3ABN Today

LIGHT - Lay Institute for Global Health Training

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Greg and Jill Morikone (Host), James Hartley


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017048A

00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:07 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:10 Thank you for joining us as you do each and every day,
01:14 you know, we really appreciate your support.
01:17 You know, we say some of these phrases
01:18 that may seem all the time and it just becomes,
01:20 I don't want to say wrote but we truly mean it.
01:22 We appreciate your prayers, your financial support
01:25 of the ministry of 3ABN because without you,
01:29 3ABN wouldn't be where it is.
01:31 And of course we give all glory to the Lord Jesus Christ
01:34 because it's He that has sustained this ministry
01:36 with your help through all of these years.
01:39 But, you know what neat, because we're a team.
01:40 It's that neat, you think about the impact that you were making
01:44 when you pray for this ministry or when you donate a dollar,
01:47 $100, or $,1000, $10,000 whatever that figure is,
01:51 you're putting your finances into the work of the Lord
01:55 and souls are being won for His kingdom.
01:57 That's exciting, isn't it?
01:59 I tell you it's always a blessing
02:00 to be a part of the Lord's work.
02:02 But again we thank you for joining us,
02:03 and even on radio we don't want to forget radio
02:06 and on the internet, it's interesting
02:07 we're actually finding now that more and more people,
02:09 you know use the technology and how the times are changing.
02:13 But we're able to track now, people are viewing us
02:16 more and more and more online, on the mobile devices.
02:19 I don't have mine with me, it's off to the side here,
02:22 but people are viewing 3ABN and it's neat because we know
02:26 that it's changing lives for eternity.
02:28 How much better can it get? It can't.
02:31 We have a special guest with us, don't we today?
02:33 We do, absolutely.
02:34 I'm excited about this. I am too.
02:36 We're excited about what God is doing through this ministry
02:39 that we're featuring today.
02:40 You know on the 3ABN Today programs
02:42 we always bring you different ministries
02:45 and what they're doing to spread the gospel
02:47 and this ministry is the health training evangelism ministry.
02:50 That's right.
02:52 So we have with us the president of LIGHT Ministry
02:54 James Hartley and, James, it's just a privilege and joy
02:57 to walk in you to our 3ABN Today program.
02:59 Thank you for having me. I am glad to be here.
03:01 You know it's neat because he's president of LIGHT.
03:03 And when you see light, you know,
03:04 you think president of light, L-I-G-H-T,
03:08 it's not an electrical company or a light bulb company
03:10 I guarantee you that, like Jill said
03:12 it has to do with health ministries
03:14 which is so important in spreading the gospel.
03:16 And when you think about what Jesus did
03:18 here on this earth,
03:20 He went around meeting people's needs.
03:21 Many of them the physical, yeah,
03:24 medical issues that they had.
03:25 So it's a powerful ministry
03:26 that is having an impact on the world today.
03:28 Amen, and I know we want to unpackage your story
03:30 after the music, but tell us what does LIGHT stand for.
03:32 Well, LIGHT stands for
03:34 the Lay Institute for Global Health Training,
03:36 so it is a health oriented ministry.
03:37 It's a global ministry and global missions project.
03:40 And so we do get confused sometimes
03:42 by electrical companies online, also Light Bearers,
03:46 but LIGHT is a short name and we think it works well
03:50 with our theme of spreading the gospel to the whole world.
03:52 The light from Revelation 18 that would,
03:55 angel that would lighten the earth,
03:56 arise shine for thy light is come and so forth,
04:00 so we really like that we think
04:02 that God really gave us that name.
04:03 Amen.
04:05 And I'm looking forward to unpackaging your story,
04:07 how you got involved with the ministry.
04:09 Before we do that though
04:11 I just want to read a scripture.
04:12 And this is another one along with you mentioned Isaiah
04:15 and you mentioned some of those others,
04:16 but this one is Matthew 5:16.
04:19 The Bible says, Jesus says,
04:21 part of the Sermon on the Mount.
04:22 Let your light so shine before men
04:26 that they may see your good works
04:27 and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
04:32 Right now we want to go to our special music,
04:34 that's brought to us by Pastor John Lomacang
04:37 and he will be doing a song called
04:39 "A chasing of the wind".
05:03 Every heart is filled with longing
05:11 To be free from all life's pain
05:18 Yet the search
05:22 Through earthly pleasures
05:26 Always ends in vain
05:33 Only God
05:37 Who made the heavens
05:41 Can satisfy your souls
05:48 Apart from Him
05:52 And all His meaning
05:57 All things fail
06:00 As they begin
06:04 And hearts deceived
06:08 Can only know
06:13 A chasing of the wind
06:25 All achievements
06:29 All possessions
06:33 All with time
06:36 Return to dust
06:40 But only God
06:44 Can be our reason
06:49 For deep and quiet trust
06:56 He will guard us
07:00 From the dangers
07:05 That gladly make men fools
07:13 Apart from Him
07:17 And all His meaning
07:21 All things fail
07:25 as they begin
07:29 And hearts deceived
07:32 Can only know
07:38 A chasing
07:41 Of the wind
07:46 A chasing
07:51 Of the wind
07:59 Why do we live
08:03 Without Jesus?
08:08 Why do we waste
08:11 Another day?
08:17 He is the life
08:20 That sustains us
08:25 The only hope
08:27 For us today
08:31 So tell me,
08:33 Why do we live
08:38 Why do we live
08:41 Without Him?
09:07 Amen. Thank you, Pastor John.
09:09 I tell you, it's a great song, isn't it?
09:10 Amen.
09:12 You know, why do we live without Jesus?
09:13 We shouldn't live without Jesus.
09:14 We want to make Jesus
09:16 the ruler of our lives, don't we?
09:17 I'll tell you, you know, it's...
09:19 I was just reading my Bible study actually,
09:21 you know, this morning we don't have,
09:23 tomorrow is not guaranteed,
09:25 even the next moment, what we have is today.
09:27 So I tell you we want to take advantage, don't we
09:29 of every moment that we have in our lives
09:32 to spread the word that Jesus has given to us
09:35 through the Bible to others
09:38 because it can make a difference in their lives.
09:40 Again, in case you are just joining us,
09:42 we have a special guest with us.
09:45 His name is James Hartley. Again, welcome to 3ABN.
09:48 Thank you so very much for coming here,
09:50 and he is president of a ministry called LIGHT.
09:54 And again we talked about, it's not an electrical company
09:56 or anything like that.
09:57 It has to do with medical missionary work,
09:59 medical evangelism.
10:01 And before we actually get into what LIGHT is.
10:04 Tell us again what...
10:06 Actually redefine to us what medical missionary work is
10:10 and then we want to go back
10:11 because it made an impact in your life
10:13 and how you got to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
10:15 So just tell us why medical missionary work
10:17 is important,
10:18 and then gives a little bit of your background?
10:20 Thanks for asking the question, Greg,
10:21 because I think there's a lot of confusion often
10:23 about the term medical missionary
10:25 because of the word medical,
10:26 it seems like it would be medical professionals,
10:28 physicians would it and definitely is.
10:30 But the way Ellen White talked about it,
10:31 she used it in a more broad sense,
10:33 you know, one place she said everyone should take hold
10:36 of medical missionary work, right, every church member.
10:40 So, you know, in that sense medical missionary work.
10:43 That's why we use the term actually more health evangelism
10:45 because it's little bit more easily understood.
10:48 It is.
10:49 Even in our overseas work, there's even more confusion
10:51 about the word medical missionary
10:52 because in Spanish and Portuguese,
10:54 the translation for medical is physician.
10:57 So when you say medical missionary,
10:58 you say physician missionary.
11:00 So everywhere in Latin America and in Brazil
11:03 and Portuguese speaking countries,
11:05 they see medical mission work as just a physician's work.
11:08 But this really is not the intention of it.
11:10 It's a work that we're to work like Jesus worked,
11:13 ministering to the sick, not that we're pretending
11:15 to be doctors and so forth but we're reaching out,
11:18 you know, we're showing sympathy,
11:20 we're showing care.
11:21 You know, Christ method alone will bring true success
11:23 in reaching souls.
11:25 He showed sympathy, interest, He ministered to the needs
11:28 and this is medical missionary work.
11:30 So, you know, to cut the confusion
11:32 we usually use health evangelism.
11:33 Our training courses are called
11:35 Health Evangelism training courses.
11:37 So it's reaching souls through health.
11:40 Simple health education and community work
11:42 that any layperson can do.
11:44 You know, our mission is really,
11:46 we do train medical professionals
11:48 as well in how to use their practice more
11:50 in evangelistic ways.
11:51 We teach pastors as well how to use health
11:53 as an entering wedge, but we teach all laypeople,
11:55 you know, how can they be involved
11:57 for their personal health, for their families
12:00 and for reaching others.
12:03 You know, I got into this where I wasn't
12:05 always interested in this sort of thing.
12:06 I was raised a Roman Catholic from Wisconsin.
12:09 My father in fact was a butcher,
12:11 and so I grew up working in the butcher shop
12:14 as a teenager, I was a sausage maker,
12:15 you might not have known that.
12:17 Oh, wow, no, I didn't know that.
12:18 I was a sausage maker. You did history.
12:19 I made thousands of pounds of sausage and, you know,
12:22 working around pigs and cattle and everything.
12:24 My dad had a farm and he owned the shop.
12:27 But, you know, I went through a conversion experience.
12:29 A friend of mine was traveling around Europe
12:31 and he went to a vegetarian restaurant
12:33 called Country Life in Basel, Switzerland.
12:35 It was an OCI ministry and an ASI project.
12:37 So is your friend an Adventist?
12:39 He was not, you know, he was a long haired hippie.
12:41 I was hanging out with hippie crowds
12:42 and he was just checking around following bands
12:44 around Europe and went to this restaurant
12:46 and he was witnessed to by the people there
12:49 and had long conversations
12:51 about country living organic agriculture
12:53 and natural lifestyle and so forth,
12:55 and also Christianity, you know,
12:59 and they invited my friend to a farm in Italy
13:01 and he spent there three months,
13:03 and he came back and told me all about it,
13:05 and I ended up going back there with him
13:07 and I spent three months also,
13:08 so the first Seventh-day Adventist I met
13:09 were in Italy on a farm, the Olovichi family Alberto
13:12 and Vittorio Olovichi in a little farm
13:14 called Cuddo Santo.
13:16 I spent three months there and God really changed my life.
13:18 It was just amazing changing the way I eat,
13:21 changed the way I lived.
13:22 Working on the farm, eating right,
13:24 hanging out with godly people, learning about
13:27 the life of Christ from a totally different angle
13:30 and I gave my life to the Lord.
13:31 Me and my friend were both baptized
13:34 the following year in near Wildwood Lifestyle Center.
13:38 It's interesting how it all worked out,
13:40 to make a long story short, the cook from Switzerland
13:43 ended up coming near Wildwood to run an organic farm
13:46 and he invited us to come on and work with him.
13:48 And so I worked one year on this farm and got, you know,
13:52 learn more about the Adventist.
13:54 At first I thought it was an Italian church,
13:55 the Seventh-day Adventist church,
13:57 I didn't know it was even in the US.
13:58 Because you have never heard of an Adventist church
13:59 in United States.
14:01 Never heard of it from anyone in my time in Wisconsin.
14:02 But anyway God really touched my heart
14:05 and I was baptized in late 1999 and soon after in 2000 move
14:10 to Wildwood Lifestyle Center, I was trained there.
14:12 I got involved in ministry there
14:14 for about seven years,
14:15 I was director for their school,
14:16 of the College of Health Evangelism.
14:20 We've changed it now to Center of Health Evangelism now.
14:22 And so I got interested in LIGHT
14:24 because I saw a huge need
14:26 along with several other ministry leaders
14:28 Charles Cleveland and others who was the president
14:30 for health education resources, and several of us at Wildwood,
14:34 we saw a huge need in the world field
14:36 for mission courses because, you know,
14:40 we did a survey of all, there is 112 unions
14:42 in the world field and we found that
14:44 there was only about 20 out of 112
14:46 that even had lay training
14:49 for health ministries, health evangelism.
14:50 This is for the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
14:52 That's right. That's what, yeah.
14:53 And so, you know, to us you know this was sad
14:56 because if every member of the church
14:58 should take hold of medical missionary work,
15:00 well, how are they going to take hold of
15:01 if they don't even know what it is.
15:03 You know, I want to just go back
15:04 just because you were, was it early 20s or late teens
15:06 that you went over to Italy.
15:08 I was 21.
15:09 So did you come from then the butcher shop
15:11 there in Wisconsin still working?
15:12 Basically. Okay.
15:14 So what made you interested, you know,
15:15 because here you're processing, you know,
15:16 a lot of different foods, you know,
15:18 maybe not the best health for somebody.
15:20 So what was intriguing about health?
15:22 Were you sick or what made you interested then
15:26 and changing your lifestyle because something
15:27 had to have piqued your interest?
15:29 These people that you went to see,
15:31 you have to see a difference because otherwise,
15:33 if I see something I'm like, you know, okay, that's nice.
15:35 That's nice.
15:36 What's the reason of changing if I'm comfortable here,
15:38 there's nothing really better here,
15:40 something with these people or something with the lifestyle
15:42 had to have piqued your interest.
15:43 Well, it's interesting.
15:45 Honestly I wasn't all that interested in health.
15:46 Good thing was my friend that first went to Europe
15:48 because I would have never gone to a vegetarian restaurant.
15:51 But he was already kind of more interested than me.
15:53 I went more for the country living experience
15:56 and for simplistic living I was...
15:57 So living off the land. Yeah, living off the land.
15:59 I was reading a lot of, you know,
16:00 books on eastern religions and simplistic living
16:04 and so forth and simple diets.
16:06 I was interested, it was my first experiment.
16:08 But I'll tell you the food was fantastic.
16:10 I mean, it was almost all made from scratch.
16:12 The mother there was making handmade pasta,
16:16 all sauces and herbs from the farm,
16:18 they grew their own wheat.
16:19 I think we're ready to go.
16:20 They had their own olive trees.
16:22 They pressed their own olives for olive oil,
16:24 it was just really an amazing introduction
16:26 to vegetarian living so yeah.
16:29 So did you start feeling better or you didn't notice?
16:31 I did. You didn't?
16:32 Within, no, I did, within two weeks I noticed
16:35 my energy levels.
16:36 Of course, I was into some drug usage and so forth
16:40 but I had stopped all that on this farm
16:41 and within two weeks of, you know,
16:43 stopping to smoke pot and so forth and eating good
16:46 and exercising on the farm my whole body just became,
16:50 you know, way more, I had way more energy.
16:52 I thought my mind was much clearer.
16:54 So when I was hearing the life of Christ taught,
16:57 every morning we had a little devotion
16:59 and they would talk about the life of Christ.
17:01 It really struck me in a way it never did before.
17:03 And I've noticed that in my life times
17:05 that I was taking care more of my health.
17:07 I tend to hear more the voice of God.
17:09 I would agree with that.
17:10 And this is what we've seen
17:12 and why we think it's so important.
17:13 And I think that's what's really neat
17:14 because I know we're going to touch on this
17:16 a little bit more but you know that
17:17 your own personal testimony
17:19 about what if we call the health message
17:21 or health evangelism in our own lives,
17:23 then we can speak that to somebody else.
17:25 So it makes a tremendous impact that way.
17:27 Absolutely, and that's how we want to empower people
17:29 to take better care of themselves,
17:31 educate them on the health message,
17:34 show them how to eat better, how to cook,
17:37 understand about nutrition and disease,
17:39 and then when they're benefited,
17:40 they'll have something to share with others.
17:42 And we see this is how Jesus worked,
17:43 He worked healing.
17:45 In fact if you look through the gospels you see
17:47 He spent more of His time healing the sick
17:49 than just preaching and teaching
17:51 even though He was the best preacher
17:52 and the best teacher obviously the world has ever had
17:54 but His job wasn't just to heal people
17:57 and He didn't heal people by the masses.
17:59 He healed them one by one.
18:01 He'd spend time individually with them
18:03 because He wanted to show
18:05 the character of God's love to them,
18:07 not just be a talker, right, not just tell them
18:10 that God is a God of love,
18:11 He showed them that God was the God of love,
18:13 and when you're involved helping people
18:15 in practical ways, they see the gospel.
18:17 Ellen White says that the health message
18:20 is the right arm of the gospel.
18:21 It's the pioneer work of the gospel.
18:24 She says, it is the gospel practiced.
18:26 And so, this is a new way we want to show people
18:30 of spreading the gospel through helping people
18:33 and letting our light shine like the scripture
18:35 that we read, you know.
18:36 You know, the way He said,
18:37 your light shines is through your good works,
18:39 right, people see, they won't see your faith
18:41 unless they see it active in helping them so.
18:44 So you came into the church really
18:46 through the health message.
18:48 Health message was the first thing
18:49 that brought you in and your mind was open
18:51 and clear and receptive
18:53 to the truth in the Word of God,
18:54 then you were baptized here in the States,
18:57 you spent those seven years at Wildwood
18:59 and then now the Lord is putting on your heart,
19:02 and you said Cleveland,
19:03 Charles Cleveland's heart to begin LIGHT.
19:06 So tell us about the origin of that
19:07 and the beginning of LIGHT?
19:09 So we started with a couple of pilot projects.
19:11 One was a mission school because to train...
19:13 Our idea was that people need to have availability
19:17 for training in their country and in their language.
19:19 And so we started saying,
19:21 by thinking we need to deploy teams
19:22 to different countries and run field courses
19:24 in their country
19:26 because you can't expect people to fly,
19:28 you know, across the world to places
19:30 like Wildwood for training, they need to be,
19:33 we can train them by the thousands in their country.
19:34 Yes.
19:36 We should probably explain because some people
19:37 don't even know what Wildwood is.
19:38 It's not like a piece of wood as wildwood,
19:40 all kinds of any wood.
19:42 Yeah, it's actually not so wild,
19:43 but Wildwood Lifestyle Center is a 600 acre property
19:47 outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee.
19:48 It's one of the longest running supporting ministries
19:50 in the Adventist denomination.
19:52 We just celebrated our 75th year.
19:53 Is it really 75 years? 75 years, that's incredible.
19:56 And so it's a thriving ministry,
19:58 it's an outpost to Chattanooga.
20:00 We have a health food store.
20:02 We have an organic farm, an active lifestyle center
20:05 with a waiting list for guests to come in there.
20:08 And you have a training school.
20:09 And there we have a training school.
20:10 The Center of Health Evangelism
20:12 and LIGHT really was birthed out of that school, okay.
20:15 You know, we can't just have the school here,
20:17 we need the health school start around the world.
20:19 So we built another office right next door.
20:21 I've got a picture of it here.
20:22 Okay. Maybe we could show.
20:24 So this is our LIGHT office, our global headquarters
20:27 and just want to also point out my wife first of all, Dannie,
20:31 she is such a huge blessed to me
20:32 and our little daughter Laila.
20:34 She is cute. That's our first family.
20:36 There you are with elder Ted Wilson.
20:37 Yeah, Elder Ted and his wife Nancy visited us this year
20:41 and it was a huge encouragement to us.
20:43 Elder Mark Finley dedicated our office
20:45 when we first began in 2008
20:48 and now to have Ted Wilson come in and inspire us.
20:49 And he is the General Conference president
20:51 of Seventh-day Adventist.
20:53 Yes, he's a huge support.
20:54 He made a promotional video for us.
20:56 The whole health department from the General Conference
20:57 has been supportive of our project
20:59 and by God's blessing, well, what we've compiled,
21:03 what our idea was
21:05 to spread training around the world.
21:07 We thought we need to make training
21:08 a little bit more concise and simple,
21:10 not just a long six month course.
21:13 So we started with a couple of field courses
21:15 in the beginning project courses
21:16 that were six months long and that worked,
21:18 but it's a little long and it's hard
21:21 to get the ball rolling doing this.
21:23 So we decided to make a one month course
21:25 as an introductory course.
21:26 And so it took us several years,
21:28 but I've got a copy of our manual here.
21:30 This is a 350 page manual
21:33 called the Essentials of Health Evangelism.
21:35 And so in here you're gonna study
21:37 the eight laws of health, natural remedies,
21:40 nutrition, lifestyle diseases,
21:42 how to prevent disease with right lifestyle,
21:45 hydrotherapy, massage and also a lot of Bible classes
21:48 because we want to train missionaries
21:51 that are able to help people physically and spiritually.
21:54 So we have classes on soul winning, evangelism,
21:56 or how to have a successful Christian life,
21:58 we teach the Three Angles' Message
22:00 and the prophecies of Daniel to give a sense of the times
22:04 that we're living in and the work
22:05 that needs to be done now.
22:07 So this manual we have trained in a...
22:10 We teach it in a 125 hour intensive course.
22:13 We can do this in one month.
22:15 All right. It's pretty intense.
22:16 Can I take a look? Yeah, yeah sure.
22:18 So this is what's used for your one month course?
22:21 Yes, yes. Okay.
22:22 And since 2008 we've trained over 20, 000 pastors
22:26 and church members with this training
22:27 in 85 different countries.
22:28 20,000? Over 20,000.
22:30 Well, say that again because that was quick,
22:31 so, okay, since 2008...
22:33 Since 2008, so in 10 years of period
22:35 we've trained over 20,000 pastors
22:37 and church members in 85 different countries.
22:41 And this has just been, it's not all have been us
22:43 or office staff, it's only about seven
22:45 that we have at our headquarters,
22:46 but we're supporting financially 50 missionaries
22:50 that are full time overseas actively doing courses.
22:53 Even today there are several courses going on
22:55 as we speak in Brazil, in Barbados, in Nigeria.
22:59 In Barbados we have 100 church members
23:01 currently studying this curriculum.
23:03 Right now? Wow.
23:04 And so it's hard for me to even keep up
23:07 with how much it's grown.
23:08 Once we develop this curriculum,
23:10 we have it translated in 12 different languages.
23:13 We have it in Chinese, Mandarin, we have in Korean,
23:15 Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, Swahili,
23:20 Tamil from India.
23:22 And so people we want them to be taught in their language.
23:25 The materials need to be in their language for them
23:28 to really do something with it
23:29 and something they can walk away with.
23:31 And you used local people
23:33 as far as your missionaries to teach?
23:35 Yeah, so, you know, if we want to impact a country
23:38 first we send a team in to do short trainings,
23:41 these short essential trainings and then we're looking
23:44 to develop a team and because we want to really
23:47 start a six month training school,
23:49 and the six month courses then train leaders to go out
23:51 and teach more one month courses
23:53 and to spread around.
23:55 And so let me also add, you know,
23:58 when we work overseas, we work hand in hand
24:01 with Seventh-day Adventist church leadership
24:03 and we found that to be a very important aspect
24:05 of our mission.
24:07 To receive their support?
24:08 Yeah, to receive their support,
24:10 we've just found greater blessings
24:12 when we're working hand in hand together.
24:14 There's a statement from Ellen White
24:16 in the ninth volume of the Testimony.
24:18 She says, God's work on earth can never be finished
24:22 until the men and women
24:24 comprising our church membership rally
24:26 to the work and unite their efforts
24:27 with those of ministers and church leaders.
24:30 We take that to heart, we want to finish
24:32 the work of God on this earth.
24:33 We don't want to work in an independent way,
24:35 we don't want to work isolate and,
24:37 or teach people to work in an isolative way
24:40 whether every man's doing his own thing.
24:42 We have to work together.
24:44 We need more unity, so we only work
24:46 when we have a letter of invitation
24:47 from the local leadership.
24:49 And so that is actually the fact
24:51 that we've done that way as a lay ministry,
24:53 it has helped develop confidence,
24:55 where unions, they see our track record.
24:58 They can get reference from us from the General Conference
25:00 or from their own division.
25:02 We've worked with over 200
25:04 Seventh-day Adventist conferences and unions
25:05 where they invite us to come in and give support
25:08 to their health ministries department
25:10 which often is it's a little undermanned
25:14 and under funded often.
25:15 There's just one person sometimes for a whole union,
25:18 they don't have much of a budget.
25:20 So we're there to support these unions to come in
25:23 and do field courses with churches,
25:26 we teach churches how to get involved
25:28 in their communities actively
25:30 spreading the gospel through health.
25:32 Okay, so then we're gonna put your contact information
25:35 up here toward the end of the program.
25:37 But if someone's watching at home
25:39 and they say, boy, that's great.
25:40 I want to be involved.
25:41 I want to get this training.
25:43 Just explain to me again step by step
25:44 how we become involved so I'm a member of a church
25:46 and I say, boy, I think my church wants to be involved,
25:48 let's start with the local church.
25:50 I'm gonna contact you, then what happens next?
25:52 So I contact you and say
25:54 our church wants to be involved,
25:55 then what happens?
25:56 From our website you can request a team
25:58 to come to your church and do a short training.
25:59 So a team from LIGHT will come to my church.
26:02 Yes.
26:03 Like a weekend training is that what you mentor.
26:04 Yeah, we do weekend
26:06 and we do one week trainings in the US.
26:07 We also do one month courses at
26:10 one of our affiliate schools, Eden Valley.
26:12 Oh, yes.
26:14 And then, oh, you know, they could if they wanted
26:16 to come to a place like Wildwood
26:17 and get a six month training,
26:19 that's where our headquarters is
26:20 and if they want to get more involved
26:22 but in their local church they could invite us, right.
26:24 Or they could also take our training online.
26:26 We have video recorded the entire 125 hour training.
26:31 Okay, that's incredible.
26:32 The hydrotherapy classes, multiple camera angles,
26:35 there's cooking classes, it's very, you know,
26:37 it's very interactive.
26:38 Do you have a lot of people do it online?
26:39 Yeah, we have 700 students currently online.
26:43 And we also recorded the whole thing in Spanish
26:46 and in Korean and we're working on Chinese right now.
26:51 And we're halfway finished with Portuguese and Russian,
26:54 and so French is our next one that we'll be doing.
26:57 So we found this to be very effective,
26:59 so people can get an online training.
27:00 And then sometimes our teams will come in and follow up
27:03 with a group that's been studying online
27:05 and give more of the hands on training
27:07 and experience and so.
27:09 Yeah, people can invite us to their church,
27:11 or they could get training online,
27:12 or they could come to one of our affiliate schools
27:14 for training.
27:15 Now where are your affiliate schools overseas?
27:17 Because we have a global audience
27:18 not just here in the United States.
27:20 So what are some of the schools overseas?
27:22 Our website shows 50 projects that we're affiliated
27:25 with around the world.
27:26 So every continent we have,
27:28 we have schools in the Philippines
27:30 and Indonesia.
27:31 We have a new school starting now in Kazakhstan.
27:34 For those listening from Kazakhstan,
27:36 Bulgaria, Austria, Norway, Portugal, Brazil,
27:41 Chile, Bolivia, Honduras, Dominican Republic Colombia,
27:49 Mexico, and in the US it's Wildwood,
27:52 Uchee Pines and Eden Valley.
27:54 In Australia's it's Eastward College.
27:56 In Africa we have a project in Nigeria and Kenya
27:59 and in South Africa and so, you know,
28:02 it's just some of those projects
28:04 already were existing that we affiliated with.
28:07 And we have a team that develop curriculum
28:09 because we want our curriculum to be up-to-date medically,
28:11 we wanted to be very accurate and progressive
28:14 and grow and improving
28:15 but when you're running a school I've run,
28:17 I've run one of this mission schools,
28:18 I know it's hard to find time to do that sort of thing.
28:20 So we have a whole team that develops this material
28:23 and lets our other schools use it freely.
28:25 There's no cost of being an affiliate school with LIGHT.
28:28 But it keeps us networked together sharing,
28:30 and when the school in Honduras has a need for a teacher,
28:34 we can put out a request to our schools in Columbia
28:37 and in Dominican Republic and Mexico
28:39 and they fill those needs.
28:40 And graduates are constantly coming out of these schools
28:43 and there's opportunities everywhere.
28:45 When our students at Wildwood are finished
28:46 with their training, they know exactly
28:47 what opportunities that they have.
28:49 They've been hearing about LIGHT the whole six months
28:51 and all these opportunities that they hear about Indonesia,
28:54 they hear about the work
28:55 in that's going on now in Malawi,
28:57 in Brazil and we have...
28:59 Now there's too many opportunities for them.
29:01 We need more missionaries, so we're just trying
29:03 to train more people because there're so much need.
29:06 And so...
29:08 I'm sure you have some amazing stories too
29:10 because you know these people
29:12 now are going out and starting to,
29:13 I mean make obviously huge impacts
29:16 in the world as a whole.
29:18 Do you have something you want to share
29:19 from an experience from somebody or yourself?
29:22 Yeah, well let me just share a couple stories right now
29:25 from the Middle East because we tend to think
29:26 that you know the Muslim world is unreachable
29:29 or we're intimidated, you know, on how to how to approach them.
29:33 But I want to share a picture here
29:35 from a school training that we did in Northern Africa.
29:38 It's kind of a more of a private thing
29:40 but I can show a picture.
29:41 This is a health expo in Tunisia,
29:43 our graduates went and, you know,
29:45 as long as it's health based you can work.
29:48 Our school in Portugal moves down into Morocco
29:51 and does medical work, okay.
29:53 Now in Tunisia we've done these health expos
29:55 and now an exciting thing that's so happening right now
29:59 is in Bulgaria, it's because we couldn't figure
30:01 a place within the Middle East
30:03 to actually have a school building
30:05 and everything is so complicated with property
30:07 so just across the Turkey border in Bulgaria
30:10 the Lord gave us a property.
30:11 We have a new school building there
30:13 and we're training people in cooperation with Mena,
30:15 Mena is the Middle East North Africa Union.
30:19 We're training people in Bulgaria and deploying them
30:21 throughout the Middle East
30:23 to work as medical missionaries.
30:25 And so we just had our first six month graduation
30:28 at that school in Bulgaria and all of our graduates
30:31 are committed to working in the Middle East.
30:33 And so we just finished our last month,
30:36 our first health expo in Turkey.
30:38 And several lay students will be staying in Turkey
30:41 throughout the year.
30:42 And so this is a picture of a health expo in Turkey.
30:47 And in fact this is the Tunisia picture,
30:50 the very next one we can just go.
30:52 And what's taking place here in Tunisia?
30:54 Tunisia, this is a health expo. Okay.
30:55 And then we follow it with a stop...
30:57 Open to the public?
30:58 Open to the public,
31:00 we follow it with a stop smoking seminar.
31:01 We had several Bible interest by Muslim people
31:03 by just seeing the kind of work
31:05 that we were doing they were very impressed.
31:06 This is a picture from Turkey.
31:08 We had 200 people come to this park.
31:10 That looks outside, yeah.
31:11 Yeah, because we didn't, we wanted to,
31:14 we don't want to limit with a building.
31:15 We didn't know how many would come.
31:17 But over 200 people come, they were extremely interested.
31:20 Never saw anything like this before.
31:22 How did you advertise?
31:23 Just by flyer... Word of mouth.
31:25 Yeah, word of mouth.
31:26 Yeah, because it's a health thing
31:28 you can advertise.
31:29 Right. Okay.
31:30 We're not preaching the gospel, you know,
31:32 outwardly it's preaching through our actions.
31:34 And it's powerful.
31:35 See that's the entering wedge
31:36 that you were talking about earlier.
31:38 So we teach the church to make their reputation
31:42 through health ministries.
31:44 People should view Adventist life.
31:46 I mean they're so active with health, right.
31:49 They're great people
31:50 even if they may not agree necessarily
31:52 with all of our doctrines, if they could at least say,
31:55 they are the most loving,
31:56 lovable people that are so helpful
31:58 and have so many community works that's going on.
32:00 I mean, they're not going to want to push us away.
32:03 So in Turkey we really hope that we have good enrolls,
32:05 pray for the work in Turkey this year.
32:07 That's something really exciting
32:08 and new that we hope will launch
32:11 into a larger initiative for reaching the Muslim world
32:14 through the health message.
32:15 Yeah, that's a positive response.
32:16 Two hundred, you said is that correct,
32:18 came to this park?
32:19 From the beginning.
32:20 Did you get Bible study interest from that?
32:22 Yes, absolutely.
32:23 So, you know, there when you're counseling
32:24 and talking with people you can say that sort of thing,
32:26 you know, as you find openings, the Holy Spirit leads you.
32:29 In Tunisia, you know, we could see that these men
32:31 that were trying to stop smoking,
32:33 they started to ask more and more questions.
32:34 You know who are you guys
32:36 and they found out we're Christians, like oh, wow.
32:37 So this is what it is to be a Christian, right.
32:39 This is their viewpoint of a Christian
32:41 that a Christian is someone that helps them that has,
32:43 shows interest that is full of love
32:44 and compassion and so they want to know more.
32:47 So they ask, you know,
32:49 how can I learn more about this,
32:50 so, you know, we study with individuals.
32:52 I was in West Africa in Guinea and we did a health expo
32:56 as well for a Muslim group
32:58 and a man asked for Bible studies right there.
33:00 I mean, he was just and so he came every evening
33:03 while we were there studying the Bible.
33:04 We were ministering to him
33:05 helping him stop smoking as well.
33:07 And he ended up getting baptized
33:09 after the one month that we were there.
33:11 In fact that was one of the most amazing
33:13 one month schools I've ever been a part of.
33:14 We had seven baptisms at the end of that
33:17 Guinea West Africa, yeah,
33:19 and three of them were Muslim people
33:22 and the rest were Christians from other denominations
33:24 getting baptized into the Adventist faith.
33:26 So that's really interestingly, you said not everyone
33:29 who attends the one month training school
33:31 is even a Seventh-day Adventist.
33:33 That's right.
33:34 So you could be any denomination
33:36 or not even Christian, you can be Muslim
33:38 and still want to come in...
33:39 We're not going to turn anybody away.
33:41 Lord brings people to us.
33:42 In Brazil we just finished a course in Sao Paolo
33:45 and another three ladies came
33:47 that were not Seventh-day Adventists,
33:48 they were of other faiths and but so impressed
33:51 during the month learning about the gospel
33:54 and the health message and the Three Angels' message.
33:57 So impressed we gave additional studies to them
33:59 for the whole month.
34:01 And one of those ladies was already baptized
34:02 and there was two that are being worked on,
34:05 so it's really, it's really exciting.
34:07 The work in Brazil is growing so fast.
34:10 You know, there's more Seventh-day Adventists
34:12 in Brazil than any other country,
34:13 I thought I'll plug Brazil because my wife is Brazilian.
34:15 All right, very good. That's a good plug.
34:16 I met my wife at Wildwood in 2006.
34:19 She came as a student
34:21 and in 2008 she went back to Brazil.
34:23 I followed her there.
34:24 We did a lot of LIGHT work in 2008 in Brazil
34:28 and we started courtship and worked together
34:31 for two years and we were married in 2010.
34:34 So Brazil, yeah, I just love being married to someone
34:38 equally dedicated to missionary work.
34:40 And she's a great teacher.
34:41 So we've gone, she teaches more of the health classes,
34:43 I teach more of the Bible classes
34:45 and evangelism, and it's just great to work as a family.
34:48 So, and I'm thinking about the flyers that you put up,
34:50 to say in Turkey or you're mentioning,
34:52 was it East Africa or was it West Africa?
34:55 Sorry, so you put up a flyer, how would you,
34:57 because this would be just for the public, right?
34:59 So what would you put on it?
35:00 What would peak the interest, you'd say what?
35:02 Stop smoking seminar or what would you put on there?
35:04 Well, we show what services we're going to be providing.
35:06 Okay, which would be...?
35:07 We show and we have blood pressure checks,
35:09 we have lung capacity checks.
35:12 Free of charge? Yeah, it's all free.
35:14 You know, we offer body fat analysis,
35:16 nutritional counseling.
35:18 We offer free massage.
35:20 Sometimes we're giving away food samples
35:22 and how to eat better.
35:23 But usually we're using the help expos
35:24 to follow into other programs.
35:26 And so you don't, it's not just a one time event.
35:28 We say if you want to, you know,
35:30 really turn your life around health wise, you know,
35:33 nutrition is a big part of it.
35:34 So we show them, we promote then our cooking classes, okay.
35:39 So when you take a one month course,
35:41 you're learning how to do these things.
35:42 You're learning how to run a health expo
35:43 and how to have follow-up programs ready,
35:45 cooking classes and health seminars.
35:48 And another thing that we teach our students
35:50 how to set up a health club.
35:51 A health club is a local community club.
35:54 It's usually, we shouldn't, I don't think in most cases
35:57 not you shouldn't run out of your church
35:59 because you want to,
36:00 you want to break down prejudice,
36:02 so we have a neutral location
36:03 and it meets regularly once a month.
36:06 We're teaching health classes, and healthy recipes,
36:09 and eating together, and socializing together,
36:11 making friends.
36:13 This has been very, very effective.
36:15 In Indonesia, a place we've done a lot of training.
36:17 Our graduates have worked together.
36:20 And one lady that we connected with
36:23 an Adventist business lady,
36:24 she bought a health food store
36:26 to promote the health club item.
36:27 We had this health food store.
36:29 This is in Jakarta and the health club
36:31 was on the second level.
36:33 So all the customers would get advert,
36:36 they learn about the health club
36:37 from shopping there, and then on the weekends
36:39 we'd have health club on the second level
36:40 and our graduates would be up there teaching classes
36:42 and cooking classes and things.
36:43 We had 80 people coming every single weekend,
36:46 every weekend on that one.
36:47 It worked so well that this lady felt impressed
36:50 to buy the third level.
36:53 And so the third level is a church now.
36:55 So you have the health food store
36:56 on the first level, then you have
36:58 the health club on the second,
36:59 and then you have church on the third level,
37:01 so it's step one, two, three, that's just amazing
37:04 and it works so well that this Adventist business lady
37:08 bought a second one and a third one
37:10 and now a fourth one, so there's four locations
37:13 in Jakarta four health food stores,
37:15 four health clubs, four new churches.
37:16 New four churches. Yeah.
37:18 That's incredible.
37:19 So, yeah, you have to have manpower
37:21 to do this sort of thing, right.
37:22 People have to be trained so we offer training.
37:24 We give the counsel, the ideas, you know,
37:27 materials they can use
37:28 for their health club and so forth.
37:30 So we have a lot of individuals obviously that are watching,
37:33 you know, 3ABN they may,
37:34 you know, have a very small church.
37:35 Okay, so you have one person and so now they're saying,
37:38 oh, boy, lot of manpower needed,
37:40 I am just one I might as well not even try it
37:43 because I can attend the training course
37:44 but then what happens?
37:46 So can you, what about me.
37:47 Okay, I'm here in an isolated area.
37:49 I say I want to take a training course online,
37:51 and I may not have a lot of manpower,
37:53 is there still something that I can do
37:55 to be involved somehow?
37:56 Well, you know, it's important to get your church inspired.
37:59 And so I would try to invite one of our teams
38:01 to your local church...
38:03 To get the church inspired?
38:04 Yeah, let's have a health emphasis Sabbath, right.
38:05 Someone to speak about the importance of it.
38:07 I've always seen that to generate interest.
38:10 People just need to be taught.
38:11 You know it needs to be spoken about.
38:13 Often it's not, it's just not dealt with so much, okay.
38:17 So if we can come in and you just even
38:19 spend a week in there to give that person a little support.
38:22 In St. Louis I did a training.
38:24 The health and temperance leader
38:26 at the Central St. Louis Church,
38:28 she invited us, she said, you know,
38:30 "I just need some support.
38:31 Can you come and do a program?"
38:33 So we came and we did a program
38:34 and I promoted our online school,
38:36 you know, ideal for the church to sign up as a group
38:39 and they signed up 15 people.
38:40 All 15 went through the whole training
38:42 and then they got the light.
38:43 You know the lights turned on
38:45 and they just started doing all sorts of things.
38:46 Boy, I never thought about that this was the name.
38:48 That's very good, then they got the light.
38:49 Yes, that's excellent.
38:50 They were doing health expos, and outreach,
38:52 and cooking classes in the church,
38:54 it's really improved the outreach of that church.
38:56 So yeah, you know,
38:58 pastors also need to get inspired and so...
39:00 Yeah, because they inspire their congregation.
39:03 In Rio de Janeiro, the union, the president there realized
39:07 he wants every single pastor to get this training,
39:10 not the whole one month but a short one week training.
39:13 So we're doing that now because when the pastors
39:15 are inspired about it, it really filters back
39:18 to the church members.
39:20 And so, yeah, I just want to share a testimony
39:22 from Brazil because I've made quite a few visits down there
39:28 with my wife and we've made such a good relationship
39:31 with this Rio de Janeiro Union,
39:32 it's called the Southeast Union,
39:33 it's Rio de Janeiro and two other states.
39:35 It's one of the biggest unions in the world.
39:38 Membership wise or land wise? Yeah, membership wise.
39:41 A quarter of million people just in that one union.
39:45 And so the union health director invited us down,
39:48 we did a training, he got inspired,
39:49 and now we had a massive meeting,
39:51 I've got a picture here from one of our schools,
39:54 we have a six month school and lifestyle center.
39:56 This is a picture from our lifestyle center.
39:58 Oh, that's beautiful. It is.
40:00 Not too far from Rio de Janeiro in a state called Minas Gerais.
40:04 So these are all health directors,
40:06 one of them is the union health director
40:08 and the nine other ones are the nine health directors
40:12 from each conference within the union.
40:14 And so we have a strategy now, we've already implemented,
40:16 we've done several trainings, we're doing a training
40:19 in every conference and then we're sending people
40:22 to our headquarters which is at
40:23 that lifestyle center called Serra do CipĆ³.
40:27 It's a great project. It's only two years old.
40:29 They already have a full life style program.
40:31 They've got a six month training course.
40:33 They're doing one month courses and they've already started
40:35 two other ministries out from it.
40:37 So the churches are just getting on fire there.
40:39 That union did 300 health expos last year.
40:42 Three hundred? Three hundred, yeah.
40:44 That's a lot.
40:46 They're really taking hold of it
40:47 so I'll be down there next month as well
40:48 to do a major training.
40:50 There's 11 new ministries starting in that,
40:52 just in that union alone.
40:54 So the church member...
40:56 It's exploding there as it grows.
40:57 It is. It is. Wow.
40:58 And this is what we need,
41:00 we need total member involvement.
41:01 I love this initiative from the North American Division,
41:03 TMI, total member involvement.
41:04 So this is what LIGHT is all about.
41:06 We're training church members so that they can get involved
41:09 and there're so many different ways
41:10 that they can get involved so,
41:12 if they just open themselves to get some training
41:15 and then get involved.
41:16 If you've taken one of our courses somewhere,
41:18 you know, we have plenty of opportunities for you
41:20 in the mission field.
41:23 So maybe those that are at home that are listening,
41:25 if they took the online course or if they went
41:27 to one of our places and took training.
41:29 We have opportunities, there are so many needs.
41:31 I'm turning down opportunities every week unfortunately
41:35 because I don't have the manpower.
41:36 Yeah, we don't have the manpower.
41:38 There is, suddenly health is, there's an awakening of health,
41:41 I don't know if you've noticed this.
41:43 Yes, we have.
41:44 In recent years there's such a huge awakening.
41:45 Sadly, you know, some of our areas in the world
41:48 we're a little bit behind on it, okay.
41:50 So there's a lot of catch up work to do and...
41:53 Some exciting things I think
41:55 are taking place in Asia, is that right?
41:56 Yes. Well.
41:57 Yeah, absolutely. Tell us about Asia?
41:59 So in Korea we have very little manpower in Korea.
42:03 We don't have an actual school there,
42:06 but we were doing short trainings
42:07 as we saw a need for something more.
42:09 So we decided to record our entire curriculum
42:12 with Chinese speakers,
42:13 so we flew different Chinese teachers, physicians,
42:16 pastors to teach all of these classes,
42:18 put it into our online school.
42:21 Where did they record that?
42:23 We recorded it almost all of it at Wildwood.
42:24 Okay.
42:25 And so there's a lot of Koreans in Atlanta as well
42:27 that helped us out.
42:29 But some of them traveled from quite a distance
42:32 and now we're working
42:33 with the Northern Asia Pacific division president.
42:36 And he has in fact given a promo video for us
42:39 and we are signing up now 3000 Korean Adventists
42:43 through our LIGHT training.
42:44 It's a newly... Three thousand?
42:46 Three thousand, currently we already have
42:47 450 students registered and so now we're just,
42:50 just last month started this initiative
42:52 so they're just gonna be now bringing in men more.
42:55 By the end of next year we'll have 3000.
42:57 That's the goal to train. Are they doing it online?
43:00 It's all online. Yeah.
43:01 And then we have somebody one person in the country
43:03 that follows up and travels around
43:05 to the different churches to speak
43:06 and kind of get them refocused
43:08 on how they can use this training.
43:10 And so, yeah, it's really,
43:12 there's a picture actually of the president...
43:14 This is the president
43:16 of the North Asia Pacific Division.
43:17 So the initiative is called Tell the world his hands.
43:20 His hands just speaks to the active involvement, right.
43:23 Many Christ hands. Yeah, that's exactly.
43:25 We are Christ's hands, right.
43:27 We should let our light shine so it's working cooperation
43:29 with Wildwood and LIGHT.
43:31 And so that's exciting and in China as well,
43:34 same division where we just finished
43:36 our Mandarin curriculum translation,
43:39 and we're in the midst of recording
43:40 our online school in Chinese which is even to me
43:43 more important in a sense because it's harder to get
43:46 into China to do the course that we're doing
43:48 because it's religious in nature
43:51 and mainland China is not that open.
43:54 So with online through the internet ways, right,
43:57 we can train Adventists into as missionaries,
44:02 you know, without having to be physically there.
44:05 So we have different ways that we're going to be doing that
44:07 and different websites that we're going to be using
44:09 and shifting around to try to stay out of any trouble there.
44:12 And we're also gonna be doing one
44:16 with just health classes that we're going to promote
44:18 to the public at large and a marketing company
44:21 that has agreed to promote
44:23 to 80 million people for us for free.
44:24 This is in China. In China, yeah.
44:26 Eighty million? Eighty million.
44:28 That he has access to so it's gonna be blast,
44:30 email blasting and so forth.
44:32 So we want to use that also as an entering wedge
44:34 to train so they get kind of interest
44:35 and we've got different ways
44:37 that they'll be able to find out who we are
44:38 and where to find more information.
44:40 So in the next year our plans are to start a mission school
44:43 that's kind of will be, kind of a covert mission school
44:46 in southern China along with our lifestyle center,
44:49 and we'll have the online training
44:50 and just see where the Lord takes it from there
44:52 but we can't, yeah, we can't forget the Chinese.
44:54 No. You know, it's amazing.
44:56 I think of Jesus' commission, you know, in Matthew 28.
44:58 Go ye into the world and make disciples,
45:01 and teaching, and preaching, and baptizing.
45:03 And you think about the church in Acts
45:05 and how it exploded, from the 120 believers
45:09 in that upper room and then Peter had that sermon,
45:12 and then you think 3000,
45:14 and then if you read as you go through Acts,
45:16 the growth is exponential.
45:18 Yes. It just continues to explode.
45:21 And I'm so excited just hearing what God is doing
45:25 through the ministry of LIGHT and the explosion of growth,
45:28 the explosion of people, coming to be trained
45:31 and then going out.
45:32 I mean 20,000 people who have been trained
45:35 and you have these missionaries all over the world
45:37 and what God is doing.
45:39 Praise the Lord for that. That is incredible.
45:41 It's exciting to see what they, you throw it out there
45:44 and you teach them how to fish
45:45 and you just see what they do with it.
45:47 So I've just been amazed to see testimony after testimony,
45:49 get emails regularly sharing and all of the impact
45:52 that's made in people's lives.
45:53 Well, I'm excited too because you don't have
45:55 to be a doctor like a physician.
45:57 You're training physicians, you know,
45:58 with some of this evangelism aspect
46:00 but you know I'm not a physician
46:02 but it's something that I could actually do.
46:04 You know, I could do the almost say the basics.
46:06 But you don't have to know how to what,
46:08 we don't have to be a medical doctor or surgeon.
46:10 We're not diagnosing people. We're not diagnosing disease.
46:13 We're teaching, it's mainly health education.
46:14 It is.
46:16 It's nothing, there is nothing dangerous
46:17 about teaching someone about drinking water
46:19 and exercising, you know,
46:20 really that if every Seventh-day Adventist
46:22 knew the simple eight laws of health,
46:24 apply them to their lives...
46:26 I was just gonna say that.
46:27 There would be such a bigger light in the world
46:29 because just sharing.
46:31 You know, Ellen White even talks about it,
46:32 if we were to just bring people to a country, relaxing setting,
46:36 eating nutritious food, exercising,
46:38 following the eight laws of health.
46:40 So nine cases out of ten
46:41 people could recover from their health.
46:43 Many of the diseases that we have,
46:45 we bring upon ourselves by poor lifestyle choices.
46:48 And so, you know, we just have,
46:50 I just hope that more will take interest in it.
46:53 And it's not so hard and it's, you know, if we come off with,
46:57 if we come across in a loving way like
47:00 with the love of Jesus in our hearts,
47:02 right, not condemning people,
47:04 not in a fanatical way, not in an extreme way,
47:06 leading people step by step.
47:08 It is just, I have found it to be the most powerful way
47:12 to reach someone, and to see it in our lifestyle center,
47:14 people giving their hearts to God
47:16 as their bodies become healed
47:18 and they're surrounded by Christian people.
47:20 It just really melts them and revives them.
47:23 Amen.
47:24 You know, it's neat to me too because I think about,
47:26 you know, your story, you know, because, you know,
47:29 you think about where God
47:30 puts you back in your late teens,
47:32 early 20s and the impact that you were making
47:36 because if you reaching out you and Mr...
47:38 Cleveland.
47:39 Cleveland, you know, number of years ago,
47:42 and now the impact the 20,000 and then that 20,000 who knows
47:46 who they all have reached
47:47 and then those people reach even more.
47:49 I mean what a amazing ripple effect,
47:52 and it's neat how you have let God use you
47:56 and that you are a vessel that God is pouring
47:58 through to others.
48:00 You probably had no idea
48:02 when you were there in the butcher shop.
48:04 Yeah.
48:05 You know, how God would be using you
48:07 in such a powerful way.
48:08 It's encouraging, isn't it? Well, it's...
48:10 You know, it's to God be the glory.
48:12 I just wanted to stay faithful and, you know,
48:14 He gave His life for me, what can I do for Him?
48:17 So when I was baptized,
48:19 I committed the rest of my life to be a missionary.
48:21 And I didn't know it would be so much in health ministries.
48:25 You know, I'm not, it was never like my main interest of life
48:27 but He directed me to and that just give me
48:29 such a burden for and a passion for it so, you know.
48:32 And I just want to say, ask people at home
48:35 that are listening to this
48:36 that they might pray for our workers
48:37 that are in the field right now.
48:39 Some of them are, they meet tremendous challenges.
48:42 We have 50 people that we're supporting.
48:44 If you couldn't yourself get involved,
48:46 I'll say that's most important if everyone could get,
48:48 you know, and engage themselves in this,
48:51 more workers are needed.
48:52 But we are supporting over 50 missionaries currently
48:55 and that can grow.
48:57 And so there is some financial support if,
48:59 but God has been good to provide for us.
49:01 When we started, you know, we ran out of money.
49:04 I remember the first year that we started,
49:05 we ran out of money seven times.
49:07 And so every time we ran out, I would send out an email
49:10 and said okay, I'm out again.
49:12 You know I had the attitude, you know,
49:14 I'm not gonna just try to hold the little that I have.
49:17 You know, use it for God's glory,
49:19 send it out to the missionaries and spend it all
49:22 in a conservative way, in a very careful way
49:24 the best that we can and then just pray that God would supply
49:27 and He has all these years.
49:28 And since then we've never, we have not,
49:32 no one has gone hungry
49:33 and we have some great fantastic directors.
49:37 You know, the way we structured,
49:38 we have divisional directors over each field,
49:40 and then we have country directors as well.
49:42 And then we have project directors,
49:44 so there is different levels of our administration.
49:47 We have a strong communication base.
49:50 We want all of our course to be very consistent.
49:52 When someone takes a LIGHT course,
49:54 we want it to be the same.
49:56 So anywhere in the world, it would always be the same
49:59 that you'd have the same manual,
50:00 the same training, the same education?
50:02 And then, you know, it's amazing
50:03 because when we needed to help
50:05 revive a project in Dominican Republic,
50:07 we took someone from Germany
50:09 and we took someone from Alabama
50:11 and we took someone from Honduras
50:12 and they had never met each other
50:14 and we put them together
50:15 and we sent them off to this country
50:18 and they were on the same page
50:19 because they had all had the same training,
50:21 and they were able to revive that project
50:24 and start a new school there.
50:26 So... Amen.
50:28 And we're gonna go to your address in just a moment.
50:30 Can you give me 20, 30 seconds,
50:32 what are some of your goals for the future?
50:34 I know you've talked to some about China
50:37 and your goals in China, but some of the other countries,
50:38 what are some of your goals?
50:40 Specifically we have a goal to see a mission school
50:42 in each of the 112 unions worldwide.
50:45 So one by one we're just going through them,
50:48 talking to church leaders.
50:49 And, you know, it's great to see when the church itself
50:54 is even helping to find properties.
50:56 Sometimes churches...
50:57 The church leaders are giving us schools
50:59 that are not being used.
51:01 In Indonesia we're using an elementary school
51:02 that was run down, we went in and fixed it all up
51:05 and turned it into a school.
51:06 Every single union we think needs a mission school,
51:08 this is a big project, right.
51:10 So it doesn't, it hasn't happened overnight
51:14 but we've already from 20 unions,
51:16 now we're already up over 50 unions
51:18 that currently have a mission school,
51:20 so it's more than doubled.
51:21 Amen. Amen.
51:22 The Lord's doing mighty things. We want to see more languages.
51:24 Amen.
51:25 More languages, more missionaries
51:27 and spread the message so that...
51:29 you know, so Jesus can come home shortly.
51:30 That's wonderful. Amen, praise the Lord.
51:32 What we want to do right now is put up
51:33 the contact information for LIGHT.
51:35 If you want to get involved, if you want to be trained,
51:38 if you want to be involved in the online school,
51:40 have the LIGHT team come to your church
51:43 or your community
51:44 and get involved in this if you want to support.
51:46 Here is how you can do just that.
51:51 If you would like to learn more about
51:52 the Lay Institute for Global Health training
51:55 or would like to support their ministry,
51:57 you can do so by writing to LIGHT,
52:00 PO Box 58, Wildwood, Georgia 30757.
52:07 That's LIGHT, PO Box 58,
52:11 Wildwood, Georgia 30757.
52:15 You may call them at area code 706-820-9804.
52:21 Or visit them online at LightingTheWorld.org.
52:24 That's LightingTheWorld.org.


Revised 2017-07-31