3ABN Today

Hacksaw Ridge Book Outreach

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), Marcia Harycki, Michelle Larson, Orv Gauger


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017041A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my word
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, friends, welcome to 3ABN.
01:09 My name is John Lomacang but if you've returned,
01:11 if you've been a part of our family,
01:13 you already know that.
01:14 But if you're tuning in for the first time,
01:16 welcome to the station that we believe the Lord chose
01:19 and anointed to carry an undiluted
01:21 Three Angels' Messages,
01:22 one that will counteract the counterfeit
01:24 in the quote of our Founder and President Danny Shelton.
01:28 We want to thank you for your prayers
01:29 and your financial support of this network
01:31 which continues to go and grow preparing a world
01:34 for the soon coming of our blessed savior,
01:36 Jesus Christ.
01:38 And today is a program that's going to encourage you
01:41 on how you can get involved to get this program out.
01:45 You know, the Lord doesn't call just pastors and elders
01:47 and teachers and "professionals" as it were
01:50 but He calls the laity to carry the gospel to the world
01:54 and to the community in which you live,
01:55 you can make a significant impact.
01:58 And our guests today are going to share
01:59 on how the Lord has chosen them
02:02 and what He has done through them.
02:04 You know, the Bible says,
02:05 "For it is God who works in us
02:07 both to will and to do of His good pleasure."
02:10 So do stay tuned, we know that it is going to be
02:13 inspiring for you and maybe put a seed of hope
02:16 or activity in your life,
02:18 how you can get involved and getting others ready
02:21 for the coming of our Lord.
02:23 But before we do that, we have some music,
02:25 Tammy Chance, one of our very own
02:27 is going to sing a song entitled,
02:29 "Because of Who You Are".
02:40 You spoke the words
02:42 And all the worlds came into order
02:47 You raised your hands
02:48 And planets filled the empty skies
02:54 You placed the woman and the man
02:57 Inside the garden
03:01 And though they fell
03:03 They found compassion in your eyes
03:08 Oh, Lord, I stand amazed
03:12 At the wonder of it all
03:15 Yet a greater wonder brings me to my knees
03:22 Lord, I praise you because of who you are
03:29 Not for all the mighty deeds that you have done
03:36 Lord, I worship you because of who you are
03:42 You're all the reason that I need to voice my praise
03:48 Because of who you are
03:57 One holy night you sent your promise
04:01 From a virgin
04:04 And promise grew till he revealed to us
04:08 Your heart
04:11 Enduring love displayed throughout your crucifixion
04:18 And through your death you told the darken grave upon
04:25 Oh, Lord, I stand amazed
04:29 At the wonder of it all
04:32 Yet a greater wonder brings me to my knees
04:39 Lord, I praise you because of who you are
04:46 Not for all the mighty deeds that you have done
04:52 Lord, I worship you because of who you are
04:59 You're all the reason that I need to voice my praise
05:06 Lord, I praise you because of who you are
05:13 Not for all the mighty deeds that you have done
05:20 Lord, I worship you because of who you are
05:27 You're all the reason that I need to voice my praise
05:33 Because of who you are
05:39 Because of who you are
05:47 Because of who you are
06:05 Thank you so much, Tammy, what a wonderful song
06:08 "Because of Who You Are", because of who God is,
06:11 because of who Christ is,
06:13 we can be who he's called us to be
06:16 and thank you so much for that message.
06:19 Now let's meet our guests today,
06:20 we have next to me Marcia Harycki.
06:23 Good to have you here, Marcia. Thank you.
06:26 And then Orv, say that last name.
06:29 Gauger. Gauger.
06:31 And then we have Michelle Larson.
06:33 Good to see over there, Michelle.
06:34 Hi.
06:35 And each of you is from the Chippewa Valley
06:38 Seventh-day Adventist Church
06:39 but just kind of tell us in a nutshell,
06:42 what you do and kind of give us
06:44 a little bit of background about yourself?
06:45 Okay, for like right now at church...
06:47 Sure. I'm a member.
06:49 That's it? A working member.
06:51 Yes, sir.
06:52 Okay, that's a lot, that's a lot to say
06:53 because many people are members but not working members.
06:56 Yes, sir. And Orv?
06:58 My name is Orv Gauger and I'm from the same church,
07:03 Chippewa Valley,
07:04 and we are a working team together.
07:06 Amen.
07:07 Okay, husband and wife to be exact.
07:08 Yep. Forty years.
07:10 Forty years. Thirty nine years ago.
07:11 Wow, wonderful. And, Michelle?
07:15 I'm currently serving as a community services director
07:17 for the Chippewa Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church.
07:20 Okay.
07:21 And the Lord inspired each of you to do something
07:23 that has now become a significant part
07:26 of the outreach of your church.
07:28 Let's talk about that,
07:29 you were watching a program on 3ABN
07:32 and just begin with that,
07:33 what the Lord did when he inspired you
07:36 to do something about what you saw on 3ABN.
07:40 We want to thank 3ABN because it's been a source
07:44 of real blessings and our own personal lives
07:47 and in the church lives.
07:49 And a few months ago, we saw a program
07:53 with Remnant Publications,
07:54 Amazing Facts, and 3ABN together,
07:58 which partnered in writing,
08:01 producing and advertising the book on the movie
08:04 that had come out a couple months ago,
08:06 Hacksaw Ridge.
08:07 Yes.
08:08 And when we turned off the TV
08:10 we realized it was just too good
08:12 an opportunity to pass by.
08:14 And so we just kind of like took it and ran with it,
08:19 and in the end God turned it into something greater
08:22 than we ever thought would happen.
08:24 Wow.
08:25 Well, tell us how you ran with it,
08:27 any one of you could input in that story,
08:28 how did you run with it and what did you actually do,
08:30 to just say we have to do something
08:31 and what actually,
08:33 how did you follow through on that?
08:35 Well, the first thing we did is,
08:36 we needed to get somebody else on board,
08:38 which is our good friends Kayla and Tim Hayes.
08:40 Okay.
08:41 And once we decided that
08:43 it was just something we needed to do,
08:45 I think we put in the order to run the publications
08:48 for couple of cases first.
08:50 And then we went to the local church and said,
08:53 maybe you're doing something here
08:54 and we should coordinate
08:56 between ourselves and the local church,
08:58 and they were just totally 100% on board,
09:01 the elders and pastor were just fabulous.
09:04 And in the meantime,
09:06 our friend Kayla had an acquaintance
09:09 with the owners of a local theatre.
09:13 And she set up an appointment
09:15 for Orv and I to go and meet them
09:16 and they just welcomed us with open arms.
09:18 Just loving people.
09:20 And so it just developed into a project that it went on
09:23 for almost three months between their venue in one town
09:26 and then the neighboring town which Michelle took care of.
09:28 Okay.
09:30 So that's it in a nutshell and I can give you
09:31 a lot more wonderful details here too.
09:33 Sure, let me let Michelle go ahead
09:34 and chiming on that.
09:36 Tell us about your involvement in that?
09:37 Well, I got involved after they presented it
09:39 to the church and I asked for involvement and I just,
09:42 I loved the idea because
09:44 they were tying into something current
09:46 and that people in the community
09:48 because I think sometimes
09:49 we're too isolated within the church.
09:51 And so I signed up to help pass out books
09:55 for a couple of different nights.
09:56 And then when it came to the second venue,
09:59 which happened to be a half a mile from my house,
10:02 then I took charge of the second venue.
10:04 Now do they let you set up inside the theater,
10:07 outside the theatre or just pass out books
10:09 when people went in or came out?
10:10 Would you like to look at the pictures now
10:12 and you prefer to see that?
10:13 Oh, sure, let's look at that.
10:14 Well, the first picture... Some Hacksaw Ridge.
10:16 Yeah, the first picture that we have is,
10:18 there is our friend Kayla Hayes on the left,
10:20 and Kayla was the other person that actually spearheaded this,
10:24 and that was a picture of how they set up at one point
10:28 in the theater itself.
10:32 The owners were just absolutely,
10:34 they were wonderful, they are just so sweet.
10:38 They had like about
10:39 eight little different movie theaters in there,
10:42 you know, so like we set the table upright
10:44 where the people exited the movie, Hacksaw Ridge.
10:47 Okay.
10:49 And so like as they came out the movie that's what they saw,
10:52 they saw a display of books.
10:53 And I'll show you the second picture now.
10:55 The second picture is where we moved our table to
10:57 and those are a couple of folks that handed out the books.
11:02 And then let's show the third picture now.
11:05 And okay, there's Orv and myself
11:09 and it was the holiday season for part of the program.
11:12 Okay, I see that.
11:14 And you can see the holiday decor there
11:16 and if you can look up, you know,
11:18 on the posters there we actually,
11:21 this actually turned into a fundraising.
11:23 Yeah.
11:25 But that was the idea of the owners, the owners said,
11:29 "Well, you know, sure you can give off the books
11:32 and you can..."
11:33 they thought we were going to sell them.
11:35 And their suggestion is,
11:36 "Well, let's maybe give a dollar of each book
11:38 and we'll give it to a charity."
11:40 And we said...
11:41 No, no, it doesn't manner, we're gonna give them away.
11:43 Yeah, we're gonna give them away
11:45 and then we selected a charity
11:47 and the charity was selected was...
11:50 The homeless veterans fund,
11:51 which is a facility they have in Chippewa Falls.
11:54 Okay.
11:55 And lots of people don't know about that.
11:57 So the owner decided to, hey, just why don't you
11:59 make this a bigger project than you've anticipated.
12:02 More than we imagined.
12:03 Yeah, she is very, very community orientated.
12:06 Yes.
12:08 And we wanted to be part of that,
12:09 we just kind of surprise that she says,
12:10 "Would you like to raise, you know, some money."
12:13 And we kind of like, "Oh, yeah, it's a good idea.
12:16 Let's do that." How much did we raise?
12:18 Thirty seven hundred dollars.
12:19 Thirty seven hundred dollars? Yeah.
12:21 Praise the Lord. You took the checks out there.
12:24 And I took the check out there and I met that man
12:27 who runs the homeless shelter.
12:30 And he was really happy and he said,
12:33 "I hope we'll see you soon."
12:34 Yes.
12:36 So we've been back since. Okay.
12:39 And, Michelle, talk about your involvement
12:41 because this kind of open the door for you
12:42 to just kind of expand your involvement
12:45 in the church and in the community,
12:46 talk about that?
12:48 Well, I think it was again a good tie in
12:50 with the veteran shelter and the movie where, you know,
12:52 it was such a good connection between the two.
12:55 And in handing out the books it was...
12:59 I'm not a person who can evangelize, I can't,
13:02 I'm not really good at public speaking.
13:04 But, and I think that was for
13:06 some of the other volunteers as well
13:08 because you just had to give somebody something
13:10 and then, you know, we were taking donations
13:13 and that's a lot easier than...
13:15 Preaching a sermon.
13:16 Right, you know, and then... Exactly.
13:18 And so even the first night that I went to hand out a book.
13:24 The first person to come out of theater
13:25 that I was able to give a book to was a colleague
13:28 that I had worked with many years before
13:30 and he used to make comments about Bible thumpers.
13:33 And he was the first person I was able to hand the book to.
13:35 So... Was he surprised?
13:37 Yeah, he was very surprised.
13:39 He said, Michelle, what are you doing?
13:40 He took, you know, and he took the book.
13:42 And, you know, so it was those kind of things
13:44 and when we were
13:46 at the Chippewa location every night that I was there,
13:49 I saw somebody I knew that I can hand a book too.
13:52 So it was really kind of incredible.
13:55 So it's building bridges to the community.
13:57 A lot of times, we try to do what we can to get people
13:59 to come to our church but, you know,
14:01 you've mentioned something
14:02 which has become a part of 3ABN's mission,
14:05 the blessing is on the...
14:06 The go. On the go.
14:07 Go and get to work. Exactly.
14:09 Yes.
14:10 And that has been a tremendous blessing
14:12 to the ministry of 3ABN,
14:13 and if you've been a part of that,
14:15 you know, that the blessings on the go,
14:17 go evangelism 'cause it's not come evangelism
14:20 but a go evangelism.
14:21 Come to the foot of the cross as Danny would say...
14:23 Amen. And to go and share the gospel.
14:26 And it's not that difficult.
14:27 I mean, the book that we're talking about here
14:29 is the Hacksaw Ridge book which many of you
14:32 may have seen through the programs done
14:33 here on 3ABN, there's a copy of it.
14:35 Wonderful.
14:36 And the postscript is written by Pastor Doug Batchelor,
14:41 which a lot of people don't realize
14:43 just through this book,
14:45 it not only tells a story of Desmond Doss
14:49 but it also exposes people to the God he served
14:54 to the church he was a member of.
14:56 And then it just opens doors for people
14:58 to understand a message
14:59 that they would not otherwise even entertain.
15:01 I mean, how many evangelistic series
15:03 have been held in the movie theater?
15:05 None.
15:08 But this allowed you to do that.
15:09 It was incredible.
15:11 Can you imagine, I'm not a big movie gore
15:14 and but yet, you would walk in there
15:18 and you'd see people walking around
15:20 inside a movie theater, coming out of movies
15:22 and they were holding evangelistic literature
15:26 in their hand and it was like,
15:27 it was just such a strange sight.
15:29 It was beautiful.
15:31 We gave out 1,381 books at both venues.
15:34 Yeah. Wow.
15:35 We were there for 55 nights total.
15:38 And we had 36 men, women, and children participate
15:42 and there were kids there.
15:43 Yep, there were kids.
15:45 And these are people that won't necessarily
15:47 have wanted to do something except it was so easy,
15:50 we made it so easy.
15:52 Who is not going to resist saying, like,
15:53 "Here we have, we have a free book about
15:56 the hero of Hacksaw Ridge,"
15:57 and by the way if you'd like to donate
15:58 to the Chippewa Falls homeless veteran shelter you can.
16:01 We got people in the movie theater
16:03 put in $100 bills, $50 bills, $20 bills.
16:06 Yeah.
16:07 It was just, it was such a, it was so wonderful
16:11 to give people the opportunity to show their appreciation.
16:17 They came out of the movie,
16:19 there is a certain set of thoughts on their mind
16:22 and they were able to respond to it
16:24 by donating to homeless veterans.
16:26 They even gave out these little pins here, see that.
16:28 Yes, yes, I like that as well.
16:30 They were actually sent from the...
16:31 Thank you for supporting.
16:32 Says thank you for supporting film
16:34 and celebrating Veterans Day.
16:35 Yeah. This is really, really nice.
16:37 Yeah.
16:38 Limited edition pin of Hacksaw Ridge.
16:40 There it is. That's for you.
16:42 Thank you.
16:43 Hey, I have my first flag to salute here.
16:47 But I tell you, the life of Desmond Doss
16:50 has been such an inspiration.
16:51 Isn't it amazing.
16:53 It reminds me of the text in Revelation 14:13,
16:55 "You know blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
16:57 that they may rest from their labors
16:59 and their works to follow them."
17:01 And even in the silence,
17:03 Desmond Doss continues to speak of the God he served,
17:06 and the countless lives
17:07 through the project of Hacksaw Ridge books.
17:10 And thank you for Remnant Publications,
17:12 and for Pastor Batchelor who contributed to that
17:15 and also the beauty of the message
17:16 that's included there.
17:18 Amen.
17:19 Now you showed me three pictures
17:20 about Hacksaw Ridge, is there another one?
17:22 Oh, this one is really fun. Oh, yes.
17:23 This is the best one.
17:24 Okay. Okay.
17:26 Now this one has quite a story to it
17:27 because there's, how many cases did we have?
17:30 I can't remember... Fourteen.
17:31 Fourteen cases of books.
17:33 They kept the boxes because it was just
17:35 so impressive seeing them outside our door.
17:37 And then we'd have another box of books come in we think,
17:40 "Oh, where now we're gonna get these all."
17:41 I love this picture.
17:43 And so those are the folks.
17:45 We told everybody to get in the picture
17:47 if they passed out books,
17:49 wanted to passed out books, pray for us...
17:51 Pray for the Lord.
17:52 Or we're happy we passed out books.
17:54 So pastor had us take, Pastor Predeve Vince in there.
17:56 Okay.
17:57 He had us take a picture at the end of the church.
18:00 And, you know, this is really interesting,
18:02 Pastor Lomacang,
18:03 because if you look at that picture again,
18:05 look at those big signs, okay.
18:08 Okay, let's see that one more time.
18:09 Okay, it says, 3181 raised to that point,
18:11 did run up as Michelle took it to the next venue.
18:14 And it was only 1,162 books and then it went up
18:18 as Michelle worked on it.
18:20 And, you know, I just, I thought,
18:21 want to be fun to make a little sign like that.
18:24 And so you have a concept in your mind and you think,
18:27 I was thinking a little sheet about so big, you know,
18:30 how they do on Facebook, "Can I get an amen?"
18:32 And so I said, "Kayla, could you do that?"
18:36 And Kayla made these absolutely gorgeous signs
18:39 that she painted.
18:40 She was the other person
18:41 that really worked on this with,
18:43 you know, to get the things going and organized.
18:45 And it's just a thought in my mind that, like,
18:48 you know, you have an idea in your mind
18:49 but you pass it on to somebody else.
18:52 And, you know, because of them and their talents
18:55 and their attitude and their vision,
18:58 it turns into something much better
18:59 than you ever could have imagined yourself.
19:01 Yeah.
19:02 And I think that's the wonderful part
19:04 of getting a church to work together
19:07 because you don't know the talent, and the skills,
19:11 and the ideas that they have and that the Holy Spirit
19:14 just gonna give them until you see it.
19:15 And I looked at those signs and I went, "Those are wow.
19:18 Those are really nice."
19:19 My favorite sign is, "Can we get an amen?"
19:21 Yeah, amen.
19:23 Pastors love that, "Can I get an amen?"
19:24 Yeah.
19:25 But that was amazing but you said
19:28 it number of times, Michelle took it to next level.
19:31 Talk about that? Yes, yes.
19:32 Well, I don't know,
19:35 the theater owners have two theaters,
19:37 one in Chippewa Falls and one in Eau Claire.
19:39 And so when it came time to come in it,
19:42 the one in Eau Claire's like
19:44 the second run theater that it comes to.
19:45 So when it finished and again it was half a mile
19:48 from my house, so I figured, you know,
19:50 I might as well take it from these guys,
19:53 so they didn't have to run all the way down there.
19:55 And so I spent a lot of nights down there
19:58 with some of our church members as well
20:01 and some of the nights I was down there alone.
20:03 And just reaching out to people at the second run theater
20:07 and we had a really good response.
20:10 There were a couple of times a person would take the book,
20:14 you know, if they got there early,
20:16 maybe get their popcorn, they take the book
20:18 and go into the theater and they'd come back
20:20 five or ten minutes later and say,
20:22 "Why are you doing this?"
20:24 And, you know, so I was able to explain to them
20:26 the story of Desmond Doss
20:27 and his affiliation with our church
20:30 and we just thought it was a good story
20:31 to share with people.
20:33 So, you know, it was really a good experience.
20:38 What about the transformation that you experienced,
20:42 because as you mentioned, you don't strike me
20:44 as a type A stand on top of the box preacher...
20:48 No, not really.
20:50 Repent, the world is coming to an end.
20:51 You know, you don't strike to me
20:53 as that kind of an individual
20:54 but I could see the transformation,
20:56 not know you before I could see
20:57 that this really did impact you in a beautiful way.
20:59 It really did.
21:00 You know, my primary focus is community service where,
21:03 you know, we're simply serving people without,
21:06 you know, evangelizing or, you know,
21:08 which I think are both very important
21:10 but they have separate roles.
21:12 And so service has always been kind of my focus,
21:15 but again the way this project tied the two together
21:18 and it wasn't really threatening
21:21 even for someone like me
21:23 who tends to be a little more introverted to go in
21:26 and just say, "Hey, we've got this book
21:28 and that's a great story."
21:30 And so it really was, yeah, it was transforming
21:33 I think for a few other people within the church as well,
21:35 who stepped up to hand out the books
21:37 and maybe thought
21:38 that they couldn't do something like this
21:40 but we're really good at it.
21:41 You know, you meet people at an intersection of the life.
21:43 Amen.
21:44 Coming and going and you never know
21:46 if you're gonna see them again, but at least you've increased
21:48 the possibilities of seeing them again,
21:50 because you can't just read the book
21:52 without going to the end and talk about the faith
21:57 that shaped the man, I love that.
21:59 There's a section called prepare to meet your maker
22:02 and it talks about the ultimate sacrifice,
22:06 wonderful Bible studies in the section,
22:08 the faith that shaped the man.
22:10 And significant studies are included in there
22:13 to help people understand,
22:14 why Desmond Doss was so passionately convinced that,
22:20 I am not going to carry a weapon,
22:22 I am not gonna carry a weapon,
22:24 I don't believe I need to carry one,
22:25 I don't want to take lives, I want to preserve the lives,
22:28 I want to spear lives.
22:30 But you've been the quiet man out today,
22:32 tell us about your involvement in this, Orv?
22:35 What really was exciting was when people would come back
22:41 the second time, third time
22:43 and see us and thank us for doing this.
22:46 Yeah. Wow.
22:47 What a blessing!
22:49 And come and ask for more books.
22:50 Then come and ask for more books, yeah.
22:51 Right. And give more money.
22:53 Yes.
22:54 I got to the point where you didn't have to really ask,
22:57 they see, they've seen the...
22:59 There is a big purple donation box
23:03 and they would just reach out and they used to put it in
23:06 like Marcia was saying,
23:07 we got people give $100 bill, $50 bill.
23:10 Yeah.
23:11 And when people would come back...
23:15 I know to come back and...
23:17 And thank us for doing this. Yes.
23:19 And come over to our house and get more books.
23:21 Like get more books, yeah. Get people come to your house.
23:24 Or call us up, call us up.
23:25 Anyway, one man calls up and he said,
23:28 he hadn't seen the movie but he would like the book.
23:29 Yeah.
23:31 You know, and he wanted two of them.
23:35 I can't remember which one it was
23:36 but one night we had just one person come.
23:39 Yes, yes.
23:40 One person but they brought their whole family.
23:42 Wow.
23:43 And it looked like they were homeschoolers.
23:45 Yes.
23:46 And this is now just one book all we need.
23:48 Yes.
23:49 And that's all we give away that night.
23:50 Wow.
23:52 And the reason there is only one,
23:53 there is a very low attendances
23:55 because it was probably during like
23:56 about ten degrees above snowstorm.
23:59 Yeah, it's cold there. And I got to thank my...
24:01 That will explain something.
24:02 I have to thank my husband because, you know,
24:04 it's like, we had a lot of people work
24:07 but as the weather got colder and the snow, you know,
24:11 the weather changed, you know, the season's changed.
24:15 And because of that, you know,
24:19 it was a lot easier for us to go over to the theater
24:21 'cause we were very close,
24:23 whereas other people had to drive maybe 15, 20 miles.
24:26 And so we just kept going back and back and back
24:31 and at the point, one point I just said,
24:33 I just I'm tired of going back
24:34 because we'd have to go late at night
24:36 because where there were only,
24:37 they were down to like one showing a day.
24:40 Okay.
24:41 You know, as the movie progressed through
24:43 its run and it would be a late showing.
24:45 So at 8:15 at night in the cold, dark weather.
24:48 I would say, "Honey, come on, let's go."
24:49 Yes, I would say, "I don't want to go."
24:51 And he said, "Let's do it."
24:52 And we went and we come back just absolutely heaven above
24:55 because we were so happy that we did it.
24:56 I mean Wisconsin in the wintertime, really.
24:58 It's winter. I know 10 above.
25:00 Yes.
25:01 It just reminded me of the thrill,
25:03 the thrill of the chill.
25:05 Yeah, so you can check it out there.
25:08 But it did make an impact on you
25:11 because and the thing about it is
25:13 as you've seen there are, there are points in life
25:17 where the Lord gives us the privilege as a people
25:21 to just be a part of something great.
25:22 Amen.
25:24 And something transformative which was the case here,
25:28 we had thousands of books given out here,
25:30 I'm sure the people in Florida probably were out
25:32 and maybe a large numbers,
25:33 you don't have to worry about weather.
25:35 Yeah.
25:36 And the different parts of the nation
25:37 that were involved in this and this was a nation,
25:39 this is a coast to coast involvement.
25:42 When Remnant talked about the number of books
25:44 that were produced and the people
25:46 that called in for books.
25:49 And these are lives, just to put this,
25:51 there are people you met that when you get to the kingdom,
25:56 they might say, remember me, it was like only ten above
26:00 and our whole family was there...
26:01 Yes.
26:03 Would that be, would that be an occasion to just praise God.
26:06 Well worth it. Well worth it.
26:08 So the blessing is on...?
26:09 The go. Blessing is on the go.
26:10 Go and get to work. Go and get to work.
26:14 And 3ABN is also...
26:15 I'm gonna go back to your story in just a moment
26:16 because you took this to another level
26:18 and you got involved,
26:20 you brought some pictures to talk about
26:21 some other community outreach is that were inspiring to you.
26:25 Yeah.
26:26 I'm gonna give you the time to talk about that.
26:28 I was asked to be community services director last year
26:31 and I had done it many years ago
26:32 and kind of backed out of it
26:35 for a while, for a lot of reasons.
26:37 But I just came into it with a different focus
26:40 and I think being more in the community kind of thing,
26:45 and I'm looking for ways
26:47 that we can both help church members be inspired
26:52 and also to help actually
26:54 provide something that's needed.
26:56 And I think another turning point for me
26:58 was last year at Wisconsin camp meeting.
27:00 I went to see a community services presentation
27:03 and he talked about meeting,
27:05 finding a need in your community
27:06 and meeting that need,
27:08 rather than thinking of whatever idea
27:10 that you might have and think,
27:12 I wanna do this program without maybe seeing
27:14 if your community really needs that program.
27:17 That's right.
27:18 So that really kind of resonated with me
27:20 which is why I thought the Hacksaw Ridge thing
27:22 was such a good tying
27:23 with the homeless veteran shelter.
27:25 So I started looking at some things we have going on
27:28 and I have to say I have an advantage
27:30 because whatever I do professionally,
27:32 I've been a social worker for a number of years,
27:34 so I kind of have a leg up on people in finding the need
27:38 but anybody can do it.
27:41 You really don't have to look very far, you know,
27:44 you can do a Google search, a newspaper search,
27:46 you can talk to your human services agency
27:48 in your county and find out what do you have locally
27:51 that might be a project in need.
27:54 And our area has a pretty high suicide rate.
27:58 And we also have a large methamphetamine problem,
28:03 and a lot of children being put into foster care
28:05 in the surrounding counties.
28:07 So some of the first things that we did is
28:09 we brought in training for the church members first,
28:13 it's a program called Question Persuade and Refer
28:15 and it's a suicide prevention program.
28:18 So it's to teach everyday people,
28:20 laypeople how to talk to somebody
28:22 if you think that they may be in danger of suicide.
28:26 So we brought that into the church
28:28 and did some training and we're planning on
28:29 another one probably later this year.
28:32 And one day I saw a news story locally
28:37 and this was the first big project I came with.
28:40 And it talked about the needs
28:42 for the drug endangered children program,
28:45 you know, when kids are removed a lot of their belongings
28:48 and everything are contaminated,
28:51 because of the drug use in the home.
28:53 So they wanted law enforcement and the social workers
28:56 to have backpacks
28:57 with necessary items for these kids.
29:00 So we did a very large donation drive with the church.
29:02 I think we were collecting for
29:04 four to six weeks off of the list.
29:08 And we donated that out to the Oakland county
29:10 drug endangered children program
29:11 and our local law enforcement actually then assembled
29:14 the backpacks for the kids.
29:16 Wow.
29:17 And it came to me later through another avenue
29:18 that the Altoona police chief
29:21 was actually aware of our church
29:23 through doing that because his,
29:25 some of his staff had helped assemble the backpacks
29:28 and they were told that, you know,
29:30 the Adventist church in your community
29:32 donated these items.
29:33 Look at that.
29:35 So put your name in a positive light.
29:36 Right. Well, okay.
29:38 And that's kind of my goal is to be out there
29:41 and for people to know who we are
29:43 and we're talking about this last night actually.
29:45 You know, I want some of the agencies to think,
29:48 "You know, we've got this need,
29:51 the Adventist Church has helped us with this before.
29:54 Let's give them a call."
29:55 That's right. That's my goal.
29:57 That's a very good mindset to come to the program with
30:01 because when your name becomes synonymous with,
30:05 we've been seeing these people a lot,
30:06 they were at the movie theater, now they're doing a fundraiser
30:09 and raising for people that have other needs
30:11 and other community necessities.
30:14 Wow, they're pretty active and connect to church.
30:17 Let's find out what drives them and I like the fact that,
30:20 I think one of you asked the question
30:22 or mention the question somebody ask you why,
30:24 why are you doing this?
30:26 When you begin with the why?
30:28 Then you can go to the how and then the what you do.
30:31 Why you do it is the most important thing,
30:34 but sometimes we often start with the what we believe
30:37 and how we worship rather than beginning with the why.
30:41 If you start with the why,
30:42 then it motivates why do we do this?
30:44 Because we love people, because we want to make
30:45 a difference in our community,
30:47 because we want to lead people to Christ,
30:48 but instead of doing it the way that is uncomfortable for them,
30:53 you meet them where they are.
30:54 Amen. And you brought some pictures.
30:56 Yeah, we did and this was from another outreach
31:00 that we did over Christmas.
31:01 And we have an organization called the Wellness Check
31:04 in Eau Claire and it's a peer run center
31:08 for persons with mental illness.
31:10 Is this a quilt? What are they doing?
31:11 We are making Thai blankets in there
31:14 and that's our head deacon in center
31:15 and her granddaughter.
31:17 Okay.
31:18 Making these so we decided to do Christmas gifts
31:23 for the consumers at the Wellness Check.
31:25 We wanted to look out and find somebody
31:28 who may be forgotten 'cause, you know,
31:30 there's lots of, you know,
31:32 toy programs for kids at Christmas.
31:34 And so a lot of the consumers there have mental illness
31:38 and substance abuse problems, maybe homeless
31:41 and quite really forgotten people.
31:43 So we did, we had a total of 40 Thai blankets
31:48 and then we made 40 gift bags
31:51 and I think those are shown in another picture,
31:53 where we put together some basic necessities
31:56 and we got the list of what would be needed
31:58 from the director at the Wellness Check.
31:59 Definitely gloves when you add that
32:01 to go with it.
32:02 So we put these together in little Thai backpacks
32:04 and we had those down there
32:05 for their Christmas party in December.
32:07 Look at that, look at that.
32:09 And was there one more picture?
32:13 There are a couple more, this is an ongoing ministry
32:16 we've had for a long time and this is serving meals
32:17 at the community table.
32:19 Okay.
32:20 Which serves meals every day, seven days a week
32:22 and it's all volunteer organizations
32:24 that come in and prepare and serve the meals.
32:26 So we have a couple pictures here
32:28 of our church members,
32:30 down there serving at the community table.
32:32 That's called the community table.
32:33 That's something that people are familiar
32:36 with the point of touch... Yes.
32:37 Where people come and get their needs, their needs.
32:39 Yeah, that they have meals every day.
32:41 But I think I'm kind of most excited about
32:45 at this point as we have,
32:47 we're in the very beginning stages
32:49 of forming a partnership
32:51 with an organization called Fierce Freedom
32:53 and they are local actually...
32:55 Could you say what's the name of the organization?
32:57 Fierce Freedom. Fierce Freedom, okay.
32:59 And they are a local, literally down street
33:02 from our church and I'm not even sure
33:04 how I stumbles, I just think, you know, God led me there.
33:06 The God led you. That's right. You know.
33:08 And they are an anti-human trafficking organization
33:13 and they do a lot of stuff locally.
33:15 And we brought them in and they did a presentation
33:20 for our church to talk about human trafficking
33:22 and what we can do
33:25 and we have a lot of church members
33:27 who are really excited about doing some type of work
33:31 with this organization.
33:32 So the church has become a sponsor
33:37 for they have a justice run in July,
33:40 and it's on the Wednesday evening
33:42 and it's a fundraiser.
33:44 So the church has become a sponsor
33:45 for their justice run.
33:46 We'll have our logo on their T-shirts
33:50 and we also will be able to have a table at the event.
33:54 And we may put items in their goodie bags
33:58 for the runners,
34:00 so they're gonna have 500 goodie bags
34:01 and we have a board meeting next week actually,
34:03 so I'm gonna be talking to the board about
34:05 what we might be able to put
34:06 in the goodie bag for the runners.
34:08 Wonderful.
34:09 I mean, that's so this starting with the blessings on the go,
34:13 the Hacksaw Ridge project, meeting people and then,
34:17 Michelle, the Lord inspires her,
34:19 "Hey, this is just the beginning."
34:22 And so the Chippewa Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church
34:25 is known as, they are people that reach out,
34:28 not just say come in but they come out
34:31 and they come out to make a difference in our community.
34:34 But I can't ignore these shirts that are sticking here.
34:37 Do you like them?
34:38 I can't ignore them, they're about radio
34:39 and I want to have.
34:41 Orv, tell us about another inspirational touch point
34:43 of that 3ABN impact...
34:45 Before I started talking with radio station
34:46 and it's like to really emphasize,
34:49 you may not have any talents.
34:53 I mean, I have a project but if you get inspiration
34:57 'cause this how the Hacksaw Ridge started
34:59 Marcia and I, after we heard the program
35:00 we said, we're gonna do this, it was like that.
35:03 That's right.
35:04 And people will just need to do that, you know.
35:08 And maybe it will be just, we weren't sure who,
35:10 who was involved, how many people
35:12 but look what happened with just two couples.
35:15 I mean, almost 40 people. Yeah.
35:18 That's a dream come true. Amen.
35:21 And so I would just encourage, we get old here
35:24 and I'm gonna be, I'm 75 plus.
35:25 Are you really?
35:27 If I can, well, I'll be 76 in September.
35:28 So anyway, if I can do it, anybody can do it
35:32 but here's the key.
35:34 The key is that, you have a thought
35:37 and you have the thought over how many times,
35:40 and sooner or later that thought is gonna go away
35:42 because you kind of seared the thought
35:45 and you get the thought act on it.
35:47 It's very good point.
35:48 And you may just be, you may just like,
35:49 like listening into the radio station, like,
35:52 what happened with the radio station someone says
35:54 where would you have little time
35:56 to maybe help get this live, get this station on the online?
36:00 Well, that was October 31st,
36:03 the station's license run out December 31st.
36:08 The station was put up without land, without money,
36:12 without anything and the guy who had no experience.
36:16 But in 40 days money was there, the land was there,
36:20 the permits all got, put through the system
36:23 like they have to be
36:24 and sometimes permits are hard to get.
36:25 Yeah.
36:27 You do some good honor and you get a permit.
36:28 Anyway, within 40 days the station went from nothing
36:31 to an on the air station.
36:32 Praise the Lord.
36:34 What a blessing, I'm just happy to be part of it.
36:37 And I will hold this proudly,
36:39 so that people that are driving through your area,
36:41 you could tune into 103.5FM, your total lifestyle network.
36:47 Pastor Lomacang, that's actually one of three stations.
36:49 Yes. Oh, wow.
36:51 That's from the station over in Menominee
36:53 that Orv managed for seven years.
36:55 And where is that again? And...
36:57 Menominee down the road,
36:58 there's three stations within the triangle of about
37:00 30 miles from each other.
37:01 Look at that.
37:03 There's also a station
37:04 at the actual church sight itself, 96.9.
37:08 Okay.
37:09 And then there's also the one that was built in 40 days
37:13 on a piece of land that was donated
37:15 by a Jew lady Helen Pack.
37:17 And her son Ashwell Pack got together a crew
37:20 to put in the tower, put in the building,
37:23 do the construction,
37:25 lend fast up on the Rice Lake Church,
37:27 put the equipment together and Orv project manager to it.
37:31 And that's the one that went up in 40 days.
37:33 Yeah.
37:34 Almost in the middle of the winter too.
37:36 I guess, we must like doing projects
37:38 in the winter in Wisconsin.
37:39 Yeah, you know, whatever, whatever you start
37:41 will be frozen into place.
37:43 Yes, right.
37:44 They will be preserved through wintertime.
37:45 To show you how God works,
37:47 when the tower was to be put up...
37:49 Yes.
37:50 It was, the ground wasn't frozen yet.
37:52 Yes.
37:53 And this truck came in, it was a,
37:54 I mean, like, a cement truck...
37:56 It's a crane.
37:57 A crane, this cement truck, yeah.
37:59 Anyway to get that in there
38:00 the land had to be frozen and guess what?
38:02 God froze the land. The night before.
38:04 Night before. Look at that.
38:06 Isn't that great? What a blessing.
38:08 That could only happen in Wisconsin in the wintertime.
38:11 So we don't have T-shirts from all three stations
38:14 but I think we're gonna make some more designed pretty soon.
38:17 We're actually going to the fair this summer.
38:21 North Wisconsin concerts.
38:23 There's some rather would large countywide,
38:25 many county fair.
38:27 And so people at the fair will probably see T-shirts
38:32 with the other radio stations listed,
38:34 they'll probably see more Hacksaw Ridge books
38:37 and they will most likely
38:38 God willing remember seeing us someplace else
38:42 and we'll still be there friends again.
38:44 That's right.
38:45 And who knows what projects will come up with that,
38:47 Michelle, as we talk to people.
38:49 And then we're also going to be promoting
38:52 Family Home Christian books,
38:54 which is another project we heard on 3ABN.
38:57 Look at that.
38:58 And so and it's just another,
39:02 another outreach that we'll be doing.
39:05 3ABN has become your one stop shopping inspirational network.
39:08 For the total, lifestyle network.
39:09 Amen, amen.
39:11 And, you know, what's wonderful about that
39:12 for those of you who know 3ABN has also radio.
39:15 My wife works for 3ABN radio.
39:17 And sometimes it's more convenient
39:19 because she could, you're driving
39:20 depending on going through communities,
39:23 here we have a Du Quoin is the radio station
39:26 we have here 95.9 on the FM dial.
39:30 And when people are driving through here,
39:32 they listen to 3ABN radio and my wife,
39:34 praise the Lord is doing something
39:36 she never thought she would ever do.
39:37 No.
39:39 Producing and editing programs on 3ABN radio.
39:42 But now talk about some of the need that you have
39:44 because there are future projects
39:46 that the Chippewa Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church
39:49 want to be involved and you just alluded
39:50 to some of those tables when it comes to,
39:53 is that a county fair is that what I'm...
39:55 It's a large many county fair, it's a district...
39:58 It's called North, North Wisconsin State Fair.
40:00 Yeah.
40:01 It's next to Marquette State Fair,
40:04 well, Chippewa Falls has, kind of adapted or whatever
40:08 to the Northern Wisconsin State Fair.
40:12 So talk about some of the needs that you foresee being there,
40:16 so that we could challenge our viewers and listeners
40:19 to participate in that because,
40:21 "Hey, the need for funds to get some all of these books,
40:26 continue to inspire the production
40:28 of more T-shirts get out of the community.
40:30 I mean, we people like to get involve in that.
40:33 I guess, I would just like to,
40:36 there's a couple other ministries
40:38 that are being done that I'd just like
40:40 to touch on really quickly.
40:42 Sure.
40:43 One is our home and school coordinator
40:44 Darcy Peterson has been coordinating a 5K
40:47 for the last couple of years,
40:48 and all the proceeds from that 5K
40:50 go to the city of Altoona for parks equipment.
40:53 So that's kind of put us on the map
40:55 in terms of that locally.
40:57 And pastor, wonderfully,
41:01 we have a wonderful musically talented pastor
41:04 who has done a really wonderful Easter program
41:06 with the entire church the last two years.
41:08 I mean, everybody gets involved,
41:10 the kids and I wish I had thought
41:11 to put bring pictures of that.
41:13 And this year when we did the Easter program,
41:15 pastor suggested that we take a free will donation
41:19 in the two evenings of the show
41:21 and one night we donated it to Fierce Freedom.
41:24 And the second night we donated to an organization
41:28 called the Chippewa Valley Street ministry,
41:29 which is another one,
41:31 I'm looking at potentially doing some more work with.
41:35 And they literally work, they call it a ministry
41:38 but it's really a service organization
41:41 where they hand out clothing, shoes, gloves to people
41:46 who are homeless in the community
41:47 and they're out two nights a week.
41:48 And what we're looking at possibly is developing
41:52 a Saturday afternoon or Saturday evening team
41:54 from our church but that's always,
41:56 you know, in kind of stay tuned to see where that goes.
42:00 I like that.
42:02 But that's some other things that have been involved.
42:03 So we have an incredibly supportive
42:06 and involved church
42:07 and we have a wonderful group of people
42:09 that show up whenever we say,
42:10 we need volunteers to serve a meal,
42:12 we need volunteers to hand out books,
42:14 there are people there.
42:15 Wow.
42:17 I like the fact that you talked about that
42:18 just getting involved in the community, you know,
42:20 there's a principle, there's a...
42:24 I call it a reciprocal principle,
42:26 "Give and it shall be given to you."
42:29 Absolutely. You know.
42:30 Amen.
42:31 Press down, shaken together and running over,
42:33 and so as your church gets involved
42:35 in giving to the community.
42:37 It's amazing 'cause a lot of churches get involved
42:40 and how much money can we raise coming into our coffers.
42:44 But I'm listening carefully and what church is doing
42:48 as you're raising money to make a difference in this area,
42:52 that area in different parts of the community.
42:55 And the Lord is blessing your bottom line
42:58 in your own church
42:59 because the membership is saying,
43:01 we exist, we have a purpose.
43:04 Right.
43:05 And God is inspiring us to do other things.
43:08 Anything else, anybody else you want to add to the story
43:10 because I know that you showed a large contingency of people
43:13 that were on that screen.
43:15 And praise the Lord that your pastor
43:16 is a significant part of the inspiration
43:18 that makes the difference.
43:19 But what are some of the things that you see
43:23 being a part of the future outreach
43:25 of your church, Marcia?
43:28 I would just carry on
43:29 and if God gives us another idea
43:31 we would be, you know, blessed to follow it.
43:34 I mean, one of the things
43:36 we were sincerely thinking of doing
43:38 and it's still going round and round in the brain
43:41 is that our church has the distinctive doctrine
43:46 of the sanctuary.
43:48 And we were really considering trying to do
43:53 a little bit of an outreach at the fair
43:55 just showing the sanctuary model.
43:58 Basically asking, where is Jesus now
44:00 and what is He doing,
44:02 and then tying that enlist you can hear more
44:04 on the radio station, you could read more
44:06 in the family home Christian book sanctuary,
44:09 childrens classics.
44:10 They are trying to wrap it all up into one.
44:14 So that's a project still in the works.
44:18 I guess, if I would say anything to anybody,
44:23 God is speaking to our hearts all the time.
44:26 And, you know, sometimes we take an idea
44:29 and we just let it pass through like Orv said.
44:33 But if you keep swinging it back,
44:36 I think it's really best to listen.
44:38 That's right.
44:39 And as we listen, you know, to just trust
44:41 that He'll bring us the people to do
44:44 what we're supposed to do and to just go forward.
44:47 And I especially enjoy getting to understand
44:52 Michelle's approach to community service better too
44:55 because I can see how the chance
44:59 to form partnerships all in the community
45:01 serves a dual purpose of getting our name out
45:05 just here we are basis as well in giving people
45:10 the opportunity to serve,
45:12 as well as actually performing the service.
45:15 And so I really like that approach
45:17 to community service.
45:18 Orv and I did not grow up Adventist
45:20 and Michelle didn't it either.
45:22 We're actually, Orv and I
45:24 are the product of evangelism campaign,
45:27 where Dan Bensinger came by and...
45:30 1994.
45:31 January, no, December 10th, 1994 we were baptized.
45:35 Amen.
45:36 Yeah, he was actually a spiritualist minister
45:39 and we met at a seance a long time ago
45:42 so God has done a tremendous work on us,
45:44 He had a lot of cleaning up to do on us...
45:46 No. Did a really good job.
45:48 And I found out that Michelle and I were both raised
45:50 in the same faith in the past.
45:53 And you actually were introduced
45:56 to the faith at evangelism seminar.
45:59 Yep, I, my sister married an Adventist
46:01 and I was 16 or 17
46:04 and she took me to an evangelism series
46:06 and it took me a few years, I think about 17
46:09 but before I actually set foot in the church.
46:11 Wow.
46:13 What a transformation to come out from a seance.
46:15 Yeah.
46:16 I mean that's the Lord, the Holy Spirit broken
46:19 and that's a beautiful thing about it,
46:21 there are spirits out there which you all know now
46:23 when you talk about that.
46:25 All too well and forth.
46:26 That's another program on another day.
46:28 But how God, how God finds us...
46:32 Amen. And gives us a purpose?
46:34 Yes, yes.
46:35 And now you're unashamed of the gospel, you know,
46:36 sharing that in the beautiful way, you know,
46:38 I want to give the opportunity to those who are watching
46:41 the program to get the address.
46:43 And we're gonna come back with a song
46:45 and then we're gonna go to a news break
46:47 and then give you an opportunity to wrap it up
46:49 on the other side of our news break.
46:51 But here is the information that you need to be able
46:54 to participate whether prayerfully or financially
46:57 in the outreach of the Chippewa Valley
46:59 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
47:04 If you would like to contact this church,
47:06 then you can do so by writing
47:07 to Chippewa Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church,
47:10 919 10th Street West, Altoona, Wisconsin 54720.
47:16 That's, Chippewa Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church,
47:19 919 10th Street West, Altoona, Wisconsin 54720.
47:25 You can call (715) 834-1782.
47:29 That's (715) 834-1782.
47:33 Or visit them online at CVAdventist.LakeUnion.org.
47:39 That's CVAdventist.LakeUnion.org.
47:49 Chippewa Valley, tell me about that area, is it mountainous?
47:54 Is it just 'cause Wisconsin, Chippewa,
47:57 I think of Native Americans.
47:59 You know, a lot of people that,
48:01 you talked about some of the challenges
48:03 in the community, you mentioned drug,
48:05 and they're veterans and they're homeless.
48:08 So you see a church reaching out
48:11 and making a difference in those areas.
48:12 Tell me, give me some of that insight
48:15 of how your church not only through these programs
48:18 but how you see a church fitting in to continue
48:22 to be a lighthouse in that area.
48:26 Well, our church is growing.
48:28 In fact, we're starting to look at a new building
48:31 or possibly building,
48:32 so that's a benefit of our church outreach.
48:36 Okay. Yeah.
48:38 And so you just put in God's hands
48:44 through prayer and He'll lead you.
48:47 That's right.
48:48 But it takes a lot of work, I mean, it's, I mean,
48:49 let's face it, you have to get up
48:51 and you have to do things.
48:52 That's right. You know, and so.
48:54 Well, as you begin I also see the only place
48:56 that success comes before work is in the dictionary.
49:00 I'm sure, you've heard that before.
49:02 And Michelle, Michelle has a newfound drive
49:05 and passion to get out in the community,
49:07 social work was one way
49:09 but now the Lord has bent your tree
49:11 a different direction.
49:12 I think so, absolutely
49:13 and I've been in magistrate position
49:15 for the last few years,
49:16 and so I don't get as much of direct care that I think.
49:20 I need, I think I was born a social worker.
49:22 And but, you know, again
49:24 I just want people to understand
49:26 that you don't have to be a social worker
49:27 to be able to do this,
49:29 you just have to fit, finely ask some questions
49:31 and get out in your community.
49:32 And you can find where those needs are
49:34 and you can meet them you don't,
49:35 you don't have to have the same background,
49:36 they have an advantage but anybody can do it.
49:39 That's right.
49:41 And we've seen the same thing in Marcia's life
49:43 and both of you together are serving the Lord,
49:45 where He took you from and where He has planted you.
49:49 Right. Ain't that wonderful?
49:50 It's wonderful.
49:52 And, you know, and the context of this next song
49:54 before we go to our news break,
49:56 I could see this is so true in the lives of a Michelle,
50:00 Marcia and Orv,
50:01 "I've Never Loved Him Better Than Today."
50:04 Amen.
50:18 Since Jesus came and found me
50:21 And He put His arms around me
50:24 And no my binding fetters took away
50:30 Although I loved Him dearly
50:33 And trusted Him sincerely
50:36 I've never loved Him better than today
50:42 I've never loved Him better than today
50:48 I've never felt Him closer along the way
50:54 And though has sweet the feeling
50:57 when in His presence kneeling
51:00 I've never loved Him better than today
51:09 Oh, blessed friend supernal,
51:12 My hope and joy eternal
51:15 Keep now my soul 'til shadows flee away
51:21 Anoint me I would pray, Lord
51:24 Till ends this pilgrims way, Lord
51:27 I've never loved Him better than today
51:33 I've never loved Him better than today
51:39 I've never felt Him closer along the way
51:45 And though has sweet the feeling
51:48 When in His presence kneeling
51:51 I've never loved Him better than today
51:57 I've never loved Him better
52:00 No, I've never loved Him better
52:03 No, I've never loved Him better than today


Revised 2017-06-29