3ABN Today

The Holy Spirit is Divine

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), John Stanton & John Dinzey


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017011B

00:01 As you know our time comes and goes so quickly.
00:03 And this topic, especially,
00:04 we just didn't have enough time.
00:06 So hopefully
00:07 we have at least pricked your conscience to reconsider
00:09 the importance of the "Trinity of the Godhead,
00:13 the teaching of the Godhead, the Trinity or the Father,
00:16 the Son and the Holy Spirit."
00:17 Pastor Stanton, what thought
00:19 can you give us as we wind this program up?
00:20 One of the things that jumps out of me is,
00:22 we don't often understand fully what Christ gave up for us.
00:25 He clearly left the beauties of,
00:27 the glory of heaven to come down
00:29 and become like one of us.
00:30 But He became like one of us and lost something.
00:32 That's right.
00:34 He lost His omnipresence, He became like one of us
00:36 and identifies with mankind
00:37 as the second Adam and will for eternity.
00:39 That's right.
00:41 The Holy Spirit works now with Him in conjunction
00:45 to touch every heart.
00:46 That's right.
00:47 And that is a work that we can't just move away.
00:50 We can't just explain a way as a force.
00:53 It's a work that the Holy Spirit
00:54 plays a key part in for each one of us.
00:56 Pastor Dinzey?
00:58 Hebrews 3:7-8, "Wherefore as the Holy Spirit,
01:01 Holy Ghost saith, today if you hear his voice,
01:05 harden not your hearts, as in the provocation,
01:07 in the day of temptation in the wilderness."
01:10 The Holy Spirit speaks and speaks to us,
01:12 leading us to repentance.
01:14 The Holy Spirit is at work, is a person, and is divine.
01:17 That's right.
01:18 And Micah 5:2, very important, "But you, Bethlehem Ephratah,
01:21 though you are little among the thousands of Judah,
01:24 yet out of you shall come forth to me
01:26 the one to be ruler in Israel,
01:30 whose going forth's are from old,
01:33 from everlasting."
01:34 And who was that? That was the person of Jesus.
01:37 Jesus.
01:38 Thank you, Pastor Dinzey, thank you, John, John.
01:40 And praise the Lord.
01:42 The Lord could even use all three John's today
01:44 to uplift and glorify the name of Jesus,
01:47 the work of the Holy Spirit and surely the Father.
01:49 May the Lord bless you until we see you again
01:51 and may the Spirit of God seal you for eternity.
01:55 God bless you.
01:56 Have a blessed day in Jesus Christ.
01:58 Amen.


Revised 2017-03-09