3ABN Today


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Mollie Steenson & Brian Hamilton (Host), Audie Robinson & Joel Raveloharimisy & Raharijaona Haja & Lovasoa Herimalala Andonirina


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016075A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Well, hello, we welcome you today
01:09 to 3ABN Today.
01:11 It's always a joy to have you with us
01:13 and co-hosting today
01:16 with my good friend Brian Hamilton.
01:18 Brian is the CFO of 3ABN
01:22 and it's just a joy to have you with me.
01:23 Yeah.
01:25 We're looking forward to a fun hour here together.
01:27 And it's gonna be a fun hour, and again,
01:30 welcome every one of you,
01:31 it's your love and your prayers and your financial support
01:35 that has been able this ministry
01:37 to reach literally the whole world
01:40 with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
01:42 and we thank you for that.
01:44 Brian, I'm going to let you introduce our guest.
01:47 We've got four guests with us today.
01:49 Now, you're going to look and say,
01:51 "Molly, that's only two,"
01:52 but we've got two guests here in the studio
01:55 and we've got two that are joining us
01:58 all the way from Madagascar.
02:00 So Brian, do the introduction.
02:02 Okay.
02:03 Our first guest is Dr. Joel,
02:06 and Joel, I'm going to have you pronounce your last name.
02:08 Help me out there.
02:10 Raveloharimisy.
02:11 Okay.
02:13 Now, that is the reason why
02:15 we're going to call you Pastor Joel,
02:17 and I'm sure in Madagascar
02:19 that's an easy name to pronounce.
02:21 Probably the easiest.
02:22 Easiest, it is like Smith in U.S.,
02:26 but anyway, Dr Joe,
02:29 we're happy to have you with us
02:31 and we'll find out a little more
02:33 about you in just a second,
02:35 and our second guest is Audie Robinson.
02:39 Audie, welcome to 3ABN.
02:41 Thank you very much.
02:42 Glad to be here.
02:44 And I understand you're an architect
02:45 or work with an architect firm.
02:47 Yes, I'm working for myself now,
02:49 Lord has blessed, I'm architect,
02:51 a director of my own firm.
02:54 And doing development and fundraising
02:56 and also helping out with the project in Madagascar.
03:00 Oh, so that's part of why you're here today.
03:01 Yes.
03:03 We're gonna be talking about that
03:04 project here in just a minute.
03:06 Coming back to Dr. Joel.
03:08 Now you noticed
03:10 I used the word Doctor in front.
03:11 Maybe you want to tell us,
03:13 Dr. Joel, a little bit about what you do
03:15 and are you a physician or a different kind of doctor.
03:19 We use the term doctor in number of different ways.
03:22 First of all I am very glad to be here,
03:26 and to share what God has been doing in Madagascar.
03:30 So I'm professor,
03:31 associate professor at Andrews University.
03:34 I am in the Behavioral Science
03:37 and I'm also the program director of Community
03:41 and International Development.
03:43 So tell me what is Community and International Development?
03:46 Tell me a little more about the program?
03:48 Yes, it is a vibrant program at Andrews.
03:50 What we do actually is to train students
03:55 to become humanitarian workers,
03:57 professionals,
03:59 and also to become development professionals,
04:03 those who make changes in people's life,
04:07 alleviate sufferings and prevent loss of life.
04:11 And the program has an undergraduate part
04:13 and also graduate.
04:15 Wow, it sounds very interesting.
04:18 Now we have two guests with us coming in on Skype.
04:21 Would you like to introduce them to our viewers?
04:23 Yes.
04:25 It's my pleasure to introduce two guests from Madagascar,
04:28 they are, we'll watch here through Skype.
04:31 And let me start with Ando,
04:36 she's the next to Pastor Haja.
04:39 Ando is one of the leaders in Madagascar.
04:42 And she's going to share with us
04:45 what they do in Madagascar.
04:47 And next to her, Pastor Haja,
04:50 in charge of youth ministry
04:53 and chaplaincy at the union level.
04:57 Well, welcome to 3ABN via Skype,
05:00 we are happy to have you join us.
05:02 Thank you. Thank you.
05:05 Let's just maybe for our viewers
05:08 they may not know where Madagascar is,
05:12 they maybe heard the term,
05:13 you know, the country name
05:14 but help us to locate Madagascar on the globe.
05:21 Well, from somebody who lives in the United States
05:25 If you take a look at the continent of Africa
05:27 in the Indian Ocean just off the coast of
05:30 South Africa is the fourth largest island in the world.
05:33 Madagascar is humongous
05:35 and that's where Madagascar is in the Indian Ocean
05:38 just off the coast of South Africa.
05:40 It's an Island in the Indian Ocean.
05:43 It's a huge island. Yeah, huge island.
05:45 So just before our program
05:47 I looked on the map and if you would,
05:49 if you're in the United States
05:51 and your travel down to Texas
05:53 and then cross the border into Mexico,
05:56 and go on down to inner and then South America
05:59 and find Brazil.
06:01 If you go right across the ocean from Brazil
06:05 at least on the map it looked like
06:06 you would hit the continent of Africa.
06:08 And you'd have to cross the continent of Africa
06:11 and into the Indian Ocean
06:13 and then you would come to the island of Madagascar.
06:17 Now this is not a small island, it's about the size of...
06:21 It's about the size of Texas, the fourth largest island.
06:25 Fourth largest Island, okay.
06:27 And I asked you about
06:29 what the population of the island is.
06:31 Well, right now we are about 24 millions.
06:35 24 million.
06:37 That's the latest projection of population in Madagascar.
06:41 So it's about the size of Texas,
06:43 got about as many people as New York City.
06:47 Okay, that helps for perspective.
06:49 And then the church related
06:50 we have over 125, 000 members
06:57 in Madagascar alone.
06:58 Praise God. Yeah, praise the Lord.
07:00 I think of the Ellen White conference here,
07:02 where we're at
07:04 and we have about 11, 12, 000 members
07:06 and you have a 125,000.
07:09 And about 700 churches
07:12 not including companies and groups.
07:15 So there's a good work going on.
07:17 Yes, praise God for that.
07:18 Praise God.
07:20 Now there are some challenges particularly
07:23 thinking about the youth of Madagascar,
07:26 would one of you like to share
07:28 a little bit about the challenges?
07:30 Well, I can give my experience
07:33 and it really is a miracle how the Lord has blessed
07:36 and given me this opportunity
07:38 on my very first visit to Madagascar,
07:43 I saw and was witness to two occasions,
07:47 one at the hotel by the swimming pool
07:49 and another in the rainforest where I saw young girls,
07:53 minors being taken advantage of by much,
07:56 much older businessmen.
07:59 So those are the kinds of things
08:00 that are happening there.
08:02 So that developed in your heart a burden for the youth
08:06 and particularly the young women and girls.
08:09 Yes, yes, when I came back, I prayed,
08:12 I told a friend of ours about the incident
08:18 I had seen and I was praying,
08:20 I mean, I'm far so far away.
08:21 How can I help?
08:23 I'm trying to do things here
08:25 in our country in Florida with the youth.
08:28 So people taking advantage of the weaker
08:31 ones that need our help so bad.
08:33 Yes, those that need the help most,
08:35 they're taking advantage of
08:37 because they're very, very poor
08:38 and they want to get out of their poverty,
08:41 but those that can help them
08:43 the most are the ones who take advantage of them.
08:46 And I think that's where our church plays
08:50 very important role
08:53 because the youth has a great potential.
08:56 So even though we have these challenges of poverty,
08:59 also have the gospel of hope
09:03 and the change through Christ,
09:06 and that's why we are very interested
09:08 in helping our young people
09:10 so they can do more for Christ
09:14 because there are these potentials
09:16 in them doing things for Christ.
09:19 Okay.
09:20 Well, we want to dive into this story more
09:22 but before we do we have a song
09:25 and it's Marshall Kelly.
09:27 T. Marshall Kelly,
09:28 one of my favorite singers,
09:30 a precious man.
09:31 And he's going to sing, "He's the one."
09:33 He's the one.
09:53 Is there anyone can help us,
09:57 one who understands our hearts
10:03 When the thorns of life have pierced them
10:07 Till they bleed
10:13 One who sympathizes with us
10:19 who in tenderness imparts
10:24 Just the very
10:26 Very blessing that we need?
10:38 Is there anyone can help us
10:43 Who can give us sinner peace
10:48 When his heart is burden'd down with pain and woe
10:59 Who will speak the word of pardon
11:04 That affords a sweet relief?
11:09 And whose blood can wash
11:12 And make us
11:15 Pure like snow?
11:22 Yes, there is One
11:27 Only One
11:33 His blessed name is Jesus
11:38 He is that One
11:44 Yes, afflictions will press our soul
11:50 And the waves of trouble will roll
11:56 But we have a friend who will help us
12:03 He's the One
12:10 Is there anyone can help us
12:15 When the end is drawing near
12:21 Who will go thro ' death's dark waters
12:26 By our side
12:32 Who will light the way before us
12:37 and dispel all doubt and fear
12:42 And he'll resurrect us
12:46 When he comes again
12:53 Oh, yes, there is One,
12:59 Only One
13:05 His blessed name is Jesus
13:11 He is that One
13:17 Afflictions will press our soul
13:23 And the waves of trouble will roll
13:29 But we have a friend who will help us
13:37 Jesus is that One
13:54 Brian, I always appreciate his ministry,
13:56 he touches my heart.
13:58 Yeah, I love his voice. Yes, yes.
13:59 He was here just a short time ago
14:02 and he always goes to the office
14:04 and ministers to every one us,
14:06 he loves us and we love him.
14:07 He has a love of Christ in his heart that shines out.
14:10 Yes, it does.
14:11 Brother Robinson, you were...
14:13 We were talking earlier about the children,
14:17 about the young that were being taken advantage of
14:20 and started to use some terminology
14:23 human trafficking,
14:24 but I wanted to make sure
14:26 that this is what we were combating there in Madagascar
14:30 and you assured me it was
14:31 but you use some other terminology,
14:33 actually I've never heard that terminology
14:36 and it was sexual tourism?
14:38 Isn't that what you said? Yes.
14:40 Explain what we're combating in Madagascar
14:43 and not just there
14:45 but I know it's all over the world
14:46 with that terminology?
14:48 And because I was an eyewitness to it,
14:50 I'm a good person to talk about it,
14:52 because at the hotel,
14:54 the very first day in Madagascar
14:56 I was at the hotel and I saw a little girl,
15:01 a little girl she was decked out in makeup
15:03 to look much older
15:05 and she was with businessmen,
15:07 it looked obviously odd to me,
15:09 she was with businessman kind of coveting
15:12 this little girl with men that were
15:14 maybe three times older than her,
15:17 then what stuck out
15:19 when I went and traveled into the rainforest was again,
15:23 a little girl with a much older man
15:26 and you can tell she's in the wrong place
15:29 because we're traveling in the rainforest
15:32 and she's decked out and dressed for a party.
15:35 So something, it just stood out
15:38 and I asked my guide about it
15:39 and he told me what was going on and it was...
15:42 Give me an age range of little girl?
15:44 The little girl, the one at the,
15:46 at the hotel by the swimming pool
15:48 I would say she was,
15:51 she looked like a teenager maybe between 13 and 14,
15:55 and then in the rainforest she looked a little older,
15:58 she may have been a 17 year old.
15:59 Okay.
16:01 But here again,
16:02 they had on the makeup to look much older.
16:03 So they could be even younger than that.
16:06 Okay.
16:07 So this is what we're combating,
16:09 this is part of the problem.
16:10 Yes.
16:13 Well, Dr. Joel,
16:15 maybe you want to tell us a little bit about
16:18 what the church is trying to do to help our youth,
16:21 so introduce us to this aspect of the program.
16:25 Yes, thank you so this problem of poverty.
16:30 Yes, it is very structural,
16:32 it is in the country but there is also,
16:35 there's a problem in the area of morality.
16:38 So the church plays important role
16:41 in fighting against this poverty
16:43 which really keep those young people
16:46 and their sufferings and the lack of opportunity.
16:50 So when I would say rich people or foreigners
16:54 taking advantage of them, then somehow it's a really,
16:57 it's hard for them to say no.
16:59 Now, the church actually has a better
17:02 or has better solutions to that.
17:04 So the youth department has different programs
17:09 and that's I think what you are going to hear
17:11 from Pastor Haja.
17:13 It's better if he tells us
17:16 what are these four areas
17:18 at least of the activities in Madagascar
17:21 in combating poverty at any level
17:25 including the sexual tourism and human trafficking.
17:29 And the inability to provide your own means of living.
17:36 Okay, so we'll go to our Skype guest Pastor Haja,
17:41 and maybe you can share with us
17:43 what the church is doing for our youth
17:47 there in Madagascar,
17:48 we'd appreciate that.
17:52 Okay, I'm so glad to have this opportunity
17:57 to talk about the youth ministry.
18:01 As you well know that
18:03 we have challenge here in Madagascar
18:06 and we've already talked about poverty
18:09 and it's already said,
18:11 that the church has a new important role in it.
18:15 because if we are willing to finish the mission
18:20 that Jesus Christ has given us,
18:23 we have to use the Christ method
18:26 that's why we need to mingle with people
18:30 and to meet their needs,
18:32 and one of the way for us to mingle
18:37 with people is to involve in the community service.
18:42 And that's why we have this project called so
18:45 to build the center of influence.
18:49 So that we can address the needs of young people
18:53 and young men,
18:56 and you see that in this project
19:00 we are willing not only to preach the gospel
19:03 but also to give them the way to fight the poverty
19:10 and one of the reason of poverty is joblessness,
19:14 that's why in the center
19:17 we are willing to offer young people opportunity
19:22 to do something for their ward,
19:25 for their community and for the country itself.
19:30 Okay, Pastor Haja,
19:32 the material that I have here,
19:34 there is three programs
19:36 that you have pioneered
19:39 or introduced there in Madagascar,
19:41 one of them is the Voice of Youth.
19:43 What is the Voice of Youth?
19:48 You see, Voice of Youth
19:51 it is young people who organize themselves
19:56 to preach the gospel
19:58 in evangelistic meeting
20:01 where you lead out as speakers and presenters.
20:08 And we have this year
20:14 starting on July and August this program
20:19 and now we have the wonderful results.
20:22 I would like just to share one of them in Antananarivo
20:27 where 25 people,
20:30 young people have decided to preach for the first time.
20:35 At the end of the campaign,
20:37 we had 19 souls baptized for Jesus Christ.
20:41 Praise God.
20:42 And also encourages young people
20:43 to be involved in evangelism
20:48 because they see the result of their work
20:51 and they are so committed
20:53 to continue the work of the Lord.
20:56 Okay, Sister Ado, is that right?
21:00 Yes.
21:03 What part do you play in this?
21:06 What role do you have in this?
21:09 Okay, as I'm the leader,
21:13 youth leader at my church.
21:16 It's us who organize all the activities.
21:20 For example, because we start by doing social work,
21:25 like sharing clothes and all the people,
21:30 people's needs
21:31 so our role is to organize all the activities
21:37 that young people are going to do.
21:41 Okay.
21:42 So you're a youth leader in your,
21:44 in your local church there.
21:46 Yes, yes. Very good.
21:48 So the Voice of Youth if I understand right
21:52 is an initiative from the church
21:56 to have our young people
21:58 trained to be able to do evangelistic meetings,
22:01 to be the speakers and help out in the meetings,
22:04 is that correct?
22:06 Yes. That's right.
22:08 Yes, and how many of these
22:09 have you organized in Madagascar
22:12 or do you hope to organize?
22:15 You see in Antananarivo,
22:18 Antananarivo means the city of thousands,
22:23 and for this time
22:24 we have planned to have
22:28 1000 young people as preachers.
22:32 Okay.
22:33 Antana only 1000 preachers.
22:36 Okay.
22:38 But for we've started with community service
22:41 that she may come to know about it.
22:44 Okay.
22:46 And so I think my question is,
22:48 do you reach into the communities
22:51 where we have these young people
22:53 that are in poverty,
22:54 that are at risk and pull them into the church
22:57 and then train them and give them skills,
22:59 is that what we're...
23:01 is that what we're doing.
23:02 Yeah, that is the approach, that is well,
23:06 the poverty is there
23:07 so talking about it, it's there.
23:11 So we look at the potentials, we look at the assets,
23:15 so we have young people who are really motivated.
23:18 They want to do things for the Lord.
23:20 So what we do is equip them,
23:23 so by equipping them,
23:26 train them to become preacher
23:28 and help them also to identify needs within the community
23:32 and try to address these needs.
23:34 It is actually, it goes along quarterly
23:37 that we are learning right now,
23:40 meeting the needs of the society
23:42 or the community.
23:43 And we are talking about urban area.
23:46 The example that pastor had gave
23:49 because Antananarivo is the capital city of Madagascar.
23:53 So the goal is to have 1000 leaders
23:58 trained weave their group
24:00 so from the churches to meet the community needs
24:05 and through those
24:07 and the evangelistic campaign
24:08 that goes with the community outreach
24:12 will lead people to come to Christ.
24:15 Okay, so that we've learned a little bit about
24:17 the Voice of Youth,
24:19 but then there's a Caleb project.
24:21 What is a Caleb Project, I know of Caleb in the Bible.
24:25 So help us understand the Caleb Project
24:29 and what that's about that?
24:31 That the Caleb Project as you know in the Bible,
24:33 we know this word
24:37 that Caleb said, "Give me this mountain."
24:41 And this is a campaign to un-enter area
24:47 where there is no Adventist or few Adventists,
24:52 young people have dedicate their vacation
24:55 to go there to preach the gospel,
24:58 to do community service and they leave that place
25:02 if they managed to build the church
25:06 and leave one pioneer on this place.
25:10 Then youth and young people
25:13 dedicate their vacation to a campaign,
25:16 and in a campaign
25:17 they have to do a community service, evangelism
25:20 and at the same time
25:22 they start to build already a place for worship.
25:27 Have you already launched this initiative
25:30 or is this one that you're planning to do?
25:34 Okay, we have already till now
25:39 ten sites for this project,
25:42 and we have already dedicated three buildings
25:46 in this ten un-entered area.
25:50 Then in this place
25:52 we have also young people going there,
25:54 camping there,
25:56 preach the gospel and staying there
25:57 if they have a campaign but in the starting now
25:59 we have a program, give them the keys,
26:03 we are planning to have 20 more un-entered area
26:09 to do the same project.
26:10 Young people during vacation going there
26:13 and preach the gospel, build the place of worship.
26:16 We have already done 10
26:19 but we are planning to have 22 more.
26:21 Okay, so you use the word vacation,
26:26 they take their vacation time and they camp.
26:30 Now, when I think of camping,
26:32 there's a lot of different nuances to campaign.
26:37 Are they living in tents?
26:39 Do they have structures they live?
26:41 What, how is this done?
26:44 Tell us a little bit about it?
26:46 Okay, as Joel mentioned some pictures
26:50 we are used to camp in a tent here in Madagascar.
26:54 Okay, so it's not a motor home.
26:56 No.
26:57 They don't have a nice motor home
26:59 that they live in or something.
27:00 No, no, no.
27:02 I don't think that the motor home will be able to ride,
27:04 you know, in the dirt road.
27:06 Okay, so the roads aren't very conducive
27:10 to motor homes then I understand.
27:13 You know, something I say that it's so amazing about this.
27:16 They're going into areas where there are no churches
27:18 and no church members,
27:20 they're going to absolutely start,
27:23 start work are a move of God there.
27:26 Yeah, and camping in tents.
27:28 Yes, it's a new version of a pioneer approach.
27:32 Okay.
27:33 In the past we actually placed people
27:36 in these un-entered areas
27:38 about now the new vision is have young people
27:40 go to a place that
27:42 there is no presence of Adventism
27:47 or even Christianity.
27:50 There is no electricity, no running water,
27:54 it's just a place where
27:57 you just meet the people
28:00 share with them what we have
28:03 because we have to reach in Christ.
28:05 Yeah, and that's the potential here.
28:07 I want us to focus on that
28:10 the willingness of the young people
28:13 to serve the Lord.
28:14 You empower a young person, get behind them,
28:17 give them some support,
28:18 and they've got the zeal and the energy to go forth
28:23 and to accomplish mighty things
28:25 that we are too old and wise to do.
28:28 They all go forth and do it.
28:30 Yeah, exactly.
28:32 Okay, and then there was one other project called
28:35 One year in Missions.
28:37 Tell us more about One year in Missions?
28:40 We'd like to know that.
28:42 Okay, it's a world wide project
28:46 where young people obtain a training
28:48 and teach others to do their mission
28:53 and so our innocent youth to be changed
28:58 in South Africa two years ago,
29:02 and last year we turned a total of 24 youth
29:07 and they will return home
29:09 and teach about 70--
29:16 Okay, so these young people
29:18 who got training from South Africa,
29:20 we're the headquarter of our division.
29:21 Okay.
29:23 That's 'cause we belong.
29:24 Yeah. Okay.
29:26 What division are we talking about now?
29:28 No, what's the exact SID,
29:30 it's SID, you know,
29:32 the Southern Indian Division...
29:37 Indian Ocean Division.
29:38 Okay, and that's were the headquarters is in.
29:40 Okay, and so, let me just ask
29:42 you had some young people go to the division area
29:46 and get training.
29:47 Get training how to do this One Year of a Mission.
29:51 Okay.
29:52 Then when they came back to Madagascar,
29:56 they trained others...
29:57 Okay.
29:59 To do the same thing.
30:00 And then they dedicate a year of their time.
30:02 They dedicate a year, yeah.
30:03 To doing the mission work
30:05 that they've been trained to do.
30:06 Yes.
30:08 Okay, it's very good.
30:09 It's a version,
30:11 it's a one year volunteer for Christ.
30:13 And what you do is actually dedicate yourself to reach out,
30:17 share the gospel and bring hope
30:21 but then at the same time
30:23 these, the young people they are not in a position,
30:26 "Oh yeah, maybe they're rich, no, no, no, they're not."
30:29 Okay.
30:30 It's just their willingness to serve the Lord.
30:35 We have a video roll of Madagascar
30:39 and I saw it was like an aerial view
30:41 you want to introduce that roll to us
30:44 and tell us a little bit about it?
30:46 Yes, and this is our Montessori Youth Center Project
30:51 this video covers some of the demographics
30:55 but in particular what is going to make this
30:59 all of these projects go,
31:01 you can see the youth in there, the youth in action,
31:04 so...
31:05 Okay, before we see the roll then maybe you need to tell us
31:07 a little more about what this project is?
31:09 Yes, and also the great thing about this project is that
31:15 we're going to be using the youth
31:16 but it's a team effort Pastor. Haja,
31:19 Dr. Joel, myself,
31:21 others have been working on this project
31:23 to get it this far and what it is, it is.
31:26 And we also have to thank the government of Madagascar
31:29 who donated two hectares
31:31 which is about five acres of land
31:33 on the provision that we build a youth center there.
31:37 And this youth center as you've been describing
31:40 all the projects that can be done
31:43 that will be done there.
31:45 It will be an urban center of influence
31:49 meaning that it will reach the community
31:52 not only for Seventh-day Adventists
31:54 but it's to facilitate and be able to train
32:00 many others throughout the community,
32:02 many youth who are non-Seventh-day Adventists
32:04 and particular young girls, young boys
32:08 and to train them to be
32:10 business people, entrepreneurs.
32:13 So they don't have to be vulnerable
32:16 to other people like the tourists,
32:18 other people that come there with money
32:21 and tempting them and luring them away
32:23 and using them unjustly.
32:25 So you're gonna reach out into the community.
32:27 Yes.
32:28 Not just into the church and draw the young people
32:30 and to empower them with skills
32:33 so that they can then break the power of the bondage
32:38 of poverty over their lives.
32:40 Yes.
32:42 And then in the process
32:43 they will also be introduced to our savior,
32:45 the Lord Jesus Christ, their savior.
32:47 Yeah. Okay.
32:48 And as Dr. Joel and Pastor Haja is saying,
32:51 we're doing,
32:53 we're doing the planting the seed
32:56 and we're doing it Christ's method.
32:58 We're mingling with the people,
33:00 meeting their needs,
33:02 meeting the young people's needs,
33:03 meeting their community's needs
33:05 and then they will see the love that we have for them
33:08 and will be led to Christ.
33:10 Yeah, you gain their confidence
33:11 and they want to hear about your Jesus.
33:13 Yes.
33:14 Or maybe we ought to see the roll then
33:16 with this little bit of background,
33:18 we'll look at the roll that's gonna start.
33:23 Okay, we're doing a drone flyover
33:28 and you're seeing the main city
33:29 of Antananarivo the capital
33:32 as we're going through there
33:35 and then as we fly over
33:38 you're going to see some dramatic pictures of the youth.
33:41 So you're seeing the urban area
33:44 that we are reaching out to and...
33:49 It looks like a beautiful island.
33:51 Oh, it's incredible.
33:52 It's incredibly beautiful,
33:54 and now some of the camporee projects from last year.
33:58 You're seeing some of the things
34:00 that youth did the campaign and now you're going to,
34:03 we're going to zoom in and see some of the youth...
34:06 So they had 6000 pathfinders
34:10 there this in July doing this camporee.
34:14 6000 pathfinders.
34:16 Yeah, 6000. 6000 pathfinder.
34:17 Okay, looks like a lot of fun. Yes.
34:20 And it's really exciting
34:22 so that's why
34:23 it's important for us to have this center to be built.
34:28 Because the center not only
34:29 going to train these young people
34:32 but equip them also
34:33 so they can provide for themselves.
34:36 They get skills while doing that
34:38 to reach out to the community.
34:40 Now, why would one want to do that, let me...
34:43 You asked me earlier. It's character building.
34:46 It's character building, you know,
34:47 discipline and team work.
34:49 Team work. Yes.
34:51 If Brian asks me,
34:52 "Molly, would you like to crawl through bed."
34:54 And I've told him, "No.
34:56 Don't think so."
34:57 But when you see,
34:59 when you see the youth and their faces
35:00 they take the challenge, they are excited,
35:02 they're...
35:03 Look at them, look at them
35:05 very excited by this.
35:06 Oh, oh, beautiful, beautiful young people.
35:07 So, so these are the young people
35:09 that you are talking about.
35:10 You equip them to reach more for Christ
35:13 and while equipping them also,
35:15 we are educating them to have that close connection with God,
35:19 but build characters, good characters.
35:21 Yes.
35:23 While we're looking at the video, I like to,
35:25 you have the English version of this
35:27 after thank Pastor Haja and his son,
35:30 this is one of the things that we're distributing
35:32 to the young people there.
35:34 This is the Malagasy version of it
35:37 was translated by them.
35:39 While they're not our audience,
35:41 our viewers are seeing the video,
35:43 we'll introduce this guide here in just a moment.
35:47 This is the camporee is this
35:49 what we're seeing in aerial view of the camporee.
35:52 What we just saw was a family life
35:55 gathering organized by the family department.
35:58 Oh, family life gathering.
35:59 Okay, wow, that was pretty big.
36:01 And there's farming there it looks.
36:02 Yeah, teaching young people to maintain the environment.
36:06 Okay.
36:07 And also this is the actual site
36:09 for the new center.
36:10 The youth themselves were clearing the land
36:13 for the center.
36:14 That the government gave for this purpose.
36:15 Yeah, that the government gave for this purpose.
36:17 And one of the things that they hope to do,
36:19 use the land for is to do campaign
36:21 on the land as well.
36:23 So the youth are going to use it,
36:25 the pathfinders are gonna use it,
36:26 the Seventh-day Adventist Church is gonna use it.
36:29 The idea is to make it self-sustaining
36:31 so it pays for itself.
36:33 So the area is a highly tourist area
36:38 where a lot of people will travel
36:39 so we're not only going to build the center.
36:42 Yeah, that's the place but also cabins,
36:46 and this is the actual architectural conceptual video
36:49 of the youth center.
36:51 You know for the government
36:52 to have given you the property to build this on.
36:55 Evidently you have gained their confidence as well.
36:58 Yes, yes.
37:00 So as you look at the center,
37:02 the center it has a simple building
37:04 with a major and dramatic entrance and exit.
37:09 The theme of it is that when you come here,
37:12 it may look simple but when you leave,
37:14 you're going to leave here changed.
37:16 Right.
37:17 So we have that dramatic entrance.
37:18 He takes from the colors of the Pathfinder flag
37:21 and the Malagasy flag as well,
37:23 for those bright colors
37:25 and also in communicating with Pastor Haja,
37:27 we're using natural materials
37:29 that they are there the bricks,
37:31 that's their color and things like that
37:33 to keep it low costing
37:37 and also fit into their environment there
37:39 but still look powerful and dramatic for the youth.
37:42 Okay, so let me just summarize here,
37:45 you have an island with many youth.
37:50 Many of them are being exploited.
37:53 There's poverty
37:55 and the vision of our church there in Madagascar
37:59 is to take and train our youth
38:02 to reach out to other youth and people in the area.
38:07 In this, Voice of Youth, the Caleb Project,
38:11 One Year Mission Projects, but all of that takes training,
38:15 and our young people need to be trained
38:18 and to do that on any kind of scale
38:21 you have to have a center to bring them to do that with.
38:25 Also to be able to reach out to our community,
38:28 you need a center to be able to reach out
38:30 is what I'm getting the idea
38:33 to reach out to the community around the center
38:36 and work with the community
38:38 and that's what the goal of this project is about,
38:41 am I correct on that?
38:42 Yeah, yes, actually the center also is going to be used
38:45 as a training center...
38:47 Okay.
38:48 For the youth. Okay.
38:50 All in Madagascar,
38:52 so they would come to that place,
38:53 they will...
38:55 There is going to be a curriculum.
38:57 We are developing to equip them
39:01 so they can provide for themselves
39:03 to become an entrepreneur.
39:04 Yes. Yeah.
39:06 And this curriculum will help them
39:08 so they know how to provide for themselves
39:12 and when they leave that place,
39:14 they can provide from themselves
39:17 and help others.
39:19 Okay, so it will be like tent makers,
39:20 like Paul was attempting there.
39:22 If we use that is exactly...
39:23 Yeah, that's the idea.
39:25 Now, I'm holding in my hand something that's called,
39:27 Rules for Reading the Bible.
39:30 Rules For Reading the Bible.
39:32 Well, tell us what this is?
39:35 This is part of the...
39:38 And as we go through everything,
39:40 we can talk about the training
39:42 then what the training needs to
39:43 but it's really about evangelism,
39:45 we want the youth to be able to train,
39:48 be trained
39:49 so they can train and lead others to Christ
39:52 and one of the things that we're going to be
39:54 handing out to the youth is this manual which was...
39:58 You had the English version of it.
40:00 We are also reading the Bible
40:02 and this is the Malagasy version
40:04 which Pastor Haja and his son
40:06 were kind enough to donate their time
40:08 to translate into their language
40:10 so that they can distribute this to the youth
40:13 as they are trained so that
40:15 they can also understand the Bible
40:17 and share it with others as well.
40:20 First and foremost their foundations
40:21 got to be the Word of God
40:23 and so that would be the first thing
40:25 to instill in them.
40:29 May I add one more? Yeah.
40:31 And we are also right now developing a manual
40:35 about corruption
40:38 because Madagascar is one of the countries
40:41 that corruption is so prevalent.
40:43 So with the partnership with Andrews University,
40:46 the Community
40:48 and International Development program
40:49 that the director with my student,
40:54 we went to Madagascar.
40:56 It's a program we do every year actually
40:58 for a study tour.
41:00 So this year we worked with the Union
41:02 and we develop our curriculum
41:06 how to teach young people to fight corruption.
41:11 It did some means of source for us to show
41:14 to the community
41:16 that we are part of the community.
41:18 And we ought to know not to be involved in
41:23 any corruption activities, but also help the country,
41:27 help the community to fight against it,
41:30 so that is a curriculum that we have been developing.
41:34 One of my students Cadille Grant,
41:37 she's finishing her degree this fall
41:40 developed the program now with us
41:42 and it is going to be a powerful tool,
41:44 so these are one of the things
41:47 that we are going to use when we have the center,
41:51 the Mantasoa Center.
41:54 Okay, let's talk a little bit about the center.
41:57 It's going to take something, some money,
42:00 I was saying materials, you know,
42:02 that takes money to build the project,
42:04 so let's talk about
42:05 a little bit about what's happening
42:07 and far as the fund raising and the construction plans
42:11 and all that, tell us about that, Audie?
42:14 Okay,
42:16 we together with Pastor Haja and his team,
42:19 we did some conceptual drawings
42:21 so that we could put together
42:23 an estimate of the construction cost.
42:26 So we did the drawings, as you see we have the video.
42:30 Now, the building is about 17, 000 square feet
42:33 which is maybe 1600 square meters
42:38 for that size building in Madagascar.
42:42 When I did the estimate,
42:43 I used Florida costs and labor
42:47 and when we sent
42:48 the information over to Madagascar
42:50 they took it and they'd worked with it
42:52 and took a look at the labor cost
42:54 and the material cost
42:55 and turned it into a cost that is around $700 dollars
43:00 in US dollars for the building.
43:02 Okay.
43:03 Based on what they think in using Malagasy labor
43:08 and materials there.
43:09 Okay, then it seemed like
43:11 I heard that the Lord provided a little miracle for you
43:14 on 700,000 is a pretty big fund.
43:16 Yes, it's a very big fund,
43:20 so the Lord blessed us in that.
43:23 A friend of a friend introduced us
43:26 this friend who works at North American Division
43:30 for PSI, is actually the director of PSI
43:34 Dr. Lilya Wagner introduced us to Zuki Meloski.
43:39 He owns a successful...
43:41 He is Seventh-day Adventist
43:42 and he also directs at the General Conference.
43:45 He with his wife owns a successful property
43:49 and construction business in South Africa.
43:52 Through Dr Wagner's office
43:54 we were able to reach out to him
43:56 and get in touch with him
43:57 and he has kindly donated,
43:59 actually offered to be the contractor
44:02 and has donated 50 percent of the construction costs
44:07 to our project
44:08 50 percent that is up to $350,000
44:13 that he is offering to help us out with construction.
44:16 So now that lowers definitely significantly
44:20 how much we have to raise for the rest of the project.
44:23 I want to just speak to our viewers just a minute.
44:26 One of the...
44:28 One of the visions of the Adventist Church
44:32 was to go and build centers,
44:34 and from those centers that be like a hub of a wheel,
44:38 and then the light would go out
44:39 from the center to various areas
44:42 geographically around that hub,
44:45 and this is what I see continuing on is this is a hub,
44:49 a center and from this hub,
44:51 this building, this project,
44:53 it will beams of light will go out
44:55 to the entire island from this hub.
44:59 And we're particularly focusing on our youth there.
45:02 Yes.
45:04 Maybe our viewers would like to know
45:06 how they could be involved, Mollie.
45:08 You know, I was thinking about that.
45:10 What is the great commission?
45:12 You know, what are those first three words?
45:15 Danny Shelton is using that so much here lately,
45:18 go ye therefore,
45:20 there for all of us to go,
45:22 and I'm thinking...
45:23 The blessing is on the go.
45:24 The blessing is on the go,
45:26 that...
45:27 here we have an opportunity to help these gentlemen,
45:31 to help with this project
45:33 and it's not here in these United States,
45:35 this maybe not in your area of the world
45:38 but it's in a vital area and it's in a needed area.
45:41 And so what we want to do is encourage you
45:44 to get behind this project
45:46 and help these gentlemen with this project,
45:50 so that these young people can be rescued,
45:53 so that they can have an opportunity.
45:55 So that they can be instilled with skills
45:59 that will break the poverty off of their life
46:02 and you break the poverty out of their life,
46:04 then they won't be vulnerable
46:06 to this sex trafficking and so forth.
46:08 So what we want to do is give you
46:11 the contact information
46:12 on how to get involved in this project.
46:22 If you would like to support
46:23 the construction of the Mantasoa Youth Center.
46:25 You can write to them
46:27 and send your donations through the General Conference
46:29 at 12501, Old Columbia Pike.
46:32 Silver Spring, Maryland 20904.
46:36 That's 12501, Old Columbia Pike,
46:40 Silver Spring, Maryland, 20904.
46:44 To find them on Facebook,
46:46 just search for Savannah Pub.
46:48 Write to them today, they'd love to hear from you.
47:03 You know, Brian,
47:05 I think this is a very worthy project
47:06 to get involved in.
47:07 Yes, I do too.
47:09 We have another song
47:11 by T. Marshall Kelley, don't we?
47:12 Yes, we do.
47:13 And it's called, "Little is Much."
47:17 Listen to T. Marshall Kelley.
47:35 In the harvest field now ripened
47:41 There's a work for all to do
47:47 Hark, the voice of Jesus calling
47:54 To his harvest calling you
48:01 Little is much when God is in it
48:08 Labor not for wealth or fame
48:15 There's a crown, and you can win it
48:21 If you go in Jesus' name
48:30 Does the place you're called to labor
48:37 Seem so small and little known?
48:43 But it is great if God is in it
48:50 And He'll not forsake His own
48:57 So the conflict here is ended
49:04 And our race on earth is run
49:11 He will say
49:14 If we've been faithful
49:18 "Welcome home, My child, well done!"
49:25 Your little is much when God is in it
49:32 Labor not for wealth or fame
49:41 There's a crown, and you can win it
49:48 If you go
49:52 If you will go
49:56 If you'll go
50:00 In Jesus' name.


Revised 2016-10-17