3ABN Today

Personal Testimony and Book "Born Yesterday"

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Rachel Williams-Smith


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016083B

00:01 Well, I hope you've enjoyed this time
00:02 as much as I have, we've just been sitting
00:04 and reminiscing, this is kind of,
00:06 the Lord's brought this full cycle,
00:08 hasn't he?
00:09 Really has, I'm sitting here thinking about
00:11 how back in early 2000,
00:14 you know, 2003 or wherever, you really encouraged me.
00:18 You said, "Rachel, you need to journal every day.
00:21 Draw your prayers to God and write your story."
00:24 You said people can be blessed by and I remember,
00:26 God was just starting you out on this television ministry.
00:28 Amen.
00:29 And, you know, you didn't...
00:31 You specifically didn't make this a preachy,
00:35 trying to hone in on the lesson.
00:37 Why?
00:38 Because I realized,
00:40 the Lord actually spoke to me and He told me,
00:41 "I want each person to get out of this,
00:43 what I want them to,
00:45 " every person's experience is different
00:47 and what they need to connect with in this story is different
00:50 and so I wanted to leave it open with God
00:52 and I just thank God for using a cracked pot,
00:55 a broken vessel 'cause He says, "We have this treasure,
00:58 this infinite treasure in our earthly vessels."
01:02 And I just feel like it's a privilege
01:03 to be able to share my story
01:05 and I know that other people have their own story
01:07 and I hope my story will unleash theirs.
01:09 Amen, well, I'll tell you,
01:11 you let His beauty shine through those cracks
01:15 and it is so true
01:17 that we overcome by the blood of the lamb
01:19 and the word of our testimony.
01:21 Rachel, I'm so glad that we had this opportunity
01:24 to sit down and talk again,
01:26 that you've shared this with our viewers,
01:29 our prayer for you at home
01:31 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
01:33 the love of the Father
01:35 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
01:36 will be with you always.


Revised 2016-11-28