3ABN Today

Adventist Child India

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), William & Nancy Mack


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016058A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:07 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
01:08 and we welcome you once again to 3ABN Today
01:11 on the mending broken people network,
01:13 and let me just pause
01:14 and take a moment to express our great appreciation
01:17 to each one of you who support this ministry
01:20 by your prayers and your finances.
01:23 Thank you so much because without you
01:25 there would not be a mending broken people network.
01:28 We are going to be talking today
01:30 about people who don't always have a hope or future.
01:36 We're very blessed,
01:38 those of us who live in developed countries
01:40 because what we have to our advantage
01:45 is so many opportunities that are available to us
01:50 and I remember once
01:51 even though I live in the United States
01:53 when I was feeling a little downcast
01:55 and without hope
01:56 that the Lord led me to a beautiful scripture
01:59 and He really encouraged and inspired me
02:03 through this scripture.
02:05 These are the words of the Lord and as I read Jeremiah 29:11,
02:09 just listen as if God were speaking to you.
02:12 He says, "For I know the thoughts
02:14 that I think toward you, says the Lord,
02:16 thoughts of peace and not of evil,
02:18 to give you a future and a hope."
02:23 We have all kinds of advantages
02:26 if we live in developed countries,
02:28 but there are children in the world
02:30 who are living in undeveloped countries
02:32 who have no advantages in life and they need to know
02:37 that God can give them a future and a hope.
02:40 And we are going to be talking with our special guest today.
02:43 Let me just go ahead and introduce them to you.
02:45 This lovely couple is working with the program in India
02:49 and it's called Adventist Child India,
02:53 and you are there to give children a hope.
02:58 Nancy Mack, welcome to the program.
03:00 Thank you.
03:01 It's so wonderful to have you here
03:03 and your husband William Mack.
03:05 Now, William,
03:07 you are the director for Adventist Child India.
03:09 Yes, and I need to give credit to Nancy
03:11 'cause she is the assistant director.
03:13 And she is the assistant. Work together as a good team.
03:16 That's wonderful.
03:17 Well, we're going to be excited to hear
03:19 a little of your personal story
03:21 and how God brought them to India,
03:23 but first we know how much you love music,
03:27 and so we're going to have a beautiful song
03:30 played for us on the piano by Johann Sentana
03:33 and the song is, "This is my Father's world".
07:16 That was Johann Sentana
07:17 and I'm just so glad that he uses his talent
07:20 for the glory of the Lord, that was beautiful.
07:22 Well, if you're joining us just a few moments later,
07:24 our special guests today are Nancy and William Mack.
07:28 And we want to get to know you little personally
07:32 before we jump into what you are doing,
07:36 the work that you're doing right now.
07:38 Nancy, just give us a little nutshell
07:42 who's Nancy Mack,
07:43 did you grow up in a Christian home?
07:45 Tell us a little of your history?
07:46 Well, first I'm a wife to William Mack
07:50 and I have three children that are all grown,
07:53 and I was raised in the Christian home
07:55 and a missionary's home,
07:57 and we had a lot of fun traveling and seeing the world,
08:01 and helping people learn about Jesus.
08:05 Amen. Amen.
08:06 So when you are out working in the field
08:11 with your parents in the world field,
08:14 how early on did your relationship with the Lord
08:18 become real to you,
08:20 not just something handed down by your parents,
08:22 not just something your parents believe,
08:24 but when did Jesus become real to you?
08:27 I think it was a time when my...
08:28 I always felt I was a Christian
08:30 and I always wanted to be a Christian,
08:32 but I don't think I really had a personal walk with Jesus
08:34 until about a month before my mother passed away,
08:37 and she proceeded to tell me
08:39 that I didn't need to get to heaven
08:41 on my dad shirttails because my dad was a Christian
08:44 that I needed to have my own walk
08:46 and that's when I was about probably around in my 40s,
08:50 so I mean I always thought I was a Christian,
08:52 but when I personally had my walk
08:53 was around when I was in my 40s or mid 40s.
08:54 Amen. Amen.
08:56 So you were living a Christian lifestyle
08:57 just hadn't made that real heart to heart connection.
09:00 Correct.
09:01 And you know, that's true for a lot of people
09:03 who've been in church for many, many years
09:05 and then one day just kind of,
09:07 you know, it's a cultural thing,
09:08 they're used to it, they have good morals,
09:11 but it's when they develop that personal relationship
09:14 that it really is meaningful, and how about you William?
09:17 Okay, I grew up also in an Adventist family.
09:20 Okay.
09:21 My parents were involved in the Adventist school system
09:24 and that was in California,
09:26 so grew up as my dad being a teacher
09:29 and then my principal
09:30 which is not so fun at times then.
09:32 Yeah, I'll bet.
09:34 You get called to the principal's office...
09:35 You try not to,
09:37 as you get it at home also then,
09:39 but so you know, went to Adventist schools
09:42 all through from grade school up through last year of college
09:45 and self so.
09:47 Yes, you know, I'm glad for that background.
09:50 And when did it become real for you?
09:54 It also probably later in life too,
09:56 because again, you know, my dad is a strong influence
09:59 and again, you know, it can't be just what he says
10:03 but has to be coming from you so.
10:05 It was more recently again too,
10:07 may be almost coming to India really then
10:09 were things just got a little more real
10:12 and vivid and saying you know,
10:15 just get closer to the Lord, and that kind of thing then so.
10:19 So how did you end up in India?
10:24 So who wants to answer that one?
10:26 Whoever feels like? You.
10:27 I think that I had started going back to India
10:32 to do humanitarian service helping somebody get a cow
10:36 so that they will have some milk to be able to sell,
10:39 helping children get shoes,
10:41 helping children to get uniforms so they go to school.
10:44 And about four years ago we were called to go
10:49 and head up the Adventist Child India program.
10:52 Now I was sort of, sort of happy about it,
10:55 but I wasn't too sure how my husband would feel,
10:57 he never been to India.
10:59 So the last humanitarian service that I did in India,
11:03 he came at the end of my programs
11:05 and we traveled for about three weeks
11:08 throughout India,
11:09 and when we were through I said to him,
11:11 "Will, so what do you think?"
11:13 And he says, "Yeah, I think I could live there,
11:14 it's a pretty cool place."
11:15 Wonderful.
11:17 So that's how we finally arrived in India
11:20 and started our work there with helping children.
11:22 All right, so tell us about Adventist Child India?
11:26 Okay.
11:27 This is a child aid program
11:30 that was started by Dorothy Watts.
11:32 She worked in India for a long time
11:33 and had saw the need of poor Adventist children
11:38 that would never be able to get an education
11:40 in Adventist schools,
11:41 just like here Adventist school are not free in India,
11:45 you know, there are private schools
11:47 and they cost, so we try to help literally
11:50 the poorest Adventist layman's children
11:52 who have no benefits and we try to help them get the education
11:56 that they never receive.
11:58 And so we're connected
12:00 with the school system in India.
12:03 There are many day schools and boarding schools,
12:06 about 280 total.
12:08 We're only connected with the boarding schools.
12:10 And that was Dorothy's idea we haven't changed that then,
12:15 so we're connected with the schools
12:17 that are outside the cities then, you know,
12:19 the villages and children come from there
12:22 and learn to speak English.
12:25 They would be coming
12:27 probably with may be two changes of clothes
12:30 and sometimes you know, barefoot that kind of thing,
12:32 so this is the ones that we're trying to reach in and help.
12:35 But okay, these are the poorest of the poorest you said.
12:38 And is there a reason
12:39 why she chose to do the boarding school atmosphere
12:44 rather than a home atmosphere.
12:46 Yeah, I think like yeah,
12:48 I think the reason why is when you're poor,
12:50 you may only get one meal a day
12:51 and in the boarding school you'll get three,
12:54 and if you have no place to sleep maybe
12:56 or you have to be crammed into small little house
12:59 you'll have a bed,
13:01 you'll have a place to sleep each night,
13:02 and you'll be able to have an education,
13:04 and have the atmosphere
13:06 of being able to be part of a group.
13:10 So how do you find these children?
13:12 Okay, good question.
13:14 Probably two ways,
13:16 the local pastors would be used and helpful to,
13:20 because they are the ones in the churches
13:21 that know these families then, so...
13:24 So these are all children of Adventists?
13:27 Yes, yes, yes they are,
13:29 so at least one of the parents needs to be Adventist then.
13:32 Maybe both don't have to be, but so you know,
13:34 the local pastor would know those families
13:36 that really need the help and sometimes
13:38 even the school principals that we work with,
13:41 they are gonna help people, you know, from their area,
13:43 and so that's how they would get recommended
13:46 towards them.
13:48 Okay, let me ask you this, Will, I'll direct this to you
13:51 because Nancy's parents worked in the fields of India
13:55 for sometime and she was accustom to it.
13:58 What was your first impression other than it's a cool place,
14:01 'cause it's so different.
14:03 What did you see that may have shocked you
14:07 or concerned you, what kinds of things
14:11 when we're talking about the poorest of the poor,
14:13 how do these children live?
14:15 They literally live in mud brick huts,
14:20 houses you might call them,
14:22 then they might have thatch roofs
14:24 and in the North East it's a little different,
14:28 they might have bamboo walls
14:30 with like a corrugated tin roof, that kind of thing.
14:33 So this is the kind of housing they would have
14:35 and they might cook on an open fire,
14:38 you know, for their meals and all,
14:39 and so that definitely was, you know, new and you know,
14:45 just said wow, this is,
14:47 if we can help these kind of people, it's great.
14:49 I actually had a little bit of experience before that.
14:53 For one year I was a student missionary in Africa,
14:55 and you know,
14:57 between my junior and senior in college.
14:59 So I had seen some of that then so it wasn't quite as shocking
15:02 to see it the very first time, but...
15:05 But do they have clean water sources there?
15:08 In most places they do now...
15:10 Most of the time. Most of the time.
15:11 They will have the drinking water
15:12 and they will have the water that they bathe
15:14 and take care of other stuff.
15:17 We tend to drink from a bottle.
15:20 We buy our water bottles and we take them with us,
15:23 because we're not used to when you travel
15:26 and you have different water sources
15:28 you don't, even if they're clean,
15:30 you may not always get along with the water, so.
15:34 Yeah, I'm understanding exactly what you are saying.
15:36 You want to be safe.
15:37 We've done enough traveling to know that.
15:39 So how many years have you been there now?
15:42 You've been there three years.
15:43 Yep, just a little over three
15:45 and we're thinking at least five
15:47 and more than that if we can we'll figure that out
15:51 as the time moves on here.
15:52 And how many children Adventists the child,
15:59 or excuse me The Child India,
16:01 how many children are you helping?
16:02 Okay, it's close to about 2200 now then, so it's a lot.
16:07 Oh, my. It's a lot.
16:09 That we are involved in 17 of the 29 states in India
16:14 and 38 boarding schools,
16:16 so that they are divided up these 2200 children divided up,
16:19 some may have 20 in one school,
16:20 some may have 200 in other school,
16:22 but 38 boarding schools throughout India.
16:25 So can you give us an idea
16:27 of what your work schedule might be,
16:29 do you try to travel to each of these schools?
16:33 We do. We travel many ways.
16:37 The easiest way is by plane and that's very rare,
16:41 but when we have to go very far,
16:43 then we do take the train, a plane
16:45 because a train would take too long
16:46 and our time is valuable.
16:48 We travel by rickshaw which is a three wheeled vehicle.
16:52 We travel by local bus, county bus, Volvo bus,
16:59 we travel by car and we travel by train,
17:02 so there is many different ways of traveling
17:05 and it depends on what school we're going to,
17:08 in a car we drive, we have a car
17:10 that we are able to go to some other schools with.
17:13 And how often do you,
17:14 are you going around to these different schools?
17:16 Okay, it's once a year. All right.
17:18 And occasionally it's twice here
17:20 in some of the may be closer schools,
17:21 but once a year so that's 38 times to go
17:25 and you know...
17:27 So that's part of our schedule certainly then is
17:29 not always in the office work out,
17:31 and of course it's fun to meet the children
17:33 and to see what's going on
17:35 and the administrators of the schools
17:36 and the teachers you know,
17:38 just make sure things are going well.
17:40 Well, I know you were here in 2014,
17:44 and you were telling us the story,
17:46 you shared a story about three young ones.
17:49 I think the first one was Ibha,
17:51 it's that how you said her name.
17:53 Yes, Ibha has finished her high school 12th standard.
17:57 Can you give us a little bit of her background?
17:59 Ibha came from the north east and she started
18:02 with the Adventist Child India program
18:04 in her fourth grade.
18:06 Came from a place where she was an orphan
18:09 and one of our lay workers request,
18:12 asked her she'd like to go to boarding school
18:14 and she chose to say yes, and she came into our program.
18:18 In India when you are 10th grade comes along
18:21 and you're finished 10th grade,
18:22 you have to choose either science or arts.
18:26 And that's where you decide
18:27 what school you're going to go to,
18:29 so she chose science
18:31 and she is now in a college in Ottapalam, Kerala
18:35 and she is taking nursing,
18:37 so we're really excited about her.
18:39 And Kima, he also is an orphan.
18:44 He has one brother, but he's very busy
18:47 and he doesn't have a lot of money to help Kima,
18:49 but Kima is now finished just 12th,
18:52 he would also took science,
18:54 but what happened was is that
18:56 when he was about to take the exam,
18:58 they cancelled the exam
19:00 and so he wasn't able to take the exam,
19:03 and the college was starting, he goes, what do I do now.
19:06 And we had a very wonderful man
19:08 who helped us get him into Surat
19:11 and he's doing his BBS.
19:13 So we're happy about him and he's doing really good
19:15 and then the last one was Alex.
19:17 He is still in grade school.
19:19 He's probably around I think in fifth or sixth grade now
19:23 and he's doing really well.
19:24 I talked about how he always seem to lose his shoes,
19:28 and every time I go back, I'll say, Alex,
19:31 I bought you shoes, what happened to the shoes.
19:32 And he go, I don't know, he's still doing that.
19:35 I don't know and so we have sort of joke upon him
19:39 because all he wants us to take and buy him chocolate,
19:43 and last year I wasn't able to go
19:45 and Will was and he hounded my husband
19:48 until he took Alex to get his chocolate, so...
19:51 He loves chocolate.
19:53 Alex and I get along really well.
19:57 So what do you find that these children,
20:02 I mean you're talking about orphans
20:03 or you're talking about often
20:04 that's children from larger families
20:06 that are, they're malnourished.
20:09 When they go into these boarding schools,
20:12 obviously you are giving them an education
20:15 in just a step up because they are learning English,
20:19 they're learning about so many different things,
20:24 but what did these children need?
20:28 Do they have in addition to the education,
20:32 what is that you find is universal
20:34 that all children need?
20:35 I think that what I have come up with
20:37 is that every child,
20:40 if I sat down with them and talk with them
20:43 for a few minutes in our program,
20:45 they would all have three things
20:46 that they really want.
20:48 They want to be believed in.
20:49 they want to be loved, and they want to trust,
20:52 have somebody they can trust in.
20:53 And so we're hoping that with being the mentors
20:57 and helping them with the...
21:00 showing them that we care and we love
21:02 and we want them to trust us
21:04 and we'll do what we can to help them
21:06 that they will be able to succeed in life
21:08 and be happy.
21:09 Amen.
21:10 Now you had some pictures of Ibha and Alex,
21:12 don't you I think?
21:14 Not this time, I'm sorry. Okay, it's okay.
21:15 But I do have a picture of young lady
21:18 that I'd like to tell her story.
21:19 She just came on the screen and her name is Sonia.
21:23 Sonia is an amazing young lady I just got to meet her
21:28 this last winter.
21:30 It was January, February. Yes.
21:31 How old is Sonia?
21:33 Sonia is about 15, and she's in ninth grade,
21:37 and she's going to school up in the north east.
21:40 And her story is where she came from a very, very happy home,
21:45 I mean, she was loved dearly.
21:47 She and her siblings, they were all very close,
21:49 very loving, and she had some friends
21:52 that were gonna go away to a boarding school,
21:54 and she and they kept saying, come on, come join us,
21:56 let's go to the boarding school together.
21:57 We'll have so much fun, it's really cool school.
22:00 So she finally went to her parents
22:01 and asked if she could go
22:02 and her parents were very happy about it,
22:04 and said, sure, no problem, go.
22:06 So she went and when she got there,
22:09 she saw a lot of difference
22:11 in the way people were living there
22:13 and the way they were doing their things in life
22:17 and questions came up, and one of the girl said to her
22:21 well, why don't you come with us to this class we go to
22:24 and learn about why we behave and act in a different way,
22:28 and so she went and she was really surprised
22:32 that so many things were different
22:34 than how she had been raised, and she chose to step up
22:38 and choose to follow this new way of living
22:41 and was so excited.
22:45 And this was the Adventist lifestyle?
22:46 Yes, the life of...
22:47 Adventist lifestyle, and so when Christmas came,
22:50 she went home and they had a great reunion,
22:53 they were so excited to see her.
22:54 They have all the family and relatives come
22:57 and they had a big party and they went out
22:58 and did all kinds of things and then Friday came along
23:02 and she started prepare for her new faith in her, her Sabbath.
23:06 And her mother came into the room and said,
23:08 what are you doing?
23:09 She says I'm getting ready for my Sabbath
23:13 and she goes, no, that's coming up on Sunday.
23:17 This is going to be Saturday, you're confused,
23:19 and she goes, "No I'm not confused mommy.
23:22 I found out
23:23 that the true Sabbath is on Saturday."
23:27 Well, the mother got very angry and went and told the father,
23:32 and the father came in and try to drill in her that,
23:36 no you had to leave the faith.
23:38 You have to come back to our faith.
23:40 You need to be baptized back into our faith.
23:42 You have no right to do this.
23:44 You belong to our family and she kept saying, no,
23:47 I can't do this please,
23:49 I cannot do what you want me to do."
23:51 And finally he said to her,
23:53 "Sonia, if our faith is not good enough for you,
23:59 then we must not be good enough parents for you,
24:02 and so we are no longer your parents.
24:06 Get out of our home, go away, you're disowned."
24:10 Bless her heart.
24:11 So what does this little girl do?
24:13 She was devastated and she loved her family,
24:16 but she knew she couldn't go back to way she was...
24:19 You know, isn't that amazing in 15 years old
24:22 to have that kind of ability to hold on to your faith, yeah.
24:27 So she found one of her friends
24:28 so he was willing to give her a little bit of money
24:30 and she took the bus back to the school,
24:33 and when she got there Mr. Seth saw her there
24:36 and he says what are you doing back school's not started yet.
24:38 She told him a little story and he said,
24:41 "Oh, my goodness, no problem, you can stay here,
24:44 eat with my family and you're gonna be okay.
24:46 We'll take care of you.
24:47 You're not going to leave the school.
24:49 You will still be able to go to school here.
24:51 We'll figure out a way."
24:52 And that's when Will and I,
24:54 William and I got into the picture.
24:55 We went up to the school to visit it
24:58 and he introduced us to this young lady.
25:00 And Sonia told us her story and we looked at each other
25:04 and we said, we can't let this girl go.
25:06 And so Will says, "How would you like to become the family,
25:09 a family member
25:10 of the Adventist Child India program."
25:12 And she got a real big smile and she was so excited,
25:14 because she knew
25:15 that she was been accepted into this family
25:17 that wanted to live like her.
25:20 Amen.
25:21 And that's such an inspiring story.
25:23 I mean there's that element of sadness,
25:26 but to think that as I said someone at 15 years old,
25:29 just hope that when the time comes
25:32 that all of us can have that same resolve,
25:36 so now you have some more students
25:39 that you want to share obviously?
25:41 Well, we have some more slides,
25:42 I think that would be nice to just sort of go through.
25:45 Will, why don't you say? Okay.
25:46 This is a bread, you know,
25:50 brick oven that we like to put in some more schools then,
25:52 they make chapatis
25:54 and may be even some actual loaves of bread.
25:56 And it's homemade. Yeah, this would be good.
25:58 This would be a typical kitchen
26:01 you know, cafe, for the cafeteria then.
26:03 Most of it occasionally gas,
26:05 but most of it's on over open fire.
26:07 And is this outdoors? Yes.
26:09 Yeah, outdoors then.
26:10 Sometimes they'll use huge buckets,
26:12 you know, tubs, not just small like you saw.
26:15 This would be a cafeteria,
26:17 so you know they're getting a good education,
26:19 but this is not luxury type thing,
26:21 this is, you know, bare-bones type of thing
26:23 but this would be...
26:25 But for some of them compared to what they came from,
26:26 it's probably is luxurious.
26:28 They also use a cafeteria as a study home.
26:32 They go there and study. Yeah.
26:34 This is a picture from the Irvine School
26:36 which now has a running water.
26:38 Before they had two wells, two hand pumps
26:42 and that's how the whole school operated on
26:44 and now they have running water
26:46 as of may be six months ago then.
26:50 One time we visited
26:52 and they have yearly sports days,
26:54 and so here the kids are playing volleyball.
26:59 And this has to do with some Christmas gifts.
27:02 All the children get Christmas gifts
27:04 from the program.
27:05 And here was backpacks and they call them school bags,
27:09 and also actually a copy of the Desire of Ages book.
27:13 Praise God. Yeah.
27:15 And here is again,
27:17 two boys having to share a plate in this case then,
27:20 but eating the rice and dal then and then they...
27:25 And can you imagine having to share a plate.
27:27 Yeah.
27:28 So that you can eat well, that was what the boarding school...
27:30 Sometimes, not all do, but someone had to do that.
27:32 And these are three students in the,
27:34 at nursing now, they graduate from 12,
27:37 this now in their first year of nursing
27:38 at the Ottapalam nursing school which is associated
27:41 with the local Ottapalam Adventist hospital.
27:43 And she is Ibha.
27:45 And that is Ibha in the centre there.
27:46 Oh, how precious.
27:48 Now let me ask you,
27:50 I'll just interrupt your pictures for just a second,
27:52 because you go from what grade to what grade
27:55 when you're supporting these children?
27:57 Good question, I now we hadn't talked about that yet.
27:58 Is lowest kindergarten
28:00 and they even have lower kindergarten
28:02 and upper kindergarten.
28:03 Some children starts lower
28:05 as early as about five years old or so then.
28:07 Alex was three.
28:08 Alex was three in fact and...
28:09 Now would these children be orphans
28:11 or would they have parents,
28:12 I mean how are they going off to boarding school at that age?
28:16 Well, Alex had a mother and a brother
28:18 but his father had removed himself from the family
28:21 and his mother could not take care of him
28:24 and his brother, and work.
28:26 She was a day laborer
28:27 and she would make about 100 rupees a day
28:31 which is about dollar and half max
28:34 that she would make per day.
28:36 So that's the reason why Alex was sent there at age three,
28:39 because his mom could not handle the taking care of him
28:43 and work at the same time.
28:44 All right, so three and then what,
28:46 to what grade are you supporting them?
28:48 Up to 12th. Okay.
28:49 And then may be we have a little bit time,
28:51 at some point we're going to talk about
28:54 being able to help college for the first time then,
28:56 but it has been for part timers.
28:57 Okay, so Ibha. Yes, Ibha is one of those then.
29:00 This is now you are,
29:01 are you helping to support her in college,
29:04 so we'll go back to that.
29:05 Let's finish up the pictures.
29:06 All right, may be just a few left.
29:08 This is typical classroom
29:12 in one or may be the poor schools
29:14 but there is still, you know, getting a good education and...
29:18 And they are neatly dressed, they're clean.
29:20 Yes, they have uniforms and. And they look healthy.
29:24 We definitely were told from the principals
29:26 that when they come back sometimes from, you know, home
29:29 that they gain weight at school,
29:30 they're eating better at school then.
29:32 Another school
29:33 where they don't have any desk or chairs yet.
29:35 Yeah. So they sit on the floor.
29:36 Yeah, not all of them are this way
29:38 but some of them are,
29:39 so this would be probably more like
29:40 about a second grade class here then.
29:43 So what does that mean to travel when they even,
29:45 even if they are not going off to college
29:47 just to learn how to speak English,
29:51 I mean they're learning truths about Adventist lifestyle
29:55 the Adventist faith, they're learning the truths,
29:58 I mean they're being educated with Maths and reading,
30:01 but what does it mean to them practically
30:03 just that when they get this education,
30:05 does that open doors for them now?
30:07 Good question. You go ahead and answer.
30:09 I think in a long run yes, but society is changing,
30:14 and India is becoming very, very educated minded,
30:19 and the people are wanting more than just 12th grade now.
30:22 They're wanting college,
30:24 they're wanting to be able to succeed in a masters or PhD
30:28 or all the things that we do here in the US,
30:30 they want to continue
30:31 and so that's what we have decided to do our new program
30:35 in the ACI program is to have a college fund
30:40 so that children in the ACI program
30:43 can continue their education and go into college
30:46 and that's what happened with Ibha,
30:47 and Kima and a few of the other children.
30:50 So, Nancy, the caste system
30:53 is still very much in place in India, correct?
30:56 Yeah, I think so, but there is changing.
30:59 We have a middle class now and if you have a...
31:01 But isn't that education is this the way out
31:05 is exactly the point I was going to make.
31:07 You can explain that yes,
31:08 it is definitely true that without education,
31:11 they're gonna stay where they're at,
31:12 and there is no hope of helping themselves
31:15 or the family in the future without education,
31:18 that's the way to get into the next level
31:20 or few steps up at least then.
31:21 And see I think
31:23 that so many of us here in the States,
31:24 we hear these stories of these rebels
31:29 if you will people who quit school early
31:31 but go out and make a big,
31:34 you know, splash in the world and do something,
31:37 but it's not so in India is it, without education
31:40 they are basically consigned to a life of day labor.
31:47 Probably yeah,
31:49 about 90 percent of that is true.
31:50 I think there is a few that have been able to climb out
31:52 by doing small little stalls like Chai stalls
31:56 and then getting bigger and bigger and bigger
31:58 and becoming like well not like starbucks,
32:01 but similar to, I know they would have a big store
32:04 where they have a lot of people join in and getting money
32:06 so they do bring themselves up that way also,
32:09 so there's a little of group that can do that but very few.
32:13 So tell us then, you've just recently started the college
32:17 and Ibha is one of them and who else he's got.
32:20 Ibha. Ibha.
32:21 Ibha and Kima. Ibha and Kima.
32:23 Yeah. Okay.
32:25 Tell us about that project? Let me do then, okay.
32:28 There is a nursing side of it and this is actually so new
32:32 that this is happening after we've left India
32:36 to promote the program here in the US,
32:37 so we're talking about June so really recent,
32:40 but we're gonna have more children in for nursing
32:45 as if we can find more sponsors,
32:46 of course that will help out
32:48 but a program will sponsor of them are self even.
32:52 So there is that aspect of it
32:54 and then the other would be for teachers,
32:57 so there is another college Adventist college
32:59 that we're gonna be involved with that
33:02 will hopefully we can start with at least 20 or 30,
33:05 and again school has just started over there then
33:10 and because the Adventist school system
33:12 needs Adventist teachers,
33:14 so that's definitely need that we've seen,
33:16 and so we're trying to help as many, you know,
33:20 students that are graduating from 12,
33:22 that want to be teachers,
33:23 and we will put them definitely through
33:25 for the four years of education degree that they will need.
33:30 All right, so you said that either they get sponsors
33:32 and you sponsor them.
33:34 Tell us a little about your sponsorship program?
33:37 How does Adventist Child India,
33:39 how are you setup your 501c3, tell us?
33:44 You want to answer some of them.
33:45 You can go ahead. Okay.
33:47 Yes, it is, it's 501c3...
33:48 Which means this is non profit.
33:50 Non profit organization then,
33:53 technically there is six of us that work,
33:56 there is Nancy and I with four staff members
33:58 that help us you know,
33:59 certainly don't do this by ourselves
34:01 and so we have good, four good staff members then,
34:03 but any donations is actually run through
34:06 the general conference of Seventh-day Adventists then.
34:08 And that money is collected before a few weeks
34:12 and then wired over to India type of thing then.
34:14 So that's how the donations happen then.
34:18 And what does it cost to sponsor a child?
34:20 Yeah, it is not much,
34:21 only a little over dollar a day.
34:23 This is from the kindergarten to 12th program then,
34:26 so they are really $35 a month or $420 a year.
34:30 So it money goes a long ways in India,
34:33 put it that way.
34:35 That's right, so if somebody were wanting
34:37 to sponsor a child, you know,
34:40 as I said, God says I have a plan for your life
34:44 to give you a hope and a future,
34:46 but quite often what the Lord does
34:49 is He works on people like you
34:52 and like me to be His hands,
34:56 His channel of blessing to help fulfill that plan
35:01 and that future.
35:02 He moves on our hearts to help,
35:04 so if somebody were wanting to become a sponsor
35:09 at $31 or 100 whatever you said a year.
35:14 How would they go about doing that?
35:17 Okay, well, we do go around and we go to churches
35:21 and the schools if we can, camp meetings,
35:24 and of course we talk about it
35:25 and give out pamphlets and all that,
35:27 but the main way, you know,
35:29 for those sitting at home watching then,
35:31 it would be going to the website
35:33 www.adventistchildindia.org.
35:37 Well, you said that really fast.
35:38 That's adventistchildindia.org. adventistchildindia.org.
35:42 And that hopefully it's a new one finally
35:46 that we've got, worked hard on that one,
35:48 and it's pretty clear about the steps that you would do
35:51 so you can actually mail in checks,
35:54 you know, to an address is given there
35:57 in Silver Spring, General Conference
35:58 or you could pay by credit card even then.
36:00 Okay, so and then they are collected
36:02 then it goes through the General Conference
36:04 so it is tax deductible.
36:06 And then the conference sent you the funds.
36:08 Now I believe you brought a video roll, did you not?
36:12 Why don't we show the video roll
36:14 and so we can get a little bit,
36:16 more better picture of Adventist Child India.
36:20 Sounds good.
36:45 I lost my mom at the age of three.
37:01 How can I study this expensive course?
37:16 I have no hope for an education.
37:32 I was born in a small village in the state of Meghalaya.
37:36 I lost my mom at the age of three
37:38 and my dad remarried.
37:40 Since he was remarried, I didn't stayed with him
37:43 and my uncle took me as one of his own daughter.
37:50 All the children that joined the ACI program
37:53 have their own story to tell
37:55 and the one thing that unites our children
37:59 is the gift of hope.
38:03 I'm a better person right now,
38:05 if it would have not been because of the ACI program,
38:07 I would have not been where I am today.
38:12 My mom only always doing work, getting 100 rupees per day,
38:16 how can I study this expensive course?
38:20 My father and mother, they are the one,
38:23 they're giving birth for me,
38:24 but you were the one you give life for me,
38:29 so in my lifetime onwards, I have two desires in my life.
38:34 I have to serve for the God, preach the word of God,
38:38 and serve the poor people.
38:43 My parents were separated when I'm in third grade,
38:47 my mom died later, and I have no hope for an education.
38:54 Your tax deductible contribution
38:56 of $35 a month is routed
38:58 to the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist.
39:00 Your contribution covers the cost of your child's books,
39:03 tuition, uniform, food and housing.
39:06 Of all 94 percent goes to the schools
39:09 for the children,
39:11 90 percent goes directly to your particular child.
39:14 Only six percent is used in the operating expenses
39:18 of Adventist Child India.
39:20 Four percent is used in the contingency fund
39:22 for those children who are waiting sponsorship.
39:26 In October 2012, I participated in the science exhibition
39:33 in Delhi and I won an award,
39:37 and I was presented a medal
39:41 by the president of India.
39:45 Since 2008, when I was class six,
39:49 unfortunately in the same year
39:51 my dad passed away in the bomb blast
39:54 and a year later my mom too passed away
39:58 since she has a cancer in child womb.
40:09 I'm so thankful and fortunate
40:13 that I was one of the sponsored child.
40:16 If it were not so, I will,
40:18 I won't have come up at this level where am I now.
40:23 And yes in the future, if it's possible,
40:28 I will also like to give back for those who are unfortunate
40:34 and help them.
40:38 Anybody can become an artist and paint a million pictures.
40:41 But only you can touch a heart.
40:44 I'm Nancy Madison Mack. And I'm William Mack.
40:47 Give our children an education. And give our church a future.
40:53 You know, as we were looking at that, I mean,
40:56 that's first time I've seen it, and the young man
40:58 whose father was killed in the bomb blast
41:01 and his mother died of cancer,
41:03 you know children in India if they are orphaned,
41:06 they'll not usually taken in by anybody.
41:09 There's quite a few that are just running on the streets,
41:12 so it's amazing to me to think that you have 2200 children
41:16 that you are now supporting in school
41:20 and even now with a plan
41:22 or the recent addition of taking them on to college,
41:25 so that they can truly support themselves well
41:30 and give back to their communities.
41:32 If you feel the Holy Spirit is tugging at your heart
41:36 and saying, I want you to help
41:39 or support a child for $35 a month
41:41 or any portion of that.
41:43 We want to give you the opportunity,
41:45 we'll put on the address so that you will know
41:48 how you may help Adventist Child India.
41:55 If you'd like to support Adventist Child India,
41:58 you can do so in a variety of ways.
42:00 You can write to them at Southern Asia Division,
42:03 PO Box 2, HCF, Hosur 635 110,
42:09 Tamil Nadu, India.
42:11 That's Southern Asia Division,
42:13 PO Box 2, HCF, Hosur 635 110,
42:19 Tamil Nadu, India.
42:21 Or you can call them at 301-680-6228.
42:26 That's 301-680-6228.
42:29 You can also visit them online at AdventistChildIndia.org.
42:34 That's AdventistChildIndia.org.
42:40 You know, just a little bit of help
42:43 can go so far in India to help these children.
42:46 You had a story that you wanted to share with us, Nancy.
42:50 Well, I'd like to talk about Chithayi and Pintu.
42:53 They live up in the north east and we went to the school
42:57 and the principal asked us if we would like to go
42:59 and meet the family,
43:01 so it was a 40 minute drive over bumpy horrible bridge
43:06 that didn't look like it was gonna stay up
43:07 while we're gonna cross,
43:09 and we finally got their home and you're thinking a home
43:13 where there is door and there is some windows
43:16 and no, that was not,
43:18 it was a mud hut with a grass roof
43:23 and but they met us and were so sweet to us
43:27 and they didn't had any chair so they went over to the church
43:30 and brought two chairs over and sat us down.
43:32 And we thought that was absolutely enough,
43:35 we didn't need anything else, but no the mother went
43:38 and got clean clear cool water and she came
43:41 and she washed both of our feet.
43:43 Oh, how precious.
43:44 And then she oil them, and not only did that
43:47 she do that, she prayed, she prayed over us,
43:52 and to me that was such an amazing thing
43:54 because we think we're going there to help
43:59 and bless somebody,
44:00 but we got so blessed when we're in that home,
44:03 because God is a very wonderful person
44:06 and showed us that there are people without
44:09 but they're still willing to give.
44:10 Amen.
44:12 That's beautiful, what a precious sentiment.
44:14 So I know we only have a couple more minutes left,
44:18 but you know, you meet people like this,
44:21 God is touching your heart
44:23 and we know that challenges are increasing.
44:27 Let's just put it this way.
44:28 The world is becoming more challenging place
44:31 by the day,
44:33 so if you had one thought what would you tell somebody
44:37 who's not sure what the Lord would have me be doing?
44:42 Get on their knees, pray and ask God to lead them
44:47 in what they need to do, because when you do that,
44:51 He does lead you.
44:53 He led Will and I to go to India to help children
44:56 and he'll lead each one of us who choose to follow him.
44:59 Amen.
45:01 You know that text Jeremiah 29:11
45:04 that's our favorite text too.
45:05 Is it?
45:06 That was the text in the morning watch
45:08 that we read
45:09 in the morning that we finally got our visa
45:11 to be able to go work in India,
45:12 and after months of trying and waiting and all that,
45:16 so that morning watch text was there Jeremiah 29:11,
45:20 and that afternoon our life changed
45:23 because we were able to get the visa to go to India,
45:25 so it means a lot to us also then.
45:27 I know it does.
45:28 Well, We're going to take a break.
45:31 We want to come back for closing comment with you
45:34 in just a moment,
45:35 but I hope that you realize
45:38 God has a hope and a future for you.
45:41 And if you feel like he may be asking you
45:46 to help a child in India,
45:48 you can support a child for just $35 a month,
45:51 that's an amazing thought
45:53 that you can bring somebody may be off the streets
45:56 and orphan who can then go on to,
45:59 I know a lot of your children come back
46:01 and help their villages.
46:03 We'll talk about that in a moment,
46:04 but right now we're gonna go to another song.
46:08 We have Johann Sentana
46:10 and he is such a talented pianist.
46:13 I just, I love his style, it's so light,
46:18 he's just got a beautiful way of playing the piano,
46:21 and he's going to play for us now,
46:24 "Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus".


Revised 2016-09-26