3ABN Today

Bibles 4 Prisoners

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: CA Murray (Host), Ann Carmouche, Brian Hamilton, John Carmouche


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017030A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN today.
01:09 My name is CA Murray.
01:10 Allow me once again to thank you for sharing
01:12 just a little of your busy day with us.
01:15 To thank you as always for your love, your prayers,
01:17 your support of Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:20 We realized that we could not do
01:22 what we are called to do without your partnership.
01:24 So we thank you from the bottom of our heart.
01:26 I'm in the company of our CFO, speaking of financial support,
01:30 Mr. Brian Hamilton, Pastor Brian Hamilton,
01:32 you've won many hats in the past
01:34 and wear many hats here.
01:35 Brian, good to have you here, man.
01:37 Yeah, good to be here, CA.
01:38 Today we sort of, we sort of called upon you in your role
01:42 as director of the prison ministries out of 3ABN.
01:46 A ministry that you have taken on that has grown,
01:48 I was gonna say locally but really,
01:50 you've become interstate certainly
01:52 if not international, gone down to Alabama
01:54 and done some other things.
01:55 So it's really, really growing.
01:57 New Mexico, number of different places.
01:58 Yeah, yeah.
02:00 And doing a great work as together
02:02 we both work with Lemuel Vega and Christmas Behind Bars.
02:04 Yeah.
02:06 It's real blessing, the Lord has taken tragedy
02:09 and turned it into something that's more of a triumph.
02:13 And a lot of people whose lives are,
02:17 they find themselves in difficult place,
02:19 its timeout and the Lord reaches them
02:22 during their timeout.
02:23 Yeah, yeah.
02:24 And so it's neat to see
02:26 and be a part of something like that.
02:28 And it's interesting how God, and as you well said can take
02:32 a really tough time in your life
02:33 and give you a ministry that draws out of that,
02:39 and sort of puts you in a place
02:40 that you would not normally think of being
02:41 or having to do something
02:43 which is now very much part of your soul
02:45 that before maybe it wasn't on the radar for you.
02:48 Yes. Yes. Yeah.
02:49 The promise that all things work together for the good.
02:52 Amen.
02:53 We've seen, realize in our own life.
02:55 And we're going to see how it's realized in the life
02:58 of a couple of guests here with us.
03:00 Indeed.
03:02 Our guest are John and Annie Carmouche,
03:05 and I want to get that right
03:07 because there's a little accent on that.
03:09 Good to have you both here.
03:10 And, Annie, good to have you here
03:12 and, John, good to have you here also.
03:15 Of course we're talking about prison ministry today.
03:17 They run a wonderful prison ministry,
03:20 and we're going to talk about that,
03:22 recognized by the conference, working with the conference
03:24 and doing some great work but it too, Brian,
03:29 comes out of an experience.
03:30 Yes.
03:32 And that John had
03:33 and now Annie is part of that experience
03:36 and so we're going to unpackage that story.
03:39 Before we go to our music,
03:40 John, let's just sort of dip our toes
03:42 in the water here just a little bit.
03:44 Tell us where you're from initially, originally?
03:46 Originally, I'm from Louisiana, Marksville to be precise.
03:51 This is a small town that I was born in.
03:53 Later on, I moved to New Orleans
03:55 and I spent most of my early life there
03:58 plus some my adult life.
04:01 When he says Louisiana like that,
04:03 you could tell he's a natural, he's an original.
04:07 And there was, is a large French community
04:10 historically being going back century
04:13 or so that is resident
04:14 in the southern part of Louisiana,
04:16 around New Orleans, isn't there?
04:17 That's correct. Yeah.
04:18 In fact my grandmother and grandfather
04:20 did come from Marseille.
04:22 And they came there
04:24 and they didn't speak English at all
04:26 and they landed in,
04:28 a parish called Avoyelles Parish
04:31 which is in, where Marksville is at.
04:34 And out of that, you know, we were born.
04:38 Marksville, now that must not be the largest city
04:42 in Louisiana by any stretch.
04:46 Yeah, how big a town?
04:48 At the time it was probably 5,000 people maybe,
04:51 maybe 4,000.
04:55 Christian home, faith based growing up,
04:58 what was it like in your home growing up?
05:00 We were Catholic.
05:04 My mother and my father did not go to church
05:07 but they professed Catholicism.
05:10 But my grandmother on my father side,
05:12 she was very faithful to go to church.
05:15 And she also worked at the Catholic school.
05:19 As children were you sort of nominally,
05:21 nominally Catholic or you in church kind of practicing?
05:24 Well, at first we were nominally
05:26 but then when we began to attend the Catholic school,
05:30 it became more evident that we were Catholics
05:34 because we went to Catholic school
05:36 and we went to the Catholic church.
05:39 Brothers and sisters?
05:41 Yes, I had a sister who has passed away since then.
05:45 So you kind of did the bonafidic Catholic thing,
05:47 Catholic church, Catholic school,
05:49 Catholic upbringing and all of Catholic.
05:50 That's boy.
05:54 So you were really, really Catholic.
05:56 Yes.
05:57 And when we come back from a song, Brian,
05:59 I want to ask him about...
06:01 It's one thing as you well know to attend church
06:04 or attend a Christian school or Catholic school,
06:07 parochial school,
06:08 but it's another thing to know Jesus for yourself.
06:10 Yeah.
06:11 And we're going to talk about that
06:12 because your life took some interesting twists and turns
06:15 having read the book and I want to just,
06:16 just put in a little plug for your book,
06:18 "If I Make My Bed In Hell", very aggressive title
06:22 that you had a chance to put down
06:27 what God has done with you, for you,
06:28 to you and through you.
06:30 And it's very riveting, I began reading this
06:32 about midnight last night.
06:35 And sort of propped myself up in the bed
06:38 and got through most of it, really well done
06:41 and quite a saga of your life and that brings you here today.
06:44 So we want to talk about that, but before we do so,
06:47 Brother Brian, we want to go to our music.
06:48 Okay.
06:50 An old friend, and maybe I shouldn't say
06:51 old friend of the ministry
06:53 because this is a long-time friend.
06:56 Kateena LeForge who has been here many, many times
06:59 and she's going to be singing
07:01 "His Strength Is Perfect".
07:16 I can do all things
07:21 Through Christ who gives me strength
07:26 But sometimes I wonder what
07:29 He can do through me
07:36 No great success to show
07:42 No glory of my own
07:46 Yet in my weakness
07:49 He is there to let me know
07:56 His strength is perfect
08:00 When our strength is gone
08:06 He'll carry us
08:09 When we can't carry on
08:16 Raised in His power,
08:20 The weak become strong
08:27 His strength is perfect
08:50 We can only know
08:55 The power that He holds
08:59 When we truly see
09:02 How deep our weakness goes
09:10 His strength in us begins
09:15 When ours comes to an end
09:20 He hears our humble cry
09:25 And proves again
09:29 His strength is perfect
09:34 When our strength is gone
09:39 He'll carry us
09:43 When we can't carry on
09:50 Raised in His power
09:54 The weak become strong
10:00 His strength is perfect
10:09 When our strength is gone
10:15 He'll carry us
10:19 When we can't carry on
10:26 Raised in His power
10:29 The weak become strong
10:36 His strength is perfect
10:46 Raised in His power
10:50 The weak become strong
10:57 His strength is perfect
11:30 CA, "His Strength Is Perfect".
11:32 Amen, I need that. Amen.
11:34 That's a beautiful song, well sung,
11:37 we appreciate Kateena and her ministry
11:41 and Tim Parton on the piano there
11:44 that his nimble fingers can make that piano sing.
11:48 Yep.
11:49 So we have two guests John and Annie...
11:54 Carmouche.
11:55 Carmouche, I know it's French,
11:57 my tongue is still working on that just a little bit.
12:00 But, John and Annie, we're glad that you're here with us
12:03 and, John.
12:05 I haven't read, had a chance to read your book,
12:08 CA had a chance too, I read your testimony
12:11 and it was powerful, it moved me.
12:14 When we left off just before the song,
12:17 we were talking about your Catholic upbringing.
12:21 Yes.
12:22 And I understand you began to have some questions about that
12:27 or somehow you moved away from that.
12:29 You want to share a little more on how that happened?
12:32 Yes, Brian, this is what happened there.
12:35 As you know, I was going to Catholic school,
12:38 and I was being taught by priests and nuns.
12:40 And I had questions about, you know,
12:43 some of the laws of the church.
12:45 And I asked for a Bible first of all and they said,
12:47 "Well, you don't need a Bible, all you need is a catechism
12:50 which is the laws of the church and a missal which is like,
12:54 some like a Sabbath school lesson
12:56 but it's for the year.
12:57 And they said, anything else we would teach you.
13:00 Well, we've heard that before, haven't we?
13:03 Well, anyhow, I wasn't given a Bible
13:07 and I was told at times that you, you know,
13:11 you don't need a Bible because it's too expensive,
13:13 and it's all this and all that.
13:16 So when in 1959,
13:21 I was in VIII grade,
13:24 and I had a question about something that took place,
13:28 because during that year
13:31 the Catholic Church changed the law.
13:34 It used to be, it was a sin to eat meat on Friday,
13:36 if you willingly sinned, you know,
13:39 God would send you to hell, and you'd burn eternally,
13:42 that was the teaching.
13:44 And so this law was that, if you ate meat on Friday
13:50 that you would sin willingly but they chanced a law,
13:53 they said, "You can now eat meat on Friday."
13:56 Well, this puzzled me very much.
13:58 Okay.
14:00 So I said to the nuns and the priest I said,
14:03 "You know, you can't just do that
14:05 so they had this Monsignor come and talk to me."
14:09 He says, "I understand you have a problem
14:10 with the laws of the church."
14:12 I said, "Yes." He said, "Well, what is it?"
14:14 I said, "Well, who changed the law
14:16 that you can eat meat on Friday?"
14:18 He said, "Well, the church did."
14:19 And I said, "Well, church can't do that."
14:21 He says, "Yeah, the church can do anything it wants."
14:24 I said, "Well, what do you do with all these people
14:26 that's burning in hell
14:27 because they ate meat on Friday willingly.
14:31 VIII grader. Yes.
14:33 You know, that's very incisive for a young fella.
14:35 It is.
14:36 To sort of put the dots together,
14:38 connect the dots like that.
14:39 And he said to me,
14:41 I have to get back with you on that.
14:44 He didn't have an answer for that.
14:46 Well, that, you know,
14:47 I had other questions too about Catholicism
14:49 that I didn't agree with very much,
14:52 but that was the icing on the cake for me
14:55 that said well, you know, you don't need to be here,
14:58 because they had begun to prep me
15:01 to go to seminar to become a priest.
15:04 Okay.
15:05 And I was going to leave,
15:07 after the VIII grade I was going to go
15:08 and do my high school at the seminar
15:10 but that didn't happen obviously.
15:13 So I got away from the church, I got away from God completely.
15:18 And I feared God, you know, in that sense I feared God
15:22 in a different way from what I do now.
15:23 Okay.
15:25 I reverence God now but before you know,
15:27 I was like...
15:28 Yeah.
15:30 I'm scared to do most times. For instance, afraid of God.
15:31 Yes. Yes.
15:34 And then I went into playing music, I had a...
15:39 God gave me another talent to play music you know.
15:42 And I went into that and I started playing music
15:45 in nightclubs eventually.
15:48 And I found that the nightlife was, you know, rewarding,
15:51 you know, in many ways.
15:52 What instrument, John? I played saxophone.
15:56 A very seductive instrument by the way.
15:58 Yes, yes.
15:59 And I really enjoyed that until later on
16:05 I started working in the oil field,
16:07 did you want me to continue on here just a bit.
16:10 I started working in the oil fields in,
16:13 off in the Gulf of Mexico off of New Orleans.
16:16 Okay.
16:18 And I really enjoyed this kind of work,
16:20 it was difficult, hard work but I enjoyed it
16:23 and it was very invigorating to me.
16:27 There's lot of mathematics involved
16:29 and I'm very good in mathematics.
16:30 Okay.
16:31 So that's another gift that God gave me
16:34 that I didn't see it at the time but...
16:37 John, give me a some sense because the oil field,
16:41 working in oil fields
16:42 and we know you worked in the Gulf,
16:45 but you also worked in the Persian Gulf.
16:47 Give me some sense or give us some sense of the kind of life,
16:51 the kind of a person that an oil guy is,
16:53 is he a teetotaling Bible-thumping kind of guy
16:57 or is he so independent the other way.
16:59 Give us some sense of the kind of guy
17:01 that an oil field guy is?
17:02 Just the opposite.
17:04 He's rough-and-ready guy and drinks a lot, you know,
17:09 when he comes into the beach or comes into land,
17:12 first thing he does just go to the bars
17:14 and have a few drinks, you know.
17:17 In fact I used to drink, I ordered two beers,
17:21 the first one I never tasted it,
17:22 it just went down after being on a rig for seven days
17:27 and then the second one I just, I drank the other one down,
17:30 you know, sipped it a bit but, you know,
17:33 oil field people get into fights
17:37 which is not unusual.
17:40 And you know, it's...
17:42 They're not called roughnecks for nothing.
17:45 So this, at this point you're out,
17:47 it's seven days out and then how many days on land?
17:50 Seven days in. Seven days out, seven days in.
17:52 You didn't get a lot of mischief
17:54 in seven days, you know.
17:55 You certainly can. Yeah, you can.
17:56 Yeah.
17:59 So it was pretty rough life
18:01 but yet interesting in terms of,
18:04 it was a challenging work to be involved in.
18:07 It was, yeah.
18:09 And probably financially rewarding work.
18:11 Yes, it was very good. Yeah.
18:14 So the pay is pretty good, you make in pretty good money.
18:16 Yes, absolutely. You're saving it, spending it.
18:18 What are you doing with your money?
18:20 Now at first I was spending it and later on
18:22 when I went to the Middle East, I made a lot of money.
18:25 I saved quite a bit of it but...
18:27 Yeah.
18:28 Talk to us about how you got from America
18:31 over working in the Middle East?
18:33 Well, in the United States
18:35 I had worked for about ten years.
18:37 I started as a roughneck
18:39 and I worked for about five years
18:40 I became a driller and then I worked,
18:43 I did that for little less than five years
18:45 and I became a drilling supervisor
18:46 or a tool pusher it's called.
18:48 And you know, things were just ho-hum in the United States.
18:55 So a friend of mine said, brother, said,
18:58 you need to go to the Middle East.
19:00 You know, he said, "You need to go overseas."
19:02 That's what he told me. And I said, "Overseas?"
19:04 He said, "Yeah, you have to think about it, so I said,
19:08 "Perhaps," so he said to me, said,
19:11 "There's a company here
19:13 that they would probably send you over there, you know.
19:16 So I got a hold of a company by the name of
19:20 Southeastern Drilling Company called SEDCO.
19:23 And I talked to them and they said,
19:28 "Yeah, we have a place for you in Iran."
19:31 And I said, "Iran."
19:33 He said, "Yeah," I said, "I never heard of Iran."
19:34 He said, Yes, you have", it's call Iran.
19:37 Oh, I said, Iran.
19:40 Iran, yeah, at that time.
19:43 So they said,
19:46 "Well, we'd like you to go over there?"
19:47 And I said, "Okay, I said,
19:49 well, maybe I should go as a driller."
19:51 Said, "No, no, no with your experience
19:52 you should be a drilling supervisor."
19:55 So I went to the Middle East and I lived in Tehran.
20:00 And I worked off the coast in the Persian Gulf.
20:07 Two questions come to mind, very quickly
20:09 because Annie said to me just before we came on,
20:12 you were making six figures back in the 70s.
20:14 That's right.
20:15 So you're making a lot of money.
20:17 A lot of money.
20:18 But the culture there is not like
20:19 the rough-and-ready loose culture in New Orleans
20:22 that you've to kind of behave yourself a little bit,
20:24 you know, when you came to port?
20:26 Yes, pretty much so.
20:27 You know, it was, it was different,
20:29 I mean, I was...
20:32 I don't know, I would say I was well to do
20:35 in that part of the world, you know, I mean,
20:37 I was looked at as a, you know, okay,
20:40 he's an upstanding man, you know, he's got a good job.
20:44 They called me an engineer,
20:46 and that's what the term was for drilling supervisor.
20:50 And I learned to speak their language there
20:53 which is Farsi.
20:55 And I, you know, the Lord blessed me
20:59 with so many things that I didn't see
21:00 at the time I thought,
21:02 well, this is all my own doing, you know.
21:04 But it wasn't really.
21:07 You know, the Lord was working with me throughout the years
21:10 and trying to get me to accept Jesus Christ
21:14 and which I had read,
21:15 I had studied the Bible for many years,
21:17 but I didn't understand it very well.
21:20 But as I began to work in the Middle East,
21:25 I saw some things that, you know,
21:28 brought me to realize that,
21:31 okay, perhaps there is a God, you know.
21:33 In fact my first assignment was on a rig
21:38 in the Persian Gulf
21:40 and the night before I arrived there
21:42 the rig caught on fire and the person's place
21:46 I was supposed to take that burned.
21:49 And he died in that, in that, on that rig
21:54 and as well several of them did,
21:56 and so I was given another job to do
22:01 during that time, I thought.
22:02 So even though, I mean God is not a part
22:05 of your conscious life right now,
22:07 you're not worshiping Him, not serving Him
22:08 but you can see looking back the protecting hand of God
22:11 through all of these experiences.
22:13 I can, I can. Yeah, that's powerful.
22:15 That's powerful.
22:16 So, did you go over a single man?
22:19 I did. Okay.
22:20 I was single.
22:21 And you know I may had, did a lot of things
22:25 and I met a young lady that
22:30 actually she was younger than I thought she was
22:32 but she told me she was 19 and the time I was 29.
22:36 Okay.
22:38 And which in the Middle East it's not unusual.
22:42 And so I got with her family, you know,
22:45 she invited me to meet her family
22:47 and I did and her family were very nice.
22:49 In fact her father didn't speak English
22:51 but he spoke French.
22:53 So he and I, we communicated well together,
22:57 her mother didn't speak English or French.
22:59 So I had to use a translator at first
23:02 until I learned the language.
23:03 Yeah, now I read it in the book he was 29,
23:07 he was told she was 19, was little bit,
23:09 she was little bit younger than that.
23:11 Oh, really? Oh, yeah.
23:13 Very much, very much so.
23:15 But they, the family had no problem with that, correct?
23:17 No, they didn't have a problem with that,
23:19 that it's normal in the Middle East.
23:22 They wanted their daughter to...
23:24 In fact, she was the youngest of their children
23:27 and they wanted their daughter to marry someone
23:30 who was well-to-do,
23:32 who could take care of their daughter
23:34 and they wanted a nice family.
23:37 So, and I was the one.
23:39 Yeah, so here comes Mr. American guy
23:41 making six figures.
23:42 So that would bring honor to them,
23:43 honor to the family name,
23:45 it'd be, you know, it's all positive.
23:46 That's correct, yes, yes. Yeah, okay.
23:48 Yeah, so she was, she was a good bit younger than you.
23:52 You got married, did you stay there
23:54 or did you come back stateside?
23:56 Actually during that time the Shah was becoming
24:00 deposed in that country,
24:02 and Ayatollah Khomeini was taking over.
24:05 And her family said, particularly her father,
24:10 he was a retired judge and he said,
24:13 "You know, you need to take your little family
24:15 and go back to the United, go to the United States
24:18 because things are not gonna be
24:20 very good over here in this country.
24:21 Yeah, I remember when the Shah left,
24:23 it was kind of pro-western.
24:24 That's right.
24:26 And when Ayatollah came in,
24:27 those kinds of marriages were frowned on.
24:29 They were.
24:30 And the whole swing towards western culture was frowned on,
24:31 they were heading back
24:33 towards their kind of historical culture,
24:34 so wasn't a place you wanted to be
24:36 too much longer I wouldn't think.
24:37 No, sir, I didn't want to be there much longer
24:38 but, you know, I was willing to stay,
24:40 I mean, I knew I could, you know,
24:42 I could maintain, I could manage,
24:43 but my father-in-law was very much wanted,
24:48 he very much wanted me to take our family
24:50 to the United States.
24:52 Your family consisted of at this point?
24:54 I had one son at the time.
24:58 One son was born in Iran.
25:01 So coming back to the States and, you know,
25:03 that's a culture shift, man.
25:05 Yeah. You came back to where?
25:06 Especially for her. Yeah, very much so.
25:09 Where did you come back to?
25:10 Well, we came back to Marksville
25:12 because my mother had lived in Marksville,
25:14 and my grandmother also lived in Marksville.
25:17 And we lived there for a short time
25:21 but my former wife had her, you know, my wife at the time,
25:27 she had family in Washington DC area.
25:31 So I was working, began, I began to work one month on
25:34 and one month off,
25:36 it was a different situation there.
25:39 So I said, "Well, you know, since I have to spend
25:43 a whole month going, I said,
25:44 it would be good if you were next to your family
25:46 so let's go ahead and move to Washington DC area,
25:50 which is in Northern Virginia actually.
25:53 So that's where we moved in. Were you still working in oil?
25:56 Yes.
25:57 So still making decent money, I suspect.
26:00 Oh, yes.
26:01 So that has never been an issue per se.
26:04 You know, you had a good solid job,
26:06 something you could transport and go, you could work,
26:08 you know, and do that.
26:09 Yes.
26:10 Let's go now to because, Brian,
26:12 this is sort of the crux of the story.
26:16 Another child came...
26:18 Yes.
26:19 And then some stuff began to happen.
26:21 So walk us through that experience
26:24 because it's a big part of the book,
26:26 but some things happened
26:29 and that ended up landing you in prison.
26:33 So walk us through that whole experience?
26:35 Okay, well what happened was my second son was born
26:38 and I was still working overseas.
26:41 And then, you know, I could tell that
26:44 there was some changes in my family life
26:46 and I saw that things were happening,
26:51 my wife was having an affair.
26:54 And I didn't want to believe it myself
26:56 but, you know, I tried not to believe it
26:58 but it became so obvious.
27:01 So I quit working overseas
27:02 and I took a job in Northern Virginia.
27:06 And I found it, I found out that,
27:12 yes, she was having an affair.
27:14 And I followed her and her lover
27:17 to a motel one night
27:19 and he and I got into a confrontation,
27:22 and apparently I found and I stabbed him,
27:25 and he died as a result of that
27:27 and I was given 20 to life for a premeditated murder.
27:34 And, but, because of the situation, you know,
27:37 that I was, it was an act of passion,
27:43 it was a crime of passion.
27:46 So that the jury saw that, okay, you know,
27:49 you can have 20 years to life but I spent ten years in prison
27:55 and I was released
27:56 as I mandatory left my sentence.
28:00 I did everything that I was supposed to do
28:02 while I was in prison.
28:03 I didn't cause any problems,
28:05 another thing I had no infractions.
28:08 There's a time that while I was in prison that,
28:11 you know, God really worked in my life.
28:14 You know, when I first went to prison
28:16 I saw that I could go no lower than what I was,
28:20 I could only look up.
28:22 And I saw Jesus, His hand trying to pull me out of this.
28:28 And that was a time while I was in prison that,
28:32 there was a Sabbath issue now,
28:34 I had been a Seventh-day Adventist
28:36 because I had learned Adventism.
28:38 Yeah, let's back up to that
28:40 because we sort of passed over that.
28:42 And then I want to get to Annie.
28:44 Ann, Annie rather, you actually do get to talk,
28:46 so it's okay but...
28:49 No problem.
28:51 We want to come to that because you would had some,
28:53 I'll say brushes with Adventism prior, hadn't you?
28:55 I did.
28:57 I had a collapsed lung in 1986 and I just smoked cigarettes
29:03 and it caused me to have some problems
29:05 and I had a collapsed lung
29:06 and I was in the hospital for 20 days.
29:09 While I was in the hospital, I've been reading the Bible.
29:14 You know, and I studied the Bible,
29:16 I really studied it and I didn't...
29:19 I learned about the Sabbath through reading the Bible,
29:22 through reading the gospels particularly.
29:25 But every preacher that I asked outside of Adventism
29:29 gave me answers like
29:31 well, we're not under the law, we're under grace.
29:36 We don't keep the law anymore or suffer less,
29:39 and I said, "Well, what does that mean"?
29:43 And you know, well, we just, you know, we just don't,
29:45 don't keep the law anymore.
29:46 I said, "Oh, so that means that I can take your car,
29:49 I can take your money, and your wife and go party."
29:51 Well no, they would say, you know.
29:53 Yeah.
29:54 I said, "Well, what does it mean then?"
29:56 Yeah.
29:57 Well, we just don't keep the fourth commandment
29:59 what they were telling about.
30:01 And so I was in this hospital bed
30:06 and this nurse said to me, says,
30:08 "Would you like to speak with someone,
30:09 there's a man you would like to talk and I said, "Sure."
30:12 So he came to the door
30:14 and he put his head through door,
30:15 he said, "Hi, my name is John".
30:17 And I said, "My name is John too."
30:20 I said, "Come on in."
30:21 So we chatted for a few minutes and he said to me, he said,
30:24 "I've seen you've been reading the Bible.
30:25 Do you have any questions?"
30:26 I said, "Yeah, tell me about the Sabbath."
30:29 Well, he expounded upon the Sabbath and I said,
30:31 "Yeah, that's what it says in the Bible."
30:34 And he was the Seventh-day Adventist minister.
30:36 Okay.
30:37 And he said, "We're Sabbath keepers."
30:40 I said, "Really?"
30:42 "Yeah, he said, we're Seventh-day Adventists."
30:44 He said, "Have you ever heard of Seventh-day Adventist?"
30:45 And I said, "No."
30:47 And I hadn't really I mean, I knew of Herbert W. Armstrong
30:51 which was a worldwide church of God.
30:54 But that was another situation that came about
30:57 and I didn't take part of that.
30:59 But so then, this was Pastor John, he said,
31:02 "When do you get out of the hospital?"
31:04 I said, "Oh, in a week about you know, a few days".
31:07 He said, "Would you like to come to our church?"
31:08 I said, "Yeah, I would."
31:10 So I did, I went to the church.
31:11 And they gave me two books, The Desire of Ages
31:14 and The Great Controversy, said, you have to read these.
31:15 Not bad stuff, yeah, that's pretty good.
31:19 So I said, "Okay, you know, I read The Desire of Ages
31:21 and I said, "Well this is the gospels
31:23 in chronological order, you know.
31:24 I said, "It's a great book here."
31:26 Yeah.
31:27 And so when I went to, and then I started reading
31:31 The Great Controversy, I said,
31:32 "Wow, and I knew a lot about the things
31:34 that happened in Catholicism so this brought things
31:37 to memories from what I had learned
31:39 at the Catholic School.
31:40 Okay.
31:42 So when I went back to the church I said,
31:45 "Who is this E.G White?"
31:47 And he said, "Well, she is a prophet."
31:50 What?
31:51 And he said, "She is a prophet".
31:53 Oh, wait a minute, I'm not sure about that.
31:55 Yeah, okay.
31:57 I said, prophets come from the Bible, you know.
31:58 Yeah.
32:00 Wow, you know it's interesting,
32:02 as, as looking back at his life, Brian.
32:04 You are, first of all you're a logical thinker,
32:06 you're an investigative kind of guy.
32:07 Yes.
32:09 And you connect dots, so some things
32:11 that may not occur to others occurred to you,
32:14 so even though you're not following God,
32:16 God sort of tracking you down, He's kind of keeping in touch
32:18 and He'll not let you get too far.
32:20 That's right.
32:21 When you were in, with the hospital,
32:24 with the collapsed along,
32:25 were you married at this point of time?
32:27 Oh, yes, I was. You were married?
32:28 Yes.
32:29 Did your swinging in towards Adventism,
32:32 your move toward Adventism,
32:34 did it affect your home life at all?
32:35 Very much so. Yeah, I would think so.
32:38 She said to me, I took her to church with me
32:42 a couple of times and she said, "I don't like these people,
32:47 they don't drink, they don't smoke,
32:49 and they don't party."
32:50 And I said, "Yeah, I know it's time to stop this."
32:53 And she said, "I don't have anything to do with them."
32:58 So she was here and I was here.
33:02 And this was after you had moved back to the States?
33:04 Yes, we had moved back to States,
33:06 this was in Woodbridge, Virginia,
33:08 actually it was Northern Virginia.
33:11 So you got some dissonance there already,
33:14 because you're moving towards the Lord
33:18 and she is resisting that move.
33:20 Yes.
33:22 Of course, that does allow for Satan to come in
33:24 and bring some pretty face and some pair of pants
33:27 and then now you got,
33:29 you got some other kinds of issues.
33:30 So now jumping back forward, you're in prison
33:34 and is this Adventism thing,
33:37 I use that term coming back to you,
33:38 is it beginning to, the Lord is beginning
33:40 to speak to you while...
33:41 It is, it is. Yeah.
33:43 And I found that while I was in prison
33:45 that there was a Seventh-day Adventist
33:48 Bible study going on at the prison.
33:51 Okay.
33:52 And this was great for me because I said, you know,
33:56 I want to learn more about this Adventism,
33:58 actually I had already been baptized
34:00 but I hadn't had the change of heart,
34:02 you know what I mean.
34:04 Yeah.
34:05 Had, excuse me I had the, in my mind I knew
34:09 a lot of about Adventism.
34:11 And I knew a lot about God.
34:14 But my heart had not given up yet.
34:17 Yeah, yeah.
34:18 Now I've got to move along because this is good story
34:20 and I don't want to, don't want to lose it.
34:23 Was it in while you're in prison
34:25 that your first marriage sort of dissolved?
34:29 No, it actually...
34:31 Well, it finished dissolving there, yes but...
34:33 Yeah, well, we know it was dissolved
34:36 that's why you're in prison.
34:37 Yeah, that's right.
34:38 But as far as, as far as this divorce
34:40 and sort of ending that,
34:41 that happened while you were in prison.
34:43 Yes.
34:44 Now I do know, there's a cute story
34:47 because you are having some dietary problems in prison
34:51 because in prison both of us have been there
34:53 we know that the food is not necessarily,
34:55 they don't have a nutritionist and all this kind of thing.
34:56 Definitely.
34:58 And you saw some people eating differently
34:59 and you wanted to have what they had
35:01 and you found that those were the Jewish guys
35:04 and the Muslim guys and they were eating fruit
35:07 and vegetables and clean things and that's what you wanted.
35:10 That's what I wanted.
35:11 Yeah, yeah, and the Lord worked it out that you got that.
35:13 He did. Praise the Lord.
35:15 What happened was... Go ahead.
35:17 You know, I saw these guys
35:18 and first I confronted one of these men
35:21 and he was Muslim, right, and I said,
35:23 "Well, where did you get that diet?"
35:24 He said, "Well, it's a Muslim diet, man,
35:26 you got to be Muslim to get that."
35:27 And I said, really,
35:29 and so where the Jews have it too,
35:31 you know, so then I put in to see the chaplain,
35:34 and the chaplain said, "Oh, well, you got to,
35:36 if you want to get on that diet, he said,
35:37 you got to see the assistant warden,
35:39 you got to see the warden."
35:40 I said, "Okay, so I couldn't see the warden
35:42 and they sent me to the assistant warden
35:44 and he said, "Well, why do you want to be on that diet?"
35:46 I said, "Because it's nutritious you know,
35:48 and I said, it's just good food."
35:49 You know, he said, "Well, it's got to be more than that,
35:52 it's got to be some kind of religious conviction."
35:54 I said, "Oh, yeah, okay."
35:56 And he said, "Well, I said, Seventh-day Adventists are,
35:58 you know, predominantly vegetarians.
36:01 And we eat, you know, good food.
36:03 He said, "Well, do you have any documentation then?"
36:05 Oh, yeah, so I had some
36:07 Amazing Fact study guides on that now,
36:09 so I had some Ellen White writings on that
36:11 and I brought them to him and he got back with me
36:14 and he said, "If anybody should be on his diet
36:17 you should be on it,
36:18 he said, I'm going to have you get on this diet.
36:20 Amen, amen.
36:21 So he did, I got on that diet. Great.
36:23 Let me interject in here just a minute,
36:26 part of the reason why that's an issue in prison
36:29 is the diet that is for Jews or Muslims or someone
36:35 who wants this kind of a healthier diet
36:38 is more expensive to the prison administration
36:44 than the regular diet.
36:49 So it costs them and that hurts.
36:52 Yeah, so there's that bottom-line.
36:54 So you got to earn that diet, yeah, yeah.
36:57 I want to interject a little
36:58 spiritual sort of thought in here
37:01 about the experience you went through with your,
37:06 with your wife and the affair in that whole situation
37:11 because there's a text here in Proverbs it says,
37:14 "Wrath is cruel..."
37:16 That's right, yeah.
37:17 "And anger a torrent
37:20 but who is able to stand before jealousy."
37:24 That's right.
37:26 Now the Bible isn't condoning those actions,
37:29 but it is recognizing that we all within us
37:34 have those kind of emotions and feelings
37:37 and they're very powerful and there isn't any one of us
37:41 that couldn't be a step or two away
37:44 from a long prison term because of that.
37:47 That's right. This is very true.
37:49 And so there's a lot of,
37:51 a lot of men and women in prison today
37:54 because of their inability
37:58 to control their emotions and their anger.
38:01 Well said, well said.
38:03 And really you weren't lying and wait and the reason
38:06 that your senses was, as it was
38:08 because it wasn't a premeditated thing,
38:10 I mean, you follow them for a while
38:11 but you didn't say, "You know,
38:13 I'm going to take this guy's life,
38:14 that was just something happened
38:15 in the heat of passion.
38:17 That's right.
38:18 And it does happen, now I want to get to,
38:19 and I want to go to Annie here,
38:21 how did you meet Brother Carmouche here,
38:25 how did you come into the picture?
38:27 Well, he, while his short time as a Seventh-day Adventist
38:32 before his crime,
38:35 he was a member of the Woodbridge Church
38:37 and there was a retired pastor there
38:39 who befriended him after he was put in prison.
38:45 He continued to connect with him
38:48 and let him know how his boys were doing
38:50 and he was starting a new church
38:52 in a Darke County near Woodbridge.
38:54 And I was a member of that group, that company.
38:58 And he would mention every Sabbath,
39:02 "Please pray for my friend John Carmouche,
39:05 he is a good man, he was a good father,
39:08 he's got two children, and he committed a crime
39:13 but he's really surrendered his heart to God,
39:16 please pray for him."
39:17 And then he started putting up a little postcard please write,
39:21 just give him a little word of encouragement whatever.
39:24 And so I see on the bulletin board
39:27 every Sabbath this name and address of this man
39:30 that I didn't know.
39:32 And the Holy Spirit started working on me
39:34 and I started asking some of the church members,
39:36 you know, "Did you ever write to this John Carmouche guy?
39:40 No, I didn't get a chance, no, I haven't, no, sorry,
39:43 I'm going to, whatever, nobody was.
39:46 So finally I decided it, I needed to just give him
39:50 a little note of encouragement, so I wrote him a little note
39:53 and said, I'll try to be a pen pal,
39:55 I'm not sure how often I can write whatever,
39:57 that was the beginning and then the rest is history.
40:00 Amen and amen.
40:01 Now I want to move the story along
40:03 because I see our time is slipping away
40:04 because you wrote for two years
40:06 but you kept it strictly spiritual.
40:07 Yeah, he would write me about questions
40:10 that he was ministering in the prison
40:13 and the men would give him questions
40:16 and sometimes he didn't have the answers.
40:18 So if I didn't have the answer I would check
40:20 with some of my college friends and pastors
40:23 and then I'd write him back and I just,
40:25 just kept it strictly spiritual.
40:27 All right, who of the two of you
40:30 sort of swung the pendulum to the,
40:34 not so spiritual part?
40:36 Well, I think it began when he finally asked me
40:39 he would write things, I have two children
40:41 and some of his concerns, he poured his heart to me
40:44 but I just kept it spiritual,
40:46 but then when he asked me
40:48 if there was the remotest possibility
40:51 that I might be able to contact his ex-wife
40:54 and see if I could get permission slips
40:59 and whatever to bring his sons to visit him.
41:03 And so that's how it began, I did that
41:07 and eventually we got all the paperwork
41:10 and eventually I got them down there
41:11 and then once we met we found that
41:13 we had a lot of things in common,
41:15 and then it just went from there.
41:19 That's a very, very...
41:21 First of all thank you for doing that for him.
41:23 You know, that's, that's a big step
41:24 to go from just Bible study to,
41:26 now you're into his personal life,
41:28 did you meet the ex-wife?
41:30 Yes, I had met her when I had to go up
41:33 and pick up the boys and take the paperwork
41:36 and this and that and so I met her a few times
41:39 and even though she told me at that first meeting,
41:42 you know, I loved him when we first got married
41:44 but I don't love him anymore,
41:46 I don't ever want to see him again.
41:49 She has, she does live nearby and we have,
41:52 we meet on grandchildren's birthdays
41:55 and things like that we still see her she...
41:57 And I think we ought to put in here
41:58 and acquainted to you, John, your ex even said,
42:01 he was a good father and a good man.
42:04 She did, she did. That came out of her lips.
42:06 Yeah, it did.
42:08 Yeah, now we gotta fast forward into ministry.
42:10 We do, we do.
42:12 The Lord took this tragedy, this event in your life
42:17 and has turned it into a ministry,
42:20 tell us a bit about that?
42:22 Well, this is what, I every day
42:25 I would go out to the wreck for you
42:27 and I take my Bible
42:28 and some Spirit of Prophecy books
42:30 and I go down and I sit down in this special place,
42:32 there was a rock here
42:33 and I sit down next to this rock
42:35 and I'd read, I'd study the Bible.
42:37 Eventually people started coming to me
42:39 and asking me questions about the Bible.
42:42 Some of them say, man,
42:43 "Why do you read that Bible all the time?"
42:45 And I said, "Because I want to know
42:47 what God's will is for me."
42:49 And that was always the answer,
42:51 "I want to know what God's will is for me",
42:54 because I know
42:55 it's got to be more than just this.
42:58 And it happened away,
43:00 I need to tell this little story here
43:02 this one time,
43:03 it happened that there was a Sabbath issue,
43:06 I was a plumber.
43:07 And I was called on Friday evening and they said,
43:11 "We want you to go fix hot water in this building"
43:15 and I said...
43:16 And this is in the prison?
43:17 It was in prison. Okay.
43:19 And I said, "I don't work on Sabbath."
43:21 And he said, "Well, when is the Sabbath?"
43:22 And I said, "Friday night sundown
43:23 to Saturday night sundown."
43:26 So they said, "Well, how many on the plumbing crews,"
43:29 I gave the names of those on the plumbing crew
43:32 and they called and they said,
43:33 "They all said they don't know what to do but you do."
43:37 So then I was called to the yard office
43:39 which is where the, the higher-ups
43:42 or and this lieutenant said to me says,
43:46 he called me Carmouche, he said,
43:48 Mr. Carmouche we have a problem here in the prison
43:51 and as we have a problem here,
43:53 there's no hot water in his building you know
43:54 and I said, sir, I said,
43:55 "You know, I don't work on Sabbath."
43:57 I said, "My supervisor knows that."
43:59 And I said, there's a letter here at the office
44:02 or someplace, well,
44:04 they couldn't find a letter obviously, but anyhow,
44:07 so I refused to work on Sabbath.
44:10 Well, while I was in his office something happened
44:14 and he got a phone call and he says,
44:16 "Well, I don't know what happened he said,
44:18 but they have hot water now."
44:20 And I said, "That's a power of God."
44:22 So I was sent back to my room and it came back,
44:27 he got to the warden and the warden said,
44:29 take away his good time, put him in the hole
44:31 and take away his good time.
44:33 And I was, at the point of losing four years of good time.
44:38 So I prayed about it and I called Nancy,
44:42 I called Annie here and I said,
44:44 "You know, we got to pray about this and so we did,
44:47 we prayed and we fasted and when it came time
44:51 for them to serve me with this charge
44:52 which is on Monday, the officer says,
44:56 "I don't know what kind of power you got
44:58 but the warden tore that charge up.
45:00 Amen. I said Praise God.
45:02 That's Jesus Christ is involved in this.
45:04 Amen. That doesn't happen very often.
45:06 No, it doesn't. No.
45:08 I've never heard of it happening before.
45:10 Yeah.
45:11 So you came out of prison to try to move on
45:14 along after ten years, ten years served.
45:16 Yes, ten years.
45:17 Then how did the ministry start?
45:19 Well, I didn't want anything to do with prison
45:21 to begin with
45:22 because I got a job
45:25 at Heartland Institute right away.
45:27 While I was in prison
45:28 there were people coming to visit me
45:30 that I didn't really know but they were,
45:33 the Administrative Committee from Heartland Institute
45:36 and they were, they were interviewing me
45:40 what they were doing and I didn't know that,
45:41 they asked me questions about what happened in 1844
45:45 and what happened here, you know, and this and that
45:46 and I knew the answers because I studied it all out.
45:49 So when I got out of prison I was given a job
45:54 at Heartland Institute and put in a bookstore.
45:59 And while I was working in the bookstore you know,
46:01 I realized that, okay,
46:03 here's some good books and everything else.
46:05 Well, I didn't want to even look at the prison
46:07 because we go by it on the way to work and I'd hide my face.
46:12 So then when I...
46:16 One day I was impressed because somebody in the prison
46:21 that I knew said, there's a group of people,
46:24 the group of men here from the Messianic Jews
46:27 that need a sponsor,
46:28 can you find someone to come and minister to them?
46:32 So I checked on a few people and nobody wanted to do this
46:36 'cause they didn't have time for it.
46:37 So this little voice says to me, said, you go.
46:41 And you know, when you hear that small little voice
46:46 you know, it's nagging sometimes, isn't it?
46:50 So I did, I called the prison
46:53 I said, "Well, what do I have to do?"
46:54 I said, I'm a convicted felon and they said,
46:55 "Oh, yeah, just come on in
46:57 and fill out the paperwork so I did.
46:58 Well, I got denied right away.
47:02 So I kept trying to find somebody else
47:06 but the little voice said to me appeal it.
47:09 What? Appeal the decision.
47:12 So I went and I said, "Who would I have
47:13 to appeal the decision to come into the prison?
47:16 And they said, "You have to see the warden."
47:18 So they got the assistant warden
47:20 and I talk with him, and I told him
47:23 the story about everything and he said,
47:24 you know what, Mr. Carmouche, he said,
47:27 "I'm going to help you get into this prison
47:29 because I think that, you know,
47:31 you have a legitimate reason to do this."
47:34 And he did, he helped me to get in
47:35 and we started ministering in 2008 to the Messianic Jews.
47:39 Now I got another guy name Brian Beavers involved in it.
47:45 He didn't want to go at first but once he started going
47:49 and you know, how prison ministry is.
47:50 Oh, yes. Yeah.
47:52 Once you start going...
47:53 Yeah, it changes.
47:55 Your life is changed completely.
47:57 Yeah, yeah.
47:58 Now let me, at this point were you married
48:01 and how long after you got out of prison did you get marry?
48:03 Actually we got married while I was still in prison.
48:05 While you're still in prison, okay, very good, very good.
48:07 Did the idea, Annie, of doing the prison ministry,
48:11 was that something that settled into your heart very easily
48:14 or did you kind of go kicking and screaming into that?
48:17 No, it did, it was fine,
48:19 I thought that it was good for him.
48:20 It was therapeutic for him I think and,
48:23 and I could see that the Holy Spirit
48:25 was really working on him and I mean I couldn't,
48:29 you have to go with the flow
48:30 when the Holy Spirit is calling, you know.
48:33 And so I do not go into the prisons,
48:35 I do the paperwork and I do I write articles etcetera.
48:39 But I'm 100 percent behind him and it's been,
48:42 it keeps him very busy and he, he loves it.
48:47 And he gets people involved and they love it.
48:50 Amen, amen.
48:51 Now the ministry is Bibles 4 Prisoners,
48:55 so your main focus is to get the word of God
48:58 into the prisons,
48:59 into the hands of the offenders or of the inmates.
49:02 Yes.
49:03 Your ministry is recognized by the local church
49:05 and the local conferences, isn't that?
49:07 Yes, it is.
49:08 So you're working with, and your conference is the...?
49:10 Potomac Conference. Potomac Conference.
49:12 So you're working with Potomac Conference.
49:15 So this comes with the full imprimatur
49:18 of the church is something you're doing with,
49:19 with church support and church encouragement.
49:21 Yes.
49:23 What is your, how do you go about,
49:25 now like Lemuel does,
49:27 gift bags and things, what do you do,
49:29 give us your routine
49:30 as how you interface with the prisons?
49:32 Well, there is two of the prisons that we go to
49:34 which are maximum security prisons,
49:35 we just bring a form and let them fill out the form
49:38 and we just send them whatever they want,
49:40 you know, some books and a Bible,
49:43 but two other prisons they have to have
49:46 a personal property request form
49:47 if you know what I'm talking about,
49:49 they have to request it through there
49:50 and they have to get it approved
49:52 and then they give it to us, then we send it to them.
49:55 So what we do is, we take these forms
49:57 and my wife sees me coming home with this,
50:00 you know, and I fill out always on the computer here
50:03 and I put all the information down
50:04 and I keep a record of everything that goes out.
50:07 Well, we have gotten funds for this ministry
50:13 and actually it started with
50:15 when I retired from Hartland Institute,
50:19 I took the money that I had gotten retired from
50:21 and I purchased Bibles with them.
50:23 She thought I was going to do something else with it.
50:27 But that's what I did, I purchased Bibles
50:29 because I saw such a great need.
50:31 And we just used King James Bibles
50:33 because it's best to have everybody
50:35 on the same page, you know.
50:37 So we provide and they're good leather Bibles,
50:40 leather bound Bibles.
50:42 So these are quality Bibles,
50:43 not just a little papers or something.
50:45 Absolutely good, good quality Bibles, yes.
50:46 The prisons provide paperback
50:48 and not very good quality Bibles
50:51 but they need something they can keep in their cell
50:53 or on their person they can write in it,
50:55 they can take notes and,
50:58 and it really helps them in their spiritual walk.
51:02 Before our time gets away and I want to do this
51:07 as you look back over the years that the ministry has existed,
51:11 give us one miracle story or one testimony
51:14 that really stands out in your mind from the ministry,
51:18 from Bibles 4 Prisoners
51:22 Well, Bible 4 Prisoners, well...
51:28 I guess that because you know,
51:30 so many people have made changes in our lives
51:33 because of these Bibles.
51:34 we're going to these prisoners and we tell them
51:37 about Jesus Christ, we talk to them about,
51:41 that they can get this free Bible you know,
51:43 and for instance there was a young man,
51:46 he had just last week, he was a Jehovah Witness
51:50 and his whole family was Jehovah Witness
51:52 and when his, he started studying
51:56 because he heard that Jesus Christ is God
52:00 and Jehovah Witness don't believe that,
52:01 they believe he's a created being.
52:06 And he is, they do believe that he's Michael the Archangel
52:09 but on the other hand he's not God.
52:12 So then this man gave his testimony here last week
52:15 that he has accepted Jesus Christ.
52:18 And through reading of the Bible
52:20 and our preaching into that prison,
52:23 he has made some changes in his life.
52:26 And he has talked to his mom about and his mom said,
52:30 "Oh, you know, they've corrupted his mind."
52:33 Well, his mom is now studying about this same thing
52:37 and his grandmother is Jehovah Witness
52:39 and his uncles and aunts so it's begun,
52:42 it's begun to change people's lives
52:46 not only in prison but outside of prison as well.
52:48 Amen, amen.
52:50 This ministry is one, Brian, that deserves your prayers
52:55 and your financial support.
52:57 Two people who have given their lives to the Lord
52:59 who have a great history,
53:00 should you like to help them
53:02 by providing Bibles, providing money
53:04 so they can get Bibles.
53:06 Here is the contact information
53:08 that you need for Bibles 4 Prisoners,
53:12 here's what you need to do.
53:15 If you would like to learn more about Bibles 4 Prisoners,
53:18 you can do so by writing to Bibles 4 Prisoners,
53:22 PO Box 972, Locust Grove, Virginia, 22508.
53:28 That's PO Box 972,
53:30 Locust Grove, Virginia, 22508.
53:35 You can also call them at 540-729-5705.
53:40 That's 540-729-5705.
53:45 You'll also find them online at Bibles4Prisoners.com.
53:49 That's Bibles then the number 4 then Prisoners.com.


Revised 2022-03-29