3ABN Today

Camp meeting, Blessings on the Go, Adventist Fundraiser and 3ABN Finances

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), Yvonne Lewis (Host), Brian Hamilton, Greg Morikone, Mollie Steenson


Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY016035A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:07 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:10 Thank you for joining us, and as always we just pray
01:13 that God will bless you richly, exceedingly,
01:17 abundantly more than you could ever ask or think.
01:20 I feel that way about,
01:21 how God has treated us, don't you?
01:23 Oh, yes, God is so good,
01:25 you just can't talk about it enough.
01:27 That's right. He's so good.
01:28 Absolutely.
01:29 Let's everything has breath do what?
01:31 Praise the Lord. Let's praise the Lord for sure.
01:34 We have some special guest today,
01:35 would you do the honors?
01:36 I would love to.
01:38 We have our Vice President and General Manager
01:41 Mollie Steenson.
01:42 We have our Chief Financial Officer Brian Hamilton,
01:46 and we have our Production Manager
01:49 Greg Morikone.
01:50 Good to be here. And probably president to come.
01:53 President to come, PTC.
01:56 Absolute, he and Jill, his wife Morikone,
01:58 what a blessing they are.
02:00 All of you to the ministry here.
02:01 Of course, Dr. Yvonne Lewis, and it's privilege to thank you
02:06 for allowing us to come to your home
02:07 as you do each and every day, and as always thank you
02:10 for your love, and your prayers,
02:11 and your financial support of 3ABN.
02:15 So I'm excited today. Oh, yes.
02:17 And I'm excited for the folks at home,
02:20 and for all of us here,
02:21 because we've read the back of the book,
02:23 and it says, "They overcame him,
02:25 Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of the testimony."
02:29 So what we want to encourage you today,
02:31 we're gonna do some praising together.
02:33 We'll probably even do some prayer together.
02:35 And we're gonna update you
02:37 on some of the behind the scenes things,
02:39 but we want this, when this program is over
02:42 it's our hope and prayer,
02:43 that each of us have drawn closer to Jesus.
02:46 And I heard a pastor once, I said to this pastor,
02:49 he rarely made what we call old fashion altar call
02:53 and I said, "Can I ask you why, you know, I've been often
02:58 and heard you for a long time,
02:59 you never really make an altar call."
03:01 And he said, "Well, I pretty well know
03:03 everybody in my church
03:04 and who is here and if there's no visitors."
03:06 And I was surprised by that,
03:08 you know, I said, "You pretty well."
03:09 He said, "Yeah, I pretty well know the members
03:11 and if I feel like they needed an altar call."
03:14 You know, and I said, you know, God looks on,
03:16 you know, man looks on the outward appearance
03:18 and God looks upon the heart, but each and every one of us,
03:22 every day that we're making decisions one way or the other.
03:27 We don't have to have a preacher
03:28 to do that altar call.
03:29 But every day, we're faced with decisions.
03:32 May Chung used to say, Brian, to me, we have--
03:35 Now, this was thus saith May Chung
03:38 which I dearly loved and respected called her mom.
03:41 But she says, we have, she said,
03:43 "All of this stuff is not hard to understand,"
03:46 she would say, "We talk about the mark of the beast
03:48 and all of these things.
03:50 It's not really hard to understand,
03:52 you don't have to be a theologian.
03:54 We have two natures.
03:55 We have a spiritual nature
03:57 and a physical, or beastly nature,
04:00 whichever one you feed the most grows the most.
04:03 That's right.
04:04 I mean that pretty well,
04:06 you're a pastor, Brian, know that pretty well.
04:07 Nails it on the head.
04:09 It brings it down, doesn't it? Yeah.
04:11 So whichever one we feed the most,
04:13 so if we're about self and doing what we're doing
04:16 that's what will grow.
04:17 If we're looking to Jesus,
04:19 for caring about those around us,
04:21 and doing what he said, "Go ye into all the world,"
04:24 then the spiritual side grows.
04:25 So it's our hope and prayer today
04:27 that each of us are feeding the spiritual side of,
04:32 rather than the physical side,
04:33 for sure now we want to do both.
04:35 But it's the one we feed the most
04:36 and I understand that makes a lot of sense,
04:38 so I just want to say
04:40 that I am so thankful for each and every one of you.
04:42 We couldn't make it without your love,
04:44 and your prayers, and financial support.
04:46 We may say that often but it is because we mean it.
04:49 And we need you, we need your prayers to join together,
04:52 because God has commissioned this ministry
04:55 Three Angels Broadcast Network
04:57 to take an undiluted three angles' messages,
05:00 one that would counteract a counterfeit
05:02 into all the world.
05:04 And by God's grace, we're gonna continue to do it.
05:07 Today, we were having lunch
05:09 and someone that I went to school with
05:12 from the seventh grade through high school
05:14 twin sisters,
05:15 and it was Brenda and Sandra Brook was their name
05:18 for those who might be watching locally.
05:20 But so we were talking
05:23 and all of you, I guess were there
05:25 and I said about her twin sister, I said,
05:28 "She travels around the world."
05:30 She's with Delta and she said,
05:32 "Yeah, my sister has seen you in many places,
05:35 she goes around the world 3ABN."
05:38 And I said, "Isn't that amazing?"
05:39 That God has opened these doors,
05:41 thanks to you that this gospel of the kingdom
05:44 is going literally around the world.
05:46 Now, we know that, but it's always confirmation
05:48 when someone says that,
05:50 not that she saw me as in me, myself and I,
05:53 but she saw 3ABN,
05:54 which says the word is getting there.
05:57 And someone just the other day said,
05:59 I was from the local area here,
06:01 I was in Joyce from West Frankfort,
06:04 said I was in Romania.
06:08 I think it was Romania? Oh, it's.
06:11 One of the countries right there,
06:12 I believe it's Romania, I turned on the television,
06:14 and saw you there 3ABN.
06:16 We didn't even know, we were on a cable
06:18 but she was saying that we were but isn't that amazing?
06:21 Yeah.
06:22 God has taken this message into all the world.
06:25 And so today, we want to give honor
06:27 and glory and praise to God.
06:29 Amen. He blesses us in spite of us.
06:31 We've always known,
06:32 it's the message that's important,
06:34 not the messenger.
06:35 But we're gonna update you on some things,
06:37 but before we do, Yvonne,
06:39 could you read us a couple of scriptures
06:40 maybe from Psalms 150, if you have your Bible on
06:43 so you gonna follow with us at home.
06:46 That give God honor, and glory, and praise.
06:49 "Praise ye the Lord.
06:50 Praise God in his sanctuary:
06:53 praise him in the firmament of his power.
06:55 Praise him for his mighty acts:
06:57 praise him according to his excellent greatness.
07:00 Praise him with the sound of the trumpet:
07:02 praise him with the psaltery and harp.
07:04 Praise him with the timbrel and dance:
07:06 praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
07:09 Praise him upon the loud cymbals:
07:11 praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
07:14 Let every thing that hath breath
07:17 praise the Lord.
07:18 Praise ye the Lord."
07:20 Everything that has breath, praise the Lord.
07:23 You know, that means
07:25 that everything that hath breath
07:26 is supposed to praise the Lord, Danny.
07:28 That there is nobody
07:30 that shouldn't be praising the Lord.
07:31 If you've got breath and I guarantee
07:34 you've got something to praise God about,
07:36 because if you've got that,
07:37 if you've got breath then God is blessing you.
07:40 Mollie, give us a little update on you personal testimony,
07:44 you and Hal, how is God blessing you,
07:47 not only physically, spiritually,
07:49 and always ministry wise,
07:51 just give us a little state of the union for Sister Mollie.
07:54 For the Steenson's household, we are exceedingly blessed.
07:59 He and I were talking about it the other day,
08:02 God just continues to grace us, and bless us,
08:06 and I don't, I don't dwell on it.
08:09 I have not formed my life
08:12 around this horrible diagnosis that I was given.
08:15 It's over three years ago now
08:16 that I was given that diagnosis.
08:19 And, but I don't let it direct my life,
08:21 I don't let it form,
08:23 form the way I think in my life,
08:25 I am living with cancer, I'm not dying with cancer.
08:28 And I want to tell you all one more time,
08:30 I'm gonna die of old age.
08:31 Every person would die, you must die of something,
08:34 I'm gonna die of old age. Amen.
08:36 I love it.
08:37 And so, every time I go to the doctor.
08:40 You know, and I have to stop and realize
08:43 that I am getting older,
08:45 have you all noticed that we're all getting older.
08:47 Yeah, I look in the mirror everyday.
08:50 Everything that, every pain or ache or whatever
08:53 that is not cancer related.
08:55 You know, it's just part of the aging process,
08:58 but those doctors when they do those the CAT scans,
09:01 and when they look at all those tests
09:03 and the blood report and all that sort of thing.
09:06 They tell me that I'm not getting any worse,
09:09 and occasionally, they'll tell me
09:11 that it's backed up a little bit.
09:12 So that means health wise,
09:14 God by the power of His body spirit has His hand on me,
09:19 and He's keeping me.
09:21 In the midst of this storm, He's keeping me.
09:23 Well, that is blessing me physically
09:26 but we get to, Hal and I, we've got three grandchildren.
09:31 And we've got a son and a daughter in,
09:33 and we've got the most incredible son-in-law
09:37 Roger Moore, he is a man.
09:39 We are so blessed, blessed beyond measure
09:42 because our children
09:43 and our grandchildren are healthy.
09:45 They're happy and they're whole,
09:47 and they're, they're serving God,
09:49 Dee Dee and Roger, and their family serve God,
09:51 they love the Lord and I've got a granddaughter.
09:54 Oh, Danny, she's gonna be 18 years on this week,
09:58 can you believe that.
09:59 She's graduating from high school,
10:02 and she's already got her life's planned out
10:04 of what she wants to do.
10:06 And she, she worked with underprivileged children,
10:10 child, at risk children, and it just touched her heart.
10:14 And so, now she's going to the university there
10:18 in Caruthersville, Missouri.
10:19 And she, what she wants to do,
10:22 is work with under underprivileged
10:24 at risk children in speech therapy.
10:27 So see, how blessed we are
10:29 that we've got children that want
10:30 and grandchildren want to serve God.
10:33 Nothing can be more,
10:34 make you more blessed than that.
10:36 All right. Amen.
10:37 You would think she doesn't have a care in this world,
10:39 wouldn't you listening to that?
10:40 But that is exactly, Brian, when it says,
10:42 "Great piece have they, which love thy law
10:45 and nothing shall offend them."
10:47 So what they're basically saying to Mollie
10:49 from the physical, you're faced with all sorts of things,
10:52 we all are and you are too in case you're laughing at us,
10:57 by the way about our age.
10:58 You're getting older too, no matter what's your age is.
11:01 But what it's saying is that you know what,
11:04 you're not bound, and you're not living in fear,
11:07 you're not all in the storm.
11:10 But you have your inner storm,
11:12 but you have peace in the midst of the storm.
11:14 And that's all we can ask for in this life,
11:17 that we can have peace in the midst of the storm.
11:20 You know, something that you say very often
11:23 and I got it, is we've read the end of the book.
11:26 In our Sabbath school lesson, I believe it's Thursday,
11:30 the topic is the Lost Cause.
11:34 Well, you know what the lost cause is?
11:36 Satan's plan for this earth. That's the last cause.
11:38 We've read the end of the book, and we know how this,
11:43 how it's going to play out and I know, you know,
11:45 if I live another week, month or 50 more years.
11:50 I know where my eternity is
11:52 and my eternity is in the presence of almighty God
11:55 through His grace and through His blood
11:56 and through His keeping power.
11:58 So what is there to concern ourselves with.
12:00 Absolutely, absolutely.
12:02 Brian, let's hear from the Hamilton's.
12:05 Okay.
12:06 Well, you know, the Psalm that you read,
12:08 praise the Lord.
12:10 Our alarm clock goes off at 4:30 every morning.
12:14 Now, Diane has her own alarm inside
12:17 that goes off before that one.
12:19 For me, I have to wait for the alarm to get me out.
12:23 So 4:30, we wake up--
12:24 I only get up at 4:30 to go the bathroom usually.
12:28 That's about, that's pretty early, yeah.
12:30 And then we patter out to the living room,
12:33 and we have our worship together each morning
12:36 somewhere around that time.
12:39 And just before dawn, still dark outside.
12:44 Here in Southern California, you don't hear freeways.
12:49 You know...
12:50 Southern California? No.
12:51 Southern Illinois? The Illinois.
12:53 That's not like Southern California,
12:54 where we're at.
12:55 There's no freeways and we can hear the birds
12:59 praising the Lord, sitting in our living room.
13:03 And it's beautiful,
13:07 there are little chirps and tweets, and unique sounds
13:12 and they come across crystal clear.
13:15 And we sit there and we hear them
13:17 praising the Lord every morning,
13:18 so I praise the Lord for that.
13:21 Nothing I praise the Lord for
13:23 and this may sound little funny,
13:24 but we recently laid her, my mother to rest,
13:29 my brother and I, and my brothers and I.
13:32 And I praise the Lord for a good mother.
13:36 Her name was Camille McNeilus
13:38 and she lived a long and full life,
13:42 a life of service to God.
13:43 Yes.
13:45 She strived to reflect his,
13:48 you know, his image through her life,
13:52 and so it was a beautiful life.
13:54 And she passed many values on to us boys,
13:58 she lived for us boys.
14:00 And so, to have a Godly mother, one who loved you
14:04 and taught you the ways of the Lord
14:07 is a real blessing.
14:08 And so, it's a legacy to her.
14:11 And so, yes, it was sad to say temporarily goodbye.
14:16 But we know that just around the corner is a hollow
14:19 that will have no goodbyes to it.
14:22 And so, I praise the Lord for that.
14:26 Here 3ABN, another praise the Lord.
14:30 I think on a prior program,
14:32 I had indicated that we had a prison
14:35 that given us approval to put 3ABN in,
14:37 it's Las Cruces, New Mexico.
14:40 Yes.
14:41 Well, that facility now has 3ABN.
14:45 And so, I want to say to any of the inmates
14:50 who may be watching.
14:52 Sorry, I didn't know which camera to look at here,
14:53 but any of the inmates
14:55 that may be watching at the facility
14:58 there in Las Cruces, New Mexico,
15:00 we want you to know
15:02 that you're a part of the 3ABN family.
15:05 And we have a prison ministry department
15:08 that you can communicate to and they have materials
15:10 to be able to send to you and just welcome.
15:13 And we hope that you are blessed
15:15 by the programming
15:17 that comes from our facilities here at 3ABN.
15:21 Speaking of, in the prisons, something
15:24 once the new service that came out with 3ABN,
15:27 it showed C.A Murray,
15:29 and I in Guantanamo Bay, is it Reuters?
15:30 Reuters.
15:32 Reuters, new service and somebody
15:33 in the Senate said,
15:35 "Did you know you and C.A Murray
15:36 is on this and had a story 3ABN in Guantanamo Bay.
15:40 Yes.
15:41 I mean I wouldn't even think about it,
15:43 there's and for those that don't know a lot of the folk
15:45 from 9/11 are there,
15:47 I mean probably one of the most infamous or famous
15:50 whichever you want to call it prison...
15:52 Terrorists
15:54 In the world, people know about it,
15:56 and 3ABN is in that prison.
15:58 We didn't even know it.
16:00 And so at first and someone from the General Conference
16:03 called and they said,
16:04 we think it was just in the waiting room,
16:07 so because they wanted to find out they said,
16:09 "What's a story?"
16:11 We think maybe it was just on the waiting room,
16:13 then they called back and said,
16:14 "No, we followed through all the guy
16:17 that was there from Reuters,
16:19 he, this way took a picture of it he said, "No,
16:21 it's in each of the little cells throughout the prison."
16:25 That this folk are watching 3ABN,
16:26 I mean, that's a two hander.
16:28 Yeah.
16:29 That's God in spite of us, in spite of us.
16:32 It shows that God is serious about getting the gospel out
16:36 to the world to everyone, to everyone,
16:39 because Jesus is coming back soon.
16:41 And if we don't do what we're supposed to do
16:43 and get the gospel out, and I thank the Lord for 3ABN,
16:48 and all that God is doing here to get the word out.
16:52 This is serious business, and it's happening,
16:55 and we're hearing about people watching and coming to Jesus,
16:58 and it's just, it's wonderful.
17:00 So this is, it's such a blessing to be here.
17:01 You know, Danny,
17:03 this is two times right in a row,
17:04 you mentioned
17:06 and we didn't even know we were there.
17:07 We didn't know we were in Guantanamo Bay.
17:10 We didn't know we were in Romania,
17:11 I believe it's what you said earlier that we were in.
17:14 You know who is getting
17:15 the signal that comes out of 3ABN
17:17 all over the world is God,
17:19 by the power of his might that is promoting 3ABN
17:22 and getting 3ABN the signal.
17:24 And it's not us,
17:26 it's the message that is being proclaimed.
17:28 I think I've said this before,
17:30 if it wasn't for the undiluted Three Angels' Message
17:32 that God has entrusted to the church, to our church.
17:36 We're doing our part, we're getting it out.
17:38 If it wasn't for that pure message
17:39 that was going forth, we would not be necessary.
17:42 God wouldn't need us, but because of the purity
17:45 of the message that is going forth,
17:47 He, God is seeing that this message
17:50 is going all over the world.
17:52 I remember a few years ago, Elder Don Schneider
17:54 who is our North American Division President
17:57 of the church at the time was here in the program
17:59 and talk to me and he said, I think of his son,
18:03 that was on Afghanistan, Pakistan border,
18:07 somewhere and I'm not sure what he was doing over there,
18:09 whether he is in military, whether he is in mission,
18:11 whatever he was doing.
18:13 But he said, "I called, I was so concerned."
18:15 And he finally or he finally got through to me and I said,
18:17 "Are you okay?"
18:18 He said, "Dad, don't worry about it,
18:20 I'm in a little hotel
18:22 and the first thing I turn on is 3ABN."
18:24 Praise God.
18:26 And no one has ever asked permission.
18:28 We would never deny it of course,
18:30 but who would think Afghanistan and Pakistan
18:33 that 3ABN would be in hotels.
18:37 I mean that is God, that's absolutely a miracle.
18:39 Yeah.
18:40 It's amazing, that those things happen,
18:43 so God still alive and He's on the throne, folk,
18:45 so if he can do all these things,
18:47 he sure cares about you.
18:49 Don't ever think He doesn't care about you,
18:50 don't ever think you're all alone,
18:52 because you're not.
18:53 You have a heavenly Father who died for you,
18:55 made a plan of salvation for you.
18:58 He's coming back very soon for you in the clouds of glory.
19:00 All we have to do is accept that free gift.
19:03 That's right.
19:04 Greg, let's hear some praise from the Morikone's.
19:06 Sure.
19:07 No problem, you know, I just wanted to say also that,
19:09 you know, I believe it's because 3ABN
19:11 has preached the undiluted message
19:13 for all these with 31 years,
19:15 that God has blessed this ministry.
19:17 And I think that's key, now going forward that 3ABN
19:20 continues as we always have to spread that gospel
19:23 that God has given to us, undiluted.
19:24 Yes. I think that's key.
19:26 But Jill and I have so much to praise the Lord.
19:28 For me, God is, He is so good.
19:30 You were all talking about family.
19:32 I praise the Lord for my folks,
19:33 you know because sometimes you know,
19:35 I don't share with them everything that's going on,
19:36 but sometimes my dad gets up very early in the morning
19:39 maybe 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning
19:40 and does his studies.
19:42 With the Hamilton's.
19:43 Yeah, that's true. With Hamilton's.
19:46 So, you know, my dad would just send me a text and just say,
19:49 "Son, I'm praying for you,
19:51 " he doesn't even know what's going on,
19:52 all the details but I just praise the Lord
19:55 for wonderful parents.
19:56 But something that happened this week.
19:58 I was pulling out of the 3ABN parking lot,
20:00 one of our parking lots.
20:02 And as I was pulling out, I noticed this,
20:04 I don't know the official term, but I only call mayflies.
20:07 So a big bug was on the window of the car,
20:10 and so I thought, oh, this is interesting,
20:11 as I started going down the road,
20:13 I thought wonder how fast or,
20:15 you know, how fast I can go until he blows off the car.
20:18 So I got 10 miles an hour, 20 miles an hour,
20:21 and you know the poor,
20:22 you know, his wings start doing this but he's still hanging on.
20:25 And I got to 30, 40, 50 miles an hour
20:28 and this bug is still on there, and then all of a sudden,
20:30 you know, he blew away.
20:32 This is the powerful thing.
20:34 Now, this is, God just spoke me right there, and he said,
20:37 "You know what son, you will not blow in the way,
20:40 a blow away in the storms
20:42 that you're going through right now.
20:43 As this bug blew away, I will not let you blow away."
20:47 Amen.
20:48 And man, you know, you almost got to stop the car
20:50 at that point, because it's just,
20:51 I mean it tears me up now, thinking about it,
20:53 but it's just like just out of the blue.
20:54 God says, "Son, you saw this bug blow away,
20:56 the storms of this life, you will not be overcome."
20:59 So it comes back to Isaiah 43,
21:01 which is one of my most favorite verses
21:03 it says, chapters.
21:04 But it says, "Fear not for I have redeemed you.
21:07 I have called you by name your mind, [mine]
21:10 when you pass through the waters,
21:11 I will be with you and through the rivers,
21:14 they shall not overwhelm you."
21:15 So though this wind overwhelmed this bug
21:17 and he blew away.
21:19 God has a promise, you will not be overwhelmed.
21:22 Amen.
21:23 When you're passing through them,
21:24 it doesn't always say,
21:26 that he's gonna keep you from them
21:27 but you're gonna go through storms of life.
21:28 You know, the Lord knows of different storms
21:30 we all go through.
21:31 But they will not overwhelm 3ABN,
21:34 they will not overwhelm me.
21:35 So this is something that happened just this week
21:37 that has just, I mean has pumped me up the same time,
21:39 "Man, God you're right there."
21:41 So that is powerful.
21:42 Amen. Amen.
21:44 Absolutely, I was thinking
21:45 because some people on television,
21:47 they probably see folk on T.V
21:49 and they think I mean, I used to watch years ago,
21:52 and when 3ABN first started,
21:54 the first program we ever showed
21:56 was George Vandeman.
21:57 Now somebody old enough to remember
21:59 Pastor George Vandeman.
22:00 Oh, yeah.
22:01 When I looked at Elder Vandeman,
22:03 everything about him looked perfect.
22:05 His hair was perfect, you know, everything,
22:09 his clothes were perfect,
22:10 everything about this guy when he talked to you,
22:14 it was just perfect.
22:15 It was.
22:16 Everything was right, and you couldn't imagine.
22:19 And I'd watched It Is Written for a long time.
22:22 I couldn't imagine him
22:24 having a problems in his life like I did or you do
22:27 or anybody else does till after I met him
22:30 and got to know him.
22:31 And I said, this guy goes through those same things,
22:33 but he's got a peace.
22:35 He's not gonna take that to the television
22:38 and tell the whole world, you know,
22:40 "Hey, the devil's beat me up this week."
22:42 Because, he knew that no matter
22:45 what the devil attempts to do, he can't do anymore than what,
22:49 what we allow him through the power of God
22:51 because God is in between.
22:53 He is.
22:54 So, if we want to be beat up a little bit,
22:56 we can be beat up.
22:57 But if we say, "Get thee behind me Satan."
22:59 And so Elder Vandeman, after I got to know him,
23:01 I said, you know what, that's amazing, this guy,
23:04 he just has this peace about him, and it's not phony,
23:08 he really was that way, but he had a lot of things
23:11 in his life just like we each do.
23:13 And so, I was talking to somebody just few weeks ago,
23:16 I was traveling they said, "Man, you've got an old..."
23:20 It's an old saying, Greg, you probably never heard.
23:22 You lived the life of Riley.
23:24 Anybody old enough to hear that?
23:26 Greg hadn't heard it.
23:27 Poor Greg. I'm sorry. Yeah.
23:28 You heard that, Brian?
23:30 Yeah, I heard it,
23:31 but I didn't know who Riley was.
23:32 Well, you know, I wasn't sure of it
23:34 but he must have had it well.
23:35 He must be, right.
23:37 Well, I think it was maybe an old TV program
23:38 or something but, you know,
23:40 you just have to live the life of Riley.
23:42 You're a famous people, know you everywhere,
23:45 everywhere you go, people want pictures with you.
23:48 They just think this is a wonderful.
23:49 You don't have any problems in the world
23:51 and I had to smile because I said,
23:54 you know, folk have no idea, that what you go through
23:59 and when you're on the frontlines in ministry.
24:01 And I said, "Someday maybe I'll write a book,
24:03 but if I do I promise, I won't dog anybody,
24:06 I'll just praise the Lord in my book if I write one,
24:08 because that's what it's all about.
24:10 Amen.
24:11 What time we have here,
24:12 let everything that have breath?
24:14 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
24:15 All right, why don't you tell us a little bit
24:16 about Lewis' and Jason's in Dare to Dream.
24:20 Give us some praise report to our folks.
24:22 God is blessing. God is blessing.
24:26 There are a few things.
24:27 One is, the first thing is that I was preparing
24:31 for the program that I did
24:33 with Mollie, and Jill, and Chris.
24:37 And today, we did today program,
24:40 and I'm just excited
24:41 because we were talking about victory in Jesus.
24:45 And as I was studying for it, and preparing for it,
24:49 the Lord gave me an insight into me.
24:53 And it was, it was, I was thinking
24:57 about like there are times when I'll say,
25:00 "Man, I just, I just can't come to you right now, I just,
25:04 I just don't feel right,
25:05 I just don't feel up to coming to,
25:07 I don't feel like I'm worthy."
25:09 And the Lord gave me the scripture.
25:12 But God has commended His love toward us that when...
25:16 while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,
25:19 and so when you're in the throes of sin.
25:24 That's when, that's when you shouldn't turn away,
25:26 and that's why and the Lord was giving me that
25:28 and I was just like,
25:29 "Oh, thank you, Jesus, thank you,
25:31 " because he reminds us that He loves us so much.
25:34 And He's there for us no matter what.
25:36 So that was one thing.
25:37 The second thing is, Jason move back home
25:39 to save some money, so I have Jason home with me,
25:43 so not only are we working together.
25:46 But now, he's back home with his mom.
25:47 Okay. That is all good.
25:49 Yeah, and it's really good.
25:50 And so, we're preparing for next week,
25:53 we have a special event
25:55 coming up in St. Louis for Dare to Dream,
25:57 and I want to share it with you.
25:59 Friday, May 13th at 7 P.M,
26:03 we're going to be doing...
26:08 John Lomacang is going to be presenting Unclean Spirits,
26:10 Unplugged and it's going to be exciting Friday, at 7 P.M.
26:16 Is that gonna be televised or taped?
26:17 It's taped, so if you come.
26:19 Don't expect that it's going to be on,
26:21 it's not gonna be on air...
26:23 Say you come if you live in the area,
26:24 come there and be there and then watch yourself
26:27 and him later.
26:28 That's right, you can watch it later
26:30 but come and be a part of the experience.
26:32 It's going to be Friday evening at 7,
26:34 and Sabbath Saturday May 14th at 11A.M and 3 P.M.
26:39 And it's gonna be at the Northside
26:43 Seventh-day Adventist Church, 9001 Lucas,
26:47 in Hunt Road in St Louis, Missouri.
26:50 So you definitely need to come.
26:52 This is gonna be so powerful,
26:53 because we're gonna be talking about
26:56 how Satan is just infiltrating the entertainment industry.
27:01 And how God wants to save us from that so.
27:04 Pastor Lomacang has a dynamic presentation,
27:08 it's gonna be really exciting and to the person
27:12 who brings the most guests who are non-Adventist,
27:16 the most non-Adventist guests
27:17 they're gonna win a MySDA TV box.
27:21 Oh, really? Yes.
27:22 So we are encouraging people to come
27:24 and to get to hear this presentation
27:27 and to get the MySDA TV box.
27:29 And maybe they can look the church up on the web.
27:31 What's the name of the church?
27:32 It's the Northside Seventh-day Adventist Church.
27:35 All right, St. Louis, right? St Louis.
27:37 Okay.
27:38 On speaking of MySDA since you brought it up,
27:41 that might be a good segue,
27:43 and let's talk about the MySDA box.
27:46 This to me is one of the greatest things.
27:48 Again I have to go back to when we started
27:51 and we felt the impression build
27:53 the station to reach the world.
27:54 There was no way to do it, right?
27:56 No one on earth that I'm told that I know of to this day
27:59 in 1984 was sending signals around planet earth
28:03 to virtually every country 24/7.
28:06 There were people who could get signals,
28:08 but they would do it here, and there,
28:09 and news this type of thing.
28:11 So to hear that and think, well,
28:13 there's not even anybody in the secular world to look at,
28:16 that's doing something like that.
28:19 You know, you think how impossible that seems.
28:22 And then all of a sudden last events will be rapid.
28:26 And you see things happening in front of your eyes,
28:28 from the big 12 foot dish, Greg.
28:31 You know, that people cut these trees down,
28:34 and to get people older, a lot of Adventists heard
28:38 there was a television station
28:40 that was giving the Three Angles' Messages
28:43 had never owned a television, never owned a television.
28:47 How about that?
28:49 They were buying televisions and their neighbors.
28:51 I'm sure were shocked
28:52 'cause now they're putting these big dishes.
28:54 So...
28:55 That was my folks. Okay.
28:58 We didn't have a TV.
29:00 So we've got a television for 3ABN
29:01 and they first got this television
29:03 in the early '90s,
29:04 so you'd starting off few years back.
29:06 And I help my dad, we hold this gigantic,
29:08 we got the dish use from someone
29:09 that was getting a different dish,
29:11 so we hold this, it must have been,
29:12 I think is a ten footer at that point.
29:14 Yeah, sure.
29:15 And my goodness that thing was heavy,
29:16 and we were there trying to get it up
29:18 and we had the concrete, a big pole in the ground.
29:20 And anyway, now my dad has the MySDA TV box.
29:23 So he's gone from the huge thing...
29:25 There's where we're going.
29:27 Exactly where we're going,
29:28 so we will go from this huge dish.
29:29 Right.
29:31 Then technology got smaller that was C band
29:33 and then they got KU band,
29:34 which you can get a two or three foot dish.
29:37 We said, what could get better than that.
29:38 I mean, think about that.
29:40 Now, you don't have to have this huge eyesore, you know.
29:43 Yeah.
29:45 It looks like a giant bird bath
29:46 you know on its side out in your yard.
29:49 And just have a little two foot,
29:50 to three foot on,
29:52 I mean, that's technology
29:53 that's as far as this thing's gonna go.
29:55 Incredible, and from satellite,
29:57 now you can go up to satellite across North America.
30:00 Now, all of a sudden you can go to Europe.
30:01 You can bounce come down into Jerusalem,
30:04 and go back up
30:05 and head literally around the rest of the world,
30:07 you cover Pacific Rim and come on around
30:10 and you say, man, what could be better.
30:12 Nothing can be better than this,
30:13 I mean the last events are that,
30:15 how much more can man improve if God allow us to.
30:19 And then all of a sudden we said,
30:21 well, here's is cable, we're on cable,
30:23 then came dish network,
30:25 dish, network selling millions of these,
30:27 so people can get you on dish
30:29 and then lo and behold something called the internet.
30:32 Al Gore says, he did it, I don't know, if he did or not
30:34 but whoever started the internet,
30:37 that's kind of a joke.
30:38 And so I don't know who did it,
30:39 but this thing called the internet
30:41 that you can do emails, you can send things,
30:45 you pretty soon you send in video,
30:47 all of the sudden you can watch 3ABN on a computer.
30:50 I mean that's made, don't have to have this huge dish.
30:53 You say it can't get any better than this.
30:56 This is the best thing in the world,
30:59 that literally you can watch on a computer,
31:01 but then people say,
31:02 "But I'm used to watch my big TV screen,
31:04 I wish I can do that."
31:06 You know how you're gonna do that.
31:08 But then we even get smaller,
31:10 then after a while they come up with this,
31:14 called the smart phone and they call that for a reason
31:17 that I'll guarantee you that there's phones
31:19 that are smarter than most of us,
31:20 I know mine is smarter than I my phone.
31:22 It still, I've had it two or three years
31:23 and it still can do things,
31:25 I don't even know somebody else would say,
31:26 just do it on your phone and I say, "I can do that?"
31:29 I didn't know I can do it.
31:30 You can ask it anything that mine's her name Siri.
31:33 I guess most of them are that has this
31:35 but I can ask Siri about anything
31:36 and she'll say, let me check, go to the web,
31:39 and there's all this information,
31:40 all at your fingertips guess what?
31:42 3ABN is on this channel.
31:44 So you say now that's impossible.
31:46 You've got it, what is this like an iPad?
31:48 This is my iPad. You get 3ABN on that?
31:50 Absolutely, and Dare to Dream of course.
31:53 Well, of course, 3ABN that's part of Dare to Dream, right?
31:55 Yeah. Yeah.
31:57 So you could probably pull that up now,
31:58 while we're talking.
32:00 Okay. Sure. All right.
32:01 So you can download apps on your phone and pull up.
32:05 I'm doing it right here as we speak
32:07 and you see it's working right now, it says 3ABN.
32:10 Now I can push any one of these,
32:11 these are all different networks
32:13 and I can scroll up to all eight networks.
32:15 You got it on, turn it around just for a second.
32:18 Our camera can see over here. We'll go back.
32:22 This is Action for Life,
32:25 and you can just sit and watch it.
32:26 So you can do this anywhere in the world, am I right, Greg?
32:29 That is correct.
32:30 Anywhere in the world, you can get 3ABN, okay.
32:33 So we got it on the phones and you say man,
32:36 "How does it get better than this," because now,
32:38 it's really easy, I can be at an airport,
32:41 or somebody what do you do?
32:42 I'm in tele. What kind of tele? Oh, let me show you.
32:44 I've actually had people say, "Well, how do I get it?"
32:46 I say you can download it on your phone,
32:48 here I'll help you do it.
32:49 So we download 3ABN on the phone,
32:51 you're on your iPad, on your android whatever it is.
32:55 Then they come up with this box called a Roku.
32:58 A Roku it's a small little box about so big
33:02 then it can sit beside your television,
33:05 you hook it up to your internet,
33:07 you can get hundreds of channels on that
33:09 including 3ABN, all of 3ABN's channels.
33:12 I think Hope channels
33:14 and some others are on there too.
33:16 Then Moses Primo did the most unthinkable thing,
33:20 came up with MySDA box, that's a long intro to that,
33:24 wasn't it Greg?
33:25 That was a good intro. MySDA box.
33:27 Now, the mySDA box is about the same size,
33:30 it's a little small
33:32 and it's, it has Adventists channels on it.
33:35 Okay, we've got all of the 3ABN,
33:36 there's a list of them.
33:38 We're adding new channels all the time.
33:40 So we're talking to Hope.
33:41 We've got a few of the Hope overseas.
33:44 We're trying to get the other Hope channels
33:45 as well as the 3ABN, Amazing Facts
33:47 and I'm not sure all the rest of them is new
33:50 hence we're working with the conference in London
33:52 to get the SSC channel
33:55 and there's others that are coming on.
33:56 Now this little box, you plug it into the wall,
34:00 it takes about this much technical knowledge.
34:03 You plug it into the wall, so you get the power on it.
34:06 Then it has a little remote control
34:09 and when you turn iton your TV,
34:10 it will ask you a couple of questions.
34:12 If you've got internet password,
34:14 put that in, hook it up to your internet
34:16 and boom right there you got 3ABN.
34:18 Now, if you've got a 70 inch screen.
34:20 There's 3ABN and it's all high def now.
34:23 It's high def.
34:25 Where most of your TV's right now,
34:26 you're not getting it, but this is high def
34:29 which is incredible signals.
34:31 But here's the beauty of it.
34:33 Well, what's the difference, what's the need for this,
34:36 if you have for instance a Roku?
34:38 The difference is,
34:39 this is the only box that I know of
34:41 anywhere you can do programming on demand.
34:45 So what does that mean?
34:47 That means simply I said to a lady today,
34:49 our visitors here from, from England.
34:52 I said, "Well, here's how this works."
34:54 She got one.
34:55 Jason was there her son,
34:57 who's tall and young and handsome and I said,
34:59 "Let's say, that you are at home
35:01 and Dare to Dream is on,
35:03 and good-looking young Jason is on Dare to Dream,
35:07 but I'm over here on regular 3ABN
35:10 but I've got a guest, you know, then you want to say,
35:14 "Well, I think I want to watch young good-looking Jason."
35:17 You know, she said, "No, that's okay,
35:18 I watch you too."
35:20 I said, "No, no, no."
35:21 No, I'm sorry, you missed my point.
35:23 Now my point is, don't worry about it
35:24 because now if you're watching Dare to Dream,
35:27 and there was something on say John Lomacang's series comes on
35:31 on another 3ABN channel network
35:35 then what you do is you can go back
35:37 and program on demand and go watch things weeks behind."
35:39 That's great.
35:41 So you don't miss any program so.
35:43 So if six of our networks all had a program
35:47 you wish you could watch.
35:49 Now you can, you watch one, then you go the next network,
35:52 you just scroll back.
35:53 You can go back a day, a week.
35:55 Someone said, you mean if I see something
35:58 for the weekend, I want my kids to watch.
36:00 I said absolutely.
36:02 There's an older retired lady, she said,
36:04 "But I like for my kids to watch certain programs."
36:06 I said, "You can choose which ones now
36:08 because your kids come to visit you."
36:10 You don't know what their needs are."
36:13 And so she said, "Wow, this is amazing."
36:16 So now she sees something during the week and says,
36:18 "Oh, my grown kids are coming over,
36:21 and this is exactly what they need."
36:23 So now, when they come.
36:24 She turns on 3ABN whatever network,
36:27 that's an amazing.
36:28 I mean how can technology, it just continues to amaze you.
36:32 But God is allowing that. Why is He allowing that?
36:35 So this gospel of the kingdom will go ye into all the world.
36:38 Amen.
36:39 He said, "Go ye into all the world," right?
36:41 "All power is given me in heaven and earth,
36:43 then go ye therefore."
36:45 And so it's amazing time, you can get those MySDA box.
36:48 You can call us here, I think we have,
36:50 do we have a little clip, a video clip?
36:52 Yes, we do have a little roll that Moses and Jill.
36:54 Okay, why don't we put that up
36:55 and it will help you to see the MySDA box.
37:00 Moses, tell us about my SDA TV box?
37:03 That is the impression that God gave me
37:05 to create a nonprofit organization called MySDA TV.
37:11 It's organization that we are going to centralize
37:14 all the Seventh-day Adventist content,
37:17 all this outreach ministries that they have this content.
37:20 We want to put in one location.
37:22 So people don't have to be going
37:24 to many different websites to get all of this information,
37:27 It's all in one central hub.
37:29 And the first step to do that was to create a set-top box.
37:34 And we created two actually.
37:36 One large one has a WiFi, external antennae,
37:40 some other features, has a clock and something else.
37:43 You can buy this and put on your home
37:46 on top of your TV.
37:48 But we also created that the same features
37:51 on the very small box called a dongle.
37:55 You can buy this small box here,
37:58 and give it as a evangelism tool
38:00 or present to a family or relatives or friends.
38:04 So it is a two ways that you can minister to people
38:07 and the large one or the small dongle one.
38:10 That's exciting, Moses.
38:11 Are you telling me that you can basically take MySDA TV
38:15 anywhere in the world
38:16 as long as you have internet and television?
38:18 Yes, it does require high speed internet
38:20 to stream this.
38:22 And but you can take anywhere in the world,
38:24 because of the power supply covers from 90 volts
38:28 all the way to 240 volts.
38:30 So you can take anywhere in the world.
38:32 Amen.
38:33 Moses, explain to us about video on demand?
38:35 That is a tremendous feature that this box has
38:38 because people cannot watch it every day at same time,
38:42 so if you miss a program,
38:44 you can always go back several days
38:46 and to take that program and watch it
38:49 just like if you're watching a DVD.
38:51 You stop and you pause and you play.
38:53 It's a tremendous feature that this box has,
38:56 and we're very excited.
38:57 No other box that has this conditions
38:59 to playback anytime.
39:01 Thank you, Moses. How can we order MySDA TV?
39:04 It's very easy, Jill. You just go to our website.
39:07 It's on mysdatv.org.
39:09 And you can pay with a PayPal,
39:12 or a credit card, or a debit card.
39:16 Amen. Isn't that something? Wow. Look at that.
39:18 I mean, when you think about it,
39:20 it's amazing because I'm in and out a lot
39:23 and I need to be able to watch programs
39:27 that came on earlier that I miss.
39:29 Now, you can do it with the MySDA TV box.
39:32 Yeah, I think there's something neat too.
39:34 You know, Moses mentioned it on that video roll
39:36 but really the neat thing is
39:37 'cause some people purchased a Roku box,
39:39 and there's so many other channels
39:40 they can divert you.
39:42 Here with MySDA TV, everything is there,
39:44 it's all the SDA channels and that's a beautiful thing,
39:46 it's a gift, maybe to a new member.
39:48 And here you go, you can't be diverted
39:50 or distracted by the things that's right there
39:51 and that's, that's another key point too.
39:53 It's good.
39:54 Absolutely, we've got about only 13 or so minutes left
39:58 to this program.
40:00 We got several more things to cover,
40:02 Mollie, we want you to talk about camp meeting.
40:04 All right, we got a camp meeting
40:05 coming up January, pardon me, June the 8th through the 11th.
40:09 And we always want to invite you to come in
40:12 and be a part because, Danny,
40:13 and there is just something about being here,
40:17 in the midst of all the people and the excitement
40:20 and seeing the ministers ministering,
40:23 there's just something really precious
40:26 and encouraging to be right here in the midst,
40:29 but if you aren't able to be, to come to Southern Illinois,
40:33 you can always watch us
40:35 everyone one our programs are gonna be broadcast live.
40:38 So you can be a part of this ministry
40:41 and part of camp meeting, the name of camp meeting
40:43 is Christ, Calvary, and the Sanctuary.
40:47 And I wanted to tell you the speakers
40:49 and the titles of their sermons.
40:52 It's going to began Wednesday June the 8th at 8 P.M.
40:57 Well, it starts at 7 P.M with the music worship hour,
41:01 but at 8 P.M then we have John Bradshaw
41:03 and the title of his sermon is the Lamb of God.
41:07 Next at 9 P.M., David Shin, His Way in the Sanctuary.
41:13 Then Thursday morning at 9 A.M.
41:16 Justifications, Sanctification, Glorification, Ivor Myers.
41:21 10 A.M. The Altar of Burnt Offering, David Shin.
41:25 Then 11:30 A.M.
41:27 The Shining Laver with Kameron DeVasher.
41:31 2:30 P.M.
41:32 The table of Showbread, Ivor Myers.
41:35 Then that evening starting at 9, pardon me 7 P.M.
41:42 The Golden Altar of Incense, Carlton Byrd.
41:45 8 P.M. The Golden Candlestick, John Bradshaw.
41:49 Are you getting exited just listening to this?
41:52 And to listen all this speakers this gonna be here,
41:54 so those of you who like to meet folks
41:56 and talk to folk one-on-one, you're not in through,
41:58 we have quite a few more different speakers.
42:00 No, my and in person.
42:01 That you've seen on 3ABN may for years.
42:03 9 P.M., we are having three sermons
42:08 on Thursday night,
42:09 that's why we encourage you, come and be part.
42:12 If you can't be a part, you can watch on television.
42:15 Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word,
42:17 you will be just set on fire
42:20 by the power of God through His word.
42:22 At 9 P.M., it's The Ark of the Covenant,
42:24 Carlton Byrd.
42:26 Then on Friday morning at 9 A.M,
42:28 A Royal Priesthood by none other than myself.
42:32 And then at 10 A.M., The Day Atonement,
42:34 Kenny Shelton.
42:36 11:30 A.M., The Garden of Gethsemane,
42:38 Shelley Quinn.
42:40 2:30 P.M., The Trial of Trials, again Shelley Quinn.
42:44 And then starting at 7:00 P.M.,
42:47 Danny, we got an incredible event happening
42:51 Friday evening at 7:00 P.M.
42:54 We have a new project called the Calvary Concert Project.
42:59 And I'm gonna get you talk about that
43:01 if that's okay with you in just a moment,
43:02 but let me give you the rest of the sermons.
43:05 8 P.M. Glory in the Cross, John Carter.
43:08 Then Saturday morning 9:30 A.M.,
43:12 Sabbath school we have the Panel.
43:14 Then 11:00 A.M., music presentation.
43:17 11:30 A.M., What Happened in 1844?
43:22 C.A. Murray, 2:30 P.M., Danny and Musical Guests.
43:26 Then at 3:00 Calvary Says "Love", Kenny Shelton.
43:29 6:00 P.M.,
43:31 I'm getting just telling you all these exciting things,
43:36 A Risen Savior, John Lomacang.
43:38 7:00 P.M., The Early and Latter Rain,
43:41 John Carter.
43:42 By then we are gonna be so full of God's wording,
43:46 full of the Spirit of the Lord, we are just gonna be glowing,
43:49 shining with that Shekinah Glory of God.
43:52 Absolutely, I would encourage everyone of you to be here,
43:54 it's great to watch it on television
43:56 but it is not the same.
43:57 As being here fellowship and worshipping.
44:00 These subjects are present truth,
44:04 that we need before we can go out and help anyone else,
44:08 we need the Lord to work in our own lives
44:11 and to draw as closer to Him
44:13 and to get the spirit of evangelism to
44:15 and the burden for souls
44:17 to go to a lost and dying world.
44:20 And so the Calvary Project is a song,
44:23 where every song is on the topic of Calvary,
44:27 and how important that the cross of Calvary,
44:30 of course, it wasn't the stick and it wasn't the wood,
44:33 it was Jesus coming to die on the cross of Calvary,
44:36 that's what it made so important.
44:38 But we have a lot of familiar ones,
44:40 old hymns, you'll know and want to sing along with.
44:43 We gonna have incredible choir
44:45 and we've just been working with the choir even the...
44:47 A Orleans have done a song, done a song for this project.
44:52 It's gonna be singing on yours song, Lanny Wolfe,
44:54 praise His holy name, it was incredible song
44:58 that you have to hear to believe it
44:59 but brother Lanny Wolfe,
45:01 my favorite all time song writer ever
45:03 of gospel music.
45:05 He has written some songs that we're doing.
45:07 Then he and I co-wrote a couple of songs,
45:09 he and melody co-wrote a song
45:12 and Reggie and Ladye have a new one,
45:14 all, every topic the cross of Calvary.
45:17 So we've been working on this for sometime.
45:19 We go to Nashville and stages,
45:21 we do the tracking and then we go back
45:23 and we do some of the vocals,
45:25 then we did the orchestra with the strings
45:27 and then the brass and you know, literally,
45:32 now the backup singers.
45:33 And so we build this thing in layers and stages.
45:36 And to put this together,
45:38 then we gonna have a choir here.
45:39 Some of the folks that you may see singing
45:43 on some of the networks will be hear with us also,
45:45 like Reggie and Ladye Love, number of the other singers,
45:49 I won't give it away yet who some of them are,
45:51 but you're gonna recognize some of these folks
45:53 that are gonna come and sing in the 3ABN choir.
45:55 So Friday night, we gonna have this literally.
45:58 There's 13 songs,
46:01 and so we are hoping to get all 13 today
46:03 view this, this new project on Calvary.
46:07 And so, God has really blessed the songs.
46:10 And there is an anointing on them.
46:12 And I don't have time to go in to it,
46:14 but it's amazing what God is doing.
46:16 So, we gonna have other music spurs throughout
46:19 and number of different artists will be here,
46:21 singers, they will sing
46:23 for the different sermons each one.
46:25 But some of the speakers are incredible
46:27 that we have come in here,
46:29 so all this can be right here at 3ABN so.
46:31 You have to call if you got a camper
46:34 or trailer or setting up a tent doing something
46:36 if you want to come here.
46:38 Be sure, give us a call 'cause I think we have 66
46:41 or whatever camp sites available.
46:44 So if you want to make sure
46:45 you get your's before they fill up,
46:47 have no doubt that they won't
46:49 because this is gonna be a tremendous camp meeting
46:52 and starting from Wednesday evening, right?
46:54 That's right.
46:55 All the way through Saturday night.
46:56 Then usually Sunday morning, Brian, I don't know,
46:59 I think she is sister-in-law
47:01 but sometimes they even feed us breakfast for free.
47:03 Yes. You helped us clean up.
47:06 Oh, I knew there would be some string attached to it.
47:09 You know, we start with our meals
47:12 on Thursday morning, we do breakfast
47:15 and then lunch on Thursday, Friday and Sabbath,
47:18 and then snack I believe on Saturday evening.
47:24 And then the breakfast on Sunday morning.
47:26 But, Danny, you said it was free on Sunday morning,
47:28 you know we make those meals free for every week.
47:31 All week? All week.
47:33 You better ask Brian, he is a treasurer.
47:36 It's been already overwrote.
47:38 It's already, yeah.
47:39 It's gonna happen.
47:41 So, free meals too.
47:42 So we're gonna feed you spiritually and physically.
47:45 Now, how can you beat that?
47:47 And if you're going to come, it's really important
47:49 that we know you're coming
47:50 because we want to make sure there is enough food.
47:52 So all you have to do is let us know.
47:54 We'll throw another bean in the pot
47:56 and you're welcome.
47:58 All right.
48:00 What an amazing combination now.
48:01 We got the word, we got music, we got food.
48:05 I mean, really food, spiritual food,
48:07 and fellowship, exactly.
48:09 And some of the best speakers around,
48:12 I mean it's just gonna...
48:13 I mean these are amazing speakers.
48:14 And I need to watch his sister-in-law is the cook
48:17 and she is, she is the chef.
48:19 Absolutely. Yes.
48:21 She is an amazing lady.
48:22 She can cook wonderful food together.
48:24 Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
48:25 But the spirit we talked about of meeting people
48:28 from around the world.
48:30 There will be people from not only probably every state
48:32 but several countries around the world.
48:34 People actually come here from England,
48:36 we have Russia, we have, you know,
48:38 no telling where at all that's gonna be coming from,
48:40 because every year we do so,
48:42 the fellowship getting to meet each other,
48:44 then there is times in between the afternoon
48:46 and the evening and during supper,
48:48 that you actually get to meet other brother and sisters,
48:51 that we may not see again till heaven,
48:54 but you make new friends
48:55 and then able to sit down and talk
48:57 and sometimes you can ask these folk one on one
49:00 as they're walking through the camp ground.
49:02 Some of these speakers you said such and such,
49:04 what do you think?
49:05 And, you know, they're there to help.
49:07 These are wonderful people
49:08 and they're down to earth people,
49:10 but great theologian so.
49:12 Really this one, I don't know how it could get any better,
49:16 I personally, I'm looking forward to it.
49:18 Can't wait.
49:19 My schedule is gonna be really tight
49:22 because I'm the speaker
49:24 for the Southeast England Conference camp meeting
49:28 on the 6th of June, right.
49:31 And our camp meeting starts the 8th, right?
49:34 So Monday night for the opening night,
49:37 I'm the speaker there,
49:38 so for those of you watching in the London area
49:41 and England or in that area, please come out and visit.
49:44 I'd like to meet with you, that be great,
49:46 so I'll be there then at next morning at 7,
49:48 I catch plan get home that night,
49:50 then our camp meeting and think we have board meeting
49:52 that next morning and then camp meeting starts,
49:55 so we're gonna have a busy, busy time.
49:57 You need to learn about that translation thing, Danny,
50:00 to figure that one out.
50:02 No, not, but you know what?
50:04 It's exciting time to be alive, isn't it?
50:08 Yes, it is.
50:09 And so we know that the devil hates it,
50:11 he hates you, he hates all of us,
50:13 but greater is he that is in us than he that is the world.
50:17 And it summed up
50:18 and if anything should make you feel good,
50:21 I don't know if there is any great words penned.
50:24 I can't even say it, Jesus loves me
50:27 this I know without crying, for the Bible tells me so.
50:30 Little ones to Him belong,
50:33 they are weak, but He is strong.
50:35 Yes. Yes. Jesus loves me.
50:37 Yes, Jesus loves me, and how do we know?
50:39 The Bible tells us so.
50:42 I mean, that's incredible.
50:44 Yes. It really is.
50:45 That brings you to tears to think the love of God.
50:48 Yes.
50:49 Greater far than tongue or pen could ever tell.
50:51 Yes.
50:53 You know, that, how can God love us frail human agents.
50:56 We look at our church, we look into people,
50:58 ourselves and the people around us.
51:00 We say, Lord, only by Your mercy.
51:03 We do not deserve heaven.
51:06 Look at us, we're selfish.
51:07 We looked at ourselves, sometimes we're even mean,
51:10 we're cruel.
51:11 I've said to someone this morning,
51:13 there is no one meaner than an unconverted Christian.
51:16 You know, an unconverted Christian,
51:18 it can be very mean.
51:20 And so we run through all of those
51:22 and there's times in my life, I'm sure I am there.
51:24 We praise God.
51:25 I say, God, I've given my life back to you
51:27 and so all of us.
51:28 This is the time we need to come together.
51:31 We want to unite together as a church,
51:33 as a people and 3ABN
51:35 we're praying that you all will join with us.
51:38 So that we can do unite in front
51:40 and when people see us, they see Jesus.
51:42 Why?
51:44 He says I, if I be lifted up from this earth
51:45 will draw a few people to me.
51:47 All men. They're all awake.
51:49 Will draw all the men unto me.
51:51 It's right.
51:53 So, this is the promise of God. Yes, it is.
51:55 That we, it's our responsibility
51:57 and it's our privilege, Yvonne, to represent Jesus Christ
52:01 to the lost and dying world.
52:02 Because I don't care what you, how you dress,
52:04 how you look, we see people in town.
52:08 Everybody has a need for a savior.
52:11 And so many people, we think we can tell but we can't.
52:14 So it's our privilege to be able to say something,
52:18 to drop a word to hand out, whether it's a brochure
52:22 or pamphlet to say something trying to show love
52:25 to those around us because Jesus loves us.
52:28 And we in order to make it to heaven,
52:30 we need to love others and show them
52:32 what the true love of Jesus means.
52:34 And coming together and meeting at 3ABN
52:37 with all the folk.
52:38 We enjoy meeting you.
52:40 You won't say he's hiding out from me, I promise,
52:41 we'd like to go around and meet people.
52:43 And, so it's something we love to do
52:46 and you like to come here.
52:48 So please come to camp meeting and join us there.
52:50 It's gonna be a great time.
52:52 And sometimes you just need your fire relived.
52:54 Sometimes you know,
52:56 you just need a little bit of boost.
52:57 Yeah.
52:59 And that's what this camp meeting will do.
53:00 Through the word, through music,
53:01 through fellowship,
53:03 we will be able to just get a new perspective
53:06 on different passages of the word.
53:08 Things that we may have read several times,
53:10 you know we get a new perspective on it.
53:12 Absolutely.
53:13 We had a lot more things that we really wanted to cover.
53:16 But we're not gonna have time, we literally ran out of time.
53:19 So what we gonna do right now, we gonna go to newsbreak,
53:22 and we'll be back in just a moment.


Revised 2016-05-23