3ABN Today

Restore a Child

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray (Host), Norma Nashed


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016038A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:09 My name is CA Murray
01:10 and thank you once again for joining us
01:12 and for sharing part of your busy day with us.
01:15 Thank you for supporting the work that we do,
01:17 as together we are called to lift up
01:20 the mighty and mightiest name of Jesus.
01:21 Today's program is a very interesting one
01:23 because we're going to talk about
01:25 helping those who cannot help themselves,
01:27 giving them a little leg up dare
01:29 we say in the world that does not always treat
01:32 young children or children or young people well
01:36 when they're not supported by mothers and fathers.
01:39 There are those who have been called
01:41 to be mothers and fathers to them and so,
01:43 we're going to be talking about
01:46 dealing with orphans and some of the less fortunate,
01:48 the ministry is called Restore a Child,
01:51 and the president is here and this is Norma Nashed.
01:54 Norma, good to have you here.
01:55 Thank you. It's good to meet you.
01:58 Norma is one person who we have found
02:01 in the last little bit has energy,
02:03 and has a long track record of serving the Lord
02:05 and doing a great job.
02:07 Literally, Norma, all over the world.
02:10 Restore a Child is in how many countries?
02:13 Fifteen countries.
02:14 Fifteen countries,
02:16 do you know them off hand, the names?
02:17 Yes. Okay.
02:18 I mean, in Africa we have...
02:21 We have Ethiopia, we have Congo,
02:26 we have Tanzania, we have Zimbabwe.
02:28 That's four.
02:30 And we have South Sudan.
02:36 Hmm, five.
02:38 Five maybe I'm forgetting.
02:39 So one-third or a lot of the work is in Africa.
02:43 Because the need is great.
02:44 The need is great there.
02:45 But you've got some other countries too.
02:47 Yes, we have Indonesia.
02:48 We have seven orphanages in Indonesia,
02:51 and Indonesia has 18,000 islands.
02:56 So we have to cover each direction,
02:59 and then we have Haiti.
03:00 Haiti, yes.
03:02 We have also Jordan, which is my country.
03:06 We help students there, and then we have Ukraine,
03:10 and in the USA also.
03:13 In the USA, we help the Navajo children.
03:16 I see, I see.
03:18 So you've got really a far-flung enterprise.
03:24 Is this your baby, your invention?
03:26 I know you're the president.
03:27 Are you also the founder of this ministry?
03:28 Yes. Yeah.
03:30 I'm the founder and...
03:31 Founder and president. Yes.
03:32 And you have a staff of hundreds.
03:35 I have staff of none.
03:40 So you're carrying the bulk of the load yourself.
03:43 Yes, I do, except, you know, in the office,
03:47 you know, marketing, fundraising, everything,
03:49 I do writing.
03:51 However, the technical parts like web development,
03:56 graphic design, and translation,
03:58 we have United Nations' online volunteers.
04:02 Excellent.
04:04 We have used hundreds of them over the years.
04:06 And so, they are helping us, even right now,
04:09 they are revamping and modernizing our website.
04:12 Wow. Wow. Praise the Lord.
04:14 Give me the year that the ministry got started?
04:17 1999.
04:19 1999, bless your heart.
04:20 Now, let's go back in before that,
04:22 because as you, you alluded to a moment ago,
04:23 you're from Jordan.
04:25 Yes.
04:26 And let's get a little flavor of life in Jordan,
04:29 then I want to kind of bring you
04:31 to the States into Adventism and to this ministry.
04:33 But were you born into a Christian home?
04:36 Yes.
04:37 You were. Yes.
04:38 Was there a lot of Christians back in Jordan in those days?
04:41 Yes, we have like 10 percent Christians
04:45 and 90 percent are Muslims.
04:47 Are Muslim.
04:48 Did the Christian community,
04:50 were they free to practice their faith
04:51 or was there any pressure
04:53 against what you're trying to do.
04:54 Very much. You are free.
04:55 Now, yes, yes.
04:57 You know, Jordan is a very friendly,
04:59 people are very hospitable,
05:00 and that we don't have that animosity.
05:05 So yes, we had, you know,
05:07 I worked for 25 years in the Middle East,
05:10 in different countries in Kuwait, in Egypt,
05:15 and in Jordan, and I worked for Muslims.
05:19 All of these and
05:20 but they respected me as a Christian.
05:21 As a Christian, yes.
05:23 Because I practiced my faith.
05:25 Now Jordan is, was, I say is under a king?
05:29 Yes. You have a king?
05:31 Yes.
05:32 And so he pretty much allows you to,
05:33 I say you Christians to,
05:35 to practice your faith without any undue pressure.
05:37 Amazing,
05:38 because the late King Hussein of Jordan.
05:40 Yes.
05:41 His nanny was an Adventist from Switzerland,
05:47 I mean, it is amazing,
05:49 and her last name was Izink
05:54 and then she married an American Boyd,
05:58 and then I met her,
05:59 when I first came to the States 30 years ago.
06:01 And she gave me a book that she had written
06:03 about the king for his 58th birthday.
06:06 Birthday, praise the Lord.
06:08 So you are an Adventist growing up?
06:12 Not at the beginning.
06:13 My mother became an Adventist.
06:15 Oh, I see.
06:16 My father was never a churchman,
06:18 he never went to church.
06:20 I see, brothers and sisters?
06:22 Yeah, I have four sisters and two brothers.
06:25 A big family.
06:27 We are seven. Seven, yes.
06:28 Seven children, my mother became a widow,
06:31 a blind widow actually, she became blind.
06:32 Yes.
06:34 And we were... she was penniless.
06:39 In that seven, where are you?
06:41 The second.
06:42 Well, you're kind in the top end.
06:44 Yes.
06:45 Are any of your brothers and sisters in this country?
06:47 Yes.
06:49 Three of them are here in the States.
06:51 I see, I see. Yes.
06:52 And three are back home.
06:54 Back home, do you get home ever to see them?
06:58 I haven't been there in 15 years,
07:02 haven't been there.
07:03 Wow.
07:04 But that they come here.
07:06 Yes, okay. So I see them.
07:07 Okay, very good, very good.
07:09 Tell me, Norma, how Adventism came into your life?
07:11 My mother, somebody saw her in the market with a cross.
07:17 Yes. Wearing a cross.
07:18 So he asked her, you are a Christian.
07:20 Would you like to receive Bible studies just like that,
07:25 and she said, immediately she said yes.
07:26 All right, praise the Lord.
07:28 Amazing, and so he started giving her Bible studies,
07:31 and she would invite her friends, the neighbors
07:35 and this is how she became Adventist.
07:36 Wow.
07:37 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
07:39 So give us some sense now, because your home,
07:43 you said you worked in the Middle East,
07:45 was it in taking care of orphans
07:48 or there some other kind of work.
07:49 No, I was like...
07:51 now they call it Administrative Assistant.
07:53 Yes. Yes. Yes.
07:54 But before it was secretary. It was secretary.
07:58 A glorified secretary. A glorified secretary.
08:00 I see, I see.
08:02 Tell me a little bit about
08:03 what brought you to these United States?
08:06 Yes.
08:08 I was working at that time for ten years
08:10 for Royal Jordanian Airlines.
08:13 And, I worked for the chairman,
08:15 for the president and chairman first.
08:18 And I told him that, if you know,
08:21 I don't work on Saturdays.
08:24 It's my, you know, because of my belief.
08:26 Yes.
08:28 And he said, but in the Middle East,
08:29 at that time the day off was only Friday.
08:32 He said, "But you need the job for your family.
08:36 And if we don't give you Saturday,
08:38 you won't accept the job?"
08:39 I said, "I'm sorry sir, I will decline."
08:43 And after two days, I got a phone call,
08:46 you're selected for the job.
08:49 So you stand up for the Lord, and the Lord stands up for you.
08:52 So you're working now for Royal Jordanian Airlines,
08:55 and that brought you to the United States.
08:58 Yes, but after ten years,
09:00 the chairman and president left.
09:02 And the new man was a military man,
09:05 a very fanatic man, so he won't give me Sabbath.
09:09 Ah, I see, I see.
09:10 So I decided it's time to move on.
09:13 No hesitation on that move?
09:15 No.
09:16 Sabbath was conflict so you have...
09:18 Yeah, no, no, yeah. Yeah.
09:20 God will provide and God provided.
09:22 Indeed He did, so where did you end up?
09:25 I end up at the General Conference,
09:26 this was the only job I had here.
09:28 Yes.
09:30 And I worked in different departments,
09:32 but the last one was in the youth department
09:35 and when I got cancer after 13 years, I left my job.
09:40 You left your job. Wow. Praise the Lord.
09:43 Was not so bad landing
09:45 at the General Conference for 13 years.
09:47 You look well and healthy,
09:48 how you're doing with the cancer?
09:50 I never went back to the doctor, not once.
09:53 Really? No.
09:55 I decided, you know, when I left my job,
09:58 it means I had no medical insurance.
09:59 Yes. Yes. Yes.
10:01 And I had no husband that means I need to trust God.
10:04 Yes.
10:06 And I did the natural way and God healed me.
10:08 Praise God.
10:09 Never went back, not once. Never went back.
10:11 No. In all these years.
10:12 Not. Bless your heart.
10:15 It's a testimony you know how God can...
10:17 It is a testimony.
10:19 God can heal you. Yes.
10:21 Can provide everything for you.
10:22 Yes. Yes. Yes.
10:24 Now, what brothers and sisters are here in this country
10:26 if any with you?
10:27 Yes, I have one who works at the General Conference
10:30 and then I have another one who became a U.S. diplomat
10:34 working for the State Department
10:36 for 25 years, he retired.
10:40 So you are diagnosed,
10:43 you have obviously beaten it off.
10:46 Was it about that time
10:48 that this ministry was birthed in your heart?
10:50 Tell me how this concern for love for children
10:54 and Restore a Child actually got started.
10:57 Yes.
10:58 You know when I was still in the Middle East,
11:01 my father died,
11:03 and one American missionary family took me to their home.
11:08 Yes.
11:09 And they took care of me,
11:10 they were like my foster parents.
11:12 And I went to school and they had good education.
11:16 And my sister is, some of them did not
11:18 even finish high school, we were poor.
11:20 I had to clean the school when I was ten years old,
11:25 walk six miles every day,
11:27 and clean the school to pay for my Christian education.
11:32 It was so important. Yeah.
11:34 So obviously education is important to you,
11:37 and you paid for on your feet, and on your hands,
11:40 and cleaning, and I guess that's something
11:44 that's kind of stayed with you all of these years.
11:45 Yes.
11:47 You know, it's how my mom told us,
11:49 taught us that whatever you do, God sees you.
11:52 Do it unto God with all your heart even cleaning,
11:55 you know, whatever it is there
11:57 and no water in the bathrooms there,
12:00 I did everything. Oh, bless your heart.
12:02 It was a tough job but it builds character.
12:04 Oh, yeah.
12:06 And that's what we are trying to do with our children,
12:08 teach them the dignity of manual labor.
12:12 Yes. Yes. Yes.
12:14 All right, you're here, you're working at a GC,
12:17 you have to quit that.
12:18 Tell me how we actually got the birth of Restore a Child?
12:23 You know, I knew when I got cancer,
12:26 God would not give me that disease to punish me
12:32 because one year earlier, I had committed,
12:34 recommitted my life completely to him.
12:37 I had peace with him, really, really I was,
12:40 you know, I'm in love with, with Jesus.
12:43 I mean, I was at peace, and then I get cancer.
12:47 I said, "God has something good coming out of it,
12:51 I had no idea."
12:53 Okay.
12:54 So I did not pray for healing not once,
12:56 and as a woman, we cry.
12:58 I didn't cry.
12:59 I did nothing, I was happy.
13:01 I was going to take treatments and coming to work,
13:04 and they say you are smiling, you have cancer.
13:07 I said, ''God is working. He has something good coming."
13:11 What's interesting is
13:12 after you give your life to Christ,
13:14 you get everything straight. Yes.
13:15 You give your life to the Lord.
13:16 Now, I get cancer you know,
13:18 it's kind of bad timing, but it didn't...
13:21 Obviously, it didn't destroy your world,
13:23 it didn't devastate you. No. No.
13:25 You took it in stride.
13:26 I knew it. Yeah.
13:28 I had a good relationship with God.
13:30 Praise the Lord.
13:31 Something good will come out
13:32 and that was the birth of Restore a Child.
13:35 So these are the days when this idea occurred to you.
13:37 Yes.
13:38 Was it in discussing with somebody else
13:40 or you just remembered your own.
13:41 Now, you didn't, we didn't really go into this too much
13:43 but, but you spent some time, was it as an orphan yourself?
13:48 Walk me through that experience?
13:50 No, I mean, because we had a good mother.
13:52 Yes.
13:53 My father was alcoholic.
13:54 Wow! I see.
13:56 And he never talked to me, I mean he was absent father.
13:59 So his death did not affected me at least,
14:04 but I had siblings who were very young.
14:06 I see, I see.
14:08 My mother had to work very hard then till she became blind
14:11 and she couldn't work anymore serving for people.
14:14 Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
14:16 So obviously, it developed in you a certain sensitivity
14:19 for young kids who cannot help themselves.
14:21 Yes. Yeah, yeah.
14:22 So, okay, you got this love, you got this history,
14:25 you got this background.
14:26 How does that translate into a ministry?
14:28 How did you take this care, this concern you have,
14:32 and then turn that care into ministry?
14:35 One thing I wish I can explain how I do things.
14:39 Yes.
14:40 I don't have training.
14:41 You know, I didn't finish college
14:43 because my mom said, "Come back and help me."
14:45 Yes.
14:46 So I didn't have...
14:48 I don't know marketing, fundraising, writing,
14:51 I know nothing about this.
14:53 But I knew that God will help me.
14:56 Yes.
14:57 So I started this one.
14:59 I couldn't start overseas,
15:01 when there is a lot in Washington D.C.,
15:04 African-American poverty like so bad.
15:06 Very much so.
15:08 So I said, "I cannot love children overseas
15:11 when I can't love the people around me."
15:14 So I started with Washington D.C.
15:16 helping children and then we grew from there,
15:19 and it became a big mystery.
15:21 And of course, I knew, I had to have a board
15:24 so we established a board.
15:26 We had to have a CPA, so I don't handle money at all,
15:30 I don't sign checks, I don't do anything.
15:32 I do the work.
15:33 So it is a ministry that is very credible,
15:38 it works with integrity, sustain...
15:41 I mean a transparency and accountability.
15:45 Yes. And that's our strength.
15:48 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
15:49 And I don't take a salary.
15:51 You do not? No, 16 years.
15:53 Bless your heart. Bless your heart.
15:55 That's really a testament to the dedication
15:59 that you have for this particular ministry.
16:03 You had to surround yourself with competent people
16:06 and then you got to trust them.
16:07 You know, that they're doing, they're doing their job
16:09 and evidently they're doing what they're been called to do
16:11 because the ministry is flourishing.
16:12 Yes.
16:14 When did you have your first... just what I want,
16:18 your first extension of this ministry
16:20 outside of the United States.
16:22 The first one was in my country Jordan.
16:25 So when I got cancer, I went to...
16:27 I went to see my country. Yes.
16:30 I said, maybe I won't come back,
16:32 so I went to the school.
16:34 Feeling a little nostalgic. Yes.
16:35 I went to the school that I used to clean.
16:37 And I saw them sending two children home
16:41 and the kids were crying.
16:42 So I told them,
16:44 "Why did you send these kids home?
16:45 They said, "Because they don't have money to pay tuition."
16:48 I said, "You punish children because of poverty?"
16:52 And so this is when I decided I have to start helping.
16:55 You have to do something. Yes. Yeah.
16:57 And so, and I may have asked this moment ago.
16:59 Your first one was, was it in Jordan?
17:01 The first...
17:03 The first one was before I even went,
17:05 it was here in my backyard...
17:06 Okay, I understand.
17:07 In my backyard.
17:09 Okay, very good, very good, okay.
17:10 So you're trying to set this thing,
17:12 was there anybody with you to give you encouragement
17:14 or to help you with logistics, put it together
17:17 or it just sort of came out of your heart.
17:18 Yes. Yeah.
17:19 I had nobody.
17:21 Wow. Wow. Wow.
17:23 That is really something to, to you know to know
17:27 that it will spur, spur you on.
17:29 But the good news is, and we can add this that
17:32 at this point in time, the Adventist church
17:35 is officially in your corner given you help,
17:39 given you aid, given you encouragement.
17:42 How do we qualify your relationship
17:45 now with the Adventist church
17:47 'cause I know you're an independent ministry?
17:48 Yes.
17:50 I mean just for the last three years,
17:54 I have some support
17:56 from our board members and our chairman.
17:58 Praise the Lord.
17:59 Who work for North American Division
18:01 and the General Conference,
18:03 in that way because they travel,
18:05 so they save me the time and expense.
18:11 So they can be your arms
18:12 and legs and ears as well as hands,
18:15 yeah, of the ministry without you having to do
18:17 but you do, do some traveling.
18:19 No, I have to, yes. Yes. Yes.
18:21 There's nobody to get around it.
18:22 No, Africa.
18:24 I go like at least three four times
18:26 I travel a year, sometimes more.
18:30 What are you seeking to accomplish
18:34 with these orphanages around the world.
18:37 What were you seeking to do
18:38 and I know you're pulling kids off of the street,
18:41 but in a big sense, what are you trying to do?
18:44 What I'm trying to do is,
18:46 the first thing when Jesus comes,
18:49 there will be two groups of people,
18:51 one on His right, one on His left.
18:53 Yes.
18:54 And what will He judge them with?
18:56 He doesn't tell them, did you go and preach?
18:59 He will tell them, I was hungry, I was thirsty,
19:02 I was naked, I was sick.
19:04 These are the areas we work with.
19:06 I see.
19:07 Yeah, these four areas to,
19:09 you know, fulfill the command of Jesus.
19:12 So those are the kinds of things that drive you
19:14 and all of this is being done
19:15 with a grand staff of one person
19:18 just still kind of doing this on, on.
19:19 Yes.
19:21 I can't say on your own,
19:22 because when the Lord calls you to do something,
19:23 you're not on your own. No.
19:25 But you don't have a big staff supporting
19:27 be surprise what you need to do.
19:29 Yes.
19:30 I have people that I work with in the different countries.
19:33 They are mostly missionaries, who live there give, you know,
19:37 they give their life,
19:39 so I need people that I can trust.
19:42 Praise the Lord.
19:43 And that kind of, that's what this is one of our strengths.
19:46 It's the right partnership, the right people to work with.
19:49 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
19:51 God had sent you some, some good people
19:53 sounds like down through the years.
19:54 Amazing.
19:55 Yeah. Yeah!
19:57 Trust the people because, you know,
19:58 you could end up losing your money.
20:01 But you have to be careful who you work with.
20:03 Yes. Yes, very much so. Yes.
20:05 I want to get into the actual work
20:08 that you are doing there and we want to go
20:10 to, to some of our pictures and we've got some videos too.
20:14 Before we get too far down into this
20:16 because it's hard to conceptualize
20:19 the scope of what Norma is trying to do
20:21 without seeing some representations of it.
20:26 So first of all what's, what's up first.
20:28 First is the school in Haiti.
20:30 We built last year a school
20:32 for elementary school for children.
20:35 And that these children were on the streets literally,
20:39 I had sent 75 boxes of clothing and shoes and school supplies
20:44 and they arrived when I was there.
20:46 And the school had just finished,
20:49 was completed.
20:50 So I wanted these kids,
20:52 and I would take them from the streets,
20:53 I'll tell them, "You want to go to school?"
20:54 Yes. Yes.
20:56 So I take them, wash them,
20:57 put shoes on them clothes and take them to school.
20:59 Praise the Lord.
21:00 Do you find, Norma, most over most of the world
21:02 young people want to go to school,
21:04 they want that education.
21:06 You know, when it comes to young people,
21:11 it is they want to study
21:12 but they don't want to start again,
21:14 you know, from A.B.C.
21:15 Yes.
21:17 So that's why we are concentrating now
21:19 on building vocational training schools for them.
21:22 We have elementary schools,
21:24 we have built two three for little children
21:27 and, you know, they'll grow up to high school with us,
21:31 but that boys on the streets need care.
21:35 And that's what we are doing now.
21:37 We have, this year we are building
21:39 free vocational training schools.
21:41 One was inaugurated yesterday in Indonesia.
21:44 Oh, praise the Lord.
21:45 One in Haiti and one in Argentina.
21:47 Excellent, excellent.
21:48 So you are expanding even as we speak.
21:51 Yes. You're growing.
21:53 Let's go to some of the pictures
21:54 I could, I want to, I want to get the folk to see a...
21:56 The video made. Yeah.
21:58 Oh, the video first.
21:59 Well, we got this one up, let's go with this.
22:01 Now who is this? This is, her name is Cynthia.
22:03 Cynthia.
22:05 And I found her in March,
22:06 when I went, when I was in Ethiopia--
22:08 when I was in Haiti.
22:10 Yes.
22:11 And there I went to an orphanage
22:13 that we support,
22:14 and the guy who built it is the guy in the picture.
22:17 He's an engineer from New York.
22:20 He built a school
22:22 and an orphanage with his own money.
22:23 Wow.
22:24 So when I was there,
22:26 I saw this little girl by herself
22:28 sitting in the garden.
22:30 I said, "Who is she?"
22:31 He told me, "I don't know her.
22:34 I don't know this girl."
22:35 So we had to ask the mother "Who is she?"
22:38 And she said, "Her mother was going to sell her
22:42 as a slave girl at age three."
22:44 Wow.
22:45 And eventually she decided to abandon her.
22:47 She left her in the market
22:49 and the woman who takes care of the orphanage.
22:53 She took her to the home and she said,
22:56 "Next week, I'll take her back to find her mother."
22:58 I said, "You don't take it anywhere.
23:00 You keep her, we are responsible for her."
23:03 So that's what they call trafficking.
23:05 Yes, yes, yes.
23:06 People take little kids and amazing--
23:09 And sell them into all kinds of things.
23:11 So I guess that's one of the things
23:12 that you're heading off is this,
23:13 this trafficking of children in some of these countries.
23:16 And some of the countries you've mentioned
23:19 have a high incidents of that.
23:21 Ethiopia is big because when I was in Ethiopia,
23:25 I saved three girls of trafficking
23:28 but two of them.
23:29 One man was running with two girls.
23:31 So I told him, I stopped him. I'm not afraid of him.
23:34 Who are these girls?
23:36 I was afraid, he said, "Are they your daughters?"
23:39 He said, "No." Okay, are they your relatives?
23:42 "No." So why are you taking them?
23:44 He said, "They have nobody."
23:46 I said, "If they have nobody, you take them?"
23:47 He said, "Yeah, if you want them, you can have them."
23:49 I said, "Yeah, I want them."
23:51 So I took them to the orphanage,
23:53 it's that easy to take girls and sell them.
23:57 No government, nobody cares. Yes. Yes.
23:59 I don't think he expect you to take him up on that offer.
24:03 He just lost part of his, his meal ticket.
24:06 So is that where you get most of your girls
24:09 or your boys and girls just take them off the street.
24:12 Are they that easy to spot?
24:14 Not all of them are like that. Yes.
24:15 Some of them are, we hear about them,
24:18 some of them just in the community,
24:20 where we work.
24:21 We just go and I see kids without parents
24:23 or even with a mother
24:25 or with a father but not a mother.
24:28 So they're not all orphans they're poor.
24:31 So we have to feed them and provide for them,
24:35 but the biggest thing is
24:37 if we are not concerned about their spirituality
24:41 and their eternity, we are losing.
24:44 It's not the food.
24:46 It's not just water and clothing.
24:50 We teach them about God. Yes.
24:52 We bring them to know Jesus. Yes.
24:54 Walk me through, Norma, if you will
24:56 how you view religion,
24:58 the love of Christ into the daily routine
25:01 because you've got school,
25:02 you've got teaching that has to go on,
25:03 and those kinds of things.
25:05 How do you view Jesus into that whole mix?
25:09 Yeah, from the first, you know,
25:11 at first we start like in a school,
25:13 the first thing we teach is for them to sing and pray.
25:17 The first thing in the morning, even, while...
25:21 Yeah, sing and pray.
25:22 While they are doing,
25:24 there is raising of flag after there is a flag.
25:27 Then they sing and pray
25:29 and then they have Bible class too.
25:32 And so it's amazing work. Yeah. Yeah.
25:35 It is
25:36 and I think it prioritizes thing so beautifully.
25:39 Before we get anything moving, let's sing and pray,
25:42 and get the day started off, started off correctly.
25:44 So it's easy, and kids you know are the most fertile soil.
25:49 Yes. They are receptive.
25:50 They are willing to learn, so this is what--
25:53 If you want to,
25:54 in fact the lives of the future of any country,
25:58 you start with the children.
25:59 Yes. Yes.
26:01 And if you train them well,
26:02 then you can have better future.
26:04 Better future, beautiful,
26:05 beautifully said, beautifully said.
26:08 Let's look at some more stuff 'cause we got a bunch of them,
26:10 I want to get to before it gets away from us.
26:13 What do we have coming up next?
26:14 We have the video of Haiti, the school, if we can see it.
26:18 Okay, let's take a look.
26:31 Restore a Child is a humanitarian organization.
26:36 Our main focus in Haiti is education.
26:40 So we build the elementary school
26:43 which is growing every year by one class.
26:46 Now, next year we'll have grade five
26:48 and then grade six and so on till high school.
26:56 And, but our focus on orphans
26:58 because children who do not have parents
27:02 have any for somebody to care for them.
27:04 They cannot be on the streets, they need to be fed,
27:07 they need to be clothed, they need to go to school.
27:10 And that's what our role is here for
27:14 to take care of the children here in Haiti.
27:21 Jesus love the children.
27:23 Jesus said, "Let the children come to me,
27:26 and forbid them not."
27:28 And so Jesus opened His arms for the children.
27:31 He blessed them, and He loved them,
27:34 and you are not to do any less than Jesus did.
28:19 Those young people look so nice and bright in their uniforms.
28:24 And you have to provide those uniforms also, don't you?
28:27 Yes, for the most poor and the orphans we do.
28:31 Tell me what Do Fast is because our next roll is Do Fast.
28:36 What is that?
28:37 It's a new movement that I started,
28:40 and started called, "DO"
28:44 DO, stands for Defend Orphans.
28:48 It's taken from Isaiah 1:17 it says,
28:51 "Do good, seek justice, defend orphans."
28:56 So it's in the Bible and then in the Psalms 82 also.
29:00 So and then
29:02 because there are so many hungry children in the world,
29:06 6 million children die of hunger every year.
29:12 Wow.
29:13 So we combined the Do Fast, the do with the fast
29:17 according to Isaiah 58.
29:19 What does Isaiah 58 say?
29:23 "Is this the fast that I have chosen."
29:24 Yes, yes, yes.
29:26 Isn't it to deal or share your bread with the hungry?
29:29 Yes, yes. Very true.
29:31 And bring the poor to your house
29:33 and if you see a naked that you clothe him.
29:36 So this is what Do Fast is about.
29:39 It's what God wants you to do for orphans
29:43 and for a true fast.
29:46 It's not about fasting, you know,
29:48 because the beginning of Isaiah 58 it says,
29:51 "We pray, we pray, we do everything,
29:54 and you don't hear us."
29:55 He said, "This is not what I want,
29:58 take care of the hungry and the naked."
30:01 Yes, as you do I'll hear. Yes.
30:03 All right, this is what we do. Let's take a look at Do Fast.
30:13 Tonight, one in seven people will go to bed hungry.
30:17 Hunger kills more than AIDS, malaria
30:20 and tuberculosis combined.
30:22 One third of the world is starving to death right now.
30:26 Every 13 seconds, a child dies of malnutrition,
30:28 that's 6 million dead children a year.
30:31 But you can make a difference.
30:33 The second Saturday, in November,
30:35 be part of the 24-Hour Do Fast.
30:38 During the Do Fast,
30:39 people across the world would be reading Isaiah 58,
30:42 and praying for God's blessing.
30:44 God's promise is simple, "Ask and it'll be given to you,
30:48 seek and you will find, knock
30:49 and the door will be open to you."
30:52 Let's ask God to Restore a Child.
30:54 Visit restoreachild.org/dofast
30:57 and donate today.
31:00 So Do Fast then is a program that has been adopted
31:03 by at least in North American Division,
31:04 the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
31:06 Yes.
31:08 The education department. Yes.
31:10 The ministerial department and the youth department
31:13 now partner with us to promote this work
31:17 that is very important to God.
31:19 It's a biblical mandate to take care of orphans
31:21 and we are not doing it as a church.
31:25 I see, very, very good.
31:28 So your ministry is not out there
31:31 sort of winging by itself, you have the support,
31:33 the imprimatur of the Adventist church.
31:36 Well, they don't give me any money.
31:39 That support.
31:40 And that's why I say support, I put support in quotes.
31:44 You had their goodwill. Yes.
31:46 You don't have their cash just yet
31:47 but you do have their goodwill.
31:48 Yeah, and you can't take goodwill to the bank.
31:50 And then, yeah... And then the General Conference
31:53 just recently few months ago, after 16 years of me
31:58 fighting for kids for the orphans,
32:00 they have added orphans to one of their ministries.
32:04 And yeah, they have asked me
32:06 to be a member of that task force.
32:09 So we would make sure it's not a lip service
32:12 that we will take care of orphans.
32:14 Wow. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
32:17 So that puts you in good and rarified,
32:19 rarified company for your work all around the world
32:23 to have at least the encouragement
32:25 and the expertise that the church can provide
32:28 as standing beside you as you do this
32:30 because, you don't have a big staff,
32:32 it's all on you.
32:33 Do you, are you obliged or do you have to travel a lot,
32:36 you got orphanages in 15-16 countries?
32:39 Do you get a chance
32:40 to go around and make some visits
32:42 and see what's going on in the various countries?
32:43 I have to, yes. Yes, yes. Yeah, yeah.
32:46 But this is the only way because I love kids.
32:49 I want to see my kids. Yes.
32:52 I want to see what they're doing to them.
32:54 I want them to be treated like my own kids.
32:57 Oh, praise the Lord.
32:58 I love kids and orphans are gift to the heart of God,
33:02 He's the father of the fatherless.
33:04 And I take my calling very seriously.
33:08 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
33:09 So, I... Yeah, I do travel. Yeah.
33:11 And you've been doing this quite a little while.
33:12 16 years.
33:14 16 years, I just tell the young lady
33:16 you got sometimes.
33:19 I'm not young, I'm very old.
33:23 Okay, we got some more videos,
33:24 let's talk about what's coming up,
33:26 what else we have?
33:28 Then, you know, very important
33:33 is that sponsor, sponsorship for these kids.
33:39 And there was, there is actually Dr. Bruce Dyke.
33:45 He is the top U.S. economist
33:48 teachings at the University of San Francisco.
33:52 He did research for three years in six countries
33:56 with his three of his doctorate students.
33:59 And they came up with the research
34:01 that was published in 2013, and he said, it says,
34:08 "Do you want to change the world?"
34:10 The title of the research. Yes.
34:12 Sponsor a child and he said,
34:16 "Hope" is a fuzzy concept to economists
34:20 you know, everything is concrete.
34:23 Yes, yes, yes. Let's hope.
34:25 But he said, "It is a proven theory, and it works."
34:29 And he has proved in his research
34:31 that 50 to 80 percent of the sponsored children
34:37 are more likely to finish college education.
34:41 Oh, wow.
34:42 Not even high school, they do finish high school
34:44 but even college.
34:45 And 35 percent are more likely to get a white collar job.
34:51 Well, that's a great status. Yes.
34:53 And you know these researchers were not Christians.
34:56 But they have found out that not only they finish,
35:00 you know, university
35:02 but they become community and church leaders.
35:06 Amen, amen.
35:07 It's amazing what can, you can do
35:09 when you sponsor a child.
35:11 The dividend you get back from sponsoring a child
35:15 pays long term if those,
35:18 if those numbers are to be taken literally,
35:20 that's wonderful return on your investment.
35:23 It is because, you know your money in the bank.
35:26 They don't give you much now. You know, the market can crash.
35:31 But when you invest in lives of children,
35:34 you dividend is 100 percent for now
35:37 and eternity.
35:39 And you know children are the future leaders.
35:42 If we invest in them. Yes.
35:44 We are doing ourselves good, for the future of our country.
35:48 You're assuring the stability of your country,
35:51 your church, all of those things
35:54 when you put money into a young, a young life.
35:58 Now, we're talking about young lives
36:00 and I hope I'm not out of order picture wise
36:03 'cause I want to go to some pictures we have
36:06 and what I'm thinking of you,
36:09 you've been in this long enough now,
36:10 that you've seen graduates come through your system
36:15 and then give back into the system.
36:18 Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
36:19 So walk me through some of that?
36:20 That's, great stuff.
36:22 Yes.
36:23 And in Indonesia,
36:25 we have 250 orphans
36:30 in seven homes.
36:33 And that there are many success stories
36:36 but one of them is called Marlena.
36:39 And Marlena, was taken, this is her.
36:44 This is Marlena. Yes.
36:45 And she was taken when she was 12 years old.
36:48 She was not going to school,
36:50 they had no money to go to school
36:51 and she had no hope.
36:53 And in the orphanage were we in the home
36:56 where we take care of kids.
36:59 She was a great girl, and she was quite smart.
37:03 So we send them when they are like that,
37:05 we send them to university. In university in Indonesia now,
37:09 we have 40 students, young people in university.
37:14 We have already graduated 25 of them.
37:17 Oh. Wow. Yes.
37:18 And they are giving back,
37:20 Marlena is here in the middle, in the middle.
37:23 In the middle.
37:24 Yeah, she graduated last year as a math teacher.
37:27 There is Dr. Jonathan Kuntaraf,
37:29 the former Sabbath school director
37:31 for the General Conference.
37:32 Just retired at the past General Conference.
37:34 And I think Duane McKey is now in that position,
37:39 but that's wonderful.
37:41 And he is our chairman of the board for ten years.
37:44 I see, I see.
37:46 And there so Marlena, I was there last year,
37:51 because we built a home for 42 orphan girls.
37:56 And she had her wedding when I was there.
37:59 So I took that picture of her and her husband amazing,
38:04 both of them are math teachers.
38:06 And they teach in the school
38:08 next to one of our orphanages in Kupang it's called.
38:13 And in Kupang,
38:14 not only they teach but at the school
38:16 but they come to the orphanage
38:18 to tutor the kids in math to give back.
38:21 How wonderful. Yeah. It's amazing.
38:23 Now, was the groom, the husband was he part of the,
38:26 the orphanage system too or just Marlena.
38:29 No. It's Marlena. Just she,
38:30 but they're both giving back into the system.
38:31 Yes.
38:33 Praise the Lord for that, that must make you feel so good
38:35 to have one that you plucked from the streets
38:38 as it were, trained her, sent her to school,
38:40 and now she's giving back to the institution.
38:43 We have many like that.
38:44 Is that so? Yes, yes.
38:45 And we have one, I don't have his picture.
38:49 His name is Chava, from Congo
38:52 also helped him going through middle school,
38:54 high school and then university.
38:57 He's going to graduate as a medical doctor
38:59 in June 2016.
39:02 Praise the Lord.
39:03 Yes, you know what--
39:05 Great story.
39:06 What hope do they have if we leave them on the streets?
39:09 What option, I mean,
39:10 they are on the streets targets to terrorists...
39:13 Yes, yes. And abuse and crime.
39:15 And crime, yes.
39:16 So when you take, if we, America,
39:18 if we would go and help children,
39:20 take them off the streets.
39:21 We will be safer. Wow.
39:23 So these terrorists cannot export criminals
39:26 to this country.
39:28 Yes, yes, yes. Excellent, excellent.
39:29 Do you have any idea
39:32 because your enterprise is so far flung.
39:35 At this point in time how many young people you have graduated
39:39 who've gone through the system that you graduated?
39:43 We have maybe at least 200,
39:47 200 but from university 25 finished already.
39:52 Yes.
39:53 And that 40, are in university right now.
39:56 You know, our children are very small,
39:59 so it takes a long time for them to get to college.
40:02 Yeah, and you also get it, you got,
40:03 that's an investment of at least for a generation
40:06 or 20 years maybe,
40:07 because if you're picking up
40:09 three four five six year olds off the streets.
40:11 Be a long time before, you get them into, into school.
40:13 But I suspect you would agree that every year,
40:15 that you keep them is worth it
40:17 because that's one year less there on the streets
40:20 and being pray to some of the things that go on.
40:23 You know, on that when a child
40:24 just living on the street like that.
40:26 Yes, and being trained the right way
40:27 to be with, with character
40:30 and with values and to give back to their communities.
40:34 Very much so. That takes a lot, you know,
40:35 it takes a village to raise a child.
40:38 Yeah. Yeah.
40:39 Without pointing fingers
40:40 at any particular country, Norma,
40:42 at some of these countries I guess the idea
40:44 that young people are going to be dragged into the business
40:47 if they don't have any other people
40:49 or things to support them.
40:50 That's pretty much accepted treatment
40:53 isn't it, that young people who live on the street
40:57 are gonna get abused,
40:58 they're gonna get trafficked, they're gonna be used
41:01 unless someone puts their hand in and pulls them out
41:04 the end is not really too positive as a rule.
41:07 No. No.
41:08 Because there is no hope. Yeah.
41:10 There's no hope you know poverty creates
41:12 low self-esteem with children.
41:15 Low aspirations, they have no, nothing to live for.
41:18 But when you sponsor them, when you take care of them,
41:21 then they have dreams and they have worth, self-worth
41:27 and dignity and they do much better.
41:30 So it is, it is a must,
41:32 that we take care of children
41:35 poor and orphans.
41:37 And orphans, yes, yes very much so.
41:39 In the countries where you're working,
41:41 you're in 15 different countries.
41:42 Is there any official recognition by the government,
41:45 is there any aid by the government,
41:47 encouragement by the government,
41:49 does a government do anything to help you
41:51 or they kind of hindering you.
41:53 What's the general relationship with the government
41:56 to what you're doing in those countries?
41:58 You know, I don't believe in governments.
42:02 And I don't want their help, because of the restrictions.
42:08 I don't want them to tell me, don't teach them Christianity.
42:11 I see, I see.
42:12 Yes, and so we need to be self-sufficient,
42:16 self-supporting,
42:18 so that's why we depend on the donations of people
42:23 like your viewers.
42:25 These are the people who make us
42:27 continue to help more children, take them off the street,
42:32 give them a future and then you know.
42:36 You know, when I said, when I heard you say,
42:38 "I don't like government,"
42:39 you scared me a little bit there.
42:41 But I understand what you're saying,
42:42 that with government assistance comes government control.
42:46 It's almost, almost impossible to get around
42:49 that if the government of country X gives you money,
42:52 that government's going to want to tell you
42:54 what to do with that money,
42:56 because it's my money I'm giving you,
42:57 and they probably want to tell you,
42:58 what to do with the rest of your money.
43:00 So if you can sustain yourself,
43:02 and not have to put your hand out to the government,
43:05 it gives you freedom,
43:07 one to teach the gospel to these young people.
43:09 And to do so in an unencumbered way,
43:12 way and obviously, it's working
43:14 because you're getting the results that you desire.
43:18 Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
43:19 How do you recruit people
43:20 to assist you in these various facilities
43:23 in the various countries?
43:25 You know, I go myself and scout the country.
43:32 You go and check
43:34 and then I have, we have a big board,
43:36 and very strong board and they travel,
43:39 so they recommend some certain people,
43:42 some areas where I can visit and see for myself,
43:45 the kids and the need.
43:47 And then we go from there.
43:49 Very, very good. Very good.
43:51 You have done so very, very much
43:54 now that flash telling me
43:55 before our time gets away from us.
43:56 We've got one more video of Indonesia I think.
43:59 Yes. Yeah.
44:00 And I want to ask you about, because Indonesia is,
44:02 if it is not the largest,
44:04 this is the second largest Muslim country in the world.
44:07 And yet you seem to be doing well.
44:08 So let's go to this video,
44:09 then we'll come and talk about Indonesia a little bit.
44:11 Okay.
44:13 There has been many calamities
44:14 that come to Indonesia from place to place
44:18 and there are so many orphans left behind
44:21 as the result of those calamities.
44:23 You may have heard about the tsunami in Aceh
44:27 or the earthquake in many places in Indonesia
44:30 or volcanic eruption and also many other things
44:34 which includes also the religious persecution.
44:37 As the result of those calamities,
44:40 we feel the need of having orphanages
44:43 to take care of those orphans.
44:45 For that reason we started with the orphanage in Medan.
44:50 After that we have the second orphanage
44:53 in Singkawang, another orphanage in Kupang,
44:57 another orphanage in Kawangkoan,
45:00 north Sulawesi, another orphanage in Jakarta
45:05 and also in Purwodadi.
45:08 And now I'm in the complex of the orphanage in Kawangkoan.
45:13 I'm happy to see so many children who are here
45:16 that has been taken care of by Yapi.
45:22 This is an organization that try to show our concern
45:26 to the people in Indonesia
45:29 and from the beginning of our work,
45:31 we have been working together with Restore a Child.
45:36 I really appreciate the activities
45:38 which has been led by Norma Nashed,
45:42 the president of Restore a Child
45:45 that always gives support or full support
45:48 for the operation of our orphanages in Indonesia.
45:58 And we thank Dr. Jonathan Kuntaraf for that,
46:01 that very informative video, and your work.
46:04 Indonesia, very large Muslim country,
46:06 you seem to be working there well,
46:08 no interference from the government.
46:11 No, because in Indonesia
46:13 although 90 percent of the people are Muslims,
46:17 yet, the government is secular.
46:23 They don't interfere. Okay, okay.
46:25 So that's why, I mean there is sometimes prejudice
46:29 in some remote areas and so on but not really obvious.
46:34 You know, like I went to Jakarta,
46:37 I hardly saw a church, every few,
46:41 you know blocks is a mosque, is a mosque, is a mosque.
46:44 Then I went to Medan
46:46 where we built an orphanage last year
46:48 and now we're building a vocational training school
46:53 and every block or two,
46:56 really not even a block is a church.
46:58 Is a church? Church, church.
47:00 That is amazing.
47:02 That's in Manado, Manado, it's mostly a Christian area.
47:07 You know it's interesting 'cause I've a good friend
47:09 who is from Iraq, and she is a doctor,
47:13 and she was saying that back in the days of Saddam Hussein,
47:17 he didn't really bother the Christians too much,
47:20 he was not pushing any kind of Islamic law.
47:25 If you wanted to serve the Lord and did not bother the state,
47:29 the state will not bother you.
47:30 So it is good that in some of these countries
47:32 where the government is not so religious conscious,
47:36 they will allow other groups to come and function
47:39 and benefit the country.
47:41 Yeah, freedom of religion. Yes, yes.
47:43 And we praise the Lord for that.
47:45 Yes. Yeah, Yeah.
47:46 We got a couple more pictures.
47:47 Let's take a look at those,
47:49 I don't want our time to slip away,
47:50 and then this is--
47:52 CFC. CFC?
47:54 This is a Combined Federal Campaign.
47:58 It's a US Federal government, a list of charities
48:03 and we are a member of the list of charities.
48:06 So if any of your viewers work for the federal government
48:10 or know people who work for the federal government,
48:13 they can donate through the CFC to Restore a Child.
48:17 Our name is there but they have to donate
48:21 to our CFC ID number which is 97739.
48:27 97739.
48:29 Excellent. Yes.
48:31 So I'm happy
48:32 because this gives us some, an opportunity to grow.
48:36 There are 3.2 million employees of the federal government.
48:40 I see. More than China.
48:41 Wow.
48:45 Well, we're gonna give you some contact information
48:46 in just a little bit to help with that
48:48 in case you don't want to go with the government rule,
48:50 we gonna give you something
48:51 that is little bit more direct in just a bit.
48:53 But I think we got one or two more pictures.
48:56 Yes, this is the home we built last year
48:59 for 42 orphan girls in Manado.
49:03 And there you see is 64 young people.
49:08 We have some small ones too
49:10 but the girls are 42 orphan girls that we built,
49:14 they had no home.
49:16 We built their home
49:17 and then now we are building a vocational training school
49:21 for the boys and girls
49:23 who are not going to university.
49:26 So you realize that there may be some
49:27 who just will not ever make it to university.
49:30 They're gonna need some kind of,
49:31 something to support themselves to able to do
49:33 and you are working on that also, which is great.
49:35 Yes. Yes. Yeah.
49:36 Actually our chairman Dr. Kuntaraf,
49:39 he inaugurated that building yesterday.
49:42 Excellent. In Manado.
49:44 And let me say this, you built beautiful buildings.
49:46 You guys don't just slab together a little something,
49:48 that's good looking stuff.
49:49 Yes. Yeah.
49:51 We invest in it 'cause you know
49:54 otherwise you will be spending money on maintenance
49:56 and the repair all the time.
49:58 No, we build you know, heavy duty,
50:02 great buildings that will last.
50:04 I want to do this before we go to our newsbreak.
50:08 Robert and guys in the control room,
50:10 if you can set this up for me,
50:11 I want to go to the contact information now,
50:15 then we will come back, we'll go to the newsbreak
50:17 come back and put little bow on this,
50:19 but I want to go to that contact information
50:20 because while it still kind of hot.
50:23 If you want to make contact, this is the great ministry
50:25 and you can see it's kind of one man band
50:28 but it's one person
50:30 who is doing a great work for the Lord
50:32 who is blessed with the Lord.
50:33 She says she's getting old, I'm not buying.
50:36 She's young in a Lord.
50:37 But should you want to make contact toward this ministry,
50:40 it's a good ministry deserving your support,
50:43 Restore a Child.
50:45 This is Norman Nashed, here's how you can make contact
50:47 and support the work
50:48 that she is doing literally around the world.
50:53 Restore a Child provides the basic needs for protection,
50:57 education and healthcare of orphans
50:59 and underprivileged children.
51:02 If you would like to support this ministry,
51:04 you can do so by writing them
51:05 at 11212 Cherry Hill Road 202
51:10 in Beltsville, Maryland 20705.
51:14 That's 11212 Cherry Hill Road 202,
51:19 Beltsville, Maryland 20705.
51:23 If you would like to contact them by telephone,
51:25 you may call them at area code 240-393-7712.
51:32 That's area code 240-393-7712.
51:38 Visit them online at Restoreachild.org.
51:42 That's Restoreachild.org.


Revised 2016-06-02