3ABN Today

China Mission Work

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: CA Murray (Host), Robert Folkenberg


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017050A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:27 Let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hi, I'm C.A. Murray.
01:08 And let me once again welcome you to 3ABN Today.
01:11 And I thank you for the wonderful partnership
01:13 that we have enjoyed together these past 30 plus years
01:17 as together we lift up the mighty
01:18 and matchless name of Jesus.
01:20 And I must admit to being very, very excited today.
01:24 One, because of the subject matter
01:25 and two, because of our guest.
01:28 We don't often get to see him,
01:30 but we are pleased that whenever he is in the States,
01:32 he makes time to come by, spend a little time with us
01:35 and this is up I've gotta get it right
01:37 because you're not Robert Folkenberg,
01:39 you're not Rob Folkenberg, you're Bob.
01:41 Bob Folkenberg will work. Robert will work too.
01:44 Yeah. But I go by Bob.
01:45 Good to have you here, man. So good to be back here.
01:46 And good to see you whenever you come in from Asia,
01:50 from Hong Kong, it's good to have you here
01:51 because you always bring us good stuff.
01:53 Well, thank you. It's good to be here.
01:54 Yeah, we left you a chair open
01:56 because we thought Audrey is gonna be here.
01:57 But she said, no, it ought to be just kind of like guys'
01:59 night out.
02:00 Yeah, it's guy's night out. Exactly.
02:01 Tonight is just, is just me and you.
02:03 Just me and you.
02:05 So she's here in spirit as she also in person
02:07 because she's in a control room.
02:08 Yeah, that's right.
02:10 But she decided to let you kind of wagging solo today.
02:11 That's right,
02:12 I'm a little nervous about that.
02:15 Good to have you here, man. Thanks.
02:16 Since last you're here, of course, we lost your dad.
02:17 Yes.
02:19 And our condolences
02:20 because he was a great leader of the church
02:22 and someone we all loved.
02:23 Yeah, I miss my dad very much. Yeah.
02:25 But you know, we press on hoping
02:28 that everything that we do both here at 3ABN,
02:31 and what we're doing in Asia
02:33 will hasten the day of his coming,
02:34 that's our hope and that's our desire.
02:36 Yeah, and the beat goes on
02:37 because your son is now pastoring?
02:39 Yeah, that's right.
02:40 I have two of my three children are pastors.
02:42 My two boys are pastoring now.
02:45 Rob and...
02:46 Randy. Yep. And Randy.
02:47 Okay, you did broke it up a little bit.
02:49 Yes, we did break it up a little bit.
02:50 Yes, that's right.
02:52 Couldn't have taken two more Robs or Bobs and Roberts.
02:53 But, Robert, where are they serving?
02:55 Well, Rob is a pastor in the British Columbia Conference
02:58 in Kelowna.
02:59 And my son, Randy is pastoring in Salem, Oregon.
03:02 And my youngest girl Katie,
03:04 she is a junior now at Walla Walla University
03:07 doing social work,
03:08 still meeting the needs of people.
03:10 I'm very, and I'm happy.
03:11 Well, time gets away from you, man.
03:13 It does, where does it go, where does it go?
03:17 You've been over in Hong Kong how long now?
03:21 Well, now in total,
03:23 my family and I have been there for 14 years
03:25 working in the Greater China region.
03:28 That's where God has sent us.
03:29 And the second time around, we're going on five years.
03:32 We were there nine years
03:33 and then came back for a few years.
03:36 And now we're back for five years serving
03:38 as the union president there at the Chinese Union.
03:40 At the Chinese Union.
03:41 I remember you telling a story
03:43 the one you used to say,
03:44 have to take the kids over and bring them back
03:45 and get them acclimate for school.
03:47 That's all done now. It's all done.
03:49 And I'm happy about that, but of course we miss them.
03:52 It's a little bit of a distance between Hong Kong
03:55 and Canada or United States.
03:57 How often is it that you do get back?
03:59 Well, I have usually meetings a couple times a year.
04:01 You know, at the General Conference
04:03 or other events like right now
04:04 I'm actually preaching at a camp meeting
04:06 doing a series.
04:07 So that gives us a chance to connect either in
04:10 or heading back.
04:11 Yeah. Sure, sure.
04:12 Now I need to ask the all important question,
04:15 has anybody made you a granddad yet?
04:17 You know what?
04:18 I am so thankful that you have asked this
04:20 because somewhere along the way I would have to bring it up.
04:23 My oldest son
04:26 and his wonderful wife Bethany have had a baby girl.
04:30 And I am now a grandfather with little Eliza Joyce,
04:34 just three months old.
04:35 We just dedicated her last Sabbath.
04:36 All right.
04:38 It is... We're very, very excited.
04:39 Good stuff, good stuff.
04:41 Now that we got into the family stuff,
04:43 I don't know, Audrey is very happy
04:44 and very pleased also.
04:46 We do want to get to your mission work
04:47 because this is some exciting things are happening
04:49 and having been there 14 years,
04:51 I know you've seen some growths and some changes.
04:53 And this particular program is gonna kind be a prayer walk
04:57 through some of the needs, some of the trials,
04:59 some of the triumphs of this part of the vineyard
05:04 where you've been for 14 years, it's amazing.
05:07 Yeah.
05:08 That it's been that length of time.
05:10 Yeah, never would have thought, we would be there that long.
05:12 But you know what? You serve where God plants you.
05:16 Amen. Amen.
05:17 And you've seen some great things happening.
05:18 Yes, wonderful. Exciting things.
05:20 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
05:21 Yeah. We want to dive into that.
05:23 Gonna go to our music just now.
05:26 Johann Sentana, wonderful young man, pianist.
05:31 We'll hear from him and then we'll come back
05:32 and we'll kind of turn you all to loosen,
05:34 talk about some of the wonderful things
05:35 that are happening.
05:36 He's going to be playing, "Let all things now living".
08:58 Amen.
08:59 Well done, Johann Sentana, beautifully played.
09:02 A young man with a great talent and a very great spirit.
09:04 We were just taking a little walk down memory lane
09:07 because when you think Folkenberg,
09:09 that name is in exuberantly linked to ShareHim,
09:13 your dad and you
09:14 and then the ShareHim video magazine
09:16 that you and Audrey did for so many, many years.
09:18 Just I say few years ago, time gets away from you.
09:21 But it was a few years ago indeed.
09:23 Well, those are great programs and a great time.
09:25 Yeah, it was a wonderful opportunity for me
09:27 to work with my dad for four years.
09:30 And see so many lay people,
09:33 you know, get involved in frontline evangelism.
09:36 I see how it changed their lives
09:37 and including my own kids, my own, two, my own kids,
09:42 my oldest, the first one did it at 13.
09:45 Wow. And the other one was 12.
09:47 And then my daughter did it when she was 15.
09:48 So all of them participated and grew because of it.
09:51 Yeah, yeah.
09:53 And to see the light come on in people's eyes
09:55 once they get their sermons
09:56 and they get their computer again and say,
09:58 "You know, I can do this."
09:59 Yes. Yeah.
10:00 And to see the joy come over.
10:02 I'll never forget my 12 year old.
10:05 After he did the first altar call,
10:07 which was on the presentation of the wonderful gospel
10:10 that we have.
10:11 And he came bounding into the hotel that night,
10:13 12 years old, remember.
10:15 Yeah, yeah.
10:16 And he said, "Dad,
10:17 I made the call for people to accept Jesus."
10:20 And of course, I'm holding my breath
10:22 hoping that it was a positive.
10:24 And he said, "Daddy, I started to call
10:26 and nobody came up."
10:28 And my heart inside sank and I'm like, "Oh."
10:31 And he said, "But guess what daddy,
10:32 I was talking
10:34 and at the same time I was praying.
10:36 And I kept making appeal
10:38 and, you know, dad, six people came up,"
10:41 and he was beaming.
10:43 He was beaming.
10:44 And at the end of the series,
10:45 I think he had 13 or 12 baptisms.
10:47 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
10:48 So he was just on call that night.
10:50 Yeah, so that kind of gets the bit in the mouth.
10:51 You better believe it.
10:52 You know, and of course, it's addictive
10:54 and of course, now he's in ministry.
10:55 Yes, he is.
10:56 And the neat thing about it is they see that
10:58 it's what a difference the joy of the gospel
11:00 makes in other people's lives.
11:03 And when you get them in evangelism
11:04 at such a young age,
11:06 every time they preach,
11:08 they're fortifying their own relationship.
11:09 That's... Oh, yes.
11:10 Yeah, yeah. So true.
11:12 So praise the Lord.
11:13 Now we can stand this for a long time.
11:14 Yeah, we really could, we really could.
11:16 Lot of great things and memories
11:17 and God is still using ShareHim in a tremendous way,
11:20 hundreds of campaigns every year by young people.
11:22 Praise the Lord, and praise the Lord.
11:24 This brochure Fan the Flame,
11:26 Pray for China is going to serve as our syllabus
11:30 for what we're going to do for the next several months.
11:33 We'll kind of walk through this together
11:35 because this highlights a lot of the things
11:37 that are going on in this field
11:39 and a lot of what we need to pray for.
11:41 So this is going to be shining the light on needs,
11:44 but also we're going to take time to pray
11:45 for some of these things,
11:46 because this is a part of the world that really...
11:49 First of all it's such a crowded part of the world,
11:51 there's so many people there.
11:52 That's right.
11:53 And so many challenges and yet,
11:55 I think you'd be the first to say,
11:56 God is doing some wonderful things.
11:57 Yes, He's working miracles there.
11:59 I just want to say to the viewers that
12:01 and as we talked about this brochure
12:03 will be available for download from our KGrowth.org,
12:08 a website which I think we'll be showing on the screen.
12:11 And so you can download it and then in the future
12:14 as you pray for China, you can then rehearse,
12:16 remember these specific prayer needs
12:18 that we have in China.
12:20 So you can download it, you can see it yourself,
12:22 and follow along, and pray for China.
12:24 But you're right, it is a crowded area.
12:27 It's the largest country
12:29 in terms of population in the world, 1.4 billion...
12:32 I'm looking at numbers 1.4 billion and growing.
12:34 And growing, and growing,
12:36 there are 23 provinces with 56 different ethnic groups.
12:41 And it's the largest unreached people group in the world
12:45 that the Chinese are in terms of numbers,
12:48 greater than even the Muslims because the numbers are bigger,
12:52 the Chinese group.
12:53 And this thing is that
12:55 they are becoming more and more saturated
12:57 with materialism, secularism.
13:00 Now when you travel to China, you don't see, you know,
13:03 the oxen plowing through the rice paddies,
13:07 what you see now are high rises.
13:09 And you see, you go to the big cities there
13:10 you might as well be in any large megalopolis
13:13 around the world.
13:15 But with that comes this materialism
13:18 and secularism.
13:20 And of course, as an undertone,
13:22 the largest concentration of atheists in the world,
13:25 63 percent of the population of China are atheists.
13:29 I didn't know that.
13:30 I thought they're all of some religion,
13:32 but most are nothing.
13:33 Atheists, because it's a communist country
13:34 which espouses atheism,
13:36 but 60 some, I think 63 percent are atheists,
13:39 the largest concentration of atheism
13:40 in the world is there.
13:42 And if you don't have atheism,
13:44 then you have that background noise
13:45 or that background culture of Buddhism
13:48 or Taoism or Confucianism.
13:50 So Christianity is not...
13:52 It's not an easy place for it to grow.
13:54 But one author has pointed out
13:56 the work of the Holy Spirit in that country.
13:59 Since the early church,
14:01 it's probably the greatest church growth
14:03 that has ever happened,
14:04 I'm talking about in Christianity as a whole.
14:06 Yes.
14:07 At the time of the revolution,
14:09 the communist revolution in 1949,
14:11 there were an estimated two million Christians
14:14 in China.
14:15 And right now, there's an estimated
14:17 80 million Christians.
14:19 Now you think about that in 60 years...
14:20 Yes, yes, yes.
14:22 In 60 years. Yeah.
14:23 And the same is with our church,
14:25 God has done miraculous things at the time of the cultural...
14:28 Not the Cultural Revolution,
14:30 at the time of the Communist Revolution
14:31 in 1949, we had around 20,000 members
14:35 and now we have 450,000 members.
14:37 Praise God. Praise God. And it is growing daily.
14:39 And yet, those are impressive numbers.
14:42 When you look at one, it's still a drop
14:44 in a very large bucket.
14:45 Oh, and I tell you.
14:46 Yeah.
14:48 Every time I go walk out my door in Hong Kong
14:51 or I travel in China which I travel all over,
14:54 it is constantly hitting me.
14:56 But I remember that verse tucked away in 1 Samuel 14,
15:01 where Jonathan and his armor-bearer
15:03 facing the incredible out numbers of Philistines,
15:08 it says, that there were men as the sand of the sea.
15:10 Yeah.
15:11 And these two guys... I know the text.
15:13 You know? Know it well.
15:14 Jonathan says to his young...
15:15 He says, "Nothing was strange to Lord
15:17 to work through many or few."
15:19 Or few, yes, sir.
15:20 And I keep saying God is not concerned about numbers,
15:24 He can do it, He's looking for obedience
15:26 and submission to His will.
15:28 Yeah, and you know, what is staggering
15:30 and it jumps out from here,
15:31 you talk about the ethnic, you know,
15:33 you're not talking about a monolithic
15:35 as far as languages and cultures,
15:36 you've got a lot of subtext going on, 56.
15:39 Now, are those 56 different language groups
15:42 or they all kind of speak in the same...
15:44 They're all different language groups,
15:45 but actually there are more than 56 languages
15:48 because amongst the Han Chinese
15:50 which is 90 some percent of the population
15:52 is Chinese group, we call them Han Chinese.
15:55 Every region has its own language.
15:58 So for example, in the south where...
16:00 Near Hong Kong, it's called Cantonese,
16:03 not Mandarin.
16:04 And that's different in Mandarin.
16:06 I speak Mandarin.
16:07 But when I'm around in shops, in Guangdong Province,
16:10 they're speaking Cantonese.
16:12 I don't understand anything.
16:13 So you cannot understand. No.
16:15 They don't understand each other.
16:16 No, if I open my mouth and I talk to them in Mandarin,
16:17 they will respond because Mandarin
16:19 is the general language everybody learns.
16:22 Oh, okay, okay.
16:23 The news, the schools, everything are in Mandarin
16:25 but they also have a secondary language.
16:27 Like kind of regional kind of thing
16:28 that's spoken a lot.
16:30 Yeah, that is different in every place.
16:31 Shanghainese, Chengdu hua,
16:32 Sichuan hua, Chongqing hua,
16:34 you know, Wenzhou hua, I could just go on and on,
16:37 all these different languages.
16:39 But praise the Lord,
16:40 the Lord knows every single one of those.
16:42 Amen, amen.
16:43 And He's working in them.
16:44 He's working in them already.
16:46 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
16:47 But as you said nothing will change the Lord,
16:50 it would be an impossible task, were it not for the Lord?
16:54 Exactly. Yeah.
16:55 And what I take courage in is that
16:57 while I am lying in bed at night
16:59 or while I am, you know, dealing with
17:02 whatever small problem I think is a large problem,
17:05 His spirit is working
17:07 in the hearts of millions of people
17:09 all across China.
17:10 And He's just calling us to be His servants to intersect
17:14 and bring the gospel to be that
17:16 those ministers of reconciliation
17:18 with the word of reconciliation to them.
17:20 So God is working,
17:21 now we have over 4,500 churches in China.
17:23 Yeah.
17:24 Over the last three years, we praise the Lord,
17:26 we've been able to start over 50 centers of influence.
17:30 Wow.
17:31 We call them service centers
17:32 because of it's just a little more sensitive
17:34 to the political situation
17:36 and over 500 baptisms had come through those centers.
17:39 And those centers are selling health food stores,
17:42 doing health ministry, doing massage therapy,
17:45 doing kindergarten, doing tutoring,
17:48 doing music schools, doing play groups
17:51 whatever it takes to connect, to create a platform,
17:55 to connect with all those millions of atheists
17:59 and non-Christians.
18:00 And that was going to be my next question
18:02 because the centers of influence are doing
18:04 kind of rubber meets the road kind of stuff.
18:06 That's very close to the people think that
18:08 that's very user-friendly for them.
18:09 That's right. That's exactly right.
18:11 Yeah.
18:12 And one of the things that we've done is that,
18:14 every single center of influence
18:15 in order to receive help,
18:18 okay, of whatever kind it is from us,
18:21 they have to have an embedded full-time
18:25 global mission pioneer team working in it.
18:28 So it's not just a "Business",
18:31 we have evangelists that are there,
18:33 and all they're thinking about is connecting with people.
18:37 You know, developing relationships
18:39 that then can build trust and create a platform
18:42 for sharing the message.
18:44 Yeah, now obviously you're not going in
18:45 with your guns blazing like the gospel wild west,
18:48 you can't do that.
18:49 But given the idea of centers of influence
18:54 and the kinds of friendship kind of things
18:56 you're trying to do,
18:57 preparatory to any exponential of the gospel.
18:59 That's right.
19:01 Is there resistance? Is that working?
19:02 It's not fast like pitching on big tent
19:04 and going to all the things you've done.
19:06 So obviously you're working in a different kind of way,
19:08 but given that modification in your gospel presentation,
19:12 are we getting results, are we seeing...
19:15 Absolutely. Yeah, yeah.
19:16 I just got a story from one of our pioneer teams
19:18 embedded in a center of influence.
19:21 And what they have done is they realize that
19:23 even down to the young adults
19:25 now people are concerned about health,
19:27 especially in China.
19:28 They're concerned about food safety.
19:30 They're concerned about pollution.
19:32 They're concerned about
19:33 just the rising incidence of cancer in China.
19:36 And they're very interested in health.
19:38 So they're coming to our center of influence.
19:40 But the story that they shared with me
19:43 was opposite.
19:44 The people, the pioneers,
19:46 and the workers in the center of influence
19:48 don't just wait for them to come there.
19:50 They take their health expo material
19:54 that we have received from Health Expo International,
19:58 we partnered with them,
19:59 their blood pressure cuffs, their body mass index,
20:03 and they go out on the street and they meet people.
20:06 Oh, wow.
20:08 And then they say, "Come to my store."
20:09 And we can...
20:11 And you know what,
20:12 they were telling a story of one of these people
20:13 that came in and was buying health food store,
20:15 health food material
20:16 and they started delivering it to them.
20:19 And they found out, "Wait a minute,
20:20 you're Christian,
20:22 " Bible studies ensued, and of course,
20:23 most of these centers of influence become churches.
20:26 We're trying to plant churches
20:27 on the second floor meeting room.
20:29 And they invite them there to have worship
20:32 and begin to grow in Jesus Christ.
20:33 Praise the Lord.
20:35 So like I said in the last three years alone,
20:36 we've had over 500 baptisms
20:39 just from these centers of influence.
20:41 And some of these have only been
20:42 or at least 20 of them have only been started a year ago.
20:44 So we're going to see this number grow.
20:46 Yeah, quick testimony, I won't take too much time.
20:49 I was in the Philippines this past year.
20:53 And they'd just opened a center of influence,
20:55 a health food store, restaurant actually.
20:57 Oh.
20:59 The best vegetarian food I think I've had in my life.
21:03 Is that right?
21:05 Really, really well done.
21:06 And then on the second floor, there's a meeting place
21:08 where they're doing studies.
21:09 And they were telling me, they had only been opened maybe
21:11 two or three months,
21:13 and that second floor was packed
21:14 three nights a week already,
21:16 and most of it was feeding from the restaurant.
21:18 From that restaurant.
21:19 From that restaurant downstairs, yeah.
21:21 That's just fantastic.
21:22 Yeah, so that idea really works...
21:23 Yes, it does. And produces great result.
21:25 It really does. We have not...
21:26 All of our centers have a principle
21:28 of not having high overhead.
21:30 We have not started restaurants
21:32 but many of our "Health Centers"...
21:33 Yes.
21:35 What I mean by that is you walk in
21:36 and they're selling soymilk,
21:39 they're selling bulk whole grains,
21:42 and brown rice, and many things of that nature.
21:46 But, you know, what they do in the morning
21:47 because the Chinese love their glass of soymilk
21:49 in the morning, hot soymilk,
21:52 and they love their baozis.
21:54 Baozis are steamed bread
21:56 and they often have vegetarian things inside.
21:59 In many of our centers of influence
22:01 that are doing health ministry will go out in early morning,
22:05 six in the morning,
22:06 set up their baozi, their steamed bread,
22:09 and their soymilk stand
22:11 and people come by
22:12 and pick up their "breakfast" there
22:14 and connect with our center that way.
22:15 Excellent, excellent.
22:17 Yeah, if you open your eyes and kind of see
22:18 what's going on,
22:20 the people will tell you how to serve them.
22:21 That's right.
22:22 And if you aware yourself that you can make some good friends
22:24 and good contacts.
22:25 So one of the things that is working a lot
22:27 and working very well in China
22:29 and I think in my humble opinion
22:31 and as somebody that's been involved
22:33 with church growth for many years,
22:34 church planting is one of the best church growth methods
22:37 we have.
22:38 And right now in China, we have,
22:40 not counting those 56 centers of influence,
22:43 we have also many, many church plants going with
22:47 Global Mission pioneers in an unentered areas
22:49 around the world.
22:51 Excellent, excellent.
22:52 And that is something we need to pray about.
22:54 That is such a fabulous idea.
22:57 The idea that you can meet people where they are,
23:01 and in meeting them where they are,
23:04 you can make friends, and in a place
23:07 where you cannot just live with the gospel,
23:10 you live with a cup of water or a cup of hot soymilk
23:14 or baozi...
23:16 Baus? Baozi.
23:18 Baozi. Baozi.
23:20 And you make friends from that and churches grow.
23:24 And in a part of the world where you've got
23:26 a totally different cultural milieu,
23:27 this is the kind of way I think to do it.
23:29 Yeah, and as you see here on this brochure,
23:33 and those who are watching later can download,
23:36 we have to use every method available.
23:40 We cannot just come to this challenge of China
23:43 with one way, okay?
23:45 Yes, yes.
23:46 Every Sabbath the doors are open,
23:48 and over 4,500 churches.
23:50 Every Sabbath, every church I go to,
23:53 C.A., there's a call given.
23:55 Amen.
23:56 And people come forward
23:58 and they are then taken to Bible study groups.
24:01 So that method is working.
24:03 We are also doing church planting.
24:05 We also have these platforms for health
24:08 and centers of influence.
24:10 We have many, many different health centers
24:13 that are like Newstart centers
24:15 that are run by local churches across China,
24:17 some of them are small,
24:19 some of them you wouldn't believe,
24:20 they have 40, 50 rooms multistory.
24:22 Wow.
24:23 And they have hundreds of people coming,
24:25 government officials coming.
24:27 And they openly pray, openly have devotions,
24:30 and they see differences in their lives.
24:33 But besides that we are also using technology.
24:37 You know, the internet,
24:39 and we are broadcasting our AWR Adventist World Radio programs
24:47 all across China from Guam.
24:49 But besides that we take those programs,
24:51 AWR does and puts some on a podcast platform.
24:55 Oh, yes.
24:56 Because I don't know if you realize this,
24:58 but there are more internet users in China
25:01 than all of the United States, and all of Europe combined.
25:04 The reason I know is because Moses, kind of,
25:07 shine the light on that just a few weeks ago
25:09 on a broadcast that we have, we're sitting to talk with him,
25:11 but you would not know
25:13 that you got such a saturation in China,
25:16 those folks are internet savvy,
25:17 and get lot of the information through the internet.
25:20 And most of it is from their hand phone.
25:22 You know, the smart phones. Yes.
25:24 Everybody I see has a smart phone in China.
25:27 And so what we've done is taken that podcast and every day,
25:31 C.A., we have 11 million downloads
25:34 of the podcast.
25:36 Wow, praise God.
25:37 Eleven million people are downloading
25:40 our AWR programming in China.
25:42 Yeah, that's download. Download, download.
25:43 That's a download. That's a download.
25:46 That's incredible.
25:47 Plus, we have multiple platforms
25:49 for distributing different kinds of internet programming.
25:52 And but, what I'm trying to say is that,
25:55 you know, we are living in a time
25:57 that I think God has created different
26:00 or given us different methods and tools to use.
26:03 Unfortunately, the devil uses those same tools.
26:05 Very true.
26:06 But we can use them also
26:08 and we need to be wise and use them
26:10 and where you have all of these tech users there in China,
26:14 we need to provide that information.
26:15 Praise the Lord.
26:17 We need to provide those platforms.
26:18 Yeah, that's why it's so cool when you come, man.
26:20 Because we wouldn't get all this stuff,
26:22 there are lot of things happening
26:23 in this part of the world that don't always leak out.
26:25 And let me ask you this because I have heard a rumor
26:27 that one of our largest church is actually is in China.
26:31 It is.
26:32 In the thousands of members, is that so?
26:34 That's very true.
26:36 In fact, as far as I know the largest physical building,
26:39 Adventist building we have is in China,
26:42 it will seat 3,500 that is the building itself.
26:46 And their membership in this case,
26:49 it's you have that church
26:51 which I think has a membership of like 2,500.
26:54 And but that church started with 14 with a family.
27:01 And this lady started this church of 14,
27:06 and it is now grown to that church of 2,500.
27:09 But not just that, they have 120 other churches
27:12 that have been started from that one church.
27:15 And so in essence,
27:17 they now have a whole conference of churches
27:19 with thousands to over 10,000,
27:21 I think it's like 12,000 members
27:22 in all these churches combined,
27:25 started with 14 people with a sister and a brother
27:29 and another sister and...
27:31 It's amazing what God is doing through these people.
27:34 Do we have a length of time from that 14
27:36 to what we've got now 10, 12...
27:37 Yes, I can tell you. That started in the mid '80s.
27:41 In the mid '80s to the late '80s.
27:42 I visited them in the early...
27:45 in about 2002
27:47 and they had already taken over on Sabbath,
27:50 the "Three Self Government Church"
27:52 that seated the 1000.
27:54 And I was taken there in the morning
27:56 because I was visiting different places in China
27:58 and we left the hotel
28:01 where we were staying at 8 o'clock in the morning,
28:02 we got there,
28:04 there was not a seat to be had, every seat was taken.
28:07 And there were at least 100 people outside
28:11 with the windows open outside sitting on buckets.
28:14 And I had this etched in my mind
28:16 with their Bibles on their knees.
28:18 Wow.
28:19 But let me just add the final context.
28:21 It was January
28:22 as if we were in Northern Minnesota.
28:25 Oh, oh. It was below freezing.
28:28 They were bundled up, there was no heat
28:30 but they were there all day eating the Word of God,
28:34 fellowshipping with each other.
28:37 And I remember getting there at 8:30 in the morning,
28:38 by the time we got there it was 8:30.
28:40 There was no seat.
28:41 Now they knew I was coming, and they knew we were coming
28:43 so they had saved us a few seats inside
28:45 where there's no heat by the way either.
28:47 But at least you were inside
28:49 where some body heat happening all around you.
28:50 Sure, sure.
28:51 And from there that afternoon, the pastor, the lady pastor,
28:56 her name is Hao Ya Jie,
28:57 took us to see the ten churches that have been planted then.
29:00 So let's do the calculation, that was about 2002,
29:03 so 15 years later there are another 110 churches.
29:06 Unreal. Praise God. And God is working.
29:09 And not too far from there in another city,
29:11 we have one mother church
29:12 that has over 300 churches associated with it.
29:16 You know, it's funny because when I think China,
29:20 I have in my mind this
29:22 constantly hot place all the time,
29:24 but Audrey was saying in the control room
29:26 that Beijing is up about latitude Washington DC,
29:29 that's chilly, man.
29:30 That's not... No, no, it is cold.
29:31 A lot of China is very cold.
29:34 I don't know if you've ever heard of a city
29:36 called Harbin where they have this famous ice festival,
29:38 they build an entire city out of ice.
29:40 Yeah, I have heard about that. And it's beautiful.
29:43 It stays cold enough to stay all winter.
29:45 All winter, yeah.
29:46 No, no, it's very, very cold in the north.
29:48 Wow, what a blessing.
29:49 And it's so neat to go to some of these churches
29:52 in the countryside in the north
29:54 where they stack up during the summer,
29:57 huge stacks of corn stock and used up corn cobs.
30:02 Because they heat their church with a big potbelly stove,
30:06 right in the middle of the church,
30:08 with a pipe going across the church out
30:12 and they just feed those corn stocks into there
30:15 all winter long though to warm their congregation.
30:19 Anyway, God is doing a neat thing.
30:21 He is. Now we've got something for us to pray.
30:22 But let me ask you this.
30:24 Is your movement in
30:25 and around China hindered at all,
30:28 they would have access to move pretty freely
30:29 as you go from place to place.
30:31 You know what, I can tell you is
30:32 God has done wonderful things in China.
30:34 The government has created an incredible environment
30:38 for economic growth.
30:41 According to one statistic I read,
30:44 the most people ever in the history of mankind
30:46 have been raised out of poverty
30:49 because of this governmental system
30:52 that they have since, since about '76 to now
30:55 you have got close to 400 million people,
30:58 500 million people that have come out of poverty.
31:01 So there's a lot of economic freedom,
31:03 there's a lot of openness that the government,
31:06 in the Constitution has freedom of religion.
31:08 So the churches, they try to register,
31:11 many of them are given registration.
31:13 They go to the... So there's a lot of freedom.
31:14 Yeah.
31:16 It's much different than it was before.
31:17 And even myself, I travel, I work with the government.
31:21 I work with the local people to tell me what I should do
31:24 and what I shouldn't do.
31:25 We want to respect the laws and so I've followed them.
31:28 And I meet regularly with different government officials,
31:30 we have a very cordial relationship.
31:32 Excellent, excellent, excellent.
31:33 I suspect though
31:35 because I've seen some national geographic stuff.
31:37 And it talks about the influx of Mercedes and BMW
31:40 that people are getting.
31:41 Oh, unbelievable.
31:43 Of course, so that means
31:44 that your big battle is secularism, right?
31:45 That's right. Yeah, that's right.
31:47 Because as they're moving up to economic ladder,
31:49 different kinds of gods are taking place.
31:51 You are so right. Yeah, yeah.
31:52 This is our greatest challenge.
31:54 And as it is here in United States
31:56 or Canada or Europe and in other,
31:59 you know, developed economies,
32:02 you're finding that in the big cities
32:05 where money is the central theme in God,
32:08 our membership...
32:10 And actually the active Christian membership is lower,
32:13 our membership is less in the big cities
32:15 than if you just go out into the suburbs
32:17 and into the countryside.
32:18 But we can't do that.
32:20 We are trying to target our cities.
32:23 We're trying to start churches in our cities
32:24 because that's where the people are.
32:27 More than 50 percent of the population of China are
32:28 in these mega cities.
32:30 In these mega cities, and they're mega, mega cities.
32:31 Listen, there is one,
32:33 the largest city has more population
32:35 than 49 of the states of the United States.
32:38 Isn't that something? Yeah. One city.
32:40 Only California has more people than that one city
32:43 and that's the largest city in China
32:45 and that's how in the West called Chongqing
32:48 and we only have about 200 members on Sabbath there...
32:50 Wow, wow. Out of 30 million people.
32:52 A lot of work to be done, 30 million people.
32:55 But God is not restrained by many or by few.
32:59 Or few. He will get it done.
33:01 Well said. Well said, and that is true.
33:04 So as we look at our list of what we're praying for.
33:07 We're praying for the lost in China and there are many
33:09 because we want them to come and to know Jesus.
33:11 That's right. Revival in the church.
33:14 Do you see is there a Laodiceanism slipping in
33:19 or the people pretty much still on fire?
33:22 You know what, I will be honest
33:23 and say that we see it's slipping in
33:26 especially in our large economic centers.
33:29 You know, we're rich and increased with good.
33:31 Yes.
33:32 And of course we have need of nothing.
33:34 That means that we just don't have
33:36 that hungering and thirsting after the things of God
33:38 and we find compromise setting in.
33:40 And we need revival.
33:44 Of course, there are still many areas
33:46 where people are just willing to do anything for the Lord.
33:49 And, but we need to pray for revival.
33:51 Please, pray for revival.
33:53 Pray that God will pour out His Holy Spirit
33:56 in latter day power.
33:59 So that the light, the fire
34:02 that's burning will become a forest fire
34:03 and take over all things...
34:04 Praise the Lord.
34:06 We're going to add one more then
34:07 maybe we'll take a starter and have a word of prayer.
34:08 Unity in the church, is that a particular problem in China?
34:11 It is a particular problem,
34:12 but we see tremendous strides forward
34:15 because China is a unique church
34:18 and that it is not organized traditionally like
34:20 we have here.
34:22 And so therefore, it is kind of fractured
34:24 under different leaders and different and...
34:26 But we see the Lord bringing the people together,
34:29 focusing on our mission.
34:30 But we do need the Holy Spirit
34:32 to bring greater unity in China.
34:37 Give me the noblest...
34:38 Add just one more. Sure.
34:40 The church in China, is it a young church,
34:41 is it a older church,
34:43 give me some sense of the age demographic?
34:45 You know, it's an interesting question.
34:48 It depends on where you go.
34:49 If you go into the countryside,
34:53 you will find it's mostly an elderly church
34:55 because all the youth have come to the cities
34:57 to look for work, the young adult.
34:59 You'll see elderly people and children
35:01 because the children are left there
35:03 with their grandparents while they go,
35:05 mom and dad go look for jobs.
35:06 But then when you come to the cities
35:08 in the largest churches or in the city churches
35:10 you'll see a mix, you'll see a mix there.
35:13 And so, but we see this challenge everywhere,
35:16 young people sometimes are distracted
35:19 with the things of this world.
35:21 And all if they could just recognize
35:23 the joy of finding Jesus in the days of their youth,
35:27 they would avoid so many pitfalls,
35:29 but we need to pray for our youth
35:30 and our children, and our children.
35:32 Yes, yes.
35:34 Well, let's stop just now and offer a word of prayer.
35:36 And as Bob has mentioned, you can download this
35:40 so you can have this for your own prayer time,
35:42 you can make a prayer list.
35:44 You can sort of bring this
35:45 to the Lord periodically doing your prayers.
35:47 We're going to pray just now. Amen.
35:48 Father God, we do praise You and thank You
35:50 that Your eye is on China
35:52 that You care so very much about this part of the world.
35:56 There are challenges there, unity, and the young people,
35:59 and secularism, and these kinds of things
36:02 that go with affluence
36:03 and with coming up out of poverty,
36:06 there is this trusting sometimes in things
36:09 and not in the Lord.
36:10 And so far we pray, in a very special way
36:12 that you would tear down these strongholds
36:15 that would insert yourself and the Holy Spirit
36:17 into the lives of those
36:18 who may be growing cold or who may be going weak
36:21 or the society that is want to follow the things of the world
36:25 and not care so much about Christ.
36:27 Father, override these things
36:29 with the power of your Holy Spirit,
36:31 we commend these to you
36:33 knowing that the God of all the earth will do just
36:35 and do right for them and by them, call them Lord
36:39 and lead them safely in journey,
36:40 we do pray and thank You in Jesus' name.
36:43 Amen. Amen.
36:44 Amen. Thank you so much, CA.
36:47 All right, growing Sabbath schools in China
36:49 and I suspect that is a growth area?
36:51 Yeah.
36:52 And as you look here the next one is small group
36:54 all across China.
36:56 There are lot of different small group ministries
36:58 taking place.
36:59 For example, on Sabbath afternoon many churches
37:01 divide into different area groups,
37:03 for example families, children, youth,
37:05 the culture in China, the Adventist culture is that
37:09 when you are an Adventist,
37:10 you go to church from morning till sundown.
37:13 They're there all day, they eat together
37:15 and then they do training in the afternoon,
37:17 you have the baptismal classes in the afternoons,
37:20 so there're lot of small groups going
37:21 and Sabbath schools, that's a whole another,
37:23 that's a whole another story.
37:25 We have been working very closely
37:26 with leaders in China
37:28 to develop the process and the habit of using
37:33 or unifying wonderful Sabbath School quarterlies.
37:36 So now we are translating those regularly.
37:38 And many of them are distributed,
37:41 of course, through the internet.
37:42 They download them and they print them
37:44 for their local congregations
37:45 or their group of hundred congregations.
37:48 Other ones, we have printed very nicely and distributed.
37:52 And so but what we want to see that take hold even more.
37:54 Right now we're printing 60-70,000 a quarter.
37:57 We would like to print 100,000, 200,000.
37:59 So let's pray for our Sabbath Schools.
38:02 And you see the next one here, C.A., was church planting.
38:06 Church planting.
38:07 You know, I'm a big believer
38:09 and the data on church growth points this out.
38:15 You know, you think about it.
38:16 If the early church were not a church planting church
38:19 and it just decided to hang out in Turkey and in Asia Minor,
38:22 what would happen?
38:23 We'd still be in Turkey and Asia Minor, I think.
38:25 You know, yeah, and if you go to Turkey right now,
38:26 there's hardly any churches.
38:28 Yes, yes.
38:29 You see God knows what He's doing
38:31 with His church planting.
38:32 It's good for the church. Yes.
38:33 And so we are very involved in church planting.
38:36 We encourage our churches.
38:37 And right now as I've mentioned to you earlier we have,
38:40 you know, dozens and dozens of teams
38:44 all across China
38:46 in unentered area planting churches.
38:47 And if you don't mind can I just share with you...
38:49 Oh, please do, please do.
38:50 Just a neat story from,
38:52 I just got it from one of our pioneer teams.
38:56 They sent in their quarterly report
38:58 and they said that, "This last quarter,
39:00 they had the joy of making two new friends."
39:03 Actually they're giving I think 23 Bible study,
39:06 so they have many friends that they're connecting.
39:07 But these are two new ones.
39:09 One was a gentleman by the name of Tin,
39:11 it's not really his name, but they called him Tin.
39:14 And Tin, they met him
39:17 at a time of crisis in his life,
39:20 his son had an accident, had a major surgery
39:23 and the doctor said, "He would not walk again."
39:25 Oh, wow.
39:26 And so they came around and supported him
39:29 and provided friendship and love
39:32 and began to introduce him to Jesus,
39:35 the one that gives eternal comfort.
39:37 And before long,
39:39 he had accepted Jesus his personal savior
39:41 and then before long he's like,
39:42 "Well, please come to my house and have Bible studies."
39:45 So now they're visiting their son
39:47 who is still in the hospital.
39:49 They're having Bible studies with Tin and his family,
39:52 and that's exciting to them.
39:55 And he is opening his home for Bible studies in the community.
39:58 Praise the Lord.
39:59 Then the second one is a lady who is paralyzed.
40:03 It sounds like it's because of a stroke or something,
40:05 she's paralyzed in the home.
40:06 So they have started visiting her,
40:09 tending to her needs, loving her.
40:12 And you know what?
40:14 She says, "This kind of love is blowing me away.
40:18 Tell me why you love me so."
40:20 And I'm just paraphrasing their report,
40:22 they said, they said, "It's because of Jesus."
40:27 And they said, "When we come to meet you,
40:30 it's Jesus coming to meet you."
40:31 And they gave her a Bible study on the gospel,
40:33 she accepted Jesus Christ.
40:34 Praise the Lord.
40:36 And now she says, now listen,
40:37 "I need you to come and give a Bible study
40:39 to my whole family."
40:40 And they sent pictures of the pioneers sitting there
40:44 with the whole family giving Bible studies
40:46 and at the end of the report, C.A.,
40:49 they said, "We are so excited,
40:52 right before we wrote this report,
40:55 this sister invited us into her home
40:58 to destroy the two family altars
41:01 that they have, their idols,
41:03 and take them out and burn them."
41:05 Amen. Amen.
41:07 That is good news.
41:08 This is all because of church planting.
41:09 Yeah.
41:11 And we need to pray for these church planters
41:12 who are facing difficult times,
41:14 some times of facing political challenges,
41:18 we just need to pray for them.
41:22 That's the thing. In fact, let's pray right now.
41:24 Sure.
41:25 Gracious Father, we come to You again.
41:27 We know the challenges that the church planters face,
41:30 the challenges that come to all those involved
41:33 in frontline evangelism.
41:34 They are the specific
41:36 and special objects of Satan's hatred and attack.
41:39 But we know that
41:41 they can be more than conquerors
41:42 through Jesus Christ.
41:43 And that greater is he that is in them
41:45 then he that is in the world.
41:46 That's for sure.
41:47 And so Father, we commend them to You
41:49 and ask You to surround them.
41:50 Keep them safe in their comings, their goings.
41:52 Bless the work of their hands
41:54 and may they be crowned with success, Father.
41:58 So that the work can go forward and we thank You Father,
42:00 and praise You in Jesus' name, amen.
42:02 Amen. Amen. Amen.
42:05 I love it all.
42:06 I just want to encourage the viewers, please,
42:09 download this and pray for China daily.
42:12 There is power in prayer.
42:14 There is a quote that we have on this booklet here
42:16 regarding prayer, C.A., that I really, really like,
42:19 it says, "A chain of earnest praying believers
42:23 should encircle the world.
42:25 Let all pray in humility.
42:28 Let those who cannot leave home,
42:29 gather and their children and unite in learning
42:32 to pray together in response
42:34 to the prayers of God's people
42:36 angels are sent with heavenly blessings."
42:39 This is in Ellen White's Book, Reflecting Christ, page 121.
42:42 Amen.
42:43 So prayer is real, I believe it.
42:47 "Anybody that has gone out knows that
42:49 there is power in prayer."
42:51 Now, your next one is "Pray for Public Evangelism."
42:55 Is there a measure of public evangelism
42:57 that you can do?
42:58 I know you can't do whole scale big city wise,
43:00 kind of things that we're accustomed to in the west,
43:02 but you can do something like that?
43:03 Let me just tell you, my friend.
43:05 God is doing amazing things.
43:07 There is not a culture of public evangelism
43:09 because it was impossible for 40, 50 years.
43:14 But now that many of our churches
43:15 owned their own apartment church,
43:17 their house church, or their own building,
43:19 they can do so.
43:21 And so we have brought over, the last couple of years
43:24 we brought evangelists, Doug Batchelor came
43:27 and held meeting in Wuxi, 200 were baptized.
43:29 Praise God.
43:30 Mark Finley came last October and many...
43:34 I think it was close to 180 some were baptized.
43:37 We're modeling it, okay? We're modeling it.
43:41 And so what has happened now is that
43:43 our own people are going out and preaching now.
43:46 I'm plugging in ShareHim here.
43:49 ShareHim has developed materials in Chinese.
43:51 Oh, wow.
43:52 For the Chinese with an Asian view in mind.
43:55 And we have distributed these.
43:57 New Beginnings has done the same thing
43:59 all across China.
44:00 So we are distributing material.
44:02 Our goal this year,
44:03 and I'm a little bit nervous to say this over the air,
44:06 but I need your prayers.
44:08 Let me just say that
44:09 we are planning hundreds of campaigns this year
44:13 across China.
44:15 One such example took place by one of our union leaders
44:19 went to a Chinese Church,
44:21 held Chinese evangelist meetings,
44:24 no foreign, this is all local bread, everything.
44:28 And 63 people gave their life to the Lord
44:31 including 100 year old lady
44:34 who also insisted on going to the seaside
44:37 and being baptized in the sea with the other 62 people.
44:39 Bless her heart.
44:40 So what I'm trying to say is that God is going to work.
44:43 We have seen the numbers of baptism
44:45 increasing year after year.
44:48 This last year, we had over 16,000 baptisms in China.
44:51 Amen.
44:52 We hope to see that exponentially increase
44:55 as we start doing public evangelism.
44:57 So praying for public evangelism
45:00 is a real need.
45:01 Please, join us in praying for public evangelism
45:05 all across China.
45:08 That's what we need desperately.
45:10 That is fabulous, fabulous.
45:13 Is there an ongoing threat, Bob,
45:16 to religious freedom even now?
45:17 You know, I believe that God is opening those doors
45:20 and He is.
45:21 We see it.
45:23 How we can openly have evangelism in our churches.
45:25 We can have pastors who are trained.
45:29 God is doing wonderful things.
45:30 But we like in any place even in our own country here,
45:33 we need to continue to pray for religious freedom.
45:35 And we also need to pray
45:37 that God continues to bless the religious education
45:40 and theological education that is happening
45:42 in various modalities in China
45:45 so that the church can be strengthened theologically
45:49 to rebuff all these strange winds of doctrine
45:52 that can come.
45:54 And you know, if that happens around the world,
45:56 the devil doesn't matter how he gets us,
45:58 he loves getting us from within.
46:00 Right, right, right.
46:01 And so, we need to pray
46:03 for our religious education as well.
46:06 And so do you mind, let me pray for these three last things...
46:09 Please do. If you don't mind.
46:11 Father in heaven,
46:12 we've been talking about public evangelism
46:14 and, Father, you know, the plans that we have
46:17 but, dear God, please guide us.
46:21 May they be Your plans blessed by Your Holy Spirit
46:25 as we preach this Three Angels' Message
46:28 to the people all across China.
46:30 Lord, this work cannot be finished
46:32 until it is finished everywhere,
46:35 be it in China or be it in Cicero, Indiana.
46:38 Amen. Or be it in Chicago.
46:40 Lord, it's got to be done.
46:42 And I pray, dear God,
46:43 that You will use Your faithful members in China
46:45 to proclaim this message,
46:48 this end time message to the people of China
46:51 who are hungering for it.
46:53 Protect the meetings,
46:54 bring the people who are hungry,
46:56 who you've been working with to these public meetings
46:58 and may they be sensitive
47:00 to the promptings of your Holy Spirit.
47:02 We pray for the continued work of education, theological,
47:07 and religious education across China.
47:09 Continue to keep the doors open
47:11 for the proclamation of Your message,
47:13 we pray in the powerful name of Jesus, amen.
47:16 Amen. Amen.
47:20 Religious freedom is...
47:22 The hands are kind of off for now...
47:24 The Lord is working. We still have lots of ability.
47:28 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
47:29 Praise the Lord
47:33 Theological education,
47:35 our guys that are working there,
47:37 they're the frontline mission people,
47:38 the global mission people, the mission pioneer people,
47:40 they're getting the training outside
47:42 and coming in?
47:43 Well, no, we're doing all the training inside.
47:46 And we do training inside, we have different modalities,
47:48 of course, local church seminars,
47:50 our union is very involved
47:52 and going all over doing training and seminars.
47:55 We use the internet platforms to deliver classes.
48:00 We have an entire distance education school
48:04 called Chinese Adventist Seminary
48:05 with over 1,000 students getting a one year degree
48:09 in pastoral ministry,
48:10 two year degree in pastoral ministry,
48:11 four year accredited degree in pastoral ministry,
48:14 all delivered through the internet,
48:17 different modalities, face to face classes.
48:18 Okay.
48:20 So we need to keep praying for that as well.
48:21 And if you don't mind
48:23 just write down there little further,
48:25 it says media and internet ministries...
48:26 I'm looking out.
48:27 These are connected, you know, these are connected.
48:29 We need to pray for that.
48:32 You know, we have a Chinese Hope TV
48:36 that goes 24/7 in the Chinese language
48:39 that is used broadcast through the cell phone
48:41 and through the internet, and through the satellite.
48:45 Anyway, what I'm trying to say is we need to use every method
48:48 and we pray that God will bring people
48:50 to listen that are seeking truth.
48:55 Let me ask you,
48:56 I'm looking at pray for family ministries,
48:58 give me some sense, Bob, and our time looking
49:00 at the clock is not our friend here,
49:02 of the stability or instability of the average Chinese home?
49:06 You know, comparatively speaking,
49:08 it's very stable compared to the west and other places
49:12 but that is changing because of secularism, materialism,
49:17 the demands of the workforce, and the desire for more,
49:21 we're seeing more and more problems
49:23 in the family.
49:24 And so we're praying for family.
49:26 We have family ministry leadership,
49:27 training going on, counseling.
49:29 We need to pray for our families.
49:31 The devil knows, C.A., that if he can get a family,
49:34 he's silenced the witness.
49:36 Very true, very true. Very, very true.
49:39 It's good to know that there are so many friends
49:42 at the Adventist Church
49:43 can be of value to this part of the world field.
49:49 We're praying for protection and the presence of His angels.
49:52 Amen and amen. Amen.
49:54 And for a latter rain outpouring
49:57 of the Holy Spirit...
49:58 Amen to that too. Yeah.
50:00 Yes. And governmental leaders.
50:02 We need to pray for our government leaders,
50:03 and they're God's children too.
50:05 And we want them to come to know Jesus Christ.
50:07 Let me ask this, Bob, do you get a chance
50:09 to interface much with, certainly not country leaders,
50:13 but local leaders, police, mayors,
50:15 those kind of town's people who kind of...
50:17 Oftentimes, political leaders
50:18 I don't get to interface with as much
50:20 but I do get with religious leaders.
50:23 In other words religious bureau
50:24 which are secular that oversee religion,
50:26 I interface with them.
50:28 And just a reminder, all of this again, C.A.,
50:31 all of this list that we've been praying
50:32 including governmental leaders can be found
50:35 on our website at KGrowth.org.
50:37 They can download this pamphlet.
50:39 And it becomes a way for our people
50:42 that are watching, your viewers,
50:43 to pray for China.
50:45 We covet your prayers,
50:49 we just covet your support in every which way.
50:51 Fabulous.
50:52 Pray...
50:53 I like this idea because this gives you really a prayer list.
50:57 And this is something...
50:58 If you have a color print, it's really, really pretty.
51:00 And if you don't, well, you can still pray for it.
51:03 Yeah, but you can see it online in color for sure.
51:05 And it tells you what to pray for.
51:07 And it also shows you some of the areas of ministry
51:09 that might could use some financial support as well.
51:12 Yeah, we've talked about the necessity of prayer
51:16 and, of course, that is very, very important.
51:18 But we should not forget
51:19 that this work does take your finances.
51:23 And one of the reasons that they come is that
51:24 we can expose you to the kinds of things
51:26 that are being done
51:28 and obviously great work is being done,
51:29 but it's going to take money to help
51:31 because this is an area,
51:32 we talk about the 10/40 window and other kinds of things,
51:34 but here is an area that really needs your prayers
51:37 and your financial support.
51:38 And giving can be given through KGrowth.org as well.
51:41 Amen, amen. Thank you.
51:42 We want to go to an address roll just now.
51:44 Should you want to make contact for support
51:47 to get little more information here how, here is
51:50 how you can do precisely that.
51:55 If you would like to know more about this ministry
51:56 or how you can support it.
51:58 You can do so by writing
51:59 to Chinese Union C/O Outpost Centers International,
52:04 5132 Layton Lane, Apison, Tennessee 37302.
52:10 That's Chinese Union C/O Outpost Centers International,
52:15 5132 Layton Lane, Apison, TN 37302.
52:21 You can also visit them online at KGrowth.org,
52:26 that's the letter K then growth.org.
52:31 Contact them today. They'd love to hear from you.


Revised 2017-08-14