3ABN Today

Adventist World Radio

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: CA Murray (Host), G. Edward Reid, Jeffrey Wilson


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017047A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:27 Let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:08 My name is CA Murray.
01:10 And allow me once again to thank you for sharing
01:12 just a little of your no doubt busy day with us,
01:15 to thank you as always for your love, your prayers,
01:17 your support of this ministry because we know and understand
01:20 that we could not do what we are called to do
01:22 without your partnership.
01:23 So when we say that those are not just words
01:25 from our mouth, those are words from our heart.
01:28 We do thank you each and every day
01:30 for what you do to share with us
01:32 and lifting up the mighty and matchless name of Jesus.
01:34 I'm excited today for couple of reasons
01:37 because of my guests and because
01:38 we're going to be talking about another arm,
01:40 another facet, another segment of media ministry
01:44 which is doing a great, great work for the Lord
01:47 and that is Adventist World Radio,
01:50 that's the term that's been around for few years,
01:52 but if you're new to Adventism or new to this program,
01:56 we're gonna walk you through what Adventist World Radio is?
01:59 What it has been doing? What it is doing?
02:01 And what it continues to do for the cause of Christ?
02:03 My guests, one face you perhaps have seen here
02:06 for many, many years because he's been around a few years.
02:08 So I almost say old friend
02:10 because when you get to our age,
02:11 you don't say old friend, you say long time friend.
02:13 That's right.
02:15 Or a friend of long standing, when you get to the point
02:17 when you have no hair or grey hair,
02:19 it's just long time friend
02:21 or good friend or friend of long term.
02:22 This is G. Edward Reid. Oh! Thank you.
02:24 Edward, good to have you here. Glad to be seeing you today.
02:26 And Jeffrey Wilson by your side.
02:28 Both carry the title of assistant to the president
02:31 for Adventist World Radio.
02:32 And of course, the fairly, recently elected president
02:35 is our good friend Duane McKey.
02:36 That's true.
02:37 And he's doing a fine job, he's brought
02:39 a lot of energy and innovation to World Radio...
02:40 Amen. I'm excited about that too.
02:42 To the station, so we're very, very excited.
02:44 These men will walk us through
02:46 what Adventist World Radio is all about
02:48 and it is the ministry that is doing
02:50 great guns for the Lord.
02:51 You hear the Hope channels and you hear the 3ABNs
02:54 and you hear the other kinds of media ministries
02:57 and you maybe want to think that radio does not play
03:01 as important part as it once did.
03:03 But let me disabuse of you of that notion
03:06 because they will tell us that Adventist Radio is doing
03:08 great things for the Lord.
03:11 Sometimes you don't hear about that
03:12 but you will hear about it today, air, we're done,
03:14 and I'm sure you'll be excited to hear that.
03:17 Before we go to our music, guys,
03:18 I want to just get a little history from you.
03:20 Ed, where are you from originally?
03:22 I was born and raised in Northern California.
03:24 California guy. Yeah.
03:26 Adventist home?
03:27 Yeah, well, I'll tell you the Adventist World Radio
03:30 is interesting to me because it was radio Voice of Prophecy
03:33 actually brought my family into the Adventist church.
03:35 One of my first childhood memories
03:37 were seeing my parents baptized
03:38 when I was three years old.
03:39 Praise the Lord.
03:41 Essentially, I've been raised an Adventist,
03:42 but I saw my parents become members.
03:44 You remember that? You got that memory.
03:45 Oh, yes, indeed one of my early memories,
03:46 Klamath River, Northern California.
03:49 I know Klamath, that Klamath Falls,
03:50 Klamath area sure, sure.
03:53 It is one thing as you well know
03:55 to be baptized into the Adventist church
03:58 or an Adventist home
03:59 and have the accoutrements of Adventism all around you.
04:01 When did it become personal, one on one with you and Jesus?
04:04 Well, I was quite faithful as a young person.
04:08 But I can tell you that the year I graduated
04:09 from high school, I read the Bible
04:11 clear through that summer.
04:13 And I was about to decide whether I want to continue
04:15 being different from most people,
04:16 got worshipping on Sabbath or go along with the crowd.
04:19 And I read the Bible clear
04:21 through for my first time myself and I decided
04:23 not only to stay an Adventist but to become a minister.
04:26 I already had been accepted in college.
04:28 Now I've been gone to a pre-law program.
04:30 But I put off going to law school for 20 years
04:32 because I've first started in ministry.
04:33 Wow.
04:35 So you did finally fulfill that law?
04:36 Yeah, I did.
04:38 And I did not go into law practice
04:40 to get away from ministry
04:42 but I felt that since Martin Luther,
04:43 and John Calvin and John Wycliffe,
04:45 those reformers had all been trained in the law
04:46 that it might be valuable to my ministry for the Lord
04:49 and it has been.
04:50 Oh, praise the Lord. Praise God.
04:52 So you got your Theo and your Lord?
04:53 Yes.
04:54 Yeah, that's a handy set of degrees to have.
04:56 In the mean time, I went to Loma Linda
04:57 and I got a Master in Public Health,
04:59 so I'm interested in that as well.
05:00 All right. Amen and amen.
05:02 And you served in the church for how many years?
05:04 44 years. Full time, 44 years.
05:06 And the offices, all right,
05:07 because you left from North American Division,
05:09 I think when you retired?
05:10 Yes, then went to the General Conference
05:11 with Adventist World Radio.
05:13 But I was in the North American Division
05:15 for 21 years
05:16 teaching stewardship in money management.
05:18 For a short period of that time, three years,
05:20 I was also the executive secretary of ASI.
05:23 I'm not sure you're familiar with ASI.
05:25 You go and get those people at ASI, will you?
05:28 Of course, long as I can remember.
05:30 Yeah, ASI is a great friend of this ministry
05:32 and ministry we've carried on 3ABN for
05:35 I don't know how many years, almost since its inception.
05:37 Praise the Lord.
05:38 And we praise the Lord for that.
05:40 And, Jeffrey, same question. You're native of, born where?
05:42 Oh, I was born in San Francisco, California.
05:44 Now, both west coast guys. But I grew up in Arizona.
05:47 And Ed and I was just figuring this out this morning.
05:51 Ed and I met 60 years ago actually in the seventh grade
05:55 in Tempe Seventh-day Adventist Church School
05:59 and we graduated 59 years ago in 1958 and from that school.
06:03 And then we went separate ways but for last, oh, about,
06:09 well, last 11 years I guess before I retired in '10,
06:13 you retired in the fall of '10, I think.
06:14 Right.
06:16 I've retired at the General Conference session
06:17 in Atlanta in '10 and interestingly enough
06:21 since then we've been holding the same title.
06:23 Yes.
06:24 Not many people hold that,
06:26 but we live about a 100 miles apart in Eastern Tennessee,
06:30 but we cover various parts of the United States
06:33 basically for Adventist World Radio.
06:35 And similar to Ed, my parents came into the church
06:38 through the media, through Voice of Prophecy.
06:42 They were listening to H.M.S. Richards on the radio.
06:45 And he announced one day on the radio
06:49 that he was having evangelistic campaign,
06:52 a tabernacle meeting in Phoenix, Arizona,
06:54 that was in 1938.
06:57 And my parents droved down there,
06:59 drove around the building several times, should we go in?
07:01 Should we not go in? It was bright lighted building.
07:05 Finally, they decided to go in and they were hooked.
07:08 And so I was born a few years later,
07:10 but I attribute my being as a Christian
07:15 and the Seventh-day Adventist to the media.
07:17 And interestingly enough, you know,
07:19 H.M.S. Richards was a brilliant committed person
07:23 who saw media before anyone else, I think...
07:25 Very much so. Very much so.
07:27 Many in the church felt that was a sinful thing
07:30 to get on to radio.
07:32 And he, of course, went at that point,
07:35 AM radio, he went nationwide on it.
07:38 But for years and years he urged the brethren
07:41 that we needed to be on Shortwave.
07:44 And Shortwave is only a hobby here in the United States,
07:48 but in most of the world, it's the only way.
07:50 Yeah. Virtually only way.
07:52 A lot of people get the news. Get the news, very true.
07:55 And because it travels thousands of miles,
07:59 many people tuned to it because there is no legitimate
08:03 or means of learning
08:06 what's really happening in the world
08:07 from any media in their own country.
08:09 So they will turn to BBC News
08:12 or something of that sort to find out what's going on.
08:15 And interestingly enough where we lease time
08:18 on major Shortwave stations,
08:22 our engineers every year
08:24 when they're delivering out the programming,
08:27 we try to get before, after BBC News
08:30 or just aside or that side of BBC News.
08:32 Good leading. People get the bad news.
08:35 We hope they turned it out slightly and get the good news.
08:37 Get the good news.
08:38 And I want to talk about that too because
08:40 they say if you want to reach a city, go AM,
08:43 if you want to reach your region, go FM,
08:44 if you want to reach your country or several,
08:46 go Shortwave.
08:47 That's correct.
08:48 And I want to talk about before we go too far,
08:50 the difference between Shortwave programming
08:53 and what we normally think of as FM-AM program
08:55 because there was a difference, there's a stark difference
08:57 as far as your broadcast day.
08:59 And I think, a lot of people are not aware of that.
09:00 Yes.
09:02 It just happens that I'm also an amateur radio operator.
09:04 So I'm familiar with FM radio and I got interested in that
09:06 many years ago and have been on the air for long time,
09:09 not recently but I still have all my equipment.
09:12 But I would just tell you that this is an amazing thing
09:14 about the...
09:16 If you go to Guam, the Central Pacific
09:17 where our flagship shortwave station is...
09:19 Yes.
09:21 They have five big curtain antennas
09:22 that they are perfectly tuned
09:24 and they have 100,000 watts of power.
09:27 But you'd see, all you see out there is ocean.
09:30 And you just think it's not gonna bounce
09:31 off the water, it goes up to the ionosphere
09:33 and come down like rain all over to the 10/40 Window.
09:36 It is incredible, absolutely amazing.
09:38 So it goes up to the ionosphere and comes back down,
09:40 so that's interesting.
09:42 It doesn't have to be line aside.
09:43 So FM though is line aside, so if you're in town
09:47 and you see our antenna on top of the tall building,
09:49 that's probably FM going as far as it can be seen and covers,
09:52 and AM is very similar, they have a shorter wavelength
09:55 than or shorter reach area than FM.
09:58 Than FM.
09:59 But Adventist World Radio is actually were doing
10:01 all three and internet.
10:02 So it's amazing what we're covering now.
10:04 We'll get into that in a few minutes probably.
10:06 Yeah.
10:07 Yeah, having worked at FM station
10:08 for a period of time, it's like an,
10:11 make your pitch real quick,
10:12 I just want to say this before we go to our music
10:14 and come back, we're gonna sort of walk through this.
10:16 The fact that radio
10:19 is as pertinent a communication tool
10:22 as it is ever been rather than decreasing
10:25 because of what it does and where can it go.
10:27 It is as valuable a tool for the gospel
10:29 as that, would you not say so?
10:31 Oh, sure. Yeah.
10:32 The most interesting thing is that even in America,
10:35 especially in the Washington D.C. area
10:36 where we lived for 20 years,
10:38 most people listen to the radio while they're communicating.
10:40 Sometimes that can be up to two hours a day.
10:41 Precisely. Morning and evening.
10:43 So they get their news,
10:45 they get their information they want to,
10:46 the weather and all of that.
10:47 And any other program if they like on the radio.
10:49 And you can listen to while you're working,
10:51 or while you're driving or whatever.
10:53 But the most amazing thing is that in many countries
10:55 where we reach into the most difficult places in the world,
10:58 people do not have a local television station
11:00 or satellite equipment.
11:02 Yes.
11:03 So their only hope is to get something
11:05 that will work in their area even many without power.
11:08 So we'll show you how that happens
11:09 in a few minutes, but it's amazing.
11:11 Radio is the primary means of communication
11:14 that most people in the world have.
11:16 I mean, I'm so used to just turn it,
11:17 flipping the switch and having a light
11:19 and what if you had no power.
11:20 You know, many people live that way.
11:22 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
11:23 It's interesting that I can remember as a boy
11:25 when television came in.
11:27 The word was that radio would die, it didn't die.
11:31 It became stronger yet.
11:33 When the internet came along, everybody said radio will die.
11:36 Well, as you very well know,
11:38 our radio was all over the internet.
11:39 Now a local radio station can be worldwide,
11:43 nationwide, worldwide.
11:44 Yes.
11:46 And I think radio has never been stronger than it is today,
11:49 even though, we have the internet,
11:50 we have television, we have satellite,
11:52 we have all that kind of stuff.
11:54 But we know the devil uses all these media.
11:57 Oh, yes.
11:58 God's truth must be broadcast in all those ways,
12:03 and as Ed says, believe it or not for much of the world,
12:09 Shortwave radio or internet is the only way
12:12 they can get any kind of message out.
12:14 We can get the message out. Yeah.
12:16 There is an intimacy with radio
12:17 that the other media simply do not have.
12:20 When you pass some of these big buildings
12:22 where the guys are working as hard as what not, what's on?
12:26 Radio all day long.
12:27 A painter comes to your house, what's on?
12:29 Radio.
12:31 You know, as you well said,
12:33 having pastored in New York City for 30 years.
12:35 One hour, two hour commute, what's on?
12:37 Radio.
12:38 So rather than being irrelevant, it becomes
12:42 hyper relevant in the Atlantic.
12:43 Yes, that's true. Yeah. Very much so.
12:45 We're gonna go to our music.
12:46 I want to come back and then question
12:47 these erudite gentlemen because we're gonna talk about
12:50 what Adventist World Radio is?
12:52 In case you do not know,
12:53 we're gonna, what we're gonna give you
12:54 Adventist World Radio 101.
12:56 When they give you their premise
12:58 that you totally understand what we're talking about
12:59 and then we're gonna ask for your support
13:01 because this is a medium that God is using
13:03 to save souls in these last days.
13:05 Our music today comes from Scott Michael Bennett.
13:09 He's going to be doing a wonderful song "Come".
13:32 Come
13:35 When your heart is heavy laden
13:39 And you're feeling like the joy is fading
13:44 Just come
13:49 Come
13:51 Believing everything I've told you
13:55 'Cause here are arms that long to hold you
14:01 Just come
14:06 Come
14:09 And leave behind the mask you're hiding
14:13 Here is someone to confide in
14:17 I know what you've done
14:23 Come
14:26 And tell me everything you're hoping
14:30 The Father loves a heart that's open
14:35 Just come
14:40 I didn't die so you could try
14:44 To save yourself
14:48 I know who you are
14:51 Don't try to be somebody else
14:59 Come
15:01 Believing everything I've told you
15:06 'Cause here are arms that long to hold you
15:10 Won't you come
15:16 Come
15:18 And come into the joy of living
15:22 Knowing that your sin's forgiven,
15:27 Just come
15:33 I didn't die so you could try
15:36 To save yourself
15:41 I know who you are
15:44 Don't try to be somebody else
15:51 Come
15:54 Believing everything I've told you
15:59 Here are arms that long to hold you,
16:03 Lord, you come
16:09 Come
16:11 And come into the joy of living
16:16 Knowing that your sin's forgiven
16:21 Just come
16:39 Just come
16:52 Thank you. Thank you.
16:53 Brother Bennett, well done.
16:55 Young man with the great testimony
16:57 who came here some time ago to record music
16:59 and just somebody we like a lot.
17:00 My guests are Ed Reid and Jeffrey Wilson,
17:02 they both of Adventist World Radio
17:05 holding the same title as assistant to the president
17:09 and as Elder Jeff said,
17:12 "You know, when you get two hoarding the same,
17:14 you actually get more than a 100%
17:16 that's because of the way Adventism works.
17:17 Everybody gives their 100%.
17:19 So when you get, rather in getting 50-50,
17:21 you get a 100-100.
17:23 So you really get 200%.
17:24 And that's just the way it works.
17:26 Let's gentlemen walk right into what is Adventist World Radio
17:30 and why does it exist?
17:32 And I guess that bespeaks
17:34 a little history of the media also.
17:36 Adventist World Radio began in 1971
17:40 and I think, it was Neal Wilson and number of others
17:43 who with the urging of Elder Richards and others said,
17:48 we've got to reach that larger audience.
17:51 And believe it or not,
17:52 there are about 40 countries in the world
17:55 in which we cannot do regular church work.
17:59 We can't build churches,
18:00 we can't do evangelistic meetings,
18:03 we can't print or distribute literature.
18:05 We can't be on any local stations
18:07 because we're Christian.
18:09 So we had...
18:10 And had the Lord in His commission,
18:12 great commission to us said, "Go to every nation,
18:15 kindred, tongue, and people.
18:18 So the church feels we've got to reach everyone.
18:21 Even if we can't send, even if we can't do
18:24 boots on the ground as it were, we can't send.
18:27 We send missionaries since 1874 all over the world
18:31 except this we now called the 10/40 window,
18:36 10 degrees north to 40 degrees north,
18:38 halfway around the world from the United States,
18:40 from West Africa to the Philippines,
18:42 two-thirds of the world live in that window.
18:46 And yet, and that's where all the world religions
18:49 have their birth place.
18:50 Yes. Yes.
18:51 And yet, if you count, if you look at it only 3, 4, 5%
18:57 are Christian in that window,
18:58 where two-thirds of the world lives.
19:00 And that's why 3ABN, that's why Hope Channel,
19:04 that's why especially, Adventist World Radio
19:07 is concentrating on that window.
19:10 We can't send missionaries in,
19:12 so we have to bring people out sometimes under cover
19:18 to where we have a studio because all of our producers,
19:22 all of our speakers are native language speakers
19:25 for that country.
19:27 We're jumping a huge divide between a heathen religion
19:31 and Christianity.
19:33 And so the people need to hear a familiar voice.
19:36 And as you know, you can learn a language,
19:39 but your voice is not like a native speaker
19:43 in that particular language.
19:44 So we use all native speakers
19:47 and people can only reach us by Shortwave radio,
19:52 and Ed will show you some of the radios
19:54 we distribute in a minute.
19:56 We distribute thousands of radios every year,
19:58 not radios that you can plug in.
20:00 Yeah.
20:01 They don't have a place to plug in,
20:03 and they are battery powered but we found people
20:05 going two or three days without rice
20:07 to afford to buy two or three AAA batteries
20:10 to put in the radios and we felt we can't...
20:12 The gospel must be free.
20:14 So we use solar powered radios,
20:18 and so we can get the gospel to people
20:21 free from thousands of miles away,
20:25 because we cannot broadcast in those countries.
20:29 I mean, we have so much of our work,
20:31 we can't discuss, we can't tell you the country name.
20:33 Yeah.
20:35 We certainly aren't going to talk about people
20:36 because it would jeopardize the work that we do.
20:41 So you want the gospel to be truly free.
20:44 And I've got to slid down in the store to get batteries
20:47 then it's not, it is costing me something
20:49 and it's either eat or batteries.
20:51 I kind of got to go with eat, you know, it's...
20:54 So to make it truly free.
20:57 We talk about 10/40 window
20:58 and the concentration of people groups in the 10/40 window,
21:02 but is it not also true that
21:03 some of the most resistant areas are in that same window
21:07 as far as being resistant to the gospel.
21:09 Actually hostile. Yes, yes, yes, well said.
21:11 As we speak, this is not in the major news,
21:14 but as we speak thousands of Christians
21:17 are being killed in that window for their faith.
21:19 They're being martyred.
21:21 It's the time of trouble...
21:23 For them. For them right now.
21:25 It's not future, it's right now.
21:28 So we urge people, we want to pray
21:31 that the Holy Spirit will guide people
21:33 to tune their radios to Voice of Hope,
21:36 to our various programming, but at the same time,
21:39 pray that the holy angels will protect the lives of those
21:43 who embrace Christianity
21:45 because their lives are in danger.
21:47 One thing that's helpful with radio over television
21:50 is if you view a television screen
21:53 and that's a Christian program in a hostile country,
21:56 your life may be in danger.
21:58 But we have young people doing and others in these countries
22:01 is they have their ear buds in their ears.
22:04 And nobody knows whether they're listening
22:07 to a Christian program or secular program.
22:11 So they can listen to the word
22:16 and their lives at the moment at least can be spared.
22:19 Can be spared, yeah. Yeah, praise the Lord.
22:22 I would add one interesting thing
22:23 and that is what Elder Wilson
22:25 has just mentioned is absolutely true,
22:27 but the most amazing thing
22:28 is people like to hear in their own language,
22:30 so we're in over a 100 languages,
22:32 the most, the major languages of the whole world
22:35 are on Adventist World Radio.
22:37 And the interesting thing also is that even though
22:39 people live in these isolated countries,
22:41 the radio doesn't stop at the border,
22:43 it goes right over the top, you know, this is incredible.
22:46 It is, it truly is.
22:47 It's really, really amazing and they need very little
22:50 as far as equipment to be able to listen.
22:52 So my wife and I have devotions together every morning,
22:55 we always pray for the media.
22:56 We mention 3ABN by name, Adventist World Radio by name
22:58 and so on 'cause we're not in competition,
23:01 we're working together.
23:02 No, no, same work, very much so.
23:03 And so Adventist World Radio
23:05 is the General Conference's mission arm,
23:07 the radio mission arm to take the gospel
23:09 where the missionaries typically cannot go,
23:12 but we're now in other places using FM in big cities
23:14 in India and in Africa and so on
23:17 to make even more of a concentration,
23:20 and you recently had an interview
23:22 with elder Duane Mckey, our new president
23:24 of Adventist World Radio.
23:25 And he's been involved with the General Conference
23:27 as the coordinator with Elder Wilson
23:30 under his direction of the total member involvement,
23:33 getting everybody to do something.
23:35 And so having that as also part of
23:37 now Adventist World Radio,
23:39 we have some incredible new things happening,
23:42 and we'll tell you about those as well.
23:43 But the idea is we're taking
23:45 as you are the gospel to all the world,
23:47 every kindred, nation, tongue, and people.
23:49 So it is my personal opinion that almost everybody on earth
23:52 can listen to and understand one of those languages.
23:54 Amen, amen. Praise the Lord.
23:56 Now, walk me through this gentlemen
23:58 because when you think of radio,
23:59 you think of, "Oh, you can turn a radio,
24:01 you get English programs,
24:02 you get some music and some this,
24:04 but Shortwave radio functions are little different
24:06 because of the varied people groups you are trying to meet,
24:09 so the broadcast day is broken up into.
24:11 Can you walk me through that what that is
24:13 so people can understand the difference here
24:15 between say an FM or AM station and a Shortwave broadcast?
24:19 Well, Ed and I...
24:22 While your title as assistant to the president,
24:26 that's not the total title.
24:27 Our title is assistant to the president
24:29 for planned giving.
24:31 Ed and I really work at the other end,
24:32 we don't work at headquarters, we work out of our homes
24:35 and we deal with people assisting them
24:37 with wills and trusts and this sort of thing
24:39 of supporting God's work.
24:41 And in that work, of course, there are many people
24:43 who remember many different ministries
24:45 including 3ABN in the work that we do.
24:48 So we don't know a whole lot about the technical end of it,
24:50 but we do know that we broadcast in 100 languages
24:55 and that those languages are focused on times of day.
25:00 For example, from Guam,
25:02 we reach the eastern half of the 10/40 window
25:04 and our big push out of Guam is China.
25:09 Three of our five antennas on Guam are focused on China.
25:13 And we do about 33 languages as I understand there,
25:16 and we focus on, believe it or not,
25:20 China is as wide as the United States.
25:23 We have four time zones in the continental United States,
25:26 in China, it's a one time zone,
25:30 believe it or not, one time zone.
25:32 So we focus on the three hours in the morning
25:35 and the three hours in the evening,
25:37 when people are commuting because as we said,
25:39 if you're living in a big city,
25:41 you're not watching TV, you're stuck in traffic...
25:43 Even while riding a bike.
25:45 Even while riding a bike, you're listening to the radio.
25:47 So we focus on the major languages there,
25:50 believe it or not, the most,
25:52 the language that we're getting the most response
25:55 from right now is Mandarin Chinese
25:57 which is thrilling to us because as you know in China,
26:01 if the church is working at all, it's underground.
26:04 Yes.
26:05 And so many people speaking Mandarin,
26:08 they're not hearing it on a Sabbath morning
26:12 or a Sunday morning in church.
26:14 This is the way we can preach not just Sabbath or Sunday,
26:17 but seven days a week.
26:19 So we concentrate on the times of days
26:21 and the languages to fit that to reach the most people
26:25 in the most opportune times of the day.
26:27 Okay, you've answered to my question perfectly.
26:31 What I was trying to get to is that
26:33 someone in China who speaks Mandarin,
26:35 knows that at 9 o'clock, Monday morning,
26:39 I can turn on this thing and I'm going to hear
26:41 something for me.
26:43 Yeah.
26:44 The most amazing thing to me is how people find out about it.
26:47 Yes.
26:48 Because, you know, when you put the signal out there,
26:49 you're not really sure anybody's going to listen,
26:51 but providentially, not happenstance.
26:54 Yes.
26:55 Providentially, people find a station
26:57 and other people tell them about it.
26:59 And we actually have many stories,
27:01 we'll share a few later
27:02 where somebody has listened to the radio in a place
27:05 where they couldn't share it with anybody,
27:07 be very, very interested.
27:08 And then they finally can't keep it in,
27:10 tell someone else and that person's
27:11 been listening to.
27:14 Isn't that amazing? That is great. That is great.
27:16 That's the power of the Lord and reach of the gospel
27:19 and, you know, the Lord, once you join hands with Him,
27:22 your work grows so exponentially.
27:24 Yes.
27:26 And though you're not putting stuff out,
27:27 it's getting out there, and people are responding
27:29 and praise the Lord for that.
27:30 So that is what I was getting at that,
27:33 you switched languages at different times a day
27:36 during the course of the day
27:37 and different people groups are picking up or tuning in
27:40 during the time when their language is being spoken.
27:42 I should say that.
27:43 We talk about Guam which is our church,
27:45 our own station on the Island of Guam
27:47 which is a U.S. territory so we're safe there.
27:51 We can't be in those countries obviously,
27:53 but for many years, the church had a small station in Italy
27:57 and there was a plan to build a super station in Italy
28:01 to cover the western half of the 10/40 window.
28:04 And we kept getting requirements
28:08 from additional permits, additional permits
28:10 and finally we've realized that the government
28:12 didn't want us there.
28:14 Yeah.
28:15 Well, it was all in God's plan because how we cover
28:17 the western half of the 10/40 window at this moment
28:19 is we lease time out of South Africa,
28:23 out of Madagascar, out of Austria,
28:26 Germany and the Netherlands.
28:29 And so from outside the window,
28:31 we reach into the window.
28:33 And as Ed described our antenna,
28:36 they're call curtains.
28:38 They're a size of football field.
28:40 And so they're fairly, yeah, they're fairly directional.
28:44 It's not like satellite at 360.
28:46 So we have to be outside and shoot toward that Guam,
28:50 on the south end of Guam are as we're along the coast
28:53 there right next to the naval station,
28:55 we're focused perfectly for China,
28:58 North Korea and Southeast Asia.
29:00 For Africa and Europe, we're focused perfectly
29:03 to get the western half of that window,
29:05 so we cover every square inch of the 10/40 window,
29:09 sometimes overlapping somewhat, but that's good too.
29:12 Oh, yes.
29:13 The whole window, even though we can't be
29:15 in the window very much.
29:17 Well, few places we can.
29:19 And we have a little station in Israel now
29:21 I think, don't we, Ed?
29:22 Yeah, I think so.
29:23 But most of that geography, we can't be in it.
29:26 Well, India is in the window
29:28 and we do have a number of F.M stations growing
29:32 and I think, we're in 10 or 13 languages in India now.
29:34 Yeah.
29:35 But lot of that other area, the Arab countries,
29:37 we cannot get into North Korea, of course, no way.
29:40 China, very little, but where it's saturated
29:44 with three angels' gospel because of where we are.
29:48 The signal goes in but we can't go personally
29:51 at some of these places.
29:53 And it's so exciting, and I have seen
29:56 to see what this antenna,
29:58 we say antenna, you're thinking of one little thing
30:00 but this ain't that.
30:01 This is a massive kind of thing.
30:03 And it's really a marvelous technology.
30:06 If you look at those antenna,
30:08 it's sobering to see how big they are.
30:11 And the typhoon that came through there
30:14 what was at '04 I think, blew the roof off our academy,
30:18 destroyed many of the buildings on Guam...
30:21 Yeah.
30:23 There are 300, 280 to 330 feet tall.
30:26 Yes.
30:28 They sit on a concrete foundation and...
30:30 It's big as the school bus.
30:31 Yeah, and but with the guy wires
30:35 they can lean with the wind
30:37 and they stood and withstand the horrible storms
30:42 they have there, when even buildings don't.
30:44 Praise the Lord.
30:45 Praise God, that's all very, very exciting.
30:48 I remember when they were trying to do that thing
30:51 in Italy and finally you just realize that
30:53 it wasn't gonna fly.
30:55 But you know, when you're working with the Lord,
30:56 the Lord has many, many ways that you think not of.
30:58 That's true. That's right.
30:59 And we get, what we need to have done.
31:03 You have brought a couple examples
31:05 of radios with you and I want to get to them
31:07 before we get too far on the program,
31:09 you walk us through some of this stuff, yeah.
31:10 This cute little radio is amazing
31:12 in the fact that it has Shortwave,
31:17 AM-FM and Shortwave
31:18 but the interesting part about it
31:19 is it can fit in your pocket.
31:21 And it has, of course, a place for you
31:22 to plug your ear phones in.
31:23 And so while, you're riding your bike
31:25 or whatever you can listen to it, and it's a digital.
31:26 So it focuses right on the signal
31:28 which is very, very good.
31:29 This is in a place where you can have electricity
31:31 or batteries.
31:32 But there's other one, I'm going to show you,
31:34 I'll lay that one down here is pretty amazing.
31:37 It's quite substantial
31:39 and it also has a digital readout
31:41 and it has a big speaker.
31:44 We have lots of photographs of people
31:45 listening to this radio with the whole family
31:47 or a whole group of villagers around.
31:50 So that you can turn it, clear up on full power
31:53 and it doesn't distort which is amazing.
31:55 But in addition to that,
31:57 this is one of those universal ones
31:58 that has four different ways to power.
32:00 You can plug it in should you be in a place
32:02 that has electricity or you can use battery power.
32:04 But in addition, it has a solar panel on the back
32:06 that collects the sun.
32:07 Excellent.
32:09 And if you set it out in the sun,
32:10 it will play for quite a long time.
32:11 Yeah and I see something else back there.
32:13 If you live where you have sun, you can crank it up.
32:14 You can crank.
32:16 This is got a little servo in it that cranks up
32:17 and it charges the battery and it's amazing.
32:21 This one has been my favorite one,
32:22 but we've even smaller than this that have all four on it.
32:25 And this is incredible.
32:27 We distribute thousands of those.
32:28 You got a little light there, yeah.
32:29 By the way, this has a little light,
32:31 it just came on just from my cranking that is in it.
32:33 Isn't that amazing?
32:35 But this is one that's also and by the way AWR's purchase
32:38 thousands of these and distribute them to people.
32:41 You might know a miracle story and Jeff will tell you
32:43 a few stories in a few minutes, but we've gone to places
32:46 where people already had radios.
32:47 They don't even know that we're coming
32:49 and already listening to the AWR.
32:50 Wow! Isn't that amazing?
32:51 Praise the Lord. How do you get these out?
32:53 Or how does AWR get them out?
32:54 Do they select a country
32:56 and then sort of distribute them?
32:58 How did, this is a nice little, you know, it's not that heavy,
33:00 I'm kind of get it right with you.
33:01 That's right, we'd distribute them
33:02 specifically in places where our signal...
33:05 Well, we know the signals there,
33:06 but people don't have the means to have a radio.
33:08 Elder Chow, our former president, for example,
33:11 went into some back country in Mexico
33:14 and distributed about 6,000 of those
33:17 and they've distributed throughout Africa
33:21 and as Ed said,
33:23 we've also have stories of village chiefs
33:27 who reported that a man in white
33:30 came to the village and handed him a radio.
33:32 Oh, wow!
33:34 And told him how to tune to Voice of Hope.
33:37 Well, if you're a villager in a village
33:39 and your chief asked you to come to his house
33:41 to listen to a radio, would you go?
33:43 Of course, you go. I think so.
33:45 And after listening for a while,
33:46 they learned that the seventh day was a Sabbath
33:49 and so we've discovered that,
33:51 for example, in Madagascar about 28 villages
33:55 where the people come together every Sabbath
33:58 and listen to the radio and that's their church.
34:00 Wow!
34:02 Praise the Lord.
34:03 This one is kind of my friend.
34:04 I like this because at first, I like the crank,
34:06 you know, I'm kind of who do not just sit,
34:08 I'm just kind of crank all day, you know.
34:10 Get your exercise.
34:11 Get that light on it.
34:12 What is the full charge?
34:14 How much cranking you have to set
34:15 to get maybe an hour out of this?
34:17 I think probably about 15 minutes.
34:18 Yeah. But it's not too long.
34:19 People learn what it is, how long it takes.
34:21 Actually we have sometimes church school groups
34:24 or pathfinder groups or Sabbath school groups
34:28 will take on a project of sponsoring half a dozen
34:32 or a dozen of these radios and they run about $40
34:36 that includes sending in and all that comes with it.
34:40 It comes with ear phones too...
34:41 Ear phones, yeah.
34:43 Various, the plug in if you have power.
34:45 Yeah. That little addition.
34:46 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off,
34:48 it's just, it's just very, very wise.
34:50 You can be discreet, you can listen,
34:52 and not put yourself in a kind of jeopardy.
34:53 You know, by sort of blasting this thing,
34:55 that's a very wise to watch.
34:58 When I was here about six years ago, 2011
35:01 and we talked about this, I demonstrated a little radio
35:03 similar to that one and there was a family watching
35:05 and they had a very nice vintage guitar,
35:09 "Gibson Vintage guitar".
35:10 They called me and they said.
35:12 Well, funny thing happened, they called the office
35:14 and the young lady answered the phone said,
35:16 they said "We have a guitar, we'd like to donate"
35:18 and that she said "Well I don't think we take guitars."
35:24 They want to talk to me and so this is Sharon and Vic
35:26 and Sharon Thelon and lives in Western Idaho.
35:30 So I had a speaking point at Walla Walla,
35:32 and I went out to see them when I was out there
35:34 and they donated a 1935
35:38 Super 400 Gibson Guitar, archtop guitar.
35:40 It turned out.
35:42 We had it appraised in Nashville, Tennessee
35:44 by Gibson Company official $16,500.
35:48 He said "It should be worth. We sold it for 20,000.
35:50 Oh, wow.
35:52 But his question to me was
35:53 "I wonder, how many these little radios
35:54 my guitar would pay for?
35:56 I don't want this thing to get burned up in my house
35:58 when Jesus comes back."
35:59 All right. Isn't that amazing?
36:01 That is amazing. What a blessing.
36:03 So many, many people and Jeff found people like that too.
36:06 I'll share one other little thing,
36:08 these are the little ambassadors
36:09 and this thing has a way to control it
36:12 and it has in it the entire Bible,
36:14 King James Version's Bible, Bible studies and sermons.
36:17 How many hours?
36:18 Hundred and sixty hours. Oh, wow.
36:20 Hundred and sixty hours of material,
36:22 but it doesn't have batteries.
36:23 It just has a solar thing
36:24 that's actually laid out in the sun
36:26 and you can listen to it as you walk around.
36:27 It has a strong signal too.
36:28 I mean, you can listen to it,
36:30 You don't even need your ear phones.
36:31 We would distribute those in some of the air remote areas
36:33 where we know our signal isn't getting.
36:36 So people can listen without listening to this radio.
36:38 This is self-contained.
36:40 And just recently, we've bought 160 of these
36:42 some of them in the Arabic language
36:44 and some in different languages from refugees,
36:47 from, in a refugee camp in France
36:49 who have been Kurdish refugees that they have these now.
36:52 Wow. Wow.
36:53 You know, you forgive me, if I gush a little.
36:55 Sometimes I'm so proud of my church
36:58 and the intelligentsia in the church.
37:00 People are sitting and thinking,
37:02 how can we get the gospel into this place?
37:05 And get it in such a way that we lift these people up,
37:08 we don't jeopardize their lives,
37:09 we don't jeopardize their living.
37:11 We just give them Jesus and someone who sat down
37:13 and said "Okay, we're gonna do this,
37:15 we're not gonna do that, we're gonna do this, this way,
37:17 we're not gonna do that and it's working,
37:19 you know, things are happening.
37:20 Yes. Amazing.
37:22 But we're not the largest church
37:23 in the world, but we have the largest mission
37:26 of any church.
37:27 Yes. Yes.
37:29 We cannot say "Well, this group take that area,
37:31 this group take that area."
37:32 Because we have the three angels' message
37:36 that the Book of Revelation says must go to every nation,
37:39 kindred, tongue and people, that's as flying,
37:41 flying in the midst of heaven.
37:43 This thing is not three people on bicycles.
37:46 It's not even three people in cars.
37:49 They're flying in the midst of heaven
37:50 and that's where our signals are going
37:52 television, radio, internet.
37:54 They're all flying in the midst of heaven
37:57 and in the very, violent, hostile world
38:01 in which we live today.
38:02 It's a reality even though we don't suffer
38:04 that directly ourselves.
38:07 This is the only way we can get to
38:10 perhaps the majority.
38:12 Perhaps more than 50% of the world
38:14 can only be reached by air.
38:16 Yeah Yeah.
38:17 You know, by the media.
38:18 And I think that, that point
38:20 and we're going to come to you shortly,
38:21 you're getting ready to whip out
38:23 some miracle stuff for me, I'm glad to get it,
38:24 to emphasize that there are things are so
38:29 and I have to say this in relative terms,
38:31 relatively tranquil here in the States
38:33 that we can scarcely imagine let alone,
38:36 really step into the idea that there are people
38:38 who are suffering for their faith.
38:40 Oh, yeah, that's right.
38:41 And that to be found with one of these.
38:42 Yeah.
38:44 Or to be discovered with one of these
38:45 could cost you your freedom, your life, your job,
38:46 your vocation, or even, even more,
38:48 that's, that's the reality is it not?
38:50 We can tell you a little miracle story
38:51 about North Korea.
38:53 If you buy a Shortwave radio in North Korea,
38:54 it only has one frequency
38:56 and it's stuck on that frequency, you can only listen
38:58 to the propaganda from North Korea.
38:59 Yes.
39:00 Jeffrey has a story that can tell you about
39:02 how we do something up there.
39:03 Well, there's a balloon warfare going on
39:07 in the Korea's South and North.
39:09 The North sends propaganda South by balloon,
39:12 the South sends propaganda North by balloon.
39:15 Do you think in which way the wind is blowing?
39:16 We send radios and Christian literature
39:20 and food and clothing
39:22 and even hard currency by balloon...
39:24 Are you kidding? Into the North.
39:25 Wow!
39:27 We don't talk a lot about that because it could endanger.
39:29 Oh, yeah.
39:30 Our folk go to the 38th parallel
39:32 on a dark moonless night or an overcast day
39:35 when the wind is blowing gently to the North
39:37 and they launch these radios and other material in balloons.
39:42 Some balloons are this size, they can put a steps to Christ
39:45 or a piece of literature to in it.
39:46 Some are 8 feet tall in this size
39:50 and they can put clothing and food and radios.
39:52 Wow!
39:54 Folks slip into the mountains wear them,
39:55 they come down in the forest at night,
39:58 it's a death sentence if they're caught with this,
40:01 but if you were starving and your neighbor said
40:02 "I found some food."
40:04 Where'd you get that radio you're listening?"
40:06 I found it in a balloon.
40:07 You'd go and you'd go look for one.
40:10 Yeah. I would. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
40:12 So that's how we get it
40:13 into any place like North Korea.
40:17 Sometimes our folk prolong the...
40:18 Did God bless them to do.
40:20 Prolong the bay and launch them off of boats.
40:22 Yeah.
40:23 They can be shot out sometimes, but we got to get it in.
40:26 There are 38 million of God's people in North Korea
40:29 that have to get the gospel some way.
40:31 So the radios again as Ed said they are mechanical preacher
40:36 if you will, going where a live preacher
40:40 on pain of death at this moment cannot.
40:41 Right.
40:43 Now this is something
40:44 and I want to get to those miracle stories,
40:46 I'd like to talk more in just a moment.
40:47 This is something I did not know about, but this is,
40:49 this is frontline evangelism.
40:53 This is, you know, they're sending radios
40:55 by balloon into North Korea.
41:01 You know, sometimes you're so proud of God,
41:03 you don't know what to do.
41:04 You know it's just...
41:06 Would you say it's a miracle on any day?
41:07 Sometimes you're just proud of the Lord.
41:09 We hear so much about North Korea.
41:10 We hear about the testing and this and that you know.
41:13 Well, God's people are sending the gospel
41:16 in to North Korea via radio
41:19 along with food and other staples
41:21 that they otherwise would not have, that's something
41:25 that ought to be at the top of your prayer list
41:27 or certainly among the most important things
41:29 that you are praying about
41:30 because this is a group of people
41:31 who are not going to get the gospel any other way
41:34 than those of good faith
41:35 who try to do that and forgive me for...
41:37 As Ed mentioned the radios that are sold in North Korea
41:41 only accept the government channel,
41:43 not the international channels.
41:44 Yeah.
41:45 The ones we send up by balloon,
41:47 we've already pre-tuned them to the AWR station out of Guam.
41:51 And we also include a radio log in there.
41:54 So they know when the various programs are on.
41:56 Yes.
41:58 And so it's a marvelous tool.
42:02 Oh, it is. Yes. It's a marvelous tool.
42:05 I want to add one other thing because we have some stories
42:07 and some letters we want to share with you as well
42:08 in the last few minutes but, you know,
42:11 that we're told that in the last moments of time
42:13 that will go rapidly.
42:15 Yes, yes, yes.
42:16 So here's what we're doing now in addition to Shortwave,
42:18 AM-FM, and the little ambassadors
42:20 and so on, we're using the internet
42:22 like I'm sure you guys are.
42:24 But for the last seven years, we've been on internet
42:28 and we have a company now "Mediator"
42:30 that's taken the 30 minute radio programs
42:32 and translated them digitally,
42:33 so they can be put on the internet.
42:35 So if you go to AWR.org, it will ask the question,
42:37 which language do you prefer?
42:39 And you can choose one of 100 languages
42:41 and download 30 minute programs
42:43 to listen to on your iPhone or iPad
42:45 or your whatever your device is.
42:47 Device is, sure.
42:49 And would you like to know
42:50 how many are being downloaded now?
42:51 So far in 2017, half of the year 800 million,
42:55 30 minute programs have been downloaded.
42:57 That's 57, 30 minute programs are downloaded every second.
43:00 Every second. Wow!
43:01 Five million a day and the main languages
43:04 are those languages of India, China
43:06 and the Arabic speaking countries.
43:08 It's just amazing. Praise God.
43:09 You've got a consumer base.
43:11 You got somebody's that's listening to that, yeah.
43:12 I mean, when you put a radio signal out there,
43:14 you have no idea who's listening,
43:15 but when you download off the internet,
43:17 you can count them.
43:18 You can count them. Yes, sir.
43:19 We get one 150,000, 125,000 letters a year
43:23 from those listening.
43:25 But any time somebody touches that computer key
43:28 and says "I want Arabic, I want Mandarin, Chinese,
43:31 I want English" whatever, it counts it.
43:34 Yes. It counts it.
43:36 And that's what it is talking about 800 million
43:38 so far this year, it's just.
43:40 Yeah.
43:41 It's thrilling to us because we all want to see Jesus come.
43:44 Amen, amen.
43:45 And by seeing these kind of numbers,
43:47 we know that the gospel is getting out there.
43:49 God is not waiting for the world
43:51 to get worse before He comes.
43:52 He's waiting for all of his children to hear.
43:54 Amen. And amen. To hear.
43:56 And radio is a way for them to hear.
43:58 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
44:00 All right we're ready for some of those miracle stories, man.
44:02 Well, Jeff is gonna tell you story.
44:04 I was gonna tell you about a couple of these...
44:06 Letters, yeah. Letters that we get.
44:09 By the way, it's interesting, I've been listening to,
44:11 you know, radio and TV most of my life,
44:12 but I don't think I've ever written to one.
44:14 That means for everybody that sends a letter,
44:17 there's probably 50 or more that out there listening.
44:18 Precisely.
44:20 But the ones we hear like this "I'm over 70 years old now,
44:22 and I thought, I've seen it all until I found Voice of Hope,
44:24 that's Adventist World Radio's program four years ago.
44:26 I was a communist, an atheist, but now I worship God.
44:29 Voice of Hope has taught me a lot
44:31 and brought me fresh life lessons to me.
44:33 I want to discover the love and mystery of God.
44:35 I want to serve Him."
44:36 And then he says, "The Voice of Hope
44:38 is a good spiritual teacher to me."
44:39 Amen.
44:40 There's another one, "Several months ago,"
44:42 that was from China by the way.
44:43 "Several months ago, I bought a Shortwave radio
44:45 and tuned to Voice of Hope.
44:46 Even though the signals are poor,
44:48 the messages are clear and loud.
44:50 My spiritual thirst has been quenched."
44:52 And another one said,
44:53 "I've accepted Christ as my savior.
44:55 There is no church in my area, so AWR is my church."
44:58 Can you imagine being in a place
44:59 where there is no church?
45:01 Yeah. This is incredible. Yeah.
45:02 There's more I can tell you,
45:04 but I'm not going to let Jeff tell you a story too.
45:06 Karina was born into a very wealthy home in Argentina,
45:11 but she had a maid, she had chauffeur
45:15 to take her wherever she need to go.
45:16 But after her father died
45:18 the family's wealth changed dramatically.
45:22 A few years later, she found out that
45:24 her mother was not really her mother.
45:26 She was a child of one of the maids in the family.
45:30 And then when she was about 11,
45:32 her stepfather tried to abuse her.
45:36 And interestingly enough rather than her mother
45:39 throwing this no good man out, she threw her daughter out.
45:45 The mother was involved in satanic worship,
45:50 something called Reubenism.
45:53 And this girl, went, 11 year old girl
45:55 went to live in a Reubenist temple.
45:58 And you can imagine what went on there.
46:01 She sold her soul to the devil.
46:04 And the devil then began encouraging her
46:07 to take her own life and she resisted that.
46:11 She finally got married.
46:12 She thought things would change.
46:14 She had several miscarriages.
46:16 Finally, she had a little boy and a little girl.
46:19 And still the devil was after her
46:23 and he tried to get her to kill her children.
46:27 And she said, I won't kill my children,
46:29 I might kill myself but not my children
46:31 but it kept, kept at her
46:33 and finally said "This is painless,
46:36 just put the children to sleep,
46:38 close all the doors and windows,
46:40 open the oven door,
46:41 turn on the gas and go to sleep and you will never wake up."
46:45 And she thought my pain will be over, you know,
46:49 all of this harassment from the devil.
46:51 Yeah. And the horrible life she had lived.
46:54 She did that.
46:56 She put the children to sleep, she turned on the gas
47:00 and then she thought "I'll turn on my radio
47:04 for a little diversion."
47:06 At that moment a Seventh-day Adventist Voice
47:10 of Hope pastor was preaching a sermon on God,
47:14 and giving one's life to the Lord.
47:16 Wow!
47:18 She turned off the gas
47:19 to listen to the rest of the program
47:23 and gave her heart to the Lord.
47:24 Praise the Lord. Isn't that amazing?
47:25 Praise the Lord.
47:27 I mean that can't be happenstance...
47:28 Yeah.
47:29 That at that very moment...
47:31 Right. There was a program.
47:32 Agreed.
47:34 We need these programs
47:35 because the Lord has different moments
47:36 with different people that he needs to get a message
47:38 instantly to them.
47:40 There's not time to jump in your car
47:41 maybe and drive over there for Bible study,
47:44 but they can be led to tune to a program
47:48 that is just what they needed at that moment.
47:51 Praise the Lord. Powerful, powerful.
47:54 I want to mention...
47:55 Oh! Yes. Just little graphic there.
47:58 I think, they have it out in the studio, anyway,
48:01 there it is.
48:02 This is the new thing for Adventist World Radio.
48:05 Now, we've been broadcasting for 46 years,
48:07 but with Duane McKey now leading out,
48:08 we have a new evangelism focus which is called "AWR360
48:13 Broadcast to Baptism".
48:14 The idea is we're not just entertaining people,
48:16 we're bringing them to Christ.
48:18 Yeah. And that's a big deal.
48:19 So we're gonna add an international Bible School.
48:21 So anybody that tunes in to this programming
48:23 can find a place where they can get
48:25 Bible study lesson and so on.
48:27 And can be in touch with local people that,
48:29 you know, are concerned with their salvation
48:31 and can give them Bible studies
48:34 because you well know that all of the work
48:36 that we do in the media,
48:38 somebody there has to be a personal contact somewhere.
48:40 Yes. And that's what brings them in.
48:42 So it's a new thing but we're very happy for that,
48:44 and the Lord is really, really blessing.
48:46 And more than that now you know,
48:49 that people probably have called 3ABN
48:50 and said "Would you advertise something at my local church?
48:53 Well, that can happen when you have international program.
48:56 But when we do our FMs,
48:57 now we're having local programming there,
48:59 and we say there's going to be an evangelistic meeting
49:01 at a certain place and AWR staff actually comes,
49:04 the speakers to come there and do the programs.
49:07 So in the Philippines, right now this,
49:09 in the next month we're gonna have
49:10 a whole series of evangelistic meetings
49:12 that have been advertised on AWR in the Philippines.
49:15 So this is the kind of thing that's happening now.
49:17 More evangelistic thrust than ever before.
49:20 Yeah. Yeah.
49:21 I'm very, very excited about this,
49:22 and Duane and I've had several discussions on this,
49:26 this idea of not just, okay, we're just gonna broadcast,
49:28 broadcast, broadcast.
49:30 We want to move people
49:31 from broadcast to baptism in the church.
49:33 We want to see the continuum from what we send out
49:37 to what comes in.
49:38 And we want to track that, and we want to know that
49:40 we're having concrete results in the lives of people
49:43 who are consumable we have to offer.
49:45 I think that's a great thing.
49:46 There's one other unique thing I'm just thinking about
49:49 and that is, there's a lot of people
49:50 who are displaced worldwide
49:52 from where they were normally before.
49:53 Yes.
49:54 When we were in Washington D.C.
49:56 and we were living next to some people from Turkey
49:57 and their native language was Arabic
49:59 that they could speak the Turkish language,
50:00 you know, the version of it.
50:02 So you can contact Adventist World Radio
50:05 and get this little paper like this is real cute
50:07 just a little half sheet of paper.
50:08 And it says on here, "I've found something
50:10 that's really blessed my family.
50:11 Would you like to encourage you to listen as well?"
50:14 So they can listen on the internet by...
50:16 You get this in their language.
50:18 For example, if I lived next door to people
50:21 who spoke Spanish and I didn't,
50:22 I would say get one of these in Spanish
50:24 and hand it to them as they read this,
50:25 and that will give them the way
50:26 they can get on Adventist World Radio
50:28 and listen in their own language.
50:29 Excellent.
50:30 I'm talking about even in the United States
50:32 because we have lots of people there for many, many languages
50:34 and in almost every one of those languages
50:35 we have Adventist World Radio.
50:36 Yes. You can actually share with your neighbors.
50:38 Get this, you can go online to AWR.org
50:42 and you can click on the language you want
50:46 and you can hit print on your own computer
50:49 and print off this little half sheet
50:51 and give it you to your hairdresser
50:52 who maybe speaks Arabic
50:54 or your barber who speaks Spanish.
50:56 Yes.
50:58 And as Ed says many of these are displaced people.
51:00 They would love to hear a language from back home.
51:03 And our program is going to be spoken in a language
51:08 of someone from their country.
51:09 So it's affective tool for displaced people
51:13 as Ed says right here in the United States who,
51:16 for whom maybe they don't speak English
51:19 or they speak English very poorly
51:20 or they just would like to hear a voice from back home.
51:23 Yeah, even if you did, you want to hear
51:24 something little familiar one, for sure.
51:26 And they're hearing a voice from back home
51:27 but that voice is a Christian voice
51:29 at this time, teaching them about Jesus.
51:31 Yes, Yes, you know, you don't think,
51:33 there are large numbers of people
51:34 who have been forced to leave their homeland.
51:35 Absolutely.
51:37 A lot of in the States, they're all over,
51:38 all over the world
51:39 and they would like to get something comforting
51:41 from their home.
51:42 Now I want to do this.
51:44 We need to go to our contact information.
51:45 If you've heard something that has sort of tantalized you
51:48 or that has encouraged you and inspired you,
51:50 and you want to give support to Adventist World Radio,
51:53 you have seen during the last several moments,
51:54 the wonderful things that they're doing,
51:57 the kinds of areas that they're going into
51:59 that really no other ministry can go into like they are.
52:02 Should you want to support this ministry,
52:04 to pray for them, to contact them,
52:07 here's how you can do precisely that.
52:13 If you'd like to learn more about Adventist World Radio
52:16 or would like to support their ministry,
52:18 you can do so by writing to Adventist World Radio,
52:21 12501, Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904.
52:28 That's 12501, Old Columbia Pike,
52:32 Silver Spring, Maryland 20904.
52:36 You can call them at 301-680-6304
52:40 or 800-337-4297.
52:44 You can also visit them online at AWR.org.
52:48 That's AWR.org.


Revised 2017-09-05