3ABN Today

Revival Amongst Hurricane Matthew Rubble

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), David Canther & Peter Cousins & Adonijah


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016085A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I wanna spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I wanna spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I wanna spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:06 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program,
01:09 thank you for joining us as always.
01:12 Thank you for your love and your prayers
01:13 and support of 3ABN
01:15 as we endeavor to take this great gospel of the kingdom
01:18 and to all the world.
01:19 There's a number of ways we can do that, we can...
01:22 There's preaching and there's singing,
01:24 there's all kinds of things that we can do,
01:26 a lot of folk will call it entertainment,
01:29 we don't call it that, we call it taking...
01:31 Fulfilling the mission that God has given us.
01:33 But there's other ways that's very important
01:35 and in fact is talked about in the book of James
01:38 and it basically says without going on,
01:40 I'll paraphrase it,
01:42 but it's helping those who can't help themselves
01:45 and I have some friends today who're in,
01:47 I'm not calling in the business,
01:48 in the Lord's business of helping those
01:51 that need help in a great time in need
01:53 and it's good to have Brother David Canther again.
01:54 Thank you.
01:56 David, it's good to see you, it's been a while.
01:57 Yes, going back to Katrina.
01:59 Your President of...
02:01 So it's interesting but, Danny,
02:03 you knew of us as ACTS World Relief...
02:05 Yes, that's right.
02:07 Now we've grown, so now we have an ACTS 911 Division
02:09 which is about church growth strategy.
02:11 Today we're gonna focus about
02:13 our more recent division last couple of years,
02:15 GR3 International,
02:18 Global Rescue Relief and Resilience,
02:20 about emergency response
02:21 using volunteers around the world.
02:23 All right.
02:24 So we're gonna be talking about some incredible things
02:27 and those of you watching the news around the world,
02:29 you know, that disasters are happening
02:32 and it's sure good to have people like these
02:34 come out by the hundreds and even thousands
02:36 to help and what a witness it is to those around us.
02:40 We're gonna find out more about that in a little bit
02:42 so, yeah, we went all way back to Katrina
02:44 with you all, back...
02:45 When was that?
02:47 2005 or 2006 and it's been a while
02:49 and actually we got to experience that
02:51 and see what you do and the kind of work
02:53 and the difference that you make in people's lives.
02:56 It's definitely a ministry that's God ordained for sure.
02:59 Now we have Peter Cousins.
03:01 Peter, where are you from?
03:03 North Carolina. Okay.
03:04 And currently at Tri-City Christian Academy
03:06 which is in the Piedmont Triad,
03:08 north center part of North Carolina,
03:10 High Point, Greensboro, Winston-Salem area.
03:13 Okay, now you're a principal there of the academy?
03:15 I've been there for seven years.
03:16 Seven years, okay, but you're originally from?
03:19 Indiana. All right, neighboring state.
03:20 Hoosier state. Yeah, Hoosier.
03:23 Neighboring state over there
03:24 and I found out he plays basketball too...
03:25 Yes.
03:27 So he's another Larry Bird in the making, you know, so...
03:30 For sure but appreciate you being here
03:33 and you got a couple of young guys with you
03:34 from the school and we're gonna talk to them
03:36 a little bit later on
03:38 but before we get into any more of this,
03:40 we're gonna go to some music today
03:42 and we have one of my best friends
03:44 and buddies and brothers in the world
03:46 and also a very talented and gifted preacher
03:50 but also singer.
03:52 So CA Murray's gonna be singing, "Stand."
04:14 You just stand
04:18 When all your courage seems to fail
04:23 Stand, when it seems that evil will prevail
04:31 Stand, for He shows us in detail
04:38 That His love will never fail
04:41 And He'll stand with us
04:44 You just stand,
04:48 when you've said all that you can say
04:53 Stand, and trust the Lord to make a way
05:01 Stand, and live your life from day to day
05:08 Trust God to make a way
05:11 And then walk through it
05:14 For God has not given us the spirit of fear
05:18 He's given us love and power
05:24 The courage to resist the tempter's snare
05:30 Be not weary in doing well
05:33 For only time will tell
05:38 The work He's begun in you
05:42 Will help to see you through
05:45 You know God's word is true
05:48 And everything He promised He will do
05:52 So having done all to stand,
05:56 you just stand
06:02 You just stand,
06:07 when you feel no one's on your side
06:12 Stand, defy the urge to run and hide
06:20 Stand, though gloom and darkness override
06:26 Trust God to turn the tide
06:29 And pull you through it,
06:31 He'll do it In the name of Jesus,
06:34 Stand
06:37 For He is always there for you
06:42 Stand, and watch the Lord pull you through
06:49 Stand, and though you know not what to do
06:56 Know that He's looking out for you
07:00 And He won't fail you.
07:03 For God has not given us the spirit of fear
07:07 He's given us love and power
07:12 The courage to resist the tempter's snare
07:18 Be not weary in doing well
07:22 For only time will tell
07:27 The work He's begun in you
07:31 Will help to pull you through
07:34 You know God's word is true
07:37 And everything He promised He will do
07:41 So having done all to stand,
07:46 stand Plant your feet
07:53 and stand.
08:06 Thank you, Pastor Murray, beautiful "Stand."
08:09 Well, we're gonna talk about standing up for Jesus today
08:12 and again I've got David Canther,
08:14 we've got Peter Cousins, thank you all for being here.
08:17 We've talked a little bit about your ministry
08:19 and I saw when I was in Katrina,
08:22 a number of us when we said, you know,
08:25 you all are helping thousands and thousands of people
08:28 but not just the physical of giving the water
08:31 and giving the food and cutting, you know,
08:33 up the timber,
08:35 the trees that's falling on a rope
08:36 but the impact you make on people spiritually
08:40 and that's really what it's all about.
08:42 And so in fact, I read a little letter
08:45 that someone had written in the neighborhood
08:47 where you all were staying at a church
08:49 and the letter was talking about the young people,
08:54 how much respect they have,
08:55 not only for the people they were volunteering
08:58 and serving but each other.
08:59 So a neighbor from across from the Adventist Church said,
09:02 we've been watching and so in fact,
09:05 they've attended recently
09:06 and so it's really neat to see the kind of organizations
09:10 and the people that you surround yourself with.
09:13 So, David, tell us a little bit
09:14 about some of your latest things
09:17 that's been happening, we wanna get to Matthew,
09:18 that's one of most recent
09:20 but I understand you've been in the Philippines also...
09:22 Yes, and, Danny,
09:24 I love what you are just sharing when it...
09:26 You know, when the Bible talks about standing
09:29 for our Savior through a sermon ensues
09:32 the gospel is best illustrated when we show our love,
09:35 Jesus' love to meet the needs of people first.
09:38 And when He met those needs, their hearts were open,
09:40 so the testimony you were just sharing is powerful
09:42 because, here's a teenager and their family
09:45 who lived right across the street from a church
09:47 that hasn't grown in years, okay?
09:49 And they're trying to figure how can we grow?
09:51 Well, now when the storm comes
09:53 and we refuse to let Satan have the last word.
09:56 You bring in youth who are trained,
09:58 they're highly skilled and they get networking,
10:01 helping out these people.
10:02 Lo and behold, they come to church.
10:05 And so it happens over and over throughout the years,
10:07 we've been in over a 100 deployments down
10:09 and around the world.
10:11 I'm an adject with Harvard in their program of disaster.
10:15 Medicine taking doctors and but, you know,
10:18 the amazing thing is the more and more
10:21 we live in the last days,
10:22 storms are increasing as the Bible tells us.
10:25 But remember, Jesus says to prepare now
10:28 and too often people are praying
10:30 that they don't happen which is contrary to the Bible.
10:33 So God says, "If you prepare now,
10:35 then you will be an effective witness in evangelism."
10:38 And this happens over and over of some of the testimonies
10:41 you're gonna hear today and our viewers,
10:43 of basically how that's happened
10:45 over 400, 000 volunteers.
10:47 So what used to be Acts World Relief
10:50 has now grown into those two divisions
10:52 and basically we try to emphasize
10:54 that Evangelism 3 Emergency Response
10:57 that you saw a lot in Katrina but, you know, the Philippines,
11:00 I mean, we're talking now typhoons are super typhoons,
11:03 they're happening 12 months a year
11:06 and because of that we're gonna show the first slide.
11:09 Showing basically in the Philippines,
11:11 we were just there a few months ago,
11:13 the Union Office,
11:15 the pastors, the teachers, volunteers,
11:17 we trained over 200 the last time we were there,
11:19 brought in over $14 million of resources to help them...
11:22 Wow.
11:24 But basically they're saying trainer pastors,
11:26 trainer teachers.
11:27 Steve Littell is shown in this particular picture
11:29 here, Steve is the head of Security
11:31 and Safety for McKee Foods.
11:33 Okay, all right.
11:35 There's a little box right here in front of the planter...
11:37 I see that.
11:38 McKee's has been helping working with us more and more.
11:41 In Hurricane Matthew, they sent 18 pallets,
11:43 you're gonna see a picture...
11:45 Oh, wow. Yeah.
11:46 In the second segment,
11:47 with us that a lot of our volunteers distribute it,
11:50 unwrapping a smile.
11:51 So it's about partnering together,
11:54 whether it's schools,
11:55 whether it's with the Heritage Academy
11:57 that have been featured many times in here, our youth,
12:00 Tri-City, many schools,
12:01 so there were five academies in this deployment.
12:04 But the Philippines is unusual,
12:06 in that we had that great training,
12:08 teaching them everything from spiritual
12:11 and emotional care to medical,
12:13 how to help people
12:14 and so you're trying to train
12:16 the holistic approach to training
12:18 because remember, preparedness is the main emphasis
12:21 that Jesus wants us to be prepared.
12:23 So that when you go out,
12:24 the youth understand how to work as a team,
12:27 safety and security over and over is stressed
12:30 and so to that, we're gonna show the next slide
12:34 and that kind of leads into Peter.
12:35 Okay.
12:36 And what he experienced in a most recent training
12:39 and how ironic it was, Peter,
12:41 share with us about this picture,
12:42 what it's illustrating
12:43 and what kind of a training happened with Jim Ingersoll
12:46 of the Southern Union Education training academies
12:49 but you hosted it right at your school.
12:50 That's right.
12:52 So this is actually our third event
12:54 that we have been involved in for training.
12:56 The second one,
12:57 that's been at Tri-City Christian Academy and...
13:00 Just a little side note,
13:01 when we built our school which is two years old now,
13:04 $6.3 million project,
13:06 we built it with service in mind
13:08 and we added showers, we had a different things
13:10 'cause we wanted people to be able to come and stay there
13:13 and do this kind of thing and other things as well,
13:15 so it was part of the mindset that went into the building.
13:18 So when Jim Ingersoll approached us
13:20 about having Heritage Academy come
13:22 and to do the training there,
13:23 we were all excited about it 'cause like I said,
13:25 just fit right into the mission of the board and what we had,
13:27 what we wanted,
13:28 what we had envisioned things happening there.
13:30 So the local fire department also got involved
13:35 with a simulation of a lightning strike,
13:38 for this particular picture that we were just looking at,
13:41 and Heritage Academy came in, they did the training,
13:43 their students were training our students
13:45 which was phenomenal.
13:47 We had other schools come in,
13:48 other junior academies and they stay on the floor
13:50 because that simulates the circumstances you have
13:53 when you go and serve,
13:55 we were 45 people sharing two showers.
13:58 Oh, wow.
13:59 Sleeping in a fellowship hall, okay, so...
14:01 Yeah.
14:02 Not a lot of adults will sign up for that
14:04 but kids will, right?
14:05 Just get them together and they're ready to go.
14:07 You don't have to explain a whole lot to them.
14:10 And so this simulates that,
14:12 they come and they stay on the gym floor
14:14 and then they go through
14:15 the intensive training with a cert.
14:17 It's about two day training, pretty intensive,
14:20 a lot of safety information is shared there,
14:21 it's very important for us
14:23 that the kids are very safe and know how to be safe.
14:28 And then we did the simulation on Friday
14:30 and the fire department came in,
14:32 Heritage Academy knows how to do what's called,
14:34 'Moulage' where they do the make up
14:36 and make the injuries look real.
14:39 Oh, okay, all right.
14:40 And Glenn, one of the...
14:42 Well, he is the head guy there in the High Point area
14:44 for organizing the event
14:47 told us in 20 years of doing this,
14:50 he's never seen wounds that look so real...
14:51 Wow.
14:53 He was just excited and amazed at what these...
14:56 And in very short time, like in an hour,
14:58 they had all this ready to go.
15:00 So these kids were phenomenal and so the kids are,
15:04 they get into this, right?
15:05 And they love to act, so they're yelling
15:08 and screaming and the fire people,
15:10 you know, the firemen,
15:12 they take them to a certain area
15:13 and say, 'stay here.'
15:14 Well, they don't stay there, right?
15:16 Okay, 'Where's my brother?
15:17 And they're wandering around,
15:19 they've got to them back and so they love that,
15:21 really it's a good outlet for the kids, it's hands on
15:24 and they get to see in action some of the stuff
15:25 they've been learning as the fire department
15:27 is doing the triage and then different things.
15:29 So it was very neat to be a part of that
15:32 and highlight of our year actually...
15:34 Amen, so when Matthew came along,
15:37 I know we can talk about some of that now
15:38 or you wanna wait till later.
15:40 Yep, go ahead.
15:41 But Matthew came along. So what did you actually do?
15:43 So a week after we did our training,
15:46 literally one week after...
15:47 Week after you trained.
15:49 David called us and said,
15:50 "Hey, you guys wanna put that training to use?"
15:53 So we were very excited about that.
15:56 So we said, "Sure."
15:57 So we got together, I got to...
16:00 This is a very, highlight of my year,
16:03 I got to say, I got to run a truck,
16:05 a 4250 truck, I usually drive a minivan.
16:08 All right.
16:09 And I got to drive it all way down to Florida upon a trail,
16:11 I was very excited about that,
16:12 we got to take our chainsaws and different things.
16:14 We got down there, we joined Heritage Academy,
16:16 so there were about 83 kids, high school kids,
16:20 9-12 that were down there participating,
16:23 we had three activities we basically did,
16:26 30 or so kids were able to go and do warehouse sorting
16:29 and food distribution
16:31 and the group that went up there,
16:33 the lady told us that in three days,
16:36 they did over 50,000 food basket things,
16:40 she said that's more than they do in three months.
16:42 Okay.
16:43 These kids went up there, in three days
16:44 and did more than they did in three months.
16:46 Then we had two other groups,
16:48 one group that went out cutting wood
16:49 which I was able to be with that group,
16:51 which I was really excited about that too.
16:52 I grew up cutting wood,
16:54 every Sunday was wood cutting day,
16:55 so I was all over that...
16:56 All right.
16:58 And then there was another group,
16:59 that went and did house mucks where they mucked out the homes
17:00 and that means they have to go in
17:02 after water damage and just...
17:03 Oh, sure.
17:05 Everything comes out, even sheet rock, floor,
17:07 cabinets, furniture,
17:08 they're mucking the house and they were doing good
17:11 if they did like two of those in a day and on for us,
17:15 for cutting the wood,
17:16 we would do like 4-9 homes in a day,
17:19 so it kind of intensity of house muck is pretty intense
17:23 but it was really neat
17:24 because this merged the skills of every ministry
17:31 I've ever done
17:32 and what I mean by that is I've been a teacher,
17:34 I've been a principal,
17:35 I've been a literature evangelist
17:37 and I was able to cut the wood, to go and find the need.
17:41 Here's the need,
17:43 you go in and these people have been told
17:44 it's gonna cost two to five thousand dollars
17:46 to have this work done that they don't have.
17:49 You come in and introduce yourself,
17:52 you go out there and you start working,
17:53 they are blown away,
17:55 that someone is here doing this for us.
17:57 You don't charge them? We don't charge them a dime.
17:59 Wow.
18:00 And one house, I was cheer with in particular,
18:04 it was Friday and the lady's name was Kay.
18:07 And as we went there, she had five trees down.
18:09 She told us it was quite an expensive,
18:12 it was gonna be thousands of dollars...
18:13 Sure.
18:14 Nothing hit the house,
18:16 so insurance didn't wanna cover it.
18:17 Okay.
18:18 As we're cutting the wood, every water break,
18:20 she comes out and shares
18:21 a little bit of her story, right?
18:22 First time, she comes out and shares,
18:24 you know, her dog had passed away back in February,
18:27 it had been her dog for 12 years,
18:28 she was really emotionally upset about it,
18:30 teared up and she goes back in.
18:32 Next water break, she comes out
18:34 and she shares with us, you know,
18:35 "Two weeks after that,
18:37 my husband got brain cancer
18:38 and he died very shortly after that."
18:40 Oh, wow. And she's sharing this with us.
18:42 She goes back in the house, teared up.
18:43 She can't finish the story.
18:45 We're just listening, we weren't,
18:47 we didn't have any special technique
18:49 that we had learned, you know,
18:50 I'm saying about how to deal with them, we just listened.
18:53 That's all we did was listen, listen and help and so,
18:57 when we got down which is what we did at every home,
18:59 we got together and we had prayer.
19:03 And then we'd have a Steps to Christ
19:04 and we would share again, very simple.
19:06 This is why we do what we do
19:07 and we hand it to them and leave it to them.
19:09 So the next day was church...
19:11 So you give them a book instead of a bill?
19:13 That's right. Okay.
19:15 I think anybody's gonna accept that.
19:17 That's right.
19:18 Well, the next day in church,
19:21 her friend's name was Jen
19:23 and Jen came up and talked to me
19:25 and she told me the rest of the story
19:27 which was really neat.
19:28 She said that, that Friday evening after we left,
19:31 she had come home, not home
19:32 but came to a Kay's home to visit
19:35 and when she walked in,
19:36 Kay was sitting in a chair reading that book we left,
19:39 she's reading Steps to Christ.
19:40 Oh, praise God. And it gets better.
19:42 So they get ready to have supper
19:44 and, normally, she said,
19:47 Kay has never wanted to pray with her.
19:48 She's asked her, will you pray...
19:50 Meal time or other times and she says, "No."
19:53 They're talking, talking, talking and they get ready
19:56 and Jen says, "Can I have my prayer before I eat?"
19:59 and she said,
20:00 "Why don't we pray together this time?"
20:02 Oh, wow.
20:03 That Jen told me,
20:04 Jen teared up at church when she's telling me that.
20:06 She said, "Peter, she has never said,
20:10 'Let's pray together.'
20:11 " So that's the impact that this has, you know,
20:13 you come in and you look at what they need,
20:17 you fulfill that need by God's grace
20:20 and now the hearts are open, right?
20:22 The hearts are open and that's what's so powerful,
20:25 literature evangelism, teaching the students,
20:28 that's gonna be on here next is,
20:29 one of them is Nigah.
20:31 Anyone tell the story about Nigah
20:32 because we were at one home
20:35 and we've been giving the Steps to Christ,
20:37 we're getting ready to pray, he was next to me,
20:38 had the Steps to Christ in my hand
20:40 and he leans over and says, "Can I do this one?"
20:44 Okay.
20:45 So, so the kids are learning, right?
20:47 Yeah, absolutely.
20:48 They're learning by what we model to them.
20:50 So that's why, to me, this was so powerful,
20:51 it was so powerful to be the hands and feet of Jesus
20:55 and to see the hearts open up as you minister in this way.
20:59 Yeah, you know, David.
21:02 When we hear this, the amount of money
21:04 that you're talking about
21:06 because you're just kind of throwing out,
21:08 while the food packing more than they've done
21:11 and it takes three months.
21:12 You know, thousands of meals.
21:16 Millions of dollars that from the Philippines
21:19 whether it's here around, you must be a wealthy guy.
21:23 Yeah, that's, you know,
21:24 and I praise God when people say that to me.
21:26 Yeah.
21:27 And I say, "Man, you know, the image is powerful."
21:30 Yeah.
21:32 But, Danny, you know,
21:33 you and I can both relate to this journey of life.
21:35 It's a faith ministry, we're not a part of the,
21:40 let's say, church structure, Yeah, organisation, sure.
21:43 where basically, we're supporting ministry,
21:45 it is by faith.
21:47 Now actually in the last hurricane
21:49 with Matthew, you have to be very careful
21:51 because when you were out there with us in Katrina,
21:55 it was literally costing us 60, 000 a day
21:58 in that deployment, that's by faith.
22:00 Yes.
22:01 When you have no real donors
22:05 that are a part of an organization,
22:07 it's really by faith.
22:09 So hurricane Matthew,
22:10 it's like Jim would call me and he say,
22:12 "Can you send an, you know,
22:13 one of your mobile kitchens and your shower trailer and,
22:16 you know, other trucks and what not."
22:18 And I said, "Yes, Jim, we can but I need to tell you.
22:22 I just talked to my accountant,
22:24 we put the word out there on our faithful donors,
22:27 $200 is coming."
22:28 Okay?
22:30 So there's this challenge you face.
22:33 You know, even here at 3ABN,
22:35 you're always trying to say, "Oh Lord."
22:36 Always.
22:38 You know, it's one day at a time
22:39 and so some people like to say, "Oh, Pastor,
22:42 are you making so much money and you must be wealthy
22:44 and created this thing to make money."
22:46 You and I both know,
22:48 we face a lot of that criticism,
22:50 on the positive side though, we respond back positively,
22:53 we thank people for their donations.
22:55 I make literally less than I did as a pastor
22:57 for 32 years now.
22:58 Yeah.
23:00 So what I do though is it's a faith ministry,
23:03 I restore classic cars, homes that supports ministry.
23:09 Okay.
23:10 So you see the Bible talks about this,
23:12 it gets into our hearts, we do it for a passion to help.
23:16 And so I do appeal to our donors
23:18 because we don't have levels of bureaucracy
23:20 and administration and salaries.
23:24 We operated like out of 1% cost and so the money,
23:28 it's going directly into young people's lives,
23:31 changing their lives and, yes,
23:33 we wish we could pull out a lot other things and feed,
23:36 we could have fed thousands of people
23:37 with the mobile kitchens,
23:39 didn't have the financing to do it.
23:41 And so you do what you can do by faith
23:44 but you're always trying to straddle that,
23:46 you know, how far do you go but it is an opportunity
23:51 for donors to understand that if you wanna help ministry
23:53 and maybe, it's not even at dollars,
23:55 maybe you have a classic car, a vintage car,
23:58 a home or something that you haven't donated to 3ABN
24:02 and, you know, you'd like...
24:03 Because it's all networking, it's working together
24:06 and so you guys have graciously,
24:09 really more than anyone else help support this ministry.
24:13 When donations have come to you, you pass them on to us.
24:17 That's all about working together.
24:18 It's about networking together.
24:20 It's about letting people know
24:22 what the reality is of credibility,
24:25 of being transparent.
24:29 We can talk about at the end,
24:30 "Why millennials are searching for ministries
24:34 and the church to become involved
24:35 and why they're leaving the church?"
24:37 They want relevancy.
24:39 They want transparency but they want to be involved.
24:42 And so, you at 3ABN and we are the same in many ways.
24:47 There's a lot of similarity. We both use volunteers.
24:51 The salaries are not what attracts people to us...
24:53 Right, absolutely.
24:55 And God blesses that paradigm shift.
24:57 Yeah.
24:58 Well, what we have in common is the mission,
25:02 taking the Gospel to the world.
25:03 Yes.
25:05 And then being able to realize that there's some hands
25:08 and some feet and some mouth and, you know,
25:11 all of this together make up the body of Christ.
25:14 And so you can do things and you're prepared
25:17 and trained to do things we can't do and vice versa,
25:20 we can help let people know what you're doing...
25:22 Yes.
25:24 So they'll have the opportunity to support you financially
25:27 and so what I've seen over the years,
25:29 the things now, tell us a little bit about Haiti,
25:32 I mean, you're not just here in the States,
25:34 you started in the States
25:35 but you continue to grow into other areas.
25:38 Yes, the tragedy is, the reality is
25:41 I don't like to look at it,
25:42 it's all bad and negative in the sense that God says,
25:46 "It's gonna happen in the end, it will increase, be prepared."
25:50 And so Haiti actually was much worse
25:52 than it affected the U.S.
25:54 Haiti was devastated
25:56 and I've been to Haiti 38 times,
25:58 helping with a lot of response, you know, I was even reminded,
26:04 this little testimony is from Dr. Scott Nelson from Haiti.
26:08 He was the lead poster child at Loma Linda,
26:10 that we came in and supported with Haiti
26:13 and here we brought over
26:14 7000 medical care providers in to Haiti...
26:16 Seven thousand.
26:18 Two were Adventist Hospital helping support him
26:20 'cause he was really the lead Doc,
26:22 orthopedic surgeon.
26:24 He wrote this letter and he said,
26:25 just a few highlights he said, now he wrote this last year.
26:28 This is, you know,
26:29 this is a number of years after the earthquake.
26:31 And he says, "There are many things,
26:33 you know, in 2010 when that happened.
26:35 Although, you know,
26:37 David and his team were the first to arrive,
26:39 he certainly was not the first to leave.
26:41 He led a well organized team of people
26:44 and briefings in the morning and evenings
26:46 and utilized his volunteers
26:47 in a efficient and effective manner,
26:50 collaboration left a lasting imprint in my mind
26:52 of his unique and impressive capabilities."
26:55 So in other words,
26:56 it's all about that thing of networking,
26:58 working together.
26:59 None of us are anything by ourselves
27:01 but we all bring a little significant drip
27:03 but when we unite together, it's powerful.
27:07 It's life changing, so, Haiti, yes, hurricane Matthew,
27:11 full strength as it hit into Haiti,
27:14 a category four- five right in there,
27:16 about the worst you can get
27:18 but this time it hit not Port au Prince,
27:20 not around the Adventist Hospital,
27:21 remote area.
27:23 These people are lucky to make it by road
27:26 before a storm, out to their, you know,
27:28 remote villages but a very unique people,
27:31 only 20% of the people in this area
27:33 had drinkable water, 20% of your children, families,
27:37 when the hurricane Matthew hit,
27:39 it brought it down to 0, 0% had drinking water which means,
27:44 lot of the ones that you heard of dying
27:47 were because of lack of water and food.
27:49 What a shame.
27:50 Okay, so in other words, they have their drinking water
27:53 that you and I would not drink
27:54 and they drink and they get diarrhea too.
27:58 So the mothers that are drinking that,
28:00 they give diarrhea to their children,
28:01 their children die.
28:03 And so, the thousands of people,
28:06 actually the media only covered not even a half of those
28:10 who died but here you're talking about,
28:12 we sent in a mental health team first of all,
28:14 'cause we've been there many times training.
28:16 In the past, you know, I had like 45 translators
28:19 after the earthquake but going many times training, a lot of,
28:23 another one of our partners, as World Vision, ADRA.
28:28 World Vision has been one of, you know,
28:30 1400 Adventists employed by World Vision,
28:33 tremendous networking together.
28:35 But basically training a lot of the youth of Haiti to respond
28:39 'cause they are the first responders,
28:41 they're there and they kicked into action,
28:43 trained the whole staff at World Vision office,
28:45 they kicked into action helping,
28:47 we brought in a team of specialists
28:48 they requested once again
28:50 and they just came out about a week ago.
28:52 We're going back in with a medical team,
28:55 we've helped millions and millions of dollars
28:56 in Haiti
28:58 but they're suffering right now.
28:59 So if our donors wanna help things like that once again,
29:03 no administration levels, we go and we help the people,
29:06 they can see a direct cause and effect.
29:08 In just a minute or two,
29:09 we're gonna put an address up on the screen
29:11 rather than wait till the end and be sure,
29:14 if you get a pencil and paper or something
29:15 that you can get this address, but I wanna ask you a question,
29:18 I don't know if anyone's ever asked you this or not.
29:21 You said, you were a pastor, for how many years?
29:23 Thirty two years. Thirty two years.
29:25 Now as a pastor, you had a body,
29:28 you had a membership, a church.
29:31 How would you compare what you're doing now
29:35 as compared to the 32 years of preaching to church members
29:42 in general versus preaching
29:45 basically to the world in general
29:48 through this type health ministry
29:51 versus just word ministry?
29:54 It's a powerful ministry,
29:56 my wife reminds me when I say I was a pastor for 30...
29:59 She says, "Now you're still a pastor."
30:01 And so I have to be careful,
30:02 pastor of a congregation like you're...
30:04 But a different type.
30:05 It's a different type, this ministry is global,
30:08 in the sense that I love youth.
30:10 I love...
30:12 Let's say a group of physicians came in with hurricane Matthew,
30:14 they called me and they said, "We have planes,
30:17 we have our own planes, we have our own chainsaws,
30:19 we love doing this.
30:20 We're anesthesiologists and if you clear and screen,
30:26 where we know our time is well invested to take off
30:29 to fly and to do it."
30:30 Those are the kind of volunteers that sign up.
30:32 Wow.
30:33 So in other words, if you make sure
30:35 that their time is well spent and they leave fulfilled,
30:38 when youth by the thousands, over 400,000 volunteers,
30:41 when they have fulfilled lives in Jesus Christ,
30:45 they've helped somebody, to me, that is a ministry
30:48 that is so powerful it makes me cry
30:50 because I see how God in His goodness, in His mercy,
30:54 that we're able to unite together in a ministry
30:57 that helps people in a very tangible way
30:59 but like Peter was sharing it opens up into the spiritual
31:02 because we're very intentional about that
31:04 and we could name many people ever baptized
31:06 and joined the church.
31:08 But I like to take it back to our youth,
31:09 when I was a little guy,
31:11 the preacher would beat on the pulp and say,
31:13 "Youth are leaving the church."
31:14 And I'd go up to him after and I go,
31:15 "What are we doing here to make that difference?
31:18 Why we wanna stay?"
31:19 Rather than telling us that we're all leaving.
31:20 So to me it was all about, when I was a pastor,
31:23 our church was about the community.
31:25 When I came there, we only had one family in the church,
31:28 12 years later, when I began doing this,
31:32 we had five services going,
31:34 we had a over a hundred ministries
31:35 going on in the community.
31:37 Wow.
31:38 So church growth happens through practical evangelism.
31:42 And it's watching this in the lives of youth,
31:45 you see this is a church they know,
31:46 it's to get out and help people.
31:48 Other youth go, "We're not involved."
31:50 Millennials say, "If we're not involved,
31:51 we're leaving the church."
31:53 So it is making that impact,
31:55 when donors see how they're changing the lives of those
31:59 who served first and then in the lives of that community,
32:04 we entitled actually this broadcast
32:06 because the pastor and I were talking about this
32:08 in St Augustine, a retired Church,
32:11 hardly no young people and we called it
32:13 'Revival Amongst Hurricane Matthew Rubble.'
32:16 The pastor saw a revival happen in his church
32:19 who really didn't want us to come there,
32:21 about 50% of churches
32:23 do not want you to come to their church,
32:25 it might hurt their paint, their grass, their something...
32:27 Oh, my...
32:28 Okay, 50%.
32:30 The pastor said, "I'm not gonna ask my board
32:32 because I'm pretty sure how they'll answer my request
32:36 about you coming and bringing a bunch of volunteers."
32:38 So he said, "I'm not gonna ask.
32:40 I'm gonna apologize."
32:42 Okay.
32:43 And so basically ask for their forgiveness.
32:44 Yeah.
32:46 But see, it caused revival in their church.
32:47 Sure.
32:48 And that's the kind of thing we see happen over and over,
32:51 that's ministry in a worldwide way.
32:53 Absolutely, and that's why it's important
32:56 for church leaders to understand that Jesus said,
33:00 "Go ye, and to all the world..."
33:02 to allow others to be involved,
33:04 as you're talking about the millennials,
33:06 if they're not involved, they're gonna leave.
33:08 Yes.
33:10 So we sometimes are so protective,
33:12 well, I don't know, maybe they're too young to do this
33:14 or maybe we can't put this responsibility.
33:16 That's right.
33:17 But we need to be in charge
33:19 and we're the root of our own problem
33:22 as to why we're not helping.
33:24 So thank you for opening our eyes and letting us know
33:26 that this is what we need to do,
33:28 young people to get involved.
33:30 They get grounded, they get rooted
33:32 and they continue then to do what we maybe just started,
33:35 you know.
33:37 And sometimes then to denominate
33:38 shell structure as you're aware,
33:40 sometimes control has to be an issue here,
33:43 unless everything happens through this department.
33:45 Yeah. It cannot happen.
33:47 Yeah, absolutely.
33:48 And we've rubbed against that for years in a way of saying,
33:50 "No, no, no."
33:51 So thankfully people within the Adventist denomination
33:55 have tried to expand their thinking saying, "Well,
33:58 you know, what they do is youth and schools.
34:00 So let's run through the education department."
34:03 In that way, it's not a perception of,
34:05 it has to be through another department
34:08 and so when we're out internationally,
34:09 if it's not through ADRA,
34:11 well, maybe it could be through something else.
34:14 People like choices. Sure.
34:15 And people like to know that
34:18 with some supporting organizations,
34:20 there's a much lower overhead
34:23 and they can be very effective than what they do in ministry.
34:26 All right.
34:27 What we're gonna do is, we want you to pray
34:29 and ask the Holy Spirit what He would have you to do
34:32 in support of this great organization,
34:34 so we're gonna put up the following address
34:37 and if the Holy Spirit's impressing,
34:39 you can send a donation
34:40 or you may just want to contact them
34:42 to find out more information.
34:46 GR3 International is a rescue and relief agency
34:50 who is deployed to over 105 Global Catastrophic Events.
34:54 GR3 places special emphasis on both Rescue Training
34:57 and Disaster Intervention.
34:59 You can write to them at GR3 International,
35:02 600 Citrus Avenue, Ft. Pierce, Florida 34950.
35:07 That's GR3 International,
35:09 600 Citrus Avenue, Ft. Pierce, Florida 34950.
35:14 You can call (941) 504-2324.
35:18 That's (941) 504-2324
35:22 or visit them online at GR3International.org.
35:26 That's GR3International.org
35:34 Well, is the Holy Spirit's impressing
35:36 and I know you'll do what He's impressing you to do
35:39 and that's to support this great organization.
35:42 We're back with David and, hey,
35:44 we've replaced the principal with some students.
35:48 We have Jeremy and it's Adonijah,
35:51 and you guys are from where?
35:52 Where are you from, Jeremy?
35:54 I was born in Connecticut
35:55 but we now live in North Carolina.
35:57 All right, it's Jeremy Spivey?
35:59 Yes, sir. Is that right?
36:00 And, Gilmer, is that right? Last names.
36:03 Okay, you guys are students of what,
36:04 what academy?
36:06 Tri-City Christian Academy in High Point, North Carolina.
36:08 Okay, and you're what year?
36:10 I'm a senior. Senior.
36:12 Freshman. Freshman, okay.
36:14 And they're both basketball players
36:16 'cause I played with them last night
36:17 and they're good too.
36:18 They're good ball players for sure
36:20 and just go and get better.
36:21 I tell them, "The older you get,
36:22 the better you should get."
36:24 That's the way things are in life, you know,
36:25 that's where it goes,
36:27 but we wanna hear a little bit from your perspective,
36:29 we're hearing about from your principal, of course,
36:32 and talking about young people in action
36:35 and so tell us a little bit
36:36 about your last experience and maybe, it was Matthew,
36:39 is that where you got involved?
36:41 Yes.
36:42 Tell us a little bit of what you did
36:43 and how you're trained and how you even got involved?
36:46 Well, we had training at our school
36:48 and then like you heard earlier, week later,
36:50 we're invited to Jacksonville, Florida,
36:52 to go and help with the disaster relief
36:55 after hurricane Matthew and we would go around,
36:57 we would cut down trees that had fallen
37:00 and we take them to side of the road
37:02 and then a truck would come by...
37:03 Now, Jeremy, did you cut the trees down?
37:05 No, no, no, no.
37:06 Our teachers...
37:07 You had...
37:09 Yeah, we had to move the, move the logs.
37:12 Our teachers, Mr. Cousins, out just here
37:14 and then our Bible teacher also had another chainsaw.
37:17 So they were back there, they were cutting down
37:19 and we would move them out to the side of the road.
37:21 Yeah, they got the fun job
37:23 and you got the tougher job, right?
37:25 They're by likes to have a chainsaw,
37:27 I got one in winter, you know, you cutting stuff but...
37:31 So, but you guys did the labor and that's...
37:33 Hey, you're good and young and strong and that's good.
37:36 What made you decide to go there?
37:37 I mean, it was a choice,
37:39 you didn't have to go do the work, right?
37:41 It seemed like a great opportunity
37:44 is we that could go down and help other people
37:45 and go have good time with our friends.
37:47 Okay.
37:49 And, Adonijah, same thing with you?
37:51 Well, it's a good opportunity to go down there
37:56 and then all the cutting that we had to do,
38:00 sweat, sleep, back to work, sweat again,
38:04 take a shower, that was it.
38:06 So you're getting a taste of life.
38:07 What it's gonna be like
38:09 when you get an adult life, right?
38:10 You're gonna have to do,
38:12 get into all the work and kind of,
38:13 not so much into the studies, what...
38:15 Tell me, what impacted you the most?
38:18 I mean, sometimes I'll say from my perspective,
38:20 when I started this ministry,
38:22 my goal was to help people but, you know, what I found out?
38:25 People helped me.
38:27 And people of, you know,
38:29 we're here to mend broken people
38:30 but people, you know, I've been broken through the years
38:32 and people but, you know, tell me the impact,
38:35 did you get to talk to any of the folks there,
38:37 any of the people you're working with?
38:39 They both have a powerful testimony.
38:41 Well, I wanna hear it.
38:42 We're getting to...
38:44 All right, Jeremy, tell us.
38:45 Okay, it was on the last day, it was Friday,
38:48 we went to this guy's house, his name was Mark.
38:51 He was 92 years old...
38:52 Oh, wow.
38:54 And he had, a tree that had fallen in his backyard
38:56 and it fallen on another tree
38:58 that has sentimental value to him
38:59 and so when we got there,
39:01 he asked us, if we could save that tree.
39:03 If we could near a little bushes on the ground,
39:05 he wanted to save his will.
39:07 So our Bible tutor, Dr. Jay,
39:09 was back there with a chainsaw doing his thing, you know,
39:11 trying his best not to let the tree fall on the other tree
39:14 and while we're doing that, we're pulling the stuff,
39:16 I'll bring it to front and we got it done.
39:20 We were able to save the tree and now afterward,
39:23 while we were working, his wife went inside,
39:25 she made us cookies and she was very grateful,
39:29 she came back outside
39:30 and tearing up and things like that.
39:32 And afterwards like, we do all the houses,
39:35 we prayed with them and we handed her Steps to Christ
39:38 and it was a good experience.
39:40 Wow, that is profound 92 years young
39:43 and still concerned about the yard
39:46 and the trees and all of that.
39:49 So how did that make you feel, I mean,
39:51 versus I know everybody needs to go to school
39:53 and be in school
39:54 but now you're instead in school, you're there,
39:56 how does that that impact you?
39:58 It felt good to be able to help somebody,
40:01 it was like couldn't do it for themselves,
40:03 so it was a good experience.
40:05 Have you considered what line you're going into
40:07 maybe in college,
40:09 what you're gonna be studying or...?
40:10 I wanna do Political Science as a major.
40:13 Political Science? Yes, sir.
40:14 Okay, all right, good.
40:16 It's great to have dreams and aspirations
40:19 and know that with God all things are possible.
40:22 So whatever it is that you wanna do,
40:24 you're able to do it and we praise the Lord for that.
40:27 All right.
40:29 Adonijah, there you go...
40:33 Adonijah or just Nigah for short.
40:35 Oh, Nigah, I'll do that one.
40:37 Nigah, well, I got to playing basketball with him last night.
40:41 Okay, Nigah, tell us your testimony.
40:44 Oh, we got the truck and other people
40:47 from out the minivan.
40:48 So as we're coming out, we have everything set
40:51 and this man comes out, he's crying, he's like,
40:54 "I need help and there's a tree that has fallen on his roof
40:59 and has holes in it and as we're going there,
41:05 he started talking to us about how he went through his...
41:09 How he went to school and how he did great in it
41:13 and how he succeeded in college
41:17 and how he dropped out.
41:21 And so, as we're cutting off the tree there,
41:24 few of us were trying to make measurements
41:27 how to cut it because it was slanted,
41:29 so how it was and we're making measurements
41:35 and he's talking to us about how he got that.
41:40 How he had a nice car
41:41 which was right in front of his yard
41:43 and we told him that he had to back it out
41:44 which he does it, which we...
41:47 We don't wanna mess up by cutting that tree.
41:49 Certainly. Absolutely. That's amazes--
41:52 Yeah.
41:55 Yeah, and they're cutting on the tree
42:01 and he was like, "This is great.
42:03 Thank you all for coming and helping me
42:05 and so as Mr. Hernandez,
42:09 which is one of the teachers at Heritage Academy
42:12 gives him the Steps to Christ book, he was like,
42:15 "I'll give this to my daughter
42:16 which his daughter is a Seventh-day Adventist."
42:19 And we didn't really know how to react to that,
42:23 obviously, he'll give this to his daughter and said,
42:25 he would just read it.
42:26 So we prayed with them and it was a miracle to him
42:31 and he was filled with joy when he got in the house.
42:33 All right, so his car was saved too, all right.
42:36 And but how does that make you feel?
42:39 I mean, is that...
42:41 Oh, yeah.
42:44 When people need help and there's some people
42:47 who wants to go out and help that person, they just...
42:51 It made you, made you feel good.
42:54 Yeah, you're filled with joy and thank God
42:57 that you're that person to help that person.
42:59 Yeah, and have you noticed something,
43:02 when you help people and you get to know people
43:04 'cause today, we're looking at a lot of race problems
43:07 even here in the United States, but when people need help,
43:10 right, there's no color, there's no denomination.
43:13 You didn't go ask him,
43:15 "Let's see now, 'Are you an Adventist?
43:16 Are you a Baptist?' "
43:17 Danny, you couldn't say that more powerfully
43:19 and that is so true.
43:20 This evangelism what we're talking about here,
43:22 it unites people.
43:24 Yes.
43:25 Any background, any denomination.
43:27 It's miraculous, all that drops
43:30 and everybody is united in a cause together,
43:33 it's a powerful source of evangelism.
43:35 So you're so right...
43:37 Yeah, now I was thinking about that,
43:39 I mean, I love it because that's what it does
43:41 and that's what true Christianity does,
43:44 is it breaks down barriers...
43:46 Yeah. To you see, you know what?
43:49 We may come from different backgrounds
43:51 and cultures and education and, you know, all of these things,
43:55 different areas geographically
43:57 but when it really comes down to it,
44:00 we're all sinners in need of a Savior...
44:01 And you're all equal at the foot of the Cross.
44:03 Absolutely, and so for...
44:06 To have a ministry because sometimes as you say,
44:08 we're preaching but we're preaching to the choir
44:10 so to speak but to be able to get out and like,
44:13 you young guys are doing,
44:15 to actually physically help,
44:17 you save these people probably thousands of dollars
44:20 and maybe they didn't have it and if they did have it,
44:23 they sure didn't wanna spend it on
44:25 having to hire people to do all of this work,
44:27 that makes an impression because you know what?
44:29 A lot of young folk get bad raps nowadays,
44:32 we can rap, they think everybody's rappers
44:34 or everybody's just into that, you know, certain cultures.
44:39 So young people don't get it, you know,
44:42 a lot of times credit for doing a lot of good things.
44:45 So this is amazing because now they see
44:47 hundreds of you out in the areas
44:50 doing physical work
44:52 for people you didn't even know...
44:53 Yes.
44:55 And you weren't asking them for any money,
44:56 that goes against the grain of everything
44:59 that most of us know.
45:01 We have our own little home or me,
45:03 myself and I and I'm here and you're there
45:06 and don't come into my yard with your dog and don't do...
45:09 And then all of a sudden,
45:10 everybody's helping each other...
45:12 That's right.
45:13 And it's like, why would you guys do that?
45:15 Would you like to see a few pictures of them in actual...
45:17 I love it. All right, this first one.
45:19 This shows them unloading 18 pallets of...
45:22 Right here, little Debbies...
45:23 Little Debbies, all right.
45:25 Now unwrapping with a smile.
45:28 We'll get a shot of that in a minute.
45:29 This is powerful because that's what they were doing,
45:31 as they were unwrapping with a smile 18 pallets,
45:34 getting ready to do like on Saturday afternoon,
45:36 Sabbath afternoon.
45:38 They're going out and handing these out,
45:39 doing something a little different
45:41 and giving these out for every home that they help.
45:44 Yeah.
45:45 And so it's neat when you give people,
45:46 give, give, give...
45:48 Absolutely.
45:49 And you see a smile come out...
45:50 Who doesn't want a Little Debbie,
45:52 you know, come on.
45:53 But, you know, we appreciate partners like this.
45:55 It's showing here,
45:56 these are all networking partners
45:57 that you see on the screen.
45:59 But you see to do effective ministry,
46:02 it's about partnering together
46:04 and we've been doing more and more with Mckee foods
46:08 because they said, we want an image of humanitarian,
46:11 and helping people and with their vast means
46:14 to be able to say, wow,
46:15 if we're helping keep youth in the church.
46:18 We're helping communities,
46:20 a lot of big companies in the world today
46:24 were wanting to go up.
46:25 And I wanna say something about the family.
46:27 That's where their heart is. Yes.
46:29 They're not just saying,
46:30 "Let's say what would look good to, say, public to do."
46:33 I've known the family for over 30 years
46:36 and from Ellsworth to Debbie to Rusty,
46:39 you know, down the line.
46:41 It's so number, oh, a great family
46:44 and that's their heart, is been mission,
46:48 is to help and so for them to be able to do this...
46:50 Yes.
46:52 And so 18 pallets, they sent you, right?
46:54 So I might add they didn't ask me to hold this up today.
46:57 As a matter of fact if I would have asked them,
46:59 they would have said, "No."
47:00 That's the kind of people they are,
47:02 they like to help behind the scenes
47:04 but it's a wonderful thing when we unite in ministry...
47:06 Will do like the preacher will apologize later.
47:09 Yes, yes, and so that picture, we're showing a next picture
47:13 is showing us some basic demucking
47:16 as Peter called a little earlier,
47:18 going out, removing a lot of muck,
47:20 tearing out dry wall, it's called the next shot
47:23 and it shows a lot of these youth in action.
47:25 This is a powerful shot here
47:27 because here's Steve Littel, the one hugging,
47:30 standing behind the one hugging actually,
47:32 one of our other leaders at a school,
47:34 always hugging people.
47:36 You know, and praying with people.
47:39 This is what changes lives,
47:41 taking time to help them emotionally and spiritually.
47:45 You know, a lot of groups can come in
47:47 and they can do something and leave
47:48 but it's when you're bonding with them, praying with them.
47:52 Many times we're not intentional about that enough
47:54 and miss wonderful opportunities
47:57 and so it's in doing things like this.
48:00 Last shot, I like most importantly,
48:02 there it is...
48:03 Okay.
48:05 And you see this is another typical family.
48:06 There's Peter, praying with those families together.
48:09 You have to be intentional about that
48:11 and some people when you're not,
48:14 you missed your best opportunity.
48:16 Absolutely.
48:17 And so it's these youth
48:19 whose lives as they look back in life,
48:21 that is the church, the only church they know.
48:24 They want to be a part of action.
48:26 They look at that as normal
48:28 versus a lot of other youth who go,
48:32 'What relevancy does this have?'
48:34 And so when we're in helping communities,
48:38 you know, we shared that one about Loma Linda.
48:41 Here's a little letter that just, this is from Jeff Kelly,
48:43 the Emergency Management Director in Texas,
48:46 one of our deployments and Jeff wrote this letter afterwards
48:50 and then he followed it up with hurricane Matthew,
48:52 he wrote another one.
48:54 He said, "David Canther,
48:55 it's a good time for me to remember the good work
48:56 that you guys did in Orange County
48:58 following Hurricane Ike.
49:00 I'm only a phone call away and want to return the favor.
49:03 God bless you and your family."
49:04 That's an emergency management director
49:07 and so to share positive things about people
49:10 when you work with them,
49:12 they're not trying to kick you out.
49:14 They love what you do
49:16 and to get letters like this are very significant
49:18 'cause a lot of people don't just do that,
49:21 you know, from the Florida conference,
49:22 Mike Cawley.
49:23 From the Philippine Union Conferences
49:25 expressing their thanks.
49:27 You're empowering youth, you're empowering young adults.
49:31 Here's from the Share Memorial Hospital,
49:33 Dr. Molly, he requested a team of Heritage Youth to come
49:37 and some of you,
49:38 some of the viewers may have seen to train pathfinders.
49:42 And so some of the criticism occurs,
49:44 you're faced with those, a bunch of untrained youth
49:46 going and no, no, these were highly trained,
49:48 FEMA courses, CERT trained,
49:50 emotional and spiritual, psychological first aid.
49:53 These youth take it seriously. Okay.
49:55 And so Dr. Molly thanked the team
49:57 for coming in and all that they did.
50:00 So that summarizes I think of ministry,
50:04 when you're trying to emphasize,
50:05 in order to do ministry, you need to be prepared.
50:08 You need to be trained.
50:10 So that you can be...
50:13 Jesus didn't call those disciples and say,
50:15 "I call you to be disciples and I guarantee safety."
50:18 Okay, you'll all be safe,
50:19 nothing will go wrong if you follow me.
50:22 And too often, sometimes structures look at,
50:25 "Oh, you can't do this and you can't do that for liability,
50:28 " somebody may, you know,
50:29 if liability is driving the mission of your church,
50:32 you're in trouble.
50:33 We overcame that years ago,
50:35 we worked with risk management in the Adventist realm
50:38 and we have our own,
50:39 actually it's the same company
50:41 that helps ensure risk management
50:43 and we said, "We want the best insurance policy
50:46 liability coverage you can have."
50:47 It only costs about a dollar and a half a day,
50:49 so when they're out,
50:51 if something goes wrong and it will,
50:53 that you have the best coverage also
50:56 and so we overcame that paranoia,
50:58 the fear factor of losing money to say, they could be covered.
51:03 They could be trained and we assure them
51:04 all the safety training we do.
51:06 We've worked together with risk management for years.
51:09 That's how you overcome obstacles.
51:11 So it's a neat thing when ministry,
51:13 you can look at a challenge
51:14 like you've done in 3ABN and say,
51:17 we can overcome that by faith in God.
51:20 Amen.
51:21 I don't know if they can put that last graphic back up
51:24 where they're standing in the yard praying.
51:26 But to me, I was wondering what would be the chances
51:30 if you went to your church on Sabbath and you said,
51:33 "Hey, let's go out this afternoon
51:35 and go and knock on this person's house
51:37 and get him come out in a yard
51:39 and hold hands and pray with you."
51:40 I mean, that's be almost zero, right?
51:42 'Cause nowadays people are guarded
51:45 and you don't just knock on doors
51:47 and get people but when there's,
51:48 there's emergencies like this or disasters
51:51 and you're there volunteering, look at this,
51:54 nobody's forcing these people,
51:56 now they say, "Wow, this is something."
51:59 And you're able to pray with people.
52:01 I mean, you couldn't just knock on doors
52:03 and get very many people to pray
52:06 with you or take books and read it.
52:08 So what an incredible ministry and I'm so glad, you guys,
52:11 at such a young age have got the vision
52:14 and you'll only, this will help you be even rooted more,
52:17 I would say grounded to find out, you know,
52:19 it's special to be able to help other people.
52:23 It's nice to get help when you need it
52:25 but God blesses those, I believe,
52:27 the blessing may always say is on the go.
52:29 When you go and you're willing to help others,
52:32 then God blesses you in many, many other ways.
52:35 So we're gonna pray God's richest blessings on you guys
52:38 in your schooling and as you get a little older,
52:41 should the Lord tarry,
52:42 you may be taking David's place one of these times, who knows.
52:45 That's right and that's what our ministry is about
52:46 is letting those that you've trained take over leadership,
52:49 that's what it's all about.
52:50 Absolutely.
52:52 I'm taking away your job 'Millennials versus Retired.'
52:55 Millennials want relevancy,
52:56 they want transparency and they want to be involved.
52:59 This ministry does exactly that,
53:01 your ministry here at 3ABN does that too
53:04 and so getting people involved where the action counts.
53:08 Absolutely.
53:09 And so millennials want to see a church
53:11 that is out there doing things to help others,
53:14 less administration, more ministry.
53:17 Absolutely. All right.
53:18 What we're gonna do,
53:19 we're gonna take a short break for just a moment,
53:21 we'll be back with a closing thought.


Revised 2016-11-28