3ABN Today

Pathway to Paradise Ministries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Greg & Jill Morikone (Host), Tim Rumsey


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016086A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, friends, and welcome to another 3ABN today program.
01:10 It's a blessing to join with you each and every day,
01:12 thank you for tuning into 3ABN.
01:14 That's right.
01:15 We always appreciate your prayers
01:17 and support of the ministry of 3ABN.
01:19 Many of you have stood with us
01:21 from the very beginning of 3ABN,
01:23 and thank you so much because you know what?
01:25 We're a team and we're on a winning team
01:28 because we're on Christ side, aren't we?
01:29 And it's all about winning souls for Jesus Christ,
01:32 so thank you again for your support
01:34 through all the years and it's neat to hear
01:36 how God is working in many people's lives.
01:38 And today we have a wonderful interview,
01:40 don't we?
01:41 We do, I like the today program
01:42 because we can feature and show testimonies of people
01:46 whose lives have been changed,
01:48 people who have stepped out into ministry
01:51 and our impact in other people's lives.
01:53 And we have such a guest today.
01:55 Our special guest today is Tim Rumsey.
01:58 He is a speaker director for Pathway
02:00 to Paradise Ministries.
02:02 And, Tim, we're just so glad to have you here today.
02:05 Thank you. Good to be here.
02:07 We're looking forward to hearing your story
02:09 and what Pathway to Paradise Ministries
02:11 is all about and un-packaging
02:13 what he does and it's an exciting testimony.
02:16 It really is because it's neat
02:17 because in this interview today,
02:19 you're going to hear what God is doing in his life
02:22 and in his ministry but also it's a call to you,
02:25 because all of us are called we have a purpose
02:27 and that is to spread God's love to others
02:30 and we don't maybe necessary have
02:31 to have a ministry with a so called
02:33 maybe name like Pathway
02:35 to, Pathway, I make sure I get this right...
02:37 Pathway to Paradise.
02:38 Paradise, but you can be in your own living room,
02:40 in your church and God has a plan for you too,
02:43 so we want you to remember that as we go through this
02:44 wonderful story and what God is doing today
02:46 in this ministry.
02:48 Amen.
02:49 And that's why we want to hear the testimony of Tim Rumsey
02:52 and his family to hear
02:53 how God is working in their lives,
02:56 in this ministry having them step out into ministry,
02:59 how they got involved in ministry,
03:01 and how God wants each one of us
03:03 to be involved in ministry as well.
03:05 Before we go to his testimony
03:06 and as he shares about the ministry,
03:09 we want to go to a scripture,
03:10 I asked Tim before the program began,
03:12 if they have a certain scripture
03:14 that they especially use or especially like
03:17 with this ministry.
03:18 And the scripture is Psalms 119:105,
03:23 I'm sure you can quote it with me,
03:25 "Your word is a lamp to my feet,
03:29 and a light to my path."
03:31 Before we go to his testimony, we want to have some music,
03:35 we're going to be hearing from Sandra Entermann.
03:38 She is a wonderful friend of this ministry
03:40 and we always love it when she comes
03:42 and when she can minister music to us,
03:45 and she will be doing the song "O Calvary's Lamb."
04:05 This faltering tongue
04:09 Would dare to speak
04:14 Of Thee my Lord
04:18 From one so weak
04:22 I must not keep
04:26 From thee my praise
04:31 For thy glory I will lift my voice
04:36 And sing
04:38 O Calvary's Lamb
04:42 O righteous one
04:46 For sinners died
04:50 Whose sins were none
04:54 All that I have
04:58 All that I am
05:03 I owe to Thee
05:07 O Calvary's Lamb
05:16 And when mine eyes
05:20 At last shall see
05:24 Thy holy face
05:27 I'll bow to thee
05:31 Before Thy throne
05:35 With those redeemed
05:40 Unto Thee O Lord
05:42 I'll lift my voice and sing
05:47 O Calvary's Lamb
05:51 O righteous One
05:54 For sinners died
05:58 Whose sins were none
06:02 All that I have
06:06 All that I am
06:10 I owe to Thee
06:15 O Calvary's Lamb
06:33 O Calvary's Lamb
06:37 O righteous One
06:41 For sinners died
06:45 Whose sins were none
06:49 All that I have
06:53 All that I am
07:01 I owe to Thee
07:08 O Calvary's Lamb
07:35 Amen, thank you so very much Sandra, what a powerful song.
07:39 Amen.
07:40 O Calvary's Lamb, I tell you
07:42 we praise the Lord for Jesus Christ
07:43 and that gift that he gave to us,
07:45 the gift of salvation so many years ago
07:46 and that's why we want to continue
07:48 to spend our lives doing, isn't it?
07:50 Just to spread God's love
07:51 and that gift of salvation to others.
07:53 Amen, that's right.
07:54 If you're just joining us,
07:55 we have a special guest Tim Rumsey with us
07:58 with Pathway to Paradise.
07:59 I got that Pathway to Paradise Ministries.
08:02 And, Tim, we're so glad to have you here.
08:04 Before we talk about the ministry
08:06 and how God called you into that,
08:08 take us back to who you are
08:11 and may be give a little bit of growing up and...
08:13 Sure.
08:14 And share little about your family
08:15 because I know that your family is not on the set,
08:17 they're here close by but tell us
08:19 a little about your family as well.
08:21 Certainly.
08:22 Well, let's start with the picture of my family
08:23 because this isn't just my ministry,
08:26 it's something that we're doing together
08:28 as a family.
08:29 Oh, they're precious.
08:32 Tell us about your wife's name and your children?
08:34 Yeah, my wife Stacy, and our three children.
08:38 This picture is actually almost a year old
08:39 so we're going to need to get a new one.
08:42 But right behind me is our oldest son,
08:45 his name is James.
08:46 Okay. He's four and half right now.
08:49 And then his brother is peeking out
08:52 behind Stacy there, his name is Paul,
08:55 he'll be there in just a couple weeks.
08:57 And then our little baby girl Jenna
08:59 is about a year and a half old right now.
09:01 Wow. What great smiles.
09:04 I know we met you at ASI this past summer at ASI
09:09 and we're just blessed by the ministry
09:11 and by what God has called you to do
09:12 but did you grow up in a Christian home,
09:14 were you always Christian?
09:15 Yes, grown up as a Christian, as an Adventist.
09:20 Had a wonderful home, wonderful parents
09:22 and what a blessing that has been.
09:25 Very thankful for that as well.
09:28 Just the low background on me, I'm a musician by training.
09:32 Okay.
09:33 I taught music in a couple of our academies,
09:35 our boarding academies for about a decade.
09:38 What type of music?
09:40 Band was my area, I've taught choir and handbells
09:43 and piano lessons as well, you kind of do everything.
09:46 Oh, yeah. When you are teaching.
09:48 Yeah.
09:50 And composition is
09:52 where I've received lot of my training.
09:55 So your degree is in music then?
09:57 Degree is in music.
09:58 Oh, I did not know that, okay.
10:00 So this shift into, to ministry is something new for us
10:05 and something that we've definitely have seen
10:06 the Lord guiding us into,
10:09 otherwise I'm sure I'd still be teaching music
10:12 some place so.
10:13 We're just humbled and thankful to see
10:16 how the Lord works with everybody.
10:19 And he has a purpose and a plan for everybody's life.
10:22 And it doesn't matter what our background is
10:24 or where we've been or what we have
10:26 or haven't done,
10:27 he still has that calling and that purpose for us.
10:31 So tell me in the call to step out into ministry here,
10:36 you were teaching, you're doing music,
10:38 you're satisfied, fulfilled,
10:39 did you feel like an emptiness like, wow,
10:42 I should be doing something different
10:44 or how did that come about?
10:46 It was kind of a surprise to me.
10:48 It actually happened a few months
10:49 after we were married.
10:51 And so this is one reason
10:52 that we see this really as God's calling
10:54 for our family.
10:55 Okay.
10:57 All of us, both of us at a time before we had children
11:00 to make this step.
11:02 An evangelist came through our local church for a weekend
11:05 and at the end of his meetings,
11:07 he made several appeals and calls
11:09 but one of those was,
11:10 if you feel the Lord calling you
11:12 to full-time gospel ministry, then come forward.
11:15 And we were sitting on the back row of the church,
11:18 and all of a sudden my wife looked over
11:21 and I wasn't there anymore
11:22 because I was walking up to the front.
11:24 And as I was talking with her later that afternoon, she said,
11:28 when I saw you go up, I knew something was happening
11:31 because, you know, you're not the kind of person
11:33 that usually just goes up for these kind of things.
11:36 And definitely felt the Lord and Holy Sprit urging me,
11:41 you need to make this commitment.
11:44 You know, that's amazing because when you think about,
11:46 you know, your involvement with young people, correct?
11:47 You're teaching band in an academy,
11:49 you've a lot of impact,
11:51 positive impact, you know, for young people
11:52 so to make this decision sounds like just like that,
11:55 the minister evangelist gave a call and you responded.
12:00 Well, we began praying earnestly
12:02 that Lord would show us, you know, what does this mean.
12:04 At this point we feel kind of like Abraham.
12:06 Yeah.
12:07 We don't know where we were going.
12:08 So this is after you went forward?
12:10 After I went forward.
12:11 You started praying earnestly God what do you want me to do.
12:13 Yeah. Wow.
12:14 And we prayed for about eight months,
12:18 that the Lord would show us what he wants us to do
12:21 and he actually sent me back into teaching again and...
12:25 Music or something different? Music once again, yes.
12:27 Okay.
12:29 And it was a wonderful experience
12:30 and I actually had the opportunity
12:33 at that new position to teach some Bible as well.
12:36 Now what school was this at?
12:37 That was at Bass Memorial Academy.
12:39 Okay. Mississippi.
12:41 Yeah, that's right.
12:42 You know, I want to just touch on this real briefly because,
12:45 you know, I think this could be experience for many people.
12:49 You felt that God has called you to do something,
12:51 so you step out what you did, you know, you felt man, God,
12:54 I need to do something.
12:55 You felt the call so you went forward,
12:57 and then you prayed
12:58 and it seemed as though nothing happened,
13:01 could we say that?
13:03 And then you went back into what you were doing.
13:06 And so that could really I mean,
13:07 to be honest with you, that happens
13:09 I'm going to say to many people
13:10 'cause it's happened to me too.
13:11 And it could be almost a confusing time
13:13 in somebody's life like okay
13:15 was that really God then that I felt talking to me.
13:18 How did you deal with all of that?
13:20 Was that confusing for you?
13:21 Well, like I said, we've prayed for eight months
13:23 and we finally set up a deadline
13:25 because we needed to let our current employers
13:28 know what we're going to do.
13:30 Of course.
13:31 After eight months of praying, the Lord answered those prayers
13:34 one night before the deadline we got the phone call.
13:38 Oh, wow.
13:39 From Bass Memorial Academy. Okay.
13:41 So at that point it's not something
13:42 you can really ignore or brush aside,
13:44 you have to say this is obviously the Lord,
13:46 the Lord leading here.
13:48 And so we definitely knew that
13:50 this is what he wanted us to do.
13:52 So from your current school you're employed at,
13:54 then you moved to Bass Memorial?
13:56 That's right. Okay.
13:57 And you felt like this is part of the call like
14:00 God has this call and I don't know exactly
14:02 how you're going to fold it,
14:04 but this is what God's how he is leading?
14:05 That's right.
14:07 We were there for three years, had wonderful experience,
14:11 met lots of really great people.
14:13 And eventually moved on from that
14:17 and moved to Colorado...
14:20 And went to work for my father-in-law.
14:22 And so kind of joined the family business
14:23 for a while.
14:24 What does he do?
14:26 He develops and manages assisted living facility.
14:28 Okay.
14:30 And so that was a great experience as well,
14:32 very different from teaching.
14:34 Oh, yes.
14:35 But that gave me the opportunity
14:37 through connection with some of the local churches
14:38 out there in Colorado
14:40 to begin doing some speaking in
14:43 one of the churches kind of stepped out
14:44 and gave me the opportunity to do
14:46 an evangelistic series, and...
14:50 So did you know when you went forward,
14:51 when that evangelist made the call, did you know
14:53 okay, God, this is what the ministry is
14:55 going to look like?
14:56 Or you really had no idea,
14:57 you just knew there was a call in my life
14:59 but I don't know exactly
15:00 what it's supposed to look like?
15:02 We didn't have a clue what it really meant.
15:03 We were excited.
15:05 We knew this definitely was something
15:07 the Lord was leading
15:08 but at least for us in our experience,
15:11 we've never seen the big picture.
15:13 It seems like God works that way.
15:15 He shows you just what you need
15:17 for the next step.
15:18 Amen. But that builds faith.
15:20 Yeah, it reminds me of Abraham, I was just thinking of Abraham,
15:22 he was called to go into a land, a country,
15:24 really didn't even know what he's going to be doing there,
15:26 where he was going actually, but he knew God had called.
15:30 Tell us a little bit about what Pathway to Paradise is
15:32 what your ministry is 'cause we're starting now
15:34 to talk about the evangelistic part of it,
15:36 what is Pathway to Paradise?
15:39 That's the name of that first series
15:42 that I wrote evangelistic series,
15:43 it was named Pathway to Paradise.
15:45 That you did in Colorado?
15:47 And Jesus of course is the pathway and the way,
15:50 the truth, and the life.
15:52 Amen.
15:53 And so when we were looking for a name for the ministry itself,
15:56 we couldn't think of anything better than that.
15:59 Oh, that's a great name.
16:00 And that's what we try to do no matter what we're doing,
16:03 and we're going to be talking about some different programs
16:06 as we move forward here,
16:08 but the focus and purpose of all those is
16:10 to direct people to Jesus.
16:13 Show them what it means to walk with him today.
16:16 Yeah, that's great.
16:17 So you were working for your father-in-law
16:19 doing the family business
16:20 and then doing evangelism on the side
16:22 or how did that work?
16:24 He gave me quite a bit of free time
16:28 to do evangelism and try to build this ministry
16:32 as I was working for him, which was very grateful.
16:34 It's a blessing. Oh, yeah.
16:36 He has a heart for the church and the Lord's work as well.
16:40 About a year ago we were doing an evangelistic series
16:43 up in Montana.
16:45 And as we were doing that series
16:48 which lasted for about a month.
16:50 My wife and I both just became very convicted
16:52 that when the Lord had called us
16:54 in the full-time ministry that's actually what he meant.
16:56 Oh, wow.
16:58 Full-time don't be doing this
16:59 and try to work in a family business,
17:02 don't be doing this and try to do anything else,
17:05 this is what I want you doing.
17:07 So we started really praying about that...
17:09 Oh, that's serious. Wrestling with that.
17:10 Yes.
17:12 And we didn't say anything to her parents, my boss,
17:17 and when we got back from that series
17:19 we live on the same property together,
17:21 so when we got back home the very first thing
17:23 that my father-in-law said, was welcome back,
17:27 how do we get you doing this ministry full-time?
17:31 Into what? That's Jesus.
17:33 Wow, conformation. Absolutely.
17:35 And so my mouth kind of dropped down
17:37 and I picked it back up.
17:39 Put my tongue back and I said, wow, okay.
17:41 And then we shared with him what we've been praying about
17:43 for the last three or four weeks.
17:46 And then what happened just that weekend, right?
17:48 Before you came home?
17:50 Yeah, at the beginning
17:51 and at the beginning of that series
17:53 we had send off our application for a 501c3 status.
17:58 Okay.
17:59 And we've been told to wait for that
18:01 12 to 18 months
18:03 and within four weeks it came back approved.
18:06 So that was just another conformation of that.
18:08 Another conformation.
18:09 And the Lord just view it was time to step forward.
18:11 Yeah, that's a scary thing to step out
18:14 and to think I'm totally dependent on the Lord
18:17 and the donations of other people
18:18 to support this ministry.
18:20 It is but at the same time it's the most comfortable,
18:24 safest place you can be as well.
18:26 Amen.
18:27 If you know that this is where the Lord is leading.
18:30 It grows your faith for sure. Yeah.
18:32 Yeah, that's for sure 'cause I'm thinking,
18:34 you know, you're man of the house,
18:35 you know, I'm for the two of us,
18:37 and that's a lot of responsibility
18:38 because you also have,
18:40 I got to take care of my family but like you said,
18:42 couldn't say it better,
18:43 it's most comfortable place to be in the will of God.
18:46 That's right. Amen.
18:48 So how has that journey been?
18:50 Oh, we've been doing this full-time now...
18:52 For about a year? Almost a year.
18:55 And we stayed busy
18:57 so praise the Lord for that...
18:58 Amen.
19:00 So what does your ministry look like?
19:02 What does it entail, what projects,
19:03 I know you mentioned evangelism,
19:05 but there is also another initiative called Shine
19:07 you're involved in, right?
19:09 That's right.
19:10 This is something we're really excited about
19:11 as my wife and I were thinking about and talking about,
19:16 what is this ministry going to look like,
19:18 and of course praying and studying as well.
19:22 My wife has such a passion for children,
19:26 for her children, for other people's children,
19:27 for families.
19:29 Amen.
19:30 And we really started praying, Lord, show us
19:32 how our children can not just tag along behind us
19:36 as we go different places and do different things
19:38 in this ministry
19:40 but how can our children
19:41 actually be part of the ministry.
19:44 And so that is was kind of what fueled the idea for Shine.
19:50 That's important, I actually like that
19:51 because a lot of times children are considered to be taught of
19:53 as just tag along or leave them at home with someone else
19:56 but you're actually wanting to incorporate them
19:58 as part of your ministry,
20:00 but then make that a ministry in itself.
20:02 Absolutely and... It's great.
20:04 Also help other families
20:07 understand how this can be come a part of their lives,
20:09 whether they're in full-time "ministry"
20:11 or not, how do we get the entire family involved.
20:15 Amen.
20:16 Now we have a video of that, so let's go to that.
20:19 Is now a good time to go to?
20:20 Okay, let's go to that video here of Shine at this time.
20:37 Jesus loves me this I know
20:40 I want to tell the word so.
20:50 This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
20:55 This little light of mine,
20:58 I'm gonna let it shine
21:01 This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
21:05 Let it shine, let it shine,
21:08 let it shine
21:11 All around our neighborhood, I'm gonna let it shine
21:16 All around our neighborhood,
21:19 I'm gonna let it shine
21:22 All around our neighborhood,
21:24 I'm gonna let it shine Let it shine, let it shine
21:29 Let it shine
21:35 God has always had a remnant generation.
21:40 A generation of children
21:41 who would not be bought or sold.
21:43 Children who in their inmost souls
21:46 were true and honest.
21:48 Children who did not fear to call sin by its right name.
21:53 Children whose conscience was as true to duty
21:55 as the needle to the pole.
21:58 Children who stood for the right,
22:00 though the heavens may fall.
22:03 Today in the time of the end,
22:06 God will again have a remnant generation
22:09 that shines as the brightness of the firmament,
22:12 and turns many to righteousness.
22:25 Pathway to Paradise Ministries presents Shine.
22:29 A family camp meeting, spiritual retreat
22:32 and youth presented public evangelistic series,
22:36 combined in one life changing meet.
22:39 Activities include parenting seminars,
22:42 workshops on developing creative family worships,
22:46 training to teach children how to lead Bible studies,
22:49 and a public evangelistic series
22:52 presented entirely by children.
22:56 To learn more about Shine and to register your family,
22:59 visit www.shinekids.net.
23:04 That's www.shinekids.net.
23:08 Shine!
23:13 Incredible. Amen.
23:14 Wow, what an amazing ministry just Shine is.
23:18 So you got to tell us a little bit more about this
23:19 because I can see people at home.
23:21 I mean if we had children too, I know we would want to be
23:23 involved in this.
23:24 But you're saying, wow, I want to get involved,
23:26 tell me more about that, I know you had a website,
23:28 you may want to repeat that.
23:30 We're going to give an address roll here
23:31 at the very end of this program,
23:32 so get your pencil and pen out and a piece of paper,
23:35 but tell us a little bit more about Shine
23:37 'cause I know this is a very exciting aspect
23:39 of Pathway to Paradise.
23:40 Certainly.
23:42 This is going to kind of be a cross
23:44 between a family camp or summer family camp.
23:46 Okay. And a family camp meeting.
23:49 And so I'm saying it will be
23:52 'cause we've never done it before.
23:54 The first time will be next summer,
23:55 summer of 2017 will be at Fletcher Academy,
23:59 in Fletcher in North Carolina.
24:00 You already have it booked then?
24:02 We do. Okay.
24:03 And we're going to be partnering with the academy
24:05 and also the Henderson Will Seventh-day Adventist.
24:08 I see that June 26 to July 1st.
24:10 That's right. Okay.
24:11 Those are the dates and the website
24:13 again shinekids.net.
24:14 There is a lot more information
24:16 than we'll have time to go over here.
24:18 Sure, so basically if they want to sign up,
24:19 I'm sure you have to sign up right?
24:21 It's not just show up, you need to register.
24:24 That's correct.
24:25 Okay, so in order to do that, go to website which is...
24:27 Shinekids.net. Shinekids.net.
24:30 Okay. That's right.
24:32 I want to read a short statement,
24:34 this is from Testimonies to the Church,
24:36 volume 6, page 202,
24:38 "In the last days children's voices
24:40 will be raised to give the last message
24:42 of warning to a perishing world.
24:44 When heavenly intelligences see that men are
24:47 no longer permitted to present the truth,
24:49 the Spirit of God will come upon the children,
24:52 and they will do a work in the proclamation of the truth
24:55 which the older workers cannot do,
24:57 because their way will be hedged up.'
25:01 ' It's interesting when we look at the history of
25:03 the reformation in Scandinavia,
25:05 if you read the book The Great Controversy,
25:08 God did this at that time as well,
25:10 he moved upon the children
25:12 and he gave the message through them.
25:16 And we understand and we believe that
25:18 the same thing is going to be happening again in the future.
25:20 Yeah.
25:22 And so Shine is really our humble attempt to inspire
25:28 and help equip families, so that they can raise
25:31 their children in such a way
25:32 that the Lord can use their kids
25:34 in part of this final message.
25:36 Oh, that's exciting. Praise God.
25:39 So the focus of the week is spiritual.
25:43 There is some recreation in different family activities,
25:46 but it's not like a summer camp in a sense, you know,
25:48 there is not horseback riding and water skiing,
25:50 those are great activities
25:52 but the focus here is on the spiritual,
25:56 and want to really give families opportunity
25:59 to practice evangelizing with all members of the family
26:05 in different ways.
26:07 So during the week there is parenting seminars,
26:09 there is practice for the children
26:12 and their role which
26:13 I'll explain more in just a minute.
26:14 Okay.
26:16 There is opportunities for door-to-door work,
26:18 the whole family can go out together.
26:20 Oh, I like that.
26:22 So the families are going to experience
26:23 this week together as a family.
26:25 Okay.
26:27 It's really evangelism, it's outreach, it's training,
26:30 that's exciting.
26:32 So when they go out door-to-door they would be
26:35 like selling books or we talking like
26:37 taking Bible study interest or praying with people,
26:40 or what does that look like?
26:41 Well, we're going to work with the local church.
26:43 And we're going to, you know,
26:45 ask how can we help you the most,
26:46 what do you see your needs are in the community
26:49 and we'll certainly be passing out literature,
26:51 inviting people to the public meetings
26:53 at the end of the week.
26:55 Okay.
26:56 And maybe I'll talk about that, add a little bit
26:59 'cause that's really kind of
27:01 the unique highlight of the series or the program.
27:06 Friday night, and then Sabbath morning,
27:08 and then Sabbath afternoon, so three programs.
27:12 The public would be invited in to the local church there,
27:15 and the kids are going to present
27:18 the entire presentation.
27:20 Wow.
27:22 So they'll do the preaching, they'll do the special music,
27:25 they'll do the greeting, and a scripture and prayer.
27:27 Amen.
27:29 We're hoping that they can help run some of the audio
27:32 and video as well,
27:33 just every aspect of that outreach
27:36 will be presented by the children.
27:39 As a way to help them we realize,
27:40 hey, this is a way that I can get involved
27:44 and they can do some of these things.
27:47 I think a lot of kids have a passion to share
27:50 and they need the opportunity to do that.
27:52 Yeah, sometimes as adult,
27:54 I think we can sort of stymie that,
27:56 well, you're not quite grown up enough,
27:57 but here they're given the opportunity to.
27:59 I have a question.
28:00 So the camp is about one week in length,
28:03 and so the closing weekend by Friday night you said
28:06 and then Sabbath
28:07 that young people are doing the services.
28:11 So are these young people in the months prior
28:13 getting ready for this whole series
28:15 or is this just one week of like okay,
28:17 here this what you're going to speak on
28:19 and they pretty much had to put this together
28:21 in one week's time.
28:22 Good question.
28:24 Registration actually closes May 15th
28:27 over a month before this starts and there is a reason for that,
28:30 that's because the kids need time to prepare.
28:33 Now when a family registers for this
28:37 and they say hey, we want to be part of this.
28:40 We don't...
28:42 Well, we're going to work with the family
28:44 and we're going to work with the children
28:46 to find the best role for them and what fits them best.
28:50 Trying to find their strengths and weaknesses maybe here...
28:53 And there are a lot of children
28:55 I know that don't want to get up front
28:57 and preach and that's great
28:58 because we need lots of other roles.
29:00 We need people to do prayer teams.
29:04 You know, if a child is good at art work,
29:07 we need some art for the PowerPoints
29:10 and different parts that we need art for
29:12 so we're going to do everything
29:14 we can to plug that kid into the best role
29:18 that fits them the best.
29:19 That's good because God calls all of us to ministry
29:21 but we all don't have the same gifts.
29:24 And when you mention the kids might be doing audio visual
29:27 or they might be greeting or that's wonderful
29:30 because some would be friendly and want to greet,
29:32 some want to get up and speak,
29:34 you know, have that burden and passion,
29:37 but God can use each one in that ministry.
29:39 That's powerful.
29:40 Now for those children
29:42 that are going to be doing the speaking,
29:43 it will be scripted for them so we'll give them a script.
29:47 So they don't have to create something.
29:48 Exactly.
29:50 We'll give them the PowerPoints to practice with.
29:52 And then those three or four days of the week itself
29:57 we're just putting the pieces together.
30:00 I'll go back to my music teaching experience.
30:03 You know, there is a reason music teachers
30:05 tell their students
30:06 you have to practice this before the concert.
30:08 That's right.
30:09 Those final rehearsals are just to fit everything into place,
30:12 it's not to learn your music so.
30:14 We're not learning the material during Shine itself,
30:17 we're just putting it all together.
30:20 Yeah, it sounds like an amazing week
30:21 so do you have a lot of slots or spaces for families to come,
30:24 is this like couple of hundred
30:26 or you're looking more of a small?
30:28 Yeah, what are you looking for?
30:29 Yeah, Fletcher Academy
30:31 has room to comfortably house
30:34 somewhere between 20 to 25 families.
30:36 Okay.
30:37 It's not that big
30:39 but it's big enough to have a good group there.
30:41 Amen.
30:42 So I want to encourage you then
30:44 because this is probably going to fill up really quick
30:46 so if you're interested,
30:48 I will start researching this
30:49 and I guess this probably maybe even contacting there,
30:51 they can email or phone number
30:52 that they can reach you guys at
30:54 and start finding out more about this
30:56 because this sounds really exciting
30:58 and it's not just...
30:59 It sounds like it's going to be fun
31:00 but it's also based on ministry
31:02 of reaching souls for Jesus Christ.
31:04 And, wow, what a way to inspire young people.
31:06 I know that mission trips
31:08 are very inspiring to young people,
31:09 so this is sort of like that
31:11 but it's right here in the States
31:12 and it's local evangelism too which is very exciting.
31:15 Praise the Lord for this project Shine
31:17 which is...
31:19 I'm going to say just
31:20 one aspect of Pathway to Paradise.
31:22 I know there's another part of Pathway to Paradise too
31:25 that we want to cover.
31:27 Oh, the thing that we've been doing
31:30 since we started is public evangelistic series
31:33 working with churches
31:36 and then weekend presentations as well.
31:40 And we have several different seminars
31:44 or weekend meetings that we can do.
31:47 One that I wanted to talk little bit about
31:49 is "Living in the Final Week".
31:52 There is a deep
31:54 and profound experience
31:58 that God wants with his people,
32:00 and actually it's not just that he wants it,
32:01 he actually promises that he will have it.
32:05 And that is best explained by a passage in Ephesians.
32:10 Let's go there.
32:12 Ephesians 5.
32:16 The Bible gives lots of analogies
32:19 for the relationship that God and Jesus want with the church,
32:23 and this is one of those.
32:25 It's the marriage relationship. Yes.
32:27 I'm just going to pick a few verses here
32:29 from Ephesians 5,
32:32 beginning with verse 23.
32:34 It kind of half way through the verse,
32:36 "Christ is head of the church,
32:38 and he is the Savior of the body."
32:41 And so this beautiful picture of Christ is the head,
32:44 the church is the body.
32:46 I often use the illustration
32:49 when I got married to my wife,
32:52 I did something that was really nice I thought,
32:54 I invited her to go on my honeymoon with me.
32:57 Amen, that's a good thing. That's right.
32:59 It worked out great.
33:01 You see know I did the same thing.
33:02 Oh, good, I'm glad you did.
33:04 And there is a reason we do that
33:06 and that's because we want to be with our partner.
33:08 Yeah, that's right. We want to be with our spouse.
33:10 We want to be with our husband or wife.
33:13 And Jesus wants the same thing with the church.
33:15 We can read a few verses later,
33:18 it even explains it in stronger language
33:21 looking now to Ephesians 5:30,
33:26 "For we are members of his body,
33:28 of his flesh, and of his bones."
33:31 It's that unity that he wants with us.
33:32 Yes.
33:33 And then, verse 31,
33:35 "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother
33:37 and shall be joined unto his wife,
33:40 and they two shall be one flesh."
33:44 And that concept
33:45 is something that has really grabbed me
33:49 as I've studied it and started to share it more.
33:53 And Jesus we know
33:55 wants to be united with the human race,
33:57 but it is deep and profound connection
34:01 that he wants with his church,
34:04 and Living in the Final Week explores this connection
34:08 from the angle of the life of Christ
34:10 and specifically the last week of his life.
34:13 And so that's why it's called Living in the Final Week.
34:15 Okay.
34:16 We look at the Final Week of his life
34:18 and as we go through it from night to night,
34:21 we see that the events that Jesus went through
34:24 and his disciples with him.
34:26 Those events were actually prophecies
34:28 of what would happen to the church
34:31 during the time period that the Bible calls
34:32 the time of the end.
34:34 Wow.
34:35 Seeing that connection and that correlation in there,
34:37 I'm just looking,
34:39 this is Living in the Final Week
34:42 walking with Jesus at the end of time.
34:43 This is the sample here of Bible prophecy seminar,
34:46 I see you have a graphic there, but if I open it up in here,
34:50 Tim, it talks about, this is powerful.
34:53 God exist from eternity 1 Timothy 117, origin of sin,
34:58 creation, death enters and it goes through the entire
35:01 all the way through history.
35:03 Yeah.
35:04 So this is a series of lessons
35:06 that you go through in your seminar?
35:07 Well, it's available as Bible study lessons
35:10 we just saw the picture that on the screen,
35:13 those are available in English and Spanish.
35:15 Ooh, nice. Great.
35:16 Both versions are there.
35:18 How many in the series?
35:19 Twenty three. Twenty three, okay.
35:21 So if we go to a church,
35:23 it's 23 presentations about four weeks for the full series,
35:27 now we can present it in a condensed way as well,
35:31 but...
35:33 And it correlates Jesus with the end time.
35:35 It does.
35:37 And everything he went through chronologically
35:40 when we look in history starting back in 1844
35:44 and moving all the way through the second coming,
35:46 everything Jesus went through was a prophecy
35:48 of something that his body would pass through
35:51 in that time period leading up to the second coming.
35:55 And the big overarching principle
35:56 is that whatever happens to the head
35:59 happens to the body...
36:00 Yeah.
36:02 Because they're united together.
36:03 And are connected in one flesh.
36:04 Wow, I'm looking at that prophetic gift
36:06 the test of faith as Luke 20
36:08 and then the prophetic gift given in Revelation 10.
36:11 That's right. Wow.
36:12 Parables of the judgment and the investigative judgment,
36:15 how that correlate together?
36:16 Like you dove, we have a couple minutes,
36:18 maybe we could look at one of these.
36:19 Yeah, let's do it. Let's do that.
36:21 Let's turn to Luke 19.
36:28 'Cause it always helps me to kind of see
36:30 what you're talking about,
36:31 like we can talk in technical terms, okay,
36:33 this correlates with this, that's great.
36:35 But if I actually see it from the Word of God
36:38 and experience it, that's a difference.
36:39 So you said Luke 19?
36:41 Luke 19,
36:43 and we're just going to start with those first events
36:46 that happened at the beginning of that final week of his life.
36:48 Yes, okay.
36:49 Which we know it began
36:50 with a triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
36:53 I'm going to read verse number 11,
36:55 this is Luke 19:11,
36:57 "And as they heard these things,
36:59 he added and spake a parable,
37:00 because he was nigh to Jerusalem,
37:03 and because they thought that the kingdom of God
37:05 should immediately appear.
37:09 You know, Jesus in those final days of his life,
37:11 he allowed a misunderstanding...
37:13 He did. To happen.
37:14 The disciples thought
37:16 he was going to ride into Jerusalem,
37:17 set up the kingdom of God on earth
37:19 and that they were going to be enjoying
37:23 their new positions in the kingdom very soon.
37:25 But we know that it didn't happen,
37:27 instead
37:29 there was a disappointment
37:31 for those disciples a few days later.
37:33 But if you look at the very next thing
37:35 that Luke tells us Jesus did, this is later in Luke 19,
37:40 instead of setting up his throne in verse 28,
37:44 we'll read about the triumphal entry there.
37:47 If you look at verse 45,
37:48 I'm sorry, it's verse 45 it says,
37:51 "He went into the temple
37:52 and began to cast out them that sold therein,
37:55 and them that bought, saying unto them,
37:57 "It is written, 'My house is a house of prayer,
37:59 ' but you have made it a 'den of thieves."
38:02 ' Instead of setting up his kingdom here on earth,
38:04 Jesus actually goes into the temple or the sanctuary.
38:08 Yes. And he cleanses.
38:09 Yes. Sure does.
38:11 And that has profound prophetic implications.
38:12 Oh, my, absolutely, it does. Yes.
38:16 We can trace this further the very next verse,
38:18 this is verse 47 says,
38:20 "He taught daily in the temple."
38:23 Well, that's kind of a passing comment
38:25 in the Book of Luke.
38:27 But Matthew actually tells us in great detail
38:30 what Jesus taught daily
38:32 during those last days of his life.
38:34 And we won't do it now 'cause we don't have time
38:36 but viewers can go to Matthew 21 through 25
38:43 and all of those chapters in the Book of Matthew
38:46 contain parables of the judgment.
38:48 Jesus spends the last week of his life
38:51 in the temple telling parables of the judgment.
38:54 Wow.
38:55 And again we understand from prophecy
38:57 the final judgment began...
38:59 Oh, yeah. In 1844.
39:00 When Jesus went into the temple in 1844.
39:02 Yes.
39:03 So that's just a little example of the parallels
39:07 that exist between the last weeks of Christ's life
39:10 and what his body experiences and goes through.
39:14 So this 23 part series if we want to call
39:18 that is actually talking about in the final week,
39:20 the entire 23 lessons?
39:23 Now, most of them,
39:25 there is a few as a beginning that lay the groundwork.
39:26 Sure.
39:28 But most of the lessons look at events
39:30 in the final week of his life.
39:31 So you teach the doctrines we could say,
39:34 as far as the Sabbath...
39:35 Absolutely.
39:36 And the sanctuary message
39:39 and what happens when we die and healthful living,
39:42 all of those from the perspective
39:44 of the final week?
39:45 That's right.
39:47 Let me give you one another example.
39:48 That's revolutionary.
39:50 I just somehow had not even grasp that in the...
39:51 I knew you did evangelism
39:53 but I just, that's revolutionary.
39:54 But you know, in Revelation
39:56 the very first verse of Revelation says,
39:58 this is the Revelation of...
39:59 Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ.
40:01 And so to understand all of these symbols,
40:05 you know, and there is a lot of confusing things
40:07 in the Book of Revelation,
40:08 you've got dragon, you've got beasts,
40:10 you've got scary things like the mark of beast.
40:14 And they are important,
40:16 if they weren't important
40:17 God wouldn't have put them in the Bible.
40:19 Yeah. That's right.
40:20 But we have to remember
40:21 that all of this is to reveal something greater
40:24 and that is Jesus Christ.
40:26 And so the prophecies of Revelation and Daniel
40:30 and other places in the Bible,
40:31 all of those reveal Jesus at the end of time,
40:36 and what it actually means to walk with him
40:38 at the end of time.
40:41 Give us an example? Yeah, another example.
40:42 Yeah, 'cause I need something concrete to think about it.
40:45 Let's go to the Gospel of John. Okay.
40:49 And we're going to look at chapter number 12.
40:56 This chapter describes his anointing at Bethany.
41:01 And then in verse 12
41:02 it continues with his triumphal entry.
41:05 So it's kind of an overview of the last week.
41:07 Yes.
41:08 But then it really focuses on a conversation
41:10 that Jesus has with the gentiles.
41:14 Some Greeks that came to visit him.
41:16 And what Jesus tells them is really important,
41:19 these are his last public words.
41:21 Okay.
41:22 This probably happened Thursday afternoon sometime.
41:25 The Bible doesn't say that
41:26 but it's the last public words of God
41:29 in the Gospel of John.
41:31 So what does Jesus say, if you look in verse 24,
41:35 one thing that Jesus says, you see it explains the gospel,
41:39 it says, "Except a corn of wheat fall
41:41 into the ground and die, it abides alone,
41:43 but if it die, it brings forth much fruit."
41:46 That's the gospel on a nutshell.
41:48 We're in a seed ring. Yeah.
41:50 That's true.
41:53 And then a few verses later,
41:56 this is verse 28,
41:58 Jesus says, "Father, glorify thy name."
42:02 So he's trying to direct praise to God,
42:04 so that the Father can be glorified.
42:07 Now if we look at verse 31,
42:09 Jesus says something else really interesting.
42:11 He says, "Now is the judgment of this world."
42:17 He's talking about a judgment that is happening in the world
42:20 at that time right then.
42:23 And then at the end of that chapter,
42:26 the very last thing that Jesus says,
42:30 this is verse 48,
42:32 he says, "He that rejecteth Me and receiveth not my words,
42:35 half one that judgeth him.
42:37 The word that I've spoken the same
42:38 shall judge him in the last day."
42:40 So he's directing people's attention
42:42 back to the Word of God.
42:43 He sure is.
42:45 In the very last verses I know
42:46 that his commandment is life everlasting.
42:50 These are the things Jesus talks about the gospel,
42:52 glorifying God,
42:54 a judgment that is happening at that time,
42:56 and then in urgent plea to order your life
43:00 according to the commandments of God.
43:02 Well, this is a very last message
43:04 that Revelation...
43:05 Revelation 14. Exactly.
43:07 The three angels' messages in Revelation 14.
43:08 I was thinking of that. Yeah.
43:10 Whatever the head has done, whatever happens to the head,
43:13 the body must do as well.
43:16 And so...
43:18 That's deep.
43:19 It's been our experience. You know, that's deep.
43:21 It's different than how we normally study the Bible.
43:24 You know, we think.
43:25 okay, I'm going to study and see what God has to show me
43:28 and that's a wonderful thing.
43:29 Or we think I'm going to study
43:31 and learn a deeper truth and that's great,
43:34 but this is revolutionary in how you look
43:36 at the final events of Jesus' life in the final week,
43:39 and how that correlates to us as the body
43:42 down at the end of time and that's powerful.
43:46 You know, it truly keeps Jesus at the center of prophecy.
43:48 It does.
43:49 And as we go through the subjects,
43:51 we look at all of the prophecies,
43:53 we look at all of the unique doctrines
43:56 you know, the pillars of faiths,
43:58 practical godliness,
43:59 it's all there in the life of Christ.
44:02 You know, he is the way, he is the truth.
44:05 He is the example that we have. Amen.
44:07 Ad so that's what we try to bring out
44:09 as we share this with churches
44:12 and with communities as well.
44:14 Amen.
44:16 So these are available,
44:17 this product is available like this,
44:19 I'm looking at this here Living the Final Week,
44:22 so all of these lessons are 23 part series
44:24 is available for people to order
44:26 and to like present themselves or how do you do that?
44:29 Yeah, they're available on our website
44:31 pathwaytoparadise.org.
44:34 And it's certainly free to share those
44:37 study them in their own small group.
44:40 We want this message out there
44:42 in whatever way it works best
44:43 but we're certainly happy to come
44:45 and either spend a weekend with the church
44:48 or you know whole month
44:49 if they want to share with the community.
44:51 Okay, so that's interesting
44:52 so it's actually 'cause you said 23,
44:53 so you actually want to come just for one weekend
44:56 and would you do just like amass all 23 or how it's...
44:59 Almost a knockdown version...
45:01 Bring your sleeping bags. See this sounds all stressful.
45:04 All night, so there is options
45:06 because you're actually willing if am I getting this right
45:08 that to go and actually present these at church for a weekend
45:13 or even you said four weeks.
45:15 So tell us a little bit about that in the last few minutes?
45:16 Yeah, if it's presented in a weekend
45:19 it's more of a revival...
45:21 Okay.
45:22 Seminar or series
45:24 and so there is a lot of the groundwork
45:26 that we would either pass quickly over
45:29 or maybe not need to do
45:31 if we're focusing on things
45:33 that hopefully they're already familiar by and large.
45:38 And we'll just, you know, focus on those aspects
45:40 that the church can benefit the most
45:43 from when we do it over three or four weeks seminar...
45:47 Yes. Oh, yeah.
45:48 You know, we move pretty slowly
45:49 and you have to build the building blocks.
45:52 And that would be more evangelistic in nature?
45:54 Correct. Okay.
45:56 So you said you've been busy.
45:57 We have been. Yeah.
45:59 Praise the Lord 'cause this is,
46:00 I want to say, it sort of brand new.
46:02 The last year you've been full-time.
46:04 How many years has it been since you first have that call
46:07 when the evangelist called and you went forward?
46:10 Little over eight years. Eight years.
46:12 So the Lord is patient and he brings,
46:15 you know, he's brought us step by step as well.
46:18 And I'm thankful for his patience.
46:21 Amen. Isn't that exciting?
46:22 It's just exciting to see
46:24 what God is doing in your life
46:25 and your wife Stacy and the family,
46:28 the ministry that God is growing.
46:30 And to me it's encouraging because God calls you,
46:33 God calls me, God calls each one of us into ministry,
46:37 so we want to encourage you,
46:38 whatever call he's put on your life.
46:41 Maybe you went forward when an evangelist called,
46:44 maybe you heard a sermon on the radio and you said,
46:46 yes, God, I want to step forward,
46:48 I want to do what you've called me to do.
46:51 We want to encourage you to get involved in ministry.
46:55 Whatever God has called you to do,
46:56 step out and to do that.
46:59 And what we want to do right now
47:00 is to put the address roll
47:03 for Tim and this ministry Pathway to Paradise Ministry,
47:06 it's a wonderful ministry.
47:08 If you want to get involved in Shine,
47:10 if you and your family,
47:12 your children want to come and come to Fletcher
47:14 this next summer and get involved in that.
47:17 If you want more information on the 23 part series
47:19 or you want them to come to your church,
47:22 your area for an extended evangelistic series
47:25 or possibly just a weekend,
47:26 here is how you can do just that.
47:31 If you would like to know more about this ministry
47:33 or how you can get
47:34 your children involved in Shine,
47:36 then you can write to Pathway to Paradise Ministries,
47:39 PO Box 23, Kingsville, Missouri, 64061.
47:44 That's Pathway to Paradise Ministries,
47:47 PO Box 23, Kingsville, Missouri, 64061.
47:53 You can visit them online for Bible answers,
47:55 newsletters and more at pathwaytoparadise.org.
47:59 That's pathwaytoparadise.org.
48:03 Or you can learn more about Shine at ShineKids.net.
48:07 That's ShineKids.net.
48:15 Excellent information and as always
48:17 if you fail to have a pen and paper ready,
48:20 you can always call 3ABN at 618-627-4651,
48:25 and they'll be happy to give you
48:27 Tim Rumsey's contact information
48:29 which is for the ministry of Pathway to Paradise,
48:32 and always it is a blessing isn't it
48:34 to have these ministries present
48:36 what God is doing through them,
48:38 and it's always an encouragement.
48:39 It is, it always encourages and blesses my heart,
48:41 and I know I've been blessed today
48:43 as a result of you sharing about the ministry
48:45 and how God encouraged you to step out by faith.
48:48 Now one thing we failed to mention
48:50 at the beginning of the program
48:52 and maybe we should have done this at the beginning
48:54 is you are an associate speaker
48:57 for White Horse Media.
48:59 That's right.
49:00 With Steve Wohlberg,
49:02 and something that you present an evangelistic series
49:04 we're airing right now.
49:05 That's right,
49:07 it's another series called Fire from Heaven.
49:10 And that is a four part video series,
49:13 they're 30 minutes each.
49:15 And it looks at the judgment of God
49:18 and the question how does God respond to sin.
49:21 Does he always respond in the same way?
49:24 Has he done it differently in the past?
49:27 Will he respond to sin and deal with it differently
49:30 at the end of time.
49:31 And so we look at kind of these big questions.
49:34 And the real focus of the series is to show
49:39 that God never changes.
49:40 Yes. Bible is very clear about that.
49:42 And so the way that God
49:44 has responded to sin in the past
49:46 and we start by looking at stories in Genesis.
49:49 And God always goes through a process of investigation.
49:53 Look at the story of Adam and Eve.
49:57 Why did he come and look for Adam and Eve
49:59 in the Garden of Eden that first evening?
50:02 He knew where they were, knew what they had done.
50:05 He didn't have to ask questions
50:07 but he goes through this process of investigation
50:10 not so that he can determine truth,
50:12 he already knows.
50:13 He does. Right.
50:14 But to give them an opportunity to confess...
50:17 Yes.
50:18 To repent and to understand and trust his character.
50:22 You can look at stories through the entire Bible
50:24 especially in Genesis
50:26 and God always does the same thing.
50:28 After Cain kills Abel...
50:30 I was just thinking of that.
50:31 He talks with Cain, he doesn't just kick him off.
50:36 He gives Cain a chance to confess
50:39 and we see the same thing with the Tower of Babel.
50:41 Yeah.
50:43 God looks, he investigates
50:45 before he confuses the languages
50:47 and a wonderful example is Sodom and Gomorrah.
50:51 He personally comes down
50:53 and spends time on the ground so to speak,
50:56 and he investigates to see
50:58 if the cry that has risen to heaven is accurate.
51:02 And what a picture of God, isn't it?
51:03 Yeah.
51:04 Yeah, love, care, concern.
51:06 Absolutely.
51:08 Beautiful, isn't it?
51:09 And to God you can trust.
51:10 And it makes you want to respond.
51:12 Yeah.
51:13 You know to have a God like that.
51:14 Well, that's powerful.
51:16 So in that series we just look at those examples
51:17 and a few others through the Bible
51:20 and then apply it to Revelation
51:22 and what Revelation tells us
51:24 is actually happening right now.
51:26 Amen. That's exciting.
51:28 Now that series, I know this program
51:29 that we're recording now
51:31 is going to air several different times
51:33 so it might not be,
51:34 Tim series might not be airing currently
51:36 when this program airs, we want to make that clear.
51:38 But that's wonderful, praise God
51:40 for what he's doing in your life
51:42 and your family's life and the work he has for you,
51:46 so we just praise the Lord for that.
51:48 It's very humbling. Yeah.
51:50 And exciting. Yeah.
51:51 It's neat to be involved in ministry isn't it,
51:53 and be involved in God's work.
51:55 And I know that,
51:56 I'm going to just go out on a limb here
51:58 'cause I'm sure it's true but you have no regrets,
52:00 do you for stepping out by faith?
52:02 Absolutely not.
52:03 And I know God is providing for you
52:05 and will continue to do so.
52:07 And again we provided that contact information,
52:10 I asked him, I said are you fully booked
52:11 for the next year and he says not quite,
52:13 so if you do have interest
52:14 in having him come to your church,
52:16 either for short weekend
52:17 or maybe even for a longer series.
52:19 Make sure you do that,
52:21 because God is moving on this young family
52:23 and it's neat to see them stepping out in faith.
52:27 We have a few closing thoughts in a couple of minutes
52:29 but before we get to that,
52:30 we want go to some important information.


Revised 2016-12-31