Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Duane & Kathy McKey, Ted & Nancy Wilson
Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY016062A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:29 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:07 Hello, and welcome to a 3ABN today. 01:09 My name is CA Murray and allow me once again 01:11 to thank you for sharing 01:13 just a little of your no doubt busy day with us. 01:16 We thank you for your love, 01:18 your prayers, 01:19 your support of Three Angels Broadcasting Network. 01:21 We know that we could not do what we're called to do 01:23 without your partnership and support. 01:25 So from the bottom of our hearts 01:27 we say, once again thank you very much. 01:29 I'm excited yah verily today, 01:32 because of our subject matter 01:34 and because of our special guests, 01:37 and I'm gonna use that term so often 01:39 but today's guests really are special. 01:41 First of all, I'm joined by my wife Irma 01:44 who I don't always get to have to co-host with me 01:46 but she is with me today, 01:48 and I'll tell you why in just a little bit. 01:49 Irma, good to have you here? 01:51 Good to be here, honey, especially with our friends. 01:53 Yeah, with our friends and guest. 01:55 And they are... 01:57 these are two unique individuals 01:59 dare I say Duane and Kathy McKay. 02:04 Give us your new title 02:05 because you're wearing a lot of hats, now, 02:07 you're getting to be like a volunteer kind of a person 02:09 all over the place 02:10 because you're elected to Sabbath school, 02:13 and personal ministries 02:15 but you picked up another kind of hat 02:17 once you got to the general conference. 02:19 Total member involvement, assistant to the president, 02:21 total member involvement. 02:23 Now, evangelism is kind in your DNA, 02:25 so was not a big stretch for you to do that. 02:26 Right. 02:28 Because that's something, 02:29 we met you it was in evangelism, 02:30 some years ago in the Philippines together. 02:32 Your wife Kathy always by your side. 02:34 Now your title is really long, 02:35 some I would let you give us your title 02:37 and your responsibility. 02:39 Well, it's a real privilege to be with social media 02:43 and outreach coordinator from Elder Wilson's office. 02:46 Praise the Lord, and speaking of Elder Wilson, 02:48 we have via Skype from his office, 02:51 the president of the General Conference 02:53 Elder Ted Wilson. 02:54 Elder, are you there? 02:55 I'm here, CA, 02:57 and great to be with you and Irma 02:59 as well as Kathy and Duane. 03:01 It's a great privilege. Praise the Lord. 03:03 Now, we got a little blank chair next to you 03:05 because we're gonna be joined by your wife shortly. 03:07 We're looking forward to that and I'm hoping my dear elder 03:10 that you and Kathy and Nancy can convince my wife to do 03:15 something that she has threatened to do in the past 03:18 and which I'm told your wife did 03:20 over the last several months, 03:22 we're gonna talk about that in just a little bit, 03:24 but Nancy had a chance to step out 03:25 and become an evangelist 03:27 and we want to talk about that, 03:29 and maybe between she and Kathy, 03:31 we kind of get Irma to strap on the evangelistic hat, 03:33 and though she threatened to do it 03:35 but she hadn't quite come through just yet. 03:37 So maybe between the two of you, 03:39 you can do that. 03:40 Let me pay you my dear elder a compliment 03:43 because you practice what you preach, 03:45 and I know with your incredibly busy schedule, 03:48 you manage to get in some active 03:51 front line evangelism, 03:53 if not every year certainly periodically 03:55 and that's something that you've chosen to do, isn't it? 03:59 Absolutely, CA, 04:00 and let me just refer to your comment 04:04 about my wife being involved and Kathy, 04:08 you just wait till you hear their testimonies, 04:11 it's absolutely thrilling 04:13 what the Lord can do through anyone 04:16 who is willing to be a mouth piece for the Lord, 04:20 but I do take time every year 04:25 and that's been the case now for the last couple of years 04:28 or so and we have a program 04:30 for the rest of the quinquennium, 04:32 where we hold an evangelistic meeting every year 04:36 and it's a thrill to be able to do that. 04:40 For me personally it just totally reaffirms 04:46 my great conviction in scriptural truth 04:48 and then what the Bible has to say 04:51 about last day events 04:53 about the Lord's intervention in our own personal lives, 04:56 and what we need to be doing in these very... 05:01 You just visit your own website, 05:06 news website that you're familiar with 05:08 or you're listening on television 05:10 or the radio or whatever it is. 05:12 I mean just about every day 05:15 there is something horrific happening around the world. 05:19 that tells me that Jesus is coming very soon 05:22 that impels me in an even greater way 05:25 to be involved with total member involvement 05:27 and with evangelistic outreach. 05:31 Now in some places 05:33 public evangelism is a kind of a challenge 05:35 and perhaps in some other way 05:38 things can be approached 05:41 but it is something that I think 05:44 in almost every part of the world 05:46 can have real impact in people's lives. 05:51 The problem is that evangelism doesn't just happen, 05:56 it has to have a long preparation. 05:59 It is a constant ongoing comprehensive approach 06:03 and that's what total member involvement is all about. 06:06 It's not just those peak experiences 06:08 of having evangelistic meetings. 06:12 In February we're gonna be in Romania. 06:15 The next year we're gonna be in Japan, 06:17 the year after that in India, 06:19 and the following year in probably Papua New Guinea. 06:24 But those are just the tips of everything that happens 06:28 and that's total member involvement. 06:29 People be involved in so many activities 06:32 which I certainly share in a few moments as well, 06:37 but evangelism has to be the life blood of all of us, 06:41 pastors, church members, every one united. 06:44 Amen. 06:46 Elder, I wanted to just get this in before 06:48 we get to far in our program. 06:49 Danny Shelton would be here 06:51 and asked me to send you his love and his greetings 06:55 as you may know he just had a serious surgery 06:58 on his vocal cord. 06:59 He had a growth there that was hampering his voice, 07:03 he wasn't able to sing and barely able to speak, 07:06 and so two weeks ago, 07:07 he had a very, very, very extensive surgery, 07:10 very kind of touch and go there in Nashville, 07:12 and he his on total silence for at least 90 days. 07:17 Now of course if you know Danny Shelton 07:18 that is cruel and unusual punishment, 07:22 but the doctor has told him that he needs not to speak, 07:25 certainly not at speaking level, 07:26 he can whisper just a few words each day, 07:29 but this is very, very serious so he said, 07:31 he asked me to send to you his love, his support. 07:35 You know, you're greatly loved and respected here at 3ABN. 07:38 And he wanted to make sure that you knew 07:41 that if he could be here, he would be here 07:43 but he is not allowed to talk. 07:44 We don't really expect to hear anything from Danny Shelton 07:47 until maybe Happy Thanksgiving if then. 07:50 So he is suffering along, trying to preserve his voice, 07:53 but he did want me to give his greetings, 07:55 his love and his well wishes. 07:57 Well, please give him special greetings 08:01 and I'll pray that the healing process 08:05 will take place in a very special way 08:08 by God's blessing, 08:10 and let me just assure you, we appreciate very much, 08:14 the evangelistic outreach of 3ABN 08:18 that touches so many thousands of lives 08:21 all over these globe. 08:23 Thank you for what you're doing. 08:24 Oh, praise the Lord. 08:26 It's funny because he, 08:27 we're heading to London as you well know in September 08:30 and he has on his iPad a little voice, 08:33 he can type out his words 08:35 and the voice is the British voice. 08:38 I thought you can hear Danny Shelton 08:40 with the British voice. 08:41 I don't know if he's that comfortable with it, 08:42 but that's his way of communication. 08:44 Elder, if you will give us the genesis of TMI, 08:48 total member evangelism and its evolution as a program 08:52 that you certainly are supporting. 08:54 Talk to us little bit about that program, 08:56 where it came from and how it's doing? 08:59 Well, before I do that, 09:00 let me just welcome my dear wife 09:03 and she is here and as her Rwandan outfit on 09:09 and that will help us to connect with Rwanda 09:12 in a few moments, 09:13 when she tells her powerful testimony 09:15 about preaching the word of God there, 09:18 so welcome Nancy. 09:19 Thank you. 09:22 Total member involvement, 09:24 it is one of those beautiful concepts 09:29 that certainly is born from scripture itself. 09:35 You now in Mathew 28 it says 09:37 go tell the world, all nations, 09:40 preach the gospel, the Book of Mark 09:44 but you know there is a beautiful text 09:45 in the Book 09:47 of John 9:4 09:53 and it's Jesus speaking Himself and He tells us, 09:57 "I must work the works of him that sent me, 10:02 while it is day 10:04 the night cometh when no man can work." 10:07 The Lord Himself knew the urgency 10:11 of trying to share the precious message of salvation 10:15 and his own second coming 10:18 and to prepare people for that incredible opportunity 10:21 at the very end of time. 10:23 So if it was so urgent for the Lord Himself 10:27 to be out doing work, 10:29 then it is our wonderful privilege as well. 10:32 Total Member Involvement came about 10:34 with many aspects of people working together 10:40 to help us to know something 10:41 that is always been known by the church, 10:44 that everyone, every member 10:46 needs to be involved in doing something for Jesus. 10:50 Now, Mike Ryan 10:53 who was a vice president of the General Conference 10:56 and is an assistant to the president 10:58 at the present time, 11:01 had a great burden for these as well, 11:03 and kept talking to me about 11:05 how to get lay members involved. 11:10 You read the incredible quotation in Testimonies, 11:14 Volume 9, page 117, 11:17 in fact, if want to read the context of it, 11:20 you certainly can go back at earlier pages 11:22 especially 116 and 117 11:25 but on 117 it says, 11:27 that the work in this earth will not be finished 11:31 until the men and women 11:33 comprising church membership will rally to the work 11:37 with pastors or ministers and church officers 11:42 and as we look at the complete picture 11:45 of how the church can proclaimed 11:48 the three angels messages 11:51 which of course is part of your actual logo 11:55 and sign as far as 11:58 Three Angels Broadcasting Network. 12:01 The three angels messages are God's special messages 12:04 and the fourth message of Revelation 18, 12:07 calling people back to the true worship of God, 12:10 the very core of those three angels messages 12:14 is the righteousness of Jesus Christ 12:17 and depending completely upon Him 12:19 and not upon tradition or some external force 12:23 but upon Christ and His saving power. 12:26 When we begin to understand 12:28 that all of these has to be done 12:30 by the church at large, 12:33 it becomes a powerful witness to the way 12:38 all of us can work together. 12:40 Duane working with the South Western Union 12:43 and he's probably gonna mention this. 12:46 We had a tremendous evangelistic... 12:49 in San Antonio. 12:50 Lay people working with pastors, 12:53 health outreach, all kinds of activities. 12:56 It is one of those things were total member involvement 13:00 has to be the theme of all of us 13:03 in order that we see the unity 13:06 that the Lord has asked for us 13:09 to be involved with at the very end of time 13:11 and he prayed for that in John 17 13:14 not just that we might be one in a happy family 13:17 but that we might be one in sharing the message 13:20 in a powerful way.. 13:22 So, Total Member Involvement is something 13:25 that was born by many people 13:28 obviously looking at how best to approach things 13:31 but then solidifying our outreach activities. 13:35 And Total Member Involvement 13:37 involves literature distribution, 13:39 it involves young people working health outreach, 13:42 community services, it involves publishing, 13:46 it involves all aspects of everyone's life. 13:51 It's not just evangelism as I said, public evangelism. 13:54 but it leads to that, 13:56 but it is something that reaches 13:59 the hearts of church members 14:01 and helps them to realize, I'm a follower of Christ. 14:05 I must do something for Him. 14:07 And so, Total Member Involvement 14:09 is a wonderful signal 14:11 we're giving to the entire world church 14:14 that all of us must be involved in this last proclamation. 14:18 I believe Jesus is coming very soon, 14:20 that's why all of us need to be involved 14:23 in these last day work. 14:25 Amen, Elder, I knows you didn't say 14:27 total member preaching, 14:29 total member involvement means 14:30 doing whatever lies at your hand to do, 14:33 whatever skill set God has given you 14:35 to put that in to the evangelism pot dare I say, 14:39 so that your pot of the overall movement 14:41 some preaching, some teaching, 14:42 some doing other kinds of things, 14:43 but just being involved. 14:45 Exactly, and let me just underline that again CA, 14:48 you're absolutely right. 14:49 Total Member Involvement is not just 14:52 public event evangelistic meetings. 14:54 It is doing everything possible to influence a life 14:58 to turn that life to the abundant life in Christ 15:02 and then public evangelism is just 15:05 the little tip of the iceberg, 15:07 and then you go back to doing 15:08 the comprehensive approach of total member involvement, 15:12 it's a powerful formula. 15:13 Amen. 15:15 Nancy, you look lovely, 15:17 you and Kathy are matching here, 15:19 and I want you to get ready 15:21 because I know you've got a great report 15:22 and I'm saying that to sort of peek my wife's ears 15:24 because I want her to tune in very closely 15:26 when you're speaking, but before you do that, 15:29 I want to go to Duane for just a moment 15:30 because this latest outreach, 15:34 public outreach 15:36 and one of course when you think Rwanda, 15:39 you know the past of course, 15:40 but God has really turned that place around, 15:43 and there are some numbers coming out of Rwanda 15:46 that are just for one of the better terms, 15:47 staggering. 15:48 Talk to us about these latest evangelistic effort in Rwanda. 15:52 Sure, actually as Elder Wilson mentioned, 15:55 we got good ideas last year, 15:57 wonderful things happened in San Antonio 15:59 and Harare, Zimbabwe. 16:01 We make a health event in San Antonio 16:03 pathways to health... 16:04 Kathy, how many were, patients we had? 16:06 Almost, 6,200. 16:07 6,200 patients that were treated 16:10 and then the health seminars and then the meetings 16:12 and now we've eight new churches 16:15 as a result in San Antonio, that's in America. 16:17 Amen. 16:19 And in Harare, Zimbabwe, 30,000 new members 16:22 with almost a thousand meetings held there reaping as well. 16:26 Also a huge health event 16:28 that treated more then 30,000 people before that. 16:29 30,000 is an impressing number. 16:31 That's impressive. 16:32 Yeah, it is an impressive number... 16:33 Yes, that's a lot of people. Till you talk about this year. 16:35 Yeah. 16:36 But this year we had more people involved. 16:38 More people with ASI supplying sermons 16:42 to 1850 lay preachers. 16:46 We had over 2227 meetings held there. 16:50 Two thousand two hundred, and twenty seven. 16:52 Two thousand two hundred twenty seven 16:54 separate meetings? 16:55 Separate meetings. 16:56 Going on at the same time? Same time. 16:58 At the same time, wow. 16:59 Yeah, and Nancy had one and Ted had one, 17:00 well, they just had two meetings out of the 2227, 17:05 it was thrilling, all the preparation, 17:07 all the people working ASI and prayer ministries 17:09 from the General Conference 17:11 Jerry and Janet Page were there, 17:12 ADRA and community services, 17:15 it was thrilling as all of us working together. 17:17 People in Rwanda rallied around. 17:19 Kathy has a... 17:20 I think you had that scarf, do you? 17:22 I do. She has TMI scarf. 17:24 As you drove across country of Rwanda, 17:25 you will see TMI Total Member Involvement 17:28 banners and scarves, 17:29 and umbrellas, and all kinds of things. 17:31 All right. There you go. 17:34 TMI and then have the Rwandese equivalent below that, 17:37 it worked out TMI as well there, 17:39 so total member involvement. 17:42 So, you had significant buying 17:43 and preparatory work done by the local field. 17:46 It was, it was done by them. 17:47 Yeah, they work so hard, they worked, all, 17:49 everyone there was involved it seem, 17:51 even the children said to Kathy TCI, TCI. 17:55 Total children involvement. 17:58 Praise the Lord. 17:59 Now, give us the punch line, the total baptism was... 18:02 It's unbelievable and this is a miracle 18:04 and some people say, 18:06 did you pay them to be baptized. 18:09 No, no, these people made wonderful commandments 18:12 and they work with, they had prayer cards, 18:15 people prayed, they would write down names. 18:17 One lady wrote down eleven names 18:19 on her prayer card. 18:21 We'll see, I think I've a copy of that, 18:24 right here 11 names on her prayer card 18:28 on the back on this card, the TMI card. 18:30 There were 11 names written down 18:31 and she said later there were 11 people baptized. 18:35 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 18:36 Like her prayer card, 18:38 and she had... 18:39 And the exciting thing was 18:40 that when people made a decision to be baptized. 18:42 I saw this time and time again, 18:44 they would come forward, 18:45 the pastors would say to them, 18:47 now you can't be baptized 18:48 unless you promised to win one, 18:51 each one win one, yeah, each one, win one, 18:54 lose none and keep disciple always... 18:56 I like that. 18:57 Yeah, yeah, 18:59 so they were so excited and committed. 19:01 I think CA, I shared with you just a few minutes ago 19:03 this Bible verse before I mention the number 19:06 'cause you want me to mention and it's here in Habakkuk. 19:08 Yes. 19:10 Habakkuk 1:5 and it says here, 19:12 "Look at the nations and watch 19:15 and be utterly astounded, 19:18 for I'm going to do something in your days 19:20 that you will not believe even if you were told." 19:23 Yes, yes. 19:24 Isn't that amazing? It is. 19:25 You wouldn't even believe if God says 19:27 if I told you it was gonna happen 19:28 in Rwanda at the end, 19:30 there were 100... 19:34 One hundred thousand 19:36 one hundred and thirty five baptisms. 19:39 Praise the Lord. And say that again slowly. 19:42 One hundred thousand 19:45 one hundred and thirty five baptisms. 19:48 Over a hundred thousand baptisms. 19:50 They were praying for 60,000, 19:53 they were praying for 60 19:55 and that was their goal 19:56 but others were praying for a hundred thousand... 19:59 And for the church made, 20:00 actually the administrators 20:02 but church minister saying no, a hundred thousand... 20:03 Hundred thousand... 20:05 They were praying for a hundred thousand 20:06 and God honored there. 20:08 You know, we live in the Congo next door for ten years. 20:11 And we've gone back to Rwanda and had more and more meetings 20:13 at different times. 20:15 We've never seen anything like these. 20:17 Never, never, never, never even dreamed it. 20:19 Yes, yes. That's what the text says. 20:21 Yeah, even if you're told, you wouldn't believe it. 20:22 You wouldn't believe it. 20:24 My dear sister Nancy... 20:25 Yes. 20:26 And I'm encouraging my wife to listen up 20:29 because here it comes, 20:30 but I'm told that 20:33 was this your first time doing public evangelism as a speaker? 20:36 It was. 20:39 Give us a little sense of your experience? 20:42 Well, I'll tell you first that the only... 20:45 I've been asked to do this numerous times 20:50 by other friends who have done it, 20:53 and I just thought, no, that's not me, 20:55 I'm there to support Ted. 20:57 And then I thought, well, 20:58 we're gonna be out of the big city, 21:01 if I have a really small place, 21:03 this might be the perfect time to start. 21:07 So, yeah, Duane, 21:11 he did me, he pulled one on me. 21:13 Anyway I told him, I said, 21:15 you give me the smallest site out in the bush 21:19 and I'll do it. 21:21 So, when we were driving up there 21:25 on the Friday evening that it started 21:29 and it began to dawn on me what a huge site it was, 21:35 I thought where can I run, 21:38 but there is no place to run 21:40 and I could not turn around and walk away, 21:44 it was an incredibly beautiful site, 21:47 it was outside, 21:48 like a huge amphitheatre 21:49 and there were probably 3000 people there. 21:52 Oh, that's a nice little intimate sight. 21:55 Yeah, I... 21:56 And Duane told me ahead of time, 21:58 he said now don't tell Nancy because you know, 22:02 they're preparing a site 22:03 that's much larger than what she intended, 22:07 and of course when she got there, 22:09 she saw all these thousands of people, 22:12 but I want to tell you her life was impacted 22:16 and changed greatly and she can share about it 22:19 because every time you preach Gods' word 22:22 something happens to your own heart 22:25 and you see the Holy Spirit working 22:27 in the lives of people 22:29 and hundreds of people were touched through 22:33 Nancy's preaching of the word but I'm telling the story, 22:36 she needs to tell. 22:37 Well, I did not know until a few weeks ago 22:40 that Ted knew ahead of time 22:42 what I was in gonna be facing so anyway. 22:48 But he didn't... We worked that out. 22:49 We worked it out, yeah. 22:51 Anyway, I'm here to tell you 22:55 that it was just an incredible experience 22:59 and I can say that I had nothing to do with it, 23:02 it was all the Holy Spirit. 23:03 Praise God. 23:05 I was, I was in awe of what God did 23:11 because I could see the responses of the people 23:16 night after night, after night, 23:18 and there were nights where I felt very clumsy, 23:21 I felt like, oh, it didn't go over well, 23:24 but you now the Lord, 23:25 the Holy Spirit touched my words 23:29 and made them resonate with the people 23:31 and I... 23:34 It was an incredible experience, 23:35 it was marvelous and I've always loved to study 23:39 my Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy 23:41 but I'm here to tell you that there is something so different 23:45 when you're preaching the biblical message yourself 23:51 and the beauty of it, the... 23:55 really the simplicity... 23:57 And the cohesiveness. 23:58 The cohesiveness of it but the depth, 24:01 it just thrilled me. 24:03 And I was in awe of what God did, 24:06 and a beauty of our message just overwhelmed me 24:10 and it was such a privilege to be a part of 24:14 and to see what the Holy Spirit was doing 24:16 and I felt like such an awkward vessel 24:19 and to see what God did inspite of my inexperience. 24:25 I know it was him so I... 24:27 It was, it was marvelous, 24:31 especially to see those dear, dear, 24:33 people walk into that lake for baptism. 24:38 Some of them with tears running down their face, 24:40 it was just thrilling. 24:42 In her, on her site or in her site 24:46 there were over 500 people who responded and were baptized 24:52 because of that series of meetings 24:54 and that's something that you can never replace 24:59 that beautiful experience with anything else, 25:02 it's just a thrilling thing. 25:04 And of course the same with my site 25:05 and with all the other 2225 sites, 25:10 we were only two of over 2000 sites, 25:13 it was just absolutely magnificent. 25:15 Let me tell you one thing, 25:17 one thing that gave me great reassurance 25:20 and comfort was knowing 25:23 that those people were embracing, 25:26 they were nurturing those new converts, 25:28 they were not going to just let them go, 25:31 they surrounded them, 25:33 they're going to continue studying with them. 25:36 It was just the beginning of their Christian walk 25:39 and those people have been trained 25:44 and it's a way of life, 25:46 they take those people under their wings 25:49 and nurture them along. 25:51 They're not lost sight of, lost sight of, 25:54 so that, that gave me reassurance 25:58 that they were in good hands. 26:00 If I can just add, anybody 26:03 who has a willingness to allow the Lord to use them, 26:08 a humble willingness and are able to read, 26:12 you can preach an evangelistic series. 26:15 The technology that we have 26:16 and I'm sure Duane and Kathy will share it. 26:18 And let me just say how much we appreciate Duane and Kathy 26:23 and what they have done to spur 26:26 Total Member Involvement activity 26:28 all over the world 26:30 and the enormous amount of time 26:32 that they put into helping organize 26:35 and facilitating people to be involved, 26:37 but Duane will probably share with you. 26:40 We have computer programming that is so simple, 26:44 putting up beautiful graphics on a screen that people see, 26:48 Bible text, and then the actual script of the sermon 26:52 which can be adjusted. 26:54 A person can stylize it to their own liking 26:59 but its easy to preach these sermons 27:03 and the effect is so powerful 27:05 because the Holy Sprit is working 27:08 through humble people willing to be used by the Lord. 27:12 Amen. Powerful. 27:13 I've got to ask you, just a couple of questions 27:16 before we let you go with. 27:17 We know your schedule is busy, one, 27:20 I wanted to ask Nancy, was there anything particular, 27:23 a particular story that stood out in your mind, 27:26 an incident or an individual 27:27 that sort of came to the fore in your memory, 27:30 and then a second one is a little bit of a dig. 27:33 I want to know did you study yourself 27:35 or did you lean on the elder at all, 27:36 or it was just sort of you and the Lord? 27:40 No, I did it on my own, 27:43 I would go over and I would preach in my room and... 27:49 he may have overheard me a time or two, 27:51 but I had to know it for myself. 27:53 Praise the Lord. 27:55 And be comfortable with that but 27:58 because with the way my site was set up 28:00 that people were probably about 28:04 at least 50 feet from where I was, 28:07 and so I could look out and recognize some people 28:11 but it was, it was difficult on the day of the baptism 28:15 initially to spot where're my people I thought, 28:18 where're my people, 28:20 but there was a little old lady, 28:22 who was very bent over and she walked with a stick 28:26 and I would try as I was leaving the site, 28:30 I would turn my, my flash light on my phone, 28:34 and help her to see the pathway 28:37 because it was dark and they were, 28:39 you know, it was, it was out in nature. 28:42 We did have a full moon during that time 28:44 but anyway I was looking, looking, looking for my group, 28:49 and then I saw this lady and I went over 28:54 and I just hugged her, 28:56 and Martha was her name. 28:58 She had accepted this message years ago 29:02 and had wandered away, 29:04 and she had been convicted, reconvicted 29:07 and had wanted to renew that conviction publicly, 29:12 and it just thrilled my heart. 29:15 You know, there were so many different stories 29:17 but that was one 29:21 that was just very exciting for me 29:23 and to see, you know, 29:24 I was thinking she is very frail 29:26 and very old and I thought 29:29 to brave the waves of Lake Kivu, 29:36 I though was, was really something I thought, 29:38 you know, she could have come in by profession of faith 29:41 but she wanted to be baptized again. 29:42 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 29:44 So it really touched my heart. 29:45 Amen. 29:47 Duane, I want to get to this video 29:48 before our time slips away from us 29:49 because it kind of gives a little overview, 29:51 then we've got some pictures 29:52 and then I want you to walk us through 29:54 and sort of elaborate on something 29:56 that Elder Wilson said that anybody can do this, 29:58 they just have a willing heart, 30:00 you don't need a particular training 30:01 because technology will take over, 30:03 but let's go to that video just now 30:04 that Duane McKey brought with him 30:07 and kind of gives you a little overview 30:08 of what we've been talking about. 30:17 In the very heart of Africa lies the nation of Rwanda. 30:24 Despite a darkened past, 30:27 a new light is beginning to dawn over this land 30:29 of a thousand hills. 30:30 It's a bold new initiative 30:32 of the Seventh-day Adventist church 30:34 is being implemented in unprecedented ways. 30:38 This is the story of Total Member Involvement. 30:58 In a country ravaged by pain a few years ago, 31:01 the Seventh-day Adventist church is bringing hope. 31:03 This is one of the most exciting events 31:06 that I've attended. 31:08 East Africa is excited about TMI. 31:11 Here in Rwanda we are witnessing something 31:13 that is unprecedented in the Adventist church. 31:17 In this whole country people feel 31:19 that God is out for something huge. 31:23 This is Total Member Involvement. 31:45 Two thousand years ago Jesus launched a program 31:49 actually it's a great commission 31:50 and we all know it Mathew 28, 31:52 go and preach, and teach and baptizing disciple, 31:55 and because at that great commission 31:56 we're all excited and interested here on Rwanda 31:59 about Total Member Involvement. 32:00 We've seen church members 32:02 take off with these in incredible idea 32:05 of Total Member Involvement. 32:07 They've gotten so involved themselves, 32:09 they've given cows away, they're giving goats away, 32:11 they're giving sheep away. 32:12 Literature distribution, Bible studies, 32:15 health outreach community services. 32:19 They made banners, scarves, 32:21 t-shirts, all kinds of things to promote TMI. 32:25 The people who are members here 32:27 take the time to invite their friends, 32:30 the church leaders follow up with the people 32:33 to make sure they're ready to be baptized. 32:35 So it's really a team effort. 32:40 Not only are the Rwandans involved in doing TMI 32:43 but the General Conference staff is excited 32:45 and interested to be involved here 32:47 and model what we're talking about 32:49 back in Silver Springs, Maryland. 32:52 The Lord wants to use everyone, 32:54 pastors, lay people, everyone in this great effort. 33:04 Church members have been energized 33:06 as they're taking ASI new beginning sermons 33:08 and preaching and they're excited 33:10 about reaching friends and neighbor for Jesus 33:12 and bringing them to some of the TMI meetings. 33:15 For a long time the work has been 33:17 in the hands of the pastors 33:19 and the lay people have been spectating by and large. 33:23 But now everybody has a role to play, 33:27 everybody has somebody they can reach. 33:30 Every church member now has understood that 33:33 wherever he is he'll be trying to reach one 33:36 and bring you one. 33:41 There are over 2200 evangelistic sites 33:44 here in this beautiful but small country of Rwanda. 33:48 And we're only two 33:50 of those two thousand plus sites. 33:55 A few of those sights have young people 33:58 from the United States, people from Europe. 34:02 I've 12 years old and I preach here in Rwanda. 34:06 I was so excited when I made my first call 34:09 and hundreds of people came forward, 34:11 it was very exciting. 34:14 This is my first time preaching, 34:17 doing anything like these. 34:19 It is the most fulfilling experience 34:21 that I've ever I had. 34:23 I rely on God but here you really like rely on God 34:27 to speak through you, to use you 34:29 in any way possible and its limitless 34:31 what he can do with the willing soul. 34:36 Before I came on this mission trip, 34:39 I was feeling very cold spiritually, 34:41 it's like, okay, is these all to Christianity. 34:45 But the first night 34:47 I saw that God had a purpose on why I was there, 34:51 God has really shown his love to me. 34:53 I've seen that He is real 34:55 because you see Him moving in the hearts of other people. 34:59 And when you see the changes 35:01 that are happening in their lives, 35:02 you can't doubt that he can do the same for you. 35:06 Every night thousands of people 35:09 are making decisions for Christ. 35:11 These wonderful people are ready to be baptized 35:14 and to join this great advent movement. 35:18 What we're witnessing right here 35:20 on the shores of Lake Kivu 35:22 is representative of what is happening 35:24 all the across this country. 35:28 A hundred thousand baptisms, 35:30 the most has ever happened 35:32 in the history of the Adventist church. 35:33 And the exciting thing is this is only the beginning. 35:38 This program is going to continue 35:42 until Jesus will come again. 35:45 This is so exciting 35:46 what has happened here in Rwanda, 35:48 but this is a model for the world church. 35:49 We don't want to end here, 35:51 it's up to you to make it happen 35:52 and your local church, 35:53 your local community, and your conference. 35:56 You don't have to do some grand thing 35:58 to be involved in TMI. 36:00 It should be part of your every day life. 36:04 All of us have been given opportunities 36:07 and we need to do what God has called us to do 36:10 to fulfill the mission 36:12 that he has given to each one of us. 36:16 What a time to be alive, 36:19 what a time to be part of Total Member Involvement. 36:23 God bless each on of you 36:24 as you engaged with heaven 36:27 and the power that the Lord will give you 36:29 to carry this message to the very ends of this earth. 36:36 Power and beautiful. 36:38 Elder Wilson, sister Nancy Wilson, 36:39 thank you so very much for taking a little time 36:41 out of your scheduled to be with us 36:43 and to give us such positive reports on TMI 36:47 and the work in Rwanda. 36:50 Thank you, Nancy. 36:51 It's been a great, great privilege. 36:54 Yeah now, now Irma will hold the meeting I'm sure. 37:00 Nancy, you've encouraged me. 37:03 You know, you will be so thankful that you did it. 37:07 Yes, I think so. 37:10 So we'll see you in Romania. 37:12 Okay. 37:14 If we can work that out, we surely will. 37:15 Thank you so very much and God bless you both. 37:18 And thank you, CA, for giving such a highlight 37:21 Total Member Involvement 37:23 and having Duane and Kathy there. 37:25 We just are so grateful for what the viewers of 3ABN 37:30 will do in terms of praying and supporting 37:33 God's precious work all over the world. 37:35 Amen, and we pray for you and your wife constantly. 37:37 Danny said to remind you, 37:39 he is praying for you constantly, 37:41 we all here at 3ABN support your work, 37:43 support what you're doing 37:44 and we know that you're just being a blessing 37:46 to the whole church and to TMI in particular. 37:49 Thank you. God bless. 37:52 Great. 37:54 Duane, this is exciting stuff, man. 37:55 It is really. 37:57 And it really, really is, 37:58 and there is an addictive quality 37:59 as you well know, 38:01 to once you start seeing souls going down, 38:02 you kind of get addicted to that kind of thing. 38:04 You know, Total Member Involvement 38:05 like we said everybody can do something. 38:08 It's all special, the pathways to health, 38:10 the health events, 38:12 Kirk Johnson training people to give Bible studies 38:14 in Rwanda and other places. 38:16 Everybody can be involved in doing something. 38:17 Preaching is the mean itself Irma 38:21 is there is something you know, 38:23 when Peter jumped out of the boat, 38:25 he's gonna walk on the water. 38:26 Oh, yes. And we start to sink. 38:27 When we used our natural talents 38:29 that God has given us, 38:31 we don't really need a lot of extra help from God, 38:34 'cause He's already given to us, 38:35 but when we get out of the boat... 38:37 Yeah. 38:38 We start to sink, that's when we say God help me, 38:41 and that's what Nancy experience 38:42 and that's what Kathy experience 38:44 in her first time 38:45 when she preached in Kenya, but it's just a special thing. 38:48 Kathy and I had the opportunity to help 38:51 about 3000 people around the world in America 38:53 and around the world do meetings like these, 38:56 and we've seen it time and time again. 38:58 It's right. Yeah. 38:59 So, Kathy, you've done this yourself, 39:01 this is not theory for you, this is something you've done. 39:02 No, it's not theory. 39:04 You know, I had an experience very similar to Nancy's 39:09 and I was always behind the scenes 39:12 praying for Duane 39:13 as he would be upfront preaching 39:15 or whatever he did, 39:17 but I would never get up in front. 39:20 I mean don't ask me to get up in front 39:23 but then when Duane was president 39:25 of the Arizona Conference, 39:28 there was a gentlemen Elder Robert Folkenberg 39:30 that had come for the evangelism hour 39:33 on Sabbath afternoon. 39:35 And he made a call 39:37 for those that wanted to be involved in evangelism 39:40 to come forward and I went forward 39:43 and afterwards I said, what have I done. 39:45 I mean I had such butterflies in my stomach 39:49 but you know I began to pray 39:51 for the outpouring of the Holy Sprit upon myself. 39:54 I knew I have a translator. 39:56 I didn't know where I'd be going, 39:58 but and I thought you know, 40:01 how the devil put these thoughts in your minds. 40:03 Maybe I won't ever have to do these 40:06 but, then I kept praying and praying 40:10 for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit 40:11 upon my the translator, upon the church 40:14 where I'd be going, community, 40:16 and when I went, it was so amazing 40:21 because I said to God, 40:26 God you're so amazing to give us 40:29 the privilege of sharing Your message 40:33 and the first Friday night, when I stood up to preach, 40:37 I wasn't even one bit scared which I was shocked, 40:42 but I want to share with you 40:43 after I started praying about two months into it, 40:48 the Lord spoke to me not audibly but you know 40:50 how the Lord speak to you and he said, Kathy, 40:53 it's not about you, it's about me. 40:55 Amen. 40:57 And when I figured that out 40:59 that God was going to make up for whatever I lacked, 41:04 it just put me at such peace 41:06 and it changed my life, I've never been the same. 41:08 Amen. 41:10 So, I want to challenge you Irma 41:11 come to Romania. 41:14 You know, Nancy, I'm the same way Kathy, Nancy, 41:19 that I'd always rather be in the back 41:24 in helping and I'm willing to do whatever 41:28 but never out front 41:30 and specially when my husband I could never match him, 41:35 but every time I go places with him 41:39 when he is busy in his preaching and all that, 41:43 I do pray for him and I support him, 41:46 but I always have this little voice 41:48 that always tell me that I could do more 41:51 that I just feel like I'm sitting 41:54 and I enjoying the blessings 41:57 but I'm not supporting too much, 41:59 and the Lord is always putting that in my mind 42:02 and this encouraged me when we went to Philippines, 42:08 it really gave me a good encouragement too. 42:13 I said, perhaps I can do these to myself, 42:15 and I told the Lord, I says well, 42:20 when you're ready to put me there, 42:22 you know, I'll be ready 42:24 and will trust you 42:26 because it is wonderful to see how the Lord works 42:30 and all those baptisms 42:33 and we went in the little church 42:34 that we were. 42:36 It was a great blessing 42:38 to be able to help and encourage the members 42:41 and talk on counseling sometimes, 42:44 they came to ask me questions 42:45 and it was really to me was a gruff spiritually, 42:51 and so I believe all that experiences 42:54 that you're having Nancy also 42:58 putting in the word itself. 43:02 And we are under no obligation 43:05 following the lead of Elder and sister Wilson, 43:07 and Duane and Kathy McKey 43:08 to tell you how big or how small. 43:11 Would she say yes? Say yes. 43:13 That will be surprise, ah. 43:14 Lord will take care of it. 43:16 Kathy's first meeting in Kenya, 43:18 you mentioned that you couldn't do what CA does, 43:21 but just listen to these. 43:22 Kathy preached her series is what the last Sabbath, 43:25 there are 5,000 people there. 43:26 Wow. Yeah, wow. 43:28 So, and so, she said, Duane, I'm so tired, I'll preach, 43:31 you preach Sabbath morning 43:33 and make a call and we had a baptism. 43:35 And so I preached Sabbath morning. 43:36 Now this, 43:37 this is the first time they've seen me, 43:39 they know Kathy, she's out there talking to them 43:40 and praying with them every night and they know her. 43:43 And so I made her, I called at the end of my sermon 43:45 and I preached my heart out and I make a call 43:48 and I'm asking people to come forward 43:50 to make a decision to be baptized etc, etc, 43:54 they to sit there, did not move, 43:56 Kathy came over and took the microphone from me.. 43:58 All right. 44:00 And started making an appeal 44:02 and all these people almost 200 people 44:04 came forward and were baptized. 44:06 Praise the Lord. 44:08 Because they knew her. 44:09 It's amazing. 44:10 We've got some pictures 44:12 and then I want you to make your pitch 44:13 because we need some people, 44:14 you got Romania and Elder Wilson 44:16 a number of places but we've got some pictures. 44:18 Let's took some of those and we make a pitch. 44:19 Okay, good. Yeah. 44:22 Beautiful faces. 44:23 These are beautiful faces, 44:25 there's a young lady Kaylone is her name. 44:26 Yes, Kaylone Chamberlain from Portland, Oregon. 44:29 This is her first time to preach 44:30 and they're starting at sixteen year old. 44:32 Oh, bless her heart. Yeah. 44:34 So, you got a lot of young people on these. 44:35 Oh, yes, yes, yes. Yes. 44:37 Two young ladies from Oregon as well. 44:39 Right Mandy Corwin and Camey Ootman, 44:42 they're both from Salem, Oregon. 44:44 Bless your heart. 44:45 You've got those names right at the ready, excellent. 44:48 And this is a special dedication 44:50 where they gave cows away, 44:51 we've shown you just a few minutes actually cows. 44:53 It's a exciting experience, I preached on a, 44:56 at a church service there, 44:58 in Gisenyi where Terrace gonna have his meetings before, 45:00 and the elder came at to me, he said to me, 45:02 I'm gonna give a cow. 45:03 I said what? 45:04 He said I'm going to give a cow, 45:06 I said what? 45:07 I'm gonna give a cow, 45:08 I had no idea what he is talking about. 45:10 I looked at the list on TMI things 45:12 that you can do 45:13 and they put as a top of the list, 45:14 give a cow to a poor family. 45:16 Oh, my soul. 45:17 Yeah, give a cow 45:19 and they gave cows to poor families, 45:22 they gave almost a thousand sheep 45:23 and goats to poor families, 45:24 they built houses and gave them, 45:26 they gave insurance cards for the year to poor family. 45:28 Those are major sacrifices, it's not a little deal. 45:30 No, no, no. 45:31 You know, we have a huge church there, 45:33 we've 750,000 members. 45:35 Well, now we have more. We've 850,000 members. 45:38 Praise the Lord. 45:40 So, if you had a hundred thousand people 45:41 baptized in a conference union 45:45 that had 10,000 members, that would be terrible, 45:47 I mean how do you organize that... 45:48 Right, right. 45:50 But they can handle it you know, 45:51 there're prepared for it. 45:52 They had the people, they had the VOP lessons 45:54 they're doing and etc, 45:55 and Kirk Johnson is training them well, 45:57 and so they're going in the small groups 45:59 and they'll built new churches. 46:00 By the way, they do need churches. 46:03 Well, I'd think, yeah, yeah. 46:04 They need churches and I worked with ASI 46:08 and Garwin McNeilus 46:10 and we can send over containers of churches, 46:11 the churches cost about... 46:14 Three thousand dollars. 46:16 Three thousand dollars a piece. 46:17 We can do a finished church for them in Rwanda for $3,000. 46:20 Three thousand dollars 46:22 Right, the sides and everything. 46:23 And they can send it to 3ABN mark it 46:26 Rwanda churches 46:28 or on the website 46:31 Okay, say that again slowly. 46:33 TMI Total Member Involvement,, 46:39 and you can put on the side the pull down 46:42 and don't make a donation to build the church, 46:43 you can do that there. 46:44 So this is the consequence, 46:46 Duane, of adding a 100,000 people to church, 46:47 you got to put them in some place. 46:49 And they can't go into existing churches 46:50 'cause they're full, 46:51 so we got to get new buildings for them. 46:53 Right. 46:54 We got to put in, we're gonna put an address roll 46:56 in just a moment you can have, 46:57 so let's take a couple of more pictures 46:58 and then we go to the address roll. 47:00 Okay, yeah. 47:01 Another picture coming up, here we go, 47:02 these are the pathfinders, they are heavily involved 47:04 all across the country, 47:05 they had TMI scarves for the pathfinders. 47:07 Next picture. 47:08 Praise the Lord. 47:10 And I can see, this is Andrew McChesney. 47:12 Yes, from Adventist Review. 47:15 And he was there, preached his first meeting. 47:17 Did he really? Preached his first meeting. 47:18 These are news guys, they're good. 47:20 He is so excited, gives the scarf then. 47:23 Next, and this, 47:24 we'll end with this picture, this is... 47:27 This is Andrea Nagis, grandmother in Romania 47:32 and that's were we're going February 10 to 25. 47:37 She is my editor in Sabbath school 47:38 for the junior early teen lessons. 47:41 And so we wanted to show this last 47:43 so that people could be invited to go, 47:45 if they like to go to Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, 47:49 Russia, Georgia, and Bulgaria. 47:53 Now, all of those will take place in the same, 47:55 at the same time in February. 47:56 Russia is in March, the others in February. 47:58 If you go on the, 48:02 website, 48:04 you can sign up for either one of those 48:06 Mark Finley's in Bulgaria and he is out there, 48:09 Ramon Canals will be in Ukraine, 48:11 he needs help there. 48:12 We're in Romania and so any these countries, 48:15 Brad Thorp is in Russia and Georgia 48:18 and then Gary Gibbs will be in Moldova. 48:20 Praise the Lord. 48:22 Now, do you try to shoot for a certain number 48:25 when you go to a country or you just take whoever comes 48:27 however many you get, that's so many may come. 48:29 Who ever come because 48:30 the lay people preach there too. 48:31 Romania, I couldn't believe this. 48:33 We were talking to them 48:35 and we're at the last site up in Cluj. 48:39 and so made a plea to the audit 48:41 to have a huge gymnasium for all the people. 48:44 And I ask the people to stand up 48:46 and they'll preach and no one stood up. 48:47 Finally one or two stood up. 48:49 And then about 400 young adults 48:51 stood up and so now in Romania, 48:54 they're excited and anticipating about... 48:57 Well, they have our last email, 49:01 they've committed to over 1,600 evangelism meetings. 49:07 Plus they have one of the largest conference 49:09 hasn't committed yet, 49:10 so they're accepting 2,000 event in Romania. 49:13 This not Rwanda, this is Romania 49:15 in Europe 2,000 meetings February... 49:18 Praise God. 49:19 Well, Romania is February 10 to 25. 49:23 That's right. 49:25 So, in addition to what the local people will be doing, 49:30 you're bringing in some more people 49:31 so we I'll get your 2,000 as you except. 49:32 Oh, yeah, yeah. We need, we need speakers. 49:34 we need hundred speakers in Romania 49:36 probably another 75 in Ukraine, 49:39 50 speakers in Moldova and another 50 in Bulgaria. 49:42 Now before we go to our address roll, very quickly. 49:45 If I sign on what am I accepted to contribute as far as 49:48 what I've to go and my pocket will do, 49:49 just our folk know what they're buying into. 49:51 Sure, sure, your airfare and your hotel and your food. 49:54 And there is a site fee too. 49:56 There is a site fee as well. There is a site fee. 49:58 It's all of the information is on the sign up. 50:02 When they sign up, it's all right there, 50:04 yeah, yeah. 50:05 So, we excited. 50:06 Yeah, people come and join us. 50:09 You will find, 50:10 you will find that there is really no better way 50:13 to spend a vacation or you've got some money 50:17 that you want to do something frontline for the Lord, 50:19 you've heard, you've got excited, 50:21 maybe you can, maybe you can't. 50:23 We guarantee you can and God will assist you 50:25 and the blessings will be tremendous 50:27 and your life will be changed. 50:29 And you'll find this addictive in the best way 50:33 so we've got an address roll coming up. 50:35 Should you like to make contact with Duane McKey 50:37 with the office of TMI, 50:39 should you want to sign up and be part of this, 50:41 should you want to support it financially. 50:43 Here is information that you will need to make contact. 50:48 If you would like to contact Duane McKey 50:51 or support Total Member Involvement 50:53 you can do so by writing to 50:55 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, 50:58 12501, Old Columbia Pike, 51:00 Silver Spring, Maryland 20904. 51:04 That's General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, 51:07 12501, Old Columbia Pike, 51:10 Silver Spring, Maryland 20904. 51:15 You can call 301-680-6000. 51:18 That's 301-680-6000. 51:22 You can also visit them online at 51:27 That's |
Revised 2016-08-29