3ABN Today

Pathways to Health Rolls

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host)


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016045A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to a very special 3ABN today.
01:09 My name is CA Murray.
01:11 And allow me please to thank you
01:12 once again for sharing your love, your prayers,
01:15 your financial support with this ministry.
01:17 And to thank you for all that you do to help us
01:19 do what we are called to do.
01:21 And that of course is to lift up the mighty
01:23 and matchless name of Jesus,
01:25 and to explore wherever in the world
01:27 someone is doing something good for the cause of Christ,
01:30 to tell you about that, to give you encouragement
01:32 and information and hopefully inspiration as together,
01:35 we walk this road that leads to glory.
01:37 Our program is very, very special today
01:39 because we're going to talk
01:41 about your best pathway to health.
01:43 3ABN has been privilege to partner
01:46 with Your Best Pathway to Health.
01:48 Dr. Chris and Lela Lewis,
01:50 who are quite good friends of this ministry.
01:52 And we have seen how this move of God
01:55 in the body of Christ
01:57 has impacted series and many, many lives for Jesus Christ
02:01 over the last several years.
02:02 As you know, it began just few years ago in the Oakland,
02:06 San Francisco area,
02:10 then they moved to San Antonio,
02:14 Spokane and of course, this past April was a very,
02:19 very in fact the largest
02:21 of the your best pathway to health's
02:25 in Los Angeles, California.
02:26 And we had Dr. Chris and Lela here.
02:29 Sometime I go to talk about the needs
02:32 and those needs were meet, in fact they were exceeded,
02:35 and I'll give you the punch line even now.
02:37 Well, over 4200, close to 4300
02:40 and change volunteers descended upon Los Angeles.
02:45 And I think the number was over 8, 500 patients
02:48 were seen over the course of the two and half days.
02:52 So we wanted to give you some snippets,
02:53 some highlights of some of the story,
02:55 some of the blessings,
02:56 some of the miracles that took place
02:57 during Your Best Pathway to Health, Los Angeles.
03:01 There are plans in the works for Boston, New York.
03:06 There is one coming up
03:07 in West Virginia in just a little bit,
03:08 so this move is something that is not getting less.
03:12 It is growing and growing and Christ is being glorified
03:15 through Your Best Pathway to Help.
03:17 As Dr. Chris and Lela Lewis partner
03:20 with the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
03:21 and with the various conferences
03:23 to do a great work for the Lord.
03:24 Well, I want to move quickly into some of our video roles,
03:27 so you can get a flavor
03:28 of what we saw there in Los Angeles.
03:30 This first role is the volunteer.
03:32 Her name is Sue Lee.
03:34 She kind of represents that large number of volunteers
03:36 that came in to help with registration.
03:38 So we tried to pick someone from each category,
03:40 and I spoke with Sue Lee from Arizona,
03:43 who made her way to Los Angeles.
03:45 And here is our interview.
03:48 We are Here Your Best Pathway To Health,
03:49 and I am with Sue Lee.
03:51 And she is wearing a black shirt, so Sue,
03:53 tell us what does that black shirt mean?
03:55 The black shirt means for anyone who is a volunteer,
03:59 we get a black shirt.
04:00 Now it could be in many different kind of departments,
04:03 and so it will depend where you're placed
04:05 or where you chose to have preference for.
04:08 I see.
04:10 So your black shirt means that you chose to volunteer.
04:13 Right. What is your church?
04:15 My church is Desert Cove Seventh-day Adventist Church
04:17 in Arizona.
04:18 Yay!
04:20 So you came all the way from Arizona?
04:21 Yes, but I'm not the furthest, I have friends who came out
04:24 from Baltimore, and from Virginia, everywhere,
04:27 Michigan, it's everywhere.
04:29 Just coming in to flood this area.
04:32 Why did you feel it was so important, Sue,
04:34 take away time from your job, perhaps your family,
04:37 your church to come to Los Angeles
04:39 to be part of this, why is this important to you?
04:42 Well, not only it was a great opportunity
04:46 for local mission field
04:49 and you don't even have to buy a plane ticket.
04:51 Well, at least for me I didn't have to.
04:53 So that was the huge incentive as well,
04:55 and the climate that we're in these days,
04:58 we know the work is getting done.
05:00 And we want Christ to come.
05:02 We want the love of Christ to just exude out,
05:05 and He was all about healing, recreating, restoration,
05:09 that's huge and so it's a medical ministry,
05:12 right arm of the gospel.
05:14 So in this city of angels, we want to make a lot of angels
05:16 for His glory, so that's huge.
05:19 Amen, thank you so much.
05:21 Now two quick questions because, one,
05:23 are you a working person, are you working person?
05:24 Yes, yes.
05:26 I'm a speech pathologist,
05:27 that's mine line of training, yes.
05:29 So you had to leave your job, take time off to do that.
05:32 Correct, I let my boss know ahead of time.
05:35 I had to put in the time correct.
05:37 A little while ago,
05:38 I saw you gathered the group together
05:40 and you were praying a very passionate prayer.
05:43 What was motivating that prayer?
05:44 Why were you praying so much, it was in middle of the day,
05:47 but you gather them together for something special,
05:49 why was that?
05:50 Yes, it was just on my heart.
05:52 I'm all about prayer ministry,
05:54 and intercessory prayer is huge.
05:56 And God says knock, knock, knock, right?
06:00 "And knock and it shall be given you,
06:02 seek and you shall find."
06:03 But it's like asking for that bread,
06:05 the lady comes out at midnight and saying,
06:07 "Lord, please help."
06:08 And we're in a dire straits
06:09 a little bit with some of probably
06:13 the other force working against the good
06:15 that's coming out of here.
06:17 So we wanted to make sure, we as a group came together
06:19 and had intercessory prayer.
06:21 That's such a huge heart passion of mine, yeah.
06:23 Now are you in charge of this group
06:25 or did you just take it upon yourself
06:27 to gather them together for prayer,
06:28 because you saw something going on
06:30 that you needed to push back again?
06:32 Correct, the ladder.
06:33 The person in charge actually she's wonderful.
06:35 Cathleen Myers, and the whole team behind me,
06:37 they're just great.
06:39 They've been working nonstop since yesterday.
06:41 We've been here again this morning
06:42 since 6 o'clock in the morning too.
06:44 But I know some of the things
06:46 that was going on that maybe they didn't,
06:48 and so I just came and I said,
06:49 "Hey, you guys, we have a slight little pause time.
06:52 Let's get together and pray. Take as many times as you can.
06:55 Even in our minds like continually just keep praying,
06:59 yes.
07:00 It's early, we're on the first day.
07:01 Right.
07:03 But have you met anyone or run into anyone
07:04 that would kind of stick out in your mind,
07:06 maybe a little special story that touched your heart so far?
07:09 So far, in terms of, I am dealing more
07:11 with the volunteer people coming in.
07:14 So I haven't had as much interface with the patients
07:16 that are coming in.
07:18 I hope to, but in terms of the volunteers,
07:21 there's several stories that do come to mind
07:23 of how they made it here and,
07:25 you know, they're running on lows,
07:28 low level finance and all this stuff,
07:30 but it's a walk of faith for them to.
07:33 It's jus t wonderful to see how many of the body of Christ
07:37 has comes together to really support
07:39 this for city of Los Angeles.
07:42 We talk about the right arm of the gospel,
07:44 and a medical machinery work,
07:48 many times we've got just maybe a little blood pressure thing
07:50 or little something,
07:51 but this is sort of medical machinery work on steroids...
07:54 Yeah.
07:56 And when you get a town this big,
07:57 this is kind of what you need.
07:59 So do you think this is all the effort, all the time,
08:01 all the money, all the logistics,
08:03 is it worth it to you?
08:05 Wow, well, one soul is worth everything
08:09 to our heavenly Father.
08:10 So in that mindset, if I'm heavenly minded,
08:14 this is all worth it.
08:16 And not only is it bettering the people that are coming
08:18 through the doors, I think it's a great sense of honing
08:22 our characters for His kingdom,
08:25 even for our experience here, because there is times,
08:27 there's several of the workers here,
08:29 they didn't have a break at all.
08:30 They work straight nine hours.
08:33 Barely getting even a bathroom break.
08:34 I think some of them didn't even get that.
08:37 And it's a sense of okay, my sense of intolerance
08:40 and my self rising, like I'm like okay,
08:43 I got to just give that up and be selfless,
08:45 and be other centered for the sake of someone else.
08:49 So that's huge. Yes.
08:52 So this is kind of like putting legs on the gospel,
08:54 putting some shoes on the gospel.
08:56 Correct, correct.
08:57 Now some people might think
08:59 it's a splash and dash thing too.
09:00 Like "Oh, we can't boom."
09:01 And then we're out, but hopefully
09:03 it's making the local agencies,
09:06 especially in our church the local agencies
09:08 of this city and the, you know,
09:11 the areas beyond get a little bit more like,
09:14 "Hey, let's wake up.
09:15 We got to do more here too.
09:17 So hopefully that's an impetus to that as well.
09:21 And God bless you. Thank you.
09:23 Thanks you so much. Praise the Lord.
09:24 Seriously to His glory.
09:28 There was a large group of individuals
09:30 wearing black shirts,
09:31 who were responsible for registration.
09:33 A really wonderful group of individuals.
09:35 Our friend Janet Barnhill who is also been here at 3ABN
09:37 was part of that group.
09:39 And they did just a wonderful job.
09:41 We wanted to highlight the...
09:45 participation of young people,
09:47 who were part of this ministry.
09:48 Tiffany Hogans comes from Los Angeles Academy.
09:52 And we had a chance to catch her
09:54 as she was running to and fro on the second day.
09:56 Here's our interview with Tiffany.
09:59 Hi, I'm visiting here with Tiffany Hogans,
10:02 who is the senior class president
10:05 at Los Angeles Adventist Academy.
10:08 Tiffany, it's good to have you here.
10:09 It's good to have you too. Couple of questions.
10:13 One, how many students from your school are here?
10:17 I believe it's 25 students.
10:20 And were you all given specific assignments
10:23 before you got here, or did they just place you
10:24 when you got here?
10:26 When we got here,
10:28 we just had to go sign up in the booth
10:30 and then they just access
10:32 with what department we want to go to.
10:34 So basically, they just set us anywhere,
10:37 but we had our options of where we wanted to be.
10:40 Okay. Now where did you select to go?
10:42 I selected to go to the dental department,
10:44 and yeah.
10:46 I forgot to mention, Tiffany is a senior.
10:49 She is senior class president
10:50 and where you gonna go to school in the fall?
10:53 Pacific Union College.
10:55 You gonna stay on the coast?
10:56 Yes. Alrighty.
10:58 This is our second day here.
11:00 You had a full day yesterday,
11:01 tell me exactly what you were doing in the dental department?
11:04 I was basically helping the doctors
11:08 and going back and forth
11:09 to go give whatever they needed
11:10 and helping them with the water.
11:13 And going to get the vessels for the patients
11:16 and just any medical things they needed help with.
11:20 Was this what you expected, more than you expected,
11:24 less than you expected, different than you expected,
11:27 how was the experience, what you got into doing
11:28 what you are called to do?
11:30 It wasn't really expected when I got here,
11:33 but when I got here, I was pretty excited.
11:34 When I started seeing everything
11:36 that I wanted to do.
11:37 And so, when I saw everything,
11:39 I just started being like happy,
11:41 and everything and joyful.
11:42 And when I saw most of the patients
11:44 they were all just so like friendly,
11:47 and I got to know some other patients
11:49 and known some of their personal lives
11:51 and everything like that, yeah.
11:54 Let's talk about that just a little bit, Tiffany,
11:55 because you are interfacing with the patients,
11:58 they are talking to you, you are talking with them.
12:00 Is there any particular story that stands out in your mind,
12:03 of a particular patient that you are dealing
12:05 with yesterday?
12:06 One patient in particular, she couldn't afford
12:10 to get the medical help that she needed.
12:13 So she was praying to God asking for a way,
12:15 but the way that, she couldn't find a way
12:19 but somehow this convention center thing,
12:21 it popped up and then she heard about it
12:24 through the radio and then she came
12:25 and I guess that was a big blessing for her
12:27 because she couldn't afford it at all.
12:30 Excellent.
12:32 We've been talking about now I've been asking
12:34 in each interview about reciprocity.
12:36 Long word simply means when you give something,
12:38 you get something.
12:39 Have you found that true in your experience here,
12:42 you're giving to them
12:43 but you're also getting a blessing yourself?
12:45 I believe when giving a blessing,
12:49 I would receive one back
12:50 but I don't look at it that way.
12:52 I believe in helping people and giving them opportunity
12:55 to give what they need rather than looking
12:57 for something back.
13:00 I like that idea.
13:01 But it is true that when you give, you do get,
13:04 because God sees to it that you get.
13:06 And that's the great part of service
13:08 that when you give you to somebody else,
13:10 God gives you a little something back.
13:11 Have all of your fellow classmates
13:13 felt that same thing?
13:15 I am pretty sure they did, yeah.
13:18 What time you're getting up in the morning?
13:21 In this morning,
13:23 and got here round 9 o'clock.
13:25 Alrighty, very good.
13:27 So you've got rested today and tomorrow,
13:30 then are you leaving or you'll be here for Sabbath?
13:33 I'll be leaving tomorrow in the evening time, yeah.
13:36 If you ever get an opportunity to do this again,
13:38 would you do it again?
13:40 Most definitely, yeah.
13:42 Okay, here's that commercial part, Tiffany.
13:43 Say that someone out there
13:45 is kind of sitting on the bench,
13:46 they're saying, "Yeah, may wanna go,
13:49 I may not wanna go."
13:51 what would say as far as your experience is concerned
13:53 to convince them that they should come
13:55 and do something like this.
13:57 I think you all should just come out,
13:59 and help and support everyone.
14:00 And just come out and just do a good deed
14:03 because you always get a blessing back
14:04 when you're giving something.
14:06 And it's also good experience for your personal life
14:08 with helping others.
14:11 Tiffany, thank you very much.
14:13 God bless. Thank you.
14:16 We finally were able to catch up
14:18 with Dr. Lela Lewis on the second day of Los Angeles,
14:22 Your Best Pathway to Health.
14:24 Dr. Chris was in surgery the whole time,
14:25 we weren't able to talk with him.
14:27 But we did catch her, she had a wonderful story
14:29 and we got to spend just a few moments with her.
14:34 We're near the close of day number two,
14:37 and we finally had a chance to catch up
14:39 with Dr. Lela Lewis.
14:42 She has been extremely busy
14:43 and I said just before we went on
14:45 that she must be pretty close
14:46 to talked out doing interviews, giving directions,
14:49 running to and fro.
14:50 But good, doctor, good to have here.
14:52 Thank you so much, CA,
14:53 it's always a pleasure to be with you.
14:56 Great, give us a little overview
14:57 of the first day in three quarters.
15:01 Has it met your expectation,
15:02 so we know a lot of people have come in.
15:03 There were some challenges yesterday,
15:05 but give us just your flavor of the overview
15:08 of the last day and half?
15:09 You know, we had a little hiccups to began with,
15:12 just initially, but God worked it all out.
15:14 We ended by God's grace yesterday spectacularly.
15:16 And today has just gone beautifully.
15:19 Miraculously beautifully.
15:21 Everybody has been working together
15:22 and it's just gone really smooth.
15:24 I noticed, in running back and forth,
15:26 just taking pictures and looking around
15:27 even though some machines were acting up,
15:29 people were not acting up, they were behaving.
15:32 And there was a very good sprit
15:34 even though the technical aspects were little rough,
15:37 the human aspects were very smooth.
15:40 Yes, and everybody continuous to get along and smile
15:43 and really truly exemplify Jesus to the patients
15:46 and to ourselves.
15:47 Praise the Lord.
15:48 Now, I saw today what I had expected to see.
15:51 We began to see the long lines particularly in dental,
15:54 and of course in eye care.
15:56 I know you're moving through as fast as you can,
15:58 how many dentists and dental setups do you have here?
16:01 We have a 125 dental setups and we have just over
16:04 94 to 95 dentists on site.
16:07 So it's a good setup.
16:09 Some of the dentists take a couple chair
16:10 so it works out well.
16:13 Now what about eye care on the other side,
16:16 close to the same numbers?
16:18 Well, we have few less optometrists.
16:20 But we have a number of eye care lanes
16:23 and so eye care is actually able to see
16:25 just around 750 to 800 patients per day,
16:28 and they're doing a great job.
16:30 Excellent, now even with the hiccups,
16:31 what was our number for yesterday?
16:33 Our number for yesterday was 22,559.
16:38 And today we have actually just come
16:40 between the two days, just under 6,000 patients.
16:43 So we are very, very excited. Yeah.
16:45 You're heading close to the kind of numbers
16:47 you were thinking of when you began this?
16:49 Well, we'll see, we'll see
16:50 what God has in store for tomorrow,
16:52 but the biggest thing to me right now is that
16:54 we are just doing our very best
16:56 and things are just coming together beautifully.
16:59 What is your sense as far as community impact is concerned.
17:02 What kind of flavor you're getting back
17:03 from the community that kind of things?
17:05 Just today, I had multiple city
17:07 councilmen's office come and say,
17:08 "We had no idea, it was so big.
17:11 Oh, you're Seventh-day Adventist,
17:13 you're doing a wonderful work.'
17:14 Multiple, multiple people are saying that.
17:16 So I think the effect we're seen at the beginning here
17:19 in Los Angles, it's gonna be similar
17:21 to what we saw in San Antonio.
17:22 Excellent, I saw yesterday evening's newscast on ABC
17:27 and CBS and I saw ABC again this morning.
17:29 So the news media has been here, haven't they?
17:31 Absolutely, we're just finishing as CBS Live,
17:35 that was National CBS was here which is spectacular,
17:39 we've never had National news before.
17:41 And I suspect that'll be running again hopefully.
17:44 Yes, I understand that'll be later tonight as well,
17:46 but of course it was live when they ran in.
17:48 Your husband I suspect is over there doing his surgical thing,
17:51 hiding somewhere in the bowls of surgery, yes?
17:53 Yes.
17:55 So for the next couple of hours today and tomorrow
17:59 what are we looking at doing?
18:01 So we gonna finish this patients
18:02 that we've got in here.
18:04 We want to service as many of them as possible.
18:05 So our providers are working expeditiously.
18:08 Tomorrow we're gonna just maximize stuff.
18:11 Everybody's got a system now.
18:12 So we're expecting to see things
18:14 really flow well tomorrow.
18:15 Excellent.
18:17 Before I let you go, I know you see live in terms of stories,
18:20 and people tend to mean a lot to you.
18:22 Has anything story wise, personal interest,
18:25 human interest wise, sort of jumped out
18:27 at you in the last day and half?
18:28 Absolutely, and it's the 3ABN story, CA.
18:32 So there was a gentleman, who was a homeless man
18:34 and I hope I have more than 20 seconds here CA.
18:37 Oh, you can take your time. Okay, good.
18:38 There was a gentleman, he was a homeless man,
18:40 had no money whatsoever living out of his car,
18:43 it was super, super cold.
18:44 He lived in Idaho, it was February
18:46 just a few months ago.
18:48 It was so cold, he saved every thing he had,
18:50 he put it and he rented himself a cheap motel.
18:52 Never watched TV because he was homeless, right?
18:55 Got in his hotel room, just happened to be flipping
18:58 through the channels, and just happened to turn on 3ABN,
19:01 Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
19:03 And of all the things he happen to see,
19:06 it was an interview with you and Elder Gilley and myself.
19:10 And it was showing and Dr. Chris
19:12 and it was showing what we did in San Antonio.
19:14 He got so excited, he saved every single penny,
19:17 he got himself transportation down here
19:20 with the very first person in line for dental,
19:22 staying three days ahead of time.
19:25 Outrageous and how wonderful.
19:27 Irma and I came by here Tuesday evening,
19:31 and there are may be half a dozen people here.
19:33 So he may have been one of the people that we saw
19:35 if he was first in line, we saw him
19:37 I think he was and he was so impressed,
19:39 he loves 3ABN
19:40 and he loves the Seventh-day Adventist Church so.
19:42 Praise the Lord.
19:44 What feedback have you been getting as far as the...
19:48 What's the word I want to use, the stature of Adventism
19:53 in this community given what we're doing here?
19:56 You know, it's just heightening,
19:57 it's just heightening awareness '
19:59 cause more than awareness.
20:00 It's heightening awareness that we Seventh-day Adventist
20:02 love just like Jesus loved, and we care about people,
20:05 all people the same.
20:07 Praise God. Praise God.
20:08 You're still pretty happy, still pretty excited?
20:10 Still pretty happy and excited.
20:12 Now a little buddy told me
20:14 that you've got another one of this plan for this year,
20:16 was that a rumor or is that true?
20:18 It is true.
20:19 We have Beckley, West Virginia
20:21 which is gonna be a very small event,
20:22 so people are welcome to join that
20:24 and then we are looking for Boston in September.
20:26 So Lord willing we'll be in Boston.
20:28 Bless your heart, Boston in September.
20:31 So we can even start the promotion now.
20:34 If you are on that side of the country,
20:36 and maybe LA was a little too far for you to travel,
20:38 you got Boston coming up.
20:40 Any parting thoughts before we let you go.
20:43 Keep praying for us here.
20:44 We want to just show Jesus tomorrow and all His power.
20:47 Thank you so much. Praise the Lord.
20:48 Let me ask you this very quickly.
20:50 Have you heard anything from the mayor's office,
20:52 or have we had any contact with the mayor's office?
20:54 The mayor's office actually did a PSA for us
20:57 which was broadcast all over, so that was a wonderful,
21:00 wonderful thing as well.
21:01 Excellent. Praise God.
21:03 Dr. Chris, you're hardworking lady,
21:04 thank you so very much for taking little time
21:06 from your very busy schedule to me
21:08 with this and talk with our audience.
21:10 God bless. God bless you.
21:12 Doctor Lela is certainly excited and enthused
21:16 about the work that she does.
21:19 The person that she was speaking
21:20 of was Paul Kincaid.
21:21 We actually got a chance to interview Paul Kincaid
21:24 later on that evening.
21:26 And it's really quite an interesting 3ABN story.
21:30 Here is Paul Kincaid's story in his own words.
21:35 Good evening.
21:36 We have another wonderful testimony to share with you.
21:39 This is Paul Kincaid.
21:41 He is one of the patients that we've seen during our time.
21:44 And Paul has an interesting experience
21:46 that we would like him to share with you.
21:48 Paul, you shared with me
21:49 that you actually live in Idaho,
21:53 and way kind of up on a mountain,
21:55 and earlier this year, in kind of the dead of winter,
21:59 you're on your way home,
22:01 and because you lived way up on a mountain,
22:03 where you have to the park,
22:05 and actually walk to your house about a mile.
22:08 You decided on this particular day
22:10 that just would be too difficult to do.
22:12 So what did you do,
22:14 since you weren't gonna go directly home?
22:15 Well, I guessed in my mind,
22:18 where I could stay for the night,
22:20 and in the little town of Plummer in Idaho,
22:23 there is one motel.
22:26 And they just happen to have a vacancy,
22:28 and I went to stay in the motel for the night.
22:32 So you decided to stay there in motel for the night
22:34 and you went in.
22:36 And the receptionist actually gave you a little black box
22:39 or something to operate the television.
22:41 So did you do with that,
22:43 is that's something that you do all the time watching TV.
22:44 Well, I don't own a television.
22:46 I don't have electricity up there in the mountains,
22:49 and I didn't even know about this little box before.
22:52 Hence, so I said I didn't want it,
22:54 because I didn't have a use for, and she said, oh,
22:58 that's a remote control, so you see how old school.
23:02 And so I said, "Okay, I'll take it
23:06 and maybe there is something worth watching on television."
23:10 And so I took it.
23:13 Okay, so then you took it, you decided to take a shower
23:16 and go to sleep.
23:17 But then you woke up and you decided to,
23:19 love to see what might be on television,
23:22 and what did you discover?
23:24 Well, I was went through the different channels,
23:29 menu things like that and I found a program called 3ABN,
23:36 and lot of you probably know 3ABN.
23:40 And so who was on 3ABN at the time that you tuned in?
23:44 Well, there was a man and woman.
23:47 And I didn't recognize them, but they were so excited
23:51 about something that I...
23:54 it just attracted me, I want to hear
23:56 what they were talking about.
23:58 So what were they talking about?
24:00 Well, they were talking about wellness.
24:02 I was not too well.
24:05 And I wanted to be well, and so I listen
24:09 to what they had to say.
24:10 And so we know now that who was that,
24:13 that was speaking?
24:14 It was...
24:17 Dr. Lela and Chris Lewis... Dr. Lela and Chris Lewis.
24:21 Okay.
24:22 And I didn't know all the logistics
24:24 of what was going on, and how I was gonna get here.
24:30 I thought it will probably cost a fortune
24:32 for some thing like this.
24:33 And I found out it was for free for the patients.
24:36 And that kind of blew my mind, you know,
24:38 I say how can they do something like this
24:41 and not charge, you know, again a trial of something.
24:45 Yeah, all right, so you decided in your mind
24:49 that you're actually going to come to LA from Idaho,
24:55 so how did you get here?
24:57 Well, it wasn't easy.
24:59 I checked around different ways to getting down here.
25:02 Even I consider riding a bicycle
25:05 all the way from Northern Idaho.
25:07 And my son-in-law discouraged me, he said,
25:11 "You wouldn't get down there before the program was over."
25:14 So I found that if you bought your ticket early,
25:18 I can get a discount on it.
25:20 The only problem was, I couldn't turn in
25:23 if I change my mind, I was stuck.
25:26 And so you were stuck, and you took a bus.
25:29 How long did it take for you to get the bus, the Greyhound,
25:32 to get here to LA.
25:33 About 40 hours because, we had some problems
25:36 with getting a driver at one point.
25:39 Now when you got here, you came in,
25:41 where you able to receive services that you desired?
25:44 I received more than I ever thought I would receive.
25:48 I can't believe all the wonderful things
25:52 that this people had provided for people like me, you know,
25:55 and all others just like me.
25:57 So what impressed you about what you receive
26:01 this environment when you came?
26:03 When I came, the love of Christ just flooded out.
26:10 I had a lot of volunteers, and help providers,
26:14 and almost every one of them prayed with me.
26:17 Even before and even after the service was provided.
26:22 And I've never been to a health place
26:26 where people prayed with you before and after,
26:30 even before or after,
26:32 and so it was just a really wonderful experience.
26:36 Paul, thank you so much
26:37 for sharing your experience with us.
26:39 We are happy that we were able to exceed your expectation.
26:43 Thank you all.
26:46 When you flush out that story, you must be impressed by
26:49 what God will do and the lengths
26:51 to which he will go to get the gospel
26:53 before someone who had not turned on a television set
26:56 he told me in decades.
26:58 He's not a TV watcher, does not own a television.
27:01 Has no electricity in his home there on the mountain.
27:05 And who would know, the one night
27:07 that he goes to a hotel,
27:10 turns on a remote control,
27:12 jumps to a couple of channels and watch there a 3ABN.
27:15 It was me interviewing Chris and Lela Lewis,
27:19 just what he needed to hear.
27:20 He heard what he needed to hear,
27:22 at the time he needed to hear it.
27:23 And the Lord blessed.
27:26 And I told Paul when I spoke with him
27:27 just after the meeting,
27:29 that God has brought Adventism into his life
27:32 for specific reason.
27:33 So now he must respond to the call of God on his life,
27:36 and he assured me that he would.
27:39 So how wonderful to know that love of Christ will find ways
27:44 to get the gospel of Jesus, to those who need to hear it
27:47 and who can respond.
27:50 Next is Sorren Alexander Nelson.
27:52 This is another young person from Weimar.
27:54 Weimar came in mass.
27:57 Just about the whole school came to be part
27:59 of Your Best Pathway to Health.
28:01 And Sorren was a young man,
28:03 a freshmen that we wanted to talk to.
28:05 He's got a nice way about himself, nice young man,
28:07 and we thought we'd spend a little time with him.
28:10 This is my interview with Sorren Nelson,
28:12 Sorren Alexander Nelson.
28:16 I'm here with Sorren Alexander Nelson,
28:19 who he stopped in his travels.
28:21 He is a student at Weimar Academy.
28:23 We want to give equal time to Weimar.
28:26 And you see that Weimar jetting back and forth,
28:29 they're moving around doing so much work.
28:31 Sorren, first of all tell us how old you are?
28:34 I am 14 years old.
28:36 And what year in school?
28:37 I'm a freshman at Weimar Academy.
28:39 Alrighty.
28:40 How many young people came from Weimar Academy?
28:44 Over 60. I think 66 students, 65, 67.
28:51 So you pretty much emptied out the school?
28:53 Yes, that is our entire academy.
28:57 So Weimar is in the house in a big way.
29:00 They brought the entire school
29:01 and we praise the Lord for that.
29:02 Now, were you told what assignments
29:05 you would have before you left to come here,
29:07 or did you get them after you arrived?
29:09 Half of them, I did get before I arrive.
29:12 But most of my assignments have been afterwards.
29:16 Was that the way for most of the young people
29:18 they knew what they were going to do,
29:19 or they kind of surprised when they got here?
29:21 Most of them knew what they were going to do
29:25 like about half didn't know.
29:27 Alrighty.
29:28 Was it more than you expected, less than you expected,
29:32 exactly what you've expected,
29:33 now that you in day number two of your experience?
29:38 I'm actually just amazed by how large it is.
29:41 I really, I'm just amazed
29:45 about how many doctors are here,
29:46 and how many people are here willing to help.
29:50 So it is much larger than I expected.
29:55 Now tell me exactly what your assignment is
29:57 and what you are doing, and who you are helping?
29:59 So, I worked in the children's department,
30:03 which means I watch over the kids
30:06 of some of the volunteers that are here.
30:08 And also currently, I'm working with PAD,
30:12 which we go around,
30:13 and help people sort of help them
30:17 navigate across this area.
30:20 Very, very good.
30:22 Now I'm gonna ask you...
30:25 You got good smile, good face, you are friendly looking guy.
30:31 Is this giving out to them, bringing back
30:35 a blessing to you, you know what I mean?
30:36 Sometimes when you give out, you get back.
30:39 Is that what's happening in your experience?
30:41 I think so, I really feel just,
30:44 really happy helping all of this people.
30:46 I just feel amazing.
30:47 So I think it's great that we're helping all these people
30:50 for free, so.
30:52 Great.
30:53 Is there any experience or any person
30:55 that you've met that kind of stands out in your mind,
30:56 that you kind of remember from this experience so far?
30:59 We are on day two, you've got one more day,
31:00 but you've been out for day and half now,
31:02 so is there anyone who stands out in your mind?
31:05 I think working with children...
31:10 is mostly what I do, but...
31:13 I think just the children mostly.
31:16 Not really any one specific, mostly just the children.
31:18 Just working with them,
31:20 they have much more energy than I do.
31:26 So...
31:30 Mostly the children I think.
31:32 Okay, you're moving away from here,
31:33 come on back home, there we go.
31:35 One last question.
31:37 As far as young people are concern
31:41 doing this kind of work, say there's some young person
31:44 who is watching this and they're not sure,
31:45 "I don't know, if I want to go down there
31:46 and be a part of that kind of thing."
31:48 What would you say as far as your experience is concerned
31:51 to encourage another young person,
31:52 "Hey this is some stuff,
31:54 and you'll get a blessing from it."
31:56 It's actually not, it's not as hard as you think
32:01 it would be being a volunt...
32:03 just volunteering here.
32:04 Like it's very tiring but it's worth it,
32:08 definitely worth it.
32:10 Every minute being here, I think is worth it.
32:13 Helping people, guiding people around.
32:16 I think it's a great opportunity
32:20 to help people...
32:25 to help people who need medical attention.
32:26 Great.
32:27 What time you're getting up in the morning,
32:29 what time you're going to bed at night?
32:30 I just get up at about five in the morning,
32:33 and go to bed to at about ten.
32:38 Are you keeping those same hours now that you are here?
32:41 Yes, yes.
32:45 Well, you got one more day, half of this day and tomorrow.
32:50 Are you guys staying through the Sabbath service
32:52 or you're heading back to Weimar?
32:54 We're actually leaving on Friday,
32:55 Friday afternoon or Friday evening, so.
32:59 With the lot of great stories and lot of great memories,
33:01 do you think?
33:02 Yes, definitely, I'm going to definitely remember this,
33:06 so...
33:07 I think everyone at Weimar's
33:09 going to remember this experience.
33:12 Sorren Alexander Nelson, freshmen?
33:15 Yes, freshmen. Yes, freshmen.
33:16 On the way to, do you know, you want to do life wise
33:19 when you finish school, and sort of make your career?
33:23 I'm not exactly sure, something in science,
33:25 maybe physics...
33:29 Yeah. Very good.
33:31 Sorren, nice to meet you man. Nice to meet you too.
33:33 Blessings on you.
33:38 You may have heard the name W.A Spicer.
33:42 He was born in 1865 in December of that year,
33:46 died in October of 1952,
33:48 was a former president of the General Conference
33:50 of Seventh-day Adventist,
33:52 but along the way,
33:53 he was a great missionary for the church
33:55 and for the cause of Christ.
33:56 There is in Pune, India a school that bears his name,
34:00 it is Spicer Memorial College.
34:03 The name is one of legend
34:05 and some important history of Adventism.
34:08 When you go to a pathways as you hear me saying
34:10 in the interview, you never know who you gonna meet.
34:12 Well, we met a great, great, great granddaughter
34:16 of W.A. Spicer. Her name is Debra Spicer.
34:19 Had a chance to talk with her, she too is a 3ABN story.
34:26 That is just wonderful and it's so nice to know
34:28 that again God brings the gospel in time, on time,
34:32 every time and this is Debra Spicer's story.
34:38 When you come to a Your Best Pathways to Health,
34:42 you never know who you're gonna run into.
34:44 And you never know what kind of stories
34:47 you are going to unearth.
34:49 Some very, very exciting.
34:50 We found a 3ABN story in
34:53 and among all of these other stories.
34:55 This is Debra Spicer.
34:56 Now, if you know the name Spicer,
34:58 if you've been around Adventism for any length of time,
35:01 you know that name Spicer is a very,
35:03 very famous name if I can use that term
35:06 in the history of Adventism.
35:08 He's got a college named after him
35:09 in the country of India,
35:12 past president of the General Conference.
35:13 You are Debra, his great, great,
35:15 how many greats you got on that?
35:16 Granddaughter. Great, great granddaughter.
35:18 Yeah. Great, great granddaughter.
35:21 Now when you figure,
35:22 you've come from such a illustrious family,
35:25 that everything will be a lot fine,
35:27 life would be perfect, there would be no trials,
35:30 no tribulations, but Debra's got quite a testimony and 3ABN
35:35 figures in that testimony, so let's go into her right now.
35:39 You're born into an Adventist home?
35:41 Yes, absolutely.
35:42 Dedicated that six weeks,
35:44 my mom worked in the conference.
35:45 She was a colporteur.
35:47 What we call now literature evangelist
35:50 in the Central California Conference.
35:52 For all those years, went to academy,
35:54 went to colleges that Adventist institutions.
35:59 Got my nursing degree went on
36:02 and then ended up out of the church.
36:06 Yeah, you cannot have a more Adventisy background
36:09 than you had.
36:11 Adventist schools, Adventist family,
36:13 Adventist heritage,
36:14 parents working for the church,
36:16 but you did leave the church, how many years?
36:20 Little over 20 years, little over 20.
36:23 Give us some, Debra, of the flavor of your life
36:26 during those 20 years.
36:28 The kinds of things that happened to you
36:29 during those 20 years outside of the church
36:31 and away from the Lord?
36:33 Well, just about I think, just about anything and everything
36:37 that they tell you, you shouldn't do...
36:43 except for eating meat, or on the Sabbath,
36:46 I still couldn't break the Sabbath.
36:48 Now isn't that weird?
36:49 I'd go shopping every other day of the week,
36:51 but not on Sabbath, not on Friday night,
36:53 not on Sabbath.
36:54 Didn't eat meat, but I got heavy into alcohol,
36:58 I got into partying, oh, that was the scene I was in.
37:03 Got tattoos, went running with the wild crowd.
37:07 And...
37:09 the night before I was supposed to be
37:13 or the day before I was supposed to be
37:16 I inducted into Wiccan coven,
37:18 I had a very serious car accident.
37:20 I was hit by an 18-wheel truck,
37:23 and laid up for over eight months.
37:25 So God kind of put a halt or at least allowed
37:28 the halt to come to that lifestyle,
37:29 the day before you gonna actually
37:31 join witchcraft in a formal way.
37:33 Yes, absolutely. Wow.
37:35 And, you know, I mean all along I had up to that point,
37:39 I had lost all of my family members,
37:42 all of them had died.
37:45 I say I had a little four pod animal
37:49 who had been alive with all of my family members.
37:52 And she ended up dying when I was flat in my back.
37:59 So I had not truly, nothing but God.
38:03 And, but I didn't realize it at that time.
38:06 You know, when you're flat on your back,
38:08 the only place you can look is up.
38:09 Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely.
38:12 You got to look up.
38:13 You know I think it's interesting
38:15 because I had the same experience
38:16 when I was out of the church,
38:18 where I got joined very, very early.
38:19 But playing basketball on the Sabbath,
38:21 on a basketball scholarship, but wouldn't eat pork,
38:24 you know, partying on Friday night
38:25 but wouldn't drink,
38:27 you know, you kind of put this little false things in your,
38:29 and they kind of give you
38:30 a little bit of a sense of security
38:33 that you're not so bad, but you really are.
38:37 And you're really out of the truth.
38:38 So now, you end up flat on your back for how long?
38:43 It was a little over eight months.
38:45 Eight months and, you know, through some of the things
38:49 that I went through, they weren't sure that I would ever
38:51 return to help to where I could go back to work
38:55 or do anything, so.
38:58 What was your mental state, were you angry at God?
39:02 Were you angry at yourself?
39:03 What was going on in your head
39:05 during eight months of bed rest?
39:07 Well, I was depressed.
39:09 And I think a lot of it had to do
39:10 with the pain that I was in
39:12 'cause I was in a lot of physical pain,
39:13 but I refused to take drugs,
39:15 because being a mental health nurse,
39:18 I've decided, you know,
39:19 I've seen too many people addicted.
39:21 The first doctor that I went to
39:23 wanted to give me norco and oxy,
39:25 and all kinds of stuff and I was like, man,
39:28 if he had done this a few months ago,
39:30 maybe I would have, I don't know,
39:31 I don't think so, but, you know,
39:33 who knows but at that point I didn't.
39:36 I didn't want to do that.
39:37 So I was in a lot of pain.
39:39 And lot of sleepless nights, even being a night shift nurse,
39:43 it got to the point where I could nap
39:45 a couple hours during the day, but then I was up.
39:48 And I'm telling you tormented.
39:51 And it was during one of those long nights,
39:54 the only friend I had was a TV.
39:56 And I had watched everything on Netflix
39:59 and everything else they had.
40:01 And one night I flipped it and I'm telling you,
40:04 I tuned that TV on and it flipped to 3ABN.
40:07 Now that was a God thing,
40:09 because I was not watching that channel.
40:12 Not at that time even, he didn't even,
40:14 I wasn't even to that point yet.
40:16 But that night I remember and the first thing
40:18 that snapped on, it was Danny Shelton and you.
40:21 And you were talking about, "You can never do anything
40:25 where you can't come back to God,
40:27 nothing's so bad that you can't come back to him."
40:30 And I suspect 20 years out,
40:33 that was the message that you needed at that time.
40:35 Yes.
40:36 And the next one was Pastor Bar, Stephen Bar,
40:41 talking about the unpardonable sin.
40:45 That was the next one I wanted to hear.
40:47 And it went on from there, because I watched everything
40:50 David Asscherick did, everything Ty Gibson did,
40:55 I mean, I could not get off that channel.
40:57 Wow.
40:58 And still now, I don't have regular TV.
41:00 I have my Roku box and my Adventist channels.
41:04 So I've gone totally the other way, you know.
41:06 Praise the Lord.
41:08 Isn't it interesting that God gives you
41:11 what you need at the time you needed.
41:13 You didn't need you're gonna burn in hell kind of message.
41:16 You didn't need bad, bad, bad kind of message.
41:18 You needed someone to tell you, Hey, God loves you still,
41:22 you can't go too far, you can't run too fast,
41:25 and that's precisely what God gave you.
41:26 Yes.
41:28 And, you know, it's kind of like,
41:29 like you said in your sermons that I always use
41:33 with my patients, it's like, you know, we all got stuff.
41:36 And, you know, Lord just says surrender that stuff.
41:38 Yes.
41:40 And we keep on to hold on to it.
41:42 And I used to keep giving him the stuff.
41:44 He put his basket down and I put it all in,
41:47 he take it and I'd say, "Oh, but wait a minute."
41:49 And I take one thing out at a time,
41:51 but finally when I surrendered it all
41:53 and still I struggle with that.
41:55 But when I finally surrendered it all, he says,
41:58 "Now I can do the work." Amen.
42:01 Now you told me the Lord kind of played a little,
42:03 I'll say game with you,
42:04 'cause He wouldn't let you go past 3ABN,
42:06 He kind of stuck you there, didn't He?
42:08 He did.
42:09 I could not, I could not go past that and I'm telling you,
42:14 I got so immersed into it.
42:15 I was handwriting recipes from Micheff Sisters.
42:19 I mean everything that I could get a hold up on 3ABN,
42:24 I was sucking up.
42:25 And I still have notes and journals from your sermons,
42:29 from Danny's messages
42:31 and interviews and Cheri Peters.
42:34 I mean, you guys were all part of my recovering from sin
42:38 and coming back.
42:39 And I think we need to do a 12 step program for sinners,
42:43 'cause wouldn't that be good, we can go into the church
42:45 and we could say stand up and say, "Hi,
42:48 my name is Debby and I am a sinner."
42:49 Wow.
42:51 And then just recover from there, right?
42:52 Yeah. Praise the Lord, wonderful.
42:54 Now, give us a little of clue into what you are doing here,
42:57 you're in the mental health section.
42:58 You've got on your green,
43:00 so that means you're mental health girl,
43:01 so what are you doing here?
43:03 Okay, so what I'm doing is after the patients
43:05 have been completely triaged, they may have gone through
43:11 the main triage here to determine
43:13 what needs they have.
43:15 And they've already seen the psychologist, or therapist,
43:18 or psychiatrist.
43:20 They've already done the testing
43:21 maybe for depression recovery.
43:23 Then they come to me if they are looking for local,
43:28 no charge clinics, mental health clinics
43:31 to keep up with their care.
43:33 Groups, housing, food, shelter,
43:38 those kinds of things.
43:39 We try to connect them with a local church
43:41 if we possibly can.
43:44 Any kind of that, any type of resources
43:46 and then we always ask them
43:49 if they're getting any other services here,
43:52 because we have other services besides the medical
43:55 and a dental and a vision.
43:57 And I always ask the women, did you get a massage today?
44:00 Did you get a mani-pedis 'cause they've got it.
44:02 What about your hair?
44:04 You know, because they're usually the ones
44:06 that are coming through and they're feeling
44:08 like they haven't had that love, you know,
44:11 and something else that we always try to do
44:14 is have prayer with them.
44:16 Excellent.
44:17 You know, and I always ask, I said,
44:19 "Do you mind if I pray for you."
44:23 And they, "Oh, no."
44:25 you'd be surprised.
44:26 They just want to be loved.
44:28 Some of these psych patients have not been loved on
44:31 for a decade or more many decades, not even touch.
44:35 That's what I wanted to talk you about
44:36 because I've been talking with other people here
44:39 and saying that the smile,
44:41 the hug, the pat on the back is important
44:45 as the medical treatment
44:46 because of the mental state that people come.
44:48 Now as we all know mental health
44:50 has this kind of little aura,
44:52 this little treatment and one of the things
44:54 I see from you is a Godly Spirit.
44:56 And I think that is as important
44:58 to the treatment as the practical part
45:02 of during recovery, do you not think so?
45:05 Well, absolutely, I mean, you know,
45:06 I guess it goes back to my training as a child.
45:09 And at Loma Linda that it's mind, body and spirit,
45:13 is it not?
45:15 And if we take, we know that
45:16 all illnesses start in the mind.
45:18 Yeah. Yeah.
45:19 So if we could get the mind healthy,
45:21 we probably wouldn't have the comorbidities
45:23 of hypertension and diabetes, and the rest of it, right?
45:27 I mean we really wouldn't.
45:29 But, yes, absolutely.
45:31 And just really loving on these people, you know,
45:35 even if you just you say, "Hi, how are you?
45:37 My name is Debbi."
45:39 I always make sure that I shake their hand,
45:41 when they come in,
45:42 because like I said for decades,
45:44 these people may have never had anybody touch them,
45:48 you know, so.
45:49 Debbi, thank you so very much.
45:51 Thank you so very much for the story.
45:53 And we are so pleased that 3ABN
45:55 played a part in your recovery,
45:57 and you are coming back to the Lord.
45:58 And you're doing a great work here,
46:00 and keep that smile and that beautiful spirit.
46:02 I certainly will.
46:03 Thank you and so very nice to meet you,
46:06 'cause you were part of it.
46:08 Praise the Lord. Thank you.
46:12 Again, so nice to know that when you're flat on your back
46:14 and you're gonna only look up,
46:16 you could look into the face of God.
46:17 And then God provides you with something
46:19 that will bring you back to Him.
46:22 One of the things that we've found that the various
46:25 in Your Best Pathways to Health clinics and seminars,
46:30 is that lives that are touched physically of times
46:35 have mental ramifications that are positive
46:38 which opens the door for the entrance of the gospel,
46:42 and spiritual things and we see that continuum
46:45 happening over and over again.
46:49 I'm told that there were some 1500 or so surgeries
46:52 that took place during the course of this
46:54 Your Best Pathway to Health, Los Angeles,
46:57 White Memorial Hospital,
46:58 Loma Linda Hospital, Glendale Adventist Hospital.
47:01 Doctors representing those institutions
47:03 are our good friend Schubert Palmer
47:05 and other doctors were doing surgeries
47:07 there and giving medical advice
47:09 along with the other various services,
47:11 but there are some people
47:13 who came in with chronic expressions of illness
47:18 that really had dogged their lives.
47:19 There was young man who we don't have time
47:21 to show on this one,
47:22 who had large keloids on his ears to the point
47:25 that he always wore a Hil hoody,
47:26 he always had his ears covered 'cause of this big growth on
47:29 his ears and those growths were taken off,
47:32 he could not afford to have that done.
47:33 And he had always shied away from health and wellness
47:37 and certainly Christians,
47:39 because he couldn't afford that.
47:40 And he found Christians to be judgmental.
47:41 Well, when he came to Your Best Pathway,
47:44 he was prayed with, he was helped,
47:45 he was encouraged
47:47 and he had those keloids taken off.
47:48 His life has been changed,
47:50 and now he is open to the entrance of the gospel.
47:52 Our next video is Carolina Herrera,
47:58 again a lovely young woman who had some grows on her neck
48:02 and her chest that were disfiguring,
48:05 that embarrassed her,
48:07 that she had to have her whole life
48:09 she was dealing with these things.
48:10 Well, she came to Your Best Pathway to Health,
48:12 and these things were taken care of
48:13 and when you see the joy on her face
48:16 and the tears in her eyes,
48:17 you know that God has done something very,
48:19 very special for her.
48:21 Well, her physical life has been changed,
48:23 her mental outlook is changed
48:25 and now she is open to the entrance of the gospel.
48:28 And that ladies and gentlemen, is what it is all about.
48:31 We will watch this video, then we go to our newsbreak,
48:34 then we'll come back,
48:36 and put a little bow on this
48:37 and wrap up this particular broadcast.
48:42 Carolina came to us I think, I don't know,
48:46 if she was referred by another physician
48:48 or she came to the door asking for dermatology.
48:50 We are actually having laser services
48:53 on this pathway to health registrar,
48:55 she was sent there.
48:57 I wasn't sure that there is hope for her
48:59 to really get anything done.
49:00 But you know Dr. Prodonovic has seen many patients,
49:04 he's done a lot of derm.
49:06 Take tattoo removal along the way,
49:08 he's seen a lot of skin problems and issues
49:09 for 20 years.
49:11 So I felt like "Hey, there's something
49:14 that can happen with this case."
49:15 I thought I can really handle some of it
49:18 but most of that needed be surgically treated.
49:22 So I referred her back to dermatology
49:26 or plastic surgery.
49:27 She had very, very thick lesions
49:30 that were kind of sticking out.
49:32 And this basically what we call epidermis,
49:34 this is kind of like a congenital hormone birthmark,
49:37 but they come in different shapes, sizes, colors
49:40 and her is pretty much encompass
49:42 at the back of her neck,
49:43 the front and coming down to her chest.
49:46 Since I was born I had it.
49:48 When I was born my mom saw it, she was devastated.
49:54 She couldn't find a way to take it off, you know,
49:57 I heard this on the radio
49:59 that they were having the convention.
50:01 It was just the fact
50:04 that you could do something about it,
50:07 try to take it off, you know, that's what brought me herein.
50:16 You just have to step by step, you know,
50:19 slowly just kind of remove each and every one of it.
50:21 So we get really down to the base of it
50:23 and then in conjunction with laser
50:25 and other modalities,
50:26 we can be able to kind of clear it almost to 100 percent.
50:30 I mean she totally by coincidence
50:34 she turn on the radio,
50:35 she heard about it this morning,
50:37 she got to work, her boss wasn't even there.
50:40 I can never say no to that woman,
50:42 like I can never tell you, you know, what,
50:44 I'm just not gonna come, and never give her an excuse.
50:47 She wasn't there and I was like "Oh, my God,
50:49 well, that makes it easier,"
50:50 you know, like I'm just gonna go.
50:52 Like checked in for 10 minutes, checked out.
50:55 Drove all the way from San Bernardino
50:56 which is around Loma Linda area to here in traffic
51:00 to make here to see what can be done,
51:02 and thus after, you know, 20 plus years of having them.
51:10 I never thought like this morning
51:11 when I put on my shoes, I was gonna come and, you know,
51:15 like my life has just completely went 360,
51:18 like it's overwhelming, you know,
51:22 like where other people take for granted
51:26 and, you know, it's like I'm going to have it,
51:28 now, I have a new life.
51:29 And just I'm really grateful
51:31 how everything just fell in order.
51:34 It's just the--
51:35 to see the impact it had on her emotionally for so long,
51:38 I mean it's all coming out right now.
51:40 Everybody told me, you know, you don't have hope
51:42 like we can't help you, you know,
51:46 maybe even know me right off the bat,
51:47 they're like yes, go, here I'm and still is.
51:51 I just feel like people are beyond angels,
51:53 they're really nice.
51:55 They are really nice.
51:57 To be able to offer the services,
51:58 to be able to in additionally pray with the patients.
52:02 And, you know, I don't know what better work there is.
52:12 Thank you. No problem.
52:14 It's a team effort.
52:16 Oh, that's okay.
52:17 Come up and we'll show you.
52:19 I don't think I would have made it...
52:24 Happy new life.
52:25 I wouldn't have the new life
52:27 but my smiles can be bigger than ever,
52:30 you know, like I just picture myself in my wedding dress,
52:35 I think being able to have my hair, all these,
52:38 Amazing, you know, being able to go to the beach
52:42 and just letting my hair little go crazy,
52:44 you know, it's just being able, it's a new freedom for me.
52:49 And I must too say that.
52:51 I'm very, very happy, beyond everything
52:55 and I just think that was much, you know, I'm very, very happy.
53:00 I feel like a new person.


Revised 2016-07-11