3ABN Today

Empty from Despair to Deliverance

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John and Angela Lomacang (Host), Donna Willey


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017027B

00:01 Well, as you know our time comes and goes so quickly.
00:02 Wasn't this a wonderful program, hon?
00:04 I totally enjoyed it.
00:05 I just loved Donna, she's so special.
00:08 That's right.
00:09 And there is a Donna and there is a Rod.
00:12 We're gonna try to get you to come back with your husband
00:15 or bring him with you next time,
00:16 because when we get an opportunity
00:18 we don't know when that's gonna be,
00:19 but there's an other book called "Move The Stone".
00:21 Show them.
00:23 Releasing the power of ordinary people
00:26 and this is a book that,
00:28 is one that you and your husband
00:31 and the foreword by Derek Morris.
00:33 You got some famous people on your foreword.
00:36 As you know Derek Morris
00:37 is a President of a Hope Channel.
00:39 But we're gonna have you come back
00:40 but before we end this program,
00:42 there is somebody listening or watching today.
00:44 I want you to challenge them.
00:46 What would you say or what words
00:48 would you leave for them today.
00:50 You know, what I would say is, "I dare you."
00:54 I dare you to let God have your emptiness.
00:59 And just see what He has in mind
01:00 for your life
01:02 because if you can take this dare,
01:05 your life will be full.
01:07 You dare them? Double dare.
01:09 Double dare. Yeah.
01:11 Remember growing up, double dare.
01:12 Now we share a lot of things. What do we share in common?
01:14 Oh, we share our anniversary, don't we?
01:16 We do.
01:17 And Rod and I are,
01:19 we're going to be celebrating 40 years...
01:21 What a blessing. In a couple of months.
01:24 May 22 is our anniversary.
01:26 That's right and so we gave you the address,
01:28 you're gonna send the anniversary card,
01:29 you can do that.
01:31 Or us. You can send us one also.
01:32 But, Donna, thank you so much for being here.
01:34 We appreciate it very much. We love you so much.
01:36 That smile is just impeccable.
01:38 It's beautiful. Yes.
01:39 And, honey, good to have you with me
01:41 every chance I get, it's so wonderful to have you.
01:43 And, friends, those of you who love us
01:45 and support us here at 3ABN,
01:46 may the Lord bless you and fill
01:47 all of the empty places of your life with Jesus
01:51 until we see you again.


Revised 2017-06-19