Participants: CA Murray (Host), Duane McKey, Kathy McKey, Cami Oetman
Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY017042A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my word 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today. 01:09 My name is CA Murray, and allow me once again 01:11 to thank you for sharing just a little of your no doubt 01:15 busy day with us. 01:17 Thank you for sharing your love, your prayers, 01:18 your support of this ministry. 01:20 We realize that we could not do, 01:22 what we are called to do without your partnership 01:24 and your prayers and your support. 01:26 So when we say thank you, it's not something 01:28 that just comes from the lips, it comes from the heart. 01:30 And we do thank you for your presence, 01:33 your support of Three Angels Broadcasting Network. 01:35 I'm excited today, I'm excited yea verily. 01:38 I'm excited because of the topic, 01:40 I'm excited because of my guests. 01:42 And sometimes you meet people, 01:44 and you feel that you've known them a long time, 01:47 even though you haven't known them a long time. 01:49 Duane McKey, President of Adventist World Radio, 01:51 and so many other hats, I'm gonna come into 01:53 the rest of you in just a moment. 01:54 But we met only a few years ago 01:56 but it seems like I've known you forever. 01:57 So I don't want to say old friends 01:59 because when we get to our age, 02:00 you don't want to say old friends. 02:02 We will say dear friends. Be careful, yeah. 02:06 We don't want to say old friend. 02:08 You wear so many hats and first of all, 02:10 good to have you here. 02:12 Very thanks, CA, great to be here with you. 02:13 Yeah. 02:14 You're here today in wearing your Adventist World Radio hat. 02:16 And also your TMI hat a little bit. 02:17 Yeah, both. 02:18 You can't get it over from here. 02:20 Yeah, it all goes together. 02:21 Yeah, yeah, we're going to explain what that is. 02:23 Kathy McKey, how are you my, lady? 02:24 I'm very well, thank you. Indeed, you are. 02:26 Let me get your title right because it's an impressive one. 02:29 It's Social Media and Outreach Coordinator 02:32 out of the President's office or Presidential. 02:34 Yes. 02:35 And that's President of the General Conference? 02:37 That's right. 02:38 So you work closely with Elder Wilson 02:39 and do I think the secretary of Priers Marilyn. 02:43 Marilyn Priers. Yeah. Very, very good. 02:45 And the new face, Cami Oetman, Outman, Oetman? 02:49 Oetman, yes. Oetman. 02:50 And you are vice president 02:52 for Advancement Adventist World Radio? 02:54 Yes, I am. Fairly recent position? 02:55 It is. You're settling well? 02:57 So excited. Yes, wow. 03:01 Very, very good. 03:02 Good to have all you three here, 03:04 we're going to talk about a lot of things. 03:05 Obviously, Adventist World Radio 03:07 is under new leadership. 03:09 Now as I recall, Duane, I need to ask you 03:12 because when you were first elected at General Conference, 03:14 it was so something totally different. 03:15 Yeah, that's right. 03:16 You got up there and the brethren 03:18 kind of changed, he put the goal post on you. 03:19 Yeah, yeah. 03:21 You started out in Sabbath school... 03:22 Sabbath school, and I'm also a tour member 03:23 of Elder Wilson's office 03:25 as his special assistant for TMI. 03:27 And as often happens, you are such a gifted person... 03:30 Oh, you are very kind. 03:32 And what they do to give to say you, you're doing good, 03:33 give you more work. 03:34 That's right. 03:36 So they took Sabbath school, now it's AWR? 03:38 Yeah, that's right. 03:39 Define what AWR is for those who may not know? 03:41 Right, Adventist World Radio. 03:42 We have 800 stations around the world, 03:44 our big one is of course Guam when we have the shortwave. 03:47 But we're also venturing into a lot of other areas 03:50 to communicate the gospel to people 03:52 because we believe Jesus is coming soon. 03:54 Amen. Amen, amen. 03:55 Now very quickly for those, who may not know 03:57 because for a while I did not know. 03:59 The difference between what AWR does 04:02 and say a regular FM station or even AM station 04:05 as far as coverage is concerned. 04:07 Yes, yes. 04:08 We work in different countries with FM stations 04:11 and we do coverage in that area like in Romania. 04:13 We had coverage all across the country 04:15 with lots of FM stations that will pick the signal up 04:17 and rebroadcast it. 04:19 And we're doing it 04:20 and the wonderful example we have, 04:21 you know, we just had them in one of our meetings 04:23 that we'll mention over in Rwanda last year 04:26 where 100,000 people were baptized 04:28 and now they're looking at baptizing another 100,000. 04:31 Cami preached there... 04:33 Yes. Had a wonderful time. 04:34 Amen. Life changing. 04:37 Absolutely. 04:38 Not only for me but the other team members as well. 04:42 We just, when you're preaching you give yourself to Lord 04:44 to be used, you just, you get changed. 04:47 The exciting thing about Rwanda is now AWR. 04:49 We are putting three new towers across the country 04:53 in strategic locations, so that we can reach Burundi part of it 04:57 and Rwanda, we can reach Goma and Zaire, 05:01 the Congo and also that part of Rwanda, 05:04 and in up north to Uganda, and in that part of Rwanda. 05:07 So perhaps 200,000 new members 05:10 because you're doing another series right now 05:12 with Total Member Involvement. 05:13 They need a lot of information and lot of encouragement 05:17 from the union and pastoral leadership 05:19 and so they can use a radio to do that. 05:22 We've got so many titles 05:26 that are initials that are letters. 05:27 You got AWR, TMI, LMNOPQRS, you know, you got so many, 05:31 well, we need to walk through all of this stuff, 05:33 because it's all very, very important. 05:34 And you are certainly involved in all of this. 05:36 Let's go back... 05:37 Okay. 05:39 And sort of flesh out what TMI is 05:41 and what your role is there? 05:42 Okay. 05:43 I'm Elder Wilson's special assistant 05:45 for a Total Member Involvement, TMI. 05:47 You know, some people say, "Well, I know what TMI means. 05:50 That means too many people in Indianapolis." 05:57 But you know there's something called a sticky principle 06:00 and so people remember 06:01 because they associate TMI with something else. 06:03 Yes. 06:04 And then they remember it and then we bring 06:06 in the definition from the church 06:08 and apply to that. 06:09 And so they remember what it means to the church, 06:11 Total Member Involvement. 06:12 And actually, we're told that the work will not be finished 06:15 until men and women join together working. 06:18 We talked about that before, working together, 06:20 joining hands together with... 06:23 As the statement says with the church elders 06:25 and the pastors, we have to work together, 06:27 men and women working together to finish work. 06:29 We've seen this and these big projects 06:31 like Rwanda and Harare where we were 06:33 and the Philippines, 06:35 and all these huge projects we've done. 06:36 When we work together like, for example, 06:39 we will go to Zambia in a few minutes 06:40 and talk about Lusaka, the pastors, 06:42 they're saying, they've told me, 06:43 "We can do a thousand evangelistic meetings 06:45 all at the same time in one city." 06:47 Wow! That's impressive. Awesome. 06:49 Now there are two facets to TMI as I understand 06:52 because there's the big meetings. 06:53 Right. 06:55 But there's also an initiative to get every member doing 06:56 what they can where they can in their own local area. 06:59 Yeah. 07:00 And we'll move to that in a few minutes 07:02 when we get to the slides. 07:03 But Elder Wilson likes this statement a lot, 07:06 connecting the dots. 07:08 Connecting the dots. 07:10 You know, we can do a series of meetings 07:12 all by itself and we'll fail. 07:14 We can do a cooking school. 07:16 Actually, a friend of mine who just told me, 07:17 he said that they have lots of money in their church, 07:19 and he said, "For last 30 years, 07:21 we had had the best cooking schools in the world." 07:24 And he said, "You know what, we haven't baptized one." 07:28 And I said, the problem is you haven't connected the dots. 07:31 So that got to be connected together so, 07:33 we can do lots of different things, 07:35 we should in our communities, everybody can do something 07:37 for Jesus as TMI, Total Member Involvement. 07:40 But it's got to be connected, 07:41 it's got to be planned and worked... 07:42 Yes. 07:44 As focused, you're gonna go in some place with it. 07:46 And of course, AWR has a big part of that. 07:47 Yeah. 07:49 As we broadcast, we call it the New AWR. 07:51 Yeah. We've got so much to talk about. 07:53 I'm trying to sequences in my brain there 07:56 because there are so many areas that hit us. 07:58 I'm gonna jump down to Cami for just a little bit. 08:00 Because you're sort of the new girl on the block. 08:02 Yeah. 08:04 You were working in business before. 08:05 Walk us through how your sort of call. 08:07 I know through whom the call came. 08:09 But give me just a little history of your life 08:11 before you came to AWR? 08:13 Well, sure. 08:14 I actually, I have my masters in Social Work and I worked 08:17 with the hospice population for quite a few years 08:20 and then became a director of a small facility, 08:22 medical facility in Palm Springs. 08:24 And then I decided, you know, I'm gonna venture 08:25 and try my own business. 08:27 So from an idea I created first a boutique 08:30 and then an ecommerce of over 20,000 skews 08:32 or products online and built it into... 08:35 You know, life was pretty good, you know. 08:38 But honestly, it was feeling empty 08:40 like I had everything but I was just missing, 08:44 I was missing purpose beyond self and beyond, 08:49 you know, building my little mini-empire. 08:51 And so I just started going back to the Bible, 08:55 started, I love prophecy as a child. 08:59 I remember, my Dad preaching prophecy. 09:02 And so I went back to that and it just started inside me 09:05 growing this desire to know more and more, more. 09:08 So I was asked to actually preach an evangelistic series 09:14 and that in the last three and half years turned into, 09:18 I believe something like 280 presentations 09:21 in the last three and half years. 09:22 And I was somebody who wasn't going to get upfront 09:25 or to pray out loud but God does miracles today. 09:29 Amen. 09:30 And He has just changed everything 09:31 and I have been so honored and blessed to be a part of 09:35 what God is doing right now across the world. 09:38 I mean, not only in our own homes and families, 09:42 but to be a part of this massive project 09:44 here with AWR and TMI, it's just incredible. 09:48 And so I met these wonderful people at, 09:51 in San Antonio at the GC. 09:53 And little did I know that God would intertwine our lives. 09:57 So that they asked me to go to Rwanda with TMI 10:01 and so I went to Rwanda. 10:03 And just an incredible experience 10:05 to have a thousand people come on a hillside 10:07 and gather before you, to hear about Bible prophecy, 10:12 and what Jesus is wanting to do in their lives blows you away. 10:17 How can I be here right now? 10:19 But God uses everyone that's willing. 10:22 And so after that experience, then I was asked 10:24 to be team leader in Romania. 10:26 And so I was up in Northeastern Romania 10:30 near Moldova, city called Ia i. 10:32 And I preached 10:34 two evangelistic series there actually 10:36 and it was a blessing. 10:37 I mean, even my translators, 10:40 one came forward and was baptized. 10:42 Praise the Lord. 10:43 Yeah, it just was, it's incredible. 10:44 So then the call came to join AWR 10:47 and I am so thrilled. 10:48 Okay, so you kind of got the bit in your mouth 10:49 as far as being hooked. Oh, my... 10:51 Oh, I'm hooked. 10:53 I'm in all the way however God can use me. 10:54 Praise the Lord. 10:56 As you look back at because... 10:58 You're Pastor's daughter? I am, yes. 11:00 As you look back at what you were doing 11:02 before to sort of, as you said, "Build your own kingdom." 11:04 Then now you sort of self actualize, 11:06 now you're doing something for the world, for the Lord. 11:08 Yes. Compare that time to this time? 11:10 Oh, complete difference. 11:11 I mean, this is so fulfilling, there is purpose everyday and, 11:15 you know, when you pray, Lord, cross my path with anybody, 11:18 somebody today to make a difference, 11:20 to change, to share you. 11:22 He does everyday. 11:23 I don't care if it's at the grocery store, 11:25 it's the taxi driver, it's the whoever, 11:27 even somebody on the airplane. 11:30 God will put people in your lives to impact 11:32 and shine through you. 11:33 Amen. 11:34 And that's what's happening and that is... 11:36 And we got to have, once you have that 11:37 on a daily basis, you got to have it. 11:39 Yes. Praise the Lord. Well said. 11:41 Wonderful. Sharp left turn. 11:42 I will say what she should not say, 11:44 what Duane would not say, 11:45 Kathy would not say, well, I say she's single, 11:46 she's attractive, she's special. 11:48 Oh, my... 11:49 And if you need any references, call me. 11:53 Oh, no. Praise the Lord. 11:54 Okay, commercial gone, let's get back. 11:56 Now we get back to business now. 12:00 TMI... Yeah. 12:02 Do you wanna go to AWR? Yeah, let's go to AWR. 12:04 AWR first because you, 12:05 sort of, you've got a new focus. 12:07 Right, together. And together. 12:10 You've got a new focus and walk me through AWR 360? 12:13 Okay. 12:14 Let's see the pictures, we may look at that. 12:16 Yes. 12:17 And the first one we'll come up 12:19 and we'll just kind of go through it. 12:20 AWR 360 is we want to complete the circle. 12:24 You know, then that's again connecting the dots, 12:27 so that we are not just broadcast. 12:28 I think the next picture is very good at that. 12:30 We not only broadcast, but we also... 12:34 There it is, you see. 12:36 We want to broadcast, so it's broadcast to Baptism. 12:39 And that's what the focus is 12:40 broadcast right there to baptism. 12:42 From broadcast to baptism. 12:44 Amen. Amen. 12:45 So when I became President of AWR, 12:47 they tell me all these hundreds and hundreds and hundreds 12:49 and thousands of people that are watching the podcast 12:51 and everything around the world. 12:52 Very, very impressing numbers, enormous numbers. 12:54 Yeah. 12:56 I'm saying to myself, who are they? 12:58 Well said. Where does that go? 13:00 Are they really listening? 13:02 You know, what's happening in their lives? 13:04 So we got to somehow connect them to local churches 13:07 and that gets the job done. 13:09 Like a friend of mine said, he is a big, 13:11 he is a businessman, you know, who he is. 13:12 And he said to me, he said, "You know, and in business, 13:16 the deal is not done until the contract is signed." 13:18 Yes, sir. Close the deal. Yeah. 13:19 Close the deal. Close the deal. 13:21 And he said, "In your work, the deal is not done, 13:23 it's not finished until people are in the water or baptized." 13:28 And so that's my goal, you know, yes, 13:31 every means possible to communicate the gospel 13:33 through television, through radio, through podcast, 13:36 everything that we do. 13:38 Yeah. 13:39 But then somehow we got to connect them with local church. 13:41 Yeah. Plans. 13:42 Yeah. 13:43 You know, it occurs to me, I think there are those 13:45 who may think of that as rather mercenary, 13:47 but it is not, 13:48 it's actually the actual goal of evangelism. 13:50 That's right. 13:51 You don't just throw the hook in the water and let it just 13:54 kind of float, you want to get the fish down in that line, 13:55 you know. 13:57 And once you do you want to reel them in, you know, 13:59 you want to bring people to the truth. 14:01 And Jesus said, "Follow me, 14:03 and I will make you fishers of men." 14:04 Precisely, yeah. 14:06 Well, and from the listener's perspective, 14:07 if they want more information what a wonderful thing 14:08 to be able to follow up with them 14:10 and connect them with people 14:11 who can show them in the Bible more information. 14:12 Yeah. 14:14 You know, in addition to what they're hearing online 14:15 or on radio, which I mean is incredible. 14:18 Yeah, so your ultimate goal is to connect them 14:20 with the local fellowships so... 14:21 Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. 14:23 Yeah. 14:24 Now Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach 14:25 and teach and baptize." 14:27 We have a commission by our Lord. 14:30 It's from the Bible. 14:31 Yeah. And so... 14:32 So the new focus if we were to put it in a centre 14:34 is to follow through. 14:35 Yeah. 14:37 It is to take it from what they hear sitting in their homes 14:38 how are they connecting to connection 14:40 with the local fellowship. 14:42 And that's how TMI fits into that very, very well. 14:44 Excellent, excellent. 14:46 Do you have more pictures? Yeah, we do. 14:47 Let's go to couple more pictures here. 14:49 This is, you are familiar with that, 14:50 you were with us over in Eastern Europe. 14:53 It was thrilling, we have a video, 14:54 we'll show you that just a minute. 14:55 Let's go to another picture. 14:57 This is all the countries in Eastern Europe. 14:58 This is the Doma people, Kathy and I were just there 15:01 a few weeks ago. 15:03 This is a thrilling story about how TMI 15:06 and actually the local people there in Harare, 15:10 Zimbabwe, in Africa. 15:12 You know, we were there in Harare together. 15:14 And just up north, there is Doma people. 15:17 These people live like that. You saw the picture. 15:19 Yeah, yeah. It's amazing. 15:20 They live in a little village. 15:22 They're like the pygmies in the Congo, 15:24 we used to live there, we were there for 10 years. 15:26 And it's like the Bushmen in the Kalahari. 15:30 They live on little roots and animals. 15:33 And so now ADRA has come in and worked within, 15:35 that's part of the TMI. 15:37 Yeah, yeah. 15:38 And then ASI has gone in and then we build up 15:40 a beautiful school, thanks to Garwin, 15:44 the one day church project that we put that in there. 15:46 We drilled some wells from Southwestern Union and ADRA. 15:49 And so they've settled down, they're working 15:51 and it's just a miracle how this has all come about. 15:54 But two years ago, we gave them 200... 15:56 Godpods. 15:58 Oh, wow. Yeah. 15:59 And the Godpods have 100 hours on them of Bible, 16:05 health presentations, Bible studies. 16:09 And believe it or not, exercise. 16:15 It's healthy actually, stretching exercises. 16:17 I said, exercise, these people need exercise. 16:21 With the Godpods there's no radio connection there. 16:24 We're going to do that though, 16:26 we're going to put the station near them. 16:27 Oh, praise the Lord. But right now, there is none. 16:29 And so they have these Godpods and they listen to them 16:33 and now we have 300 new members there. 16:34 Amen. Praise the Lord. 16:36 And these are solar powered? Yeah. Solar powered. 16:37 Yes, on the site. Yes. 16:38 Yeah. 16:40 But the problem is we only have 15 left. 16:41 Oh, wow. Yeah. 16:43 Because they're crossing the river, 16:45 they would drop them in the water, 16:46 out of their clothes or out in their field, 16:48 they'd drop them in the mud. 16:50 Somebody steals them or they break, mostly break. 16:52 So we have 15 left 16:54 and we still need over another 200. 16:56 Praise God. 16:57 And to get there is I mean, it's quite a trek. 17:01 I mean, from Harare to the Doma people, 17:05 you go over these incredible roads 17:09 and then you cross a stream. 17:10 Eight hours. 17:12 And then you walk, 17:13 we walked an hour and we weren't there yet. 17:17 I mean, we were at some other places, 17:20 but to get to the school, and where the wells are was, 17:26 yeah, it was quite a trek. 17:27 And by the way, ASI would be very happy, I told Garwin, 17:30 the school is now running, it wasn't running, 17:32 but it was a miracle. 17:34 Absolutely, we wouldn't tell all the details. 17:36 We were supposed to go to Lubumbashi. 17:38 Yes, and we didn't realize 17:41 that it took so much time to get a visa. 17:44 We used to live there, 17:46 we want to go back and preach a health series there. 17:47 Yes, yes. 17:49 And so I said to Kathy, "Well, we can't go 17:50 to Lubumbashi, let's go to Harare 17:51 and up to the Doma people. 17:53 And so I called..." 17:55 Jonathan Musvosvi. 17:56 Jonathan and Judith Musvosvi, she's the ADRA director, 18:00 and I said we want to come and visit the Doma people. 18:02 Can we rent a car and do that? Can you go with us? 18:04 She said, "You know, I don't go there. 18:06 The road is so terrible." 18:08 And this had been an ADRA project, 18:09 they have workers there. 18:11 And she said, "I don't go there. 18:12 It's just terrible." But she said, okay. 18:14 She said, "Actually, I have to go the day before 18:17 you're coming because we have a donor coming from Europe, 18:20 and they want to go and look at the project." 18:22 So I had to take this lady up there from ADRA, Europe. 18:27 Austria, wasn't it? Yes. 18:28 Yeah. 18:29 And so she got there and the school wasn't running. 18:34 It's sitting there for over a year not running. 18:35 The government doesn't want to open it for some reason. 18:38 So she gets there and she says, 18:39 you know, talks to all the government officials, 18:41 got them all together. 18:42 And she said, "You know, the people responsible 18:44 for raising the money are coming tomorrow 18:47 and they're going to be really unhappy 18:49 if the school is not opened. 18:51 And it's going to hurt donations." 18:53 Yes, yes. 18:54 Donations to Zimbabwe from overseas. 18:58 And so the next day I talked to the person in charge, 19:01 the government official, they are at the school, 19:04 on the hill by the Doma people, they're on the mountains, 19:07 overlooking Zambia and Mozambique 19:09 and the whole area. 19:11 So we're talking and I asked him about the school. 19:13 He said, "It'll be opened in two weeks." 19:16 Yes. Amen. 19:18 So we're thinking it's running now. 19:19 Yes. 19:21 We're thinking it's running now. 19:22 Praise the Lord. Yeah. 19:23 You know, I noticed something in spending time with you. 19:26 Kathy is, works out of the president's office, 19:28 but she's your personal logician statistician. 19:30 That's right. 19:34 And without Kathy's input, 19:37 I think you'd be hurting up, I guess. 19:38 I would. 19:41 But not really. Now we have two. 19:43 And now you guys, praise the Lord. 19:44 Praise the Lord. 19:46 All right, did we exhaust our pictures 19:47 or we got some more? 19:49 No, we got more. Quite few more. 19:50 Yeah, quite a few more. Okay. 19:51 So... 19:53 This is a picture of Zambia, Lusaka. 19:54 Lusaka. Wow. 19:56 That's our pastors that are working for us there. 19:57 Amen. 19:59 And here we want to take our European pastors 20:01 and lay people to Zambia. 20:02 Many of them are little nervous with evangelism 20:06 and so we like for them to have a really good experience. 20:08 So they're actually going to do meetings? 20:09 Yeah. Excellent. 20:11 Just like we do. Yeah. 20:12 Excellent, excellent. 20:13 But to prepare for that, we're going to broadcast 20:15 all over Lusaka, the whole area in south, 20:18 so we have radio programs, daily radio programs 20:21 twice a day broadcasting the Adventist message... 20:23 Yeah. 20:24 Preparing for these meetings that'll happen in the year. 20:26 So I'm talking to the pastors, okay, in Lusaka, all of them. 20:31 We have 300 churches there. We have... 20:33 200,000 meetings. I mean, members. 20:35 Members. Yeah. 20:36 200,000 members. 20:38 And a count of... 20:39 Two million. Two million. 20:41 Yeah, Lusaka. 20:42 It's big city. Yeah. 20:44 This is exciting stuff. 20:45 You're going to take European pastors to Africa... 20:48 Yeah. To preach meetings? 20:49 Yeah. First of all, I love that idea. 20:53 That is beyond exciting. But pastors and lay people. 20:55 Yeah. Great, great. 20:56 From Europe. 20:57 First of all, it'll give them a chance to see people respond 21:00 to the meetings... That's right. 21:01 Because having worked in Europe 21:03 and, you know, it is tough, you know. 21:04 So they're going to get large crowds. 21:06 Yeah. 21:07 That'll be a rush, and that's brilliant. 21:09 That is just brilliant. I'm really excited about that. 21:10 And that's going to take place when? 21:12 A year from this coming June, so 2018 in June? 21:16 June 8. 21:17 June 8. Okay. 21:19 We'll be there. See I told you, indecipherable. 21:20 Yeah, she is. 21:22 So will they go over before to have any pre-meetings 21:25 or anything to sort of get them warmed up? 21:26 Yes, the radio is going to do all of that. 21:28 Okay. 21:29 We're working with churches and the lay people. 21:30 See, it's actually we just come and help at the end 21:33 because they will do all the work. 21:34 There are these small groups, there'll be Bible studies, 21:36 community outreach, ADRA project, 21:38 all kinds of things, prayer meetings. 21:40 And they'll continue doing all these different events 21:43 preparing for our meetings when we come there. 21:45 So that's what the Total Member Involvement side is, you see. 21:48 And so I'm talking to the pastors and I said, 21:51 "You know, you have 300 churches here 21:53 and I have 100 pastors 21:55 and lay people coming from Europe. 21:56 Can you do 100 meetings next year?" 21:58 And they said, "Yeah, we can do 100." 22:01 I said, "Could you do 300 because you have 300 churches, 22:03 one at each church?" 22:05 And they looked at each other and they said, 22:06 "We could do 450." 22:08 And I said, "What about 500? Could you do 500?" 22:11 And they said... 22:13 And the Union President stands up and he says, 22:14 "That's what I was thinking, we can do 500." 22:16 Amen and amen. 22:17 And then he leaves and he's outside. 22:19 Now this is one city, just one city. 22:22 Yeah. 22:23 Seriously we're not talking about the country, 22:25 we're talking of one city. No, one city. 22:26 Just the city of Lusaka, just Lusaka. 22:28 And so the pastors begin to talk amongst themselves 22:31 and they said, "Tell the Union President 22:33 we can do a 1000." 22:34 Wow. 22:35 For the first time ever 1000 evangelistic meetings 22:38 all at the same time. 22:39 In one city. That's right. 22:41 And there we're going to be teaching them 22:44 to do different kinds of things 22:45 like Facebook Live, how you can do that? 22:47 Yes. 22:49 Facebook Live and set it up 22:50 so that everyone can be involved 22:51 and people that can't maybe attend the actual meeting, 22:53 they can attend, you know, in their home, 22:57 or you can forward it and invite other friends 22:59 or family that don't live in the area 23:00 and it just spreads like wildfire. 23:02 Seriously. 23:03 And we're going to be really developing 23:04 AWR's social media platform 23:07 and so we're looking for that online. 23:09 You know, posting a variety of events and different things 23:13 where we're traveling and different stories 23:14 that we are going to be reporting on. 23:16 I'm heading to Katmandu here in a couple of weeks 23:18 and so, yeah, I'll be looking for that, 23:21 and join us on Facebook. 23:22 I'm sorry, it is no accident or coincidence 23:24 that you are TMI and AWR at the same time 23:27 because they work hand-in-hand so well. 23:29 It's a natural fit. It is. 23:30 It is natural. Yeah. 23:32 Yeah, absolutely. 23:33 We'll also teach them to do YouTube evangelism. 23:36 We have a friend over in Europe. 23:37 He is in Poland. 23:39 He's got a long story about... 23:40 Greg is his name and he is going to come and teach them 23:43 to do Facebook evangelism. 23:44 He's learned this himself, 23:46 so that he pushed together programs 23:47 and does it on YouTube. 23:49 This last month, he had 800,000 people watch. 23:53 Wow. Awesome. 23:55 So he's going to become a part of AWR. 23:56 I love the idea of aggressively using what's out there. 24:00 You know, lots of them and most, what's in your hand? 24:02 Facebook. 24:05 Well, and cell phones. And YouTube, yeah. 24:07 Cell phones. Yes. 24:09 Cell phone evangelism. 24:10 We're going to do... 24:12 You never heard of this before, I had neither. 24:13 It's awesome. Cell phone evangelism. 24:16 There is this guy, he started cell phone church in Namibia, 24:21 he's Afrikaans, sorry, in Afrikaans. 24:23 And there are Afrikaans people in Europe, all over the US, 24:26 and mainly in South Africa on farms or the Dutch people. 24:30 And so he started doing church. 24:32 Sabbath school, lesson study, church, 24:35 everything on Sabbath mornings with the cell phone. 24:39 Whatsapp. Whatsapp, yeah. 24:42 And then... 24:44 Oh, this is an incredible story. 24:46 I mean, it's amazing how God works. 24:50 So we're in Lusaka and we've just had 24:53 this big meeting with the pastors and leadership 24:56 and they've said we are going to do 1000 meetings. 24:59 And it's evening and the next day 25:01 we're going to Livingstone, 25:02 but we don't have a hotel reserved there. 25:05 And so I said to Duane, 25:07 "Oh, we better, you know, get a hotel." 25:09 So he goes on Expedia and we always stay 25:12 at this one hotel, Protea. 25:15 You know, we just show up and we've always had a room. 25:20 But this time, he's on Expedia and there is no room. 25:23 And I said, "Just call them." 25:25 I was looking all the hotels on Expedia 25:27 and the rooms are going, bang, bang, bang. 25:28 "Just call them." 25:30 And there wasn't a room. 25:32 And so it comes along to this name of a place, 25:36 Taita Falcon Lodge. 25:38 We found it one room. That's about. 25:40 Way just out of town. 25:43 I mean, you cannot believe what it's like to get there. 25:46 It's a nice place. 25:48 But here you're on this road for an hour 25:51 and it's just terrible potholes and bounces and up and down 25:55 and you're saying, there's a song 25:57 some of the Christians in South Africa sing, 26:00 wai, wai, wai, wai, wai, wai, wai... 26:03 And so, I don't wanna hear. 26:06 And I have to put on my seatbelt to stay in place. 26:09 I mean, you're bouncing here and there. 26:12 It was, it was amazing. 26:14 So we get there and these people 26:17 from South Africa are running this hotel. 26:19 And then the next morning, they're very nice to us, 26:21 they take us in the town. 26:23 We'll stay all day, we don't want to go back and forth. 26:27 And we meet with the pastors, 26:29 we're organizing the meetings also 26:30 in Livingstone that's where, 26:32 you and Irma are coming in 2018, 26:34 there in Livingstone in June. 26:36 Then ride in that back. 26:40 And so we're talking with him organizing this, 26:43 then we go back over the rough road again. 26:45 The next morning we're leaving. 26:46 And so, Kathy, you're talking to... 26:48 I talked to Antoinette, 26:50 the female part of the management, 26:54 she and her husband run it. 26:55 And I'm talking to Antoinette, and Antoinette says, 26:58 "How did your meeting go with your pastors 27:01 and leadership last night?" 27:02 Nice, you know, I didn't remember us 27:04 even mentioning that. 27:06 And she said, "Oh." 27:07 I said, "Oh, it was great, great." 27:10 And she said, "You know what, 27:12 I've been studying Daniel and Revelation." 27:15 My soul. 27:16 And I said, "Really?" 27:18 Here she is sitting there, you know, 27:19 with not looking, yeah, anyway. 27:23 And she said, "Yes." 27:26 And I was telling my husband, you know, 27:28 we were brought up all wrong, Saturday is the Sabbath. 27:31 And he says, "I know." 27:33 And she's like she is so shocked to hear that. 27:38 And so then the pastor comes to pick us up and he says, 27:42 "You need to have an evangelistic meeting 27:44 in the nearby village." 27:46 And Antoinette says, "That would be wonderful, 27:49 just wonderful." 27:51 And when we come. Yeah. 27:52 And so I get the contact information 27:58 from her about the person that's giving here 28:01 these lessons on a Whatsapp. 28:03 On the cell phone. On the cell phone. 28:05 And how can he do, how can he have... 28:09 It's phenomenal, his name is Neville Nevilson. 28:12 And so we go back home to the States. 28:16 And I call him, I get on the phone 28:17 and I'm talking to him in Namibia. 28:18 He's going to be... 28:20 We just have worked it out with some equipment. 28:21 He's going to be Adventist World Radio programmer 28:26 and he will have a new program, 28:28 a new ministry on cell phone evangelism. 28:31 Amen. 28:32 But get this, he signed up to be a preacher 28:37 in Eastern Europe in Georgia. 28:38 When we're in Romania... 28:40 Somehow, he heard about it and so he ends up in Georgia. 28:43 He preaches his first meeting before he's just doing church. 28:46 So he goes back home, he says, 28:48 "I'm going to do evangelism on the cell phone." 28:51 He's doing cell phone evangelism now. 28:53 Had his first meeting, had 150 decisions 28:56 for baptism in South Africa. 28:58 Amen. 28:59 And that's how Antoinette is learning about 29:02 Daniel and Revelation because her Aunt and Uncle 29:05 are Seventh-Day Adventists. 29:07 Every Sabbath morning, her uncle sends up this message 29:11 something about the Bible, 29:13 and she starts asking questions. 29:16 And he said, "Oh, I need to put you in contact 29:19 with Neville Nevilson." 29:22 Isn't God amazing? 29:23 I mean, the chances... 29:24 He's connecting all of us. That's right. 29:26 Yeah, yes, around the world. 29:27 In a whole new way. Oh, yeah. 29:29 He's using every which way possible. 29:30 So we can use cell phone, just a cell phone. 29:33 Who would ever think it? Yeah. 29:35 You cannot be around this bunch along 29:38 without getting affected. 29:40 You just... 29:42 Unless your skin is just hard, it's going to get through 29:45 because first of all, the Lord is doing so many things 29:48 and it must be so nice to be you 29:50 because you are on a cutting ends 29:52 of lot of this stuff. 29:53 And you're seeing a lot of this, 29:54 TMI is a God breathing whose time has come. 29:56 Amen. It is. It is. 29:57 And as I said a moment ago, the fusion of TMI and AWR 30:03 in you as a person is a natural fit 30:05 because you get to into weave 30:07 a lot of this stuff and get to see it. 30:09 And then you've added Lady Cami here. 30:12 So it's a nice team 30:14 and you're doing some wonderful things 30:15 and seeing some wonderful things. 30:18 Do we need to go back to Romania 30:19 little before our time gets away from us? 30:20 Right, let's go to Romania. 30:22 Maybe we got to look at that video first. 30:23 Yeah. Yeah. 30:24 This is the Romania video. 30:26 And this is just a wonderful time. 30:27 We'll talk about it on the other side of the video. 30:29 Okay. 30:56 It all started one day at work. 30:58 As I was switching lines at the train yard, 31:01 I saw a co-worker listening to the radio on his cell phone. 31:05 I reached from my phone and began searching too. 31:08 That was when I found Adventist World Radio 31:10 and became a faithful listener. 31:15 I heard preaching from the Bible, 31:17 learned about the Sabbath and many other new things. 31:20 A strong desire for truth from God's Word was born 31:23 in my soul and my prayer became. 31:25 I want to know more God. 31:28 Peace began to fill my heart but my home was in turmoil. 31:34 My wife and two daughters were confused 31:37 since I had taught my family to Pentecostal faith 31:40 that was now bringing home new and contradicting truths. 31:43 My wife refused to even visiting Adventist church 31:46 with me. 31:47 So I went alone that first Sabbath. 31:50 I was welcomed so warmly and felt genuine Christian love 31:53 unlike I had ever experienced before. 31:56 Eventually, my family agreed to let the pastor visit 31:59 and help me answer their questions. 32:02 As soon as he arrived, the questions began to flow. 32:05 Before long our whole family began baptismal classes 32:09 and in May of 2015, my wife and I 32:12 along with our oldest daughter were baptized 32:14 into the Seventh-day Adventist church. 32:17 A few days ago, our younger daughter 32:18 was finally baptized. 32:20 We are praising God. 32:24 Since being baptized, I had become very active 32:27 in our local church even preaching occasionally. 32:31 I continue to spread the Word about Adventist World Radio. 32:35 My wife says I can't keep quiet about it 32:37 and it's probably true. 32:39 Thanks to the work of AWR. 32:41 We are now a united family waiting for the soon return 32:44 of Christ, our Lord. 32:49 What a great personal testimony. 32:51 Wow, imagine listening to the radio. 32:53 In Romania it's really exciting 32:55 because you can take your cell phone 32:57 and listen to the radio. 32:59 And you listen and listen and listen, 33:00 actually coming out of communism, Eli or Elijah, 33:05 he decided, he want to become a Christian. 33:07 So he went, he found an evangelical church. 33:09 He went there, he read the Bible and he read 33:11 where Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan. 33:13 And he said to the people, 33:14 I want to be baptized like Jesus. 33:16 They said, "We don't do that." 33:17 So he went to Pentecostal Church, 33:19 they baptized him, 33:20 he actually kind of raised up the church. 33:23 And it was really exciting and then he started listening 33:25 to his radio at work. 33:27 Wow. 33:28 On his cell phone because he was a switcher, you know, 33:30 as the trains came in so at times. 33:31 So at times. 33:33 Yeah, so he listened, listened, listened 33:34 and then he got excited about the Sabbath and prophecy. 33:37 Wow. 33:39 Gave his heart to Jesus, showed up at church one day 33:41 and want to be baptized. 33:42 And the pastor says, "I can't baptize you." 33:44 Why? 33:46 "Because you had to be studied a bit, 33:47 you had to learn what we believe." 33:49 He said, "Ask me." 33:52 Awesome. 33:54 We get some of that at 3ABN too, 33:56 people walk in our church and they said... 33:57 Yes, yes. Oh, yeah. 33:58 I'm ready to run in water. 34:00 And I said, "Well, you got to know first." 34:01 Believe me, I know. 34:03 That's right. Yeah. 34:04 I've baptized some of the people from 3ABN. 34:06 Yeah, that's powerful. That is powerful. 34:07 That happened in Arizona. 34:09 Actually, there was a couple there 34:11 that learned about Sabbath on 3ABN. 34:13 Yeah, that happened a lot. Praise the Lord. 34:15 That's so thrilling. 34:16 I want to go to the other video 34:18 before our time move away for us. 34:19 'Cause this is the one actually does of Romania per se. 34:20 Right. Okay, let's go to that one. 34:22 Let's run that video just now. 34:33 This is an orthodox stronghold 34:35 from what people are telling me. 34:38 Pastors had said to us before, "It won't work here. 34:42 It worked back in the '90s, 34:44 right after the fall of communism 34:46 but it won't work here. 34:48 People will not come." 34:50 What does really work in a place like Romania? 34:56 This is really putting TMI to the test. 34:59 People say, "Oh, evangelism doesn't work, 35:01 it's not going to work here." 35:08 Well, it's working here. 35:10 We're having a revival in Romania. 35:13 No one ever thought this would happen here. 35:14 Visitors coming every night, 35:16 more and more people handed bills 35:18 throughout the week. 35:19 It shows that there are secrets of truth 35:21 even here in Eastern Europe. 35:24 It's so exciting the way people are gathering together 35:28 in over 4,000 sites in 6 countries 35:32 presenting the precious Advent message. 35:37 Visitors are hearing about the meetings 35:39 through many different ways. 35:40 People see it on TV, they hear on a radio 35:42 when they're driving in their cars, 35:44 when they are on the buses, when they are in the taxis. 35:47 People have just supported in a marvelous way 35:50 and visitors have come in droves. 35:53 We are seeing such a revival with these meetings, 35:56 it's unbelievable. 35:57 A revival of not only the church members, 36:00 but the pastors and the elders. 36:02 They want to become more involved in evangelism. 36:04 So many of our lay people are involved in presenting 36:09 in homes, and storefronts, and churches. 36:12 They have even built houses through ADRA projects. 36:15 They've had all night prayer meetings, 36:17 people are praying every night in the churches 36:19 since we have the meetings. 36:21 God is working in amazing ways. 36:24 And, you know, it's not just changing people's lives, 36:27 it's changing our lives. 36:29 Jesus worked within my heart. 36:30 I'm just in so much of a closer relationship with God 36:34 just through these messages. 36:35 When I see people raising their hands for the appealings, 36:39 when I see people smiling, and when I see people 36:43 impressed by the truth by the Word of God, 36:47 that really changed my own life too. 36:49 And every night when I preach, this truth come into my mind 36:53 and it reassured my hope of Jesus' second coming. 37:05 I've had an experience here in Bucharest 37:08 and I've done many evangelistic campaigns before. 37:10 In Europe, this is different. 37:13 There is something about the whole territory uniting 37:17 at the same moment. 37:18 It's as if the forces of darkness have less power 37:21 during this time and God can just step in 37:24 and inspired people. 37:30 Every activity, every act of compassion matters. 37:33 Every leaflet given, every refuge that is helped, 37:38 all of this is Total Member Involvement. 37:41 I believe that the latter rain of the Holy Spirit 37:44 is going to fall very soon. 37:49 The world is ready to hear the truth. 37:50 Are we ready to speak it? 37:52 Are we ready to proclaim it, to be proud of it? 37:55 To speak it like we believe it because we should. 37:58 If you make yourself available, God will work for, with to, 38:02 and through you to do things that you could not imagine. 38:07 I hope each one of you will be involved 38:10 with God's last day outreach 38:12 so that Jesus can return in the very near future. 38:23 Powerful. 38:24 Kathy, I want to go to you first I think 38:26 and then to Cami, and then we'll come back to you, 38:27 to his lordship here. 38:28 But you were so much involved in the calls, 38:31 and the computers, and the fixing, 38:32 and the logistics, 38:34 your impression of a meeting like Romania 38:35 because that was a singular event. 38:38 You have to do so much of the leg work 38:41 and the groundwork. 38:42 Do you get a chance to get the feel of 38:43 what's going on and, 38:45 you know, that joy of being part of TMI? 38:47 Absolutely. 38:48 So many times I get phone calls. 38:51 So I can talk to the people, I don't know them 38:54 but to the people that have signed up 38:56 to go and preach. 38:57 And so when we had a group orientation 39:02 in Bucharest, at the Rin hotel, 39:05 we were all together over 200 of us, 39:07 it was so phenomenal. 39:09 And so you get to see people that you've been talking to 39:14 but face to face. 39:16 And then we go out and go to the different sites, 39:21 and hear the people preach and it is so exciting. 39:25 I mean, I love that I have this work. 39:29 I mean, if you can call it work. 39:32 It's fun. No, it's work. 39:34 It's rewarding but it is work. 39:36 And, Cami, of course, you were a group leader. 39:38 Yes. And you also preach. 39:40 I did. 39:41 Yeah, just the flavor, the stories in your heart. 39:43 I've got to share a story about Stephanie. 39:46 Yeah. That's a good stuff. 39:47 That's in the last picture I think. 39:48 Yeah. 39:50 Okay, let's rewind a little bit to 2013. 39:54 I'm preaching in Sedalia, Missouri in evangelistic... 39:56 Yes, there is Stephanie. 39:58 And I'm preaching evangelistic series 40:00 in Sedalia, Missouri. 40:01 And, you know, I'm pretty new at this myself 40:03 and I'm so eager and excited to see anybody coming in 40:07 and I noticed this young woman come in. 40:09 And she sits down and she immediately 40:11 starts taking just notes so furiously 40:14 like everything off the screen and what I'm saying. 40:16 And I could tell she had a genuine sincere interest 40:19 in the Word of God. 40:20 And come to find out she had been... 40:22 she came into the meeting off of a flyer she found. 40:25 Okay, so the Holy Spirit just works through everything. 40:27 Amen. 40:29 And yeah, and so she came in and she had been researching 40:32 different denominations and truly trying to find, 40:34 you know, what she could really believe in. 40:37 And so after that series, 40:41 she was baptized, beautiful thing. 40:43 I was able to witness that. 40:44 And there's a lot of details within there. 40:46 But what's exciting that I want to get to is that 40:49 when I got back from Rwanda with TMI, 40:52 I shared with Stephanie 'cause I stay in touch 40:54 with a lot of the people that have attended my series. 40:57 And I shared with her all about Rwanda 40:59 and how amazing it was 41:00 and I showed her some video clips I'd taken. 41:02 And she's, "You know what, Cami..." 41:04 And she goes, "I don't know if I could do it. 41:06 I really don't know if I could do it. 41:08 But I want to, I want to be used by God. 41:10 I want to preach just like that." 41:13 And I said, "You know what, Stephanie, God can use you. 41:16 You can do this." 41:17 And I said, "Just pray about it." 41:19 And she did and she raised some funds 41:23 and at the last moment, 41:24 God brought in a huge donor to donate funds for her 41:28 to be able to go which was amazing. 41:31 And so she preached up in Northeastern Romania 41:34 and to witness somebody 41:36 because I stepped out of my shell. 41:38 Yes. Preached in Sedalia, Missouri. 41:41 She came, she is now preaching in, you know, 41:44 Northeastern Romania to an obvious church of people 41:47 that she's getting baptisms from. 41:49 And, you know, God just connects us all. 41:52 It's connecting the dots. Oh, yes. 41:53 But what's really amazing is that when we got home 41:57 she told me, she said, "Cami, I don't know 42:00 if I can go back to my job, my desk job, 42:02 I really want to do the Lord's work 42:04 in a bigger way. 42:05 I want Him to use me." 42:07 She caught the evangelistic bug, you know. 42:10 And she said, "I'm going to pray about it, you know, 42:12 if my husband..." 42:13 Now she's the only Seventh-day Adventist within her household 42:15 or family at this point. 42:16 Oh, wow. At this point. 42:18 And so she's been praying and, you know, 42:22 with her permission posted on Facebook 42:24 the story of Stephanie of how, 42:26 you know, she came to my meetings 42:27 and then now she's preaching in Romania. 42:29 Well, I'm not kidding, within a few minutes, 42:32 I get a call from Elder Roguery 42:35 out of Iowa Missouri Conference. 42:36 And he says, "I just saw that posting on Facebook, 42:40 is Stephanie, like, would she be ready for Bible work?" 42:43 I said, "Yes! 42:44 Oh, yes!" 42:46 And he goes, "Well, how can I get hold of her?" 42:47 And I said, "Let me take care of that right now." 42:50 So I text Stephanie and I said, "Stephanie, are you up?" 42:53 And she wrote back, "Yes, I am." 42:54 I said, "I'm calling you." 42:56 So I give her a quick call and she answers the phone, 42:58 she says, "Oh, wait, before you say anything 42:59 I got to tell you, 43:00 I just had a beautiful prayer time, 43:02 me and my husband, we're on our knees, 43:04 and we just decided, "Lord, I want to do your work. 43:07 I'm going to put in my notice at my job and give you 30 days 43:10 to find me some kind of way I could do your work.'" 43:14 Not necessary. I said, Steph... 43:15 One day. I said... 43:18 "Before they call I will answer." 43:19 Yes. 43:21 Before you've even turned in... 43:22 Yes, the Lord has answered your prayer. 43:23 And do you know that she is doing Bible work 43:25 prepping all of Kansas City 43:26 for John Bradshaw's meetings next year. 43:28 Next year. 43:29 Amen. Yeah. 43:30 It's incredible how God is connecting every one and He, 43:32 you know, is using... 43:34 Can we bring that picture of that guy 43:35 so I just want to see that face again, yeah. 43:36 Yeah, this is Stephanie. That's her. 43:38 Yeah. Bless her heart. 43:39 Precious, precious soul. 43:41 I should just... Praise God. 43:42 What a great testimony. She is doing mighty work. 43:43 Yes. Is it wonderful? 43:45 Yes. Praise God. 43:46 Great story. 43:48 Duane, I want to come back to you 43:49 because again you're on the cutting edge, 43:50 you get to see so much of this, so much is going on. 43:53 You are, if I let the cat out of the bag 43:54 heading back to Romania 43:56 because something big is about to happen. 43:57 Big baptisms happened in Romania. 43:59 In couple of weeks. Yeah, talk to us about that? 44:00 Yeah, we're excited about that because in Romania 44:02 they don't baptize people immediately, 44:03 they want to study with them in 44:05 the church, it's norm, it's fine. 44:06 And so we had a big baptism in Romania. 44:08 Wow. We don't know for sure. 44:10 Maybe close to 3000 people will be baptized. 44:12 Praise God. Awesome. 44:13 And I guess it's the 5th, is it? 44:14 June 3. June 3. 44:16 Yeah. We'll be back there. 44:17 For that country... Yeah. 44:19 That locked down and the kind of opposition 44:20 that you know we got, 44:22 even while the meetings are going on, 44:23 there was active opposition to the meeting. 44:25 That's right. Oh, yeah. 44:26 You know, one of the successes in Romania is 44:29 because of the wonderful, wonderful TV and radio works. 44:32 You can drive across the country 44:35 and listen to our stations all along 44:37 and they will never miss a beat on the FM stations. 44:40 You can get on a bus in Bucharest, 44:42 the bus driver will have 44:44 most likely AWR on the bus listening. 44:47 So people are hearing, hearing, hearing. 44:48 The taxi driver does the same thing, 44:50 the cafe and the restaurant does the same thing. 44:53 Just Sunday, yeah, Sunday, Southeast England Conference 44:59 just voted to work with AWR, we've helped them financially. 45:04 You know, London is a huge city. 45:06 Oh, yes. And people are very secular. 45:10 And that's a whole new frontier for us. 45:12 Yes. To reach the secular mind. 45:15 Sometimes we had thought that what we should is go very easy, 45:19 soft, and build relationships. 45:22 Sam Nevis, you saw his picture, 45:24 we're talking to him on the video. 45:25 Sam Nevis, communication, 45:27 associate communication director 45:28 of the general conference, 45:29 pastored there for 10 years. 45:31 And he was trying this very soft, gentle approach. 45:34 His mommy would call him every year in January, 45:36 "Sammy, did you baptize anybody last year?" 45:40 "Mommy, you don't understand, mommy." 45:42 He's telling... Oh, yes, she does. 45:46 You better watch out for those mommies as well. 45:49 This went on for 10 years and he said he was ready 45:52 to leave the ministry, nothing happened. 45:55 And then he said, I'm just going to preach, 45:59 he took the Bible, started preaching 46:01 the prophetic Adventist message. 46:02 First year 17 were baptized. Next year 20 were baptized. 46:05 Amen. 46:06 And he and Willy, they both said to me, 46:08 if we can do this radio station, make it, 46:10 this is unusual, make it a prophetic Adventist station, 46:14 prophetic Adventist messages. 46:16 Oh, that is unusual. Yes. 46:17 We'll have health messages, 46:20 and we'll have prophecy, prophecy. 46:21 Yeah. 46:22 They said to me, people in their cars, you know, 46:25 it's incredible but 90% of the people in London 46:29 listen to the radio 20 hours a week. 46:32 Wow, primetime. 46:33 That's a lot of time listening to radio. 46:35 Yeah, so in their cars they want to know 46:36 what's going to happen. 46:38 What is happening? 46:39 And so they are listening and so we want to give them 46:41 an Adventist message, 46:42 and then invite them, connect the dots. 46:44 Yeah. 46:45 Invite them to the church for prophecy seminars, 46:46 invite them to church for health seminars, 46:48 invite them to the churches. 46:50 And then they'll gently study with us in the churches. 46:54 And then they will come to evangelistic meetings 46:57 and be baptized. 46:59 We want to do the same thing, CA, 47:00 we want to do the same thing in a largest city on earth. 47:04 We're working right now, and getting our license 47:06 and working on radio program in Tokyo, 47:10 38 million people there who don't know Jesus. 47:12 Don't know Jesus. 47:14 And so we're going to do the health message. 47:15 Yup. 47:17 Health message for six months, 47:18 after that then we'll invite the doctor will say, 47:21 "You know, " on the radio 47:24 "I've been telling you how to stop smoking." 47:25 Smoking's a problem there. 47:27 I'm going to be at such and such a location 47:28 in one of our churches in Tokyo here tomorrow night. 47:30 I want you to come, I want to help you." 47:32 Then they'll come to these health seminars, nutrition, 47:36 cooking and health seminars, depression and recovery. 47:38 They'll come to these health seminars. 47:41 Then until for several, several weeks, 47:42 and then they'll ask a question, 47:45 "Are there any of these health principles 47:48 in the holy writings?" 47:50 Oh, yeah, you know, the Quran has some, 47:52 Bible has lots and Buddhists writings have some, 47:55 you look at some of those. 47:56 And they asked a question, crazy things happening 47:59 in the world, anything about prophecy, 48:02 end time events in the holy writings. 48:04 Zero in every holy writing except the Bible. 48:08 Except the Bible. 48:09 2000 prophecies. Yes. 48:11 "Well, let's look at some of these prophecies 48:12 and see what's happening." 48:14 And then you lead them into prophecies and then 48:15 year and year and a half, well, just a year, I guess. 48:18 Yeah. 48:20 A year from right now we'll be in Tokyo 48:21 for 130 evangelistic meetings. 48:23 We're prepared for by all these outreach 48:25 with Adventist World Radio in the largest city on earth. 48:28 I absolutely love it. And then there's North Korea. 48:31 We're there too, we're going to do that. 48:34 That's what AWR 360 is all about. 48:36 Yeah. 48:37 It's really connecting everyone together, yeah. 48:40 It makes me think of a verse. 48:41 Habakkuk 1:5, "Look at the nations and watch 48:46 and be utterly amazed. 48:49 For I am going to do something in your days, 48:51 that you would not believe, even if you were told." 48:54 "Even if you are told." Yeah. 48:55 And we are seeing that right now. 48:56 Amen. 48:58 How the Lord is working in all these different nations and, 49:00 you know, making so many things available to us 49:02 to use to spread the gospel. 49:04 Indeed. 49:05 So we're going to connect all those dots and, yeah. 49:07 How incredible is that. 49:08 I'm glad that you're working 49:09 with the South England Conference. 49:11 We did in September of 2016, 49:12 when we ran the meetings over there. 49:14 And they've got 80,000 49:15 registered butchers in that city. 49:17 Wow, 80,000. 49:18 You talk about thousands in town. 49:19 Really? Wow. 49:21 But you can almost feel it that the Lord is ready 49:24 to sort of break that town apart 49:27 so that's wonderful. 49:28 That is a great, great, great thing. 49:30 It's a lot of vision on the brethren there. 49:32 And they're working strongly with us 49:34 because they want to reach people for Jesus. 49:37 We're focused on that. 49:38 You know, like one of the pastors 49:39 said to me couple of days ago, "We don't have time, 49:42 time is running out. 49:43 We got to do it now." That's right. 49:44 "You know, Lord wants us to do it." 49:46 Yeah, and I don't think we can be too overly concerned 49:49 about offending people, we don't want to offend them, 49:51 non-offend them to hell. 49:52 We want them to know, you know, I would rather offend them 49:55 and let them hear about the gospel than having say, 49:57 or you never said anything trying not to offend me, 50:00 now I don't make it to eternity. 50:01 Yeah. Why didn't you tell me? No, no, no. Yeah. Yeah. 50:03 We got it down. 50:04 So we got and 'cause our time is going away from us 50:06 before we go to our news break. 50:08 We've got Europe coming to Africa, 50:12 we're getting ready for Japan. 50:13 Give me the sort of the long range, 50:15 binocular kind of look at what TMI and AWR... 50:19 Right, we're focused on this year, 50:22 right now we're bringing 50:24 Japanese pastors to the Philippines. 50:25 Yes. Okay. 50:27 And they're going to preach their first 50:28 evangelistic meetings ever in the Island of Mindoro, 50:30 we have seven radio stations broadcasting, 50:32 preparing for that. 50:33 One village chief just called us up, 50:35 last week and he said, 50:37 "You know, we have two villages here, 50:39 you don't have an Adventist church here." 50:40 If we don't, we could never reach them before. 50:42 And he said, "We all want to become Seventh-day Adventists." 50:44 Amen. 50:46 In Mindoro and then 50:47 they'll get excited about evangelism. 50:49 These Japanese pastors who have never done 50:50 these kind of evangelism before, 50:52 they'll go back home to Japan 50:53 and then prepare for their church, 50:55 and their churches for the meetings 50:57 that will take place in the year. 50:58 So that is so thrilling. 51:00 I think that is just a brilliant mindset 51:02 to take pastors who are working in places where you just 51:04 don't get enough, you just don't 51:06 and that can be discouraging. 51:07 Yeah. 51:09 Throw them into water to deep end and let them see 51:10 how what it is to preach to a thousand people every night 51:13 and they'll go back on fire. 51:15 That's a wonderful idea. 51:16 Then we broadcast these for the next couple years 51:19 in the Tokyo, largest, 38 million people. 51:21 Yes. 51:23 And then with the health message 51:24 and getting them to the seminars, 51:26 do the same thing in Calcutta, 51:27 we're going to do the same thing in Hong Kong. 51:28 And then we're going to broadcast into North Korea. 51:31 Can you imagine North Korea? Yeah. 51:33 I want to stand there... 51:35 That is just a juicy, juicy. 51:37 I want to stand on the DMC... 51:40 Yeah. And we want... 51:41 I want to talk about reaching, broadcasting. 51:43 Yeah. 51:44 Let the brethren in North Korea hear the gospel. 51:46 Praise the Lord. Adventist World Radio. 51:48 Very good. 51:50 We want to go to the address roll just now. 51:51 In case, you want to know more about TMI, AWR, 51:55 to support these great ministries, 51:57 here's how you can do precisely that. 52:02 If you'd like to learn more about Total Member Involvement, 52:05 or if you would like to support AWR's ministry, 52:08 please write to Adventist World Radio, 12501, 52:13 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland. 52:16 20904. 52:18 That's, Adventist World Radio, 12501, Old Columbia Pike, 52:23 Silver Spring, Maryland, 20904. 52:27 You may also call them at area code (301) 680-6304. 52:34 Or contact Cami Oetman at 52:39 That's |
Revised 2017-07-14