3ABN Today

His Hem Ministry-Bible workers and Missionary workers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), JeAnn Cherie’ Davis


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017037A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:10 My name is Jill Morikone,
01:12 I'm so glad that you have taken time
01:14 from your day to join us here together.
01:17 You know, every time I hear the open
01:19 to this program
01:20 I want to spend my life mending broken people
01:24 and hear Danny sing that song.
01:26 It ministers to my heart,
01:27 that is the purpose of the ministry of 3ABN,
01:31 spending our lives mending broken people.
01:34 Of course, we can't do any mending,
01:36 it all comes as a result of the work
01:39 of the Lord Jesus Christ,
01:40 as the work of the Holy Spirit,
01:42 and thank you for partnering with us
01:45 and helping to mend broken people
01:47 and helping to spread
01:49 the undiluted Three Angels' Messages
01:50 to a lost and dying world.
01:52 I'm excited about our program today
01:55 'cause we have a wonderful woman of God,
01:57 we have a woman who has a passion for ministry
02:00 and just taking a look at her,
02:02 you wouldn't have any idea of some of her background,
02:04 but we're gonna hear some of that story today.
02:07 And my special guest is JeAnn Cherie Davis
02:11 and you are the president of His Hem ministries and, JeAnn,
02:15 it's just a privilege to have you here, welcome.
02:17 Thank you.
02:18 Thank you, it's a privilege to be here at 3ABN.
02:20 So tell me where you are from?
02:22 I am from originally from Lodi, California.
02:26 I grew up and was raised there and I live in Auburn,
02:29 California now.
02:30 Oh, okay, so you traveled just a little bit
02:32 to come in here to 3ABN.
02:34 Yes.
02:35 So we're going to unpackage her testimony and story
02:37 and more of His Hem,
02:39 but tell me when I hear the name His Hem ministries,
02:41 it makes me think of the woman
02:44 who reached out her hand
02:45 and just touched the hem of Jesus' garment.
02:46 Yes.
02:48 Was that the inspiration for the ministry or...?
02:50 Yes, most definitely.
02:52 We need to reach out and touch the hem of Jesus' garment.
02:55 As we do that He heals us.
02:58 And as we look at the story
02:59 of the woman that touched His garment,
03:02 she was healed by her faith.
03:03 Amen, amen, so tell me in a nutshell
03:06 what is His Hem ministries
03:08 or what does His Hem ministry do?
03:10 His Hem ministry is a ministry
03:13 that helps to support Bible workers
03:15 or gospel workers.
03:16 And our passion is to get as many gospel workers
03:19 out into God's vineyard as possible.
03:24 And there is such a great need for gospel workers
03:28 and unfortunately
03:29 that there it doesn't seem to be the funding to fund them,
03:32 and so our hope and our passion is to reach as many people
03:37 as possible to help support this great needed work.
03:42 Amen, you've taken the great commission literally.
03:44 We always like to start with the scripture
03:46 and I want to encourage you to turn in your Bible
03:48 to Matthew 28,
03:50 I ask JeAnn if there is a scripture that they like,
03:53 with their ministry and this is one of them.
03:55 Yes.
03:56 And we're gonna have you read another one,
03:58 but we're in Matthew 28,
04:00 this is the great commission and financially supporting,
04:04 empowering Bible workers to share their gospel message
04:06 is the great commission, so that's powerful.
04:09 Matthew 28:18-20,
04:11 "Jesus came and spoke to them saying,
04:13 "All authority..."
04:15 I'm used to King James, it says "All power."
04:16 Yes.
04:17 "All authority has been given to me
04:19 in heaven and on earth,
04:21 go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
04:24 baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
04:27 and of the Holy Spirit.
04:28 Teaching them to observe all things
04:31 that I have commanded you and low I am with you always,
04:35 even to the end of the age."
04:37 And you have a scripture you like to connect with this one,
04:39 what's that one?
04:41 Yes, it is John 14,
04:45 um, excuse me, it is John 15:16,
04:52 and the word says, "You have not chosen me,
04:55 but I have chosen you and ordained you,
04:58 that you should go and bring forth fruit
05:01 and that your fruit should remain,
05:03 that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father
05:06 in my name He may give you."
05:09 And I just love those two verses together
05:11 because God chooses us,
05:14 you know, to go in and out and minister for Him.
05:17 And He is the one that chooses us,
05:19 that ordains us that we should bring forth fruit.
05:22 And so God wants us
05:24 and commissions all of His children
05:27 to bring forth fruit, to go reach another soul for Christ.
05:30 Amen.
05:31 To go tell someone about Jesus and about your love for Jesus,
05:36 and if you love Jesus it should be no problem
05:38 with telling others about your love for Him.
05:41 Amen, absolutely, that's right,
05:43 I love that 'cause we're all a ye, go ye,
05:46 and God calls we're all chosen
05:48 to go out and to share the gospel,
05:50 so I can't wait to hear your testimony.
05:51 Thank you.
05:52 And can't wait to hear the stories
05:54 of what God is doing through the Bible workers,
05:56 so we're looking forward to that.
05:58 But first we're gonna go through some music.
06:00 We have ET Everett, with us just now
06:03 and the song she will be ministering
06:04 on the piano is "In the Garden".
11:50 Thank you so much ET Everett,
11:52 what a wonderful blessing she is to the ministry of 3ABN.
11:56 She is our sound center manager
11:58 and every time you get to talk to ET,
12:00 you hear her heart,
12:01 her heart for God and for other people,
12:03 for evangelism and she has a beautiful touch
12:05 on the piano.
12:07 So thank you ET, "In the Garden".
12:09 If you are just joining us
12:10 my special guest is JeAnn Cherie Davis.
12:13 And we are so glad to have you here, JeAnn,
12:15 you are with His Hem ministry
12:17 and we share just a little bit of what the ministry is,
12:20 but take us back,
12:21 when I see you sitting here just a beautiful woman,
12:23 a woman of God and I think probably
12:27 she has never had any problems in her whole life.
12:30 And your life has just been very comfortable and pleasant,
12:33 but I don't know how am I doing so far.
12:36 You are completely off.
12:39 So take us back, where you born in a Christian home?
12:43 Yes, I was.
12:45 I was born into an Adventist home
12:47 and I remember as a little girl
12:49 I loved going to Sabbath school,
12:51 I loved singing all the little songs
12:53 and hearing about Jesus
12:55 and, you know, just growing up in the church,
12:58 and when I was 11 years old,
13:00 I went to a prophecy seminar
13:03 and at the end of the prophecy seminar
13:05 and I did have some Bible studies,
13:07 I got baptized.
13:08 Oh, that's great.
13:10 And I was so on fire for Jesus at the end of that seminar
13:13 that I just wanted to, I wanted to be in ministry,
13:16 I wanted to be an evangelist, go tell everybody about Jesus,
13:19 to get involved in ministry.
13:21 But when I told that to my mom, she didn't know what to do,
13:25 but she went to the church
13:26 and so she talked to some of the ladies in the church
13:29 and they actually said that I was too young,
13:33 that to bring me back in a few years
13:35 and then they would see what they could do.
13:38 And at that moment I felt the rejection
13:40 on most of my church
13:42 and it was at the rejection
13:44 and the pain that came from that and...
13:46 Yeah, that's pretty serious 'cause you're, you know,
13:49 a young child just wanting to follow God,
13:51 wanting to evangelize and share Jesus
13:54 and then they're telling you, no, you can't do that.
13:57 Did you feel like it was a rejection from God as well
13:58 or just from the church?
14:00 No, from the church,
14:01 and I believed that the devil came in
14:07 and he started working
14:10 as I started to having those feeling
14:13 and he made them go deeper,
14:15 and I didn't realize as a young little girl
14:16 what's happening.
14:17 Right.
14:19 So he knew that he,
14:20 the devil knew he had a couple of years
14:21 before my mom would be taking me back
14:24 and he worked kindly in my life
14:27 and I did not even know when I became a teenager,
14:30 I started listening to secular music,
14:32 you know, obvious, my grandpa
14:34 who was not brought up Christian got my brother
14:37 and I a little radio and, you know,
14:39 when I turned that little radio on,
14:41 it was like a whole different world.
14:43 I hadn't listened to that type of music
14:45 and I didn't realize what a power music
14:50 has over your mind
14:53 and that music turned me from a loving little Christian girl
14:57 into a very rebellious girl a few years later.
15:01 So you had the simmering resentment
15:03 against the church,
15:04 because they wouldn't let you evangelize and help,
15:07 and then Satan used the tool
15:09 or the avenue of music to pull you into rebellion.
15:12 He pulled me away and it was very slight,
15:14 here and there.
15:15 It wasn't something that happened,
15:17 you know, instantly.
15:18 It was overtime
15:20 and he got himself into my life without me even knowing it,
15:25 and before I knew it
15:27 I didn't want to listen to my parents anymore
15:30 and I didn't want to listen to my teachers.
15:32 And my parents said, what happened to our little,
15:35 wonderful little girl?
15:36 What's happened to her?
15:38 And they didn't know and I turned my, you know,
15:43 over the years I turned myself against them
15:46 and against the church and,
15:48 you know, most importantly against God
15:51 and before I knew it,
15:52 I was just out in the world
15:54 and thought that the world had something better to offer me
15:56 than God did and I was so wrong.
16:00 Was there an age you made a conscious choice like,
16:03 I'm choosing to walk away from the church
16:05 or from my parents or from how I was raised or guard,
16:08 or would you think it was just a step by step gradual?
16:10 It was step by step, I made wrong step here,
16:13 wrong choice there, chose the wrong friends,
16:16 made some, you know, bad choices in life.
16:19 But it all seemed fine,
16:20 I didn't know it wasn't like something
16:22 that seemed like it was bad.
16:23 It was just, you know, the devil make sin fun,
16:27 you know, otherwise none of us would do it.
16:29 That's right.
16:31 You know, and all the glitter and the shimmer of this world
16:35 and the things when you are growing up.
16:37 Oh, you know.
16:39 Oh, you can do this and you can do that.
16:41 And there is so many different things
16:42 that you can get into.
16:43 For a while I was into modeling,
16:45 and then I got into different, I got into dancing,
16:50 and the club scene, and I started drinking,
16:55 and doing other things
16:57 that I don't need to give the devil glory for.
17:00 And, you know, just one bad choice after the other
17:03 and before I knew it,
17:04 I was just up to here in the world,
17:09 and I was lost and didn't even know it.
17:13 And one day Lord came to me
17:15 and it was just a miracle how it happened,
17:19 I heard Him speak to me.
17:21 Oh, wow.
17:22 He said, "JeAnn, it's time to come home."
17:24 How old were you?
17:26 Oh, I was probably 28 or 29,
17:31 may be 30 right in that area
17:32 and when He said to come home, I knew what He meant.
17:38 He meant, it was time to come back to Him,
17:40 it was time to come back to the church
17:42 and He said that "He was coming soon"
17:44 and then if He came that day that I would be lost
17:48 and I knew that what the Lord spoke was true.
17:52 I would have been lost
17:53 and it was like a knife stabbed in my heart.
17:58 But I didn't know how to come back home,
18:01 I didn't know how lost I was and it took a little while,
18:05 I started reading my Bible again
18:07 and the Holy Spirit started working in my life
18:11 and really started convicting me
18:12 and different things happened in my life
18:17 that brought me to the point
18:19 where I just had to cry out to Jesus.
18:21 To come rescue me and to save me,
18:24 'cause I realized that I got into the point,
18:26 that I could not get out of the life that I was living,
18:29 that I needed somebody stronger than I and that was not human,
18:34 it would have taken a divine,
18:37 divinity in order to rescue me,
18:40 and I knew that there was only one person to turn to
18:42 and that was Jesus.
18:43 Amen, amen.
18:45 Jesus is everything to me,
18:47 because when I cried out to Him,
18:48 He did, He came in like my mighty champion
18:51 and He, I said, Lord, whatever you have to do,
18:54 do whatever it takes to change my life and He did.
18:58 See, that's a prayer of surrender. Yes.
19:00 You know that's a prayer of willingness, okay,
19:02 God whatever you have, whatever it takes, I'm willing.
19:06 And so, do you think before that point
19:09 were you not willing to make that surrender?
19:12 I was so inbound, I was like in chains,
19:18 I had tried to get out of this way of life of alcohol
19:21 and drugs and all these things.
19:23 And you tried and you couldn't get out.
19:24 And I couldn't get out,
19:25 because the devil kept pulling me back in
19:27 and literally I could feel him pulling like,
19:30 never I would try to leave that whole way of life.
19:33 But I had all the, that was the life I lived,
19:35 it was my friends, it was life in the fast lanes, fast cars,
19:39 fast money, fast everything,
19:41 everything seemed fun, fun, fun.
19:43 And going back to, you know,
19:47 a normal way of life whenever I tried to get out,
19:51 he just kept pulling me back in
19:53 and so it did, it take full surrender.
19:55 Yes.
19:56 It took me coming to the point of realizing,
20:01 I don't wanna live like this anymore, you know.
20:03 On my 30th birthday
20:05 I thought I could just shut everything off
20:07 and walk away from it all.
20:09 My 30th birthday came and went
20:11 and that's when I realized that I needed some help.
20:15 Amen.
20:16 And when Jesus coming and speaking to me,
20:18 that I was lost and I needed to be found,
20:21 and I just, I'm so thankful today for Jesus
20:23 what He's done in my life.
20:24 Amen.
20:26 How He never gave up on me,
20:27 how He saved me from death many times,
20:30 and that He had a purpose and a plan for my life
20:32 and that was to fulfill what He put into my heart
20:35 when I was 11.
20:36 Yes, yes.
20:38 And that was, that He wanted me to be in ministry.
20:40 Amen.
20:41 And so what a blessing,
20:43 so many, so many years later
20:45 that no matter what I went through
20:47 and what the things that I have done, you know,
20:50 no matter how far you get away from Jesus,
20:53 that you can still come back to Him,
20:55 and Jesus is always there and He wants to save everyone,
21:00 and all we have to do is surrender our hearts to Him
21:04 and realize that He loves us and He cares for us
21:08 and He wants more than anything to be our savior,
21:10 to be our Lord
21:12 and just to be able to take us home with Him
21:14 when He comes.
21:15 Amen, what an incredible testimony,
21:17 JeAnn, I just think no matter where you are right now,
21:20 you might be feeling like, I'm in those chains,
21:23 I'm wrapped up in that addiction,
21:26 I've tried and I can't get out
21:28 and I don't know how to change the way I'm living,
21:31 go to the Lord Jesus Christ.
21:32 Amen.
21:34 Surrender, open up your heart to Him,
21:37 allow Him to come and fall in love with Jesus
21:40 and allow Him to change you.
21:41 That's powerful, now we will fast forward,
21:44 we could spend the whole time on your testimony,
21:46 it's an incredible testimony.
21:47 Yes, see, that's what it's all about,
21:49 it's about falling in love with Jesus.
21:50 Because Jesus has so many things
21:52 that He wants to do with you.
21:54 And when you fall in love with Him, the whole world,
21:56 the door is open for you to be able to live the life
22:00 that He want you to live.
22:02 That's it.
22:03 He wants us,
22:04 He wants to give us the abundant life
22:06 and I just, my last really powerful statement
22:09 I want to make up my testimony is that,
22:14 God has so much more in store for you
22:17 and no matter how much fun you might think
22:18 that the world is,
22:19 it's nothing
22:21 because I'm so thankful for the last 14 years
22:23 that the Lord has had me in ministry
22:26 and no matter what fun I had out in the world,
22:28 it's been nothing compared to what Jesus has done
22:32 with me in my life in the last 14 years.
22:34 It is been so fulfilling
22:36 and so thrilling to work for the Lord.
22:38 Amen, oh, that's incredible.
22:40 Praise the Lord
22:41 and He's fulfilled the desire of your heart,
22:43 you had when you were 11 years old, so you went,
22:45 you came back to Jesus, came back to the church.
22:48 Then you went to Amazing Facts College of Evangelism.
22:52 I did.
22:53 And the year 2011 I graduated from AFCOE
22:57 and once again the Lord just instilled in my heart
23:01 even more the desire to reach souls for Him,
23:05 the desire to have such a passion
23:10 for those that are lost,
23:12 not only out in the world that don't know Jesus
23:15 or may have the wrong vision of Him and who He is.
23:21 But also for those in the church,
23:23 I just have such a passion to raise up God's army
23:29 and to revive them and to have the church know
23:35 that we are so close to Jesus' soon return,
23:39 and that we don't have time anymore
23:42 to just be playing church,
23:45 that we need to surrender our lives to the Lord
23:50 or to re-surrender
23:52 and to put on the robe of Christ's righteousness
23:55 to allow Him to finish the work in us.
23:58 So that He has those that can stand true to Him.
24:01 Amen.
24:03 That those that can stand
24:04 no matter if everything else around them falls,
24:08 that they will stand true
24:09 to their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
24:11 Amen.
24:12 And when He has those with His character,
24:16 He can send them out
24:17 and this whole world will be changed,
24:19 there will be so many people that will, that are lost,
24:23 that will be able to see these are truly God's people.
24:27 These people have been walking with Jesus
24:29 and I want what they have.
24:30 Amen, amen.
24:32 There is no powerful witness for Christianity
24:34 than your own personal testimony.
24:35 Then we've seen Jesus lived out in your life,
24:40 you know, there is a quote from Ellen White says
24:42 something about a loving and lovable Christian
24:44 and I think that's powerful,
24:46 it's Jesus inside shining out to other people.
24:49 So you met and married your husband.
24:50 Yes.
24:52 And then tell us about the beginning
24:53 of how you got involved in His Hem ministries?
24:56 So after graduating from AFCOE,
24:59 Pastor Doug Batchelor was the one who hired me at
25:02 the Sacramento Central Seventh-day Adventist Church,
25:05 and I have been there working ever since 2012.
25:08 As a Bible worker?
25:09 As a Bible worker, yes,
25:10 and to date there have been over 60 baptisms.
25:15 Praise the Lord. Amen.
25:17 Oh, that's wonderful.
25:18 Yes, and many of those that have been baptized
25:20 are out now being disciples and making other disciples,
25:25 which we're gonna tell you about
25:26 a little bit later in the program.
25:30 Also His Hem started
25:32 through the administrative pastor there,
25:35 Pastor Harold White,
25:37 upon his retirement in 2014
25:39 he knew that he didn't want to just retire,
25:43 he want to retire as a pastor
25:44 but he knew that the Lord was calling him
25:47 to create a ministry for soul winning.
25:52 He had also a passion for souls
25:55 and when he saw me coming into the church,
25:58 we worked very well together in reaching souls for Jesus,
26:01 and in fact he helped also mentor me.
26:03 Amen.
26:04 And you know he came to me and he said, "JeAnn,
26:07 how would you like also working for His Hem ministry
26:11 and helping His Hem ministry."
26:13 And I am so thrilled to be a part of His Hem ministry
26:17 and to reaching souls for God's kingdom
26:20 with helping to support Bible workers.
26:22 Amen.
26:23 So tell us the organizational structure,
26:26 how that works with His Hem ministries?
26:28 Do people contact you and say, "Okay,
26:31 I want to be supported" or do you,
26:34 how do you find your Bible workers?
26:35 May be let start there.
26:36 So we find our Bible workers, lot of them go through AFCOE,
26:43 Amazing Facts College of Evangelism
26:45 and there are many that come out of there
26:48 and they had all this training just like I did,
26:52 and many of them,
26:53 there aren't any jobs for them to go to,
26:56 because many of the conferences aren't,
26:59 don't have the funds to support Bible workers
27:02 and many of the churches don't have the funds
27:04 to support Bible workers
27:05 and so here it's a shame
27:07 because you get all this training
27:09 and then there is no place for you to go to.
27:11 Yes.
27:12 Or it's clear on the other side of the world
27:14 and you are not may be ready to move there.
27:16 You know, there is many different, um,
27:19 or there is some opportunity.
27:22 Like when I graduated there was opportunity in Thailand,
27:24 and, you know, in the Philippines
27:26 and in different places,
27:29 but since I was married I cannot just take off
27:31 over half way around the world
27:32 and go to these different places.
27:35 Praise the Lord that God answered my prayers,
27:37 I just prayed and it was interesting He...
27:40 The Lord inspired me to go to Pastor Doug,
27:42 and talk to him,
27:43 and the Lord opened the door for me to be a Bible worker.
27:47 And so His Hem ministry
27:49 gets Bible workers through AFCOE and also,
27:53 we also train members to be Bible workers.
27:56 Oh, that's exciting.
27:58 Yes, so that's another facet of His Hem ministry.
28:03 And that is my passion to go around
28:04 and train church members to be Bible workers,
28:07 because we need a large, large army of members
28:12 that are willing to reach souls for God's kingdom.
28:14 I'm only one person
28:16 and I can only reach so many people,
28:17 but if I train a whole bunch of people to go out
28:20 and a whole bunch of members
28:22 to take part in this great gospel commission,
28:26 then we will be able to reach so many more people for Jesus.
28:28 And they in turn train other people,
28:30 it's like the ripple effect.
28:32 You train this church and then they in turn train others.
28:34 So you travel around, is it a weekend series?
28:37 Is it several weeks long?
28:38 How long is the training for that?
28:40 Yes, well, right now it's weekend training,
28:44 it's very quick, you know,
28:46 the thing is just if you just give people some tools
28:48 and God uses these tools with the people.
28:52 First of all what you really need
28:54 is a heart that is surrendered.
28:57 Yes.
28:58 And as you surrender your heart
29:00 and you have a passion for souls,
29:03 God will use a little that you have,
29:06 to go reach many more people.
29:08 You know, you just keep learning as you go.
29:12 And, so it's very important that people know
29:15 that you don't have to be a scholar,
29:17 you don't have to be a pastor,
29:19 you don't have to have your M.Div
29:23 to be able to reach souls for Jesus.
29:25 You just have to love Jesus, you know,
29:27 and to be able to be equipped, to be able,
29:32 to have a little training,
29:33 I mean, you don't have to have four months.
29:35 You don't have to necessarily go through,
29:37 'cause many people don't have four months of their...
29:39 To take off of work.
29:41 To take off of their work or to leave their families,
29:43 you know, so it's much quicker training,
29:46 'cause we want to get as many people out there
29:48 as possible, as soon as we can.
29:49 Amen.
29:50 Because I believe the Lord's gonna come very soon.
29:52 Amen, well, this is an exciting ministry, JeAnn,
29:54 and to me one of the most powerful things
29:57 about ministries,
29:58 when we come and feature them on our 3ABN Today program
30:01 is to hear stories, stories of changed lives.
30:05 So give us an example,
30:07 I'm just thinking I have notes here,
30:09 you have Ivan, a missionary in Mexico,
30:12 so tell me about Ivan,
30:13 is he one of the missionaries you support?
30:14 Yes. And tell us about his story?
30:17 So I met Ivan at the Sacramento Central Church
30:20 and he was one of the elders there,
30:22 and he came out to me and he told me,
30:24 you know, I have such a burden for souls
30:26 and I want to go down and reach my country
30:28 'cause I came from Mexico.
30:29 Okay.
30:30 And so he grew up in Mexico
30:32 and then he came to the United States
30:34 and so he had such a burden for souls
30:37 that he relocated his entire family to Mexico
30:40 and His Hem ministry began supporting,
30:43 help support Ivan.
30:45 We would like to help support him full time
30:47 and it's not only him that's down there,
30:49 it's his entire family
30:51 and they are all workers down there.
30:52 So we would like to be able to fully support
30:55 the entire family.
30:57 And so he relocated his family down there
30:59 about a little over a year ago
31:01 and he has been doing great work down there,
31:04 he started with having health expos
31:06 and doing medical missionary work,
31:09 with his family doing hydrotherapy treatment,
31:11 teaching them different, how to eat healthy,
31:14 how to eat raw, how to just eat healthy
31:18 because many people don't know how to,
31:20 what is health, you know.
31:21 No, right.
31:23 It's the right arm of the gospel.
31:24 Yes. Yes.
31:26 So he has been doing this
31:28 and it has actually brought many people
31:30 into connection with him.
31:33 He set up a little tent like structure
31:36 next to the Catholic Church
31:37 and so many of the people
31:38 that are coming into the Catholic Church
31:40 come over to his health presentations,
31:42 and so then he decided to have an evangelistic series
31:46 and many of those people
31:48 that he has been helping and working with
31:50 came to this evangelistic series
31:53 and there have been people that have been baptized.
31:57 Isn't that incredible because you think,
31:58 here you are reaching out with the health message,
32:01 meeting peoples needs,
32:03 right where they are and then ministering to them,
32:06 winning their confidence and then they are encouraged,
32:10 they are open to come into say
32:12 an evangelistic meeting or something.
32:14 Yes, it's incredible.
32:15 In fact there is one elderly gentlemen,
32:18 he, believe he was in his 90s and he was a Catholic
32:22 and so Ivan began working with him
32:24 and sharing the gospel with him,
32:28 sharing the Three Angels' Message
32:29 and the sanctuary message with him
32:31 and he got sick though and before his passing
32:36 he actually accepted Jesus Christ
32:38 as his Lord and Savior.
32:40 Amen.
32:41 And so what a beautiful thing, he was preparing for baptism,
32:44 he wasn't able to get baptized
32:46 but he was anointed and he accepted Jesus
32:48 so, I just love how, you know, the Lord send Ivan there
32:52 just at the right time...
32:53 That's right.
32:55 To reach this man
32:57 and for him to surrender his life to Jesus
32:59 and then he was also working with another lady
33:01 who has rheumatoid arthritis, couldn't walk,
33:04 after giving her some medical, some health treatments,
33:07 medical missionary treatments and so forth
33:10 and natural remedies,
33:11 she is now walking with a walker
33:13 and getting ready to get baptized,
33:15 and so I know that there is pictures of that we have...
33:18 Yeah, let's look at some of those,
33:20 I think we have some pictures here for Ivan.
33:23 This is Ivan in the back with his family
33:26 and the lady that has her arms in water,
33:29 this is the lady who has rheumatoid arthritis.
33:31 Okay.
33:32 Now is that Ivan's family next to her?
33:33 Yes, okay, his wife is over here
33:35 in the black and white
33:36 and these are his children next to him.
33:39 And I can't, I can't remember who the lady is in the white
33:43 but is one of his family members.
33:45 Oh, that's precious.
33:46 Yes, and so they are all down there in Mexico
33:48 and this is a couple of the people
33:52 that came to his evangelistic series
33:54 that got baptized after the series.
33:57 Amen.
33:58 In the river there?
34:00 Yes, and these are some of the people
34:01 that he's working with
34:02 and also some of the people that have gotten baptized
34:05 and his family all of his harvest
34:07 that is happening in Mexico.
34:10 So God is doing a great work down there,
34:12 it's wonderful to see and the work has just begun.
34:15 Yes, absolutely, that's wonderful.
34:18 Praise God for what He is doing.
34:20 You know, when you see the result,
34:23 when you see the souls coming to know Jesus,
34:26 people accepting Jesus
34:27 that would never have known about Him,
34:29 if he had not gone.
34:31 It's an incredible ministry,
34:32 now Ivan's not your only missionary.
34:35 Oh, no, no. So tell us about Goshka.
34:37 So Goshka, oh, she has an amazing story,
34:39 hope if I can tell really quick.
34:41 Yeah. No, take your time.
34:42 I met Goshka in Sacramento, I was having a Bible study,
34:45 Bible study group across the street
34:48 from the state capital
34:49 and that was in an elderly apartment complex
34:56 and I met this gentlemen and his name was Paul,
34:59 he had, I gotten a card through the mail
35:03 and it was interesting how we never sent the card out,
35:07 so this was a whole God thing, okay.
35:10 This is a divine appointment.
35:12 Our church never sent this card out,
35:14 it ended up in my mail box at the church.
35:16 So I called and Paul had been searching,
35:20 he had been searching different denominations
35:23 and it was funny
35:24 because he wanted to start a Bible study group
35:28 and I said I would love to
35:29 and he said, well, tell me a little bit about yourself,
35:33 because I have been studying the Bible
35:34 and I am really starting to be convicted on the Sabbath,
35:37 so if you are not teaching about the Sabbath,
35:39 then I really don't want you
35:40 to come teach my Bible study group.
35:41 I said, perfect.
35:43 I'm a Seventh-day Adventist, so I teach about the Sabbath.
35:45 Amen.
35:47 And so he said, wonderful,
35:48 okay, well, I'll set up the group
35:49 and then, you know, on such and such date
35:51 and you just come
35:53 and so I said, okay, I will be there and it was interesting
35:55 because we conversated over the next few days
35:58 and he said, you know, would you mind
36:00 if there was like even 25 people.
36:02 I said, you know, prepare,
36:03 I'll prepare for as big as you need
36:06 and so anyways when we started,
36:08 I think there was about ten people that came,
36:11 and Goshka ended up being one of these people
36:15 that came and she is originally from Poland.
36:17 Okay.
36:19 And so she was searching,
36:20 so she wanted me to know that
36:21 she was a true seeker from the get go,
36:23 and so she had been through the Catholic Church
36:26 through all these different churches.
36:27 She was kind of even going to the Catholic Church
36:30 at that time, been in the New Age Movement
36:33 and as we begin the Bible studies,
36:35 she just was drinking from the fountains of water
36:39 and she was just coming along so beautifully,
36:42 and so when we came to the Sabbath,
36:45 you know, it was interesting
36:46 because it was right when I began Bible working.
36:48 Okay.
36:49 And so, I thought it was gonna be okay
36:51 if I just gave her the lesson,
36:53 like I was doing with all the other lessons
36:55 up to that point, but she was got so upset,
36:59 she wouldn't come to the Bible study for three weeks.
37:01 She ripped up my card, ripped up the Bible studies,
37:03 she wouldn't have anything.
37:04 So she was upset with the truth of the Sabbath?
37:06 Yes, yes. Okay.
37:07 And so I went back to our staff and I told Pastor Doug
37:10 and the other pastors, I said, let's pray for Goshka,
37:13 I said because, you know, I have a burden for her.
37:16 I just know that God placed her in my life
37:20 for a very important, you know, reason
37:23 and I know that God has plans for her.
37:26 So we began to pray for her and pray for her
37:28 and it took three weeks,
37:30 but God brought us back together
37:32 and it was interesting after I had the Bible study,
37:34 she wasn't there and I said, please, please, please,
37:37 I said I got, I have to talk to Goshka
37:40 and so, it was so funny because one of the guys
37:42 from the Bible study, he ran around the corner
37:44 and he said, she's coming down the elevator,
37:46 she's coming down the elevator.
37:48 Oh, praise Jesus.
37:49 And I had waited for like an hour and half,
37:51 'cause the Lord just told me don't leave.
37:53 Wow.
37:54 And so I went around the corner to see her
37:56 and she couldn't get away from me
37:58 and so, because we have developed a friendship.
38:00 I just walked up to her and threw my arms around her,
38:02 I said, Goshka, I'm so happy to see you,
38:04 I'm so happy to see you.
38:05 And so we went over to the couch
38:07 and we started talking and she goes,
38:08 you know, for the last several weeks
38:10 I haven't been able to sleep at all
38:13 and she goes that God is not been letting me sleep,
38:16 she goes by, I just wanted you to know,
38:17 I don't wanna believe the Sabbath
38:19 because you're teaching it or some church believes it.
38:23 She goes, I wanna know if that's truly God's,
38:25 you know, God's truth
38:27 that the Sabbath really is His holy day.
38:29 And I said, Goshka, I took her hands in mine,
38:31 I said, you know, I love you,
38:33 I said, you're my friend
38:35 and I don't want you to believe this Sabbath
38:37 because of me either.
38:38 I want you to believe the Sabbath is God's holy day,
38:41 I said, so what I want you to do is
38:42 I want you to go back to your room
38:44 and I want you to get down on your knees and pray,
38:46 and I want you to ask the Lord to show you in His word.
38:49 the scriptures that talk about the Sabbath.
38:52 And so I said, and then you let me know what he tells you,
38:56 because I only want you to follow what,
38:57 I always get teary eyes when I'm talking about Jesus
39:00 and what God has done.
39:02 So she went and did that.
39:05 And then the next day, that was on a Wednesday
39:07 and the next day she had called,
39:10 and she said "JeAnn," I was out of town,
39:14 so I couldn't use the phone but she left a message
39:16 and the message was "JeAnn, she goes,
39:19 do you think that I could come to church with you
39:22 on the Sabbath?"
39:23 Oh, wow!
39:25 She goes, I'm willing to give your church a try
39:29 and I was actually speaking in other church that Sabbath
39:31 so I wasn't able to go with her,
39:33 but the following Sabbath she came with me.
39:35 And so the following Sabbath I had no idea that she had...
39:41 She told me that she was wanted to give my church a try,
39:44 but she didn't tell me that she was,
39:45 she had prayed for God to give her a sign
39:47 that was actually His remnant church.
39:49 Oh, wow! That was actually His church.
39:50 Okay.
39:52 Okay, and that's where God want her to be.
39:55 So she, I didn't tell her that Pastor Dough was
40:00 the pastor of our church at that time.
40:03 And she hadn't told me,
40:06 which she had told me later
40:07 that she about six months before that I met her,
40:11 she was living in, well, she was homeless actually
40:16 but she was in a hotel room one night
40:20 and she wanted to know about,
40:23 she prayed to God that He would answer her questions
40:26 about the New Age Movement.
40:28 And so she was flipping through channels
40:31 and guess who came across the channel?
40:32 Pastor Doug. Pastor Doug.
40:34 Wow.
40:35 And guess what he was talking about?
40:37 New Age? Yes.
40:38 And so every question that she had
40:40 about the New Age Movement, he answered,
40:43 and so she began to watch him.
40:45 Well, when she moved to where I met her at,
40:47 she lost, she couldn't find him on the TV anymore.
40:50 So she never told me about that experience until later.
40:54 So when she went to church with me that Sabbath,
40:57 I sat her on the second row
40:58 and I'm very busy in the church,
41:00 so I said help you
41:01 and she brought one of the other guys said,
41:03 that's in our Bible study and he was also Catholic.
41:05 Sat them on the second row and I left,
41:08 'cause I had many different duties to do.
41:10 So when Pastor Doug came out,
41:12 she told me later after the service.
41:15 'Cause I asked her, I said, how did you like the service?
41:18 And she said, JeAnn, you're not gonna believe this.
41:21 She goes, when you sat me down and when Pastor Doug came out,
41:26 she goes, I looked at him
41:28 and then when his face flashed up on the screen
41:31 she goes that's the man,
41:32 that's the man that I saw
41:34 that was telling me about all the truth.
41:36 She goes when I hear he spoke, I knew it was truth
41:39 and so she told me after the service,
41:41 she goes, JeAnn, I didn't tell you
41:42 I was praying for a sign,
41:44 but God answered my prayer,
41:45 He gave me the sign I was looking for.
41:47 And so she became a member of our church,
41:50 a few months later she was baptized within the church,
41:53 I think there is a picture with all the people
41:55 that were also in her group
41:57 and some of them are baptized at that point and...
41:59 Is she the blonde?
42:01 Yes, she is the blonde from Poland
42:03 and so it's so incredible because from there God wasn't,
42:08 she just began this ministry,
42:09 this DVD ministry of passing out powerful testimonies
42:13 from Pastor Doug, Pastor Bohr,
42:15 many of the other different pastors,
42:18 Walter Veith and many different other pastors
42:20 a powerful messages and she would take them around,
42:24 give them out in our church or in throughout the community,
42:27 and then God moved her up to Placerville.
42:30 She began doing that ministry up there
42:32 and then she met different people,
42:33 now she is back in Georgia working with this ministry,
42:35 this health ministry back in Georgia
42:37 and also just going out making more disciples for Jesus.
42:40 You know, JeAnn, what an incredible testimony.
42:42 Yes.
42:44 My heart is so touched hearing that testimony.
42:46 What God does and how God takes us
42:49 no matter were we are at.
42:51 Here she was asking, wondering about New Age
42:53 and she flipped the channel there is Pastor Doug,
42:56 here she is studying with you and then walks into the church
42:59 having no idea.
43:01 And so that's how God works, God would do anything,
43:04 use any means necessary to save you and I,
43:07 because He loves us, because the Bible says
43:10 He is not willing that any should perish,
43:12 but that all should come to repentance.
43:14 That's beautiful,
43:15 I hope we have time for another testimony.
43:17 I do too.
43:18 Tel me about Ralph and his family?
43:19 So...
43:21 And I think we have a few pictures on this story too.
43:22 Yes.
43:24 So Ralph, it was so interesting too
43:25 because he was praying,
43:26 he was also attending a Catholic Church,
43:28 but he, and he was brought up in the Catholic Church
43:31 but as he got older he realized,
43:33 you know, he just felt
43:35 like there was something that was missing.
43:36 That something wasn't quite right
43:38 and I just want the viewers to know,
43:40 if you're a Catholic and you're listening,
43:42 you know what, God loves you.
43:43 Amen.
43:45 And God has many wonderful people in the Catholic Church,
43:48 but the Bible tells us in the second angel's message
43:52 in Revelation 14.
43:54 Come out of her, my people.
43:55 Come out of her,
43:57 God is calling all of the people
43:58 to come out of all these different churches,
44:00 to come into His remnant, to come into truth,
44:04 to study our Bibles,
44:05 to really realize what the Bible says,
44:07 so Ralph is praying, God, lead me to a church
44:11 that has Your full entire truth.
44:13 Lead me to Your church,
44:15 and so he's watching a Christian show on TV
44:22 and a commercial comes on,
44:23 and Pastor Doug comes on
44:25 and he's offering for anyone
44:29 that wants to come to his church,
44:31 that he'll send the shuttles to come pick them up.
44:34 So Ralph called for the shuttle to come pick him up
44:37 and he came to the church and I got connected with.
44:39 This is Sacramento Central, okay.
44:41 This is Sacramento Central.
44:42 And I got connected with Ralph
44:44 and Ralph and I started Bible study and he said,
44:46 can I bring a couple of members of my family?
44:49 I said sure.
44:50 We ended up with six members of his family
44:53 and praise the Lord, all six of them got baptized.
44:56 Oh.
44:58 And then actually there was a seventh.
44:59 So this is his sister, Enhelica, yes.
45:03 Okay, and that's Pastor Chris Buttery.
45:04 This is Pastor Chris and this is his sister Sofia.
45:07 Okay.
45:09 And this is his nephew Gregory,
45:13 he was later baptized too a few months later,
45:15 this is Sofia's son.
45:18 And this is some more members, this is Andrea.
45:24 Is that Ralph with the tie?
45:25 And this is Ralph with the tie, and this is little Nathan.
45:28 Oh.
45:29 And also Briana. Okay.
45:32 Yes, so it's wonderful and they are doing,
45:34 they are helping with the food ministry at the church
45:38 and also going out giving Bible studies,
45:40 and talking with people in their community about Jesus
45:42 and sharing the gospel.
45:44 Amen. Yes.
45:45 That's incredible, just that's,
45:48 you know what, my heart is so blessed
45:50 by hearing the testimonies,
45:51 but each one of us can get involved in evangelism,
45:55 this is not just okay,
45:56 JeAnn's a wonderful Bible worker
45:58 and this is how God is using her,
46:00 no, God wants to use each one of us in ministry.
46:02 He does.
46:03 So how can our 3ABN family home,
46:06 how can they get involved in ministry,
46:09 especially with your ministry.
46:10 Tell us about that?
46:12 Well, you can help, if you're a Bible worker
46:14 you can contact His Hem ministry
46:16 and we will help place you.
46:18 We also are looking for people
46:21 that want to help support His Hem ministry.
46:24 Financially support, also with prayers,
46:27 lots of prayers,
46:28 and but financial support His Hem ministry
46:31 and helping to get the gospel to the world.
46:33 Yes.
46:35 You know, I believe that the United States of America,
46:38 we need so many gospel workers here,
46:41 the need is so great,
46:43 and so if you as the viewers listen,
46:46 if they can contact His Hem ministry
46:48 and I know you have our contact information here,
46:51 that I am sure that you will post.
46:53 Just to help support us,
46:54 we want to fully fund Ivan and his family down there,
46:58 because they are doing such a great work,
47:00 and fully fund all of our gospel workers,
47:02 and be able to bring many more gospel workers on.
47:04 We would like to be able to support
47:06 as many AFCOE graduates as possible,
47:09 so we can send them out all over the United States
47:11 and the world.
47:13 Amen, now you had some statistics,
47:15 you shared with me.
47:16 Yes.
47:17 It was something about if 10 people trained...
47:21 Yes. So, if...
47:23 It's like the ripple effect what we were talking about.
47:25 Yes, so if can fully fund 100 Bible workers
47:28 and those 100 Bible workers only had 10 baptisms a year,
47:33 that would be 1000 baptisms in one year,
47:37 and then you train those 1000 that got baptized
47:42 to go and make more disciples,
47:45 so those 1000 go out
47:48 and if they only have 10 baptisms a year
47:52 that would be 10,000 baptisms in a year.
47:55 So in two years look at how many baptisms you could have,
47:59 thousands of baptisms.
48:01 That goes back to Matthew 28,
48:02 you know, I think time is short.
48:05 Jesus is coming soon and in Matthew 28,
48:08 we read at the beginning of the program,
48:10 "Go you therefore, go ye and make disciples."
48:13 And that's what God calls us to do,
48:15 to teach, and to preach,
48:16 and to share the love of Jesus,
48:18 to share this gospel message with the lost and dying world.
48:22 I know that's the mission of 3ABN,
48:24 that's the mission of JeAnn Davis
48:26 and His Hem Ministries,
48:28 and that should be each one of our mission
48:30 to get involved in evangelism, get involved in sharing Jesus.
48:34 You had a quote, we talked about earlier,
48:38 I don't know if there is a special quote
48:39 there was one from Manuscript,
48:41 or is another one you would rather share with us.
48:43 There is a couple,
48:44 I'm not for sure how much time we have left,
48:46 but let me see here.
48:48 Let's pick a quote here.
48:50 So from Testimonies for the Church,
48:51 volume 6, page 436,
48:55 it says, "In every church
48:56 the members should be so trained
48:58 that they will devote time
48:59 to the winning of souls to Christ.
49:02 How can it be said of the church,
49:03 "Ye are the light of the world,"
49:05 unless the members of the church
49:06 are actually imparting light?
49:09 Let those who have charge of the flock of Christ
49:12 awake to their duty and set many souls to work."
49:16 Amen. Amen.
49:18 We are the light of the world. Yes.
49:20 And we need to get involved, let's read one more quote,
49:22 I think we have time for one more.
49:23 Yes.
49:25 And this is from Manuscript 24, 1903,
49:27 it says "To us also the commission is given,
49:30 we are bitten to go forth as Christ messengers,
49:33 to teach, instruct, and persuade men and women.
49:37 To urge upon their attention, the word of life
49:41 and to us also the assurance of Christ
49:43 abiding presence is given,
49:45 whatever the difficulties with which we may have to contend,
49:49 whatever the trails we have to endure,
49:51 the gracious promises always ours,
49:54 lo, I am with you always,
49:56 even unto the end of the world."
49:58 Amen.
50:00 God does not always promise an easy road,
50:03 but He promises the anointing of His spirit,
50:06 He promises His presence,
50:08 He promises His empowerment and His peace,
50:11 in the midst of the storm.
50:13 So I hope that you have been encouraged today
50:15 by hearing JeAnn's testimony,
50:17 by hearing what God has done in her life,
50:20 and no matter where you are right now,
50:21 God wants to redeem you to set you free,
50:24 and then to encourage you or empower you
50:28 to go forth as His witness.
50:29 What we want to do right now is
50:31 put up the contact information for His Hem Ministries.
50:35 If you would like to get involved
50:37 by financially supporting them and their Bible workers.
50:40 If you would like to pray for them,
50:43 if you would like to have JeAnn come to your church,
50:47 to your community and share how to be trained,
50:52 share how to, in your local area
50:55 you can get involved in sharing the gospel
50:58 and that evangelistic training and giving Bible studies,
51:01 here is how you can do just that,
51:02 and then we will be back with a few closing thoughts.
51:10 If you would like to learn more about His Hem Ministries,
51:13 you can do so by writing to PO Box 2526,
51:18 Citrus Heights, California 95621.
51:21 That's PO Box 2526,
51:25 Citrus Heights, California 95621.
51:29 You can call them at (916) 752-4272.
51:33 That's (916) 752-4272.
51:38 You can also find them online at His-Hem.org.
51:43 That's His-Hem.org.


Revised 2017-06-29