3ABN Today

General lConference

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Duane & Kathy McKey, Ted & Nancy Wilson


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016062B

00:01 And that's good information.
00:02 We always like to have you aware of the things
00:04 that are happening at 3ABN.
00:05 Duane, we've been talking about Romania
00:07 and some of the other things that are coming up.
00:08 Walk us through all of the little twist and turns
00:11 of doing these kind of things
00:13 so that we leave no stone unturned.
00:14 Now this is an exciting project, right?
00:16 Every member of evangelism is the wave of the future,
00:18 it really is.
00:20 We have a new program we've put together
00:21 and its very easy.
00:23 It goes on MAC computers or goes on a PC computer.
00:27 And the notes, you see the notes here,
00:28 you're see them in English
00:30 if you are preaching in English,
00:31 and on the screen you'll see Romanian up here.
00:34 In the same way in Rwanda,
00:35 you had English and Rwandese in King Rwanda.
00:39 And so you have the notes on the screen
00:42 and then the people, the audience,
00:45 visual audience graphics up there for them,
00:47 it make then easy to preach.
00:49 So you've been walked through really step-by step,
00:51 almost spoon fed what to say
00:52 and how to said is right there on the computer,
00:54 and then on the screen.
00:55 Just like Elder Wilson said,
00:57 "If you can read, you can preach.
00:59 Even you can't read, you practice several times
01:02 and you can still preach."
01:03 Yeah, you still preach.
01:04 And the Mark Finley sermon, now some people say, Mark Finley,
01:07 ah, he preaches us, you know, with so many graphics
01:09 and so fast, we've cut them in half.
01:13 And so there the...
01:15 The Revelation of Hope 2.
01:17 The Revelation of Hope 2, and they are the HD format
01:21 and so they are really beautiful picture,
01:23 brand new picture, new illustrations,
01:26 but the wonderful topic of Revelation.
01:28 And its really easy to preach, any body can do it.
01:30 So they're going to need a projector.
01:32 They'll need a projector.
01:34 And a computer. And a computer.
01:35 And that's it. That's it.
01:36 Yeah. Projector and a computer.
01:38 And if you need help,
01:39 you can buy on Amazon now, you know,
01:40 inexpensive computer.
01:42 You can get a, actually you can get a 1200 luminous projector,
01:45 which is not bad for about $90.
01:49 But you can get 3000 luminous projectors
01:51 for around $300,
01:54 I guess, isn't it? Yes.
01:55 I know that kind of computer, the kind of good was,
01:57 a projector rather worth several thousands of dollars.
02:00 Yeah. So prices really came down.
02:02 Oh, they've come a way down so you can do it
02:03 and the church can happily supports you.
02:05 You can borrow a computer or you can,
02:07 you know, use your own
02:09 or you can get an inexpensive computer as well.
02:10 So that was...
02:12 Give us the contact information
02:13 one last time before we get away.
02:15 TMI.Adventist.org,
02:16 TMI.Adventist.org.
02:19 And then you go on there
02:20 and you'll see a different places
02:22 and then new sign up under the country
02:23 you like to sign up under.
02:24 Now there is the cut-off day, Kathy, isn't there?
02:26 That's right, you have to sign up
02:27 by December 1.
02:29 That's for Romania?
02:30 That's everyone.
02:32 All of the countries, all of the countries.
02:34 Yes, we have till December 1.
02:36 And before we finish, I want to thank again ASI.
02:39 They supply sermons for us,
02:41 also they supplied sermons for Romania,
02:43 they supplied sermons in Rwanda.
02:45 The 1,850 preachers in Rwanda
02:48 used the ASI printed sermons,
02:50 they worked very, very, very well.
02:52 Well, you have got your marching orders,
02:53 we expect to see you in Romania or some of these other venues.
02:57 Our time with fast slipped into eternity.
03:00 Allow me in closing on behalf of Duane and Kathy McKey,
03:03 Elder Ted and Nancy Wilson,
03:05 and from myself to wish you grace and peace
03:07 through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
03:08 We'll see you again soon. Bye-bye and god bless.


Revised 2016-08-29