3ABN Today

The Right Action of the Will

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mollie Steenson (Host), John Lomacang, Dee Casper


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017038A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:11 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, my precious friends.
01:10 Thank you so much for joining us today
01:12 and allowing us to come into your living room.
01:15 Thank you for that.
01:17 And also I wanted to just take a minute
01:19 to thank you for the years of support,
01:23 your love, your prayers
01:25 and your financial support of 3ABN.
01:28 If it wasn't for you,
01:29 this ministry would suffer severely,
01:31 but because of you
01:32 we are able to reach the whole world
01:35 with the undiluted messages of Revelation 14.
01:38 Thank you so much
01:39 for allowing us to be your friends
01:42 and to work with you.
01:44 We have an amazing program today.
01:46 We have got, I've got two guests
01:48 and this is the truth,
01:50 they have absolutely been sitting here bubbling over,
01:52 they just can't wait to get to the subject.
01:55 And our subject today is what, Pastor Lomacang?
01:58 The Right Action of the Will. The Right Action of the Will.
02:01 Right Action of the Will,
02:02 we're gonna answer a number of questions
02:04 and we're gonna end,
02:05 we're gonna hold on to the very end,
02:07 how to know the will of God and how to accomplish it.
02:10 But the right action of the will
02:11 is what this program is all about.
02:13 And Dee Casper,
02:14 you are the evangelism director I believe
02:17 of UnScene Media Group.
02:19 Thank you so much for being with us and Pastor Lomacang,
02:22 I didn't introduce you everybody knows you.
02:24 You're the pastor of the Thompsonville
02:26 Seventh-day Adventist Church
02:27 right here in Southern Illinois.
02:29 That's right. That's right.
02:30 And we just love and appreciate our pastor.
02:32 Dee, tell me a little of what you do
02:35 at UnScene Media before you talk to us
02:37 about the will of God?
02:38 Sure.
02:40 So our ministry is basically seeking
02:42 to make content to reach young people,
02:44 that's principled in Christ centered
02:46 for social media to basically
02:48 permeate social media with the gospel.
02:50 Part of what I do as evangelism director
02:52 is we run a school of evangelism as well.
02:54 We're training our young people
02:56 in filmmaking and in evangelism.
02:58 So I teach the Bible classes,
02:59 I preach on behalf of the ministry
03:01 and do all the networking and stuff
03:03 on behalf of the ministry as well.
03:04 Well, this is an exciting subject
03:07 that we're presenting today,
03:08 we're going to talk about today.
03:10 And the will, how we submit our will,
03:15 the purpose of our will,
03:17 so many aspects of our will that we want to look at,
03:21 but before we look into this and I'm going to come back,
03:24 and I'm going to ask this question
03:26 just what is the will?
03:28 And I'm going to have Pastor Lomacang and Dee delve
03:31 into this,
03:32 but before we look into this subject,
03:35 let's ask Mary Grace to come,
03:38 and she's going to play a beautiful song on the piano.
03:41 The name of the song is, "It Is Well With My Soul".
06:02 She always just amazes me,
06:04 she does such a wonderful job on that piano.
06:07 Thank you Mary Grace, very much.
06:09 Well, our opening question is, what is the will?
06:14 And so Pastor Lomacang,
06:15 I know that you want to jump into that one
06:18 so first let's look at what the will is?
06:21 Well, in a simple forthright direct answer,
06:27 the will is the governing power in the nature of man,
06:33 it's the governing power.
06:35 I like to use an illustration if you had a car with gears,
06:39 you know the manual shift
06:40 not, not many people use manual shift today,
06:43 we call it stick shift.
06:45 But when you get into the car that has a stick shift
06:48 you have to choose the gears, you go sequentially.
06:50 Hopeful you begin with one, two, three, four,
06:52 five or six speed whatever the choice is,
06:55 but you have to, you have to make a choice,
06:58 so the will is the governing power
07:01 in the nature of man.
07:02 Simply says, which one am I going to choose?
07:06 And then when you choose the gear,
07:09 it does what it's designed to do.
07:11 When you make a choice whether to go left or go right,
07:15 if you choose to go into the road of life,
07:17 everything on the road of life is there,
07:19 the road of death or darkness,
07:22 everything of death and darkness is there,
07:24 but the choice determines
07:25 what the following experience is going to be
07:27 in a simple straightforward point.
07:29 So it sounds like
07:30 our will is our choice making ability.
07:34 Right Dee?
07:35 Yeah. You want to expand on that?
07:37 Yeah, it is the power of choice,
07:38 it's kind of the way that I explain it to people
07:40 that when someone exercises their will,
07:42 they're basically exercising their ability
07:44 to choose for good, for bad,
07:47 for whatever else the option may be
07:49 but basically the power of choice.
07:51 Okay.
07:53 And also what I would add to that
07:54 is the will is not my tastes or my inclinations,
08:01 you know, sometimes people say,
08:02 "Well, I don't have a taste for that."
08:04 And sometimes you say,
08:05 "Well, you'll develop a taste for that."
08:07 Our taste is not our will,
08:11 our inclinations is not our will,
08:14 but our choice in a simple straightforward point
08:17 is what the will is all about.
08:19 When you use that power to choose,
08:22 then the outcome is predetermined,
08:24 you know, going back and we're going to have,
08:27 we're going to get deeply into the program,
08:29 but I'd like to begin by looking at some examples
08:31 of the wrong action of the will.
08:33 You know, we are in the condition
08:34 we're in today, the whole world, everyone,
08:37 we're born into the condition of our world today
08:39 because of the wrong action of the will.
08:41 And I think a good place to begin,
08:42 we talked about this collectively,
08:43 we like to begin to show how the great controversy began
08:49 when Lucifer decided
08:51 he was not going to put his will
08:53 on the side of God.
08:54 So the great controversy,
08:56 this is where we're going to began,
08:57 began in heaven and it was a great controversy
09:02 between God and Lucifer
09:06 and it began in the portals of heaven
09:08 by somebody making,
09:10 by using their will inappropriately.
09:11 Yes. Exactly.
09:13 Okay. That's the...
09:14 So that's the understatement.
09:15 That's based on the point we were going to make.
09:17 Yes.
09:18 No, I'm saying now expand on that.
09:19 Yeah.
09:21 Okay, you want to read Isaiah 14:12.
09:22 Isaiah 14, we will begin at verse 12,
09:25 this is kind of heaven's response
09:27 to the fall of Lucifer
09:28 and they're asking a question of sorts,
09:30 "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,
09:32 son of the morning!
09:34 How you are cut down to the ground,
09:35 you who weakened the nations!
09:37 For you have said in your heart:
09:39 'I will ascend into heaven,
09:41 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God,
09:44 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation.
09:46 On the farthest sides of the north,
09:48 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds..."
09:51 and the scariest one is the end here,
09:53 "I will be like the Most High."
09:57 So he longed and coveted a position that wasn't his,
10:02 actually coveting the position of God.
10:04 Now he doesn't want the character of God,
10:06 he wants the position of God, there's a big difference.
10:07 He's not looking for another centered love
10:11 that he's lusting after, it's the position,
10:13 it's the power of God.
10:15 And he said over and over,
10:16 "I will, I will, I will, I will, I will."
10:19 He continue to expound I will.
10:22 He knew he had a will.
10:23 See, God created every one of us
10:25 with this free moral agency we use that term,
10:27 which simply means God created every one of you
10:29 with the ability to decide this is the choice
10:32 or this is the choice, free moral agency.
10:35 God does not force our will.
10:38 God does not control our will.
10:40 And I want to make that point clearly even further.
10:42 We think that God controls our will.
10:44 No.
10:45 We have to choose to give God our will
10:47 and then it becomes under His control
10:51 but He doesn't say,
10:53 "I'm gonna take these will
10:54 and make him do what I want to do."
10:55 We're not robots, when are not automatons.
10:57 God didn't set us into a particular position
11:00 and then we kept on doing things.
11:02 But Lucifer said over and over,
11:04 and what he did and there are five points
11:06 that are brought out here about what he did
11:07 and I brought them down to like about three.
11:10 He chose not to yield his will to God.
11:13 And you'll discover any time we fall,
11:16 it's a moment of choice what ever the temptation is,
11:19 it's a moment of choice,
11:21 and we consciously choose
11:24 to not yield our will to Christ.
11:28 The next thing we do,
11:30 when we choose not to yield our will to Christ,
11:32 we then choose to oppose the will of God.
11:37 I don't want that, I am opposed to that.
11:39 The other thing we do is which Lucifer did,
11:43 then the outcome of our choice is distorted
11:47 because I really don't believe
11:48 and we could expound this together,
11:50 I really don't believe
11:51 that anyone makes a choice thinking
11:53 that this choice is gonna end in my death
11:56 or in my destruction or in my failure.
12:00 And so what Lucifer did in all these ascending
12:03 the wrong action of the will, he said to us,
12:06 results in an exalted state he told that to Eve.
12:09 But it results really in a fallen state.
12:12 He also made it the wrong action of the will
12:15 does not result in the seat of your choice,
12:18 it results in the wrong seat.
12:20 And then the other thing,
12:22 the wrong action of the will does not take us higher,
12:24 it always takes us slower.
12:26 That was the next verse he says,
12:27 "That you will be cast down."
12:28 Even though he has... That's right.
12:30 There are 11 upward words used in that span of like
12:32 three verses, 11 of them.
12:34 And he has upward ambition in mind
12:36 at the expense of everyone else,
12:39 but in the end God's going to bring him down
12:40 and that's what actually ends up happening
12:42 is that reality check.
12:43 In Genesis 3, Eve had a choice to make, right?
12:47 And the way which Satan led her to make the wrong choice
12:50 was by first giving her false pictures of who God was,
12:54 her relationship with Him and how God treats her.
12:57 So by lies being sewn into her experience,
13:00 she then informed her will with lies and made bad choices
13:04 that led to her demise
13:06 that we're still having to contend with now,
13:08 and what God is trying to do is to speak truth
13:11 in our experience so that we'll make wise choices.
13:14 You kind of see that, that competing approach
13:17 carried out in Genesis 3.
13:20 And so, question?
13:21 Well, we were looking at what is the will?
13:24 The will is the governing power,
13:27 our governing power,
13:28 and you're saying that where you are right now,
13:31 where every one of us are right now
13:33 is it in direct relation to us using our will.
13:37 We have made choices
13:38 that have put us where we are right now,
13:40 we can't blame anybody else.
13:42 And you made the point that our choice
13:46 is using Satan and Eve as the example.
13:50 Our choices that we think we're making
13:53 that are going to exalt us.
13:55 Never once does it cross our mind
13:57 that our choices that we're making
13:59 are going to bring us down,
14:01 but these two examples the end result was...?
14:04 Failure. Failure.
14:06 And both rooted in false pictures of God,
14:09 somehow Satan...
14:10 this is why it's called the mystery of iniquity.
14:12 Somehow the person closest to God
14:14 developed thoughts about God that He is not fair,
14:16 that someone else is receiving something
14:18 that I should receive,
14:19 and it's the same approach he used with Eve,
14:21 both felt in similar ways,
14:22 distorted pictures of God led to action against God
14:25 and then into their own demise.
14:27 They exercise their power of choice wrongly
14:29 and it led to their demise.
14:30 And you find all that in the Bible,
14:31 even in the Book of Ezekiel, Ezekiel 18,
14:33 Ezekiel 33 were the Israelites keep saying to God,
14:36 "Your way is not fair."
14:38 Satan has always made it look like
14:40 God's way is not fair and, you know,
14:43 I wish we could look do a two hour program
14:45 on this topic, but let's just take the time
14:48 we have to use it efficiently.
14:51 Somebody may say, "I want to do right."
14:55 But desire for goodness and purity
15:00 if that's all you have
15:02 is not using your choice correctly.
15:07 If desire is all you have and you stop at desire,
15:11 you don't accomplish
15:13 what will be for your best good.
15:15 I want to lose weight but give me that box of donuts.
15:19 Or more specifically do nothing
15:22 even if you don't eat the box of donuts,
15:24 do nothing to accomplish what you desire.
15:26 Okay.
15:27 And so, I use these equations desire
15:29 plus the wrong actions equal failure.
15:32 Desire plus the right actions equal success.
15:35 But desire without action is failure.
15:39 There's actually a powerful quote on this
15:41 in Desire of Ages says
15:42 this very thing in Steps to Christ,
15:44 I said Desire of Ages, it's Steps to Christ 47.2
15:46 it starts with the word desire.
15:48 She says, "Desires for goodness and holiness are right
15:51 as far as they go,
15:52 but if you stop here they will avail nothing..."
15:54 That's right.
15:56 "Many will be lost while hoping and desiring to be Christians.
16:00 They do not come to the point of yielding the will to God.
16:02 They do not now choose to be Christians."
16:04 That's right.
16:06 And that's where the shortcoming happens.
16:08 In a Ministry of Healing she says also
16:10 with that quote augmented, she says,
16:11 "They do not choose to serve Him."
16:16 This is a powerful concept. Let's go to Joshua 24:15.
16:19 Joshua brings into view the...
16:23 And a profound example,
16:27 I've read this text so many times,
16:29 Joshua 24:15 and we all know it, you know,
16:32 choose this day whom you will serve,
16:34 but in looking at this with fresh eyes,
16:37 I'm gonna go ahead and break this down
16:39 in a very realistic way Joshua 24:15,
16:43 okay, it says and he says,
16:45 "And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord,
16:49 there's a word choose for yourselves this day
16:52 whom you will serve."
16:53 And then he brings out choices, choices of our past, he says,
16:56 "Whether the gods which your father served
16:58 that were on the other side of the river..."
17:00 Meaning the gods of your past, your relative's gods.
17:03 You know, sometimes people think
17:04 that that they can't choose another church
17:07 because this is the church of their relatives.
17:08 Right.
17:10 That's predisposed,
17:11 but we're not predisposed to choose
17:13 what our parents chose.
17:15 Any more than we are predisposed
17:17 to ride a horse and buggy
17:19 of our great, great, great, grandparents,
17:21 we choose something different, a modern vehicle.
17:23 So the Lord is saying here through Joshua,
17:26 you've got to choose to break away
17:28 from the choices your parents made.
17:29 So heredity doesn't mean it has to be cultivated.
17:33 So we can't blame our parents, then he also says,
17:36 "Or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell,"
17:39 the present situation as you're in.
17:41 Sometimes you say, well, I have no choice,
17:42 look at the kind of world I live in.
17:44 You do have a choice.
17:45 He says, "You got to choose even the gods
17:48 in the land of the Amorites."
17:50 You could even choose them,
17:51 but you don't have to choose them,
17:53 you're not predisposed to choose them.
17:56 You can choose the true God, not the gods of the Amorites,
17:59 but then he says,
18:00 "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
18:06 Now this is amazing point here.
18:09 Joshua didn't say, "We will do right."
18:13 He said, "We will serve the Lord."
18:16 And so often we make righteousness...
18:19 Now I'll look at the cameras, so often we make righteousness
18:22 what we do rather than who we serve.
18:25 We're going to bring this out even more.
18:27 Yes.
18:28 So much, so much we say,
18:29 this is what I want to do to be a good Adventist.
18:32 This is what I want to eat. This is how I want to dress.
18:35 This is how I want to worship.
18:37 When we're Christians whatever the denomination we see.
18:39 Well, here are the things
18:40 that identify us as good Baptist,
18:42 good Pentecostal, good Methodist, you know,
18:44 we have a tenet, a set of tenets
18:45 we want to live in harmony with.
18:47 So we choose what we want to do and not want to do,
18:49 not who we gonna, who we are going to serve.
18:51 Exactly. Two entirely different things.
18:53 Two entirely different things.
18:54 You wanna say something before I go further.
18:57 Yeah, I was just going to say that this idea of choice
19:00 is continually found in the scripture it remind,
19:01 what you shared initially reminding me of Genesis 4
19:04 with God talking to Cain,
19:05 the God was laying out before him that,
19:07 you know, sin is at the door,
19:10 but you should have mastery over it.
19:12 And he makes the point that why are you angry?
19:13 Why is your countenance falling,
19:15 if you do right will you not be blessed
19:16 and if wrong and so on, but then he says,
19:19 but if you do will we not be blessed
19:20 and he goes on and says,
19:22 "And if you do not sin lie at the door
19:23 and his desires for you but you should rule over it."
19:26 God is letting him know that the exercise of your will
19:28 can lead you to overcoming in this very moment.
19:31 And Joshua makes a similar appeal to the people
19:33 that your situation isn't really the issue here.
19:35 Right.
19:36 You can choose right regardless of what the situation may be
19:40 and just Genesis 4 was a reminder
19:43 that came to my mindful there.
19:44 You know, it makes me think of the many, many people
19:46 that are watching 3ABN in countries
19:50 where being a Christian can cost you your life
19:54 and they're having to make a choice
19:57 by an act of their will,
19:58 they make a choice that could cost them their lives,
20:00 they are choosing the Lord Jesus Christ
20:03 over what their whole, whole history is about
20:08 and everybody around them,
20:09 that's a choice by an act of your will to serve God.
20:14 And so, what Joshua said differently than Lucifer.
20:17 He said, Lucifer chose to serve his own desire.
20:20 He had all the exalted points that he want to focus on,
20:24 but in the end, no, you'll be brought down,
20:26 and we knew he was cast out,
20:28 as angels were cast out with him.
20:30 It never resulted in the good end.
20:31 But Joshua said, "We will serve the Lord."
20:35 There is the word again, "We will".
20:37 He made the choice to direct his will to serving the Lord
20:41 and when you serve the Lord...
20:44 that's the beautiful thing about when you serve the Lord,
20:46 I want to use this text more than once,
20:48 because the will of God is unlocked
20:50 when we decide to serve the Lord.
20:55 Example I could use when you go to a restaurant.
20:57 We talked about this prior to the program.
20:58 When you go to a restaurant you sit at the table.
21:00 We often refer to the person as a waitress or waiter,
21:03 and we refer to ourselves as a customer.
21:05 But I want to change those designations,
21:07 the waitress or waiter is the servant,
21:10 let me get even deeper the slave.
21:13 They don't bring to us
21:14 unless we tell them what to bring.
21:16 We tell them what we...
21:17 We do it politely, we don't say,
21:18 "Bring me a drink."
21:20 And we tell them what kind, what flavor, more ice, no ice,
21:25 less ice, and we are determined
21:28 that they bring us exactly what we ask for,
21:32 and even if they bring us what we ask for,
21:34 we don't like it we say, "I don't like it,
21:35 bring me something else."
21:37 And they have to, because the customer...?
21:39 Is the boss.
21:41 The customer is always right. Always right.
21:42 And so this happens
21:44 when you choose to serve the Lord,
21:46 so they're serving us.
21:47 In that sense, they're the slave,
21:49 we're the master.
21:50 And a person who doesn't get his master
21:55 who doesn't get what he wants
21:56 will not come back to that establishment.
21:58 My wife and I experienced that.
22:01 She didn't like a meal, she told the...
22:03 The waitress picked it up and the manager came
22:04 and said, "What would you like?"
22:06 He said, "I have potatoes for the evening,
22:07 and we have a squash for the morning,
22:10 then I serve together."
22:11 And she said, "I want both of them."
22:13 He said, "Done."
22:15 Because she was the master of the moment,
22:17 the slave is always subject to the master.
22:20 So when he said, "We will serve the Lord."
22:22 He put the Lord, you know, the Lord,
22:24 he didn't say we will serve God or the Savior,
22:27 we will serve the Lord and was the word Lord,
22:28 the landlord, he's the one in charge,
22:30 I don't want to go too far. Yeah.
22:32 I was just thinking that when you make the choice
22:34 to serve God,
22:35 in that choice comes the power and the ability to serve God.
22:39 In John 5, Jesus tells the man at the pool Bethesda,
22:42 he says, "Do you want to be made well."
22:43 And then he tells him to,
22:45 "Rise, take up your mat and walk."
22:47 And Ellen White quotes and refers to the situation
22:49 in Steps to Christ when she talks about
22:50 the action of the will after that,
22:52 but in this particular situation
22:55 when Jesus asked the man to rise,
22:56 take up his mat and walk,
22:58 he's asking him to do something that isn't possible seemingly.
23:02 That's right.
23:03 But by the man choosing to follow what God had asked,
23:07 power was provided to him to do what God had asked.
23:11 So when we choose to serve the Lord,
23:12 we receive power from God to serve the Lord,
23:15 if that makes sense.
23:17 So with every command that we have when we exercise
23:19 that power of choice, we receive power
23:21 to walk in the choice that we had.
23:22 Had he laid there on his mat
23:24 and said, you know, that I can't walk.
23:26 Had by an act of his will he chose not to do,
23:30 he would still, he would have still laid there
23:33 but he chose, by an act of his will
23:36 he chose to trust what Jesus has said.
23:40 And in so doing there was the unleashing
23:44 of the power of God for him, but that's a good point.
23:47 It's an act of belief, so the command itself
23:50 bears within it the power to obey,
23:52 but the act of belief secures the power to walk in it.
23:55 There you go. So we obey and God supplies.
23:58 Yes. Awesome principle.
23:59 And the Word of God is powerful,
24:01 is sharper than any two edged sword.
24:02 By the word of the Lord was the heavens made
24:04 and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth,
24:06 he spake and it was done.
24:08 This same power says, "Get up"
24:10 if he could create worlds that just hang out there
24:13 could he not enable those of us who are afflicted,
24:15 or are disabled in some area of our lives
24:19 to get up and walk.
24:20 And so many of us think that we say,
24:22 "Well, what does God want me to do?"
24:24 He just wants you to believe Him.
24:26 He wants you to believe that He can do
24:28 what He has asked you to do.
24:30 A lot of people say, Jesus says,
24:32 "If you love me, keep my commandments."
24:34 And they think, okay, well, now what are the commandments?
24:38 And so they want to itemize this righteousness now.
24:40 He says, "If you love me keep my commandments."
24:42 And then he gives you the power to do them,
24:45 Joshua and I use this text on a number of occasions
24:47 but it fits so wonderfully, Philippians 2:13.
24:51 When Joshua said, "We will serve the Lord."
24:53 He put the Lord in charge. He's a landlord of his life.
24:56 The landlord tells him what to do and how to do it.
24:59 But even deeper than that
25:01 the landlord comes in and does it.
25:03 Yeah.
25:05 "For it is God, Philippians 2:13,
25:06 for it is God which work is in you both to will
25:12 and to do of His good pleasure."
25:15 The thing about it is we sometimes say,
25:17 "If I could just figure out the will of God."
25:18 I'm not jumping ahead because I'm gonna leave
25:20 a hook at the very end.
25:22 If we could just figure out God's will, we'll do it.
25:24 And so we pray this prayer,
25:25 "Father, reveal Your will to me."
25:27 Like we say, "Lord, reveal Yourself to me."
25:30 And I learned as I continue to study,
25:32 you know, you can still learn after 30 years.
25:36 After continuing to stay in God's word,
25:38 I learned just recently
25:40 and I'll just thank you Lord for continued revelation.
25:43 I learned that God doesn't want to reveal Himself to us,
25:46 He wants to reveal Himself through us.
25:50 We will say, "Lord, show us the Father."
25:52 He wants to reveal Himself through us not to us,
25:55 in the very same way
25:57 He doesn't want to empower us to do.
26:00 He wants to be the power that comes in us and does,
26:04 for it is God who works in us both to will.
26:07 And to do. And to do of His good pleasure.
26:09 All right.
26:10 In Philippians 2 in that same place,
26:12 we talked about in Isaiah 14,
26:13 how Satan wanted to go up, up, up
26:15 at the expense of everyone else but God to bring him down.
26:18 The other side of the great controversy
26:20 is Jesus exercising His choice,
26:23 His choice was to become nothing.
26:26 According to Philippians 2:6,
26:28 "Being in the form of God, did not consider,
26:30 I like the NIV version
26:31 of this particular phrase better
26:33 that he didn't consider equality with God
26:34 something to be grasped the idea of robbery
26:37 kind of gets confusing for some folks.
26:39 "But he made Himself of no reputation,
26:40 taking the form of a bondservant,
26:42 and coming in the likeness of men.
26:44 And being found in appearance as a man,
26:45 He humbled Himself
26:46 and became obedient to the point of death,
26:49 even the death of the cross.
26:50 And therefore God is highly exalted him
26:53 and given him the name above every name, says all will bow."
26:55 So there's these two opposing views and motives and actions
27:00 in the great controversy of the exercise of the will.
27:03 Jesus chooses to lay down
27:04 aspects of His power to uplift everyone else,
27:08 and at the end He will be exalted
27:09 above every name.
27:11 And just continuing that great controversy theme,
27:13 I think is a powerful example of this
27:15 and that's what enables us to be able to will and do
27:18 because He walked indeed
27:19 and continually surrendered His will
27:22 to His Father every step of His life.
27:23 And how did He become equal with God?
27:25 He humbled Himself, and then what did He do?
27:27 He became a bondservant, another word for slave.
27:30 Yeah.
27:32 He became connected, He linked Himself,
27:34 He humbled Himself, said, I'm not going to do it,
27:37 My Father is going to do it.
27:39 That's why the Lord,
27:40 that's why God the Father allowed Jesus
27:43 to come in the form of human flesh,
27:47 the fallen nature of Adam.
27:49 Jesus came clothed in that fallen nature of Adam,
27:53 the same weak nature that we all have,
27:56 but He came to rely on His Father,
27:58 He became a bondservant.
28:00 And that's how the power was revealed through Him
28:03 because it was the Father working through Him.
28:05 What many people don't realize
28:06 is Jesus couldn't do anything of Himself
28:08 if He did anything of his own source of divinity,
28:11 His own source, the great controversy
28:13 would have been defeated
28:15 because we don't have the same source,
28:16 but what He did was He used the power of the Father,
28:19 "I come to do the will of the Father,
28:21 who sent me."
28:22 Matter of fact here it is, Hebrews 10:7,
28:27 "Behold, I come in the volume of the book it is written of Me
28:32 to do the will of God, to do thy will, O God."
28:35 He didn't come to accomplish His will,
28:37 so here's what I want to read this quotation
28:38 in The Ministry of Healing 174 to 176.
28:42 So what happens when we yield our will to God?
28:44 "Through the right exercise of the will
28:46 an entire change may be made in their lives."
28:50 What kind of change? Entire.
28:52 "By yielding up the will to Christ,
28:55 we ally ourselves with divine power.
28:59 We receive strength from above
29:01 to hold us steadfast a pure and noble life.
29:05 A life of victory over appetite and lust
29:09 is possible to everyone who will unite his weak
29:13 wavering human will
29:15 to the omnipotent unwavering will of God."
29:18 Isn't that powerful? That's powerful.
29:21 And so we're seeing here that Jesus humbled Himself.
29:27 Right. And He is exalted.
29:29 Yeah. That's right.
29:30 Every knee is going to bow,
29:31 every tongue is going to confess that He is Lord,
29:34 Satan who exalted himself, what is his end result?
29:39 He's gonna be cast down. Cast down.
29:40 But he was humbled.
29:42 That's another word I want to use.
29:43 But now we have to bring this home,
29:45 this program has got to touch
29:47 the needs of the people that are listening to it.
29:49 This isn't just beautiful words for you to hear,
29:52 our new concepts is for us to take to heart
29:55 and if you're seeing in your life
29:57 there is some exaltation oh, today,
29:59 let's pray and ask God to humble us
30:02 that God can flow through us.
30:04 and if you have a desire if you say it,
30:06 "Oh, I want to be a good person,
30:09 today is the day to put your will behind that."
30:10 That's right.
30:12 What are some obstacles
30:13 that could keep us from doing the very thing
30:18 that we're saying that we want to do?
30:19 I'm thinking about Paul in the 7th Chapter of Romans.
30:23 oh, the thing I want to do that I found out I can't do.
30:26 That's right.
30:27 He made it, he made it clear, Paul says,
30:28 for I know that in me Romans 7:18 to 24,
30:31 "I know that in me that is in my flesh
30:33 nothing good dwells,
30:34 for to will is present with me
30:37 but how to perform what is good I do not find,
30:41 for the good that I will to do."
30:43 I want to do that
30:44 but remember we said desire as far as it goes
30:46 if that's all you have, you can't do it.
30:48 I will to do he said,
30:50 "For the good I will to do verse 19,
30:52 I do not, but the evil
30:54 I will not to do that I practice.
30:57 Now if I do, what I will not to do,
30:59 it is no longer I who do it
31:01 but here is the key but sin that dwells in me."
31:05 Now let me expound on this very quickly.
31:07 Sin that dwells in me, you see,
31:11 Adam made a choice, he opened the door to sin.
31:14 Adam didn't just,
31:15 Adam did not choose to yield to his wife.
31:20 Adam chose...
31:22 Adam didn't choose what to eat?
31:24 Adam chose who to serve.
31:26 Right.
31:27 He didn't choose to yield to his wife's suggestion
31:29 although he did yield,
31:31 he, didn't choose what to eat although we ate,
31:33 he chose who to serve.
31:35 Romans 6:16, this is powerful.
31:39 "Do you not know
31:41 that to whom you present yourselves
31:43 slaves to obey,
31:45 you are that one slave whom you obey,
31:48 whether of sin leading to death
31:50 or of obedience leading to righteousness."
31:52 I want to make this point very carefully
31:53 so for those of you that want to break the things
31:55 that hold you.
31:56 Yes.
31:58 For those of you that are at that point
31:59 where you say, oh, lust, appetite, greed, anger.
32:05 For those of you that want to break that thing
32:07 that's holding you, Paul says,
32:10 "Whomever you present yourself to,
32:12 you become immediately that one slave."
32:16 Now the slave and the master concept is powerful
32:18 because the slave is always subject to the master.
32:22 The master is never...
32:24 The master never gives up control to the slave.
32:26 Right.
32:27 So Paul says here, when you present
32:28 you're immediately a slave, you are immediately a slave,
32:33 so Adam gave all of us the slavery nature.
32:37 I'm still holding on to the key point
32:39 I want to make
32:41 as we come toward the end of the program,
32:42 so what we have to do is you don't choose what to do,
32:45 you choose who to serve.
32:48 So the life of Jesus I think gives us a lot of answers
32:51 as to where the power is found.
32:53 Jesus lived a continually abiding independent life
32:56 upon the Father...
32:58 That's right.
32:59 Which allowed Him to overcome in human flesh,
33:00 Romans 8 gives the answer to Paul's desperate election
33:03 "Oh, wretched man that I am,
33:04 who will deliver me from this body of death?"
33:06 The answer is found
33:08 in the Ministry of the Holy Spirit,
33:09 attributing Christ obedient life
33:11 to the broken sinner.
33:12 That's right.
33:13 So in Romans 8:1 it says,
33:15 "There is therefore now no condemnation to those
33:16 who are in Christ Jesus."
33:18 Those who are resting in Jesus
33:20 and receiving His righteousness.
33:22 "Who do not walk according to the flesh,
33:24 but according to the spirit."
33:25 And I must get down to verse 3,
33:27 "For what the law could not do save us,
33:29 and it was weak to the flesh
33:30 because my flesh can't keep the law by default.
33:33 That's right.
33:34 God did on my behalf by sending Jesus
33:37 in the likeness of sinful flesh."
33:39 In flesh like mine that could have fallen,
33:41 "And on account of sin
33:43 Jesus condemned sin in the flesh."
33:45 He overcame sin in the flesh and here's why in verse 4
33:49 and He did that by continually abiding in the Father
33:52 and receiving strength to make the right decision
33:54 every step of the way,
33:55 but this is why He did this, verse 4,
33:58 "So that the righteous requirement of the law
34:00 might be fulfilled in us,
34:02 who do not walk according to the flesh
34:03 but according to the spirit."
34:05 By continually abiding in Christ,
34:07 by continually receiving power from God,
34:09 we receive the strength and the power to live the life
34:13 that Christ lived.
34:14 Christ lives His life in us,
34:17 but it is through continually abiding in Him
34:19 that the blood, you know,
34:21 I think Jesus mentioned John 15,
34:22 that you can't produce fruit apart from yourself
34:24 only if you abide in the vine
34:26 is that process of continually surrendering and abiding
34:29 that we receive power and fruit to overcome.
34:32 So I want to get back to this and thank you,
34:34 that's so beautiful, Christ is the answer.
34:38 I can do all things...
34:40 But it's only through Christ.
34:41 Through Christ who strengthens me.
34:45 We so often say, "Lord, I wanna do Your will."
34:48 I want to do Your will, I want to be a good Christian,
34:51 I want to eat right, I want to dress right,
34:54 I, you know, we put this big O I, Lucifer did that.
34:58 Learn from the one who couldn't do it.
35:00 He put that big I in the way, but I want to go further
35:03 because as I mentioned here,
35:04 when you choose whom you're going to serve,
35:08 then you start living out their agenda.
35:10 Right.
35:11 You go to Burger King, you get one thing,
35:13 you go to Wendy's, you get something else,
35:14 you go to McDonald's, you get something else.
35:15 You go to wherever you get, whatever is there,
35:18 you can't go to darkness
35:21 and try to live a life of light.
35:23 You can't choose light and expect darkness to show up,
35:27 it just doesn't work.
35:28 Paul when he said, that he chose righteousness,
35:34 obedience to righteousness or sin to death,
35:38 when you choose one, the other follows.
35:41 And so let's go and bring it down,
35:42 I want to kind of hit this point,
35:43 we gonna reemphasize it over and over.
35:45 The point is Joshua chose not what to do...
35:52 But who to serve. But who to serve.
35:53 Now here I'm gonna hit this
35:55 and we're gonna come back to this,
35:56 and I'm gonna emphasize it even further
35:57 at the end of the program.
35:59 We cannot choose what to do.
36:03 You cannot choose what to do.
36:04 That's the problem.
36:05 You're saying, I need to give up cigarettes,
36:08 need to give up alcohol, need to give up pornography,
36:10 need to give up stealing, need to give up lying.
36:12 I want to do this, I don't want to do that,
36:14 I want to do... I, I, I, I.
36:17 Joshua chose who to serve.
36:19 Paul says, this is who we serve.
36:22 When you choose who to serve,
36:25 and instead of what to do,
36:26 then the one whom you serve they choose what to do.
36:33 Now going back to slavery, an awful dark spot in humanity
36:38 on so many different continents including here in America.
36:42 But God has given me a beautiful picture of slavery,
36:45 because when we choose whom we serve,
36:48 they choose what we do.
36:50 They choose what we do.
36:51 In another words,
36:53 the slave never controls the master,
36:54 the master always controls the slave.
36:56 Now listen to this text in that context
36:58 of a good context of slavery, Romans 6:17 to 19,
37:06 "But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin,
37:12 yet you obeyed from the heart
37:15 that form of doctrine to which you were delivered."
37:17 In other words, you heard about freedom
37:19 so in your heart you desired it.
37:21 Slaves that are bound, they hear about it,
37:23 oh, I just can't wait to be free.
37:25 You obeyed it in your heart, but you didn't,
37:27 you were not of able to obey it in your actions yet,
37:30 but look what happened.
37:32 "And having been set free...
37:33 Now you are set free having been set free from sin,
37:38 you're slave all over again,
37:39 you became slaves of righteousness."
37:43 So what's that mean now,
37:44 all of a sudden you no longer sinning,
37:46 you find yourself a slave to righteousness,
37:49 but now this is good slavery, because you're doing right,
37:52 you're not doing wrong, you're living right,
37:54 you're not living wrong, you're singing right,
37:55 you're not singing wrong,
37:57 everything that's right is now a joy in your life.
37:59 Because somebody is doing this
38:01 and you say, "How is this happening?"
38:03 It's God who is working in you
38:05 both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
38:06 You let him come in and Paul goes on to say,
38:08 he says, "I speak in human terms
38:09 because of the weakness of your flesh."
38:12 But then he says,
38:13 "For just as you presented your members
38:16 as slaves of uncleanness,
38:18 and lawlessness leading to more lawlessness,
38:21 here's the choice.
38:24 So now present your members
38:26 as slaves of righteousness for holiness."
38:30 So the same cigarette lip that's the lip
38:33 that now sings the praises of God,
38:35 the same hand that turn the wrong channel
38:37 is the same hand that heals the hurts of others.
38:39 Your instruments, every aspect of your body
38:42 is now yielded to a different master
38:45 and he is the one empowering you to do right.
38:48 Make a point, Dee.
38:50 I was just thinking in my mind...
38:51 I didn't say make a point, make a point,
38:52 but you know what I'm saying.
38:54 Yeah, so I was just thinking
38:55 how many of us are wrestling with yet how?
38:57 How? How?
38:59 Like theory, theory about how.
39:01 The thing that informs the willingness to choose God
39:06 is an encounter with the true picture of God
39:09 and the love of God which is manifest in the life,
39:11 death, burial, resurrection, and righteous life of Jesus,
39:15 and Jesus says in Jeremiah Chapter 31,
39:18 it says in Jeremiah 31 that,
39:20 "I have loved you with an everlasting love
39:21 therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you to myself."
39:25 When we uplift the cross of Christ,
39:27 a desire awakens within our heart
39:29 to want to choose God.
39:31 'Cause you just want to know, how do I choose God,
39:32 what does that look like.
39:33 Our first response is to have an encounter
39:36 with the true gospel.
39:37 Paul says in Romans 10
39:39 that how are they going to receive
39:41 unless someone preaches?
39:43 And the whole context
39:44 of what that gospel should look like
39:45 is Romans 3 through 8 basically, 3 through 9
39:49 even of just painting this picture
39:50 of a suffering Messiah
39:52 who gave all for broken humanity
39:53 who could not restore themselves
39:55 and who promised would do for man
39:57 what He could not do for Himself.
39:59 But we encounter this amazing grace of God.
40:03 I would like to serve Him,
40:05 it wouldn't feel like bondage to serve Him.
40:07 Right.
40:09 It wouldn't feel like legalism or slavery to me
40:12 in a negative sense to be a slave of His
40:15 because I know Him,
40:16 I know He has my best interests at heart
40:18 and I know, He'd never leave me in a way
40:19 that would not be in my good.
40:21 And I think this is where
40:22 the uplifting of Christ in all of our ministry
40:23 can help people to prepare them to make that decision.
40:27 It says in Revelation 13 and 14,
40:28 there's these two contrasting views
40:30 of how people get worship.
40:31 The devil's looking for worship in Revelation 13
40:33 by coercion, manipulation, and death threats,
40:37 trying to deprive people of the ability to choose.
40:40 What does God do?
40:41 He preaches the everlasting gospel
40:43 to every nation, tribe, tongue and people
40:45 and their logical response and appeal
40:47 to the everlasting gospel
40:48 is to fear God and to give glory to Him
40:51 and to rejoice because the judgment has come
40:53 and you had no need to be ashamed.
40:55 And it causes Babylon to fall
40:58 and this is what restores us to God.
41:00 So God gives an invitation by showing His character,
41:03 Satan tries to malign the character of God
41:05 and coerce people into worship.
41:07 And I think that the model that God is using
41:09 is a model that we should use
41:10 and it will lead to people saying,
41:12 "Yes, I will choose God."
41:14 Wow.
41:15 I want to throw something
41:16 that's really going to be a hook here,
41:18 and I say hook not that because I discovered it,
41:20 but we are always slaves,
41:23 that's the fact of the matter is we are always slaves.
41:27 Yes.
41:29 There are two masters
41:30 we're going to serve one or the other.
41:31 You will either love the one and hate the other
41:34 or hold to the one and despise the other.
41:35 Right.
41:37 We are always slaves, so people say, well,
41:41 you know, there's no neutral place
41:42 so given to the idea that you are not a sinner
41:45 and you're not righteous,
41:46 you're just trying to figure out
41:47 which one you are.
41:49 If you choose not to be righteous,
41:50 you are a sinner.
41:52 I mean, that is you're on the road to death.
41:53 We're all sinners saved by grace,
41:54 but if you choose not the road of light,
41:56 you are on the road of darkness.
41:57 If you choose not to choose the road of darkness,
41:59 you're on the road of light.
42:00 We are always slaves.
42:02 So the beauty of it is in this going to this again,
42:06 a slave cannot free him or herself.
42:11 Now this is powerful,
42:13 which means if I become a slave to righteousness,
42:18 what am I going to do?
42:19 Righteousness. Righteousness.
42:21 Righteousness.
42:22 Because I can't free myself from it,
42:23 I am a slave to that.
42:25 Meaning now God is working in me
42:27 both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
42:29 Paul says it this way,
42:31 because we look at the sinful nature
42:32 it's no longer I who live, but he says this,
42:34 'cause there's one thing we still have left
42:35 that God is going to replace is the sinful flesh,
42:38 that's the one thing that still battling with us,
42:40 the simple flesh,
42:41 that's why you have to die every day,
42:43 you have to choose today,
42:44 choose you this day whom you will serve,
42:46 I die daily, all right.
42:49 That's how you have to do that.
42:50 Slaves cannot free themselves Paul says it this way,
42:53 2 Corinthians 12:9, "He said to me,
42:56 "My grace is sufficient for you,
42:58 my strength is made perfect in weakness."
43:02 So what do we do every day?
43:03 Therefore most gladly I rather boast in my,
43:07 in my weaknesses, in my infirmities, why?
43:10 That the power of Christ may rest on me.
43:14 So when you wake up in the morning
43:16 you say, "I'm weak, Lord, I am weak, but you are strong."
43:22 And we sing that song, live out thy life within me,
43:24 oh, Jesus, King of kings, that's what exactly we do.
43:27 We wake up in the morning
43:28 and we yield ourselves to Christ.
43:30 There's a quotation in Steps to Christ.
43:31 Do you have that one? Which one?
43:33 Where he says, you know, "Lord, I give you my heart,
43:36 take my heart for I cannot give it."
43:37 Yeah.
43:39 You know, this beautiful,
43:40 every day we have to wake up and say,
43:42 "Father, take my heart, I cannot give it."
43:45 And so before I wind up on the...
43:48 The slave is always going to do the work of the master.
43:51 And that we're continually dependent,
43:54 so that we as a people are continually dependent
43:57 to receive Christ's righteousness,
43:59 to receive Christ's obedience,
44:00 we don't create it,
44:01 we don't procure it with our deeds,
44:03 it's something that we're totally dependent
44:05 upon God to receive
44:07 and the fruit of that is obedience,
44:08 righteousness and so on.
44:10 You know, you're saying every morning you wake up
44:12 and how the proclamation that we want to make to God.
44:17 I'm just thinking of those that are that they say,
44:21 "I'm going to get up in the morning and pray.
44:23 I'm going to get up early in the morning.
44:25 I'm going to make a proclamation in the morning."
44:28 And then they sleep right through it,
44:30 and then they wake up and instead of doing
44:33 what they said the night before,
44:34 they were going to do,
44:36 it's like a battle goes on within you.
44:38 Have y'all ever had this battle?
44:40 Yeah. Can I go into this...
44:41 Sure, hit that.
44:42 The pot of gold here, this is Steps to Christ 47,
44:45 "Many are inquiring,
44:47 'How am I to make the surrender of myself to God?'
44:49 You desire to give yourself to Him,
44:50 but you are weak in moral power,
44:52 in slavery to doubt,
44:53 and controlled by the habits of your life of sin.
44:56 Your promises and resolutions are like ropes of sand.
45:00 You cannot control your thoughts,
45:01 your impulses, your affections.
45:03 And the knowledge of your broken promises
45:05 and forfeited pledges weakens your confidence
45:08 in your own sincerity,
45:10 and causes you to feel that God can't accept you,
45:12 but you need not despair.
45:14 What you need to understand is the true force of the will.
45:18 This is the governing power in the nature of man,
45:21 the power of decision, or of choice.
45:23 Everything depends upon this.
45:25 The power of choice God has given to men,
45:27 and it's theirs to exercise.
45:29 That's right.
45:30 You cannot change your heart,
45:31 you cannot of yourself give to God its affections,
45:34 but you can choose to serve Him.
45:36 You can give Him your will, He will then work in you
45:39 to do into will according to His good pleasure.
45:42 And thus your whole nature will be brought
45:44 under the control of the Spirit of Christ,
45:47 your affections will be centered upon Him,
45:49 and your thoughts will be in harmony with Him."
45:51 So we can choose to serve Him.
45:54 Here's the answer to that
45:55 defeated morning proclamation
45:58 when you go to bed at night
45:59 say, "Lord, wake me up in the morning."
46:02 He set that clock,
46:04 "Lord, wake me up in the morning
46:05 so that I can pray here."
46:07 Heal me Christ's Spirit and the Savior.
46:08 Wake up and then give me the bonus
46:11 and the heart to get up
46:13 and do what it is that I know had to do.
46:16 Christ had this, right?
46:17 Christ woke up early sometimes, He would stay up all evenings
46:19 you can ask to receive Christ's discipline,
46:21 Christ's surrender,
46:23 Christ's longing to commune with the Father.
46:25 We can receive our deficiencies
46:27 through the Ministry of the Holy Spirit
46:28 that's the point that she makes.
46:30 And so when you, when you think about it
46:31 and I thank the Lord for that it says,
46:33 you've heard a demon possession or people being possessed.
46:36 What happens when we yield ourselves to Christ
46:38 and we ask Him to come in, here is the quote,
46:41 Temperance 1:13 paragraph 3,
46:45 "Your part is to put your will on the side of Christ,
46:48 when you yield your will to his,
46:51 he immediately takes possession of you
46:54 and works in you to will and to do of His good pleasure.
46:57 Your nature is brought
46:59 under the control of His spirit,
47:00 even your thoughts are subject to Him.
47:02 If you cannot control your impulses,
47:03 your emotions, and your desires,
47:05 you cannot control the will.
47:07 And thus, the entire change will be wrought in your life.
47:10 But when you yield your will to Christ,
47:12 your life is hid with Christ in God allied to the power
47:15 which is above all principalities,
47:18 you have a strength from God
47:19 that hold you fast to his strength,
47:21 a new life even the life of faith is possible to you.
47:26 So what about knowing the will of God?
47:29 How can we know the will of God,
47:31 Pastor Lomacang!
47:32 You thought I would never ask.
47:35 You wanna start with that, I will just head...
47:37 I will say this first and foremost,
47:38 it's when you wrestle
47:39 with what could be the will of God possibly be,
47:41 we know without a shadow of doubt
47:43 the immediate will of God is for you to be saved.
47:45 That's right.
47:46 Above all else God wants you to be saved,
47:48 He wants you to be free, healthy and whole in Jesus,
47:52 and so we know immediately
47:54 that God wants to commune with you,
47:55 to love you and to make you like Himself,
47:56 that's the immediate answer that we have.
47:58 Okay, so the will of God, when we say,
48:02 "Lord, what is Your will for my life?
48:04 What do You want me to do?
48:06 And we ask, you know, we ask pastors,
48:08 I've had people ask me, I have young people ask me,
48:09 I've had older people ask me,
48:11 I've had all people of all different races ask me,
48:15 Pastor John, I've been asking this question,
48:16 maybe you know, because I watch you on 3ABN,
48:18 maybe you know the answer.
48:19 What is God's will for my life?
48:21 Can you pray with me that God reveals His will
48:22 to my life?
48:23 And I said, "Now, let me ask you the question.
48:25 If God reveals His will to your life,
48:27 is that eternal life?
48:28 He said, "Well, no."
48:29 I said, "What is eternal life?"
48:31 This is life eternal that you may know
48:34 that they may know you
48:35 the only true God in Jesus whom you sent.
48:38 So what is eternal life?
48:39 To know God and Jesus.
48:43 And experiential knowledge not, not a head knowledge,
48:45 to commune with them to think deeply, yeah.
48:47 So follow this, to know, to have a connection
48:50 an intimate spiritual connection
48:51 with the Father and the Son,
48:52 that's so is eternal life to know God's will.
48:55 No, it's no God.
48:57 So how does that the answer to my question?
49:00 Does God know His will?
49:01 Yes. Yes.
49:03 The prayer He taught us to pray,
49:05 "Father, thy will be done on earth at is, as it is where?
49:09 In heaven."
49:11 So when we get to know God who knows His will
49:14 because His thoughts and our thoughts
49:16 are not the same.
49:17 When we get to know Him, what does He do?
49:20 He comes in and I go
49:21 but once again He comes into work in us both to will...
49:26 And to do.
49:28 And to do of His good pleasure,
49:29 so for those of you that are struggling,
49:32 look at the two contrasts.
49:34 Satan says, "I will" Jesus says, "Not my will,
49:37 but thy will be done."
49:39 He taught us to pray,
49:40 "Father thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."
49:42 So how is God...
49:44 How is a perfect good and perfect will of God
49:48 going to be accomplished in imperfect men?
49:50 How is a good and perfect will of God
49:51 going to be accomplished
49:53 in imperfect human beings like us?
49:54 By us receiving Him.
49:56 Who is perfect. Yes.
49:58 "Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect."
50:00 So when you receive the perfect Christ,
50:03 the perfect Christ comes in
50:05 and the perfect will He performs
50:07 through the imperfect man,
50:09 thereby making us perfect in the presence of His Father.
50:13 I want to share one scripture. Sure.
50:14 Sure, go for it.
50:16 And that would be Romans 12:2.
50:19 You've got it there. Go for Mollie.
50:21 May not conform to this world but be you transformed how,
50:25 by the renewing of your mind
50:27 that you may prove what it is that
50:30 good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
50:34 You want to know what the perfect will of God is.
50:36 That's right.
50:37 It has to do with your mind, doesn't it, Pastor Lomacang,
50:40 and renewing that mind
50:41 and what do you renew your mind with?
50:43 The word of God and prayer.
50:45 And you would want to naturally do that.
50:47 When you engage in communion with God and you seek God,
50:50 the best way to have quality time with Him
50:52 is in His word and in your prayer closet.
50:55 And I wanna hit text because it doesn't say,
50:57 that you may know what is that good
50:59 and acceptable and perfect will of God or you may prove,
51:02 you know what that word prove means,
51:03 that word prove means that you may display it.
51:06 'Cause God knows it,
51:08 He wants to display His will through us,
51:09 not just say, "Here Dee, here's My will,
51:12 check it out see if you like it.
51:14 Mollie, I'm sending you an email with My will
51:16 and see if you like it, if you like it, do it."
51:18 He says, "No, Mollie, if you get to know me
51:21 I'm gonna come in."
51:23 You know, we've got just such a short time
51:25 and I'm looking at you, Dee and you Pastor Lomacang,
51:29 do you feel like you're in the perfect place
51:31 in God's perfect will right now in your life?
51:33 Yes.
51:35 And how did that happen?
51:36 It didn't happen by you working it out
51:39 or getting advice from somebody else,
51:41 but by you yielding and submitting your life to Him
51:44 and allowing Him to direct your path.
51:46 That's right. And direct your staff...
51:47 You swept me off my feet. Yielded heart.
51:49 Yeah.
51:51 But we have got to take a short break
51:52 and I hate to do that.
51:54 Sure.
51:55 But I want both of you to be prepared
51:56 when we come back to give a closing thought
51:58 and to speak to the hearts of those that are saying,
52:01 "Oh, I want to do the perfect will of God,
52:04 I want to live godly in Christ Jesus."
52:09 And I want us to have something prepared
52:12 to help them to make that, that step forward.
52:15 But right now, we've got a short break,
52:18 we're going to take a short break,
52:19 but we'll be right back.


Revised 2017-05-25