3ABN Today

Optimize 4 Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Dick Nunez, Jay Sutliffe


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016068A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn, and we welcome you
01:08 once again to 3ABN Today.
01:11 We're having a wonderful day here at 3ABN
01:13 and we hope that you are having
01:16 an even better one.
01:18 First I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart,
01:20 of our hearts, I'm just speaking
01:22 for everyone here at 3ABN for your prayers
01:25 and your financial support of this ministry
01:27 because we wouldn't be able to do this without you,
01:31 so thank you so much.
01:33 And we're going to be talking today about
01:36 a brand new series that 3ABN is ready to launch.
01:40 And you're going to be excited about this.
01:43 Let me read the scripture,
01:44 you'll get an idea where we're going.
01:46 This scripture today is from 3 John.
01:48 Since there's only one chapter, I don't have to say the chapter
01:51 but it's verse 2,
01:54 and here is what the apostle of love writes.
01:57 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper
02:00 in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers."
02:04 God is very interested, not only in our spiritual health
02:09 but in our physical health
02:11 and we have two gentlemen here with us today
02:14 who are experts on physical health,
02:17 and we're going to be launching
02:19 a new series called Optimize 4 Life.
02:23 Let me introduce our guests.
02:24 The first one I don't think, Dick Nunez,
02:26 that you need any introduction.
02:28 I think you're probably
02:29 one of the better known hosts on 3ABN,
02:33 'cause you host a very popular program Body and Spirit.
02:36 It's been a long time now. It has been.
02:38 How many years been have you done this?
02:39 I just started in 2000.
02:41 Wow, so that's been a long time.
02:43 And you know it's amazing how many people,
02:47 if we, we made the mistake once of changing the time slot,
02:51 just one on your program.
02:54 And there was absolute revolt.
02:57 So you've got a lot of people very interested
03:00 in that programming.
03:01 Dick, you were previously
03:04 with Black Hills Health and Education Center.
03:07 But now you've moved to Arizona...
03:09 I did.
03:10 And we're gonna talk about that more in a little bit
03:12 but you moved to be closer to your co-worker,
03:16 your cohort I guess and that is Dr. Jay Sutliffe.
03:20 Jay, we're so glad that you're here,
03:22 tell us just a little bit what is this Doctor,
03:26 this Ph.D that you have.
03:27 The Ph.D is in public help and so I'm a professor
03:30 at Northern Arizona University
03:32 and also a registered dietician.
03:34 So that, that's kind of a brief background,
03:37 nutrition and foods and also public health
03:39 which is little bit broader than just nutrition.
03:41 Okay, wonderful.
03:42 Well, we are very, very glad
03:44 to have you both here today and...
03:45 Oh, this new series is going to be...
03:49 I'll just let the cat out of the bag.
03:51 This is a lifestyle program that we'll be doing on 3ABN.
03:56 So this is the series that you want people to tune in
04:00 so that they can get great training,
04:03 good ideas for recipes and...
04:07 There will be a cooking segment.
04:09 There is going to be an exercise segment.
04:11 It's gonna be an exciting series
04:13 'cause not everybody can get away
04:16 to go to a lifestyle center.
04:18 But before we get into
04:20 all of the nuts and bolts of this,
04:22 we have our dear friend with us again today, Jaimie Jorge.
04:27 God has given him such an incredible talent
04:30 on the violin, and he is going to play for us
04:33 "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God."
08:07 The ever passionate Jaimie Jorge playing
08:10 for the glory of God, and we're so thankful
08:13 that we have great talent in the church
08:16 and that these individuals use the gift
08:18 that God has given them to bring the glory back to him.
08:22 Well, if you're just joining us today,
08:24 we have with us Dick Nunez and Dr. Jay Sutliffe.
08:28 And, Dick, you are a certified trainer,
08:31 what would you... What is your...
08:33 Master trainer? What is your credentials?
08:36 Well I'm really is an elite trainer,
08:37 I'm also a field professor
08:39 for the International Sports Sciences Association,
08:41 certified fitness trainer,
08:43 fitness therapist, specialist in adaptive fitness,
08:45 specialist in senior fitness,
08:47 and specialist in sports performance nutrition.
08:50 So it's easy to say that you know what to do.
08:54 Hopefully after 40 years I figured some now.
08:57 And then we also have with us Dr. Jay Sutliffe who is,
09:01 as his Ph.D in public health and is certified
09:06 not nutritionist as what you call it...
09:07 Registered dietician. Registered dietician.
09:09 Yep. Okay.
09:10 So gentlemen, let's just kind of start at the beginning here.
09:16 How did you all first meet and what gave you
09:20 'cause you actually brought us this idea, we didn't.
09:23 Usually we're approach people and asking,
09:25 "would you be interested in doing a program
09:27 as such and such."
09:29 But Dick actually called us
09:30 and said, "Hey, we've got an idea
09:33 for an exciting new series."
09:35 Tell us little bit about what this series will be?
09:38 And then let's go to the beginning,
09:39 how you met?
09:41 Well, we kind of tied in.
09:42 We met at the Black Hills Health and Educational Center.
09:44 Actually, Jay started working there.
09:47 We'd already met, you were doing
09:48 some work in Hot Springs.
09:50 And then we started working together there
09:52 and worked there for a few years.
09:55 The wellness program transforms lives.
09:59 A lot of people can't afford it.
10:01 And so, Jay and I found throughout our years
10:04 that we played off each other extremely well.
10:08 And we can just kind of go, take it away Jay,
10:11 take it away Dick
10:13 and we would do lectures together
10:15 and we just clicked.
10:17 And once upon a time Jay said,
10:20 "Why don't we do something for 3ABN?"
10:21 I said, "They're not looking for a new comedy Jay."
10:25 'Cause we really, we get, we get going,
10:28 and we get laughing and we've a good time.
10:30 But we thought, even way back then,
10:33 it will be great to have some type of program
10:35 that people who can't afford to go
10:38 to a wellness types of program
10:39 can still get the educational aspect
10:41 and get a step by step approach
10:43 on how to change your lifestyle and we move forward.
10:45 Okay.
10:47 How many programs will be in this series?
10:52 Well, we're gonna do start with 13
10:54 but we can take it as far as you want.
10:56 I mean 'cause when we were at the Black Hills,
10:58 I'd lecture, he would lecture, the doctor would lecture,
11:01 so there are so many different components of health,
11:03 and it's such a broad topic
11:05 that we can spend a lot of time on it.
11:07 So we can easily put together, I don't know,
11:09 52 week series if we wanted to.
11:11 We will plan on season 2, 3 and 4.
11:15 Jay, when somebody who doesn't know much about health,
11:21 will they be able to watch this series
11:24 and kind of start,
11:26 as if they were going to in lifestyle center.
11:28 Well, will this be instructional?
11:30 Tell us a little bit about the format of the program
11:33 and what benefit this is gonna bring to our viewers?
11:37 Okay, that's a great question 'cause I don't know about Dick,
11:41 but I didn't grow up in a real, with these health principles
11:43 that we're gonna present,
11:45 and so that's the thing that
11:46 Dick and I have never losses that idea of
11:49 if somebody has never heard of this before
11:50 or where they are coming from
11:52 confusing information in society,
11:54 how do you sort through it.
11:55 We work more from a principle standpoint
11:57 so you can adapt it to your life
11:59 'cause lot of times people
12:00 will come up to Dick or I and say,
12:02 put me on a program.
12:03 Well, that be my program.
12:05 I don't know your lifestyle, your likes, dislikes.
12:08 And when I focus on foods, somebody says,
12:09 "Well, I don't like broccoli
12:11 or I don't like kale or something."
12:12 Fine, eat something different.
12:14 And so, we'd like to organize things into principles
12:19 and let people apply that to their lifestyle.
12:21 Wonderful..
12:23 And so we'd be bringing it out a step at a time
12:24 and adapt it to however you want them,
12:27 like Body and Spirit was.
12:28 If you can't do with dumbbells, do with the towel,
12:31 do with your body weight.
12:32 Right. So, yeah, it will be.
12:34 And then if somebody is more advanced,
12:35 they will be able to jump in
12:36 and say "I can take that principle
12:38 and apply it to my life."
12:39 I like that. Yeah.
12:40 So what is the program format?
12:42 The program format is,
12:43 we're gonna start out talking about,
12:45 basically, we gonna take
12:46 more of a system's approach to the body.
12:48 And I understand that's the way they teach med school
12:50 and a lot of premed people.
12:52 Now, you take a system of the body,
12:54 not losing the concept of the overall,
12:56 entire being of a person
12:59 and so we'll give a little anatomy in physiology,
13:01 Dick has extensive background in that.
13:03 And then we'll go into how you can apply that
13:05 in your exercise routine, your mental regime
13:08 and how you start your day,
13:10 how you do that with food, how you navigate grocery,
13:13 shopping and things like that.
13:14 And then pull it together at the end like
13:16 what are the essential components
13:17 that I can plug into and we're gonna release it.
13:19 You know, week at a time, so try this for the first week,
13:22 and then add this next week to the first week.
13:25 And by the end of 13 weeks, it should be
13:26 a total transformation in a lifestyle
13:28 or if people just need a little tweaking,
13:31 they'll get the tweak.
13:32 Yes, yes.
13:33 So, you said you didn't grow, how did you grow up?
13:35 I grew up in mid western town, Grand Forks, North Dakota.
13:39 So I've a little bit of a...
13:40 People ask me, "Are you're from Canada?"
13:42 And I say, "Well, little bit south of there."
13:44 So in North Dakota I grew up in a typical mid western home
13:48 where we eat a lot of white bread
13:49 and we ate a lot of...
13:51 Drink a lot of milk and different things like that.
13:53 So I grew up playing sports, and very athletic, out hunting,
13:56 fishing, very active in things like that.
13:59 Grew up in a religious home, where we went to church
14:01 and things like that.
14:03 And I went to CCDs and things like that.
14:05 So there was always those components
14:06 and I have a grandfather
14:08 who really pushed me to get education
14:10 'cause he wanted me to be more successful than him, okay.
14:14 He thought me work ethic.
14:16 My parents taught me work ethic and things like that.
14:19 So when I had to go to college, I just showed up at college
14:21 and said, "I'm here, I didn't know
14:23 what I was going to study"
14:25 but athletics brought me to college
14:27 and then I figured why I need take some classes
14:29 so I can be eligible to play.
14:31 And so, I just bumped into a scheduling of classes
14:34 and I thought, well, here is this nutrition thing,
14:37 maybe I'll take that and see if that has anything
14:39 to do with my athletic performance."
14:41 Because that was kind of infancy of sports nutrition...
14:45 So that's how I kind of got
14:46 into this whole scheme of things.
14:48 So it grabbed your attention obviously.
14:49 It did, yeah, it's right 'cause it fit my schedule.
14:52 Isn't it funny how...
14:54 And I'm sure that was God's providence for you.
14:57 But now how did you become
14:58 a Seventh-day Adventist Christian?
15:00 Well, while I was going to college
15:02 and playing hockey,
15:03 I also worked part time at a health club,
15:05 and at that time I was searching
15:07 in my own life, kind of thinking,
15:08 there is a kind of missing element.
15:10 And I was feeling, you know with my parents
15:12 kind of instilled in me the spiritual component
15:14 but I didn't really pursue that in a personal way.
15:17 But I felt a drawing, you know,
15:19 now I see it as the Lord calling me or drawing me,
15:22 but at the time I didn't know
15:24 what it was, so I went in search of,
15:26 you know, how do I figure this thing out,
15:27 there is something going out inside here.
15:29 And so I started reading the Bible
15:31 and fellowshipping with different people
15:34 that were more spiritual.
15:35 On college campuses, there's all kinds of things,
15:37 you know, you always think about
15:39 getting into the negative stuff,
15:40 but there is always those positive things too
15:42 and so I start searching out at work
15:44 where I was working, there was a new employee there
15:47 and we got talking
15:48 and she invited me to the church with her
15:50 'cause she found out I wasn't
15:51 really fellowshipping at a church.
15:55 And so she invited me with her
15:56 and she happened to be a Seventh-day Adventist.
15:58 So that kind of set me in line and I have to say this
16:02 that the thing that really hooked me
16:04 into my own personal faith
16:06 is the Sabbath school quarterly...
16:08 Amen. I just...
16:09 To this day, I read that everyday most,
16:14 you know, most of the time.
16:15 And so I...
16:16 That really drew me in and showed me
16:18 how to get into the scriptures and how to understand
16:20 and apply them to myself.
16:21 And for the viewers who are watching
16:23 who may not know what he is saying at this.
16:25 The Seventh-day Adventist church
16:26 puts out this quarterly studying
16:29 and it will be very focused on either an author of the Bible
16:34 and in his works or topical type thing.
16:37 And I heard it said, and actually Jim Gilley
16:40 used to say this all the time is that,
16:43 "He was told if you would just study
16:45 your Sabbath school quarterlies over a period of a few years,
16:48 you will have the equivalent of going to a seminary,
16:51 so it's, it is very, very helpful
16:55 for your development of your spiritual life
16:57 and try to understand to God's word,
16:58 so that's very good.
17:00 Now, Dick, you tell us little more about your move
17:05 because you have left the Dakotas,
17:11 now you're down there in Arizona.
17:14 And I know that your wife Lisa
17:16 will be on this program with you.
17:18 And she is going to be doing...
17:20 Is she the one that's doing the exercises?
17:22 She is gonna do the exercises.
17:24 You are so smart.
17:26 So you've got her, she will be doing
17:28 the exercise segment, but you all actually have,
17:32 did you move, when you moved did you start
17:34 your health club up down there?
17:36 Well, it's a tremendous miracle story,
17:38 'cause we were at the Black Hills
17:41 Health and Education Center getting along
17:42 with running our programming in Rapid City
17:44 called Fit-in-15 our personal training thing...
17:47 Can you say that slower, Fit-in-15?
17:50 Fit-in-15, right.
17:51 So you get fit in a 15 minute regimen.
17:53 Exactly, yeah we can put into him
17:56 in a very short period of time,
17:58 but what is happening is my business
18:01 was growing faster and I wasn't having enough time
18:05 to spend at Black Hills Health and Education Center
18:07 'cause I had only two days a week.
18:09 And Rich and Ronda Smith came in
18:12 and I lost the one little helper
18:14 I had at Fit-in-15 otherwise it was just Lisa and I.
18:17 And so I told Wealer, I said, I just don't have time,
18:20 Rich and Ronda here, I think I basically
18:23 was sent here to kind of keep it together
18:25 'cause I was at the center for a long time,
18:27 then I left for quite a few years,
18:28 then I came back again.
18:30 And so Rich and Ronda came in and they bought with them
18:32 Dr. John Kelly and now Hans Diehl is there,
18:37 going there, the Chips program is being embraced there...
18:40 I guess Dr. Diehl is looking to built the house
18:43 in the Black Hills...
18:45 So, I mean so, they are really doing great
18:47 and we are real thrilled for what's happening to them.
18:50 And so, God put me with the woman
18:53 who is obsessed with moving to Arizona,
18:55 and because I might not have ever done it otherwise
18:57 and so, we actually had our house on the market
18:59 for couple of years
19:01 and we didn't have it easy to sell our house.
19:03 And I said, "Lisa,
19:04 when the time comes God will move."
19:07 And so Jay and I were talking, we launched Optimize 4 life
19:11 with the idea that and then we're talking
19:13 about the fact in order for this to really work,
19:16 we need to be in closer proximity.
19:18 And so Lisa and I was searching all over the Arizona area,
19:23 all around Phoenix, Wickenburg, New River,
19:26 and we started moving up further close to Flagstaff,
19:28 but Flagstaff was still too cold
19:30 'cause he is at 7000 feet.
19:32 So we finally came upon Camp Verde
19:36 and when it got right down to it,
19:38 virtually at the perfect time we sold our house.
19:42 And so we came to Camp Verde to try and find something,
19:46 we put an offer on the house
19:47 but I didn't feel comfortable with it,
19:49 we got back to the Black Hills,
19:52 I went on Zillow and I found a house.
19:56 And Lisa was buying groceries
19:57 and she came back to her business,
19:59 I ran out and I said, "Lisa, you got to look at this house."
20:01 She looked at it, it was perfect.
20:03 It came on the market the day we left.
20:05 And so I called the agent cancelled the other one,
20:07 let's buy this one.
20:09 So we called our eleventh our miracle house.
20:12 And so we came to Camp Verde but originally we were going
20:15 to sell our business from Rapid City.
20:16 We have two different people who want to buy it.
20:18 When we came to Camp Verde, we found the place,
20:20 we go, this would be perfect.
20:22 So then we started thinking, well, maybe God wants us
20:24 to bring our business to Camp Verde.
20:27 And we did, and wow.
20:29 We're just blown away with the incredible ministry
20:33 that the God is giving us in health.
20:36 And even the mayor and the marshal
20:38 of the town over there, and I was talking to the mayor,
20:41 and we were talking about how God brought us here.
20:43 Some people ask you,
20:44 "What brought you to Camp Verde?"
20:46 I said God. That's the short version.
20:47 If you want longer version, I can tell you
20:48 the longer version of it.
20:50 But I told the mayor that that's what brought us here
20:52 and he goes, I have a similar story
20:55 because I was sitting there criticizing Camp Verde,
20:58 and then he said, God said to me,
21:01 "Jonah, get out of my native bush."
21:04 And then he realized that I'm just sitting
21:06 and complaining about the people
21:08 that I could be helping and so,
21:10 and so just story after story like that
21:12 and people talking about,
21:14 we're still thankful God brought you here,
21:16 you know, people who have been hurting,
21:18 people would have given up hope.
21:19 We had a...
21:21 We had one woman with fibromyalgia and mold,
21:22 and she had...
21:24 The thing you get from tics Lyme disease
21:27 and she was just a mess, bed ridden.
21:29 Now, she is up moving...
21:31 She and her husband were both going,
21:33 we just praise the Lord that you're here.
21:35 But the nice thing is we're only 40 minutes away
21:37 door to door, and so we actually did this,
21:41 launch this Optimize 4 Life program in Camp Verde
21:46 to try it out to see how it's going.
21:48 People loved it... Okay.
21:49 And let's put the pause on for just a second 'cause...
21:52 Let me tell you one more thing.
21:53 Well hang on, no, no, I'm coming right back to you...
21:55 I just want you to explain something
21:57 because the new series is going to be called Optimize 4 Life,
22:01 but we've actually adopted a title of the program
22:06 that they are running, so that's what,
22:08 let's call what's on 3ABN this series,
22:12 but now explain the Optimize 4 Life program
22:15 that you are running?
22:16 Well, the Optimize 4 Life program
22:17 is what Jay was talking about,
22:19 we are taking systems of the body,
22:21 and we've taken a step-by-step approach.
22:22 But we also realized that once you give people education,
22:26 you have to also empower them with ability to move forward.
22:29 It's just like you can study the Bible,
22:31 but you still have to know how to apply to your life
22:33 and move forward.
22:35 And so that's what we are trying to do.
22:36 And so he hits it from the nutritional standpoint,
22:41 I hit it from the fitness standpoint
22:43 but yet we both have the ability
22:44 to overlap into each other's areas.
22:47 In fact after we did this series,
22:49 a lot of people were saying, "We knew he was smart
22:51 but we didn't know you knew anything except for exercise."
22:54 So when you said you did the series,
22:55 where did you do it?
22:57 We did in Camp Verde, we did our Fit-in-15 there.
23:00 And we just didn't even advertised
23:01 really except put a little sign up
23:03 and people were coming and they were just excited.
23:07 Jay, you see there's the massive potential
23:09 you follow up if you want to 'cause people were just,
23:12 they were just clamming for more information,
23:14 they look so excited.
23:15 One of our client said, "I could have sat down
23:17 and listen to your guys all day."
23:18 Because again we just play off each other very nicely
23:21 and they like the information they're hearing,
23:22 but we want to take it another step
23:24 and that's why taking people step by step
23:26 of how to implement exercise into the life.
23:29 How to change your dietary pattern,
23:31 you know where to start eating, where to go with that.
23:33 So people can go, okay I can do this.
23:35 It's not overwhelming,
23:37 it's not like taking it from 0-50,
23:40 I can start out gradually and put my way up
23:42 to what you're talking about.
23:43 And, you know, I think that's...
23:45 I love that aspect of it because now going
23:48 to the Black Hills can be life changing
23:50 and I know that, we went there, my husband had had,
23:54 JD had septicemia and he had surgery on his knees
23:59 and he was just barely walking when he got there in,
24:03 and within 10 days he was like a new man.
24:05 So it is a life changing thing but you get so much at one time
24:10 that when you leave,
24:12 some of that just kind of filters through your mind.
24:15 What I love about the program the way you're going
24:17 to be doing it on 3ABN is you get this principle,
24:21 let's put this into practice.
24:23 Let's put this fitness principle,
24:25 this nutrition principle into practice this week,
24:29 then the following week, you're building on that,
24:32 so it gives people some time
24:34 to really get their legs under them if you will.
24:39 So are you all going to...
24:42 when you do this, lecture program
24:46 that you do outside of 3ABN,
24:49 do you have materials workbooks,
24:51 what do you have to, to help people?
24:53 Yeah, we are working on that right now.
24:55 We're gonna put together a manual,
24:57 our workbook that people can go through.
24:59 We also have a cookbook.
25:00 My wife and I've had two vegetarian restaurants
25:03 through our marriage.
25:05 We started out as business partners.
25:06 So we started out a restaurant, health food store.
25:09 And then we ran that for a while
25:10 and then we went to the Black Hills,
25:11 then we took over an existing restaurant,
25:13 health food stores, so we have years of experience
25:16 of dealing with people
25:17 who may have different palate...
25:19 And so we have restaurant tested recipes,
25:21 we're gonna put together in our manuals as well.
25:24 And so we can actually coach people through the process.
25:27 Now your wife Chloe that each one of the programs
25:31 on this new series Optimize 4 Life is,
25:37 has a cooking segment and your wife Chloe
25:39 does that cooking segment.
25:41 She is also very experienced in the nutrition field, right?
25:45 That's correct, and she deals more
25:47 from the food preparation standpoint,
25:49 doesn't really deal so much with the health,
25:51 so we kind of complement each other as well.
25:53 I do more of the scientific and that type of thing
25:56 and she does the application.
25:57 Where, I'm pretty good with the kitchen too
26:00 but we kind of leave that to her.
26:01 And then she puts it together and show some simple steps
26:05 that people can apply to their lifestyle.
26:08 You know, Jay, I married my business partner too.
26:10 Oh, that's just great.
26:11 Actually we dated for six months
26:13 and I told my mother, I wouldn't marry him
26:15 if he is the last man on earth
26:16 and you know what, she said oh-oh, that's the one.
26:19 And then we became business partners
26:21 about a year later,
26:23 we were partners for couple of years
26:24 before we married, so she was right.
26:26 Like to inject something Chloe actually taught
26:28 the cooking labs at the Black Hills
26:30 Health and Education Center for a while.
26:32 And she is a fantastic cook.
26:34 And one of the thing I want to interject about
26:35 what you talk about being at the center,
26:37 the thing with the center is we spoon feed you there...
26:41 We tell you when to get up, we tell you when to exercise.
26:43 Oh, boy, do you.
26:45 We tell you when to eat, what to eat.
26:47 You have no control of your life,
26:48 you know, this is when you have a massage,
26:50 this is when you have a hydrotherapy,
26:51 this is when you're exercising, but then when people leave,
26:55 then they have to do it on their own...
26:56 Right.
26:57 And unfortunately, and you know
26:59 this in human nature especially,
27:00 you know, spiritually somebody falls
27:03 or they fall back, they go well,
27:05 you know, I tried but...
27:08 And they start just slipping back further and further
27:10 into their old routine, and it's really sad
27:12 because you see people getting off all sorts of medications,
27:14 and so and so forth, they are now,
27:18 their blood sugar is no more, the blood pressure is normal.
27:20 They go back home, they go back to their old lifestyle
27:22 and on the whole that happens again.
27:24 So we're trying to help people avoid that
27:26 by taking up a step by step approach.
27:28 I'm really excited about this, but now you brought up
27:31 something interesting because blood sugar,
27:33 it seems, Jay, that more and more people
27:37 with whom I speak over the phone
27:39 or when we're out and meeting more and more people
27:43 are facing diabetes or they are pre-diabetic.
27:47 And I actually had a phone call
27:48 from my brother-in-law last night
27:51 and he is saying, hey I just got my
27:53 test results back on my blood work,
27:56 and he said, my doctor had said,
27:58 "This is it, you know, you moved over into diabetes."
28:01 So what would you tell someone who is watching right now,
28:05 if they just learned they are diabetic.
28:07 What kinds of food should they avoid,
28:09 what kind of foods should they perhaps be focusing on?
28:14 Interesting, the idea behind diabetes
28:17 is really we have never seen,
28:18 the lifestyles that we're living now in history,
28:21 and so what we're finding as people are using
28:23 more and more refined foods
28:25 and so are eating more and more processed foods.
28:27 If we can cut and back that off and start moving towards food
28:30 from nature as grown, straight from nature
28:33 and so we find that as we process the foods,
28:35 the body doesn't know
28:36 how to handle the load of calories
28:38 that we put in our bodies with the processed foods.
28:42 And I think one of the biggest culprit
28:44 is we're drinking a lot of liquid calories.
28:47 And so, when you see that onslaught of the foods
28:50 coming in a liquid form.
28:52 And when you say that,
28:53 we're talking about like soda pops,
28:55 well, that's an old fashioned thing for it.
28:58 But what do you call them,
28:59 soft drinks I guess, you know sodas.
29:02 But also it's not all, you know,
29:05 some people think if you're drinking fruit juice,
29:08 that you're just fine, but you're getting
29:09 a whole lot of calories without the fiber
29:11 and you're probably getting
29:13 a lot more calories in sugars than you think.
29:15 That's right, and I always find it interesting too
29:18 so that people switch over to Gatorade
29:19 because that's a sports drink.
29:21 And most people I see checking out at grocery stores
29:23 with their cases of sports drink,
29:25 don't look like they'd been
29:26 doing any sports any time recently.
29:29 And so really there is a activity component to that,
29:31 yeah, there is a place for liquid calories,
29:33 but it's not on ongoing daily basis
29:36 with too many concentrated calories is the idea.
29:39 And so the concept that we work with the nutrition is,
29:42 is a lot of times with investments,
29:43 and as we get closer to retirement
29:45 where I was looking for the return on investment
29:47 where we invest in things.
29:48 When you look at your food,
29:50 what kind of return and investment are you getting?
29:52 And so we always try to say, how many nutrients
29:54 are you getting per bit of food,
29:56 kind of the principle we work with.
29:57 And so you go back closer and closer to nature
30:00 and you eat the foods as grown, unprocessed, untouched by man,
30:03 so to speak in the processing.
30:05 And since the body will process those calories differently
30:09 than the processed calories in the body.
30:11 So you're saying, if you're eating green beans
30:13 straight from the garden,
30:14 you're gonna be getting a lot more nutrition
30:16 and it's going to be processed differently,
30:19 than if you're eating green beans out of the can,
30:21 or you going a little step further
30:23 where there is more processing.
30:24 The frozen and the can is fine...
30:26 Okay.
30:27 To an extent, but yeah, taking it right from nature,
30:29 if you don't have that available,
30:30 sometimes frozen is actually
30:32 just as nutritious as the fresh.
30:35 But when you take that and then process
30:36 that into other foods components.
30:39 What do you call soybean, atta edamame.
30:41 Yeah. Okay, it's interesting...
30:44 'Cause I can eat those and tolerate those,
30:46 but I'm extremely allergic to soy,
30:50 and if I eat processed soy, if I'm just eating tofu
30:54 or something like this, I'm a mess.
30:56 So even, even healthy things that have been highly processed
31:01 can create problems, is that correct?
31:03 Absolutely, in the sense, that's what we look at to
31:05 is you take that soybean right from the field
31:07 and you cook it and add edamame or however you do it.
31:11 And if you take it then and process
31:12 and making into tofu
31:14 and soymilk and things like that,
31:16 small amounts of those are probably fine,
31:18 but you're still better off getting the majority
31:20 of your food as grown.
31:21 Right. Okay, okay.
31:23 Well, it sounds like this is gonna be
31:24 an exciting program.
31:26 What...
31:28 Dick, kind of...
31:30 I know every one knows you but kind of let's back up
31:34 and maybe not everyone has heard your testimony
31:37 because you weren't always as healthy as you are today.
31:41 Tell us a little about
31:43 how you got interested in health.
31:47 Well, when I was growing up, I was six foot,
31:50 120 pounds at the age of 12.
31:53 And my diet was absolutely atrocious.
31:55 My mother go to the grocery store every week
31:58 and buy a one pound Hershey bar,
31:59 one pound of Nestle crunch bar,
32:01 and a bag of Trix cereal pops, and I'd eat it all on Friday.
32:04 I had to go to the dentist and I had 12 cavities,
32:07 and some of those cavities were so bad that later on life
32:10 you start to have secondary problems,
32:12 you have to get root canals and crowns and so and so forth.
32:15 And what you hear now,
32:16 isn't that good of a thing to do anyway.
32:18 So then as life went on, I got into high school
32:21 and I was a terrible eater.
32:22 Typical meal was pan cake with butter and syrup,
32:25 two fried eggs, two glasses of milk for breakfast,
32:27 jam sandwich and a white bread with butter,
32:29 two twinkies, two ding dongs
32:30 and two things of chocolate milk for lunch,
32:32 hamburger, French fries, and milk shake for dinner,
32:35 I had no healthy nutritional habits at all,
32:38 but yet I still weighed, you know 225, 235
32:40 and I was a senior in high school
32:42 and was bench pressing 365,
32:43 so I got strong beside the fact.
32:45 And then I got into college,
32:47 I got involved with body building
32:48 and I start eating three pounds a meat,
32:51 a gallon of milk, half dozen eggs every day,
32:53 10,000 calories a day,
32:55 eating seven times a day, it was a mess.
32:57 You know I was...
32:59 Your heart attacking waiting to happen, were it?
33:00 My cholesterol level was high, I had hypertension.
33:03 I started losing my hair, so many different things
33:06 were happening, my immune system was shot,
33:08 if I got hurt, I always have to worry about
33:10 secondary infection, I had a staph infection,
33:12 strep infection in my throat at the same time,
33:14 couldn't talk for two weeks,
33:16 but I was so quiet back then, I took a week by it now.
33:18 So my roommate find, he goes, you have a sore throat?
33:22 But as time went on, I got involved
33:24 with the Adventist church,
33:26 and then I started taking the next step,
33:30 you know, 'cause the health message is there.
33:32 unfortunately not everybody embraces
33:34 like we wish they would.
33:35 But I start listen to speakers like from Weimar,
33:39 Dr. Lee, Dr Dee,
33:40 and so many of this people had a lot to do
33:42 with bringing me forward
33:44 and then when Jay and I got together,
33:47 we kind of gone on this journey together,
33:48 even though we have been out together in a part,
33:51 but we kind of melted our thought processes.
33:55 we looked forward going
33:57 to this nutrient dense type diet.
33:59 And that's how I made,
34:00 you know, big transformation in my life,
34:02 when I starting focusing on the cleansing aspect
34:05 'cause I was running around at 270-280 pounds,
34:07 in fact a lot of previous Body and Spirit shows,
34:10 I'm much larger than I'm right now,
34:12 but I don't need to carry that weight especially at my age.
34:15 And I started eating this more nutrient dense food
34:18 and Lisa calls it my gorilla salad
34:20 because it's huge.
34:22 But I started eating that way
34:24 and you still maintain the strength
34:26 and the muscle size,
34:27 but yet the excess fluff is gone,
34:30 and you just feel amazing.
34:32 So it's been quite a journey.
34:34 And so the thing I tried to do
34:36 is use the blessings God has give me
34:38 because lot of times people think
34:39 if you become a total vegetarian diet
34:42 or what people use vegan,
34:44 that term people, they think you're gonna be emaciated,
34:46 think you will be very scrawny and so and so forth,
34:49 so I try and use what God has blessed me
34:51 with to show that, no, you can eat this diet
34:53 and still be muscular, you can still feel good,
34:56 and God impressed me several years ago
34:59 to get in the best shape of my life,
35:00 because he goes, I have something for you.
35:03 And I thought well, why didn't you asked me
35:05 to do this at 30, don't ask me to do at 60.
35:07 And it was like, well,
35:09 anybody can do at 30, do it at 60
35:10 and then you have something to talk about.
35:12 And so off we go.
35:14 You know, I will never forget, is it Dr, Blauer...
35:19 Dr Bee, yeah. Dr. Bea.
35:21 When we first came to Black Hills
35:24 Health and Education Center,
35:26 and what was Dr. Blauer then about 70...
35:29 75... 75...
35:31 I thought I was gonna say 74-75.
35:33 And here is the 75 year old man who goes up,
35:36 and as a demonstration, Dick calls him up
35:39 and he gets down on the floor
35:40 and he is doing all this one arm pushups
35:42 and he was just like you got to be kidding me.
35:46 So... Let me tell about Dr. Bea.
35:49 He started working out at 73...
35:52 And he was an ER doc and you said
35:55 he was in the shape of a 73 old flabby ER doc.
36:00 He can do two push-ups, no pull-ups,
36:02 had never really worked out.
36:04 By the time you met him two years later,
36:06 he could do 80 pushups, 20 pull-ups.
36:09 We actually had him working out for bench press competition
36:12 because in his age category 75 and above,
36:16 he was now bench pressing 185, and Dr. Bea is not a big man,
36:21 but we would have...
36:22 He would have been world class in the bench press.
36:25 When we came back to Rapid City and before I left,
36:28 Dr. Bea was still working out with this at the age of 83,
36:32 and still doing great.
36:33 Yeah, praise God.
36:34 Well, we'll just give a shout out to everybody
36:36 at Black Hills Health and Education especially,
36:38 Dr. Bea and his wife.
36:40 So this new series which is, if you're seeing this program,
36:44 you look, check for your schedule
36:46 because it will be in the schedule.
36:48 And it is...
36:50 Can you give us maybe like a little outline of topics
36:54 how are you doing for Optimize 4 Life?
36:58 Well, the first thing we're gonna do is talk about
37:00 how you can prepare because a lot of time
37:02 peoples are motivated to make a change,
37:05 and if they don't in the sense prepare for that,
37:08 there are some pitfalls.
37:10 We all know about getting in ditches,
37:11 and lot of time we go in unprepared,
37:13 so we'll talk about how to set up your kitchen,
37:15 how to set up your schedule
37:16 for fitness and things like that.
37:18 Then we'll go into a program
37:20 where we just talk about fitness.
37:22 Designing your own personalized fitness program
37:24 and then the next segment will be about
37:26 how to set up your own personalized nutrition program,
37:28 how to set your kitchen up.
37:30 What kind of appliances would you like to get.
37:33 What are the basics, and what are fluff machines
37:36 'cause we all have different juicers
37:38 and all this different things with the bare bones,
37:40 and then we start going into your sleep cycles,
37:42 and then we'll start looking at the musculoskeletal system,
37:45 the neurological system, and things like that,
37:47 but it's not gonna be high fluent words
37:50 and things like that,
37:52 it will be very, very practical.
37:53 Amen. Amen.
37:54 I'm really looking forward to this 'cause I'm sure,
37:56 I'm gonna learn something too.
37:58 I will tell you, you know you were talking about
38:00 soft drinks while ago.
38:02 I gave up soft drinks 13, 14 years ago I suppose,
38:07 actually before I came into the Adventist church, but...
38:12 It would have been 14 years, so 15 years ago
38:14 before I came into the Adventist church.
38:16 And you know, I was never a water drinker,
38:19 but once you...
38:21 All I do now is drink water with lemon,
38:22 and once you have made that change
38:25 you think, ah, ha, I like water.
38:27 But once you made that change,
38:29 your body craves and I cannot stand the taste,
38:32 maybe once a year I'll have a root beer,
38:34 but I don't like the taste of soft drinks,
38:36 they have a kind of a acrid kind of a taste to them.
38:41 But I was working on a sermon for the health message
38:46 sitting there with a bottle of water next to me
38:48 and I wasn't drinking it till somebody,
38:50 one of my dear friends
38:51 who is my water angel texted me and said "thirsty"
38:54 'cause she knows I'm hyper focus.
38:56 So we all need to be brought to a count is my point is that,
39:01 it doesn't matter how long you've been in the church
39:04 and heard the health message
39:05 or if you've never heard the health message.
39:07 As you said, Dick, not all of us are applying it
39:10 the way we should
39:12 and we are suffering because of it, right?
39:13 Correct, and the thing with pop,
39:15 is one glass of pop will take 32 glasses
39:18 of regular water to neutralize
39:20 the acidic effect of that pop...
39:21 Oh my goodness.
39:23 And so people think they're drinking that
39:24 to get fluids in our body or drinking coffee
39:27 or things like that and what they don't realize
39:30 is actually dehydrating themselves
39:32 creating a greater need for more healthy fluid.
39:35 Now I know you were dehydrating yourself with caffeine,
39:39 but are you saying that
39:40 when you say to get the acid out,
39:41 does it actually dehydrate you when you're drinking pop.
39:44 Well, it just takes more fluid
39:45 because, the body needs to be in a proper alkaline base...
39:48 So it's hurting your kidneys...
39:49 Oh, absolutely... It's hurting your organs.
39:51 Disease grows in an acidic state,
39:54 it doesn't grow on in alkaline state.
39:55 I always heard cancer grow in that...
39:57 And then, you know, people have a lot of yeast in their body,
39:59 they don't understand that.
40:01 And the thing yeast loves more than anything else is sugar
40:04 and if you're not giving it a refine sugar,
40:06 it can go after honey, maple syrup
40:10 and then even if you didn't given that
40:11 they can go after fruit
40:13 and especially like Jay was saying,
40:14 if you're taking a lot of fruit juices
40:16 the yeast can go okay, I will use that.
40:18 So we need to get the nutrient dense foods
40:20 to get the body more in a proper ph balance,
40:24 and that's what when Jay is talking about the kale
40:27 and this broccoli all those super foods,
40:29 that's what does it.
40:31 And then you get your body in proper ph balance
40:33 and then you go wow...
40:35 The body is... We all want to be well...
40:38 The body is the miracle.
40:39 We just have to set up the proper environment
40:42 to allow that miracle to happen.
40:43 We know I opened by saying that
40:45 God really wants us to be in good health,
40:48 and when you think about it, he is such a loving father
40:53 and he has given us instructions
40:54 just right here in the Bible.
40:57 What we can do to be healthier
41:00 and following his health plan is really...
41:04 God knew that if we're healthy we're gonna be happier,
41:07 we're gonna have a more fulfilling life.
41:09 So, Jay, who is your target audience for this new series,
41:14 it's gonna be on 3ABN Optimize for Life.
41:17 Well, the interesting thing is, this is can be applied
41:20 to basically anybody at any phase of their lifespan.
41:23 And interesting thing is in Flagstaff, Arizona
41:26 we've created a intervention team
41:29 of professionals in our area.
41:30 We're doing six week, nine week,
41:32 and 12 week interventions, and then we collect the data...
41:37 Okay, explain that just a little bit more,
41:39 you're doing six week, nine week...
41:41 We're doing a similar community interventions,
41:45 like we're doing for Optimize 4 Life.
41:48 And we're finding people from all walks of life,
41:50 whether they are in decade or their 20s, 30s
41:52 all the way up in their 60s, and 70s.
41:55 And it's interesting that when you see people transform
41:58 their lives by applying these principles
42:00 one at a time each week, they're just being transformed,
42:03 they're getting of medications under the supervision
42:06 of their physicians and things like that,
42:08 that's what motivating to Dick and I is that this blessing
42:11 that we've been giving through scripture,
42:14 and we call it the health message.
42:16 People look at it as optional, but we're are seeing people
42:19 from secular walks of life
42:21 that suddenly they're becoming alive,
42:23 their colors back in there life,
42:24 they're mentally processing
42:26 and they become spiritually awake.
42:29 And that's so we always think too that really
42:30 that this whole health message thing, message,
42:34 and I never really understood what the health message was
42:36 when I joined the Adventist church,
42:38 because I just thought was don't eat pork.
42:40 Okay, And I didn't really know it wasn't
42:42 until somebody gave me a book called
42:44 Counsels on Diet and Foods,
42:45 and I started saying, wow, I didn't learn that in college,
42:47 so I started applying it to my own life,
42:49 and I certainly realized that this is a gift of grace,
42:52 and so many people think it's so legalistic
42:54 and that you're being so particular
42:56 and you're working your way to heaven,
42:58 but when we take these principles
43:00 and we take them like we're doing
43:02 right now on Flagstaff to people in their work sites.
43:05 We're finding their productivity is better.
43:06 We're seeing a drop in depression,
43:08 and we're not evenly necessarily focusing
43:10 on this one at the time
43:11 and that's a neat thing about these principles.
43:13 You don't have to focus on this or focus on that
43:15 and focus on that.
43:16 It's a transformation of the entire being.
43:19 You know, it's funny that you said
43:20 how everyone can,
43:23 and science has caught up with what we know.
43:25 Absolutely.
43:26 I mean science everyday is proving the health message,
43:29 but when people think that it's legalistic,
43:31 I mean that's ridiculous,
43:32 because we know salvation is by grace,
43:34 we're not doing anything
43:36 to try to earn our way to heaven, we can't.
43:40 There is nothing that we can do that will save ourselves.
43:43 Salvation belongs to God, but he is our creator
43:48 and Paul says, hey, your body is not your own,
43:51 it belongs to the Lord, he's redeemed you,
43:53 bought you with a price.
43:55 And we should not defile with the temple of the spirit.
44:00 We're not supposed to defile this,
44:02 but God as the owner, if you ever have...
44:05 If you bought yourself a brand new Cadillac
44:07 and you went out, you would find
44:09 in the glove compartment, what?
44:11 An owner's manual.
44:13 And it will tell you what kind of oil,
44:14 what kind of gasoline.
44:16 So if you've got a gasoline car and you put diesel in it,
44:20 what's gonna happen?
44:21 Not gonna run really well, is it?
44:23 Well, this is kind of God has told us
44:25 what's good for us,
44:26 and science is now proving it out.
44:28 So we just have a few more minutes.
44:31 What do you think has been the most exciting thing
44:35 as you have prepared to the materials for this.
44:40 Did God gave you any ah-ha moments,
44:43 did you have any epiphanies
44:45 as you were preparing the materials for this program.
44:49 I guess the big thing for me is,
44:51 how easily it float once we tried
44:54 to put it into place, because we didn't scripted
44:58 and we haven't really talked about it.
44:59 And Jay had slides together, as PhD he does fabulous work,
45:04 and we were putting the slides up
45:06 and he gave me a preliminary
45:07 what it was going to be and then he changed them.
45:11 So he threw a slide up and I'm looking up as I go...
45:12 We don't call them slides anymore, Dick,
45:14 we call them graphics.
45:16 Whatever, I was looking at the graphic and I go,
45:18 wait a minute, I don't remember that
45:20 and after he goes, "Oh, I switched it in for you."
45:23 But still we were able to play off each other
45:25 and just works really nicely
45:26 and just the excitement of the people that heard it.
45:31 And of course, we had people young teens there,
45:34 we had senior citizens there,
45:36 we had just your basic baby boomers there.
45:38 We had everybody and they were all getting
45:41 something out of it,
45:42 and so and I think that was going to be exciting
45:44 when they see how this comes to life
45:46 because it isn't a legalistic message,
45:48 it's a message of love.
45:50 And when you talk about the Bible,
45:51 and Jay and I both know this
45:54 nutritional science changes all the time,
45:55 you know, what was popular now wasn't popular,
45:58 you know, it always changes.
46:00 You look at the physical principles in the Bible,
46:03 back from Genesis on through, it's all 100 percent accurate.
46:07 I mean God doesn't make mistakes.
46:09 So if you look at the Levitical law
46:11 and, "You can eat this, but don't eat that.
46:13 You better off if you just go back
46:15 to original diet found in the Garden of Eden.
46:17 And the more we can get people back to that original diet,
46:20 the healthier people gonna be.
46:22 Well, and we certainly have seen.
46:23 I mean I've seen people's lives been changed
46:27 by changing to this message.
46:29 Jay, for you as you, did God kind of renew
46:34 an interest in anything or rebuilt.
46:36 Absolutely, in our most recent intervention in Flagstaff,
46:40 we're applying these principles week by week there
46:43 and there's a lady there who came with her husband,
46:46 their employees of the hospital there
46:48 and we're doing it right in the hospital auditorium.
46:51 And she came in and she's been bipolar
46:53 for years on several medications
46:55 and we had an introduction were we did a six hour training
46:58 of what's gonna be happening and how this is gonna go.
47:00 We did a two, three hour segments.
47:03 And by the time we came back for the first week
47:04 where they were supposed to start applying it.
47:06 She'd already jumped in and started applying
47:09 the little bit of principles we had already given her
47:11 and she was, her countenance was different
47:13 and she was a total different person,
47:15 it's like she came out of a fog.
47:17 This is like five days, five days
47:20 and I thought, you know,
47:22 God's principles are true today.
47:24 And this is a message of grace and love to open up our minds
47:28 and our hearts to be restored back into his image.
47:31 I just... I'm so excited about this.
47:33 We've done that at the Black Hills
47:34 where we saw it in a lockdown situation
47:36 where people can really get well.
47:38 But we want to be out in the community
47:40 where people live in their own homes
47:42 and they apply these principles in their homes
47:45 and they transform them and they apply that
47:47 and we provide the support to keep doing it,
47:50 going along in this massive group of people
47:52 around the world, they're part of that.
47:54 You know we're so excited that we're going to be offering
47:58 this wonderful new series Optimize 4 Life.
48:02 And what I do want to say is that,
48:04 you know, going to a lifestyle center like
48:06 Black Hills or Eden Valley, it's very important.
48:09 It's critical for people who are in crisis,
48:13 you know, being spoon fed is the ideal
48:16 when you're in crisis, but this is going to be
48:18 something that's just taking it to a greater majority of people
48:23 who maybe cannot afford to go to a lifestyle center
48:28 or who cannot take the time off.
48:31 So we're going to come back in just a second for a closing
48:34 thought from these two gentlemen,
48:36 but right now Jaimie Jorge is going to join us again
48:40 and one of my favorite songs, It is no Secret.


Revised 2016-09-19