3ABN Today

ASI Rolls 2016 #1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Shelley Quinn (Host), Gem Caster, Helen Eager, Jim Rennie, Lena Adams, Melody Mason


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016070B

00:01 There are so many things happening here at 3ABN
00:03 that God is doing with, for, to and through this ministry.
00:07 We like to have you aware of all of those
00:09 because God is always blessing,
00:10 and we're always trying to stay on the cutting edge
00:13 for Jesus Christ.
00:14 I want to recap just a little bit
00:16 of what you saw today.
00:19 Our program began with Lena Adams,
00:22 co director of Karen Outreach.
00:24 She with her husband doing this great work,
00:27 missionaries there in Burma, Myanmar and the Thai border.
00:32 Far-flung but doing a great work for the Lord
00:35 out there in the mission field.
00:37 Then Melody Mason and Gem Castor
00:40 revival and reformation,
00:41 so important and so necessary to the work of the Lord
00:44 and to the Seventh-day Adventist church.
00:47 And then of course, the last interview
00:49 that Shelley Quinn had a chance to talk
00:51 with our dear friend Helen Eager and Jim Rennie,
00:55 who are celebrating their 50th year of work
00:59 for the Lord through Asian Aid.
01:03 That country has done a great work in India,
01:07 a populous country and as, of course,
01:09 you know the work is going great guns in India,
01:13 if I can use that terminology,
01:15 but there are challenges in talking with Jim off air.
01:19 We talk a little bit in the hotel,
01:21 while we were there at Phoenix during ASI
01:24 and he was telling me about some of the intricacies.
01:27 Some of the delicate political balances
01:29 that have to be waged
01:31 and taking care of there in India,
01:33 and Asian Aid is trying to work through all of that.
01:35 There is such a great need.
01:37 So many of the Indian population
01:39 are blind because of different kinds of socioeconomic
01:42 and intermarriage sort of realities.
01:45 There's a large population of orphan,
01:48 young people who have no one to take care of them.
01:51 Parents dying in child birth, this kind of thing.
01:53 And Asian Aid has stepped into the gap
01:56 and done such a wonderful work
01:58 and is doing such a wonderful work
02:00 and God has blessed them for over 50 years
02:03 to do this work for the Lord.
02:05 Helen Eager of course,
02:06 beginning that work
02:07 and instrumental in the growth of that work
02:10 and doing such a great job for the Lord and again,
02:13 her strength has not abated her.
02:15 Eyesight is fine,
02:16 her health is good and I suspect as long as God
02:19 gives her breath in her lungs and strength in her limbs,
02:23 she will be working for the Lord.
02:24 It is a joy to be around her.
02:26 She is infectious in her desire to serve the Lord
02:30 and when you're around her,
02:32 you pick up that desire to serve the Lord.
02:34 And Asian Aid deserves your prayers
02:36 and your financial support.
02:38 Well, that's our program for today.
02:40 Pray for these ministries, remember them in prayer
02:42 and with your financial support.
02:44 Our time is fast slipped into eternity.
02:46 Allow me now in closing to wish you both
02:48 grace and peace
02:49 through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
02:51 We'll see you again soon.
02:52 Bye-bye and God bless.


Revised 2016-09-29