Participants: CA Murray (Host), Larren Cole
Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY017052A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:19 Removing pain 00:24 Lord, let my words 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:35 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:08 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today. 01:10 My name is CA Murray. 01:12 And allow me once again to thank you 01:14 for sharing just a little of your busy day with us, 01:18 to thank you for your love, your prayers, your support 01:20 of Three Angels Broadcasting Network 01:22 as we head into year number 33 01:26 of broadcasting the good news that Christ is coming again, 01:29 counteracting the counterfeit, 01:31 lifting up the mighty and matchless name of Jesus. 01:33 And I'm excited today for our program 01:35 for a number of reasons. 01:37 First, I was going to say, talk with an old friend 01:40 but when you get to my age, 01:41 you don't want to use the word old. 01:43 So we'll say longtime friend, dear friend 01:46 but we won't say old friend. 01:48 Because he has some gray hair and I don't have any, 01:50 so we'll just say long time friend. 01:51 This is Larren Cole. 01:53 Man, good to have you here. Oh, good to be here, CA. 01:54 Thanks for having me. 01:56 And from the Northwest child of the kingdom, 02:00 child of America 02:02 because he's lived all over the place, 02:03 and we're going to get a little history on him 02:06 after we go to our music. 02:08 But just a really neat guy who has worked with... 02:11 you worked with Steve Wohlberg for a while. 02:13 Co-director there, yeah. 02:15 And just done a lot of stuff. 02:17 Background in medicine, graduate of Loma Linda, 02:19 you and your wife Mickey. 02:21 Yeah. 02:22 But you sort of moved out of that 02:23 and kind of gone into evangelism, 02:25 preaching, teaching, 02:26 lifting up the name of the Lord. 02:28 Yeah, physical therapy, graduated as... 02:29 And I worked in physical therapy 02:31 for a number of years, 02:32 and then we got into a little medical business for a while, 02:35 and then it just sort of everything just faded away, 02:37 and the ministry came up, 02:39 and now we've been in full time ministry for, since 2005. 02:44 Well, praise the Lord. 02:45 So few years under your belt. 02:46 Yeah, 12 years. Yeah, yeah. 02:48 And you've got some prod with you, 02:49 you've done some things, family of two boys and one... 02:54 Three boys. 02:56 Three boys and two girls. 02:57 Two girls, right. 02:59 And two girls, good looking family. 03:00 Oh, praise the Lord. 03:01 It would be better looking if it wasn't for me. 03:03 It's Mickey's fault. 03:06 Well, Mickey picked you, 03:07 and I think she's going to keep you, man. 03:08 Oh, boy. 03:10 You don't have any choice. Praise the Lord. 03:12 We're going to talk a little bit about that. 03:13 In fact, let's do that. 03:15 Where were you born? 03:16 I was born in Riverside, California. 03:17 So you're west coast guy? 03:19 Yes, west coast guy, 03:20 pretty much California all the way. 03:21 Yeah, born in Riverside. 03:23 Adventist home? 03:25 Adventist home, yeah. Nominal Adventist... 03:27 Yeah, they were, my parents were really good folks 03:29 but you know the only thing 03:30 we really knew about our religion... 03:31 Only I really knew about my religion 03:33 was that we went to church on a funny day 03:35 and we didn't eat pork, 03:36 that was the two things that distinguished me. 03:38 And then, so I sort of drifted away from God, 03:41 and in the teens, early twenties... 03:43 So you had some wilderness kind of years. 03:44 Bad wilderness years, yes. 03:46 Yeah, and then drifted back into Lord God, 03:49 you know, through a number of circumstances I came back. 03:52 And, man, it's been... 03:53 By the time you got to Loma Linda, 03:54 were you sort of back on track or...? 03:56 Yes, that was my sort of the conversion years. 04:01 And I met Mickey, my wife there 04:02 and she and another cousin of mine 04:05 talked me into going back to school. 04:07 And so I went to school there. 04:09 And you know got a real job. 04:10 At the time, I was in business for myself, 04:12 and it was just up and down. 04:14 And, boy, you know I wanted some stability, 04:17 and that was it. 04:19 Medical degree is stability. It is stability. 04:21 Especially in America. 04:23 That's true, that's true. 04:24 And Mickey's degree is in? 04:26 Dental hygiene. Right. 04:27 However, she's studying right now 04:29 to be a physician's assistant. 04:31 And so all five of my children 04:34 and my wife are all in colleges. 04:36 I'm the only one out, you know, not in college so it's just... 04:40 Well, somebody's got to stay home 04:41 and pay the bills, man. 04:43 Because, yeah, your kids are fairly close in age. 04:46 Yeah, well, 21 is the oldest, 04:48 20s in ecstasy, 17, 15, and 14. 04:52 Okay, okay. Yeah. 04:54 Yeah, we're close in age. 04:55 Good looking family, all tall gorgeous children. 04:58 Praise the Lord. And all in church. 05:00 All in the church, yeah. 05:02 Serving the Lord, 05:03 and we praise the Lord for that. 05:04 And your wife is back in school. 05:06 Amen, and amen. 05:07 Well, I don't know about, 05:08 yeah, that's what she wants to do 05:10 and I support her on that. 05:11 But, oh, boy! 05:13 It's tough, you know but I think the Lord is behind us... 05:15 Praise the Lord. 05:16 And you keep up a pretty heavy 05:18 travel schedule yourself, do you not? 05:19 We are pretty much... 05:21 this year is just booked, sold, 90% booked. 05:23 And we're summer in a different church, 05:25 every weekend 05:27 if we're not doing a full Revelation series for church 05:30 where it's usually a weekend seminar. 05:32 We got a number of weekend seminars. 05:34 How did the call come to you 05:35 because you had a good job, you had a good career, 05:37 and I remember you had that medical business, 05:39 you're making pretty good money. 05:40 How did the call come to sort of 05:42 release you from that and move into ministry, 05:44 and what is now full time ministry? 05:46 Yeah, well, you know that's a good question. 05:49 You know, just a number of circumstances 05:52 I can remember. 05:54 I remember one day in particular, 05:55 you know, I'm a really shy person, 05:57 I don't like publicly speaking. 05:59 I was having my evening devotion one day, 06:01 and I was reading a book called "Maranatha". 06:03 And I was reading a text that was talking about 06:06 how in the last days, young man would be called from the pile, 06:09 just ordinary, common vocation people like myself, 06:13 and they'd be sort of yoked together 06:14 with men of experience. 06:16 And I read that and I thought to myself, 06:18 "You know, Lord, I think I could see myself being a man 06:21 that would be you know call from the plough." 06:24 That night, I had a really strange dream. 06:26 I prayed about it, and I had a dream. 06:28 In my dream, I was in this great big church, 06:32 Bakersfield, California. 06:33 I went in there and I was talking to these people 06:34 in this foyer, 06:36 and in walked Doug Batchelor. 06:38 And I have been watching Doug Batchelor on 3ABN. 06:40 In fact, 3ABN had a major part 06:42 in my sort of coming back to the Lord. 06:45 So here comes Doug Batchelor, he walks right over to me, 06:47 he puts his arm around me, doesn't say a thing to me, 06:49 and he starts talking to the group that I'm with. 06:51 Then he takes me to another group 06:52 and talk to that group. 06:54 You talk to every group in the foyer, 06:55 then he went into the sanctuary. 06:57 And then when the elder at the podium 06:59 announced the speaker for the day, 07:01 he said, "Now our speaker is Doug Batchelor." 07:03 And at that moment, he let go of me. 07:05 And he'd never even said anything to me, 07:06 he never looked at me, 07:08 let go me and went up and preached. 07:09 I woke up. 07:11 And so I thought, "Well, that's a strange dream." 07:13 And then I went to work the next day, 07:15 and I was in physical therapy in a nursing home there, 07:16 I was working in that. 07:18 A lady, out of the blue, a Catholic friend of mine, 07:21 she said to me, "I had just been praying with somebody 07:23 or witnessing to somebody at work, 07:25 and she said, "You got to be in the clergy, 07:27 I think you missed your calling." 07:29 I thought, you know, come on, that's kind of weird. 07:32 A clergy? You mean, like a pastor or something? 07:34 She said, "Yeah, you missed your calling." 07:37 So I went home that day 07:38 with all these things happening, 07:39 this is all happening in one day, 07:41 in the space of 24 hours. 07:42 And when I get home, 07:43 the local pastor of my church calls me 07:45 and says, "Larren, I want to come visit you." 07:46 He came out to visit, 07:48 and he said, "Larren, I want to teach you 07:50 how to preach a sermon." 07:52 His name was, this was Pastor Del Gribble. 07:54 Right now, he's in Lone Pine. 07:55 In fact, we're going to be doing a Revelation seminar 07:58 for one of his other churches this year, 08:00 maybe for Lone Pine too. 08:01 I think we may be doing too. 08:03 He said, "I want to teach you how to do a sermon." 08:05 And so he came with that 08:06 and he gets me this little formula, 08:08 an outline on how to make a sermon. 08:10 He called them BIPs. 08:12 BIPs, Bible Illustration Point. 08:17 Now the P was for point. 08:19 He says, "Just do that three times, 08:20 you get a Bible text, 08:21 and illustration for that text, and a point. 08:23 Do that three times, and that's a sermon." 08:26 And then he says, "Now, I'm scheduling you 08:28 for next Sabbath, you're going to preach." 08:30 And that just scared me to death. 08:32 And so I sat there, and I tried to write the BIPs 08:34 and it was just terrifying experience 08:36 but it went well, you know. 08:39 I think it was the title of the sermon, 08:41 it was something about the time of trouble, 08:42 and I think it cause the time of trouble for the audience 08:44 the way out it was going, 08:46 it just seem like, you know, they were just... 08:48 No amen, until afterwards, afterwards, 08:51 greeting the saints and they were saying, 08:53 "Well, what a blessing that was." 08:55 But that was my first sermon ever. 08:57 And, boy! 08:58 You know, it's just a number of things happening, 09:01 we got called into evangelism in the Gulf States. 09:03 I wrote a series of Revelation seminar, 09:06 Bible study guides. 09:08 And then the Gulf States called us, 09:09 we did a few simmers here, 09:11 two or three or four, I'm not sure how many, 09:13 moved out to the West Coast, 09:14 got a call from the Oregon Conference. 09:16 They said, "Hey, we've got a church. 09:18 We want to know how much you charge for a seminar." 09:20 And I was like, "Charge?" You know. 09:23 I don't charge anything 09:24 but then I was about to say that. 09:26 Then the Holy Spirit says, "You need to charge." 09:28 Yeah. 09:29 So we set up a... 09:32 That was in 2012, I think, 2012. 09:35 And that was in the Oregon Conference. 09:39 Same day, another church called. 09:41 And they said, "How much do you charge 09:42 for your Revelation seminar?" 09:44 I don't know where these people were coming from 09:45 but I imagine the Holy Spirit was just calling me into this 09:49 because it was the same day, another church called. 09:51 We finished those two seminars and as we were going home, 09:54 we got a call from somebody else. 09:55 And so we turned the motor home around, 09:57 went back to that church 09:58 because it was an immediate call. 10:00 And we did another seminar. 10:02 And then as we were driving home from that, 10:04 praying about where to go next, 10:05 a pastor calls, signs us up for some more seminars. 10:08 And it's just been going on like that. 10:10 So the Lord is kind of showed you 10:12 this is what He wants you to do. 10:13 Yeah. 10:15 Our Revelation seminar series 10:16 now is called Revelation 101, a survival training course. 10:19 We've got a one month program this year, 10:22 your typical three angels' message, 10:25 you know, the Adventist thing. 10:26 And then we have what is more popular, 10:28 it's a ten day seminar. 10:30 It's a survival training course but it's a ten day seminar, 10:34 and that's more popular, 10:36 it seems like people are wanting to get this in, 10:38 get on the move, get to the point 10:40 and sort of back out. 10:41 We end that series 10:42 with a forming of baptismal class. 10:45 And that one's a blessing. 10:46 I like that one 10:48 because we're on the road a little shorter time. 10:49 Excellent, excellent. 10:51 All right. We want to go to our music. 10:52 And then we want to wade into what you're here for today. 10:55 But let's go through the names of the kids. 10:57 I know we've got Madison, Kennedy... 10:59 Alex. Alex. 11:01 And Kart is the baby. Kart is the baby. 11:03 That's a baby one... 11:04 The 14-year old baby and Jackson, missing Jackson. 11:05 Jackson. There you go. 11:07 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, the man, Jackson. 11:09 And that's how we really were introduced to 3ABN, 11:11 it's through the story of Jackson 11:13 who frowned was miraculously revived. 11:15 Yeah, I remember that story, 11:16 that will always stay with me 11:18 to have a child drown and then we revived like that. 11:20 And then we get a chance to touch on that 11:22 because we're talking about resurrection today. 11:24 Let's go to our music 11:26 which is coming to us from Wintley Phipps. 11:28 And we'll do that and then we'll come right back. 11:30 But Wintley Phipps is going to sing, 11:32 "The Lord in Zion Reigneth". 11:57 The Lord in Zion reigneth 12:02 Let all the world rejoice 12:06 And come before his throne of grace 12:10 With tuneful heart and voice 12:15 The Lord in Zion reigneth 12:19 And there his praise shall ring 12:23 To him shall princes bend the knee 12:27 And kings their glory bring 12:37 The Lord in Zion reigneth 12:42 And who so great as he? 12:46 The depths of earth are in his hands 12:50 He rules the mighty sea 12:55 Oh crown his name with honor 12:59 And let his standard wave 13:03 Till distant isles beyond the deep 13:07 Shall own his power to save 13:17 The Lord in Zion reigneth 13:22 These hours to him belong 13:26 Oh enter now his temple gates 13:30 And fill his courts with song 13:35 Beneath his royal banner 13:38 Let every creature fall 13:43 Exalt the King of heaven and earth 13:47 And crown him Lord of all 13:53 Exalt the King of heaven and earth 13:58 And crown him Lord of all! 14:24 Amen. Well done, Wintley Phipps. 14:26 He holds notes longer than anyone that I know 14:29 and I tease him about that 14:31 because on records we used to think, 14:33 "You can couple those together, you can edit that together," 14:36 but he does that all the time. 14:37 He's the real deal. 14:39 He has no problem holding notes like that, 14:40 one of the great voices of our time. 14:41 My guest, Larren Cole who is here to talk today 14:47 about resurrections something you know about. 14:50 But before we go into that, 14:51 let's just tap the break a little bit 14:54 and talk about 7th Day Beaver 14:56 because that is something that actually aired on our air 14:59 not too long ago, 15:01 that is kind of exciting projects 15:03 that took a fairly decent slice of your life to kind of prove 15:06 but tell us what that is all about? 15:07 Yeah, well, you know, just aired last Thursday, 15:09 I think, on 3ABN 15:10 but you know this is a story about a family of beavers 15:13 that we observed that did not work 15:15 or come out of the lodge on Saturdays. 15:18 So a period of 16 years was devoted to this observing. 15:24 And then the last three years, 15:25 we decided to produce a documentary. 15:27 Lord impressed us just to film it. 15:30 You know, it could be a blessing 15:31 and so I spent about three years 15:33 filming this documentary, 15:34 and it's got a lot of theological Bible truth in it 15:38 as you probably seen, Dr. Neil Nedley, Shelley Quinn, 15:41 Steve Wohlberg, Jerry Bandy, 15:43 our Bible experts are in there, 15:45 makes a great sharing tool. 15:47 And we're getting calls 15:48 from all over the world for distribution. 15:49 Yeah, and it's a neat little thing, 15:52 found a beaver that didn't work on Saturday, 15:54 didn't work on Sabbath. 15:56 Didn't come out of their lodge on Saturday 15:57 that I observed so... 15:59 And that's amazing for. 16:01 And this wasn't one day or one month, several years... 16:04 Several years. You studied this. 16:06 Yeah. And it was true. 16:08 That's what I observed. Yeah. 16:09 It's just this family of beavers 16:11 over several generations, 16:13 and so I'm not saying that all beavers rest on Saturday, 16:16 I'm just saying this is what I observed. 16:18 And you know it has a theological message behind it, 16:21 I'm sure. 16:23 So, yeah. 16:25 If we have time, I'd like to do another documentary, 16:28 a follow up documentary called "Animals that rest on Saturday" 16:31 because we've come across a number of other situations 16:35 where other animals, other biological creatures 16:37 that have a peculiar rest pattern on Saturday, 16:40 just that one day, not one in seven 16:43 but the seventh day, Saturday. 16:44 The seventh day. Yeah, yeah. 16:45 And I know you allude to in that documentary 16:49 that you were aware of some other animals 16:51 that also had the same pattern. 16:54 Yeah, and since the production of this, 16:56 people have been approaching me, even doctors. 16:58 People that study circadian rhythms 17:00 and things have been coming to me 17:01 and using the information on this 17:03 and sharing information with me. 17:05 So amazing stories. 17:06 Yeah, that's kind of cool. 17:07 I heard someone, 17:09 I guess, they would fall in a category with scoffer. 17:11 They said, "Well, why don't all animals do that?" 17:13 Well, I don't know why but those did, you know. 17:19 And it's documented, so praise the Lord. 17:20 Yeah, somebody speculated maybe through the corruption of time, 17:24 you know, that this is maybe even lost in most animals 17:27 but I can imagine God in the beginning 17:29 when he created animals 17:31 and then he created the Sabbath, 17:32 you can't imagine a beaver going out there, 17:34 and it's working and the beaver is going crazy and all that, 17:36 you know everything. 17:38 It's a rest day. 17:39 And I imagine every one of God's creation 17:40 was probably had a rest pattern on the Sabbath. 17:45 And it may have been lost over time, 17:46 you know, this world is corrupt. 17:48 It could very well be. 17:49 Mankind has lost it, that's for sure, 17:50 you know, and it shouldn't have but there are... 17:53 Well, and it doesn't really matter, Larren. 17:54 I think if every animal in the world does it, 17:57 these did, these are proof 17:59 that there are animals who do rest on the seventh day. 18:02 And, of course, we have the commandment 18:04 to rest on the seventh day, 18:05 so it's in the human family 18:07 and it's also in nature 18:09 for which we say praise the Lord. 18:10 Amen. Yeah. 18:11 God commanded us to rest on the seventh day. 18:13 And they say God's biddings are God's enabling 18:17 so inherent with every command from God is the power to do it. 18:21 Yeah. And it's a nice little piece. 18:23 Now who did most of the camera work on that? 18:25 That would be Jackson, probably Jackson, 18:27 but Alex spent his fair share on the work, 18:30 and I ran a camera too, you know. 18:32 It's just a lot of, lot of time. 18:34 It's really a lot of sitting there, 18:36 especially on Saturday. 18:38 Saturday was a boring day for me, 18:39 sit at the beaver lodge you know, just run the camera. 18:42 And I know so you go up on top of the lodge 18:43 and you listen and you can hear them in there. 18:45 They are in. Yeah. 18:46 Yeah, probably have worship or something like that, 18:48 or potluck, you know out there. 18:49 Yeah, potluck. 18:50 That's what it sounds like because they're eating, 18:52 they're chewing so they're not dead. 18:53 No, they're in there. 18:55 They're alive but for whatever reason, 18:57 they wouldn't come out 18:59 just like they would do on the other days. 19:00 Every other week day, they would come out 19:01 but Saturday was just an unusual thing. 19:04 Were you close enough? 19:05 Were they aware of your presence? 19:08 You know that beavers can't see or hear very well. 19:12 So I was able to be very sneaky. 19:14 If you go down wind you can get close. 19:17 But if you're up when they can smell you, 19:19 if they're out, they're very leery, 19:20 if they're out of the water you know. 19:23 One time, we were at the beaver lodge 19:25 waiting to see where are the beavers. 19:26 All of sudden, it's one snuck up behind us, you know. 19:29 And then he saw us, and just dropped a stick 19:31 and he just isolated into the water. 19:32 And, you know, once they are kind of aware 19:36 but they don't see you. 19:37 If you're still enough, 19:38 you know, we learn how to be really still 19:40 and stealthful 19:41 and we could observe in close range. 19:42 Yeah, so what I'm getting at is that it wasn't your presence 19:45 that was keeping them in a lodge 19:46 because you were there every day, 19:48 I mean you were there on other days. 19:49 Yeah, and we were consistently in the same spot. 19:51 Yeah, so we were not doing anything unusual on Saturdays. 19:53 In fact, we were there more often. 19:55 I mean, we were there longer hours on Saturday 19:57 just to, you know, we never got to the Sabbath, 19:58 what else have you got to do? 20:00 We're spending time there in nature. 20:02 Other days, we work, you know, we're busy but that's what... 20:06 Yeah, so we can get that, 20:07 and we'll talk about your contact information 20:09 just a little bit. 20:11 Let's walk into what you're here for, 20:12 and that's talking about the resurrection experience. 20:15 So I'm going to give it to you 20:16 and kind of take us through what you've got learned. 20:18 Okay, yeah. 20:20 So this whole series, 20:21 we're talking about the 12 resurrection stories 20:23 in the Bible, you know. 20:25 If you count, there are 12, 12 stories in the Bible. 20:28 And this sort of stems 20:29 or it sort of predicated 20:31 on the whole idea of the Jackson story, 20:33 a modern day resurrection. 20:35 And so then we have a seminar, 20:38 a seminar series called a Modern Day Resurrection 20:39 where we talk about the Jackson story, 20:41 and we also talk about the 12 resurrection stories. 20:44 Give us the two minute 20:45 reader's digest version of Jackson story? 20:48 Yeah, the two minute reader's digest, 20:49 well, this is a story about my son 20:51 aged two and a half, 20:53 he wandered off, I was a bad parent, 20:55 I wasn't watching closely enough, 20:57 wandered into a pond, drowned, 20:59 and was there for probably 30 minutes, 21:02 we're guessing you know we're not sure how long, 21:03 could've been longer, 21:04 could have been a little shorter, 21:06 and he drowned. 21:07 By the time I went to look for him, 21:09 I found him in a pond, 21:10 I rescued him out of there, 21:11 he was completely dead, no vital signs. 21:15 Now you're saying that 21:16 as a person with a medical background, 21:18 wife with a medical background, 21:20 so you know dead from alive... 21:22 Dead from alive, yeah. 21:23 You're saying it may not have been 30 21:24 but it wasn't 10, it wasn't 15, it wasn't 20. 21:27 It was better part of 30 or more minutes in the pond. 21:31 In the pond, because he had the time 21:33 to drift away out into the middle, 21:34 he was still, and he was cold, his temperature, 21:37 he had assumes the pond's temperature. 21:39 He's very cold. 21:41 Yeah, and so as I rescued him out, 21:43 took vital signs, there was nothing there, 21:44 you know, just the despair you can imagine. 21:46 This is the most horrible experience I've ever had. 21:50 And through some experiences, number of experiences, 21:53 prayer I mean, I'm just really pray out to God 21:55 and God told me, 21:56 "Hey, now would be a good time to try CPR." 21:59 And so I did CPR. 22:00 It wasn't working till the third repetition, 22:03 he finally inhaled 22:04 but he came back, he came back to life. 22:06 His condition was so bad that he was, 22:08 you know, he was just spastic all over. 22:10 I took him to the hospital, prayed. 22:13 God said, you know, "Ask me for another miracle." 22:16 I prayed, asked God for another miracle, 22:18 went in there 22:19 as he was in this condition on the ER, 22:22 he was moaning and spastic eyes rolled out 22:25 in the back of his head, moaning. 22:27 I just asked Jackson, I said, "Jackson, are you cold?" 22:29 And I reached and touched his body. 22:31 As soon as I touched him, his body relaxed, 22:33 he turned, his eyes came back in their sockets. 22:36 He looked at me and said, "Yes." 22:38 And from that moment on, it was a complete restoration. 22:43 What an experience. 22:45 So and then he was fine, went to the ICU. 22:46 And, boy, perfect condition. 22:49 He has absolutely no damage. 22:52 See, there's so many side things that could happen. 22:55 Brain activity, you know, not getting oxygen 22:58 for that period of time, 22:59 there's so many ways, so many things. 23:00 Yeah, as a physical therapist, 23:02 I've treated patients that were drowning victims. 23:04 And it was cerebral palsy and those kind of things, 23:06 and for the most part, they don't get better, 23:08 they just become more functional, 23:10 we just try to get them better function in life. 23:12 And so he should have been disabled to say the least. 23:19 And he's absolutely in perfect shape, 23:21 you know, he's the director of our media, Desire Media, 23:25 he is a bright kid, app developer for Apple. 23:28 And you know he's a real blessing to our ministry. 23:32 God is just using this guy. 23:34 And he's our techie guy, 23:35 you know, our techie go to all our kids, 23:37 Jackson and Carter, 23:38 I mean, Alex and Carter both really techie 23:40 but this guy's got a special gift. 23:43 And so that what we're talking about 23:45 the 12 resurrection stories 23:46 sort of is predicated off this story 23:48 which we share in a seminar 23:50 and then we go and we share 23:51 each of the 12 resurrection stories in a seminar. 23:54 And of course we're not going 23:55 to be able to do that in a short time 23:56 but we can go as an overview one at a time. 24:00 Yeah, let's walk through some of that stuff. 24:01 So mankind's biggest problem is death, isn't it? 24:05 I think it's James 4:14, that says, "What is your life? 24:09 What is your life all about?" 24:10 And James is talking about the lifespan of humanity. 24:14 He says it's a vapor that come... 24:17 It appears and then it's gone. 24:19 And so I remember, you know, I used to be a teenager. 24:23 It was not long... 24:24 Now look at me, I got gray hair, 24:26 I got sore joints. 24:28 You used to be a teenager, you're aging very well 24:30 but you know it just seems like yesterday. 24:33 Mankind's biggest problem for the secular mind, 24:36 for the religious mind is death. 24:39 God's biggest solution for that is the resurrection. 24:42 Amen. 24:43 I think in John 6:40, Jesus said, 24:44 "Everyone who looks on the Son and believes on Him, 24:49 should have eternal life." 24:51 This is an incredible promise. 24:52 And the other promise is he says, 24:54 "I will raise him up on the last day." 24:57 On the last day, so the last day 25:00 is always referring to the resurrection day, 25:02 that's when Jesus comes, the last day. 25:03 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 1 Corinthians 15:52, 25:07 it's talking about Jesus, the last day 25:09 is that trump when it sounds 25:11 and the dead in Christ are raised. 25:14 It has a scheduled date. 25:16 Just in the news recently, see, maybe you saw it. 25:19 There was a lady, 25:20 a Canadian woman by the name of Kaling Wald. 25:24 She lived with her husband's corpse 25:27 for six months 25:28 while she and six of her children 25:30 and a bunch of neighbors prayed every day for his resurrection. 25:34 They pray and it was six months and after six months, 25:36 the sheriff showed up with an eviction notice 25:39 because she failed to pay her mortgage. 25:41 And so then he noticed the smell. 25:43 And she was trying to... 25:45 I don't know for whatever reason, 25:47 they felt that they could pray 25:48 and one of these days, he's going to be raised. 25:49 Wow. 25:52 The resurrection actually has a scheduled date. 25:55 And like I said earlier, 25:58 I think to me when I was coming to the Lord, 26:01 this doctrine of the resurrection 26:03 that someone can go from being dead to being alive again, 26:06 to me, that was the most 26:08 substantial doctrine in the Bible. 26:10 I thought that was the most beautiful thing. 26:12 Now all our major world religions 26:15 deny the resurrection. 26:17 This one particular doctrine 26:18 is denied by every major world religion. 26:21 Buddhists, they believe in reincarnation, 26:23 denying the resurrection. 26:25 Our friends, the Hindus, 26:26 they believe in that when you die, 26:28 you return in advancing stages. 26:31 Our Muslim friends believe that when you die, 26:34 your body and soul separate, 26:36 and the body goes to the dirt and decomposes 26:39 which is biblical 26:41 but the soul goes to a transient place for a time 26:43 and then after that time is finished, 26:46 then you go to paradise or to hell. 26:49 Right? 26:50 Unless you're a suicide bomber like these ISIS folks. 26:52 If you're one of those, 26:54 you don't go to that transient place, 26:55 you are fast tracked to a martyr's heaven 26:58 because here in the name of Allah, 26:59 you know, you wage jihad on the Great White Satan. 27:04 And they're spiritualist, 27:06 you have the spiritualist movement 27:07 which is a growing movement in the world of religion. 27:10 The spiritualist believe 27:12 exactly the same thing as the Muslims 27:14 except they believe in communicating with the dead. 27:17 It's the same thing, communicating with dead people. 27:20 Now that's creeping into Christianity, 27:22 it's been for a long time. 27:23 Popular Christianity, 27:25 I'm not saying that's good Bible believing Christian 27:28 but in the nominal Christian world, 27:31 it's pretty much the same thing. 27:32 They teach that when you die, your body goes to the grave 27:36 but your soul leaves for a time 27:39 and then you go to hell or heaven, right? 27:43 If you've been good, you go to heaven. 27:44 If you've been bad, that's not of the Bible, is it? 27:46 Yeah, it's a problem you make for yourself 27:48 when you start from the premise 27:51 that the soul is immortal. 27:52 And once you make that premise, 27:54 then everything you build on it, 27:56 you've got to put that soul someplace 27:57 when the body dies. 27:59 So now you're forced to do a eternal burning hell 28:01 or immediately going to heaven, 28:03 both of which are not biblical. 28:04 Yeah, and so this whole idea is promoted in the media, 28:09 you know, you have in books. 28:12 There's a book called, it was, 28:13 "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven", 28:16 it was written by Kevin and Alex Malarkey, 28:19 did you hear about that? 28:21 Yeah. 28:22 It's a book. Interesting last name. 28:24 He died. 28:25 In the preface, you can read that, let's see. 28:27 He died on the operating table, 28:29 although he sort of went to a coma and kind of died. 28:32 And he came back after two months of a coma 28:34 and he talks about how he went to heaven, 28:37 how he met Jesus, how he heard heavenly music. 28:41 And it was published in a book, bestseller. 28:44 And the publishers called it a true story. 28:48 Now you laughed at the name. 28:51 I think God is giving us a sort of a clue, right, 28:53 with the last name Malarkey. 28:56 Malarkey is sort of an Irish surname, 28:57 I did a little etymology, study on that. 28:59 And Malarkey comes from an Irish surname 29:01 of a man who used to be notorious 29:04 for deceiving people. 29:05 Ever since then, we use that word, 29:06 "Oh, that's a bunch of malarkey." 29:08 Now just in the news, 29:10 recently you probably heard this, 29:11 Alex Malarkey recanted his story. 29:14 And this is what it says. He said... 29:16 I wrote it down. And he said, "I did not die. 29:18 I did not go to heaven. 29:19 I said I went to heaven 29:21 because I thought it would get me attention. 29:23 When I made the claims that I did, 29:25 I had never read the Bible. 29:27 People have profited from lies and continued to. 29:30 They should read the Bible which is enough. 29:32 The Bible is the only source of truth, 29:34 anything written by man cannot be infallible. 29:37 I want the whole world to know the Bible is sufficient. 29:41 Those who market these materials," 29:43 and he was addressing his recantation 29:45 towards the producers of the book or the publishers, 29:48 "those who market these materials 29:49 must be called to repent 29:51 and hold the Bible as enough. 29:53 In Christ, Alex Malarkey." 29:55 Wow! What a statement of faith. 29:57 Wow. He debunks his own work. 29:59 He debunks his own work because it's conscience. 30:01 Malarkey says that his book is malarkey. 30:02 He's reading in the Bible, you know, the Bible says, 30:04 "The hour is coming in 30:06 which all that are in the graves 30:08 will hear his voice." 30:09 And so when somebody says they died 30:12 and they went out of their body 30:13 and they went to travel off to heaven 30:16 or they've traveled into hell and they saw all these things. 30:19 What that's telling me is either they're not dead, 30:22 they're really not dead 30:23 or they're not telling the truth, right? 30:24 Like Alex Malarkey wasn't really telling the truth. 30:27 And so those are the groups that deny the resurrection. 30:31 There's another one in the Bible in Matthew 22:24, 30:38 you see, it's actually verse 23. 30:40 You see another group that denies the resurrection 30:42 by their view of what happens when you die. 30:45 So it's the Sadducees. 30:46 You see, Matthew 22 is wonderful 30:49 because Matthew 22 is this chapter 30:52 where you have the scribes, the Pharisees, 30:54 the lawyers, the doctors of the law, 30:56 all trying to come at Jesus 30:58 with schemes to discredit Him. 31:01 And so in verse 23, it says, 31:03 "The same day, the Sadducees come to Jesus." 31:06 And what is their little peculiar doctrine 31:09 that they say their contribution to theology is 31:12 they say there is no resurrection. 31:16 So the issue is the resurrection. 31:17 Now this is interesting because they're trying 31:19 to discredit Jesus on the resurrection. 31:22 And so the very next verse, 31:23 they start in on their little scheme, 31:25 their scenario. 31:27 They say, "Jesus, teacher Moses said," 31:31 and in those first three words, 31:32 you see a lot of irony 31:33 because here they are, they're talking to Jesus. 31:35 Jesus says, "I am the resurrection." 31:37 And Moses is the first person who was ever resurrected. 31:42 So as their little scenario unfolds, 31:46 they're going to use Moses 31:48 to try to discredit Jesus 31:50 on the subject of the resurrection. 31:53 So you see a lot of irony here 31:54 and the Sadducees of course are off balanced. 31:56 See, Moses is the first of 12 resurrection accounts 32:00 that are in the Bible. 32:01 So you have Moses, the next one, let's see. 32:04 It's the widow of Zarephath, her son. 32:07 And there's a woman of Shunem by Elisha. 32:10 And then Elisha's bones perform a resurrection in 2 Kings 13. 32:16 He's the first one to resurrect 32:18 a dead person after he was dead. 32:19 After he was dead, yeah. 32:20 So there you have. 32:22 So here they are. 32:23 They're trying to discredit Jesus, 32:25 they bring up Moses. 32:26 And so in their little scheme, their scenario, 32:28 Matthew 22:24-28, 32:31 they talk about a man who married a woman and he dies. 32:35 They don't have any kids, so Moses in the law says 32:38 that the brothers supposed to take up the wife, 32:39 and raise up seed. 32:41 And then their scenario continues on. 32:43 Say, well, there were seven brothers 32:44 each of which had the same woman. 32:46 And they never had kids. 32:48 One by one, they all died, 32:50 and at last, the woman died also. 32:52 So their question to trap Jesus is, 32:54 in the resurrection, whose wife will she be? 32:59 And so Jesus answers in verse 29, Matthew 22:29, 33:06 the lesson that Jesus has for us is in His answer. 33:09 He says in King James, "Ye do err." 33:13 Right, in two areas, or other words, 33:14 you are mistaken in two areas. 33:17 Number one, not knowing the scriptures. 33:20 And number two, nor the power of God. 33:23 And the power of God tells us 33:24 that God has the power to raise lives. 33:27 They're talking to Jesus. 33:28 Jesus is the resurrection. 33:30 And number one, He says not knowing the scripture, 33:33 He tells the Sadducees, you err, you don't know this, 33:35 because you don't know the Scriptures. 33:38 Now while most people believe 33:40 or most religions teach by their world view of death 33:43 that death is really a transition, 33:45 you don't really die, 33:46 you sort of transition from this, 33:49 you know, this mortal body. 33:51 Your body may die 33:52 but you go through a transition. 33:54 The Bible teaches that death is a sleep. 33:56 Right? 33:57 I counted in my Bible, 33:59 52 times, at least 52 times 34:01 where the Bible equates death with sleep. 34:04 Our friend Lazarus sleeps, 34:07 the damsel's not dead but she's sleeping. 34:10 Abraham died and slept with his fathers 34:13 and was buried in the Cave of Machpelah. 34:15 You know, on and on and on. 34:17 Death is just a sleep. 34:19 In fact, I think it's more than a sleep really. 34:22 Have you ever been under general anesthesia? 34:25 I hate to ask that... Yes, I actually have. 34:27 Where you got, where you go. 34:28 Now, that's a good way to describe probably 34:31 what it's like to be dead. 34:32 I remember one time being on the operating table. 34:34 Loma Linda University, 34:36 an outpatient's procedure had to take place. 34:40 And so there was a lot of doctors in training, 34:42 nurses in training. 34:44 I'm on the operating table, laying there. 34:46 And they're all hovering over my body. 34:49 And they're waiting for me to go to sleep. 34:51 The gas mask is on me, 34:53 and the gas is being administered. 34:55 And I'm not sleepy, I'm not tired. 34:58 And they are waving goodbye to me 35:00 because they know what's going to happen, 35:01 you're going to go out, buddy. 35:03 But I'm assuming, what are these people doing? 35:04 That's kind of disrespectful. 35:06 What you've got in your hand? You've got a scalpel there. 35:08 You know, what do you gonna do is cutting me, 35:09 and so I'm sitting there 35:10 and they're waving good night to me. 35:13 And I remember feeling a little irritant in my eye 35:17 and so I blinked my eye. 35:18 Just like, I remember doing this like that just, 35:21 and when my eye opened from that blink, 35:24 they all disappeared. 35:26 I blinked and, as I opened up my eye, 35:29 I said how they do? 35:31 They were gone. They disappeared. 35:33 And I was in a different room and six hours had passed or so 35:37 and I had the procedure done. 35:39 I said, how do they do that? 35:40 Now that's what the Bible says, "death is like," 35:42 the Bible I think in Corinthians 1:15 says, 35:44 "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye." 35:47 That's in 15:52 and 55. Fifty two, yeah. 35:51 "At the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, 35:53 and the dead shall be raised incorruptible." 35:56 But I like the way Paul puts it in the twinkling of an eye. 35:59 So when you die, I mean the time passage 36:02 could be absolutely as if a blink of an eye took place. 36:07 And so that's Moses story. 36:08 Now Moses sort of introduces this concept to the world 36:12 that a guy can go from being dead to being alive. 36:15 That's the first guy ever to be resurrected. 36:18 Okay. 36:19 And then in the Old Testament, we have a few more accounts, 36:21 you've got the widow of Zarephath, 36:22 you've got her son and that was Elijah. 36:26 And then Elijah does too and that's interesting 36:28 because you see Elijah, 36:30 Elisha actually had a double portion 36:32 of Elijah's spirit. 36:33 Yes. 36:35 And so you see a major miracles done by Elijah, 36:38 16 with that raising of the bones thing, 36:42 a guy got thrown into a sepulcher. 36:44 His body touched, his dead body touched the bones of Elijah 36:47 and the Bible says, "He stood up." 36:49 Yes, sir. He revived. 36:50 And then with that miracle that was number 16. 36:53 And so there you see a double portion. 36:55 And so that's the Old Testament that's just four... 36:57 There's just four stories in the Old Testament. 37:00 In the New Testament the first resurrection 37:02 Jairus' daughter. 37:05 Jairus' daughter, and you notice 37:07 that most of these resurrection accounts 37:09 are with young people 37:11 and that's in Matthew 9, and also in Mark 5. 37:15 Most of them are young people. Yeah. 37:16 You know, when a young person dies 37:18 like with my son 37:19 when he was dead for a while there, 37:21 it's the most shocking thing, disrupting thing to your, 37:25 I mean, to your plans, everything... 37:26 Oh, it is, it's got to be. Yeah. 37:27 And so when a young person dies, 37:29 I mean, I remember I had a good friend of mine, 37:33 Dr. Craig Myers, I was a good... Oh, yeah. 37:37 It was his birthday, he had just, 37:39 he had a thriving practice 37:40 West Covina, Southern California, 37:42 neurology practice, 37:43 brilliant guy, top of his class. 37:46 It was his birthday, he flew the family 37:48 all his friends and his family members to Hawaii. 37:51 Oh, wow. Oh his birthday. 37:52 They're about to sing happy birthday to him 37:54 at the restaurant lobby hotel thing. 37:57 They're all gathered around, it's his birthday. 38:00 He has an aneurism, 38:01 his head slumps over in his food and he dies. 38:04 His wife Julian thought he was joking. 38:06 She said, knock it off Craig. 38:08 But can you imagine this was a disruption. 38:11 Talk about a party pooper. 38:12 I mean, he is the guest of honor, 38:14 it's his birthday. 38:16 And that's what death and that's what you see 38:17 in the seven out of the twelve resurrection accounts. 38:19 You see that it just come bam, out of nowhere. 38:23 And so Jairus here in this situation, 38:24 he didn't expect death to happen to his daughter. 38:27 You know, he called Jesus and Jesus in Mark, 38:30 you see that Mark brings it out 38:32 more clearly that Jesus is delayed 38:34 by that woman that had the issue of blood 38:36 and so, as he calls Jesus to come heal his daughter. 38:40 Jesus is delayed, the message comes to Jairus saying, 38:42 don't trouble the master any more, 38:44 your daughter is dead. 38:46 And so Jesus says to Jairus, 38:48 he says, "Don't fear only believe." 38:52 Only believe. 38:54 And so by the time Jairus and Jesus, 38:56 and the disciples get to the place 38:59 where the girl is dead in the house. 39:02 They come upon the scene of mourners, 39:04 paid mourners that are wailing and crying 39:07 and carrying on and Jesus addresses those folks 39:09 and says, "Why all the noise? 39:11 Why all the fuss? 39:14 In verse 24, He says, 39:15 "The maid is not dead but she's just sleeping." 39:19 And what do those paid mourners do at that moment? 39:22 They're sitting, they're crying and now what do they do? 39:24 It says they laughed him to scorn. 39:26 They went from crying... Ridicule. 39:28 Yeah, to ridicule. 39:29 They went from crying to laughing. 39:32 Now this is what happens to a lot of us Christians 39:35 who know what the Bible teaches about death? 39:37 When we tell, we try to teach that the Bible says 39:40 when you die you sleep. 39:43 Oftentimes we get laughed to scorn, right? 39:48 And that this scorn is just, 39:50 it really comes right out of the Garden of Eden 39:51 from the devil's first lie 39:53 that was really where it all started, 39:55 where this idea that you don't really die when you die. 39:57 Yes. Started with the devil. 39:59 He scorn God for saying, oh, you don't, 40:02 you're not really going to die. 40:03 Not sure, not surely die. That started in Eden. 40:07 We have a good friend by the name of James B. Shires, 40:11 he was Pentecostal minister. 40:14 Now he's an Adventist 40:15 but bless his heart, a beautiful guy. 40:18 He has the most incredible testimony 40:20 I've ever heard 40:21 but his story is that it all started, 40:24 he was listening to a preacher 40:25 who he thought was Pentecostal on the radio 40:28 who is preaching about when you die you go, 40:30 you sleep in a grave. 40:32 And that got him really mad. 40:34 He starts scorning the guy, he went home and said, 40:36 I'm going to prove that guy wrong. 40:38 I'm going to get out my concordance, 40:40 my Bible and I'm going to prove that guy 40:42 and I'm going to write him a letter 40:43 and tell him to quit preaching those lies. 40:45 And you can imagine what happened 40:47 as he went to study this topic? 40:49 He found out that the guy was telling the truth. 40:50 The Bible teaches that death is indeed a sleep. 40:53 The dead don't know anything. 40:55 And so back to the story, I like the way Mark puts it, 40:58 you know, Mark puts it when Jesus raises the girl, 41:01 he says Talitha koum, which is to say, 41:04 you know, damsel arise. 41:07 And then what I like most about this is Jesus takes the girl 41:10 and present her to the mother and the father. 41:13 And you can see the mother and the father 41:14 going from this absolute low of their lives 41:18 to the absolute joy of their, the high of their lives. 41:21 That's the way I felt when Jackson 41:23 was raised on that operating table, 41:26 it was the lowest point of my life 41:28 but I went from that low point to the highest of highs. 41:31 Knowing that it was Jesus who raised my son 41:35 and that's what Jesus did. 41:36 And then, so the very next resurrection 41:39 is the widow of Naim's son. 41:40 You know, there's a funeral train going. 41:42 Jesus meets the person and He meets the funeral train 41:48 and He raises the widow of Naim's son 41:51 and then He does the same thing. 41:52 He presents the boy to the mother. 41:55 And so she goes from that abject low of her life. 41:58 I mean, the sorrow multiplied upon sorrow. 42:01 And then she goes from that to here's your son alive 42:04 and He commanded, that's... 42:06 Can you imagine the joy 42:07 that Jesus fills and doing something like that? 42:09 Sure. And so that's what Jesus does? 42:14 That's what Jesus does. 42:15 He brings joy into your lives. 42:17 This is the whole idea of this whole resurrection thing. 42:20 The very next resurrection story in the Bible is Lazarus. 42:23 Now that's the big one. 42:24 That's the big miracle, I think Desire of Ages, 42:27 one of my favorite books calls the raising of Lazarus, 42:30 Christ's crowning miracle. 42:32 In other words, it's the biggest miracle 42:33 that He did on earth. 42:35 The biggest, the crowning miracle. 42:37 John 11, real quickly. 42:38 We won't go into it too much, we don't have a lot of time 42:40 but when Jesus comes finally to the tomb. 42:44 I like this part because He comes right to the... 42:46 He doesn't waste time and talk to people 42:48 as they're mourning around the grave. 42:51 He just comes right there and he says in John 11:39, 42:54 Jesus says, "Take ye away the stone." 42:57 And Martha, sister of Lazarus, she objects. 43:00 And what is her objection? 43:02 Well, by now he's under the rock. 43:04 That's exactly, yeah. Yeah. 43:05 So he's been in there four days, right? 43:08 And so by this time, he's gonna, 43:11 now there's probably not a worse odor 43:13 on the face of the earth 43:15 than a dead decaying human body. 43:17 Being in physical therapy, 43:18 I had the blessed privilege to take grose human anatomy 43:21 where we would study human cadavers 43:24 in the anatomy lab. 43:26 Fifty, it's almost like 50 or 55 dead bodies in there. 43:30 And of course they're in the formaldehyde treatment 43:32 and that's bad enough and they warn you 43:34 as you go into class, 43:36 they say that some of you may pass out. 43:38 You want to do something so be careful, 43:40 and sure enough a girl I remember 43:42 she passed out because of the smell. 43:43 Yeah. And so Martha rightly objects. 43:47 You know, hey, listen Jesus, you know, 43:49 don't take that stone away, he's been dead four days, 43:52 it's going to really mess this place up, 43:53 it's going to smell really bad. 43:56 And so, which was, is different than like say 44:00 Jairus' daughter and the widow of Naim's son, 44:03 they had been dead probably only less than a day maybe 44:06 and hadn't really had a chance to decompose 44:09 but, so Martha objects 44:11 but in verse 40, Jesus says to her. 44:13 He sort of rebukes her by saying, 44:16 "Did I not say to you..." in verse 40 44:19 and in the very next statement I think is a statement, 44:23 a deep profound theosophical, if that's the word, 44:26 theosophical statement that sort of summarizes 44:29 the conversion experience everybody must have 44:31 who comes to Christ, 44:33 "Did I not say to you that if you would believe, 44:37 you would see the glory of God," isn't that? 44:40 So if you would believe, you would see the glory of God. 44:43 You know the problem with people 44:44 who don't actually come to Christ 44:47 which is a terrible tragedy, is that they don't, 44:51 they're not willing to believe. 44:53 The Bible says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." 44:55 And so God, Jesus right here is saying, 44:58 "If you would believe, if you would just believe, 45:00 you'd see the glory of God." 45:01 God wants to reveal His glory. 45:03 And you know, lately, you see people like atheists, 45:07 you see evolutionists who say that there is no God 45:11 and, you know, I was contemplating their views, 45:15 I mean, like Richard Dawkins, 45:16 you've got Christopher Hitchens, 45:17 Sam Harris, Stephen Hawking, all these people, 45:20 you know, brilliant minds, of what don't they see, 45:24 I look at them so I decided to do a little dig into this. 45:26 So I would, I read some of their books 45:29 and some of their material, they do a God Delusion, 45:31 all these crazy books. 45:32 What makes them think that there is no God? 45:34 Why are they so sure with these PhDs? 45:37 And I could not find it. 45:40 It's their rhetoric but as you look into their substance, 45:43 I couldn't find it. 45:44 The best thing I could come up with, 45:46 they say and specially nowadays, 45:47 this is their mantra now, 45:49 it's, well, we know that evolution exists, 45:51 it occurred because of DNA, the study of DNA, 45:55 because some humans, 45:56 some of the gene types and the chromosomes in our DNA 45:59 are similar to some other biological creatures. 46:02 And to man that's the best you have? 46:05 Now what's funny to me is 46:07 because DNA is the study of DNA 46:09 is what brought me out of being a doubter. 46:12 I used to doubt the existence of God. 46:15 And it was the study of DNA and I wasn't getting 46:17 my prerequisites for physical therapy. 46:19 I'm in the anatomy and physiology lab 46:21 or a lecture and the guy's teaching 46:24 about how the cell divides 46:26 and he's talking about how the nucleus of a cell 46:29 has a DNA molecule, 46:30 you know, the deoxyribose and nucleic acid 46:32 is the most complex thing in biology. 46:36 And it has the blueprint, the genetic blueprint, 46:38 how the body is formed. 46:40 And when it goes to the new cell, 46:41 the new cell is divided 46:43 and then as RNA molecule takes that 46:45 genetic blueprint and transposes, trans, 46:48 it goes across trans, whatever you call it. 46:51 It goes... Transmigrates. 46:52 That's transmigrates. Yeah. 46:54 It deposits that genetic information 46:55 into the DNA molecule of the new cell. 46:59 When the guy told me that, the lecturer told me that, 47:00 I just set my pen down 47:02 and I was no longer listening to a lecture on cell division. 47:05 I was seeing the existence of God. 47:07 The Holy Spirit was right there to tell me 47:08 this is supernatural. 47:10 And so DNA is what really got me to believe 47:15 that there is a God and it got me. 47:17 I was sharing this in a seminar not long ago. 47:19 This is why I just shared with you. 47:21 The pastor stood up, he said, that's exactly what got me. 47:24 It was the study of DNA 47:26 that took me from being a nonbeliever to a believer. 47:30 So when an atheist says, 47:33 well, we know that God doesn't exist 47:34 because of DNA, 47:37 that doesn't make any sense to me, 47:39 DNA is what cinched it for me. 47:40 There's a.. That is so wonderful. 47:44 I've got a book I'm reading called 47:46 "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist". 47:48 Yeah, it takes a lot of faith. 47:49 Yeah, it does take a lot of faith. 47:51 Particularly when you begin to study 47:52 and look into the scientific evidence 47:53 that is there to be seen 47:55 for the existence of our creator God. 47:57 There was a book by a notorious atheist, 47:59 maybe many of your viewers have heard of Anthony Flew. 48:02 Anthony Flew, he wrote a book called, 48:05 There is a God, 48:07 how the world's most notorious atheist changed his mind. 48:10 In that book, he cites what changed his mind 48:12 was the study of DNA. 48:15 There's got to be a God, he said, 48:17 there has to be intelligent, 48:18 something intelligent designed the human body. 48:20 Amen. 48:22 And so, I would say the atheist has trouble finding God 48:24 for the same reason, a cop, I mean, 48:26 a thief has trouble finding a cop, right? 48:28 You don't want... You don't want to find. 48:31 Well said. 48:33 Jeremiah, 29:13, one of my favorite books, 48:36 verses, God tells us, he says, 48:37 you will seek Me and find Me 48:40 when you search for Me with all your heart. 48:43 Which goes along with what Jesus said, 48:45 if you would believe, if you would just put your, 48:47 sets your heart to believe, you would see the glory of God. 48:50 These atheists are really, 48:53 I mean they have the same heart that I do. 48:55 If they would just set their heart on believing, 48:57 they just don't want to believe. 48:59 What is interesting the fact that 49:01 that if you find what you're looking for, 49:04 you know, and sometimes you find 49:06 what you're not looking for but you reinterpret it 49:07 so that it fits the predisposition 49:10 that you came to the start with already, 49:13 but if your eyes are open, your heart is open 49:15 there's too much complexity, 49:16 there's too much design 49:18 for that design to come without the preexistence of a designer. 49:23 So it really takes much more faith 49:24 to be an atheist than it does to be a believer. 49:27 Absolutely. Yeah. 49:28 To me that would take a lot of faith, 49:30 but I used to be in that boat and what it is, 49:32 is the separation from that time with God. 49:34 You know, you have to build on that relationship 49:35 and that relationship builds your view of the glory of God. 49:40 It builds on that. 49:41 So I think you would agree with that, 49:42 true science affirms the existence of God 49:45 rather than opposes the existence of God. 49:47 True science, I think, 49:48 you know, I look forward to being in heaven 49:50 where we can study 49:52 what God did in creating biological creatures. 49:55 We can study that forever, it's an amazing thing. 49:59 I don't think we'll ever get to the depths of 50:01 what makes us, you know, tissue alive. 50:04 I think we accept some of these things 50:08 and yet in our heart of hearts if we are open, 50:14 we will discover that God is there all the time. 50:18 You know, it's very hard to resist the reality of God. 50:24 You know, you've got design, you've got what they call 50:26 irreducible complexity, certain things, 50:28 certain parts of the body, certain structures 50:30 can't develop overtime, 50:32 they've got to come as they are, 50:33 they got to appear as they are functioning, 50:35 and if they don't function, they never will. 50:37 Yeah, like the eye. Like the eye. 50:39 So many things have to be in place. 50:41 Yeah, yeah. 50:43 So with a little bit of time left, 50:45 the way this story ends up as they took the way 50:48 that the Bible says, they took the stone away 50:50 and Jesus pray to His Father 50:51 and He has a short little prayer. 50:53 Father, I knew that You hear Me 50:54 but because the people standing by, 50:57 I said it that they may believe. 50:58 That they may believe. Yeah. 51:00 So this is not really for Lazarus. 51:02 This whole idea that you sleep in the grave 51:05 until the resurrection. 51:07 Is that for the dead people to know 51:08 or is that for us that are alive and remain behind? 51:10 Those of us who are alive and remain. 51:12 It's for us and why, why is it so important 51:15 for us to know that when you die, 51:17 you sleep in a grave? 51:19 Well, the answer is because the devil use this 51:22 to deceive people, to deceive the living. 51:25 And here's what the author who wrote the book 51:28 "Last Day Events", had wrote in page 156. 51:31 The author wrote that the saints must understand 51:33 the state of the dead for the spirits of devils 51:36 will yet appear to them 51:37 professing to be beloved friends and relatives 51:40 who will declare to them 51:41 that the Sabbath has been changed 51:43 and also other unscriptural doctrines. 51:46 And so that's, that's why it's so important, 51:48 not for those dead, it doesn't matter to Lazarus 51:49 whether he's going to go right to heaven or not. 51:51 He's not, he's sleeping 51:52 but for those of us that remain and are left behind. 51:55 You know that we're going to have to really 51:56 try to get you back to do a little longer 51:58 because you've got a lot of material, 52:00 several pages you have not touched 52:01 but you can see where he's going 52:03 and, of course, all of this was animated 52:04 by the truly modern day miracle of the resurrection of His Son. 52:09 God is not subject to science, 52:11 God can supersede science 52:13 and when He does that, we call it a miracle. 52:15 Because it doesn't line up with what science tells us 52:17 should happen. 52:19 Should you want to get a copy of the 7th Day Beaver's 52:23 which I've watched many times. 52:25 It's a good little piece of documentary work 52:27 or perhaps have Larren come out 52:31 and talk with you, speak to your group, 52:33 speak to your church, run a seminar, 52:35 talk about some of these things. 52:36 You can make contact with Desire Media, 52:38 Desire Ministry, 52:40 here's how you can do precisely that. 52:46 If the Holy Spirit impresses you 52:47 to support this ministry 52:49 or if you'd like to know more about it, 52:50 you can write to Desire Media, PO Box 185, 52:55 New Pine Creek, Oregon 97635. 52:59 That's Desire Media, PO Box 185, 53:03 New Pine Creek, Oregon 97635. 53:07 You can call 800-780-9390. 53:12 That's 800-780-9390. 53:16 Or you can visit them online at 53:20 That's |
Revised 2017-09-26