3ABN Today

Israel Project

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Frank Fournier, Steve Grabiner


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016061A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:11 I want to spend my life
00:17 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
01:07 and we welcome you once again to 3ABN Today.
01:10 Thank you for joining us for this hour.
01:12 It's going to be a wonderful hour.
01:15 And I want to take this opportunity
01:16 to thank you for your prayers
01:19 and your financial support.
01:21 We have two very special guests with us today,
01:24 and I'm just going to go ahead
01:25 and introduce them before I read the scripture,
01:28 and that is Steve Grabiner,
01:30 who is the president of Outpost Centers International.
01:32 Pleasure to be here.
01:34 Steve, thank you so much for coming today.
01:35 Pleasure.
01:37 And then Frank Fournier,
01:38 who is the vice president
01:40 of Outpost Centers International.
01:42 Happy to be here.
01:43 Well, I consider both of these gentlemen friends
01:46 and just dear brothers in Christ
01:48 and we're so glad you're here.
01:50 Now, I know you've got something special for us,
01:53 but what I want to do is share a scripture
01:55 that I think we all need to be reminded of from time to time,
01:59 and this is Acts 17:26-28.
02:03 Paul is speaking to those who are worshiping
02:08 all kinds of gods and they even got an idol for an unknown God,
02:12 and he say to them that,
02:14 "He God has made from one blood
02:17 every nation of men to dwell on the face of the earth."
02:20 From one blood, that means we all have more in common
02:25 than we have dissimilarities,
02:29 and he said, "He is determined their pre-appointed times
02:31 and the boundaries of their dwellings,
02:33 so that they should seek the Lord,
02:35 in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him,
02:39 though He is not far from each one of us,
02:41 for in Him we live and move and have our being."
02:46 And you know, that scripture,
02:48 what it reminds me of is that
02:52 prejudice is such a sin, is it not?
02:55 I mean we are more similar than we are dissimilar,
02:58 and prejudice is actually the root of prejudice is pride
03:03 and pride is the root of the antichrist
03:06 if you think about it.
03:08 So we need to pray and ask God,
03:11 help us to get over our prejudices.
03:13 Help us Lord to love everyone
03:16 and to see everyone as you see them.
03:19 So gentlemen today we're going to be talking about
03:22 an exciting project,
03:25 and before we do that though
03:27 we would like to go to our music
03:30 I think it will get,
03:31 ET is gonna be playing for us on the piano,
03:34 so we will let her do that first
03:36 and then we'll come back
03:38 and get into the wonderful topic
03:40 that we'll talk about today.
03:42 ET is a precious woman of God.
03:44 She is an incredible musician,
03:47 and she's going to play for us right now,
03:49 "How Great is Our God".
08:29 Thank you ET, I wished I had that talent,
08:32 but thank God that she...
08:34 she gives the talent back to the Lord.
08:37 So if you're just joining us,
08:39 our special guests today
08:40 are Steve Grabiner and Frank Fournier
08:43 and they're both with Outpost Centers International.
08:46 Now, Steve, it's been a long time
08:47 since you've been here,
08:49 so let's before we kick off
08:52 and talk about the exciting new project
08:55 that you're here to unveil today.
08:58 Tell us a little bit of your background?
09:01 Sure, it'd be a pleasure.
09:02 I grew up north of New York City
09:05 in a Jewish family.
09:07 And as I was growing up,
09:09 went to Hebrew school in addition to public school.
09:13 And when I was around 10
09:15 my father tragically passed away,
09:18 kind of impacted my life for a number of years.
09:20 In my high school years,
09:23 I was involved in what was fairly common at that time.
09:27 I was involved in the hippie scene
09:29 of the '60s and so on.
09:31 But when I was becoming 20,
09:33 I began to go into a little vegetarian restaurant
09:36 that amazingly was run by
09:38 a group of Seventh-day Adventists,
09:39 and it was through meeting them
09:42 and eating with them and studying with them
09:44 that I became introduced to Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
09:48 Praise the Lord.
09:50 And that made a very dramatic change in my life.
09:53 Okay, so you went from a long,
09:55 a long pony tailed hippie to
09:58 actually you ended up going into school to study theology.
10:04 Tell us about that?
10:05 How did that decision...
10:07 You meet these people just eating at a restaurant
10:10 and it just shows you
10:11 what ministries of health food restaurants can do,
10:15 but you meet these people, you become...
10:18 you fall in love, they introduced you to Christ.
10:20 You fallen in love with Him, accept Him as the Messiah.
10:24 How did you then...
10:25 How did you make that leap to go study theology?
10:29 Well, the movement from first knowing Christ
10:32 to becoming a pastor
10:35 and working in evangelism and in education,
10:39 wasn't so direct.
10:40 Okay.
10:41 After my conversion,
10:43 I went away to college for little bit, dropped out,
10:45 and then worked in a supporting ministry,
10:48 the individuals that were running the restaurant,
10:50 they're all lay people,
10:51 and that's what's really exciting is that
10:53 God's given every Christian something to do for Him.
10:56 Amen.
10:57 And so I worked with some other lay people
11:01 in the ministry in Michigan
11:02 and then from there I worked
11:04 with the conference in the Boston area.
11:07 We worked in evangelism,
11:08 help raising up a couple of churches
11:10 in the Boston area, Waltham and Braintree.
11:14 From there I became a pastor studied,
11:18 went got my degrees in theology
11:21 and end up getting a doctorate in theology
11:25 and writing a book on Revelation actually.
11:26 Wonderful.
11:28 And then how did you become
11:30 or how did you come
11:31 and it was what year 2002,
11:35 when did you come to OCI?
11:38 Well, I worked for OCI in Africa.
11:41 I was director of a project there called Riverside Farm.
11:44 And then when I left Africa in 2006,
11:47 I started working as the vice president of OCI...
11:49 In 2006.
11:51 And then about four and a half,
11:52 five years I became the president of OCI.
11:54 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
11:55 And it's been a great journey. Okay.
11:57 It's amazing how God leads us in different ways.
12:00 Amen.
12:02 That's a fascinating history,
12:04 but we're gonna come back
12:05 and OCI is Outpost Centers International.
12:08 We'll introduce that ministry to you in just a moment.
12:10 But, Frank, now you're now stranger to 3ABN,
12:14 you've been here quite often,
12:15 you've done a little series on 3ABN.
12:18 As a matter of fact,
12:20 from heaven's point of view on Prodigal Son,
12:22 so but tell us because things keep changing in your life.
12:27 I think last time you were here,
12:28 were you the president of Adventist Layman Services
12:32 and Industries or I don't know...
12:34 I was president of ASI for four years,
12:37 and at the same time I was president of Eden Valley,
12:40 a lifestyle center.
12:42 Yes.
12:44 So I don't know that I ever heard your testimony.
12:46 Give us just a little bit of your growing up?
12:49 Yeah, well, I grew up in the Roman Catholic home
12:52 in French, Canada.
12:55 And sometime in my early 20s,
12:57 I began to wonder
12:59 or maybe I began to be drawn more closely by the Lord,
13:03 somehow became interested in reading the Bible
13:06 and I began to do that.
13:08 And as soon as I started reading the Bible,
13:12 I came to the conclusion that
13:14 I wasn't smart enough to determine
13:16 who was right and who was wrong,
13:19 and so I got on my knees
13:21 and talk to the Lord about He teaching me individually.
13:24 Amen.
13:26 Because I couldn't trust myself to the priest
13:29 for he's interpreting the Bible for me
13:32 or a Baptist minister for that matter or anybody else,
13:35 because everyone says they have the truth
13:38 and so I just asked the Lord to teach me.
13:40 Amen.
13:41 And the interesting thing about that is that He did,
13:45 doctrine by doctrines,
13:46 several doctrines until I began to pray
13:49 that He would lead me to the true church.
13:51 And when he did
13:52 which I believe today is a Seventh-day Adventist Church.
13:55 Everything He had taught me as an individual
13:57 apart from anyone else turned out to be the same thing
14:01 as the same doctrines
14:02 as I found in the Adventist Church.
14:04 Oh, how I identify with that,
14:06 because when the Lord called me to full time ministry,
14:09 He just definitely...
14:10 I guess I was more hard headed.
14:12 Well, no, actually I was praying
14:13 what do you want me to teach,
14:14 and you know,
14:16 He impressed the thought upon my mind,
14:17 forget what you think, you know,
14:19 come sit at my feet and I will teach you,
14:21 and that's exactly what happened to me.
14:23 Every doctrine that He was teaching me
14:26 from the Sabbath whatever it had to do the truth,
14:29 the state of the dead, anything.
14:30 It was just like I'm out
14:32 teaching them everywhere and thinking
14:34 Lord, where is there a church that believes this
14:37 and that's how...fascinating.
14:39 Well, you know, even to this day
14:41 it blows me away.
14:42 Amen.
14:43 That I don't remember one thing
14:45 that I had thought I had learned
14:47 that I had to change,
14:49 because He was guiding, He was teaching,
14:52 and when I came to the Adventist church,
14:54 it was exactly the same.
14:56 Well see now, I had everything,
14:57 He was teaching me all these doctrines
14:58 but the one thing I was praying for is Lord,
15:01 I don't understand Revelation
15:03 so I learned that actually through watching
15:05 and started tuning into 3ABN
15:07 and found out Adventist believed
15:09 everything that God was teaching me,
15:11 and then I was learning that Daniel unlocked Revelation,
15:15 so it's fabulous.
15:16 So, Steve, tells us about Outpost Centers International,
15:21 we call it OCI for short, but they began in 1982,
15:25 and what is the purpose of this ministry?
15:27 OCI exists...
15:30 Well our vision for OCI is that in every country of the world
15:34 there should be lay people engaged in ministry.
15:37 And so our vision is to see all around the world,
15:40 small family ministries, larger institutions
15:44 doing supporting work for the church.
15:47 Wherever there is a Seventh-day Adventist,
15:48 there should be a Seventh-day Adventist
15:50 lay person engaged in ministry.
15:51 Now explain what you mean by lay person,
15:53 somebody watching may not know?
15:54 Thank you for that clarification.
15:58 In God's church he's organized
16:00 that you would have people in position,
16:03 ministers, teachers, pastors,
16:06 but the vast majority of the church is made up
16:09 of the everyday man and woman,
16:11 child that goes to church and has a normal job,
16:15 and God's call is for all of us to have a part
16:18 in the great commission.
16:20 And so OCI exists to help
16:23 the bulk of the church members
16:25 realize their calling where do they fulfill
16:29 their part in the great commission.
16:31 So we call those church members
16:33 and those people lay people
16:35 not that they should be reclined
16:37 'cause they should be up and going,
16:38 the blessing is on the go, right?
16:40 That's right. All right.
16:41 So these are lay ministries and we believe
16:43 and OCI's mission is to have something in every country.
16:47 Right, so we're network organization,
16:50 we try to encourage new ministries to get started
16:53 in countries where there aren't ministries already.
16:56 We give support to existing ones.
16:59 We do education, training,
17:01 leadership support for these ministries
17:04 and it's really exciting.
17:05 Currently there is 120 ministries
17:08 in 44 different countries you know,
17:10 expanding the globe,
17:12 and it's just really exciting to see
17:14 young people getting engaged,
17:17 realizing that God has call on their life,
17:19 and how they can use their business skills in evangelism.
17:24 How can they use their everyday work
17:28 as an outreach for evangelism?
17:30 And some of them were called
17:32 how can I devote my life full time
17:36 in a entrepreneurial way to do ministry?
17:40 Okay, so you said young people,
17:41 but it's not specifically for young people...
17:44 No, of course not young.
17:45 Tell us, just kind of give us,
17:47 one of you tell us a little bit
17:48 about the range of the ministries
17:51 because you have institutional ministries
17:54 that you support or network,
17:57 and then you also have little family ministries,
18:00 so give us kind of a range?
18:01 Hey, Frank, why don't you talk a little about Columbia,
18:04 the ministries there?
18:06 Well, we have several ministries in Columbia
18:09 and most of them have been there
18:11 for a quite a while
18:13 because OCI has been around for quite a while.
18:15 And they range everything from health food stories
18:21 to farms and lifestyle centers and everything like that,
18:26 and besides that we have also over there
18:30 one ministry that deals with young people
18:34 who have been in trouble, drug addicts and whatever
18:37 and they take them on and they minister to them.
18:40 It's amazing the conversions that you get
18:42 even from a ministry where you would think,
18:45 it's so difficult to do and so hard to get through,
18:48 but it works, you know,
18:49 the Lord's power is always surprising.
18:52 Yes. Yeah.
18:54 So you're not just in Columbia, where else are you?
18:56 No, many places in South America,
18:58 but take something very different
19:00 than what Frank just shared in Prague,
19:03 in Czech Republic, very western secularized city.
19:07 We have four health food store, restaurants
19:10 Country Life they are called, and as well as a...
19:14 Which God used as a tool to convert you?
19:17 A Country Life restaurant that's exactly right,
19:19 and so there are other people
19:21 like I was coming into that those restaurants
19:24 or those stores,
19:25 meeting individuals,
19:28 they worship on Sabbath,
19:29 they have like a little worship
19:31 in the restaurant on Sabbath,
19:33 so they are using different avenues,
19:36 so you have Columbia, South America, Western Europe,
19:40 in Indonesia there is a group of individuals
19:44 who have a small health food store building,
19:47 and then above the health food store
19:49 in the second floor is a doctor's office.
19:52 People come to the health food store
19:53 and they go to the doctor's office,
19:55 and then above that floor they have little church,
19:58 and then above that floor they have a prayer room,
20:00 and therefore these in Indonesia,
20:02 very strong Muslim country,
20:04 and yet these dedicated individuals,
20:06 they're trying again to fulfill the gospel commission
20:11 using their talents and their abilities.
20:13 With a great deal of success, I understand.
20:14 Yes, yes.
20:16 They are doing a fantastic job, fantastic.
20:18 So then and you have in Africa, it's...
20:20 they're around the world,
20:21 but tell us about the Riverside Farms?
20:23 Riverside Farm is a beautiful place,
20:26 probably one of most beautiful places in the world.
20:28 I realize I'm prejudice,
20:30 lived there for about 10 years, close to 10 years,
20:33 and it's on the banks of the Kafue River.
20:35 And Riverside is a very diverse organization.
20:39 They have a lifestyle center,
20:41 so that they can reach
20:42 the middle and upper class Zambians.
20:44 Then they have an educational program
20:47 where they teach evangelism and farming
20:50 and tailoring as skill sets for different people.
20:54 Then of course, they have a very large farm
20:56 which is their means of self support.
20:58 And the farm generates the income
21:01 for their evangelistic and educational outreaches.
21:04 Beautiful place.
21:06 I have some dear friends,
21:07 I just give a shout out to Hein and Melissa,
21:10 who are also, they are around a more...
21:13 they are in that same area or they're in Africa
21:15 and it's a more of a family based,
21:18 but they've started the school there,
21:19 and then they have boat where they take,
21:22 they go up and down
21:23 ministering to the needs of the people in the area.
21:26 And it's just OCI, I have met so many people
21:29 and so many ministries and I've interviewed
21:31 so many ministries who will say,
21:34 well, we're members of Outpost Centers International,
21:37 so it's a great way that
21:39 people can instead of having to go to...
21:43 instead of going through the 501c3,
21:46 they can just have people donate through you.
21:49 Sure, the foreign introduce a lot of those organizations
21:53 run their donations through OCI.
21:55 We're privileged to do that for them.
21:57 And again,
21:59 we also try to help new ministries
22:01 get started and sit on the lot of boards,
22:03 trying to give council, try to help guide people
22:06 in different kind of difficult situations,
22:10 but what's really exciting is the work
22:12 that all those ministries were doing.
22:13 I mean we sit in the office,
22:16 well, we travel actually a lot,
22:17 but our office is in Tennessee, it's a small office.
22:21 The vibrancy of the organization is the work
22:25 that the ministries are doing.
22:26 Absolutely.
22:28 And it's thrilling to see it growing all around the world.
22:30 It is growing, I was gonna say if you...
22:32 I know that, I don't know what your schedules like,
22:35 but I think I travel a lot, and I think,
22:37 Frank, you probably do more international travel
22:39 than anybody I've seen.
22:41 Now, if you think this is exciting and it is.
22:47 They're getting ready or they had just kicked off
22:50 or are in the process of launching
22:52 I'll say a new ministry in Israel.
22:57 Why I know with you with a Jewish background,
23:01 this must be so exciting for you,
23:04 so before you explain to us
23:08 what this ministry is in Israel,
23:10 tell us why you feel now is the time?
23:14 So it's a mixed answer.
23:17 Clearly there is a very personal aspect of that
23:20 and again being born Jewish,
23:22 I lived in Israel before my conversion.
23:26 And I always had this desire to see something start there.
23:31 And in the early 1900s
23:35 Ellen G. White was addressing
23:37 a General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
23:40 And in that conference she made up specific appeal
23:44 to her hearers to the church at large
23:47 to not neglect the work for the Jewish people.
23:51 Can I read that quote,
23:52 because I actually carry that in my Bible, I too.
23:57 We've been to Israel for the last five years,
24:00 and also have a heart for those people.
24:02 What she wrote was
24:03 in the gospel's closing proclamation,
24:06 God expects His messengers to take particular interest
24:10 in the Jewish people.
24:11 Many of the Jews will see the Christ of the gospel
24:15 in the pages of the Old Testament
24:17 and will grasp how the New Testament
24:19 explains the old.
24:21 They will recognize Christ as the Savior of the world.
24:26 So the first part of that phrase,
24:27 would you read it again?
24:29 In the gospel's closing proclamation
24:31 God expects His messengers
24:33 to take particular interest in the Jewish people.
24:37 So in the gospel's closing proclamation
24:40 I think as you and your viewers will understand,
24:43 we live in that time.
24:46 Yes, we do.
24:47 And again she read that
24:49 or she spoke it to the General Conference session
24:51 in the nearly 1900s,
24:53 it's passed due for the church at large to say,
24:58 this is a group of people that need particular work.
25:02 And so in Israel, for example
25:04 there are 900 plus or minus church members
25:07 in the Seventh-day Adventist church there
25:09 and yet only a handful of Israeli born
25:13 Seventh-day Adventists.
25:15 There is one Israeli born Seventh-day Adventist pastor.
25:20 And now the church bought a building
25:22 in outside of the old city of Jerusalem
25:24 in the early 1900s to do this work.
25:27 So we had a foothold
25:29 or a presence there for a long time,
25:32 yet I think all of us would recognize
25:34 the work hasn't advanced the way we would desire.
25:37 Several years ago, Richard Oliver
25:39 who was then the field president
25:41 for the Israeli field came to OCI and said,
25:44 would you come help
25:46 start a health outreach in Israel.
25:48 So OCI partnered with Herghelia,
25:51 which is a lifestyle center in Romania own by Dr. Nick Dan,
25:56 and with one in Moldova run by his sister Magdalena Dan
26:00 and with another organization
26:02 called Health Education Resources
26:05 by Charles Cleveland, and we formed a little team,
26:07 went to Israel and did a health expo
26:09 in the city of Haifa,
26:11 and it was very well received.
26:14 From that we launched a health club
26:16 which meant every Sunday afternoon for several years,
26:21 then we rented a facility
26:23 to try to start a lifestyle session
26:26 and we had about 15 guests come
26:29 Israeli secular individuals.
26:32 Came, loved the program,
26:34 and for the past six years,
26:35 we've been looking for the right place.
26:37 Amen.
26:38 So God has definitely led you to the right place,
26:44 the ministry before we actually look at the pictures of this,
26:47 let's talk about what ministry your are beginning there
26:52 that you are launching kind of debt tailing off
26:57 which you've already done with the health.
26:59 And Ellen White said that
27:02 the health message is the right arm of the gospel,
27:05 and we can see that when people
27:07 especially the Jewish people who,
27:09 they're precious people, they are very loving people,
27:12 but they are also very close minded.
27:16 I heard a great quote, I just love this quote,
27:20 and I don't know who said it,
27:21 but I just heard somebody repeated.
27:23 It's a preconceived opinions
27:26 effectively insulate the mind against truth,
27:29 so you have to break down the barriers
27:33 for someone who has been taught that Christianity is wrong,
27:37 that Christ was an impostor
27:42 and you have therefore
27:45 the health message is a way that you can reach out
27:48 and touch people without offending them,
27:51 touch their hearts for change.
27:53 So explain what the ministry is,
27:55 then we'll look at the pictures of where God has led you.
27:58 So our vision, we realize that
28:02 it would be very difficult to minister
28:04 to the Orthodox Jews, very hard.
28:08 So our focus really is on the secular Israeli
28:12 which is majority of the country,
28:15 and we really want to serve them
28:18 in a health line,
28:21 and so our vision is to operate a...
28:24 It's called a healthy bean breakfast
28:28 where somebody comes they want to go on vacation,
28:31 get out of the city from away from Tel Aviv.
28:34 And they want sometime away,
28:36 they come to our healthy bean breakfast let's called it.
28:38 And we give them a good healthy diet.
28:42 We have lectures available for them,
28:45 massage offered for them,
28:47 cooking classes so that they can help
28:50 prepare their next meal, prepare lunch,
28:52 and through this avenue of both educations and classes,
28:57 the massage, some water treatments,
29:00 good diet to begin to break down
29:03 some of those prejudices
29:05 and to really show this community
29:08 that people are interested just in serving them.
29:11 And if they come
29:13 and they are there for a short period of time,
29:14 a couple of days, week, ten days and move on and think,
29:17 well, that was a real blessing.
29:19 Well, that's a step.
29:20 It's a very different ministry
29:23 than a 12 week evangelistic series for example.
29:27 Yes.
29:29 This is gonna be a very long term,
29:31 let's make friends, let's draw close to people,
29:35 let's win their confidence and then try to introduce them
29:40 to Jesus Christ, Jesus as a Messiah.
29:43 This is a very effective, Frank,
29:46 I call it friendship evangelism,
29:48 but that's very effective isn't it Frank,
29:51 when you're just reflecting the love of Jesus Christ.
29:54 And I know Magdalena Dan quite well,
29:56 and Magdalena has told me that
29:59 she's with Herghelia in Romania.
30:03 And she has said that they get some people
30:06 that are coming in there
30:07 who as she's treating them being so kind to them.
30:11 It's like why are you, it's everybody here so nice.
30:14 Why are you so loving and so caring?
30:16 And so it opens up doors,
30:18 actually, you don't have to just,
30:20 Frank and I were talking before the program that,
30:24 you know, some people take the approach
30:27 when they learn truth that they just want to go out
30:29 and beat people over the head with the Bible.
30:32 And you couldn't beat somebody over the head
30:34 with a violin to convince them how beautiful the music is.
30:39 You can't beat people over the head
30:41 with the Bible to convince them of the love of God.
30:44 But when you just reflect,
30:47 when you let the love of God be in your heart
30:50 and the Holy Spirit's indwelling you
30:52 and you reach out and do what Jesus would do,
30:54 that's very effective, isn't it?
30:56 Well, you know,
30:58 we talk about going in there gently
30:59 and that's our purpose, that's what we're going to do,
31:02 but we're living in the last days
31:05 and gentle is going to be more urgent
31:08 as we go on very soon,
31:10 I don't know what the Lord is going to do.
31:12 We're going to go in there and try to make friends in
31:15 and be as congenial as we can to win them.
31:18 Well, let me tell you something.
31:20 If we're living as closely to the second coming of Jesus
31:23 as we think we are,
31:25 there is going to be a push
31:27 by the Holy Spirit towards the Israeli people,
31:31 and we just want to be part of it.
31:33 I don't know what the Lord is going to do
31:36 but we're going to be there available,
31:38 and if we are available
31:40 then we'll let you know how it turns out,
31:42 we'll come back.
31:43 Okay.
31:45 Well, and I may be over there.
31:46 Well, we'll look for you.
31:47 We...
31:49 J.D and I have had the distinct,
31:52 just joy and privilege of going to Israel
31:55 for the last five years and it's a beautiful place.
31:58 But you mentioned
31:59 you've been looking for a place for six years,
32:02 it is not easy to find
32:04 real estate to purchase in Israel.
32:06 There are several obstacles
32:08 to purchasing a place in Israel.
32:11 First of all there are restrictions.
32:16 Land is very expensive and very rare.
32:19 You don't find the large open spaces
32:21 like you do in the United States.
32:23 And we looked at a facility
32:26 in the northern part of the country
32:27 and found out there were some legal complications with it.
32:30 The owner had built not on his property
32:34 and we found that in actually
32:37 in several properties that we looked at.
32:39 What's really exciting about this property
32:42 is that the ministry,
32:45 the property rather is privately owned.
32:48 The majority of all the land in Israel is actually
32:51 owned by the government.
32:52 This land is privately owned
32:54 which gives us a bit more freedom
32:57 to run this kind of healthy bed and breakfast
33:00 that we're talking about.
33:01 And again it's very unique...
33:03 When you say healthy bed and breakfast,
33:05 it's a lifestyle center on a small scale,
33:06 is that what you're saying?
33:08 That's exactly. All right.
33:09 I just want to make sure.
33:10 Right, it's healthy bed...
33:13 what we're zone for,
33:15 let's say is a bed and breakfast
33:18 and our intention is to be creative
33:23 in how we bring in a lifestyle session
33:26 within the parameters of what we have permission to do.
33:29 Well, you know,
33:30 what people don't realize is that if you,
33:33 it's really difficult to find properties,
33:37 it's even more difficult to build in Israel
33:39 because if you buy land,
33:41 if you stick a shovel in the ground,
33:43 I guarantee you you're going to turn up
33:45 some kind of an artifact...
33:46 Archaeological missions.
33:48 And yeah, and so everything
33:50 it seems like every building project is just
33:53 put on hold as soon as they start digging
33:55 because they're finding things
33:56 but so you were searching for six years,
33:59 and from what I have seen,
34:01 God took you to the perfect property.
34:04 Let's look at the pictures of what you have purchased
34:08 in the Galilee area.
34:09 Now this is Migdal, is that correct?
34:11 That's correct.
34:12 Just near the Sea of Galilee,
34:14 the northern part of the Sea of Galilee
34:16 not too far from Capernaum
34:17 where the Sermon on the Mount was,
34:19 and this is just a picture of the surrounding area
34:22 beyond the hill not too far away is Nazareth.
34:25 And then in the front part of the picture
34:28 are these mango trees which form a mango orchard
34:31 that surrounds the property.
34:32 So you're looking right off the balcony there...
34:34 That's correct.
34:36 And then this is from the balcony as well.
34:38 One of the others shots of the mango orchard
34:40 which is really important
34:42 because the mango orchard on two sides are
34:45 kind of dedicated in memorial of Holocaust victims,
34:49 victims of the World War II.
34:51 And so nobody is going to build there
34:52 which is tremendously encouraging,
34:54 gives us a little bit of space.
34:55 Oh, this is a beautiful home.
34:57 This is from the back front of the property
35:01 through that field,
35:02 then you can see the mangoes again
35:05 just coming up to the property.
35:06 Now how big is the property?
35:08 I mean how big is the house?
35:09 So what the house itself
35:11 has four bedrooms and three bathrooms,
35:13 and then it has five guest rooms
35:15 and just above the white wall
35:17 in the picture are those five guest rooms
35:19 and each guest room is equipped for
35:23 with Jacuzzi and full bed, and en suite.
35:26 So that's where the guests would be staying.
35:29 So the four bedrooms would be used for staff.
35:31 Staff or we could also use them,
35:33 this is a living room,
35:34 we're probably doing lectures on the property.
35:36 Okay.
35:39 And that's one of the en suite chalets
35:43 we could call them or zimmers
35:45 as they call them there in Israel.
35:46 Lovely. Yeah.
35:47 Very nicely done
35:49 and this is a place where we'll be doing
35:52 again maybe some lectures, the swimming pool,
35:54 there's a Jacuzzi, exercise as well.
35:57 it's very beautiful and being up on the hill,
35:59 it gets a nice cool breeze which is very exciting.
36:02 And you're very close to the Sea of Galilee which...
36:05 We are and so there is a shot from the Sea of Galilee.
36:08 It is very clear day, very unusual,
36:10 but that's Mount Hermon in the distance Anti-Lebanon.
36:14 I say, I've just been blessed to be.
36:16 We've had beautiful weather, I think on every trip.
36:20 I've done ten tours of Israel and every trip except one,
36:24 and it was just one bad day, you know,
36:26 so we've been very blessed.
36:27 That's a beautiful spot,
36:29 and I think that the Lord certainly,
36:31 it was worth waiting the six years for that spot.
36:35 And what was very exciting is
36:36 when I came to see it and others have come to see it,
36:40 we all felt this is the place.
36:43 We're all very convinced
36:46 this is where God wanted us to have this,
36:48 and it's been amazing now pouring of support
36:51 from donors to help us purchase it
36:53 but it's been very exciting to see
36:55 all the pieces finally coming together.
36:58 So you've been there personally and seen this,
37:00 have you as well, Frank?
37:02 No, I haven't, I am just waiting.
37:03 You're just waiting. He's waiting.
37:04 That's right.
37:06 And this is something that is opening
37:08 when you're opening soon.
37:10 We're taking up possession in August the next month
37:13 and will begin in September.
37:15 Wonderful. Very exciting.
37:17 That is, it's a beautiful facility
37:19 so who will be yours.
37:22 How are you staffing there?
37:24 So we have a group of individuals
37:26 that are Israeli citizens
37:28 who have been trained at Herghelia,
37:31 the lifestyle center in Romania
37:32 and have worked in partnership
37:34 with our lifestyle center in Ukraine, Novi Obihody.
37:38 So there is some Ukrainians living in Israel.
37:41 Novi Obihody, our home...
37:43 Novi Obihody, well...
37:45 Our home, sorry
37:47 and so there's Israelis citizens
37:51 who are from Ukraine, from Romania,
37:55 from Russia who are living in Israel
37:58 as well as Israeli citizens excuse me,
38:01 Israeli natural born citizens,
38:03 who are helping make up the team
38:05 that's going to run the project.
38:06 And of course, Magdalena Dan will be helping
38:09 and giving some guidance with it
38:11 to the operation of it as well.
38:13 Wonderful, and this is going to be something
38:15 that as you say, I know we keep saying,
38:17 it's going to be something gentle,
38:18 you're starting slowly,
38:20 but I agree with what Frank just said while ago is that,
38:23 as fast as things are happening,
38:25 it's wonderful when you have in place
38:30 that connection the friendship with people.
38:33 And then when something does happen,
38:35 and we've seen this in our own lives just did.
38:37 If you develop that friendship, some kind of tragedy comes,
38:40 they turn to you
38:42 because they know there's something different.
38:43 And then they're very quickly ready to accept the Lord
38:47 and then we know God's going to do a great work in Israel
38:49 before He returns.
38:50 Amen. Amen.
38:52 So, yeah, just the point
38:53 that you said about the importance
38:55 of making connections with people,
38:57 friends with people
38:58 so that when a crisis does come,
39:00 they know who to turn to
39:02 and what questions to ask,
39:04 and that you're there ready with an answer.
39:07 But unless we are very intentional,
39:09 how can I make a bridge with this group of people
39:12 that are very different than I am?
39:14 How can somebody reach this community
39:18 we won't be there?
39:19 We won't be prepared when that crisis comes,
39:21 so it's very important for each of us
39:23 to take advantage of the opportunities
39:26 before us in our own sphere
39:28 to think, okay,
39:29 what's my part of the great commission.
39:31 How can I impact people in my community in my life?
39:34 And as Frank mentioned earlier,
39:36 when things really begin to accelerate
39:39 in a spiritual way in Israel,
39:41 we want to have our presence there.
39:43 Absolutely, absolutely, so it sounds very exciting.
39:47 What are some of the other plans
39:48 that OCI has on your calendar?
39:54 Well, one of the things that we do
39:55 as well to help minister to the organizations.
39:58 We have leaders retreats,
40:01 and we've started these retreats in different countries
40:06 and so every year,
40:08 well, this year I think we're going to have eight
40:11 so different retreats in different places
40:14 in Mexico, Colombia,
40:16 Bolivia, Southeast Asia,
40:20 and these are all ways of trying to strengthen
40:22 and minister to those organizations to men and women
40:26 in the churches in those areas
40:27 that are looking for God's guidance
40:30 to get them into ministry.
40:31 Praise the Lord.
40:33 So have you launched,
40:35 I mean you're getting ready to launch the Israel project,
40:38 have you launched other new ministries
40:39 in the last year?
40:42 New ministries have become part of OCI
40:45 and in several different places,
40:48 but this is a major ministry
40:50 that OCI has really been engaged with it helping launch.
40:52 So you're not always then,
40:54 it's not always the incubation stage for OCI.
40:58 Sometimes, it's somebody that's already incubated
41:00 and then they come and join you
41:02 so that they can have a network of support.
41:04 We actually rarely launch anything
41:07 that's not been our...
41:08 Okay. This one is special.
41:09 Well, that's right.
41:11 And when you see an opportunity like we've just had.
41:15 We just jump on it because it's important.
41:18 This is something, you know, you can't,
41:20 we talk about knowing Israelis
41:23 as if they were someone out there
41:24 but you can't read your Bible all your life
41:26 and not identify with Israel, you just can't.
41:29 Everyone identifies with Israel
41:31 who has been reading their Bible.
41:32 And so it makes it
41:34 universally important in this world.
41:36 And, you know, I'll tell you something,
41:38 it's, there's...
41:40 I don't know if you're ever going to open it up
41:42 to where somebody could come
41:43 and visit if they're from the States
41:45 but your lifestyle center there are your
41:48 healthy bed and breakfast, excuse me.
41:50 But there's nothing like a trip to Israel
41:54 to make the Bible come alive.
41:55 Amen.
41:57 It's just something that you don't,
41:58 you cannot imagine so much history
42:00 happened in such a tiny little place,
42:03 you know, it's very fascinating.
42:05 It is, and having gone to Israel many times,
42:09 having lived there
42:11 and then gone there many times
42:12 over the past several years for this purpose.
42:14 It's very intriguing to bring somebody
42:17 and show them some of the places,
42:19 you know, the stones from the...
42:21 where the temple was overthrown
42:23 and just realized, you know,
42:24 this is a fulfillment of prophecy,
42:27 and that's astounding to us and particularly to see
42:31 how God has worked through archaeology
42:36 to confirm what we read in scriptures.
42:40 Over again, you know,
42:42 new archaeological discoveries like,
42:43 yes this is...
42:45 This is recently in the last few years,
42:46 they've had all these discoveries on David
42:49 where before it was kind of like
42:50 did he even really exist...
42:51 That's right.
42:53 David, you know so, it is fascinating
42:54 and what happens is archaeology seems to just,
42:58 continue putting the naysayers in their place does it good.
43:04 Yeah, it's great.
43:05 Well, we're very excited about this ministry
43:09 and I know that,
43:10 if particularly Jim Gilley were here,
43:11 he would be...
43:13 he'd be doing that with two handers.
43:16 What we'd like to do is give people an opportunity
43:19 to get in touch with you.
43:21 If they would like to,
43:23 if you'd like to support this ministry in any way
43:26 or perhaps if you've got just you're in ministry
43:31 and you're thinking,
43:32 "Hey, we need to talk to somebody about
43:36 maybe networking with them."
43:38 So we've got these opportunities
43:40 for leadership retreats
43:41 or people who we can turn to.
43:43 Here's how you can get in touch
43:45 with Outpost Centers International.
43:50 OCI is a spiritual brotherhood of ministries
43:53 striving toward the common goal
43:54 of taking the gospel to the world.
43:56 If you like to support Outpost Centers Internationally,
43:59 you can do so in a variety of ways.
44:02 You can write to them at 5132 Layton Lane,
44:05 Apison, Tennessee 37302.
44:08 That's 5132 Layton Lane,
44:11 Apison, Tennessee 37302.
44:14 You can call them at 423-236-5600.
44:18 That's 423- 236-5600.
44:22 You can also visit them online at OutpostCenters.org.
44:26 That's OutpostCenters.org.
44:35 I'm sure that they'd love to hear from you
44:37 and that they can help you.
44:39 In fact, Steve, tell us a little
44:41 if say I have a ministry and I'm thinking,
44:44 do I have...
44:47 I need some help. I need some support.
44:49 If I just call you,
44:50 what is the process of becoming a member of OCI?
44:54 Where the process of becoming a member
44:56 as the organization needs to exist for a year
44:59 and we actually have two categories of membership.
45:02 There is a full member which would be somebody
45:05 that had their own nonprofit 501c3
45:08 or an equivalent outside the United States.
45:11 Or then there are these smaller family ministries,
45:13 you mentioned, Hein and Melissa
45:16 along the banks of the Zambezi River.
45:18 Again smaller family organization.
45:21 And we're there to support both of those organizations,
45:24 both of those kind of outreaches
45:26 in any way we can,
45:28 so we'll, we like to tell their stories.
45:30 We do P.R. for them.
45:32 We would pass through donations for them
45:34 or not pass through donations,
45:36 we would handle donations for them.
45:38 And again try to help in any,
45:40 in any way that's our reason for existence,
45:42 that's our passion is to be able to help individuals
45:46 see where God is calling them into ministry.
45:51 So if a person wanted to be a member,
45:53 they'd have to be in existence for a year,
45:55 fall into one of those two categories
45:57 and then simply contact us.
45:59 Incidentally I should say that we help ministries
46:01 long before they become members.
46:04 Sometimes somebody will call us,
46:05 well, I'm not quite formed yet,
46:07 or I have this question or I'm thinking of doing this.
46:10 We help throughout the whole process.
46:12 We're really there to be a resource
46:14 and if we can't answer certain questions,
46:17 we'll try to guide them in a direction
46:20 that maybe they can find answers.
46:21 That's an exciting resource to have available
46:24 for the Adventist community.
46:26 Now before we go to our newsbreak
46:28 just a thought from you please,
46:30 Frank, you were with OCI before
46:33 and then you went
46:35 and did your stint at Eden Valley
46:38 and ASI president,
46:40 now you're back with him.
46:41 Why? Why did you come back?
46:45 Well, actually I received the call,
46:47 this fellow sitting beside me.
46:50 When we heard that my wife was coming home from Africa,
46:53 and we had the idea of how she would relate
46:56 to being home and all the rest,
46:58 somebody saw an opportunity I think.
47:00 And I, we, my wife and I received the call
47:05 to go and work at OCI.
47:07 Steve and I have been friends for a long time.
47:09 We work well together and so that's why I'm there.
47:13 But why do you find I know there's,
47:15 it's more than just you all being friends.
47:17 There's something that
47:18 you find exciting about going outside,
47:23 thinking outside the box,
47:24 reaching outside of your own backyard.
47:28 Well, you know, right from the beginning,
47:29 I became a Seventh-day Adventist
47:31 on September 14th,
47:32 that's at least the day I was baptized in 1974.
47:37 Okay, and since that time
47:40 as matter of fact, it was,
47:41 it was less than eight months later I was part of this
47:44 group of supporting ministries
47:46 which eventually became Outpost Centers, OCI.
47:49 So I've been involved with this for a long-long-long time.
47:53 And I have seen the Lord working among lay people.
47:57 It's just a burden to see people get involved.
48:00 You know my background, you know,
48:02 I grew up like I said before a Roman Catholic
48:05 but I worked in the mines till I was 27,
48:08 and when I had an opportunity to work for the Lord,
48:13 OCI was the opportunity.
48:16 And I've been with it a long time
48:18 and I just have a burden to see everyone
48:21 get involved in the Lord's work.
48:23 If they can't,
48:24 if they can't be a pastor in a church
48:26 or a colporteur or whatever else they may be,
48:28 they can come to us.
48:30 Amen, you preach it, brother.
48:32 Well, we're going to have another song right now
48:35 by ET Everett.
48:37 She's going to play for us, "Because He Lives".


Revised 2016-09-19