Participants: Mollie Steenson (Host), Jill Morikone (Host), Yvonne Lewis, Chris Shelton
Series Code: TDY
Program Code: TDY016036A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:29 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today. 01:09 It's always a joy to welcome our 3ABN viewers and listeners. 01:15 We appreciate you so much. 01:17 You allow us everyday to bring our guests 01:20 right into your living room, or you know, 01:22 some people are writing down the inner state right now. 01:26 And they're listening to us in their cars, 01:28 and so you're allowing us to bring our guests 01:31 right into your cars. 01:32 So thank you so much. 01:34 We love and appreciate all of you, it's your prayers, 01:37 your love, your support that encourages us 01:40 and keeps us going everyday. 01:42 So we love you and we thank you, 01:43 and we welcome you. 01:45 And today you're not going to be disappointed, 01:47 we have got some incredible guests, 01:49 don't we Jill? 01:50 We do. 01:52 And, Jill, tell our audience what our subject matter is. 01:54 Our subject today is 'Victory in Jesus'. 01:57 Victory in Jesus. 01:59 I'm excited about this program, Mollie, 02:00 because we all need victory. 02:02 We all deal with stuff, with junk in our lives. 02:06 There is habits, there is temptations, 02:09 there is strongholds, any of that stuff. 02:12 And no matter what you're dealing with today, 02:14 God says, "I came to set you free." 02:17 I came to bring deliverance to your life, 02:19 so we're gonna talk today, 02:21 we're gonna share some of our own testimonies. 02:23 We're gonna look into the word of God, 02:25 and just see what God has for us. 02:27 The steps, the things we can do to achieve victory 02:30 in our walk with Jesus. 02:32 So I'm excited about this program. 02:34 And we hope that, if you're in a dark place, 02:36 so you are in a discourage place, 02:38 that this program will encourage you 02:40 that the Lord Jesus wants to give you victory. 02:43 We have a scripture, Mollie. Yes. 02:45 It's 1 Corinthians 15:57, the Bible says, 02:50 "But thanks be to God, 02:52 who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 02:58 Victory is a gift, 02:59 God wants to give us, His victory. 03:02 And you know 03:04 that's what we are going to be talking about today. 03:06 And I hope you get your Bible, 03:08 because I know 03:09 we're going to be taking you to a lot of scriptures. 03:11 But now, I would like to introduce you 03:13 to our guests. 03:15 We have Yvonne Lewis, 03:16 she's the general manager of our Dare to Dream Network. 03:19 Yvonne, it is such a joy to have you here. 03:21 Oh, Mollie, I'm so happy to be here, 03:24 you guys, this is a blessing. 03:26 You know, in introducing you as the general manager, 03:29 that's what you do, but you're a precious friend. 03:32 And, Chris Shelton, you're precious friend as well. 03:34 Oh, thank you. 03:36 We thank you so much for being here. 03:37 Chris, you're a pastor's wife. 03:39 Now I remember, I was a pastor's wife for years. 03:43 And I would be introduced as a pastor's wife, 03:46 and that always... 03:47 that was just something that encouraged me so much. 03:51 It was a joy to me to stand beside my husband 03:54 and support him, and to minister to people. 03:57 I know that's how you feel as well. 03:59 Oh, absolutely. 04:00 It's such a blessing to even have a small part 04:03 in the Lord's work, 04:05 and of course we stay pretty busy these days. 04:07 But we're blessed, 04:08 and I'm blessed to be here today. 04:10 Thank you. Amen. 04:11 And we have to say, it's a joy to have all of you. 04:12 Jill Morikone, who is hosting with me today, 04:16 You are the administrative assisted 04:19 to the president of 3ABN. 04:22 Tell us a little about what you do in that capacity? 04:27 I was gonna say, I just try to do 04:28 whatever needs to be done. 04:30 So you know, to me, my role or you can say I'm a secretary, 04:34 but to me my role is just to lift up the hands 04:36 of our president Danny Shelton. 04:38 And to do anything I can to make his life easier, 04:41 whether it's phone calls or letters 04:43 or anything in that capacity, scheduling, 04:46 whatever needs to be done, 04:47 I just do my best to do it with the Lord's help, so. 04:50 That I know that you also stand by your husband, Greg Morikone. 04:54 Yes. 04:55 She's quite an asset 04:56 to that production department as well. 04:59 Well, ladies and gentlemen... 05:01 Did we introduce you? Oh, I'm Mollie Steenson. 05:03 This is Mollie Steenson, 05:04 our vice president and general manager, 05:07 and a woman of God. 05:09 Amen. Amen. 05:10 And a wife, and a mother, and a grandmother, 05:12 and I've got a granddaughter that's turning 18 next week. 05:15 Wow. 05:17 And that is... 05:18 she is just such a joy to me. 05:19 So we're all multifaceted, 05:21 but what I wanted you to know was, 05:23 we're just people, we're mothers, we work hard, 05:27 and our hearts... 05:29 the aim of our heart 05:31 is to lift up the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 05:34 And to share with you today, 05:36 the victory that we have in Jesus. 05:39 But before we go to that victory, 05:41 we have got with us, Veronica Boyd-Gillis, 05:44 and she's going to sing the most beautiful song, 05:47 "My Peace," receive her now. 06:22 My peace 06:26 I give unto you 06:33 It's a peace 06:36 that the world cannot give 06:44 It's a peace 06:46 That the world 06:49 Cannot understand 06:54 Peace to know, 06:59 Peace to live 07:04 My peace 07:07 I give unto you 07:20 My love 07:23 I give unto you 07:30 It's a love 07:33 That the world 07:35 Cannot give 07:41 It's a love 07:44 That the world 07:46 Cannot understand 07:52 Love to know, 07:57 Love to live 08:01 My love 08:04 I give 08:07 Unto you 08:13 It's a love 08:16 That the world 08:18 Cannot understand 08:24 My love 08:29 I give 08:35 Unto you 08:57 Thank you Veronica, that is beautiful. 08:58 Amen. 08:59 Brought peace into our very presence. 09:02 Thank you so much. 09:03 Well, I want to now 09:07 just bring us to the point of where our victory would begin, 09:11 and where would victory began in Jesus? 09:13 Would began when you come out of darkness and into light. 09:16 When you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, 09:19 that is where your victory begins. 09:22 And so, I don't know about you, but when I think about, 09:27 when I met Jesus my Lord. 09:30 The joy of my salvation, 09:32 oh, what an exciting time in my life that was 09:37 when the burdens of my sin rode away. 09:40 Do you ladies relate with that? 09:42 Do you remember that time? 09:43 Sometimes I think, 09:45 the most blessed thing we can do for people 09:49 is to put them in remembrance of that time 09:52 when thy first met their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 09:56 So what I want to do today is ask each one of these ladies, 10:01 just to tell you about that time in their life, 10:04 when they came out of darkness and into light. 10:07 And, Yvonne, I want to start with you. 10:09 Okay, okay great. 10:10 Oh, well, I hope I can deal without starting to cry, 10:14 because even though it was so long ago. 10:15 Crying is okay. 10:18 It's still fresh for me in the sense 10:21 that God has brought me a mighty long way. 10:25 Amen. And continues to work with me. 10:26 I'm not where I need to be, but I feel like, 10:30 the Lord has never ever let me down. 10:32 Amen. 10:34 I've been raised as an Adventist Christian, 10:36 and had gotten into the music business, 10:39 and had left the church for several years. 10:43 And while I was gone, I felt like I was still an Adventist. 10:48 I mean, if somebody had said, you know, what church do you, 10:50 what denomination are you, 10:52 I would've said Seventh-day Adventist 10:53 without batting an eye. 10:55 But I wasn't going to church, 10:56 I started working on the Sabbath, 10:58 I had just really... 11:01 I lost my first love really. 11:04 And I remember my grandmother, 11:07 and my mom had died, when I was 19, 11:09 and my grandmother just stepped in to that role 11:11 so beautifully. 11:13 And she was a missionary, and a Bible instructor, 11:15 and she would pray for me. 11:17 And I would send my son to church with her, 11:20 but I wasn't going. 11:21 So when... 11:24 but I began to feel 11:27 like I needed something different. 11:29 I needed to start reading the word, 11:32 and I began studying with my friend Yolanda. 11:34 Yolanda, who is now Yolanda Palmer 11:37 and we began studying. 11:38 And then my grandmother told me that 11:43 this new preacher was coming to the church C.A Murray, 11:47 and I went to church, and from that day on, 11:51 that marked the change in my life, 11:54 because I knew I was home. 11:56 I knew that this is where I should be. 11:58 While I was in the world, I wasn't... 12:00 You can get deceived into thinking. 12:02 Oh, I see. 12:04 I don't do drugs, I'm not out there partying, 12:07 I'm not out there doing this and the other. 12:09 So you think, you're okay. 12:11 But if you don't have that relationship with Jesus, 12:13 you're not okay. 12:15 That's it. That's right. 12:16 So you can kind of deceive yourself into thinking 12:19 that works are the key, but works were not the key. 12:23 It was the relationship with Jesus Christ 12:25 that was really suffering, 12:27 and He was so faithful and so merciful, 12:30 we just kept on wooing me like that, like that... 12:35 for a woman, like that guy that just keeps calling you, 12:39 and wanting to know you're okay. 12:41 The Lord just kept wooing me, and before I knew it, 12:45 I was back with him. 12:46 And I have never ever regret it... 12:50 Praise God. Amen. 12:51 Ever. 12:52 So from then on, from 1985 until now, 12:57 there've been different struggles, 12:59 there've been different things, 13:01 when I first came back to the Lord, 13:03 I was, you know, I was hooked on soap operas, 13:07 I was in real bondage to things. 13:12 Yeah. 13:13 And the Lord, one by one 13:15 just began to change my appetite, 13:17 and we will talk more about those things 13:19 as we continue to talk about victory. 13:21 But He changes your appetite as you connect to Him. 13:26 Amen. 13:28 But He makes Himself responsible for us, 13:31 for our victory, if we abide in Him. 13:34 You know, something you said, 13:35 and I know I can relate with that, 13:37 and when I share in a few minutes, 13:39 I'll tell you that too. 13:40 But we didn't go looking for God... 13:42 Yeah. 13:44 What happened, honey, He went looking for you... 13:45 Come on now... Yes, yes. 13:47 He came to seek and to save, that which was lost. 13:52 He's not just the savior, He's a seeker. 13:55 Yes. Right. 13:56 He's a seeker. 13:57 Oh, I'm giving it shout up in here now. 13:59 I'm getting ready to shout, 'cause He's sought me, 14:03 He sought each of us, He's seeking you. 14:06 Yes. He's no respecter of person. 14:08 He wants you. 14:09 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. 14:11 He wants you. He wants you. 14:13 And once you give your heart to Jesus, 14:15 I'm done, now I'm preaching to the choir. 14:17 Once you give your heart to Jesus, 14:19 nothing compares to that. 14:21 You cant... 14:22 there is nothing better than that. 14:25 So I'm grateful. Amen. 14:27 Can I ask you, Yvonne, was there emptiness inside 14:31 even though you had all this trappings of success? 14:33 Oh, absolutely. 14:35 Is that what kind of drove you to the Bible into, 14:37 was there emptiness or? 14:39 There was emptiness, 14:40 the first impetus was a girlfriend of mine 14:43 came to visit me. 14:45 And I had been dating a guy, 14:47 and we'd broken up and I was brokenhearted. 14:50 And she came with her Bible, and she said... 14:55 I said to her, "Oh, you travel with your Bible." 14:58 And she said, "Yeah." 14:59 And so, she sent me... 15:01 when she went back home, she sent me a card 15:03 with Philippians 4:6 I think it is, 15:06 and from the Living Bible, and it said, 15:08 "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. 15:11 Tell God, your needs... 15:13 this is the Living Bible. 15:14 And don't forget to thank Him for His answers. 15:17 And if you do this, you'll experience God's peace, 15:20 which is more wonderful than the mind can understand. 15:22 Amen. Amen. 15:24 And I thought, "Wow, this is what I need, 15:28 I'm gonna get myself a Living Bible, 15:31 and read from there." 15:32 And that's... 15:33 that was a turning point. 15:35 The witness is someone who didn't come to preach me, 15:38 who didn't come to just beat me over the head. 15:40 She quietly had her Bible. Amen. 15:43 And she sent me back a text, and from that text, 15:47 that's what started. 15:49 So I needed the peace of God, 15:51 I knew that all of the trappings, 15:54 all of the things that I had weren't getting it, 15:59 because once you have that, it's off to the next thing. 16:02 Oh, I got this for a co... 16:03 Now, what I'm gonna do for, I'm serious. 16:06 What about the next one, 16:08 and I've ridden in this limousine, 16:10 and it's like what, what, because it means nothing. 16:13 That's right. 16:14 Because it's based on nothing real. 16:16 So God reached right down in the middle of that, 16:19 and started drawing you to him. 16:21 You know, as we're sharing, as each one of us shares, 16:25 the joy of their salvation, 16:26 I hope that the Lord by the power of His spirit 16:29 is taking you back to that time, 16:31 when God saved you with His amazing grace. 16:34 Amen. 16:35 Chris? 16:36 You know, Sister Mollie, mine is a little different. 16:38 But in some ways it's the same. 16:41 And I love what she said, that the Lord came down 16:43 and He was the one that was drawing us. 16:47 And I've always said that 16:48 mine was a progress of revelation, 16:51 because even as a young child, 16:53 I had experiences that could only come from God. 16:57 And I knew that His hand was on me, 16:59 and I think I may have told this to you folks 17:02 at home before. 17:03 But my home was not really, it was never a Christian home. 17:07 My dad was an alcoholic. 17:08 I love my dad, don't get me wrong, 17:10 but he was an alcoholic. 17:12 And if you were to even say, he had his hose 17:15 wound in a certain little circle. 17:18 If you touched it, moved it just a little bit, 17:21 you could end up black and blue when he got home. 17:23 Oh, wow. Oh, wow. 17:24 So it was an interesting situation, 17:26 and I can remember one day... 17:29 I don't remember what the problem was, 17:31 but my mother was in her bedroom, 17:33 and she was just crying, and I was on the couch crying. 17:37 And I remember somehow maybe talking to the Lord, 17:42 and reaching out not knowing what to do, I felt hopeless, 17:45 just absolutely hopeless. 17:47 And at that moment, I felt a big hand reached down, 17:53 and it's like it covered my whole body. 17:55 But that peace 17:57 that passes all understanding came upon me. 18:00 Amen. 18:01 And my mother came out and she was in the back room 18:03 and we she shared our... 18:05 I don't even know how old I was, 18:06 I may be eight or nine years old. 18:08 Wow. 18:09 And we shared... 18:10 it happened to her at the same time. 18:12 Praise God. 18:13 And we weren't always in church all the time, 18:15 but I believed I had grandparents 18:17 that were praying for me. 18:20 And it was progressive as a relation, you know, 18:23 each time I would be going to different meetings, 18:25 and eventually because of my health, 18:28 I ended up living with my grandparents. 18:30 And they took me to church. 18:32 And so when I was... 18:34 I can remember being in meetings, 18:36 and you felt the Holy Spirit, 18:38 and when you get these Holy Spirit goosebumps. 18:40 And I started asking people, "Did you feel that?" 18:43 I didn't know what it was. 18:44 Did you experience that? 18:46 And a lot of people did not. Yeah. 18:49 And it wasn't until later, and, you know, we stumbled, 18:53 I stumbled and fell a lot of times. 18:55 But, wow, thank God, 18:58 He doesn't treat us the way we treat each other. 19:01 That's right. 19:02 When we see a lost soul, 19:03 somebody that maybe has been in the church for a long time 19:06 and they stumble and fall. 19:08 We're so easy to just cut them out. 19:09 That's right. 19:11 Have nothing to do with them, 19:12 or we don't let their stain on us. 19:14 We've got a little pious and good. 19:16 And rather than going and seeking and saving a soul 19:20 and winning back a brother. 19:22 Because I look back in the things I wore, 19:25 the things I did, you know, 19:27 I think how could I even call myself a Christian 19:30 like you mentioned. 19:31 I still always thought of myself 19:32 as I was going up, 19:34 after going to church with my grandparents 19:36 as a Seventh-day Adventist. 19:38 But, you know, as I look back, 19:41 I don't know that we were actually living the life 19:43 that we shouldn't have been living. 19:45 But He was so merciful and so gracious to me. 19:49 His grace was all sufficient. 19:51 And it's just been one thing after another, 19:54 one experience after another, and it's sill alive today. 19:58 Amen. It is still alive today. 20:00 When we were talking before the program, 20:02 you said, "As we get old, it gets kind of boring." 20:04 I'm thinking, wow, boy, it's getting exciting to me. 20:06 More exciting days to go. 20:08 And some of the most exciting times 20:10 are when we were out doing evangelism. 20:11 Amen. 20:13 I have seen God's spirit work, miracles take place. 20:16 Yes. 20:17 Even one in Georgia, 20:18 we were at a little church in Georgia, 20:20 and we were just about to start, 20:22 may be three weeks of evangelism. 20:24 And we decided to have a meeting with the church. 20:28 And all of a sudden, we didn't realize 20:30 that there had been some internal struggles 20:32 in the church. 20:33 And afterwards the Holy Spirit just came down upon us, 20:37 and as Pastor Kenny, myself we were upfront. 20:39 All of us... 20:41 you know, these thoughts came to my mind, 20:42 and I had to express them and he did too. 20:45 And what we were expressing were issues in the church 20:49 that they needed healing on, 20:50 and they needed to deal with 20:52 before we could go out and evangelize. 20:54 That's right. 20:55 And it was just, you know, because of that, 20:58 because the church made it right, 21:00 then God really blesses. 21:01 But we've seen miracles healings, 21:03 all kinds of things, 21:05 because God want His people saved, 21:07 He want you saved. Yes. 21:09 And there is no greater power 21:10 than the power of our experience. 21:13 And so we can test the Bible, we can take those promises, 21:17 we can claim those promises 21:19 and when we begin to live them Sister Yvonne, 21:21 that's when we have this experience to know, 21:24 this is not a fable, this is real. 21:26 Yes. 21:27 And you're plugged into the source. 21:28 That's right. 21:30 So I just thank God for not giving up. 21:31 I don't have just like a one time thing, but it was... 21:35 But as a child, you've committed yourself. 21:37 As a child, I felt that drawing... 21:41 And never pulled a button. 21:42 You know, even not going to church. 21:44 My grandmother would teach me about clean and unclean meats. 21:46 Wow. 21:47 And I can remember 21:49 sitting in the back of my mom's restaurant, 21:51 and my daddy, he would just be furious, 21:52 'cause every Sabbath he wanted to take us 21:54 to little market in St. Louis called Soulard Market, 21:57 I love this, like a big flea market, 21:59 and I love stuff like that. 22:01 And just as a little child, and they were... 22:05 over there arguing and he said, "Now she will need pork." 22:09 And I was eating... 22:11 my favorite sandwich which was ham sandwich. 22:15 So I was eating ham sandwich and he looked at me and says, 22:17 "What do you think that is?" 22:20 And I say, "Well, it's ham." 22:21 So it didn't connect in your mind 22:23 that ham and pork are the same thing. 22:24 I was too young, I didn't know, 22:26 and my mom was like, "I can't believe you told her." 22:29 But as a child, not even going to church 22:32 on a regular basis. 22:34 Once I found out that, that was pork, 22:36 and I knew the Bibles, I put it away. 22:39 Yeah. 22:40 So I know that God, you know, as I look back, 22:44 how can that be except God had His hand, 22:47 and he was teaching, 'cause... 22:48 I mean most children today you think, 22:50 "Oh, please have some conviction." 22:52 You know what I'm saying. 22:53 But it only could have come from God. 22:57 Praise God. 22:58 That's like with Sister Yvonne's testimony, 23:00 God drawing you too. Yes. 23:01 You know, God draws us 23:03 with his course of loving kindness. 23:05 You know, and He knows, 23:06 just what we need in our own heart 23:08 and experience to make that choice. 23:10 You each made a decision, 23:12 to make that decision to follow Jesus. 23:13 Yes. Amen. 23:15 And that's where victory begins is with the decision. 23:16 With the decision. 23:17 Making the choice for Jesus. That's right. 23:19 Jill, tell us about your choice for Jesus? 23:21 Oh, my... 23:23 We will condense this. 23:26 Right. 23:27 You know, I think I relate especially to Sister Chris', 23:31 not in the sense of background, 23:33 because I had incredibly godly parents. 23:37 Mom and Dad, home, we had worship, we just... 23:40 they saw God and saw His face, 23:42 and that was a beautiful experience. 23:44 But I think my choices, 23:46 my experience would be gradual as well. 23:51 I can think of one experience even as a little child, 23:54 wanting God, wanting to follow Him. 23:57 Not really understanding what victory was about, 24:00 not understanding what the gospel was about, 24:03 but just wanting it, in my heart and in my spirit. 24:06 And I know God was drawing me, 24:07 even from as far back as I can remember 24:10 from a little child. 24:11 I... 24:12 one experience, and I have shared this before, 24:14 but when I was a teenager, 24:16 my mom and I went through a time of... 24:19 I went through a time of rebellion. 24:20 It was not rebellion on her part, 24:22 it was rebellion on my part. 24:24 Talking back, acting out, just junk, you know. 24:30 And I remember the beautiful thing 24:33 in the midst of that. 24:34 I was kind of at this point, 24:36 I had looked around and thought I saw a lot of hypocrites. 24:40 Not saying that people were hypocritical, 24:42 just in my judgmental mind 24:44 or maybe I was looking for an excuse 24:46 not to walk with God, I don't know. 24:47 But I just felt, well, Christianity... 24:49 what I read in the Bible, 24:51 I don't see walked out in another people's lives, 24:53 and so God must be fake and I just don't want that. 24:56 And so, I made this choice, 24:58 God, I'm just walking away from you, 25:00 and I remember the incredible things is, 25:02 God changed my mom. 25:03 All right. 25:04 You know, the things that she used to battle with 25:07 and struggle with, God changed her. 25:09 Wow. 25:11 And I would lay awake at night, 25:13 and think now what happened in her life, what's different. 25:16 You know, she used to like, when I would get mad, 25:18 she'd snap back, right? 25:19 That's the natural human response. 25:22 And all of a sudden she quit doing that. 25:24 And so finally I went to her and I said, 25:26 "Mom, what's different? 25:27 You know, what's different in your life?" 25:29 And she said, "Am I really that different?" 25:31 And I said, "It's like night and day." 25:33 And she said, "It's Jesus, I met Jesus." 25:36 Praise God. 25:37 And He changed my life. 25:38 Amen. 25:40 And that's when I made I think that choice, 25:43 official choice. 25:45 God had been drawing me since a little kid, 25:46 but that's when I made that choice. 25:48 If God can do that, 25:50 if He can transform someone's life, 25:53 if the Bible can actually, the principles of the Bible 25:57 can be walked out in real life, I want that in my life. 26:00 And so it was a journey since that point. 26:03 There's been times where God called for my heart, 26:06 and I said, "No, I don't want to do that." 26:08 You know, I want to do my own thing, 26:11 but then God just gently calls me back. 26:13 And every time I make a choice for Jesus, 26:16 every time I choose to follow Him. 26:19 What you said Sister Yvonne, the joy, 26:21 the peace that comes from following Jesus. 26:24 There's nothing like that in the whole world. 26:26 That's right... 26:27 Praise God. Yeah. Amen. 26:29 So what we've seen is, all three of you at some point 26:33 made a conscious decision to yield to God. 26:37 And from that point forward, then it was a growing process. 26:42 You continue to grow in Him... 26:45 Amen. 26:46 Now my testimony is much a same. 26:48 I was raised in a Christian home, 26:51 and always had an awareness of God, 26:53 but there's something that I didn't do 26:56 was make that decision. 26:57 I was 26 years old before I made the decision. 27:01 And see... 27:04 you three were young, and raised 27:07 and make the decision at a young age. 27:09 But at 26, I didn't smoke, drink, and curse, 27:13 and run with wild men. 27:15 I tell people at 26, 27:17 the only wild man I ever ran with I married. 27:22 That would be Pastor Hal. 27:23 Pastor Hal, yes. 27:25 But at 26 years old, we were... 27:31 I was a second grade Sunday school teacher 27:33 in a Baptist church. 27:35 But... 27:36 and so I thought I was pretty good person, 27:39 but I, you know, Yvonne, like you were saying, 27:42 it didn't matter how good you are, 27:44 if you don't make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. 27:46 Yeah. Then you have no hope. 27:48 Your hope is only in the Lord Jesus Christ. 27:51 Now I worked at a place called Wolverine Tube, 27:54 I was the secretary. 27:56 You know, I've been secretary as long as I can remember. 27:59 I've worked as long as I can remember. 28:01 And one day, on a Monday morning, 28:05 a friend of mine that I worked with 28:07 came into the office, and she came by my office, 28:09 and she said, "Mollie, I got saved this weekend." 28:13 Well, she was Baptist, and I said, 28:15 "Oh, Diane, you get saved every summer," 28:17 because the Baptists have this big revivals every summer. 28:20 And every summer she would go down, 28:23 and she would rededicate her life to the Lord. 28:25 She said, "No, Mollie, you don't understand, 28:28 I made Jesus Christ the Lord of my life." 28:30 Praise the Lord. 28:31 And that caught my attention. 28:33 Now, what caught my attention was, 28:34 as I was about to start crying, 28:37 and so I went into the ladies lounge 28:42 there at Wolverine Tube in Decatur, Alabama. 28:45 And Diane explained to me, 28:49 what making Jesus Christ the Lord in your life is. 28:52 You say, "I want him to be my savior, 28:55 I want to give my life to Him." 28:57 And during this time, 29:00 Hal and I would be listening to... 29:03 It was the first... 29:04 It was praise gathering of the believers. 29:06 That was the first Gaither, 29:08 the first one that I ever did, I believe. 29:11 And a friend of ours had given it to us. 29:12 And he and I would sit in our living room floor, 29:15 and we would play, you know, those big black things, 29:20 we play on this stereo. 29:22 And the convicting power of Almighty God 29:25 was reaching out to us. 29:27 We didn't know what it was. 29:28 Today, we know what it was. 29:30 And He was drawing us, 29:31 and He was convicting us, and we would just grind, 29:33 we would just think we were nuts, 29:35 but it was God by the power of His spirit 29:37 chasing us down. 29:39 And then that Monday morning in that, in a ladies lounge 29:43 at Wolverine Tube in Decatur, Alabama, 29:45 I asked Jesus Christ to be the Lord of my life, 29:47 and my life's never been the same. 29:49 Amen. 29:50 Oh, honey, He wants you to come to Him 29:52 more than you want to come to Him. 29:54 Amen. 29:55 He's drawing you nailed by the power of his spirit, 29:58 and He wants you to come out of darkness and into light. 30:01 Today can be your day of salvation 30:03 where your life changes. 30:05 Yes. Amen. 30:06 So how many of your life has changed? 30:08 Our lives changed. Everyday. 30:09 Lives changed, and now we got victory in Jesus. 30:11 Amen. 30:13 Now we're out of darkness, all three of us, 30:15 we've come to that place. Oh, we are four of us. 30:17 Leave me out. We're all four of us. 30:20 We're in light. 30:22 We've made Jesus the Lord of our life. 30:25 Our life has changed. Yes. 30:27 So now what happens next? 30:30 Chris what happens next? 30:31 It's a daily walking, you know, 30:33 as I was studying about victory in Jesus, it goes back. 30:37 The Bible talks about "Thy way, O God, 30:39 is through the sanctuary." 30:40 And you know that first compartment, 30:42 it teaches us to pray, teaches us to study, 30:44 and teaches us to witness. 30:46 That's right. 30:47 And as we do those three things, 30:48 those three things, everyday we make a commitment, 30:52 we're making decisions for God every single day. 30:55 Yes. 30:56 You know, are you guys have it at certain point 30:59 where you remember just one 31:01 that really made a big, big change. 31:04 Where for me, it's like there's been several. 31:07 And, you know, there's some though, 31:08 He convicted me and I did okay for a while, 31:11 and then got off the bandwagon, and then came back later 31:14 and thought, "Oh, yes, 31:15 Lord, you tried to tell me that years ago." 31:17 Yeah, that's right. 31:18 But as we put God first, and we begin to study, 31:24 and we pray before... 31:25 take that spiritual food 31:27 before you ever take a bite of physical food. 31:29 That's right. 31:30 Always make them first in the morning 31:33 and throughout the day, 31:35 and your life will begin to change. 31:37 As you eat on that word, your mind begins to change. 31:41 Your thought patterns begin to change. 31:43 Your ambitions toward anger begin to change. 31:48 Our dress begins to change, Sister Yvonne. 31:51 Everything. Yeah. 31:52 You know, God says, "Come to me as you are." 31:54 Yes. That's right. 31:55 You know, so often we think, 31:57 we've got to clean everybody up, 31:58 before we can take them to the altar. 31:59 Jesus says, "Come as you are." 32:02 That's right. 32:03 He won't let... 32:05 He won't leave you that way. 32:06 As you begin to study and pray and witness, 32:09 He begins to mould in fashion 32:11 that fits you for the kingdom, for salvation. 32:14 Amen. 32:16 Okay, so you're saying for once you come to the Lord, 32:20 you know what, we have to grow... 32:22 That's right. 32:24 Because when you're born babies, 32:25 we're lying to baby group. 32:26 That's right. 32:28 That little baby Christians, that's what we are. 32:29 And we have become out of darkness and into light, 32:33 we've become a peculiar people. Yes. 32:36 You know what that world peculiar is? 32:38 That means a species of being that never existed before, 32:41 and I think about that, we are Christians, we are... 32:44 we have become baby Christians. 32:46 Now what does a baby have to do is, 32:49 what you were saying, they have to eat. 32:52 And the best time of your day is early in the morning. 32:56 That's right. 32:58 You, that's when your mind is clear. 33:00 You take that nutrition into you, 33:02 and what you take into you 33:04 is will set the course for your day. 33:06 Early morning, spend time with the Lord, 33:09 those early morning devotions. 33:10 And then, do you know the last thing, Yvonne? 33:13 That you put in your mind before you go to sleep at nigh 33:16 is what will stay with you, the rest of the night. 33:19 So pray spending time with the God, 33:23 and spending time in His word. 33:24 Jill? Amen. 33:26 Romans 12, I was just thinking of that scripture, 33:28 when you were talking Chris, 33:30 because it reminds me of that how you said it's the process, 33:33 the process of transformation. 33:35 In Romans 12:1, we know that it says, 33:38 I beseech you therefore, brethren, 33:40 by the mercies of God, 33:41 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, 33:44 holy, acceptable to God, 33:46 which is your reasonable service." 33:47 I think that is the choice, 33:48 we've been talking about decision. 33:50 To me that's making a choice. 33:52 God, I give You myself. 33:54 Then verse 2, 33:55 "Do not be conformed to this world, 33:57 but be transformed." 33:59 Amen. 34:00 In Greek, that means metamorphist. 34:02 Yes. 34:03 Like the caterpillar to the butterfly, 34:06 be transformed by the renewing of your minds. 34:08 Yes, it's real. 34:10 That you would prove what is good and acceptable 34:12 in perfect will of God. 34:14 And so, God wants to transform us 34:16 to metamorphist us, to make that change. 34:19 Sister Yvonne looks like she's ready to jump in. 34:22 Yeah. I can see her ready though. 34:24 I was thinking, one day I was just, I just felt like, 34:29 "Lord, you just don't want to hear from me, 34:31 I know you don't want to hear from me, 34:33 and I just don't feel right coming before you, 34:36 I just don't feel right." 34:37 And the Lord put this text in my mind 34:41 that made me want to shout. 34:42 Yes. 34:44 But God has commended His love toward us 34:46 in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 34:50 And I'm thinking all this time, I've read that verse, 34:53 oh, I'm getting a chill, all this time 34:55 I've read that verse over and over again, 34:58 but the Lord had to show me, 35:00 when you're in the throes of sin, 35:03 that's when Christ blood atones for us. 35:06 When you're in the throes of it, 35:08 never feel like, you can't come to God. 35:10 Never feel like your life is just nothing 35:13 where you are too sinful, 35:15 or you've done wrong, or you can't come to God. 35:18 No, He says, "Come, whosoever will, let him come." 35:22 Amen. 35:23 He will in no wise cast you out. 35:25 That's right. That's right. 35:27 Oh, we serve a mighty God. 35:28 There's no sin you can commit 35:30 that is more powerful than the blood of Jesus. 35:33 That's right. 35:35 The blood of Jesus covers, cleanses, protects, 35:37 picks you up, and cleanses you from all unrighteousness. 35:42 Yes, yes. 35:43 I want to throw this plug in here, 35:45 because one thing that is such a blessing, 35:47 many of you know that I've just recently moved into this area 35:51 and down where I lived, 35:53 I didn't turn the radio on for years, 35:55 because there was nothing to listen to. 35:56 I would lose 3ABN radio before I get home. 36:00 What a blessing... 36:01 Yes. 36:02 You're talking about feeding, we need that spiritual food, 36:05 our own personal time in the morning. 36:06 But to have the TV turned on to 3ABN, 36:09 to have the radio turned on to 3ABN, 36:11 to have your phone turned on, or did Dare to Dream, 36:14 excuse me, sister, you better believe it. 36:16 You better believe it. 36:17 We hear a lot of Dare to Dream people call the ministry, 36:21 we praise God for Dare to Dream and all the 3ABN networks. 36:25 But see, as we do that, we're feeding constantly 36:28 on the Word of God. 36:29 And I must say, 36:31 that some of the more spiritual people 36:33 that I have spoken to over the years, 36:35 are those that would come up and tell me, 36:37 I never turn it off. 36:39 It's on in my house all the time. 36:41 In fact some will say, I sleep with it. 36:43 You know, this is probably a trite little saying, 36:46 watch your feed grow. 36:47 That's exactly right. 36:49 That's very true. That's big. 36:50 Do you know what your feed grows? 36:52 What you starve, what happens to what you starve? 36:54 Die. What starve dies? 36:56 So you feed yourself on spiritual nutrition, 36:59 day in and day out. 37:00 You're gonna grow spiritually. 37:01 Your starve yourself of those things 37:04 that bring you down, those things of the world. 37:06 We have been predestined to be conformed 37:08 to the image of the Lord, Jesus Christ. 37:10 And that is not on the exterior. 37:12 I don't know about you ladies, 37:14 but I'm never gonna look like a Jewish man. 37:16 It's just not gonna happen, 37:18 but we've been predestined to be conformed to His image. 37:20 Where is that image? 37:22 It's got to be on the inside... 37:23 That's right. 37:24 Where we take on His presence and His character. 37:26 That's exactly right. 37:28 So we're talking here about steps, 37:31 steps in victory, making that decision. 37:33 We're talking about not having condemnation, 37:36 not taking Satan's shame, 37:38 if we do slip or if we all feel like we are in sin. 37:40 We're talking about starving the flesh, 37:43 making choices to listen to Godly music, 37:46 to listen to 3ABN, to get in the Word of God. 37:51 What other steps have been in your life 37:54 as far as that have helped you in this growth? 37:57 I think one of the things we first have to do 37:59 to is acknowledge sin. 38:01 Good. 38:02 Because so often, you know, we don't want to think, well, 38:05 this is not, this isn't a sin, or this isn't sin. 38:09 We need to acknowledge sin. That's right. 38:11 In Psalm 51, where Nathan had come to David 38:14 about his relationship with Bathsheba, 38:18 David acknowledged his sin. 38:21 And he repented before God. 38:23 We have to repent. 38:25 We have to say we are sorry, and if we are not sorry, 38:28 we need to ask God to make us sorry. 38:30 Yes, that's right. 38:31 You know, the power is not within us. 38:33 That's right. 38:35 And I think that's something we need to emphasize as well, 38:39 that we don't have the power to change ourselves. 38:41 No. 38:42 You know, can a leopard change its spot, 38:44 so the Ethiopians can. 38:45 We cannot change ourselves. 38:48 Only God has the power to change us. 38:50 So how can we do that, if we can't do it ourselves, 38:56 what do we do? 38:57 We have to spend time with him. Amen. 38:59 'Cause that's the power to change. 39:01 Amen. Absolutely. 39:02 And ask Him to give us the... 39:06 a spirit... 39:08 Shelley Quinn taught me this. 39:09 It's called spirit of repentance. 39:12 And you know, there are times, when we do something, 39:14 we're not sorry about it, 39:16 but we know we should be and so we ask God... 39:18 I remember a time when I... 39:21 There were some people that I really didn't think 39:23 I could forgive and didn't want to forgive them. 39:25 Yeah. 39:26 And I thought that God already just smack them, 39:28 that's what it felt. 39:29 But I knew that was wrong, and I knew that, 39:31 if I didn't forgive them, God couldn't forgive me. 39:34 See, I knew enough of the word to know 39:36 that I had to bring myself in alignment with the word. 39:38 So that God could forgive me. Yes. 39:41 And so, I wouldn't be for the Lord, and I ask him, 39:43 "Oh, God, put Your forgiveness into my heart, 39:46 I forgive them, but it's only with your forgiveness, 39:49 because there's none in my heart. 39:51 And you know, the Lord did that, 39:53 and He will do that with repentances. 39:55 Well, you know, when you go before the Lord, 39:57 and you ask Him to give you that spirit of repentance, 40:01 because you want, well, 40:02 we all want to have clean hands and a pure heart. 40:04 Don't we all want to stand before the Lord pure and holy, 40:07 and so we ask the Lord, 40:09 "Oh, give me that spirit of repentance. 40:12 Lord that I can repent before You, 40:16 and that Your cleansing power will touch me, 40:18 and purify and perfect me. 40:20 And you know what? 40:21 We'll do it, God wants us clean and in pure form. 40:24 But we have to come before Him, 40:26 and when you come before Him, Jill, 40:28 you come before the Lord, just be honest with Him. 40:31 Amen. That's good. 40:32 There is no need to beat around the bush while watching. 40:34 He knows everything. 40:35 He already knows my junk. 40:36 That's exactly right. 40:38 Just lay it out there. 40:39 Now, I would suggest you, 40:40 just getting a little run by you say of, 40:42 you know, 'cause you don't... 40:44 the whole world just don't have to know everything. 40:45 That's right. 40:46 If you hadn't sinned against somebody, 40:48 it's just between you and the Lord, 40:50 then you take it between you and the Lord, 40:52 and He'll purify you, He'll clean you, 40:54 and all when you come out of that prayer time. 40:57 When you come and you got... 40:59 you feel so deep, don't you feel clean? 41:01 Oh, yes. Feel clean. 41:03 And then you want to stay that way. 41:05 And so, Jill, I know, I just... 41:08 see I know you so well, 41:10 and it just amazes me 41:12 when she tells you that she has wrong thoughts, 41:15 because I think she is just such an amazing lady. 41:19 But, Jill, you've told me sometimes 41:21 when the Lord has really convicted you, 41:23 and drawn you closer to Him. 41:24 Absolutely. 41:25 You know, praise God 41:27 for the convicting work of the Holy Spirit. 41:28 That's right. Amen. 41:29 You know, because it's the Holy Spirit who draws us 41:31 and convicts us of sin. 41:32 It's the Holy Spirit who says, "Jill, 41:34 you need to go apologize to so and so." 41:36 You know, it's the Holy Spirit who says this habit. 41:40 When Sister Yvonne shared about the addiction, 41:42 I don't know if it was addiction, 41:43 but the soap operas you like to watch. 41:44 Yeah. Yes. 41:46 I was addicted, 41:47 you know the soap operas, romance novels, 41:49 and God said, 41:50 "I want to break this off your life." 41:52 So, God is the one who convicts us, 41:54 and I think also, 41:56 I don't know if you have found this in your experience, 41:57 but God uses other people to speak into our lives. 42:03 'Cause I know God has used people in my life to say, 42:06 "There is something here Jill," you know, 42:07 so has that been in your experience? 42:09 Oh, absolutely. 42:10 Time and time, and time again. 42:12 And you know, talking about TV, years ago, 42:16 when our babies were just babies, 42:18 we got rid of the TV. 42:19 But being a teacher, 42:21 eventually I bought it in as a monitor 42:23 to do things, and then came the news. 42:25 And then slowly but surely, the TV came by, 42:28 and I was the same way. 42:29 And you would write it off thinking, 42:31 well, that's not real. 42:33 You know, I don't have to worry about, it's not real. 42:34 But you know, years later, 42:37 the Lord has had us studying some things 42:39 and we find out that, if it's not based on fact, 42:43 if it's not real, God doesn't care for that drama. 42:47 And what we put in our mind, we become... 42:49 You were talking about praying for the spirit of repentance, 42:53 I learned a similar lesson early in my 20s. 42:56 I had a neighbor, 42:57 and she was not very nice to any of us 43:00 in the neighborhood. 43:01 And she had a young boy, and I can remember saying, 43:05 "Lord, give me your Love," 43:08 you see. 43:10 Because what's gonna be the fruits? 43:12 A victory is gonna be the fruits of the spirit. 43:15 That's right. 43:16 Love, joy, peace, and all suffering. 43:17 I didn't have it for her, 43:20 and you know, the flesh wanted to do 43:22 and say a lot of things different. 43:24 So I had to say, "Lord, put Your love... 43:27 I don't have it, 43:28 put Your love in my heart for her. 43:30 Amen. 43:31 And God changed that whole situation right around, 43:35 just like with the television and all these other things, 43:38 God take away the desire for that. 43:42 God give me the motivation, 43:44 all He's waiting for any of us is for us to ask. 43:48 He says, "Ask, and it shall be given into thee. 43:51 Knock, and the door shall be opened." 43:53 He is just waiting, 43:54 He's wanting to pluck His children out of the fire. 43:57 He knows the end of the story. 43:59 And He's doing everything and anything 44:01 that He can to save each and everyone of us. 44:03 You know, I'm thinking of you 44:07 that are listening to us, 44:09 that are watching us on 3ABN, 44:12 there may be things in your life 44:14 that you're having difficulty turning loose off. 44:17 And to have complete victory in Jesus. 44:20 And, you know, I'll have to be honest with you, 44:22 there is times when I've got victory in Jesus, 44:25 there's times when I don't. 44:27 Me too. 44:28 And God never backs away from me. 44:30 It's always me backing away from Him. 44:31 Yes. 44:32 I'm holding on to something. 44:34 If there is something in your life, 44:36 that you're holding on to, 44:38 something that is keeping you 44:40 from having that complete victory in Jesus, 44:43 something in you, I think that my Sister Jill 44:46 has got one of the most incredible illustrations 44:49 that will show you, 44:51 what you need to do to become free 44:56 and filled with Jesus. 44:58 I had almost forgotten about that. 45:01 I have here a glass 45:03 and a pitcher of water next to me, 45:05 and I kind of forgotten, it's sitting down there. 45:06 Thank you. 45:08 So if I were to ask you ladies, or you at home, this glass, 45:11 there's air in here, right? 45:13 Right. How do I get the air out? 45:15 Any thoughts? 45:17 Boil the water. 45:18 Vacuum it out. 45:19 Fill it with something else. You got it. 45:22 Now you could say, okay, I'm gonna suck it out, 45:24 I'm gonna vacuum, no that doesn't work. 45:26 You cannot pull physically, right? 45:28 Pull the air out of this glass, but if I bend down here, 45:31 and I have a pitcher of water, 45:35 and if I pour water in, what happens? 45:38 All the air commits. 45:40 Air is coming out in the water. It's being displaced, yes. 45:41 You got it. The air is displaced. 45:44 And I think that's an example of how God works in our hearts, 45:49 we can try to achieve victory on our own. 45:52 You know, we can say, 45:53 "I'm gonna pull myself up by my bootstraps. 45:55 I'm gonna try harder, I'm gonna grip my teeth. 45:59 I'm gonna do... 46:01 even you know, 46:03 you could even do that with reading the Word of God 46:05 and say, "Okay, if I only spend half an hour 46:08 everyday reading the Bible. 46:09 I'm going to get victory." 46:11 Now God's word changes us, 46:12 but I think if we come to it with the have to, 46:16 that's not the right motive. 46:18 No. Absolutely. 46:19 We do it because we love Jesus. 46:20 So when God fills us, 46:22 when we just fall in love with Jesus. 46:24 When we experience who He is, He woos us, 46:27 like you mentioned before, He woos us, He draws us, 46:30 then what happens? 46:32 He fills us, and automatically the air comes out, 46:35 automatically the junk is displaced, 46:39 is removed from our lives. 46:41 Anything that we will repent of, 46:44 if we lift it up to God, if we'd say, 46:46 "Here Lord, you take, 46:48 you take these soap operas out of my life. 46:51 You take this unholy relationship out of my life. 46:55 You take this thing that is separating me from you, 46:58 you take it out of my life." 46:59 You know, that leaves a vacancy, 47:02 a void in your life, and he will fill it, 47:05 just like Jill filled that glass with water, 47:08 He will fill it with his Holy Spirit. 47:09 He'll fill it with himself. 47:11 And then you will be freed and you will have that victory 47:15 that we've been talking about. 47:17 And you know sometimes, 47:18 it doesn't happen instantaneously, 47:20 it's a process, 47:22 sometimes it does happen instantaneously. 47:24 But what we need to know is that, 47:27 it will happen because God is faithful, 47:30 and He that has begun a good work in us 47:32 will continue to perform it until the day of Christ Jesus. 47:36 So He is faithful in our lives, that's one thing. 47:39 The other thing is some things are so strong, 47:42 they are strong hold in our lives. 47:44 If you have a strong hold in your life, 47:47 Jesus said, when the disciples couldn't cast out 47:50 those demons themselves, 47:51 he said, "Howbeit something is goeth not out 47:53 but by prayer and fasting." 47:55 Fast over that thing. Amen. 47:57 I've had some things in my life, that, I've said, 48:00 "Lord, I just cannot get past this, 48:02 I need you to help me, and I'll fast over it, 48:05 and pray over it," 48:07 and the Lord will deliver. 48:08 So you can get deliverance, victory is yours. 48:11 Yes, it is. 48:13 We already have it. Amen. 48:14 This morning, I'll tell you this real quick, 48:16 this morning in my devotions right, 48:17 what was in this devotion, 48:19 but victory is yours, it is yours already. 48:24 That's in my devotion for today to share it with you. 48:27 And I was so excited, we already own it. 48:30 Yes. 48:32 Now we go and then possess it, 48:33 possess the land like Joshua was told with Canaan, 48:37 "Go and possess that land. Well, the victory is yours." 48:40 Justification, forgiveness, all these things, authority, 48:44 all these things have been given to us. 48:47 Now possess it. 48:48 It is ours to have and to use. 48:51 It is at our disposal, if we just use it. 48:54 Amen. Let me share this with you. 48:55 This is from Ellen White, 48:57 it's in Desire of Ages Chapter 1, 48:59 and I mean ever since I've read this, 49:01 I go back over... 49:02 I teach at Sabbath school, and I keep my Desire of Ages 49:05 right along with my book, 49:06 because I'm always pulling things out of that book 49:09 to share with my Sabbath school class. 49:12 This speaks so strongly to us, 49:14 "Christ was treated as we deserved, 49:18 that we might be treated as He deserves..." 49:21 That's part of our victory. 49:23 "He was condemned for our sins in which He had no share 49:28 that we might be justified by His righteousness 49:32 in which we have no share." 49:34 Do you know that the word declares, 49:35 that you're the righteousness of God 49:37 and Christ Jesus, it does. 49:38 Amen. 49:39 If we confess our sins, He is faithful 49:41 and just to forgives us of our sins 49:44 and cleans us from what? 49:45 Cleans us from all unrighteousness. 49:47 If you're cleansed from all unrighteousness, 49:50 what does that make you? 49:51 Some people, Yvonne, 49:52 they just can't say they're righteous. 49:54 But when you're cleansed from all unrighteousness, 49:57 you're the righteousness of God. 49:59 "He suffered the death which was ours, 50:02 that we might receive the life which was his, 50:05 that's part of your victory." 50:07 That's where we're headed in Christ Jesus. 50:11 I'm gonna share one more scripture, 50:12 Isaiah 64:6, and the word declares, 50:16 "But we're all as unclean things, 50:19 and all our righteousness as filthy robes, filthy rags." 50:23 Our righteousness is filthy rags, 50:25 but do you know that somebody has taken 50:28 his righteous robes and place them on you. 50:31 And then as you stand before Him, 50:34 you stand before Him with his righteousness, 50:37 pure and clean. 50:38 When God looks at you, He looks at you 50:41 through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ 50:43 and what He sees is the righteousness 50:46 of God in him. 50:48 That's your victory in the Lord Jesus Christ. 50:50 Amen. Amen. 50:52 That's what God wants to do 50:54 in each one of our hearts and lives. 50:55 We just have a couple of moments left. 50:57 To short, could you share, 51:00 how do we share this victory with someone else? 51:03 I mean God doesn't give us victory just for ourselves, 51:05 so how do we share with someone else? 51:07 Just tell somebody what he's has done. 51:09 That's the key. 51:10 Tell somebody what he has done for you. 51:12 We overcome by the blood of the lamb, 51:15 and the word of our testimony. 51:16 Give your testimony. 51:18 And guess what? 51:19 If you think about what He's done, 51:21 think about how good He's been, 51:23 think about how He's brought you through every situation, 51:26 and then share it with someone. 51:28 What would you do, if there is this great sale? 51:30 You gonna tell somebody, right? That's right. 51:32 What will you do if you found a new love in your life? 51:34 You tell somebody. Tell somebody about Jesus. 51:37 Absolutely. 51:38 Sister Chris? Pray for open doors. 51:41 Yes. And love, love, love. 51:43 Ask God to make your blessing. 51:46 You know the Bible has so much instruction in it. 51:49 But we need to live out the words of God. 51:52 Sometimes like you mentioned, 51:54 she didn't hit me over the head with it, 51:55 she lived out the love of God. 51:58 That's what we need to be doing, 52:00 loving one and another. 52:01 Amen. That's your beautiful thoughts. 52:03 We're going to go to a newsbreak now. 52:05 We'll be back in just a few minutes 52:07 with some closing thoughts. 52:08 In the mean time, you think about 52:11 what these ladies have shared with you, 52:13 and what God wants to do for you. |
Revised 2016-05-23