3ABN Today

Faith for Family

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Stewart Pepper & Tim Bailey & Pastor Anthony


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016046A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:09 My name is CA Murray,
01:11 and allow me once again to thank you,
01:12 for sharing just a little
01:14 of your no doubt busy day with us,
01:16 to thank you also for your love,
01:17 your prayers, your support of this ministry.
01:19 When we say that,
01:20 it is not something that we say by rote,
01:22 we realize that we could not do
01:24 what we are called to do without your partnership.
01:26 So we do thank you for your prayers
01:28 and your support of 3ABN ye these past 31 years.
01:32 I'm excited about today's program,
01:34 for a number of reasons.
01:35 One, it is a subject area that fascinates me.
01:38 And two, we've got three distinguished gentlemen here,
01:41 to talk about this subject
01:43 from the Pennsylvania Conference.
01:44 These are men of standing and stature both
01:49 and they're talking about something that
01:51 that calls for every member involvement.
01:54 And when we talk about getting out of the churches
01:56 and into the streets to do the work of God,
01:58 that excites me thoroughly
01:59 and that's what these brethren are going to be talking about.
02:02 I have with me today, Pastor Anthony Crawford,
02:05 he of the Williamsport Seventh-day Adventist Church.
02:08 Pastor, good to have you here.
02:09 Good to be. Yeah.
02:10 And in the middle, the head guy,
02:13 he is the ministerial director
02:14 of the Pennsylvania Conference is Tim Bailey,
02:17 Tim, good to have you here.
02:18 Thank you very much.
02:19 And he looks rather Professor,
02:21 I think it's a little beard here
02:22 that does it.
02:24 He got to be teaching a class.
02:25 And on the last but not least, Pastor Stewart Pepper,
02:27 Pastor, good to have you here.
02:28 He of the Pittsburgh Seventh-day Adventist Church,
02:32 I went to school, college
02:34 before I transit went Oakwood
02:36 in western Pennsylvania on a basketball scholarship.
02:40 It's not one of my brighter days,
02:41 I broke my ankle twice playing ball on the Sabbath.
02:44 And my pastor said,
02:45 "You know, you're gonna break your neck one of these days,
02:47 so Lord will keep you from breaking your neck
02:49 unless you break your ankle."
02:50 I got the message and I transferred
02:51 and behaved myself.
02:53 Amen, praise God.
02:54 I know that area of the state
02:55 that we're gonna be talking about by default.
02:57 But these are, first of all they're witty guys,
02:59 these are guys that love the Lord,
03:01 bring a certain humor with them,
03:02 but I think they're very serious
03:04 about our subject matter.
03:05 Because it is one that
03:07 the church in general needs to be involved in.
03:09 And I don't know exactly where
03:11 and when do we'll talk about that this came.
03:13 But it is something that the church is gonna be doing
03:15 and you may want to replicate this in your church.
03:18 Certainly, they're gonna need some assistance from you,
03:19 so I'm gonna give you the punch line even now,
03:21 we're gonna be asking you to help them in this
03:23 because it's a big effort
03:25 and it's something that
03:26 really could sweep the nation as it were to do great things
03:29 for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
03:30 Pastor, I want to talk with you first,
03:32 Pastor Anthony if I may.
03:33 You are from where originally?
03:35 Originally, I was born in Indiana.
03:38 But a little accent maybe from Texas.
03:41 My wife is from Texas, and so I spent many of my years
03:45 growing up in Texas,
03:46 so a little bit that I picked up.
03:48 And then, I was lucky enough
03:50 to go to Southern Adventist University,
03:53 graduated from there
03:54 and took a call down to Florida.
03:57 And so I spent probably about nine years,
04:00 almost ten years in Florida.
04:02 And then lucky enough to be called to Pennsylvania.
04:06 And have been pastoring there for about the last five years.
04:08 Okay, I thought I heard little something I said,
04:10 that's not Indiana,
04:12 a little bit of Texas is still there.
04:14 Little bit of Texas is still in there.
04:16 That's not an Indiana accent.
04:18 Adventist home obviously?
04:19 Adventist home. Growing up?
04:21 Growing up, with my mother and father,
04:24 they were active in the church.
04:26 My father is still very active in his church
04:29 as a head elder much to my...
04:33 They got divorced when I was about ten.
04:36 But both of them,
04:37 my mother was out of the church for almost 18 years.
04:41 Broke my heart, I remember in the academy
04:43 I was sitting there and I read in scripture
04:47 where it's so hard for someone that once knew the truth
04:50 to come back and spent three days weeping
04:53 because this is where my mother was
04:56 and I begin to pray for her
05:00 and just before becoming a pastor,
05:04 I lay pastor for about ten years,
05:06 and the Indiana Conference was kind enough to allow me
05:10 to re-baptize my mother after 18 years.
05:13 And she is back in the church
05:15 heavily active in her church down in Florida
05:18 and I just praise God for the parents that he gave me
05:22 that led me to the truth and encourage me
05:25 and have been there for my entire life.
05:27 Let me ask this pastor, when did,
05:29 it's one thing to be growing up in an Adventist home
05:30 do the Adventist school thing,
05:32 but it's another to move into
05:35 frontline ministry as, as a pastor.
05:37 When did that call come on your life?
05:39 That call came in 2000,
05:42 I was lay pastoring a church district in Texas,
05:47 in the Texaco Conference and the district came open
05:51 and I talked to our conference president
05:53 about taking that over
05:54 and I was in a fulltime employment
05:58 and doing lay pastoring in Florida Church District.
06:00 And, and he said, "You know,
06:01 we really want you to go back to school."
06:04 And for me that was like man, I'm not sure at my age,
06:07 I want to go back to school.
06:08 And so my wife and I,
06:10 we prayed about it for almost a year.
06:14 And I finally made a call, and I said,
06:17 "You know God, I really need to know
06:18 what you want me to do.
06:20 Which school you want me to do?"
06:22 And so I actually called every one of our colleges up.
06:25 And I said, "I need an application
06:29 to go into theology."
06:32 And I we talked about it silently to the Lord,
06:36 and I said, "Lord, whichever one comes back first
06:40 is the school I'll go to."
06:42 And we went to the post office
06:46 and there was Southern's application.
06:50 And that was the only one that came for almost two weeks,
06:54 and one day we walked into the post office
06:57 and the postmaster came and said,
06:58 "We're so sorry,
07:00 somehow all of these got caught up
07:03 and we need to deliver him."
07:04 And those were the applications from the other colleges,
07:06 and so we packed up sold our house,
07:10 sold everything,
07:11 I had a six year old daughter at the time.
07:13 And we headed to Southern
07:17 to finish my degree in theology,
07:19 did that in two years
07:21 and by God's grace then received the call to...
07:23 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
07:24 I mean to Florida.
07:25 I guess you're happy that Walla Walla
07:27 wasn't the first one in the box, is it?
07:28 Yeah.
07:29 By God's grace, by God's grace.
07:32 Tim where you from originally?
07:34 Well, I was born in Cleveland, Ohio
07:37 to a steelworker's home
07:39 and I grew up somewhat on the streets of Cleveland.
07:43 And that was kind of a mixed bag because...
07:46 Was that an Adventist home or no?
07:48 It was, it was an Adventist home
07:50 but when you're in the inner city
07:52 and all your friends,
07:55 they participate in a lot of activities
07:57 it's not sanctioned by Christian home
07:59 that becomes challenging at times.
08:03 When did the call for you for ministry come?
08:05 How did it come?
08:06 Well, I my, my childhood was very good,
08:10 I had a very loving father and mother
08:12 who trained me up in the way I should go.
08:15 And I wavered from that,
08:18 I wandered with some of the street kids
08:20 for some time but,
08:22 I had a unique conversion experience
08:25 and I believe it was a total experience
08:29 completely that night when I gave my heart to Lord,
08:31 because the Lord really spoke to my heart.
08:33 I remembered a prayer my mother had prayed with me
08:36 as a little boy on her lap
08:38 as she read Uncle Arthur's Bible stories to me.
08:41 And we would pray God bless the missionaries
08:43 and the colporteurs.
08:44 And I, I couldn't be a missionary,
08:46 I knew I wasn't qualified to that,
08:47 but I didn't know what a colporteur was.
08:50 And I committed to it that night
08:51 when I gave my heart to Lord.
08:53 I went to the conference office the next day,
08:55 and signed up to be a literature evangelist.
08:58 It was in that experience as the Lord blessed me
09:01 the affirmation from others kept telling me go to college,
09:05 become a minister.
09:07 We see some gifts in you.
09:09 And that journey was over 30 years ago,
09:11 and I haven't turned back since.
09:12 Praise God. Praise God.
09:14 Praise God.
09:15 You are as a ministerial director
09:17 we call the pastor's pastor.
09:19 How many pastors are there in the Pennsylvania Conference?
09:22 We currently have 40 pastors and 25 lay pastors.
09:25 It's interesting, one week ago, we had 14 lay pastors.
09:29 We have aggressive lay pastor training program
09:33 where we graduated 25, 29 lay pastor
09:37 but for 16 more we added two so now,
09:41 we have additional lay pastor team.
09:45 We're really trying to have the goal
09:47 of having a lay pastor
09:49 and aggressive active lay pastor
09:52 in every single church in the Pennsylvania Conference,
09:55 in every single church.
09:56 That is a worthy goal.
09:58 Pastor Pepper, Pastor Stewart.
10:00 Where you from originally?
10:02 West Virginia. Okay.
10:03 Nobody, traveled to too far you're all kind of...
10:08 I was born and raised in Parkersburg.
10:10 Adventist home growing up?
10:11 My mother was an Adventist, I did from third grade on
10:14 I was in Adventist education and spent most of my life
10:19 just living in West Virginia 17 years though
10:22 there was an interlude after I got married.
10:24 We immediately moved over to Hagerstown, Maryland.
10:27 My wife was a schoolteacher in West Virginia,
10:29 and we moved to Hagerstown, Maryland.
10:31 And I worked for 17 years in the bindery
10:34 at the Review and Herald Publishing Association.
10:37 So that was, that was the beginning of my work.
10:40 Really I guess, I was a literature evangelist
10:42 for a year and a half before that but my...
10:44 the beginning of my work in the church
10:46 was for the Review and Herald Publishing Association.
10:47 Yeah.
10:48 I have great respect for literature ministry.
10:50 I can't do it, I tried.
10:51 When we were in school,
10:53 you had to do a summer vacation to do literature stuff.
10:55 It's not like I have great respect.
10:57 They're people who put families through school, selling books
11:00 and my thin skin is too thin and I'm too easily, you know,
11:05 that my rejection thing is too low, I can't.
11:09 Low threshold.
11:10 Yeah, low threshold,
11:12 either you slam the door at my face,
11:13 I'm ready to go home and cry again, I can't do it.
11:15 But there are those who can, I have great respect because,
11:16 it is you talk about
11:18 a faith walk in the faith ministry.
11:19 Right.
11:20 Every day you got to get up strap it on,
11:22 and get out and hit the bricks train.
11:23 I have a great respect for people.
11:25 And I think it makes a special kind of
11:26 empathetic minister who has done that,
11:29 because it's a faith walk, it really is.
11:31 It gives you the never give up mentality.
11:33 Very much so. Right.
11:35 Very much so, I tried it.
11:36 If someone gives me a sob story,
11:37 he'll take the book,
11:39 we've got to pay for that book you know.
11:41 That kind of thing.
11:43 I want to go to our music, I want to get back,
11:44 come back and go right into the ministry
11:46 and spend the rest of my time doing that,
11:47 now we kind of know a little bit who you are.
11:49 Our music today is coming from someone
11:52 who I had the privileging of baptizing 30 plus years ago.
11:55 There's a doctor Yvonne Lewis,
11:56 she's going to be singing In Christ Alone.
12:16 In Christ alone my hope is found
12:21 He is my light, my strength, my song
12:26 This Cornerstone, this solid ground
12:32 Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
12:37 What heights of love, what depths of peace
12:42 When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
12:47 My Comforter, my All in All
12:53 Here in the love of Christ I stand
13:05 In Christ alone!
13:08 Who took on flesh
13:11 Fullness of God in helpless babe!
13:16 This gift of love and righteousness
13:21 Scorned by the ones he came to save:
13:26 Till on that cross as Jesus died
13:31 The wrath of God was satisfied
13:37 For every sin on Him was laid
13:42 Here in the death of Christ I live
13:59 Oh, oh.
14:08 There in the ground His body lay
14:14 Light of the world by darkness slain:
14:18 Then bursting forth in glorious Day
14:24 Up from the grave he rose again!
14:29 And as He stands in victory
14:34 Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
14:39 For I am His and He is mine
14:45 Bought with the precious blood of Christ
14:58 No guilt in life, no fear in death
15:03 This is the power of Christ in me
15:08 From life's first cry to final breath
15:14 Jesus commands my destiny
15:18 No power of hell, no scheme of man
15:24 Can ever pluck me from His hand
15:32 Till He returns to take me home
15:37 Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
15:42 No power of hell, no scheme of man
15:47 Can ever pluck me
15:50 From His hand
15:58 Here in the power
16:00 Of Christ
16:06 I'll stand
16:20 Thank you, Yvonne Lewis, well done.
16:22 I have with me today in the studio,
16:24 Stewart Pepper, Tim Bailey, Pastor Anthony Crawford,
16:28 they all of the Pennsylvania Conference.
16:30 Gentlemen, I want to jump right into the ministry
16:31 because the ministry is called Faith for Family and,
16:36 and I think I'll just start off with you Tim,
16:38 because it grew out of the Pope's visit in 2015.
16:43 So sort of walk us through
16:44 the genesis of the ministry and then where we're going.
16:45 Yeah.
16:47 We had an opportunity that was laid in our laps,
16:49 it's just unbelievable that
16:50 the Pope was coming to Philadelphia.
16:53 Someone said, "Oh,
16:55 are you in supporting the Pope's visit."
16:57 And I...
16:58 the comment over and over was,
17:00 "Look, when the twin towers were hit back a few years ago,
17:03 I held an evangelist meeting about ten weeks later,
17:07 because I wanted to ride
17:08 the wave of enthusiasm and excitement
17:11 towards anything that will lead to Jesus,
17:13 and that does not mean that I support terrorism,
17:15 because I held an evangelistic meeting after that."
17:19 And we did, we took an opportunity,
17:21 the Pope coming to Philadelphia.
17:23 And we organized a program,
17:24 it was on September 12th of last year.
17:28 We trained over 750 individuals to give Bible studies.
17:33 And we were hoping that on September 12th,
17:35 our church members will show up
17:36 and they would go out in strong forces and they did.
17:40 The expectations were far beyond
17:42 what we can even imagine.
17:44 On September 12th, 1,120 Seventh-day Adventists
17:50 went on the streets of Philadelphia and Reading.
17:53 Over the next three weeks, we had over 3,000 individuals
17:57 proclaim the good news of Jesus' soon return.
18:00 As a result, we had started the process
18:04 and we had 120 small groups
18:06 that the individuals went door to door knocking
18:09 would funnel into as they were interested.
18:12 Eighteen evangelistic series in the culmination.
18:15 By the end of November, we had 102 baptisms,
18:20 and by March of the following year,
18:22 we were able to trace 156 individuals
18:28 that joined the church from that day knocking on doors.
18:30 Perfect, now when you say,
18:32 they hit the streets and knocked on doors.
18:33 Where they giving away something,
18:34 encouraging people to sign up for something?
18:36 Kind of walk us through what they were doing?
18:37 Yes. That's a good question.
18:39 We were dreaming big and actually
18:43 we had printed three quarters of million glow tracks.
18:47 A quarter million Bible study door hangers that simply said,
18:52 "We have something for you,
18:54 would you be interested in signing up?"
18:56 We tried to talk in pray
18:58 with the many individuals as we could.
19:00 We signed them up on the, on the process.
19:03 But if they weren't there, we left a door hanger,
19:05 and we overreached a little bit,
19:07 we didn't get that
19:08 million pieces of literature out that day.
19:10 But our church members
19:12 without asking volunteered at the end
19:14 and they rallied together and said,
19:16 "We're going to keep this up
19:17 until we give them all distributed."
19:19 And in the next three weeks they passed out
19:21 a million pieces of literature in that territory.
19:24 And that wasn't the end of it,
19:26 because I come from the Mountain View Conference
19:28 which is West Virginia.
19:30 One of our young men that went up to Philadelphia,
19:32 I had no knowledge of it whatsoever at the time.
19:34 He went up and helped pass out those glow tracks
19:37 and he came back to West Virginia,
19:38 and it was like he started a movement,
19:40 he called me up,
19:41 I was pastoring the Charleston Church.
19:42 He called me up and he said,
19:44 "Hey! Can I put a program on in your church?"
19:46 We ordered 8000 just in Charleston
19:49 and many more in a Ripley churches I pastored,
19:52 tens of thousands of glow tracks have gone out
19:55 all over the Mountain View Conference.,
19:57 all because of the project in Philadelphia.
19:59 So it's not just a one time thing.
20:02 The enthusiasm spread to places
20:04 that didn't even know it was going on.
20:06 So it was so exciting for us.
20:07 Now you saw then, Tim,
20:08 you saw a line from hitting the streets
20:11 almost directly to the baptismal pool that was a,
20:13 you know, not a straight line
20:15 but certainly there was connection.
20:17 There was a...
20:18 We did this and we got this.
20:20 So what did that say to you about involvement
20:22 and about the future plans of this program
20:24 as far as mission is concerned?
20:25 Well, I believe that God's church needs
20:27 total member involvement.
20:29 That is imperative
20:30 and so we saw such a great success.
20:34 Let me just say this, CA,
20:35 that we spent less on this project financially
20:39 than most people will spend
20:41 by calling in evangelism and paying for them to come.
20:44 Yeah.
20:45 Out of that 156, let me tell you,
20:48 they are not only involved in the church.
20:51 We have one of the individuals
20:52 who is already the personal ministry director.
20:55 And the tithe has increased
20:57 in one of the churches that we went to
20:58 as a result of this by 25 percent.
21:01 Yeah.
21:03 Because the activeness of the membership.
21:05 So you get all this unintended collateral stuff going on,
21:08 that's just a direct response to getting out
21:10 and getting used by the Spirit of God.
21:12 Here's what one church member said to me.
21:15 "Pastor Tim, it's about time.
21:19 I thought that we were going to receive some, some pushback,
21:22 oh, you're asking us to get out of our comfort zone,
21:25 we don't want to do all this.
21:26 This is too much work far from the truth."
21:30 The interest has been so great
21:33 that we're not only doing it again,
21:35 but we have other regions of the conference already saying,
21:38 "When are you coming to our church."
21:39 Yeah. Yeah.
21:41 Here's that I know you discovered because,
21:42 I discovered that in my ministry,
21:43 my first evangelistic crusade,
21:45 I think I brought it in for a budget about $3000.
21:48 My last one was 15 times that, you know,
21:51 to do evangelism the classical way
21:54 is just get more expensive
21:56 and the yield is going down per dollar.
21:58 You know it is, but when you get people out on the street,
22:01 your overhead is lower and your yield is higher.
22:05 You may not get this big rush of people
22:07 and then you may you know,
22:09 but certainly it's more efficient
22:10 and if is a more efficient way to spend, to spend the money.
22:13 And the church members have grown as a result.
22:15 Yeah.
22:16 We have greater attendance, greater participation,
22:18 tithe has increased and why?
22:21 Because there's active passionate ministry going on,
22:25 you can't, you can't do that without having a changed life.
22:28 Yeah. Yeah.
22:31 Arthur, how did you get involved in this whole deal?
22:34 Because I want to, I want to ask
22:35 and I think I ask a pastor
22:36 rather than a ministerial director,
22:38 was it a hard sell or does the brethren buy into this
22:40 without a lot of prodding?
22:42 Well, you know, the interesting thing is
22:44 when this was introduced this is going to happen
22:46 in Philadelphia in the Reading area.
22:48 Well, my church is about two and a half hours
22:51 to three hours away from Philly.
22:55 And so I got up, and I pitched to my church
22:59 and I said, "You know, we really need to do this."
23:01 In fact, we cut church short that day,
23:05 loaded up in cars and we went to Reading.
23:11 We had over 20 of my members
23:13 come from my church two and a half hours come in.
23:15 When we got there it was pouring down rain.
23:19 We're not talking sprinkling,
23:21 we're talking the, the heavens were open
23:25 and some people were thinking about building an ark.
23:28 And, and my church members
23:30 when we walked through the door of that church in Reading,
23:34 and those members in Reading seeing people
23:36 that came from a distance to support them,
23:39 the mood in the church just totally changed
23:42 and they became excited as we loaded up in cars
23:46 umbrellas in hand.
23:47 Yeah.
23:48 Rain gear in hand,
23:50 because we were not going to allow the devil
23:51 to take away what God had already started.
23:54 And my church members coming back,
23:57 we came back to the church and people were excited.
24:00 And it was just a huge lift from my church
24:03 and they are ready to go ahead and do it again.
24:06 And going to the other side of the state to make it happen,
24:10 and so God has just bless, you know,
24:12 you always have people they're like, oh, well,
24:14 why are we doing this or you know.
24:16 Yeah.
24:17 They start thinking about themselves.
24:19 But as we did this,
24:21 it began to change the mentality
24:23 that we are a team.
24:26 God has called us to be involved
24:28 in finishing the gospel message.
24:31 And how much better is it to go to a city
24:35 when we bring everybody with us,
24:36 how much more territory that we can cover
24:39 than the local churches could take years to cover.
24:42 We can cover all at one time
24:44 and have the gospel message go forth
24:45 because we want that as Tim said,
24:48 that total member involvement of bringing everybody in
24:51 because when people work for the Lord,
24:53 they are blessed above and beyond
24:55 what they could ever think or imagine.
24:56 Amen. Amen.
24:58 So we are taking our show on the road
24:59 and that means is of course going west.
25:01 Obviously, these two worthy gentlemen
25:04 who sit beside you, Tim, bought into it.
25:06 Amen.
25:08 But here's what Adventist do.
25:09 Adventist get up on Saturday morning,
25:11 depending on a motivation they come to Sabbath school,
25:13 if not they come for 11 o'clock service.
25:16 And then they go back home.
25:17 So to break them out of that habit can be tough.
25:22 We know that your, your ministerial core
25:25 bought into it and obviously, your church bought it.
25:30 Did you, did it catch fire?
25:31 Did it hit any kind of critical mass
25:33 as far as the members are concerned
25:35 across the conference?
25:37 It did, it not only caught across the conference,
25:40 we had some of our churches,
25:42 actually a couple of our ministers
25:44 who had a harder time
25:46 because they weren't real eager to do door to door.
25:50 Were wondering do I really have to come.
25:52 But interestingly enough those are some of the ministers
25:55 who got the most involved afterwards.
25:57 In fact, in several of our churches,
26:00 they went back
26:01 and we ordered additional material,
26:03 in fact, three of our larger churches,
26:06 they went back
26:07 and they replicated this process
26:10 in their church of their own
26:12 without any additional help from us.
26:14 I had a ministerial
26:16 and personal ministry department
26:17 from another conference
26:19 call up about a month after we finished it and they said,
26:23 "Would you send us all your material
26:25 how to organize and structure this."
26:27 We sent it to them and they,
26:29 they blanketed one city of about three million
26:31 with the same type of process is the way.
26:35 I want to talk about exactly what the initiative is
26:38 for the West but before I do that.
26:39 I want to talk to the two pastors
26:43 and ask just so that our members,
26:45 our viewers can,
26:46 can hear this out of your mouth.
26:48 What does active membership
26:51 active participation and evangelism
26:53 do for the spiritual life of a church?
26:57 Well, I think it's revolutionary when,
27:00 when members become involved, they start forgetting about
27:04 what color we should paint the sanctuary or,
27:07 or what the flowers or the weeds that are in there
27:10 and who should have been pulling them out
27:11 and those things.
27:13 And their focus turns from self
27:15 to what the gospel has asked us to do
27:18 which is go out and make disciples.
27:19 Yeah.
27:21 And for my church
27:24 I live in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
27:27 Williamsport, Pennsylvania is noted
27:31 for the Little League World Series.
27:34 The Williamsport Church has been there
27:36 for over 100 years.
27:39 We've had a school in that town for over 100 years.
27:42 Very few people even know what an Adventist is.
27:46 And because of the excitement that's been caused,
27:49 our church is dedicated this year
27:52 for the first time in over 100 years
27:54 to be in the Little League World Series parade
27:58 that happens just before.
27:59 Over 40,000 people come to our town
28:03 and this is the first time
28:04 that we are actually joining that and I truly believe
28:07 it's because the membership,
28:08 because of this has begin to think
28:11 outside of self and go.
28:12 We got a mission to do.
28:14 And let's do it together and to go in spots
28:18 where we can reach the most people possible
28:20 and so I see it is just
28:22 dynamically moving things forward
28:24 our school has continued to grow.
28:27 I pastor at three church districts in a school.
28:30 And our school has continued to grow,
28:32 the outreach ministries are growing
28:34 and people just become more and more on fire
28:37 when they see souls coming through the door
28:40 and seeing those things.
28:41 And so God has just blessed in abundance
28:43 and already talking about, I met with my church board.
28:48 And I brought this up
28:49 and several of my church members
28:51 I said, "You know, I really think we should do
28:53 something as a church not just as individuals
28:55 but as church financially donate to this
28:59 because of the condition of the churches out west
29:01 not all of them you know
29:03 we have some churches that only have eight members.
29:05 And so one of my board members, you know, I was hoping well,
29:10 maybe we might do about maybe 5,000 God be...
29:14 And I had one church member said,
29:16 "Well, you know,
29:18 I was thinking more like eight or ten."
29:20 You know so God was just working on their heart,
29:22 because of stuff that they had seen happen
29:24 in Philadelphia when we went there.
29:26 Excellent!
29:27 Pastor Stewart, same kind of response in, in your church?
29:30 Well, I'm brand new in Pittsburgh.
29:32 Actually Ray called me up,
29:33 Ray Hartwell is the president of the Pennsylvania Conference
29:35 and he called me up,
29:37 because I did evangelism down in West Virginia
29:39 and Maryland, Mountain View Conference.
29:41 And he said,
29:42 "Would you be interested in coming to Pittsburgh."
29:44 And I said, "No", and he said, "Well, would you consider it."
29:48 And so when I saw the need that was there and I think
29:51 we'll be talking about that need
29:52 a little later in the interview,
29:54 but when I saw the need that was there
29:55 and I realized how desperate it was.
29:57 I, I got excited about this, it was like.
29:59 Man, there's just so much that we can do
30:03 with such a big marketplace like Pittsburgh and Erie,
30:05 and some of these other towns
30:06 that are fairly decent sized towns.
30:09 There are so much marketplace and so few Adventists
30:12 as we'll see as we go on, that I got excited
30:16 and I know that my church was already being put on board
30:19 before I even got there.
30:20 I've actually been there for just a few weeks now.
30:23 So I was actually called in
30:26 to be a part of Faith for Family,
30:28 so that's why I am there.
30:29 Flame has led, your job is to keep it fanning,
30:31 kept it fanning, you put fuel on the side,
30:32 yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
30:34 Pastor Tim, ministerial director
30:35 we talk about going west,
30:37 we're talking about western Pennsylvania.
30:38 You have seen now that knocking on doors,
30:41 kind of doing it the old fashioned way
30:43 rubber meets the road,
30:44 boots on the ground kind of thing
30:46 still works in 2016.
30:48 So we're going west
30:50 we're expanding faith for the family.
30:52 Walk us through what your plans are
30:54 and where you're going now?
30:55 Well, first in I want to say that
30:57 our vision is to hit every single city
31:01 in the entire Pennsylvania Conference.
31:03 This year we're focusing on
31:05 these major cities of Pittsburgh
31:07 and Erie and this thing.
31:08 Our mission is total member involvement
31:11 because we need, we need their help.
31:14 And so our call is that we want every member to help
31:18 and we want to hear the response
31:19 you can count on me.
31:21 That's kind of some buzzwords that we are really emphasizing
31:24 and so far our membership has not disappointed us.
31:27 Amen.
31:29 So we now have other regions of the conference saying,
31:32 "When is it our turn.
31:33 When is it our turn."
31:35 So we're really focusing on Western Pennsylvania,
31:37 because we have 23 churches,
31:40 15 of which are actively involved
31:43 in a covenant contract,
31:44 they're all 23 involved in some way.
31:47 But 15 have signed a contract
31:49 under business session saying that,
31:51 we've started a prayer ministry.
31:54 We're actively praying every single day
31:56 and we have intentionality,
31:58 we are responding with spiritual revival.
32:02 We are going to participate in Bible studies.
32:05 We are going to participate in evangelism.
32:08 We're going to do everything within our power
32:10 and we're putting in financially.
32:13 So we have a good start
32:15 with these churches in this region.
32:17 Okay.
32:18 You know one of the photographs that we have
32:20 we just wrapped up camp meeting.
32:22 And we set up a booth, we had a family fun day.
32:26 And so the community was invited
32:29 and the church members, we combine Pathfinder day
32:32 and everything all together, there was vendors everywhere.
32:35 And Faith For Family had a booth
32:37 and what we offered was family photos.
32:40 And people to sign up to be ready to go out
32:43 to the western part of P.A. and make a difference.
32:46 And there's about four photos on there
32:49 and when we look at those photos.
32:51 There are people that are holding up signs,
32:53 they have buttons on,
32:54 we have shirts made and this is, you know,
32:57 Faith and Family I mean FaithForFamily.org
33:00 And so, they're wearing these,
33:03 they're getting out of their community.
33:05 We ask them to take those buttons
33:07 and put them somewhere
33:09 where they will see him everyday
33:11 because we realize that we can do all the prep work,
33:15 we can sign contracts, we can motivate people.
33:18 But without the Holy Spirit going before us,
33:22 and making an impact on people,
33:23 we don't have a chance to be successful.
33:25 Yeah.
33:26 And we know that we live
33:28 in the major part of the great controversy.
33:31 We are nearing the end of time
33:32 and the devil is trying to do everything he can
33:34 and so we need prayer warriors, not only our church members,
33:37 we're hoping that the 3ABN viewers
33:40 will join us in that prayer ministry
33:42 of praying for the Holy Spirit to drive back Satan
33:47 and his evil angels to get us into doors
33:50 for people will be convicted that families will be changed,
33:53 because part of the title is the fact
33:55 that we realize that in today's society
33:57 the devil is attacking families.
33:59 Very much so
34:01 I mean, and so we're asking, you know,
34:03 we're trying to put out literature
34:04 that's going to help marriages stay together.
34:07 We're putting out literature.
34:09 We're hoping, and hopefully this will cause
34:11 some schools to be opened in the western part of P.A.
34:14 Where we've closed almost all of those,
34:16 we have no schools now in the western part of P.A.
34:19 Which just breaks our heart, and so we're hoping by this
34:22 that this Faith and Family movement
34:23 will help do those things,
34:25 bring people to the gospel message.
34:28 And that we will have that total member involvement,
34:31 I really appreciate the fact
34:33 that some of the things that we learned
34:36 in the first initiative was that maybe we should do
34:39 a little more prep and a little more after.
34:42 And so by God's grace,
34:44 we have hired nine Bible workers
34:48 to be in that part of P.A.
34:50 not only before the meeting start,
34:53 but we've actually employed them
34:56 to be there afterwards
34:58 because we want those that are coming in to not go.
35:03 Well, my job is to come and sit and fill the pew.
35:06 But we want them to be trained
35:08 to go out and give Bible studies
35:11 to their neighbors, to their families,
35:13 to their friends.
35:14 So the next region that we do Faith For Family in,
35:19 we're hoping that our numbers by God's grace,
35:22 we're believing that God's gonna come through
35:24 that those numbers will double and triple,
35:27 because these people will be bringing more people
35:30 into the church by being trained
35:32 and we're just praying for God to deliver there in big way.
35:35 Praise the Lord.
35:36 Tim, I got to...
35:37 sort of pushing just a little bit
35:39 because you're asking the membership to step
35:42 way outside of what is not they're no more confident.
35:46 You're asking people to get up from where you are
35:48 and come and help another congregation
35:51 or several congregations in another part of the state.
35:55 A couple of questions occurred to me.
35:56 Is, is Western Pennsylvania much tougher than the East?
36:00 Has it just not had this kind of initiative before?
36:05 Let's wrestle with that and then and then
36:07 we'll move in some other stuff.
36:08 We'll just put a little perspective,
36:10 in the 1040 window
36:11 which we know two thirds of the world lives in.
36:14 There's one Adventist for every 1,600 people
36:17 1,600 some people.
36:19 In Western P.A.
36:21 there's one Adventist for every 5,000 individuals.
36:25 In fact, in the greater Pittsburgh area
36:27 there's one Adventist for every 12,000 individuals.
36:30 Yeah.
36:32 Now, we want to be very careful to say that
36:34 we've tried a lot of things in the past
36:37 but obviously, they haven't quite worked,
36:40 maybe it's not the right time
36:42 and we don't know all those reasons.
36:44 But we know one thing,
36:46 that is relationship and discipleship
36:48 and a total member involvement that God is asking for.
36:52 And so we are already we're experiencing growth.
36:57 I had one of the pastors tell me
36:59 just last week for the first time in 20 years.
37:04 My members are totally involved in this project.
37:07 I see a lifestyle change.
37:09 One of the elderly ladies stood up
37:11 couple of weeks ago in his church and she said,
37:15 "I'm out witnessing for the first time
37:17 in my entire 50 years in the church
37:20 and the Holy Spirit I think put words in my mouth."
37:24 Amen
37:25 See you like people say things like that,
37:27 you do, yeah, yeah.
37:28 It's exciting. Yeah.
37:29 So, so we just, you know, Ellen White says it that
37:34 right before Jesus come,
37:35 there will be armies of not only youth
37:38 but individuals going door to door
37:40 proclaiming the good news
37:41 and that's an inspiration to us.
37:43 And guess what?
37:45 Our church members are not opposing it.
37:48 They're, they're saying it's about time pastor.
37:51 We want to be involved.
37:52 In fact, we have 11,000, approximately 11,000 membership
37:57 in the Pennsylvania Conference already
38:00 just as we're kicking off this initiative.
38:03 We have almost 1000 individuals registered to go out West.
38:07 Amen.
38:08 In Western Pennsylvania, but guess what?
38:10 We're here because we realize that's not enough.
38:14 We need.
38:15 We're not we're not proud here.
38:18 We'll take your help.
38:21 We will take your help from England.
38:23 We'll take your help from California,
38:26 who ever can help us out,
38:28 we are in desperate need,
38:30 these little dying churches need everybody.
38:34 So you actively soliciting help from across the conference
38:37 and outside of the conference for this initiative.
38:39 And I see, I see your, your buddy over there
38:41 is about ready to explode.
38:42 Listen to the scope of what he's saying
38:44 you've heard the statistics.
38:46 We've got over 1000 people signed up now,
38:49 and we know there's going to be more coming
38:50 as the momentum grows.
38:52 But in Western P.A,
38:53 now there's a 11,000 people in the whole P.A.
38:55 Conference Pennsylvania Conference.
38:57 But in Western P.A. there's only 1,300 members.
39:01 Only 1300 members
39:03 we're gonna have more people coming to help us.
39:04 Yes.
39:05 Then we have members. That's exciting.
39:07 That is just a huge, it's a very exciting.
39:10 CA, I think, I think another unique factor in this is
39:13 because, you know a lot of times we send our kids off
39:16 to the academy or whatever else,
39:19 and we're wondering what's gonna happen,
39:20 and we've had academy shut down and those kind of things.
39:23 But Blue Mountain Academy,
39:25 when we set this initiative up last year,
39:28 they loaded their entire student body up
39:32 brought them to Philadelphia in the Reading Area.
39:35 They have already committed that this year
39:38 they are going to bring the whole student body.
39:41 We are doing a youth rally
39:43 that we're expecting over 300 young people
39:46 to come out with this, and work on this initiative.
39:50 And I don't think there's any greater thing
39:52 that we can pass on to our children
39:55 than that idea of the fact that God has called them
39:58 to spread the gospel,
40:00 because, we want to go home.
40:02 We want to go home.
40:03 We want to be totally involved in what God has asked us to do
40:07 in training our young people.
40:08 I really appreciate the principle and stuff at BMA
40:11 that has made this commitment to says,
40:13 you know what?
40:14 "We're not just going to sit back here
40:15 see how it turns out.
40:17 We're going to get in and we're going get dirty
40:18 and we're going to get it done."
40:20 Praise the Lord.
40:21 You know, CA, the business director
40:24 personally told me last year,
40:26 was actually in their executive committee.
40:28 He made the comment that
40:31 it was one of the most single influential things spiritually
40:34 that the young people had done.
40:36 Because they went door to door and they saw miracles.
40:39 They saw actual miracles take place.
40:42 To the young people actually informed the chaplain
40:45 and some of the school members that
40:47 because of their experience,
40:49 they saw the Lord leading that
40:50 they were considering the ministry now as a result.
40:52 Praise God.
40:53 Things can change people's lives
40:55 when we have no expectation.
40:57 Now, gentlemen, what kind of commitment are we asking.
41:00 You know people are coming and you've got a 1000,
41:03 you've almost equal the membership
41:04 of that part of the state which is an exciting thing.
41:06 But how long do you want them there,
41:09 what are the kinds of the things
41:10 they're going to be doing
41:11 so that people know exactly what I'm signing up for?
41:13 Well, there's two ways that they...
41:15 There's actually three ways they can participate.
41:19 One is they can come out just for the day
41:21 and then there could be even a fourth way.
41:24 But they...
41:25 October 1st is the big media blitz
41:28 where we'll be passing out Bible study cards
41:31 and literature and things of that nature.
41:33 You can also come out
41:35 and participate in the evangelistic series
41:37 and also in the pre-work
41:39 and in the Bible study some things.
41:41 So there's many ways
41:42 and if you go to FaithForFamily.org,
41:45 you can actually sign up and volunteer.
41:48 Now, this is really exciting because
41:52 a lot of people wish that they could be missionaries.
41:54 Yeah.
41:55 And they've thought about it all their lives
41:57 and right now, you can go to a territory
42:01 that has less Adventists the 1040 Window,
42:04 it's like paddling down the Amazon.
42:07 But you're still in your own country
42:09 without the reason all the things of that nature.
42:12 And so we really do need their help
42:15 and we're expecting people to bring their RVs.
42:17 We're expecting people to come in.
42:20 If you're within the Pennsylvania region,
42:22 we're bussing, we're running vans,
42:25 we're doing whatever we can.
42:27 And it's interesting our,
42:29 our members are paying for their way
42:31 to come to this project.
42:33 Because a little bit of help by each individual
42:37 makes the big picture a lot better.
42:38 Yeah. Yeah.
42:39 It's not just a one day event though.
42:41 After the event when we're going to be
42:43 passing out all the literature
42:44 and advertising the evangelistic meetings.
42:46 There's going to be people coming in
42:48 to do the evangelism.
42:49 Pastors from all over the conference
42:50 are going to come in
42:52 and even our Columbia Union President is gonna come in,
42:55 and they're gonna come in and do evangelism
42:57 and so there's going to be follow-up work,
42:59 Bible studies that need to be done
43:00 to meet these people.
43:02 It's a huge event
43:03 and I don't think people are realizing
43:04 the scope of it and the need of it.
43:06 We need people to help...
43:07 I want to walk through this book,
43:08 because we touched on a lot of things.
43:10 There is a kick off day,
43:11 a kick off event and that date is?
43:14 October 1. October 1
43:15 October 1.
43:16 On our website, if people go to our website,
43:21 they are going to see a couple different things.
43:24 One, there's a registration.
43:26 If you would like to be involved,
43:27 there's basically four ways
43:28 that we've lined out that you can be involved.
43:31 One, we encourage you to pray for us.
43:34 Please let us know that you are praying for us,
43:37 because there something happens
43:39 when you go up to somebody and say,
43:40 "Brother, I'm praying for you."
43:41 It makes a difference,
43:43 it gives us that spiritual encouragement.
43:44 Yeah.
43:45 And so we're asking, you know,
43:47 if you're 90 years old, and you watch 3ABN
43:49 because you can no longer get to church
43:50 or you're 105 years old like some of my members.
43:53 And you're watching 3ABN
43:55 because you can't get to church.
43:57 You can pray like nobody else.
43:59 Amen.
44:00 And so we're asking for those prayers.
44:02 And the second thing is, we've hired nine Bible workers.
44:06 That doesn't come at zero price.
44:09 We have to pay them
44:11 and so we need financial support.
44:13 We need the material to be able to go out all of those things.
44:15 The churches are kicking in but,
44:17 you know, if you're a church of eight people,
44:18 sometimes you don't have the funds
44:20 to do what your heart wants to do.
44:21 Yeah.
44:23 You know, and so,
44:24 we've seen some miracles take place with that.
44:26 So we need people's financial support
44:27 and you go on the webpage
44:29 and there is a spot where you can give online
44:31 or you can mail it to the address
44:34 of the Pennsylvania Conference.
44:35 And the other way that you can do that,
44:39 is you can say, you know what,
44:40 I want a short term involvement.
44:42 So in other words, I want to show up on October
44:45 at one of the area churches which we posted online
44:48 or you can call the conference office
44:49 and they'll let you know where it's going to be.
44:52 And you can just go door to door with us,
44:54 and enjoy the fellowship.
44:55 After we get done with that rally of going out
44:59 and reaching the towns.
45:00 We're coming back to Laurel Lake Camp,
45:02 and we're going to have a rally
45:04 of talking about what God did that day because,
45:06 we feel it's really important, you know, we can ask,
45:08 we ask God a lot of things.
45:10 Yeah.
45:11 But very rarely do we take time to praise Him
45:13 for everything He's done.
45:15 And so, we want to take time
45:18 that Saturday night to praise God
45:20 for what He did throughout that day
45:23 of getting people to places, you know,
45:24 those divine appointments He's going to have.
45:27 And then the other way that you can become involved
45:29 the fourth way that you can become involved
45:31 is that long term commitment.
45:34 Not only for this one, but for the next one we do
45:36 or maybe you've got gifts and talents.
45:40 We have churches that some of them need some repairs
45:42 before we bring the public in.
45:44 There sometimes that you know what,
45:46 you were on a wonderful
45:47 children's program in your church.
45:49 And you would like to come
45:50 and donate your time and efforts
45:53 to help these little kids
45:54 that will come in with these families
45:55 because it's all about families coming in
45:57 that they'll know Jesus.
45:59 You know, I love it when a kid starts telling mom and dad
46:01 about the Adventist message, don't you?
46:03 And so that kid brings those things up,
46:05 and points those things up.
46:07 So we need people to do that.
46:08 We need people to give Bible studies.
46:11 We're hiring Bible workers but, you know what?
46:13 If God blesses with 10,000 Bible studies,
46:17 we're going to need more than nine people go out
46:19 and give them and more than the 1300 that's in the church.
46:23 And so, we need that total member involvement
46:27 and so all of those opportunities,
46:28 if you go to the web page, you can do that,
46:30 if you don't have the Internet
46:31 because a lot of people don't do the internet.
46:33 But if you want to call the conference office,
46:35 we will direct you on to what needs to happen,
46:37 when you can be there.
46:40 You know, so God is just using multiple ways
46:42 and we want everybody...
46:44 Yes.
46:45 Total member involvement. Yeah.
46:47 And we're not talking about just in PA.
46:49 We want worldwide total member involvement.
46:52 I think this is so very, very exciting.
46:54 Let me ask you this, Tim.
46:57 I want to say, what do you hope will happen.
47:00 But I want to use a little stronger word.
47:01 What do you anticipate will happen?
47:04 Well, I already have some evidence
47:06 of what is happening.
47:07 I received a letter from one of the church members,
47:10 this is not a pastor.
47:12 And this church member wrote a two page typed letter saying,
47:17 "I want to thank you in the Pennsylvania Conference
47:19 in the vision that you're casting here
47:22 for what's happening in their church."
47:23 Each church with their commitment and preparation.
47:26 There's heart commitment,
47:27 there's church commitment everything,
47:29 so we have, we have this church has added
47:34 remodeling of the bathrooms, putting new floor down
47:38 and things so their church is
47:39 physically ready for new members.
47:41 They're acting with faith on it.
47:44 They had not had an active prayer meeting in the church
47:47 because, of the small size for over ten years.
47:50 They would try.
47:52 They would have two or three church members.
47:54 Since this initiative has come
47:56 and the Spirit of Lord has worked upon their heart,
47:58 over two-thirds of the church membership
48:00 is attending every week.
48:02 That's a good sign. That's a good sign.
48:03 And they are involved already
48:06 praying for those members that they want
48:09 for those family members and friends to come.
48:12 They started out with two each, that was a requirement
48:15 to participate in prayer meeting.
48:18 And she's wrote in the letter that it has far exceeded
48:21 that no one only has two
48:23 and then she wrote and I want to quote.
48:26 "Now, we realize that we are committed
48:30 not only to pray for them,
48:31 but to be used by God to invite them."
48:35 Yes. Yes.
48:36 And I'll tell you what.
48:37 We're anticipating
48:39 a true revival of primitive godliness
48:42 and experimental knowledge of Jesus Christ in this region.
48:47 And we're anticipating that our,
48:50 our membership will increase.
48:52 And that the new membership we want to be disciple,
48:56 we want to bring in young people
48:58 because out of the 500 that attend in this region.
49:03 This is from the Adventist, we only have 20 individuals
49:07 that come into Sabbath that are under the age of 13.
49:12 Yeah. Yeah. That needs to be corrected.
49:14 A couple of things, we've got a bunch of pictures,
49:15 I know I want to ask you all three a quick question.
49:17 But let's go to those pictures now, Robert, if we will
49:19 and walk me through what we're looking at.
49:21 Well, this is before the day started in Philadelphia.
49:24 Our church members, they were phenomenal,
49:27 they had all the bags set up
49:29 with all the literature to go to each one.
49:31 This is one elder
49:33 in one of the churches there with the bag.
49:35 Come to the next picture,
49:37 the streets of Philadelphia in Reading were flooded.
49:40 If you were to put a helicopter over certain regions,
49:42 you could see these yellow t-shirts everywhere.
49:45 And I had one of the police officers stop traffic
49:48 so that our group could cross the street
49:50 where we were going there.
49:52 It was phenomenal.
49:54 You could just look everywhere
49:55 'Cause I was driving around
49:57 going all the different churches
49:58 making sure things were going well.
50:00 It was easy to find our people,
50:02 they were like busy bees everywhere going door to door.
50:06 And I want to tell you about one of the doors
50:08 that one of our members went to.
50:11 The individual said, "Oh, no, I don't want this literature
50:15 because, I now believe that the seventh day is the Sabbath
50:19 and I'm keeping Saturday Sabbath.
50:22 And then the lady said,
50:23 "Oh, are you a Seventh-day Adventist?"
50:26 And he said, what?
50:28 And she said, "You're not a Seventh-day Adventist?"
50:29 He says, "I never heard of a Seventh-day Adventist."
50:32 So she began to march him back to the church
50:35 and the pastor had come
50:36 because they ran out of literature
50:38 and he walked up to the door the same time
50:41 they walked up to the door.
50:43 And they connected this individual was baptized.
50:47 Amen.
50:48 That's one of those stories but, since then
50:50 eight of his family and friends have been baptized.
50:53 Amen. Amen.
50:55 He is now the personal ministry director for the church.
50:58 And it's all because of a divine appointment
51:01 of knocking on a door.
51:02 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
51:04 Gentlemen, I want all three to take a stab at this
51:06 and you've got to move kind of quickly
51:07 but, talk to me about...
51:10 I use a big 25 cent word reciprocity
51:13 that when you go out and give yourself,
51:15 God sees to it that you get something back and,
51:17 and this can serve as motivation
51:19 for people to go out because, as you give you get.
51:22 Have you found that in your own ministries
51:23 and one that when members do this they do receive back.
51:26 I definitely have.
51:27 You know the experiences that I talked about before
51:29 on how God has taken something,
51:32 we went out to the Philadelphia Reading area.
51:34 We come back, God blesses
51:37 with people coming into our church,
51:39 and it's just like, you know,
51:41 people just showing up and you're more like, man,
51:42 God is just awesome in delivering us.
51:45 So yeah, definitely God returning to us
51:47 more than what we ever gave out.
51:49 Pastor Stewart?
51:50 It's the principle,
51:52 if I'm working for the Kingdom of God.
51:53 You know, I could build houses,
51:55 I could do a lot of different things
51:56 with my life I have.
51:58 But when we bring a soul to Jesus,
52:01 we get to see that soul forever.
52:03 The house will fall down,
52:04 the book that I used to make in the bindery
52:06 at Review and Herald will go away eventually.
52:09 But that soul, that soul that we bring to Jesus
52:12 will get to witness that person forever.
52:13 Yeah, Pastor Tim?
52:15 I want to conclude and say that we need your help.
52:17 Yeah.
52:19 We need not only 3ABN's help,
52:20 but we need every member in Pennsylvania.
52:23 But we need people outside,
52:24 because this is beyond ourselves
52:26 especially this dying region.
52:28 We need the help of our members,
52:29 we need total member involvement
52:31 because, Jesus is coming again.
52:33 And there are souls that need to hear His, His words.
52:37 Very good.
52:39 We are going to go into our newsbreak,
52:41 we'll come back, put up the address roll
52:43 so that you can do exactly what Pastor Tim has asked.
52:45 And that is where you can call, where you can sign up,
52:47 where you can become part of the team.
52:51 Just after our newsbreak, we'll come back,
52:52 we'll put a little bit bow on this
52:53 and end us sitting together.
52:57 Faith for Family seeks to share the love of Jesus
53:00 and the gospel with every family in every city
53:02 throughout the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
53:05 If you like to support this ministry,
53:07 you can do so by writing to Faith for Family,
53:10 720 Museum Road, Reading, Pennsylvania 19611.
53:15 That's Faith for Family, 720 Museum Road,
53:19 Reading, Pennsylvania 19611.
53:23 You can call 610-374-8331.
53:27 That's 610-374-8331
53:31 or visit them online @faithforfamily.org.
53:35 It's all one word faithforfamily.org.


Revised 2016-07-11