3ABN Today

Little Light Studios

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), Danique Tersmette, Scotty Mayer, Keith Detwieler


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017010A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, my name is John Lomacang
01:08 and welcome to a very important program entitled "Controlled".
01:12 Now that's a title that
01:14 it's kind of vague but very specific
01:16 because you may be living in a controlled environment
01:19 and don't even know it.
01:20 Your mind may be controlled and you don't know it.
01:23 Your children may be controlled and they don't know it.
01:28 This is a program that you cannot afford
01:30 to turn away from.
01:31 We have three very special guests today
01:33 that will open the door on a subject
01:35 that is rare and often not heard of,
01:40 but very informative, very timely,
01:42 very contemporary.
01:44 So if you wanna hit the record button right now,
01:45 I would suggest you do that.
01:48 If you want to take down the address
01:49 at the end of the program to a get a copy of it,
01:50 that's a very important thing to do.
01:52 But get your children together, your family members together,
01:55 sit them down right now because the topic "Controlled"
01:58 is so necessary to understand
02:01 that you'll only come to the light of it
02:04 as you continue to listen with an intent ear.
02:07 And we often encourage, if you're Christian
02:09 and you're watching this program
02:11 really breathe a word of prayer
02:13 that the Lord can allow your ears to hear
02:15 what the Spirit has to say to the churches.
02:17 On a different note, we thank you for your prayers
02:19 and your financial support of 3ABN
02:21 that continues going and growing
02:23 as we prepare for the coming of our Lord.
02:25 And thank you so much on behalf of Danny Shelton and all of us
02:28 who are part of this 3ABN family.
02:31 Now before we get into our topic
02:33 and before we introduce to our guests,
02:35 we have some music by one of our very own,
02:37 ET Everett is going to play a song entitled "Redeemed".
02:42 Sit back and enjoy.
06:52 Thank you so much, ET, for that song "Redeemed"
06:55 and that would be the intent of this program.
06:58 "To redeem someone from the control
07:01 that has taken over our world."
07:04 Let's meet our guests at this time,
07:05 to my immediate right is Keith.
07:07 Say your last name for me, Keith.
07:09 Detweiler. Detweiler.
07:10 Good to have you here. It's nice to be here, John.
07:12 So glad to see you and to get a chance to meet you
07:16 prior to the program,
07:17 and I know it's gonna be exciting.
07:19 Just for brief for our audience that's watching and listening,
07:22 just tell us what you do and where you're from?
07:25 Well, right now I'm from Collegedale,
07:27 Tennessee area.
07:28 I live in McDonald technically
07:30 but I work with Little Light ministries.
07:32 I'm a speaker, and I also do editing,
07:35 and so little bit of accounting,
07:37 and some shipping, and a little bit of everything.
07:39 Okay. Well, good to have you here.
07:40 We'll get more specific in just a moment.
07:41 But, Scott Mayer,
07:43 founder of Little Light Studios.
07:47 Good to have you here. Thank you.
07:48 Kind of give us an overview of...
07:49 Thank you for having us.
07:51 You know, I've been working with Little Light
07:53 since about 2008, 2009, it's kind of when we started.
07:57 And the way that God place this ministry in front of us,
08:04 it was never something that I woke up one day
08:05 and said, "Hey, I want to work in ministry
08:07 or I want to do this."
08:08 I just saw, you know, God opening this door
08:11 and that door and I always had an interest in video
08:13 and that's what I took in college
08:15 So I took film classes and ended up down in Hollywood
08:19 working in the film industry, till God got a hold of my heart
08:22 and opened up the door for this,
08:24 so we started working in full time ministry
08:26 in about 2009.
08:27 Wow, I'm so glad
08:28 that you've decided to take on that challenge.
08:30 We'll talk about how that happened
08:31 in the moment.
08:32 But, Danique, good to have you here also.
08:34 Thank you. Glad to be here.
08:35 And I found out where you were from originally
08:38 but tell our audience?
08:39 I am originally from the Netherlands.
08:41 I'm actually half South African.
08:43 Okay.
08:44 But so I ended up in United States,
08:45 felt like God was calling me to do this kind of work.
08:48 And so I do, just like Scott and Keith do,
08:51 pretty much everything, editing, graphic design,
08:53 shooting, doing some marketing recently social media,
08:57 it's mainly Keith and I do that kind of stuff
08:59 so pretty much everything that needs to be done.
09:02 Wow, a very excited team, a very purpose-driven team,
09:06 and your work has been appreciated by so many,
09:08 you've been able to go to GYCs, and ASI,
09:11 and the General Conference,
09:13 those are events that happened here
09:15 in the Seventh-day Adventist church.
09:16 A GYC, a large youth movement, beautiful spiritual movement.
09:20 ASI, Adventist Service is in Laymen industry.
09:24 How to share God in the marketplace
09:26 and General Conference which is something
09:28 that happens once every five years,
09:29 thousands and thousands of people.
09:31 But your media has really made it around the globe.
09:34 Just to kind of dive into the program,
09:37 Scott, I want to ask you,
09:39 where did the inspiration come from
09:41 to start Little Light Studios?
09:44 Well... And what is it?
09:46 Well, since my brother and I
09:49 and a childhood best friend of mine,
09:50 we all took film studies classes in college.
09:53 And my brother and I ended up
09:55 working in the television industry
09:56 down in Los Angeles.
09:58 And we had some pretty miraculous things
10:02 that God did to really wake us up
10:04 and shake us up and, you know,
10:06 we were raised Adventist but we kind of left the church
10:08 and had nothing to do with Christianity.
10:10 And when we came back into the church,
10:14 one of the first things that was asked of us
10:17 was an old youth pastor from our hometown said,
10:20 "Hey, why don't you come and you know,
10:21 speak to the youth about Hollywood,
10:23 they know you work in the industry
10:25 and they, all kids love movies these days,
10:28 so why don't you come and maybe show a movie
10:29 and talk about God?"
10:31 So the first time that
10:32 that our ministry ever started was,
10:34 we were going to, you know, show a movie.
10:38 Take for example, like, you know,
10:39 a Superman or Batman or something like that,
10:41 and somehow equate those characters to Jesus.
10:46 But we started opening our Bibles.
10:47 We started praying God what You want us to say.
10:49 We started looking into where did movies
10:51 and TV come from,
10:52 and once we started really asking for the Holy Spirit
10:55 to impress upon us, what He wanted us to say,
10:59 we started noticing that this movie
11:01 or that movie was actually saying things
11:03 that were opposite than the Bible.
11:05 So we did this presentation
11:08 and we never intended a ministry to start
11:10 but it kind of blossomed and we got asked to speak
11:12 all over the country in different universities
11:15 and churches, and then we started making videos
11:17 about some of the effects
11:19 that Hollywood has on your brain.
11:21 And then our ministry really kind of developed
11:23 into trying to talk about relevant issues,
11:27 lot of things that kids deal with these days,
11:29 and maybe there isn't a lot of information on them.
11:31 So we're trying to really open up the conversation
11:34 and aim people back at the Bible.
11:36 What does the Bible say?
11:38 And the things then this world,
11:40 they're trying to teach you opposite things so.
11:43 Wow, I tell you, it's been...
11:45 I've seen your product.
11:47 I've heard the name,
11:49 and I've heard people talk about it,
11:51 young people in particular talk about the product.
11:54 And some people have said, "You've got to see this DVD,
11:58 we got to see this presentation."
12:00 Praise God.
12:01 And praise the Lord for that
12:02 because what happens is the society
12:04 in which we live today is not coincidentally designed,
12:08 but it's intentionally designed.
12:09 Correct.
12:10 Keith, talk about that I mean, we look at the media today
12:14 and since Scott and Danique and you are all
12:17 collectively together in a market to say,
12:20 "Open your eyes, wake up.
12:22 This is what's happening."
12:24 What impact have you seen media have on,
12:28 not just the minds of the young but society in general?
12:30 Oh, well.
12:31 You know, it's really interesting
12:33 I was just surveying some of the Super Bowl
12:34 commercials recently and saying,
12:36 "You know what, what are these about?"
12:38 And there were two that were very striking to me.
12:40 One was a commercial
12:42 for a alcoholic beverage company, I won't name,
12:44 but they had an immigration theme
12:47 to their commercial.
12:49 And the other one was by Airbnb and they were talking
12:52 about how they accept every religion,
12:54 every kind of ethnicity, every kind of person.
12:56 And if you think about what our country
12:58 is going through right now,
12:59 the "Muslim Ban", you know, that's a very hot topic.
13:03 And here these companies used the largest commercial
13:08 viewing audience on the face of the planet
13:10 to put a message out in front of people,
13:12 that they don't agree with some of the things
13:14 that were going on in the government
13:15 so I mean, they know it works
13:17 otherwise they wouldn't be choosing that platform
13:20 to put that message out there.
13:22 Wow, that's true.
13:23 So they use these little snippets
13:25 and these are not long commercials.
13:26 You know, years ago my wife and I
13:28 worked for an advertising company in New York.
13:30 And they dealt with advertising for Coca-Cola
13:33 and they noticed around the Super Bowl on major events,
13:36 World Series, NBA Finals,
13:38 a lot of these sporting events,
13:40 that people were willing to pay millions of dollars
13:44 for 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds was considered like,
13:48 if you could pay for 30 seconds you got deep pockets.
13:50 And so we talk about some of these commercials,
13:52 because and they...
13:53 Let me ask another question, I'll ask Danique,
13:56 or anyone of you could answer this question.
13:58 Do you think that the, in being in Hollywood,
14:01 do you think that the Hollywood industry
14:03 studies the human mind?
14:06 I think for sure in today's technology I mean,
14:09 they're starting to test every film
14:13 that's coming out of various different media productions
14:16 with putting people in FMRI machines.
14:18 I mean, this is like medical imagery
14:20 that looks at what parts of the brain are activated
14:23 when you're viewing whatever pieces of media.
14:25 I mean, there's major Hollywood movies
14:27 like the James Cameron film "Avatar",
14:30 I mean, they did a lot of testing
14:32 with FMRI's when that film came out.
14:34 So they know that...
14:36 FMRI's here so that's an acronym for?
14:38 For functional MRI, so what it's studying is
14:41 that in the hemoglobin in your blood is iron-rich,
14:46 so it's tracking and it's basically a big magnet
14:49 that's tracking what parts of the brain
14:50 are using the most amounts of blood.
14:53 So they can see if you're, you know,
14:56 scared in a movie which part of your brain
14:58 that is dealing with fear, so your medulla and, you know,
15:03 your fight-or-flight system and...
15:05 Limbic system. ..Yeah limbic system.
15:07 So what they'll do is they will tailor the movie
15:09 to give you the maximum amount of effect
15:11 that it has upon you
15:12 because the more gradate emotional response
15:15 that you have, the more money they make
15:17 because you want to go and see it.
15:18 So that's why, you know,
15:20 commercials during the Super Bowl
15:21 are 5 million dollars for 30 seconds because
15:23 everyone is in a heightened state of emotion,
15:26 and those commercials affect you differently
15:29 in that state of emotion.
15:30 So I'm sure Hollywood knows a lot about that the way
15:35 the mind works and the technology
15:36 and they're using it to their advantage
15:38 to sell their messages to you.
15:40 And we've actually done quite a bit of research
15:42 about this how media affects your brain
15:44 in one of our documentaries "Pseudology, The Art of Lying".
15:49 And I think we watched this one...
15:50 The Art of Lying? The Art of Lying.
15:51 That's right. Okay.
15:53 I watched this one before I ever joined Little Light.
15:55 And by that time I think I was like 17 maybe.
15:59 And I already decided, no, I don't think I really watch
16:01 that much stuff anymore
16:03 because it's kind of a waste of time,
16:04 but that really convicted me
16:06 the way the media influences your brain, the frontal lobe
16:09 which is the part of your brain
16:11 used to make decisions, your moralities,
16:14 your spirituality, so use that to choose to worship God
16:17 and say, I'm gonna follow the Lord.
16:19 And what happens is
16:20 when you watch these television, and movies,
16:24 and entertainment, the shots change so frequently
16:27 your brain can't handle it because it's like,
16:29 this is not natural to me
16:30 and you go right into what they call an alpha state
16:33 which is a slower brain wave pattern
16:35 instead of the beta which is very fast paced,
16:38 which is what we're doing right now.
16:39 We're critically analyzing
16:41 what we're seeing and everything.
16:43 And alpha state is nothing else
16:45 than just a highly suggestible state
16:47 or also a state of trance, hypnotherapist
16:50 trying to get you into an alpha state
16:52 'cause they know then they can reach the subconscious
16:54 and preach to you whatever they want
16:57 and you can't reject it.
16:59 Doctor Neil Nedley, he talks about this
17:01 in our documentary he says,
17:03 "You can't reject the message.
17:04 It goes right into your brain
17:05 and it changes your character, right there."
17:07 And even music, let me ask you a question
17:09 but they even choose the kind of music
17:11 because what happens is the music opens a gateway
17:14 to allow the information to be poured in.
17:16 Yeah.
17:17 And music is a powerful tool.
17:19 I mean, you think about
17:20 why did Moses teach the children of Israel
17:22 to sing the Ten Commandments to song?
17:25 Why do you learn the ABC's to a song?
17:27 Because when you associate a certain piece of information
17:31 with the music, it seals it into your mind and you,
17:34 there's no delete button.
17:36 I mean, you know, I'm sure anyone that ever spent time
17:39 listening to worldly music,
17:41 and you've walked into a grocery store,
17:43 you've been in a building where all of a sudden
17:45 they play that song that you remember
17:46 when you were in high school,
17:48 your mind goes right back to where that song was played
17:51 because there's no delete button,
17:53 you cannot get rid of that out of your brain.
17:56 And so when they associate those particular words
17:58 or those themes with that, it's just one more way
18:02 of like impacting our brains that much more.
18:04 And you have some samples,
18:06 you've brought some clips with you today.
18:07 But I like you to set up that first one
18:09 that we're going to see, and give us an idea
18:11 because these are a compilation of different clips.
18:16 Talk about that?
18:17 So the clip that you're just about ready to see here,
18:20 it really is kind of a sample
18:22 of a lot of different mainstream Hollywood movies.
18:26 You know, some people think that Hollywood is just fake,
18:29 it's make-believe, it doesn't have any profound effect
18:32 upon your spiritual life.
18:33 But yet, in a lot of these movies,
18:34 they're discussing very spiritual topics,
18:37 and you'll hear, you know, God's name thrown out there.
18:41 You'll hear some of the things
18:42 that you've heard in your Bible,
18:44 but most often it is
18:46 from sort of a negative perspective of God...
18:48 Or a coulter.
18:50 Or the coulter, yeah.
18:51 And so this will just give you a little bit of a sample
18:54 of what some of the mainstream Hollywood films are discussing.
18:59 I'd like to issue a disclaimer
19:00 about what you're just about to watch,
19:02 these are in fact clips from existing movies.
19:06 If you're not comfortable with your children
19:07 watching these movies or any kind of entertainment,
19:10 this might be the portion that you would like to exclude.
19:14 But it is not graphic
19:15 and it is considered something informative
19:19 for you to understand.
19:20 Here they are.
19:25 I've been called many things over many lifetimes.
19:31 Ram, Krishna, Yahweh.
19:38 God is tribal. God takes sides.
19:41 No man in the sky intervened when I was a boy to deliver me
19:43 from Daddy's fist and abominations.
19:49 I figured it out way back, if God is all-powerful,
19:53 He cannot be all-good.
20:01 You are a king.
20:02 You lived in a cloud city
20:04 but evil forces came and cast you out.
20:07 I consider the possibility that God does not like you.
20:11 He never wanted you.
20:12 In all probability He hates you.
20:14 It's not the worst thing that can happen.
20:16 It isn't? We don't need him.
20:18 We don't. I agree.
20:19 We are God's unwanted children, so be it.
20:23 All around you are spirits, child.
20:29 I, Odin Allfather, cast you out!
20:36 I always like to think of it as,
20:38 I got him sitting there with the little message at them,
20:41 with the little moral at them,
20:42 with the little of what my view of the world is
20:44 because that's what every good film maker does.
20:53 And this was a story about Christ.
20:55 It's all about sacrifice,
20:57 the world like hear their cries.
20:59 So what happens?
21:01 He gets the knife on his side and later he falls to the earth
21:04 in the shape of crucifix.
21:11 You might save a man, I want personal Jesus Christ.
21:18 It's very, very destructive
21:20 in pretty much every facet of life.
21:23 Wherever this being was he always had four followers.
21:26 He would imbue with power.
21:28 Like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
21:30 He got that one from the Bible.
21:31 Or the Bible got it from him.
21:33 You will never see anyone argue with their television set,
21:36 when entertainment television is going up.
21:38 They're not going to argue with the set
21:40 'cause they don't have the ability.
22:09 Wow.
22:11 Tell us what we just saw.
22:13 You saw a compilation of a lot of different films
22:17 that were either mentioning the concept of there is a God
22:22 but he's actually evil and we don't need him.
22:26 And, you know, they like in the video game,
22:30 little section that you saw it there,
22:31 they said that it was actually the king that was cast out.
22:35 And so they're kind of taking the ideas
22:37 that are taught in the Bible
22:38 and flipping them upside down.
22:40 What many people don't realize is
22:43 how your brain works just like what Dr. Neil Nedley said,
22:47 "You don't have the ability to stand up in the middle
22:50 of a movie and argue with it
22:52 because your mind is taking in all of these things,
22:55 and so what happens is they just soak into your brain,
22:58 and then they sit in there and you wonder why, you know,
23:03 kids leave the churches and by the hundreds
23:06 and thousands, and then many of them don't come back,
23:09 and many of them are, you know, immersed in this digital age."
23:13 So that was kind of just a sample of that,
23:15 a lot of our documentaries
23:17 really pick apart some of these modern mediums
23:19 and show you point-by-point,
23:23 this is what the Bible says,
23:24 this is what this movie is teaching you,
23:26 and a lot of times they are two opposite things.
23:29 Anything else? Keith, Danique?
23:31 What I think is interesting is what is it that altered,
23:35 called again that the whole video with Baby Einstein,
23:40 the whole presentation of Ted...
23:41 Dimitri Christakis. Yes.
23:43 So we interviewed him actually
23:45 in our documentary of pseudology.
23:47 And he talks of Baby Einstein which is a program
23:50 for toddlers or something.
23:51 And he talks about this baby on the farm,
23:55 when you see all these shots they're so freaking,
23:58 and they're in your face and then he talks about
24:00 "Well, what if a kid goes to the normal farm
24:03 because this is a show in which they're at the farm.
24:06 Kid goes to a normal farm and he gets bored,
24:09 because he's like why there is no sheep
24:10 popping into my face?
24:12 Why is this not happening? Why is that not happening?
24:14 And isn't that the same way with our Bibles.
24:17 All this stuff is popping your face, it's violence,
24:20 it's this, it's that, and then you have your Bible
24:22 and it's like people are like, "Oh, it's just some pages.
24:25 It's not interesting."
24:27 That's, I feel like that's what's happening to you
24:29 when you watch this kind of stuff,
24:31 it's just not interest to you anymore, you know.
24:34 That's true.
24:35 If you think about what a movie and what the Bible are doing,
24:39 they're both feeding you information.
24:40 That's right.
24:42 They're both feeding information about a world view,
24:44 your place in humanity.
24:46 I mean, they are...
24:48 they have a lot more flashy tools, and, you know,
24:51 their ways are using all manners of dazzle to get us
24:57 interested in their content, but, you know,
24:59 when you read the Bible, it's the Holy Spirit
25:01 that pieces together all these things in our imagination.
25:05 And I think like what Danique said,
25:07 one of the default problems that a lot of entertainment
25:10 does is it robs us of this beautiful imagination
25:13 that we have, so that when we do sit down
25:15 and want to dive into the Bible,
25:19 you often hear it's boring.
25:20 It's not as exciting as this movie or that movie.
25:23 And, you know, so I think some of these things
25:25 are just naturally addicting us to that form of information
25:31 and we're losing our desire for the truth.
25:34 Even the medium that's communicating
25:36 the information because the key is,
25:38 if I can get the information fast,
25:40 the point I want also emphasize you meant, you mentioned, was
25:44 that the images change so rapidly
25:46 that the mind doesn't get a chance to analyze it...
25:50 So its just recording it, it's recording it
25:52 because we all often look at something to say,
25:54 well, do I need that?
25:55 Do I want that? How much does it cost?
25:56 What is it all about?
25:58 Our mind, our frontal lobes or whatever system,
26:01 limbic system, I'm surely not a doctor.
26:04 But our reasoning powers are not allowed to grab it
26:07 and hold on to it because while we're holding on to it,
26:10 something else comes along we grab that
26:12 and something else comes along
26:13 and in 30 seconds you could sit there...
26:16 Yeah. Zoned out.
26:17 And when the commercial is done, it's like,
26:20 your body has just gone through a trauma
26:22 and you can't do anything about it.
26:24 Keith?
26:26 One thing that's really striking to me,
26:27 well, there's a couple of things.
26:28 One is the, the Gnostic themes that are presented to you.
26:31 A few years ago there was a movie
26:33 called "Man of Steel" it's about Superman.
26:34 Man of Steel.
26:36 ..A popular comic book character.
26:37 And in that film they really built up the similarities
26:41 to how much he was like Jesus.
26:43 The news media reported about it,
26:45 you could even go online at one point, I saved the PDF.
26:48 And download sermon notes, so that you could present
26:52 the different facets of this movie,
26:54 comparing the two characters.
26:56 And they provided you with media clips, and things
26:59 so that you could see how Jesus is like Superman.
27:03 Well, if you followed the lineage of that movie,
27:07 in the next one they took the character
27:10 and they tore him down.
27:12 And so Superman was this guy who was at odds with society,
27:15 and not as well-liked
27:17 and you could even see in the trailer
27:18 how they would call him a false God
27:19 and things like this.
27:21 And so what does that do to a person in the mind?
27:23 What does it do to their perception?
27:24 Because you're taking the two and associating them,
27:27 and then you're destroying that association, you know.
27:30 And so it's like well, what am I,
27:32 what seed is being planted for me to think about Christ,
27:35 you know.
27:36 The other thing that was very striking to me is
27:39 how violent things are getting.
27:41 There is a movie called "Deadpool"
27:44 that was released recently.
27:45 It's about another comic book character.
27:47 Very violent movie.
27:49 It was so violent they had to give it a rated R
27:51 rating which is very rare for a comic book movie
27:54 because they want those 13 year olds to be able to go
27:57 and watch, and you know,
27:58 their parents to go with them and things,
28:00 they want to make it more of a family type event,
28:01 but this one wasn't that way.
28:03 And it exploded, it was very popular.
28:07 It did very well financially.
28:09 And so what it did is it opened the door for Hollywood to say,
28:12 well, if it worked, now we can push the envelope
28:15 with more movies and give it that rated R rating
28:19 because we know that the audience
28:20 is accepting of it, they want it,
28:22 they desire that violent image to be put in front of them
28:26 and they'll pay to see it.
28:28 Well, and that's the seduction of it.
28:31 Push the envelope, but let's see
28:33 what kind of reaction we get
28:34 and if the reaction is favorable,
28:36 "Hey, let's keep pushing the envelope."
28:39 The thing that you talked about
28:40 Superman and Jesus being compared,
28:41 when the Bible says, there is none like me...
28:43 Okay.
28:44 And so but now you take a finite image
28:47 that doesn't really exist, a fictitious character
28:51 in comparison to the Christ...
28:53 Yeah.
28:54 ..who is true and real, and doesn't change.
28:56 And then in the next movie you have that character changed
28:59 which in fact he can't be like Christ,
29:00 'cause Christ never changes and then you tear him down,
29:03 and that stains the image in the mind.
29:06 Even let me go to some other themes and tell me
29:08 what you think about this,
29:09 and maybe you've looked in this area.
29:11 Even the formation of doctrinal beliefs like the second coming,
29:15 the movies like The Secret Rapture
29:17 distorts that, that's how Satan has taken
29:19 on the religious theme and completely, you know,
29:23 fought against the Bible truth on that topic.
29:25 The other one, Noah's Ark.
29:27 Yeah. Yeah.
29:29 You know, somebody that saw, I never went to see it
29:31 after somebody told me about it, I said,
29:33 "I don't want to see that garbage.
29:34 That's not Noah's Ark." Yeah.
29:35 Yeah. You know.
29:37 So an interesting thing about Noah's ark, you know,
29:39 on their actual webpage for that film,
29:41 they said that they stayed true to the integrity
29:44 of the biblical story that is a pillar of the Bible.
29:48 I mean, this was on their actual website,
29:50 on the front page.
29:52 And what's interesting is like
29:54 and there's a scene in there when Noah is telling his kids
29:57 about the creation of the world.
30:00 And what you hear is you hear Noah tell the creation story.
30:03 So he says, "You know,
30:04 God created the different animals and the plants,
30:07 and this on that day."
30:09 But what they visually show you is
30:11 one cell splits into two cells
30:13 which turns into a fish which grows feet,
30:15 which walks out on the land, which then turns into a monkey,
30:18 and then the next thing you see is Adam and Eve.
30:21 So they visually showed you the story of evolution,
30:26 but they verbally told you the story of creation,
30:29 which means if your mind is not able to sit
30:32 and decipher that information as it's going in...
30:35 Those two get married together,
30:37 they go into your mind
30:38 and then what happens in our church,
30:39 you know, there's many conversations today
30:43 about maybe God really didn't create the world
30:46 in six literal days and you know, seven days.
30:49 And so it's interesting that they're putting this idea
30:54 that this is a Christian kind of based movie,
30:56 but yet it's full of things that are erroneous.
31:00 I know and even in some religious circles,
31:02 not naming any denominational leaders,
31:04 have opened the door.
31:05 Well, it's possible that evolution and creation
31:07 could merge together in certain areas.
31:10 The Ten Commandments into the new version,
31:12 people are more likely today
31:14 and I've seen the impact of the movie industry,
31:16 they are becoming more likely today to determine
31:19 what they believe based on the movie,
31:22 rather than the study of God's Word.
31:24 And I think that's what Little Light
31:25 is trying to reverse.
31:26 That's right.
31:28 Talk about that little bit more?
31:29 So what we really try to do with all of our productions is
31:32 we try to aim people back at the Bible.
31:34 You know, it's the only way
31:37 that you can tell a counterfeit is to study the genuine.
31:39 That's right.
31:40 The genuine is going to be able to
31:43 instill the truth inside of you.
31:45 You cannot just study this movie
31:46 and that movie and then try to piece together
31:48 because there's so many different ideas,
31:51 there's so many different people
31:53 that write those stories.
31:54 And, you know,
31:56 especially some of the ones that claim they're Christian,
31:58 I mean, you have to consider the possibility that
32:00 if they are not sold-out to the message,
32:03 and they are not dedicated, consecrated Christians,
32:07 then we know that the devil can suggest starts to us,
32:10 so they may think,
32:11 "Hey, I came up with this great idea for this movie.
32:13 It's artistic and understanding of the story,
32:16 but they don't realize
32:17 who is suggesting that story to you.
32:19 And then audiences go and they sit and watch those
32:21 and soak those thoughts.
32:23 And so we really want our young people,
32:26 you know, we used to be the people of the book.
32:28 Right? That's right.
32:29 Then get back in the Bible because this is the guideline
32:32 that will keep us connected to God.
32:35 And, you know, just because, you know,
32:38 you started a movie doesn't necessarily make it evil,
32:43 I want to say that.
32:45 I want to say a disclaimer that
32:46 media can be used to share the gospel.
32:49 I mean, look at what 3ABN is doing.
32:50 Look at what we do.
32:52 I mean, all we do, all day long,
32:53 is create media productions.
32:55 That's right.
32:56 But I think at the end of the day,
32:58 we would rather, you know,
33:00 go to the Bible to get your information.
33:03 Don't just accept it because you saw in the film.
33:06 I want you to set up this next clip
33:07 that we're gonna look at
33:09 because what we're talking about here,
33:10 and what you're hearing us say is in fact,
33:13 people are losing their desire to become gold-diggers.
33:17 And let me just emphasize that,
33:20 I live in California where there are
33:21 people did panning, they did gold-digging,
33:23 you know, a lot of people go to Utah
33:25 and Colorado and out, you know, Yellowstone,
33:28 they do panning and gold-digging.
33:30 And it's an arduous task.
33:32 You don't find the gold or the diamonds on the surface.
33:36 Right.
33:37 And the very same thing is true about the Bible,
33:38 you don't find them in a nanosecond
33:41 or in 500 themes going by in 30 seconds,
33:45 you don't find it that way.
33:46 But the movies and the media is doing
33:49 is not only giving false pictures
33:50 of the true representations in the Bible,
33:53 the true characters of the Bible,
33:54 and even the word character is not even the good word.
33:57 The true personalities in the Bible.
33:59 Noah, a personality, Jesus, the Christ.
34:04 If we use characters,
34:05 then that's equated to the movie,
34:06 "What character did you play?"
34:08 I don't even like to use word character with the Bible.
34:11 But it's breaking down that
34:13 true representation of a message
34:15 that has stood the test of time.
34:16 The one thing that gives me
34:18 courage, Keith, Danique, and Scott
34:19 is this that there is an illustration
34:21 many years ago, it says,
34:23 "The anvil of truth
34:25 has worn out many hammers of false teachings."
34:29 The anvil of truth,
34:31 you can hit that thing for years
34:32 many hammers have replaced,
34:34 keep hitting the same anvil,
34:35 the anvil of truth wears out
34:37 many hammers of false teachings.
34:39 But set up the next clip for us?
34:41 I like Danique do that. Sure.
34:42 She actually really helped a lot with the editing on
34:45 in the creation of this documentary
34:47 that we made called controller about video game so.
34:50 Yeah, so it's a little disclaimer.
34:53 I was actually a video game addict for many, many years.
34:55 Okay.
34:57 I only realized that I had been an addict
34:58 when I listen to Scott Ritsema's Talk Media
35:00 on the brain on AudioVerse.
35:03 But so when I was there in 2015, I was in...
35:07 we were still in California, went to visit them.
35:10 And I worked for them for two months, and they were like,
35:12 "Well, why don't you make Controlled level three",
35:14 'cause we already had number one, number two,
35:16 two other documentaries about video games.
35:18 So this is our latest documentary we released it,
35:21 well, maybe I don't know a few months ago.
35:23 And, yeah, I would talk to...
35:25 we're discussing those games that are played most.
35:28 So Halo, Grand Theft Auto,
35:30 Call of Duty, and Assassin's Creed,
35:32 very popular games,
35:34 not just focusing on the violence
35:35 because that's just obvious
35:36 but focusing on the biblical messages
35:39 that are put on its head
35:40 and how is that impacting your relationship with God.
35:43 Okay.
35:44 Once again the disclaimer fits for all of those other clips
35:47 that we are gonna include today,
35:49 but here's what Danique just introduced.
36:19 It separates you from God and before you know.
36:23 You distance yourself in every way
36:25 from anything to do with God.
36:30 Bible became a boring book,
36:32 book that was dull and dissatisfying
36:34 because of the excitement and nothing natural.
36:37 World that was putting myself in playing computer games
36:41 was destroying my relationship with God.
36:53 P. Shavaun Scott and Niels Clark
36:55 in the book 'Game Addicts'
36:57 talk about that there is some sort of hypnosis
37:00 that occurs when you are playing video games.
37:09 You lived in a cloud city
37:11 but evil forces came and cast you out.
37:14 You take your image of the creators
37:16 from an ancient book written by men.
37:19 It is Master Chief who attacks the covenant,
37:21 he attacks Christ's plan of salvation.
37:33 Everyone is searching for something.
37:35 It gives you the ability to become someone else
37:39 or someone who is powerful
37:41 who can break the rules
37:43 without actually getting arrested.
37:45 And they found that many, many school shootings
37:49 are also linked to playing video games.
37:51 This satanic mean offers life after death
37:55 in the frozen forest.
37:57 Before you know it, it's not only applying,
38:00 anyway it's very, very destructive
38:03 in pretty much every facet of life.
38:09 It was completely effective
38:11 in destructing and making the great controversy
38:13 that was raging around me.
38:15 I just but totally absorbed in this thing.
38:44 Wow.
38:45 Once again, video games, I made the comment
38:48 because it's called Controller 3.
38:51 That's right.
38:52 So the inference would be who is controlling whom.
38:56 Talk about that for a moment... Sure.
38:57 'Cause you said you're video game addict,
38:59 I don't know if they caught that.
39:00 Yeah, so I was actually a video game addict.
39:03 I was completely a different person
39:05 before I became a Christian.
39:06 I grew up with Nintendo,
39:08 we had all kinds of devices in our house.
39:12 Me and my brother are very much into games.
39:14 And I mean, now I look like a very acquiescent,
39:17 Paul's probably say feminine person.
39:18 But I was wearing hoodies and jeans
39:21 and I was kind of a tomboy.
39:23 And I played all those games
39:25 that are actually in this documentary
39:27 so I played Halo, played Assassin's Creed,
39:29 played Grand Theft Auto as a girl.
39:32 All that I would say junk
39:35 played The Sims as well, of course.
39:36 And I...
39:38 Yeah, you know, I really, really, believe
39:39 that has an impact on you
39:41 and even has such an impact that
39:44 when I was researching for this documentary,
39:47 I was doing it for a whole day.
39:49 At the end of the day, I felt so far away from God.
39:52 I was like I have to get on my knees and pray again
39:54 'cause I feel drained right now.
39:57 So I really believe it has an impact on you
39:59 and this is what's happening.
40:02 And you set to put this together,
40:04 you had to step back and not continue them
40:07 to reintroduce yourself to things
40:08 that you had abandoned.
40:09 That's right. You felt that lack of...
40:11 It was hard. It was really hard.
40:13 I mean, I was, these were games
40:15 that I played hours in a row.
40:17 I once played The Sims through the night.
40:19 And you know, the Sims is a game
40:20 where you can raise a family and all that and simulate life.
40:25 And in the game, while I was playing it through the night
40:28 and I was able to get my child,
40:31 my Sim child grow from a baby to a teenager
40:34 and those who played Sims know it takes quite sometime.
40:37 And I was maybe 12 years old or something
40:39 and, you know, it's crazy.
40:42 And the thing is I was like, okay,
40:45 let's analyze these games,
40:46 I played these games and they're super popular,
40:48 know they're violent
40:50 but I don't want to focus on that
40:51 because every hardcore gamer will say
40:53 whatever I don't care about that.
40:54 But I wanna focus
40:56 on the spiritual message that is in there,
40:57 and when I discovered some of these things like
41:00 Halo, or Grand Theft Auto, it blew my mind.
41:04 And I thought why I have never seen those things.
41:07 Because your mind was controlled by it.
41:10 My brain was... Yeah.
41:11 My frontal lobe was suppressed
41:12 and I was not able to understand
41:14 and dig through these things.
41:17 And even when I was analyzing these games,
41:19 it took me forever to figure this out.
41:21 It's like you have to dig through
41:22 layer and layer and layer,
41:24 and I was just praying Lord,
41:26 I see there's something there
41:27 but I can't really wrap my head around it,
41:30 help me to understand it and then finally it hit me
41:32 and I was like "Oh, wow.
41:34 This is crazy."
41:36 What messages are in these games.
41:37 It's just insane.
41:39 And it setup, Keith and Scott,
41:41 in such a way that it keeps you
41:42 wanting to go to the next level.
41:43 That's right.
41:45 Talk about the appeal 'cause as speaker evangelists,
41:48 you also work in a lot of the graphic areas too.
41:50 When you go and stand before an audience of young people,
41:54 how do you say to them?
41:56 What do you say to them?
41:57 Well, you know, I typically always start out with science.
42:01 Okay.
42:02 You never know who's in your audience.
42:04 And so I think science as a good bridge
42:06 to establish some facts.
42:08 And once you establish some facts about
42:10 how that brain works,
42:11 what kind of effect it has on you,
42:13 what kind of effect it has on your limbic system,
42:15 and things like this,
42:17 you can really then begin to build a bridge
42:19 with your audience and say, okay,
42:20 now that we've established this truth,
42:23 let's go into the truth of what the Bible has to say
42:27 and see if these themes that are being taught
42:30 are match-up with this book.
42:32 And if they don't,
42:34 well, now we have to re-evaluate
42:35 our situation and say, "Is this the best thing for us?
42:38 Is this what God would have us to do?"
42:41 And if it's not,
42:42 then it's time to repent, right?
42:45 And it's time to move on from that to something else
42:49 by claiming the promises of God that He has the power
42:51 to deliver us from these things,
42:53 and to set us free,
42:55 and then live a victorious life based on his merits.
42:58 That's right.
43:00 Scott, would you say coming from the movie industry
43:02 trying to get people out of this,
43:04 this is almost like drug rehabilitation?
43:06 It is.
43:07 Because you know the dopamine that's released in your brain,
43:10 it's a very attractive thing.
43:12 I mean, if you're really addicted to TV,
43:15 if you try to just stop,
43:17 you will notice the withdrawal symptoms,
43:19 your brain will try to talk you into
43:21 why you need to see this movie or that movie?
43:23 I mean, the reason why they show trailers before movies
43:26 is because it's like bringing you to the next level
43:28 and continuing on forward.
43:30 So what we have found that the best way to do it
43:34 is you have to replace it with something,
43:36 you cannot just take it away, stop,
43:38 it has to be replaced.
43:41 And the thing to replace it with is
43:43 I believe we are out of time in this world stage.
43:48 I mean, we are standing on the precipice of time,
43:51 and you see the thing that the devil got, the Israelites,
43:55 when they were standing
43:56 on the edge of the Jordan to do,
43:57 was, you know, worship some other god
44:01 or some other thing in the world,
44:03 and then, of course, we know that calamity
44:05 happened to the Israelites, right?
44:07 Well, the devil has no new tricks,
44:09 he's doing the same thing to us.
44:10 Same thing.
44:12 He's getting us to worship everything else
44:13 other than our God.
44:15 So if we can unplug from these distractions of this world
44:20 and begin to build our relationship
44:23 based on the foundations and the truths of the Bible,
44:26 just like that song says,
44:27 "The things of this world will grow strangely dim."
44:31 And you see, I was addicted to movies like each one of us.
44:33 I think why God asked us to be involved in this ministry
44:37 and do what we're doing is because
44:38 I personally was addicted to movies,
44:40 to the point where I wanted to go to Hollywood
44:43 and make them.
44:44 That was my passion, that was my life,
44:46 that's what I wanted to do.
44:47 So people can't say to you,
44:49 you don't know what we're talking about?
44:50 Yeah, I was there.
44:51 I mean, in college I spent every weekend
44:54 at the movie theater, every movie.
44:56 Didn't matter what rating it was or nothing.
44:59 And step-by-step before I knew it,
45:02 I was far away from God
45:03 and had nothing to do with religion.
45:05 But there is some good news we're talking about here today,
45:07 because there's a way to reverse it now
45:08 as you set up this final clip
45:10 that we're gonna show, which there is no need to,
45:13 you know, turn away from this clip
45:14 because this in fact, to me,
45:16 is an introduction
45:18 and to how to recalibrate the brain.
45:22 How to get people involved,
45:25 rather than become meaningful,
45:29 wandering generalities,
45:30 they could become meaningful specifics.
45:33 And so set this third clip up because it's very...
45:35 I mean this is important.
45:37 It's taking young people that are trapped in a,
45:39 I can't do anything about it world,
45:41 to be able to do something about it.
45:43 So this is a neat project.
45:46 A lot of times people ask our ministry,
45:47 "So is there anything good for us to watch?"
45:50 So what we wanted to do is work on a documentary
45:52 that was a positive that was showing,
45:55 "Hey, here's a nice form of media
45:57 in a nice way to teach in an educational way."
46:03 And so this was following around an Adventist teacher
46:06 that takes the students on a wagon trip,
46:09 and takes away all the media,
46:11 and places them back in the 1850s,
46:13 and educates them properly.
46:16 Okay. Let's go right to the clip.
46:17 It's about four minutes. Don't turn away.
46:21 First page in the seventh grade health notebook
46:24 I still have it.
46:26 Question asks, it's kind of faded there.
46:29 It basically, "What kind of a profession you want to do
46:32 when you're an adult?"
46:34 "I would like to be a teacher
46:36 because I like young people and I like to help them."
46:40 Now there is a 13-year-old boy
46:42 who cut this picture out and stuck it on here and said,
46:45 "This is what I think I will look like when I'm a teacher."
46:48 The picture that seventh grade boy
46:49 pasted in that tablet
46:51 represented teaching as he envisioned it
46:52 would be over the years, but that's not what happened.
46:56 It changed, it grew, it took on its own life
46:59 and changed into the teaching that I experience now.
47:02 Students have been introduced to their journals.
47:04 Journals are significant in the immigration experience.
47:08 They became primary resources to us.
47:10 This is 1849,
47:12 he went on the trail you're going on.
47:14 And it's probably the first natural trail guide
47:16 that was written, it was a diary.
47:18 He kept meticulous records.
47:20 Campsites where you can find water and...
47:23 At school we have high structure.
47:25 It's very common, teacher will give a topic
47:27 and you will pull the topic.
47:29 And it's hard for them
47:30 to develop a freedom to write.
47:32 And they won't write because they need to,
47:34 they want to be right.
47:36 If I tell them what to write,
47:37 I miss out on where their trail's going.
47:39 I miss on their journey.
47:41 Today we're taking a new road to Oregon, right?
47:43 That route often leads to California by the way.
47:46 Push, help me push.
47:48 I can take these students on a wagon trip,
47:50 where the environment itself becomes a teaching component.
47:52 'Cause you don't have all of the day before you,
47:55 and unless you learn how to become efficient,
47:57 and work well, and use your morning
47:59 so that your night is well planned for,
48:04 you're gonna find yourself in a lot of,
48:06 well, you're gonna sleep on a better consequences.
48:08 Well, I'd like to have you considered,
48:10 what does it mean to be we?
48:19 Hey, who wants the dry dishes?
48:21 Can you reach back,
48:22 figure out the things you did yesterday,
48:24 make the adjustments that you need
48:26 and see if you can improve today.
48:27 In the meantime,
48:28 you're interacting with other people to make it work,
48:30 you're doing team work.
48:32 I mean, these are the things that industry wants.
48:33 These are things that business wishes
48:36 teachers and schools would instill in their kids.
48:39 Cooperation, and innovation, and having a goal,
48:44 and then finding your resources
48:46 and working them out to make it happen,
48:48 and then evaluating how that's going to turn out,
48:50 and then making the adjustments that you need,
48:52 do critical thinking.
48:54 Once I found these trails
48:56 and found out that they existed.
48:57 As an adult I was surprised they were there, still there,
48:59 but they're disappearing fast.
49:01 And I became acquainted
49:02 with an Oregon California Trails Association,
49:05 who started 30 years ago.
49:08 And their purpose was to identify these trails
49:11 and educate people about it
49:12 and maybe try to preserve them if they could.
49:14 So it's bigger than just me
49:15 taking kids out on these trails,
49:17 it's bigger than that.
49:18 It reaches out to other people of the country in the world.
49:21 This is a national, not a national,
49:24 this was a world movement.
49:26 The whole world can identify with this.
49:27 It was unique in the history of the world
49:29 and that affected the world, that migration to the West.
49:34 '62. 1948.
49:37 We had a way harder
49:38 but I think we're getting to a pretty good hill
49:40 like since we're used to our 21st century,
49:43 this is like the way stretching us.
49:45 And I think I'm getting a pretty good feel
49:47 how they felt,
49:48 how exhausted they were each day,
49:50 and like how dirty they were
49:52 and how they really didn't care if they...
49:54 People's hands are dirty
49:55 and they were just catching food and eating it.
49:57 It was pretty and it was, I feel we're thankful to that.
50:01 'Cause you have got to survive this desert to get to there,
50:04 then when they go out into what they call the real world,
50:07 it appears real.
50:08 Well, I science today, I'm doing math right now,
50:10 I need to do a little bit of Latin language right now.
50:13 When students going down the wagon train,
50:15 they're not aware that they're doing math, and science,
50:17 and history but they are.
50:18 They're doing in such a natural way
50:19 that feels like life.
50:21 That's what the wagon trip is, that's real life.
50:24 And I even simulated it into real life
50:26 and environment becomes the teacher.
50:46 As you can see,
50:48 that is one of the suggested ways of
50:51 getting your people back to a normal,
50:53 functioning, thinking state in life.
50:56 But, Scott, just kind of summarize,
50:59 we have some ways of participating
51:01 in keeping Little Light going and growing.
51:03 Talk about that?
51:04 First of all, we would love you guys' prayers.
51:06 I mean, this is more work than we can possibly handle,
51:09 we have a passion for young people.
51:11 That's right.
51:12 I wanna get young people involved,
51:13 I wanna make, we wanna make content
51:16 that young people are dealing with.
51:18 There's a lot of subjects that need to be talked about,
51:20 I mean, the internet, the social media, the media,
51:23 I mean, this is what kids are roped into.
51:25 So we need to be able to give them that information
51:28 and put it in a relevant way
51:30 and point people back at the Bible.
51:32 Many ways you guys can get involved.
51:34 Visit our website,
51:36 we have a donation page on there,
51:38 I mean, ministries need funding,
51:41 it takes money to make media productions.
51:43 That's why Hollywood makes movies that make look so good,
51:46 it's because they pour millions of dollars into it.
51:48 We need help.
51:50 We've got lots of people
51:51 that are willing to help us out,
51:53 so we're building a studio right now
51:56 in the Tennessee area,
51:57 and our passion is to get some of those young kids
51:59 that are being trained how to make media productions
52:01 to come and get involved so...
52:03 Wonderful.
52:04 I wanna make sure that the audience
52:06 gets the address roll
52:07 to know how to get in touch with a Little Light Studios
52:08 to get access to their DVD's, their YouTube free information,
52:12 and here is what you need to be able to participate
52:15 and what Scott just shared with you.
52:19 Little Light Studios mission is to create experiences
52:22 that optimize the restoration
52:24 of a healthy mind, body, and soul.
52:26 If you would like to learn more,
52:28 you can contact them at 10676,
52:31 Adlar Court, Apison, Tennessee, 37302.
52:36 That's 10676,
52:38 Adlar Court, Apison, Tennessee, 37302.
52:42 You can call them at 530-327-9323.
52:47 That's 530-327-9323.
52:52 You can also visit them online at littlelightstudios.tv.
52:57 That's littlelightstudios.tv.


Revised 2017-03-23