3ABN Today

Same Dress, Different Day

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Juliet Van Heerden


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016084A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:07 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:11 My name is Jill Morikone.
01:12 And we're so glad that you have joined us today,
01:15 whether you're watching or listening on the radio.
01:18 We have an incredible impactful program
01:21 for you today.
01:22 My special guest is Juliet Van Heerden
01:26 and her testimony is one that has ministered
01:30 to my own heart and life.
01:31 She wrote a wonderful book
01:34 called "Same Dress, Different Day."
01:36 It's A Spiritual Memoir of Addiction
01:39 and for Redemption.
01:41 And what God wants to do
01:43 in each one of our hearts and lives.
01:45 So whether you're in the midst of struggling
01:47 with some sort of addiction,
01:49 whether you're married to someone
01:51 or living with someone or have a family member
01:55 that's in the midst of addiction,
01:56 whatever the case,
01:58 know that God wants to bring you
02:00 healing and deliverance.
02:03 There is a special verse, I ask Juliet before we started,
02:05 if there is a scripture for us that she especially likes.
02:09 And hers is from Psalm 27,
02:13 Psalm 27:13 and 14,
02:17 "I would have lost heart,
02:19 unless I had believed
02:22 that I would see the goodness of the Lord
02:25 in the land of the living.
02:26 Wait on the Lord.
02:28 Be of good courage,
02:30 and He shall strengthen your heart.
02:33 Wait, I say, on the Lord!"
02:36 And Juliet it's just a joy
02:38 and a pleasure to have you here.
02:39 Thank you very much. On the 3ABN Today program.
02:42 And I know we're going to unpackage your story
02:44 but tell me why does that verse means so much to you?
02:48 Because, at one point of my life
02:50 I was struggling with hopelessness,
02:53 and I just had to claim that promise,
02:57 because I believe God's word is true.
03:00 And I believed that one day
03:02 I would see God's goodness in the land of the living,
03:06 that I did not have to give up hope,
03:07 and that I didn't have to die.
03:09 Yeah.
03:10 But I could live and see the goodness of God
03:13 as He redeemed my life.
03:14 Amen.
03:15 And God brought that to pass in your life
03:17 and we're going to hear about what God did in Juliet's life.
03:20 But first, we're going to go to some music.
03:24 We have pastor CA. Murray with us just now.
03:27 And he's going to share a wonderful song,
03:29 "Is It Any Wonder."
03:47 When I think how Jesus loved me
03:52 How he waited patiently
03:57 Even when I turned my back and walked away,
04:04 When he knew I wanted everything
04:08 This world could offer me
04:12 Well I guess he knew the price
04:15 I'd have to pay
04:18 So he watched me stumble downward
04:23 Saw each compromise I made
04:27 Heard each lie I whispered just to get my way
04:33 Still he waited there to hear me
04:38 When I cried to Him and prayed
04:43 Then He saved my soul and that is why I say
04:50 Tell me, is it any wonder
04:56 That I love Him
05:00 When you consider all He's done for me?
05:08 And is it any wonder
05:13 That I want to do His will
05:17 And let His light shine out for all to see?
05:23 And is it any wonder
05:29 That I praise him Each time
05:34 I think of how He's set me free?
05:40 And is it any wonder that I've given Him my heart
05:48 When Jesus freely gave His life for me?
06:07 When I think how Jesus loves me
06:12 How He watches patiently
06:17 How His arms are stretched to meet me when I run
06:24 When I'm feeling down and lonely
06:28 How He's there to comfort me
06:32 In the darkness He becomes my morning sun
06:39 When I think of how He's healed me
06:43 How He's touched me in my pain
06:47 How his gentle hand have whipped my tears away
06:53 How He's taken every heartache
06:58 And brought happiness again
07:01 Then I want the world to hear me
07:05 when I say:
07:08 Tell me, is it any wonder
07:15 That I love Him
07:19 When you consider all He's done for me?
07:26 And is it any wonder
07:30 That I want to do His will
07:34 And let His light shine out for all to see?
07:40 And is it any wonder
07:46 That I praise Him
07:50 Each time I think of how He's set me free?
07:57 And is it any wonder
08:02 That I've given Him my heart
08:06 When Jesus freely
08:10 Gave His life for me?
08:32 Amen.
08:33 Thank you so much pastor CA.
08:35 Pastor CA and his wife Irma
08:37 are an Integral part of the ministry here at 3ABN.
08:40 And he's a man of God,
08:42 a man of the word
08:44 and he blesses our heart with his music as well.
08:47 So thank you so much, "Is It Any Wonder."
08:49 Amen, praise the Lord for that, that Jesus loves you and me.
08:54 And if you're just joining us,
08:56 my special guest today is Juliet Van Heerden.
08:59 And Juliet looking at you just now,
09:02 you're a beautiful women and I would think just a sweet,
09:07 peaceful face and you would think,
09:09 you have not encountered any trial in your life,
09:11 would that be an accurate statement?
09:13 No.
09:16 Not at all.
09:18 So take us back,
09:20 I know your book that we're talking about today
09:22 that you wrote, which I have read
09:23 and it's an incredible book, "Same Dress, Different Day."
09:27 But in your book you're very transparent,
09:30 very honest.
09:32 So what led you to that moment of transparency?
09:37 It took a long time for me to feel comfortable,
09:40 speaking about my story to share openly
09:45 what I've experienced and what I've been through
09:48 and what I still struggle with.
09:50 But I've learned that being vulnerable
09:55 allows me to be in a position
09:58 where God can continue to heal me
10:01 and where I can reach other people
10:04 because it takes down the mask, it takes down the walls.
10:08 So when I speak and well,
10:11 every week when I introduced myself
10:12 in my recovery group, I say, I'm Juliet.
10:16 I'm a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.
10:20 And I struggle, I struggle with codependency
10:24 and manifest itself in perfectionism and control.
10:28 And food is far too often my drug of choice.
10:34 When I say that to an audience,
10:37 when I'm speaking with women or my church group,
10:41 something happens, people, like, kind of,
10:44 sit up in their seat and look at me like,
10:46 what did she just say?
10:47 Right.
10:48 Because it's not usual
10:50 for people to just take off the mask
10:53 and speak the truth about what's going on with them.
10:57 Because in church we just think,
11:00 we have to be good Christians, right?
11:02 "Good Christians," So when we go,
11:04 we're suppose to say happy Sabbath
11:06 and everything is fine with me, even if I'm dying inside.
11:10 So this is good.
11:11 So take us back to the beginning.
11:15 I know your book begins at a certain moment,
11:20 but take us back to the beginning
11:22 you first going to involved with someone who,
11:25 there was some addictions
11:26 which you didn't really know about.
11:28 I didn't know, I was 24 years old
11:32 when I married.
11:34 And I thought that I was marrying someone
11:38 who would be in church with me every week,
11:41 and who would pray
11:43 and have the same kind of ideals
11:48 that I had for a happy Christian family.
11:51 And what I didn't know was that
11:53 I didn't ask enough questions before I got married.
11:57 I didn't do my homework.
12:00 I'm a school teacher
12:02 and I encourage kids to do their homework,
12:04 but when I was, I'm in my early 20s,
12:07 I didn't do my homework.
12:08 I didn't have enough information
12:10 about the person I married,
12:12 and it was only until a few years into our marriage
12:17 that I realized that my husband had a cocaine addiction,
12:22 and it was very shocking.
12:25 I knew something was wrong but I didn't know about drugs.
12:30 And it took me a long-time to figure out that
12:33 that's what we were dealing with.
12:35 So what were some other signs? Was he reclusive?
12:37 Was he not wanting to open up and share with you
12:40 or what were your clues, I guess?
12:43 Well, he would have different personalities,
12:47 like, sometimes he would be very quiet and introverted
12:51 and then sometimes he would be very energetic.
12:53 And outgoing and sometimes angry,
12:58 like, it was just, like, up and down.
13:01 I never really knew what I was going to get.
13:05 And you hadn't seen any of that before you married him?
13:08 No.
13:09 He was able to hide his addictions very well.
13:13 And I don't think
13:16 he was completely on the crazy cycle
13:19 when we first married,
13:20 I think it started accelerating.
13:24 And so it was really to the point
13:26 where he was disappearing
13:29 for long periods of time and I just didn't know,
13:33 I knew something was wrong but didn't know what it was.
13:36 But life was not normal and I was in denial
13:39 about that not normal for a long-time.
13:42 So for our viewers who may not know
13:44 what is the crazy cycle?
13:46 What does that mean, the crazy cycle?
13:48 The crazy cycle is well,
13:52 I'll just speak about it from my perspective...
13:54 Okay.
13:55 As a codependence spouse.
13:57 It's kind of like, it's like a triangle,
13:59 I would be the victim.
14:00 Okay.
14:02 At times, like, you know,
14:03 you're not paying attention to me,
14:04 you're not doing this with me,
14:06 you're not taking care of our family,
14:08 maybe not paying the bills
14:09 or whatever I would be the victim.
14:12 And then sometimes, I would be prosecutor,
14:17 you know, getting on his case and trying to control things
14:23 and control him and control our life
14:26 and make everything seem normal.
14:27 I mean, he was always the bad person,
14:30 so the victim, the prosecutor,
14:31 and then sometimes I was the rescuer,
14:34 when he would mess up really badly
14:36 and need to be bailed out in some fashion,
14:39 then I would always come and rescue him.
14:43 So it was just the sick cycle
14:46 that I just kept repeating in my own life
14:49 and, of course, the cycle of chemical dependency,
14:51 that's a different crazy cycle..
14:56 So what does the cycle of chemical dependency look like?
15:00 Well, I mean, from watching in my own home
15:05 it was using drugs,
15:10 and getting caught up in that
15:13 and then wanting to be clean and sober,
15:16 so trying to come off of the drugs
15:19 and either help through rehab or through,
15:24 you know, doing it himself or whatever.
15:27 So trying to be clean and then going for a long-time
15:31 maybe with not using and so you see have this hope
15:34 it's going to get better, it's going to get better,
15:36 and I think even the addicted person
15:38 has this hope.
15:39 I think I'm done with this
15:40 for the last time this is it I'm finished.
15:43 And then something happens and they start to use again.
15:47 And, maybe, you know, as the person who loves them,
15:50 maybe, you know, maybe you don't know for a while
15:53 until the addiction is so strong
15:54 that your life starts falling apart again
15:56 and that's the cycle that we lived in
15:59 for about 12 years of marriage
16:01 just constant in and out of that.
16:07 So take me back to when you first discovered
16:10 that "My husband, who I married and I thought loved me,
16:14 and maybe there where some things
16:15 I was in denial about,
16:16 but I thought we were fairly okay,
16:19 " That he is addicted to cocaine.
16:23 I was just in shock.
16:24 I didn't know what to think or what to do.
16:28 How did you find out?
16:29 I called all the numbers on his cell phone
16:34 because I thought maybe he had a girlfriend.
16:36 I don't know, I got the cell phone bill
16:38 and it was just pages and pages and pages of strange numbers
16:42 and I couldn't figure out what it was
16:44 and like what is he doing?
16:46 He's doing something all our money is gone,
16:48 something is wrong but I don't know.
16:50 So I called all these numbers,
16:51 and I would just get like these strange voice mails
16:54 and strange people and then I spoke with someone
16:58 and they said it sounds like drug dealers.
17:02 And so I was like, drugs!
17:06 Drugs?
17:07 And it was just...
17:08 I couldn't almost wrap my brain around it
17:12 but I confronted him and he said,
17:17 "Yes, it's drugs, it's cocaine."
17:21 Well, that's heavy, you know,
17:24 at this point are you in church?
17:27 You and your husband, you're still going to church?
17:28 Oh, yes.
17:31 We're in church every week,
17:33 unless he like went on a binge on a Friday.
17:36 Yeah, Friday's were bad trigger for him,
17:38 because you get paid on Friday's, right.
17:39 So sometimes...
17:41 That's when he has all this money for drugs?
17:42 Right.
17:44 Sometimes, he would just disappear from work
17:45 and not come back until, maybe, Sunday or Monday.
17:47 But generally we're in church together every week.
17:52 And he was involved in church.
17:54 I mean, all our friends were from church
17:57 and he was an active participant
18:01 so it was strange,
18:02 it was almost like we lived a double life.
18:04 He definitely lived a double life
18:06 and so did I because I hid this problem from everybody,
18:11 even my family.
18:13 So why did you hide?
18:14 Was it 'cause you're afraid?
18:16 Is there...
18:17 Obviously there's shame, because maybe you're thinking,
18:20 I did something even if you had nothing to do with you,
18:22 he's making his own choices
18:24 but still I think may be as women
18:26 or as humans, in general,
18:27 we kind of take that on, that sense of guilt.
18:29 Of course, I was ashamed,
18:32 I was afraid someone would find out,
18:34 I was a teacher at the church school.
18:38 So I even thought well, if people find out
18:40 my husband's using cocaine, like, maybe, I'll lose my job.
18:44 And at one point...
18:47 That was at the point
18:48 where his habit was so expensive
18:52 that it was basically taking all of his paycheck
18:55 and so what I was earning was supporting our family.
18:58 And I was scared to talk about it for that reason.
19:02 Also, I was ashamed
19:03 because I felt stupid for making a poor choice,
19:05 I felt stupid for not knowing
19:08 before it was to the point
19:10 that it was destroying our life.
19:13 And I just didn't want to say anything to anyone
19:16 and I felt like everyone else in church was perfect
19:19 and they had these perfect little families
19:21 and they all sat there so nicely every week
19:24 and surely nobody had these kinds of problems
19:26 so that we were just strange.
19:31 You know, I just think,
19:32 I don't know if you're watching right now,
19:34 but each one of us has something
19:36 that we struggle with, You'd say that's accurate?
19:38 Everybody had an addiction
19:40 it might not be a cocaine addiction
19:42 or food or shopping or something
19:44 but we all have something that we're dealing with
19:47 and right now maybe you're feeling,
19:49 "I'm all alone, I'm in my church
19:52 and I don't feel like I can reach out to anybody,
19:57 I don't feel there is any safe place I can go."
20:01 So who did you talk to?
20:03 How long did this go on before you even felt safe
20:07 or felt like you could come out and share?
20:12 Actually a teacher in my school,
20:15 her husband was a chaplain at the local hospital
20:19 and he worked with people struggling with addiction
20:24 and he had a 12-Step Group
20:27 that he introduced me to
20:30 and my husband and I respected him
20:35 and I shared with him, I told him what was going on.
20:39 Now how long from when you find out
20:41 your husband had the addiction to
20:42 when you actually shared with someone
20:44 for the first time.
20:48 Are we talking years?
20:49 No, because when I found out that it was cocaine,
20:52 it was like already to the point
20:54 where I felt like he was going to put him in the hospital,
20:57 like he couldn't,
20:59 he was having problems with his heart,
21:01 he couldn't work at that point in time, like,
21:03 I was really scared
21:04 and so I felt like I have to talk to somebody.
21:07 So it was just a very short time from then
21:10 and then I spoke about this.
21:12 And this man said, "We need to get him into rehab
21:17 and we need to do it immediately like this weekend."
21:19 So it was very fast. Okay.
21:22 So I was still in shock
21:23 of finding out about that it was drugs,
21:25 that it was cocaine and like within two days,
21:29 I was driving him to rehab.
21:33 Okay.
21:34 So it was very, very quick from that.
21:36 I had no idea.
21:38 I knew things were bad and something was wrong
21:41 but I didn't know what it was.
21:43 But when I realized what it was,
21:44 it was to the point where it was almost ready to,
21:47 like, it could have taken his life.
21:49 The binge was to the point of almost overdosing.
21:53 So that's when I first spoke about it and this gentlemen,
21:57 god bless him, he just said,
21:59 "I have connections in this world
22:04 and I need to be able to have your permission,
22:07 " And to my husband at that time.
22:10 "I need your permission to find you a place
22:12 and will you go get some help?"
22:14 And I think he was also scared...
22:16 Oh, yeah.
22:17 At that point and he was willing.
22:20 And that's where my book starts actually.
22:22 Okay. Can I read a little bit?
22:24 If you can. Okay. Absolutely.
22:25 So my book starts, "That day when I started,
22:30 taking him to rehab."
22:33 And I'll just read like
22:35 a little bit of the first chapter,
22:37 it's the first paragraph,
22:39 it says, "Summer scorches, Texans, every single year.
22:44 August of 2000 is no exception.
22:48 Dripping sweat, waiting for the gas pump
22:51 to click off at the Chevron station,
22:53 I'm even scorched on the inside.
22:56 Driving Jon to rehab isn't in my plans for this summer
23:00 and I very much like for life to go as planned.
23:05 Glancing into the side mirror, I catch a glimpse of him,
23:08 squatting there next to another car,
23:11 blasting cigarette smoke from one side of his mouth.
23:15 During the five years and 363 days of our marriage,
23:19 he'd never let me see him smoke.
23:21 Our eyes meet.
23:23 He shrugs and flicks the butt into the parking lot.
23:27 I remember the countless times I'd lectured my students
23:30 against the dangers of smoking.
23:33 They were first graders,
23:34 the same age he was when he started."
23:37 Wow, and you didn't know.
23:40 I knew he smoked
23:41 because I discovered it after we married.
23:44 But I didn't discover
23:45 because he ever let me see him do it.
23:47 Okay.
23:49 I could smell it sometimes, when I confronted him,
23:52 sometimes he lied,
23:53 and eventually he just told me, I'm a smoker.
23:57 And again that was shocking for me and I was disappointed
24:04 because I promised myself
24:06 I'd never be married to someone with that addiction.
24:09 Yeah.
24:10 And so here I was on my way to a rehabilitation center
24:15 that are for alcoholics and drug addicts.
24:17 Viewing my husband,
24:20 I think we'd been married about six years by that time.
24:24 Through completely new eyes, it was like every...
24:28 All the lying, all the hiding, all the whatever,
24:31 it was just gone
24:33 and I could just see like this is what I'm dealing with.
24:36 Yeah.
24:37 And he wasn't hiding anything from me at that moment,
24:40 and in a way it was liberating
24:43 to have the truth just be there.
24:46 Yes.
24:48 'Cause for so long he had been hiding.
24:50 For so long, you know, you didn't know.
24:52 I think as women, we grow with a fantasy, right?
24:56 I want my future husband's
24:59 going to be a knight in shining armor
25:01 and I'm going to have this
25:02 happily ever after perfect romance
25:05 and, you know, you have those little girl dreams
25:07 and then you grow up
25:09 and all the secrecy and all these hiding
25:11 and I don't understand and what's going on
25:13 and all of a sudden all those masks are pulled away
25:17 and you're seeing who your husband really is.
25:19 Yes. Yeah, that's devastating.
25:22 It was.
25:23 Yeah. It was scary.
25:26 I didn't know what to expect and I think it was like a week
25:29 before school was supposed to start for me
25:31 and he suppose to go away for 28 days to this rehab.
25:35 And just the stress that I felt at that time
25:38 and I felt so alone like who can I tell this to.
25:43 Where are my friends and my family
25:47 that I can just be this real with?
25:50 And I found them
25:51 and they were the same friends and family that I always had.
25:55 But it had been me being just prideful,
25:58 not wanting to let anybody see the truth of my life
26:03 and it took me allowing myself to be vulnerable,
26:08 to be transparent with the people
26:10 who really did love me and want to support me.
26:13 They just didn't know. They just didn't know.
26:16 You made a great point, you know,
26:18 I had never processed that before
26:20 is that there is a measure of pride in us
26:23 trying to keep ourselves together.
26:24 Oh, yes. Right?
26:26 We don't want people to see,
26:27 oh, there is actually brokenness in my life.
26:30 There is actually brokenness in my family,
26:34 so I don't want to let you in, yeah, that's deep.
26:38 Yeah.
26:39 So moving forward, I'm looking at our time here,
26:42 so moving forward,
26:45 he was not cured at the end of this rehab,
26:49 this cycle went on for years.
26:52 Years.
26:53 So fast forwarding through the years,
26:55 what led you to the decision that I need to divorce,
27:00 we need to separate, I'm done with this?
27:05 It took a long-time.
27:07 I did not want to give up on him.
27:11 And as a Christian, you know, we feel like well,
27:14 God doesn't give up on me,
27:16 so how can I give up on somebody else.
27:18 Yeah.
27:19 But I was tired of trying to be the savior for somebody
27:26 who really needed Jesus to be their savior.
27:29 Yes.
27:31 And wasn't allowing Jesus to do that for him.
27:36 I need a Jesus to be my savior.
27:39 And when I let go of trying to rescue my spouse,
27:43 trying to control him and control his situation
27:47 and allow God to just work with me.
27:51 I realized that I had been playing God in his life.
27:55 Like, I had been trying to be his Holy Spirit
28:00 and I couldn't do that anymore.
28:03 I needed to let him make his decisions
28:07 and sadly the decisions that he made set him to prison.
28:14 And the choices that he made built a wall between us
28:22 that just seemed insurmountable,
28:25 being around me made him feel guilty.
28:29 And he just chose female companionship
28:33 with people who made him feel accepted
28:39 with what he was doing
28:40 because they were doing the same thing.
28:42 And so long story short,
28:46 we divorced and I was on my own
28:52 to let God rebuild my life.
28:56 Yes.
28:57 And to let God be my husband and my provider and my savior,
29:03 my friend.
29:04 And I just had to allow that to happen
29:07 because I couldn't control,
29:09 I couldn't force my husband to love me,
29:11 I couldn't force him to be faithful,
29:13 I couldn't force him to stop using drugs.
29:15 Yeah.
29:17 I had to let it go and trust the God
29:22 would redeem my story.
29:24 Amen, amen.
29:25 So part of the steps in healing,
29:28 one of the steps, I guess, is dealing with forgiveness.
29:32 Would you say that's an accurate statement?
29:33 Yes.
29:35 So tell me about your journey of forgiveness,
29:37 you have a lot of, did you have a lot of resentment toward him,
29:39 was there a lot of bitterness and all of that stuff.
29:43 I was so angry. Yeah.
29:45 I was angry that he had destroyed,
29:49 this is me thinking, he's destroyed my life,
29:52 he's destroyed my dreams,
29:54 he's destroyed my hopes of having a family,
29:58 of all the things that I wanted when I was, you know,
30:01 young and dreaming of getting married
30:04 and having a happy family.
30:06 I just felt like he ruined all of it and I was furious,
30:10 I was so angry.
30:11 It makes sense.
30:12 Yes, it does.
30:14 From a human perspective, I mean, of course,
30:16 you would feel that way, absolutely.
30:18 I really had anger issues.
30:20 I went to a psychotherapist
30:21 once I paid him $80 to tell me that I was angry, like,
30:24 after the end of this session.
30:27 I'm, like, I knew this, I knew this.
30:32 Anyway, I was so angry when I left his office
30:35 that I left some tread in his parking lot.
30:37 I had problems that I needed to get help with
30:41 and I found a 12-step recovery group for women
30:47 who are codependent.
30:48 Okay.
30:49 And I was like wow,
30:51 this actually describes me perfectly
30:53 and I started attending
30:55 and started learning about myself and...
30:58 What would be some of the signs,
30:59 I know we're talking about forgiveness
31:01 but you mentioned codependence.
31:02 Yes.
31:04 So what would be some of the symptoms
31:05 or signs of being codependent?
31:07 Being consumed with another persons life
31:10 and letting everything about them,
31:12 be what my life is about,
31:13 so I was trying to rescue and control
31:18 and live my whole life based on what my husband was doing.
31:24 And a codependent person will do that, I mean,
31:26 and we try to control other people
31:30 and other everything that they do,
31:33 we try to come into our circumstances,
31:35 we try to create facade of perfection
31:38 when really our life is crumbling.
31:41 So I had this problem
31:44 and I thought that he was the one
31:45 with all the problems.
31:47 He was the drug addict,
31:48 he was the one that ruined everything,
31:50 but then I started attending this...
31:51 I'm the righteous wife. Right.
31:53 I started to attending 12-step group
31:55 not for him but for myself and I realized wow,
31:58 I have a lot of issues, I have a lot of problems
32:00 and I have lot of anger inside me,
32:02 a lot of bitterness and resentment
32:04 and unforgiveness, and he's no longer in my life.
32:07 Yeah.
32:09 And this stuff's in me, eating me up.
32:10 What am I going to do with it?
32:12 And that's when I just decided
32:14 I need to take the first step of recovery,
32:17 come out of denial and realize you know,
32:20 my life is out of control.
32:21 Admit I have a problem? I have a problem.
32:24 And that to me it was like the beginning of healing.
32:31 That's revolutionary,
32:33 'cause instead of trying to focus it
32:34 on the other person.
32:36 Okay, you're the one with the addiction,
32:37 you're the one with the problem,
32:38 if you hadn't done this my life would be better,
32:41 it's looking inward and saying, okay, I have drunk too.
32:44 I have an issue here.
32:47 So what's the next step after that?
32:50 So I'm still attending my 12-step group,
32:54 it's been, you know, several years.
32:56 But God started allowing me to see
33:01 what he needed to refine in me.
33:04 And I began to take him at his word,
33:09 and like the scripture that you shared at the beginning,
33:12 I took the Bible when I would open it up,
33:15 the whole Bible just seemed overwhelming to me
33:18 and so I would say God you know,
33:19 what do you want to say to me?
33:22 And as God revealed his truth for my life,
33:27 his purpose for my life in his word,
33:29 I would write it down on just a little three by five card
33:33 and I started claiming these promises
33:36 and I was, in 2007,
33:40 I was divorced.
33:43 I actually didn't have a home at that point,
33:47 my vehicle had been sold for drug money,
33:50 like, I was really
33:51 at the bottom of my life, I felt.
33:55 I literally just walked away from my home
33:59 like on foot someone picked me up in car
34:01 and gave me a ride.
34:04 And I went to a friends house and I stayed there,
34:07 I lived with a friend for a year and half.
34:09 Oh, wow.
34:10 And I was just...
34:11 Praise the Lord for your friend too.
34:13 Yes, and God bless the Christian community
34:15 who reached out to me and supported me
34:17 through this time
34:18 and I was just at place where I was like God
34:20 I have to believe that I will see your goodness
34:23 in the land of the living that Psalm 27,
34:25 I just put it on my card and I claimed that promise.
34:28 Amen.
34:29 And I believed that someday
34:33 God was going to redeem that pain.
34:36 And God's word started speaking to me
34:39 and coming alive to me
34:40 and I would claim these promises
34:41 and I went to my group
34:43 and I started learning more and more about myself
34:45 and my triggers and my problems
34:48 and I didn't want to redo what I had done in the past.
34:52 I didn't want to try to find another husband
34:57 and, you know, jump into something
35:01 and have some of the same problems,
35:02 I really wanted to be a wise woman of God.
35:05 Amen. And I was nervous.
35:08 I didn't know what God had for my future.
35:10 But I started trusting the Lord that he would fix this.
35:14 I didn't know how, I couldn't see the end of it,
35:18 but He started to work in me
35:21 that really set me free from the bitterness
35:25 and unforgiveness and that work
35:27 began with letting go of that anger
35:30 that I had against John,
35:32 realizing that it wasn't all against me
35:35 like that he had a problem.
35:37 And a lot of it didn't even have anything to do with me.
35:41 Right.
35:44 That's good because you're taking ownership
35:46 for what your stuff is
35:47 but you're not taking ownership
35:49 for things that he would push onto you,
35:51 or things that we would think
35:52 oh, well that must be my fault he did this
35:54 but not taking ownership for that
35:56 he needs to take responsibility, that's good.
35:59 Amen.
36:00 Praise God for what his word did in your life
36:04 with those promises, I love that.
36:07 I love promises
36:08 and writing them down and claiming them
36:10 and you saw the difference in your life
36:12 as you claim the Word of God.
36:14 I did, I carry that little three ring cards
36:20 around with me in my car,
36:22 in my purse, to my school,
36:26 I put it on my desk
36:27 and I just started really taking God at his word
36:30 and saying God you promised, you said, your word tells me...
36:35 Amen.
36:36 And believing that he was going to set me free from that.
36:39 And 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins,
36:44 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
36:47 and cleanse us from all in righteousness."
36:49 And I was realizing my sinfulness, you know,
36:52 God I have a problem with control.
36:54 I have a problem with wanting to eat
36:56 half gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream
36:59 when I'm stressed out.
37:00 I have a problem with turning to things that are not you,
37:05 in order to know my pain or let me be in denial.
37:09 When I started recognizing those things
37:11 through my recovery group
37:12 and really accepting this is sin in my life.
37:15 Yes.
37:16 My problem of trying to control something or someone
37:19 when life feels out of control that's sin
37:22 and I confess that sin to you God,
37:24 you promised that you'll forgive me
37:26 and you cleanse me from all in righteousness
37:29 and I want to be a righteous women.
37:31 I just started to talking to God
37:32 like in a whole new way
37:34 and it was beautiful to see
37:37 how he honored that
37:39 and how he really just started to set me free
37:41 and give me the forgiveness
37:44 that I needed to let John go to release him
37:49 from that unhealthy soul tie that I had, like,
37:55 we were bound by unforgiveness at one point
37:58 and I needed to let that go.
38:00 Amen.
38:01 So that I could be free to let God do
38:04 what he wanted to do with my future.
38:06 Amen and that's why we want to go right now,
38:08 I was thinking of that promise.
38:10 God redeems the years that the locust has eaten.
38:13 You know, in the promise of Jeremiah 29:11,
38:16 I know the plans I have for you,
38:18 so I just imagine God looking down and saying,
38:20 "Juliet,
38:21 I have a beautiful future plan for you."
38:24 And so tell us about how you met your husband?
38:26 Okay.
38:28 And walk us through that journey.
38:29 So in 2010,
38:34 I remarried.
38:37 My husband is a pastor in Florida,
38:40 and we match through a mutual friend.
38:43 I decided I needed to move away from my old life,
38:49 get a fresh start in a new place.
38:51 And I went back to school to get my masters degree
38:54 and in one of my classes
38:57 I met a girl who kind of befriended me
39:00 and she said to me are you dating anybody?
39:04 And I said, no, I'm little bit nervous
39:07 to get involved with a man at this pint and time you know,
39:11 I've been burned.
39:12 Yeah.
39:13 And she was very persistent and eventually she wore me down
39:19 to the point where she said, can I just please,
39:22 give this really nice pastor in Florida your email address,
39:25 because I said no phone number, no, you know, no, no, no.
39:29 Anyway she gave him my email address
39:31 and he just started sending little note, you know,
39:34 and communicating and eventually he said,
39:37 "I'd really like to meet you."
39:39 And so we arranged for my friend Kelly
39:42 and myself and he and his friend
39:45 we went on a date together, the four of us.
39:46 Like a double date.
39:48 Like a double date, you know, 'cause I was just nervous.
39:50 No. Of course.
39:52 But God really just showed me this man's heart.
39:55 I just felt like I could love this person,
40:00 I could see his passion for the Lord
40:02 and I felt like he was very honest with me.
40:06 So we met, we dated and we married in 2010
40:11 and it's actually the photograph
40:14 on the cover of my book
40:15 is of our wedding day
40:17 and my book is called "Same Dress, Different Day."
40:20 And more on that title...
40:23 I hate to spoil the story...
40:26 Okay.
40:27 I hate to spoil it.
40:29 But it was...
40:30 They don't have to...
40:32 They can get it. It was a whole new day for me.
40:34 Same girl with the same dream of I want a happy family,
40:40 I want a husband
40:43 who loves God more than he loves me
40:46 but he will love me and see me
40:48 and that's the thing I want to say
40:50 to people who have an addicted loved one,
40:55 is that they are so broken,
40:57 they actually can't see you,
40:59 if it's your spouse they cannot love you properly
41:03 and it becomes very lonely to live
41:06 and a home and a marriage
41:09 where your addicted loved one cannot love you.
41:11 Yeah.
41:12 And I just wanted to be seen, to be heard,
41:16 to be valued and to be loved.
41:19 And so God gave me that in my new husband
41:24 and we've been married,
41:26 I can't believe it's six and half years already.
41:28 But our ministry together is to help people
41:34 who struggle with some kind of life changing event
41:39 like divorce, like addiction of a spouse,
41:44 or a child and we want to give hope to people.
41:49 Amen.
41:50 That there is hope out there,
41:52 we don't have to be alone in our struggle,
41:55 even if we're in church,
41:57 even if we're Christians this taboo of,
41:59 "Oh, no this doesn't happen in Christian families."
42:02 But it does. It does.
42:03 Happens all the time. Yeah. It does.
42:06 Yeah, that's powerful.
42:07 Praise the Lord for what he did in your life.
42:10 The healing, the restoration and then bringing you,
42:14 Andre, right, Pastor Andre,
42:15 into your life and just working together as a team,
42:19 that's just a powerful testimony.
42:22 Can you share with our friends at home
42:24 maybe someone struggling,
42:26 someone who has a loved one
42:28 or is dealing in the midst of addiction.
42:31 Where can they turn?
42:32 Where can they go for help?
42:34 What resources are out there that's available?
42:38 It's a good question
42:39 and I've been researching resources
42:42 ever since I started attending
42:44 a 12-step recovery group for myself.
42:47 Of course, my first meeting ever was Narcotics Anonymous
42:50 and I attended it with my first husband
42:52 because I was supporting him with his struggle.
42:56 And that was the very first time
42:57 I ever attended a 12-step meeting.
43:00 Since then I've attended many different meetings
43:04 and different kinds of resources.
43:07 One, of course, is Alcoholics Anonymous,
43:11 Al-Anon is for family members of alcoholics,
43:14 but they don't just have to be alcoholics,
43:16 they can be anybody in your family
43:19 with an addiction of any kind,
43:21 Al-Anon is a great resource
43:23 and they have it for teens and for kids.
43:26 But because I'm a Christian and in church
43:29 I wanted to find out
43:30 what is there available for Christians
43:33 or from a Christ centered standpoint.
43:36 Because the very first meeting I went to,
43:39 everybody introduce themselves as,
43:40 "Hi, I'm so and so, I'm an addict."
43:43 If you go to an AA meeting it's, "I'm so and so,
43:45 I'm an alcoholic."
43:48 In Christ centered recovery groups,
43:52 you can place your identity
43:54 somewhere besides your addiction,
43:56 which is what I believe is Biblical.
43:58 Yes.
43:59 So I'm Juliet,
44:01 I'm first and foremost a believer
44:03 in the Lord Jesus Christ.
44:04 Amen.
44:06 And even if I were an alcoholic or drug addict
44:09 who I really am
44:11 is a grateful believer in the Lord Jesus Christ,
44:13 first of all.
44:14 Yes.
44:15 And then I struggle with this, whatever the addiction is.
44:20 And so I found Celebrate Recovery
44:23 is a great resource for Christians.
44:26 They are found in almost every large city
44:30 and many small cities.
44:33 And the Seventh-day Adventist church,
44:35 we have Adventist recovery ministries.
44:38 They have a program called Journey to Wholeness
44:41 that came out on 2012.
44:43 And it's a year long program that goes through the 12 steps.
44:48 We also have Cheri Peters. That's right.
44:51 Has a wonderful program called Celebrating Life in Recovery
44:55 and she even trains people to host their own groups,
44:59 you want to talk about it?
45:01 It's great, we've done that, well,
45:02 just because it's Cheri and 3ABN,
45:04 you know, we're connected.
45:05 We've done that program at our local church
45:08 and it's been a tremendous blessing
45:11 and then they did it as well in the community.
45:14 So yeah, it's a great program, yeah, go head.
45:18 So there are actually many resources available
45:21 and I just want to encourage people
45:23 who are wondering where to turn to look.
45:28 Google is your friend
45:30 when you can look for recovery groups
45:32 in your area
45:34 and if you don't have one start one.
45:35 Yes.
45:36 There are many training resources available
45:39 and I can promise you,
45:41 there are people in your church,
45:42 in you family, in your community
45:45 who would really benefit.
45:47 Yes.
45:48 From a place where they could be safe
45:50 and real and vulnerable and where they can grow.
45:54 Amen,
45:55 so you would encourage people in their local church...
45:57 Yes.
45:58 To get involved in the recovery group
46:00 in the local church setting.
46:01 Absolutely.
46:03 Reach out it's a wonderful outreach for the community
46:05 but we need healing as a family inside as well.
46:09 And so I think it promotes healing inside,
46:11 we reach out more effectively
46:14 as we are in the process of being healed
46:16 and then it's an outreach to the community too.
46:19 So that's wonderful.
46:20 In just moment we want to put up
46:22 your contact information...
46:23 Okay.
46:25 If someone wants to contact you.
46:26 But tell me, I know you have the book
46:27 and it's a wonderful book but as well,
46:30 you and your husband go out and speak
46:31 or tell me exactly what you and your husband do?
46:34 Okay, yes,
46:35 we have made a promise of commitment to God
46:38 that whenever we're asked to share our testimony
46:41 or just speak for him that we will say yes.
46:44 Amen. We can do it.
46:45 So I've had the opportunity to say, yes to churches
46:50 who've invited me to come to women's groups,
46:52 who've invited me to come and speak,
46:54 even in our community
46:57 non church related groups have invited me to come
47:01 and share my testimony and speak on recovery.
47:04 So we have a desire,
47:06 my husband and I have a desire
47:08 that every faith community has a recovery group.
47:11 Amen.
47:12 And so we're committed to helping churches
47:16 start a group and...
47:18 That's wonderful.
47:19 Helping them understand the need for it.
47:21 Yes. Amen.
47:22 Praise the Lord.
47:24 I know that Juliet and her husband
47:25 were at the Mountain View Conference this past summer,
47:27 of my in-laws are there at the conference.
47:29 And they had told me what a tremendous blessing,
47:32 you sharing and what you did there.
47:34 So we want to go to that address roll here,
47:36 if you would like to contact Juliet
47:38 or her husband Pastor Andre Van Heerden.
47:42 If you need help, if you need support,
47:45 if this book is a wonderful resource,
47:47 if you want to get involved in your local church
47:50 and doing a recovery group and you say,
47:52 "I just need some help here with this."
47:54 If you would like to invite them
47:55 to come speak at your church
47:58 or a women's event or organization,
48:01 here is how you can get in touch
48:03 with the Van Heerdens.
48:06 If you would like to get a copy of the book
48:08 "Same Dress, Different Day"
48:10 or if you would like to invite Juliet
48:12 to speak at your church,
48:14 you can do so by writing to Relevant Life Solutions,
48:17 4501 US-17, Fleming Island,
48:21 Florida 32003.
48:24 That's Relevant Life Solutions,
48:26 4501 US-17, Fleming Island,
48:30 Florida 32003.
48:33 You can call (305) 979-8820,
48:37 that's (305) 979-8820.
48:40 Or you can order online at SameDressDifferentDay.com.
48:45 That's SameDressDifferentDay.com.
48:51 We want to encourage you to contact Juliet for yourself
48:55 or her husband and get in touch with this wonderful couple,
48:59 this women of God who has experienced pain,
49:02 experienced the devastation of being married to someone
49:05 who is addicted,
49:07 but yet has experienced God's healing power.
49:11 God's touch in her life and God is working to restore the years
49:17 that the locust has eaten, so praise God
49:19 for what he's doing in your life.
49:21 Now we want to fast forward
49:23 because you have an exciting,
49:25 this is another way that God is restoring.
49:28 One of your dreams was to have children.
49:29 Yes.
49:30 And you did not have children
49:33 but yet God has blessed you with children,
49:36 so tell us about that.
49:38 Okay.
49:39 This is really fresh.
49:42 About a year ago,
49:44 my friend called me and asked me
49:46 if I would be willing to host a teenager from Ukraine.
49:51 And I said, "What are you talking about?"
49:55 And she said, "Well, we have a kid
49:58 who's coming over to America
50:00 but his host family said, they can't take him,
50:04 would you be willing to take a teenager for this summer?"
50:07 And my husband and I were like what?
50:10 We don't have any kids,
50:12 we don't know what to do with the teenager.
50:15 Anyway we prayed
50:17 and we're like God what should we do,
50:18 should we say yes to this kid?
50:20 My husband said, Andre says,
50:22 "We cannot take just one teenager
50:23 for the summer, we have to get two
50:25 at least they can play together and talk to each other."
50:28 Anyway we ended up hosting in 2015 for the summer,
50:32 two teenage boys from Ukraine.
50:33 Okay.
50:35 At the send of summer we didn't not want to let them go,
50:37 we were absolutely in love with these kids.
50:40 So this summer we spend three months in Ukraine
50:43 and we came back with these two young men,
50:47 they're 16 and...
50:49 They're both 16? Okay. They're both 16.
50:52 Daniel and Logan and we've adopted them there,
50:55 officially our sons.
50:57 And I never expected to go from 0 to 16,
51:02 no on-ramp for parenting,
51:04 so it's been a really interesting.
51:07 But that's what God has done for me
51:10 as far as being a parent, becoming a mom,
51:15 I never thought it was going to happen
51:16 and I'd almost given up that dream
51:18 but again I just see the goodness of God
51:20 in the land of the living.
51:21 Amen.
51:23 Oh, that's wonderful.
51:24 So are you still working as a teacher
51:26 or what's your role right now?
51:29 I know you're a mom, new mom.
51:31 Well, yes, right now I'm home schooling the boys
51:34 and we're working on English and Math
51:36 and so we're spending this year at home school.
51:38 So I'm a teacher,
51:40 but I'm not teaching first or second grade
51:41 like I did for so many years, I'm now teaching teenagers.
51:45 Amen.
51:47 I know you're testimony Juliet will minister to many people,
51:51 it will impact many people
51:53 who are in the midst of addiction
51:54 that may be you have someone,
51:56 you're married to someone or a child and the healing,
52:00 the wholeness that God wants to bring,
52:03 the restoration that he wants to bring
52:05 in our hearts and in our lives.
52:06 So right now,
52:08 we want to go to our news break, updates,
52:11 information from 3ABN and we'll be back
52:13 with a closing thought from Juliet.


Revised 2017-01-04