3ABN Today

Pathways to Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Benny Moore, Dr. Lela Lewis, Kyle Allen, Larry Boggess


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016049A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:06 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:52 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:08 My name is CA Murray and allow me
01:10 once again to thank you for sharing
01:12 just a little of your no doubt busy day with us,
01:15 to thank you for your love, your prayers,
01:17 your support of Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:20 We realized that we could not do
01:21 what we are called to do without your partnership.
01:23 So we say that from the bottom of our hearts,
01:26 thank you so very much for working
01:27 with us to lift up the mighty and matchless name of Jesus.
01:31 I'm very, very exited about today's program
01:33 because of the subject matter,
01:34 because of the distinguished gentlemen
01:36 that are here with me on set,
01:37 and because of what we're going to talk about.
01:39 I'm gonna give you the punch line,
01:42 I think right upfront.
01:44 Air this program shall have ended,
01:45 we're gonna ask for your help, your support,
01:49 and we're gonna ask you to come and help us
01:51 do something which I feel
01:52 and I have said many, many times,
01:53 is the move of God in the body of Christ.
01:56 One of the most powerful initiatives that I think
01:58 the Adventist Church has undertaken in its history,
02:01 and something that is having a massive impact on the cities
02:06 where it has been, the events have gone on.
02:09 And I'm talking about Your Best Pathway to Health.
02:11 Just a wonderful God blessed and God breezed initiative
02:16 that we've had the privilege of going,
02:19 of entertaining for the last or I guess couple of years
02:23 and it's been a great, great blessing.
02:25 So I wanted to introduce you to Benny Moore,
02:27 who is the treasurer for Your Best Pathway to Health.
02:31 That's correct.
02:33 And this is a neat guy.
02:34 We happened to have
02:35 the privilege of working together
02:37 in the Philippines a couple of years ago.
02:38 That's right.
02:40 Doing some evangelism. He also worked with ShareHim.
02:42 And I'm gonna run his portfolio down in just a little bit.
02:45 But just a really neat guy, computer wiz,
02:47 also always with figures
02:49 and just a nice guy to work with,
02:50 spiritual guy and always busy.
02:52 I think that's why their hair is so white
02:54 because he is busy doing all the time.
02:56 My next guest is Pastor Larry Boggess,
02:58 who is the President of the Mountain View Conference,
03:01 headquartered in West Virginia.
03:03 That's correct.
03:04 And that's where we're going to be going, when I say,
03:07 I mean, Your Best Pathway to Health.
03:09 That where we're heading to next.
03:11 So we've got the past, the present and the future.
03:14 Amen. On the set.
03:16 And we're gonna hear from both of them
03:17 in just a little bit.
03:19 Ben, I think I will start with you.
03:21 You've been working for the church
03:23 quite a while in a number of capacities.
03:25 Give us just a little history of some of the things
03:27 you have done for the church?
03:28 Well, I am a CPA and I practice public accounting
03:32 for 15 years before the Lord called me into the ministry.
03:36 And when I started my work in ministry,
03:40 I was invited by Elder Kenneth Cox
03:42 to be part of the Kenneth Cox's team
03:45 and I did that for almost nine years.
03:48 Later I worked with Elder McClure
03:51 in the Southern Union.
03:52 Oh, yes.
03:53 And as the director of the evangelism program
03:59 that was going on at that time.
04:01 And after that when Elder Folkenberg came
04:04 to the Carolina Conference.
04:07 I was called the secretary of the Carolina Conference
04:10 and then later his treasurer for the last eight years.
04:13 There up until going in 1996 to the North Pacific Union
04:17 as treasurer there.
04:19 Since that time, I went to the Voice of Prophecy
04:22 as the executive director for the Voice of Prophecy
04:24 for about a year and a half.
04:26 And after that joined Elder Folkenberg
04:29 in the ShareHim Ministry.
04:30 And I've worked,
04:32 since retirement part-time for ShareHim.
04:35 "I say part-time. "
04:37 Yes, we put that in quotes.
04:39 But for the last 13 years I have been doing that.
04:42 Yeah, yeah, you've been pushing pencil
04:44 for the long time.
04:46 Yeah, yeah, yeah, even in so called retirement.
04:49 Right, right.
04:50 And because of my work in evangelism and all,
04:54 I was ordained in 1982 I believe it was.
04:58 And, so I've had a lot of different experiences,
05:02 but people have constantly asked me as a treasurer
05:06 say you're different.
05:08 And I say, well, there is a reason that I'm different.
05:10 The Lord didn't take any chance with me,
05:12 because before I became a conference treasurer,
05:16 I saw 8,000 people baptized with my very own eyes.
05:20 And when you see the power of this message,
05:23 it does make you different.
05:25 And you realize that we can never stop doing what God...
05:28 You know, what Jesus before He left called us to do.
05:32 And that is, take the special message
05:34 that we're so privileged to know
05:36 to take that message to the world.
05:37 This is an important thing for us to do.
05:40 Behind all of those facts and figures,
05:43 there are souls that are, that are coming to the Lord
05:46 and you have been on both sides dare I say of the fence.
05:49 I met you of course working with ShareHim.
05:52 How does you get connected with your best pathway?
05:57 Well, I can think my friend Dr. Dwain Mickey
06:00 for volunteering me to be involved
06:04 with Pathway to Health.
06:06 And I never realized that the time,
06:08 what I was really getting into.
06:10 But I'm like you,
06:12 I've never seen anything as exciting as what is going on
06:16 when we conduct these pathway events.
06:18 It's really a thrilling thing
06:21 to see how this connects us with people.
06:25 The difference is that people know
06:27 they have physical problems.
06:29 They may not know that they have spiritual problems,
06:31 or if they know they have spiritual problems,
06:33 they don't know where to go for the answer.
06:35 But when they know, here's a whole bunch of doctors
06:38 and nurses and people they can help me
06:41 with my physical needs, they will come.
06:43 And when they come,
06:45 it makes a tremendous difference
06:47 because they've never been treated,
06:48 the way they get treated
06:50 when they come to one of these pathway events.
06:52 I mean, they get prayed with multiples times.
06:55 They get- It's just a happy joyous occasion for them.
06:59 And so it's been thrilling to be part of it.
07:02 And so, as long as the Lord gives me strength,
07:05 I guess I will continue on to do every thing I can,
07:08 because I think it's time for us
07:10 to see this work finished for the Lord to finish His work.
07:14 So we can go home and get out of this old world
07:15 with all of its troubles.
07:17 Amen. Well, said.
07:18 You know, a number of things occurred to me.
07:19 One, the Adventist Churches had contact with cities
07:22 for many, many years.
07:24 We've not had the impact on cities that we wanted.
07:27 And if there was one thing that impacts a town,
07:31 regardless of the size,
07:32 it's your Best Pathway to Health.
07:34 Immediately, when we come to the town,
07:35 I mean media and everything else.
07:37 We're gonna talk about that too.
07:38 But there is, there's an impact level
07:40 that I don't know
07:41 if it could be had any other way.
07:43 Because, as you well said and rightly said,
07:45 everybody has a need physically
07:47 and they are usually aware of it.
07:49 But you wouldn't think that the fact
07:51 that they are prayed with so much
07:53 and treated so nicely for a secular mindset
07:56 would be that impressive.
07:58 But you've heard it almost to a man, to woman,
08:00 they prayed with me.
08:02 I got prayed for several times. I got prayed for five times.
08:04 Everybody I talked to was nice.
08:05 Everybody smiled at me.
08:07 Everybody was kind to me.
08:09 And they prayed in addition to the physical health,
08:12 to the medical health.
08:13 Somebody looked out for my soul.
08:15 And that's the thing that I think puts this program over
08:19 and above just passing out pills or doing medical stuff.
08:22 Hey, we're making Jesus available to them also
08:26 and that's a powerful thing.
08:28 Brother President, I want to get to you just for a moment.
08:29 You are the President
08:31 of the Mountain View Conference?
08:32 And that is headquartered in?
08:34 In Parkersburg, West Virginia.
08:36 You are from where?
08:38 I am from Ohio, really.
08:39 So you just moved kind of across the...
08:41 Across the river.
08:42 You get lot of relatives in West Virginia.
08:44 That's right.
08:46 Adventist home growing up?
08:49 After a while, we were originally Methodist.
08:52 And one winter we were snowed in,
08:55 couldn't go to church and so we turned the radio on
08:58 and heard a quartet singing.
09:00 And mom and dad enrolled us in a Bible course
09:03 and discovered it, it was the Voice of Prophecy
09:06 radio program back in the 50s.
09:09 And so that was our first connection
09:11 with the Adventist Church.
09:12 I see. So praise the Lord for snow.
09:14 Amen. Yes, that's right.
09:15 I love snow.
09:17 In Ohio snow in particular. That's right.
09:18 Coming from Buffalo, New York,
09:19 I know a little bit about the snow.
09:21 You know a little bit about it. That's right.
09:22 You went into ministry, when?
09:25 In 1966 is when I first began and it's been almost 50 years.
09:30 Bless your heart. Amen.
09:32 You've been the president of the conference for how long?
09:33 I have been president for about 12 years.
09:36 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
09:37 I've been in Mountain View Conference about 26 years.
09:40 Served there as a pastor. You spend the time.
09:42 You know West Virginia pretty well.
09:43 Yes. Indeed, indeed.
09:45 Wonderful people. Praise the Lord.
09:46 I have not been to West Virginia.
09:48 Just I have been through there to get to New York
09:50 out here to 3ABN, you got to go through West Virginia,
09:53 but I have not really been there to preach.
09:54 But it's a pretty country,
09:56 and a lot of hills and mountains
09:57 and that kind of thing.
09:58 Beautiful people, lot of mountains,
10:00 hollows, you know, places where people live
10:04 up on those hollows and mountains.
10:05 Amen and amen.
10:08 And I need to mention, we're gonna hear
10:09 from our good friend Dr. Lela Lewis
10:11 who is kind of the...
10:12 Dare we say the mover and shaker,
10:14 the straw that kind of stirred the drink in this whole thing.
10:17 Maybe the one indispensable force in this whole year.
10:19 Of course, sure.
10:21 But, Benny, you have been with this
10:23 since the very beginning.
10:25 And of course we were together in San Antonio, then Spokane.
10:28 And of course we really bite off
10:31 a lot when we went to Los Angeles.
10:34 I think we want to...
10:35 Do you want to set this video?
10:36 We will talk about the...
10:38 We'll put the, the longer video.
10:39 Just get, kind of set that video up
10:40 which gives us kind of an overview
10:42 of the Los Angeles event.
10:44 The Los Angeles event was the, the most troublesome
10:49 I guess event in many ways because we were having to deal
10:52 with a facility which is totally union controlled,
10:57 and which makes it more expensive
10:59 because our volunteers could not do many other things
11:03 And yeah, working in LA was not easy,
11:07 both in dealing with the government officials
11:09 and LA is just a large city and it's very complicated,
11:13 the very complex, the issues and the different people
11:17 that are involved.
11:19 But anyway, we did get the Los Angeles
11:22 And I asked Dr. Lee, I said, well,
11:24 is not there any other place
11:26 that would be less expensive the week ago?
11:28 But the reality is, she said, there is not anywhere else
11:31 that we could go and accomplish what needs to be done,
11:34 and we were, we had the room that we need to do this.
11:37 And so we went to the convention center.
11:39 But the, the event was thrilling
11:43 and it was exiting
11:45 because we had three of our Adventist hospitals
11:50 We had White Memorial, we had Glendale,
11:52 we had Simi Valley,
11:55 that all cooperated in various incendiary ways
11:58 with us in that event.
12:00 And so that was a unique opportunity
12:02 to be there close to this many Adventist hospitals.
12:05 So we felt that we had to do it.
12:07 And we have a video report
12:09 which will show you a little bit of what we faced there
12:12 and what was accomplished in the event.
12:15 All right, let's take a look at that video report just now.
12:24 Los Angeles, California, the second largest city
12:27 in North America and home to four million people
12:30 from all walks of life and from all parts of the world.
12:34 The city of angels is known for many things,
12:37 a booming entertainment industry,
12:40 a spectacular city center, rich cultural experiences,
12:45 world class cuisine, and nearly 300 days
12:48 of sunshine a year.
12:50 And yet, this world renowned cosmopolitan center
12:54 is very much like every city.
12:56 In its shadows live those who struggle to provide for their
13:00 families.
13:01 Those who struggle to stay well,
13:04 those who struggle to survive.
13:07 The need is well known by many local governments,
13:10 civic leaders and charitable organizations,
13:12 all working to address the challenge.
13:15 Among them, is the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
13:18 a community of faith committed to spreading hope and hominess
13:22 to all people.
13:23 Through humanitarian service called Your Best Pathway to
13:27 Health, 4,400 members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
13:31 along with friends, family members and colleagues
13:34 organized and hosted a free mega clinic on an epic scale.
13:39 There's people needed in all facets.
13:42 There's not a person who is more important than the other,
13:44 because of the title that they hold.
13:46 What it is, it's, people coming together and working
13:49 and bringing the gifts that they already have,
13:51 or gifts that they are discovering if they are
13:54 student, or person who is seeking professional
13:56 development, they can come here learn,
13:58 they can see how it works, they can work in a community
14:01 and they could develop their gifts,
14:03 but it's not so much about, you know, the title or this,
14:06 it's more about like how we can all work together,
14:08 that's what makes Pathway so special.
14:10 Over 3,000 square feet of space at Los Angeles
14:14 Convention Center was transformed
14:16 into a mobile hospital.
14:18 Complete with triage areas, consultation rooms,
14:24 massage chairs, a full pharmacy,
14:29 vision testing centers, surgical suites,
14:33 a massive dental treatment room and more.
14:38 I had a great experience here today.
14:41 I've never been able to see so many specialists at one time
14:44 or actually ever in my life, I have never seen so many
14:45 specialists.
14:47 It's like, they dropped an Adventist kaiser in the middle
14:49 of LA.
14:50 If anybody, I was spectacle.
14:52 I really, I came to drop somebody off
14:55 in the vision area.
14:56 And then when I saw all the other stuff, I was like,
14:59 I have stuff that's been nagging on me for years.
15:02 I want to get, you know, getting care of it and wow,
15:05 it was great.
15:06 It was some, everything, everybody is so nice,
15:08 everybody is so sweet.
15:10 When you go to a normal clinic and stuff, it's not like that,
15:12 and at least my experiences aren't like that.
15:14 This has been a blessing.
15:16 Even when I first came in, the doctor prayed with me.
15:19 It's a whole way different experience
15:20 than going to regular clinic.
15:22 What motivates me to help is,
15:24 I want to do something bigger than myself.
15:27 And I'm sure that's why we're all here today.
15:29 We are inspired by doing things that are beyond us and
15:34 making impact into the world and into the community today.
15:38 Partners came together to make the mega clinic a reality.
15:42 Adventists, laymen services and industries,
15:46 together with the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
15:49 Adventist Health through local hospitals,
15:51 including White Memorial Medical Center,
15:54 Glendale Adventist Medical Center and Simi Valley
15:57 Hospital, along with Loma Linda University Health
16:01 provided invaluable resources.
16:03 Well, notable manufactures such as GE and Konica Minolta,
16:09 among many others
16:10 donated the use of key medical equipment.
16:13 In addition, the office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti,
16:18 along with several districts and their councilmen rallied
16:22 to support the humanitarian event,
16:24 in a continued effort to serve the residence of Los Angeles.
16:28 Once again, volunteers came from all parts of North
16:30 America and some from abroad.
16:33 Dentists, physicians, specialists, practitioners,
16:40 chaplains, nurses, dental hygienists, beauticians,
16:46 registration and hospitality workers,
16:50 communication professionals, lifestyle coaches,
16:54 and vision care specialists among many others.
16:58 They served until their feet were sore and their eyelids
17:02 were heavy, and yet neither their smiles nor their gentle
17:05 spirit ever wore off.
17:07 Meanwhile, the residence of Los Angeles and some who came
17:10 from as far as Northern Idaho and Texas,
17:13 lined up once again for services beyond their
17:16 financial reach.
17:17 Some spent the night in anticipation of doors that
17:21 would open in the morning, doors of healing,
17:23 doors of hope.
17:26 Thousands were served, thousands were loved,
17:29 @by thousands who responded to a calling,
17:33 to love like Jesus and to serve like Jesus.
17:37 By the end of the third day,
17:38 8,537 patients had received medical and dental attention
17:44 they so desperately needed,
17:46 together with friendship, encouragement,
17:49 and most importantly hope.
17:53 That is mission. That is mission accomplished.
17:57 That is mission accomplished, together.
18:20 Benny, you were there, you saw.
18:22 That was a pretty accurate depiction
18:23 of what went on in Los Angeles,
18:25 the trials and the challenges and the triumphs.
18:27 Absolutely. Yeah.
18:29 Yeah, it was a very moving thing.
18:32 It really was.
18:33 I would go out with my camera and see the lines
18:36 sneaking their way around you know,
18:38 and every year we see that dental and eye care
18:41 seem to be the longest of them all.
18:43 And there's never, never enough.
18:45 But to hear the experiences of those who were served,
18:49 I think are among the most blessed
18:53 and really it just brings you joy.
18:56 You know, to put it in a word to see how,
19:00 and then the name of Christ
19:01 and the standing of the church in a community,
19:04 all sort of packaged together.
19:06 So now we are moving on to Beckley, West Virginia.
19:13 But president, how does one and,
19:14 Benny, you can weigh on this also.
19:16 How does one go from Los Angeles, California
19:19 to Beckley, West Virginia?
19:21 That's exactly what we want to find out
19:24 in Beckley, West Virginia.
19:27 How can you do something in a small town
19:30 like you did in a big metropolitan area?
19:33 Yeah, yeah.
19:34 The question, the question has a reason.
19:36 Every time we have...
19:38 I remember after San Antonio, when we met with people
19:41 on that Sunday morning after the event was over
19:44 and the people were saying,
19:45 but how can we do this in our smaller city?
19:48 And the people in the North American Division
19:51 who said,
19:53 how can we do this in these other cities?
19:54 You know, we do need to do the large metropolitan areas,
19:58 but we also need to do it in many other areas.
20:01 And so the question has been,
20:03 how can we best help people with the knowledge
20:06 that we have to be able to do it?
20:08 And we really felt that we should
20:11 probably actually conduct
20:12 one of the smaller city events ourselves,
20:15 so that if there are different issues involved
20:18 than we face in the major cities,
20:20 that we will know what they are,
20:22 and then we can train ambassadors
20:24 who have been with us through the major events
20:27 and who have advantage of the training,
20:30 that they can go and help in the smaller cities
20:33 to be able to conduct these events.
20:34 So we went to Beckley, but the reason for Beckley,
20:37 why Beckley?
20:39 Is because the acceptant in Sabbath school
20:41 which is a large Sabbath school class
20:43 that has approximately 100 members
20:45 in the Collegedale Church
20:47 there at Southern Adventist University.
20:49 We have always raised a lot of money
20:51 for mission programs and mission
20:53 for other people to do work.
20:56 The head of our mission committee said,
20:58 I want us to get involved in doing things ourselves.
21:01 So three years ago, we went to Kodiak, Alaska,
21:04 and there we did a vacation Bible school,
21:06 we did a health cooking school,
21:09 and a health seminar and an evangelistic series.
21:13 But the problem with Kodiak is it's so far from Collegedale
21:17 and so expensive to get there
21:19 that we haven't been able to continue the work,
21:22 basically it was a one-three week trip
21:23 and it was over.
21:25 So we wanted to pick some place closer to home
21:29 where we could have a continued presence
21:31 from our Sabbath school with this,
21:33 with this church.
21:35 And see what we could do
21:36 to strengthen a church that's weak,
21:38 a church that has challenges and that might give up
21:43 without some help from outside.
21:45 And so our Sabbath school class picked Beckley
21:48 and since our Sabbath school class picked Beckley,
21:51 I said, well, we're looking for a small city
21:53 to do something in, why not Beckley?
21:56 And so Beckley was chosen
21:59 and in spite of the many challenges
22:02 that we faced, and we have definitely learned things
22:05 that we didn't know before
22:07 in dealing with the state government
22:10 and dealing with the smaller city.
22:13 We've already learned a lot of things
22:15 that will help us as we go forward.
22:17 But that's, that's why Beckley was chosen was,
22:21 so that we would have experience
22:23 in doing one of these.
22:24 And then there's a real danger with these sayings.
22:29 Is there's a lot of liability possibilities
22:33 with conducting this type of event?
22:34 We want to may, we want to protect the church.
22:36 We want to make sure
22:37 that the people who conduct these events
22:39 in their smaller cities know what they are doing
22:42 and know how to protect both themselves and the church.
22:45 Okay, so you are among other things,
22:47 establishing a template for activity in smaller towns?
22:51 Yes. Okay.
22:52 And so from, you're saying so, this Sabbath school class-
22:55 You remember that Sabbath school class from Collegedale,
22:59 engine on, to Beckley, engine off.
23:01 How far are we talking in terms of miles?
23:03 It's about 300 and some odd miles,
23:06 it's five hours, five hours of freeway driving.
23:09 Oh, okay.
23:10 Luckily, Larry chose the place that we can get through here.
23:12 Absolutely.
23:14 And unique thing about it is, this is a people group
23:17 right under the shadows of the General Conference
23:20 called Appalachia.
23:22 We're the only conference that's totally Appalachia.
23:25 And so it's going to be
23:27 a very unique task and experiment.
23:30 Give us some flavor before we go to Dr. Lela
23:33 of the people of the town, the size of the town.
23:36 Benny was telling me you're drawing from the,
23:38 not only the town of Beckley,
23:39 but there's counties around or towns around it.
23:41 But give us just some flavor of that area of West Virginia?
23:45 We suspect there will be about nine counties
23:48 that will be involved.
23:49 And you don't have to read the newspaper too long
23:53 to find out that West Virginia is very unhealthy.
23:57 And so, we have a great need to help folks
24:02 in the area of healthcare.
24:06 And so, there's probably 20,000 maybe in the area.
24:11 Okay.
24:13 And again, it's people who live in the mountains
24:17 and live up the hollows
24:19 and Beckley is the crossroads of Southern West Virginia.
24:24 And so we feel that this will be
24:27 a wonderful experiment test.
24:30 And it will be an area that needs the help.
24:34 Now Beckley itself is how big of a town?
24:38 It's probably 15,000.
24:42 Decent size. Yeah.
24:45 Small town.
24:46 And it's the junction of I-64 and I-77.
24:51 So you have two freeways coming together at Beckley.
24:54 So people can get there. Right, yeah.
24:56 So you can get there from Virginia
24:58 or you can get there from Tennessee
25:00 or Virginia, yeah.
25:01 Yeah, yeah.
25:03 Where in the town
25:04 are you going to be holding the event?
25:06 The town has a medium size convention center
25:11 and it has been reserved and given to this project.
25:15 It's when I found out with Pathway,
25:17 whatever size venue they get, they fill it.
25:22 Be it smaller or be it large because I didn't think
25:25 that LA Convention was somewhere
25:26 between 300,000 and 400,000 and we fill that too.
25:29 So as much room as you can get,
25:30 we can find some place to put somebody to do some services
25:33 for the Lord.
25:34 Now, here's the thing
25:36 and really why you are here, gentlemen,
25:37 the fact that we need some help.
25:38 We do.
25:40 There are some volunteers
25:41 and here's why we're gonna call Dr. Lela
25:43 to sort of join us here because, I think, Benny,
25:45 she has the list of those kinds of services
25:49 or between she and you have the list of the kinds of...
25:52 And of course, we need some technical people.
25:55 And, of course, you're gonna hear that in a moment.
25:58 But you need, we need all hands on deck folk too,
26:00 just strong backs and loving hearts
26:02 are always needed because there's a lot of stuff
26:04 that needs to be carried or moved or pushed.
26:06 People who know how to smile and be kind
26:08 and show the love of Christ, that is a gift of God
26:11 that can be used in any aspect of service for the Lord.
26:15 But, Dr. Lela, are you with us?
26:16 I'm here, sir.
26:18 Hello, good, doctor, good to see you.
26:20 Good to see you too. Yeah.
26:21 We had little trouble trying to catch up
26:23 with the good doctor.
26:24 And when once we got her, had some trouble connecting
26:26 but you're looking good, my doctor.
26:29 And we know you're working hard.
26:31 And thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to do this.
26:36 You know, God always lays hands on somebody.
26:38 There was an Ellen White.
26:40 There was, you know, there was always somebody that has to,
26:42 it has to flow through.
26:44 We have a Danny Shelton here at 3ABN.
26:45 And like it or not, the mantle has fallen on your shoulders
26:48 and we thank you for carrying that mantle.
26:50 So now, we need some help with Beckley, West Virginia.
26:54 I like that Beckley, West Virginia.
26:55 We need some help with Beckley, West Virginia.
26:57 You have a list, do you not,
26:59 of some of the kinds of practitioners
27:00 that we need?
27:02 Oh yes, I do.
27:03 And, CA, just like you said, we need everybody.
27:06 And if you can smile and you have a heartbeat,
27:09 you can be used by God.
27:10 Amen! Amen.
27:12 If you are ambulatory you can smile.
27:15 We want you. Yeah.
27:16 And, you know, some people come in wheelchairs.
27:19 Some of our volunteers came to San Antonio in wheelchairs
27:22 and God used them.
27:23 Praise God.
27:25 So if we can breathe and smile and have a heartbeat,
27:28 I think that God will use us.
27:30 Yeah, you know, I'll tell you quick story.
27:31 I met somebody in Los Angeles,
27:33 who I pastored 1979.
27:37 And his wife was a teacher at a university, he's retired.
27:41 And so we saved them some money,
27:42 and now we're gonna spend it for Jesus.
27:44 So they're gonna follow you around
27:46 and they've got nothing to do,
27:48 they got a little time, they got a little money,
27:49 kids are out of the house
27:50 and he served the Lord for many years
27:52 and he says, "We like doing this. "
27:53 So they're just running around and she was a teacher at school
27:56 and he was a hard working fellow.
27:57 They don't have any particular medical skills,
28:00 they just have a loving heart and a warm smile.
28:02 And they said, well, we like to do what we can.
28:04 So I know those kinds of people are needed also.
28:06 Amen. Yeah.
28:07 Well, specifically what we're really most in need of,
28:11 and I'll put the kind of a number one need,
28:13 as you've already said is dentistry.
28:15 We need another 17 dentists and hygienists.
28:19 So that's really the number one need.
28:21 We also need about four or five eye care professionals,
28:25 whether that be optometrist or ophthalmologist.
28:28 Of course, if you're an optician or a technologist
28:31 in any of these departments, we need your help as well.
28:35 We also need a pulmonologist
28:36 which of course is a lung specialist.
28:39 We need a cardiologist, a heart specialist.
28:42 We need some more gynecologists.
28:43 So, some ladies, some more lady doctors.
28:46 And you know what?
28:47 We really need beauticians and barbers.
28:50 You know, that's one of our most needed services.
28:54 You think, you know, well, you know,
28:55 is it really that needed?
28:57 And it really, really is.
28:58 So we need more beauticians and barbers.
29:00 And then we also need, Benny,
29:02 we think we might have mentioned this already,
29:05 some, we call it plant services or venue services.
29:07 You mentioned people to really get the work done
29:10 and move things around
29:11 and make sure things are flowing,
29:14 and maybe even some more data entry people.
29:17 So again, whether you have a skill or not,
29:20 God can use you, but specifically
29:23 we're really in need of those areas
29:25 that we just mentioned.
29:27 Now, are you reading from a list?
29:31 Lela, it's coming out of your head?
29:33 Because I want you to walk through that again
29:36 because I don't want, you know, someone may have run
29:39 to get a drink of water or something.
29:40 I wanted just to walk through it again
29:42 because we're here because we have these needs.
29:44 And this is, this is a powerful program
29:46 and we don't want this
29:47 to kind of fall through the crises.
29:49 So walk me through the list one more time if you please.
29:50 And we should probably give the dates,
29:51 so people know when to...
29:53 Yes, yes, yeah, we should connect them with the dates.
29:54 So we're talking about July... Twelve.
29:58 13 to15. 13 to15?
30:00 That's the Wednesday through the...
30:02 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
30:04 Those are the active dates. 13, 14, 15.
30:05 Now something that we haven't touched on, you guys...
30:08 You know, Beckley is very special.
30:10 Yes, it's a trial run,
30:11 but I think it's even bigger than that.
30:14 I think it's much bigger than that.
30:16 Something that we've never seen happened before
30:18 in any other location that we've gone to,
30:20 is that the state level,
30:22 the state governments are excited
30:24 about what's happening in Beckley, West Virginia.
30:27 The information has gone to the Governor,
30:29 it's gone to the US Senators
30:31 for West Virginia, the Congressmen.
30:33 We have never seen this high of level of interest
30:36 for Pathway to Health
30:38 that we're seeing in Beckley, West Virginia.
30:40 We're doing something different
30:41 and that we're inviting all the patients
30:43 to the evening meetings
30:45 where they are going to be offered
30:47 continued whole person care,
30:49 in addition, obviously to our volunteers.
30:52 So, it's a very, very exciting, very interesting kind of change
30:57 and we're hoping that if this twist goes,"
30:59 yes, it's a experiment,
31:00 but it's an experiment on a bigger model
31:02 that we want to continue to bring this link
31:04 for the patients
31:06 between physical, mental and spiritual health
31:08 even in the evening meetings.
31:10 Now coming back to your question,
31:11 what do we need?
31:13 We need dentists, we need eye care professionals,
31:17 optometrist, ophthalmologist,
31:20 gynecologists, pulmonologists, cardiologists,
31:24 and then of course our barbers and beauticians,
31:27 but those are our big specialties
31:29 that we really, really need.
31:31 And you also mentioned people that are handy
31:33 with the computer data entry people
31:35 and you can use that also.
31:37 And people willing to pick up and move some things,
31:39 you know, electricians and plumbers
31:41 and those kinds of things,
31:43 those areas are also very, very needed.
31:46 Very, very good.
31:47 Brother President. Yes.
31:49 Beckley and its area...
31:50 Talk to me a little bit about the hotel situation in there.
31:53 Are there hotels around?
31:54 Yes, there are hotels
31:56 and our coordinator
31:58 has gotten blocks of rooms and they are set aside
32:04 for Pathway to Health volunteers.
32:07 All they have to do is call
32:09 and they will be able to get at reduced rate.
32:14 It's very good.
32:15 Now, Benny, we've got a website set up for volunteers
32:18 to sort of go to and walked away
32:19 through Beckley also, do we not?
32:21 That's right.
32:22 It's PathwayToHealthVolunteer, singular.
32:25 PathwayToHealthVolunteer. org., org, so...
32:29 Just out of curiosity, Pastor Boggess,
32:32 some flavor of the spirituality of that part of West Virginia,
32:36 is it a, is it a very spiritual area,
32:38 secularly area, what are we kind of dealing with?
32:40 It's part of the Bible Belt
32:41 and I pastored there for a number of years,
32:45 and was part of the Ministerial Association
32:48 and they are very open to gospel and good people.
32:55 It is a mission field.
32:58 Just like if we would go to other parts of the world.
33:02 On one of the leading journals, number of years ago,
33:05 referred to West Virginia as a third world country.
33:09 I mean, it's very poor.
33:11 And the folks are very lovable though
33:16 and they love the Lord.
33:19 And the challenge they have is, the economy is very bad.
33:24 So, here's I'm going with this
33:25 that given that the economic challenges,
33:29 this kind of service ought to be
33:31 very well received in that area.
33:34 That is correct. Yeah.
33:35 And I believe what Dr. Lewis has said,
33:39 is this is why the state officials
33:42 are so excited just because
33:44 they recognized this need is going to fulfill
33:48 needs of their people.
33:50 And so, Benny, and I'm gonna- We want to go to this
33:52 other piece of video in just a moment.
33:54 But, I suspect given this- I mean,
33:57 because Los Angeles is the big secular town,
34:00 but medical stuff is available.
34:01 It's a very sophisticated town and there are poor everywhere.
34:04 But here it's a very special kind of need.
34:06 We ought to be able to make deep impact in this community,
34:08 wouldn't you think?
34:10 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
34:12 I don't think there's any question
34:14 that the needs are.
34:15 And the things that are available to them
34:17 are certainly not anything
34:18 like what would be available in Los Angeles.
34:20 In Los Angeles.
34:21 We have an interesting thing that happens
34:23 when we go to these areas.
34:24 It seems like the two weeks before the event,
34:27 we have a hard time getting the attention of the media.
34:31 But once the event starts,
34:33 all of a sudden they're all there,
34:35 Costin Jordache, our Communication VP told me
34:39 that, on the morning that we opened in LA, that 45,
34:44 all of the television stations I think and radio stations
34:47 and all were lined up at there one right after the other,
34:50 trying to come in and to get footage
34:52 and all of what was going on there.
34:53 One of the exciting things that happened there
34:56 was that CBS did a coverage of our event
35:00 on the evening news.
35:02 So, and I think we have that and maybe we can show them,
35:05 but they felt that what was happening there
35:07 was definitely news worthy.
35:09 Yeah, this is a very fine piece.
35:11 Let's take a look at that just now.
35:13 A charity called Your Best Pathway to Health
35:16 offered free medical care to all comers in Los Angeles.
35:20 Look at the reaction with Carter Evans.
35:23 They lined up by the thousands for a chance to see a doctor,
35:27 dentist, or optometrist, all medical volunteers
35:30 offering their services for free.
35:33 DKNHR.
35:35 Maddy Negrete has put off getting glasses for years.
35:38 Even though she has health insurance,
35:40 it only pays for an exam not corrective lenses.
35:43 What am I supposed to do with the prescription like,
35:45 it's no good to me without the glasses.
35:48 Here, she paid nothing. Are you comfortable?
35:51 Jessie Agbunat has been putting off surgery
35:54 to remove a benign growth on her shoulder for five years.
35:58 You're gonna feel that injection now, okay?
36:00 Dr. Chris Lewis removed it in 20 minutes
36:02 in a makeshift operating room on the floor
36:05 of the Los Angeles Convention Center.
36:07 Agbunat says her state subsidized insurance plan
36:10 comes with high deductibles and copays.
36:12 Would it have been hundreds or thousands?
36:14 Thousands. Yeah, it's thousands.
36:16 I expected to see a lot more homeless people
36:18 and people with no insurance at all.
36:20 And to find out that it was the majority had insurance,
36:23 but couldn't afford their co-payment or deductible,
36:26 that was surprising.
36:27 Mandy Negrete isn't surprised at all.
36:29 She's had more failures than successes
36:31 with her insurance.
36:33 She's currently facing $18,000 in unexpected medical bills
36:36 from the birth of her son what she thought was covered.
36:39 How does that make you feel about going to the hospital,
36:42 the next time you need medical care?
36:43 I don't want to go to the hospital.
36:44 I don't...
36:46 I'm really apprehensive about going to anywhere
36:49 unless it's a dire emergency.
36:51 The dentists and hygienists you see here
36:54 are just some of 4,300 volunteers
36:56 who make this clinic possible.
36:58 Its two and a half days,
37:00 they expect to treat 10,000 patients
37:02 and give away 30 million dollars
37:04 in medical services.
37:06 But, Scott, it's just a temporary solution
37:08 to a much bigger problem.
37:10 Most generous country on earth, Carter Evans,
37:12 thanks so much.
37:14 So I remember the very first day,
37:16 I took my camera outside
37:17 and you could see the news trucks
37:18 lined up one behind the other.
37:20 One of the challenges, Benny, that I found in talking
37:23 with the media people in a city as large as Los Angeles
37:26 was getting the word out,
37:27 because the night before I had to go to a Best Buy
37:30 and I was talking with the people there
37:31 and they didn't know, you know, they didn't know.
37:33 You know, when you get a big sprawling town like that
37:35 with so much happening,
37:37 baseball and other kinds of sports
37:38 and trying to get the word out.
37:39 So there was some who did know.
37:41 What are we doing in Beckley and its environs
37:43 to try to get the word to, you know, to that area?
37:46 Well, for one thing, we have 35,000 brochures
37:49 that are gonna be handed out,
37:51 hand delivered to the people in that area.
37:55 ASI is sending this year the Youth for Jesus program
38:00 of 46 young people that will be coming on July the 3rd,
38:05 just in a few days,
38:06 they will be coming to West Virginia.
38:08 Now correct, you said 46 young people, 46...
38:10 46 young people, right.
38:12 We have nine mega book salesmen
38:14 that are there right now with the semi-loaded books.
38:18 Also they're finding a very receptive situation
38:22 in West Virginia as they go, they're finding many people.
38:27 About 65 percent of the people
38:30 that they have visited are saying,
38:32 we would like to study the Bible in our homes
38:34 with some one.
38:35 So I think there's a real need.
38:37 People are realizing that this world,
38:40 everything is so uncertain.
38:41 We never know
38:43 what's gonna happen any morning.
38:44 When we wake up, what kind what kind of shocking news
38:45 are we gonna get today?
38:47 Very true.
38:48 And it's coming very close to home
38:50 for people who thought it would far, far away.
38:51 So I think people are realizing that they need to know,
38:54 they need Jesus.
38:55 They need to know more about Jesus.
38:57 They need to know what Jesus has told us
38:59 about the end times on this world.
39:01 And we have that knowledge and can share.
39:04 And specially as people see
39:06 the love that is shown to people
39:09 through dealing with their health challenges.
39:13 Many of them say, we want to,
39:15 we want to join you and do this.
39:16 We want to help you do this
39:18 because we have never seen anyone doing the kind of things
39:21 that you're doing and we like to be part of it.
39:23 Now, Dr. Lela, are you still there?
39:26 I'm here.
39:27 One of the things that I thought
39:29 was really ingenious about all of the previous,
39:32 your best Pathway to Health was the ongoing idea.
39:36 The idea that this is not kind of a guerrilla evangelism
39:38 kind of a thing.
39:40 We show up and just fire a few rounds
39:42 and then just disappear.
39:43 But the fact that, that was built into the system,
39:46 this idea of going back for continual care
39:50 or getting your glasses or getting your reports
39:52 at the local churches.
39:53 So there is this feed in to the local churches
39:56 which I thought was a very good thing
39:58 because it got people into the building
40:00 to see that Adventists are real people to touch them,
40:02 to handle them, to know
40:04 that these services are ongoing.
40:06 Is that component part of the Beckley experience also?
40:09 Absolutely.
40:11 We called it the Health Information Centers
40:13 and that's where patients will continue
40:16 to pick up their lab results,
40:19 their Pap smear results, their path reports
40:21 and then they will be offered further training,
40:24 whether that be lifestyle medicine, cooking schools,
40:28 diabetes schools etcetera.
40:30 So, yes, we're definitely doing that.
40:32 That is fabulous.
40:33 I really think that is a great idea.
40:36 Pastor, what is the kind of response
40:38 you're getting from your local churches,
40:40 your local pastors?
40:41 Are they buying into it, are they excited about it?
40:43 Oh, it's, it's beyond excitement.
40:45 We just finished up our camp meeting
40:48 and we had over a 100 volunteers signed up,
40:51 up at camp meeting.
40:52 Excellent.
40:54 And they also pledged the financial support
40:57 for this program.
40:59 And so, yes, it's very exciting.
41:01 Our pastors will be there and we have many doctors
41:07 who will be there.
41:08 So, yes, we're on board. Praise the Lord.
41:13 And it's the first event like this on the East Coast.
41:16 And we are so humbled to have it come
41:20 to the Mountain View Conference and into Beckley.
41:22 Yeah, you mentioned that during the break.
41:24 That is, this is the first time
41:25 we sort of swung the pendulum east.
41:27 Everything has been either San Antonio
41:29 or the West Coast.
41:30 Or the West Coast, yeah.
41:31 Benny, have you been on the ground in Beckley yet?
41:33 Many times, I've been there...
41:36 In the last two weeks I've been there,
41:39 been through town four times I think.
41:41 And I've been to the convention center
41:43 and all of this, you can guess.
41:46 I just might add that our pastor
41:49 and lay people there
41:51 have gone into the convention center
41:52 and painted and spruced it up.
41:55 And do you know that made an impact
41:57 upon the folks there at the convention center.
42:00 And they are all excited about
42:02 Pathway is coming in to the convention centre.
42:05 Dr. Lela, you mentioned that this particular event
42:09 seems to be reaching a little higher up the political ladder
42:12 than some of the previous events.
42:14 Is there any thing particular about this
42:18 particular initiative in Beckley
42:19 that has stood out in your mind thus far?
42:22 Well, yes, actually.
42:24 You know, one thing that I think of it's so exciting,
42:27 is not only are the politicians,
42:30 very, very excited about it.
42:31 You know, it's actually election time.
42:34 So everybody is very interested
42:36 to make sure that we're reaching
42:39 to the best of our ability,
42:40 the healthcare needs of the community.
42:42 As Elder Boggess already mentioned,
42:44 you know, Appalachia, particularly.
42:46 West Virginia has a great need in that area.
42:49 So for the politicians,
42:50 this is something of great interest
42:52 and here comes Pathway to Health offering
42:54 the very services that they desperately need.
42:56 And we are definitely seeing,
42:58 you know, the boards actually reaching out to us,
43:01 instead of us having to reach out to them,
43:03 we've actually had phone calls
43:04 from the various specialty wards
43:06 reaching out to us, telling us,
43:08 they're gonna do anything and everything
43:09 they possibly can to help, which is unprecedented.
43:12 But just to give an example of the interest
43:15 that Pathway to Health is not just
43:17 from the government officials etcetera,
43:19 but even from people not necessarily connected
43:22 with our faith directly.
43:24 There is one of our respiratory therapist
43:27 who is volunteering.
43:28 One of his students in Los Angeles
43:30 volunteered in LA.
43:32 And he came back to work,
43:33 the student did and told the boss.
43:35 Hey, this was such an amazing event.
43:37 I just can't believe what a wonderful thing it was.
43:39 The teacher, the respiratory therapy teacher
43:42 who is not a member of our faith
43:44 actually is flying all the way from Los Angeles
43:47 to come to Beckley, West Virginia,
43:49 to run the respiratory therapy department
43:52 because he was so touched by what his student
43:54 from a different faith found in Pathway to Health.
43:57 So we we're seeing that have a profound effect,
44:00 again a continued profound effect
44:02 not just on city government officials,
44:04 but on people, individual volunteers as well.
44:07 Amen.
44:09 You know, I know you tend to see these things
44:11 in terms of human interest stories.
44:12 So I knew you would have a story for me.
44:13 When I ask the question,
44:15 I knew there was gonna be an answer,
44:16 because you tend to conceptualize things
44:18 in terms of how they impact individuals
44:20 and how individuals are impacted.
44:21 So thank you so very much. That's great.
44:23 Benny, in dealing with San Antonio
44:26 and Los Angeles and Spokane and Oakland and San Francisco,
44:30 different flavor in West Virginia, small town,
44:33 different flavor?
44:35 Yeah, it's different.
44:36 But I think, lot of the difference
44:38 is coming from the fact that we are back east.
44:41 And it's also that we are doing this in mid July,
44:44 which I'm finding people are having family reunions,
44:47 that they have only once every 12 years or something.
44:50 And I can't go or I'm doing continuing aid in order.
44:53 Some retired dentists are saying,
44:55 well, we're doing continue aid to keep our license active.
44:58 And, yeah, it's just weddings, family reunions
45:03 and there's a lot of things
45:05 that we're dealing with summer time.
45:07 But the thing is, I mean, the legislature
45:10 actually wrote a law on June the 8th,
45:12 which allows our physicians to be able to come
45:16 without having to even contact the boards
45:18 as long as they bring their license with them.
45:20 If they are working with a non profit organization
45:23 and it's seven days or less,
45:24 all they have to do is show up
45:26 and have their license in their hand.
45:28 So that's a major concession, isn't it?
45:30 Yeah, that's a major concession.
45:31 We applaud the state governors,
45:33 the state governor and officials
45:34 for doing that.
45:36 I mean, that's just unheard of,
45:37 to change the law for this thing to happen.
45:39 Now who is the governor of your state?
45:41 You would ask me that.
45:43 I throw you a curve.
45:45 Whoever he is, whoever he be, we thank him for that.
45:50 That means, that's a major concession,
45:51 that's not a little thing.
45:53 That's right.
45:54 Because and there were so many...
45:55 I interviewed in Los Angeles a fellow, who is a dentist,
45:58 who couldn't get clearance in California.
46:00 He said, I'm just coming here to do what I can now
46:03 because I can't practice.
46:04 I'm going out of my limb. I think it's Mr. Thompson.
46:07 Okay. Hopefully you're right.
46:10 Well, that's a major concession
46:12 to see the value of this initiative
46:15 to sort of waive those rules,
46:17 so that our people could come in and practice
46:19 because that's a big thing.
46:21 And as you well said, Benny,
46:23 there are some liability issues.
46:25 You make a mistake, you can kind of be up to creek
46:28 with this kind of thing.
46:29 But we are covered because our,
46:32 the Adventist Risk Management which is the insurance arm
46:35 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America
46:39 is providing the coverage.
46:41 And it's coverage that physicians and practitioners
46:44 would not be able to have themselves,
46:46 much greater coverage
46:47 that they are giving us for this.
46:49 And this is a, this is a critical part
46:51 to having people come, because they are very nervous
46:54 about what kind of personal liability
46:56 might they be facing in result of doing something.
47:00 And we live in a very litigious society,
47:03 and so we're thankful
47:04 that risk management has been able to help us
47:07 with having a policy.
47:08 All right. Excellent.
47:10 So that's, that's so important. It is.
47:12 Now, my dear doctor,
47:14 at the risk of redundancy-
47:20 I'm gonna ask you one more time
47:22 because there maybe someone who just tuned in
47:25 or who caught this program midway through, as did.
47:28 I can't remember the fellow's name
47:29 from Idaho who came out to... Was it Paul?
47:32 He caught the program, and he saw us talking,
47:35 you remember?
47:37 And made his way out to Los Angeles,
47:39 really great story,
47:40 he never had a television and never watched the TV
47:42 and went to a hotel and saw,
47:44 happen to have with first television
47:46 in how many years happen to see us.
47:48 One more time for me, if you're my good doctor.
47:50 What do we need and,
47:52 you know, the kinds of specializations
47:56 that we need for Beckley?
47:58 So again we need dentists, dental hygienists.
48:02 We actually need another 17 of those.
48:05 We need additional four to five ophthalmologists
48:08 or optometrists.
48:10 So again our eye care vision care department.
48:13 Then we need pulmonologists, a cardiologists
48:17 or heart specialists, gynecologists,
48:19 female physicians,
48:21 and we need beautician and barber services.
48:25 And of course we need anybody
48:27 who is willing to help move things around
48:29 or data entry people.
48:30 And again, if you have a smile and if you have a heartbeat,
48:33 God can use you.
48:34 But those specialties in particular
48:37 we are in great need of.
48:38 Okay.
48:40 Benny, you are enough of a preacher,
48:41 as well as an accountant and a CPA to be able to wrestle
48:46 with this question very easily.
48:48 Talk to me if you will about the...
48:50 I'll use a $25 word here reciprocity,
48:53 the idea that when you give of yourself,
48:56 God sees to it that something comes back to you.
48:59 And I know to a man when you talk to people
49:01 who are part of these pathway events,
49:03 they will say, everything I give,
49:04 I get back and even more.
49:06 Because the money that we spent,
49:08 like Los Angeles was a very expensive event
49:11 because of the place that we were in all.
49:14 But we felt that,
49:15 that ten times more than the millions dollars
49:18 that we spent, ten times more we spent
49:20 by our volunteers in their travel
49:23 and lodging and food and everything
49:25 while they were there.
49:27 So there's a tremendous amount of donations
49:32 and people's time
49:33 and all for those people who come.
49:35 But in addition to that,
49:37 we have some needs in Beckley because of conference.
49:40 At least the Elder Boggess keeps telling me
49:42 that we're poor, we're poor conference,
49:45 we don't have many members, we don't have much money.
49:47 But our budget for this event, we figure it will be $150,000.
49:52 And so far we only have about $34,000 of that amount.
49:55 So what we have done, and this is what helped us.
49:58 He mentioned the money from the camp meeting,
50:01 but we produced 1,500 cards,
50:03 each card is the sponsorship of one patient.
50:06 We've learned that one patient
50:08 can be served for approximately $100.
50:11 So we had 1,500 cards
50:14 and we came up with more than $13,000
50:18 at the camp meeting of the people that were there,
50:22 who said, we will sponsor one person.
50:24 We have sent notice out to the volunteers
50:27 who have been with us before.
50:28 I just got a note yesterday, there's someone sent in $500,
50:32 so that's for five people.
50:34 So we still need a lot of help in that area.
50:37 But the thing that I have learned
50:39 is that God's problem is not money,
50:41 it never has been.
50:42 As a treasurer, I have said this many times.
50:44 God's problem never has been money
50:45 and it never will be.
50:46 His problem is with us.
50:48 He has more than the capability of giving us back
50:52 more than anything that we give.
50:54 So we need help in sponsoring the patients
50:56 there for Beckley.
50:58 And we've seen that, you know, over and over at 3ABN.
50:59 I concur, it's not money.
51:01 Brother President,
51:03 I want you to take a moment
51:04 and talk to us a little bit in about a minute or so.
51:08 Why is it important for Adventists to get involved
51:11 with this kind of thing?
51:13 Why is it part of our DNA?
51:14 Why is it important for us
51:15 to do to step out and to volunteer
51:17 and to get into the community and do this kind of thing?
51:19 I think, the answer is,
51:22 we all know what the right arm of the ministry is
51:25 and that is the health message,
51:27 that we not only be followers of the Ten Commandments
51:32 and follow Jesus, but,
51:33 that we take care of our health
51:35 and that we share with other people
51:38 how they can take care of this temple
51:40 that we owe to God.
51:42 And so I think,
51:45 that's why this is so important to Adventists,
51:47 this, that we learn
51:49 how to share that part of the message
51:53 in addition to the teachings of the Bible,
51:57 teachings of Jesus.
51:59 Excellent, Excellent.
52:00 We're gonna go to our newsbreak just now,
52:02 then we're gonna come back and we want you to stay by
52:04 because we want to give you the contact information.
52:07 You want to really grab a pen,
52:09 we'll give you a moment until you grab the pen,
52:11 pencil, fire off the iPad,
52:12 however you want to take this information down.
52:14 You're gonna need it
52:15 because we want you to volunteer.
52:16 You can call, you can email,
52:18 you can do it electronically.
52:20 We will go to our newsbreak,
52:22 then we'll come back
52:24 and we'll give you the contact information
52:25 that you're gonna need.


Revised 2016-07-11