, you know, they can know everything
37:27 there is to know about prophecy.
37:28 But if they haven't given their heart to Christ,
37:31 it's not going to be something that really converts them.
37:36 So I think that what we need to do is like
37:39 I've learned when people ask me what church do you go to,
37:42 I would say,
37:44 I'm a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
37:45 We believe in salvation by grace through faith alone.
37:50 And we believe that, you know,
37:51 and I would start off something like that,
37:55 talk about some things
37:57 that we might have in common,
37:59 lift Jesus high so that He can draw to Himself.
38:03 Well done. Well done. Yes.
38:04 That was the crux, well, not the crux
38:05 but certainly one of the main
38:07 focus points of the 1888 Movement.
38:10 Ellen White had said, "We've gotten so law oriented,
38:13 we got so works oriented
38:15 that our sermons are as dry as the hills of the Gilboa,
38:17 also they are Christless."
38:19 Yes.
38:20 "And you cannot convert anybody to Christ
38:22 preaching a Christless doctrine."
38:24 Yes.
38:26 And you cannot define yourself by what you do not do,
38:28 we don't drink, we don't smoke, well, that's not who you are.
38:31 And we tend to do that,
38:32 it's like you've got this baby crying for milk,
38:34 you toss some mistake and say, here,
38:36 knock yourself out.
38:37 Well, that he can't do anything with that.
38:38 He's got to have milk,
38:40 he's got to have something that he can digest
38:42 and that will nourish him.
38:44 And sometimes the truth has come on
38:46 a little too heavy and a little too strong.
38:48 Oh, you've got to be wise and harmless,
38:51 and sometimes we are unwise and harmful,
38:55 but you never are wrong when you lift up Jesus,
38:57 because this is all about Jesus.
38:58 That's the teaching of, I mean, Jesus taught that.
39:01 You're saying exactly what He said.
39:03 He said, "I have a whole lot to say to you."
39:05 I think it's Mark 4:33, "I have a whole lot to say,
39:07 but you're not able to bear it."
39:09 Yeah. Yes.
39:10 He was a listener
39:11 and then He put that all together,
39:13 but when He got the disciples by themself,
39:15 He went ahead and elaborate a little bit more, didn't He?
39:17 But wisdom and I think everyone's brought it out,
39:20 wisdom is simply knowing when to speak,
39:23 and when to keep our mouth shut.
39:25 Yeah. Yeah.
39:26 Let's put it simple, straight and we'll all understand that,
39:28 because that's what the Bible says.
39:30 Yeah. Yeah.
39:31 And one thing I found out just quickly,
39:33 one thing I found out is in witnessing.
39:36 If you want to witness for Christ,
39:38 not one day will pass by
39:41 that you will not have that opportunity
39:43 to witness for Him.
39:44 When that is your prayer,
39:46 I know before I went into the ministry,
39:47 I was doing construction, carpenter work for years,
39:50 that was one of my burdens
39:52 as I was converted after being in the church
39:54 for a lot of years.
39:56 I didn't know what conversion was,
39:57 being an Adventist for quite a few years,
40:00 teaching Sabbath school lesson,
40:01 teaching the young married class,
40:03 I didn't know what conversion really meant.
40:05 You could talk it out of the word, you know,
40:07 talk to others about it,
40:08 but to really have the change of heart and mind,
40:11 I didn't realize it what it was until it happened.
40:14 And so I begin to pray when conversion came.
40:17 Lord, do not let the sun go down
40:19 on this day that You don't give me
40:21 an opportunity to witness for You.
40:22 Amen.
40:23 No matter where I'm at, I'm in the north 40 building
40:25 my house somewhere out there and I can't get away from that,
40:27 please send somebody.
40:29 Every day, every day for years
40:32 and that's what happened to getting transferred
40:34 from construction to ministry.
40:37 I got so busy, it's all the Holy Spirit,
40:40 we understand that.
40:41 Got so busy talking about Jesus that I couldn't drive nails.
40:45 I couldn't, I'm looking,
40:47 I'm thinking, oh, I've talked to,
40:49 people would be lost because when you're so far out,
40:51 maybe building a house, a farmhouse
40:52 and you're not there,
40:54 but they're lost as it were directions
40:56 and they just stop by.
40:57 No, I know there were an answer to prayer,
40:59 I knew when I was coming up the drive they were,
41:01 and so you talk about Jesus.
41:03 So I learned that in every day before the sun would set,
41:08 I'll have the opportunity
41:10 to lift up in the name of Jesus.
41:11 Amen.
41:12 So I'm saying if you're sincere about it,
41:14 Ellen White says this, she says all
41:15 and the scripture is clear on it,
41:17 "Those true, who love Jesus with all their heart,
41:19 the true Christians
41:21 will always have opportunity to witness for Him."
41:25 True Christians, you know, if you're not true,
41:27 you're gonna be praying there,
41:28 you're not gonna be on your knees,
41:30 you're not gonna be laboring.
41:31 But I came to the point where I could as it were,
41:33 I know the spirit was doing.
41:35 I thank all the angels but a lot of...
41:36 The Lord emptied out a bunch of angels
41:38 there with me lot of times building the house,
41:39 because I could do more in four hours
41:42 than I could do in eight when I used four for Him.
41:44 Yeah.
41:46 Does that make sense? Yes, it does.
41:47 It's like tithing, four hours, oh, I'm gonna have to hurry,
41:50 all the four hours I've spent talking about Jesus,
41:52 I better hurry.
41:53 Well, this is the only time I could ever say that,
41:55 everything I did was right after that point,
41:59 because the Lord was helping me, you see.
42:01 Yeah. And, yeah.
42:02 We were in London a little bit ago
42:04 and I remember talking with an elder there,
42:05 and I'll say this very quickly,
42:07 he was bemoaning the fact that he didn't feel,
42:10 he knew enough Bible to go and witness.
42:12 He said, but I just like,
42:14 I knew more and I talked with him,
42:15 he had a pretty good handle on the word.
42:17 But you don't want to wait till you know everything,
42:20 because you'll never know everything,
42:21 because you'll never go.
42:24 Take what you know, take your testimony,
42:26 pray and go in the power of the Holy Spirit
42:28 and you will do more than you thought you could do
42:31 because you're doing it in the power of the Lord.
42:34 I want to read something real, real quick
42:35 just a couple of lines
42:37 that Ellen White writes, she says,
42:40 "The value of our work does not consist
42:42 in making a loud noise in the world,
42:45 in being zealous, eager and active in our own strength.
42:48 The value of our work is in proportion
42:51 to the impartation of the Holy Spirit."
42:53 Amen. That's it.
42:54 "The value of our work comes through trust in God,
42:58 which brings holier qualities of mind
43:00 so that impatience we may possess our souls."
43:04 So you pray, you pray yourself up,
43:08 you go armed with the Holy Spirit...
43:10 It has to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
43:11 Amen. And the Lord will do the work.
43:12 Yes.
43:14 I think Jesus first of all was the king of tact.
43:17 Like He knew immediately like,
43:20 they started asking these questions,
43:21 they're trying to corner Him
43:22 and then He comes up with these brilliant ideas of,
43:24 you know, John the Baptist,
43:26 you know, what do you think about this guy?
43:28 You know, the Son of Man, whose Son is He?
43:29 And He starts,
43:31 He had these perfect ways of disarming difficult situations
43:33 because He was in tune with His Father,
43:34 but I had two other things in response
43:36 to what you had mentioned,
43:38 the first was that Ellen White had a whole lot to say
43:40 about argumentative discourses in her day.
43:42 She did.
43:43 Adventist ministers were well known at that stage
43:45 that they would come into town,
43:46 they look for the Baptist minister
43:48 and they have a showdown at the OK Corral.
43:49 Exactly.
43:50 And she said, "That wasn't winning people's hearts,
43:53 arguments don't."
43:54 Yeah. And she counseled against that.
43:56 But the last thing that I wanted to mention
43:58 before I have a quote here is that,
44:01 whenever you don't know what to do,
44:03 going to Bible college put me in a situation
44:05 where I had to go out and do door-to-door work
44:07 and do Bible work,
44:08 and I didn't realize
44:10 that God could use me in ministry
44:11 until I went out and did ministry.
44:13 Amen.
44:14 And I think all of us were testified of the fact
44:16 that the way that we found out the things that we,
44:17 you know, I've had people say,
44:19 well, you know, I don't know what you know,
44:20 the only way I came to know
44:21 what I know was by doing what I had with what I had.
44:24 I just went out and did something
44:25 with what I had
44:27 and God continue to provide more.
44:28 And I had people say, you know,
44:29 "Show me from the Bible that I can't drink wine,
44:32 show me from the Bible that I can't,
44:34 you know, eat meat or whatever, I'm thinking, man,
44:35 counsels on diets and food
44:37 would make this a whole lot easier
44:38 but I had to, I had to do
44:40 a whole lot of searching for myself
44:41 to prove these things.
44:42 It makes you better in knowing these things by doing it.
44:46 And one last thing I want to share from...
44:48 Before you, I just have to, let me...
44:49 Go ahead.
44:51 Here is the perfect segue is that what you said is that,
44:54 you show them from the Bible.
44:56 I think that should be always our arguments.
44:58 I don't think we should to be taking
45:01 someone else's writings to try to convince someone.
45:05 We need to be able to,
45:07 if we are trying to defend a doctrine
45:09 or to share a doctrine, it has to come from the Bible.
45:11 Yeah. Yes.
45:13 I don't think it was ever designed
45:14 that we lead with the Spirit of Prophecy.
45:16 Never. No.
45:17 We lead with the Lord, that's a doctrine,
45:18 which comes in the train of doctrine.
45:20 That's right.
45:21 Your basic understanding should be from scripture,
45:24 your proof should be from scripture.
45:25 Absolutely. Yeah.
45:27 When I came into the church
45:28 I was hearing things in the reverse order,
45:31 you know, this is the standard that we should go by
45:32 but I found and that's what kind of made me hesitant
45:35 to become an Adventist initially.
45:36 Yes.
45:37 As it was with Shelley,
45:39 but when I found these things in scripture,
45:40 I realized this is it, man, like this is,
45:42 we can prove it all here without having to go elsewhere.
45:44 But this makes this even more beautiful
45:47 and wraps additional language
45:50 around the things that we believe from scripture
45:52 that are easier for me to understand, I found.
45:54 But it further what already knew biblically,
45:56 this is from Christian Service 186
45:58 regarding the approach of Jesus.
46:00 "Jesus worked to relieve
46:02 every case of suffering that He saw.
46:04 He had little money to give,
46:06 but He often denied Himself of food
46:08 in order to relieve those
46:10 who appeared more needy than He.
46:12 His brothers felt that His influence went far
46:15 to counteract theirs.
46:17 He possessed a tact which none of them had,
46:19 or desired to have.
46:21 When they spoke harshly to the poor,
46:22 degraded beings,
46:24 Jesus sought out these very ones,
46:25 and spoke to them words of encouragement.
46:28 To those who were in need
46:30 He would give a cup of cold water,
46:31 and would quietly place His own meal in their hands.
46:34 As He relieved their sufferings,
46:36 the truths that He taught were associated
46:39 with His acts of mercy,
46:41 and were thus riveted in the memory."
46:42 Amen.
46:44 So the soil preparation of service
46:46 prepared the ground to receive the seed of truth
46:49 and that's what brought forth
46:50 about the harvest in His ministry.
46:52 And Christ of course was operating
46:54 from the divine essence of His character
46:57 which was love.
46:58 And when someone...
47:00 I think the most important thing
47:01 it doesn't matter, you may not drink,
47:03 you may not smoke, you may be a vegan,
47:05 you may be all of these things,
47:07 it doesn't mean that you have the Holy Spirit.
47:09 That's right.
47:10 So have we know, that we have the Holy Spirit,
47:14 He is God, God is love
47:16 if we are filled
47:18 with this divine essence of God's self sacrificing love,
47:23 1 Thessalonians 3:12,
47:24 one of my favorites Paul 3:12-14, Paul said,
47:29 "May the Lord make you increase in abound
47:31 in the love to one another."
47:33 Amen.
47:34 And he said,
47:36 "So that He may establish your hearts
47:39 blameless in holiness
47:41 at the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
47:44 So the more we grow in love, the more we grow in holiness,
47:48 and this is when we are going out,
47:51 if you're going out to prove,
47:57 to build up your own pride
47:58 or something, that's not going to get it,
48:01 but when now you went out to call on
48:03 you know, knock on doors
48:05 and that would make my knees knock,
48:06 I can stand in front of 20,000 people and speak,
48:10 but to go door-to-door would make my knees knock.
48:13 The thing is that once you went out,
48:16 God blessed your effort,
48:18 but you're going out, out of a heart of love.
48:20 Absolutely.
48:21 And that's what we need to pray that what we do each day is,
48:27 you know, Lord fill me with Your Holy Spirit,
48:29 give me a divine appointment, lead me,
48:32 but it is important how we live that is our witness to people.
48:37 Yes.
48:38 But we also cannot just stop
48:40 because I think about the woman
48:43 who called Danny recently, who said,
48:46 "She'd been watching 3ABN, became an Adventist,"
48:50 and she said, "But God helped me,
48:52 I've got to overcome this feeling
48:54 I have about my neighbors."
48:57 Turned out her,
48:58 she said she had wonderful neighbors,
49:00 they were Seventh-day Adventist,
49:01 they lived next to her for what, 18 years was it?
49:03 It was a long time. A long time.
49:05 And she said, "I thought they loved me,
49:07 but they never loved me enough to share the truth."
49:10 So it can't just be our witness,
49:13 as to what we do,
49:15 it also has to be that we're bold enough to speak.
49:18 Yeah, there is this fine line
49:20 between friendship evangelism that is under address,
49:22 sometimes we hide behind an idea of friendship evangelism
49:25 that I'm a Seventh-day Adventist
49:26 and they're my friend
49:28 and that's friendship evangelism.
49:29 Yeah. You know, that's friendship.
49:30 Friendship evangelism is looking for ways
49:33 to invest in them spiritually,
49:34 to bless them to give of yourself
49:36 and be ready in season
49:37 to give them a word when they are weary.
49:39 And to be proactive in that sense,
49:41 I think it's important.
49:42 Yeah. Amen.
49:44 Yeah, and to close the circle on that,
49:45 if you study, and pray, and observe,
49:47 they will show you ways to minister to them,
49:49 you're not going be there.
49:51 Going back to something you said, Shelley,
49:52 I'm looking at this quick quote where she says, we're told,
49:56 this is a book Evangelism by the way,
49:58 "There must be no duplicity or crookedness
50:00 in the life of the worker.
50:03 When the error is held even in held even insincerity
50:07 it's dangerous to insincerity in the truth is fatal."
50:11 So one of the things we need to do
50:12 I believe is question our own motives.
50:15 We're going back to what you have said,
50:17 and go with a pure heart and a pure motive.
50:19 And if you go with a pure heart and a pure motive
50:21 in the power and strength of Christ,
50:23 you will get results,
50:24 God will give results to your labors,
50:26 they will not be in vain,
50:27 but your heart's got to be right, you know.
50:29 Amen. And your motive has to be pure.
50:32 Amen, and in Acts 26, talking to Jesus,
50:35 talking about the calling of Paul.
50:37 He said, "I call you to be a witness and a minister."
50:41 I thought very interesting that word witness on there
50:43 if you look it up and studied
50:45 and analogy of would be is a martyr,
50:49 very interesting those who are really a witness,
50:53 because certainly you know, you can look and you say,
50:54 "Well yeah, it's still, you know, it's still a record,
50:56 it's still a witness, it's still talking about
50:58 but at the end results
51:00 Christ calls us to be His witness
51:02 whatever the cost may be
51:05 and we dare not accept that challenge
51:07 that we are to bear witness
51:09 to the world by giving the gospel
51:11 and then the end shall come.
51:14 So we need to keep that under,
51:15 I'll tell you it's not under our hats
51:17 when you take them off and put it out there quickly
51:18 if we want Jesus to come, let's all of us get excited,
51:21 let's all of us think about we want to witness for Jesus,
51:24 let's get out and do something for Him,
51:27 let's witness and that means to be born again and to what,
51:31 let people see Jesus in you.
51:32 The truth is you cannot give what you do not have.
51:34 Thank you.
51:35 You got to have Jesus, before you share Jesus.
51:36 Yeah, I just real quick,
51:38 remember that we are ambassadors for the Lord
51:40 and wherever we go,
51:42 it doesn't matter if you are out to eat
51:44 and maybe if somebody is slighted you,
51:47 they're doing something wrong as far as wait staff
51:50 or if you have somebody
51:52 that's giving you their cranky and they're at Walmart,
51:55 supermarket or something,
51:56 we need to remember that people
51:58 identify with us by how we respond,
52:02 so we have to be Christian in our actions.
52:04 You know, an even as bigger this world
52:07 is you could probably give somebody a peace of your mind
52:09 and never they will never see you again,
52:11 so they'll never connect you with Adventism,
52:14 but the upshot is you've lost the chance
52:15 to witness to that person and plan to see,
52:18 so you freed your spleen,
52:19 you know, you've said what I've told them off,
52:21 they don't know you're an Adventist
52:22 so they'll never make a connection,
52:24 but you've defaulted
52:26 in the opportunity of lifting up Jesus
52:28 before that person.
52:29 Amen.
52:31 Well, we're going to go to our news break.
52:32 We'll come back, closing thoughts,
52:34 put a little bow on this and before we end our program,
52:37 we'll be right back.


Revised 2017-07-14