3ABN Today

UnScene Media Group

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Ryan St. Hillaire, Dee Casper, Lizbeth Cortes


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY017004A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend
00:14 My life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people.
01:06 Hello and welcome to 3ABN today.
01:09 My name is C.A. Murray
01:10 and allow me once again to thank you
01:11 for sharing just a little of your day with us,
01:14 to thank you for your love, your prayers,
01:15 your support of Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:19 We realize that we couldn't do what we're called to do
01:21 without your partnership and your help.
01:23 And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
01:24 Got a good program for you today, an exciting one
01:27 because I love the way God inspires people
01:32 to do special things for him,
01:33 and the different ways the gospel is being shared,
01:36 not just from pulpits or through Bible studies
01:38 or some of the classic ways.
01:40 But God is calling young people and those of us
01:42 who are not so young, to do some new things for him,
01:45 to get the gospel into places
01:46 and it airs where it otherwise may not go.
01:50 And so today's program, we introduce us to a media
01:53 that shares a little bit of our campus here,
01:55 but it's separate from 3ABN,
01:57 but certainly flows in the vein of what 3ABN is trying to do.
02:00 And this is the UnScene Media Group.
02:03 I even like the term UnScene Media,
02:05 we got to unpackage that.
02:06 And talk about what that means
02:08 and how that is fulfilling God's gospel commission.
02:12 I have seated next to me here in what would normally be
02:14 the hot seat, Ryan St. Hillaire,
02:17 who was the...
02:18 I wanna say chief cook and bottle washer,
02:19 but I have to say executive director
02:22 of UnScene Media.
02:23 Ryan, good to have you here, man.
02:24 Thank you.
02:26 You have been here for a little while
02:27 and have done a number of projects for 3ABN,
02:30 but your heart, your passion is UnScene Media.
02:33 Correct. Yeah.
02:34 And before we introduce our guests,
02:35 let me just put the hot seat,
02:37 the spotlight on you real quick.
02:38 Okay. What is UnScene Media?
02:40 What does it seek to do? Why does it exist?
02:43 We are a ministry
02:45 that our mission is to disciple and inspire youth
02:49 with the eternal realities of God's love
02:51 through dynamic visual media.
02:53 And we all know that
02:55 there is a generation gap in our church.
02:57 Oh, yes.
02:58 And we realize that the best way
03:00 to be able to reach the young people
03:04 is to be able to have discipleship,
03:08 to get young people involved.
03:10 And we're gonna talk about that in just a bit.
03:12 But there's a quote,
03:15 and this will just kind of set the framework.
03:17 In Christian service, Page 33 that says,
03:19 "We should educate the youth to help the youth
03:22 as they seek to do this work.
03:23 They will gain an experience that will qualify them
03:26 to become consecrated workers in a larger sphere."
03:29 So we are media ministry,
03:31 but we are also empowering young people
03:34 to be able to use media tools to reach their generation.
03:37 Amen, amen.
03:38 And no one can reach young people like young people,
03:40 even though there are those of us
03:41 delude ourselves into thinking,
03:43 "Oh, I can talk to young people."
03:44 Young people talk to young people
03:46 better than old people talk to young people.
03:47 Correct. And that's just the truth.
03:50 And so that's what
03:51 UnScene Media groups function is,
03:54 that's why it exists, that's its purpose.
03:56 Yeah. Yeah.
03:57 And if you are wondering about the name...
03:58 Yes, that was the next question.
04:00 2 Corinthians 4:18 says,
04:01 "We fix our eyes not on what is seen,
04:03 but on what is unseen,
04:05 because what seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
04:08 Is eternal.
04:09 And so our focus or idea
04:12 is to direct hearts and minds
04:15 towards the unseen realities of God's love.
04:17 Very cool.
04:19 Now, you actually bring people in for training.
04:21 You actually train and teach.
04:23 So we have some students,
04:25 yea, interns it says officially, with us.
04:28 Let's get on to the list.
04:30 Priscilla Elwin.
04:31 Yes, that's me.
04:33 All right, now someone has told me.
04:34 Is it you that's the fantastic cook?
04:37 No?
04:38 Somebody in this group is a fantastic cook.
04:40 They're all fantastic. Yeah.
04:44 Yeah, someone said that there's someone
04:45 who has really distinguish themselves.
04:48 So maybe, it's... everybody is a fantastic cook.
04:50 And praise the Lord.
04:51 Priscilla, where are you from?
04:53 Papua New Guinea.
04:54 Papua New Guinea, you came a little way, didn't you?
04:57 I did. Yeah, praise the Lord.
04:59 You have to ask how she found out about our ministry.
05:02 You must be a mediator guy,
05:04 'cause you're like pre-empting my questions.
05:05 Yep.
05:07 How did indeed you found out about this media group?
05:10 In fact, I got an e-mail from my friend
05:13 and at the footnote it had something about IDEA.
05:16 I'm like, "What is this, let me look out."
05:19 And that's how I found IDEA, UnScene Media and IDEA.
05:23 Praise the Lord.
05:24 So you took a chance to come all the way
05:26 from Papua New Guinea...
05:27 Yes. Which is not next door.
05:29 No.
05:30 All the way to Thompsonville, Illinois.
05:32 Yes. Bless your heart.
05:34 Bless your heart. It's cold.
05:35 Yeah, it's getting cold. It is.
05:37 Yeah, we have seasons here.
05:40 Are you rolling with those pretty good?
05:42 Yes, I have to adopt, yeah. Amen.
05:44 Yeah and amen, and amen, and amen.
05:47 In the middle, Anna Lisa Van Melle.
05:50 Yes. Hi, Anna Lisa.
05:52 How are you? Hi. I'm good.
05:53 Where are you from? I'm from West Virginia.
05:56 Yeah, I was born in Maryland but I've been living
05:58 in West Virginia for the past several years.
06:00 Adventist home? Yes.
06:02 Brothers and sisters? No, I'm the only child.
06:04 You're the only child? Yeah.
06:06 How did you find out about UnScene?
06:08 Well, some of them came to my school.
06:13 Last year, I was a senior
06:15 and they talked at my English class.
06:16 Of course, you know, we're graduating
06:18 so trying to recruit us to come here.
06:19 So I wanted to take a year of break
06:22 and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do.
06:24 I thought about mission service,
06:25 but that didn't work out and so I decided to come here.
06:28 Was media always something that interested you,
06:30 the visual art?
06:32 It always interested me.
06:33 I was never really that into it,
06:36 but now I'm really enjoying it a lot more as I've been here.
06:40 You can see yourself kind of sticking
06:41 with this a little bit?
06:42 Yeah, more probably as a hobby,
06:44 and I do want to use a lot of the skills
06:48 that I've learnt for ministry
06:49 because I do want to be a missionary someday.
06:54 So, yeah.
06:56 Yeah, definitely. Praise the Lord.
06:57 Praise the Lord.
06:59 And last, but certainly not least, Nicole.
07:01 You are a Potgieter. Yeah.
07:04 Potgieter. Potgieter. From?
07:06 I'm originally from South Africa.
07:08 Back then, my family moved to America two years ago.
07:13 So that, you know, my brother and I can have
07:15 more opportunities for ministry and stuff.
07:18 Adventist family also?
07:19 Yes, Adventist family. Bless your heart.
07:21 How did you find out about UnScene media?
07:23 Actually, they came to my school
07:25 and they were like,
07:26 trying to recruit people and I heard about its like,
07:29 "Oh, that's a nice idea, but I've got my own plans.
07:31 I've already applied for the schools."
07:34 And then suddenly my plans just fell apart after two days
07:37 of being at my school.
07:39 And I thought, "Well, you know, let me try UnScene,"
07:42 and that was where the Lord wanted me all along.
07:44 Excellent.
07:46 So, Ryan, a large part of what you do is recruitment
07:49 or at least exposing your vision
07:51 to young people in the high school
07:52 or academy setting?
07:54 Yeah, we've been to quite a few schools
07:56 over the last year.
07:57 And one of the reasons
07:58 we also do week of prayers for them.
08:01 So we would travel and we would also share
08:03 in addition to the week of prayer,
08:05 we'd share about what the ministry is doing
08:06 and opportunities that exist for the young people.
08:10 But sometimes, once in a while
08:11 as we are traveling through to other gigs,
08:13 we'll stop by at different academies
08:15 and just share about the IDEA program
08:18 and the opportunities that exist there.
08:20 Do you find that most Adventist schools are open
08:22 to let you come in and talk to their students?
08:24 So far. Yeah.
08:26 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
08:27 Yeah.
08:28 We praise the Lord for that.
08:30 Now, I need to say
08:31 that the other half of this dynamic duo
08:32 is Dee Casper.
08:34 He'll be in, in just a few minutes
08:36 with another intern.
08:38 How did you indeed, I use the term hook up,
08:41 how did you come together?
08:43 Through a series of miracles.
08:45 We can share that a little bit later
08:47 but there were just tons of miracles
08:49 that led up to actually launching the IDEA program,
08:53 because it's an impossibility what we're doing right now.
08:58 We didn't have the funds, we didn't have the resources,
09:00 we didn't have anything that we needed
09:02 in order to launch a training program
09:04 which has been something
09:05 that has been a vision for a long time.
09:09 But God told,
09:11 He just impressed on my heart, the idea that,
09:16 "If this is a vision that I have given you,
09:19 " this is God speaking to me that,
09:21 "You need to move forward with it."
09:23 And He will provide
09:25 whatever is necessary in order to make it happen.
09:28 And it was a scary thing,
09:31 because I was letting go of
09:33 other opportunities and so forth.
09:35 But we stepped out in faith
09:36 and God brought exactly the people
09:38 that we needed to run the program.
09:40 He brought the resources, He brought everything
09:42 that needed to happen in order for us to launch it.
09:45 And in just over a period of one year,
09:47 or it's been two...
09:48 this is the second year that we're running the program.
09:51 We've been able to do things that I never imagined.
09:53 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
09:55 Maybe that's fortuitous then
09:56 and providential that you're on this campus
09:58 because that is a, dare I say,
10:00 Shelton-esque kind of history.
10:03 The idea that God plants a vision in your mind,
10:05 and you just go out and you just do it.
10:07 And then God provides as you walk,
10:09 God opens the door and you just walk through them.
10:11 It's been an inspiration,
10:12 because where we are staying right now
10:15 is on 3ABN's miracle land, where it all started.
10:18 Yes, and you're on the original miracle land, yeah.
10:20 So praise the Lord.
10:22 In a pretty nice set of digs till I drove by that today,
10:25 not bad.
10:26 You know when the Lord blesses, He really blesses.
10:28 God blessed us.
10:29 Listen, give me a little history on you,
10:30 just as far as your media background
10:32 and sort of what led you
10:34 to this particular point in time?
10:37 I studied video production at Andrews University.
10:40 And always just had a passion for ministry,
10:43 and I kind of explored.
10:46 I started off as a theology major
10:47 'cause I knew that
10:49 God had a calling on my heart for ministry,
10:50 I wasn't sure exactly what that meant.
10:52 Eventually, I ended up moving just into video production.
10:55 And I've been through a lot in the past, ups and downs.
10:59 And eventually, I realized that the only way
11:03 that we can grow spiritually
11:05 that God can continue to bless us
11:07 is when we are actively ministering to others...
11:09 Correct.
11:11 ..discipleship.
11:12 And so that became a foundation for this ministry.
11:14 When we started it, I realized, you know,
11:17 we could be the greatest
11:18 media production company in the world,
11:20 putting together cutting edge media
11:23 in film production, television, new media, whatever.
11:26 But if we're not empowering young people
11:28 to be able to replicate what we're doing,
11:31 if we're not putting that into their own hands,
11:33 then the vision is stopping with us.
11:35 And we wanted to be able to continue that
11:37 through Jesus' method of discipleship.
11:39 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:41 So God called you to minister.
11:43 You just needed to figure out
11:44 what that meant as far as what type for ministry.
11:46 And this is ministry.
11:48 It is. Yeah.
11:49 This is ministry of highest order.
11:53 Let me just ask the interns here,
11:54 and then I wanna kind of follow you it on a bit
11:56 because you got a lot to talk about.
11:58 Is this rigorous?
11:59 Are you really learning things that you did not know before?
12:04 Or our brethren being kind of hard on you?
12:06 Are you enjoying?
12:07 Are you enjoying what you're doing?
12:08 And let me just you Priscilla,
12:10 'cause you came the farthest way.
12:12 Give me just a little flavor of you experience?
12:16 Okay, let me just start by saying,
12:19 I had a little experience in film making.
12:23 I went to a film school for nine weeks
12:27 and went back home.
12:28 It was in Philippines, went back to PNG.
12:31 I started doing little bits and pieces,
12:34 but I needed the camera skills,
12:37 how to operate camera and editing.
12:39 So I said, "Okay,
12:41 God you have to find me a place
12:42 where I can go and learn myself,
12:44 so I can do that better."
12:47 Yeah, so I think
12:50 He had hasten and led me here.
12:54 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
12:56 Nicole, are you learning some good stuff?
12:59 Oh, yeah, definitely.
13:00 I started off knowing like nothing.
13:04 And now I've learned how to use Mac,
13:08 because I've always been a PC girl.
13:09 So, you know, figuring out final cut
13:12 and using cameras and lenses and lighting
13:15 and all that stuff so, yeah.
13:17 I've definitely learned a lot. Praise the Lord.
13:19 Anna Lisa, good stuff? Yeah, definitely.
13:22 I've always been into photography.
13:24 And I just never really had a really good camera to use.
13:27 And so I've been really enjoying,
13:30 like using cameras more, and editing,
13:33 and you know, what she said too.
13:35 It's been really, really, really good.
13:37 So, Ryan, this is kind of hands on.
13:38 I mean, you let them handle the stuff
13:39 and produce things
13:41 and actually get dirty for one of a better turn
13:45 with touching things and handling things.
13:47 It's not just theory or the textbook stuff,
13:49 you actually go out and do.
13:50 Exactly, yeah, that's the idea.
13:52 I mean, we still have some theory instruction.
13:55 But for the most part,
13:57 we want them to learn by getting their hands on it
13:59 and actually doing it.
14:00 That's been the objective of our program.
14:02 Yeah.
14:03 And we'll talk about it little later.
14:05 You have a little film...
14:07 what I call it...
14:09 but we actually see their work in a setting
14:13 at the end of their time.
14:15 Yeah, yeah. And that's a really good stuff.
14:16 They're working on real projects
14:18 that we've done together with other ministries
14:20 and we'll show some of those in just a second here.
14:23 And they had to work on
14:25 some of their own projects as well.
14:26 And we kind of help them through that
14:29 as far as instruction with editing
14:31 and stuff like that so, yeah.
14:32 Praise the Lord.
14:33 So when they come out,
14:35 they're able to storyboard
14:36 or conceive an idea
14:38 and walk through it, shoot it, edit it,
14:42 so you go from concept to full production.
14:44 Yeah, exactly. Well done.
14:46 In fact, we can kind of talk about some of the projects
14:49 that they've been involved in.
14:51 We talked about how we do week of prayers as a ministry,
14:56 and so, of course, when we do that,
14:57 we bring the interns along,
14:59 and we get them involved in sharing
15:02 little devotional thoughts
15:03 and taking little opportunities with classes,
15:07 sometimes they have a media class
15:09 or some workshops that we can teach,
15:11 so they actually get to lead out in that.
15:14 And we've also been on some other gigs.
15:19 I think we have some pictures of the week of prayer
15:21 that we can show.
15:23 Yeah, let's take a look.
15:24 That...
15:25 this is our evangelism director Dee Casper,
15:28 which we'll meet in a little bit.
15:31 And he's there presenting,
15:34 I don't remember what the topic was, but...
15:37 and the next picture here is Priscilla.
15:39 Priscilla, you wanna tell us what you were talking about?
15:41 Yeah, I was sharing with students at Hobbit Hills
15:45 and I shared from the Book of Jeremiah,
15:48 how everyone is
15:51 called by God to be something for Him.
15:56 Yeah.
15:57 Like Jeremiah, he was ordained a prophet.
15:58 Yeah.
16:00 So this is kind of neat and it's a...
16:01 and forgive me for cutting off, Priscilla,
16:03 but this is kind of a wrinkle that I didn't understand
16:05 that your interns,
16:08 students actually get to get up and speak
16:11 as part of your overall curriculum
16:13 or what you want them to do.
16:15 So they're learning camera skills
16:16 but they are also picking up speaking opportunities also.
16:18 Yeah, exactly.
16:19 So we're training not just in media
16:21 but also in evangelism
16:23 and we're training media in the context
16:26 of evangelism as well.
16:28 So I think the next project that we went on
16:32 and which is really cool.
16:33 It was the first big project
16:34 that most of you have been on with, we got to go to the...
16:40 to Pennsylvania to shoot concert
16:43 for The Lesser Light Collective.
16:45 You wanna tell us about that?
16:48 Yeah, it was an amazing experience,
16:50 I mean, yeah, for me it was the first big production
16:53 I've ever been a part of, and it was...
16:57 took us several days to set up everything
16:59 because we weren't familiar with the venue,
17:01 and so Nicole and I
17:04 got to work on a DJI Ronin Gimbal and...
17:10 Hope we have some pictures of that...
17:11 Yeah, I think we do.
17:12 Of actually putting together this thing.
17:14 It took us like two days to balance it
17:16 because we had like a really heavy lens
17:18 and a light camera body in it.
17:20 It took us a while but, you know,
17:22 once we finish setting that thing up
17:24 like I will never ever forget how to set up a gimbal,
17:29 but yeah, there was that,
17:30 and the ceiling was really high.
17:34 So we had to figure out how to...
17:36 We won't talk about this picture too much.
17:38 And we won't tell you who had to climb that ladder.
17:42 Well, obviously somebody did.
17:43 Somebody did. Yeah.
17:46 So you're getting real life hands-on not only
17:49 but setup experience
17:51 and you're walking through the whole production process.
17:53 Yeah. Really great.
17:54 Now did you speak at any of these?
17:56 Oh, this is the concert you were telling me.
17:57 So this is the concert that you were filming?
17:59 Yeah. Yeah.
18:01 So...
18:02 Wow.
18:04 Yeah, here we have a picture of the artist
18:05 actually performing once we had
18:06 everything set up there, so.
18:08 Now how do you find these things?
18:09 Or do they find you, or the people...
18:12 It's a combination and it's just been interesting
18:14 because God has brought us into contact with people
18:17 and He's given us divine appointments.
18:19 Over and over again, we weren't necessarily looking
18:21 for these things but, you know, through somebody
18:24 who knew somebody would come and contact us and say,
18:27 "Hey, you know, we're doing this.
18:29 Would you be able to help out?"
18:30 And that's how most of it has happened.
18:33 And that's incredible because it just shows that,
18:35 you know, God is bringing stuff to us,
18:37 we're not going out looking for it.
18:39 Looking for it.
18:41 Are you producing things for sale,
18:42 to support the ministry or just for a commission
18:47 for that particular artist or that particular venue?
18:49 How does that work?
18:51 This particular concert that we went to
18:54 was kind of a challenge because
18:56 we don't have much of our own equipment right now.
18:58 So we didn't make anything from the gig.
19:00 We went mostly because it was experience
19:03 that we could provide our interns with.
19:04 Yeah, yeah.
19:06 And it was something that we could do.
19:07 And we believed in the ministry,
19:08 we wanted to help them out, etc.
19:11 So we do have some projects that we're producing
19:14 or working on in the future that would be for sale.
19:17 For the most part right now it's a challenge
19:19 because we're trying to come up
19:21 with as many opportunities as we can
19:24 to provide the experience.
19:25 Yeah, so you need like field trip so they can do some
19:27 practical stuff out in the field.
19:29 Yeah. Yeah.
19:31 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
19:32 Really, well done.
19:33 Now how many... we got three here,
19:35 I think we got another one coming here in the second half.
19:36 How many students can you handle at a time?
19:39 We can take up to six.
19:40 Okay. Okay.
19:42 So this is not a big kind of mass worship kind of thing,
19:44 this is very individual micro kind of stuff
19:46 where you can really get in and learn and teach.
19:48 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, excellent, excellent.
19:50 Did you have another video that you wanted us to show?
19:53 I'm gonna sort of let you kind of take the lead here.
19:55 Yeah, it's okay, we've kind of talked about the IDEA program
19:58 so we can kind of...
20:00 it was a promo video for IDEA
20:03 that just kind of expresses some of the things
20:04 that we've been talking about.
20:07 But we can share, there's two other experiences
20:11 that I wanted to share.
20:13 Just recently, we were at GYC,
20:15 we got to record some videos
20:17 and, Nicole, you can kind of share your experience there.
20:21 Well, this past GYC was actually my second one.
20:24 So you know, you still get the hype of, you know,
20:27 this is GYC, this is so awesome, you know.
20:30 But I really enjoyed the fact
20:32 that we got to work with all the speakers,
20:35 and GYC asked us to form devotional videos,
20:38 and they're going to release them every two weeks.
20:41 And so we got to interact with everybody
20:43 that actually spoke at GYC.
20:45 We had...
20:46 I think we have two pictures that we can show for that...
20:48 Yeah, we had...
20:49 I know we had like David Kim,
20:52 John Bradshaw, David Shin
20:55 and we even had the SDA GC president, Ted Wilson.
21:00 And for me it was a great learning experience
21:03 because I got to actually learn
21:05 how to like be in-charge of a shoot,
21:08 make sure the cameras are running, audios going,
21:10 the person needs to know where to sit, what to do.
21:13 So I learnt something, you know,
21:16 some of my own personal problems.
21:18 Well, not problems but...
21:20 yeah, things that I struggle.
21:22 Through with some of your problems.
21:23 Things that I struggle with that, you know,
21:25 like act scared to take over
21:27 and that helped me realize, you know,
21:29 I need to stand up take control.
21:31 And then I was also blessed by the devotionals
21:35 because as I am editing them,
21:36 I listen to them over and over and over.
21:38 And so I've actually got a lot of them memorized now.
21:41 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
21:43 Yeah. Really, well done.
21:44 I'm getting a little better understanding
21:47 on the scope of Unscene.
21:49 And what you try to do with your students
21:52 and the fact that you're giving them significant field work
21:54 is a great thing.
21:55 Yeah, yeah, that's the idea.
21:57 Now there's one more...
21:59 Nicole, I'm actually,
22:00 I'm really proud of you for
22:02 how you've been taking initiative
22:04 in just learning things
22:05 and you actually had just,
22:07 recently you finished
22:09 a promotional video for our film camp
22:11 which was a program that we did during this summer.
22:14 So I wanted to just show that, that's the second video
22:16 that we actually had to show,
22:18 but I wanna show that video and show everybody,
22:21 what you've actually put together for us
22:23 if we can.
22:24 My name is Ethan David.
22:26 Timothy Peek.
22:27 Katherine, also known as KC.
22:29 My favorite part about film camp is chilling.
22:32 Getting to use the drone
22:34 and going tubing.
22:36 My favorite part about film camp
22:38 that definitely has to be the people,
22:41 because I started learning
22:43 how to trust people a little bit more
22:45 than I've already have been doing.
22:47 And I learned like how to start applying things
22:52 to my everyday life and to start having like...
22:55 and the importance of having daily worship
22:56 with God everyday.
22:58 I've learned to use final cut
23:01 and to use the osmos and cameras.
23:06 'Cause, you know, you just straight show
23:08 with all the equipment, especially with the drone.
23:11 That is amazing.
23:14 And all the osmo, the osmo,
23:15 the drone and all the camera equipment
23:18 that they entrust into our care is amazing.
23:21 The food was so great, it was so awesome.
23:25 I loved it.
23:26 I would recommend film camp
23:28 because film camp is just a great overall place
23:31 with the staff, the placement.
23:34 And with all the people, especially how you meet them,
23:38 and we guys pretty much become family
23:41 by the next course of two weeks.
23:43 I would say that to all of my friends,
23:45 actually, that they should go
23:47 because all the opportunities you get,
23:50 like you get to learn so much,
23:52 and yet at the same time while you're learning,
23:54 you're still having fun, and that's one thing
23:57 that I think that's very cool about it because
24:00 what's the fun in learning and being bored.
24:03 This would be a good opportunity
24:04 for them to learn,
24:06 to take some of the skills they have,
24:08 and tie them to Jesus.
24:10 So that they gonna be able to help
24:11 in this ministry that we have.
24:13 Not only that they learn the skills,
24:15 but as they resided with the others,
24:19 living together, playing together,
24:21 doing all the things, they bonded.
24:23 And they took time both
24:26 to learn skills from one another,
24:28 but to build up camaraderie as a team.
24:31 You're learning and not only learning,
24:34 filming or editing some thing.
24:37 Like I saw that all of you guys like focusing on Jesus,
24:41 like spending more time with Jesus.
24:44 And I'm so amazed with that.
25:04 Wow, very good, hey man, you have drone school.
25:08 Well, it's one of the-- One of the--
25:10 I like that, you have drone...
25:11 I would go just for drone school.
25:12 Yeah.
25:14 That is really, really cool.
25:15 We are joined by Dee Casper,
25:18 who is your evangelism director.
25:22 And Lizbeth Cortes?
25:25 Yes, that's right. From where, Lizbeth?
25:27 I live in Mississippi,
25:29 where that's my parents are from.
25:30 From Mississippi? Yes.
25:32 You don't look like a Mississippian.
25:34 I'm originally from Mexico, that's where I was born.
25:36 Excellent. Do you speak Spanish?
25:38 Si, hablo espaƱol. Me alegro, bueno.
25:42 I need to find out how you two get together,
25:44 'cause I know a little of your story,
25:46 I know a lot of Dee's story.
25:48 Dee hasn't been a Seventh-Day Adventist that long
25:51 and his coming was fairly dramatic,
25:53 so how did you two,
25:54 you know, get together?
25:58 The co-founder of UnScene Media Group,
26:00 his name is Ben Middleton.
26:01 Ben is actually the one that I met,
26:03 here at 3ABN camp meeting actually in 2010.
26:06 Part of my testimony
26:07 is that David Asscherick asked for my name
26:08 in the middle of the sermon, on the front row.
26:11 I didn't want to be on the front row,
26:12 but Angie Lomacang made me sit up there.
26:14 And then he asked my name,
26:15 when I went to go meet David during lunch
26:17 right after that happened,
26:18 that's where I met Ben.
26:19 We became friends from then on, a year...
26:21 and then I went to RISE right after that,
26:23 part of that was from his encouragement
26:24 and it just kind of providential leading,
26:26 and then Ben started this ministry
26:28 with Ryan a year later,
26:30 and then I helped them in GYC, I drove down.
26:34 Most of them flew down, they needed another vehicle
26:36 to get from where they were staying to GYC and back.
26:38 So I stayed with them in 2000...
26:42 GYC Orlando, wherever that was.
26:44 So I met them a few years ago
26:45 and then, God convicted me to move back to Illinois.
26:48 I was working in Tennessee as a Bible worker
26:50 and an elder in the local church
26:51 and then was teaching at Heritage Academy
26:53 as well in the Bible class.
26:54 And God convicted me to come back to Illinois,
26:57 but what I wasn't sure about was what I was going to do.
26:59 And even the local pastor,
27:01 when I called and talked to him, he said,
27:02 "So let me get this straight, you're coming to Illinois,
27:05 but you don't have a job
27:06 or anyway to provide for yourself?"
27:08 I said, "Yes, that's correct."
27:09 And then he said, "Well, I'll be praying for you."
27:12 And I talked to Toman,
27:14 and who used to work here at 3ABN and Tom said,
27:16 "Why don't you make a resume,
27:17 I'll see what I can come up with."
27:18 I talked to Ryan and Ben a couple days later,
27:21 they asked, if I would consult
27:22 for the ministry to some degree,
27:25 for some of their planning in evangelism stuff.
27:27 And then Ryan said...
27:28 I said, "What are your biggest needs."
27:29 He says, "Well,
27:31 actually we need someone to teach our Bible classes
27:32 and someone to do some of the preaching
27:34 and other stuff."
27:35 I thought, that's funny, that's kind of what I do.
27:36 And I said, "Well, send me the job description
27:38 and I'll pray about it."
27:39 And the resume I just made for Toman
27:41 and the job description
27:42 that Ryan had made for this position,
27:44 without thinking of me for this position
27:45 were literally exactly the same,
27:48 to a T like everything they asked
27:50 for I had experience in doing.
27:52 And that's not coincidence.
27:53 No. Yeah.
27:55 And he wasn't looking for me. Right.
27:56 And even whenever he told me that they had this position,
27:58 I just already help out from time to time
28:00 living somewhere else
28:01 having no idea it would be a fulltime venture for me.
28:03 Yeah.
28:04 And so I've been here for about a year and a half now.
28:07 And I'm absolutely thrilled
28:08 and we are seeing God work in mighty ways.
28:11 So for both of you this is kind of the faith walk.
28:13 But it's also a fulfillment of it
28:16 maybe even an unspoken dream.
28:17 Yes.
28:18 About something that was in your heart to do,
28:20 God just gave you the platform upon which to do it.
28:23 Oh, I came kicking and screaming.
28:24 Yeah.
28:26 I didn't get your word,
28:27 I don't wanna be in front of people.
28:29 So I...
28:30 when John Lomacang said a few years ago,
28:31 that this young man's gonna do evangelism in Carbondale,
28:33 which did happened three years after he said that.
28:34 I thought he was out of his mind.
28:35 I don't wanna speak,
28:37 I don't wanna be in front of people,
28:38 it's terrifying, it's scary.
28:40 But I realized that where I feel the most at home
28:43 is where God has led me.
28:44 It feels natural
28:45 but it's scary at the same time.
28:47 I don't really know how to explain it,
28:48 like I know what to do
28:50 but it's still kinda scary to do it.
28:51 Yeah, yeah.
28:52 And now your face is everywhere.
28:54 I know, that's the scary thing,
28:55 like the face of the ministry now, it is terrifying,
28:57 but God knows how to work.
28:58 He knows...
29:00 You know, it's good that the Lord keeps a little healthy
29:01 Christian fear in there...
29:02 Yeah.
29:04 Because you know, it's not on you, it's on God.
29:05 And if you go up there with no fear
29:06 and figure you got this
29:08 and then the devil will show you,
29:09 well, you ain't got this.
29:11 You need Jesus. Yeah.
29:13 Lizbeth, how long have you been with here on campus?
29:18 I've been here since August of last year.
29:21 Okay, now did you come with any media experience at all
29:24 or just expectations?
29:25 I did, I went to school for two years
29:28 doing mass media communications.
29:30 Uh-huh. Yeah.
29:31 Now what is interesting is because you take students
29:33 who have absolutely no television background,
29:36 no media background, and you also have some...
29:39 Priscilla said the same thing, who have some.
29:41 So obviously, you're giving them
29:42 an opportunity to expand
29:44 on what they have learned even in school.
29:46 So this is pretty quality stuff.
29:48 This is not just shot in the arm
29:49 kind of take it as you go, this is good stuff.
29:51 Yeah.
29:52 And I'm doing,
29:54 I'm trying to sell you here same thing.
29:55 This is a commercial.
29:57 That when they come
29:58 even if you've had some education,
30:00 some training,
30:02 you can top it off or learn more
30:03 or expand by coming to Unscene,
30:06 that's good, that's good, that's good, Dee.
30:08 Yeah, one of the reasons
30:09 why we started and exist right now
30:12 is because we're doing something
30:13 that really doesn't exist anywhere.
30:15 To be able to come and receive evangelism training
30:19 at an evangelism school
30:20 and also to be able to receive media training
30:23 but in the context of
30:24 how do I communicate the gospel through this media.
30:28 There're just aren't opportunities for young person
30:31 who is passionate about serving God,
30:33 to be able to learn,
30:35 and to be able to get that experience.
30:37 And so we've started
30:39 what we have out of the necessity
30:41 and out of the burden that God placed on our heart,
30:42 of course, to be able to provide
30:45 those options for young people.
30:47 Yeah, yeah.
30:48 This is... and I wanna
30:49 just sort of walk us through this
30:51 because this is where the rubber meets the road
30:52 for this particular niche of this ministry.
30:54 One, it is...
30:57 it'll give you skills
30:58 as far as media production is concerned,
31:01 but those skills are tightly wedded
31:04 with evangelism.
31:06 So you have a situation here
31:08 where you gotta small number of people,
31:11 who are taught hands-on very close,
31:16 small group who wed evangelism with media
31:20 and that to me is an unbeatable
31:22 and very occurrent thing to do, man.
31:25 This is the time for that kind of,
31:27 that kind of marriage.
31:28 And our burden was that,
31:30 in order to make someone a great Christian filmmaker,
31:32 our first burden was actually to make them great Christians,
31:36 because if you just give someone technical skills
31:37 and hopefully use it for Jesus, that's one thing,
31:39 but our burden was to enable them
31:41 to take these gifts by continually infusing
31:44 everything we do with a Christian influence
31:46 in a family atmosphere.
31:48 So Liz is actually one of our staff members,
31:49 she's the director of development
31:51 and but she's also kind of serving as the girls' dean,
31:53 in that sense too,
31:54 'cause all the girls were in the home together.
31:56 So it's an environment where everyone wants to feel
31:58 like a home and like a family, not just instruction,
32:02 and lots of work, and lots of doing.
32:04 And when we had our film camp last summer,
32:06 that was one of the main things
32:07 we heard continually from the kids was,
32:09 "This feels like a family to us."
32:10 Yeah.
32:12 "We have worship together, we have meals together,
32:13 we traveled together."
32:14 And so it's a close-knit group,
32:16 it's not just a lot of technical doings.
32:18 And we should talk about that for just a second on film camp.
32:20 I want to...
32:21 I really want to share some miracles,
32:23 but since we just...
32:25 we showed the promo video for the film camp.
32:28 I don't know, do you wanna share little bit
32:29 about what that was like
32:31 and I think we have some pictures
32:32 to go with that as well.
32:33 The film camp was amazing, I mean, all the kids that came,
32:37 all of them want to come back this next summer
32:39 which I thought, if you came and do a film camp,
32:41 you kind of have that experience
32:42 and that was enough,
32:44 but they had such a phenomenal experience.
32:45 One young person says,
32:47 "I don't really like singing hymns."
32:49 And healthy food isn't really his thing
32:50 because he grew up in a background
32:51 where that's done all the time,
32:53 you know, he wants to kind of try other things.
32:54 Sure.
32:56 But he said, "Something about this place is different."
32:58 We were just singing hymns a capella,
33:00 we didn't have a keyboard or anything else,
33:02 and he liked it, and we were serving healthy
33:04 but delicious simple food,
33:05 and he liked it, and he said,
33:07 he literally had the best experience of his life.
33:08 Praise the Lord.
33:10 And so and all the young people had great, great time,
33:12 they got together
33:14 well, they get along well together and so on.
33:17 Yeah.
33:18 And as far as any pictures,
33:19 I'm not sure what they have or what they have shown,
33:21 but that's...
33:22 I think they put some together, they...
33:23 That's actually the whole group there.
33:25 So that's all the students plus the instructional staff
33:26 and there's another picture I think after that.
33:29 And this is some of them working together
33:32 during an editing workshops,
33:33 Ryan's teach them how to edit
33:34 on final cut pro on the laptops that we have brought in.
33:36 Should be another picture and this is in filming.
33:40 Actually in a 3ABN studios, we partnered with 3ABN,
33:42 so this is on studio E,
33:44 one of the videos they did on testimonies.
33:46 Just had it filmed someone's testimony
33:47 in an engaging way.
33:49 This is one of our students using a DGI Osmos,
33:51 it's a hand gimbal,
33:53 they can use for movement shots,
33:56 and I think we may have one more...
33:58 this is one of our students using the Phantom 4
34:00 drone by DGI,
34:02 their newest drone that they came out
34:03 with a 4K drone.
34:05 It's actually chasing
34:06 some of the cows next door to the property
34:08 and then we have fun too.
34:09 So we go play soccer, we have water balloon fights
34:11 and this is actually the kids tubing on the boat.
34:14 Very last day. That's very last day.
34:15 Celebrate. Celebrate all the hard work.
34:17 Yes, and the sunburn won't bother you
34:19 because you're leaving tomorrow.
34:21 Yeah, the kids actually can sav up
34:22 and just go home, yeah.
34:23 And then this is the film festival.
34:25 You were there for that, right? Yes, I really was, yeah.
34:26 Yeah, really, well done.
34:28 And your had some fairly young students
34:30 for your film camp.
34:31 13-17 is the age range, yeah, and it went very, very well.
34:35 Probably about a 100 people come to it too
34:37 from the community and from the church,
34:39 and they showed it in the Thompsonville church,
34:40 and on the big LED board at the back.
34:42 It went really well.
34:43 This is really cool, guys,
34:44 because one, you're on the campus of 3ABN,
34:47 so you have access to 3ABN and all of its stuff,
34:51 but you're individual in that,
34:54 your students are your students.
34:56 Yes.
34:57 And if we get an opportunity to maybe plug them into 3ABN,
34:59 we do so
35:01 'cause that part of the extracurricular stuff
35:03 that you do, but this is...
35:05 you may be the greatest unknown,
35:08 unseen but unknown secret in Adventism
35:11 because you're doing some wonderful stuff.
35:13 You've got ARISE training. Yes.
35:15 So you got that solid Bible background,
35:17 you've got an Andrews University degree,
35:19 so you've got a great marriage of two individuals
35:22 who are passionate about what you're doing,
35:24 and this is why this is such an important thing
35:27 why we're giving it this time because this is a great place.
35:31 If you don't quite know what you do,
35:32 you hear the call of God in your mind,
35:34 "Hey, I need to do something for the call of Christ,
35:36 but I don't know what to do."
35:37 This may give you an opportunity
35:39 to kind of sort out the call,
35:41 and to combine an exciting career
35:45 with ministry, with evangelism
35:48 that is an unbeatable combination.
35:50 Yeah, we've actually,
35:51 because we've developed partnerships
35:53 with other ministries throughout the church,
35:54 many in the Adventist church
35:55 recognized that media is where we need to be moving.
35:57 Yes.
35:58 They don't have anyone to do it and so they're asking us,
36:00 "When your interns are finished,
36:01 would you be willing to let them know
36:03 that we have openings."
36:04 So when people come, it's like film school,
36:07 evangelism school together,
36:08 but when you leave,
36:09 you have skills that can literally lead
36:11 to immediate employment once you leave.
36:12 Yeah.
36:14 So different ministries throughout the church,
36:15 self supporting and conference are like have interests
36:17 in what it is that we are doing to receive these interns
36:20 once they've finished to come work for them.
36:22 And as you well know, most ministries don't care
36:24 what degree you have,
36:25 they wanna know what skill level you have.
36:27 Correct.
36:28 And so you're turning out people with skill level
36:29 and that's what ministries want,
36:31 they want people who know what they're doing,
36:32 plus they want people who are spiritual.
36:33 Yes.
36:35 And I think that's an integral part
36:36 of what you're trying to do, we don't...
36:37 as you well said, we don't want to just turn out a technician,
36:39 we want to turn out a minister, who has the technical skills.
36:43 And that's a great thing. Exactly.
36:45 Yeah.
36:46 So I guess...
36:48 Yeah.
36:49 ..there's been so many miracles
36:51 that have happened as we've started this thing,
36:53 and you know,
36:57 God doesn't always open the path right away,
36:59 and that was one of the scary things
37:01 that I had to realize in stepping forward
37:03 was that God had put this place,
37:05 this burden on my heart,
37:07 and he had never withdrawn it, it remained there,
37:10 and he told me
37:13 one summer that it was time to move forward with it.
37:16 And so I realized, well, if we're gonna run a school,
37:20 there's some things what we need,
37:21 we need a place to stay, we need a house,
37:23 we need transportation, we need people,
37:26 instructors to teach,
37:27 and that was part of the miracle of God
37:29 providing you, Dee,
37:32 and some others to come and help.
37:34 And Liz too,
37:35 'cause she has the unique gifting in the sense
37:36 that she studied media
37:38 but she also studied business
37:40 so is our director of development
37:41 and she does graphic design.
37:43 So God has been very faithful to us,
37:44 to bring us multi-gifted people
37:46 'cause we can't bring in seven different departments
37:48 worth of people at this stage with our budget.
37:50 Right.
37:51 But God bringing people like Liz and like myself that have,
37:53 you know, I've had to run unprofitable
37:55 for I've been lot of networking before,
37:57 Ryan having technical skills,
37:58 he can problem solve anything, whether it be manual,
38:01 labor or media,
38:02 God has been really good to us
38:04 even though it may be a small team,
38:05 there's broad gifting that he's given us,
38:07 and we're grateful for that.
38:08 Liz, I just wanna ask you,
38:10 you've been here a little while,
38:11 from what you saw your coming to,
38:13 to what God has you doing now.
38:15 Give me some sense of how God is unfolding this
38:18 and opening it up, opening it up to you?
38:22 Well, I feel a lot more comfortable doing media,
38:25 where I have been for such a long time.
38:28 And coming here to Unscene,
38:31 it has helped me develop a lot of my business skills,
38:34 just coming out fresh out of college
38:36 and so it has really stretched me along ways.
38:39 I've learned a lot of new things and...
38:42 Stretched is an understatement.
38:45 It's been great and also just interacting
38:48 with the interns too, the ladies,
38:52 trying to become their friend
38:53 and also just
38:57 the whole experience of evangelism,
38:59 and media is something that I'm very passionate about too.
39:03 But to also put in the business side
39:06 has been interesting for me and I've enjoyed it so far.
39:10 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
39:12 By the way, the good cook you were asking about,
39:13 it's her.
39:18 We have heard, the rumor has leaked out
39:20 and we praise the Lord for that.
39:22 How has your spiritual life been impacted since being here?
39:27 Well, like I said before, you know,
39:29 I just graduated from college and you know,
39:32 when you're in school you do have to take initiative
39:35 for some of the things that you do on your own,
39:37 but just coming out into the real world,
39:39 it really has pushed me
39:42 to seek for myself a lot of answers,
39:47 and just the atmosphere that we have here too.
39:53 I've mentioned to some of my friends,
39:56 and my parents, and my siblings
39:57 that I feel like I'm a teenager all over again,
40:00 because I need to figure out what I'm...
40:03 what I'm like and what my beliefs are
40:06 and everything.
40:07 And just been here at UnScene Media
40:09 has really helped me to establish
40:12 what I really believe in.
40:14 What I want to...
40:17 how I want to minister to others.
40:19 And just the example that I have here
40:21 with these two gentlemen as well.
40:23 Praise the Lord. Praise God.
40:24 You know, we talk about miracles.
40:26 I don't get over opening that often.
40:28 But I happen to go by there a few months ago
40:30 and I saw this really nice, beautiful, new home back there.
40:34 And came to find out that that's...
40:38 that's yours.
40:39 That's our place. Yeah.
40:41 That's the miracle story we're gonna tell you.
40:42 So that's...
40:43 and that's the token miracle.
40:45 I think we have a picture that we can share
40:46 of that coming in there or...
40:48 Oh, man. Yeah.
40:49 No backhoe, just a garden hoe in our backs.
40:51 That's how this thing went in there.
40:52 Excellent.
40:54 Another picture of the house actually coming in
40:56 when they brought it in.
40:58 And it was a miracle how this thing happened.
41:00 'Cause we didn't have money to do anything.
41:03 I couldn't even pay my bills from month to month.
41:05 But God impressed me to go
41:07 and look for a mobile home
41:09 that we could install there on the property
41:11 after we'd talk with 3ABN
41:13 and agreed on how it would work, etc.
41:16 And so I found this, the perfect unit.
41:19 We did some customizations to it,
41:20 so that it would fit kind of our dorm type
41:23 living environment and what we would need.
41:25 And it was gonna cost about $100,000.
41:28 Where you're gonna get $100,000 from?
41:30 Well, for somebody that doesn't have money,
41:32 you go and you ask the bank,
41:33 "Hey, can you loan me a $100,000. Right?
41:35 For somebody who doesn't have income,
41:38 the chances of you getting that, probably not, right?
41:41 Yeah.
41:43 But we were praying through it
41:45 and through a series of miracles...
41:47 We don't have time to share all the details
41:49 even though they are incredible.
41:51 God allowed the loan to be approved
41:55 with a $10, 000 down payment.
41:57 Where we're gonna get $10,000 from?
42:00 I had no idea.
42:03 But God brought us in contact with the right people and...
42:07 Yeah.
42:08 They were actually my former landlords.
42:10 So I lived in Tennessee, and they...
42:13 I was taking care of their house
42:14 when I lived there,
42:16 because they live in California now.
42:17 Rod and Mary Cassatt are their names.
42:19 And they started a foundation,
42:20 they lost their daughter tragically.
42:21 And a reckless driver hit their daughter head on.
42:24 19 years old, their only child and she died a few years ago.
42:29 And they determined that they were not gonna
42:31 let the legacy of her life end there.
42:33 And they started a foundation...
42:35 they were just starting a foundation.
42:36 When I had spoken to Ryan
42:38 and he agreed to come to UnScene Media Group,
42:40 in her honor and her memory,
42:41 to support ministries like ours that she was involved in.
42:45 And so I said, "You need to meet Ryan
42:47 at the general conference."
42:48 And so Ryan met him, he spoke with him
42:50 about their history of what we were doing,
42:51 what we're wanting to do, what our needs are.
42:53 And literally, the day that that loan was approved,
42:56 they called Ryan saying,
42:58 "Hey, we've been praying about it
42:59 and we've decided that we want to give you the down payment
43:01 for this house."
43:02 Not knowing that the loan was approved that day.
43:04 Yes. They didn't know.
43:05 So the very day the loan is approved,
43:07 we get an unsolicited phone call...
43:08 Praise God.
43:09 ..and from these dear friends of ours...
43:11 Excellent.
43:12 ..who gave the money
43:14 for the down payment on the house.
43:15 Yeah.
43:16 Which could never happened were not further open at once.
43:18 That's God's timing. It is.
43:19 And isn't it interesting that you are housed
43:23 on the original two acres...
43:24 Yes.
43:26 ..of the 3ABN miracle story.
43:27 And we've seen tons more miracles.
43:28 In fact, if someone wants to hear more of that story,
43:31 they can just type, The UnScene story,
43:33 in YouTube or if you just type UnScene Media Group
43:36 and you'll find it listed there.
43:37 We're actually gonna upload it to our YouTube page as well.
43:39 But...
43:40 Just make sure you spell UnScene.
43:41 U-N-S-C-E-N-E Media Group, yes.
43:44 Another miracle that we had was,
43:47 we had told the UnScene story actually at a church.
43:50 Small rural church in a state in the south.
43:52 And a friend of mine was a pastor there,
43:54 he wanted me to preach before I left the south,
43:56 couldn't, so I came back later.
43:58 And we told the story, he says,
43:59 "Look, I will only do more than a speaker's remuneration.
44:01 Just give me a few minutes, few days, like 10 days,
44:04 we had a board meeting."
44:05 Sits down in the board and says,
44:06 "I wanna help these guys out.
44:08 I think we need to do something big."
44:10 And the one person that wasn't there when we preached
44:12 that sermon says,
44:13 "I think we should give them $200"
44:14 And everybody in the board yells at him and says,
44:16 "Absolutely not!"
44:17 And so, then we end up...
44:20 He says, "All right, well, what do you think?"
44:21 One person says, "$2000" and my Pastor friend thinks,
44:24 "This is amazing" because he got the poker face.
44:26 He just sits and he says, "Is there a second?"
44:29 Someone else says, "I think, we need to do more than that.
44:30 Well, let's give them $4000."
44:32 And there's this bidding war amongst the board members.
44:35 And the last number that ends at being said
44:37 in that board meeting with no...
44:39 Every time he says, "Is there a second?"
44:40 the number kept going up, $10,000.
44:43 See, a 75 member church in the south
44:46 gave a self-supporting ministry,
44:48 a church-supporting ministry, $10,000.
44:50 Yes, yes, yes.
44:52 And the last miracle that we had was, recently,
44:56 there's a lady who is kind of the heiress
44:59 to a large food corporation in the United States.
45:03 They own a lot of the food brands.
45:06 Somehow, someone she works with
45:07 got a hold of our stuff on YouTube.
45:09 They are not Seventh-day Adventists.
45:11 Just leading up to this though because just to set the stage.
45:15 I was going through a really difficult...
45:16 We were all going through a really difficult time.
45:18 Because we were stretched then, we are not making it
45:20 from month to month with bills that we have,
45:23 we are fallen behind with this and that.
45:25 And it's just been really stressful.
45:28 And just for those that think
45:30 that leading a ministry is glamorous, it's not.
45:35 And not just with the financial challenges
45:37 that we've had, but also
45:39 just so many personal attacks in different ways.
45:42 Just, you know, the devil knows exactly
45:45 what he can do to discourage each individual person
45:47 and he pushes those buttons.
45:49 And it had been really difficult,
45:51 I was struggling.
45:52 We just came back from a week of prayer.
45:54 And we couldn't afford for the...
45:58 just the expenses that month.
46:00 And I was stressed out,
46:01 I was pulling out with little hair I have here.
46:04 And it was just that evening,
46:07 you know, we're praying about it,
46:08 and I went, and I picked up this letter
46:10 from the post office,
46:11 and inside of there, opened it up,
46:15 and it said that,
46:17 "Hey, we are..."
46:19 this organization wanted to give us a grant for $5000.
46:24 And I thought, "Well, that's weird,
46:26 that's not usually how grants work."
46:28 We need to apply for that grant.
46:30 We didn't know who they are.
46:31 Yes, yes, we gotta go beg a little bit.
46:32 Open it up and how out comes the check for $5000.
46:35 Praise the Lord. The check was in the envelope.
46:36 Like, they didn't...
46:38 No screening, no send to something,
46:39 and they will send you, like literally,
46:40 never heard of them before.
46:42 First communication in front of them is a $5000 check.
46:44 Wow.
46:46 And just tell us, what you did with it?
46:47 Yeah.
46:48 So we've seen lots of miracles like this
46:50 to get us out of holes, you know, along the way,
46:53 but it's been a continual battle.
46:55 It's still a battle even now
46:56 where that has been the case but...
46:58 Yeah, we just had crazy things happened just every month.
47:00 Yeah. Yeah.
47:02 And not explainable like, I shared with you, Dee,
47:06 last night that...
47:08 Right before we were planning to come in
47:09 and record this program that issue with the website.
47:13 Our website, which we would be pitching for this,
47:17 obviously, telling people
47:18 how to find more information about us.
47:19 Just yesterday, he found out that
47:21 when you go to our website, when you click certain links,
47:24 someone has hacked into the website
47:25 and it's now re-directing people to adult websites
47:28 with immoral content on them.
47:30 And our donor page, specifically,
47:32 was the one that's doing this.
47:33 We didn't ask for this, we didn't do it, obviously,
47:35 and so we had to temporarily kind of shut it down
47:40 to get it where it can be,
47:41 you know, fixed and working again.
47:42 But it's been a little battles like
47:44 that just keep coming along the way
47:46 which tells me that somebody believes in us.
47:47 There you go.
47:49 That may be the greatest testament
47:50 that you're doing work for the Lord
47:52 because the devil is and you have to forgive
47:53 my pejorative of English messing with you.
47:54 Yeah.
47:56 You know, and when the devil is disturbed,
47:57 then something good is about to happen.
47:59 Yeah.
48:00 Lord knows it and he knows it too.
48:02 A number of things I want to touch on
48:04 because we can't direct you to a website just now,
48:07 but how would they make contact
48:09 should someone want to?
48:11 Because this is good stuff.
48:12 Yeah, by the time I think the people see this
48:13 is we'll probably have that resolved, but there is...
48:15 It would be www.UnScene.me
48:21 If that happens to not be functioning at the time,
48:23 you can email Ryan or myself
48:25 in the interim at Ryan@UnScene.me,
48:29 or Dee@UnScene.me.
48:32 And there'll be, I think,
48:34 a slide at the end that shows our phone number as well
48:35 that will there and our mailing address
48:37 those will on the, I think the graphic at the end.
48:39 Okay.
48:40 And also if you really want to call 3ABN,
48:43 we know where these guys lives,
48:44 we can find them, we can track them down for you.
48:48 Because I first of all, really believe in this,
48:51 and I think this may be
48:52 one of the greatest secrets in Adventism
48:55 that a group is doing something.
48:56 And you have contacts from church entities
48:59 that are calling you to do this kind of things.
49:01 And these are ways
49:02 that you make money to fund your ministry.
49:03 Absolutely.
49:05 So like we build partnerships
49:06 with the Revival and Reformation Committee
49:08 of the General Conference,
49:09 ASI, GYC,
49:10 The Adventist Review, Wildwood,
49:14 nets of evangelism centers.
49:15 So whether it be self-supporting ministries
49:17 and conference and departments at the General Conference,
49:19 they all really appreciate and value
49:21 what it is that we are doing, and they want to work with us,
49:23 they want to partner with us.
49:24 So the jobs and opportunities we have,
49:26 the difficulty is right now
49:27 we having to rent equipment for each of these paid jobs.
49:31 So basically we breakeven,
49:32 so like the concert he was talking about earlier,
49:34 we broke even.
49:35 So we did get paid for that concert
49:36 but those types of things,
49:38 our biggest needs right now we're just,
49:39 you know, systematic benevolence,
49:42 continual monthly giving from people and equipment.
49:45 Those are the two big things. Yeah.
49:46 God has provided every step of the ways for us
49:48 to ensure that stuff gets done,
49:51 but for us to be able to have our business model thrive,
49:52 those are the main things.
49:54 Yeah, yeah.
49:55 And I'm kind of begging this point
49:57 because what we want know is that, first of all,
49:58 this is squarely in the trajectory
50:00 of the Adventist Church.
50:01 This is not some off group, some place.
50:03 They have contracts, and connections,
50:05 and contacts with the Adventist Church.
50:07 And some of their clients
50:08 are entities of the Adventist Church
50:09 along with supporting ministries as 3ABN is.
50:12 So when you send your child here
50:14 or if you are considering this, you get solid Adventist stuff.
50:20 This is not some obscure kind of thing.
50:21 Right.
50:23 Your child or you will come out stronger.
50:24 You'll come out with a skill
50:26 but you also come out
50:27 with a heart leaning towards evangelism
50:30 which is just as important.
50:31 And when we preach at churches,
50:33 we preach at Adventist Churches,
50:34 we preach at conference schools,
50:35 self-supporting schools,
50:37 we do week of prayers and speaking engagements.
50:38 We haven't had any issues
50:40 on being accepted in any places.
50:41 Okay. We've been very fortunate.
50:43 Let me add this since having heard you preach,
50:45 you ain't bad, man.
50:46 Yeah, Lord is good. Praise God.
50:47 And you preach the gospel.
50:49 Now let's go to the address roll right now
50:50 before our time runs out
50:51 and we'll lose this opportunity.
50:53 Should you wanna make contact with UnScene Media Group,
50:56 here's how you can do precisely that.
51:00 If you would like to contact UnScene Media Group
51:03 or learn more about IDEA Training,
51:06 you can do so by writing to UnScene Media Group,
51:10 PO Box 129, Thompsonville,
51:13 Illinois, 62890.
51:16 That's UnScene Media Group, PO Box 129,
51:21 Thompsonville, Illinois, 62890.
51:24 You can call 618- 310-3431.
51:29 That's 618- 310-3431.
51:33 You can also visit them online at UnScene.me
51:37 that's U-N-S-C-E-N-E.me.
51:47 That's the information you need.
51:48 Now we...
51:50 before we get away from this, give me some sense,
51:53 when does film camp start?
51:55 How many students can you accommodate?
51:57 And how long is it?
51:59 So, they run in the summer
52:02 and sometimes we do multiple of them
52:04 depending on the summer.
52:06 Sometimes we'll work with other organizations
52:07 to put them on at their location.
52:10 But it's usually around June, July time.
52:14 And all the information is on the website.
52:17 So if you want to go and find out information,
52:19 you can go to www.UnScene.me/FilmCamp
52:25 Excellent.
52:26 So it's done in the summer time when young people
52:28 are out of school.
52:29 Correct.
52:30 And that was...
52:32 Now your regular curriculum,
52:33 the three students that we had before is how long?
52:34 How long do you sort of keep them in?
52:36 Nine months.
52:37 Nine months? Yeah.
52:39 From September through May.
52:40 So basically the length of a school year.
52:41 A school year, yeah, yeah.
52:43 And you can let them, commit them to that.
52:44 Yeah.
52:45 We want to go to our newsbreak,
52:47 then I want to come back
52:48 and deal with some rubber meets the road kind of stuff
52:50 because they have financial needs,
52:51 this is a great, great ministry,
52:53 one that we can support, you supporting.
52:57 We'll talk about that on the other side.
52:58 Our news break just now,
53:00 then we'll be back with those closing thoughts.


Revised 2017-02-09