3ABN Today

DayStar Academy and Greenhouse

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Randy Ward & Matt Daily


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016048A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:07 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn
01:08 and we welcome you once again to 3ABN Today.
01:12 We're so glad you're sharing a little bit of your day
01:14 with us.
01:15 And I think you will be blessed.
01:17 This is going to be excellent program
01:19 because it's an excellent topic.
01:21 We're gonna be talking about true education
01:24 and the importance of bringing our children up
01:28 in a balanced manner.
01:29 Let me share a scripture with you.
01:32 It's one of my favorites, Psalm 16:11
01:35 and this is what the Bible says,
01:37 "You will show me the path of life;
01:40 In your presence is fullness of joy;
01:44 At your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
01:48 I'm so thankful that God showed me the path of life.
01:52 The one regret that I have
01:55 is that I didn't learn his path of life earlier
01:59 and it's so important
02:01 that as we're training up our children,
02:03 not only that they be educated in scholastic areas
02:10 but that also they learn to have a true, deep,
02:14 intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ
02:17 and God the Father
02:19 that they learn that it is the Holy Spirit
02:22 who empowers us to live as God wants us to live.
02:26 That He works in us to willing to do His good pleasure
02:29 and to learn a really good work ethic
02:32 because that is very critical.
02:34 So let me introduce our special guest.
02:37 And we have with us today
02:39 the gentlemen from DayStar Academy,
02:42 and we have Randy Ward
02:43 who is the Vice president of DayStar sacred.
02:47 Interim.
02:48 Interim Vice president, all right,
02:50 and this is DayStar Adventist Academy, I should say.
02:54 And then we have with us Matt Dealy.
02:57 And Matt, I asked you
02:59 what you do and you say, "I'm a farmer."
03:02 That's right.
03:03 So you're kind of the farm manager,
03:06 assistant farm manager there for DayStar Adventist Academy
03:11 and tell us just where it's located.
03:14 Don't go into any detail but you're located in a valley?
03:18 In a valley,
03:19 we're about 15 miles east of Moab, Utah.
03:24 And we're about three and half miles up
03:25 from the beautiful Colorado River.
03:27 Oh, and it is a beautiful spot, I saw some of the pictures
03:31 that we're gonna be sharing with you in just a moment,
03:34 but before we begin on this wonderful journey,
03:38 we're going to have a song.
03:40 And I know how much you love music.
03:43 Stephanie Dawn is just--
03:45 She's friend of 3ABN.
03:46 But she's a precious, precious woman
03:50 that has deep a relationship with the Lord
03:53 and he's helped her to,
03:56 in spite of some physical challenges,
04:00 God has gifted her with a beautiful voice
04:03 and she sings for His glory.
04:04 So she's gonna be singing a song called "Grace"
04:08 and Dann Thornton will be accompanying her on the piano.
04:21 My heart is so proud
04:26 My mind is so unfocused
04:30 I see the things You do through me
04:35 As great things I have done
04:39 And now You gently break me
04:44 Then lovingly you take me
04:48 And hold me as my father
04:53 And mold me as my maker
04:59 I ask You, how many times will you pick me up
05:04 When I keep on letting You down?
05:09 And each time I will fall short of Your glory
05:13 How far will forgiveness abound?
05:17 Then you answer, "My child, I love you
05:22 And as long as you're seeking my face
05:26 You'll walk in the power of my daily sufficient grace
05:40 At times I may grow weak
05:44 And feel a bit discouraged
05:49 Knowing that someone, somewhere
05:53 Could do a better job
05:57 For who am I to serve You?
06:02 I know I don't deserve You
06:06 And that's the part that burns in my heart
06:10 And keeps me hanging on
06:14 I ask you, how many times will You pick me up
06:19 When I keep on letting you down?
06:24 And each time I will fall short of Your glory
06:28 How far will forgiveness abound?
06:32 Then You answer, "My child, I love you
06:37 And as long as you're seeking my face
06:41 You'll walk in the power of my daily sufficient grace
06:51 You are so patient with me, Lord
07:03 As I walk with You
07:06 I'm learning
07:08 What Your grace really means
07:12 The price that I could never pay
07:16 Was paid at Calvary
07:20 So, instead of trying to repay You
07:25 I'm learning to simply obey You
07:29 By giving up my life to You
07:33 For all that You've given to me
07:37 I ask You, how many times will you pick me up
07:42 When I keep on letting You down?
07:47 And each time I will fall short of your glory
07:51 How far will forgiveness abound?
07:55 Then You answer, "My child, I love you
08:00 And as long as you're seeking my face
08:04 You'll walk in the power
08:08 Of my daily sufficient grace.
08:26 Oh, thank you, Stephanie Dawn.
08:28 Indeed, Jesus said
08:30 "My grace is sufficient for you
08:32 for power is made perfect in you're weakness,"
08:35 and that was a beautiful song sung beautifully
08:37 by a precious handmaiden of the Lord.
08:40 Well, once again, if you're joining us just a little late,
08:44 let me introduce our special guest.
08:46 We have Randy Ward,
08:47 who is the Interim Vice President
08:49 of DayStar Adventist Academy.
08:51 And we have with us, Matt Dealy,
08:54 the smiling Matt Dealy.
08:57 You are the Assistant Farm Manager at DayStar,
09:01 and DayStar is there in Utah.
09:05 We're gonna learn about this academy
09:07 and their special projects
09:08 but more what we're going to learn
09:10 is their vision for true education.
09:14 And I think you will enjoy this.
09:16 But let's kind of get to know you guys just a little bit.
09:19 Randy, were you born into an Adventist Christian home
09:23 or tell us little of your journey.
09:25 I was a born into the world.
09:28 For 36 years I lived in the world
09:30 until I got actually, short,
09:34 I got in trouble with the internal revenue service.
09:35 They clamed down on me,
09:37 they took everything that I had.
09:38 And I wondered what use was life.
09:41 And I had a friend that we would talk,
09:43 and he'd say, you know, the Bible talks about that.
09:46 And I say, really, it's just on and off these occasions.
09:49 So when I had that incidence happening to me,
09:52 I thought, you know what, I need Jesus.
09:54 So, I called him up,
09:56 "When and where do you go to church?"
09:57 He said, "Saturday morning, 9:30.
09:59 Here's where we go."
10:00 I started, studied with the pastor for a year.
10:02 And after a year, I was baptized
10:04 and my journey's been with Jesus ever since.
10:07 Wonderful.
10:09 How long have you been at DayStar?
10:10 Three years. Three years.
10:12 Just completed my third year.
10:13 And I was the boys' dean for those three years.
10:16 Okay.
10:17 So, it was a wonderful experience,
10:19 it's a challenge but a blessing
10:22 to make a difference in a young man's life.
10:24 Amen, amen. So, Matt, how about you?
10:29 I was raised Adventist, went through Adventist Schools.
10:35 When I left school, I started working for myself,
10:38 doing construction, building houses.
10:41 And I was--
10:44 The economy kind of crashed
10:46 and I went to work on a commercial construction.
10:50 And one day, I was on a roof
10:52 and I looked out and as far as I could see,
10:55 I saw storage units fall at people's stuff.
10:59 And it dawned on me,
11:01 "What am I doing for the Lords work?"
11:04 And at that time, we had some friends
11:07 that we met that were just coming in to the church
11:09 and they started challenging us with Adventist truth
11:14 from different angle than we had ever heard
11:17 and we decided--
11:20 I got laid off of work.
11:21 Us? Would that be your wife?
11:23 Me and my wife. Yeah. Okay.
11:24 At that time, we had two small children.
11:27 And I started to have
11:31 a small interest in agriculture.
11:32 Okay. Before this, I had no interest.
11:35 I didn't like it all.
11:37 And I read Philippians 2:12. Yes.
11:42 2:13 actually, well both but, it says,
11:44 "For it is God which worketh in you
11:46 both to will and to do of His good pleasure."
11:49 Amen.
11:50 And I realized that agriculture was something
11:53 that the God was encouraging me to do.
11:56 Wonderful.
11:57 So I had to make it quick,
11:58 we went to Black Hills for six months,
12:01 did an internship,
12:03 Black Hills Health & Education Center.
12:05 Came back, we wanted to start a farm
12:07 but we didn't have any money.
12:09 Before we started a farm,
12:11 we put my wife through nursing school,
12:14 had two small kids, we had no money to start it.
12:17 We did that for two years,
12:18 and the Lord called us back to Black Hills,
12:21 we were there for two years,
12:22 and then He brought us to DayStar
12:24 and that's where we've been.
12:25 Wonderful.
12:27 And you now have four children.
12:28 We now have four children How old are your children?
12:30 Eight, six, two, and about seven months old.
12:35 Okay, so let me ask you though, when did Jesus,
12:41 when did that, you can grow up in a Christian home
12:45 but God doesn't have grand children,
12:47 he only has children, so it doesn't matter
12:49 if your parents' relationship is close the Lord.
12:52 When did it become real for you?
12:54 Was it when your friends challenged you,
12:56 when you was that your epiphany moment
12:59 or when did you develop
13:01 that personal relationship with Christ?
13:04 I believe I've had a couple times.
13:06 One was I met my wife, she moved in next door to me,
13:10 she wasn't an Adventist.
13:11 Okay.
13:13 And we started studying and she became an Adventist
13:16 couple of years before we got married.
13:18 So I went through that journey with her
13:20 and that was a big moment.
13:22 And then the second biggest was when we had kids.
13:24 Oh, amen.
13:26 And we realize the responsibility we had.
13:28 Amen.
13:29 So we had to start learning
13:32 what to do with these small children.
13:34 It is.
13:36 I always say that, you know, believe it or not,
13:38 I wanted six children.
13:40 Now I see people who have six little ones
13:42 and I'm thinking, "Lord, what was I thinking?"
13:44 But I think that if you are a parent,
13:48 you're a mother, you're in full time ministry
13:51 and I can't think of anything more beautiful
13:53 than having a child,
13:55 to be able to introduce them to the Lord
13:57 and having someone that you've birthed
13:59 that can potentially have eternal life.
14:02 That's a precious thing.
14:04 Let's talk about DayStar Adventist Academy.
14:08 Let's talk about how it began. Randy, I'll just go to you.
14:12 Well, it started in 1970.
14:16 I'm not sure if there were more involved than the two
14:19 but I know of two doctors, they were brothers,
14:22 they live in Utah
14:24 and they had a desire for Adventist education,
14:27 which there was not much access to in Utah.
14:32 So they started looking around for property.
14:34 Somehow they ended up in Castle Valley
14:36 and they found this ranch property,
14:39 this farm property and they purchased it.
14:41 I think they made two purchases
14:42 but basically up to 320 acres they found.
14:47 And if you want to show the first picture,
14:48 you can see how beautiful this is.
14:50 This is the beautiful time of year right now.
14:52 This is from up in the mountains
14:54 looking down at our little oasis
14:57 and the second picture that we have
14:59 is of our administration building
15:00 looking up to a rock we call Periot.
15:04 We frequently climb up there just to, kind of,
15:07 see things or what we call, base jumpers,
15:10 they jump off of there with parachutes,
15:11 which is kind of fun to watch sometimes.
15:14 Anyway, so these doctors developed this school
15:17 and it has evolved over the years
15:18 to become what it is today.
15:20 You know, it's a funny story
15:22 when I lived in my little hometown
15:24 of Atascadero, California,
15:25 we had neighbors
15:28 and we met this one gentlemen name Bruce Smith.
15:31 Just nice young man, you know, and life goes on.
15:33 Then we moved to Northern California
15:35 and we meet another gentleman, his name is Dr. Brad Smith.
15:39 And as we were talking to him
15:40 explaining where we lived he goes,
15:42 "Oh, that was my brother Bruce."
15:44 And so we continued to gain friendship
15:46 and then after time goes on
15:48 when we were getting ready to come to DayStar,
15:50 he said, "Oh, my dad and his brother
15:53 were the two that founded DayStar."
15:55 So, it's a small world that we traveled in.
15:57 Amen. That is interesting.
16:00 So you've been there for three years?
16:03 Associated for four
16:04 because my two older kids went there
16:07 the year before I came to work there, so--
16:10 Now Utah, obviously
16:12 is the Mormon capital of the world, I think.
16:14 So are there many Adventists?
16:16 Why did they choose, they lived in Utah.
16:20 Why did these two doctors choose this area?
16:22 I can't really answer that for sure,
16:25 but as I live there, I realize how beautiful it is,
16:27 how remote it is, and you know, people come.
16:30 We just had a group come from Salt Lake City
16:32 to stay there for the weekend.
16:35 They got to see the stars
16:36 that they normally don't get to see
16:38 while they're in Salt Lake.
16:40 We have a couple of ponds that the kids can swim in,
16:42 they can enjoy the peace and quiet,
16:44 there's mountains close by.
16:45 It is just a good all around place,
16:47 we have fertile land, we have free water,
16:50 we have water that is diverted from a creek that comes
16:53 and waters all our irrigation for the crops.
16:55 That's a blessing.
16:57 Yes, you know,
16:58 and it is just a point where the children can just--
17:01 You know, when we first moved there,
17:03 our little child who was,
17:05 Kyler five at that point in time,
17:07 we could just let him go and not worry about him,
17:09 'cause it was safe for him to be there,
17:10 so that could very well be why they choose.
17:13 That's just the perfect place I think.
17:15 Wonderful.
17:16 So let's talk abut the curriculum there.
17:19 I mean, we know that if we send our children off.
17:22 I believe wholeheartedly in Christian education.
17:25 I think that's, it seems that here at 3ABN,
17:31 we have so many wonderful young people
17:34 who grew up in the Adventist school systems
17:36 and they're just on fire for God
17:39 and you see how important Christian education is.
17:43 But you wanted to talk about this concept of true education.
17:50 And I think, Randy, you had a little quote
17:52 that you wanted to read about true education
17:55 and then we'll turn it over to Matt
17:57 to kind of talk about this.
17:58 Well, I'm learning about true education.
18:02 I believe in it but I've never really studied it out.
18:05 And starting last year,
18:07 we would meet every Wednesday for prayer meeting
18:09 down at Matt's house under a beautiful tree
18:11 and we would all study about true education.
18:13 What does it mean, true education,
18:15 and what is mean to put it practically into a curriculum,
18:20 so to speak.
18:21 And as I've studied and read a quote
18:24 from "A Call to Stand Apart," page 65
18:27 and it says, "True education embraces physical, mental,
18:31 and moral training,
18:33 in order that all the powers shall be fitted
18:36 for the best development to do service for God
18:39 and to work for the uplifting of humanity."
18:42 Amen.
18:43 And that is what we would like
18:45 in our education process at DayStar for our children.
18:48 You know, they do require a curriculum of, you know,
18:52 the educational, the academics portion.
18:54 But there's more to it.
18:56 We talked earlier, there's a balance.
18:57 You know, there is the academics,
18:59 and then there's also learning to work,
19:01 learning to work with your hands,
19:02 learning to take that process from planting
19:05 to taking it to farmers' market and selling it.
19:08 And that's, you know,
19:10 Matt has done a lot of research on that
19:11 and we've been blessed by his ministry
19:13 of helping us go through that process and learn.
19:17 Well, you know, academics is important obviously.
19:20 To survive in the world, but I think that, as parents,
19:24 the one thing that is so important
19:27 to instill in children
19:29 is that you teach them to have a good work ethic
19:32 because sometimes you will see a child,
19:34 or a young person, or even an older person
19:37 who can be quite brilliant in book learning,
19:40 they've accomplished many degrees,
19:42 but if they don't have a good work ethic,
19:45 nothing ever comes of it.
19:47 So there is that academic, the physical,
19:51 teaching them to have a good work ethic
19:53 and then of course the moral,
19:55 teaching them solid biblical foundations.
19:58 So, Matt, we're gonna turn you loose.
20:01 All right, so we've been studying as a group
20:06 going through and trying to determine
20:09 what the Lord's plan is for our school.
20:11 You know, we can have a group and ask what true education is?
20:15 And we could get everybody with a different answer.
20:20 So this is from "Counsels on Health"
20:24 and it says,
20:28 "If conducted in a manner the God could approve,
20:31 it would be highly successful and would stand in advance
20:35 of all other institutions of the kind in the world."
20:38 And this is talking about sanatorium.
20:40 Sanatorium that I believe it applies here.
20:44 "Great light, great knowledge
20:46 and superior privileges were given."
20:48 So we have great light,
20:50 we've been given vast amounts of knowledge,
20:53 and many privileges.
20:55 "And in accordance with the light received
20:58 would be the responsibility
20:59 of those to whom the carrying forward
21:02 of the institution was entrusted."
21:05 So we feel that, as leaders,
21:08 it's our responsibility to dig and dig
21:11 and to see what the Lord has called us to do.
21:14 So what age group,
21:17 when we're talking about an Adventist Academy,
21:19 DayStar Adventist Academy.
21:21 What age group is coming there as boarding students?
21:27 It would be high school, freshmen through seniors.
21:29 Okay.
21:30 We are cautious about freshmen,
21:32 only because generally the maturity of the student
21:35 is not able to be away from home and handle,
21:37 you know, some of the things.
21:39 So we try to be very fair but also really dig
21:43 into the acceptance of students,
21:47 but basically, it's high school students.
21:48 Okay. Yes. And this is a smaller school.
21:51 About what--
21:52 Fifteen to twenty-five students,
21:54 generally, depending--
21:56 And how many teachers do you have?
21:58 I mean, how many people are involved in teaching them?
22:00 We have three to four teachers this year.
22:02 Wonderful. But everyone's a teacher.
22:05 Right!
22:06 I'm a teacher, Randy's a teacher in their area, so--
22:10 Okay, so in your own words, Matt,
22:12 what do you think true education is?
22:14 I think it's a lot like character development.
22:16 Okay.
22:18 I don't wake up and fully understand
22:20 true education.
22:22 You know, the true education, it's a lifetime process
22:29 of following what the Lord has told you to do.
22:31 Right.
22:32 So, you know, one of the things that we learned this year
22:35 that we've been relearning as that
22:37 we're told that teachers should work with their students,
22:40 so we started a program--
22:42 When you say work, in what way?
22:44 In manual labor. All right.
22:46 Side by side, in the dirt, in the kitchen,
22:49 wherever the need is.
22:51 So we started a program this year that made it happen.
22:56 So every day, teachers, staff would work with students.
23:00 Wonderful.
23:01 So we had a beehive activity
23:05 where, you know, forty people would be out
23:07 and about the whole campus working.
23:09 Wonderful.
23:11 And--
23:12 I think of 2 Corinthians 3:18,
23:14 that, you know, we become what we behold.
23:17 You can tell a child something,
23:18 but when you're actually out and implementing it,
23:21 doing it yourself, it's much more motivational.
23:25 And you know, sometimes, the students don't understand
23:28 how busy everybody is.
23:29 They just see their little world.
23:31 And so it becomes us-and-them type of mentality, you know,
23:35 "Oh, we're out here working.
23:36 How come they never have to work?"
23:37 And they don't see what we're doing all day long.
23:39 And this program,
23:41 it actually required all staff to participate.
23:45 And it's been a real blessing because we have,
23:47 number one, come together as staff and students,
23:49 they realize it,
23:51 you know, we're willing to work along with them.
23:52 We get more done because everybody works together.
23:55 You know, the Bible says, many hands make the work light.
23:58 And it's just been a real blessing
24:01 to see the change in attitude
24:03 that the students are more accepting of some of the staff
24:06 that they kind of maybe didn't understand at first
24:08 because we're all there working together,
24:10 and we're learning together.
24:11 Sometimes the students actually teach us.
24:13 I mean, the students are the ones
24:15 that have been working on the farm
24:16 and so we as staff come down to help.
24:18 I don't work in the greenhouse a lot,
24:20 so I need to know what to do.
24:21 Now they teach me.
24:23 I think we have a picture of your greenhouse, don't we?
24:25 Yes. That would be the third one.
24:27 This is our current greenhouse.
24:29 And what is the size of this greenhouse?
24:31 It's quite--
24:32 This is about 20,000 square feet.
24:34 That's almost half an acre. Wonderful.
24:36 And what do you do
24:38 with the produce that you produce?
24:40 We sell locally, we sell to restaurants, coops,
24:44 farmers' market, we do sell to whole foods
24:48 from Salt Lake from time to time.
24:51 And I imagine you eat a good portion of it yourself, right?
24:54 Right, we use it. Yeah. Fresh fair.
24:56 In the cafeteria, so the goal is to get kids
25:00 from the beginning of the process to the end.
25:03 So they grow it, they cook it, they eat it,
25:06 the full spectrum.
25:07 And they learn to market it as well.
25:08 That's right.
25:10 But now I know that you have a very special project.
25:14 Let's just jump into that
25:16 because you've got a half acre sized greenhouse,
25:20 which sounds good sized to me.
25:22 But what are you looking at that's down in Kentucky?
25:25 Well, we're in the process of acquiring
25:30 and bringing 72,000 square feet greenhouse back to Utah.
25:34 Mercy.
25:36 Do we have a picture of that on--
25:37 We do. Good.
25:39 That is incredible! 72,000 square feet!
25:43 Yeah. What is that acreage wise?
25:46 About one-three, well over one-three quarter.
25:48 So nearly a two acre greenhouse.
25:51 Yes.
25:53 You can barely see it, but in the picture,
25:54 there is a full sized, 15 passenger Ford Econline van
25:57 with a trailer parked outside just to, kind of,
26:00 give you a perspective of how huge this thing is.
26:03 Now that's huge. Yeah.
26:04 The first time I went down,
26:06 I was on the first run with Matt
26:07 and I walked in there and I just, I was amazed.
26:10 It was just like, "This is huge."
26:14 But you know, it was really kind of disappointing to me
26:16 because there was a lot of trash and stuff in there.
26:19 And we all ganged up and we cleaned that place up
26:21 the first half of the very first day.
26:22 And after that was done, it was just amazing,
26:24 the transformation that took place.
26:26 It was like, I was extremely excited.
26:29 Okay, so you've got this big 72, 000 square foot greenhouse.
26:35 And the idea is to bring this back from Kentucky,
26:39 you need to transport that to Utah.
26:46 Where are you in this process right now?
26:49 Has that been disassembled or--
26:51 Can I give a quick history?
26:52 Sure. Okay.
26:55 We went out. I found this on Thanksgiving.
26:59 And we looked at it and said it's too big
27:01 and it popped back up in the spring
27:04 and we decided to go and look at it.
27:07 And we all thought that it was a great deal.
27:12 Price wise.
27:13 Price wise,
27:15 and that it would benefit the school.
27:16 So we went out and we had an arrangement with a guy.
27:20 We said, I called him and asked him, you know,
27:23 would you hold it if I came up with $10,000?
27:25 And he said, "Sure."
27:27 And I said, "Okay, well, I don't have $10,000,
27:28 but I'll see what we can do."
27:30 And so we called him back
27:32 and said, "Okay, we got the money.
27:34 I'm gonna come out and look at it."
27:36 I came out and looked at it, everything looked great.
27:39 Rode my truck, got into the car,
27:41 and about half an hour later,
27:43 I got a call saying that the $10,000 fell through.
27:47 And at that point, I had peace.
27:50 I knew that the Lord was working
27:53 and that the devil was working.
27:54 Yes.
27:56 And that same day,
27:57 another farmer came out to look at it
27:58 and he said that out of the blue.
28:00 You know if you need the money
28:01 to keep the project rolling let me know, didn't ask him.
28:05 So a farmer, not that's bidding against you on this.
28:10 This is a farmer who--
28:11 Friend. Friend, Okay.
28:12 Who lives in the area. All right.
28:14 And so I called him the next morning and he said,
28:17 you know, "What you said, was that true?"
28:20 and he said, "Let me talk to my wife."
28:21 He called back and said,
28:22 "We're gonna put in $36,000," which was the purchase price.
28:25 Wow.
28:26 So you guys can start tearing it down.
28:30 I said, "Great.
28:32 I don't know how we're gonna start tearing it down.
28:34 I guess the same way you eat an elephant,
28:36 one bite at a time.
28:37 We had spring break coming up in a week and I came back
28:41 and talked to Randy and he said,
28:42 "Hey, do you want to go to Kentucky
28:44 start tearing down this greenhouse."
28:46 And he said, "Sure." No, I didn't.
28:49 I said, "No, I don't really want to."
28:52 I'll be honest but I said, "You know what Matt?
28:54 I will go." and I'm so happy I didn't go.
28:56 Yeah.
28:57 So we got a group of about ten,
29:00 went out there for a week
29:01 and worked sun up till sun down.
29:03 I'll bet you did. And then some, yes.
29:04 And then some nights till 10:30 at night,
29:09 we had snow, lightning, miserable weather,
29:12 but it was a blessing.
29:15 We came back, we still don't know
29:17 how we're gonna get it torn down
29:19 other than the school had a mission trip
29:20 planned in the spring in April
29:23 that they cancelled at Christmas for some reason.
29:27 So we had two weeks available.
29:29 And I said, "Well, let's just take the school."
29:31 So we got half the students,
29:34 we took them out there and some staff,
29:35 and we had about 20 people
29:38 and we worked for two weeks tearing it down.
29:42 Now your school's not all boys.
29:45 It's boys and girls. No. Boys and girls.
29:47 And actually did you say, I thinking in the green room
29:49 you told me the girls usually outnumber the boys.
29:52 Generally speaking, this year was an oddity
29:54 because we had 12 boys.
29:56 But normally it's 12 to 15 girls
29:58 and the rest are boys.
30:00 Okay.
30:01 So that looks like
30:04 that was major project to get this torn down.
30:07 Yeah. It's a major project.
30:09 Nobody thought we could do it
30:11 and there was many days that I had doubts.
30:13 But at the end of two weeks, it's all on the ground,
30:16 most of it's bundled up, ready for shipping.
30:20 Right, so now how will you ship this back to Utah?
30:24 By truck? Okay. By truck. Yeah.
30:26 It's gonna be four to five semis.
30:29 So that's quite an expensive process.
30:32 It is.
30:33 All right, do you have the funds for that?
30:35 We do not have all the funds.
30:38 The greenhouse was 36,000 and it's about 20,000 to ship.
30:42 Twenty thousand. Twenty thousand.
30:45 So currently we have 30,000, so we're 20,000 short.
30:51 Well, now if my math is right,
30:52 that's actually twenty-six thousand short,
30:54 'cause you've paid the 36,000 to the owner of this,
30:59 previous owner of the greenhouse,
31:01 the greenhouse is paid for,
31:03 but that was the 36, 000 was loaned to you.
31:05 So you've raised 30,000
31:07 you still have another 6,000 to pay him back
31:10 and then you need 20,000 for the shipping.
31:13 Is that correct? That's right.
31:14 So, you need $26,000
31:16 or what you could also maybe do is we can make an appeal.
31:21 You have kind of a soft deadline
31:23 that the owner wants the greenhouse off the property
31:26 by June the 30th?
31:28 Maybe you could sneak a few more days,
31:31 there maybe someone who is watching
31:33 or listening by radio and maybe you're a trucker
31:36 or you know a trucker
31:38 who might be dead heading from the East Coast
31:41 and going back West that could whiz by
31:44 and pick up your greenhouse in Kentucky
31:47 and take it to Utah.
31:49 Actually, you need three trucks, don't you?
31:51 Four. Four trucks, okay.
31:53 Well, maybe we can get several truckers
31:55 or somebody that could help send in some funds
31:58 to help pay for this.
32:00 You know, when we were doing
32:01 the Ten Commandments Twice Removed
32:03 and we needed to truck huge amounts of books
32:07 to various places,
32:08 we did have wonderful blessed people
32:12 who would come and volunteer their trucks.
32:15 It was just so amazing and they transported it for us.
32:19 Let me ask you this because I know you're tired,
32:22 you've had a long week, but why is this important?
32:26 Why did you want to get this nearly two acre greenhouse?
32:31 What impact will that have on the school?
32:33 What impact does it have on the students?
32:36 Well, financially, it has an impact on the school
32:40 because we can grow food all year round.
32:42 We have markets that want food.
32:45 We have people that are begging for food,
32:47 we have food that we eat ourselves.
32:51 So we would like the opportunity
32:54 to train students how to grow food year round,
33:00 to get them a better growing environment,
33:02 it's very cold, dark in the winter.
33:05 And you know we have grown,
33:08 we shown in our greenhouse this year
33:09 that we can grow salad, and kale, and carrots,
33:13 and beets, and all these other things.
33:15 So we'd like a better opportunity
33:18 to educate the youth on a year on basis.
33:22 And how does that affect--
33:24 I mean, for myself, I know
33:27 that I wasn't brought up gardening and things,
33:30 but when I first started working in a garden,
33:32 there's something that's just very satisfying about that.
33:37 How do your students react? It's a transforming operation.
33:40 You put the little plant in the ground,
33:42 then you see it come up, it thrives.
33:44 You see the students go down there
33:45 if they haven't been used to working
33:47 or may be they "hate the farm,"
33:50 when they get into this process,
33:51 when they put their feet or their hands in the dirt
33:54 to watch these things grow
33:55 and they watch it grow from the tiny little seedling
33:57 up to including bearing fruit and harvesting.
34:01 It makes a big difference in their lives.
34:02 They have completed something.
34:04 I mean, they feel like, "Wow, God let me be part of this."
34:08 You know, and it does change them.
34:10 There have been several students
34:11 that absolutely hated going down to the farm,
34:14 but when they work with Matt, and Shawn, and others,
34:16 and watch these plants grow,
34:18 they are absolutely transformed themselves
34:20 because now it's like,
34:22 I had to ask some kids to go work for the cafe
34:25 and I took the farm group and I said,
34:26 I need, you know, couple of volunteers.
34:28 Nobody wanted to volunteer,
34:30 'cause they all loved being on the farm.
34:32 So it really makes a difference.
34:34 It gives them some sort of completion or fulfillment
34:37 that they watched this process
34:38 and they've been part of the process.
34:39 Yeah. Oh yeah. What great teaching moments.
34:42 Because now you can talk about the Word of God is like seed
34:45 and how it just blossoms and grows overnight
34:49 without anyone knowing it.
34:50 There's some great moral lessons,
34:52 great biblical lessons that can be all tied into that.
34:56 And you know it's something
34:58 that they can pick up themselves.
35:00 They don't have to be told the lessons
35:02 as they're working with these plants,
35:03 as they're going through this process,
35:05 the Word of God speaks to their heart
35:06 and they can make that comparison,
35:08 they can say, "Oh, I know now, it makes sense to me."
35:11 You know. Yes, amen.
35:13 And I think one of our biggest goals there
35:16 is to, you know, teach the Word of God,
35:22 not teach about the Word of God.
35:23 Amen.
35:25 Teach God's creative power,
35:28 not teach about His creative power.
35:31 So these are the opportunities that our students have
35:34 that are unique and different,
35:36 that we can take them to the soil
35:39 and get their hands in the soil
35:40 instead of showing pictures of soil.
35:44 Well, that's kind of life transforming
35:46 for you, wasn't it?
35:47 It was.
35:48 You had no interesting farming and the Lord brought you around
35:52 and made it something
35:54 that's had a strong impact on your life, obviously.
35:58 It has.
36:00 Okay, so tell us a little bit more than this project,
36:03 we just want if the Holy Spirit is impressing you,
36:06 we just pray that you will help.
36:08 They do need $26,000 more
36:10 or some truckers that would come in
36:12 and help just transport this for them
36:17 from Kentucky to Castle Valley, Utah.
36:20 I imagine, you'd feed them really well
36:22 when they got there.
36:23 Yeah. That we would.
36:25 Tell us a little bit more about future plans for the school.
36:30 Well, we would eventually like to be able to hold in house
36:36 about 50 students total.
36:38 And as we grow with this greenhouse,
36:41 it might allow us the funding to, you know,
36:44 help and make that process.
36:46 We want to beautify our campus, you know, even more,
36:49 make it prettier than it is, which is kind of hard but--
36:53 I think God has done that for you.
36:54 Yeah, and you know with our desire
36:58 to really incorporate true education,
37:00 we want the Bible
37:01 to be the foundation of every single classroom,
37:04 English, math, science, you know, chemistry,
37:08 farming, welding, whatever, you know.
37:10 We want that, the Bible and the Bible alone
37:13 to be the foundation of everything.
37:15 And so those are our goals, you know,
37:17 we're always looking to gain knowledge
37:20 to be able to teach the kids that process.
37:23 We had a Bible teacher this year,
37:25 our brother, Brocky was just amazing.
37:27 The kids still thrived from him and all he did was just teach
37:30 from the foundation of the Word of God.
37:32 But they had to dig, they had to learn,
37:35 and they had to look for the answers,
37:37 and it really impacted them.
37:38 The graduation this year was, they say,
37:41 more spiritual than it has been for a long time.
37:44 Randy, you've been there,
37:46 you were there for three years as the boys' dean,
37:50 do you find that some kids come there
37:52 maybe because their parents don't know
37:55 what else to do with them,
37:56 or do we have some that show up like that or--
37:59 We do, we don't accept "trouble kids."
38:02 But you know everybody has a past,
38:06 everybody has issues.
38:08 Sometimes the parents just don't know
38:10 what to do with them.
38:11 And so we take that child
38:13 and through working with Matt and Shawn on the farm,
38:16 working with me around, you know,
38:18 the school, working with me
38:19 or the girls' dean in the dorms.
38:22 You know, and my wife is the biggest part
38:25 of the boys' dean as I am.
38:27 We asked the dean
38:29 when we were getting ready to go there,
38:30 "What do we need to do?"
38:32 And he says, "The food that you feed them
38:33 and the time you spend with them
38:35 will make the difference."
38:36 And it does, it really does,
38:37 the time that we can spend with the kids
38:39 is way really makes the difference.
38:41 Sure.
38:42 So I didn't mean to imply
38:43 that you were taking trouble children by I just--
38:45 No, no, no.
38:46 I just meant that as kids come
38:48 and I know that they come from all over.
38:50 I mean, it doesn't, you've got children
38:52 that are coming from east to west,
38:55 but do you see a big transformation in them
39:01 as they are there over the year, two years,
39:04 do you see them growing?
39:06 Oh, I do. I absolutely do.
39:08 It's, you know,
39:10 sometimes you beat your head against the wall
39:11 thinking, you know, am I making a difference.
39:13 And I'll just tell you a quick story.
39:15 We had a young man who came, he didn't want to be there.
39:18 He wasn't trouble, but, you know,
39:19 something his parents--
39:21 And anyway, he was very bitter for having to be there.
39:23 So we just started working with him, started loving him.
39:27 Long story short, I came home one night,
39:30 I got home at 3'o clock in the morning,
39:31 I walked into my door, I looked at my right
39:33 and here's my dinning room table
39:35 in my living room,
39:36 and I'm thinking, what's going on?
39:38 And you know, I looked to my left,
39:40 and in my kitchen is a brand new, handmade,
39:43 eight foot long oak table that he made for us.
39:46 Wow. Yeah.
39:47 Wow. So do you have wood?
39:50 I mean, what kind of classes do you have
39:52 other than the farm.
39:54 Well, last year we did have a woodshop.
39:56 And Mr. Lenard was our wood teacher.
39:58 And so he took several months to make it,
40:02 so he was being helped along the way, you know.
40:04 I do teach welding, some, we have,
40:07 what we call, life skills classes,
40:08 so we teach cooking, welding, mountain biking,
40:11 auto shop, wood working.
40:13 Where do I sign up? DayStarAdventistAcademy.org.
40:17 That's sounds like fun. Yeah.
40:21 So what are some of your greatest needs,
40:24 other than we need 26,000 or some truckers right now,
40:28 what do you see for the future, you want to build a new dorm?
40:33 It would be, you know,
40:35 we've had a donor come in this last year
40:38 and do some marvelous work around the campus.
40:40 He improved some roads, he made us some shop buildings,
40:43 you know, and I mean, we are so blessed
40:45 and so grateful for those that he did
40:48 and we do need maintenance on some of the buildings,
40:51 we haven't had a real good maintenance program
40:54 so, you know, that, the boys dorm would be--
40:56 Do you look for volunteer?
40:57 We do. We do. Okay.
40:59 Yes they can go online, they can call the office,
41:02 and they, you know, they'll be able to sign up.
41:04 We do have limited housing, but we can house people for,
41:07 you know, short periods of time where they can come,
41:10 you know, they would be eating in the cafeteria
41:11 or in the home of a staff while they were there working.
41:15 And we can arrange their expertise,
41:18 what we could have them do.
41:20 You know, as you guys know here,
41:21 there's always landscaping, you know, every single day.
41:27 And right now we're in the hot, you know,
41:28 season so that--
41:32 We do also have school starting in August
41:35 and we are in need of a teacher and a cafeteria person.
41:40 Okay.
41:42 And there is some other staff we need,
41:43 which you can find online.
41:44 Right now we're going put that all that information up
41:48 in just a moment, as a matter of fact
41:50 maybe now is the time to do that is that we have--
41:54 If you feel impressed by the Holy Spirit
41:58 to donate toward this $26,000 or if you are a trucker
42:02 who could possibly donate some services
42:06 from Kentucky to Utah,
42:08 or if you're a school teacher, or a cafeteria worker
42:14 and maybe you're just looking for a change of pace
42:17 and would like to make a difference
42:19 in some children's lives in a beautiful environment,
42:23 this is how you can get in touch with Daystar.
42:28 DayStar Adventist Academy
42:30 is a layman operated boarding school.
42:32 If you would like to support this ministry,
42:34 write to Daystar Adventist Academy,
42:37 HC 64 Box 2201, Castle Valley, Utah 84532.
42:44 That's Daystar Adventist Academy,
42:46 HC 64 Box 2201, Castle Valley, Utah 84532.
42:53 You can call (435) 259-7716.
42:58 That's (435) 259-7716
43:02 or visit them online at DayStarAdventistAcademy.org.
43:06 That's DayStarAdventistAcademy.org.
43:15 I'm sure that they will appreciate any help
43:17 that you might give them now.
43:18 Here's the question,
43:20 once you get the greenhouse from Kentucky to Utah,
43:26 what is the process of erecting this huge thing?
43:30 Well, we got to get holes dug
43:33 and stubs in the ground and concrete
43:36 and phase two
43:39 will likely cost 35,000.
43:43 And to get--
43:45 Oh so you're just unrolling this a little at a time here.
43:47 You are here to talk about that.
43:49 Okay. Yeah.
43:50 We're not afraid of work and we're willing to do
43:53 what we have to do get to the next step so--
43:55 So when you say 35,000, is that because
43:57 it's going to be a concrete floor
43:59 for these two acres or what is this?
44:00 No, 'cause you got to put holes in the ground for each post
44:03 and there's 300 posts or something.
44:05 Wow. There's a lot.
44:07 And you have to buy the concrete
44:08 and then you have to buy the new stubs
44:10 to accept the posts.
44:11 Okay, okay. That's the biggest expensive.
44:13 This is gonna be a big one. Yeah.
44:14 But this could be life--
44:16 I should say, life changing for the campus.
44:19 Yeah and this greenhouse if we were to buy it new
44:22 plus range, so--
44:26 So the Lord really gave you an incredible bargain
44:30 that you could get this for 36,000.
44:32 That's amazing. Yeah it is.
44:34 You know, I've always said that
44:35 if children have the opportunity
44:39 to either get involved with nature or farming,
44:43 get involved with the soil and seeing things produced,
44:47 or if they have that opportunity
44:49 to go on a mission trip, it can be life changing.
44:51 Now you also take mission trips, right?
44:53 We do, generally every year,
44:56 we try to go somewhere out of country if we can,
44:59 you know, to make a difference and on occasion,
45:02 just spur of the moment, mission trips come up.
45:06 We had one this year at around Christmas time.
45:09 There was an event going on in Myanmar,
45:11 which is the old Burma near Thailand
45:14 and they were going to train private ambulance company
45:18 to be the private ambulance company.
45:20 They didn't really have much official training.
45:22 I guess the country sponsored ambulance are a long ways away
45:27 and you know, not really much help.
45:28 So a doctor, an ER doctor, a friend of ours,
45:30 Dr. Michael Darson got with some friends
45:33 and one of those friends happened to be Brock,
45:35 our Bible worker,
45:37 and he started to talking to the students,
45:38 zero money, zero anything.
45:42 The students started praying,
45:45 any time that they would come into an issue,
45:48 they would get together and they would pray.
45:50 Money started coming in.
45:51 Before the end, every person that went,
45:54 their tickets were funded
45:56 and they had money to go on the trip.
45:57 Praise God. Yeah, it was amazing.
45:59 It was a miracle and--
46:00 Oh, but I am just thinking how wonderful,
46:03 what an experience for young people
46:05 to learn this that God is your source.
46:07 It is.
46:09 And they still talk about it today.
46:10 It's amazing.
46:11 Well, one of the things that happen was,
46:13 they came in and their plane was late.
46:15 And I don't know if you know anything
46:17 about traveling through China,
46:18 but they're very strict and they got late
46:20 and their temporary visa was expired.
46:23 So they were coming in through customs,
46:26 my daughter got wished through
46:27 and then they stopped the rest of the group
46:29 and they took them to holding somewhere
46:32 and they were giving them a bad time.
46:34 It was Christmas day and one of the staff said,
46:36 "You know what lets just sing Christmas songs,"
46:38 so they started singing Christmas songs,
46:40 it changed the whole demeanor of everybody in there,
46:43 they apologized to them, they gave them all gifts,
46:45 they escorted them, they held the plane,
46:47 they all got on the plane and they made it to Myanmar.
46:49 How wonderful! It was amazing.
46:52 Yeah, that would be a trip that they will be talking about
46:56 for the rest of their lives.
46:57 My daughter still talks about it today.
46:59 Amen.
47:00 And so, she uses those examples,
47:01 she uses those experiences.
47:03 She texted me today, she said, "Dad, we're praying for you."
47:05 Amen.
47:07 It's precious to see when young people
47:09 have developed that passion for prayer
47:12 and they know the value of the prayer of faith
47:14 and that's the beauty of what you're imparting
47:16 and I know you.
47:18 I just want to thank you both
47:19 because I know your hearts are filled with passion and zeal
47:21 for these young ones
47:23 and they're imparting not just an academic education
47:27 but they are imparting the truth of the Bible
47:29 that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life,"
47:32 and that "if you know the truth, it'll set you free."
47:35 So they're doing everything from a biblical basis.
47:37 And these children are learning truly
47:40 what Christ-like character.
47:44 And then you've got the wonderful
47:46 physical element involved in there
47:49 where you are teaching them truly to--
47:53 A good work ethic.
47:56 You might want to look at sending your child there
47:58 this coming year, it begins in August.
48:00 So now what we're going to do before we go to news break
48:03 is we would like to have another song
48:06 with Stephanie Dawn.
48:07 But this time she is going to sing a duet
48:10 with our own Pastor John Lomacang.
48:12 And they're going to sing, "Touch your people."
48:31 We need wisdom we need power
48:36 And true love for each other
48:39 We have had so many big but empty words
48:46 So we come before Your face
48:51 Asking for Your grace
48:54 Bring Your people to a state of kingdom life
49:01 Restore Your church again
49:08 Touch Your people once again
49:15 With Your precious holy hand
49:20 We pray
49:22 Let Your kingdom shine upon this earth
49:28 Through a living glorious church
49:35 Not for temporary deeds
49:41 But to restore authority and power
49:48 Let a mighty rushing wind
49:52 Blow in
49:57 Touch your people once again
50:13 Lord You see Your tired servants
50:18 And Your broken wounded soldiers
50:22 Oh how much we need Your precious healing hand
50:29 We need the power of the cross
50:34 As the only source for us
50:37 When we stand up facing final battle cry
50:44 Restore your church again
50:51 Touch Your people once again
50:58 With Your precious Holy Hand
51:03 We pray
51:05 Let Your kingdom shine upon this earth
51:11 Through a living glorious church
51:18 Not for temporary deeds
51:24 But to restore authority and power
51:31 Let a mighty rushing wind
51:35 Blow in
51:41 Touch your people once again
51:47 Let a mighty rushing wind
51:52 Blow in
51:57 Touch your people once again.


Revised 2016-07-11