3ABN Today

Ultimate Mission

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: CA Murray (Host), James Reynolds, Donald Lorenson


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017045A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my word
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:09 My name is C.A. Murray,
01:10 and allow me once again to thank you
01:11 for sharing just a little of your day with us,
01:13 to thank you for your love, your prayers, and your support
01:16 of Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:18 We thank you for being with us these 32 plus years
01:22 and for the work that God has called us to do together
01:25 as we lift up the mighty and matchless name of Jesus.
01:28 I'm excited today because of our program
01:30 and because of the ministry
01:32 that we have a chance to talk about
01:34 and to highlight.
01:35 I like, what I would call, I guess, a niche ministry.
01:39 This is a ministry that fulfills
01:41 a specific purpose in the world of ministries
01:45 and we got two really great guys here
01:46 to tell us about the ministry
01:48 which is called Ultimate Mission.
01:50 James Reynolds
01:52 who's the President of Ultimate Mission,
01:54 and just a little further way, Board Chairman,
01:56 Donald Lorenson, Lawrenson?
01:58 Lorenson. Lorenson.
01:59 Okay, very good.
02:01 Who is the Board Chairman of Ultimate Mission
02:04 and they are headquartered in Gladstone, Oregon.
02:08 Yes. Gladstone, is near where?
02:10 Portland. Portland, okay.
02:12 Yes, a bedroom city,
02:13 a bedroom community for Portland, okay.
02:14 So in the Portland metro area, very good.
02:16 You both are Northwest guys? Yes.
02:20 From the Oregon area? Right now.
02:26 That could be anything.
02:27 I wanna get, before we talk about the mission
02:29 and go to our music,
02:30 I want to get a little history on both of you.
02:31 And I think I'll start with you, James,
02:33 'cause you got a pretty interesting background,
02:35 born in Adventist home and grew up Adventist?
02:37 Yes.
02:38 Yeah, grew up in Adventist, great Adventist mother,
02:40 and about high school, after high school,
02:43 or during high school I left the church for about 26 years.
02:46 So some wilderness time there.
02:48 Some wilderness time. Yeah.
02:49 It's a pretty heavy wilderness time.
02:51 And so, but, after 26 years there were few things
02:55 that happened in my life that brought me to my knees
02:57 and brought me back to God.
02:59 On your way out, was it kind of a sudden thing,
03:02 did you kind of just drift away,
03:03 did you not have a chance to sort of
03:05 lock on to Christ for yourself, how do you describe that time?
03:08 It was step-by-step, I mean, Satan takes you piece-by-piece.
03:12 Yeah.
03:13 You know, one compromise then another compromise,
03:15 and pretty much, and after a while
03:17 those compromises don't seem like compromises
03:19 and you're just walking down the wrong road.
03:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:22 And so that's, you know, that's pretty much what took me
03:24 in the wrong direction,
03:25 it's just doing this, doing that,
03:27 I knew that was wrong, but hey, it's, I feel it's okay now.
03:30 Right, right.
03:31 Right, in case, you kind of desensitize
03:33 to the voice of Holy Spirit.
03:34 Yes. So walk me through the return?
03:38 Well, on the return, I had felt God calling
03:42 in my life several times throughout my life
03:44 because I had that solid Christian foundation
03:46 which is so important to children,
03:48 the Adventist schools
03:50 or just was really what helped me
03:51 have that solid foundation.
03:53 What brought me back was watching my son
03:56 who I hadn't given that foundation to.
03:59 And I watched him start going downhill,
04:02 I used to watch him start to experiment with drugs,
04:04 with alcohol, and get to a point
04:09 where at 15 years old,
04:11 he was leaving the house, he wasn't coming back at night,
04:15 and me and my wife would look at each other and say,
04:17 "You know, did Jimmy make it home last night."
04:20 And then finally, one point, he came into the house
04:25 and his eyes were all big, being high on coke or something
04:29 and he walked in his room and he slammed the door,
04:31 and I said, "This is it, I can't take this anymore."
04:33 And I go in there,
04:34 and I grabbed him by the collar,
04:36 and I put him against the wall, I said,
04:37 "You can't do this anymore."
04:39 And he looked at me and he started hitting
04:41 his own head against the wall saying,
04:44 "You can't hurt me, you can't hurt me."
04:46 At that point, I mean, I just let him down
04:50 and little bit later I went into the bedroom
04:54 and I fell on my knees and I said,
04:56 "God, if You help me save my son,
04:58 I will do anything, I would go anywhere,
05:00 I would do anything you'd like me to do."
05:02 And when you tell God that C.A...
05:05 Yeah, yeah.
05:06 You better have your work boots handy.
05:07 Yeah, very true.
05:09 'Cause, I tell you what, when I told God,
05:10 I would do anything, boy, oh, boy,
05:13 did God really start working in my life.
05:15 And it was shortly after that, that I was baptized
05:18 and God just set it up for me to get involved in one ministry
05:21 after another until finally I got involved in this ministry
05:25 and helped another gentleman to start Ultimate Mission.
05:28 And it has gone from there.
05:31 Praise God. Praise God.
05:33 And God is really, really opened a lot of doors for us.
05:36 Now this is post your motorcycle accident.
05:39 No, my motorcycle accident was when I was 21 years old.
05:42 Oh, okay.
05:43 Yeah, I was 21, I had already left the church,
05:45 I was doing some things, I knew I shouldn't have been doing,
05:49 and I had that motorcycle accident.
05:51 And unfortunately, well, at the time I lost my leg
05:55 above the knee, I broke my femur,
05:57 I had 13 metal plates in my face,
05:59 my jaw had, they had my jaw wired up,
06:01 my nose is completely rebuilt.
06:02 And it scares me looking back at that, C.A.,
06:07 because if I would have died that day
06:09 in that motorcycle accident with where I was at with God...
06:12 Yeah, yeah.
06:13 I would've woken up looking at the outside of the walls
06:16 of the New Jerusalem.
06:17 I'm hearing you, yeah.
06:18 And so I look back on that, God saved my life for a reason.
06:22 And but, you know, I was so stubborn,
06:24 I remember laying there at the hospital,
06:26 thinking to myself, you know,
06:27 this is a good time to turn over new leaf.
06:29 This would be a good time to go back to my Adventist route
06:32 but then I thought, you know, what would my friends think?
06:35 What would my friends think?
06:36 What is and I was too stubborn, and I felt like
06:40 I was strong enough to take care of myself.
06:42 Yeah. Yeah.
06:43 And I felt I had to change and become perfect
06:46 before I can come back to church and come back to God.
06:48 I didn't realize I could come back to Him as I was.
06:50 Yes, sir.
06:51 And so it took me until, you know,
06:54 until that happened to my son and the funny part about,
06:57 you know, he was 11 and he was sitting there
07:00 at the fireplace and he said, he told me, he said,
07:02 "Dad, we need to start going to church."
07:05 And I looked at him and I said, "Yeah, I know we should."
07:09 But I didn't. Yeah.
07:10 And it was only four years after that
07:11 that he got into drugs and alcohol.
07:13 So I tell you there is enough guilt.
07:16 Yeah. Yeah.
07:19 But yeah, I had a great experience with God
07:24 that He brought me to my knees and brought me to the point
07:27 where I am, and it is just, I can't, I just can't think
07:32 how it could have gone better once I got.
07:34 Once I finally surrendered, once I gave it up.
07:37 Praise the God, that's the secret, surrender.
07:38 Yeah.
07:40 Donald, your history is little different,
07:42 missionary parents.
07:43 Yeah.
07:45 So you grew up with the accoutrements of Adventism?
07:46 Yeah. Yeah.
07:48 Talk to me a little bit about growing up?
07:49 So, that's a funny story when I was probably a teenager,
07:57 we were at one of my aunt's church,
08:01 I call her my aunt, was actually my dad's aunt.
08:03 And she had written a poem that she was reciting
08:07 in front of the church.
08:09 She was kind of the youngest of and kind of the favorite aunt
08:13 who took care of them when they were kids,
08:15 and she was the one who always said these prayers
08:16 when he went to bed.
08:18 He was a farm boy, grew up in Alberta
08:20 and she read this poem,
08:22 and every day when he would go to bed he would say,
08:25 "Lord, please make me a missionary."
08:27 And so that's what happened,
08:29 he went to Canadian Union College,
08:30 he went to Walla Walla,
08:32 he got a physical therapy degree,
08:35 went to Loma Linda, he got his masters
08:36 in health science, and went over to India.
08:41 Well, he tried to go to India, on the way to the boat,
08:44 a dual wheel came off of the semi trailer
08:48 and hit their car.
08:49 My oldest brother was about a year or so old at that time,
08:54 maybe a year and a half and the car rolled
08:56 and so they had to wait to get to India,
09:00 fractured my brother's head,
09:01 both directions and he was in the coma
09:04 for about nine days.
09:05 Wow.
09:06 My mom broke her back and was in a back brace
09:08 for quite a while and once they recovered from that,
09:11 they went over to India.
09:13 They were there for about three years
09:14 working at different memorial and Newsvine
09:16 and he would go all over India,
09:18 and he would do health programs and he would teach
09:20 physical therapy at the nursing school
09:22 and those kind of things.
09:25 After India, they moved to Jordan
09:29 and they got evacuated out of Jordan
09:32 at the start of the Six-Day War.
09:34 And they were back in the States
09:36 for a short period of time and they went over
09:39 to Heri Mission Hospital in Tanzania.
09:42 Your folk did not take the easy route.
09:44 I know.
09:47 Some tough assignments.
09:49 In Heri, he was working
09:52 on a village health worker training program.
09:54 So they would take people and train them to go out
09:56 in the villages and combat disease in the villages.
09:58 Sure.
10:00 They got a call back from Heri when my mom's father died
10:05 after about three years or so and then went back, I was,
10:10 so I got born there at Heri Mission Hospital
10:13 and we left not too long after I was born,
10:15 we were in Canada for a couple of years
10:17 while he was working up in the Indian reservations
10:19 in the far north.
10:21 And then we went back to Tanzania
10:23 for about four or five years, about maybe four and a half,
10:27 and they were combining a theological seminary
10:32 at Arusha with the village health worker training program.
10:35 So the pastors would go out
10:37 train to do both health ministries
10:39 and regular pastoral work when they went back
10:41 to their villages.
10:43 So they did that for about four years and so I grew up,
10:47 my early time there and when I was a little older,
10:49 he moved back to Loma Linda, he was working on a PhD,
10:53 before he went to Weimar to teach there
10:55 at the health centre at Weimar
10:57 and run the outpatient Newstart program.
11:00 And from there, I kind of went on to college
11:03 and I went nursing directions.
11:07 It is one thing to be born of missionary parents
11:10 and you get, you're born in Tanzania?
11:13 Yeah.
11:15 It's another thing to know the Lord for yourself.
11:18 When did the Lord start to put His hand into your life,
11:20 for you?
11:22 Yeah, you know, it's, I don't have
11:25 one of those experiences where I can say,
11:26 okay, well, on this day this happened.
11:30 It's more kind of an ebb and flow.
11:35 You kind of know the things what the Adventist church
11:38 teaches you to make your life better
11:40 and sometimes you kind of grab,
11:43 hold of those with both hands for a while and then
11:45 you get kind of distracted and then you kind of drift off
11:48 towards into something else and then you say, "Oh, yeah!"
11:51 I should be concentrating on this.
11:53 And so you kind of move back to that, so.
11:57 You know, I can't put my hand on any specific time and say,
12:00 "Okay, this is when I figured out
12:02 what it was all about."
12:03 You know, in some ways I can say,
12:05 I was probably more of a Christian
12:06 as a child than I am now, and in some ways
12:10 I am more of a Christian now than I was then, so...
12:13 Yeah.
12:15 Sometimes when you're doing the work of the Lord,
12:17 it's hard to sit back and be clinical
12:20 in evaluating your own life.
12:22 You know, I know this is right, I am settled in this,
12:24 this is what I do, this is what I am.
12:26 I've no questions about this,
12:28 I'm in, you know, I'm a lifer, I'm in.
12:30 Yeah.
12:32 I'm into Jesus and I'm into His work.
12:34 We want to move into how you guys got together
12:39 and this wonderful ministry that has come out of that.
12:41 I think we'll go to our music just now
12:43 which is coming to us from the Breath of Life Quartet,
12:46 they will be singing "Have Thine Own Way, Lord",
12:48 then we'll come back
12:50 and we'll unpackage this ministry
12:52 and talk about some of the wonderful things
12:54 that they are doing, and that God is doing through them.
13:32 Have Thine own way
13:36 Lord
13:40 Have Thine own way
13:50 Thou art the potter
13:57 I am the clay
14:04 Mold me
14:06 And make me
14:12 After Thy will
14:19 While I am waiting
14:27 Yielded and still
14:35 Have Thine own way
14:40 Lord
14:44 Have Thine own way
14:54 Hold over my being
15:01 Absolute sway
15:08 Filled with
15:09 Thy spirit
15:17 Till all shall see
15:23 Christ only always
15:31 Living in me
15:55 Living
16:03 In me
16:16 Breath of Life Quartet, Have Thine Own Way,
16:18 Lord, well done.
16:19 My guests are James Reynolds and Donald Lawrenson?
16:22 Lorenson? Yeah.
16:24 I like Lawrenson. You can go either way.
16:29 They both have Ultimate Mission.
16:30 And we wanna talk about, we've gotten little history
16:33 on them as individuals.
16:35 I need to ask how you guys met.
16:36 How did you guys come together?
16:38 James knocked on my door. Okay.
16:43 Donald kinda started coming to our church and I'd seen him
16:48 but I hadn't really talked to him.
16:49 But we had to hire a Bible worker
16:51 at the Gladstone Park Church.
16:52 And so I was going door to door with him
16:54 doing Bible worker type stuff
16:56 and I ended up knocking on Donald's door
16:58 and he recognized me from church
16:59 and he invited us in.
17:01 And then I had seen a stethoscope
17:03 hanging there on his bag.
17:05 And I was as running the Healthy Heart program,
17:08 I'm always looking for nurses,
17:09 I'm always looking for medical people,
17:11 and the light went off.
17:13 That's like, oh, okay, and then from then Donald
17:15 and I'd been working very closely together ever since.
17:18 Yeah.
17:19 I mean, he is my main advisor for the Health Program
17:22 since he actually know something about it.
17:25 Yeah.
17:26 You know, I will say this, it seems like
17:29 when you came back to Lord,
17:30 you sort of jumped in with both feet.
17:32 You went into deep and you didn't kind of come in
17:34 to be a couch potato or sort of watch other people,
17:36 you got involved which is the way to do it.
17:38 Yeah, yeah, it is the way to do it because I believe
17:42 if I didn't get involved, I would get bored.
17:44 If I was just sitting in the pews,
17:46 if I was just listening the sermon on Sabbath
17:48 and going home the rest of the week,
17:50 that wouldn't have kept the fire.
17:52 Yeah, yeah.
17:53 And every time I see the Holy Spirit work
17:55 in somebody's life,
17:56 every time I see somebody give their heart to God,
17:59 I mean, that just gives me that energy and that fire
18:01 that I need to keep my Christian faith,
18:03 and my experience working.
18:05 And I want to say one more thing
18:06 on that last we talked about my son.
18:08 My son now is doing fantastic.
18:10 Excellent. So yes, yeah.
18:12 Yeah, that is great. That's good to hear.
18:14 That's fitting.
18:15 So God answered my prayer. Amen.
18:17 Yes, we made a deal and He stuck to His side of it.
18:21 And you're holding up your end of the bargain,
18:22 so it seems at least, yeah,
18:24 and we praise the Lord for that.
18:25 So you met, he's in your house, how did you move into
18:29 because you're doing heart stuff already.
18:30 You are already doing that when you met Donald.
18:33 Yeah, we're working in big stores,
18:37 doing blood pressure checks and health risk assessments.
18:41 But so I asked Donald to help us do that
18:43 and then we started moving into India.
18:47 And so that was the story, I was working with Asian Aid,
18:50 and I had been to India with Asian Aid,
18:52 and I was working trying to get
18:54 some of their children sponsored.
18:55 And Asian Aid is a great organization.
18:57 Oh, yes.
18:58 And Jim Rennie was going to sponsor me
19:01 to go over to India to do an evangelism program.
19:05 And so I had written all the sermons,
19:06 I'd gotten everything done for the evangelism program,
19:09 I was starting to look at it, renting the lorries,
19:12 and building or the tents, and everything you need to do.
19:14 Sure.
19:16 And Jim called me and he says,
19:17 "Well, the government's tightening up over there
19:19 and we feel that we cannot do an evangelism series
19:23 without jeopardizing our orphanages
19:25 and everything else we have going on over there.
19:26 And I thought about it and I thought,
19:28 "Well, Jim, what if we do a health series?"
19:31 Jim thought about it for a second, he says,
19:33 "That would work."
19:34 And so I immediately go to Don.
19:36 It just happened, I find out later
19:38 that Don's dad had worked in India
19:40 doing the same type of stuff
19:42 that we were talking about doing and Don's dad was
19:45 a, had a PhD in Public Health.
19:47 Right.
19:48 And then Don is a Public Health nurse
19:50 and it just, I mean, it just...
19:51 You tell him, a match made in heaven.
19:52 Yeah, you just watch.
19:54 When you see Don...
19:55 It's kind of pre-scripted, yeah.
19:59 Excellent.
20:00 You don't really have to do much
20:02 when God wants to do something done,
20:04 except do what He tells you to do.
20:07 I mean it.
20:08 And it's not like
20:09 I went looking to do anything in India.
20:12 Yeah.
20:13 You know, it's just God says, "Hey, we're gonna do this now."
20:16 And okay, we're doing this. Yeah, yeah.
20:18 He's got the missionary credentials
20:20 from missionary families, kind of in the DNA.
20:22 So it's a perfect, I guess it wasn't too hard of a sale
20:25 to kind of bring you on board.
20:27 No, you know, India was in my dad's career
20:31 it was prior to me being born,
20:33 and so I was kind of curious to see India,
20:35 I've never been there.
20:37 I thought dad might like to go back
20:38 and so I called him up, and said,
20:40 "Hey, Dad, so this is what the deal is,
20:42 you wanna go to India?"
20:44 And he said, "Yeah, sure."
20:47 There's the hard sale, yeah.
20:50 Now had this ministry, Ultimate Mission,
20:52 been form yet or it's kind of in the future?
20:56 Ultimate Mission had been formed before that.
20:58 Okay, okay. Yeah.
21:00 We were formed in 2009.
21:01 I think the trip we took was in 2013.
21:03 Okay.
21:05 I'd been to India twice before I went over
21:07 with Dillon Barney Orchard who are now
21:09 with Gospel Outreach.
21:10 And Dillon Barney Orchard had built
21:12 73 churches in India...
21:14 Wow.
21:15 With their own, you know, money,
21:16 and time, and everything.
21:18 And so I went over with them the first time
21:19 and I got a really good tour of India,
21:21 getting a look at all these little villages and everything.
21:23 And then I went over the next year with Jim Rennie
21:26 and Asian Aid to look at their schools.
21:28 And all this time, I'm scouting,
21:30 I'm trying to figure out, "Okay, what can I do?
21:33 What is the ministry or the mission
21:35 that I can have here?
21:37 How can I have an impact here?"
21:38 So you had it in your heart to really start something
21:41 that you could, sort of, kind of,
21:42 get your hands dirty in and work with.
21:45 Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, okay.
21:48 All right,
21:49 so the Ultimate Mission is begun.
21:53 Let's walk through what it is and what it seeks to do?
21:56 Okay, Ultimate Mission is
21:59 an Adventist supporting ministry.
22:01 And the reason we began is we wanted to help
22:05 other Adventists find their mission,
22:07 find their ministry.
22:08 The first thing we did was work with the Oregon Conference
22:10 to do run a lay Bible worker training program.
22:14 And that went really well and then we went on
22:16 to some other projects, I went to India,
22:19 those two trips I told you about,
22:21 and then we got with the Healthy Heart program.
22:24 So it started in 2009, it started to develop, I mean,
22:28 the Healthy Heart program, you had Molly Geddes
22:30 on the show a couple of years ago,
22:32 but she developed cancer and she is the one
22:34 who started the Healthy Heart program.
22:36 She was a nurse, she developed cancer,
22:38 and she conjouled me in taking that ministry overnight,
22:42 didn't want to at first because already had this thing
22:45 with Ultimate Mission, and I was thinking,
22:47 well, I can't do a health ministry
22:48 and this outreach ministry at the same time.
22:50 Yeah.
22:51 But then when they came together,
22:52 I started to realize, you know, what?
22:54 This is the same thing,
22:55 and so we married the programs together.
22:57 So now that is why Ultimate Mission primarily
23:00 right now does health outreach.
23:03 And so then that worked into
23:06 what we're doing in India right now.
23:08 Now you say health outreach,
23:09 so there is a stateside component
23:12 and there is an overseas component.
23:13 Yeah.
23:14 Let's mine the stateside component
23:16 for just a moment.
23:18 You have volunteers that go out and do things,
23:19 walk me through what that part of the ministry is?
23:22 Yeah, so right now one of the biggest health problems
23:28 in US is hypertension.
23:30 If you were to go out any place in America,
23:34 one-third of the people there are pre-hypertensive
23:38 and are gonna have high blood pressure
23:40 in a couple of years.
23:41 One third of the people there already have hypertension
23:44 and they are at increased risk
23:45 for heart attack and an early death.
23:47 Wow.
23:48 So two-thirds of your population
23:50 is affected by hypertension.
23:52 So what we're doing with Healthy Heart
23:55 is we're taking nurses
23:57 who have a real calling to do something,
24:01 that's mostly how nurses are,
24:03 they really want to help people.
24:05 And they are looking around at their community,
24:07 and some of them are getting older and retired,
24:09 they still want to have a hand in helping people out.
24:11 And some of them just feel a need to help
24:13 a little bit more than they are currently doing
24:15 in their lives,
24:17 and so what we do is we set up health assessment screenings.
24:20 We have an agreement with Kroger Foods,
24:22 we can go into Fred Meyer Stores,
24:25 and we just come in with a couple of nurses,
24:27 and a couple of greeters,
24:29 lay people who just want to help people,
24:31 and we'll just ask people if they want to have
24:33 their blood pressure check
24:34 and we'll check their blood pressures
24:36 and we'll talk to them
24:37 about ways to prevent hypertension
24:38 and ways to use just general lifestyle changes
24:42 to manage their hypertension.
24:45 And then we just kind of use that as a bridge program,
24:47 if people are interested in more information,
24:49 they can come to the local church,
24:50 they can get more classes on health.
24:52 We offer programs like Dinner with the Doctor
24:54 where we'll have a doctor come in,
24:57 he'll answer questions,
24:58 he'll maybe give a talk and you can get
25:00 a healthy meal there and get recipes on the food
25:02 that was served.
25:03 Nice.
25:04 And other health programs, you know,
25:07 one of them is we did a lot of our planning
25:08 for Ultimate Mission was we had a mall walking program.
25:11 People get together and then go walk around the mall
25:14 and that's where Jim and I did a lot of our planning
25:16 on what we're gonna do.
25:21 And so we have several churches that are involved, we,
25:24 you know, we'll help with some of the materials they can use,
25:27 with getting them to some of the computerized
25:29 self assessment tools.
25:31 There's a company called Wellsource run by Dr. Don Hall,
25:36 who's invented some great health assessment tools
25:39 to really help people figure out
25:41 what their risk factors are for disease
25:43 and how to manage those.
25:45 So the screenings that you do in the various malls
25:49 and supermarket things, is that done periodically
25:52 on a regular basis?
25:53 How does that function?
25:55 Yeah, most of our churches will run one Sunday a month.
25:57 Okay.
25:58 That's kind of the average
26:00 and they may take it in the couple shifts.
26:01 So people are working, you know,
26:03 two to four hours one Sunday a month,
26:05 that's pretty average.
26:06 Some of our churches might be doing more
26:08 but I think that's about the average
26:10 for the actual screening programs.
26:12 And then, you know, through the regular health ministries
26:15 of the church they'll put on, you know, health programs,
26:18 you know, like...
26:19 So your medical personnel, your nurses,
26:21 they're volunteering their time and the services?
26:23 Yeah, yeah. That is great.
26:25 That is great.
26:26 Do you find or have you found any connection
26:29 as far as the entering wedge of health
26:31 and actually folk ending up coming to the churches?
26:34 Have you seen any pattern
26:35 that this is having that kind of effect?
26:39 You know, one of the difficult things,
26:42 and Jim can talk better than this,
26:43 I've done just a little bit of colporteur work in my life,
26:47 not much but if I'm going door-to-door
26:51 and I'm trying to establish a connection with you,
26:55 that's really, really tough.
26:58 If I meet you in a Fred Meyer Store
27:00 and you sit down in the seat in front of me,
27:02 and I lean forward and I put a blood pressure cuff
27:04 around your arm, and we start talking about
27:07 how you're feeling, I'm right here...
27:09 Yeah. We'll talk about anything.
27:11 Yeah, yeah.
27:13 Sometimes I'm sitting there in a Fred Meyer Store,
27:15 I'm having a conversation for a good half hour
27:17 with somebody I never met.
27:19 You know, 'cause they just open up.
27:21 Yeah, yeah, the other is more of a cold contact
27:24 and one who has tried colporteuring
27:27 or literature evangelism and failed abysmally,
27:31 it's hard.
27:33 First I have a low rejection quotient.
27:36 I don't like having doors slammed on my face.
27:38 But this, they're coming to you and there's a commonality
27:41 because you've gotta service that they want.
27:43 Yeah.
27:44 Well, that in the health risk assessments,
27:46 you're asking 15 different questions
27:48 and we work like, he said, closely with Don Hall,
27:51 Dr. Hall helps us out with this.
27:52 And you're asking 15 questions, now I may have a woman
27:56 in front of me and she is going to tell me
27:59 how much she weighs...
28:00 Yeah. How old she is.
28:02 And if she goes to church, if she visits her kids,
28:06 if she has a husband,
28:07 I'm gonna get some very personal questions.
28:09 Yeah.
28:10 And so with the blood pressure, you walk pass that
28:12 personal space bubble that we all have.
28:15 Agreed, yeah.
28:16 We walk right through that
28:17 and then with the health risk assessment,
28:19 you walk right through that mental bubble.
28:21 Just right now, you're telling me things
28:22 you wouldn't tell your own husband.
28:24 Precisely, yeah. You wouldn't tell him.
28:26 So yeah, the whole thing with health ministry,
28:29 it's not a reaping, it's sowing,
28:34 we're sowing seeds, we're building bonds.
28:37 And that's what Ultimate Mission is about
28:39 is making connections.
28:41 We're making connections with people
28:43 so that eventually we can introduce them
28:46 to the great healer
28:48 'cause that is our ultimate goal.
28:50 Yeah, so obviously
28:51 you're keeping track of the contacts,
28:52 you got names, you got information to kind of,
28:54 to kind of follow up?
28:56 Yeah, when we do health risk assessment,
28:58 we ask them if they like to be on our list of people
29:00 'cause we send out monthly,
29:02 we'll send out newsletter about health,
29:04 and we have health classes and this and that,
29:06 so we put them on our email list.
29:08 And so, yeah, we have contact of anybody
29:11 that would like to be on it.
29:13 Yeah.
29:14 We're not, you know, we're in secular stores
29:15 and stuff so we can't be out really,
29:18 you know, evangelizing and proselytizing
29:21 but we're just, we're helping people
29:23 because we love them.
29:24 And I find that when you just help people
29:27 for the sake of helping people, that's when you become clear.
29:31 People can see through you.
29:33 When people can see through you,
29:35 if you're not there for purpose,
29:36 if you're not there trying to stuff the Bible
29:39 down their throat,
29:40 they can just see you're there because you love them.
29:42 Yeah.
29:43 Then they can see through you,
29:44 that's when they see Jesus Christ.
29:46 Right, and there's time for that,
29:47 I mean, that's gonna come. Yes, absolutely.
29:48 Yeah, but right now,
29:50 you just wanna help for help sake.
29:51 Yes.
29:53 Because that's what good people do.
29:54 Yes. Yeah.
29:55 And we've had a pastor from a nondenominational church
29:57 that started coming and working with the Healthy Heart program,
30:01 and ended up being an Adventist pastor.
30:03 Oh, praise the Lord.
30:04 Praise God. Praise God.
30:06 In the health mission, the health, kind of,
30:09 gospel health is probably the best way to describe it.
30:15 The thing about it is if everybody who is alive
30:18 was in an Adventist church, then you could do
30:22 all your health work there at the Adventist church.
30:25 But as long as there's people
30:27 who are not in an Adventist church,
30:30 you can't afford to have everybody who knows
30:32 about health being in an Adventist church.
30:34 It's okay if you meet some of them in a Fred Meyer
30:37 and they go to another church, take it with them, you know.
30:40 And I think, you know, whether you're talking
30:43 about gospel health, Bible gospel,
30:46 whatever, you know,
30:48 we can do everything with the impetus
30:52 that everyone we touch is gotta come to our church
30:54 and that's fine.
30:56 You know, I've been an Adventist all my life
30:57 'cause it makes my life better.
30:59 Yeah.
31:00 You know, but as long as there's people
31:01 who are out there, I don't so much care
31:04 if they're coming to my church right now,
31:06 they'll come later when they are ready.
31:07 Sure, yeah.
31:09 I'd rather have them out there at their church
31:10 telling people things that I can't tell them
31:12 'cause I'm not there.
31:14 Honestly true.
31:16 Now you said Fred Meyer, I know Kroger,
31:17 Kroger's Midwest and I think west, I'm an east coast guy.
31:20 Yeah.
31:22 All my ministry in New York City,
31:23 we don't have Kroger, and we sure
31:24 don't have Fred Meyer,
31:26 that's the supermarket chain I suspect.
31:27 Right, it's northwest. Yes.
31:29 Well, it's more than supermarket, it,
31:30 what is it you'll find it at Fred Meyer, I mean,
31:33 it's a one stop shopping place.
31:34 Oh, I've been to.
31:36 Yeah, yeah, there they have clothing
31:37 and then they got kind of like, yeah, yeah, okay, okay, okay.
31:39 It's kind of like Walmart's but different.
31:43 Yeah, so you're able to contact them
31:45 and they allow you to come and do this?
31:47 Molly Geddes did this
31:48 and that was a miracle in itself
31:50 because since then I've tried to contact Walmart to see
31:53 if we'd come in through there, and I'm telling you,
31:55 the firewall for you getting into
31:57 some of these places is thick.
31:59 Yeah.
32:00 And so just being able to be in these places
32:04 where we can reach the general public,
32:05 I mean, we'll reach 50 depend on the hours we work,
32:09 we reached 50 to 100 people a day
32:11 that we would personally touch and talk to them.
32:13 And so it's just an amazing way to reaching your community...
32:16 Sure.
32:18 And let your community care, know that you love them.
32:20 I mean, there's a question,
32:21 I can't remember who asked this question
32:23 but if the Adventist church,
32:25 if your church was no longer is,
32:27 if the wind came and blew it away, okay,
32:29 your church is no longer there, would anybody notice?
32:31 Yeah, you know who asked that question?
32:33 I did. That's my question. Was that your question?
32:34 That's my question. Well, praise God.
32:37 That was a great question. That's my question.
32:38 I'm cool, well, then I'm sorry,
32:39 I didn't even know it. Thank you for asking that.
32:42 If the church was no longer there,
32:44 would anybody notice?
32:45 Would anybody care? Right.
32:47 Yeah.
32:48 In Gladstone, people would know.
32:49 We get people come back to us almost every week
32:52 the time we're at Fred Meyer.
32:53 We got people come back to us and say, "You know, what?
32:55 My doctor wanted me to tell you, thank you.
32:58 Great. You probably saved my life.
32:59 Yeah, yeah.
33:01 And people come back almost every time we're there
33:02 and tell us how thankful they are
33:04 that we helped them up because 30% of the people
33:07 we checkup high blood pressure and don't know it.
33:10 I mean, even if you think nowadays
33:11 you can buy the blood pressure checks for 40 bucks.
33:14 Yeah, yeah. But they don't know it.
33:17 Yeah, praise the Lord.
33:18 And well, there was the guy last week, 160 over 110?
33:22 That's up there. Yeah.
33:23 Yeah, that is up there.
33:25 That, first of all must be rewarding
33:27 and even if the fact that every contact
33:31 does not lead to a splash in a baptismal pool.
33:34 The fact that you've sown seeds
33:36 and you've put out goodness out there,
33:38 and when you put goodness out,
33:39 it's gonna come back.
33:41 Somewhere somehow it's gonna come back.
33:42 And the fact that you're able
33:43 to get into a large chain like that
33:46 'cause I know that, particularly in the east coast
33:48 stores are very leery about partnering
33:50 even with something as good as yours,
33:53 if it comes through a religious kind of funnel...
33:55 Right.
33:57 They don't want to commit themselves.
33:59 So the fact that you've gotten
34:00 into two fairly good sized chains
34:02 is a good thing.
34:04 Yeah.
34:05 And, you know, we're straight up with them.
34:06 They know we are Adventist, but we don't proselytize there.
34:09 And we're there because we love people,
34:12 we're there because we want to help people
34:13 and they know that.
34:15 We've been going, you know, here's another miracle,
34:16 we've been doing this since 2007
34:19 in Fred Meyer stores.
34:20 Praise the Lord.
34:21 And we have not had one compliant.
34:23 Amen.
34:24 And there's nothing you can do since 2007
34:27 and not get one complaint.
34:29 There's nothing I could do in a week
34:31 and not get one complaint.
34:33 And so that's a miracle in itself because just,
34:36 you know, militant atheist, the first militant atheist
34:40 that goes to the Fred Meyer management were cut out.
34:42 Yeah. We're done.
34:44 Sure, yeah.
34:45 And so it just to me God has opened this door up
34:48 for us to reach into the communities
34:51 and to talk to people and to help people and just,
34:55 like I say, show them we love them.
34:56 Yeah, yeah. That's the key.
34:58 Yeah, it's a simple and powerful thing.
34:59 Let me ask how big is your stable of practitioners
35:02 that you sort of work with, your nurses and the people
35:05 that go out with you?
35:06 Boy, I don't know, we probably have about 14 churches
35:08 but how many volunteers, I don't know.
35:12 It would be better than a hundred, you know,
35:15 I've never really counted because every church
35:17 had run its own program, and they have
35:21 a stable of volunteers in that program.
35:23 You know, just in our program alone,
35:25 I looked at the nametags the other day of all the people
35:28 that have been and helped us out.
35:29 We probably have 30, 40 nametags for our program.
35:34 So if you wanna multiply that by 13, 14 churches, yeah,
35:40 we're well almost to 200.
35:41 Yeah.
35:43 I mean, you can talk about the success of the program
35:46 in relation to how many people didn't know
35:48 they have hypertension
35:50 and then we're able to do something about it.
35:51 But there's another component, I mean,
35:54 if you're an introvert like me, your favorite thing to do
35:57 is not to walk up to a stranger and say,
35:59 "Hi, would you like your blood pressure checked?"
36:03 And it's sometimes difficult for people
36:06 to get past their own personal bubble
36:09 of being able to talk to somebody else.
36:10 Yeah.
36:12 And I'll tell you after you've been standing
36:13 in Fred Meyer every Sunday for a few months
36:16 and everyone who goes by, you ask him,
36:19 "Hi, you want your blood pressure checked?"
36:21 It goes a long way to helping you overcome
36:23 that reluctance to talk to other people.
36:27 It had not only benefits for your own personal ministry
36:32 with people but sure, it helped me on my career.
36:37 Well, amen.
36:39 And then too you've got a commodity,
36:40 you've got a service that people want,
36:42 so there's area of commonalities,
36:44 it's not like you're trying to sell them something
36:45 or even give them something.
36:47 They are coming to you because you've got something
36:48 that they need and that they want, yeah.
36:52 The amazing part is a lot of people do think that,
36:54 I mean, people are so skeptical
36:56 that they always think there's a hook.
36:58 What's the hook? What are you selling?
37:00 What are you trying to do?
37:01 What are you trying to get me into?
37:02 There's no hook. Yeah, yeah.
37:04 There's no hook.
37:05 We're doing this because we love you.
37:06 There's no hook.
37:08 Yeah, yeah and that's disarming, you know,
37:09 we just care.
37:11 Now you say you got 14 churches,
37:12 I want to kind of walk through this
37:13 because a church comes to you and says,
37:16 we want to be part of your program
37:18 under your umbrella.
37:19 Yeah.
37:21 What do you provide for that church?
37:22 Coordination, how do you work with,
37:24 you've got 14 churches in your group now,
37:26 what do you provide for them?
37:27 So we will, Don and I will go speak at their church,
37:30 we'll help them get the volunteers,
37:32 we will give them the...
37:34 We'll do a training for them, as many trainings as they need.
37:37 We have a startup packet that includes the handouts
37:41 that Dr. Don Hall has written.
37:42 Okay.
37:44 It includes where you can get the programs for the computer,
37:47 for the health risk assessment.
37:49 It includes a list of materials that you need for the program.
37:52 It includes if you're gonna go into Fred Meyer,
37:53 and we're into few different types of stores,
37:55 but if you're gonna go into Fred Meyer's,
37:56 I've gotta go through corporate to get that setup.
37:59 So I get that setup, we're working with GC
38:03 and GC has given us an umbrella insurance policy.
38:08 Okay. So we have insurance.
38:10 So we have a packet that we have put together
38:14 that the people have insurance, they have the material,
38:16 they have the understanding of how they do it.
38:18 And then Don and I will give them the training,
38:21 mostly Don but yeah, we will give them the training
38:23 of what it takes to run this program.
38:26 Well, he's the brain and you're the mouthpiece.
38:27 You know, that kind of thing.
38:29 In fact you should have done it that way.
38:32 He's the motivation, you're the mind,
38:33 somebody's gotta be the PR guy.
38:35 Yeah, yeah...
38:36 'Cause somebody got to do the job, yeah...
38:37 And then we had to decide if we're not successful
38:39 'cause we didn't talk well or we didn't think well.
38:42 And you have set me up for hearing that
38:44 over and over again, I'm sure...
38:47 I don't want to come between a happy unit.
38:49 I apologize.
38:50 But I like the concept.
38:52 Luckily for us, we've got a board
38:53 of about 10 people so...
38:56 Very good.
38:58 For a church, okay, we've got a church,
39:01 we've heard this, we kind of like this idea,
39:03 what am I looking at for a financial outlay,
39:06 is there a large financial outlay
39:07 for the local church?
39:10 Six hundred dollars.
39:12 Okay, so it's not a budget busting kind of thing?
39:14 No, $600 and 300 of that is the computer...
39:18 Well, if you have your own computer and stuff,
39:21 you know, buying computers
39:22 but mostly everybody has a laptop.
39:24 Yeah, yeah.
39:25 But yeah, about $600
39:27 will set you up with everything.
39:28 And that's kind of if you want the deluxe program.
39:31 You know, we've had churches that started out
39:33 with nothing else but a couple of nurses
39:34 with blood pressure cuffs.
39:37 Now are you centered in the northwest per se?
39:41 Are you looking to expand?
39:43 Can you handle expansion
39:44 because the world is gonna hear this program.
39:46 Yeah.
39:48 So you may get a call from Tim Buck Yadda Yadda,
39:50 we want to be part of this.
39:51 Well, you know, we'd have to think about
39:53 flying out to say, you know,
39:55 Texas to do a training program there
39:57 and what would happen there 'cause it hasn't come up yet.
39:59 But the materials are easily sent all over the shoot,
40:02 we have seven, seven, right in Honduras?
40:05 Yeah.
40:07 We have seven churches in Honduras
40:08 that are running basically the same program.
40:09 Wow.
40:11 And I haven't been down to Honduras yet.
40:12 So the package can be easily, you know,
40:15 given to a church that wants to run with it.
40:17 Yeah.
40:18 To go out and do a training program,
40:19 well, you know, the thing about ministry is that
40:25 if you're working for God,
40:26 you don't have to do it all yourself.
40:28 So I'm certain that God has other people
40:30 that can probably walk Into a place
40:31 and do the training program other than us.
40:33 Yeah.
40:35 Having said that though, you are up and running...
40:36 Yeah.
40:37 And you've got a successful track record.
40:39 And I'm sure church who wants to do
40:41 this kind of thing would not be averse
40:43 to sending you a plane ticket because it's worth it,
40:45 you know, to come and do this kind of thing.
40:47 And what I like about this guy is it's user-friendly
40:50 and it doesn't seem to be
40:51 very difficult to start up this.
40:52 It's not like the steep learning curve.
40:54 It's kind of, you know...
40:56 No, it's a simple program. Yeah.
40:57 A simple program
40:58 that has great community results.
41:00 And we're basically just teaching
41:02 the Adventist health message.
41:03 Yeah, yeah.
41:05 The eight laws of health, I mean,
41:06 we are not prescribing medications,
41:08 we are not making diagnosis.
41:09 And matter of fact we can't, we shouldn't.
41:11 Right.
41:13 But what we're doing is just talking about
41:14 healthy lifestyles, so...
41:16 Oh, you know, our crack team here
41:20 has reminded, we got two video rolls.
41:22 And one of them kind of sets up what this program is.
41:25 Let's go to that one just now.
41:27 And thanks, guys, you're making me look good.
41:30 Praise the Lord.
41:31 Let's go to that first roll, 'cause this kind of gives us
41:33 an overview of what you are doing.
41:36 We'll look at that just now.
41:54 Hello, my name is James Reynolds
41:56 and I am the President of Ultimate Mission
41:59 which is the manager for Healthy Heart India,
42:02 and Healthy Heart USA, and Healthy Heart Honduras.
42:09 As I was going through India,
42:10 I was kind of scouting things out.
42:12 And I was looking at how can we do the most
42:15 with what we have.
42:16 With the few people that we've got
42:18 with the small amount of funds that we have,
42:20 how can we make the most happen in this country
42:23 of 1.2 billion people in it.
42:25 God dropped this idea in our lap,
42:28 this idea to hire pastors' wives to become
42:31 and teach them to be medical missionaries
42:33 so that they can help the children
42:35 and the children can then grow up knowing
42:36 how to wash your hands, drink clean water,
42:39 and possibly change the way the whole country is living.
42:44 All right, we're getting ready to go to a village,
42:46 we're gonna do some outreach show.
42:57 And so it's now had come to this,
42:59 we're on our third year,
43:00 we have 70 women that we just trained.
43:02 These women, they're getting a stipend,
43:04 they're getting some education, and they're helping people out,
43:08 and it's just empowering these women.
43:11 A women will do six to eight visits a day,
43:14 five days a week.
43:16 Right now, we are on track this year
43:18 to do over 100, 000 health visits.
43:21 We were told that
43:23 this is the right arm of the ministry
43:24 where no other ministry work,
43:26 where no other type of evangelism will work,
43:29 the health message will work,
43:31 and right now that is being proven true,
43:33 truer than you can ever imagine.
43:41 All right, really good.
43:43 We kind of got stuck stateside
43:46 and then get a chance to talk about
43:47 what you're doing overseas which is a great work.
43:49 Let's walk through that, this idea of training,
43:52 is it pastor's wives or walk me through that,
43:54 that whole thing?
43:56 Well, in India, Bible workers are called,
43:59 well, I call them pastors
44:00 'cause they pastor five churches.
44:02 So to me, although the Indians may call them Bible workers,
44:04 I call them pastors,
44:06 they're pastoring five churches.
44:07 And so we started, we went over there
44:10 and we trained gospel outreach workers at first.
44:13 And these men would go out and do health missionary work
44:18 along with their other stuff that they did.
44:21 But we started to realize after a story
44:23 where a guy trained his wife and he trained her
44:26 out of the book we gave them called,
44:27 "Where There is No Doctor".
44:29 And he trained his wife the same things
44:31 we had trained him.
44:32 She read this book and one day they're coming home
44:35 and they see a group of people on the side of the road
44:37 and they pull over to see what's going on
44:38 with this group of people and there's a lady
44:40 in the middle of the group of people,
44:42 that's in labor having a baby.
44:43 Well, this woman after reading this book went
44:47 and delivered that baby right there in the mud,
44:49 and the dirt, and the rain on the side of the road.
44:51 And Don and I were talking about this
44:53 and some of the other stories coming back, we're thinking,
44:56 we're training the wrong people.
44:57 We need to be training the women, not the men.
45:00 Yeah, yeah.
45:01 And, you know, one of the other problem
45:03 is the gospel outreach workers,
45:04 they don't make a whole lot of money.
45:06 And so it's hard to keep them in churches
45:09 'cause they have to go do other jobs
45:10 in order to keep their family alive.
45:12 Sure.
45:14 So we were trying to figure out,
45:15 well, how do we help that?
45:16 And so when we hired their wives
45:18 to be medical missionaries,
45:19 we pay them 2,000 rupees a month.
45:22 We basically doubled the wage of that pastoral family
45:26 which helps keep the churches open,
45:28 which gives this pastoral family
45:31 food and everything.
45:33 I mean, we get a lot of letters from these ladies telling us
45:35 how this is really helping their family to survive
45:38 which is really touching.
45:40 But so we started training the women and the neat thing,
45:43 the women carry the food, they carry the water.
45:46 The women fix the food,
45:47 the women take care of the children.
45:49 And if the children can learn to wash their hands,
45:52 drink clean water when they're young,
45:54 they can grow up and you can start helping
45:59 that whole society to become cleaner,
46:02 better, healthier.
46:03 Although, it's a wonderful society,
46:04 I don't want to say that wrong but it just,
46:07 The World Health Organization said
46:09 that if you could teach children
46:11 to wash your hands and drink clean water,
46:13 you could save half the children
46:15 that die every day in India.
46:17 Around 4,000 children die under the age of five
46:20 every day in India.
46:21 Wow.
46:23 If you can teach them to wash their hands
46:24 and drink clean water, you could...
46:25 From preventable stuff and then yeah...
46:27 Easy preventable stuff, yes. Yeah, yeah, that's powerful.
46:29 Don, you have some little toys there
46:31 that we want to talk about it
46:33 'cause this works into that idea
46:35 that Jim is talking about.
46:36 Yeah, I don't know
46:38 how all this will show up on TV, it's kind of small.
46:40 This is called a WAPI,
46:42 that's short for Water Pasteurization Indicator.
46:46 So normally, when you're talking about
46:48 purifying water...
46:49 Hold it still and see if they can find it,
46:50 there you go.
46:53 What you do is you boil the water.
46:56 But water is actually safe to drink when it's pasteurized.
47:00 So water will boil somewhere around 200 degrees,
47:03 it'll get pasteurized a little bit over 140.
47:06 And what this is, this little wax here
47:10 is engineered to melt at just a little bit
47:13 over the temperature at which water pasteurizes
47:15 and it's safe to drink.
47:17 So when you're living hand to mouth,
47:19 and you have no real budget, buying gas
47:22 or collecting wood to heat water is a big deal.
47:25 And the less fuel you can use to heat water
47:27 to make it safe to drink the better.
47:30 The other thing that happens is that when you boil water,
47:33 you kind of boil some of the oxygen down a bit
47:35 and it loses some of its flavor.
47:37 So it tastes a lot better to drink
47:39 when it's pasteurized
47:40 and the lot of reason why we do the things
47:42 we do 'cause things tastes good.
47:43 You know, none of us goes to the store
47:46 and eats the chocolate cake 'cause it's good for us.
47:50 And, so people are more likely to drink water
47:52 if it tastes better and they're more likely
47:54 to heat water and make it safe to drink
47:56 if they can spend less money on fuel doing it.
47:59 So this is made of a bullet proof glass,
48:01 this has a lifetime of probably several generations,
48:04 very, very simple.
48:05 That'll be around for a while. Yeah, very, very simple.
48:08 Very cheap.
48:09 This is one of the tools that we use over there quite a bit,
48:13 teach people this one.
48:15 This one is pretty new.
48:16 I'm gonna let Jim talk about this one
48:18 'cause he's really the one who kind of pioneered,
48:20 this is more arsenal.
48:21 You kinda hold it up so they can find it.
48:23 There you go.
48:24 So this is a MadiDrop, it's six ounce ceramic tablet.
48:27 And this six ounce ceramic tablet is infused
48:29 with silver, silver ions.
48:32 So what you do is you put
48:33 two and half gallons of water in a pail,
48:36 in a container of some sort,
48:37 and you drop this in and in 12 to 24 hours
48:40 depending on the contamination of the water,
48:42 the water's safe to drink.
48:43 Wow.
48:44 So one of the things that we find hard is, you know,
48:47 sometimes in India, they don't put
48:49 two and two together as far as the water
48:50 is what's making me sick.
48:52 So they don't put a lot of effort
48:53 into getting clean water.
48:54 What this does is it makes clean water
48:57 without a whole lot of effort.
48:58 Yeah, yeah.
49:00 And it works for six months. Oh, wow.
49:01 It basically can make five gallons of water a day
49:04 for six months, if the water isn't too contaminated,
49:06 if it's really contaminated, these be in 24 hours.
49:09 But, I mean and you can put it on your shelf
49:12 and it will last for a lifetime.
49:14 I mean, this will last for 100 years.
49:15 So this will do it for you.
49:17 Say, okay, we have a bucket of water,
49:20 we put that in today, we drink that water,
49:22 we put that on a shelf,
49:23 can I put it in another bucket of water
49:24 and it will work just as well?
49:26 Yes. For how long?
49:27 Six months. Okay.
49:29 For six months. Yeah.
49:30 Is that an expensive thing? No, it's not that expensive.
49:33 Matter of fact, we get it at a reduced rate
49:37 because we buy them in bulk.
49:38 And we've just been okay to sell them
49:40 to the general public which is great
49:41 because all the money goes
49:43 towards sponsoring our ministry.
49:44 Okay.
49:46 About 14.95, and you can have one those
49:48 and it's insurance policy that if something happened
49:51 and you needed fresh water out of that slew down there,
49:54 you could get the water out of the slew and...
49:57 Work it. Use the MadiDrop.
49:58 Excellent.
50:00 Let's go to the video that talks about this
50:01 'cause our time is getting away from us,
50:02 I know there's couple things more
50:04 I want to touch on.
50:05 So let's take that video just now.
50:31 You got to hold them up.
50:41 Smile. Oh, that's really cool.
50:42 Hello. Hi.
50:45 Hello. Hi.
51:07 Thank you. Thank you.
51:10 Thank you for clean water.
51:12 Thank you!
51:58 That is so neat, that is really, really cool.
52:01 I want to go right now to the address roll.
52:04 Should you want to make contact with Ultimate Mission,
52:07 support that ministry and this is a ministry
52:10 that is very much worth of your support,
52:12 your time, your efforts, your prayers.
52:14 Here's how you can make contact with Ultimate Mission.
52:17 Ultimate Mission is a lay ministry,
52:19 training in project management group.
52:21 Its goal is to help train, organize, reenergize,
52:25 and empower Christians to finish the work
52:27 of spreading the gospel to the world.
52:29 If you would like to find out more
52:30 about Ultimate Mission,
52:32 you can do so by writing to Ultimate Mission,
52:35 19135 Addie Street, Gladstone, Oregon 97027.
52:40 That's Ultimate Mission
52:42 19135 Addie Street, Gladstone, Oregon 97027.
52:48 You can call (503) 891-6040.
52:52 That's (503) 891-6040.
52:55 You can also visit them online at ultimatemission.net.
52:59 That's ultimatemission.net.


Revised 2017-06-29